#dragalia mids
valeriefauxnom · 6 months
Dragalia's Knights of Glory art
Now, it's been gone over how Dragalia Lost actually used quite a bit of inspiration from one of Cygames' previous works, Knights of Glory, for anything from character designs to dragons.
Of course, this showed up quite literally with characters like Lea when they quite literally just had the "Knights of Glory" showcase, but it also showed up in characters ranging from Jakob to Mikoto to Jurota (also showcasing the alighting butterfly blade, also in Dragalia):
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However funny it is to see who we came to know as different characters in a different media, though, the dragons are 10x funnier to look at.
You see, it seemed that Knights of Glory had a certain 'evolution system' to dragons, where they'd develop and grow more fancy, if they weren't inexplicably transforming into an attractive humanoid woman because of course-
And oh boy, we can kinda see alternative evolutionary paths for the Greatwyrms.
There's Midgardsormr, who seems to most closely resemble the fully evolved form from the start...(he also gained an element, as this dragon line apparently has no element!)
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Mercury, who is in her middle phase:
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Imagine a hydra Mercury!
...Brunhilda? Not very sure on this one. She might just be a new design, but here's my best guess for what dragon they might have been inspired from:
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Of course, in her 'final form' if this was a dragon they used as inspiration.
Jupiter, whom I'd almost put in his middle stage for closeness of design:
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Last but not least, poor Zodiark, who really got hammered with the skeletal dragon design and is also in his middle stage and is also drooling 24/7:
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Where is his stomach? Where are his organs? Why is he bipedal?? He lost some bulk in his transition to Dragalia, too. Honestly, I like Dragalia Zodiark more than his inspiration here.
That's enough of full evolutionary trees for now, though.
Some other funny ones to me include:
-Silke turning into a skeletal horse on her final evolution:
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-Baby Leviathan going :-D all the time:
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-Baby Poseidon (honestly a lot of the babies are funny since we only knew their final forms, typically);
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-Possibly Cat Sìth inspiration???
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-Baby Zephyr:
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-Baby Nidhogg, sitting all prim and proper and ready to watch Euden die still:
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-Teenage...Satan? Having a evil little :) face going on there...
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Speaking of, quite a few of the dragons were actually repurposed into bosses, as with Satan above, like everyone's favorite:
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(We must not let Phraeganoth be revived! ...Until Bondforged Zethia's story, at least).
Might be a stretch here, but maaaaaybe a bit of Kai Yan in here?
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The Hypnos/Thanatos/Mega Monarch Emile line's general design:
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This is getting long enough as it is, but if you want to see a mix of some old with a lot of new art that they might have used as inspiration for more dragons/adventurers, here's the link I used to the collections of KoG artwork that people were able to preserve:
Hopefully you find it just as interesting and funny as I did perusing the old art!
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willofwinnie · 11 months
Mini Mids Plush!
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I finally got a working pattern for Mini Mids! A tutorial is on its way. I have all of the footage, so now it's just putting it all together into one video. I will make another post when it is all complete with the video and pattern, all for free!
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Slowly but surely, the Greatwyrms are coming back together!
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scorchrend · 2 years
when character i like gets to sweep away bangs to show forehead >>>>>>>
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tetheredcloud · 8 months
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i swear my art ate harder years ago bc this is 2y old anyway i couldnt post xain but not these two does anyone remember that gay ass dragalia life comic where mids admitted to having been in the room when alberius would put jis pajamas on. that altered my fucking brain chemistry
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vantondraws · 3 months
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Midgardsormr Multiplied
Art collab with SOAsushi on twitter/bluesky, ever patient Sushi helping me keep the light on for Dragalia Lost fandom with best boy Mids, tons of fun would collab again!
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xtarart · 1 year
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HAPPY 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY DRAGALIA LOST!!! to mark this momentous occasion i decided to go back and recreate my old moveset for EUDEN AND MIDGARDSORMR FORGE A PACT WITH SMASH! this human and dragon duo have a unique playstyle that focuses on building up quick combos to help fill up a special meter as Euden who is a rather fast moving medium weight sword fighter. once the meter if full you can use the down special to transform into Midgardsormr for a limited amount of time to unleash devastating strength to overwhelm your foes! now for a quick rundown on their specials, starting with...
Euden's specials! which are as follows:
Neutral special, exalted fire: Euden shoots a flaming crescent from his sword that will move forward a set distance similar to clouds neutral special but if it makes contact with a foe it will continue on its path allowing you to hit multiple foes.
Side special, force strike: Euden will take a charging stance as a glowing arrow appears behind him and fills with a lighter color, when the b button is released once the arrow is fully glowing Euden will strike with a strong shield breaker attack, if b is let go before the attack is fully charged it will cancel the attack, it can also be aimed all 360 degrees.
Up special, blazing circlet: Euden will spin around with his blade outstretched and engulfed in flames spiraling him upward, if performed on the ground he will just spin in place instead of upward, think links spin attack but on fire and without the chargeable feature.
Down special when meter isn't full, Helper skills: Euden will call upon some of his closest allies to aid him in battle. each summon behaving almost like a mini assist trophy. the move has a 10 second cooldown to prevent spamming, also the summon order will not reset when K.O.ed. Euden can also freely move around once the ally is summoned on the field, allowing for some good combo potential with the ally. the order of summoning is as follows.
Elisanne, hallowed waters: Elly will leap upward and then strike downward with her spear while its coated in water mana, think a mix of yoshi and bowsers down specials mixed with corrins down air.
Ranzal, tornado bash: ranzal spins around his large axe trapping anyone who gets to close in a cyclone of hurt then at the end of the spinning he will swing his axe outward sending any foes caught flying, basically DK's up special but slower moving.
Luca, radiant bonds: Luca leaps upward and aims his bow at a slight downward angle and shoots an light mana charged mana arrow, the arrow will stun aany opponent it hits.
Cleo, elder cure: Cleo would float up into the air and hold her wand aloft and heals some of Eudens health.
the order then loops back to Elisanne repeating the cycle.
Down special when meter is full, Shapeshift: euden will ascend into the air and be enveloped in light which then disburses as he is transformed into Midgardsormr with whirlwind flows around him creating a weak hitbox to defend himself.
Final smash, exalted glory: Euden quickly dawns his gala armor and thrusts his sword into the ground, creating a radius of glowing energy around him dragging anyone he hits into a cutscene where the prince and his 4 allies join forces to unleash a powerful elemental barrage of attacks to send eudens foes flying. and now moving on to Midgardsormr’s specials.
Neutral special: Calamitious tempest. Midgardsormr would charge a ball of wind mana and launch it in an arc and when it lands or hits something it will explode into a blast of air, it’s chargeable which affects the strength and distance of the projectile.
Side special: Grand tempest. Midgardsormr claps his wings together to creat a small tornado that travels in a straight line a set distance then dissipates, anyone hit by the tornado will be launched straight up, making it a good tool for starting air combos, it also pushes mids back a bit cause of the powerful gale force of his wings clapping.
Up special: Tornado tail/Tornado spiral. On the ground Midgardsormr will perform his signature attack tornado tail, a powerful spin that sends near by foes flying. But in the air he instead summon a small tornado below him to push him upward, it’s similar to charizard’s up special.
Down special: Calamitous storm. Midgardsormr would unleash a powerful burst of wind mana around him devastating all those caught in its wake, but at a hefty cost, it drains his meter to empty forcing the player to revert back to Euden, the strength and size of the blast is dependent on how much energy is left in his dragon pulse meter. Like hero’s magic burst.
Final smash: Greatwyrms pact. Midgardsormr would let out a mighty roar that shakes the air around him, anyone to close to him would be dragged to a cutscene where the other 5 greatwyrms surround the players, the camera would then pan up to reveal Midgardsormr in his high dragon form charging a blast of wind mana, which he then unleashed on the foes and the other 5 greatwyrms also shoot off blasts their respected elemental mana. If the opponent is at over 100% damage it’s an automatic K.O. by learning how to take the unique playstyle's of both Euden and Midgardsormr in tandem you can overcome any obstacle in your path with ease. thank you for reading and heres to 5 years of remembering one of the greatest mobile games of all time and a forgotten gem of a nintendo franchise, heres hoping one day we will see the world of Dragalia Lost again. HAPPY 5TH ANNIVERSARY!!!
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satsuha · 1 year
i made a survey to gauge interest on my future dragalia merch! i'd appreciate it if you would fill it out if you're interested in buying anything in the future
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raging-tackeydios · 1 year
shitty idea time: monster hunter monsters if they had personalities/characters and bantered with the hunter mid-fight instead of being mindless animals
for context the variant, deviant, subspecies, etc. monsters would have the same lines as the vanilla species but with different VAs, paralleling how their hunting horns are the same melody with different instruments
i didn't do all of them because i couldn't really think of personalities for all of them
okay go
"great/drome" monsters: somewhere between the soldier and charlie from pikmin 3: military commanders ordering about their pack members in battle with...less than effective results
(blue) yian kut ku: constantly scared, bellyaching about how his auricles hurt or he's out of breath and such, and would very much rather be somewhere else: he's a big chicken, after all
(scarred, deadeye) yian garuga: basically imagine scratch from adventures of sonic the hedgehog if he wanted sonic ground into a bloody paste instead of merely hurt or captured: he even has the voice too. throws huge temper tantrums when you get knocked out of the arena or another monster intrudes because it means he can't fight you any more
cephadrome: constantly taunting the player about how he's so hard to hit under the sand, but the moment he gets dragged out he starts begging for mercy and running away
(ruby) basarios: too fat and stupid to even realize you're trying to attack him, or that he's attacking you...kinda like louie from pikmin honestly
(black) gravios: lazy, almost depressed, even, and doesn't really care about the fact that you're trying to beat the snot out of him: if you win, he dies, and if your weapons bounce off of his carapace he gets to wallow and be miserable more, so it's a win-win situation
(purple) gypceros: adhd personified. hyperactive as hell and constantly getting distracted during the fight, only to circle back and get super pissed at you: when he "dies" the first time he gets sad that his prank didn't work if you don't fall for it
(red) khezu: weird scrimbly bimbly thing that only talks in short sentence fragments, is constantly sniffing around to get a read on you, and sounds garbled like he's underwater. also the screaming. he's constantly screaming seemingly at random. kinda like a much more gooey hyness
(gold, pink) rathian: more down to earth than rathalos (because she stays on the ground.) she gets tired of having to basically babysit rathalos sometimes but she still loves him with all her heart. constantly trying to rein him in and get him to take you seriously during the fight when they're fighting together: regardless of whether he's killed or captured she breaks down sobbing and trying to avenge him
(silver, azure) rathalos: imagine a flying version of bowser from the mario RPGs. dumb as bricks, and he's not really treating the fight as life or death, but more like just a thing he does every tuesday: he's happy to see you, but he still has to act like the bad guy. you can hear him trying to practice his evil laugh as he's flying away, then berating himself for it not being good enough. if he's fighting with rathian he gets a lot more meek when she's captured and almost goes dead silent for the rest of the fight when she's killed
diablos: has a potty mouth that would put a sailor to shame. during his turf war with black diablos they both get off on the fact they're beating the crap out of each other
bloodbath diablos: basically a fusion between kai yan and tartarus from dragalia. believes that the philosophy of "might makes right" is the ultimate creed, and wipes out any monsters near him because he believes they're weak and unfit of fighting to live. meanwhile he kills humans for the slight they inflicted on him in the past. gets more desperate as the fight wears on because he cannot be anything less than the perfect being, and when he dies/gets captured he's not mad because he lost, he's mad because he lost to you.
black diablos: horny. angry and very very horny. does not care about the fact that you're a fraction of her size: she's getting off on the fact that you're dealing intense bodily harm to her and thus she wants you inside her. basically the embodiment of this meme here:
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(white) monoblos: a friendly rival to diablos, and treats the entire fight as a huge pissing contest between them, even when the former is nowhere to be found. very proud of his horn. knows hunters are always after him as a rite of passage, so he's sort of fallen into a mentor-like role, and he's always proud when he gets slain or captured
(plum, stonefist) daimyo hermitaur: scared and is constantly hiding behind his claws, prioritizing keeping you the hell away at all times. very antisocial.
(terra) shogun ceanataur: extremely proud of his claws, yelling about keeping your hands off "the merchandise" once he gets enraged, and both figuratively and literally starts foaming at the mouth once they get broken. gets really embarrassed once his shell is broken, and stays meek like that for the rest of the fight
rustrazor ceanataur: acts like a drug addict, only with the drug references replaced with references to sharpening his claws on glavenus' skull
(green, lucent, silverwind) nargacuga: wants to act like a ninja. ends up acting more like something out of naruto. also he recites his own version of darkwing duck's "i am the terror that flaps in the night" thing at the beginning of the fight
(molten, grimclaw) tigrex: dim, but a really nice guy, kind of like a large dog, and actually doesn't mind you fighting to the death that much: the problem is that he's CONSTANTLY FUCKING SCREAMING EVERYTHING HE SAYS AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS. his violent charges aren't actually charges he's just trying to give you a big hug. with his mouth.
(furious) rajang: imagine goku but like a minimum of ten times as violent and with the battle-obsessed stalker-ish qualities of nemona. can be sometimes heard humming parts of the DK Rap when calm. his fight is as much him showboating as he is trying to maul you
(flaming) espinas: talks in his sleep. starts off asleep and mutters stuff like "just five more minutes mom" as you hit him, then gradually starts groggily walking around. then when you hit him enough he loses his shit and starts swearing up a storm while beating the tar out of you...and then eventually the adrenaline wears off and he reverts to the passive half-asleep version of himself.
akantor/ukanlos: acts like a JRPG villain's monstrous final form, with parallels to each other's lines
arzuros: expy of banjo. one of the few monsters that actually gets along with qurupeco
(snowbaron) lagombi: sort of like a skier. less focused on fighting you and just happily slip-sliding around on the ice.
volvidon: constantly warning you to keep your distance mid-fight: since the Soiled gas is actually just flatulence, he's worried he's going to have a bit of stress-induced incontinence
(crimson) qurupeco: you know how squidward believes he has lots of talent with the clarinet but he actually plays like ass? yeah imagine that but replace the clarinet but with monster roars. all the other monsters only come to his "aid" just to shut him the hell up, and he's gleefully unaware of this even as he's being ripped to shreds
barroth: has a couple pebbles rattling around in his crown in lieu of a brain, and thus goes nuts like a dog seeing a mailman with a single minded pursuit to run you over
nibelsnarf: obsessed with food. will eat any bombs you put down and deem them delicious, even after they explode in his gullet and he calls them "a bit spicy."
(steel) uragaan: basically a goron in all but name: loud, boisterous, rolls to get around, and loves eating rocks
(rust) duramboros: basically an old miner that mostly just wants some peace and quiet. has to put a considerable amount of effort into all of his attacks, especially the one where he throws himself into the air like a shot put, and starts complaining about his back after he lands
(thunderlord) zinogre: a breakdancer. constantly boasting about his moves in battle and treats his fulgurbug tenants as "special effects."
brachydios: acts like a hammy heel wrestler such as rawk hawk or incineroar...even though he's supposed to be a boxer instead of a wrestler. sometimes he acts like he's sparring with you instead.
raging brachydios: the same heel persona from before, but now all washed up and depressed, desperately grasping at his former fame. near the end where he traps you in his lair he gets his old passion back as he goes completely apeshit for one last fight
(savage) deviljho: not really much different from his canon incarnation, except now he just moans or roars "STILL...SO...HUNGRY..." at times
(ash) kecha wacha: somewhere between a class clown and a memelord. hangs on branches and canopies specifically to cackle at you.
(desert) seltas: speaks like a stereotypical robot. not much to him unless he's being used as a puppet by the seltas queen: he is a drone, after all
(berserk) tetsucabra: somewhere between big the cat and big man. the rocks he pulls up are supposed to be for him to hide behind, but he's so dim he thinks you're gone too.
(tidal) najarala: a stereotypical snake character that speakssss like thissss. sometimes he accentuates the hissing noises by rattling his tail along with them. gets pissed off when you escape his "ring of doom" attack, as he has to spend a lot of time positioning himself to circle around you and enact it.
(shrouded) nerscylla: looks intimidating but is actually really shy and timid (sorta reflects real tarantulas tbh). her gypceros pelt is like a beloved hoodie to her and she gets really sad when it's destroyed
(tigerstripe) zamtrios: actually a really nice guy. the problem is, like real sharks, he figures out whether something is food or not by biting it. obviously most hunters don't let him nibble them and just whack him, so he ends up fighting most people he meets. also he makes the "dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun" from Jaws while he's swimming through ice. his voice lines get pitched up super high when he's inflated.
(desert) seltas queen: speaks much like A Certain Other Queen (The One Who Is: At The Very Least Kinda Sorta Famous) and treats her seltas underlings like garbage. once she fully takes control of the seltas they speak in unison
seregios: imagine jaleel white's sonic if he could shoot his spines. and also fly. spins the fact that he's basically a refugee by saying he's spreading freedom wherever he goes, much like the real sonic. deep down, he isn't buying it.
(boltreaver) astalos: crackheaded hyperactive maniac. makes a lot of references to monster energy: this is because his electric powers don't come from his special muscles, but from him guzzling down a potent cocktail of stimulants and cans of monster by the truckload. explains the crackheadedness i guess. repeatedly denies that he's crazy to the rest of the fated four
(violet) mizutsune: huge bitch. he wants to be looked at and for everything to be about him all the time, and he throws temper tantrums sometimes when it isn't. also he's horny. very horny. he sounds snooty and effeminate like Juno Songs' portrayal of rubber band from Paper Mario: The Origami King
soulseer mizutsune: f u c k i n g sans undertale
(acidic, hellblade) glavenus: acts like a noble knight and will lay down his life to protect other members of the fated four. gets into quarrels with gammoth who is of a similar mindset. despite being a protector, his real love is cooking, which he does with his heated tailblade.
(elderfrost) gammoth: also a protector, but in a more motherly sort of way i guess. big enough to encompass the entire rest of the fated four so she just uses herself as a shield.
(nightcloak) malfestio: somewhere between a jester and a magician. constantly talks a big game about gaining sleight of hand on you, and gets flustered when you can outgambit his dirty tricks
ahtal-ka: imagine peridot's voice and personality crossbred with the mechanical ingenuity, scientific passion, and sheer psychopathic bloodlust that TotK's version of link is known for. basically treats the entire fight as a giant experiment and actively takes notes each time you defeat her ahtal-neset, so she can get rid of the weak spots you target.
(fulgur) anjanath: basically the jerk jock trope personified, fitting how it's known as the "relentless ruffian." talks a big game in battle but is quick to fold when something bigger, like a rathalos, enters the scene
(ebony) odogaron: you know that scene from gumball where it's shown from the Evil Turtle's perspective and it's like "BITE BITE BITE EAT FOOD FOR STRENGTH TO BITE BITE BITE MAKE LITTLE TURTLES TO BITE EVEN MORE" ...yeah that's basically how this guy operates
tzitzi-ya-ku: basically a paparazzi/photographer. flees peacefully once he gets good "shots" of monsters (read: blinds them) and when he's fighting you he's more concerned about getting your good side and putting you in the right light than he is about self preservation
(seething) bazelgeuse: basically a much angrier version of the soldier. barely even knows why he's in this locale or that: all he knows is that he's not going home until something dies. flies into battle screaming at the top of his lungs.
aknosom: an acrobat and a performer. more concerned with stomping on your face like a goomba than actually doing anything effective. tries to lick you once you're close to its head while it's downed.
tetranadon: another wrestler-inspired character like brachydios, but this time he's a face instead of the heel. very self absorbed and is convinced all of the small monsters watching from the sidelines are there to cheer him on and boo you.
(blood orange) bishaten: an even bigger shitlord than kecha wacha. could not care less about whether he lives or dies because he had fun and he got to see you get pissed while doing it.
(magma) almudron: a cantankerous old dude. he's less interested in actually protecting his territory and more so just chasing you off it. constantly complaining and bellyaching regardless.
somnacanth: a parody of an idol. her singing voice is actually really good but she gets so passionate that she releases her signature narcotic dust, which puts any prospective audience to sleep. still, she tries to put on the best performance she can even mid-fight
auroracanth: the idol from before but now jaded and disillusioned with life.
(pyre) rakna-kadaki: a wicked witch-archetype character that cares really deeply about her rachnoid minions. gets really distraught when you kill them or knock over the sac she's using to incubate them. this does not stop her from eating the rachnoids that are males. basically imagine Magica deSpell (2017) if she had an entire army of lenas instead of just one
(scorned) magnamalo: a mirror to the fierce flame, constantly spouting out cheesy puns and one liners with almost all of his attacks. starts laughing like a maniac once he does that move where he runs around like crazy.
garangolm: very peaceful, even to the point that he's willing to forgive you up to a certain HP threshold or if captured. but this guy hates anyone who would disturb the peace or bully others, and eventually lose his shit and decry you going "YOU! ARE NOT! A NICE! PERSON!!!" or something like that
lunagaron: tries to put on a sonic.exe-esque vibe to seem more intimidating, contrary to what his werewolf-like design would suggest. he's very terrible at it and ends up flubbing his "lines" often.
(ashen) lao-shan lung: basically that hobo who sits on the street holding the "The End Is Near" sign. only this time the end is actually near because the only reason he's there is because he's fleeing from fatalis.
kirin: h o n s e
chameleos: basically scampton from deltarune chapter rewritten if he was a magician as well as a jester. his entire fight is, from his perspective, mostly a bunch of cool magic tricks, but he's also screwing with you a bit too. the problem is that he's not satisfied until you're having as much "fun" as he is, and he's insane and his desire for fun is insatiable. kinda like caine from the amazing digital circus
teostra: basically @darbycupit's portrayal of king leongar, but as a good guy. he's revered and treated by a noble king by all the other monsters.
lunastra: violently protective of teostra. will go apeshit on anything that so much as looks at him funny and he often sheepishly has to reel her back in. basically the opposite of rathian.
yama tsukami: basically a super-sized supernatural patrick star. doesn't really care about what he's doing or where he ends up as long as he gets to eat stuff.
alatreon: completely batshit insane. the schizo to end all schizos. the voices in his head are actually mental representation of his various active modes. with his dying breath he thanks you for keeping him from suffering split between multiple personalities.
amatsu: believes it is his divine right to take territory he wants, blowing out all others with mighty storms, and treats the fierce flame (and other animals in general really) with nothing but contempt. gets more desperate and rageful as the fight goes on because he doesn't want to be killed by what's basically an ant to him
gore magala: acts aloof and ominous in an attempt to appear cool. however, he's basically still just a kid on the inside, and as such his true childish personality often slips through the cracks
chaotic gore: incapable of making any speech other than pained howls. when killed he thanks you for ending his suffering.
shagaru magala: basically @stelyos' portrayal of fecto elfilis: a YHWH-like warlord god who sees all life as beneath him and worthy only of subjugation
nakarkos: starts the fight trying to keep up the facade that he's a two headed bone abomination, using his tentacles like puppets to keep up the con. however, as the fight rolls on and the tentacles get uncovered, he half-heartedly tries to keep up appearances before going "fuck it" to pop out and reveal his true form, and with it his true personality: a very gluttonous and boisterous pirate
(crimson glow) valstrax: the fastest thing alive, more concerned with showing off his incredible speed than actually fighting you. once he realizes he might actually be in trouble, he just doubles down and starts showboating harder instead of making an effort.
(blackveil) vaal hazaak: a mysterious necromancer-like character. what he actually wants is friends due to being holed up in the bottom layers of the vale and being too hazardous to approach, and when killed, he'll lament that he could really only have friends through effluvium necromancy.
(ruiner) nergigante: yet another bowser expy, this time of juno songs' portrayal of the character
velkhana: actually pretty chill. however, she has to keep up appearances, namely those from the frozen corpses she leaves around, and acts like a supervillainess while fighting you
namielle: dumb as a rock and only really cares about looking cool in battle and looking cool in general. basically an inkling in all but form and name.
malzeno: despite his elegant appearance he's actually a huge chuunibyou. he's really new to this whole "bad guy" schtick after becoming the qurio's host to protect everybody, so he's putting all the effort in all the wrong places of his performance.
primordial malzeno: a noble hero that willingly accepts the fact that he needs to die for the sake of everyone else at the beginning of the fight. as the infection progresses further he becomes less and less coherent and at the end he's basically only making pained screeches, begging for the fierce flame to end his misery during his brief periods of lucidity
zorah magdaros: the entire fight dialogue is basically a never ending long winded rambling old man monologue
shara ishvalda: basically imagine that thing about monika knowingly shutting down any streams she detects at her part of the story in DDLC, except different. shara ishvalda's banter isn't directed at the hunter. it's directed at you specifically. if you have an xbox kinect maybe the game would turn it on to look at you and better fit said banter.
safi'jiiva: similar to the other part of @stelyos' portrayal of fecto elfilis: a world-shaping godlike being that firmly believes that survival of the fittest is the only way the world can work, and since he is by definition the fittest, he's the only one that deserves to survive
ibushi: no thoughts only horny
narwa: constantly talking smack to you through the twins
gaismagorm: sounds like a massive mishmash of voices sort of like @darbycupit's portrayal of fecto forgo. it's not actually anything supernatural the voices just echo around in his weird flower mouth thing and they all sound different
all of the fatalises: somewhere between tartarus from dragalia lost on steroids and calamity ganon: a being that was so consumed by its hatred it turned into a nearly mindless shade of its former self
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silverlyndraws · 1 year
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I made a custom plush of Mini Hildy from Dragalia Lost! I miss that game but the devs cannot take away my power to keep it sort of alive >:) I might have to make some of the other Mini Greatwyrms at some point and if I do Mini Mids will be next
I'll be putting up a pre-order / made to order shop listing on my Ko-fi since I'm keeping this one and she's big enough that I can't keep stock on hand at all times. I hope you look forward to it!
Support me on Ko-fi | Follow me on Twitter
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valeriefauxnom · 9 months
Just a stupid little thing, but remember that time in the first chapter, wherein Midgardsormr says this:
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And oh boy it's funny, because what he means (child of humans) is, uh, obscured by the fact he just accidentally called Euden a manchild, which might very well exist as an insult in Dragalia's overall modern-lingo status even if the nobility keep a more antiquated style of speech.
Mids, who has isolated himself in a forest for 300 years, occasionally tripping over modern developments in the language is a funny thought. I mean, heck, the shadow Greatwyrms (as likely the eldest of the Greatwyrms) already struggle with technology in the mini comics:
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(See: Chthonius being baffled by smartphones and Zodiark becoming Zoom Grandpa)
So yeah, all I'm saying is that much like Leonidas tripping himself on slang in the comics (see this post here), we needed more of the dragons being so isolated and out-of-touch for how the 'lesser races' actually communicate in the past few decades-to-centuries that they make silly faux-pas all the time.
One of the other examples I can think of is Zodiark unwittingly freaking out everyone in the vicinity with this hilarious exchange, but this is due to his lack of knowledge about humans and what they can eat rather than language:
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chromaji · 1 year
sometimes i think about how the entire reason i became a lets player was for the bit (7th dragon 2020, my first Lets Play, takes place in 2020. I realized mid-2019 that I had a once in a lifetime opportunity and took it.)
I still had a channel before then, but it was just FEH and Dragalia. I didnt think i’d end up in a spot where I can just start sharing my love for niche and/or older handheld & console games through LPing.
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willofwinnie · 11 months
Mini Mids Pattern and Video!
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The video can be found HERE!
The PDF can be found HERE!
Hope you all enjoy it! Just like my other pattern I made, it's free and made just for fun (but please don't sell it). If you make one, I'd really love to see it! Let me know what you think!
One thing I forgot to add in the video is that you stuff the horn details and that I stuffed the back dark green horns before sewing it onto the head. If anything in the video needs clarification, just let me know, and I'll explain!
I plan on making the rest of the greatwyrms eventually, but it will be a long while. So, watch out for that whenever I get around to it!
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crystalelemental · 11 months
So, so glad Masters introduced that poll and is still talking about guilds and co-op and PvP, I will never tired of the idiotic discussions this will spark.
"Yeah, PvP would be so good, I like competition!" Not in gacha, you don't. Moreover, find me a singular way to establish PvP in a game like this. I'll wait.
"Yeah, PvP is stupid! But a really strong co-op system would be great!" Did we learn nothing from Dragalia? You want to spend hours just waiting to get in a match for one person to immediately fuck up and drop it? That's what you want? Because that's what you're going to get.
"Well it could be fine if they let you battle on your own, but as part of a guild your scores accumulate and then rewards happen based on how the guild performs!" Consider the discrete scenarios: guilds have infinite availability for new members, or guilds have limited availability. Now consider if Gauntlet became a guild-centric, rewards-based leaderboard. You know all the top performers know each other, right? They're the people who contribute to the solo count document. They all know one another. And they're all going to band together. Suddenly, there is a major guild that has all the top performers in one place. Revisiting our scenarios:
In scenario 1, everyone joins that guild, because who the hell else is going to stand a chance? Maybe you'll have a handful of others that matter, but eventually the whole system boils into just a few options anyway so what was the point?
In the more likely scenario 2, new players are now fucked. Everyone established, good at the game, and willing to pay into it is in the same guild. You are not going to dethrone them. You have like 3-5 options vying for the top rewards, while everyone else gets consolation prizes. And as a new player? Even the mid-tiers don't want you. Our spots are limited, bro, and we do not have space for someone who can't really contribute much. We're not here to babysit while you get established. But this is the moneymaker meta now, so a new player walks in, immediately gets presented with the choice of spending massive amounts to catch up quickly or be excluded, and promptly deletes the game because who is going to deal with that?
Gacha naturally trends toward the stingy. New gacha are always more enticing to play, because they're still in the phase where they're setting up the addiction trap of constant reinforcement. Even a good established gacha is going to lose their long-term players to burnout and breaks as they shuffle on to other, more "generous" games. The means of survival is attracting new blood; new whales who are fresh on the game and enjoying what's here for what it is, and paying into the system in place of the previous players who left. This is the only way to maintain. FEH only saw profits increase year to year when Three Houses was big and it was like all they focused on. Because it drew in a metric ton of new players, and some of them stuck around as new whales. Masters is on course to do the same with Paldea and Hisui introductions simultaneously. These were pretty popular games, and we're coming into a period where they might see a reversal of fortune.
But if you alter the state of the game to be centered around co-op, competitive, or guilds, you're increasing the odds of those players showing up, being unable to get established anywhere without paying into the system, and dropping entirely, because they don't yet have the attachment to pay in to stay with it. FOMO only matters if you care about what's missing. If you make a system that can't get its hooks in, it's going to do more harm than good. Which is what will happen if you're going to do something like this, because now you're opening yourself to competition. You want people to pay a small fortune for a competitive Pokemon gacha? Smogon is free, bro.
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mctimer · 2 years
My Dragalia Teams - Fire
Going by Dragalia stuff, teams I wound up with. I will add some experiences about each character there, such as my summoning experience, my thoughts about charas and their overall performance.
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Gala Laxi
Dual wielding daggers will always be cool
I forgot how other daggers play cause of her
Iiiiii don't really have someone from Fire Exodia, but she did her work
I'm a casual tho, so my ceiling was Expert Primal Mid
I think I spent around 40 or so summons on her
I was really waiting for Ieyasu and so saved up somewhat of an amount for the NY banner. She came around 3 or 4 times, and I was glad cause my Zodiac is horse
Sad we didn't see Susano-o
Major Haruhi Suzumiya vibes
I'm weak for ponytails (heh, pony tail. Funny)
She performed fairly well, although powercreep certainly caught up to her
One of the first characters I built weapons for
Her dynamic with other Wyrmclan leaders is neat, and yet somehow I shipped her with Ieyasu, someone she barely interacted with
Remember seeing him on "This month in...", and thought he looked fairly unremarkable, but by the time he released I was dead set on pulling him
Got from 10 tickets and spent my saving to sped up facility time (yes, I was one of those people and I indeed am stupid. Wait, I think it was my story for Mitsuba, my bad)
His dodge gimmick is. A gimmick. Didn't get much use of it, but it's funny in Kaleidoscope
In the end he served mostly as a scorchrent infincter before GaLaxi refine mana spiral
He rolled around the rapid manacaster rework, and I hoped he also was one, but alas, angel gimmicks
His adventure story is brutal
Yukata Cassandra
She is sad. In a story sense, I mean
I like her as a character, but ngl, in terms of gameplay I just needed a healer
She doesn't really heal as well as Halloween Lowen, but overdamage is a hell of a drug
Forgot her adventurer story, but really like how she doesn't opt for Audric. She needs her Aurelius, not some Hot Topic side bi-
Honorable mentions:
base Chelsea (First character I was determined to get, and also the character I tried tooth and nails to get my first win in Volk... standard one. I didn't really knew how to build, ye)
Ezelith (first character I got in general, her spiral made wonders)
Halloween Lowen (f2p king)
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dragaliamini · 3 years
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#107 Wonderful Day
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claitea · 3 years
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replica alberius is an elementless enemy so you can fight him with anyone but i think there are only two good options
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