#drafting casita house
resdraft · 6 months
Drafting Homes, Commercial, Casita, Pool Plan & Garages
Are you looking to make a perfect custom home, a cozy casita, or a luxurious swimming pool to relax in? Look no further! At ResDraft, we specialize in drafting and bringing to life your unique residential and commercial structures for which you dream.
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msmacabre310 · 20 days
Are there any Encanto projects you're working on right now?
Hi! This message is really sweet and honestly kind of made my day to come across in my inbox, so thank you for that anon!
I do actually have some Encanto projects in progress - I've been working on them for a long time (actually, years at this point) and honestly the biggest one has more than 300k words already written and mostly just needs editing at this point. I got really derailed in my fanfic writing over the last 1.5-2 years between a really rough job, spine surgery, and some mental health stuff unfortunately, which is why I never got around to finishing it.
I've been meaning to pick it back up again soon, but probably won't be able to tackle it for a month or two, because I just took a new job and am about to move across the country next month.
For that particular fic I even got as far as coming up with a title (Children of Wax) and writing a little draft AO3 summary for it:
The materials needed to rebuild a house and a family from the ground up are the same: patience and a willingness to do the work. What distinguishes the two is that there's a natural order to building a house. No walls can go up without a foundation. But putting a family back together? Well, Bruno was never good at doing things in order anyway. ***** Love is an action, forgiveness a choice. As Alma confronts actions of her own, each day is a reminder: many things may be given, but nothing is owed. ***** Ask anybody why Casita came crashing down and they'd say: they couldn't fill in all the cracks. Ask Luz, the woman tasked with restoring Pedro's portrait after it's rescued from the wreckage of Casita, and she'd say: duh, they tried to fill in all the cracks. After all, any idiot could fill a crack. But deciding whether a crack needed to be filled in the first place? That required an artistic eye, an appreciation for the beauty of ugly things, and an understanding that in imperfection there is truth. And what is art about, if not the truth? ***** An exploration of the many ways in which we can hurt, apologize to, love, and forgive the people most important to us.
Anyway, I'm hopeful that it will be able to see the light of day someday soon. It's a really special story that I've enjoyed working on.
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gamerbearmira · 10 months
("What remains of Edith Finch" anon)
Yoo... alright. Not gonna lie, I already had most of the characters put into roles in the story, until I saw you reply to last thing and I gotta say...
My friend. I love your idea. Like... SERIOUSLY. It's also fits characters more! Not only Alma fits into role of Dawn more than Julieta... BUT PEPA REALLY SEEMS A FAR BETTER FIT FOR EDITH THAN MIRA- (especially with how Edith herself acts in the game (*cough, cough* climbing old (probably unstable) house, trees, pipes, rocks at 22 weeks pregnant *cough, cough*))
UNRELATED... since I also previously mentioned that I'm also the person, behind Undertale crossovers... am I okay to send you some of the drafts of those crossovers, I have right now? (I'm just not sure if you watched the musical... but it's not really spoilery, plus, I remade some stuff to fit Encanto verse better, so... yeah...)
THANK YOU RAHHHH 🦅🦅🦅 idk I just remember seeing the game again (gonna rewatch the gameplay cuz Jay is playing it) and I was like “wow Julieta is really similar to Dawn”, so I think that would still fit, because I always though Alma was similar to Edie (older). But obviously some of the dynamics would change between the Finch and Madrigals.
Also Pepa has Edie because. Why not, and Antonio is the youngest of the family. Might change the ages, but whatever. And yeah, pepa would def do some dangerous stuff like that exploring old Casita 😭😭
AND YES…I do not mind. I didn’t finish the musical, BUT I KNOW MORE ABOUT UNDERTALE! Me personally, I like the passive/pacifist route. I think it’s so much better than genocide, but I’m not like. Shaming anyone who does genocide 🤕 also Frisk (is that their name????) is cool. I have no clue who Chara is, but I’ve seen them before
Flowey freaks me out <33
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achitka · 2 years
Sometimes it takes a hot minute to realize...it just might be okay.
Healing ❤️‍🩹
Luisa handed Bruno his rat, telling him he might want to consider feeding her a little less. Bruno held Fura up and looked at her closely. She squeaked, pulling at his eyebrow. She never liked being this close to someone’s face. “Sorry,” he said placing her on his shoulder. He knew he tended to spoil the lot of them, but they were so very convincing as they feigned hunger. He pushed his shaking hands into his pockets. The spontys were not letting up today and he’d taken most of the drafts Juli had made for him. If he asked for more, she’d want to know, no, she’d know why. He glanced about and since no one was looking he swung his legs over the wall and let himself drop out of sight. He walked to the back of the house and Casita clattered some tiles at him and opened the shutters leading to the main living area. Bruno looked at the window and thought, What now, casita? He hopped on to the windowsill and looked around. No one was about so he dropped inside. Everything was quiet. He started up the stairs and stopped on the landing.
“Ah,” Agustín said as he stood up, “How’s it going Bruno.”
Bruno sighed, “It’s going fine.”
“Do you have a minute?”
“Juli didn’t send you?” Bruno asked. Agustín’s eyebrows went up, but he shook his head. “Then I guess I do, hermano. What can I do for you?” Bruno said as he continued up the stairs.
“I need a favor.”
Bruno paused again then turned around stopping Agustín on the steps, “What kind of favor?”
“Well, it’s really more I need to get your opinion on something.”
Bruno tilted his head, not the response he was expecting, so he followed Agustín as he moved in the direction of Mirabel’s room. He opened the door and indicated Bruno should go in. He did and Agustín followed and shut the door. Bruno was looking around comparing it in his head to the way the room used to look when Agustín tapped his shoulder. Bruno turned and took an involuntary step back from the door. Something to his left caught his eye and he turned and took another step back. His eyes went back and forth between the two. He looked again at the door. He really didn’t understand Casita well enough to ask the house specific questions so when he blinked and noticed the butterfly at the top was drooping. He looked closer. Nothing changed until he blinked again. Now it was not. He was certain his mother had asked Casita to create this, but he was not overly sure as to why.
“So, what do you think?”
“I think,” he said very carefully, “I don’t know what to think.” He watched the butterfly on the bottom and it was resting on the fingers *blink* now it was just above the hand *blink* now it was back resting on the fingers. Bruno thought then of the way his mother had said the things she said at the impromptu to meeting and he realized she was doing it again. Pulling attention away from the actual problem and focusing it on herself. But this time it wasn’t aimed at appearances, it was to keep Mirabel on a steady course. She was doing her best to keep Mira from being overwhelmed as she herself had been so long ago. “Gus, I mean I can maybe guess it’s purpose but…”
“It occurred to me that this door is like a gauge.”
“For what?”
“Mirabel’s readiness?”
Agustín nodded, “I thought something similar, given that front door.”
“Are you alright with all this hermano?”
“Some of it, though I don’t really think I’ve ever had much choice in the matter. Mira has always been driven. It was her confidence that was lacking…but something is bothering her. This time it’s not as obvious as not having a Gift. She won’t say what or maybe she doesn’t know herself. So, I guess we’re back to watching and waiting. Slow and steady wins the race,” Agustín said and ran a hand through his hair. But there was a note of bitterness when he said, “You know what’s the worst part of all of this Bruno? It’s literally been less than one day and I now have to add into this, the potential for people to just randomly accost her.” Agustín’s gaze drifted to Bruno’s hands. He put his own on Bruno’s shoulder, “Have they been coming all day?”
Bruno nodded and rubbed the base of his neck. He pulled out the last bottle and downed it. His shakiness under control, he handed the empty bottles to Agustín and said, “Tell Juli the blueberry mint one is the best, even helps a little with the headache. The chocolate not as good as I was hoping, maybe add mint to that one too? And just no to the lemon.”
“Got it,” Agustín said as he put the bottles in his right vest pocket. Reaching into the left he pulled out another small bundle and passed it to him. Bruno hefted it as they left Mira’s room. He’d forgotten what it was like to have people around him that noticed and cared. At first, he’d kept mostly to himself after the breaking. Choosing to be alone and away from his siblings and their families. That was probably a mistake but he’d been alone for a long time, alone in a crowded casita, even before he made the decision to leave.
Julieta was right, Mirabel, even if she didn’t know it had pulled him back from his self-imposed exile with her silken threads of kindness. Never pulling too hard, but definitely not letting go. Giving him something he’d lost, that little bit of hope. As they were walking back toward the other side of hall, Bruno caught himself when he almost turned on the stairs to led to the tower when he suddenly remembered it wasn’t there anymore. For the twenty years he’d occupied that space, he never liked being there, away from his sisters, away from everyone. He smiled as he looked back at the hallway where his door now stood. He really didn’t need or want to hide from his family anymore.
They paused when they heard Isa’s loud laughter and the doorbell chime made them both look down in the plaza and Casita opened the door to reveal a sheepish looking Mariano and his mother. She swept in, for once not seeming to feel the need for her usual rigid politeness and hugged Dolores. She moved on to hug both Pepa and Félix to a lesser degree. Bruno didn’t think he’d ever seen that woman happy, but there it was. So many things were changing. He hoped Pepa was doing okay with it, but one look at the rainbow mixed shower over Casita, strangely visible in the fading light of the day told him what he needed to know. Weirdly at peace with how his world was working for once, Bruno said, “Looks like there’s a wedding in our future.”
Agustín barked a laugh and the two of them headed down the stairs to join the chaos.
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haneulseukai · 3 years
𝙊𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙂𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙣
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Oh colours? I wish i never saw them because of you.
- Camilo Madrigal x fem!reader
- Colours au!
- angst no comfort
Idk what to feel about this one im ngl but enjoy!
PT1 , PT2
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"Mami, how can you see colours?" the boy asks, gripping his mother's yellow dress, his eyes round and curious. The mother chuckled and picked him up "well little one, by finding the person you're sure to live with the rest of your life, your world will be vibrant and never dull. They call them soulmates when both parties can see colours."
"However, there are cases where we can only see some parts of the world coloured. For example, see that flower over there" she points towards a red flower in front of their house "those who see only a part of the entity's colour can only see, let's say, one or two red petals of the flower. Usually happens when you have crushes and sometimes more than average of colours can be seen during love at first sight. That does not mean you have found the love of your life, you'll have to figure that out yourself."
"What if i saw colours because of two people mami?"
"Well, that is something you should decide yourself. Who do you love? They asked. But listen Camilo, choose what you think is right for you so you could be happy, okay? Nothing is ever final even if you saw something more of anything than the other"
"Okay mami!"
I forgot mami said that.
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𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯'𝘴 𝘊𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘥
The weather? Ah yes, not too cloudy, not too sunny. A beautiful day indeed. Y/n was at her usual place , a little further behind the casita has an area where the river flows from the mountains. A tree grew beside the river where y/n usually naps or write songs in her spare time and the area was filled with vibrant flowers. Sometimes she thought that Isabela might have went here before.
‘Maybe Tia Pepa’s in a good mood,’ y/n assumes, ‘I wonder why’
Y/n had climbed up the tree and sat on it’s branch when around dawn rolls in, writing lyrics, crossing and rewriting the drafts he had on her notebook. Tapping the pencil’s eraser on her cheek as she comes up with lyrics when the sudden noise of leaves and grass being stepped on was heard.
Y/n closed her book quietly and cautiously looked down from the tree to see the yellow wearing chameleon wandering around the grass, he looks like he's searching for something.
After a few more walking back and forth and left and right as if something would show up "That's weird, Dolores told me I'd find her here"
The girl stifled a laughter as he sat down under the tree, deciding to just wait for y/n to appear. Y/n grinned as an idea floats in her head. She maneuver herself on the branch as quiet as possible and hung upside down from the tree.
"Hey chameleon" she approached and made her poor victim startled, he jumped away from her.
"OH MY-" he shrieked "y/n?"
"Pfft- yOU HAHAHAH YOU SHOULDVE- OH MY GOD SHI-" she lost her balance in the end and slipped. Y/n closed her eyes upon impact on the ground instead she was greeted by a soft fabric and warmth.
Camilo caught her out of reflex to lessen the impact from the fall.
"Okay you deserved that" Camilo snickered as y/n got up and hover herself above camilo and covered her face out of embarrassment "why does it always backfire for me"
"I mean, it was fair" he chuckled and lift his hand to grab y/n's wrist and pulled it away from her face.
His curls were brown, the yellow on his ruana flashes in her eyes, the chameleons patterned on it lined up, she found it cute but even cuter with colours.
'colours?' she turned her head to an orchid bush, the pink and it's yellow accent bloomed in her eyes. She was stunned, the area was even more beautiful in colours than she had imagine.
"Y/n?" Camilo questioned her sudden silence, the orchid tucked in her ear was loose, he tucked back the 1 coloured petal orchid which grabbed y/n' attention.
Y/n snapped back towards camilo, still trying to process what just happend. Her eyes flickered towards his, silently asking if he saw what she saw.
His eyes were confused and worried instead.
"Ah, crap- sorry" she pushed herself to stand up and bent down to lend camilo a hand and pulled him up.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, uh do you..." she looked up at his eyes again, hoping his expression would change, it didn't. "Nevermind, come on. Were you about to show me something since you were looking for me?"
Camilo lit up once again, nodding his head and excitedly held your wrist to drag you towards the casita. "You're going to love it!"
Y/n just nodded and smiled at him.
Thats how she was able to witness colours bursting like fireworks with him.
The news travels fast, no doubt. Camilo insisted y/n on following him to greet a kid their age who had just moved back to Encanto. It took camilo a week rental of the stage in his room for y/n to comply with his request. It's not like he mind of y/n used it anyways, he always thought her music was nice to listen to.
"Dolores said the family's house is about.... Here!" Camilo stops in front of a green house, he pulled y/n by their already held hands to lead her. Y/n raised and eyebrow "do you know them personally?"
"Nope! But i think i should welcome them back"
Y/n hummed, she examines the house's exterior, the paint was a little peeled, probably from the old age and there were a lot of plants around the house. It was common to see them around the houses in Encanto, it looked like new plants. She assumed isabela might have gifted them flowers and greenery.
"Come on!" Camilo pulled y/n towards the door and knocks.
A few seconds later, a girl with wavy hair opened the door. Y/n could see how beautiful the stalks of green leaves stitched onto her blue skirt.
Camilo loosens his grip on y/n's hand, he seemed to have frozen before introducing himself "hi! My name's Camilo Madrigal, nice to meet you."
Y/n smiled and introduced herself after. The girl standing in front of them smiled "My name's Alvaline, nice to meet you too!"
Y/n felt herself letting go of Camilo's hand as he started to chat with Alvaline. Y/n occasionally joined of course but the chemistry between camilo and alvaline made her heart dropped.
'ah' is all y/n could think of when she saw them together.
"Camilo? Hey, i completed that song you wanted to hear" y/n opens the shapeshifter's door to see him putting on his ruana in a hurry "Camilo?"
"Oh! Y/n, you can show me later, abuela told me to show Alavaline around the town. To show her anything that has changed since she had moved" Camilo smiled brightly and slips pass y/n and out the door "we'll hang out later! I can't wait to hear the song"
Y/n heard his very evident excited footsteps down the stairs. She sighed and walked towards the stage, passing by the abundant of mirrors. The brown wooden stage and red curtains makes her fumed everytime she came here ever since she was able to see colours. It reminded her of the day she obtained the ability to see them, she resented that moment.
'why cant i just tell him' a thought pops in her head and another answered 'alvaline and camilo looked better together than camilo and i ever will'
'damn it'
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𝘛𝘶𝘳𝘯 𝘉𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦
Days and weeks passes without camilo by y/n's side as usual, to the point pepa even asked y/n about it to which y/n just politely answered "I'm not too sure either" everytime she would ask. Of course, y/n felt dreadful from camilo's recent simple hi's before slipping away to meet alvaline. She was never jealous of alvaline, just immensely pissed at the chameleon.
Y/n decided to push away her entire feelings and distracted herself by reading under the tree at her usual place. The more days passed, the more she subconsciously avoids the sun. Settling in the shadows and the shade, the only reason she was able to even get to know the people around Encanto was because of camilo but since he was not around, she saw no reason to actively interact with them.
Y/n woke up one morning feeling better than usual, jumping out of the bed excited. She felt giddy, it was one of those mornings where everything just joys her.
The bed was yelling at her to just stay home but y/n felt guilty if she just stayed in her room to read, it wont be as fun as reading surrounded by nature.
The walk to casita was eventful and actually made her feel better. She greeted everyone she knew and even got herself a free snack for her walk.
'Maybe i should really tell him about seeing colours' y/n considers as she bites into an empanada.
She reached the back of casita and easily find her way to her private place. Upon reaching, a chorus of laughter can be heard, she stopped her tracks and hid behind a flower bush.
What she saw was absolutely horrible. Alvaline was sitting with a boy- camilo, they were laughing to their hearts content. Camilo bit into his arepa after he told Alvaline a joke that made her laugh, y/n could see his eyes screaming hearts at the girl beside him. Her stomach twirled.
Y/n's eyes wanders towards their intertwined hands, she knew what was happening right at that moment. She knew how late she was, she knew she would never be able to turn back time.
She has nowhere to go now.
She held her cries and quietly left the place, she was hurt about something? Everything? She doesn't know except she felt terrible.
A few months went by and words obviously has reached you about camilo and alvaline's relationship. Y/n had gotten used to this whole relationship and chose to ignore them, she hasnt talked to camilo ever since THAT happend and she hasnt gone out much either. Even if she did, it was just to run errands, as much as she wanted to go back to her favourite place behind the casita, she couldn't and she wont.
Eveyday she wishes to never have met camilo. She wished to not see colours because of him period. Y/n knows better than to slump over a guy and gotten over him a little. As long as she doesn't see camilo, she would be just fine and dandy.
She accepted the fact that all these memories, discoveries and fantasies she had will stay with her.
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taglist: @camilos-mivida @cralaaa @obsessed-with-a-fictional-man
Unable to tag: @annccss @breadglasses
I was thinking of writing a bonus fighting scene between camilo and y/n where he confronted her about not telling him that she was able to see colours. Because of him nonetheless but i could tell how bad that'll look so i scraped it entirely. Let me know some if you have any constructive criticism please!
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rufusnovak · 2 years
Another idea of Encanto AU
Hello! Here I’ve got for you another “brilliant” idea for fanfic. Lets’s call it Pedro is not Casita anymore AU.
(And English is still not my native language.)
I’ve been in love with the amazing Pedro lives AU (A Place for Crows) and stuck with the idea of Pedro-Casita. Actually, I don’t like that idea a lot. If Pedro’s soul is Casita, than he is going to be through a lot of pain in future when his children will die and their children will die. It’s going to be living hell for him.
What if Pedro was stuck as Casita. Miracle is just Miracle, it is not an intelligent being. It does not like mother’s tears and tries to help. So, it reads Alma’s mind and takes out of there something like “save him”, “home”, “protection” etc. And, for about 50 years Pedro had been stuck as Casita. Than, one day something happens.
(Actually, I’ve got fanfic in my native language, but you won’t like it. It is about old witch Pamesso Muerto and her connection with Madrigals. She decided to curse Alma with Pedro Zombie but somehow brought him back.)
When Pedro comes back, everything becomes complicated, because literally he had been with all his family but not as himself. And his mind is sort of damaged with multitasks. Like at one time he should move a chair in one room, get rid of capybara in the patio, catch Camilo from falling from the roof etc. And also, Pedro is angry with Alma for her behavior with children.
Here some draft of a dialog…
The Family learns that Bruno live in the walls of Casita:
Pepa: We all thought, you were dead!
Pedro: Nope. Not all.
Alma: Ay, hijo. Was not you upset with our suffering?
Pedro: No. He was not. He was busy with repairing our home or sleeping.
Alma: Pedro. Let ME talk with MY son.
Pedro: No. I won’t. I barely kept him at home, and not in the jaws of jaguars somewhere in the jungle. So I won’t let you force him to leave again.
Alma: What do you know about rising children?! I was alone…
Pedro: I’m all ears about you alone leaving you children for the whole day with who??? Ah, living house. And, who had been that living house? Wait for it! Wait for it! Wait for it! Me!
Alma: You are being ridiculous…
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I watched Encanto for the second time and just connected these possible dots-
The rooms are created and represented with Alma’s wants and desires in mind and not their own but can adapt the further the owner breaks away from Abuela's influence.
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Isabela's room is an exact copy of who Abuela wants her to be. Covered in exact flowers and hues that Abuela wants. We know Isabela can produce white flowers in the beginning of the movie- That Abuela takes away- And where do we see them? Nowhere. Her room only has pink, purple, and violet, nothing else. This only changes when she finds out, her power doesn't belong to the expectations of the family or Abuela, her power belongs to her. Ergo, the first cactus.
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Bruno’s is empty, only sand, stairs, and a wide gap between it and the door which holds his vision room. Could I make a metaphor about the stairs growing more and more as Bruno and Alma grew apart, originally being much shorter and simply being a few small steps to the vision room? I could holy shit. But like- Abuela shoves every last bit of love for her son into spite after so-called abandoning the family, leaving his room desolate.
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Antonio's is easy to show off, easy to impress guests with as they visit Casita.
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This one is a bit depressing but... Look at Pepa's. Calm, serene, normal. Throughout the movie, you see that Abuela does nothing but tell Pepa to suppress her weather, calm down. The only thing I see that pops out in her room is- An anemometer. Everything else is toned down- Nothing like the extravagance of the other rooms. Now, you could make the case that, she's an adult, but here's the thing: Bruno's room is MASSIVE. A winding staircase and a huge wooden door. You could make the case that that’s just how Pepa is with her husband now, but she’s obviously still a woman with loud emotions, even in adulthood. Just not allowed to express them.
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Luisa only gets her relaxation after the house’s collapse. After the Casita is split evenly amongst the family. While in Alma’s care, we never see her room, but outside, even the house seems to be egging her on to work and work.
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Minor details but still details:
The house was originally drafted to be controlled by Alma or at least take her side in matters.
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Dolores can hear Luisa at night, meaning she wouldn’t even get her rest while trying to rest.
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thetinydiamond · 3 years
í Well I’m back on my bs. Continuing from this post, and borrowing from Angsty™️ AU/theory ideas drafted w/ @yourknightinshiningboardshorts, imagine if this line (below) from the video were true
...If you’re part of the Madrigal family by blood, you [receive] a Gift [...] when you come of age. Well, unless you’re Abuela or Mirabel.
The subtext I’m reading here is “(future) matriarchs don’t get their own door“, and by extension, “you can tell who’s gonna be the next matriarch based on which girl’s door disintegrates.“
Now imagine what that does to the family structure; Optimistically? The family stops treating kids without doors like Magic Cripples (I'll go into a whole rant about the way Mirabel is treated another time) and starts treating them like, y’know, family. Pessimistically, though? The future matriarchs eventually start being elevated above the rest of the family bc they’re the future matriarch.
Now imagine two (three) scenarios: 
Some generation down the line eventually produces only male kids.
We’ve seen that having men marry into the family has no effect on whether their children receive doors/gifts (Antonio, whose father (Félix) married in, Isabela (w/ Augustín)), but we don’t know if the same is true for women that marry in: Bruno, by virtue of hiding in the walls for a decade or so hasn’t married and has no children yet, so we have no way to tell if, say, the magic is stored in the mitochondrial DNA is passed down maternally. Let’s say it was. How do y’all think that would go over? The possibility of losing La Casita? or even El Encanto itself? It’s terrible, but I’m thinking there’d suddenly be a rather significant level of pressure on the women to have more children in hopes of having a daughter to stave off the impending crisis. Hell, taken to extremes, I could see the crisis taking the existing, vaguely-matrilineal structure of the family and going “oops, now Madrigal women are seen (at least partially) as ‘just childbearers’. Well... at least you’re not the men of the family, who are functionally useless outside of their gifts.“
Antonio’s worries end up being true (and Mirabel’s not the next matriarch)
Because Mirabel was living proof that no, having your door just... disintegrate, was not, in fact, an “impossible scenario“, so imagine this: The Madrigals just stopped having magic kids after Isabela. Not like, “the house is collapsing and taking the magic with it again“ stopped having magic kids, just, the next generation has reached Peak Gift is suddenly not receiving gifts. I’m sure there’s bias bc I’m from the US and am faced w/ the Boomer-Millennial conflict over the usefulness of college degrees, but could you imagine the amount of intergenerational conflict that would start as soon as people figured out that the kids just... weren’t getting doors anymore? The house would probably collapse immediately and violently.
The Madrigals don’t stop having magic kids, there’s just a magical carrying capacity (8 kids)
This one’s basically the same as the second idea, except Bruno (missing for all intents and purposes) or Abuela (old) keel over and die at some point after the family finally adjusts enough to no longer having magic kids to start having kids at all again... and then the next kid born is magic again bc of the death. I just... whoof, the knowledge that somebody’d need to die to free up a slot? That’s such a fuckin burden.
Addendum 1: The entire family just goes on a manhunt to murder or retrieve Bruno to free up the next slot
Addendum 2: The family knows that death frees up the next slot and ‘institutionalized less_than_useful_Gift_owner murder’ becomes normal somewhere along the line.
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bottsbotts · 5 years
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Ezra’s House aka Casita Soleado cc-free 2br 1 ba tray | origin: bottsbotts 
LMAO this was sitting in my drafts for MONTHS cause I was going to use these pics for when I put Ezra’s house up for download and I forgot I had em!! So anyway here’s a more official post showing more of the house :) 
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resdraft · 3 months
Potential Advantages of a Casita or Guest House Addition
Thepotential advantages of a casita or guest house addition are entertainment space, guest accommodation, multi-generational living, rental income, home office or studio, increased property value, flexibility in design, entertainment space, resale potential, and increased livable space.
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wildflower8281 · 5 years
Am I a Gypsy?
Today I sat down at a periwinkle wooden table with lime green cushioney chairs and journaled out how I want my life to look and feel for the next few years. All of the realms of it - feelings, body, home, work, friends, lovers, leisure. I’m currently house & pet sitting in a beautiful home in Scottsdale, with a huge pool, spacious, bright interiors and the sweetest, shaggy dog you’ll ever meet, Murray. It feels like a rather large Airbnb experience to me and has given my mind a place to rest and a bit of a vacay vibe, which is welcome after a few weeks of transition and seeking some new work opportunities.
So here I am: Age 37 and in a place in my life, yet again, where I can totally recreate my world in a new way. I’ve done this a few times already in my life and I look at it as a gift each time, albeit not always arriving when Kelly feels ready, or in the way Kelly thinks it might arrive, but a gift nonetheless - a space in time where I shed a version of myself that is no longer and step into something new, yet at the same time, is still fundamentally me.
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(Photo: Current View, #house-sittinglife)
Past and Present
To give some perspective, 10 years ago, Summer 2009, I was halfway into a 4 year stint as a missionary nun in East Harlem, having 5 years of convent life under my belt. I spent a good part of that summer in Guyana, in S. America, living the adventure, sleeping under a mosquito net, driving on the left side of the road and boating down the river to visit remote communities. We organized a girls summer camp, bathed in the river twice a day and slept in tents for 2 weeks. It was pretty awesome honestly. Guyana and Harlem were both vibrant communities, with beautiful people and so many lessons. And yet, that life - as a religious sister - was not one I wanted to live for the rest of mine, so in 2011, I walked and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
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(Photo: Bright Lights of Guyana, 2009)
So, when I say I’ve been here before, in this space of recreating my life and who I want to be in this world, I most definitely have been and returning home from the convent was one of those moments. At age 30, I came home from religious life with a few-inches-past-buzzed hair situation, 1 pair of sports pants, a few t-shirts, sneakers and sandals much too worn. For the past 8 years, my identity had been Sister Lumen (and/or Madre Lumen, at least in Harlem)....Now, I had to re-take-up my birth name and being of KellySue...Who the heck is that and what is she like at age 30 out here in this new world where people curse, read magazines and don’t ask permission for things?!
Holy Fucking Shit! (I wrote that honestly prior to realizing the amazing irony of the phrase...needless to say, I’ve come a long way.) Yea, the journey back into ‘the world’ is pretty fantastic actually, even though it’s laced here and there with some tears and fears. Everything from shopping for clothes, applying to jobs, making friends and, gasp, dating is like navigating uncharted waters when you haven’t even really been trained in how to sail. I have an entire post dedicated to “Things They Don’t Tell You When You Leave” here if you’d like to walk through the details: 15 Things They Don't Tell You When You Leave the Convent
So, post-convent I was faced with creating not only a new life in pragmatic ways, but truly a new identity. Or more accurately, finding the original one! So, while I dabbled in teaching and other cool gigs, flitted around with a few cool folks and loved a magical man from Brooklyn, the most important thing I “did” in New Jersey was find KellySue. And it was with that Found-Self that I boarded a 1-way flight to Arizona and knew in my gut the bright, mystical southwest would be my next home, and in many ways my first home - a space and life that I had created from the ground up, from the desires and images in my heart, to the colors that hang on my walls, the geeks and artists I spent my time with and the friends and lovers who have traversed my life here.
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(Photo: Essequibo River, Guyana where we camped & bathed for 2 weeks)
And yet today, about 3.5 years into my Phoenix stint, I sit here at this table that 
is not mine, before Life Herself yet again. I have moved on from the Art Center, my first landing and family community here (aside from my real family of course,) a place that held me as I grew and challenged me to thrive. I rent The Dollhouse (a fabulous casita snuggled in the backyard of the main house, in the eclectic hood of #Coronado) and love her very much, but have very few possessions - no car, the bike I ride is not mine, no large appliances. I have clothes, a phone and my laptop. I have a great mattress, 1 dresser, 1 couch, 2 pretty teal chairs and a table from #Target. My smaller tables & most art supplies are from my Aunt, my dishes are from #Goodwillphx, as are mostly everything of decorative purpose. I don’t own many books by choice and prefer the #phxpubliclibrary. Even though I’ve curated my space lovingly and it most definitely echoes my vibe of colorful, bright and cozy - none of it is stuff that anchors me in this city. If someone offered me a job or to house-sit for a few months in Spain or Belize or pretty much anywhere new to me, I’d be off in a heartbeat!
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(Photo: Unsplash)
That Time on Mt. Washington
So, today I sit here and ask myself, “Kelly, what do you want in your life?” I dedicate 1 page per theme: Feelings, Home, Work, Friends, Leisure, Lover. And I feel and write, imagine and think. And it crosses my mind more than once that not many people have this luxury. Well, I consider it a luxury! Perhaps some would consider it frightening or some other adjective, who knows?! To be 37, no kids, no pets, no house, no partner (3 out of 4 are very intentional...the 4th is seasonal, lol!) To sit at a table and draft & craft some Life up for the next 3-5-10 years or so. To be open to all the opportunities the Universe offers me, to list and discern and choose things I desire, experiences I want, types of people and energy I seek to feel. To me, this is luxury.
But this moment of vision and serenity hasn’t come without some unrest and many months of annoyance! It’s been a long journey to arrive to this table, to my journal, to feeling calm and open to the Universe’s next plans for me. Read on...
This arises in me every few years now, since I’ve been home. I feel like I’ve landed, I settle in, get cozy and then, kinda little by little, but eventually all of the sudden I look around where I am and my eyes grow wide….
I pause, really look around, almost squinting to make sure, like, “No, it can’t be. Not yet. Not already…” That takes a good 3-4 months.
Then, I sigh and look around again, really feel into the energy of the space I’m in in my life and interiorly nod my head, as I think, “Uh-huh, yep...Alli esta….There it is...Ha llegado la hora…..It’s time.” This phase lasts another 1-2 months….
I think on it, ponder it, hold that feeling between my fingers, feel the texture of it and ask Life, “Really?! Again?! Already?!”
And, as I’m examining this situation from all angles in fits and starts, Life leads me (kicks, shoves me) right out the door because It Is fucking time, Kelly!
She ushers me into a brand new space (in all the senses) and opens the Doors of this new space so wide that the bright light actually hurts at first glance…
Like some aching pain, squinting, not seeing quite clearly, some fear, uncertainty, wanting to turn around and run back to where it’s darker, but familiar and I’m good at the stuff back there….
One thing the convent teaches you is humility….for better or worse, ha (#chapteroffaults.) It is a good virtue to possess and it has been a tool I have wielded in these moments in my life many times, a trusty friend if used wisely and, seemingly ironically, with confidence. Because humility allows me to be a novice each time, to be Ever-the-Learner, to be always open to the new. Humility allows me to be ok with not knowing everything, to be ok with being the new girl yet again, to be ok with waking up for weeks on end not knowing where you’re going to land, but trusting that you will, indeed, land, and land amazingly well because that’s what you do! Because ultimately, humility is not just relying on myself. It’s Me & The Universe. It’s trusting the shove out the door and believing the blinding light will one day actually clearly guide your path onto your next adventure and into a fuller version of yourself. Humility is like that time we (the nuns) hiked down Mt. Washington as the sun was setting, lead by only a flashlight, in the dark, wet forest, holding hands and trusting that if the sister in front of you landed her step safely, then the tiny light was all you also only needed to land safely. Humility allows for the one small step at a time, even if you don’t see the end or full picture yet, you know the Universe is showing you what you need in the moment you need it….
Also, Nature Herself is Humble, so there’s that….
Trees thrive where they’re planted.
Flowers are brilliantly radiant, yet silent.
The Ocean ebbs and flows forever without fanfare.
Birds unknowingly bring joy with their songs.
Mountains rise in splendor and ask no glory.
Gypsy Secrets
For someone who left the missionary life proper, who considers herself a homebody and most definitely a lover of the reliable routine, I find it funny that in the grand scheme of things, I actually move through life quite like a #gypsy! I’ve always been someone who leads with simplicity and doesn’t need many material items to feel happy, and I have never set an anchor in a place so deep that it forfeited my freedom to roam - a desire I’m learning is an essential part of my being. It’s a paradox of myself that I find really interesting. I will be the most reliable worker, on top of all my shit, I will work out faithfully and read daily, I eat the same things most days because I like them….and yet, every 4 years or so I will hop on a plane, take of my habit, walk out of a job and just fling myself into the Universe in this kind of radical, unconventional way (‘You’re leaving your job and you don’t have the next one lined up?!’….I’ve done this now 3x in my life quite successfully thankyouverymuch!) only to be explained by a feeling inside of me that I can no longer ignore. Or, more accurately, that no longer lets me ignore it. And so I go, I leave, I move, I reconsider, I recast dreams, I open, I sigh alot...I take that one clear step and then breathe, wondering what the next version of myself and my life will taste and feel like, grateful for the adventure and most importantly, knowing that “home” is not a place, but rather is within me, the liberating secret that every true #gypsy lives by.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Cut throat <//33
Here's a snippet. It was a draft (one of three) that I had, and decided to finish it because. Idk, I'm just in a protective/cut throat mood <333
Plus y'all know I thrive on that au, specifically Alma so.
Les get it
Julieta was hysterical as she held her daughter on the floor of Casita, completely oblivious to how the house and everyone in it was in complete chaos. The literal hurricane-tornado-blizzard mix didn't even phase her and neither did the screaming and sobbing coming from other family. She sobbed, holding her youngest daughter, her precious little angel, Mirabel.
Mirabel lay limp, barely breathing as she continued to bleed out, and Julieta continued to sob reassurances to her through blurry eyes. She saw her husband out of the corner of her eye skid to the floor on his knees, at least 7 arepas in his arms. He was crying as well, but he was also the only one with steady enough hands. He carefuly took one, awkwardly positioning his hands, one right above her wound (which made him sick to his stomach, but needed to save his daughter), and the other was feeding her the arepa, which he had to manually get her to swallow.
Agustin got her to eat at least 4 before the wound finally closed up. The only thing was it left a ghastly broken scar on her neck. The food didn't seem to heal all the way over, but it healed her enough to where she had stopped bleeding. Mirabel's breathing picked up to a faster pace, just a tad slower than her usual one.
Julieta stared with wide, teary eyes, waiting for her daughter to wake up. She placed her head on her small chest, and heard her heart beat picking up as well. She was about to check for a more steady pulse when she felt someone tap on her shoulder.
She snapped her head to look at Mirabel, who was look at her mother through lightly scratched glasses. Julieta burst into tears again, hugging her little 5 year old daughter while her husband joined as well.
"You're ok, you're alive!" Julieta sobbed, squeezing Mirabel. She felt Mirabel's small hands reach up and gently pat her back. Mirabel was still trying to cheer up her mother, even despite her condition.
Suddenly they were surrounded by other family members, with Alma being the first,  as she scanned Mirabel over. Her eyes landed on the scar that covered her (far too small) neck, and she did her best to supress her anger and she brushed curls out of Mirabel's face.
"Mirabel? Are you okay? You aren't in any pain...are you?" Alma asked hesitantly. Mirabel opened her mouth and---
Nothing came out.
The others were confused. Why wasn't she saying anything? Mirabel tried again. Still, nothing. Her hands moved up and she touch her throat. She tried once more, and all that came out was a strangled whine.
Mirabel started freaking out. Why couldbn't she talk? Where was her voice?! Tears welled up in her eyed as she continued to try to talk, mouth moving but words not coming out.
"Oh i-its ok baby, just calm down," Julieta said, rocking Mirabel in an attempt to calm her down. She looked up at her mama confused and Alma looked down at Mirabel, eyes fixated on the now healed wound that went over her neck.
She didn't see Mirabel immediately after the incident; the only ones who saw that horrible sight was Dolores, Luisa, Mariano, and the deranged person who did this. But she was one of the first so her, and from she had seen, the gash ran pretty deep. And if that was the case...then...
Her vocal chords had been slashed in the process. It was clear whoever went for her was making an attempt on her life, which they had gotten close too. And Julieta's food could only do so much healing.
Meaning Mirabel's voice was probably gone for good.
"Oh nieta," Alma gently pulled Mirabel into her lap. "Julieta, Augustin, can you go get her room ready?" The couple quickly nodded, heading off upstairs to the girls' room.
The other family was quick to stand up and help, all of the scattering among the house; Pepa was the only one who back to her room, not wanting to get Mirabel sick with the massive storm that was soaking everyone (not that it really changed, it was still going even when she went to her room, just not as windy).
"Come on, let's go get you clean," Alma whispered to Mirabel, and she walked towards the bathroom. The poor girl was covered in her own blood, and it made Alma sick to even look at it; she would have to burn the dress whole, she didn't even want to see it anymore. But for now she would just help Mirabel.
Alma's mind raced. Everything was going so well. Mirabel had gotten a door, and she was happy. She was helpful to the family and always made sure everyone was in good health. And now? Only a month later? Mirabel couldn't speak. Someone tried to send her to her grandfather early. The psyhco that did this was going to pay. She would hunt then down herself if she had to.
Alma kissed Mirabel's head as the girl snuggled closer into her abuela's dress.
This wouldn't go unpunished.
Alma lobs her family <333
Hope y'all enjoyed⁉⁉⁉
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achitka · 2 years
Doors (Chapter 14) A Proper Ceremony
I always thought it a shame Mirabel didn't have any actual resolution to her failed door ceremony. Even got to relive it while supporting Antonio.
I apologize in advance for the POV jumping - I can't help that there are so many kids and whatnot in this household lol
A Proper Ceremony
Luisa handed Bruno his rat, telling him he might want to consider feeding her a little less. Bruno held Fura up and looked at her closely. She squeaked, pulling at his eyebrow. She never liked being this close to someone’s face. “Sorry, sorry,” he said placing her on his shoulder. He knew he tended to spoil the lot of them, but they were so very convincing as they feigned hunger.
He pushed his shaking hands into his pockets. The spontys were not letting up today and he’d taken most of the drafts Juli had made for him. If he asked for more, she’d want to know, no, she’d know why.
He glanced about and since no one was looking he swung his legs over the wall and let himself drop out of sight. He walked to the back of the house and Casita clattered some tiles at him and opened the shutters leading to the main living area. Bruno looked at the window and thought, What now, casita? He hopped on to the windowsill and looked around. No one was about so he dropped inside. Everything was quiet. He started up the stairs and stopped on the landing.
“Ah,” Agustín said as he stood up, “How’s it going Bruno.”
Bruno sighed, “It’s going fine.”
“Do you have a minute?”
“Juli didn’t send you?” Bruno asked. Agustín’s eyebrows went up, but he shook his head. “Then I guess I do, hermano. What can I do for you?” Bruno said as he continued up the stairs.
“I need a favor.”
Bruno paused again then turned around stopping Agustín on the steps, “What kind of favor?”
“Well, it’s really more I need to get your opinion on something.”
Bruno tilted his head, not the response he was expecting, so he followed Agustín as he moved in the direction of Mirabel’s room. He opened the door and indicated Bruno should go in. He did and Agustín followed and shut the door. Bruno was looking around comparing it in his head to the way the room used to look when Agustín tapped his shoulder. Bruno turned and took an involuntary step back from the door. Something to his left caught his eye and he turned and took another step back.  His eyes went back and forth between the two.  He looked again at the door. He really didn’t understand Casita well enough to ask the house specific questions so when he blinked and noticed the butterfly at the top was drooping. He looked closer. Nothing changed until he blinked again. Now it was not. He was certain his mother had asked Casita to create this, but he was not overly sure as to why.
“So, what do you think?”
“I think,” he said very carefully, “I don’t know what to think.”
He watched the butterfly on the bottom and it was resting on the fingers *blink* now it was just above the hand *blink* now it was back resting on the fingers. Bruno thought then of the way his mother had said the things she said at the impromptu meeting and he realized she was doing it again. Pulling attention away from the actual problem and focusing it on herself. But this time it wasn’t aimed at appearances, it was to keep Mirabel on a steady course. She was doing her best to keep Mira from being overwhelmed as she herself had been so long ago. “Gus, I mean I can maybe guess it’s purpose but…”
“It occurred to me that this door is like a gauge.”
“For what?”
“Mirabel’s readiness?”
Agustín nodded, “I thought something similar, given that front door.”
“Are you alright with all this hermano?”
“Some of it, though I don’t really think I’ve ever had much choice in the matter. Mira has always been driven. It was her confidence that was lacking…but something is bothering her. This time it’s not as obvious as not having a Gift. She won’t say what or maybe she doesn’t know herself. So, I guess we’re back to watching and waiting. Slow and steady wins the race,” Agustín said and ran a hand through his hair. But there was a note of bitterness when he said, “Bruno, it’s literally been less than one day and I now have to add into this the potential for people to just randomly accost her.”
Agustín’s gaze drifted to Bruno’s hands. He put his own on Bruno’s shoulder, “Have they been coming all day?”
Bruno nodded and rubbed the base of his neck. Bruno pulled out the last bottle and downed it. His shakiness under control, he handed the empty bottles to Agustín and said, “tell Juli the blueberry mint one is the best, even helps a little with the headache. The chocolate not as good as I was hoping, maybe add mint to that one too? And just no to the lemon.”
“Got it,” Agustín said as he put the bottles in his right vest pocket. Reaching into the left he pulled out another small bundle and passed it to him. Bruno hefted it as they left Mira’s room. He’d forgotten what it was like to have people around him that noticed and cared. At first, he’d kept mostly to himself after the breaking. Choosing to be alone and away from his siblings and their families. That was probably a mistake but he’d been alone for a long time, alone in a crowded casita, even before he made the decision to leave.
Mirabel, even if she didn’t know it had pulled him back from his self-imposed exile with her silken threads of kindness. Never pulling too hard, but definitely not letting go. As they were walking back toward the other side of hall, Bruno caught himself as he almost turned on the stairs to go to the tower when he remembered it wasn’t there anymore. For the twenty years he’d occupied that space, he never liked being there, away from his sisters, away from everyone. He smiled as he looked back at the hallway where his door now stood. He really didn’t need or want to hide from his family anymore.
They paused when they heard Isa’s loud laughter and the doorbell chime made them both look down in the plaza and Casita opened the door to reveal a sheepish looking Mariano and his mother. She swept in, for once not seeming to feel the need for her usual rigid politeness and hugged Dolores. She moved on to hug both Pepa and Félix to a lesser degree. Bruno didn’t think he’d ever seen that woman happy, but there it was. So many things were changing. He hoped Pepa was doing okay with it, but one look at the rainbow mixed shower over Casita, strangely visible in the fading light of the day told him what he needed to know. Weirdly at peace with how his world was working for once, Bruno said, “Looks like there’s a wedding in our future.”
Agustín barked a laugh and the two of them headed down the stairs to join the chaos.
Isa watched her father and Tío Bruno coming into the plaza from the stairs and were heading toward the crowd of people in the plaza. Her father looked at ease and Tío’s hands weren’t trembling anymore. Abuela and Señora Guzman were both talking and smiling as everyone came into the dining room and settled around the table. There was almost as much excitement as there was at breakfast. Her mother made Camilo blush as she complimented him on how delicious his tres leches birthday cakes looked decked out with various flowers and fruits. Luisa was talking to their father and she looked very excited. Their Dad was wearing a melancholy smile and Isa decided Luisa was talking about leaving for school. Her mother and Tía Pepa had their heads together speaking softly. Probably catching up on the day’s events. Dolores who was sitting next to her was smiling like an idiot all through the meal talking to her Tío Félix and Mariano. Poor guy was wearing a nervous smile while talking to his future father and brother-in-law but seemed to be holding his own. Mirabel and Antonio were giggling about something happening under the table.
Her Tío Bruno nudged her elbow, and said, “Isa-bee, you awake in there?” he asked holding a bowl, “Crème?”
She took the bowl and glanced at her still full plate of food. She put a small dollop on her plate and set the bowl down.
“You could have just said no, Isa-bee,” her Tío said. Isa looked over to see her Tío examining the tiny white dot on her plate. There were a pair of tiny eyes looking at her from beneath his hair that her Tío absently held a small piece of corn up to. The rat there, snatched it then squeaked in what she assumed was thanks and moved back out of sight. She glanced over at his plate; it was just as full as hers.
“Guess we’re not hungry?” she said gesturing toward his uneaten dinner.
“Fair, but you should try your sister’s coffee mole,” he said and dipped the already half eaten arepa deep into the dark sauce, “I think Mirabel made it with you in mind. It’ll wake you up for sure.”
It was no secret that Isa loved her some coffee, so she reached for an arepa and dunked it. She took a small bite smiled and immediately dipped it again and took another. She tapped arepas with her Tío and dug right in. Once the arepa was gone she ate the rice along with the rich sauce it had been plated with. She looked up and saw Mirabel smiling, obviously glad she was enjoying the food.
Supper was done and the table was cleared of dishes to make room for the cakes. Seating was rearranged as Abuela insisted the triplets sit next to one another. Camilo placed a cake in front of each while every one else sang a happy birthday song to them. Even Dolores was singing as Mariano gently covered her ears for her. Yeah, that couple would do well, Isa thought. Camilo cut the cakes so everyone could have a small piece of each and to Isa’s surprise they were all delicious. Each having a slightly different and distinctive taste. That boy was full of surprises. Camilo reveled in the praise of so many happy cake eaters. Tía Pepa squished his face and covered it in kisses, his father shaking his hand and patting him on the back. Mirabel had collected the new dishes and headed into the kitchen.
After a few minutes Isa nodded to her mother and went into the kitchen to help. Mirabel was quietly talking to Casita as she set a plate in the rinse water, “Are you feeling well today?” there was an answering clatter of tiles and Mirabel smiled. “I’m sorry it took so long to complete you.” The house clattered a little more vigorously and Mirabel answered “I know, I was just worried you’d think we’d forgotten you.” This time a cabinet door wobbled and the tiles near the window shook a bit and Mira said, “I know, I just worry sometimes.”
Isa cleared her throat and Mirabel turned mid dish and smiled. “Hey Isa, wanna dry some plates.”
“You read my mind hermanita,” Isa said as she picked up one of the dishcloths on the counter and after drying several in silence, she said, “So was that David Ortiz you were with earlier?”
Mirabel fumbled with the plate she was setting in the rinse water, “Yes, he was helping Camilo today with his theater project.”
“And nothing, he just asked to walk me home.”
“Oh, that was sweet of him, so you gonna see him again?” Isa hip bumped her and Mirabel turned very red.
“Isa, stop it,” Mirabel said and splashed some of the wash water at her. Isa took the mug she was holding and tossed some rinse water at Mira just as Luisa stepped into the kitchen. Mira had ducked and Luisa got a face full of water. Luisa kept her face still as she slowly approached them. They took a few steps away from the sink and Luisa suddenly scooped up water in both hands hitting her sisters squarely in the face with it.
“Oh, it’s on,” Isa cried and immediately started launching flowers at her sisters. Mirabel ducked and Casita shielded her from the worst of it. Luisa had a large pot lid in hand, effectively blocking the foliage. Isa changed tactics by tossing dye bombs at them. Mira caught one and tossed it back hitting Isa squarely in the back of the head. All three were shouting and laughing until they heard from the doorway, “Nietas!”
Everyone stopped moving at once, Abuela stood there looking stern, but failed to hold on to it when there was a distinct clatter of the pot lid hitting the floor. Abuela was biting her lip to hide the smile that crept in and after a moment, burst out laughing. She was laughing so hard, she couldn’t say anything to their mother who came in and took one look around at her kitchen and said waving her hands as she turned away with Abuela, “Just clean it up.”
Luisa picked up the pot lid and all three started laughing as they set about straightening the kitchen. “So, when we’re done, you gonna show me your room?” Isa asked as she dried the last of the dishes and Luisa put them away.
Mirabel brightened considerably and said, “Yeah, it’s not as impressive as yours of course but it sure is nice.”
“I can hardly wait to see it,” Isa said but was not surprised that Mirabel downplayed what Casita had done for her room. The outside of that door needed more decoration than just the jacarandas she grown. Her ulterior motive for being here was to keep Mira in the kitchen while the family finished their surprise. Of course, destroying her mother’s kitchen was not part of the plan so it was not a surprise to see Camilo and Antonio sitting in the doorway watching them clean, Parce laying in front of them.
“I want to see it too!” Antonio exclaimed. Camilo nodded in agreement.
“Looks like we’re done,” Isa said with her hands on her hips.
Mirabel was surprised that everyone would even want to see her room. Isa pulled Mirabel into the plaza to find Casita had made a set of stairs leading to her door. Casita brightened the lighting around it and she approached it with caution. There were far more things on it than there had been there this morning. Luisa and Isa were already crying, Mariano, who had his arms around both Dolores and his mother was sniffling. Tío Bruno, Tía Pepa and Tío Félix were standing behind her Abuela. Mirabel was then joined by her mother and father, who were standing on both sides of the door. Each moved closer and put a hand on either shoulder, her mother saying, “Mirabel, you never got to have a proper ceremony. So, we decided it would be appropriate to add some suitable flair to your door.”
Casita clattered the tiles above it and Mira reached out and touched Isa’s jacarandas again. She felt the same warm tingle she’d felt the night before. Then, one by one, she touched each of the small pictures drawn by the rest of her family. It was probably her imagination but she thought the colors became more vibrant in that moment. She felt the warmth from those as well and just like last night the feeling lingered in her fingertips as she turned the knob. She backed in beckoning to her parents and everyone else to follow. Antonio was the first to enter on Parce, he was smiling broadly and while it would have seemed the room would be too small for such a large group of people, it was not. Her family flowed around her like a river, looking at all the things Casita had placed there, just for her. Someone looked up at the ceiling noticing the clouds as they skittered in the early evening moonlight.
Mirabel noticed that Abuela’s door was not visible and briefly wondered why. She’d think about that later she decided as she was pulled to a corner by Luisa to explain what a particular item sitting on one of the shelves was for. After that the family did a tour of all the rooms trooping around until all had been visited. Tío Bruno’s room was the one she’d most wanted to see. Mirabel let out a sigh of relief at the complete lack of stairs and poked her head into the small room near the alcove. This was nice, she thought, as she looked up to early evening sky. She found Dolores’ room to be one of her favorites, next to Luisa’s, so many beautiful flowers. Mariano’s mother kept him in the hallway while they were in Dolores’ room. Isa’s room was still just, wow. Camilo admitted he’d fallen asleep almost as soon as he’d open his door, so he was surprised to discover the small library of various plays and sketches in his room. He rubbed his hands together and laughed a little manically and the family left him behind, busy counting those books.
The group moved on to Antonio’s room and everyone was amazed at the second tree. Isa was studying all the plants in Antonio’s room. Moving from place to place, ignoring everyone else. There was a screech as one of the eagles that had arrived the previous night flew down and landed near Antonio. The wing span made the bird look even bigger and it blew up dust as it landed. It was as enormous as Parce and though the harpy eagle towered over Antonio, it was in no way threatening to him. “Her name is Nadia. She says it’s nice to meet you all.” Parce let out a low growl and Nadia responded sounding slightly disappointed, “Parce was telling her that the rats around Casita are off limits Tío.”
“Thank you for that, Tonito,” Tío Bruno said as he pet a terrified Fura who was sheltering in his pocket.
Once back out in the hallway, Senora Guzman said, “Well, I think it’s time for Mariano and I to go. Thank you, Alma, for your hospitality tonight considering we came unannounced.”
“We were happy to have you,” Alma said as they made their way downstairs to the door. Mariano turned to wave to Dolores, who was watching him from the upstairs hallway. He whispered something and Dolores, turned an extraordinary shade of red. Tía Pepa of course noticed, and elbowed her daughter, while waggling a finger at Mariano. He also blushed, that thankfully went unnoticed by his mother.
Mirabel pat Casita’s closest wall and thought a little guiltily that it was a perfect night to be a Madrigal.
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carlisbb · 8 years
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gdawsondesigns · 3 years
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Thanksgiving Blessing in the High Desert The first time I came to Southern Arizona I took a day during my time at the Tucson Gem Show to drive to Patagonia. I’ve always been an explorer, willing to embark on random adventures, and that day I had a mission. I was stalking someone. Well, probably not stalking…certainly not in the sense of malevolence, but I was indeed hoping to run into Jim Harrison, my favorite author. As the day wound down, I had a quiet dinner in the restaurant/bar that I’d heard he frequented and lingered. No famous author appeared. In fact, as I recall, I was the only person in the bar the whole time other than the bartender. I was too embarrassed about my intent to inquire if Harrison was even in town, but I did fall in love with the area. I discovered Bisbee decades later and I am still drafting the story of my first journey here, but I’ve written about being in Bisbee in other recent posts. I am living here for the time being, perhaps permanently…I love my little casita on the edge of miles of open desert. There are many new species of fauna to get to know but one that I recognize easily are the quail that seem plentiful around my house. And the quail remind me of Harrison since he often wrote of hunting and eating them around his home in Patagonia. As I walk the desert with my dogs every morning, I’ve often wished I could bag a few quail. I have enjoyed them in the past, but I am too new here to have figured out where (or how) I can legally hunt, far too much settling in to do. And then yesterday, enjoying a beer with my friend Ben at my house, the dogs barking at a taunting coyote just outside my fence led me into my yard to observe a covey, flushed in the commotion. One of the birds flew into a bedroom window with great velocity and immediately went down. I hoped it would recover, but when it became apparent that the bird was dying, I went to retrieve it. My immediate thought as it lay lifeless in my hands was to bury it, but then I thought otherwise. *** To read more, please follow link in profile to my recent blog post! 🤠 #gratitude #bisbee #givingthanks (at Bisbee, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWtfoPCP9hh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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You want to go out drinking – for happy hour or otherwise – but you don’t want to spend a ton of cash in the process. You’re looking to find your new go-to Memphis happy hour place, or do you just want a list of Memphis happy hours? We have you covered. Here’s your guide to the best happy hours, pint nights, and drink specials all over the city. This post is updated as of January 2018, but keep in mind that businesses make changes all the time and be sure to call ahead to double check. Weekday Happy Hours Alchemy: Happy Hour Monday through Friday 4pm to 6pm, half off all drinks and food except entrees. Happy Hour Saturdays from 4pm to 6pm, half off drinks only Aldo’s Midtown: Happy Hour Monday through Friday, 3pm to 7pm, $1 off house wines and well liquor. $3 drafts on Monday nights and on Tuesdays night for trivia players Amerigo: Happy Hour every day with $5 house wines from 4 to 6pm Automatic Slim’s: Mondays $4 martinis from 5pm to close. Tuesdays $3 pint night. Wednesdays half off bottles of wine. Thursdays $5 martinis for ladies, $3 Stellas for fellas. Fridays half-price martinis from 4pm to 6pm, Weekends $2.50 Bloody Marys and Mimosas from 9am to 3pm Babalu Midtown & East: Memphis Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 4pm to 6pm. $1 off draft beers, $2 tacos, $4 red and white sangria, $5 house wines Bar Louie: Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 4pm to 7pm, $3.50 draft beers, $4.50 select wines, $5.50 martinis, half price select apps and flatbreads Bardog Tavern: Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 5pm to 7pm Bayou Bar and Grill: Happy Hour is Monday through Friday from 11am to 7pm and Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to 4pm. Tuesday is Pint Night $3 drafts BB King’s: Happy Hour is Monday through Friday from 3pm to 7pm, $3 domestic bottled beers, $4 house wines Belle A Southern Bistro: Happy Hour Tuesday through Saturday from 5pm to 7pm Belmont Grill – Happy Hour weekdays 4pm to 7pm: $1 off mixed drinks. Blind Bear Speakeasy: Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 3pm to 7pm: $2.50 domestic bottles, $4 well drinks, $5 Pepperwood Grove wines, $5 tacos Bluefin: Happy Hour and Specials Sunday through Thursday 5pm to 6pm: $3 house wine, $5 local drafts, $6 hot sake, $2.99 domestic bottles Boscos Squared: Memphis Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 3:30pm to 6:30pm: discounts on well drinks, beers, and wine. Brass Door: Happy Hour is from 4pm to 7pm Monday through Friday: $1 off all pints (except Guinness), $1 off well drinks and house wine. Café Olé: Margarita Mondays with half-price house margaritas all day. Top Shelf Tuesdays with drinks starting at house price from 5pm to close. Wednesdays  $1 off most drinks from 4pm to close with valid 38104 license. Celtic Crossing: Happy Hour Monday through Friday 2pm to 7pm: $1 off all draft pints, bottled beer, wine specialty cocktails, and liquor (excluding top-shelf), buy one appetizer, get a second for half price Ciao Bella – (bar only) Happy Hour is Monday through Thursday 11am to 7pm and Sunday 4pm to 7pm: $2 off all draft beers, $1 off bottled beer, $1 off well liquors, $4 select red and white wines Corner Bar: Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 4pm to 7pm. Monday $3 special martinis, margaritas, and mojitos; Tuesday $3 selection beers and cocktails for $3; Wednesday discounts on select red and white wines; Thursday through Saturday: select wines, draft beer, spirits, and martinis for $5; Sundays $3 local draft beers The Cove: Happy Hour Monday-Sunday from 4pm to 7pm, cocktail and oysters specials, Dirty Crown Inn: Happy Hour specials Monday through Friday from 4pm to 7pm Dru’s Bar:Happy Hour all day Monday and Tuesday Earnestine & Hazel’s: Happy Hour Monday through Thursday, $1 off beer and burgers Ecco on Overton Park: Happy Hour Tuesday through Thursday, 4:30pm – 6:30pm select wine $6 a glass or $20 a bottle, house cocktails $7, well drinks $5, small plates $6-10 El Toro Loco: Happy Hour daily from 2pm to 10pm, margarita and draft beer specials Evelyn & Olive: Happy Hour Specials 4pm to 7pm. Guest House at Graceland: Happy Hour daily from 4pm to 6pm, $5 house wines, $4 drafts; Saturday: $15 beer buckets Happy Mexican: Daily Happy Hour from 3pm to 7pm: $3.79 small margaritas. Hard Rock Cafe: Happy Hour at the Bar Monday through Thursday from 4pm to 7pm $3 domestics plus $5 margaritas, select wines, and champagne cocktails. Huey’s: Memphis Happy Hour is from 4pm to 7pm every Monday through Friday. Most drinks are $0.75 off. Lafayette’s: Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 11am to 6pm, $1 off bottled beers, $3 domestic pints, $4 house wines, $5 wells LBOE: Tuesdays, $2,50 pints all day, Wednesdays $5 select liquors, $2 domestic bottles, half off all wines from 5pm to 10pm and $5 appetizers all day. Happy Hour Fridays until 8pm with $1 off well liquors, bottled beer and drafts. Weekends $3 select drafts and $3.50 Bloody Mary and Mimosa specials Local Gastropub: Happy Hour is Monday to Friday, 2pm – 7pm, $2 drafts, $3 well liquor and wine, $5 bar menu. Pint Night Wednesday 5pm to 3am, $3 (for most) pints Marciano Mediterranean & Italian: Happy Hour is Monday through Friday 4:30pm to 5:30 pm, specials on house wine and drinks Midtown Crossing Grill: Happy Hour weekdays from 4pm-8pm, domestic beer $2.50, well drinks $3. $2 draft beer on Mondays evenings Molly’s La Casita: Mondays: $5 La Casita Margaritas 11am to 10pm. Happy Hour: Tuesday through Friday 3pm to 8pm; Saturday 11am to 8pm. Mosa Asian Bistro: Happy Hour is 5pm to 7:30pm Tuesday through Thursday and Fridays from 5pm to 8:30pm Mulan Asian Bistro: Happy Hour 3pm to 6pm. Next Door American Eatery (inside Crosstown Concourse): Happy Hour from 3pm to 6pm daily. $3-5 snacks, $4 draft beers, $6 cocktails, late night half-price specials on select beer pitchers and wine bottles Patrick’s: Monday through Friday from 3pm to 7pm Red Koi: Early Bird & Happy Hours 4:30pm to 6pm: $1 off all domestic beer, $1 off all wine by the glass, $1 off all saké by the bottle, $5 all house martinis. Robata Ramen & Yakitori Bar: Monday through Thursday from 5pm to 7pm: half priced hot sake and 20 percent discount on select sakes. R.P. Tracks: Happy Hour everyday until 7pm: $1 off all beers, drafts, and well drinks. Sekisui: Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 4pm to 7pm: two-for-one hot sake. Side Street Grill: Memphis Happy Hour until 7pm: $3.50 select well drinks, draft beers, and house wines. The Silly Goose: Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 2pm to 8pm Silky Sullivan’s: Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 4pm to 7pm, discounts on domestic bottled beer and all draft beer and well drinks The Slider Inn: Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 4pm to 7pm: $1 off draft beers, domestic beers, well liquors, and house wines. South of Beale: Monday through Friday 3pm – 6pm: $2 off drafts, wells, wine and cocktails Strano: Happy Hour Tuesday through Friday from 5pm to 6:30pm, $3 well drinks, $4 draft beers, $5 house wines. Saturday and Sunday, bottomless mimosas until 2pm.   Swanky’s: Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 4pm to 7pm: $1 off beers, $4 margaritas, and $5 specialty drinks. Tamp and Tap: Happy Hour is 5pm to 8pm and every drink is $1 off. Terrace at the River Inn: Tequila Tuesdays with $7 tequila drinks; Champagne Thursdays $6 glasses; Three Guys Pizza Pies: Thursday domestic beer specials. Friday discounted pitchers Tug’s: Happy Hour daily from 3pm to 7pm, specials on wine, cocktails and domestic bottled beer UBEE’S: Fireball Friday. Saturday, changing drink specials every hour from 9pm to 10pm. Young Avenue Deli: Memphis Happy Hour is Monday to Friday from 4pm to 7pm, $1 off well drinks and domestic beers   Wine Specials Aldo’s Midtown: $1 off house red and white wines Monday through Friday from 3pm to 7pm Amerigo: Happy Hour every day with $5 house wines from 4pm to  6pm Automatic Slim’s: Wednesday half-price bottles of wine Bar Louie: $4.50 select wines from 4pm to 7pm Blind Bear Speakeasy: Monday through Friday from 3pm to 7pm: $5 Pepperwood Grove wines Blue Monkey: Wine Night Wednesday Bluefin: Sunday through Thursday 4pm to 6pm: $3 house wine Brass Door: $1 off house wine from 4pm to 7pm Monday through Friday Celtic Crossing: WIne Night Tuesdays from 5pm -close, $2 off every glass, $5 off bottles Ciao Bella: Half price select red and white wines Monday through Thursday from 11am – 7pm and Sundays from 4pm to 7pm Corner Bar (inside the Peabody): Wednesday discounts on select house red and white wines Ecco on Overton Park: Tuesday through Thursday, from 4:30pm  to 6:30pm, select wines are $6 a glass or $20 a bottle Guest House at Graceland: $5 house wines daily from 4pm to 6pm Hard Rock Cafe: Monday through Thursday from 4pm to 7 p.m, $5 select wines LBOE:Wednesdays half off all wines 5pm to 10pm Local Gastropub: Monday through Friday, 2pm to 7pm, $3 wine Next Door American Eatery: Late night half-price specials on select wine bottles Pyro’s Fire Fresh Pizza: Pyro’s doesn’t have a Happy Hour, but their glasses of wine are $5 Strano: $5 house wines Tuesday through Friday from 5pm to 6:30pm South of Beale:  Monday through Friday from 3pm to 6pm: $2 off glasses of wine   Martini Specials Automatic Slim’s: Mondays $4 martinis from 5pm to close. Thursdays $5 martinis for ladies, Fridays, half-price martinis from 4pm to 6pm Bar Louie: Monday through Friday from 4pm to 7pm $5.50 signature martinis The Cove: Saturdays, martini specials from 4pm to 7pm The Pumping Station: Thursday Martini Night $5 from 8pm to 10pm Red Koi: Happy Hours 4:30pm to 6pm: $5 all house martinis Silky O’Sullivan’s: Mondays $5 specialty martinis all day   Beer Busts, Pint Nights, Special Occasion Shooters, and Other Cheap Drinks Aldo’s Midtown: $3 draft beers on Monday nights, $3 drafts on Tuesdays nights for trivia players only Automatic Slim’s: Tuesdays $3 pint night Bar Louie: Monday through Friday from 4pm to 7pm $3.50 14-ounce draft beers Bayou Bar and Grill: Tuesday is Pint Night with $3 draft beers Bluefin: Sunday through Thursday 4pm to 6pm, $5 local drafts Blue Monkey: Pint Night Sunday and Monday   Boscos Squared: Monday through Friday from 3:30pm to 6:30pm, draft beers are $5.50 for a 16 oz. and $4.25 for a 10-ounce Brass Door: $1 off all pints except Guinness, 4pm to 7pm Monday through Friday Café Olé: Thursdays, $25 beer bongs from 5pm to close. Fridays, $10 Corona and Corona Light buckets all day and half-price small house margaritas from 4pm to 7pm. Celtic Crossing: Mondays 5pm to 3am all draft pints are $3 (It’s also pup night, so bring your pooch to chill on the patio), Thursdays, $4 draft pints from 6pm to close Ciao Bella, $2 off draft beer 11am to 7pm Monday through Thursday, Sundays from 4pm to 7pm Corner Bar:Sundays $3 local draft beers Dru’s Bar: $7 Beer Bust Thursdays East Tapas: Happy Hour Monday through Friday from 4:30 to 6:30: $1 off domestic beers and discounted wine by the glass. Flying Saucer: Pint Night Monday, $3 draft beers Green Beetle: Monday is Pint Night Guest House at Graceland: Saturday: $15 beer buckets Local Gastropub: Monday through Friday from 2pm to 7pm, $2 drafts; Pint Night Wednesday 5pm to 3am, $3 (for most) pints LBOE: Tuesdays, $2,50 pints all day; Fridays until 8pm $1 off bottled beer and drafts; Weekends $3 select drafts Midtown Crossing Grill: $2 draft beer on Mondays from 4pm to 8pm Next Door American Eatery: $4 draft beers from 3pm-6pm daily.and late night half-price specials on select beer pitchers Pumping Station: Beer Bust Fridays 10:30pm to 1am; Sunday Beer Bust until 8pm Silky Sullivan’s: Pint Night Sundays from 4pm to 10pm, $3 Miller Lite draft, $4 Dos Equis South of Beale: Pint Night Sunday and Wednesday with $3.50 drafts Strano: $4 draft beers Tuesday through Friday from 5pm-6:30pm Swanky’s: Monday through Friday from 4pm to 7pm: $1 off beers Three Guys Pizza Pies: Thursday domestic beer specials; Friday discounted pitchers TJ Mulligan’s: Pint Night is Tuesday with $2.50 pints; Saturdays $14 domestic buckets Check website for specials at each individual location Ubees: Wednesday Pint Night, Thursdays College Night Beer Bust starting at 8pm Young Avenue Deli: Pint Night is Wednesday starting at 7pm Ed. Note: You’ll want to buy a drink for contributor Aisling Maki, who worked to update this guide to Memphis happy hours with lots and lots of calls emails, and visits. Check out her other work here. If you are a restaurant or bar and you want to change your information or be added to the list, email me at [email protected] and be sure to use subject line “Memphis Happy Hours” so I can help you out! Please use that subject line, guys, it will really help me out in keeping this updated. Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout http://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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