#dr. mccoy at 47
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@subterraneanna originally posted this wonderful superimposition of young de’s face over middle aged de’s face (second photo). Bravo the creativity!
I had to show the original too cause he’s so beautiful in both.
God I love this man!
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positivelybeastly · 9 months
A Completely Unbiased and Totally Comprehensive Beast Reading List, Pt. 1
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As a member of the first class of X-Men, the intelligently gifted Dr. Hank McCoy has been fighting for the peaceful coexistence between mutants and humans for most of his life, under the tutelage of Professor Xavier. Born with an enhanced physique, strength, and muscular structure, he has adopted the name Beast.
Well, hello there, friends! Welcome to a completely unbiased, totally comprehensive, not at all too long reading list that aims to show you the story of everyone's favourite Beast, from start to finish!
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As one of the original X-Men, Beast features in almost every issue of the very first iteration of the team - but to put it bluntly, 60s X-Men sucks, and I want you to enjoy this character, so we're going to start with some aggressive curation.
X-Men Origins: Beast, by Mike Carey - a solo story that retells Hank's origins, including his pre-X-Men life, and an insight into his mindset, his relationship with humanity, and his first meeting with the X-Men. It also happens to have some rather lovely art, and a fantastic last page spread that expresses a lot of what makes Hank a brilliant character. X-Men: First Class, by Jeff Parker - a collection of mini-series that fill in the gaps between stories in the original run of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's X-Men, this run is extremely readable, and does a very good job of forming a cohesive characterisation of both Hank, the X-Men, and, particularly, Professor Xavier. You do not need to have any former knowledge of anything X-Men to read this run. Issues of Particular Note: (2006) #8; the meeting of Hank and Gorilla Man, who have a cute dynamic, and if you like Gorilla Man, you should read Agents of Atlas by Parker as well. (2007) #4; the foundation of Hank's friendship with Bobby Drake, aka Iceman. These two were thick as thieves all the way up until the late 00s. Giant-Sized Special; a collection of short fun little stories with varying art styles, featuring Hank on small solo adventures or in duos with the other X-Men. Finals #2; Hank deciding to leave the X-Men, and become his own man.
X-Men: Season One by Dennis Hopeless is a standalone graphic novel that aims to retell the early days of the X-Men from the perspective of Jean Grey, and features Hank fairly prominently. If you want to be more up to code on early X-Men history without dealing with issues of the 60s run, this would be a good place to do it.
And of course, Uncanny X-Men vol. 1. While I would not advise reading this run in its entirety, dipping your toe in to get some appreciation for what 60s comics were like and how far we've come isn't an awful idea. Issues of Particular Note: #7 Hank is momentarily abducted by a beatnik foot cult. No notes, this is just a funny situation that Hank ends up in. #8; one of the first instances of anti-mutant hysteria in an X-Men book, the first time Hank left the X-Men, and also the origin of his short career as a professional wrestler. #47; Hank and Bobby go on a double date with their girlfriends and get interrupted by superhero shenanigans.
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With Hank having now left the X-Men, he has a rendezvous with destiny, and while this is going to be a very short period on our reading list, it's a very formative one for young Hank.
Amazing Adventures #11-17, by Gerry Conway, Steve Englehart, and Arnold Drake. Honestly, just read this entire run - you basically get a very well contained story that delves into Hank at a very young age, and while this may be a series from the 1970s, it's actually surprisingly modern in its approach to Hank as a character. It's also interesting to see the introduction of a more horror/wolfman aspect to Hank's character, which is largely due to the contemporary popularity of Werewolf-by-Night. It all caps off with issue #17, which collects a number of back-up stories that originally came from Uncanny X-Men, that tell Hank's origin in its uncondensed form. If you started with Carey's Origins book, these story beats will be very familiar, but it's interesting to see what parts were cut and which were preserved.
A companion story that goes back and revisits this very interesting period of Hank's life can be found in X-Men Unlimited vol. 2 #10, as one of the two stories contained there. Sliding somewhere in between issues of Amazing Adventures, it provides a modern emotional context for Hank's transformation, and I feel obliged to warn you that this is a very heavy story. If stories about depression, radiation sickness, or familial death are triggering for you, approach with caution.
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As you may have noticed, Hank has now changed from grey to his more familiar blue! This is due to printing limitations of the time, where attempts to render black or grey often ended up producing a shade that looked closer to blue. But enough of that malarkey, let's talk about everyone's favourite Bouncing Baby Blue Beast!
Avengers vol. 1, by . . . so many writers, but the most significant include Jim Shooter, Gerry Conway, Steve Englehart, David Michelinie, Bill Mantlo, etc. As the first X-Man to cross teams, Hank made history, and he quickly settled in nicely to the bitchy, high octane, absolutely bonkers world of 70s Marvel. Among other things, this is where he forms lifelong friendships with Carol Danvers, Steve Rogers, and, perhaps most importantly, Simon Williams. Honestly, this entire run has its ups and downs, but I'd recommend reading it from start to finish, just because it's fun, and Hank is so much fun in it. If you're more used to buzzkill Beast from the modern era, you'll be shocked at just how much of a kind-hearted goof he is here. Although, maybe skip the Korvac Saga. Issues of Particular Note: #137, which features Hank's initial tryout for the Avengers, with some story beats that will have particular resonance if you read Amazing Adventures or X-Men Unlimited, recommended above. #141, which sees the beginning of the origins of Patsy Walker, who you might know better as Hellcat, and who will become an important part of our story later. #148, which sees Hank embrace his disguise gimmick - while pretty much abandoned from this point on, it was arguably never going to get better than the trick he pulls here. Avengers Annual #6, which sees the origins of Hank and Simon's wonder-ful relationship. Whether you read them as friends or more, it really is a ton of fun to see just how quickly they glom onto each other as partners. #160 digs a little deeper into Hank's dynamic on the Avengers, and, if you aren't doing a full readthrough, this provides an interesting perspective on what Hank brings to the team, which is paid off in #163 and #164. Can you guess what it is? Yep . . . sex symbol. This is the origin of Hank McCoy, original mutant fuck machine, baybeeee. #171 sees Hank speaking Latin, being kind of a shit to Ms. Marvel, and being called a slut by Thor, which is kind of amazing, tbh. But Hank then proceeds to disappear for a bit, dodging the really rather awful Korvac Saga, so if you want to read more about our boy, you can jump right ahead to #178, where they make up for his brief absence by psychologically torturing him! Yeah! Love it! Next big issue of note is #188, where the Avengers get political, Hank gets to hold Ms. Marvel's laser gatling gun backpack, and press his nose against a plane window like a small child (it's better than I'm making it sound)! #194 has Hank at his best, to be quite honest, and is an all around nice little slice of life, quiet issue for the Avengers, for those of you who miss such things in comics. #206 features Hank speaking every language he knows for an entire issue, on . . . well, honestly, not even a dare, he just does it. #209, meanwhile is . . . heavy. Trigger warnings for the Shoah, the Holocaust, concentration camps, and a lot of dark subject matter, but it does showcase Hank at arguably his most heroic and his most tender. And then, finally, we reach the end of Hank's tenure with the Avengers, at #211, where . . . well, honestly? He leaves because his boyfriend is leaving. There's no other way to interpret it, that's just the text. He'll of course join the Avengers again, and is always active as a reservist, but for now, he's to move on to greener, more defensive pastures. In between these appearances, it's also worth checking out the absolutely iconic Dark Phoenix Saga. If you think you know this story from the adaptations in X-Men 3 or Dark Phoenix, trust me, you don't - this is the real story, as it should always have been. Hank only joins in on the story in the last third, but if you ever doubted his commitment to the X-Men, his friends, or the ideals of justice, look no further. And guess what, it's just a damned good story, starting at Uncanny X-Men #129 and going on to #138.
Hank also makes guest appearances in Uncanny X-Men #111 to #114, where he first properly meets the second generation of X-Men, though as you'll see, it's far from the most orderly or normal of introductions. For those of you who don't know about Chris Claremont and his predilections, you will learn - great writer, absolutely fundamental to the X-Men, but . . . hoo boy.
That's what I've got for you for the moment! I will be adding the next sections as separate posts, so that this doesn't get too long - feel free to check back here, or just keep your eyes peeled in the Hank McCoy tag, so that you don't miss the next section, as we move into the 80s proper! Also, I may be adding new issues here and there, as I remember things, so check back if you want to hear more about Beast's early years!
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
The List of Predictions for OPM Webcomic Chapter 146
Thank you to everyone who has made a bet. I was hoping that in a great irony, ONE would have put up a continuation, but so far, so bad.
Here's the list! Keep your numbers safe, and we'll see what shakes out!
1 Dr Bofoi is already dead. Bonus: Genos gets framed for his death.
2 Who's ex-hero hunter ex-jobhunter Garou hunting now?
3Dr Kuseno is not dead (light edition): Saitama did take him to get medical care after all.
4 Dr Kuseno is not dead (dark edition): Destro and Erimin have done a touch of 'recovery' work
5 Overgrown Pochi remembers that he was a guard dog, hulks out and incinerates the invading robots. All 4 million of them.
6 Tatsumaki returns triumphant and not a moment too soon. Man, what would you guys do without her?
7 Blast finally deigns to show up in this version. Bonus: he meets Blue.
8 Metal Bat gets out of jail.
9 McCoy finally finds some ethics.
10 Turns out that Saitama did follow Genos after all.
11 Saitama goes home and arrives just in the nick of time. Bonus: Somehow King still gets the credit for destroying the robots invading the HA.
12 JOKER: ONE declares that he's ending the webcomic.
13 Webigaza is toast. :(
14 Watchdogman is finally no longer mysterious.
15 Tank Top Master puts on an extra tank top and wades back into battle.
16 Accel gets a reality check.
17 Dr Bofoi has some explaining to do.
18 Zenko is real!
19 Saitama saves the day. Somehow.
20 Lightning Max (and other wounded pro-heroes) find the tender mercies of the Neo Heroes to be far from tender.
21 King shows off his muscles!
22 What's Drive Knight up to?
23 Pig God and robots. Are they tasty?
24 Black Sperm discovers his inner Dimple.
25 Garou and Metal Bat meet for the first time. Bonus: they hit it off!
26 Genos finally has a showdown with his nemesis.
27 Zombieman comes back in style, showing us his hard-earned abilities.
28 Webigaza is saved! Phew! :)
29 Never mind the robot apocalypse, what about Flashy Flash versus the Abandoned Masses? Fight!
30 Saitama gets a new hero name at last!  Bonus: it's also naff.
31 My kingdom for a sword! Atomic and his disciples are back, all blazing fury and blades.
32 Darkshine finds his courage to fight.
33 Suiryu saves Suiko.
34 Mr. Fuzzy is pleased: this is all going according to plan.
35 Just because the suits aren't sold to you doesn't mean they're free: the Neo Heroes find out what their organisation really wants from them.
36 Mental health break: Saitama's cactus did survive after all!
37 JOKER: The OPM webcomic is set to be collected and commercially published as a spin off.
38 Saitama and Blue come to an agreement.
39 ONE is extra evil: time skip to the aftermath. How long can this man keep teasing us?
40 The Organization formally makes its demands.
41 The most reluctant hero in the world, Speed o' Sound Sonic, does something about the apocalypse.  Bonus: he rids the world of A.
42 Mr. Fuzzy never saw this turn of events coming.
43 For once, Flashy Flash gets to play the main character to his heart's content. He isn't, but let him have it. :)
44 We catch up with Child Emperor and find what he's realized.
45 Raiden gets humbled anew.
46 God cube, God cube, getcha God cubes right here! No bets on who has one or how they're using it.
47 Bang stops clipping his nails long enough to do something about the pesky robots. The HA really owes him one now.
48 Genos discovers the secret of strength. This one really should have been a joker, but I could only have two.
49 Puri Puri's infinite receptacle of love versus a thousand robots. Who wins?
50 Genos gives Dr. Kuseno the decent burial he deserves.
51 One small bright spot: all is well in City Q.
52 Amai Mask comes out of hiding to help.
53 The easiest bet: there is a giant fight between Genos and Metal Knight's robots.
54 We finally find out who the Rampaging Cyborg is.
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dougielombax · 1 year
Behold my anti-sex music playlist!
For music that just won’t work when you’re planning on doing it.
Not saying any of these songs are bad. Just that they won’t be good for sex.
In my mind…
Here they are:
1. Chumbawumba - Tubthumping.
2. Blarf - Banana
3. Eric Andre & the Last Seed - Beef Patty
4. Midge Ure - The Man Who Sold the World (OH NO. NOT ME)
5. The Serbian National Anthem! (Bože pravde) - by I Don’t Fucking Know. (Yes I’m serious)
6.Geometry Dash theme tune
7. My Country ‘Tis of Thee (Boston Pops version)
8. Peaches - Fuck the Pain Away
9. That FUCKING Pina Colada song!
10. Aerosmith - I Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing
11. Otis Redding - Shake
12. The Trashmen - Surfin’ Bird
13. Liberty Bell March - John Philip Sousa
14. That weird boingy Delaware version of the Dr Who theme what was only used once in the Australian broadcast of Carnival of Monsters.
15. Swans - She Loves Us
16. The Platters - My Prayer (for any David Lynch fans, if you know, YOU KNOW!)
17. Grieg - In the Hall of the Mountajn King (it HAS to be the Portsmouth sinfonia version)
18. Georg Friedrich Handel - Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah (also the Portsmouth Sinfonia version, ideal for maximum awkwardness)
19. 1800 Pain - Hurt
20. Weezer - Buddy Holly
21. ANYTHING by Nickelback (especially Photograph (LOOK AT THIS FUCKEN’ SHIT!) or Rockstar)
22. The Cure - Friday I’m in Love
23. Nine Inch Nails - Mr Self Destruct (only an animal could fuck to this!)
24. Hanggai - Drinking song (this is actually a fucking banger but still)
25. Jamie Christopherson - The Stains of Time (except every single lyric is AND IT WILL COME)
26. Babylon Zoo - Spaceman
27. Suede - Filmstar
28. Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart (on full blast)
29. Ligeti - Lux Aeterna (may induce existential crises)
30. Korngold - Theme from King’s Row
31. AJCW - Wonderland (very loud, this is some cosmic horror shit)
32. Girl Talk - Play Your Part (Pt 1.)
33. Akira Yamaoka - Black Fairy
34. Ludvig Forssell -204863
35. Bach - Chorale BWV 645 (slow instrumental organ/trombone version)
36. Akira Yamaoka - My Heaven
37. Kikagaku Moyo - Dripping Sun (the beat drop at the end is some next level shit)
38. Carpenter Brut - Le Perv
39. Dawn of the Dead - The Gonk
40. de Wolfe music - Lubricator
41. Wizzard - I Wish it could be Christmas Every Day
42. Venetian Snares - All the Children are Dead
43. Van McCoy - Do the Hustle
44. Roy Orbison - In Dreams (look, it’s a great tune, but still).
45. Smash Mouth - Walking on the Sun
46. Mansion Basement - Resident Evil Director’s Cut Soundtrack
47. Happy Days (as in the main theme tune from Happy Days!)
48. Exhumed - As Hammer to Anvil
49. Muddy Magnolias - American Woman (David Lynch Remix) (if you fuck to this then you are legally not a human, you are a CREATURE)
50. Sonny Terry - Old Lost John
51. Hanatarash - My Dad is Car (VERY LOUD!)
52. Clubbed to Death (instrumental)
53. Jerry Manolas - Midnight Dream
54. Guided by Voices - Game of Pricks
55. Ludvig Forssell - Death Stranding theme tune
56. Glenn Miller - In the Mood
57. Venetian Snares - Winnipeg is Fucking Over
58. BJ Thomas - Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head.
59. Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff
60. Huun Huur Tu - Eerbek Aksy
61. Whitney Houston - I'm Your Baby Tonight
62. Mussorgsky - The Great Gate of Kiev
63. Low Roar - Give Up
64. Ludwig Van Beethoven - Rage Over a Lost Penny
65. Neon Indian - Slumlord’s Release
66. The Caretaker - All You are Going to want to Do is Get Back There.
67. Horace Heidt - This Time It’s Real (instrumental - slowed down)
68. BluntedBeatz - I Am
69. Eddie Vedder - Out of Sand
70. Olga Wojciechowska - Remember When the Light Came (unfortunately I can’t find it ANYWHERE!)
71. Blarf - The Me in Me
72. Chuck Person - Lightning Strikes
73. Polkas y Huapangos - Los Dos Laredos. (Pretty sure you legally CANNOT fuck to this)
74. Tom Jones - What’s New Pussycat (VERY LOUDLY)
75. Merzbow - Ultramarine Blue
76. Fool’s Garden - Lemon Tree (I NEED Wes Anderson to use this song in his next film! FIND A WAY to get him to do it!)
77. Big Brother Theme Tune
78. Fanfare Vagabontu - Batuta Din Moldova
79. Lvovsky - Now the Powers of Heaven
80. Tuvan Ensemble - Arbyn Ossun
81. Weird Al - EBay song
82. Marathon 2 main theme (I mean come ON!)
83. Electric Light Orchestra - Mr Blue Sky (SHUT UP!!!!)
84. My Chemical Romance- Famous Last Words
85. Van Halen - Panama
86. Powermad - Slaughterhouse
87. Bjork - It’s Oh so Quiet
88. Sigur Rós - Hoppípolla
89. Richard Strauss - Zueignung (specifically the version performed by Jessye Norman (RIP))
90. Apollo 100 - Joy (especially if you speed it up)
91. Carol Anne McGowan - Sycamore Trees (look it’s beautiful but you cannot fuck to it!)
92. Brian Eno - Weightless
93. Jean Sibelius - Symphony no 2.
94. Handel - Hallelujah Chorus (as performed by the Portsmouth Sinfonia)
95. The White Buffalo - I Know You (it’s a great piece of music but it’s really depressing)
96. Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe
97. Men Without Hats - The Safety Dance
98. Blink 182 - I Miss You. (WHERE ARE YEEEEEEEW)
99. Francis Stanfield - O Sacred Heart. (Yes I know it’s a Catholic hymn! That’s the point!)
100. Surasshu - The Penis (Eek!)
101. Non Phixion - The CIA is Trying to Kill Me
102. All-American Rejects - Move Along (SHUT UP! It’s a good song but come on)
103. Big Data - Bombs Over Brooklyn (their curiosity for learning has skyrocketed)
104. Adam & the Ants - Stand and Deliver
105. Animal Collective - Derek
106. Ludwig Van Beethoven. Symphony no. 5. Movement 1.
107. Hong Kong 97 Soundtrack - I Love Beijing Tiananmen.
108. Mr Bean animated series theme tune (piano, obviously).
109. John Williams - The Immolation Scene. (From the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith soundtrack)
110. Ludwig Van Beethoven. Again. - Ode to Joy. Symphony no 9. Movement 4.
111. Vague003 - Tonight
112. Tchaikovsky - Serenade for Strings in C Major Op. 48.
113. Old Gods of Asgard - Take Control
114. Zbigniew Preisner - Lacrimosa, Day of Tears
115. AJCW - Fog Horm
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butterflyslinky · 2 years
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Results from Round 3 are in and the current standings are above!
In the first bracket, Julian Bashir was declared the most babygirl of doctors as he swept Dr. McCoy with 71%-29% of 154 votes. Similarly, Spock was declared the most babygirl Vulcan, beating out Tuvok with 79%-21% of 56 votes. Dr. Bashir and Spock will move on to battle it out in the quarter-finals tomorrow, February 21.
In the second bracket, Quark declared a decisive victory over Beverly Crusher with 75%-25% of 638 votes; the general agreement is that Dr. Crusher is, in fact, a MILF and not a babygirl. However, the match between Chekov and Kira ended in a draw after 114 votes. By popular vote, the two of them will team up against Quark in the quarter-finals on February 22.
In the third bracket, Sulu swept Captain Janeway 69%-31% of 313 votes. Similar to Dr. Crusher, it was determined that Captain Janeway is a girlboss and not a babygirl. Meanwhile, Uhura won out over Scotty with 67%-33% of 75 votes. Sulu and Uhura's quarter-final match will be held February 23.
And in the final bracket, Jadzia Dax gained a narrow victory over her husband Worf with 53%-47% of 47 votes, which is just as well since Jadzia is Worf's own babygirl. Meanwhile, Captain Kirk also gained a narrow victory over Geordi La Forge with 55%-45% of 58 votes. The quarter-final between Dax and Kirk will be held February 24.
That's all for now. Remember to reblog polls if possible to ensure a good sample size for the voting.
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talentondemandnow · 2 years
Leaders are held to a higher standard.
As an Alumni, I have a great deal of concern over the lack of leadership over the past 12+ years at Liberty University. Jerry Prevo and the entire board knew something was tremendously wrong in the behaviors of Jerry Falwell Jr., yet only one board member had the courage to resign. That person was Mark DeMoss.
Dr. Jerry Falwell Senior used to say the following, relentlessly in chapel when I was a student, 1976-1980.
"Everything rises and falls on leadership."
The fact that the bored ignored red flags including massive hotel bills, jet plane and travel expenses to begin with, has cost LU in huge ways. The Trust of LU is now gone. This could have been prevented.
The entire board and Prevo need to resign and be replaced.
Donors are watching.
Rich Cook
BruceandCindy McCoy
Liberty University Alumni Network
Liberty University Friends
Liberty University
Liberty University Online Programs
Liberty Flames
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clingtomefic · 4 months
Billboard Top 100 Songs Of The 90's:
1- ONE SWEET DAY - Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men (95-96)
2- MACARENA - Los Del Rio (95 & 96)
3- I'LL MAKE LOVE TO YOU - Boyz II Men (94-95)
4- UN-BREAK MY HEART - Toni Braxton (96-97)
THE WAY YOU LOOK TONIGHT - Elton John (97-98)
6- END OF THE ROAD - Boyz II Men (92)
7- I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU - Whitney Houston (92-93)
8- THE BOY IS MINE - Brandy & Monica (98)
9- I SWEAR - All 4 One (94)
10- I'LL BE MISSING YOU - Puff Daddy, Faith Evans & 112 (97)
11- THE SIGN - Ace Of Base (94)
12- HOW DO I LIVE - LeAnn Rimes (97-98)
13- GANGSTA'S PARADISE - Coolio featuring L.V. (95-96)
14- ON BENDED KNEE - Boyz II Men (94-95)
15- FANTASY - Mariah Carey (95-96)
16- TOO CLOSE - Next (98)
17- THAT'S THE WAY LOVE GOES - Janet Jackson (93)
18- BECAUSE YOU LOVED ME - Celine Dion (96)
20- DREAMLOVER - Mariah Carey (93)
21- CREEP - TLC (95)
23- JUMP - Kris Kross (92)
24- TAKE A BOW - Madonna (95)
25- THA CROSSROADS - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony (96)
26- THE FIRST NIGHT - Monica (98)
& Mase (97)
28- INFORMER - Snow (93)
29- THIS IS HOW WE DO IT - Montell Jordan (95)
30- BABY GOT BACK - Sir Mix-A-Lot (92)
31- BELIEVE - Cher (99)
32- FREAK ME - Silk (93)
33- NO SCRUBS - TLC (99)
34- YOU'RE STILL THE ONE - Shania Twain (98)
35- WANNABE - Spice Girls (97)
36- NO DIGGITY - BLACKstreet & Dr. Dre (96-97)
37- (EVERYTHING I DO) I DO IT FOR YOU - Bryan Adams (91)
38- LIVIN' LA VIDA LOCA - Ricky Martin (99)
39- BLACK OR WHITE - Michael Jackson (91-92)
DO THAT) - Meat Loaf (93-94)
41- • SMOOTH - Santana & Rob Thomas (99-00)
42- STAY (I MISSED YOU) - Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories (94)
43- GENIE IN A BOTTLE - Christina Aguilera (99)
44- WHOOMP! (THERE IT IS) - Tag Team (93-94)
45- YOU MAKE ME WANNA.... - Usher (97-98)
46- IF YOU HAD MY LOVE - Jennifer Lopez (99)
47- SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST - Vanessa Williams (92)
48- THE POWER OF LOVE - Celine Dion (94)
49- ALWAYS BE MY BABY - Mariah Carey (96)
50- I'M YOUR ANGEL - R. Kelly & Celine Dion (98-99)
51- ANOTHER NIGHT - Real McCoy (94-95)
52- EXHALE (SHOOP SHOOP) - Whitney Houston (95-96)
53- HERO - Mariah Carey (93-94)
A WOMAN? - Bryan Adams (95)
55- BUMP N' GRIND - R. Kelly (94)
56- AGAIN - Janet Jackson (93-94)
57- MMMBOP - Hanson (97)
58- KISS FROM A ROSE - Seal (95)
59- WEAK - S W V (93)
60- NOBODY'S SUPPOSED TO BE HERE - Deborah Cox (98-99)
61- NOBODY KNOWS - Tony Rich Project (96)
62- ANGEL OF MINE - Monica (99)
63- TRULY MADLY DEEPLY - Savage Garden (98)
64- RUSH RUSH - Paula Abdul (91)
65- HERE COMES THE HOTSTEPPER - Ini Kamoze (94-95)
66- IF I EVER FALL IN LOVE - Shai (92-93)
/ LET IT FLOW - Toni Braxton (96-97)
69- ALL FOR LOVE - Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart, Sting (94)
70- ALL THAT SHE WANTS - Ace Of Base (93-94)
71- I LOVE YOU ALWAYS FOREVER - Donna Lewis (96-97)
73- I DON'T WANT TO MISS A THING - Aerosmith (98)
74- TOGETHER AGAIN - Janet (98)
75- NICE & SLOW - Usher (98)
76- • UNPRETTY - TLC (99)
77- IT'S ALL COMING BACK TO ME NOW - Celine Dion (96-97)
78- ...BABY ONE MORE TIME - Britney Spears (99)
79- I'M TOO SEXY - Right Said Fred (92)
81- MY WAY - Usher (98)
82- NOTHING COMPARES 2 U - Sinead O'Connor (90)
83- DON'T LET GO (LOVE) - En Vogue (97)
84- LATELY - Divine (98-99)
85- MO MONEY MO PROBLEMS - Notorious B.I.G.,
Puff Daddy & Mase (97-98)
86- QUIT PLAYING GAMES (WITH MY HEART) - Backstreet Boys (97-98)
87- I BELIEVE I CAN FLY - R. Kelly (97)
88- HYPNOTIZE - Notorious B.I.G. (97)
89- TWISTED - Keith Sweat (96-97)
90- TO BE WITH YOU - Mr. Big (92)
91- VISION OF LOVE - Mariah Carey (90)
92- RUMP SHAKER - Wreckx-N-Effect (92-93)
93- VOGUE - Madonna (90)
94- ALL 4 LOVE - Color Me Badd (91-92)
95- NUTHIN' BUT A "G" THANG - Dr. Dre (93)
96- I'LL BE THERE - Mariah Carey (92)
/ CALIFORNIA LOVE - 2 Pac, K-Ci & JoJo (96)
98- ALL MY LIFE - K-Ci & JoJo (98)
99- MY ALL - Mariah Carey (98)
100- RETURN OF THE MACK - Mark Morrison (97)
0 notes
ninewheels · 3 years
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X-MEN in other media (TV, films, video game cinematics) Characters By Screen Time
James “Logan” Howlett / Wolverine - 996:30 Scott Summers / Cyclops - 517:15 Professor Charles Xavier / Professor X - 514:45 David Haller / Legion - 443:30 Dr. Henry “Hank” McCoy / Beast - 361:30 Jean Grey / Phoenix - 350 Anna Marie / Rogue - 305:15 Ororo Munroe / Storm - 276:45
Sydney Barrett - 269 Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto - 261 Reed Strucker - 199:15 Kitty Pryde / Shadowcat - 198:15 Kurt Wagner / Nightcrawler - 195:30 Dr. Caitlin Strucker - 194:45 Lorna Dane / Polaris - 193:15 Marcos Diaz / Eclipse - 183:15 John Proudstar / Thunderbird - 175 Raven Darkholme / Mystique - 174:15 Emma Frost / White Queen - 172 Lauren Strucker - 166:15 Wade Wilson / Deadpool - 156:30 Andy Strucker - 148 Clarice Ferguson / Blink - 144:15 Jubilation Lee / Jubilee - 138:45 Remy LeBeau / Gambit - 133:30 Amahl Farouk / Shadow King - 125:30 Jace Turner - 103:15 Cary Loudermilk - 98 Dr. Melanie Bird - 96 Piotr Rasputin / Colossus - 83:15 Kerry Loudermilk - 80 Ptonomy Wallace - 75:45 Bobby Drake / Iceman - 73:30 The Stepford Cuckoos* - 71:15 Evan Daniels / Spyke - 69:30 Victor Creed / Sabretooth - 69:15 Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver - 68:45 Lenny Busker - 68:30 Dr. Oliver Bird - 66:15 Dr. Moira MacTaggert** - 65:45 Hisako Ichiki / Armor - 65:45 Yukio - 61:15 En Sabah Nur / Apocalypse - 55:45 Mortimer Toynbee / Toad - 55:15 Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch - 53:45 Warren Worthington III / Angel - 54 Lucas Bishop - 53:30 Clark DeBussy - 52:15 Dominic Petros / Avalanche - 51:30 Switch - 49:30 Mariko Yashida - 47:30 Fred J. Dukes / Blob - 47:15 Nathan Summers / Cable - 47 Laura Kinney / X-23 - 45 Gabrielle Haller - 44 Dani Moonstar / Mirage - 43 Reeva Payge - 40 Samuel Guthrie / Cannonball - 38:45 Amy Haller - 38:15 Alex Summers / Havok - 37:15 Forge - 34 Sean Cassidy / Banshee - 32:30 Cain Marko / Juggernaut - 32:30 Nathaniel Essex / Mr. Sinister - 31:30 William Stryker - 31:15 Arkady Rossovitch / Omega Red - 30:30 Sebastian Shaw / Black King - 30:15*** Senator Robert Kelly - 30 Rahne Sinclair / Wolfsbane - 28:30 Sonia Simonson / Dreamer - 28:15 Tabitha Smith / Boom Boom - 27:45 Erg - 27:45 Amara Aquilla / Magma - 27:15 St. John Allerdyce / Pyro - 25:45 Angelo Espinosa / Skin - 25:15 Roberto Da Costa / Sunspot - 25 Shingen Yashida - 25 Abigail Brand - 24:45 Illyana Rasputin / Magik - 23:15 Jason Wyngarde / Mastermind - 23:15 Dr. Roderick Campbell - 23 Kevin Sydney / Changeling/Morph - 22:30 Neena Thurmon / Domino - 21:15 Kevin MacTaggert / Proteus - 21:15** Hideki Kurohagi - 20:45 Bolivar Trask - 20:15 Russell Tresh - 20 Danger - 19:15 Koh - 17:45 Caliban - 17:30 Tessa / Sage - 17:15 Yuriko Oyama / Lady Deathstrike - 17 Walter - 16:30 Donald Pierce - 15:15 Mojo - 15 Ichiro Yashida - 14:45 Kikyo Mikage - 14:45 Empress Lilandra Neramani - 14:30 Fabian Cortez - 14:30 Dr. Cecilia Reyes - 14:30 Silver Fox - 14  Christopher Summers / Corsair - 14 Sauron - 14 Betsy Braddock / Psylocke - 13:45 Jamie Madrox / Multiple Man - 13:30 Min - 13:30 Sarah / Marrow - 12:45 Ray Crisp / Berzerker - 12:45 Kenuichio Harada / Silver Samurai - 12:30 Vuk - 12 Ord of the Breakworld - 11:45 Ellie Phemister / Negasonic Teenage Warhead - 11:30*** Warlock - 11:30 Callisto - 11 Christoph Nord / Maverick/Agent Zero - 11 Shard - 11 Glow Worm - 10:45 Warren Worthington II - 10:30 Nick Fury - 10:15 Spiral - 10:15 Graydon Creed - 10:15 Vadhaka - 10:15 Longshot - 10 Ka-Zar - 10 Arkon - 10 Jimmy / Leech - 9 Steve Rogers / Captain America - 8:15 Vincent / Mesmero - 8:15 Lockheed - 8 Peter Gyrich - 8 Amelia Voght - 7:30 Dr. Kavita Rao - 7:30 Kruun - 7:30 Kallark / Gladiator - 7:15 Shakari - 7:15 Shatter - 7 Mondo - 7 Dr. Abraham Cornelius - 6:45 Cameron Hodge - 6:45 The Phalanx - 6:15 Aghanne - 6:15 Philippa Sontag / Arclight - 6 D’Ken - 6 Vertigo - 5:45 Julian Keller / Hellion - 5:45 Cassandra Nova - 5:30 Fade - 5:30 Edward Tancredi / Wing - 5:15 Solar - 5:15 Monet St. Croix / M - 5 John Grey - 4:45 Samuel Paré / Squidboy - 4:45 Selene Gallio - 4:30 Alison Blair / Dazzler - 4:15 Nimrod - 4:15 Zaladane - 4:15 Heather Hudson - 4:15 John Wraith - 4:15 Black Tom Cassidy - 4 Zebediah Killgrave - 4 Harry Leland - 3:45 James Hudson / Vindicator - 3:45 Immortus / “Bender” - 3:45 Arcade - 3:45 Annalee - 3:45 Megan Gwynne / Pixie - 3:30 High Evolutionary - 3:30 Master Mold - 3:30 Trevor Fitzroy - 3:30 Gorgeous George - 3:30 Shiro Yoshida / Sunfire - 3:15 Vanisher - 3:15 Ape - 3:15 Mark Hallett / Sunder - 3 Zabu - 3 Ruckus - 3 Hairbag - 3 Slab - 3 Tildie Soames - 3 Ruth Aldine / Blindfold - 2:45 Bella Donna Boudreaux - 2:45 Bantam - 2:45 Irene Adler / Destiny - 2:30 Sebastion Gilberti / Bastion - 2:30 Dr. Carol Hines - 2:15 Garrok - 2 Hepzibah - 2 Agatha Harkness - 2 Cal’syee Neramani / Deathbird - 1:45 James Proudstar / Warpath - 1:30 Sooraya Qadir / Dust - 1:30 Guido Carosella / Strong Guy - 1:30 Elaine Grey - 1:15 Jean-Paul Beaubier / Northstar - 1:15 Dr. Michael Twoyoungmen / Shaman - 1:15 Jeanne-Marie Beaubier / Aurora - 1 Walter Langkowski / Sasquatch - 1
* Sometimes it’s not possible to tell which of the sisters are on screen in any given shot, so I’m just making one calculation for when any of them are on screen. I don’t like it, but it’s the best accurate option I have. ** Includes the Sasaki characters from the anime. Yui is just Moira with a different name, and Takeo is somewhat David but more Kevin, so I’m counting him towards Kevin. *** Includes their appearances as illusions in Emma’s mind in Astonishing X-Men.
IMDB listing
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Post Tenebras Lux
PART 47 ~ Scotty
His heart skipped a beat when the doctor greeted him back and Scotty could feel his face getting hot.
What should he do next? Well… he had just wanted to be polite so there was nothing more to do, right? But he really wanted to talk to that man.
And someone else had noticed the doctor too obviously.
Scotty’s body froze and he looked at Keenser who had turned around to look at the man before turning back. Was that a smirk on his face?
“I… Wha-“
The engineer honestly didn’t know what to respond to that. But what he did know was that he was certainly blushing even more.
Scotty narrowed his eyes in confusion.
“I can’nae do that! I’m in a relationship in case ye forgot!”, he hissed and his friend just rolled his eyes.
The Scotsman was well aware that Keenser didn’t like Khan very much despite him trying to hide it. He found him ‘reserved’. Khan wasn’t though! He was just… careful who he trusted. Because he didn’t want them to get hurt.
“And I love him very much.”
Scotty was glad when Jim arrived with his sandwich and tea and Keenser’s coffee. The wee man didn’t eat too much. A good cup of coffee was enough to keep him satisfied.
“Thanks, Jimbo.”
“You’re welcome, Scotty.”
Jim sat down beside him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
“So… I’ve seen ya looking at the hot guy over there. Wanna know more about him?”
The heat was back again and Scott looked away. What was Jim up to?
“I have a boyfriend,” the Scotsman muttered but Jim just chuckled.
“Now that may be a reason but not an obstacle.”
Scotty shoved the owner’s arm off his shoulder and looked at both, Jim and Keenser.
“Come on, laddies! Can I just enjoy my meal in silence?”
This was embarrassing. They were behaving like teens. And Scotty wasn’t ready to admit that he really would have loved to have more information.
He glanced over at Dr. McCoy, hoping that his face wasn’t red like a tomato.
PART 48 ~ McCoy
McCoy missed the look that passed between Jim and Christine. If he had seen it, he would have been suspicious of their conspiring faces.
“Wanna order?” Jim asked.
McCoy pried his eyes from the Scotsman and looked up.
“I want the turkey wrap,” Christine said. “And I think Leo wants that Scotsman.” She grinned and so did Jim.
McCoy’s head whipped around and scowled at the nurse.
“Alright, one turkey wrap, one Scotsman,” Jim replied.
“I’ll murder you both. It’ll look like an accident,” McCoy muttered. “Two turkey wraps,” he said aloud.
“Coming up,” Jim said as he walked away.
“Did you not hear me say he has a boyfriend?” McCoy asked Christine.
“So? Win him over,” she shrugged. “You’re tall, dark and handsome and a doctor. You should have hordes falling at your feet.”
McCoy pulled her coffee cup close.
“Did Jim slip something in there?”
Christine pulled it back.
“I’m not a home wrecker Chris,” McCoy said sullenly. But he knew, he’d wreck that home in an instant to make sure Mr. Scott was safe.
“Little flirting never hurt anyone,” she said lightly.
McCoy grumbled and took a drink from his coffee.
“What is that jackass doing now?” he said as he noticed Jim sit down with an arm around Mr. Scott. Jim appeared to gesture slightly towards where he and Christine were sitting.
Whatever he said to Mr. Scott had made his cheeks color. McCoy turned back to see Christine grinning again.
“I think he likes you too,” she whispered. “He looked over here again and he’s blushing.”
McCoy did not want to admit how that made his pulse race. Would that be all it took? A little bit of flirting? A glance, an eye caught, a smile?
No. He knew as much as he longed for it, he couldn’t make a first move. There was no move to make. The man was unavailable. McCoy had meant what he said to Christine. He would not and could not be the ‘other person’ in someone else’s relationship.
He glanced over again and saw Jim get up. Christine was right, Mr. Scott’s face was flushed. But that didn’t mean it was about him. McCoy sighed quietly.
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artistiqued · 3 years
quick little mobile muse list until i can get a carrd up. see under the cut   !
𝙿𝚁𝙸𝙼𝙰𝚁𝚈 bill denbrough   —   stephen king’s it. best selling author. 30s. pansexual. christian   —   moulin rouge. penniless writer. late 20s. bisexual. deputy so   &   so   —   sinister films. private investigator. 30s. bisexual. dr. horrible   —   dr. horrible's sing a long blog. aspiring villain.  late 20s-30s. bisexual. eddie brock   —   venom. journalist. 30s. pansexual. gillian owens   —   practical magic. witch. 30s. lesbian. giselle   —   enchanted. fashion designer. 30s. bisexual. the priest   —   fleabag. catholic priest. 30s. bisexual. jamie   —   haunting of bly manor. groundskeeper. late 20s+. lesbian. jim kirk   —   star trek. captain of the enterprise.  late 20s-30s. bisexual. john constantine   —   constantine   /   hellblazer. occult detective. 30s. bisexual. juan   '   alvie   '   alvarez   —   house md. rapper. late 20s. bisexual. l lawliet   —   death note. detective. 20s. demisexual. leonard mccoy   —   star trek. starfleet medical officer. 30s. bisexual. mako mori   —   pacific rim. jaeger pilot   /   marshal. 20s-30s. bisexual. ned the pie-maker   —   pushing daisies. necromancer. 28. bisexual. river barkley   —   the politician. student   /   aspiring actor. 18. bisexual. theodora crain   —   haunting of hill house. child psychologist. 30s. lesbian. zed martin   —   constantine   /   hellblazer. psychic   /   artist. 30s. bisexual. 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝙾𝙽𝙳𝙰𝚁𝚈 hermann gottlieb   —   pacific rim. k - science officer. 30s. homosexual. joe o'hara   —   the halcyon. american radio broadcaster. 30s. bisexual. orpheus   —   hadestown   /   myth. poor boy with a song. 20s. bisexual. vanya hargreeves   —   umbrella academy. violinist. 30s. lesbian.   (   on hold.   ). 𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚃𝙸𝙰𝚁𝚈 caleb covington   —   julie   &   the phantoms. magician. unknown. homosexual. chas chandler   —   constantine   /   hellblazer. driver   /   has 47 lives. 30s. bisexual. eudora patch   —   umbrella academy. private investigator. 30s. bisexual. milo dean   —   skeleton twins. aspiring actor. 30s. homosexual. newt scamander   —   fantastic beasts. magizoologist. 30s. demisexual. 𝙿𝚁𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴   /   𝙱𝚈 𝚁𝙴𝚀𝚄𝙴𝚂𝚃 alex claremont diaz   —   red   ,   white   &   royal blue. FSOTUS. 20s. bisexual. boris pavlikovsky   —   the goldfinch. small business owner thief. 20s. homosexual. 𝚃𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶 beetlejuice   —   beetlejuice. bio - exorcist. unknown. bisexual. lydia deetz   —   beetlejuice. aspiring photographer. 16. lesbian.
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Fanfic idea crossover ships
Tony Stark/
Bruce Wayne (BvS)
William Lennox (Transformers Movies)
Danny Ocean (Ocean’s Movies)
John Wick (John Wick Movies)
Ethan Hunt (Mission Impossible)
Jason Bourne (Bourne Series)
James Bond (Bond Movies)
Harry “Gallahad” Hart (Kingsman Movies)
Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek Series)
Agent 47 (Hitman: Agent 47 Movies)
Adrian Griffin [Good Version] (The Invisible Man Remake)
Artemis Fowl I (Artemis Fowl Movie)
Daniel Dreiberg AKA Nite Owl II (Watchmen)
Duke (G.I. Joe Movies)
Jon Osterman AKA Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen)
Mark Watney (The Martian)
Dom Cobb (Inception)
Dorian Gray (Dorian Gray)
Owen Grady (Jurassic World)
Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them) ?
T.V. Series:
Jacob Kane (Batwoman)
The Dark King [Good Version] (The Magicians)
Eliot Waugh (The Magicians)
Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
Fox Mulder (X-Files)
Oliver Queen AKA Green Arrow (DCEU)
James Gordon (Gotham)
Jack Bauer (24)
Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) ?
Sylar (Heroes)
Peter Parker/
Simon Spier (Love, Simon)
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson Series)
Gary “Eggsy” Unwin (Kingsman Movies)
Elio Perlman (Call Me By Your Name)
Sam Witwickey (Transformers Movies)
John Bender (The Breakfast Club)
Ender Wiggin (Ender’s Game)
Romeo Montague (Romeo & Juliet)
Harry Potter (Harry Potter Series)
Augustus Waters (The Fault In Our Stars)
Patrick Verona (10 Things I Hate About You)
Jason J.D. Dean (Heathers)
Baby (Baby Driver)
T.V. Series:
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Julian Spitzer (Mrs. Fletcher)
Jim Lake Jr. (Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia)
Nicholas Scratch [Good Version] (The Chilling Adventures Sabrina)
Five Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy)
Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Tim Drake (DCEU)
Blaine Anderson (Glee)
Elliot Aderson (Mr. Robot)
Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls)
Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl)
Lip Gallager (Shameless)
Mickey Milkovich (Shameless)
Michael Guerin (Roswell New Mexico)
Alex Manes (Roswell New Mexico)
Ianto Jones/
Will Lennox (Transformers Movies)
James Bond (Bond Movies)
Clint Barton AKA Hawkeye (MCU Film)
Quicksilver (MCU Film)
Owen Grady (Jurassic World)
T.V. Series:
Sylar (Heroes)
Fox Mulder (X-Files)
Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)
John Constantine (DCEU)
Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer)
Other Crossover Pairing:
Anthony Dinozzo/Nikita Mears
Arthur Curry AKA Aquaman/ Thor
Clark Kent AKA Superman/ Steve Roger AKA Captain America
Spencer Ried (Criminal Minds)/ Timothy McGee (NCIS)
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #202
Thur Aug 29 2019 [11:35 PM] Wack'd: So this issue opens with the arrival of Tony Stark! [11:35 PM] Wack'd: He's real mad they made him pay their cab fare! [11:35 PM] Wack'd: Yeah, I'm just kidding, he's here to look into why the Baxter went nuts in #201 [11:38 PM] Wack'd: He smashes through a window and that's all it takes to provoke a superhero brawl these days I guess [11:38 PM] maxwellelvis: Oh right, this must still be back when he was pretending Iron Man was a guy who worked for him. [11:39 PM] maxwellelvis: Man, "Demon in the Bottle" IS still a ways off, isn't it? [11:39 PM] Bocaj: I want an issue of Iron Man that’s just a montage of all the times people have told someone to bill Tony Stark [11:39 PM] Wack'd: Look, it's not like he can't afford it [11:39 PM] Bocaj: Yes [11:39 PM] Bocaj: That’s why it’s funny [11:39 PM] Bocaj: If everyone were billing spider man it’d be sad [11:40 PM] Wack'd: True [11:40 PM] Wack'd: Credit to Janice Cohen for some surprisingly dynamic colors
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[11:41 PM] Bocaj: (There was actually an issue of avengers where some lawyers from the Maria stark foundation had to come by and question some of the “bill it to Tony Stark!” charges the Avengers were making) [11:41 PM] Wack'd: No credit to Marv Wolfman for what has to be the quickest Sue's force fields have ever been rendered useless [11:41 PM] Bocaj: (Including two quinjets on the same day) [11:42 PM] Bocaj: Dammit wolfman [11:42 PM] Wack'd: So uh [11:42 PM] Wack'd: Apparently this is not just the playful playfighting the Four are known for [11:43 PM] Wack'd: Uh
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[11:43 PM] Wack'd: Uuuuuuhhhhhh
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[11:44 PM] maxwellelvis: Umm... [11:44 PM] maxwellelvis: First off, I'm pretty sure Collins was kidding, Reed. [11:44 PM] maxwellelvis: I don't think he expected you to actually strap rockets to your suite. [11:44 PM] Wack'd: I guess it makes sense Collins would think shooting these top five floors into space would be a good idea if he never expected to make money on them without the Four living there [11:45 PM] maxwellelvis: Anyways, this is looking really bad for Iron Man because he doesn't even have an AI to blame for this. [11:46 PM] Wack'd: Wait, Stark hasn't told you guys about his secret identity?
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[11:46 PM] Wack'd: Jerk! Reed and Sue invited you to their wedding! [11:47 PM] maxwellelvis: He told nobody about this until his personal demons forced his hand. [11:47 PM] maxwellelvis: That's how Rhodey got started being a superhero; [11:47 PM] Wack'd: I'd been assuming superhero quid-pro-quo with everyone besides Spider-Man, honestly [11:47 PM] maxwellelvis: he filled in as Iron Man while Tony was battling his inner demons. [11:47 PM] Bocaj: It’s honestly weird how long Tony had a secret identity [11:47 PM] Wack'd: Don't the Avengers all live together in a fucking mansion? [11:47 PM] Bocaj: Yes [11:48 PM] maxwellelvis: The ones Iron Man was originally part of didn't. [11:48 PM] Wack'd: Do they just never take their costumes off? [11:48 PM] maxwellelvis: That's probably changed since then, though. [11:48 PM] Bocaj: Half of the avengers don’t bother with secret identities [11:48 PM] Wack'd: Reed explicitly refers to Iron Man as an Avenger in this issue btw [11:49 PM] Bocaj: When Beast joined and revealed he was Hank McCoy Thor was like whoa buddy you don’t got to reveal that and Beast was like my dude I’m a blue furry man [11:49 PM] maxwellelvis: The Wasp has never bothered with any sort of mask, so that means Ant-Man's identity was kind of an open secret. [11:49 PM] maxwellelvis: Thor kept his identity secret, as did Iron Man. [11:49 PM] maxwellelvis: Nobody knew that the Hulk was Dr. David Banner except for Rick in those days. [11:49 PM] Bocaj: The two of them revealed their id’s when they rejoined post kooky quartet [11:49 PM] Wack'd: Alright so [11:49 PM] Wack'd: Moving on [11:49 PM] Bocaj: That’s when they stopped bothering with the secret [11:50 PM] Bocaj: Ok [11:50 PM] maxwellelvis: And Cap... well, the first time the Avengers found Cap, he wasn't wearing his mask. [11:50 PM] Wack'd:
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[11:50 PM] Wack'd: I dig Tony's look here [11:50 PM] Wack'd: Dunno why [11:50 PM] Bocaj: Yeah tony why don’t you go get iron man [11:50 PM] Wack'd: This is the second time Tony's shown up and I've been like "fuck that's a good look" [11:50 PM] maxwellelvis: "I'm skeptical that you can, yet intrigued that you may." [11:51 PM] Wack'd: Also I like that he's wearing a red suit jacket with a gold striped tie [11:51 PM] Wack'd: Subtle [11:51 PM] Bocaj: He’s a classy subtle man [11:51 PM] Bocaj: Or some of these words anyway [11:51 PM] maxwellelvis: There seems to have been a misjudgment in how much eyebrow to give him in this panel [11:51 PM] maxwellelvis: he looks like a strategically shaved caveman wearing Tony Stark's clothes. [11:51 PM] Wack'd: So anyway Tony goes to do a quick change while musing on the possibility of an imposter [11:52 PM] Wack'd: No one really makes anything of the fact that if Iron Man is Tony's bodyguard, they should probably be in close proximity most of the time [11:52 PM] Wack'd: Any bodyguard you need to go find is doing kind of a shitty job! [11:52 PM] maxwellelvis: It's his eyebrows, they make his brow look bigger for some reason. [11:53 PM] Bocaj: That’s a good point wack’d [11:53 PM] Bocaj: By all standards Iron Man is a shitty bodyguard to the outside world’s perspective [11:53 PM] Wack'd: So the Four and Iron Man head back to the Baxter to sort this out [11:54 PM] Wack'd: A smooth recovery
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[11:54 PM] Bocaj: Does Reed know? [11:54 PM] Bocaj: That’s the kind of thing someone would say if they knew [11:54 PM] maxwellelvis: Reed's the sort who'd take a cover story like Stark's at face value [11:55 PM] Wack'd: Earlier I assumed that Iron Man was showing up to do the IT work from 201, but knowing what I know now it seems to be obviously inaccurate that it would be Iron Man doing that and not Stark [11:55 PM] Wack'd: Secret identities sure do make life confusing [11:55 PM] Bocaj: Tony as Iron Man uses that “yeah I pick up a lot from Stark” line a lot [11:56 PM] Bocaj: Nobody ever catches on, except Thor [11:56 PM] maxwellelvis: The one guy who isn't a supersceintist. [11:56 PM] Wack'd: The easiest way to learn supergenius-level engineering: spend all your time as a bodyguard paying attention to what they're doing! [11:56 PM] Wack'd: It's not like there's other things you should be paying attention to when you're guarding a man's life! [11:56 PM] Bocaj: Sure that sounds legit [11:57 PM] Wack'd: God this is the world's worst cover story on every conceivable level [11:57 PM] maxwellelvis: That's how we lost 14 Hank and Deans. When he wasn't busy growing that ridiculous... [11:57 PM] Bocaj: It is geez [11:57 PM] Wack'd: Brock was just so busy learning science [11:57 PM] Bocaj: I’m now super glad that mcu Iron Man was like “hey fuck that actually” [11:58 PM] Wack'd: So they find the Baxter on an island in the Atlantic [11:58 PM] Bocaj: HOW [11:58 PM] Wack'd: I mean I'd assume it has a set landing point far away from civilization, since it's an emergency measure [11:58 PM] Wack'd: But Reed specifically mentions that they had to use a signal tracker to find it, which raises a lot of questions [11:59 PM] Wack'd: Maybe the Iron Man impersonator put it there [12:00 AM] Wack'd: Man the late 70s really love their Inspector Gadget style villain teases
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[12:00 AM] Wack'd: The square dialogue bubbles are a clue but also Quasimodo's on the cover, so [12:00 AM] Bocaj: Kurt Busiek pulled one where a villain sitting like this watching the heroes was being watched by a villain doing this [12:00 AM] maxwellelvis: What ever happened to the good old-fashioned cloak? [12:01 AM] maxwellelvis: @Bocaj Dammit, Scrier, get outta here. [12:01 AM] maxwellelvis: @Wack'd I see. So I guess it's a good thing you rarely show the covers, then. [12:01 AM] Bocaj: I think it was Kang watching Ultron watching the Avengers [12:03 AM] Wack'd: So uh quick recap: [12:03 AM] Wack'd: Last time we saw Quasimodo he was turned to stone by Norrin Radd since he couldn't handle being turned into a human [12:04 AM] Wack'd: He's apparently had stuff happened in other books since which I'm sure he'll recap for us [12:05 AM] Wack'd: Okay so apparently he got turned back into a robot, then Hawkeye paralyzed him, during which time he fucking...astral projected???
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[12:06 AM] Wack'd: So uh [12:06 AM] Wack'd: He's back on Earth now [12:06 AM] Wack'd: For some reason [12:06 AM] Wack'd: And has a decoy Iron Man because his body can't move [12:06 AM] Wack'd: And he's convinced that in order to go back to the stars he hast to destroy the Fantastic Four [12:07 AM] Wack'd: For some reasom [12:07 AM] Wack'd: Oh okay he was syphoning power from the Baxter, hence all the nonsense in 201 [12:07 AM] Wack'd: And with that power he can move again [12:08 AM] Wack'd: And he has to destroy the team because, well, they're pissed at him and are going to try and stop him [12:08 AM] Wack'd: I don't get why they can't just give him the energy he needs so he can go back to space [12:08 AM] Wack'd: Like, if they can play nice with Mole Man, surely this is no issue [12:10 AM] Bocaj: Spite [12:10 AM] Wack'd: Aw, okay. In the scuffle he manages to steal the Four's rocket [12:10 AM] Wack'd: A happy ending! Kinda!
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[12:10 AM] Wack'd: He's not in the next issue and there's no indication that anyone's going to go after him so [12:11 AM] Wack'd: I don't know how they got a rocket to begin with but they can probably just build another one
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Top 25 Top 40 Hits of 1995
Honorable mentions: Runaway -- Janet Jackson (#3 -- peak Oct. 21) (#29 -- YE 1995) Roll To Me -- Del Amitri (#10 -- peak Nov. 4) (#55 -- YE 1995) If You Love Me -- Brownstone (#8 -- peak Feb. 25) (#34 -- YE 1995) As I Lay Me Down -- Sophie B. Hawkins (#6 -- peak Oct. 28) (#39 -- YE 1995) He’s Mine -- Mokenstef (#7 -- peak Aug. 26) (#40 -- YE 1995) You Got It (From “Boys on the Side”) -- Bonnie Raitt (#33 -- peak Mar. 25) Run-Around -- Blues Traveler (#8 -- peak Aug. 5) (#14 -- YE 1995) Only Wanna Be With You -- Hootie and the Blowfish (#6 -- peak Oct. 21) (#33 -- YE 1995) Hold My Hand -- Hootie and the Blowfish (#10 -- peak Feb. 18) (#22 -- YE 1995) Let Her Cry -- Hootie and the Blowfish (#9 -- peak Jul. 8) (#26 -- YE 1995) I’ll Be There For You/You’re All I Need To Get By -- Method Man featuring Mary J. Blige (#3 -- peak Jun. 3) (#42 -- YE 1995) I’m Goin’ Down -- Mary J. Blige (#22 -- peak Apr. 22) Water Runs Dry -- Boyz II Men (#2 -- peak Jun. 17) (#12 -- YE 1995) You Used To Love Me -- Faith Evans (#24 -- peak Aug. 19) (#79 -- YE 1995) Who Can I Run To -- Xscape (#8 -- peak Nov. 18) Shy Guy (From “Bad Boys”) -- Diana King (#13 -- peak Jul. 15) (#43 -- YE 1995) Don’t Take It Personal (Just One Of Dem Days) -- Monica (#2 -- peak Jul. 1) (#9 -- YE 1995) Can’t Cry Anymore -- Sheryl Crow (#36 -- peak Aug. 26) Keep Their Heads Ringin’ (From “Friday”) -- Dr. Dre (#10 -- peak Apr. 22) (#53 -- YE 1995) Beautiful Life -- Ace of Base (#15 -- peak Dec. 16) (#94 -- YE 1996) Hey Lover -- LL Cool J (#3 -- peak Dec. 2) (#20 -- YE 1996) Comedown -- Bush (#30 -- peak Nov. 4)
25. Tootsee Roll -- 69 Boyz (#8 -- peak Jan. 7) (#63 -- YE 1995) 24. Exhale (Shoop Shoop) (From “Waiting To Exhale”) -- Whitney Houston (#1 -- peak Nov. 25) (#14 -- YE 1996) 23. Strong Enough -- Sheryl Crow (#5 -- peak Mar. 25) (#30 -- YE 1995) 22. Take A Bow -- Madonna (#1 -- peak Feb. 25) (#8 -- YE 1995) 21. Run Away -- Real McCoy (#3 -- peak Apr. 8) (#38 -- YE 1995) 20. Freak Like Me -- Adina Howard (#2 -- peak May 6) (#13 -- YE 1995) 19. I Know -- Dionne Farris (#4 -- peak May 6) (#11 -- YE 1995) 18. This Is How We Do It -- Montell Jordan (#1 -- peak Apr. 15) (#10 -- YE 1995) 17. Cotton Eye Joe -- Rednex (#25 -- peak May 13) (#93 -- YE 1995) 16. I Can Love You Like That -- All-4-One (#5 -- peak Aug. 26) (#15 -- YE 1995) 15. Boombastic/In The Summertime -- Shaggy (#3 -- peak Aug. 19) (#18 -- YE 1995) 14. Candy Rain -- Soul 4 Real (#2 -- peak Mar. 18) (#25 -- YE 1995) 13. Baby -- Brandy (#4 -- peak Mar. 11) (#37 -- YE 1995) 12. Kiss From A Rose -- Seal (#1 -- peak Aug. 26) (#4 -- YE 1995) 11b. Big Poppa/Warning -- Notorious B.I.G. (#6 -- peak Mar. 18) (#47 -- YE 1995) 11a. One More Chance -- Notorious B.I.G. (#2 -- peak Jul. 15) (#23 -- YE 1995) 10. Dear Mama -- 2pac (#9 -- peak Apr. 29) (#51 -- YE 1995) 9. New Age Girl -- Deadeye Dick (#27 -- peak Jan. 7) 8. Carnival -- Natalie Merchant (#10 -- peak Oct. 28) (#60 -- YE 1995) 7. December -- Collective Soul (#20 -- peak Sep. 2) (#41 -- YE 1995) 6. A Girl Like You (From “Empire Records”) -- Edwyn Collins (#32 -- peak Nov. 11) 5. I Wish -- Skee-Lo (#13 -- peak Sep. 9) (#58 -- YE 1995) 4b. One Sweet Day -- Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men (#1 -- peak Dec. 2) (#2 -- YE 1996) 4a. Fantasy -- Mariah Carey (#1 -- peak Sep. 30) (#7 -- YE 1995) 3b. Creep -- TLC (#1 -- peak Jan. 28) (#3 -- YE 1995) 3a. Waterfalls -- TLC (#1 -- peak Jul. 8) (#2 -- YE 1995) 2. 1st of tha Month -- Bone Thugs-N-Harmony (#14 -- peak Sep. 9) (#89 -- YE 1995) 1. Gangsta’s Paradise (From “Dangerous Minds”) -- Coolio (#1 -- peak Sep. 9) (#1 -- YE 1995)
Albums Worth Checking Out: Jagged Little Pill -- Alanis Morissette ...And Out Come The Wolves -- Rancid (What’s The Story) Morning Glory -- Oasis Me Against The World -- 2pac The Bends -- Radiohead Tragic Kingdom -- No Doubt Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness -- Smashing Pumpkins E 1999 Eternal -- Bone Thugs-N-Harmony Waiting To Exhale (soundtrack) -- Various Astro-Creep: 2000 -- White Zombie Tigerlily -- Natalie Merchant Garbage -- Garbage Insomniac -- Green Day A Boy Named Goo -- Goo Goo Dolls Frogstomp -- Silverchair Washing Machine -- Sonic Youth
The Bottom of the Pile: (She’s Got) Skillz -- All-4-One (#57 -- peak Mar. 25) We’ve Got It Goin’ On -- Backstreet Boys (#69 -- peak Dec. 2) Bizarre Love Triangle -- New Order (#98 -- peak Jul. 22)**** Universal Heart-Beat -- Juliana Hatfield (#84 -- peak May 13) Doll Parts -- Hole (#58 -- peak Jan. 14) She Don’t Use Jelly -- Flaming Lips (#55 -- peak Feb. 25) I Kissed A Girl -- Jill Sobule (#67 -- peak Jul. 8) Jeremy/Yellow Ledbetter -- Pearl Jam (#79 -- peak Aug. 19) Hey Man, Nice Shot -- Filter (#76 -- peak Aug. 12) Here & Now -- Letters To Cleo (#56 -- peak May 13) Grapevyne -- Brownstone (#49 -- peak Jun. 3) Human Nature -- Madonna (#46 -- peak Jul. 15)
****released in the 80s
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christinapotter09 · 5 years
Chapters: 47/? Fandom: X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Movieverse), X-Men (Comicverse), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), X-Men (Original Timeline Movies), X-Men (Ultimateverse), Marvel Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Logan/Ororo Munroe, Remy LeBeau/Rogue, Kitty Pryde/Piotr Rasputin, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Lorna Dane/Alex Summers, Jean Grey & Ororo Munroe, Logan & Scott Summers Characters: Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Logan (X-Men), Ororo Munroe, Hope Summers, Rachel Summers, Nathan Summers, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Moira MacTaggert, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Polaris, Alex Summers, Rogue (X-Men), Remy LeBeau, Henry McCoy | Dark Beast, Cyclops, Phoenix Force Additional Tags: writing prompts, Drabble Collection, small stories, Alternate Universe - Post-Apocalypse, Post-X-Men: Days of Future Past, Pre-X-Men: Days of Future Past, mainly jott, loro too, Angst, Love, Retrospective, other ships including, Cherik - Freeform, Eventual Romance, Romance, Family, Post-X1, prex1, all kinds of themes, Nightmares, Mutant Powers, Power Struggle, X-Men Dark Phoenix - Freeform, X-Men: Dark Phoenix (Movie) Spoilers Series: Part 2 of X-Men Equilibrium and Beyond Summary:
Mr. Scott Rigid Summers and Dr. Jean Aloof Grey are the main couple at the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters and everyone thinks they have been a couple since well... forever. They're right, but there are countless moments in between, when Jean and Scott shared their love, fears and hopes. A series of drabbles and small shots concerning Scott and Jean throughout the X-Men movies, inspired by moments in the comics and the animated series, mostly made as imagined in the new timeline. *Accepting requests*
Preview of Shot 1:
‘Hey pall,’ Scott’s voice draws Logan’s attention, Jean’s scent all over the younger man makes Logan flinch. He groans his response, watching. It was half a day ago when Scott was grasping his wrist, stopping him from touching Jean, same territory, same mark all over. Jean was Scott’s.
Logan can’t stop his eyebrows from raising as Scott reaches for the same fridge and takes out another beer. The mixed scents of Jean, Scott and their encounter lingers all over the kitchen as he stays against the counter, pointing the beer in salute, Logan does the same as the two men drink from their bottles, their hair ruffled, their eyes watching each other. Old rivals, old friends, teammates, the two alphas of the house.
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anxiously-going · 5 years
47 and "6:21", "Meet Me Under the Mistletoe", "Clowns and Apples", "Red Ink", "Couch Potato". Thank you!
"6:21" - "Anyone have any ideas?" Dr. McCoy glanced around his team, silently begging them for...anything.
"I have an idea."
"Meet Me Under the Mistletoe." - What's more romantic than a kiss under the Mistletoe? Certainly not spending the night in the hospital with your husband due to an allergic reaction. Or Hikaru finds out Jim's not the only one with weird allergies.
"Clowns and Apples" - they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Turns out there's something even more effective than that.
"Red Ink" - Everyone has things they don't like for seemingly no reason, for Chris Pike that thing just happens to be red ink.
"Couch Potato" - Even Vulcan Science Officers needs days off.
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thesoftdumbass · 6 years
Yallneedtrek’s Writing Anniversary Challenge
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Hi you guys! So, I’ve been wanting to host a writing challenge for a while, and now seems like a good time to do so. November 30th marks the 2 year anniversary of when I started posting my fanfiction, starting out with a whopping 649 words on this Charles Xavier fic. Things have changed since then, I’ve written a lot more and joined a few fandoms since then, made some friends, and all in all enjoyed my time here on tumblr.
So if anybody would like to join my writing challenge, here are some things to remember while entering/posting:
~To enter the writing challenge, you must send me an ASK with a character or ship, and AU, AND a prompt from the lists below. (If you send anonymously or have multiple blogs, make sure that I know which blog you will be posting on)
~All entries are due by November 30th, 2018. There is no cut-off date to enter the challenge, as long as you think you can finish, you can enter whenever. (I will post occasional reminders and tag everybody who signed up!)
~Characters/ships can be used multiple times, as can AUs, but prompts can only be used once.
~If there’s a character/ship not on the list but that belongs in my fandoms, you can message me if you’d like to write for them and get my okay!
~You can use any writing genre: fluff, smut, angst, whatever. I would prefer angst-y fics to end happily, though!
~Important! When posting, please include Warnings, Word Count, and a Summary. Also, add a “Read More” if your fic is over 400 words so we don’t clog up everybody’s dash!
~When posting your fic, tag my blog and use the tag #yallneedtrekwritingchallenge, and send the post to me directly to make sure that I’ve seen it. I will reblog all of the fics and add them all to a masterlist to be shared when all entries are posted!
Have fun writing, lovelies!
Characters and Ships - Choose one:
Star Trek-
Jim Kirk
Montgomery “Scotty” Scott
Pavel Chekov
Wonder Woman-
Steve Trevor
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Loki Odinson
Thor Odinson
Urban boys-
Leonard “Bones” McCoy
Gavin Magary
Siberius Vaako
Black Hat
John Kennex
Any Karl Urban character, really
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Lance Tucker
Carter Baizen
Wynonna Earp
Doc Holliday
AU’s - Choose one:
Fake dating / fake married
Supernatural (any supernatural creature/phenomenon)
University / Fellow Professors
Flower Shop
Called / texted the wrong number
Body Swap
Motorcycle Club
Book Shop / Library
Coffee Shop
Arranged Marriage
Writing Prompts - Choose one:
1. “But I’m not wearing pants”
2. “Why were you in a dumpster?”
3. “Just give me the ____ and nobody gets hurt”
4. “Lick me all you want, I’m not moving my hand”
5. “I did not kidnap you! I anything, I adult-snatched you.”
6. “Didn’t you ever stop and think that there’s a reason I’m here?”
7. “Next time you come in my room to scare me, try picking a better hiding spot than behind the curtains.”
8. “What do you suggest we do?”
9. “Are you okay? I’ve never seen you turn down food.”
10. “Are those my underwear?”
11. “Will you just stop talking?” “Make me.”
12. “Did you just make a joke?”
13. “And you say I’m the dramatic one”
14. “Don’t get your hopes up”
15. “Subtlety is not your strong suit”
16. “My mind does not immediately jump to murder. Oh who am I kidding, of course it does!”
17. “Do you smell something burning?”
18. “No you are not Batman, stop saying that!”
19. “If you don’t stop talking in song quotes, I swear I will end you”
20. “Who ever said that I hate you?”
21. “Who thought it was a good idea to give (him/her/them) coffee?”
22. “What is that incessant beeping?”
23. “Here, take my jacket”
24. “Say hello to your cat for me”
25. “Who are you talking to?”
26. “Stay, please”
27. “Are you dead?” “Yes.”
28. “Next time you need help, don’t come to me”
29. “Can anybody tell me why my house is on fire?!”
30. “Are you crying?” “No! Shut up.”
31. “Stop screaming, it’s just me.”
32. “Jealous is not a good look on you”
33. “Is my leg supposed to bend that way?”
34. “I would rather be stuck on a deserted island with literally anybody but you”
35. “If you get ‘Let it Go’ stuck in my head one more time, I will never speak to you again.”
36. “I am too tired to deal with your happy disposition today”
37. “That line was so cheesy, it hurts.”
38. “Can you not be sarcastic just for once?”
39. “I told you this was a bad idea”
40. “Do not throw up on me”
41. “I’m just gonna keep talking until you smile”
42. “If you’re trying to seduce me, I would reconsider.”
43. “Can I kiss you?”
44. “I must be going crazy”
45. “Do I spy a tattoo?”
46. “Am I turning into a vampire?”
47. “No, you cannot borrow my laptop! You remember what happened the last time.”
48. “Just hug me before I put someone’s head through a wall.”
49. “If you can’t tell, I am very angry.”
50. “Are those little unicorns on your boxers?”
51. “You dropped something”
52. “You must be new here”
53. “Can we watch movies and cuddle?”
54. “I love you, I hope you know that.”
55. “I need you to stop laughing and come help me”
56. “Next time, I pick the music.”
57. “Can I kill (them)?”
58. “If you can go one hour without talking, I will kiss you”
59. “Stop saying that”
60. “You’re ridiculous”
61. “I’d hate to ruin such a sweet moment, but we have to go.”
62. “Oh, I almost forgot you were here”
63. “Is it true what they say?”
64. “Is that what I think it is?”
65. “You’ve got no sense of self-preservation”
66. “You’re worrying me”
67. “Get away from me”
68. “Don’t say that”
69. “Sometimes I wish I never met you”
70. “Can you stop poking me?”
71. “Don’t tell me to calm down, you’re covered in blood!”
72. “Will you tell me a story?”
73. “There might be a small…large…dent in your car, but please don’t kill me, I can explain!”
74. “I just want to drink chocolate milk and take a nap.” “You are a grown adult.”
75. “Are you drunk?”
76. “It looks like there was a train wreck in here”
77. “You lost the bet, you know what that means”
78. “I shouldn’t be here.” “Then why are you?”
79. “I’m not going with you dressed like that”
80. “Who else is going to save you from yourself?”
81. “What kind of name is that?”
82. “That is a lot of- what even is that?”
83. “That doesn’t look like fun, it looks like a death trap”
84. “So this is what betrayal looks like”
85. “Who started the food fight?”
86. “What, my poetry isn’t good enough for you?” “You just recited Dr. Seuss.”
87. “I’ve been shot!” “Relax, it’s just a nerf bullet.”
88. “You’re trying too hard, you need to just relax.”
89. “You look like the poster-child for bad decisions”
90. “Could you be any more oblivious?”
91. “Shut your whore mouth”
92. “Say that to my face, you soggy piece of pizza”
93. “You are such a moldy shower curtain”
I really hope you guys have fun writing, and I’m looking forward to reading all of your amazing fics! If you have any questions, feel free to message me or send an ask. Love you all!
I’m adding everyone on my tag list and Urban Shitposting group just in case you want to join or signal boost!
@deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @mad-girl-without-a-box @cd1242 @space-helen @izzy10718 @feelmyroarrrr @bookcaseninja @musikat18 @kickingitwithkirk @auduna-druitt @garnet-redtailedhero @bubblegum-star-trek @reading-in-moonlight @cuddlememerrick @loststarlight @fireboltrose7559 @lauuerodz @bkwrm523 @fearofdeathkeepsusalive @goingknowherewastaken @annathewitch @outside-the-government @queenmismatched  @thefanficfaerie
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