#dr. mala
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toxic old man yaoi
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aight I messed around in the comic creator again
#cookie run#cookie comic studio#incorrect quotes#chili pepper cookie#custard cookie iii#dark choco cookie#poison mushroom cookie#pomegranate cookie#licorice cookie#peppercorn cookie#milk cookie#dr bones cookie#lobster cookie#mocha ray cookie#dino-sour cookie#mala sauce cookie
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Eh, thank @pups-tickles for inspiring me to make these!
Angel and Devil: All the tickle fights
Milk, Dino Sour, Mala Sauce: Loves to see him laugh non-maniacally
Purple Yam: Loves the tickles; but it takes a bit for him to admit
Dark Choco: Doesn't like his laugh
Mint, White, Pink, Choco Ball: Determined to hear it though tickles
Chess Twins: The first ones to tickle him
~~~ Alchemist: Makes Sefl-Tickling Potions to sell. Uses them for herself
Dr. Bones: Didn't think he could be tickled
Pizza: Has met too many 'I'm not ticklish' cookies
Aloe: made her bud have a actual tickle button
Cyborg: Has to "suffer" to the button
Baguette: Wakes her up with tickles
Coffee Candy: Gets her revenge when she does over-nighters
Fire Spirit, Wind Archer, Sea Fairy, Millennial Tree, Moonlight: Loves to tickle each other
Dark Enchantress and Time Keeper: Tickle Intolerant; Timekeeper is a big tickler, thou
Alchemist and Vampire: Either arguments devolve to tickle fights or tickle fight devolve to arguments
Crowberry: Likes to fluster him
Candlelight: Way too feather ticklish
#RFM Post#Cookie Run#Cookie Comic Studio#Just a bunch of tickling#Cookie Run Tickle#Ler!Angel Cookie#Ler!Devil Cookie#Lee!Purple Yam Cookie#Ler!Milk Cookie#Ler!Dino Sour Cookie#Ler!Mala Sauce Cookie#Lee!Dark Choco Cookie#Ler!Chess Choco Twins#Ler!Choco Ball Cookie#Ler!White Choco Cookie#Ler!Mint Choco Cookie#Ler!Pink Choco Cookie#Lee!Alchemist Cookie#Lee!Dr Bones Cookie#Ler!Pizza Cookie#Ler!Aloe Cookie#Lee!Cyborg#Lee!Baguette Cookie#Lee!Coffee Candy Cookie#Ler!Legendary Cookies#Ler!Vampire Cookie#Ler!Crowberry Cookie#Lee!Candlelight Cookie
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Pipe Villarán - Medicina 2017
#Pipe villarán#Medicina 2017#G3#Los Fucking Sombreros#Mala Influencia#alternative rock#blues rock#blues music#rock and roll#Hot Topic#cigarros pall mall#Ron Cartavio#vans classics#vans old school#dr martens#cervezas y chicas
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aku kenal ngan tunang aku fajrina melalui ig. kita orang biasa berkenalan biasa je memula tu. dah sebulan hari2 chat tah cam ner aku cakap aku suka kat dia. lama gak baru dia terima. kami terus bekenalan sehingga aku decide ajak bertunang. kitorg jumpa pon 3 kali je masa couple sebelom tunang. then masa bertunang ni lah kami boleh jumpa selalu. tu pon jarang jugak la. sbb kami bz kerja. kami tak pernahlah nak macam2 lah selama tunang ni. setakat pegang tangan salam cium tangan kiss dahi pp je. kdg aku sex chat main double meaning je. hahaha
pejam celik lagi 2 minggu kami akan bernikah. persiapan semua da hampir selesai. exicted mesti la. tp lately ni ina mcm lain sikit. makin nak nikah dia mcm takot pulak. aku cuba menyelami hati dia tanya apa masalah dia jadi mcm best lak excited dia tak macam selalu, dia jawab tak ada apa je. tp aku lelaki aku mesti syak sesuatu. aku push ina suruh bgtau share apa yg dia rasa dan alami smpai timbul rasa takot takot nak kawin. sehingga suatu pagi, di hari cuti umum, aku tengah tidur kat umah tetiba dia call aku ajak aku jumpa. tapi nak ajak pergi 1 tempat yg jauh sikit dr tempat selalu kitorg dating. aku pun oklah, bangun siap2. maklumlah nak jumpa tunang tersayang. aku sampai kat rumah dia lebih kurang kul 7.30 pagi. sampai jer terus dia masuk dalam kereta. kitorg pon gerak la pergi tempat yg ina maksud kan tu. kate nye ada hal keje sikit kt sana. so aku layan je la drive.
sambil kat dalam kereta tu ina membuka bicara terus cakap “abang, ina nak cakap sesuatu kat abg, tapi ina malu..’
aku tanya dia ‘kenaper..’
dia kata “ina tak tahu nak mula macam mana, malu nak cakap..”
aku kata “ish…dah nak jadi bini minggu depan..apa lagi malu.. jujur je cerita kt abg..”
dia jawab “takpe lah nanti sampai sana ina cerita..setel hal keje dulu”
aku diam dengan seribu persoalan di kepala.
btw kitorg pergi ke sebuah hotel 5star. tunang aku ckp ade jumpa client dia last minit pukul 10 appoiment utk deal pasal company nya. Jd bos suruh tunang aku pergi. sampai sana aku asist saja tunang aku sewaktu meeting diorg. 1 jam berlalu meeting habis. aku join hi-tea dgn semua client tunang aku. setel semua majlis, ina terus tarik aku naik lift hotel menuju ke satu bilik. aku ikut saja la. malas nak byk tanya. sampai depan pintu bilik ina keluarkan acess card pintu dan masuk. aku pon macam pelik la. bile plak tunang aku cek in sini. rupenye mmg company bg bajet utk stay sini sbb jauh dr opis. jadi ini first time kitorg beduaan dlm sebuah bilik. aku tetap cool mcm biasa sbb aku paham kerjanya tunang aku ni mcm mana. aku duduk di sofa sambil buka tv siaran sukan.
tiba tiba tunang aku dtg duduk sebelah aku. aku dgn selamba terus merangkul leher ina sambil usap kepala nya.
“Ina ok sayang?” tanya aku
ina terus memandang muka aku “give me hug abg” sambil mendepakan tangan nya
aku terus memeluk tunang aku. macam ade karen dlm badan ni terasa sesuatu aneh yg mengalir dlm badan kami. kami berpelukan mcm da lama tak jumpa. aku pegang muka tunang aku “sayang are u okay??” “Kenapa ni..?” “Apa tak kene..?” soal aku bertubi tubi.
ina melepaskan pelukan.. “abg mggu depan kite da jadi suami isteri kan, tapi ina takut” jawab ina
“apa yg ina takut kan? Abg ade je ni tak lari..”
“ina takut tak dapat tunaikan tggungjawab sbgai isteri” sambung ina
“Apa maksud ina?” soalku
Tunang aku diam je sambil memegang tangan aku ramas ramas jari aku.
“last aritu kite jumpa ina tertengok hp abg..tp abg jgn marah ye. ina tengok dlm hp abg byk vid sex.. ina tau abg mesti ghairah tgok vid tu.. tp ina tak reti nak layan abg mcm tu nanti..tu yg ina takot nk kawin dgn abg, takot ina tak leh layan suami mcm abg ingin kan.. ina tak pernah buat sex tak pernah pon mcm tu” jawab ina panjang lebar sambil tunduk malu.
aku diam terkedu dgn jawapan tunang aku..dlm hati aku adeh kantoi pulak. mcm mana nak jawab ni. haha. tp aku rileks chill je. aku tau tunang mmg bdk baik. aku pegang muka ina dongakkan tengok muka aku “syg.. abg tau tu.. abg tak kisah la..itu kan nanti abg leh ajar syg..kenapa nk takut sgt, kawin bukan sehari syg..byk masa kita nk buat tu semua nanti” jawab aku cuba menenangkan tunang aku. tunang aku terus mcm terkam peluk aku sampai aku nk terjatuh dr sofa yg kami duduk tu. aku merangkul erat tunang aku terus memusingkan tunang aku yg baring di sofa. kini kedudukan kami baring mengiring menghadap muka masing2. Lengan aku di bawah leher ina sambil mengusap kepala ina yg masih bertudung dan lengkap berbaju kemeja serta seluar. aku usap pipi ina yg kemerahan di depan muka aku. Tunang aku mula tersenyum sedikit. aku dekat kan lg muka aku pd ina, sekelip mata ina terus sekilas mencium bibir aku. lagi laju ina drpd aku. Haha
“ina pandai kiss mulut?” Soal aku berbisik
“Abg ajar la ina sekarang ni..da depan mata abg ni..” jawab ina cuba nk try aku
terus aku lekapkan mlut aku pd mulut ina. ina terus kemaskan pelukan nya pd aku dan cuba melayan bibir aku. maklum la org first time bercium mulut jd kekok la. aku cube membuka mulut ina sedikit mggunakan lidah. Ina mula memberi respon lidah nya sekali. kami mula bermain sup lidah bersama. ina memejam mata seolah hanyut juga dgn permainan mulut ini.
sambil cium mulut tangan aku mula meraba badan tunang aku sehingga la terkena pada buah dada nya yg masih bersarung. Agak keras dan besar juga klu di pegang dr luar. ina hanya melenggokkan bdan saja bila aku pegang buah dada nya. da sedap la tu. haha.
tiba tiba tunang ku melepaskan mulut. “Abg..ina panas lah..ekon tak sejuk ke?” Soal ina tiba tiba.
aku terus bgun dr sofa dan pergi ke remote ekon ejas bg kuat semua kipas dan suhu. seketika itu ina bangun dtg pd aku terus memeluk aku. aku yg dah dah stim dr td benjolan di seluar aku agk jelas. ina memeluk aku dr dpn boleh rasa benjolan btg aku. tp ina menekan nekan lg di tubuhnya. sedang berpelukan aku bisik di telinga ina “can i see u freehair..?” ina tengok muka aku melepaskan pelukan nya lalu ke meja cermin di bilik itu. aku mengekori ina dr belakang lalu memeluk ina dr belakang sedang ina mnghadap cermin utk membuka pin pin yg ade di tudung nya. sambil pelok aku cium cium pipi tunang aku. tunang aku suka di perlakukan sebegitu. Sdg ina melepaskan tudung ina besuara “nak tengok badan abg boleh?” aku tanpa sepatah kata terus buka baju aku letak kan di penyidai almari. ina melihat aku tanpa berkelip mata nya. aku kembali memeluk ina dari belakang yg kini sudah tidak bertudung. Tgn aku di perut ina. aku mencium cium leher ina yg jinjang tu sambil bebisik memuji ina “cantiknye bakal isteri abg ni freehair” ina tersipu malu. Tunang aku pusing mengadap aku dan pelok erat aku. ina mencium badan aku menghirup bau badan aku yg wangi dgn perfume yg dia hadiahkan pd aku. Tgn aku terus melekap di punggung ina. Meramas ramas punggung ina. ina makin menonggekkan punggung nya utk aku ramas. kami bepelukan sambil berdiri. Berpusing pusing sperti menari di dlm bilik super deluxe yg besar itu. Tunang aku mula seronok sudah tiada rasa takut dan sedih mcm td.
aku bawa ina ke katil membaringkan ina ke atas katil dengan cermat. Tunang ku hanya tersenyum saja. Lalu aku baring mencium leher ina. Ina mendesah .. “urmmm abgg bestnye mcm ni..” mulut aku terus ke mulut ina terus tarik peluk erat aku dan mula mengulum bibir aku. aku pun teruslah merengkuh tengkuknya. lama betul kitaorang kiss sampai sesak nafas aku kena sedut. ina mula dapat rentak bercium mulut bermain lidah sampai kena gigit bibir aku nak bernapas pun susah. asyik kena sedut jer. ina da mula stim menikmati langsung tak belas kasihan dia terus tarik muka aku dan terus menyedut bibir aku. lebih kurang 10 minit kami bercium bermain sup lidah. sampai tunang aku dah tak perasaan semua butang baju kemeja dia aku dah buka. aku perasan ina pakai bra warna peach. Tunang aku behenti kiss aku dan merenung tajam mata aku sedang aku usap perut nya. Tunang aku lepaskan pelukan “abg..bukaklah baju syg ni nanti renyuk abg” dgn lemah gemalai suara ina. aku dgn semangat mula buka baju tunang aku yg da sedia terbuka tu. lepas buka baju tunang aku .. fuh tersembol lah buah dada tunang aku. besar. selama ni aku tengok dr luar baju je bentuk tetek. tadi pon dpt tekop je. sekarang real tetek tunang aku depan mata aku hanya pakai bra 38 cup B lagi tu. fuh mencanak btg aku dr td keras jd makin keras. dgn badan yg kuning langsat. kurus. fuh mmg body idaman lelaki la tunang aku ni. Aku diam seketika melihat permandangan indah depan mata aku ni. tunang aku tersipu malu smbil cuba menutup dada nya.
aku pon saja usik tunang aku “ni seluar nak buka tak.. renyuk nanti tak cantik dah nak pakai…hehehe” usik aku pd tunang kesayanngan aku ni.
“abg nakal ea abg…” jawab ina tersengih sengih malu
“abg nk buka ke? buka dulu seluar abg tu..” sambung tunang aku.
dengan pantas aku berdiri atas katil depan tunang aku yg sedang baring tu aku buka seluar slack aku. hanya tinggal spender renoma aku je dgn bonjolan btg aku yg mengeras dari. rasa lega sikit dpt lepaskan seluar. seksa dr td tersepit.
“wauaa abg .. sexi la abg pakai spender tu.cantik la abg..” seloroh ina tunang aku.
“tu yg benjol tu ok ke tu.. sakit ke tu..hehehe” sambung ina terkekeh gelak.
aku terus duduk di kaki ina cuba membukak seluar ina.
“abg..tak nak sampai lebih ye..minggu depan je lagi kita nikah. Abg paham kan?..” ina cuba mengingatkan aku batas kami.
“harini je syg bg abg mcm ni semua…” sambung ina sambil bekerjasama membuka seluar dia. Aku hanya tersenyum saja.
Kini sekujur tubuh hanya bra dan panty 1 set peach color terbaring depan aku. Keindahan bukit bukau yg mempersona di selangi tundun yg menarik nafsu serakah tanpa sedikit bulu pon terdapat. sangat menguji nafsu kejantanan. Tp ini semua dugaan syaiton saja. Hahahah.. Aku terus naik ke atas badan tunang aku, ina terus memeluk aku. Aku mulakan semula permainan dari awal mencium dahi ke pipi lalu ke mulut ina. Kehangatan badan kami besatu. Ina mula selesa dgn kehadiran bdn aku di atas nya. kaki ina mula memeluk pinggang aku. tangan aku mencari kancing bra cuba melepaskan kancing bra. Aku mula ke leher ina, ina mula mendengus. tangan aku menyelinap ke tetek ina. bra saiz 38B aku lepaskan. Ina hanya merelakan saja permainan mulut dan tgan aku. mulut aku semakin turun ke bawah. aku ingin rasa nikmat tetek tunang aku ni. aku pandang ina dan minta izin “abg nak isap tetek sayang ye” ina hanya senyum sambil usap kepala aku. aku terus jer peluk pinggang ina dan start mengulum puting ina. aku ni memang pakar bab menyedut tetek ni. pengalaman ngn awek lama dulu ada. Hahaha. aku gomol habis sampai terangkat badan ina kene sedut puting tetek. sekitar tompok coklat puting tunang aku dah basah ngan air liur aku dah. ina mengerang mcm kene rasuk dah. agaknya sedap dan stim sangat. lama aku kerjakan tetek ina hampir 10 minit jugak. Keliling tetek ina penuh love bite aku buat. Tunang aku tak marah sbb kat tetek takde sapa nampak. aku sorang je nampak. huhuhu. aku ni kalau nyonyot memang tak lepas la. lagi dapat tetek mcm tunang aku ni. macam nak telan
terus. kadang aku buat lembut2 antara menyentuh dengan tidak hisapan antara lidah dah sesekali menggigit puting. sesekali aku leret kan jari aku lalu di lurah pepek ina. terasa basah kuyup panty tunang aku. aku tekan biji ina dr luar panty. saja nk bg ina lebih stimm. tp tunang aku punya mengerang bila aku tekan biji dia “uurgghhh..sedap nyeeeeeee
bang..aaarggghhh…ermmmmm…abggg..” lagi stim kalau aku dgr ina ngerang.
Aku masih menjaga batas. kalau boleh tak sampai terlanjur hari ini. cukup geli geli macam ni sampai tunang aku pancut. aku terus kan permainan tetek ina. sebelah tangan aku menggentel habis puting ina ni. aku genggam kedua2 buah dada ina dan benamkan muka aku sambil menjilat kat celah2 lurah tu. kejap aku gigt buat bite. pastu mula menjilat pulak dah nipple ina. lepas aku pun lenguh menjamah tetek ina ni sambil membongkok cam tu. aku mulakan balik mencari mulut tunang aku. kami terus kami bercium dengan penuh keghairahan. ina semakin tak keruan bila da kena mcm tu. “Abg sedap nya abg..bestnye dapat mcm ni abg..kenapa abg tak ajar syg dlu abg…” desah ina yg da semakin di luar kawalan.
sambil kiss mulutt aku saja gesel kan batang aku pd painties ina yg da mmg sedia terkangkang bila aku naik ats ina. ina mula mengerakkan punggungnya ke atas ke bawah bila aku tekan tekan btg aku di tundun nya. ina mengerang halus di telinga aku “abg sedapnya gesel btg abg ni.. sdp abg.. ahhhh ermmm..”
aku yg dengar ni makin tak tahan di buat nye.. “sedapkan syg..da basah panty syg ni.. lg sedap dpt gesel direct ni sygg..ermmm..” aku cuba memancing tunang ku utk buka panty.
“Ahhh bang bestnye..abg buka spender abg je dlu..” balas ina yg semakin sedap di gesel kelentitnya.
Aku pun buka spender aku. kini aku bogel sepenuhnya, tunang ku masih lg berpanty yg sudah basah. ina tgh melenggokkan punggungnya ke atas ke bawah utk menikmati geselan dr btg aku. aku masih belom sentuh pepek tunang aku dgn jari mahupun lidah aku. sebab aku nk simpan utk mlm pertama. nanti kalau keluar semua skill arini , mlm pertama dah takde skill la nk main. hahah.
Aku turun ke tetek ina isap puting ina. ina menikmati lidah aku di puting nya. sambil tgn aku mula menarik panty ina keluar dr posisi nya yg menutup keindahan mutiara berahi. ina seolah paham tindakan aku memberi sedikit kerjasama melepaskan panty nya. Kini kami bedua sudah tiada sehelai pakaian pon pd bdn. bebogel menikmati nafsu kami. aku memegang kedua kaki ina. aku kuak kan sedikit.
ina bangun besuara “abggg dah janjikan tak lebih.. abg nak buat apa ni abg….?”
“abg nak tengok dara sayang utk minggu depan” jawab ku tegas
ina diam dan baring semula. tiba tiba ina terus menguakkan kaki nya seluas luas nya. ina terkangkang luas di depan aku utk memperlihatkan keindahan mutiara indah nya di pagari dara. jelas aku lihat selaput dara putih nya di dlm lobang nikmat yg bakal aku dpt minggu dpn selepas begelar suami yg sah. aku puas hati. aku bangun dan senyum pd tunang aku. ina juga senyum melebar. Aku terus memegang kaki ina yg sedang trkangkang. Menjilat kaki nya dr tumit hingga ke paha beselang seli kiri kanan. mengigil gigil ina menahan asakan lidah aku sambil merengek “abg..syg tak tahan ni.. sedap nye..geli abg..ahhh…abg…” rengek ina sekejap sdap sekejap geli. aku hanya tersenyum pd ina. aku kembali naik atas ina sambil merapat kan kedua kaki ini. risau jugak aku klu terjolok kang. btg tgh keras.pepek da basah.kompom boleh tegelincir masuk nanti. Hahah.
Kami sambung becium mulut. aku perasan ina tunang ku ini cepat basah pepek nya. kompom subur ni. silap silap esok bunting pelamin kang. hahaha. dlm keghairahan kami, aku selit batang aku di paha ina. ina seolah paham, memberi ruang sedikit utk btg aku. Btg aku semakin dekt dgn pepek ina. Ina masih mengepit kaki nya.
“abg nak masukkan ke..?” soal ina cuak
“tak lah nak gesel mcm td.. syg nak.?”
“nakkk abg tadi sedap sgt..abg ajar syg ye..tp jgn smpai masuk tau abg..” ina membalas ku.
aku mula mengesel btg ku di pepek ina dgn kaki ina kepit rapat. pepek ina semakin basah membuatkan kami sangat menikmati. btg di rapat kan ke pepek sehingga kene pd biji kelentit ina. Ina seolah2 di rasuk kesedapan bila biji nya di gesel btg aku. (sapa pernah cuba cara ni tau lah nikmat nya) aku mencari keselesaan utk kami bedua menikmati. ina semakin tak keruan. nampak gaya ina boleh pancut dgn permainan ini.
aku bisik pd ina “kita pancut sama sama untuk first time kita ni nak..?”
ina terus merangkul leher aku “cepat abg..syang nak cum ni..laju lagi abg..ahhhh…ahhhh..”
aku terus laju kan lg geselan aku..ina semakin basah. air pantat ina memang banyak masa ni. Dlm hati aku rugi nya tak jilat pepek ina.
ina terus berbunyi “urrghh arrghhhh sedap bang…..emmm lagi bang..ahhh….”
aku terus jer laju mendayung btg yg terselit di pepek tunang aku.. turun naik..turun naik btg aku di biji kelentit tunang aku ina.
ina kaku seketika terjentat jentat badan ina melepaskan air nikmat berahi dia yg pertama kali. aku tengok ina mcm dah puas. batang aku kena kepit lagi kuat di pepek ina. Aku pon cakap “syg abg nak pancut sayang..” terus ina kangkang . Aku capai btg aku lancapkan sikit di biji kelentit dan depan lobang pepek tunang aku. bila da nak pancut, aku pancut kat dada ina. terpancut pancut air aku kt badan ina. habis berlendir2 dada ina degan air mani aku yg byk juga aku kira. sampai terpecik sedikit di muka tunang ku yg cantik tu. ina hanya menerima saja air air mani tu di badan nye sambil tersenyum. sambil lap air mani aku terkena di muka ina, ina mencium bau air mani dan menjilat sedikit air mani aku utk rasa bagaimana rasa air mani lelaki.
“sedap syg?” soal ku
“Ermm not bad air abg..mcm berlemak..haha” jawab ina sambil ketawa dan menjilat jilat jari nya yg ada air mani aku.
aku mengambil tuala hotel lap kan badan ina yg penuh air mani aku tu. kemudian aku baring sebelah tunang kesayangan aku ni. sambil merangkul leher ina utk rapat dengan aku. aku mencium dahi ina sambil mengucapkan terima kasih untuk nikmat hari ini. Ina terus naik atas aku dan mencium mulut aku.
“thanks juga kat abg ajar syg sex harini..tak sangka rupenye best main sex ni..” jawab ina sambil mencium mulut aku dan dahi aku. Aku memeluk ina erat sambil meramas bontot ina. Sekejap je ina lena di dada aku. Mungkin penat sangat air da keluar byk td. aku baring kan tunang aku di sebelah aku. keadaan bilik baru terasa sejuk lalu aku selimut kan ina. ina terus memeluk aku dan aku tidur dengan ina dlm keadaan bogel. Inilah pertama kali kami yg belom halal sewaktu itu. semua nya punca dari tunang aku yg takot tak mampu layan aku di ranjang halal. apa pon skarang dah halal jadi bini aku. ina memang hebat di atas katil. betul la perempuan baik ni bila da dapat batang lain macam giler nya. pantang tersentuh kompom oN. habis semua dlm video sex tu dia nak cuba. atas alasan nak bg aku puas. good wife betol. seminggu kitorg cuti kawin. hari kedua jd suami isteri kitorg terus pergi honeymoon. cari hotel yg private 5star ade private pool dlm bilik. 4 hari tak keluar bilik. 24 jam main je. ats katil. tepi katil. dlm pool. tepi pool. makan minum semua order hantar dlm bilik. lain mcm penangan ina punye nafsu. Dah 5 bulan kami jd suami isteri. ina mengandung dah pun. hahah. tp dlm mabuk mengandung dan tak larat tu (org mengandung je tahu) masih lagi nak kangkang untuk aku. sbb tak nak aku melancap. Aku je tak sampai hati nk balun bini aku ni. heheh
So Sekian.. Thanks sudi baca.
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Yes doctor
PAIRINGS: Hwang Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
GENRE: Mature (Smut)
MUSIC: I hope you know what you're doing by KiNG MALA
CONTAINS: Doctor!au, strangers to lovers
SMUT WARNINGS: over the underwear orgasm, oral f!recieving, teasing f!recieiving. Please message me if i misseed anything.
A/N: Don't read too much into the medical malpractice.
You rubbed your palms against your slacks, the silky material doing nothing to stop the constant flow of sweat. The nurse did offer you a set of scrubs but you refused, your nerves being too overpowering for you to actually register her question- which you were now regretting. As you sat in the partially empty waiting room, you started to reflect on how you actually ended up here. Initially, you thought that it was your own decision, that you were taking charge of your own health, being that girl- but in truth, your past partners had managed to weasel the notion that something was wrong with you, into your brain.
You couldn’t orgasm, not by someone else’s devices anyway, if you were alone with your fingers and vibrator you could decently cum to the point where you weren’t sexually frustrated- but you had never experienced the fireworks and blinding light that all your girlfriends would go on and on about. At first you would lie to your ex’s, forcefully clenching down on their fingers and panting deeply- but soon enough they would realise that you in fact did not cum. And boy, were their ego’s bruised. Nonsense would start to spew out of their mouth and some of them just called you ugly, you even tried a one night stand- that didn’t turn out well, it felt like you were a tree and a big grizzly bear was just helplessly rutting into you.
So here you are, on a Tuesday evening at the gynaecologist’s monochrome waiting room, flipping through a flimsy magazine- you still had your work clothes on, the white blouse and black slacks you had paired together in the morning lent themselves to the decor. Helping you blend in and mask your shame.
After a few minutes of inner turmoil and self loathing- a nurse had called out your name, guiding you to a dark wood door- on which a metal name plate read, ‘Dr. Hwang Hyunjin’.
Well this could only go well, he even sounded like a pretentious asshole- maybe it’ll lighten the blow when he told you that you had a rare disease where you could never cum at the hands of a man. Well you could be a lesbian, that wouldn-
‘Ah, Miss Y/L/N- come in. Take a seat’ A deep voice cut off your trail of thought as the door swung open you were met with a face. But not just any face- an angelic, beautiful face. One that was probably carved by Aphrodite herself, nevermind a gift from her- he was birthed out of her. You stood there for a while, dumbstruck, analysing his smooth skin and focussing on the birthmark just underneath his almond eye,
‘Miss Y/L/N ?’ the same baritone flowed through your ears, like hot caramel, it encompassed you in a warm cocoon, you blinked a few times- trying to clear the delicious fog that had began to form in your mind,
‘Yes-’ you cleared your throat, in hopes that you would snap back into reality, ‘Yes, that’s me.’ The man laughed, his eyes crinkling up until crescents, ‘Yea, Come on in,’ he moved to the side, arm outstretched. Laughing sheepishly, you bunched up your shoulders as you stepped in- sitting on the chair that was in line with his desk.
He followed suit, pulling out and sitting on the chair diagonal to you- he leant forward, reaching to shake out your hand.
As you accepted it, you marvelled at the sheer size of his palm and length of his fingers- he was warm, like a sensual dance that slowly made your blood bubble in your fucking vena cava. He felt like a welcomed heartburn.
‘Hi, my name is Dr.Hwang. And you are?’ He grinned at you, mischief gleaming through his brown iris’. Like in a forest when the sun would stream through the trunks of the tall trees.
‘You already know that’ You replied, sporting an equally cheeky grin, ‘But, since I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. My name is Y/N’
He leaned back giving you a smirk whilst holding his hands up in mock surrender
‘You caught me, I like to think that most patients get more comfortable if we properly introduce themselves’ .
He then swivelled in his chair to reach for a clipboard- the medical form attached flapped with his harsh movement, ‘Your medical file said “unspecified” so I only assume you wanted to tell me directly what was wrong.’ He brought his gaze up from the form towards your face, which was now flushed with embarrassment, rubbing your sweaty palms together,
‘Yeah so- I can’t cum.’ You chuckled as his eyes widened into saucers and a faint dusting of red reached his ears- he cleared his throat harshly whilst tugging at the knot of his tie. Holy fuck, those veins, you wonder what they would look like when wrapped around your-
‘You can’t..cum?’ He jotted down something on his paper, before placing the clipboard on his desk. This guy couldn’t let you finish one thought.
‘Yes, I can’t.’ He arched an eyebrow up at you, was he really a doctor? Maybe he was a model in his past life,
‘As in, you have never experienced an orgasm. Ever?’ His voice was shaky as he snapped on some bright blue gloves.
‘Dr Hwang, I have never cum at the hands of a man.’ Noticing the way his thighs constricted under his slacks made you realise that maybe, this attraction wasn’t one sided.
‘Please call me Hyunjin,’ He muttered as he rolled towards you- folding the sleeves of his white coat up to his elbows, ‘I find it’s better for certain patients.’
You ignored his last comment, trying not to think about the countless amount of women that have probably drooled over him like you are right now, ‘So, do I need to sit there- how do you want me?’
Nice choice of words.
Once again, you managed to gauge a reaction out of him- his arms constricted as he gripped his poor slacks and he sighed deeply through his nose as he looked down,
‘Just there, on the bed-’ He looked back up as he pointed to the medical bed, tucked away in the corner, ‘I need you to, uhm, take off your underwear and pants.’
You choked on your spit,of course you had to take your underwear off. It's a gynaecologist visit for god sake,
‘Uhm, yeah obviously.’ Silently, you walked to the bed, taking support of it so that you could slowly drag down your slacks. You tried not to look directly at him as you felt his eyes boring into your now naked legs- God damn is he intense.
You rubbed your thighs together as you felt the damp material stick to your folds, there is now probably a 99% chance that there was a dark patch of soiled cotton right where your hot sex was.
‘You need some help?’ His condescending voice sent a shiver throughout you, you finally met his dark gaze- it felt like he held a live wire and was millimetres away from shocking you as he slowly stood and made his way to your body. You nodded, scared that if you opened your mouth- even just an inch; that a series of moans and whimpers would flow out- Hyunjin smiled at your meek demeanour, like you were an innocent rabbit and he was a sly fox.
He inhaled deeply as he dragged his nose along your neck, hands caressing your’s, he made a slow descent down your body- nudging your flowy blouse slightly, he layed small pecks on your stomach. Soon he reached the band of your underwear, looking up at you he waited for confirmation, ‘Please..’ you breathed out, groaning in frustration, when he kissed the front of your underwear before moving further down to your clothed pussy. You wretched your hand away from him, to grip on the bed behind you whilst one of his hands wandered up and under your shirt, grazing at the band of your bra- the other dragging up and down your thighs.
Soon enough he had reached the damp material, chuckling when he nudged your covered clit with his nose- making you jolt backwards, ‘I haven’t even touched you yet-’ he prodded your leaking hole with his finger, ‘Look how you pussy wants me..’ he lazily brought his eyes to yours before licking a strip along your underwear, humming as your whole body erupted in goosebumps. What the fuck is this.
He reached for one of your hands whilst keeping his mouth latched on your pussy, his tongue continuously prodding your hole, he found purchase on the hand that was grasping the paper sheet on top of the bed for dear life. Wrapping his fingers around yours he guided them beneath the barrier adorning your throbbing heat- letting you rub harsh circles on your swollen clit. As he rockede back on his haunches he watched you as you helplessly jerked your hips upwards, searching for further friction to help you reach your orgasm whilst moaning softly. You gasped as with one hand he played against your abdomen, halting your jerky movements in place. Whimpering as he moved your underwear to the side.
Leaning forward he blew cold air against your glistening folds, you let out a guttural groan as you gripped his black locks with both hands- trying to push his head further towards your cunt, desperate to feel him ravage you.
‘Uh uh uh, need you to tell me what you want..’ he kissed your slit gently, chuckling when you moaned into the humid air surrounding the two of you. You turned your head to the side, not wanting him to see your expression as you began to stutter, ‘A-anything. God please, just do anything. Just want you..’ You were on the verge of tears, if this is what euphoria felt like, you would happily welcome it with open arms,
You could hear him coo from beneath you, ‘What are you doing to me Y/N?’ he muttered under his breath.
Jesus you like the way he said your name- like it’s a secret.
dipping two of his fingers into your cunt he collected your wetness before placing them into his mouth, moaning as your tangy sweetness blanketed his taste buds.
‘I think I know the exact prescription for you..’ He kitten licked your clit, grinning wolfishly when he saw your folds flutter around nothing, ‘Would you like a demonstration,’ he quirked his eyebrow up at you, ghosting his plump lips over your glistening pussy.
You let out a shaky breath, ‘Yes doctor..’
#stray kids smut#Hwang Hyunjin smut#Hwang Hyunjin fanfiction#Hwang Hyunjin fanfic#skz smut#Hwang Hyunjin x reader#Hyunjin x reader#Hyunjin fanfic#Hyunjin fic#Hyunjin smut#stray kids fanfiction#stray kids scenarios#stray kids imagines#skz scenarios#skz imagines#skz fanfiction#skz fic#skz fanfic#[darlingwrites]#straykidsland#Spotify
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#mala mastroberte
We post glorious pinups like this one all day, every day! If you dig this pic we’ve found online, u should investigate the creator/subjects of the work and fan them, follow them, hire them.
If you’d like us to remove, or you know who made this so that we can credit, DM. Thanks and greetings from Los Angeles.
Dr Rubin’s Pomade
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Pemuda Rajin Organisasi yang Malas Sholat
"Orang yang menanggung beban besar di tengah masyarakat wajib memiliki syiar keimanan yang kuat." Begitu kata Dr. Nawwaf Hael Takruri, ketua Himpunan Ulama' Palestina, beberapa bulan lalu.
Beliau adalah inisiator dari Simposium Pemuda Internasional yang digelar tahunan sejak 2019. Tujuannya adalah menghidupkan pergerakan pemuda di setiap negara khususnya dalam menyikapi isu Palestina.
Nasehat beliau untuk pemuda salah satunya adalah memperhatikan diri sendiri; keimanannya, keilmuannya, dan kekuatan fisiknya.
Dalam sisi keimanan ada yang disebut dengan syiar. Syiar adalah sebuah penanda atas wujudnya keimanan itu sendiri. Bentuknya secara umum adalah dengan menjalankan perintah-perintah ibadah amaliyah dengan baik; shalat, sedekah, puasa, mengaji, dan lainnya.
Tapi ibadah itu sendiri memiliki tingkatan. Secara khusus Rasulullah saw memberi beban tingkatan ibadah itu sesuai dengan kadar orangnya. Tidak semua orang harus sempurna, tapi tidak semua juga boleh menjalankan sekenanya.
Misal saat ada seorang Arab badui dari Najd bertanya tentang Islam, Rasulullah saw hanya memberikan beban yang wajib saja. Kata beliau Islam itu "lima kali shalat dalam sehari semalam," lalu, "puasa Ramadhan," lalu zakat.
Sang badui mengatakan "Demi Allah aku tidak akan menambahnya dan mengurangi." Mendengar itu Rasulullah bergumam, "Ia akan beruntung kalau jujur (seperti yang dikatakan),"
Hadits itu secara lengkapnya tercatat di Shahih Al-Bukhari nomor 1891 diceritakan oleh Shahabat Thalhah bin Ubaidillah.
Apa yang berlaku untuk sang badui itu akan berbeda dengan kasus tokoh sahabat jempolan seperti Abdullah bin Umar, putra dari orang nomor dua di samping Rasulullah, sekaligus adik ipar beliau. Semoga Allah meridhainya.
ٍSaat masih muda, Ibnu Umar yang merupakan copycat Rasulullah itu pernah dikomentari Sang Rasul, "Pemuda terbaik adalah Abdullah," Kata beliau, tapi ada lanjutan syaratnya, "seandainya ia menjalankan shalat malam,"
Semenjak saat itu beliau tidak tidur malam kecuali sebentar, sebab untuk orang setokoh Ibnu Umar menjalani yang wajib saja tidak akan cukup.
Hadits itu diceritakan oleh Ibnu Umar sendiri dalam Shahih Al-Bukhari nomor 1121.
Seperti Ibnu Umar, pemuda yang menanggung peran strategis di tengah masyarakat tidak cukup hanya berpegangan pada ibadah yang ringan-ringan, memilih amalan yang mudah-mudah, apalagi mencukupkan dengan yang penting kewajiban gugur saja.
Semakin berat konstruksi atap bangunan maka pilar betonnya juga harus lebih kokoh. Kalau tidak, seluruhnya akan ambruk.
Syiar keimanan itu adalah pilar yang harus dimiliki pemuda. Pegang ibadah yang paling mulia, shalat jamaah, tahajjud, puasa sunnah, sedekah, rutinkan Quran, dekat dengan hadits, dzikir setiap waktu.
"Kalau ada orang yang sibuk sana-sini, aktif membantu ini-itu, tapi ia kurang dalam syiar agamanya, saya meragukan apakah semua kerja kerasnya itu ikhlas hanya untuk Allah saja, atau untuk yang lain?" pungkas Dr. Nawwaf.
Semoga Allah jaga beliau, dan semua jaringan ahli ilmunya di seluruh dunia.
AUC Avenue, 22 Juli 2024. Masih jauh sekali, harus banyak berlatih.
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RMA Redesign: Dr. Mala
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these edibles ain't shi-
#i like this show ironically (it sucks)#tw drug mention#charming gold#dr. mala#rema#running man animation
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Ay ciertos tipos de lunares/ manchas en la gente que siempre me llaman la atención. Las del tipo "nos hubieran quemado en la hoguera en otra época", pero la mayoría son pequeños y ubicados en lugares que captan mi atención.
Asi que suelo guardar fotos cuando veo a algun actor/ famoso con alguna de estas y los actores bl no son la excepción.
Y no se si ya haya alguien que lo haya comentado, pero aca dejo mi contribución de los que he visto y tengo en mi galería 🙄 (y seguro agregaré más por que estoy segura de algunos que no tengo registro guardado en foto pero si en la memoria)...
Wilson Liu actor Taiwanes conocido por la mayoría de nosotros por History 3 Voldemort.
Tiene una gran mancha de nacimiento en su pecho.
Louis chiang. Nuestro Ai Di en kisesi dear to me.
Tiene un lunar en su muñeca.
Bible Wichapas. Conocido como la gran bandera roja o Vegas de KinnPorsche.
Ubicado en su glúteo 🙄
Ohm Pawat. De Bad Buddy.
Una mancha en su brazo.
Opal Kritsapatorn. A quien vimos recientemente en 1000 Years Old.
Supongo que todos vemos ese hermoso lunar en su cuello no?
James Supamongkon. Uea en Bed friend.
Tiene un pequeño lunar en su oreja.
Pavel Naret. Babe nuestro alfa especial en Pit Babe.
Tiene varios lunares pero este en su pómulo es del que hablo.
Babe Tanatat. Como Tharn en the Sing.
Tiene ese pequeño lunar en parte inferior del ojo. Es una locura, no puedo dejar de mirarlo.
Billy Patchanon. Como Phaya en The Sing.
Con su lunar en el párpado. ( que hace juego con el de su par jaja)
Aaron Lai. Actor Taiwanes. Conocido por la serie Be loved in house.
Tiene 2 lunares en su mejilla con las que perdería todo el día tratando de unir de diferentes formas. El mismo que tiene unas cicatrices producto de un accidente y que no tiene problema en mostrar. Y si yo me viera como el también presumiria.
Sato Arata actor del bl Japonés Takara-kun to Amagi-kun.
Con un llamativo lunar bajo su ojo.
Tai Thanaphat. Como Gus en Middlemans Love. Es una de las personas que más fotos de lunares tengo,por que tiene muchos y muy lindos. Pero dejo mis favoritos.
El de su mano y su antebrazo.
Y este en su cuello...
Boss Chaikamon. Payu en Love in the air.
Tiene ese lindo lunar sobre sus labios. (Ya se que la foto no le hace justicia, capas lo cambie despues)
Yu Yang. Mi querido Zhou Shu Yi en el drama We Best Love.
con su hermoso lunar, en su hermoso rostro, bajo uno de sus hermosos ojos...
Taro Lin. Que interpreto a Bai Zong Yi en kiseki Dear to me.
Tiene ese lunar en su mejilla. Mismo lunar que beso Fan Ze Rui cuando se reencontraron años después...
Inn Sarin. Como el Dr Wandee. Que estamos viendo actualmente en Wandee Goodday
Lunar en su espalda.
Esto termino siendo muy largo... Y supongo que en el futuro habrá más. Pero este fue un viaje loco por mis imágenes y algo que me gusta, y tengo en común con esta gente.
(Puede haber algún error y obvio malas fotos )
#Actores bl#inn sarin#taro lin#kiseki: dear to me#yu yang#boss chaikamon#tai thanaphat#Sato Arata#Aaron lai#billy patchanon#babe tanatat#pavel naret#James Supamongkon#opal kritsapatorn#ohm pawat#bible wichapas#louis chiang#Wilson liu#Thai bl#bl taiwan#Lunares#lita#wandee goodday#1000 years old#cosas bl
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Fly brain breakthrough 'huge leap' to unlock human mind
Whole-brain annotation and multi-connectome cell typing of Drosophila
A fruit fly's brain is smaller than a poppy seed, but it packs tremendous complexity into that tiny space. Over 140,000 neurons are joined together by more than 490 feet of wiring, as long as four blue whales placed end to end. Hundreds of scientists mapped out those connections in stunning detail in a series of papers published on Wednesday in the journal Nature. The wiring diagram will be a boon to researchers who have studied the nervous system of the fly species, Drosophila melanogaster, for generations. Previously, a tiny worm was the only adult animal to have had its brain entirely reconstructed, with just 385 neurons in its entire nervous system. The new fly map is "the first time we've had a complete map of any complex brain," said Mala Murthy, a neurobiologist at Princeton who helped lead the effort.
The mapping began in 2013, when Davi Bock, a neuroscientist then at the Janelia Research Campus of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Virginia, and his colleagues dunked the brain of an adult fly in a chemical bath, hardening it into a solid block. They shaved an exquisitely thin layer off the top of the block and used a microscope to take pictures of it. Then the scientists shaved another layer and took a new picture. To capture the entire brain, they imaged 7,050 sections and produced about 21 million pictures. Dr. Seung and his colleagues also developed software to interpret these images. They programmed computers to recognize the cross-sections of neurons in each picture and stack them into the 3-D shapes of the cells.
Dr. Shiu's team tested the simulated brain by seeing how it responded to food. A fly's tongue-like proboscis is covered in neurons that are sensitive to sugar. The researchers activated them and watched the signals race through the fly's brain. The simulated brain did what a real brain would: It commanded the proboscis to stick out so that the fly could eat. And if the virtual fly tasted sugar only on the right side of its proboscis, the brain sent commands to bend it toward the right.
There's more at the link including a visualization video of the different systems of the brain. Very interesting stuff!
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LA LIGA DEL SUEÑO - Mala Sangre 1997
#LA LIGA DEL SUEÑO#Mala Sangre#Pelo Madueño#Mundo Cachina#pop music#pop rock#cigarros pall mall#ron cartavio#hot topic#vans off the wall#vans old school#dr martens#cervezas y chicas#pizzas y musica#Monster Energy#cerveza pilsen#90s#90s aesthetic#Youtube
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ok i have to ask a playlist for elias and the rhq 👀
hehehe ;)
Fear and Delight -The Correspondents (hot evil lady and a dubiously willing elias)
Everything You Ever (Dr Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog) (they have all this power and this new heart but. is this what they wanted?)
Shut Eye - Stealing Sheep (mistakes mistakes)
Poor Unfortunate Souls (Melissa McCarthy verson) (bargaining, deals, playing their wants into their fears)
i could have been worse - KiNG MALA (could apply to either of them here)
#playlists#elias leroux#the rhq#elias and the rhqueen#chittering#asks#;)#there's one or two others i could have added but i don't want people to try to talk to me about those or know i like that so#those stay in the void cnsjsjfjxjzsbdjxz
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SONIC CHANNEL STAFF COLUMN - Presentación Calendario Noviembre 2024
Artículo original del Sonic Channel publicado el 19/10/2024
¡Hola! Soy KIKUZO, webmaster del Sonic Channel.
Después de comer, salí a correr por Sweet Mountain para hacer algo de ejercicio, pero… ¡me volvió a dar hambre! Debe ser porque es otoño, y en esta temporada todo sabe más delicioso. ¡Espero que todos lo disfrutéis al máximo!
Bueno, el personaje que aparece en el calendario de noviembre de 2024 es…
Big the Cat, como su nombre indica, es un gato grande y tranquilo.
Le encanta dormir, comer y pescar.
Normalmente vive una vida relajada en plena naturaleza junto a su amigo Froggy, disfrutando de la tranquilidad. Sin embargo, cuando llega el momento, también puede mostrar su lado fuerte y esforzarse al máximo.
¡Y sorprendentemente, ha viajado a muchos lugares! En varios juegos, puedes ver que hace pequeñas apariciones... ¿o no?
También ha sido avistado en ilustraciones, ¿por qué no intentáis encontrarlo? → SONIC PICT*
Y un agradecimiento especial a todos los que participaron en la votación de personajes que aparecen junto a él. Los cuatro personajes en los que se podía votar eran los siguientes:
Y bien, el personaje elegido para aparecer junto a Big en la ilustración es…
Es el robot más poderoso de la serie E, el último número de producción creado por el Dr. Eggman… aunque fue sellado poco después de ser fabricado.
Este robot tiene una historia complicada. Omega guarda un profundo resentimiento por haber sido sellado y ha hecho de su misión destruir todos los robots de Eggman para probar que él es "el más fuerte". Además, también busca vengarse del propio Eggman por haberlo sellado.
Sus acciones y palabras suelen ser bastante agresivas, lo que lo hace parecer el completo opuesto del tranquilo y amable Big. A simple vista, parecen una mala combinación de pareja ¿no?
Pero en realidad, ambos lucharon juntos contra Metal Sonic en Sonic Heroes, así que se podría decir que son compañeros de batalla.
Si sus objetivos se alinean, ¡podríamos ver una combinación poderosa de sus habilidades!
— ¡Y así, aquí tenéis la ilustración de este mes!
"Big y Omega enfrentándose a algo increíble mientras están a bordo de un acorazado en medio del océano."
Omega está listo para contraatacar, en posición defensiva tras el lanzamiento de unos misiles, mientras que Big, sorprendentemente ágil para su tamaño, salta con su caña de pescar en mano, equipada con un señuelo especial.
¿Pero qué es lo que habrán encontrado? ¿Un enemigo? ¿Una presa? ¿O un desastre natural?
¡No te pierdas la ilustración! ¡Descárgala y disfrútala en el sitio web de Sonic Channel!
(*) SONIC PICT en español.
#sonic the hedgehog#sonic español#sonic team#sonic#sonic channel#sega#sonic series#Sonic Channel Staff Column#Kikuzo#Calendar Illustration: Contadnos Creadores#Sonic Calendar#Big the Cat#E-123 Omega#Omega#Sonic Heroes
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Breakthrough in Fly Brain Research Paves Way for Understanding Human Cognition
Scientists have achieved a monumental breakthrough by mapping the fly brain, revealing the position, shape, and connections of all its 130,000 cells and 50 million intricate connections. This research represents the most detailed analysis of an adult animal's brain to date and is being hailed as a "huge leap" in understanding human cognition.
The fly's brain, though tiny, supports a range of complex behaviors, including walking, hovering, and even producing mating songs. Dr. Gregory Jefferis, a leader in the research from the Medical Research Council's Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, emphasizes that this mapping could illuminate the mechanisms behind thought processes in humans. He noted the lack of understanding about how brain cell networks facilitate our interactions with the world.
Despite humans having a million times more neurons than the fruit fly, the new wiring diagram, or connectome, will aid scientists in deciphering cognitive functions. Published in the journal Nature, the imagery showcases a stunningly complex structure that reveals how a small organ can perform powerful computational tasks.
Dr. Mala Murthy, co-leader of the project from Princeton University, stated that this connectome will be transformative for neuroscientists, allowing for a better understanding of healthy brain function and the potential to compare it with malfunctioning brains.
Dr. Lucia Prieto Godino from the Francis Crick Institute supports this view, highlighting that while simpler organisms like worms and maggots have had their connectomes mapped, the fly’s intricate wiring is a significant achievement. This success paves the way for mapping larger brains, potentially leading to a human connectome in the future.
The research team has successfully identified separate circuits for various functions, illustrating how movement-related circuits are positioned at the base of the brain, while those responsible for vision are located on the sides. The study not only identifies these circuits but also explains their connections, enhancing our understanding of neural processing.
Interestingly, researchers are already applying these circuit diagrams to understand why flies are so hard to catch. The wiring related to vision quickly processes incoming threats, sending signals to the fly's legs to jump away faster than conscious thought.
To create the wiring diagram, researchers used a technique involving slicing the fly brain into 7,000 incredibly thin pieces, photographing each slice, and digitally reconstructing the whole. They employed artificial intelligence to analyze neuron shapes and connections, correcting over three million errors manually.
Dr. Philipp Schlegel from the Medical Research Council highlights that this data serves as a comprehensive map of brain connectivity, akin to a detailed Google Maps for the neural networks. This combined information will facilitate countless discoveries in neuroscience in the coming years.
While a human connectome remains elusive due to the complexity of the human brain, researchers believe that advancements in technology may allow for such mapping in about three decades. The fly brain research marks a significant step toward unlocking the mysteries of human cognition and understanding our own minds better.
The study was conducted by the FlyWire Consortium, an international collaboration of scientists dedicated to advancing neuroscience.
#fly brain#neuroscience#connectome#research breakthrough#cognition#insect brain mapping#neural networks#scientific discovery#MRC#fly brain study
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