#dr ira billings
dampagate · 2 years
Don't Be Afraid, I Don't Bite.
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Guess who's been rewatching Batman Beyond! ✨
It's strange as I have no recollection of any of the villains but I recall Terry, Bruce and the batsuit of that show. To be fair I watched it as a child and I dipped out of Batman some point in my teenage years.
Anyways, here is Dr Ira Billings, aka Spellbinder. I absolutely love his character and design and it definitely isn't because he reminds me of Jonathan Crane.
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docgold13 · 4 months
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Ira Billings was a gifted inventor and unscrupulous psychologist.  He developed a sophisticated means of entrancing people, leaving them highly susceptible to the power of suggestion.  Despite his ingenuity, Billings ended up working as a councilor at Hamilton High School where he felt unappreciated and envious toward those students who came from wealthy families.  
Billings weaponized his invention and became the costumed villain known as The Spellbinder.  First he would gather information through his counseling sessions with the wealthier students, then he hypnotize these individuals coercing them into stealing the valuables from their homes and delivering them to him.  Those entranced had no memory of their actions.
The rash of burglaries caught the attention of Batman.  Terry and Bruce investigated the matter and discovered a commonality among the victims.  All the burgled homes belonged to patients of Dr. Billings.  To further the investigation, Terry went to Billings for counseling, sure to mention the valuables in the home of his employer Bruce Wayne.  It was bait too tempting for Billings to pass up and it was not long before a mesmerized Terry was pilfering through Wayne Manner.  
Once Terry was awoken from his trance, he donned his guise as Batman and intercepted Billings.  As the Spellbinder, Billings possessed all manner of illusion-based tricks that made it difficult for Batman to lay a hand on him.  With Bruce’s help, however, Batman was able to prevail and The Spellbinder was taken down.  Billings would return on numerous occasions, becoming one of the new Batman's more persistent rogues.  
Actor Jon Cypher provided the voice for Dr. Billings/Spellbinder, with the villain first appearing in the tenth episode of the first season of Batman Beyond, ‘Spellbound.’  
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onceuponanaromantic · 11 months
it's a long story (tell me anyway)
(Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial's prompt FFF226: By Any Other Name. Enjoy!)
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Fire licks at her hands where she presses them into the burning hull of the spaceship and curses. Fire twists through the ruins of her jacket, biting at her undershirt as she works through the combustion equations in her head, pulling at the wards to admit her new ward as they spiral rapidly through the atmosphere. She calculates the propulsion through rapidly decreasing oxygen levels and increasing heat, ignoring the light and smoke.
In the last few moments, it takes as she sings to it, using the last of her oxygen. And the darkness takes her.
“Hell of an entrance, Ira.” She wakes to the horrible pungent smell of the healing ward. Herbs and antiseptic make for a terrible combination, but they also make for an efficient combination so she bears with it. “Welcome home.”
A hand pats hers, and she squints at the physician treating her. The rough callouses from scalpel use brush against healing skin. The room spins around her as she tries to see through the haze. “Don’t sit up. The smoke did a number to your lungs and your bloodwork made Healer Kyrie curse all sorts of things when it came in, so I recommend you take their instructions.”
“Rest, Ira.” She doesn’t know what expression her face must be making but it’s enough that Dr Kaiyan laughs. “I know you’re not familiar with the concept but it really will help.”
            “It’s not like Rin is going anywhere.”
            Something beeps in the background. Kaiyan curses.
“I need to go now, but let me know if you need anything and,” she hesitates, “it really is good to see you. I wish it was under better circumstances.”
I love you too, she would have said if she had any voice to say it with, as the door closes.
Let’s talk about a hypothetical situation. Let’s say that you’ve spent years staring at warding because you were never that good at making friends anyway. Let’s say that you tell your older sister, who is also your guardian that there’s a problem. That in twenty years’ time, there’s going to be a problem with the magic because there’s an error in the original flow structure that initially imported magic over from a different world. Say, no one takes either of you seriously because what arrogance, to presume that you knew better than the warders who set up the initial system.
Say it happens in six years instead of twenty. Say the systems begin to crumble, and there’s panic and there’s no solution to be found. Say your sister by this time is a priestess who finds a way out through an ancient book. Say she twists the magic to rely on her soul through an ancient spell that converts a death into eternal sleep. There’s a way to get out from it, true love’s kiss, but it will undo the original spell.
They hadn’t even bothered to call her. It was just a letter, mixed in with bills and advertisements for other conferences and new boba tea shops popping up in different nebulae. Just a letter with a plain font.
“Ira.” Her sister’s fiancée gets up from beside where her sister lies sleeping. “They told me you were back.”
“Right, I don’t think they told you the part where I fell out of the sky.”
Ana grins, despite the dried tear tracks and the wrinkles. “Oh, Kaiyan did mention that too. You look different.”
“You look different too.” She looks down at herself, taking in the stains from where she had been working through the theory again, checking her wards.
If nobody was going to take her seriously, well, she was going to come up with a solution anyway. It’s not like she wanted to be an academic full-time in the first place.
All she had wanted was to keep her sister safe. And it turns out she hadn’t even managed that.
(She hid the grief for her selfishness in balls of pain in her throat. She knew she was selfish. She could have come back earlier. She knew she could have, when her sister first told her the thing she had predicted was happening already. She knew. But it had been so nice, to be someone other than Rin’s sister. To change her hair, to change her name and her eyes and pretend it wasn’t running away when she had left. To refuse to answer Rin’s messages, because it was an old life and it wasn’t like Rin could come after her anyway.)
She notices the ring around Ana’s finger. “Congratulations, by the way.”
Ana breaks her gaze. “We’re not married. Just engaged and well, she thought we should have rings. I thought she told you.”
She swallowed past the lump in her throat.
“Have they found an alternate solution to the problem?” She winces at the harsh change in subject.
Ana spreads her hands. “Have at it.”
She turns away, mind already spinning ahead in threads and numbers and calculations. “And Ira? Come have lunch sometime. It’s been a while.”
It takes her twelve days, running around the city and not sleeping or eating except for a great deal of caffeine and the occasional snack bar. But she solves it. She sets the plan she had been working on for the last three years in progress, and she executes it perfectly.
She gets through the final result long enough for it all to click into place, for her to get to the room in the temple her sister sleeps in, for her to see her sister begin to stir.
“Oh good.” She says, and passes out herself.
            She wakes up to yet another argument being carried out over her. They all turn to her as she wakes, and she blearily glares at them.
            “How did you get over the true love requirement?” “Why isn’t there anything collapsing?”
            “Math.” She squints at them and then goes back to sleep.
            The next time she wakes, it’s to Rin and Ana talking quietly over her. Rin is the first to notice her, even though the premature wrinkles twist at the edges of her face
            “You look different.” It’s been a while. I’m sorry.
            “Hello, stranger.” Rin says, “I’ve missed you. What’s your name now?”
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soulofkhal · 1 year
Khal Reads: Green Arrow(1988) by Mike Grell
Discretion: This is my first Green Arrow run so I apologize if certain details already appears in the previous run and I missed it!
The blog isn't dead! The reviews are still coming in. Not sure if there's anyone that's waiting for another random comic review by me but here it goes!
This time, I'll be looking at one of the definitive runs of Green Arrow, the 1988 run written by Mike Grell. The run spans for 76 issues between 1988-1994.
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Writer: Mike Grell
Penciller: Ed Hannigan (1-25), Dan Jurgens (26-33), Rick Hoberg (35-38, 44-60, 63-66, 69-72, 75-76), Denys Cowan (39), Shea Pensa (39, 73-74), Frank Springer (61-68),
Inker: Dick Giordano, Frank Mclaughlin, Bill Wray (35-38), John Nyberg (44-60, 63-66, 69-72, 75-76), Pablo Marcos (61-68)
Colorist: Julia Lacquement
Editor: Mike Gold
TL;DR on why you should or shouldn't read:
Trigger warning: Rape (some issues dealt with rapist and one of the character gets raped)
Thrilling stories with full of action. Never a dull moment in this run.
More mystery/thriller/action based stories. We're talking government conspiracies, serial killers, yakuzas, CIA, IRA, and psychopaths (there's a story about a guy who collects tattooed skin, super fun). It's similar in tone to Dennis O' Neill's The Question but more action-y than suspense.
Tons of Dinah-Oliver moment if that's your thing (although their relationship isn't the healthiest in this run).
Stories are often interwoven with social issues such as from anti-draft , ivory trading, human trafficking, etc.
Cons (for me):
Ollie gets raped but the incident were not made to be a big deal nor do we ever get to see Ollie's feelings about the situation properly.
Social issues are often mishandled/clearly being written from a white lens. Some whitesplaining moments as well.
Female characters are mostly there just to fawn over Oliver or become his love interest.
The uncomfortable writing of Shado. There's the dragon lady stereotype sprinkled in with some fetishism while simultaneously not allowing her to be a real subject of attention or desire by the white male protagonist. There's some Grant Morrison Talia treatment in there is all I'm saying
Dinah and Oliver's relationship are relatively toxic imo. Oliver often abandoned and even cheated on Dinah throughout the run (with a girl half his age).
Dinah's role is often relegated as a fanservice for the reader
Oliver kills quite a lot in this run and I know heroes killing criminals could be controversial to people.
My thoughts and full review:
This run takes us to Seattle, where Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) and Dinah Lance (Black Canary) have just moved. The run chronicles the adventure of (mostly) Oliver and Dinah during their stay in Seattle and occasionally throughout the Globe. Dinah also started her side job as the owner of a flower shop. Throughout this run, we were introduced to a string of side characters such as Shado, an assassin who used to be indebted to the Yakuza that shares a complicated relationship with Oliver and Eddie Fryes, a merc who are often at odds with Oliver
I have..complicated relationship with this run. As mentioned above, there's a lot of things that I love and there's a lot that I don't and I'm going to expand on some of those points below.
(+) The plot
Boring would be the last adjective I'll use to describe this run. It's thrilling, it's melodramatic, and it's suspenseful. You got panels upon panels of our titular hero kicking butt, often with his accomplices. You got the soap opera and the drama between Oliver and the women in his life. It's really fun. As someone who loves thriller and mystery, the first issue already got me hooked. Here, we have Oliver trying to prove that a criminal that is currently under house arrest is still responsible for the kidnapping and torture of several women in the area. The issue ended with Oliver drowning the criminal in his own brewed alcohol. Also, we got cool panels like this one in the run
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(+/-) The social issues
In the midst of all of this, we were also served with a plethora of social messages that were apt for the time, a common motif found in comics of this era. The run tackles issues such as race, human trafficking, illegal hunting, military drafts, corrupt government, drug trade and etc. I always love when comics can become a time capsule that reflects the era when it was written and as a medium that could talk about these important messages to its readers. A lot of it works although I do feel like Grell and Gold often hamfisted these message to the plot to the point that some of these issues just felt like an essay and not a proper plot point if that makes sense,
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That being said, it's very obvious that a lot of these messages came from the perspective of a white man. One particular issue that stood out for me was in Issue #55 and #56: Justice is Mine, where a cop pins a murder on a convicted serial killer despite knowing that the murder that got this man acquitted was not done by him and the man was later sentenced to death. The catch is that the actual murder was a pimp (since most of the victims were prostitutes) but the thing is, the pimp, JoJo, is a black man, while the serial killer, Harry Gilbert, is a white man. I just think that using a white man being executed in the place of black man feels like an inappropriate symbolism to depict lazy/corrupt cops as it is often the opposite in real life. Not to mention the racial stereotype. A great fan letter sent to Sherwood Column (the fan letter column in the back of each issue) written by a black reader explains this a LOT better than I possibly could.
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(-) The writing of the female characters
Dinah Lance (Black Canary)
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Dinah and Oliver share a complicated relationship throughout this run. For the most part, their status are as lovers, but a string of events lead them to have an on and off relationship in some part of the run and as the run ended, so does their relationship, no thanks to Oliver's cheating ass.
Dinah mostly acts undercover in this run, running a flower shop while occasionally helping Oliver in kicking some butts. A favourite issue of mine showing them working together is in Issue #59-60 where they both work together to apprehend an assassination attempt on a serial killer (don't worry, they weren't siding with the killer). However, this issue was, unfortunately, a rarity, and we really don't get to see Dinah in action quite a lot. The editor's response to this didn't help as he often points the reader to instead anticipate her upcoming solo run...as if she's not allowed to kick ass in two runs at the same time.
It also doesn't help that most of her appearance relegated to her and Oliver having sex with Dinah often potrayed with bare minimum clothing. I know it's to be expected from an 80s comics, but I can still dislike it. The most frustrating part is though is how badly Oliver treated her. At some point, he even left her after she informed him that she's unable to have a child. And the worse part? SHE ACCEPTS HIM BACK WHEN HE WENT BACK TO SEATTLE. Thankfully, she stood up for herself once she discovers Oliver kissing Marianne, a grad student that they took in (who is also half Oliver's age by the way so yeah maybe male writers need to be stopped sometimes)
A fan letter describing my sentiment:
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So let's get a little bit of a background here. Shado is a former assassin for hire by the Yakuza due to her father's former ties to their group. She and Oliver initially cross paths in the Longbow Hunters, the short prequel to this run. Shado's storyline is a huge part of Grell's run. There are 4 story arcs that puts her in the spotlight alongside with Oliver. Most of them I argue were the highlights of the run (before I knew better at least)
That doesn't mean however that this character is being properly written whatsoever. Shado starts of as an aloof, cold-blooded killer who develops close relationship with Oliver as the time goes on as the two shared common interest in the art of bows and arrows. There were certainly tension between the two which were noticeable, especially by Dinah which (justifiably) led her to be apprehensive around Shado.
Things take a turn when in the Here There Be Dragon arc, Oliver gets sick after being shot by his enemies with Shado tending to his wound. She then proceed to take advantage of him and rape him while he is delirious and also conceive his child. Yep.
We didn't really get this revelation until down the road (Issue 36 but I still wasn't sure until reading Issue 45) which makes me feel almost manipulated for enjoying the relationship between the two. To make matters worse, for a while, Oliver seems to kick himself in the curb for not..taking care of his child? when he didn't even know the existence of said child? it's just very off-putting, victim-blamey, and overall incredibly problematic on the team's part. I also feel like the whole situation just feels very unneccesary? It's like they want to drive the point forward that the only way this two could get intimate is that if she takes advantage of him. Maybe I'm reaching but it feels like they just didn't want the white male hero to even have a normal relationship with an asian woman. I heard that the writing of Jade Nguyen (Cheshire) were also problematic so maybe there's something to it.
So in conclusion do I enjoy the run? Yeah, to a degree. It's hard getting it above 8 with the problematic elements present throughout the run. It might sounds unfair since it's an 80s comics but since the fan letters in the sherwood column are also often critical about the way certain issues were handled, I'll say my reasoning is still fair.
Final rating: 7.5/10
Favourite issues: Here There Be Dragons arc, Predator arc, Bum Rap arc
Sorry for the long post. I'll try posting my review of Swamp Thing by Alan Moore and Aquaman (1999) by Peter David in near future. Thank you so much if you're still reading until this part!
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docrotten · 2 years
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 3: DREAM WARRIORS (1987) – Episode 224 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
“Welcome to prime time, bitch!” Not words I’d use in front of my mother, but they are iconic just the same. Join your faithful Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, Crystal Cleveland, and Jeff Mohr, along with guest host Ralph Miller  – as they enter another Wes Craven nightmare, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987). Expect a lot of FX talk with Ralph in the house!
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 224 – A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
A psychiatrist familiar with knife-wielding dream demon Freddy Krueger helps teens at a mental hospital battle the killer who is invading their dreams.
  [NOTE: Effects crew credits are listed as they appear in the film credits.]
Director: Chuck Russell
Writers: Wes Craven (story) (screenplay) (characters); Bruce Wagner (story) (screenplay); Frank Darabont (screenplay); Chuck Russell (screenplay)
Music: Angelo Badalamenti
Storyboard Artist / Visual Consultant: Peter von Sholly
Stop-Motion Skeleton and Marionette Effects: Doug Beswick Productions, Inc.
Stop-Motion Animation: Doug Beswick
Effects Photography Supervisor: Jim Aupperle
Stop-Motion Puppet Construction: Yancy Calzada
Marionette Construction: Mark Bryan Wilson (as Mark Wilson)
Miniatures: James Belohovek
Illustrator: Larry Nikolai
Makeup effects Sequences: Greg Cannom
Assistants to Greg Cannom: Larry Odien, Earl Ellis, John Vulich, Keith Edmier, Brent Baker
Krueger Makeup effects: Kevin Yagher
Assistants to Kevin Yagher: Jim Kagel, Mitch DeVane, Gino Crognale, Brian Penikas, David Kindlon, Steve James, Everett Burrell
Makeup Effects Sequences: Mark Shostrom
Assistants to Mr. Shostrum: Robert Kurtzman, Bryant Tausek, John Blake Dutro, James McLoughlin (as Jim McLoughlin), Cathy Carpenter
Additional Makeup Effects: Matthew W. Mungle (as Mathew Mungel)
Assistant to Mathew Mungel: Russell Seifert
Mechanical Effects: Image Engineering
Special Effects Coordinator: Peter Chesney
Lead Technician: Lenny Dalrymple
Mechanical Designers: Bruce D. Hayes (as Bruce Hayes), Joe Starr, Anton Tremblay (as Tony Tremblay)
Effects Technicians: Bernardo F. Munoz (as Bernard Munoz), Rod Schumacher, Bob Ahmanson
Effects Crew: Scott Nesselrode, Tom Chesney, Kelly Mann, Phillip Hartmann (as Phillip Hartman), Ralph Miller III (as Ralph Miller), Joel Fletcher, Brian Mcfadden, Sandra Stewart (as Sandy Stewart), Terry Mack (as Troy Mack), Blaine Converse, Ron MacInnes, Brendan C. Quigley
Selected Cast:
Heather Langenkamp as Nancy Thompson
Craig Wasson as Dr. Neil Gordon
Patricia Arquette as Kristen Parker
Ken Sagoes as Roland Kincaid
Ira Heiden as Will Stanton
Rodney Eastman as Joey Crusel
Jennifer Rubin as Taryn White
Penelope Sudrow as Jennifer Caulfield
Bradley Gregg as Phillip Anderson
Laurence Fishburne as Max Daniels (credited as Larry Fishburne)
John Saxon as Donald Thompson
Priscilla Pointer as Dr. Elizabeth Simms
Clayton Landey as Lorenzo
Brooke Bundy as Elaine Parker
Nan Martin as Sister Mary Helena
Stacey Alden as Nurse Marcie
Dick Cavett as Himself
Zsa Zsa Gabor as Herself
Paul Kent as Dr. Carver
Guest host Ralph Miller III, who worked behind the scenes on Dream Warriors provides insights and many effects development photos that are shown in the YouTube version of the podcast. Post-recording, the crew wants to clarify that Kevin Yagher was responsible for the Freddy Snake, and Mark Shostrom was in charge of the Penelope Sudrow dummy that smashes into the Freddyvision TV.
With the success of A Nightmare on  Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987), following the critical failure of A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985), New line Cinema firmly cemented Freddy Krueger and A Nightmare on Elm Street as one of the most iconic horror franchises of its time. Not only does Dream Warriors feature Robert Englund continuing to breathe both humor and fear into Freddy Krueger but also the return of both Heather Langenkamp and John Saxon from the original. The film also features Craig Wasson (Ghost Story) as the male lead and early film roles for Patricia Arquette and Larry Fishburne. Frank Darabont (The Mist) and Bruce Wagner join Wes Craven on scripting chores and Chuck Russell (The Blob, The Mask) directs while Angelo Badalamenti (Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet) provides the score – a winning combination of talent. Surely a Grue-Crew highly recommended selection with special effects by Greg Cannom, Doug Beswick, Mark Shostrom, Kevin Yagher, and more!
Be sure to check out the first time the 80s Grue-Crew took a dive into this film in February 2017, featuring Doc Rotten, Christopher G. Moore, and Thomas Mariani as the Grue-Crew. You can find it here: A NIGHTMARE ON ELMS STREET 3: DREAM WARRIORS (1987) — Episode 102
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Jeff, will be The Changeling (1980), starring George C. Scott, Trish Van Devere, Melvyn Douglas, . . . and a bouncing, red, rubber ball.
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans – so leave them a message or comment on the gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the website, or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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New mixtape:
blindone- the acidic hasidic 11- The Old Test a ment Extended Vers Dax Pierson- snap Radioinactive- personnality theft Elucid- Burnt Sugar feat. Psychic Twin doseone- Big Bank Basik MC-One Verse Hearse v 1.2 DJ Signify- Costume Kids Mestizo & Controller 7- Lay Your Life Down Danny Brown- 3 Tearz (feat. Run the Jewels) Birdapres- Different Insignificant Elzhi- 1-14 Misright Dope KNife- The Message Feat. Dana Coppafeel De La Soul- The Magic Number Fatt Matt, Ira Lee, Chadio- Downtown mykill miers and pawz one- cult classic (feat. edo.g and dj romes) Factor Chandelier feat. Onry Ozzborn- black nasa Neek the Exotic- One Speed All Out (Feat. Satchel Page) living legends- communion Reks- Animal Kingdom (Prod. By Apollo Brown) Rocwell feat. Swamburger- Memories The Gumshoe Strut- # Stairaway Saukrates- Innovations Feat. Pharoahe Monch dj moves- morris day feat. tachichi rob sonic- gums john jiggs feat crimeapple- teflon manteca 2Mex- Can't Get With Us (feat. Riddlore) Sacred Hoop- Quiet, Im Dying Defcee & Messiah Musik- Shell Game feat. Alaska sixtoo- garbage rain shrapknel- acid vignette(feat. donovan days and the binary marketing show) Mad Kap- Escuse Me Brutha!-Jeff-Self Feat. Jeff Broadway El-P- Oh Hail No (Feat. Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire & Danny Brown) Bag Appeal- Knife Rips (Rich Jones, Jesse The Tree & MJC) Raw Produce- Up All Night Darko The Super- Boomerang (Prod. Steel Tipped Dove) Dr. Octagon- Flying Waterbed The Koreatown Oddity- Meditative Thought Esoteric & Stu Bangas- Blood On the Flowers (feat. Spit Gemz) CURTA- Sky High feat. Kenny Dennis (Serengeti) Farm Fresh- tylers in the coal room (weeping) Diamond D- K.I.S.S. (Keep it Simple Stupid) Defari- Deepest Regards (feat. B Real & J Ro) (prod. by Mike City) Deeskee- Motel Six sadistik- november aj suede and televangel- elysium DJ Muggs x Roc Marciano- Wormhole freestyle fellowship- hillcrest fatboi sharif and roper williams- prescription ODD NOSDAM- horse face anglo- Nine to Five Maximus Da Mantis - KALI-MA - TapeDeck Wizardry Ft Dangerous Dane main flow- dealing with the archives (ft dj greyboy) Controller 7- swallow (feat. Hemlock Ernst) The Nonce- Mix Tapes (1926 Sunday Night Remix) sign one- 2020 Hosannas (TGS Remix) ft. The Gumshoe Strut ddamage- insects are human Mr. Lif- Low Key (Feat. Murs, El-P, BMS & 3 Melancholy Gypsies) Demigodz- The Summer of Sam feat. Apathy, Blacastan, Esoteric, Motive, Ryu & Celph Titled AWOL ONE- REALLY MATTERS FEAT D-STYLES OLD SELF- Golden Rule (Radio Edit) feat. Lt Headtrip & BIG BREAKFAST One Be Lo- Phoenix Sons-HHB open mike eagle- ill fight you (prod. diamond d) Nolto & Factor- Making Out MF Grimm- earth prince po- bump bump (ft raekwon - prod by madlib) existereo- boyz in the hoodwinked DJ Quik- Speed jean grae & quelle chris- breakfast of champions OneWerd- What Living is For (variex. Remix) Moor Mother & Billy Woods- Portrait ft. Navy Blue alxndrbrwn- a boy nostalgic for the future (feat. cas one) Emad Saad Drastic Measures Hip Hop- Shatterd Light (feat. 2Mex & Negro Scoe) Short Fuze & Nasa- Master Peace Eric Bobo & Stu Bangas- Street Smarts feat. Ill Bill & O.C Five Deez- The Rock Rehab The Doppelgangaz- Taking Them Pills sandpeople- sapient and ethic- crown control kay the aquanaut and maki- the day the gods came back The Walrus (Interlude) Degiheugi- Keeping Memory Alive W Nolto, Andrre, Astronautalis & Nomad blue sky black death and ceschi- miracles Das EFX- real hip hop (pete rock remix) dj seinfeld- song for the lonely ERDA- SIGIL (prod. leftfordead) zoviet france- FICKLE WHISTLE, HAND OVER YOUR EARS Oldominion- Same Ol Same Ol (Feat. Barfly, Candidt & Peegee 13) Bike for Three!- First Embrace Eyedress- My Girl The Finest
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brookstonalmanac · 2 days
Events 9.25 (after 1930)
1937 – Second Sino-Japanese War: The Chinese Eighth Route Army gains a minor, but morale-boosting victory in the Battle of Pingxingguan. 1944 – World War II: Surviving elements of the British 1st Airborne Division withdraw from Arnhem via Oosterbeek. 1955 – The Royal Jordanian Air Force is founded. 1956 – TAT-1, the first submarine transatlantic telephone cable system, is inaugurated. 1957 – Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, is integrated by the use of United States Army troops. 1959 – Solomon Bandaranaike, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, is mortally wounded by a Buddhist monk, Talduwe Somarama, and dies the next day. 1962 – The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria is formally proclaimed. Ferhat Abbas is elected President of the provisional government. 1962 – The North Yemen Civil War begins when Abdullah al-Sallal dethrones the newly crowned Imam al-Badr and declares Yemen a republic under his presidency. 1963 – Lord Denning releases the UK government's official report on the Profumo affair. 1964 – The Mozambican War of Independence against Portugal begins. 1969 – The charter establishing the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation is signed. 1974 – Dr. Frank Jobe performs first ulnar collateral ligament replacement surgery (better known as Tommy John surgery) on baseball player Tommy John. 1977 – About 4,200 people take part in the first running of the Chicago Marathon. 1978 – PSA Flight 182, a Boeing 727, collides in mid-air with a Cessna 172 and crashes in San Diego, killing all 135 aboard Flight 182, both occupants of the Cessna, as well as seven people on the ground. 1981 – Belize joins the United Nations. 1983 – Thirty-eight IRA prisoners, armed with six handguns, hijack a prison meals lorry and smash their way out of the Maze Prison. 1985 – 3 civilians killed by alleged supporters of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Larnaca yacht killings. 1987 – Fijian Governor-General Penaia Ganilau is overthrown in a coup d'état led by Lieutenant colonel Sitiveni Rabuka. 1992 – NASA launches the Mars Observer. Eleven months later, the probe would fail while preparing for orbital insertion. 1997 – NASA launches Space Shuttle Atlantis on STS-86 to the Mir space station. 1998 – PauknAir Flight 4101, a British Aerospace 146, crashes near Melilla Airport in Melilla, Spain, killing 38 people. 2003 – The 8.3 Mw  Hokkaidō earthquake strikes just offshore Hokkaidō, Japan. 2018 – Bill Cosby is sentenced to three to ten years in prison for aggravated sexual assault.
0 notes
linneajospeh · 2 months
Top Financial Mistakes To Avoid: Advice From Financial Experts
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Managing finances effectively is crucial for achieving long-term financial stability and security. However, many individuals fall into common traps that can undermine their financial goals. Here are some of the top financial mistakes to avoid, along with expert advice on how to steer clear of them.
1. Not Having a Budget
One of the most fundamental mistakes people make is failing to create and stick to a budget. Without a clear understanding of income and expenses, it's easy to overspend and accumulate debt. Financial expert Suze Orman emphasizes the importance of tracking your spending. She suggests using budgeting apps to categorize expenses and identify areas where you can cut back. By setting a realistic budget, you can prioritize savings and investments, paving the way for a more secure financial future.
2. Ignoring Emergency Savings
Another critical mistake is not having an emergency fund. Life is unpredictable, and unexpected expenses—such as medical bills or car repairs—can arise at any moment. According to financial planner Dave Ramsey, aim to save three to six months' worth of living expenses in an easily accessible account. This cushion can prevent you from relying on credit cards or loans during emergencies, helping you avoid debt spirals.
3. Accumulating High-Interest Debt
Many people make the mistake of accumulating high-interest debt, particularly from credit cards. This type of debt can be crippling due to exorbitant interest rates. Financial expert Ramit Sethi advises paying off high-interest debts first, even if it means making sacrifices in other areas. Consider creating a debt repayment plan, such as the snowball or avalanche method, to systematically eliminate debt while maintaining your financial health.
4. Not Saving for Retirement
Delaying retirement savings is a significant error that can have long-term consequences. The earlier you start saving, the more time your money has to grow through compound interest. Retirement specialist Jean Chatzky recommends contributing to employer-sponsored plans, like a 401(k), especially if your employer offers matching contributions. Additionally, consider opening an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to maximize your savings and tax benefits.
5. Failing to Diversify Investments
Investing without a diversified portfolio can lead to significant losses. Many individuals make the mistake of putting all their money into one asset class, such as stocks or real estate. Financial advisor Benjamin Graham advocates for diversification to spread risk and increase the potential for returns. Consider allocating investments across different asset classes, industries, and geographical regions to mitigate risks and enhance growth opportunities.
6. Neglecting Financial Education
Many people overlook the importance of continuously educating themselves about personal finance. The financial landscape is constantly changing, and staying informed is crucial for making sound financial decisions. Financial educator Tiffany Aliche encourages individuals to read books, attend workshops, and follow credible financial blogs or podcasts. Increasing your financial literacy empowers you to make better choices and avoid pitfalls.
7. Making Emotional Decisions
Finally, emotional decision-making can lead to poor financial choices. Whether it's making impulsive purchases or panicking during market downturns, emotions can cloud judgment. Financial psychologist Dr. Brad Klontz advises taking a step back and evaluating the situation logically. Establishing a financial plan and sticking to it, regardless of market fluctuations, can help you maintain focus on your long-term goals.
Avoiding these common financial mistakes can significantly impact your financial well-being. By following the advice of financial experts offering financial planning services in Fort Worth TX and taking proactive steps toward budgeting, saving, and investing wisely, you can build a secure financial future. Remember, it’s never too late to start making better financial choices—take control of your finances today!
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2020cookie · 1 year
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emerald-studies · 4 years
How to be an ally
(I fixed ALL the links so fucking reblog)
1.  Check In On Your Black Friends/Acquaintances
In my opinion, I believe the best way to be an ally is to reach out to your Black friends and check in on them, consistently. If you can recognize the times we are living in are absolute hell, you should be checking in on the most effected. None of my friends have checked up on me to see how I was doing or just to talk. They didn’t even bring up the protests until I did. It feels very very lonely and scary to not be checked up on by the people who say they support and love you. So, I’m making this the first point because I don’t want anyone else to feel this way, not trying to complain.
2.  Learn More About Black History
It’s important to learn about the Black activists that our history books left out. Yes, Martin Luther King Jr. was, and is, important but we need to reflect on why he was pushed on us so much in our history classes, compared to other Black leaders. Is it because our government would rather us walk down the street holding signs than actually defending ourselves against the cop who’s beating us?
Here’s a master list of activists to start you off.
3.  Go to Rallies and Protests (If you can)
Find protests and rallies in your area by looking on Twitter and search #yourcityprotest. Or watch your local news channel to see where they are (if they’re being covered on the news). Also search on Facebook. Wear a mask.
4. Donate and Sign Petitions
If you don’t have extra money to donate, that’s fine. If you still want to be an ally then sign all the petitions you can. Take a day to research all the ones you can sign/haven’t signed and sign them!
(Also you don’t need to donate to change.org! Directly donate to non-profit organizations and victims’ families!)
George Floyd - change.org
George Floyd - amnesty.org
George Floyd - colorofchange.org
Get The Officers Charged
Charge All Four Officers
Breonna Taylor - moveon.org
Breonna Taylor - colorofchange.org
Breonna Taylor - justiceforbreonna.org
Breonna Taylor - change.org
Breonna Taylor - thepetitionsite.com
Ahmaud Arbery - change.org
Ahmaud Arbery - change.org 2
Ahmaud Arbery - change.org 3
Justice for Oluwatoyin Salau
Pass The Georgia Hate Crime Bill
Defund MPD
Life Sentence For Police Brutality
Regis Korchinski - change.org
Tete Gulley - change.org
Tony McDade - change.org
Tony McDade - actionnetwork.org
Tony McDade - thepetitionsite.com
Joao Pedro - change.org
Julius Jones - change.org
Belly Mujinga - change.org
Willie Simmons - change.org
Hands Up Act - change.org
National Action Against Police Brutality
Kyjuanzi Harris - change.org
Alejandro Vargas Martinez - change.org
Censorship Of Police Brutality In France
Sean Reed - change.org
Sean Reed - change.org 2
Kendrick Johnson - change.org
Tamir Rice - change.org
Tamir Rice - change.org 2
Fire Racist Criminal From The NYPD
Jamee Johnson - organizefor.org
Darius Stewart - change.org
Darius Stewart - moveon.org
Abolish Prison Labor
Free Siyanda - change.org
Chrystul Kizer - change.org
Chrystul Kizer - change.org 2
Andile Mchunu (Bobo) - change.org
Eric Riddick - change.org
Amiya Braxton - change.org
Emerald Black - change.org
Elijah Nichols - change.org
Zinedine Karabo Gioia - change.org
Angel Bumpass - change.org
Sheku Bayoh - change.org
Visit these sites for more info:
5. Educate yourself and others.
- “America’s Racial Contract Is Killing Us” by Adam Serwer | Atlantic (May 8, 2020)
- Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement (Mentoring a New Generation of Activists
- ”My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant” by Jose Antonio Vargas | NYT Mag (June 22, 2011)
- The 1619 Project (all the articles) | The New York Times Magazine
- The Combahee River Collective Statement
- “The Intersectionality Wars” by Jane Coaston | Vox (May 28, 2019)
- Tips for Creating Effective White Caucus Groups developed by Craig Elliott PhD
- “Where do I donate? Why is the uprising violent? Should I go protest?” by Courtney Martin (June 1, 2020)
- ”White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” by Knapsack Peggy McIntosh
- “Who Gets to Be Afraid in America?” by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi | Atlantic (May 12, 2020)
Movies/TV Shows:
When They See Us
American Son
Hello Privilege, It’s Me, Chelsea
The 13th
Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story
What Happened Miss Simone?
The Two Killings of Sam Cooke
Who Killed Malcolm X?
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson
Homecoming: A Film by Beyonce (Lighter in tone)
LA 92
Dear White People
- Black Feminism & the Movement for Black Lives: Barbara Smith, Reina Gossett, Charlene Carruthers (50:48)
- “How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion” | Peggy McIntosh at TEDxTimberlaneSchools (18:26)
- American Oxygen - Rihanna
- Formation - Beyonce
- Malcolm X Speeches
- 1619 (New York Times)
- About Race
- Code Switch (NPR)
- Intersectionality Matters! hosted by Kimberlé Crenshaw
- Momentum: A Race Forward Podcast
- The Autobiography of Malcolm X
- Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About RaceBook by Reni Eddo-Lodge
- Black Feminist Thought by Patricia Hill Collins
- Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower by Dr. Brittney Cooper
- Heavy: An American Memoir by Kiese Laymon
- How To Be An Antiracist by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
- I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
- Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
- Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad
- Redefining Realness by Janet Mock
- So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
- The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
- The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
- The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century by Grace Lee Boggs
- The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
- This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color by Cherríe Moraga
- When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America by Ira Katznelson
- White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo, PhD
- Shaun King: Instagram | Website
- Antiracism Center: Twitter
- Black Women’s Blueprint: Website
- Color Of Change: Website
- The Conscious Kid: Website | Instagram
- Equal Justice Initiative (EJI): Website | Twitter | Instagram
- NAACP: Twitter | Instagram |
- Ziwe | Instagram | (She has discussions about race with White people, kinda grilling them, every Thursday at 8 p.m. EST. Super thrilling to watch.)
Here’s Some Music Too:
Change Gonna Come - Sam Cooke
Chain Gang - Nina Simone
Missisippi Goddamn - Nina Simone
Fuck Da’ Police - N.W.A.
This is America - Childish Gambino
I’m Not Racist - Joyner Lucas
Fight the Power - Public Enemy
Freedom (Live) - Beyonce
I Can’t Breathe - H.E.R.
American Oxygen - Rihanna
Brown Skin Girl - Beyonce
My Playlist With A Few More
Black Artists Matter Playlist
What a large list! It looks so overwhelming! Don’t worry, you don’t have to read/watch/listen to everything. It takes a lot of effort!
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twopoppies · 3 years
for your financial advice anon:
so, talking about actual numbers isn’t usually very helpful because how much you can/should save is very dependent on where you live and how much you’re making. ergo, point 1: establishing the *habit* of saving is actually more important than how much you’re saving.
however: as a rule of thumb, it is good to get to a point where you have 3-6 months worth of all your expenses (rent, food, meds, etc) in a savings account. that can seem like a really daunting number! but, it’s a good goal. if that feels too hard, start with one month, and once you’ve achieved that, go for two, etc. this kind of saving gives you the wiggle room and comfort to know that, if something goes wrong, it’s not an immediate disaster - you have some time to handle things.
once you’ve hit your “6 months of all expenses” saving goal, i recommend starting some targeted savings goals - you can create separate accounts for these if it keeps you from touching them, or you can just have them in the same savings account as your other savings, it’s up to you. the ones i have are “emergency”; “travel”; “oh shit the car”; “adoption”; and “house”. i have set goal amounts for each of these, and dump a little into them each month.
emergency is an arbitrary 9k because of the cost of living where i live - it’s meant not so much for income replacement like the original 6 month goal is, but more things like, “giant medical bill” or “giant vet bill” or “we suddenly have to buy a new car” or whatever. this is your Unforeseen Circumstances fund. travel i usually try to keep around 3k, cause that’s a reasonable amount for two people to take a trip somewhere and not have to nickel and dime it. “oh shit the car” is meant to cover registration, any accidents, any unexpected repairs, etc, and i keep that at about 2k. “adoption” has a goal of 27k, because that’s what the lawyer we talked to suggested (we’re also looking into foster to adopt, but that can also cost, and so do babies, so the category is more general than the title suggests); and the house account was for a down payment for our house, but is now just “oh fuck ___ needs fixed” and its goal is to stay around 20k.
now. all of this is very personal! if you don’t want kids, you don’t need a savings account for them. if you don’t have a car, there’s no need to save for car repairs. but once you have that savings cushion, it’s good to sit down with yourself and think both of contingencies (car, travel) and future plans (house, kids, whatever), and then to begin actively designating money for those things.
a helpful thing also is, if you have a set amount you’re contributing each month to each account (let’s say $10 to start, so, $50 a month across 5 categories), then when you’ve hit one goal (ok! my “oh shit the car” account is at 2k!), don’t stop saving that $10! divert it to the next lowest category. so now “adoption”, “emergency”, and “house” are getting $10/mo, but “travel” is getting $20/mo. that means that goal will be met faster, and then i can put $30/mo to the *next* one, etc etc. or you can just bump what you’re putting in all of them if you prefer. the tl;dr is, don’t reduce the amount you’re saving, ever, if you can help it.
ALSO omg start a retirement savings. if you have a job that has an IRA or a 401k, start contributing. the money will come out of your paycheck untaxed, and many employers will do a matching contribution. with this, you want to start saving at whatever the matching level is (for my company, it used to be 3%, now it’s 5%), and then increase that by 1% every year until you’re at at least 10%. if you do it this way, it’s very painless, and you will be very happy about it in 40 years when you can retire and no one else can. if you *don’t* have a job that does this, do it yourself. same deal - start an account and set up an automatic bank transfer for 3% every month that comes out as soon as your paycheck goes in. when it gets to say, 5k, you want to put it in something that will get you good interest, like a mutual fund, and keep contributing but never touching. that money is dead to you for the next 40 years.
i hope this helps!!
This is super helpful and so detailed. Bless you! I think this is helpful for people of any age.
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murder-senpai · 4 years
Oh, hello there!! My name is Murder-senpai! I’m new here to tumblr sooooo don’t mind me being awkward n’ stuff. So this is gonna be like, what fandoms and characters I write for sOoooOoOo
AU’s and other stuff I’ll do: ABO, genderbend, hanahaki, soulmate, supernatural/power, soft yandere/ stockholm syndrome, coffee shop, modern, fantasy, baby/kid versions of characters, babysitter, neko, inu, kitsune, post apocalyptic, zombie, flower shop, book store, dragon, fairy tale, high school/college, mafia, pregnant, steampunk, merpeople, pirate, pirate/merperson, prison, reincarnation, famous, vampire, werewolf
There is more shit I’ll do but I can’t really think anymore so just request
(reader insert crap)
I will NOT do nsfw. This is a christian minecraft sever 
You CAN request multiple character/poly and platonic stuff
If your not specific, I will choose between headcanons or a fic/drabble
If you request angst, I will give it a fluffy ending unless requested otherwise
Please be specific in your request   ex: reader gender (fem, male, gender neutral)
Edit: I will now take character x character, character + character platonic stuff, aus (like, medevil bnha, or a story about friendship or enemies to friends or adoption, anything really), and stuff like that
Current hyperfixation (aka, what I will probably write better for/ do more): dream smp
Will probably put the scenario in a non specific arc
Fairy Tail:
ty lee
sir nighteye
Harry potter:
Black Butler:
real ciel (I refer to him as astre tho)
charles grey
charles phipps
adrien/chat noir
AU’s- underfell, mafiatale, mafiafell, underswap, swapfell
Gravity falls:
AU-reverse falls, monster falls
angle dust
literally any pokemon but those are my fave(and human versions ofc either is fine)
tom nook
dr. strange
The hobbit:
literally JUST smaug
apple jack
Maid sama:
the three idiots
aoi (totaly gives off a ciel/lizzy vibe don’t even lie)
both twins
Cells at work:
white blood cell
red blood cell
killer t cell
Little witch academia:
Glitter force:
Glitter force doki doki:
aster bunnymund
Soul eater:
death the kid
black star
bowers gang
losers club
kamisama kiss:
The outsiders:
Diabolik lovers:
king george
george washington
Tokyo mew mew:
Fran bow
mr. midnight
Steven universe
Haven't you heard i'm sakamoto
Gargantia on the verdurous planet
Over the garden wall
Snow white with the red hair
The sacrificial princess and the king of beasts(manga)
Jeff the killer
ticci toby
BEN drowned 
eyeless jack
laughing jack
homicidal liu
Jason the toymaker
Seto Kaiba
golden freddy
toy freddy
toy bonnie
toy chica
mangle (male and female ver pls specify)
marionette ^
william afton/ purple guy
funtime freddy
nightmare freddy
nightmare bonnie
nightmare chica
nightmare foxy
nightmare mangle
nightmare fredbear
king dice
Bendy and the ink machine
Duck tales
Scrooge (aged down tho)
Dream smp
everyone (all platonic. Will do reader stuff, but would prefer more character +character interactions, specifically, SBI. PLSSS give me sbi stuff, ill marry you)
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dc-comics-fashion · 3 years
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Outfit for Dr. Ira Billings “Spellbinder”
Monse Fall 2017
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lonelyniights · 3 years
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Indie roleplay blog for a little bunch of fandomless OCs tied to the supernatrual realm, written by Trice. Multiship, multimuse, multiverse, mun and muses are 25+.
muses: Kilian Grey (Adam Gallagher) - witch  Gill Lightwood (Froy Gutierrez) - vampire Dmitri Baranow (Phil Dunster) - vampire Ezra Bernard (Hale Appleman) - vampire Alexander Kalili (Mark Fischbach) - werewolf Ira Gallagher (Lee Pace) - gifted werewolf Jarael aka Jesse Kramer (Penn Badgley) - demon  Bruno Madrigal (Diego Luna) - seer  (Encanto canon) Camilo Madrigal (Noah Centineo) - shapeshifter  (Encanto canon) Kip Levesque (Jake Johnson) - human/seer Dr. Andrew Blaine (Bill Hader) - human Felix Richter (Dan Stevens) - human (Dead by Daylight canon)
the mun: Trice age: 27 years old timezone: gmt+2 experience: 15 years (11 on tumblr) language: german, english
Don’t stress me over posts. It’s totally fine to message me, there is always the possibility that I missed a reply, but don’t spam my inbox about it. Sometimes I need time to reply, I may not always have muse for a thread, please give me time.
I am always up for plotting, don’t be scared to shoot me a message.
Even if we didn’t have a thread, don’t be scared to send me a meme-ask, I love them and they are amazing to start things.
Smut and adult topics are completely fine for me to be involved in the plots and replies, though, I feel most comfortable writing m/m smut.
I won’t always feel like writing smut, so don’t be upset when I skip it or offer another thread in the meantime for until I feel more like writing smut.
my ask and direct messages are open to non-mutuals for potential plots, though, I will keep the right to turn down rp-requests when not feeling the muses
I will only interact with muses that have a real-life-face
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docgold13 · 4 years
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365 DC Comics Paper Cut-Out Villains - One Villain, Every Day, All Year… 

November 14th - Spellbinder

The first villain to operate as The Spellbinder was a forger and pop artist named Delbert Billings. Finding that he had an uncanny knack for creating hypnotic images, Billings decided to put his talents to use as a super villain. He created the Spellbinder identity, designing a costume that could induce a hypnotic trance in others. He battled Batman on numerous occasions and the Caped Crusader always found a means to defeat him. Later, Billings was approached by the demon Neron who offered to greatly augment his powers. Not willing to gamble with his eternal soul, Billings declined Neron’s deal. His girlfriend, Fay Moffit, witnessed this and she killed Billings so to take Neron’s offer in his place. Moffat was bestowed substantial hypnotic powers and became the new Spellbinder. She battled Batman and Robin as well as The Birds of Prey and later perished in the infinite Crisis event. The third Spellbinder heralds from the possible future timeline of the Batman Beyond series. This version is Dr. Ira Billings, a psychotherapist and school councilor who uses advanced technology to hypnotize his victims. He utilized his position as school councilor to manipulate the wealthier students into helping him rob their homes. His schemes were thwarted by Batman (Terry McGinnis); and it would be the first of multiple encounters between the two. The original Spellbinder first appeared in Detective Comics #358 (1966); the second first appeared in Detective Comics #691 (1995); while the third first appeared in the Batman Beyond animated series and made his first comic book appearance in Batman Beyond #7 (2000).
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aion-rsa · 3 years
HBO Max New Releases:. July 2021
LeBron James might be out of the NBA playoffs, but he’s still angling to be a big part of the summer entertainment season. That’s because HBO Max’s list of new releases for July 2021 is highlighted by a very special sequel.
Space Jam: A New Legacy premieres on July 16. will find LeBron teaming up with the Looney Tunes in a Warner Bros. IP-extravaganza. Can ‘Bron and the Looney Tunes beat the Goon Squad before Warner Bros.’ server steals LeBron “Bronny” Jr.’s soul (or something)? Let’s hope so. The two other major WB releases this month, No Sudden Move and Tom and Jerry in New York, both come to HBO Max on July 1.
HBO Max is also bringing some fun TV shows to its stream this month. The long-awaited Gossip Girl revival premieres on July 8. That will be followed by Mike White’s satirical limited series The White Lotus on July 11. Ronan Farrow’s excellent book Catch and Kill gets a docuseries adaptation on July 12.
July 1 will see the arrival of library titles like Planet of the Apes, Reservoir Dogs, and Scream. Recent hit Judas and the Black Messiah comes to HBO Max on that date as well. It’s a good month for geek TV with the Doctor Who 2020 Christmas Special (July 1), Nancy Drew season 2 (July 3), and Batwoman season 2 (July 27) all coming home to their streaming residence.
HBO Max New Releases – July 2021
TBA FBOY Island, Max Original Season 1 Premiere Romeo Santos: King of Bachata, 2021 (HBO) Romeo Santos Utopia Live from MetLife Stadium, 2021 (HBO)
July 1 ¡Come! (aka Eat!), 2020 8 Mile, 2002 (HBO) All Dogs Go to Heaven 2, 1996 (HBO) All Dogs Go to Heaven, 1989 (HBO) Behind Enemy Lines, 1997 (HBO) Beneath the Planet of the Apes, 1970 (HBO) Bio-Dome, 1996 (HBO) Black Panthers, 1968 Blackhat, 2015 (HBO) Brubaker, 1980 (HBO) Cantinflas (HBO) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, 1972 (Extended Version) (HBO) Cousins, 1989 (HBO) Dark Water, 2005 (HBO) Darkness Falls, 2003 (HBO) Demolition Man, 1993 Dirty Work, 1998 (HBO) Disturbia, 2007 (HBO) Doctor Who Holiday 2020 Special: Revolution of the Daleks, 2020 Duplex, 2003 (HBO) Escape from the Planet of the Apes, 1971 (HBO) Eve’s Bayou, 1997 Firestarter, 1984 (HBO) First, 2012 For Colored Girls, 2010 (HBO) For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada, 2012 (HBO) Full Bloom, Max Original Season 2 Finale Ghost in the Machine, 1993 (HBO) The Good Lie, 2014 (HBO) Gun Crazy, 1950 House on Haunted Hill, 1999 Identity Thief, 2013 (Extended Version) (HBO) Ira & Abby, 2007 (HBO) Joe Versus the Volcano, 1990 Judas and the Black Messiah, 2021 (HBO) Laws Of Attraction, 2004 (HBO) Lucky, 2017 (HBO) Maid in Manhattan, 2002 Married to the Mob, 1988 (HBO) Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, 1997 Mississippi Burning, 1988 (HBO) Monster-In-Law, 2005 Mousehunt, 1997 (HBO) My Brother Luca (HBO) No Sudden Move Pleasantville, 1998 The Prince of Tides, 1991 Project X, 1987 (HBO) The Punisher, 2017 (HBO) Punisher: War Zone, 2008 (HBO) Rambo, 2008 (Director’s Cut) (HBO) Reds, 1981 (HBO) Reservoir Dogs, 1992 (HBO) The Return of the Living Dead, 1985 (HBO) Return of the Living Dead III, 1993 (Extended Version) (HBO) Rounders, 1998 (HBO) Saturday Night Fever, 1977 (Director’s Cut) (HBO) Scream, 1996 Scream 2, 1997 Scream 3, 2000 Semi-Tough, 1977 (HBO) The Sessions, 2012 (HBO) Set Up, 2012 (HBO) Snake Eyes, 1998 (HBO) Staying Alive, 1983 (HBO) Stuart Little, 1999 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 2003 Tom and Jerry in New York, Max Original Series Premiere Trick ‘R Treat, 2009 (HBO) Tyler Perry’s Daddy’s Little Girls, 2007 (HBO) Tyler Perry’s Diary of a Mad Black Woman, 2005 (HBO) Tyler Perry’s I Can Do Bad All by Myself, 2009 (HBO) Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes To Jail, 2009 (HBO) Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy Family, 2011 (HBO) Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Family Reunion, 2006 (HBO) Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married Too, 2010 (HBO) The Watcher, 2016 (HBO) The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep, 2007 (HBO) Westworld (Movie), 1973 White Chicks (Unrated & Uncut Version), 2004 The White Stadium, 1928 Won’t Back Down, 2012 (HBO) Zero Days, 2016 (HBO)
July 2 Lo Que Siento por Ti (aka What I Feel for You) (HBO)
July 3 Let Him Go, 2020 (HBO) Nancy Drew, Season 2
July 7 Dr. STONE, Seasons 1 and 2 (Subtitled) (Crunchyroll Collection) Shiva Baby, 2021 (HBO)
July 8 The Dog House: UK, Max Original Season 2 Premiere Gossip Girl, Max Original Series Premiere Human Capital, 2020 (HBO) The Hunt, 2020 (HBO) Looney Tunes Cartoons, Max Original Season 2 Premiere
July 9 Frankie Quinones: Superhomies (HBO)
July 11 The White Lotus, Limited Series Premiere (HBO)
July 12 Catch and Kill: The Podcast Tapes, Documentary Series Premiere (HBO)
July 15 Tom & Jerry, 2021 (HBO)
July 16 Betty, Season 2 Finale (HBO) Space Jam: A New Legacy, Warner Bros. Film Premiere, 2021  Un Disfraz Para Nicolas (aka A Costume for Nicolas) (HBO)
July 17 The Empty Man, 2020 (HBO)
July 18 100 Foot Wave, Documentary Series Premiere (HBO)
July 22 Through Our Eyes, Max Original Documentary Series Premiere
July 23 Corazon De Mezquite (aka Mezquite’s Heart) (HBO)
July 24 Freaky, 2020 (HBO)
July 26 Catch and Kill: The Podcast Tapes, Documentary Series Finale (HBO)
July 27 Batwoman, Season 2 Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel (HBO)
July 30 Uno Para Todos (aka One for All) (HBO)
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Leaving HBO Max – July 2021  
July 3 The ABC’s Of Covid-19: A CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall for Kids and Parents Part 2, 2020
July 4 Annabelle, 2014 Annabelle Comes Home, 2019 (HBO) The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, 2021 The Curse of La Llorona, 2019 The Nun, 2018
July 5 Lost And Delirious, 2001
July 8 Mad Max: Fury Road, 2015
July 10 It: Chapter 2, 2019 (HBO)
July 11 An Elephant’s Journey, 2018 In the Heights, 2021 Thanks for Sharing, 2013
July 15 Burlesque, 2010
July 17 The Notebook, 2004
July 26 The King’s Speech, 2010
July 31 17 Again, 2009 A Clockwork Orange, 1971 A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge, 1985 A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master, 1988 A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child, 1989 A Nightmare on Elm Street, 1984 A Nightmare on Elm Street, 2010 Adam’s Rib, 1949 America’s Sweethearts, 2001 Anaconda, 1997 The Apparition, 2012 (HBO) Are We There Yet?, 2005 Argo, 2012 (Alternate Version) (HBO) AVP: Alien vs. Predator, 2004 (Alternate Version) (HBO) Badlands, 1973 Beau Brummel, 1954 The Benchwarmers, 2006 Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2, 2011 (HBO) Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva La Fiesta!, 2012 (HBO) Billy Madison, 1995 (HBO) The Book Of Eli, 2010 (HBO) Bram Stoker’s Dracula, 1992 Bringing Up Baby, 1938 The City of Lost Children, 1995 The Color Purple, 1985 The Comebacks, 2007 (Alternate Version) (HBO) The Conjuring 2, 2016 The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, 2002 (HBO) Don’t Let Go, 2019 (HBO) Downton Abbey, 2019 (HBO) El Angel (aka The Angel), 2018 (HBO) Eyes Wide Shut, 1999 Fool’s Gold, 2008 Fort Tilden, 2015 (HBO) The Four Feathers, 2002 (HBO) The Gay Divorcee, 1934 Get A Job, 2016 (HBO) The Goonies, 1985 Grand Canyon, 1991 (HBO) Hairspray, 1988 Happy Gilmore, 1996 (HBO) Hellboy Animated Collection, 2006, 2007 The Hurricane, 1999 (HBO) I Know What You Did Last Summer, 1997 Iniciales SG (aka Initials S.G.), 2019 (HBO) J. Edgar, 2011 Jackie Chan’s First Strike, 1997 Jacob’s Ladder, 1990 (HBO) Jeremiah Johnson, 1972 Keeper Of The Flame, 1943 Kill Bill: Vol. 1, 2003 (HBO) Kill Bill: Vol. 2, 2004 (HBO) Kung Fu Hustle, 2005 The Lego Ninjago Movie, 2014 Less Than Zero, 1987 (HBO) Life Stinks, 1991 (HBO) Lincoln, 2012 (HBO) Little Children, 2006 (HBO) Little Man Tate, 1991 (HBO) Lovely & Amazing, 2002 The Lucky One, 2012(HBO) The Madness of King George, 1994 (HBO) Marisol, 2019 (HBO) Me 3.769, 2019 (HBO) Michael Clayton, 2007 Mickey Blue Eyes, 1999 Monster-In-Law, 2005 Mulholland Dr., 2001 Muralla (aka Muralla, The Goalkeeper), 2018 (HBO) Murder on the Orient Express, 1974 (HBO) Music and Lyrics, 2007 My Dream Is Yours, 1949 My Girl 2, 1994 My Girl, 1991 My Sister’s Keeper, 2009 Now, Voyager, 1942 Old Dogs, 2009 (HBO) The Opposite Sex, 1956 The Pledge, 2001 (HBO) Precious, 2009 (HBO) The Producers, 1968 The Prophecy, 1995 (HBO) The Prophecy II, 1998 (HBO) The Prophecy III: The Ascent, 2000 (HBO) Prophecy IV: The Uprising, 2005 (HBO) Prophecy V: The Forsaken, 2005 (HBO) Pulp Fiction, 1994 Rachel and The Stranger, 1948 Radio Days, 1987 (HBO) The Reluctant Debutante, 1958 Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise, 1987 (HBO) Revenge of the Nerds IV: Nerds in Love, 2005 (HBO) Revenge of the Nerds, 1984 (HBO) Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, 1991 Roger & Me, 1989 Rollerball, 2002 (HBO) Romance on the High Seas, 1948 Rumble in the Bronx, 1996 Safe House, 2012 (HBO) Salvador, 1986 (HBO) Shall We Dance?, 2004 Shallow Hal, 2001 (HBO) Shocker, 1989 (HBO) Sinbad of the Seven Seas, 1989 (HBO) Sprung, 1997 (HBO) Stop-Loss, 2008 (HBO) Sunshine Cleaning, 2009 (HBO) Swing Time, 1936 Tea for Two, 1950 Thief, 1981 (HBO) This Is Spinal Tap, 1984 (HBO) Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, 2011 (HBO) Top Hat, 1935 Trapped in Paradise, 1994 (HBO) Troll 2, 1990 (HBO) Troll, 1986 (HBO) Two Minutes of Fame, 2020 (HBO) Underdog, 2007 (HBO) Untamed Heart, 1993 (HBO) Up in the Air, 2009 (HBO) The Visitor, 2008 Waiting for Guffman, 1997 The Wedding Singer, 1998 Wendy, 2020 (HBO) Wildcats, 1986 (HBO) The Wings of Eagles, 1957 Without Love, 1945 Woman of the Year, 1942 Worth Winning, 1989 (HBO) Young Man with a Horn, 1949
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