#downstairs is fine but there's not really a comfortable place to sit because the couches are leather which i hate sitting on with my skin
californiaquail · 3 months
dude it is like 85 degrees fahrenheit in my room at 10 pm
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domnamewoman · 1 year
MK1 Characters Reaction: How They Act When They Get Clingy
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Characters: Liu Kang, Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, Kenshi Takahashi, Kitana, Mileena, Tanya, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Smoke, Reptile, Baraka, Shang Tsung, Rain
Warnings: GN!Reader
Requests Are Open
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“Did you call upon me?” Liu Kang asked as he sat next to you on the couch, before positioning himself with his head resting in your lap.
You look from your phone screen down at him. “No, I didn’t call you,” you responded, baffled at where he got such an idea. “I’ve actually just been enjoying my own company for a little while. Nice and quiet.”
“You must have called me in my head then,” Liu Kang said, making no moves to get up.
You rolled your eyes as he made himself more comfortable in your lap. “That’s a very convenient excuse for you to use just to cuddle me.”
“Tell me about it,” he said, knowing he’d been caught. “Since I’m here now, I might as well stay for a bit, don’t you think?”
“I suppose you can stay lying here,” you sighed as you began running your fingers through his hair.
Liu Kang closed his eyes, “I could stay here for eons.”
You hummed thoughtfully, “Eons is a very long time, don’t you think you’d get bored of me at some point?”
“Never, I always want to be around you,” Liu Kang admitted, staring up at you lovingly.
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“Y/N,” huffed Raiden as he walked into your office to see you still typing away on your computer.
You briefly looked up at him, taking note of the pout present on his face. “What’s wrong Raiden?”
“You said you would be done working over an hour ago,” Raiden sighed as he walked up behind you.
“My boss emailed me saying they wanted some documents earlier than expected, so I had to take care of it.”
“Not anymore,” Raiden said as he started massaging your shoulders, “Take a break.”
You shook your head. “Raiden I can’t just stop working because you are too clingy to be left alone.”
“Yes, you can,” Raiden reasoned as he leaned his head against your shoulder and tightly wrapped his arms around you. “I will stay here until you stop. You know I will.”
You let out a sigh knowing that he was right. “You can be so stubborn sometimes. Fine, just let me send this last document and I’ll be done.”
Raiden placed a kiss on your cheek, “And then you’re mine for the rest of the night.”
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“There you are, I thought you’d gone out without telling me.” Kung Lao said as he sat next to you on the bed.
“I’ve been here for over an hour. You’re not very good at seeking if you have been looking for me that long.”
“I missed you, it was lonely downstairs,” Kung Lao whispered in your ear as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
Your eyebrows furrowed at the sudden affection. “I was just in the bedroom, it’s not like I was in a different Realm.”
“I know,” he hummed, nuzzling into your neck, “it felt that way though.”
You continued to look at him in confusion as he made himself comfortable. “Either you’ve done something, or you’re about to.”
“No,” he chuckled, resting a hand against your thigh, “I just wanted to spend a bit of time with you. Is that such a crime as your boyfriend?”
You shook your head, “It’s just very unlike you to be this clingy around me.”
“People change Y/N, this is the new me.”
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“Don’t just sit there,” Johnny said as he danced around the living room, swaying his hips, “come and dance with me.”
You shook your head as you remained seated on the couch, “you know I’m no good at dancing. Why don’t you show me how it’s done, and I’ll watch you from here.”
“You always say no, it’s time to say yes,” Johnny said as he suddenly pulled you up and placed his hands on your hips.
“You can’t make me dance against my will, Johnny.”
“Watch me,” he grinned, pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose, “just stay nice and close to me.”
You rolled your eyes as Johnny worked you two into a two-step. “Do you really want me to dance, or is this just an excuse?”
“An excuse for what?” Johnny questioned innocently. “All I am doing is dancing with you. Whatever you think is going on here is just all in your head.”
“Sure,” you said as you nodded skeptically. “So you’re going to deny the fact that you just want to be clingy?”
“Me? Clingy? I would never be such a thing.”
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“Are you sure Liu Kang got the time correct?” You ask as you look around, seeing no one in sight.
Kenshi told you that Liu Kang caught wind of a shady meet-up happening and wanted you both to spy on the dealings.
“Uh… yeah. He said they would be meeting here around this time.” Kenshi said, not meeting your eyes.
“We’ve been waiting for almost an hour though,” you sigh, honestly you were getting kind of bored.
“You know how evil-doers are, never showing up on time…”
Something was off about the way Kenshi was acting. Now that you think about it, if something was happening here, why would Liu Kang only send you two? “Kenshi… is there really a mission?”
“Fine… There is no mission,” Kenshi sighs as he looks down, “I just wanted to spend time with you alone. The guys are always around.”
You laugh, shaking your head, “You didn’t have to do all of this if you wanted to be clingy, you could’ve just asked me out on a date.” You stand up and hold out your hand to your boyfriend, “Come on, you owe me an “all you can eat” at Madam Bo’s for waiting here so long.”
“All you can eat… Madam Bo’s prices are kind of…” Kenshi stops himself as he sees your expression, “Of course, anything for my love. Let’s go.”
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“You don’t seem to have a fever,” you say as you hold the back of your hand to Kitana’s forehead.
“Are you sure”–cough–”I definitely feel hot and clammy,” Kitana says as she pulls the blanket up to her chin.
“Hmm, okay then, let me go get the royal physician,” You say as you stand from the bed, heading towards the door.
“Uh no no,” Kitana reaches out to stop you, “I don’t need the physician.”
“Kitana, you might have something serious. I don’t know anything about medicine, clearly since I couldn’t even detect your fever, so I can’t help you.” You try to reason with her, worried about her condition.
“I don’t think it’s anything serious, just a little cold. Nothing some cuddles can’t fix,” Kitana suggests, smiling at you.
“How are cuddles going to help? You need medicine, some soup at the very least,” You turn to go to the kitchen, “Wait here, I will go make you something.”
“I’m not really sick,” Kitana admits as she gets out of bed and walks over to you, “I just wanted to cuddle.”
You embrace your pouting girlfriend, kissing her on the forehead. “You know, I think I feel that fever now. I believe a healthy dose of cuddles should clear it right up.”
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“Wow, you look amazing,” Mileena said in awe as you came into the room, giving her a twirl to show off your outfit. “You are definitely staying by my side the entire night.”
You shook your head, “This is your first event as Empress. You have to mingle with the people and not stay glued to my side all night long, promise?”
“I can’t make any promises when you look this stunning.”
You playfully bop her nose, “Mileena, if you are going to cling to me all night, I will stay home. You can’t waste this opportunity to make a good impression on the people.”
“You might help me impress,” her eyes raked over you, “especially with how good you look.”
You roll your eyes, “Fine, but you aren’t allowed to be clingy. I’m not your priority tonight, I’m just supporting you.”
“You are always my priority,” Mileena whispered in your ear, “besides, I can cling to you and mingle with the people. I’m good at being subtle.”
“You have never been subtle in all the time I’ve known you.”
“Well,” Mileena said, guiding you to the door, “there’s a first time for everything.”
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“I knew I smelled food,” Tanya said as she entered the kitchen and found you leaning over the stove, preparing dinner.
“Go away, I know what you’re doing. I don’t need your help or advice.” You said as you pushed her away when she came up behind you.
“We can cook together, it’s romantic,” Tanya persuaded.
You shook your head, knowing your girlfriend. “We don’t cook together, you always take over. I know you’re the better cook, but I want to do this for you for once.”
“Fine, I’ll be quiet,” Tanya compromised, “Just let me stay here and watch you.”
You looked at her skeptically, “You really want to watch? Fine, if you want to be clingy then I guess I’ll let you stay.”
“Yes, I want to be clingy,” Tanya smiled as she quickly pecked your lips. “I know I said I would be quiet, but that pot is bubbling almost to the point of being unsalvageable.”
You whip around to see the pot almost spilled over. “See, this is your fault for being so clingy,” You sigh as you lower the heat.
“Mhmm, sure it is.”
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“Then what you want to do is grab their arm and bring it over your shoulder like this,” Bi-Han demonstrated, “After that, you can use the momentum to throw them on the ground.”
“Mhm, and why are you teaching me basic throws again?” You questioned. When Bi-Han said he wanted to do some sparing practice, this wasn’t what you had in mind.
“So you can learn them, of course.”
“Bi-Han, I’m one of the Lin Kuei’s top fighters. I know how to do basic throws.”
“Really, then show me,” Bi-Han said as he charged at you.
You quickly side-stepped him and grabbed his arm, leaning down and throwing him over your shoulder, executing the move flawlessly.
“I guess you do know them,” He grunted from the ground.
You squat down next to him, sighing, “What is really going on here, Bi-Han?”
He sat up, resting one arm on his bent knee and looking down dejectedly. “I wanted to have some extra time with you but I couldn’t pull you away from your duties unless it was for training.”
“Oh my, is the great Grandmaster being clingy?” You taunt. “Come on then. I think I need to work on my ground moves,” You said before tackling him.
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“Shouldn’t we have arrived by now?” You ask Kuai Liang. You two were walking to a new restaurant, where you would be meeting Tomas and Bi-Han for dinner.
“It’s just a little further up the road.” Kuai Liang reassured.
“Hmm, didn’t Bi-Han say that it wasn’t far from the house? We’ve been walking for a while now.”
“He’s not that great with directions,” Kuai Liang dismissed, “Anyway, isn’t this nice? Look at the full moon, it’s a beautiful night.”
“Yes it is,” you said looking at the sky, “But I don’t want us to be late, maybe I should call?”
“There’s no need for that,” he insisted as he grabbed your hand, holding it as you two walked.
You nod, dropping the issue. It was a beautiful night and you enjoyed the romantic atmosphere surrounding you and your boyfriend as you walked together. That is until you spot a familiar-looking merchant’s cart. “Wait a minute, we pasted this cart before. Have we been walking in circles?”
You look at your boyfriend, who is conveniently not meeting your gaze. You stop walking and stand in front of him. “Maybe…” He mumbled, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “I wanted a little alone time with you before meeting them at the restaurant.”
“I can’t believe this,” you chuckle, playfully hitting his chest. “If your clinginess has made me miss out on the steamed buns you’re in trouble. You know Bi-Han always tries to eat all of them.”
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“Are you really going out?” Tomas asked as he saw you dressed up and collecting your things to leave. “I thought we could spend the evening in and watch a movie.”
You shook your head, “Sorry baby, I’m meeting Kung Lao and Raiden at Madam Bo’s for dinner. We have had this planned for weeks, it’s the one day we are all free.”
“This is my last day free this week before I’ll be busy again.”
“I know, but we spent all day together yesterday. I’m surprised you aren’t tired of me. All of your free time is spent with me.”
“I like it that way,” Tomas pouted as he followed you around the room, “What if you invite them here instead?”
“Madam Bo has a new dish she is dying to have us try.”
“Oh… alright.”
You look up to see the dejected look on your boyfriend’s face. You couldn’t stand to see him upset.
“I suppose you could tag along. The boys wouldn’t mind.”
“Yes, that’s great. Just give me one moment,” Tomas said happily, kissing your cheek before rushing off to get ready.
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“Are you sure you have time for this?” You ask Syzoth as you two walk through the farmer’s market picking out vegetables.
“Of course I do,” Syzoth reassures moving in close behind you as you look at tomatoes, “I never get to go shopping with you.”
“That’s because you’re busy being the Empress’s Mercenary,” You smile at him over your shoulder, “Which is why I’m surprised you’re free right now.”
“I know r-”
“Syzoth,” Syzoth was interrupted by someone calling his name. You both look over to see Tanya. “There you are, the Empress has been looking for you.”
You turn and raise your eyebrow at your boyfriend, “Syzoth… I thought you said you had the morning off?”
“I’ll be there in one moment,” Syzoth addresses Tanya before looking back at you sheepishly. “Uh… I kind of skipped work this morning when you told me you were headed to the market.”
“Syzoth,” You say exasperatedly, “Why would you do that?”
“I just wanted to spend more time with you. I’m always working and I… I miss you.”
You sigh, pulling your clingy boyfriend in for a kiss. “Okay, go see the Empress. I’ll make sure I stay up late tonight so we can spend some time together when you get home.” You promised.
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“You really don't have to come with me," You said as you walked with Baraka. Liu Kang sent you on a simple mission and Baraka insisted on going with you.
"It doesn't hurt to have backup," Baraka reasoned.
"Yes, but I'm pretty sure I can handle this one on my own."
"I do not doubt your fighting skills. But there is always the possibility of something unexpected happening. You can not predict everything." Baraka said as he walked closer to you.
You couldn't argue with that logic. But… "You've never offered to go with anyone else on a solo mission."
"Well…" Baraka trailed off at a loss for words.
"Did you just want to spend time with me?" You ask, smiling widely at him.
“What is wrong with that,” Baraka stated, not at all ashamed, “It is not a crime for me to want to spend time with my lover.”
“No, it's not,” You agreed as you bumped your shoulder into him, “It just makes you clingy.”
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Shang Tsung stared at you in annoyance. “Do you plan on turning a page anytime soon?”
You rolled your eyes at him, “You can’t rush a reader. I’m immersing and absorbing every detail of this story.”
“You’re doing this on purpose to tease me.”
You shook your head, smiling to yourself. He was right. “I’m not doing anything on purpose. I’m simply reading a book. It’s a good story, you would enjoy it.”
“I would enjoy your attention more,” Shang Tsung mumbled.
You let out a chuckle, “I never knew you could be so clingy.”
“I’m not clingy. It’s just that you have never taken this long to read a book.”
You smile as you close your book and set it down. “No, I haven’t, but it was fun seeing how far I can push you.”
“Stop pushing and come over here,” Shang Tsung replied as he opened his arms waiting for you to fall into them.
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“Do you need some help?” Zeffeero poked his head in and asked for the fifth time in under an hour.
“No Zeffeero, I’m still okay,” you roll your eyes. You were rearranging your office and Zeffeero just couldn’t seem to let you be.
“Are you sure? That desk looks heavy, I’ll take it,” He said as he walked in and replaced your hands with his, “Where do you want it?”
“Up against that wall,” You point, finally giving up and letting him help. You watch as he moves the desk where you told him to.
“Is there anything else you need?” Zeffeero asks eagerly.
“No, I got it. I’m just going to put the books in these two boxes on the bookshelf.” You told him.
“I’ll help you.” He said as he started taking the books out.
You cross your arms over your chest as you look at him, “What’s up with you? Why are you being clingy all of a sudden?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” He walks up to you and kisses your cheek, “I’m just trying to be helpful.”
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devilenchantress · 2 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞’𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
🪵Pairing —> Logan Howlett x Reader
🪵Genre —> Fluff & comfort
🪵Warning —> None (but spoiler alert : this story takes place after the events of Deadpool & Wolverine)
🪵Inspired by —> @allophonicmess
🪵Summary —> You want to get to know the knew Logan, but he thinks that he isn't good enough for you. So he ends up being cold and distant towards you, towards the girl known as « Wolverine’s epic love ».
🪵Dividers credit —> @moosgraphics
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It’s been a few days since Wade, Logan and Y/n came back from the crazy journey they went through. Everyone was still under’s Wade roof, celebrating. Y/n was sat on the couch alone, trapped in her thoughts. It didn’t take long for Colossus to notice it, so he approached Y/n and sat next to her :
« How are you feeling Y/n? You seem lost. »
« I’m doing fine Colossus, thank you for asking. I’m just a bit confused about… some things. »
« Do you wish to talk about it? »
« Well, I cannot stop wondering why would this Logan act this way towards me. I know that he doesn’t know me and doesn’t owe me anything. But seeing the face of your dead lover looking at you like you meant nothing is pretty heartbreaking. I wish I could know why he is so cold towards me, why he doesn’t even notice me. I just don’t understand. »
« Maybe you should talk to him? Honesty and communication are always important. It could bring you closure and peace. »
« I guess you’re right, thank you for listening to me and checking up on me. I think I’m going to take a little nap, I’m still a bit tired of all the things that happened. » said Y/n while chucking at the same time, after that she went upstairs to rest a little.
But on the other side of the apartment, Wade and Logan were discussing or more arguing about the same topic :
« You know I really don’t mean to meddle between lover’s querel and all that stuff. But you’ve been kind of an ass with Y/n especially considering that you know she’s kind of « Wolverine’s epic love » in most of the universes. »
Logan looked at him and just answered :
« Then don’t fucking meddle into it. »
Wade pretended no to hear what Logan just said and continued :
« Well I guess you’re just scared I mean I can understand really. You do look like a grumpy old dad who’s only purpose is to drink his whiskey in front of the TV. While y/n, well, she does look really hot I mean honestly I don’t understand why she’s still single because I swear even I could-
« CAN’T YOU SHUT YOUR GODDAM FUCKING MOUTH FOR ONCE YOU DAMN MOTHERFUCKER. » screamed Logan with rage in his eyes before leaving the room to go outside and get some air.
Hours passed and Logan was still outside, sitting on the front door steps with his bottle of whiskey.
Everyone else was in the kitchen talking and laughing. Y/n just finished her nap and went downstairs to join the others, and while she was about to enter the kitchen Colossus and Wade looked mischievously at each other and said :
« Oh y/n sweat treat, good thing you’re here because well… » said Wade before giving a side eye to Colossus who said :
« We’re missing shrimp chips and we were wondering if you could get some, please? » Y/n laughed and answered « of course I can, it’ll give me some air. »
Y/n took her purse and went outside, right after this Colossus told Peter to rush to the door and lock Y/n outside.
As she went outside Y/n saw Logan down the stairs all alone. She tried to be silent and then turned around to open the door and give the others an excuse to not go out. But as she tried to open the door, she realised it was locked :
« Are they really serious. » she wispered before knocking and screaming
« Are you serious guys? Please open? I forgot something and I really really need to get back out there. » but no one answered.
She turned around and realised that Logan was looking at her
« Hey you, what are you doing here? » she shyly said. Logan turned around to face the street and did not answer. Y/n closed her eyes and let out a sight before telling him :
« Do you hate your Y/n too in your universe? »
Logan looked at her and said
« What? »
she walked toward him to sat on the stairs and continued
« I said do you hate your Y/n too in your universe? Because my Logan, well, he used to hate me so much when we first met, and, well I kind of hated him too. » she said chuckling, and then proceeded :
« We were always arguing, bickering, fighting… but then one day I got hurt really really bad and surprisingly he was there for me. After this moment we started to grow closer until one day we fell in love. So I was wondering if you hated you y/n like my Logan used to? Because that’s the only thing that could explain why you seem so repulsed by me. »
Logan’s expression became soft and he only answered :
« I don’t hate you, god I could never fucking hate you. I cared about my Y/n like your Logan cared about you. »
« Then why are you like this with me? Why do you talk to everyone but ignore my existence like I don’t matter? »
Logan looked down at the floor and answered :
« I know your Logan was some king of hero, but in my universe the things I did, they make me a monster, an animal and I love you way too much to let you be with that kind of man. »
Y/n watched him with her watered eyes and softly said, while putting her arm on his shoulder :
« What is it that you did? No matter what it is you can tell me because all I want is to understand you. »
Logan was hesitant, but if there was one person he could tell anything, if there was one person that could bring him comfort, it was her. So he said :
« Things happened and one day you died, after this I could never be the same. I loved you so much. So I went to the bar everyday, I drank everyday and I let everyone down. Until one day all of the x-men died because of me. I had nothing else to loose anymore. So I killed, everyone, bad people, good people and no matter how much I wanted to stop, I couldn’t. I was filled with so much rage, I let it guide me. »
Y/n was breathless but she knew Logan, and she was sure that no matter what, no matter the universe he was a good man. So she put her hand on his cheek to make him look at her and she said :
« Whatever you did is in the past. Right now you have a chance to be better and to make the world a better place. I know you will. »
she stopped to caress his cheek and then she said
« I could never think of you as a monster Logan nor could I ever be ashamed of you. »
Logan took her hand in his and told her :
« There’s no love in my life if you’re not in my universe Y/n. »
After hearing this, Y/n put her head on Logan’s shoulder and while he wrapped his arm around herself she whispered in his hear
« You’ll always be my one and only true love, no matter what. »
And so they spent hours outside finding comfort in each others arms.
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huggyhughesy · 1 year
slow mornings | quinn hughes
a little dad!quinn blurb for your sunday evening <3
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The house was quiet. Too quiet for a Saturday morning.
Usually, Saturday mornings started early with Sophie climbing into Quinn and I's bed. This morning, though, I was the only one laying under the duvet. As I racked my brain, trying to remember if there was a reason I had been abandoned in the bed, I remembered that I'd never seen Quinn last night. He was supposed to get home after midnight, flying home from a five-day road trip.
The panic began to set in when I realized that I had no messages from Quinn, his phone wasn't on his bedside table, and -- most importantly -- he wasn't lying in bed next to me. Flinging the covers off, I made my way down the hall to Sophie's room, where I discovered that she too was missing. Deciding to venture downstairs, I could hear the faint sounds of music coming from the living room.
As I entered, my heart swelled at the sight in front of me. Laying on the couch, both asleep, was Sophie and Quinn. Sophie was cuddled into her dad's side and didn't appear to be waking up anytime soon.
I quickly snapped a picture of the two of them before leaning down and placing a kiss to the top of Quinn's head. His eyes fluttered open and a lazy grin came over his features.
"Hey," he mumbled. "Can I have a real kiss?"
I smiled at his request.
"You want me to give you a kiss after you abandoned me in our bed?"
He just continued smiling at me, knowing that I'd give in eventually. And I did, leaning back down to give Quinn a 'real kiss' before walking around the couch and sitting on the unoccupied side of Quinn's body. I leaned onto his side as his arm came to wrap around my waist. I was looking at the movie currently playing on the tv; Winnie the Pooh was currently one of Soph's favorites. She especially loved Eeyore.
"Eeyore's actually such an underrated character," Quinn said, as if he could read my mind.
"You and Soph are too much alike," I replied, earning a nudge from my husband.
"Who's your favorite then?"
I didn't reply, which was an answer enough for Quinn.
"There's nothing wrong with liking Eeyore, you know. His grumpiness is funny. And realistic."
"Fair point."
We both laid in comfortable silence for a while, watching the children’s movie, when I figured I’d bring up the potentially touchy subject of Quinn’s road trip, during which they’d lost two games and won one.  
"How was the trip?"
The involuntary sigh that escaped his lips was all I really needed to know. Quinn had already confided in me about how frustrating it was for his team to be having such an awful season, especially compared to Jack's, but to also have to see so many of his teammates and people he considered to be good friends get traded away. He didn't talk about it in front of his parents or his brothers, specifically Jack, because he didn't want to make everyone listen to his pity party when he knew they really just wanted to be basking in the glory of Jack's first really good season in the NHL.
"It sucked," Quinn admitted, his arm gripping my waist a little tighter. “But it’s over now, so it’s whatever.”
I looked up to him, communicating with just my look that it, in fact, wasn’t whatever.
“Fine, fine. It just wasn’t fun overall. I didn’t play very well, and I missed you guys.”
Quinn had a pout on his face when I looked up at him. I couldn’t help myself but to lean up and kiss his jaw.
“We missed you too,” I informed him. “Soph watched every single minute of every game.”
As if she could hear us mention her name in her sleep, Sophie stirred. Wiggling around and rubbing her eyes. Upon her opening her eyes fully, she looked at Quinn, then at me, and did a double take back to Quinn, letting out a little gasp.
“Daddy!” she squealed and wrapped her arms around Quinn’s neck. Quinn chuckled but pulled her closer to his chest.
“Hey sweetheart. Have a good nap?”
The massive smile on Sophie’s face and the hands that were still clutching onto Quinn’s shirt were enough indication that she was more preoccupied with her father than to answer his question.
“Daddy, are you home now?”
The grin that graced Quinn’s features wavered slightly. While Soph was asking if Quinn was home, she was really asking if he was going to stay home.
“No baby, not yet.  I’m home this week, and then I’m going to see Uncle Trevor.”
She tried to mask her disappointment. After a moment, though, her features changed to one of curiosity and excitement.
“Oh. But can you ask him to bring me some candy? He always brings me candy when you see him,” she informed us.
I raised an eyebrow and side-eyed Quinn, who looked guilty.
“Uncle Trevor always brings you candy?”
“Yes!” she exclaimed. “Daddy brings it, but Uncle Trevor gives it to him to give to me.”
“Ah, I see.”
I decided to leave the subject of Trevor and Quinn conspiring to sneak our kid candy another time. Right now, though, I was going to spend the morning watching Disney movies.
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lovelyjj · 1 year
IDK if u take requests but i had a story: jj has always been flirty with her and she invites them to her cabin and she goes alone in one car with jj and shes tryna grab a drink and a bump on the road = her falling on his lap bc its a one long truck seat. and then she quickly has to get off after almost kissing bc her phone rings bc the others need the gate code. then while they are swimming they are just drinking and spinning in the water while the song “three little birds” plays in the background and they are close to kissing bc she is just wrapped around jj just goofing around. and ofc another distraction pope is coming with a drink. so they back off AGAIN and when they are finally alone in her room in the cabin BOOM THEY CAN FINALLY KISS AND HE HAS BEEN WAITING FOR IT
Cozy Cabin
jj maybank x reader
wc: 1.4k
a/n: sorry this kinda sucks
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“Hey beautiful,” JJ announced.
JJ always flirts with you. You however brush it off as nothing because your sure he does this with every girl. You weren’t special.
“Hi J,” you responded.
“Your really pretty you know that?” JJ mused. He came up to you and started twirling your hair with his finger.
“Cut it out JJ,” you swatted his hand away.
“I have something to ask you. Well i have something to ask everyone. Let’s go inside,” you reasoned.
John B, Sarah, Kie and Pope were in the living room. You entered the room with JJ behind you.
“Hey guys! I was wondering if you wanted to go up to my cabin next weekend.”
“Really that sounds great!” John B responded.
“I’d love to,” Sarah commented.
“That sounds fun!” Kiara added.
“Great! Then it’s settled,” you announced.
Next weekend came up quickly. You and JJ decided to drive up together. Your dad lent you his truck for the weekend.
JJ was driving. It was his turn as you guys split the drive in half by taking turns. The two of you were talking and laughing when you decided you wanted a drink.
You unbuckled your seatbelt and turned around in your seat. Just as you were grabbing a drink from the cooler the truck jerked you backwards.
You landed on JJ’s lap and your arms were slung around his neck.
JJ grabbed ahold of you by the waist when you fell on him.
“Sorry there was a bump in the road.” JJ apologized.
JJ came to a halt. He stopped the truck because he was at a red light. The bump was right before the light.
“It’s okay I’m fine Just fell on you.” You were looking right into JJs blue eyes. They were twinkling.
All of a sudden JJ reached his hand out to tuck some hair behind your ear. His hand stayed by your face as he rested his hand on your cheek. JJ used his thumb to stroke your skin.
JJ was looking at you like you were his whole world and he looked like he wanted to kiss you.
His lips were inches away from yours you could feel his breath on your face.
Just as JJ was leaning in to place his lips on yours, your phone began to ring.
You ducked your head down and went to reach for your phone. JJ muttered “damn it” but you didn’t hear him. You got off of JJ’s lap and pulled your phone out of the pocket, sitting back next to JJ.
You looked at the person calling you and saw that it was Sarah.
You swiped the green answer button.
“Hey Sarah what’s up.”
“Hey Y/N, John B needs the gate code.”
“Oh right sorry. It’s 607892.”
“When do you think you guys will be here?” Sarah questioned.
“We’re about 15 minutes away.”
“Ok see you soon.”
“Um that was Sarah she needed the gate code.” You broke the silence.
“So they are there already,” JJ asked.
“Yeah I guess so,” you responded.
“But we should be there real soon” you added.
Eventually you and JJ arrived at your cabin. The rest of the pogues were there ready to greet you.
“Yay now we can pick rooms!” Kiara exclaimed.
“You’ll get your room obviously,” Sarah spoke to you.
“John B and I will get the room upstairs and Pope and Kiara can get the room downstairs.”
“What about JJ?” you voiced.
“The couch looks pretty comfortable,” JJ said from his place behind you.
“Great then it’s settled.” Sarah clapped her hands together.
“You guys wanna get ready to swim?” you asked.
Everyone liked the idea of going for a swim. You and the pogues got ready to swim. You put on your blue bikini and went to get some towels from the closet.
The pool area was nice and big. It was a nice secluded place and a good size pool.
Once everyone was outside by the pool you announced, “Hey i’m gonna connect my phone to the speaker.”
“Sounds good,” John B responded.
“What kind of music do you guys want to hear?”
“Anything really.” JJ added.
You clicked a random playlist and it blasted through the speaker.
Soon everyone was in the pool splashing and swimming.
JJ couldn’t seem to get it out of his head. The idea of kissing you has always swirled around in his mind but he never though it actually might happen. He couldn’t stop thinking about the almost kiss. Did you want to kiss him? He didn’t know. But one thing that was fore sure he wanted to kiss you. He wanted to feel his lips on yours, to taste you.
Yeah JJ loved you always have always will. You were like a ray of sunshine to him, lighting up his darkest nights. You we’re always there for JJ and he deeply appreciated it. Loving you was simple because you were perfect in his eyes.
“What are you thinking about?” You asked as you swam over to JJ.
“Huh oh what nothing.”
“You looked deep in thought,” you reasoned.
“I was just thinking about dinner,” JJ responded.
“Oh right of course.”
You were spinning around with a drink in your hand.
“Come here,” JJ beckoned.
You swam right in front of him and looped your arms around his neck. You were wrapped around JJ just goofing off. Then “Three Little Birds” started playing through the speaker.
JJ was smiling having you this close to him. He was loving it. The two of you were in your own little world. JJ took a sip of his drink. Then he got really close.
JJ made eye contact with you and then flickered his gaze down to your lips. You tilted your head up to give him access to your mouth.
You thought he was about to kiss you but then Pope came in announcing that he brought more drinks.
“Hey guys I brought more- wait am I interrupting something?” Pope asked holding more drinks.
“No not all,” JJ replied grumpily.
You didn’t know what to do so you started laughing. JJ seemed upset but you didn’t pry.
After lots of drinking and swimming you guys retired into the cabin. Everyone changed and got cozy on the couches.
JJ came up to you, “Can we talk?” he asked.
“Yeah, let’s go in my room.”
You led JJ to your room and got comfortable on your bed. JJ came and sat down next to you.
“Listen, my heart physically hurts not telling you that I’m in love with you,”
“No. Let me finish,” he pleaded.
“I can’t stop thinking about you and your always on my mind. I thought I made it obvious with how I always flirt with you.” JJ continued.
“When you flirt with me i get so confused because i feel like you do that with every girl,” you spoke.
“It’s only ever been you y/n,” JJ replied.
“I only flirt with you, no one else.”
“Yes. and i’m absolutely dying to kiss you.” JJ exclaimed.
You gave him a nod signaling that it’s ok for him to kiss you. JJ was eager to kiss you. He surged forward and locked his lips with yours. Your lips were caressing each other, crushing together.
JJ felt warm all over. He felt like he was on cloud nine. Your cheeks were burning, the sensation feeling different. JJ cupped your face in his hands and you snuck your hands into his hair.
JJ swiped his tongue against your bottom lip asking for entrance, which you granted him.
Your tongues danced together in a lust filled haze. You pulled on JJ’s hair releasing a groan from him. This sent you into a frenzy desperate to hear that sound again.
Eventually your lungs were clenching and you needed more air. You pulled away out of breath. JJ looked at you grinning like a idiot. He was so happy.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for that,” JJ confessed.
You giggled and pecked his lips one more time.
“I love you,” JJ spoke again.
“I love you too J,” you announced.
Like he was holding his breath JJ let out a breath of air, he was relieved. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if you didn’t love him back. JJ was feeling grateful that you invited him to your cabin. He finally got to kiss you and he has been waiting for it.
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 8 months
Run Free - Alpha!Ari Levinson x Omega!Reader (Part 3: It's Nice To Have A Friend)
Summary: As an Omega you knew your place in the world, however when the opportunity arrives to escape you take it... only to find yourself face to face with another Alpha
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Light Angst! Fluff! Talk of Captive Situation!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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Chapter 3: It's Nice To Have A Friend
For the first couple of days, you stayed with Ari he decided it was best to stay home and make sure you were okay. Rachel was more than happy to cover the bar, Max even offered to help out too. All the work Ari needed to do himself he could do from home anyway.
Every day he would help clean your wounds and redo the bandages around your wrists and ankles. When he first did it he could see how anxious you were, flinching whenever his fingers touched your skin. But the more he did it the more relaxed you seemed
He could tell you were still nervous around him though. So for a large portion of the day, he just let you get on with whatever you wanted to do. Making sure not to crowd you and to give you your own space.
The first couple of days you barely left your room. Occasionally he’d check in on you, offer you food or something. Usually finding you reading a book or curled up napping. You did start to spend some more time outside of your room.
Once, when Ari went downstairs to grab himself a coffee to help him through the paperwork he had to do. He found you reclined on the couch reading, you’d even given him a warm smile when you looked up. When Ari returned to his office he found it really hard to focus, not because paperwork was dull but because he was so happy to see you smiling.
It was about a week into your stay that Ari left the cabin for the first time. He was running low on groceries, he was already pretty low before you came along but now he had two mouths to feed. 
He let you know exactly where he was going and when he’d be back, double and triple checking that you were okay alone. Asking if you wanted to come with him. You politely turned him down saying you would be fine.
He chose to believe you, despite the niggling voice in his head that said you were lying. He could sense you were a little uneasy but hoped you be okay once you realised there was nothing to worry about.
He wasn’t expecting to open the door and instantly be hit with the feeling of anxiety and fear. It made him stop dead in his tracks. In all his life he’d never been able to sense an Omega’s feelings so strongly. He glanced around the living room not spotting you anywhere. 
He quickly dropped the groceries in the kitchen before rushing up the stairs, taking two at a time. The feeling of your fear and anxiety grew stronger as he approached your room. Peaking when he knocked on your door.
“Y/N, it's me, Ari, you okay?” He asks poking his head in.
He spotted you sitting on the bed knees brought up to your chest. When your eyes met his he could see a flash of fear before suddenly they calmed. The feeling of relief crashed over Ari as you suddenly calmed down.
“Hey is everything okay?” Ari asked walking into the room, sitting down at the end of your bed.
“Yeah sorry, just-“ you said, shaking your head and taking a shaky breath.
Ari could feel the embarrassment rolling off you in waves “It's okay you don’t need to explain, I’m sorry I was gone so long” Ari apologised realising your biology was taking over, he knew omegas felt uneasy whenever an Alpha wasn’t around.
“No, I’m just tired I think, I’ve never slept well” you admitted, dismissing Ari’s suggestion that it was his absence to blame, even if you knew that was the case.
“Have you not slept well since being here?” He asked furrowing his brows slightly.
He had seen you napping often, but had always put it down to you being comfortable. Not that you weren’t sleeping at night. 
“No, but I never have, maybe I did before but I can’t remember” you admitted shrugging your shoulders.
Ari furrowed his brows glancing down at your bed. It was the same as his, it was perfectly comfortable for him. He hoped it was just where you were getting used to it. 
“Okay, I’m just gonna go put the groceries away, Do you need anything?” Ari asked as he stood up.
“Um no I’m good thanks” you said with a small smile.
You watched as he left the room. Letting out a deep sigh trying your best to get your emotions in check. You hated how freaked out you’d gotten with Ari gone. You moved your knees from the chest, revealing Ari’s shirt that he’d given you on that first day. No matter how much you wanted to give it back, you couldn’t bring yourself to. The scent of it calmed you down.
The next day Sammy came over to the cabin to check on how well your recovery was going. The three of you sat in the kitchen while he examined your burns giving a hum of approval.
“They’re looking good, clearly keeping on top of it” Sammy said glancing over at Ari.
“How’s everything else? Are you feeling physically stronger” Sammy asked you.
“A little bit yeah” you said nodding your head gently.
“That’s good, it’s not going to be a quick fix so don’t be worried about slow progress” Sammy reassured you.
“Have you been taking the vitamins? And getting enough sleep” Sammy then asked, Ari’s interest peaking wondering what you’d say.
“Yeah I take them every morning,” you said dodging the sleeping question.
“But she hasn’t been sleeping well” Ari added looking over at you as you dropped your gaze.
“Well, I’m sure it’ll take you a while to get used to it, rebuild your nest the way you want it” Sam offered glancing between you and Ari.
“Nest?” You questioned.
At that moment Ari realised exactly what the issue was. His guest bed, like his own, was built for purpose not comfort. There was nothing there except what was necessary. Of course, you’d feel unsettled without a proper nest, especially as an unbonded Omega.
The next thing that hit him was the fact you didn’t know what a nest was. Both he and Sammy exchanged a confused look.
“Do you not know what a nest is?” Ari asked you.
You shook your head, and they both looked at you as if they didn’t believe you. As if it was common knowledge.
“Have you never built one before, you know on your bed with blankets and cushions?” Sammy asked.
“No, they never gave me any of that, I slept mostly on the floor, or a thin mattress,” you told them nervously tugging at your sleeves.
“What about before?” Ari asked.
You shook your head once more “They took me really young” you admitted quietly.
Ari sighed as he glanced over at Sam. You hadn’t told them exactly what you’d been through. But as you revealed more snippets of information Ari was starting to think you had been held captive by a human trafficking ring. Something he unfortunately had a lot of knowledge about.
“Okay well, what we can do is the three of us go down to the store and you can pick out some things you like?” Sam suggested.
“You’ll be perfectly safe, you’ll have me and Sammy watching your back” Ari reassured you.
“Do you think it will really help?” You asked them uncertain.
“Yes, I really do” Sammy told you nodding his head.
“Okay, let’s go” you agreed nodding your head slightly.
“Great, let's go then” Ari smiled.
As Ari drove you and Sammy into town you stared out of the window of the car. Taking all the sights in. The last time you were far too nervous to appreciate all of it.
Once you got to the store, Ari and Sam led you through the store to the area with the pillows and cushions. Ari came to a stop and you glanced up at him unsure what to do. Far too used to just following his lead already.
“Go ahead, go pick whatever you want” Ari said gesturing for you to carry on.
You took a few hesitant steps away from Ari and Sam. Ari watched as you started looking through everything. Your fingers reached out to touch a blanket and a smile grew on your face. 
“You like that one?” Sammy asked you.
“Yeah, it's so soft,” you said unable to pull your hand away.
“Well into the cart it goes” Ari smiled grabbing it and putting it in the cart.
Ari continued to watch while you searched for stuff you liked. Grabbing another blanket and a few cushions. Ari could see you were trying to hold yourself back, but he kept reassuring you to get whatever you wanted.
Once you had selected everything and Ari paid he drove you back to the cabin. When you arrived back to the cabin Ari and Sammy helped carry everything to your room before leaving you to sort it all.
“Fancy a drink?” Ari asked Sammy as they walked down the stairs.
“Yeah sure” Sammy agreed.
“So how do you think she is?” Sam asked as Ari passed him a beer.
“I dunno, she doesn’t talk about what happened and I’m only getting snippets here and there, I think she’s trying not to seem weak” Ari sighed shrugging his shoulders.
“What do you think happened to her?” Sammy asked furrowing his brows.
“It sounds like she was held captive, by who I don’t know, worst case is traffickers,” Ari said earning a low growl from Sammy.
“Fucking hate traffickers” he growled.
“You could say that again” Ari scoffed taking a deep pull of his beer “One thing I’ve noticed though is how strong she projects her emotions, I’ve never encountered an Omega like her” 
Sam raised a brow and smirked slightly “Some people say you’re able to pick up on emotions better if it's a true bond” he suggests.
Ari shook his head “It's not that” he’d heard of true bonds, a kind of bond between two people that existed before even the bonding ritual occurred, where the two souls could communicate their feelings without that bridge, but they were extremely rare.
While he definitely loved seeing you get better and you smile. Your presence also seemed to calm him down too. He couldn’t dare entertain the idea of anything beyond helping you get better. You had serious trust issues around alphas and he wanted to fix that, not make it worse.
“Well then, it has been a while since you’ve been in close contact around omegas a good couple of years at least, maybe you’re just not used to it” Sammy offered.
“Yeah that’s probably it” Ari sighed, even if he didn’t truly believe it.
“Anything else you’re concerned about? You seemed pretty tense earlier” Sammy asked.
“Yeah” Ari sighed before remembering the other day “Well actually, she seems really nervous to be left alone, I can’t stay here all the time but I don’t know what to do” 
“Well, maybe we can start introducing her to everyone, properly. Then they can come keep her company and help her relax until she’s okay to be alone” Sammy suggested.
“That could work, you sure you’ll be okay with that?” Ari asked.
“Yeah they’ve all been asking after her anyway, I’m sure they’ll love to help,” Sam said nodding his head.
“Well that’s nice to hear, thanks Sammy” Ari agreed.
Ari and Sam continued to chat for another couple of hours. Sam caught Ari up with everything to do with the bar. It was when Sammy left that Ari went upstairs to check on you since you hadn’t reappeared since coming home.
When he poked his head into your room he expected to see you still organising everything. However, he found you fast asleep curled up under blankets and around your new cushions. 
The thing that caught his eye though was the item you held close to your chest as you slept. It was the shirt he’d given you on the first day. Ari smiled to himself, his chest filling with pride seeing that something you were seeking comfort from something that was his.
He shut the door behind him quietly before making his way back downstairs. Careful not to let the stairs creak too much. Smiling the entire way, relieved to have helped you even if just a little bit.
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Ari and Sammy set their plan in motion. They decided to first introduce you to Jake. It was an easy choice, you were already relatively comfortable with Ari and Sam. Jake being a Beta meant you wouldn’t be as nervous around him, that and he was one of the friendliest out of the group.
To begin with, you didn’t say much, just listened in to their conversation. Chuckling occasionally along with them. Ari wasn’t too concerned that you weren’t talking, if his theory about you being the victim of trafficking was correct you probably weren’t used to this sort of situation.
However, Ari did love how you would smile and listen intently. Asking questions as you got braver. He would be lying however if he said he didn’t enjoy you seeking comfort and reassurance from him. You would glance over at him occasionally and naturally shift closer to him on the couch.
The next person they introduced you to was Rachel. Despite her being an Alpha you were more relaxed around her. You recognised her scent from the clothes you had been borrowing from her.
“You look great by the way” Rachel smiled nodding at you.
You gave her a bashful smile “Thank you, for the clothes too” You thanked her.
“It’s nothing really, I’m more than happy to help, and look if you want maybe we can go shopping and get you some more” Rachel offered.
You instinctively looked over at Ari who furrowed his brows for a split second before realising you were asking for his permission. He smiled nodding his head gently.
“I think that’s a great idea, it’s completely up to you though” Ari told you, letting you know it was completely your choice.
“Yeah that would be nice thank you,” you said looking back over at Rachel and nodding.
Rachel, Jake and Sammy all visited throughout the week. Once they felt you were comfortable Ari started leaving the house. First for just half an hour then for longer. One day he was able to spend hours at the bar, coming back to the cabin to hear you laughing with Rachel. 
The last person they introduced you to was Max. Out of all of them, he was the most intimidating so he arrived while the rest were also visiting. When he arrived you stepped closer to Aria and glanced up at him nervously, Ari put his hand on your back and whispered in your ear “He looks worse than he is I promise.” 
You nodded and looked back over at Max before taking a step forward and holding out your hand to him. Max raised a brow glancing over at Ari who was equally surprised at how brave you were.
“Nice to meet you,” you said as you shook Max’s hand.
“Nice to meet you too, Sammy told me a lot of things about you,” Max said.
“Only good things” Sammy corrected as you glanced over at him.
“You guys all seem close, are you like a pack?” You asked as you sat back down.
In the modern world packs outside of families were rare. The world was more fluid, people were able to move between groups. The was little need to restrict yourself to one group for your whole life.
“Kinda I guess, we’re all lone wolves in one way or another but we’re also like a family, no one is really in charge” Ari explained making the group scoff and laugh.
“As if! It’s your way or the highway!” Sammy exclaimed.
The group of friends all chatted and laughed as they exchanged stories from their past. Whenever Ari glanced over at you he could see you smiling and laughing along.
“You terrified the poor people!” Rachel laughed shaking her head at Max.
“They shouldn’t have snuck up on me, tensions were high in Sudan had to be on guard” Max said shrugging his shoulders.
“Why were you in Sudan?” You asked them.
“We um, were out there helping refugees, humanitarian mission” Ari explained leaning forward.
“Yeah we all travelled together around the world, helping those who couldn’t help themselves, sometimes getting them out of dangerous situations to somewhere safer” Sammy continued.
“So you’ve helped people like me before?” You asked hesitantly.
“Maybe not your exact situation but yes, we’ve helped people like you before” Ari confirmed.
You nodded your head slowly sitting back and looking down. The group exchanged a look at each other, noting how you had suddenly gone in on yourself. Jake moved the conversation along turning to more cheerful topics but you remained silent the rest of the afternoon.
Your mind was raced. In some sense you were relieved. Knowing they helped people like you meant you were definitely safe around them. But you couldn’t help but feel uneasy, like all your secrets had been revealed, making you feel sick to your stomach. Had they known all this time?
As the evening drew in everyone started to leave. Rachel coming over to you with a smile.
“You still okay to go shopping in a couple of days?” She asked you.
You nodded running your hands up your arms and hugging yourself slightly. 
“Great I’ll see you then, night Ari,” Rachel said looking over at Ari with a small smile.
“Thanks, Rachel” Ari smiled saying goodnight as he closed the door.
As he turned back around he spotted you in the kitchen grabbing yourself a glass of water. He walked over stopping at the threshold not wanting to crowd you.
“Hey I’m sorry if we made you feel uncomfortable earlier talking about helping people like you” Ari told you.
“It’s okay,” you said quietly.
“No it’s not, the last thing I want to do is make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, I just wanted to let you know that you’re safe with us, that we just want to help” Ari explained taking a couple of steps towards you.
“I know I just-“ you sighed shaking your head and looking down at the floor.
When you glanced back up you could see Ari’s kind eyes only looking back at you with concern. You remembered how he was able to calm your nerves with just a touch of his hand on your back. You glanced at his large arms and started to wonder how you’d feel wrapped within them. 
You gave in to the pulling sensation you felt and surged forward to wrap your arms around his waist. Ari jumped slightly not expecting you to want to be this close to him. Once he got over his surprise he wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your back soothingly. He felt you completely relax for the first time ever.
“Thank you” you whispered, your head buried in his chest.
“It’s nothing really” Ari said dipping his head to rest on top of you, breathing in your scent feeling instantly relaxed.
“Can I ask you something?” You asked when you pulled out of the hug.
“Of course, you can ask me anything” Ari told you nodding his head.
“Any of the people you helped, were they trafficked?” You asked hesitantly.
“I don’t know, many didn’t talk about it, but we were aware of it and we helped people avoid it” Ari admitted.
You nodded your head in understanding “That’s what happened to me, I was given to them, they moved me around I was going to be sold when I escaped” you told him glancing down at the floor.
Ari put his hands on your arms bending slightly to get you to look at him.
“Hey it's okay, you’re safe now nobody can hurt you anymore, and you don’t need to tell me everything” Ari told you.
“Thank you, I’m so glad it was you who found me” you told him smiling slightly up at him.
“Me too, weird twist of fate, I was only outside because I lost a bet” Ari admitted with a small chuckle.
“A bet?” You questioned tilting your head in a way that made Ari smile.
“Yeah I lost a game of pool to Jake and had to take the garbage out to the smelliest dumpster in the world” Ari explained making you laugh.
“Yeah it did smell terrible, and I’ve smelt some pretty terrible things” you laughed.
Ari smiled down at you warmly making you tilt your head again wondering why he was smiling at you like that.
“What?” You asked him.
“Nothing you just have a really nice smile and it’s so nice to hear you laughing” Ari told you smiling.
You look down bashfully “Thank you” you smiled.
“It’s nothing, it’s been a long day so why don’t you head up to bed?” Ari suggested noticing how tired you seem.
“Yes of course, thank you for today and for introducing me to your friends” You smiled nodding your head.
“No problem, they were all excited to meet you” Ari smiled.
“Night Ari” you smiled heading towards the stairs.
“Night Y/N, sleep well” he called after you. 
Once you were gone he smiled to himself. He hadn’t realised how much he wanted to feel you in his arms. He had to resist his urge to follow you up the stairs. He needed to let you go at your pace, even if he was only just starting to realise how much he wanted you.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog and leave a comment to really make my day!
This series has no schedule, please don’t ask when it will be updated!
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Hi I really love your work and was thinking if you could write a jay halstead x read where he’s sleeping and she’s supposed to be sleeping but instead she’s playing on her phone and then it dies so she starts to cry cuz she’s on her week and he wakes up fines the whole thing adorable and gives her his phone if’s that’s not something you can do I understand but thank you
Jay Halstead- Can’t Sleep
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Thank you for the request. I hope you like it!
Periods suck. Not only do I have horrendous cramps, but I can't sleep because of them. I look over at my husband, Jay, who is fast asleep, slightly snoring. He's basically bragging that he's asleep and I'm not, but he works hard so I want to let him sleep. Luckily my job means I can choose my hours and I can work from home. I pick up my phone from the bedside table and first check Facebook, boring, Twitter, boring, Instagram, nope nothing on there. Sighing I go on to the internet and start looking at clothes, shoes, bags, anything really.
In no time at all I end up with over $100 worth of clothes in my basket, oops.
After spending to much money, I go onto my word app to continue writing my book. I'm half way through a chapter when my phone dies
"No" I whisper "no" I groan throwing my head back. Tears prick my eyes. I know I have auto save on but I was on a role and I'm still not tired. I sniffle as I try to stay quiet, but Jay starts to stir
"Baby? What's wrong?" he voice rough from just waking up
"It's stupid" I pout as Jay sits up
"Never stupid, talk to me"
"Well I can't sleep, my tummy hurts and now my phones died. I was half way through the 6th chapter and I was on a roll now I can't finish it. My charger is downstairs and I can't be bothered to get out of bed" I cry. I hear Jay chuckle a little then I feel a kiss placed against my forehead
"Your adorable you know"
"So I'm cute because I'm in pain and I might have lost my work"
"No of course that's not my your cute. Here" Jay leans over to his bedside table then hands me his phone "use mine. Log on to your word account and carry on writing"
"No buts. I'm not working tomorrow so I won't need it"
"You know your the best husband a woman could dream of"
"And your the best wife. Let's dry those tears shall we" the tears start to fall again not because of my phone dying, but because of how sweet and caring Jay is. I take his phone and download the app I need and log in. Yes, my work saved!
Jay lays back down in bed and placing a hand on my tummy, rubbing it slightly to help ease my cramps
"I hate periods" I mutter
"I know. I'll pop out tomorrow and get you some pain killers and some ice cream"
"Thank you. I love you Jay"
"I love you too"
Only 10 minutes later Jays hand stops rubbing my tummy and his small snores started again. He's fast asleep. I look down at him and smile before continuing my book.
The time is now 3am and I start to feel sleepy. Placing Jays phone down on my side table I snuggle down into the bed and in Jays arms. He shifts a little letting me get comfortable before he places an arm over me, him now being the big spoon. I fall asleep immediately.
The following morning I wake up to an empty bed, it’s still warm though so Jay must have only just woken up. I slowly get out of bed groaning as my period pains already start to hurt. I look at the bedside table and see that both my phone and Jays phone have gone. I make my way down stairs and see Jay sat on the couch on his phone
“Morning baby”
“Morning” I yawn sitting next to him still feeling rather sleepy
“I put your phone on charge and I got the hot water bottle out ready for when you woke up. I’ll run and get some pain killers in a bit
“How did I get so lucky?” Ask generally wondering how a man like Jay exists
“How far did you get with your book?”
“I finished chapter 6 and planned chapter 7”
“I’m proud of you, you know” Jay pulls me into him and we sit like this for a while. Just holding on to one another, feeling nothing but complete love.
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ravencoloredroses · 1 year
Twenty One Questions
Nyx x Reader
Summary: Nyx and Reader have been on a couple of dates, but they don’t really know much about each other.
Warnings: none :)
Word Count: 2,013
Most of the first dates I’ve ever been on ended poorly. Either the guy was a total creep with a foot fetish or he was way out of my league and knew it, both options never lead to a second date. The first second date I ever had was with Nyx. It was a complete shock to me when he first asked me out, he was just so fucking handsome. Walking into the restaurant to meet him, I thought he was going to be exactly like the other guys I went on dates with… I could not have been more wrong.
At the end of our first date he asked if he could walk me home. I normally would have said no, but I didn’t get any indication that Nyx had bad intentions, so I said yes. When we reached my house, he didn’t try to kiss me, instead he held my hand and looked me in the eyes as he asked, “When can I see you again?”
Now I’m getting ready for our third date, but Nyx wouldn’t tell me where we are going. He did tell me to dress casually, so I just picked out a pair of jeans and a sweater. I hear a knock at the door and rush downstairs to answer it. Nyx is smiling from ear to ear while holding a shopping bag full of snacks and balancing an assortment of pillows and blankets “Nyx! What is all this?” I ask, stepping aside to let him in. He’s laughing as he passes me.
“This is our date tonight!” He says excitedly while setting his things down on the couch. He’s wearing loose sweat pants and a simple cotton t-shirt. A striking contrast from his normal fashion. When his hands are finally free, I throw my arms around him for a hug. We haven’t actually kissed yet, so a hello hug is fine for now. “I told you to dress comfy.” He takes a step back to examine my outfit. “Jeans are not comfy.” He pouts.
“Tell you what. Why don’t you set up whatever it is you brought all these for... ” I gesture to the mountain of pillows. “While I go change.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Nyx laughs while he watches me scurry up the stairs to change. I practically sprint over to my closet and take off my jeans to replace them with my favorite pair of leggings. I decide to keep my sweater on because it was kinda chilly downstairs.
When I hurry back to the living room I pause on the stairs. Nyx has drug the dining room chairs in and placed blankets overtop of them to create a fort. He peeks his head out of the ‘door’ when we hears me. “Whatcha think?”
“It’s- It’s amazing!” I say as he makes his way over to me. “How did you do that so fast?”
He laughs and shyly rubs the back of his neck. “I’ve had practice. My uncles and I used to make them a lot when I was growing up.” I’m left speechless while I admire his work. “Come on, it’s so much better on the inside.” Nyx grabs my hand to lead me over to the fort. He lifts up the blanket and I duck my head to climb inside. He doesn’t drop my hand as he joins me. He’s right. The inside is so much better. There is just enough space for both of us to sit comfortably even surrounded by pillows.
I didn’t know what Nyx planned for our date so I didn’t think too much about what we’d be doing. Now that I know it’s just gonna be us eating and talking all night, I’m struggling to find things to talk about. I know a little bit about Nyx, enough to know that I really like him, but I don’t know much else.
“I’ve been thinking….” I look over to Nyx nervously. He gives my hand a light squeeze encouraging me to continue. “I don’t know all that much about you, but I really want to. ”
“You know, I was just thinking that. I want to get to know you too Y/N. How about we play 21 questions?” When I look at him confused, he explains. “We ask 21 questions and we take turns answering them.”
I turn my body to face him and smile widely. “That sounds fun! Do you want to go first?”
He gives a nod and thinks for a moment. “What’s your favorite color?”
“That’s an easy one.” I laugh a little. “Blue.”
Nyx matches my laugh. “We’ll start off easy and go from there. Mine’s blue as well.”
I could have been more specific… My favorite color isn’t just blue. It’s the same shade as his eye color, but that might be too much to admit to right now.
“My turn?” I ask and Nyx nods. “Hmmm. Are you a morning or a night person?”
“Definitely a night person, but I don’t mind mornings because I have to get up early and train. What about you?”
“I’m the same way! Well, minus the training part. I’m totally a night person, but I like mornings too!”
Nyx looks down at where our hands are still connected. “Would you want to join me at training some time?”
“Is that one of your questions?” I ask, most definitely blushing, so I try to laugh it off.
“I guess that depends on your answer.” He swiftly replies.
My god this boy is gonna drive me crazy. I give his hand a light squeeze. “I would love to join you for training, Nyx.”
“Well then. I guess it’s your turn.”
“Ummm. Where’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?”
“The Winter Court. It’s so beautiful. What’s yours?”
I suddenly regret asking that question. Staring at our linked hands calms me and helps avoid his eye. “I’ve, um. I’ve actually never been out of the Night Court…”
“I’ll take you to the Winter Court. You’ll love it.” Nyx says in a low voice and my eyes shoot up to his, but he must mistake my shocked expression because he starts to back track. “Only if you want to, of course. I would never want you to feel like-“
“Nyx.” I stop his rambling. “I’ve always wanted to go to the Winter Court. I would be honored if you would let me join you.” His shoulders sag in relief and I realize how nervous we both are. “How about we rapid fire the questions off?” I ask, hoping that if we get through these questions faster we can get rid of the nerves.
“I love that idea.” Nyx smiles brightly. “Is it my turn?” I nod and wait for him to think of a question.
“What’s your biggest pet peeve?”
“Loud chewers.” I shudder just think about it.
“Mine is walking in the house with shoes on.”
“Do you have any hidden talents?”
“Nope. Not a single one.” He looks at me expectantly.
“I can say the alphabet backwards in under two seconds.” I say shyly.
“What?!? Okay, you have to show me.”
“We’re rapid firing, remember?” I crack a smile.
“Fine, but don’t think I’ll forget about it.” He points a finger at me and matches my smile. “Any bad habits?”
I sigh and look down. “I bite my nails.”
Nyx loosens his grip on my hand and turns it over to examine my finger nails. I want to pull away, but I don’t want to hide from him. This whole date is about getting to know eachother. My breath gets caught in my throat when Nyx pulls my hand up to his mouth and kisses my knuckles.
“Mine is eating my boogers.” He says seriously. I jerk my hand away from his and then he bursts into laughter. “I’m just kidding! It was a joke!”
“It better be.” I do my best to hide my smile, but I can’t resist laughing along with Nyx.
“It is! I promise! I was just trying to get you to laugh. I think it worked.” He grabs my hand again. “My bad habit is actually slouching. My dad is always correcting my posture.” He makes a point to sit up straight and it looks painfully uncomfortable, so it doesn’t take long before he’s back to his usual position.
“What’s your love language?” I blurt out without thinking and immediately regret it. This is something I’m curious about, but it’s not really a third date type of question. Thankfully Nyx doesn’t seem to think so.
“I think mine is physically touch, but I’ve never really had the opportunity to explore the others.”
“That’s mine!” I lift up our joint hands. “I figured it was yours too, but I wanted to ask.” I also want to ask what his comment about ‘not having the opportunity to explore the other love languages’ means, but I’m too afraid.
“Biggest fear?” Nyx pulls my attention back to him.
“Bats.” My shoulders shake at the thought.
“Really?” Nyx asks, clearly amused and I nod. “Mine is death.”
“That’s understandable. What about the top thing on your bucket list?”
“Having a family.”
“Mine is becoming a mother.”
Our eyes meet again and something clicks in my head. I thought that I just liked Nyx, turns out these questions made me realize that it’s so much more than that. I’ve only known Nyx for a short period of time, but it feels like we’ve known eachother our whole lives. Like we’re supposed to be together. We just kind of stare at each other for a while. Neither of us daring to speak and ruin the moment.
I wish I could know what Nyx was thinking because I can see the gears turning, but I have no idea where his head is at. Does he feel the same way? I hope he does. It feels like he does or else he wouldn’t be here with me, right?
I decide to be brave and then us back to the game. “It’s um.. It’s your turn.” Nyx shuffles closer to me little by little until our knees are touching. My breathing stops as he lifts his free hand to rest against my cheek. He looks between my eyes, gauging my reaction. Nyx pushes a strand of hair behind my ear and smoothes his thumb over my cheek which doesn’t help my breathing situation, but I don’t want him to stop. Unknowingly, I lean into his hand. Yeah, both of our love languages are definitely physical touch. We haven’t dropped eye contact, but I notice that he is much closer now than he was a few seconds ago. Only when his face is inches from mine does he whisper his question.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes.” I don’t hesitate and neither does he before his lips fall onto mine. Nyx releases my hand and uses his to cup both sides of my face as I begin to kiss back. My hands fly up around his neck and play with the back of his hair.
It doesn’t take long for our kiss to deepen. I push up onto my knees and Nyx soon follows. Our bodies fit perfectly together, especially when his hands roam around my body then finally settle onto my waist. Feeling bold, my tongue licks across his bottom lip and he lets me in. We aren’t fighting for dominance, we are exploring eachother and taking our time to do it.
Eventually, when we have to break away for air, Nyx kisses my nose, which makes me giggle, and then presses our foreheads together.
“Do you want to finish the questions?” I ask while trying to catch my breath.
“Not really.” Nyx caresses my cheek.
“Good. Me neither.” I move closer as he leans back.
“Don’t think I’ll forget about the alphabet thing.” He smirks. I dramatically sigh and roll my eyes, but I’m thankful that he didn’t lean back for other reasons.
“Now.” Nyx draws my attention back to him and I notice he’s leaning in again. “Where were we?”
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kultavalo · 4 months
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So in the interest of exposure I've decided I'm also gonna start posting my fics right here on Tumblr. I'll still be posting them on AO3 as well under the same username as here!
Summary: The keys to the bus were missing, the crew was nowhere to be found, and Jake and Danny had slept through their alarm.
Tags: Jake x Danny, fluff, slight angst if you squint, established relationship.
The Suite Life of Jake and Danny
Word count: 3.8k
All of their luggage was standing in the lobby of the hotel.
Suitcases and backpacks, all neatly packed and labelled for their next stop, professionally stacked together on hotel trolleys.
Checkout would be soon. Technically they were ready to leave. Josh and Sammy had left earlier than necessary, using the extra time to briefly explore this new city they had found themselves in and no doubt making a mad dash to find and buy the most ridiculous souvenirs available for their mom and dad, a tradition they had started when they began touring outside of their home state.
Jake and Danny however, had slept in.
Most of the tour they would simply sleep on their bus, having grown accustomed to the coffin like bunks and the gentle swaying of the road a long time ago.
Hotel nights were rare, so when the opportunity finally presented itself, they intended to make good use of it.
It wasn't just the being able to sprawl out on a queen sized bed, or the luxury of turning around in the shower and not immediately smacking into a door or wall. It was also the privacy.
Jake and Danny had been together since the early days of the band, when they still travelled in a shitty sprinter van, curling up together between guitar cases and drum kits and two more brothers.
They were used to the close quarters and the lack of alone time. They were fine with it.
But that didn't mean they didn't revel in the little quiet moments of alone time.
A shared bed instead of two separate cramped bunks, a steady rise and fall of sleepy breaths shared in the same space, the little quiet sweet nothings whispered into the crook of a neck without the exaggerated exclamations of disgust from the other two band members. It was nice.
So nice in fact that they had both slept through their alarms.
Waking up half an hour before checkout, already having missed breakfast. Abandoning the sweet and serene morning they had hoped for and instead scrambling half awake through a far too dark hotel room because neither of them were quite awake enough to realise grabbing their clothes and shoving their stuff into bags would be much easier if one of them opened the curtains.
They had made it downstairs on time at least.
Bleary eyed and slightly dishevelled they handed their room key back to the hotel clerk and filled out the mandatory documents and satisfaction rating.
Placing their luggage next to Josh and Sam's already awaiting trunks they sat down in the little lounge area in the lobby, blinking against the sunlight streaming through the floor to ceiling windows and slowly trying to wake up.
Jake and Danny had formed the habit not to be too overly affectionate in public. They weren't exactly hiding anything but you never knew who was watching.
Today however, sitting together in a practically empty hotel lobby after not having been able to indulge in their usual comfortable quiet morning, Danny had decided he really couldn't care less who saw them and simply snuggled against Jake's side.
Even though he was almost a full head taller and the many years of pounding away at the drums had transformed his skinny arms and back into hard lean muscle, Danny always felt soft and small when Jake held him like this. His head resting on the shorter man's chest, legs tucked up on the couch, both of his arms encircling Jake's waist while Jake's arm was comfortably draped across his shoulder.
They sat like that in warm comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying being close to each other. Jake's hand had moved to the top of Danny's head, absentmindedly combing his fingers through the dark curls that were still slightly tangled with sleep, softly getting the knots out and combing some stray strands away from Danny's face.
Danny in return had found a gap between the edge of Jake's pants and the hem of his shirt and lazy drew invisible patterns with his fingers on the few inches of soft exposed skin, silently noting how Jake's hips had recently filled out a bit more and loving the feeling of the little extra give when he gently squeezed him there.
Time ticked by slowly, sunbeams played through the yellow autumn leaves outside and silently danced across the coffee table in front of them. After the rushed wake up and subsequent packing frenzy Danny was still happy they could have this cosy moment together. He felt like he could drift right back to sleep like this, his cheek pressed against Jake's warm skin, listening to his calm and steady heartbeat, feeling the soft rise and fall of his chest with every breath. This was bliss.
When Jake's soft voice rumbled low out of his chest it actually startled Danny a little bit. It seemed he had actually drifted back to sleep after all and therefore hadn't really registered what Jake had said, just that he had spoken.
"Sorry, what was that?" He mumbled as he rubbed at his eyes and lightly cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the sleep that still seemed to cling to his vocal cords.
"I said, do you wanna start loading our stuff onto the bus? It's getting kinda late and knowing Josh and Sammy they won't get back until the exact second we have to leave, so if we're already fully packed it should be easier to head out."
Danny nodded as he sat up a little straighter, still trying to fight off the tiredness that had gripped him so heavily.
"Yeah, that's probably smart." He replied, now sitting up fully and untangling his hands from Jake's waist. Before he could entirely retreat from the embrace, Jake gently held his right wrist in place for a moment.
Danny looked up at his warm brown eyes, eyes that even after all these years still looked at him with so much love and adoration it still sprouted butterflies in his stomach.
" And if we have the bus packed and ready before they come back we can call dibs on the master bedroom tonight." Jake said with a mischievous smile.
Danny smiled back at him with that same glint in his eye.
Their tour bus was a pretty standard two floor model. It came equipped with a downstairs living area, a small kitchen and dining booth, a toilet, an upstairs lounge, bathroom, six bunks and one fully outfitted master bedroom.
The master bedroom was usually just used for storage, none of them feeling quite comfortable claiming the extra space when the others were still confined to their small bunks.
They still used it sometimes, the king sized bed was a great place to all cuddle up together for movie nights or to give a little more privacy when Sammy's girlfriend or Josh's boyfriend happened to travel along for a few stops.
But Jake and Danny rarely claimed it for themselves.
They knew Josh and Sammy didn’t mind them being together, hell, when they had twirled around each other at the start of their relationship, endlessly playing the game of ‘will they won’t they’ Josh had eventually resorted to direct action.
Fed up with the endless frustration of seeing his twin giggle and blush whenever Danny gave him the slightest bit of attention, only then to sulk like a moody teen whenever he turned his attention to anyone else, Josh had roped Sammy into his conspiracy to finally put an end to this maddening cycle so they could actually focus on their band in earnest.
It hadn’t quite been kidnapping, technically.
Josh and Sammy had lured the two lovestruck idiots out to the shed in the garden under the guise of showing them the cool acoustic properties the tiny building held, and had unceremoniously shoved them inside as quickly as possible and bolted the door shut behind them.
Jake and Danny had immediately started protesting as soon as they realised what had happened, but all they got in return was Sammy laughing his head off as Josh yelled “You two are either gonna fuck or kill each other, I really don’t care at this point but just make it fucking stop!” through the gaps in the wood of the closed door.
It took them four hours.
They didn’t actually fuck, it was still far too early for that, but when Josh finally relented and opened the door (mainly after their mother had found out what he had done and had given him a stern talking to), Jake and Danny did walk out of the shed as a couple.
All that however didn’t mean that they were exactly comfortable with Josh and Sammy over hearing their more intimate moments. The master bedroom provided them with a bit more privacy, sure. But the aluminium door was hardly sound proof. Experience had taught them that at least.
They got up from the hotel lobby couch and started manoeuvring the trolley that held their luggage through the revolving front doors and down the parking lot to where their bus was parked in its designated spot. It seemed eerily quiet.
Usually around this time of day the drivers would already be here, roadhands would be milling about, securing the bigger cases into the bus’ cargo hold. Their manager and make-up artist, whom they'd grown increasingly close to over the many months of travelling together, would be making sure the boys hadn’t trashed the bus too much during the previous trip. Acting as stand in road parents and giving them an earful when the bus wasn’t up to code.
But no one was there.
Jake shot a quick glance at the watch on his wrist. They were supposed to leave in about two hours, where the fuck was everyone?
He looked over at Danny who’s face mirrored his own confused expression.
“Did we get the time wrong?” Jake asked.
“I don’t know, we didn’t change time zones yesterday did we?” Danny replied.
Jake thought back to the day before, usually their manager would tell them and make sure that they updated their watches when they travelled from one time zone to the next, but he didn’t remember having gotten that notification yesterday.
“I don’t think we did…” he muttered, wracking his brain for any memories he might have subconsciously declared unnecessary. He still came up blank.
Danny shrugged.
“ Whatever, let's just start loading on our shit. The sooner we can take a nap the better, I am exhausted.”
Jake nodded in agreement. The last few days had been an absolute whirlwind. Back to back shows for the last five days in five different countries, continuously packing and unpacking gear. Getting off the bus, preparing, playing, packing up, and getting back on the bus.
It was rewarding of course, seeing the thousands of people who appreciated what they did even though they spoke different languages and had different cultures. Living the life they’d always dreamt of, travelling the world and performing their hearts out. It was wonderful. Jake would never wanna do anything else, not in a million years.
It was also extremely exhausting. A nap definitely sounded nice right now.
Jake dug through the pockets of his pants for the keys to the bus as Danny started taking their luggage off of the trolley.
Coming up empty he checked the pockets of his jacket next. Phone, wallet, passport, all his usual important items were there. But not the keys.
“ Danny, babe, did you see my keys by any chance? I can’t seem to find them.” Jake asked, checking the pockets of his jeans again just to be sure he hadn’t accidentally put them in a different spot than usual.
Danny set down the suitcase he was holding and checked the carabiner on his belt where he usually kept his keys, but his hands came up empty too. He checked his pockets as well but still nothing.
“Can’t say I did love. And I can’t seem to find my own set either.” he replied.
Panic started to set in slightly at that. The bus was basically their home at the moment. They all had their own set of keys and they usually guarded them with their life. But the last few nights their manager had opened the bus and they had all filled in one after another. Jake couldn’t even remember when he had last unlocked the doors by himself, let alone which country he had been in at the time.
Losing your keys was one thing, not knowing in which country you had lost them was something else entirely.
“Did I wear these pants yesterday?” Jake asked Danny, mind too awash with the sudden rush of panic to clearly remember his own outfit from the day before.
Danny scrunched up his shoulders and lightly shook his head. “I’m not sure, I don’t think so?” he said, but it sounded more like a question than a statement.
Jake started digging through his backpack first. Maybe he had shoved his keys into some random pocket there. He had never put his keys in his bag before but maybe, somehow, his exhausted brain had thought that that was the most logical place last night.
Still nothing.
Meanwhile Danny had thrown open his suitcase and was frantically rifling through the pockets of all the pants he owned. Also nothing.
The two men looked at each other, panic evident on their faces now.
“Should we call someone?” Danny asked, voice sounding like he’d just ran a marathon.
“I’ll call one of the drivers, they should have been here by now anyway.” Jake replied, not entirely successful in keeping the anxiety out of his own voice.
The phone rang for about thirty seconds before it eventually went to voicemail. Jake cursed under his breath.
His calls to their manager, their make-up artist, Josh, and Sammy ended in the same result. No reply or straight to voicemail.
“What in the actual fuck is going on right now.” he exclaimed, panic turning slowly into anger at the unresponsiveness of the crew. “Did we enter the twilight zone or something? We’re supposed to leave in an hour and a half, where the fuck is everyone?”
Danny, who had been anxiously pacing back and forth next to Jake and chewing on the nail of his thumb, stopped in his tracks as he heard the frustration in his boyfriend's voice.
He turned to face Jake and softly pulled him into a hug.
“Hey, it’s gonna be fine.” he muttered into the shorter man’s hair, all anxiety instantly having disappeared from his voice in favour of calming Jake down.
Jake sighed against his chest and hugged him back.
“We can’t miss tonight’s show Danny, I can’t believe I’ve been stupid enough to lose my keys somewhere in Europe.” he mumbled against Danny’s sweater.
“We won’t miss tonight’s show.” Danny replied, rubbing his hands up and down Jake’s back in what he hoped was a soothing way and didn’t betray the panic and uncertainty he was still very much feeling himself.
“And if you’re stupid for losing your keys then so am I. I'm sure we’ll find them eventually. And there’s no way the crew would ever allow us to be late. I’m sure there’s just been some kind of miscommunication. Everything’s gonna be okay.”
Jake seemed to slightly relax at that. He hugged Danny a little bit tighter for a moment before loosening his grip around his back to stand up on his tiptoes and plant a soft kiss against Danny’s lips.
Danny smiled against his mouth, secretly enjoying the fact that Jake fully had to reach up to be able to kiss him, and always feeling extra loved when he saw Jake make the effort.
“ Let’s get back to the lobby.” Danny said once Jake had released his lips again. “It’s pretty cold out here and maybe we can ask the receptionist at the front desk if we can go back and search our room.”
Jake lowered himself to his normal height again and nodded. “Yeah that’s probably our best option right now.” he replied, moving to replace their luggage back onto the trolley.
The receptionist looked slightly surprised when they rolled the full cart of luggage back through the revolving doors, but managed to keep a professionally pleasant face when Jake and Danny approached her and explained their situation.
“I’m very sorry to hear that you’ve misplaced your keys.” she said.
“ I think our cleaning staff is in there now, I’ll call up to the room and ask them to keep an eye out. Meanwhile, please feel free to wait in the lounge, I’ll let you know as soon as I hear back from them.”
They thanked her and sat back on the same couch they had inhabited half an hour ago, this time filled with a lot more frustration and anxiety.
“I guess we can kiss the master bedroom goodbye after this.” Danny sighed.
Jake looked over at him, his elbows were resting on his knees and his shoulders were slumped slightly forward, curls hanging like a curtain around his face.
He smiled softly at Danny and pushed some strands of hair behind his ear so he could actually see him.
“Listen, we had every intention to load not only our stuff but also Josh and Sam’s shit onto the bus. Those chucklefucks should be grateful. When was the last time they even so much as offered to take our bags huh?” Jake said with a smile.
Danny smiled at that too.
“I don’t know man. Last time Sammy offered to take my bag I was pretty sure he was gonna try and chuck it into a canal. Little shit.” Danny chuckled.
“Exactly!” Jake replied. “I don’t think Josh has ever offered to help me carry anything. He’s much happier watching me struggle by myself. “ he laughed.
Their anxiety was slowly lessened as they tried to lighten each other’s mood. They sat for a while and reminisced about what assholes their other two band members could be until the receptionist gently interrupted their giggle fit.
She smiled warmly at them when she spoke.
“Sorry to interrupt gentlemen but our cleaning staff seems to have located two sets of keys in your room, along with a pair of trousers and a jacket. Someone will bring them down shortly.”
Jake and Danny sighed in relief, thoroughly thanking the woman who gave them another kind smile before returning to her station behind the front desk.
Danny pulled Jake close to him.
“See? Told you it would be all right?” he said, a smile audible in his voice.
“Yeah, yeah mister eternal optimist.” Jake laughed. “But don’t pretend you weren’t worried you’d left your keys in France or Germany or Switzerland either.”
Danny gave him a playful shove.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” he stated matter of factly. “I knew they were in the room the entire time.” he tried to keep his face as straight as possible but it only took a single look at Jake’s face for Danny to break into laughter.
“Yeah no, I was absolutely shitting myself man.” he finally admitted.
Jake laughed at him and Danny joined in his laughter. All anxiety melting away like snow in the sun.
A few minutes later Jake’s phone rang. It was Josh.
“Hey Jake, sorry I missed your call. What’s up?” his twin’s voice sounded cheerful through the phone’s speakers.
A little bit of the anger Jake had felt earlier bubbled back up into his stomach.
“What do you mean ‘what’s up?’” he replied. “Where the fuck are you? Where is everyone? We’re supposed to leave soon and the entire crew is missing!” he tried not to yell but Josh’s nonchalant tone of voice didn’t exactly help to calm him down.
“Jake what the fuck are you talking about? It’s Wednesday, remember? We have the next two days off. We’re not leaving until Friday evening.” Josh stated calmly, confusion evident in his voice.
Jake didn’t believe him.
“Nice try asshole. Why is your luggage in the hotel lobby if we’re staying here for two more days huh?” he snapped back.
“It’s not? My stuff is still in my room?” Josh was silent for a second, Jake could hear Sammy’s muffled voice in the background of the call. “Sam did point out that there were some suitcases that looked almost identical to ours when we walked through the lobby this morning. Please tell me you didn’t touch those, cause they’re definitely not ours, you can check the tags.”
Jake’s anger deflated at that. He stayed silent for a second as he walked back over to the luggage and checked the tags like Josh had suggested. He was right. He had no idea whose bags these were but they sure weren’t his brothers’.
“Jake? Are you still there?” Josh’s voice asked through the phone.
“ Haha, yeah totally, I was just joking man, you totally fell for it.” he said, but his voice sounded anything but convincing.
Before Josh could reply Jake spoke again. “I’ll call you back later, I gotta go sort out a thing.”
He could hear Josh snort out a laugh before he hung up and walked back over to Danny who looked at him quizzically.
“Babe, I'm not sure how to tell you this, but we may be the two biggest idiots currently alive.” Jake smiled awkwardly as he rubbed a hand across his forehead.
Danny’s confused look only intensified until Jake explained what Josh had just told him.
Danny stared at him for a long quiet moment.
“I think we should wait with checking back into our rooms until the receptionist changes shifts.” he mumbled. “I don’t think I could handle the embarrassment of checking out and back in with the same person within a two hour window.”
Jake nodded at that.
“At least we’ll have our keys back soon so we’ll be able to take a nap on the bus in the meantime.” he said.
Danny huffed out a laugh at that. “I’m gonna need more than a nap after this shit show of a morning.”
Jake silently agreed. A nap, a stiff drink, and a hot shower, and then maybe another nap for good measure. They were obviously more exhausted than they had realised.
Suddenly Danny let out a groan and Jake looked at him, confused.
“Josh and Sammy are never gonna let us live this down are they.” he said, eyes squeezed shut, an absolute look of discomfort on his face.
Jake let out a laugh at that.
“Oh absolutely never. Let’s maybe not mention that we also lost our keys. The fact that they know we apparently dragged some stranger’s luggage all over the parking lot for about an hour is already bad enough.”
Danny could definitely agree to that.
The end.
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Hey bae, I've enjoyed your lords of chaos fics so far and I really liked the hcs and I just wanted to ask you could make one for necrobutcher? He was so fine in the movie but no one ever talks about him :)
Hello anon happy that you enjoyed my works so far. Pretty cute in the movie but the only voice of reason. So I hope and everyone else likes this little story and as always have fun readinf :)
It's over
warning : fluff, hurt/comfort, mention of suicide
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Disclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
°The two of you actually met in the supermarket one day. You wanted to buy something for you and your flatmate, who didn't really have anything any more. Almost the same was true for Necrobutcher the bass player and member of Mayhem he was still something like the voice of reason.
°Just as she was going to the section with the muesli and other packaged foods, she saw a black-haired young man. From then on, the two of you got into a conversation, or rather, he made the first move. A bad joke, a little laugh and a question about what all the patches on his jacket were for.
°There was a spark between the dark mysterious basist and the simple medical student. Which is why he not only wrote her number on her hand, but also lied her into the next rehearsal of Mayhem in the dried-out hut.
°She would be lying if she didn't find him attractive. There was something about him that was slightly mysterious, funny, realistic and, from what she had heard, not as evil as the news described all those statists. Which is why she went to the cottage at the weekend.
°When she arrived and went into the old hut, she quickly realised that it had seen better days. ,,Hey, Y/n, come with me, I'll show you the others!" he called cheerfully from the kelelr and wrapped her in a hug before they went downstairs. There she met the rest of the band from mayhem - nice but somehow strange people.
°Sitting down on the floor, she watched the band animatedly. Even though the music wasn't really her cup of tea at first, she soon felt herself swaying and humming along to the lyrics and cheering the band on. Before she pulled Necrobutcher into her arms, slightly embarrassed, and praised him.
°Staying with the band throughout the day, a small partx took place in the evening, where she not only had fun but also sat on the couch with the black-haired man and watched a film to ignore the noise from outside. He had his arm around her and she had her head on his shoulder. A cute moment that ended the evening with them kissing. The first kiss of many that night the two somehow ended up in a relationship.
°She quickly realised how sensitive, emotional and devoted he was. He listened to her problems, hugged her, kissed her and was there for her. He was indeed the most socially normal of mayhem and understood her worries that one day something might happen. Even though they both supported each other.
°But the day came when it would happen. The suicide of Dead and Euroynmou's exaggeration. He had gone too far and exploited his friend's death just for the sake of success. That same day, she got a call from Necrobutcher from a phone box who was more than upset and asked her to pick him up because his bike had a flat.
°As soon as she got into her car and drove off, she was worried. It was bound to happen sometime, she thought bitterly and sadly, before stopping at the phone box a few minutes later and getting out. She held the distraught and almost tearful Necrobutcher in her arms for a moment. She just held him and he mumbled and apologised for something he couldn't do.
°Then they loaded the fahard into the car and drove to him, as his family was not there at the moment anyway. Sitting down together on the couch, he rested his head on her lap and was quiet. But she was also quiet and just stroked his head. ,,It's going to be all right...they're gone, you don't have to go there any more," she said and only saw the brief nod. A moment later he sat down and wrapped her in a grateful kiss and held her hand. ,,Thank you for everything," he murmured and put his hand on her cheek.
°Not knowing that the past would catch up with them both. The suicide was only the beginning, then Faust's murder of the gay man and finally Varg's murder of euronymous. It was terrible, and yet the two survived the time together. They moved in together, helped each other and lived normal, free lives as best they could. Knowing that the horror had only made them both stronger.
@mayhem-things , @bvg-w1res , @beldamama
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abyss-presence · 1 year
Hey, can you write Forrest x reader, enemies to friends please?
A/n: Thank you for the request! I hope the setting and reader's personality is to your liking.
Note: no usage of Y/N, instead [name] is used; second person pov; there are two time skips in total. Reader is gender neutral and they/them pronouns are used like two times.
Trauma Bonding.
You don't really understand why it happened, but that doesn't matter now.
What matters is, Forrest is an annoying piece of shit. By God how much he pisses you off, and that feeling seems to be mutual. You really can't help it, that guy is just a definition of a bastard. Neither of you cares how this stupid rivalry started, but you've been on each others' asses all the time, just constantly being a bother and a menace to one another.
And while you hated to admit it, it was sort of fun. Forrest's reactions to your little stunts were amusing as hell, so it only added fuel to the fire.
And you would be perfectly fine with things staying that way, but now you were stuck at the god damn KFAM building because what? A serial killer is out on the streets? Pfft, whatever man.
"Just so you know, I'd much prefer if the Whistling Man got me than staying here." you said harshly, sitting down at the couch in front of Peggy's booth. Just hearing Forrest talk made you upset. That man had way too much snark going on, he seriously needs to calm down with that shit.
"No one's holding you here." It just felt like you wanted to punch him every time he spoke, which was the case right now too.
"Settle down you two, we have more important things to care about now." Peggy brought you both back to reality. She was leaning her head on her palm and already looked tired of your constant back and forth bickering.
"Peggy, how come you tolerate him so well?" you could swear you saw Forrest roll his eyes.
"You guys just need to stop arguing so much. Why are you even fighting?" Peggy asks, shifting a little to be more comfortable in her chair.
"Because he's/they're annoying," the two of you said in sync, which only made you exchange a glare between each other. The woman laughed at that. It was honestly hilarious how you two hated each other for no apparent reason, even though your personalities would go well together in theory.
"Oh I see how it is. So you two are just being bitter for the sake of being bitter?" Only silence followed Peggy's question...
Hours have passed already. The night was getting more and more intense, and it was stressing everyone out. You were honestly both impressed and surprised by how well Forrest have managed to deal with this situation. Maybe that alone has earned your respect for him.
Even still, it was horrible to hear that kid get murdered. Poor guy, he was probably no older than 16... sure he was an ass, but that didn't mean he deserved to die. That made you think... if Forrest was to meet the same fate, would you feel the same way? Would it be a petty kind of grief? You would rather not find out.
Which is exactly why-
"Forrest man, you know I can't stand you, but no fucking way. I'm going down with you." Your tone was firm, and it was obvious you wouldn't back down no matter what he said.
"Whatever, lets just go already." He knew it would be pointless to try and argue with you, you would just keep being stubborn to annoy him. But maybe, just maybe, he was a little glad that you would tag along. It was totally not because the presence of another person with him, a person who he knows all too well, would make him feel more safe and protected, of course not, you would be foolish to think that that was the case! He'd just use you as a meat shield if the two of you got attacked. Yep, that was totally it, no other reason whatsoever.
You followed him downstairs, taking in the sight of the interior. It was kind of cozy in here, although you had to admit that the place was a mess. Well, on the second floor that is, the first one seemed pretty neat if you don't look behind the reception.
You made your way through said reception, through the basement and finally through the fire exit. As Forrest walked through the door, you stayed behind to hold it open just in case, that thing didn't look reliable enough for you to be sure that it won't shut behind you. Forrest only raised an eyebrow at you but didn't question it any further.
You'd hear him talk to no one in particular and of course you had to make a snarky remark about how this man had went insane while being so up in his own ass. However, just as you heard something that sounded like footsteps followed up with rustling, you panicked and quickly ran to find Forrest, completely forgetting about the door.
"Forrest?! Bastard man where are you?!" You half whispered half screamed, frantically looking around the back alley. When you came around the corner your eyes first landed on the Whistling Man who stood behind the fence and then walked away. Forrest, however, didn't seem to notice him at all... What a dork.
"So you found it?" You questioned him, looking over his shoulder briefly with your hands crossed over your chest.
"Sure did- Wait why are you here? Weren't you supposed to hold the door open?!" after a while, you began to pick up on certain behavior patterns and habits that Forrest had, one of which was that half lowered tone he always used when he was stressed and frustrated. Damn, pulling out all the dirty moves now, are you Forrest Nash?
"What the hell do you want from me! I thought you were about to be murdered!" ohh, you didn't like the way those two sentences sounded coming from you, it almost made it seem like you actually cared about him, which was totally not the case!
Forrest gasps dramatically, covering his mouth with the free hand that wasn't holding the "Lomg Ride Home", "Oh my God [name], is that what I think this is? Are you perhaps... worried about me?" he said in his signature smug tone, handing you the recording while you were distracted fuming over his stupid words. Without even realizing it, you took it from him.
"Shut up." A classic response, one that is usually a sign that he said something frustratingly stupid that you can't be bothered to come up with something witty to say.
"Sure man. We have the recording now, let's return." You hate to agree with him, but nod anyway, and the two of you make your way back to the fire exit.
Of course, just as you had suspected, it shut behind you as soon as you left, which only caused you both to be even more annoyed. This night was already horrible as it was, you couldn't get stuck outside now! Forrest said something about finding another way in, like a lift to the basement or whatnot. And surely enough, there was one right nearby.
Since it had no power, the two of you found a generator, and after that split ways to hunt around for some fuses to replace the burnt out ones. "Does anything work properly in this God forsaken place?" You think to yourself, picking up a good handful of fuses. However, those aren't the only thoughts that were plaguing your mind. You can't help but feel anxious being away from Forrest after you saw... well, him. And of course, it was totally only because you didn't want to help him or drag his body inside if he got killed! But either way, you hurriedly made your way back to the generator, looking around for Forrest. When you didn't see him anywhere, you could feel anxiety rise in your chest.
"Forrest? Forrest where are you?" You whispered again, dropping all the fuses on the crates nearby. Then you felt a pair of hands suddenly slam against your shoulders.
"Boo," you heard from behind yourself. Naturally, given tonight's circumstances, your first reflex was to fight. So as soon as you turned around, Forrest got shoved away and punched in the stomach. "Augh, what the hell."
"Jesus Christ Forrest! Do you have wind in your head or what?!" Even despite the fact that you cursed him out, you still felt kinda relieved to see him again. At least he wasn't the Whistling Man...
"That hurt you know." He said nonchalantly, as if he didn't just give you three heart attacks at once. You also noticed that he brought back some fuses too.
"Good. That's what you deserve." Truly, these two were made for each other. Who else would bicker and argue about dumb things when out at night in a dark alleyway with a killer on the loose?
The two of you made quick work with that generator, turning the power back on and making your way into the building through the basement.
But not in a single lifetime did you imagine finding... whatever the hell this was. You couldn't choose what creeped you out more: the fact that there was a secret hideout in the basement, all the mannequins with red cross eyes, all the photos attached to red strings and hanging in the air, or the board with news article cutouts and stickers with names and places on them. The latter seemed to grab Forrest's attention first though. Overall, this entire situation made your anxiety grow even more, and your thoughts wandered over to Peggy.
Sure, she is supposed to be safely locked in her producer booth, but... still, what if the Whistling Man somehow got to her? And both of you were downstairs, unable to protect her... You didn't want to imagine the sight of the glass being broken and Peggy laying lifelessly on the floor, probably horrifically injured. You didn't want to imagine it, but you did, and it only made things worse. You could feel your body heat up from growing stress, and only a minute or two later did you notice Forrest shaking you by the shoulder.
"[Name], you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." No way, did Forrest sound worried too? That's hilarious. Sort of endearing too.
"What if... something happens to Peggy?" You didn't even want to say it, you didn't want to express your concerns, especially not to him, but it came naturally. You just blurted it out without thinking.
"She's gonna be alright." Forrest was dumbfounded by your sudden serious tone and panicked look. He didn't expect you to suddenly act like this, if anything he expected another snarky reply. However, the fact that you trusted him enough to let him have a peek into your thoughts made him feel responsible for making things better for you. He already had to comfort a bunch of terrified victims today, so he could surely do it again.
"And what if she won't? What if the Whistling Man gets her? We're not there to protect her, but even if we were, would we be able to protect her anyway? That freak is strong and fast..." your mind began to spiral pretty fast.
"Thinks this through [name], how could he possibly get to her if he was at the old murder house and she is here, in her booth with the door locked?" And that was the worst about this. Forrest didn't know. He didn't see. So you took it upon yourself to break the news to him:
"No, no! You don't understand, I saw him here! He was right outside the building!" Your voice was growing more and more hysterical the longer you had to talk, and it was making him panick too.
"Wait, here? You saw him here?" Forrest asked you, mindlessly placing his hands on your shoulders.
"Yes Nash, here!" Oh damn. You usually only used his last name when things went over the line, so it only made the situation more tense.
"Okay, okay, calm down, deep breaths [name]. Let's get this thing," he patted the board you saw on the wall, "upstairs first and then we will check up on Peggy, alright?" After a moment of hesitation, you agreed. You grabbed the keys from the staircase that were on the table, and Forrest took the board. While you made your way back, with you occasionally glancing at Forrest and him giving you a reassuring nod in return, you couldn't help but feel grateful to him for helping you calm down. It was almost disgusting how well this man managed to soothe your worries, even if just a little bit.
When you finally made it back, you were relieved to find Peggy safe, sound and unharmed. That made your respect meter for Forrest go up like 0.5 percent. Still, you hated his guts. Or... or did you?
The second time wasn't so fortunate. Peggy wasn't unharmed, but she was relatively safe and getting help. You let out a breath that you've been holding in for ages, and you could feel your heart rate begin to slowly decrease. You turned to Forrest after he signed off his show, and couldn't help but smile.
"Maybe you're not as much of an ass as I thought."
And with that, you've bonded over your mutual trauma of the Whistling Night of '87 and have been friends ever since. Inseparable and insufferable if you will. So yeah,
You don't really understand why it happened, but that doesn't matter now.
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foxymoxynoona · 2 months
As an extremely white American, I would say wearing shoes inside is less about feeling bare feet are dirty and more about the formality of the situation.
In my own home, I usually take my shoes off when I get home just because it's more comfortable for me, but I'm not opposed to walking around the house in my shoes. Especially if I'm in the kitchen, I'll often put shoes on to protect my feet from hot things that could spill and crumbs that will inevitably get on the floor as I cook. It also depends on how familiar and formal the situation is. If I went to my friends house or I had friends over and we were posted up on the couch watching movies, I'd probably remove my shoes. If I went to a dinner party at someone's house or was hosting one myself, having someone over I didn't know well, or generally in a dressier situation I would wear my shoes inside. Being barefoot around someone or in someone's home is more of a sign of comfort level?
And then yeah, to your point, I don't really think of wearing shoes inside as being dirty and it's probably because we don't use our floors in the same way (ie sitting or eating on the ground). I also agree that it's also probably due to cultural differences in terms of germ tolerance. Even post pandemic, I don't think we are as cautious or wary of germs in America. We didn't mask before the pandemic and I think most people hardly mask now. But of course that's also because we live in a privileged country where being more lax about germs doesn't mean I'm putting my health at major risk. Sometimes when I watch old BTS videos and they are wearing masks it strikes me that if I had discovered BTS before 2020, it probably would have seemed foreign to me to see them in masks all the time, whereas post-pandemic I am used to it.
I feel like hard floors vs. carpet makes a difference too! Like it's more normal to be wearing shoes in the kitchen on tile or wood, but then take your shoes off in the living room that has a carpet. Or like when I lived in a bigger house growing up I would wear shoes more often downstairs in more common and formal areas, but take them off to go upstairs to the bedrooms and personal spaces.
That's just my two cents but also I am respectful of anyone else's preferences and if someone asks me to take off my shoes at their house, I will happily do it without comment. I really don't care! If someone does have a reaction to it, it's probably more about their own xenophobia/prejudice to things that are different or the American aversion to being told what to do in general lol. People will look for any excuse that someone else is infringing on their "liberty".
The formality! Yes thank you, I know there were probably some rationales I was forgetting. So I grew up in a place that has much more stringest ideas of etiquette and formality and it would definitely be considered impolite to be bare-foot around others, that's what i was sort of getting at with the feet thing but you're right it's not necessarily a belief that feet are dirty. It's just in the bucket of I was raised that it's something rude to do. In contrast, my husband expects all shoes off and has no issue telling contractors they need to take theri shoes off to come inside etc haha, which they then sometimes have to explain they can't because of insurance purposes or whatever, and then it's not a big deal, or if a guest says they'd be uncomfortable that's fine.
I do think we also have a great deal of privilege in terms of the diseases we can catch (or rather lack thereof), at least for those who aren't immunocomrpomised, and that leads to some laxity in germs. This is another thing my husband is way more particular on; I'm tidier, he's more concerned with germ management.
Thanks for these additions!
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
Sweet Silver Linings, Part 3
Summary:  you and Curtis are struggling
Pairings:  Curtis Everett X Reader
Rating:  mature
Warnings:  mentions of D/s dynamics, mentions of bondage, mentions of biting, mentions of spanking, toy play, butt plug, nipple clamps, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  3.2K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics​
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“Ugh!” Doll looks down the couch at her husband who was peacefully rubbing her exhausted feet when Curtis’ groans of distress ring through their house. “No! You piece of,” he takes a deep breath, throwing the piece of paper he was working into the floor with the other discarded ones, and starting to draw again.
Doodle pokes his nose on his mama’s belly, and gives his tail a wag, looking upstairs. “Yes, Doodle, I think you need to go check on Uncle Curtis. He seems a bit…”
“Oh my god!”
“Distressed. And if he’s distressed then I’m distressed, and if I’m distressed this sweet girl is, and…”
“Doodle, buddy boy, sissy can not be distressed, tell Curtis to come here instead of,” another growl has Doodle’s face looking up at the stairs instead of wanting to nuzzle Doll. “Go, buddy, tell him he needs to come down here and explain himself.”
Doodle wanders up the stairs, and nudges the door open with his nose. His sweet demeanor gives Curtis puppy dog eyes. “They told you to come up here, didn’t they? I’m fine!” He shouts down at his brother and sister in law.
“Curtis Howard Everett, you come down here this instant!”
“Ooh! She full named you,” Curtis groans again, grabbing his sketch pad as he trudges downstairs. “She’s getting practice, but Cozy girl will never need to be full named. She’s going to be the sweetest, cuddliest…”
“Curtis, what cha got?” Doll says, reaching a hand out to the notebook. “Come here, show me what you got.”
“It’s nothing,” he hands over the scribbled on paper, sighing. “I just can’t get it right.”
“Coco,” she smiles, looking up from the paper. “This…this is for her, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. For the shop.”
“You can’t get it right because you want it to be perfect for her?” He nods his head, and she gets the biggest tears in her eyes.
“No! Why are you crying?” Hayden gets excited, sitting up and moving to her side. “You’re smiling. Why is she smiling?”
“This is the sweetest thing ever.”
“I’m sweet,” Hayden was clearly the baby of his family. Always needing to be center of attention.
“You really like her, huh?” Doll sweetly asks, placing a hand on his cheek. “Like really really like her?”
Curtis takes a moment, but nods his head. He liked you a lot. Hardly knew you, but he was falling. There was something under the surface that he just couldn’t quite get to, but he was falling so hard, and it was frustrating. There was no reason for him to be falling. None whatsoever. But here he was trying to make you something perfect and it just didn’t work.
“Yeah, I really like her. I have so many questions, but I want her to let me in. I’m right there. She talks to me unprompted. Her dog loves me. I can tell. Teeny loves me. Teeny? This girl is so precious she named a giant St. Bernard, Teeny. He’s her emotional support dog, isn’t he?”
“Curtis, Bubs is one of the most precious people I’ve ever met. She’s had a lot happen in her life. She wants to love so hard. I think that’s why she’s standoffish. She’s scared. And if you knew…you would get it, but that's not my story. What I will say, if she’s letting you in, that’s a good thing. She doesn’t take that lightly. She keeps new people at a distance. Thinks she’s bad luck. But this…you’re wanting to simplify her life, and I don’t think anyone has ever done that. She complicates her life, and her brain is always going in different directions. But….this…this is perfect. She’ll love this.”
“It’s not perfect,” Curtis reaches over, grabbing the notebook from his sister in law. This had gotten complicated for no reason. He didn’t want things to be like this. But he would do whatever it took for you to be comfortable with him. “She’s perfect, and I can't compete with that.”
“Then don’t,” Hayden shrugs his shoulders, wrapping an arm around his wife. “Take it from a man that found someone who was perfect. You can’t duplicate them. You can’t give them the perfect scenarios all the time. You can’t do everything. This is what you can do,” he gives a point to his brother’s early drafts of the cabinet. “Instead of trying to make something perfect, make it functional. Let it capture what you know her personality to be. Make her life easier at her store. But you can’t recreate perfection. You’re wasting time on doing that, instead of spending time with her. That’s the point of this to keep you more around her. Then there ya go. This is what you do.”
“I’m not perfect, Haydes.”
“That’s all you got from that, seriously, woman?”
“Haydes is right,” Hayden gives a proud smile at his brother, making sure Curtis heard Doll say that Hayden was right. “You’re thinking too hard. Let things flow, and happen. Spend time with her. If she agreed to this, she wants you there. It’s okay to be a bit nervous. You do have a school boy crush.”
“So you think this draft is okay?” Both Hayden and Doll smile, nodding that it was. “Okay. Okay. I’m just going to let things happen then.”
“Exactly. Let them happen!”
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“So, Curtis, tell me why you still think it’s necessary for you to come here?” Doc puts her pen and paper down. Laying her hands in her lap as she stares at the man across from her.
“Well, before it was trying to work through my feelings of losing Jessie, and believing it was my fault. Then it was the fear of doing what I always wanted to do. I want to help people. Not in the way that my dad and brother do, but a more approachable way. Therapy is great, but not everyone has the means for it, you know?”
“Your book is completed, is it not?”
“Uh,” he rubs the back of his neck. Technically it was. And it was picked up by a publishing company. But was anything ever really completed? He had a life’s mission. “Yeah, I guess. But…Doc, I think something is wrong with me.”
“How so?”
“Have you ever had a fear of something?”
“Do we not all fear something?”
“But I mean something that is good and fun, and so fucking satisfying.”
“What do you mean?” She fidgets her fingers a bit, thinking about reaching over for her notebook, but Curtis did better without it. He liked eye contact, and it was almost eerie how much he liked it.
“Oh, I did not see that answer coming. How long has it been since you last had sex?” It was a shame that Curtis didn’t have to actually think about how long it had been. He knew exactly how long it had been. Exactly how each and every day and drug by that he had felt a woman to hold and protect.
“Well over a year.”
“Good looking guy, sweet, confident.”
“I don’t need you to tell me my positive attributes. I have women that hit on me constantly. I lack the response to want to interact with them,” because there was only one, and you weren’t one to pick up on any flirting. He wanted you. No one else. Just you.
“Why?” Curtis was a fascinating patient. He just needed an outside person to talk to, but for the most part he could talk himself to an answer. He just needed someone to listen to him. Especially after dealing with his guilt over Jessie.
“Seeing my sister in law in that place,” he breaks his eye contact to look out into the distance. Remembering the unease he felt about her being at the club. “It was these two men constantly bickering about whose dick was going to get wet by her. They knew without knowing what they were doing. She just needed physical touch. They were passing her around like she was nothing but a fleshlight, just wet skin. Neither one acknowledged how hurt she was and she was using sex to think people loved her.”
“This is all about your sister in law. How do you fit in?”
“I’m getting there. I saw it. Saw her walk out of the chapel, walking funny, and this dead look in her eyes. Only to have some other man needing to use her, and she always left with him. She was this ball of depression, and I took too long to intervene. I saw the older one constantly walking behind her, and grabbing her over her clothes, whispering how her cunt was his. She was just property to him. The other one cared, but didn’t see how she was being used by him either.”
Curtis holds his hand up to Doc, stopping her from asking a question. He was about to make his point. “The one would whisper in her ear, ‘You know who your daddy is, and you know who you belong to.’ And every time I saw a piece of her die. I didn’t know that type of relationship could harm someone.”
“That type of relationship?”
“You know,” she shakes her head no, needing Curtis to elaborate. “A Dom and sub relationship.”
“Oh. Why would you think it harmed her?”
“It clearly did.”
“Maybe I should ask, why do you care if that type of relationship harmed her?”
“Umm…I don’t know. I guess…I guess it’s because that’s how I like things. And I see Doll and my brother, and they don’t have that, and they’re so happy. She calls him daddy, and while I know it’s more than him becoming a father, it’s not in this ownership type of way.”
“Hmm,” she smiles at him, realizing how confused he was in understanding that lifestyle. “What you were witnessing was a very unhealthy D/s relationship. Doll went along with that relationship because as you said, she needed to feel loved. Needed the attention. And she found negative attention. A man that used her vulnerable state and need for a daddy. In a healthy Dominate and sub relationship there are boundaries. Even ownership is fine if both parties agree to that. If they have their rules and their boundaries. You always have to have consent to these things.”
“But what if…I haven’t. But I enjoy a certain type of porn.”
“You mean the type of porn you watch is something you want to act out?” He nods his head, and looks away from her. Completely out of character for him. Curtis had a calming effect around him. But also kept up that eye contact.
“Okay, and what’s wrong with the type of porn you prefer?”
“It’s abusive.”
“How so?”
“Tying someone up. Smacking them. Punishment.”
“With boundaries that include a safe word, knowing your partner, and watching for physical cues, and even their verbal cues on when to stop is a safe way to enjoy extreme sex. It is best to have this type of relationship with someone you trust, and that trusts you. These types of relationships are about being vulnerable with someone. The ultimate trust is given to another person. Someone that will push their limits, but listen, watch, feel, and then in the end will take care of them. You can’t have one extreme without the other. Aftercare is a must in these relationships. They’re for both parties; the dominant and the submissive. Which is why you need an open conversation on what you want in this relationship. That doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you. This is normal, and more common than you realize.”
“How do you mean that?” The eye contact was back. No longer ashamed to look her in the eye. “So this is common? Like, having visions of tying someone up, and…punishing them is normal?”
“It’s a scene. It’s a controlled environment. Would you tie up anyone or punish them unwillingly?”
“No! No. No, I would never take complete control over someone.”
“So you’re saying with boundaries such as them agreeing to it, and giving you a way to know when they’ve had enough that is the only way you would punish someone?”
“Yes,” One syllable, and complete conviction. Curtis wouldn’t hurt anyone. “Why do you think I’m like that?”
Doc takes a deep breath. Both she and Curtis both know that time was nearing an end. “Sometimes it’s a lack of control in your own life. When there’s things we can’t control, you then want to find something that you can. Sometimes it’s because you have no outlet for your frustrations, and while you want to take them out on something or someone, you still want parameters and rules. The bigger question is why do you think that? Was it always there? Was there a break? Was it the porn you liked? A friend or girlfriend? Or was it the options I mentioned earlier? One thing I will say is there’s nothing wrong with you. You acknowledge you don’t want to hurt anyone, but there is an allure to the lifestyle. Make that be your homework. But I believe you want to get out of here early so you can set up to open the door. Do some self reflecting Mr. Everett. And I’ll see you next week.”
Curtis stands, leaning towards Doc to shake her hand, and heads towards the lobby. Waiting patiently for you. Just in case you needed help with the door, and if you didn’t, he was still going to help you. It was who he was, and you deserved to be treated like a princess. Most definitely you needed to be taken care of. Worshiped. And held until you weren’t afraid of your demons anymore. He wanted to do that for you because it’s what you deserved.
Seeing your little SUV pull in, and the big head of Teeny pop up made him even happier. You brought the puppy. And then you get out of your car. Coffee in tow, but also the bag he gifted you on your arm. And a leashed Teeny, so you were still in need of help.
He opens the door, and you don’t break contact with him. Even a small sliver of a smile, “Hi,” he nervously says, his eyes casting down your body for just a split second before ending on Teeny, “Hi to you, too.”
“Hey, Curtis,” you smile, pulling a bit on Teeny’s leash to head into Doc’s office.
The receptionist looks at Curtis with her mouth agape, and he nods his head with a smile. He got a hey and his name. You said his name. You said hey, but you said his name. You had said his name in public, and someone else heard it. She heard it, and she was still shocked.
“I’ll see you next week. Have a delightful rest of your day,” you had said his name. You said it and it was beautiful.
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“I like Jacobean,” you almost shout at Curtis when he walks into the store. Armed with a notebook and a bag of things. “What is that?”
“I brought some wood samples with stain,” sitting down his things, you just know you’re going to feel like a complete idiot, but you didn’t care. It had to be said.
“I like cherry wood. It sounds cute, too. Jacobean stained cherry wood, no?”
“It sounds adorable,” he was beautiful. Gone was the jacket, when you first met him, and now short sleeves were exposing his thick sinewed arms. And every inch of his arms and most of his hands were covered in black ink, and you have to take a deep breath to not whimper.
Visions of him wrapping rope around your body, his bicep choking you while he thrusts into your abused cunt, “I’m sorry,” you pant. “Would you like some coffee?”
“Yeah, that would be nice,” he smirks. Why did he look that damn hot with a crooked smile? Did he know what you were thinking? Did he know that you had fantasies of him biting on your shoulder right before he came? Could he have any idea the vile and depraved thoughts you had running through your head about him?
Could almost feel his hand spank your backside, and curse about how you were taking his cock like a filthy little slut. How he had you screaming out his name and begging him to let you come. “You like cream and sugar?”
“Nope, just black,” his smile. His smile was perfection. You can feel the indentions of his teeth on your skin. Can feel his teeth nibbling on your clit. “You, okay?”
“I’m fine. Just tired,” lying seemed like the obvious thing to do. Curtis would think you were a freak, and you liked having him here.
“Uhh…why don’t you close down for the day? I can start down here, if you don’t mind. At least it would get some preliminary work done, and I won’t be a burden. Since you know what you want, it won’t take me long to get the lumber. And just have it closed for renovations.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m going to do that. Here’s the key to the shop. Just remember to lock up when you’re done,” it was stifling the thoughts that were annoyingly racing through your head. How were you supposed to function like this? This was insanity. You needed to let it all out. Denying yourself the urge to get off wasn’t healthy.
Waiting at the top of the stairs for Curtis to lock up, you leave Teeny on the couch, and go into your bedroom. Into the walk in closet, and open up a drawer and grab out a dildo, and stick it into the middle of your bedroom floor. Staring at it as you grab a few more things. You would let yourself get some frustrations out. Curtis was not going to have this much power over your mind or your pussy.
It would be absurd to mention this to Curtis. You add nipple clamps to your tits, seething when the rush of pleasurable pain rushes through you, and you lube up a butt plug. Curtis did not control you. He was too nice. He didn’t need your baggage. He didn’t want your baggage. He deserved the world. He deserved to be worshiped. To be treated like a king, and you his…queen didn’t sound right.
You slink to your knees, letting the dildo split you open. “Princess,” you whine, starting to bounce on the toy. It didn’t feel the same. There weren't thick, tatted arms groping you. Forcing you on how to move.
You liked the sound of Princess. King Curtis. You were beneath him. And you wanted him to show you how he owned every part of you. Wanted him to use you like you were his property. Like you were nothing more than wet warm flesh. And even that aftercare that Doc had mentioned didn’t sound too bad if it was with Curtis. Waking up to him kissing over your tender muscles. If only. For now, you would torture yourself because you could never have a man like Curtis.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @softsatnin @missusbarnes-rogers @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings
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tsintotwo · 2 years
[59 Hours, Part 4. (Part 3 here.) Jake (Sweetbitter) x Reader. SMUT. NSFW.]
Hour 26
Jake’s eyes go wide when he re-enters the apartment and sees the booty you managed to collect, ‘Wow.’
‘Yep’, you nod, proud. ‘This will last us a day, at least.’
‘How did you even-‘
‘Just talking to people, Jake. Maybe you should try that sometime.’
Jake shakes his head, smiling faintly and half-holding up his hand, ‘Why bother when an expert is clearly in the scene?’
You roll your eyes, then notice his empty hands, ‘How far did you make it?’
‘Not much.’, Jake says, taking off his coat and gloves, ‘It’s not just snow. Debris, stuck vehicles, emergency workers setting up boundaries. You really couldn’t have left today.’
You told Jake there was no more food in his fridge, and that’s actually something you should think about if you’re gonna be stuck in here for who knows how much longer. You should also have emergency supplies like flashlights and batteries. Jake said he’d go outside and take a look at things, see what he could do or find. He did that, you went downstairs.
You had noticed the big sign outside his window for the Chinese takeout place in this building. Not that they’d be open, but they would definitely have some kind of a pantry, and there could still be people.
You were lucky. It’s a small family-owned place, and they live on the floor above the restaurant. (Naturally, Jake is completely unaware of this bit of useful info- you thought.) They prepare a lot of things beforehand, and were glad to be able to make use of some of that food by readying a few dishes for you. You brought up boxes of Chinese takeout. And a couple of candles which they gave you from their home, for free.
Jake and you both make some phone calls. You call home and talk briefly with your mom. You don’t know why you don’t exactly tell her about Jake. You mention the neighborhood and say, ‘I’m with a friend here. I’m safe.’. Your mom doesn’t ask anything further, as you knew she wouldn’t. You’re just a thing to check off from the list of things she’s supposed to worry about, and the easier that’s done, the better.
You talk with work, they reassure you that you can come in after things get sorted out with your situation. You also try calling your airline, trying to get an update on when flights might be resumed, but those helplines are jammed, and you give up after holding for fifteen minutes.
As you hang up, settling yourself more comfortably in your couch (you might just have to take this thing home with you), Jake walks in, grinning. ‘Howard’s freaking out.’, he informs you, as if you’re supposed to know what that means.
‘Who’s Howard?’, you ask.
‘Our manager.’, Jake comes and seats himself on the floor where your feet would be if you didn’t have your legs curled up.
‘Why’s he freaking out, and why are you so happy about it?’, you reach out and take off Jake’s beanie that he put on before going out. It’s a strangely familiar gesture that you don’t think twice about until you do it. After last night, seeing him at his worst, taking care of him, sleeping in his arms, you feel close to him. Maybe that’s… wrong? You don’t know. But it’s true.
Consciously or subconsciously, Jake must feel the same way because he doesn’t react to it at all, as if it’s the most normal thing in the world for him to be sitting at your feet, talking, and you taking his hat off. ‘Anything that loses the restaurant precious cents makes Howard freak out.’, he runs his fingers through his hair, making it stick out even more in the process, ‘And he’s an asshole, so his predicament is my joy.’
He sees the expression on your face and smiles wryly, ‘Yeah, I’m calling someone an asshole. That should tell you something.’
‘Why are we talking about him, then?’, you move on the couch, coming a little closer to Jake, ‘Tell me about your friend, instead. Simone. Did you talk to her?’
‘Yeah, she’s fine. She isn’t like me. She has things sorted out.’ There’s a reverence to his words that’s just a tiny but out of place while talking about a friend. You probe a little more, and Jake tells you about how each other were all they had for a long time, then a brief summary of Simone's bad marriage with a French winemaker, her moving back, working together at the restaurant. ‘Howard might be manager,’, Jake grins again, ‘but Simone is the one they’d never get rid of. The place would fall apart. Even Howard couldn’t function without her.’
Honest truth is- you don’t like the picture that’s emerging of this woman. You can’t decide if the reason is some kind of bias on your part- Jake talks about her in a glowing way that’s still (very, very stupidly) making you jealous. But even setting that aside, as you look at Jake sitting on the floor talking about Simone now, messy hair, big smile, blue eyes shining- he looks like a little boy. That’s what you really don’t like, how this person seems to have the effect of making him… smaller, somehow.
‘Did you tell her about me?’, you ask, and Jake’s smile disappears.
‘She doesn’t need to know all my business.’, he stands up, walking towards his side table, reaching for his cigarette pack.
That, or maybe she wouldn’t approve, you think.
Hour 28
Jake lends you a fresh towel, and after a quick shower you’re back at your couch with your laptop on your lap. You can actually get some work done from here. You really don’t need to, but there’s this simmer of permanent anxiety that seems to have laced your very bones long ago, and whenever you’re not doing anything somehow, it surfaces. You need to be doing things, or everything will fall apart. You know it doesn’t make sense, but that’s how you feel, and you can’t stop.
You try to explain this to Jake when he raises his eyebrows at you trying to work. You can hear yourself, halting and haphazard, and you’re not at all doing a great job of getting the point across (because, what even is the point?). You’re afraid that he’ll make a cutting remark that’s going to make you feel even more stupid. But he just nods like he understands you. Then he picks up a book, and comes to sit near your feet again. Leaning back against the couch, his head beside your knees, he stretches out his legs on the floor, and quietly reads his book.
Hour 29
When you eventually manage to notice just how comfortable the silence between you two is, it startles you. And it’s not only that, it’s this sense of familiarity. Whenever you’re not typing, your hand reaches out, your fingers finding their way into Jake’s hair, getting entangled, playing. It’s something you’ve always loved doing with a guy’s hair. He doesn’t protest, and you think he enjoys it, leaning into the touch. Jake fidgets a lot, and the nearest thing to do that with are your feet. He rests his hand on one of them, absent-mindedly he traces lines there that send shivers up your leg. When he moves, your hand falls down from his head over his shoulder, resting on his body. Jake switches his book to his other hand, reaches up, plays with your fingers. You don’t know how all of it feels so natural.
Jake is moving more now, and you realize what it is after too long- however comfortable it looks, sitting on the floor mustn’t be, not really. ‘Hey,’, you tell him, feeling very guilty, ‘I’ll move.’. You close your laptop, ‘Sorry. I’ve been totally hogging this couch since I came here. I’ll go sit at the table.’
Closing his book, Jake lets his head fall back so he can look at you, and the sudden blue flash of his eyes is such ocean-deep, it makes your heart stop for half a moment. ‘We’ve been through this, stupid.’, you rebuke yourself, ‘Will you freaking stop, or not?!’
‘What are you talking about?’, he says, relaxed, voice a bit thick with the previous hour’s unuse. 
Not. That voice is sexy. Oh, God.
‘You sitting there.’, you say, You’re not comfortable.’
‘Yeah?’, he sits up and turns around, ‘So why do you have to go?’
He comes up on the couch beside you, and it fits you two perfectly. You set your laptop down on the floor, then you’re snug together, with his arm around you and your head against his shoulder. As you settle in, he pulls you even closer, and you’re half on your side now, and he brings in his other arm to hold you against his body.
‘Jake-‘, you start saying, and he’s not smiling, and he’s not scowling- this is a look you haven’t seen.
‘Shh.’, he doesn’t let you finish, ‘It’s nice.’. Contentment, that’s what is on his face. It is nice, it’s much more than nice, and you give into it, letting your arm fall on his chest, curling into the hug.
Hour 30
In Jake's arms, you can feel his steady heartbeat, his chest rising and falling gently, you can hear both your quiet breathing and nothing else. You’re so close, and it’s so intimate, this, it makes you feel like you have a wad stuck just below your throat. This moment, the whole last hour, the whole morning, in fact- the easy conversations and easy comfort, when did you have that last? Did you ever have this? You almost marvel at the fact that there must be so many people in the world who get to feel this way every day. It seems too big for that, too novel, too impossible.
And it’s impossible now. It’s an illusion. Jake is not that guy for you. He can’t be. And this moment is a lie. You didn’t stop yourself yesterday until it was too late, you can’t make the same mistake again. So you look up at Jake, open your mouth to say something, and you aren’t even sure what you were going to say, but he speaks before you.
‘Listen.’, he says, ‘I’m gonna tell you a couple things. I am the worst person to give anyone any kind of advice, and I’m not doing that. But I’ve seen some stuff… lived some stuff. So, just-‘, he stops, gathering his thoughts, then starts again, ‘I’ll try to keep it short. One- the shit about your mother? Be glad that you still have her with you. I know it sounds patronizing, or even like- what’s that stupid word? Gatekeeping. That I don’t have a mom, therefore you don’t get to feel bad about yours no matter how fucked up the situation is. It’s not that. Just- my mom, she had this too- depression, or was she bipolar, I don’t know, don’t remember, but she walked out into the ocean.’
Your breath escapes in a rush- you didn’t know this. Just that she was dead.
‘Yours is still sticking around. And she’s doing it for you guys, however badly. So, just- you don’t even have to be thankful, just remember that.’ Jake continues. ‘And two- the stuff about your ex? It changed you, and I get that, but if you make it permanent, you’ll suffer.’ He adjusts your bodies so that he’s leaning towards you a bit more, directly looking at your face, ‘Trust me, I’m not saying this because you wouldn’t sleep with me. Fuck whoever. But it won’t mean something every time. Even if you think it did, even if they say it did, it won’t. And if you don’t know that, that’s worse.’
Jake looks into your eyes, says, ‘Sometimes the meaning is pleasure. Sometimes the meaning is two people getting through a bad day together. I suppose sometimes it’s love. As long as both parties are on the same page.’ He stops. Then looks away and laughs suddenly.
‘I don’t know why I’m trying to teach you lessons. Like I’m some fucking sage.’, he shakes his head. The he brings his eyes back to you. ‘Thank you’, he says, ‘For last night. I’m lucky you were here. Could’ve frozen to death if I was alone.’
‘So we’re even.’, is the only thing you can think of saying. You were overwhelmed by his words, advice, whatever- you haven’t processed them fully yet.
‘Again’, he smiles, and without any malice, disapproval, ill-intent, it’s such a beautiful smile. The soft light through the window lights his face, adding a sheen to his dark hair, a liquid sparkle to his eyes. ‘You’re beautiful’, you think, then you realize you’ve actually said it out loud. Your brain filters aren’t working so well right now.
‘What?’, he’s caught off-guard and lets out a surprised half-laugh. You think you hear a tiny hint of embarrassment in it too, and oh, oh you’re in trouble, because this makes a stupidly intense kind of affection bloom in your chest.
‘You’re beautiful’, you murmur again, reaching out and touching his cheek.
Jake doesn’t say anything, and as if in a trance, you trace your fingers on his face, on his forehead, cheeks, jaw. His eyes close, and you gently run your thumb over his eyelids. You touch his lips, soft and warm, and you don’t think anymore, you can’t- you reach up and kiss him.
He gives into the kiss instantly, and it’s not like last evening, not hungry and urgent. It builds slowly. He offers his mouth up for you to take it however you like- he matches your pace, your rhythm.
You climb onto his body. His arms are tight around your waist as you kiss his face- every place you touched and every inch you didn’t touch on there with your fingers- you kiss. Your mouth goes to his ear; he gasps as you explore with your tongue. You bite his earlobe, tasting the metal of his earring, hearing his breathing get heavy. You make your way down, kissing the side of his neck, his throat as his head falls back. He’s breathing open-mouthed, his skin hot to the touch, and there’s a sense of quiet but desperate anticipation in him. It could have been a puzzle to you, but the clarity is blinding- you know it because you’ve felt it for so long. He feels lust, yes, but also longing. For someone to take their time with him like this- not with games and powerplays, just with affection, appreciation… love. You could never put this want, this longing into words, ever, but you know it like you know your own name.
So you take your time. You help him take off his shirt. You run your palms over his body - neck, shoulders, arms, chest, stomach. Then you kiss him everywhere. He lets you, breathing ragged, throaty groans escaping him as you reach low and kiss along the low waistline of his pants. You’ve almost slid off the couch- he pulls you up and flips you so he is now the one half on top of you. He kisses you then- the same way, taking his time, tasting you, savoring every square inch. His mouth seems to scorch you, and you’re shivering as he kisses your face, mouth, the underside of your jaw, your throat, your neck, your shoulder, the roughness of his stubble shooting sparks of added pleasure along your skin. He takes off your shirt, then your bra. He puts your nipples in his mouth, sucking on each one, doing some kind of swirly magic with his tongue that makes you whimper. Then his mouth goes lower and he does the tongue thing in your navel. You shudder, moaning, your back arching, the coiled heat between your thighs getting unbearable. You can’t do this slow anymore, you want him, you want him right now.
Clenching a fistful of his hair, you pull up his face and kiss him, desperate, and he understands, he half-carries you to his bed as you hold onto him for dear life, you can’t stop kissing him for a moment. Clothes come off in seconds, and you’re breathless as you watch him pull on a condom on his naked, stiff erection. He enters you slowly, his face above you, eyes locked with yours, and when he starts feeling too big too soon, you close your eyes, pull him down and kiss him again as you move your hips, helping him slide in deeper. He’s panting as he moves inside you, and you thought you didn’t like when men make too much sound during sex, you were supposed to have known that about yourself, but now you realize you were exrtremely wrong. You do, you do like Jake’s sounds, you fucking love them, his shuddering gasps for breath mixed in with deep, short groans that he tries to swallow that turn into rough, helpless grunts- they make you crazy, and his rhythm inside you, faster and faster, is making you see stars, and you’re close, and he’s close too. His body tenses suddenly, muscles straining, and he opens his eyes, looking at you. You nod, and with his final few strokes, deep and rough, you come together. You pull him onto you, holding him tightly as you convulse, your nails digging in on his back, muffling your scream against his shoulder while he groans against yours.
It happens, glorious, then slowly, it’s over. And now you panic.
It starts deep in your stomach, the familiar feeling, dark, nasty. It’s done, and now you’re nothing. You’re worthless. Trash. Useless. Meaningless.
Somewhere in your brain, you know it’s past trauma projecting itself into the present. You try calming yourself down- stop it, it’s not the same, not the same situation, the same guy- but is it all that different? What did Jake tell you last evening? Didn’t he tell you-
‘Hey,’, Jake’s voice is gruff. He’s looking at your face, and it must look pathetic, because he sounds concerned, ‘What’s wrong?’
‘I-‘, how do you say what’s wrong? Doesn’t he know? He’s the one who’ll go away now, do something more interesting, forgetting that you exist. ‘You-‘, you swallow, ‘You said I’m not worth-‘ He said that, and still you threw yourself at him not a day later. He must be laughing in his mind right now. Oh god, you’re so stupid! You better not cry, you better not cry, bitch-
You can’t finish your sentence, but it doesn’t take Jake a second to know what you’re talking about. He seems to understand everything. ‘I didn’t mean it.’, he says simply. ‘Hey.’, his voice is stronger, commanding your attention. You listen to him as he takes your face between his palms and says, slowly, ‘I’m not your boyfriend.’
This is what he said last evening too, and it still means that- that he’s not your boyfriend. But now it- he- also means something else- he’s not that ex boyfriend you had, it’s not that thing happening again.
So you take it in, and you sigh, that darkness dissipating slowly, and Jake doesn’t go anywhere. He lies there with you, one arm loose around your body, and the meaning that you were searching for? Maybe sometimes it’s just two broken people trying to heal each other a small bit.
[Update: Part 5]
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empenguin · 2 years
How You Met The 141
This is literally just word vomit and when I went to type it up (b/c I originally wrote it in an old notebook) I changed shit idk. its kinda Ghost x reader so that's how I tagged it but eh. for your consideration. 
Warning: its probably really cringey and i can’t proofread for shit
You had been too absorbed on your walk home after taking care of a few things at the office that you hadn't felt your phone buzz in your pocket, had you felt it, you would have seen a text from your housemate Kyle that he was back from work and a few of his coworkers were at the house as well.
Pizza, yes, pizza sounded good. But to have it delivered or to make it from scratch. Scratch would take longer but it always seemed to taste better, scratch it was. As you rounded the last corner you were surprised to see Kyle's car in the driveway. It brought a small smile as you pulled out your keys to open the door. Over the years that you had shared a house the two of you had grown close, you had considered a relationship beyond just friends but you both realized that you were better off in a purely platonic relationship. 
Pushing open the door you froze as you looked inside, there were three men in your living room. On the couch sat a man with a mohawk and a man whose head was covered in a black mask, that once he turned to look at you, you saw had a skull sewn onto it. In your favorite chair sat a man who you vaguely recognized but couldn't place a name to the face, but you were almost sure that Kyle had shown you a picture of the two of them before. 
The man with a mohawk smiled and waved, introducing himself
“Hello, you must be Gaz’s housemate, I’m Soap” 
You reached into your pocket, grabbing your phone, and reading the text from Kyle quickly as you responded.
“Um, Hi” 
You introduced yourself to them and they did in return, the man that you recognized was Captain John Price, and the man with the skull mask introduced himself as Ghost and when  you met his eyes there was something that made you want to look into them forever. After an embarrassing amount of time spent just looking into the man's eyes, you excused yourself and practically ran up to your room. After a few minutes of sitting on the bed and staring at the wall, you decided that you would change into something more comfortable, throwing on a pair of sweatpants and an old hoodie, just pulling it over your head as you heard the knock at your door.
“Who is it?” 
You doubted that any of the men from downstairs would be knocking on your door but it couldn't hurt to be sure
“Your favorite housemate”
Letting out a small huff, you opened the door to see Kyle, stepping aside so that he could come in. he took a seat at your desk, spinning in the chair to face you as you plopped onto the bed.
“Sorry about the short notice, we have another mission soon so it didn't make sense for everyone to go home fully”
“S’ fine, Ky really, I mean it is YOUR house” 
“Still. Anyway, how’ve you been, go on any dates? Met any cute guys?’
“I think you know the answer to that question, but not that you asked or anything but Sarah visited a few times, gave me her number to pass along, and we’ve gotten dinner as well. Not that you asked, I'm just sharing this information, you know as any good friend would”
“I'll take it, but c’mon you can’t stay single forever, you'll work yourself to death”
At this, you let out a subdued snort
“Dude, if one of us is gonna die because of our job, I doubt it’s gonna be me”
He reaches out and gives a light smack on your ankle but you can see the hint of a grin on his face
“You know what I meant. I hear that you and Ghost had a little moment, wanna discuss?”
Now it's your turn to smack him
“I’d hardly call it a moment, i just- he’s got nice eyes”
Kyle lets out a loud laugh
“Are you serious? That's what you're going with? Oh god”
You push yourself off the bed and move to the door  
“If your only going to make fun of me then you can leave and I won't make enough pizza for you I will make enough for only myself and leave the four of you to fend for yourselves”
He rises quickly with his hands up as if he was approaching a scared dog
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, there's no need to go that far”
It was no secret between the two of you that Kyle Loved your pizza, when he was home you would occasionally have pizza nights when you would spend hours just talking as you prepared the dough and each assembled your pizzas, and though the recipe was clearly labeled in the recipe box in the kitchen he always insisted that you make the dough, and it tasted better when you made it, deep down you were sure that it was purely because he didn't want to get covered in flour but after a few times the two of you fell into a comfortable routine, you would make the dough and he would help prepare the toppings, all the while you two talked about anything under the sun. 
You rolled your eyes at him and didn't respond, making your way downstairs with him following closely after you and speaking the entire time mostly ignoring him until you walked past the living room where Soap, Ghost, and Price sat all turning their heads as they heard Kyle ramble on.
“You can just do that! It's like putting a luxury steak in front of a starving man and telling him he can have the ingredients to make one himself but he has to watch as you eat the other one right in front of him!” 
“Oh my god! You're such a baby! Relax! I was joking relax and grab the ingredients out while I get the mixing bowl” 
He relaxed as he set about gathering the flour, yeast, sugar, and wet measuring cup out of the cupboards.
“Do you think three or four batches, usually when it's just the two of us I do a double and we have a bit of leftovers”
He pauses for a moment contemplating before settling 
“ I think four, just to be safe, Soap can really put it away, same with Ghost” 
 The two of you set about measuring the water-to-yeast ratio before setting it aside to activate and beginning to put together the toppings, as you're pulling things out of the fridge you pause for a moment before closing the fridge and moving out to lean on the doorframe and asking
“Is there anything that you guys don't like on your Pizza?”
Price looks up from the book that he was reading, and Ghost and Soap turn their heads to face you. There’s a quiet moment before Soap responds first
You nod 
“Okay, anything else?”
Price says softly, making a face as he does
“Got it, Ghost? You got anything you don't want?” 
Again you meet his eyes and freeze holding them as he slowly shakes his head
“Okay then”
Returning to the kitchen you see Kyle standing at the counter, giving you a knowing look, you stick your tongue out at him, giving him the middle finger as you do and he laughs, before the two of you set to cutting up the remaining toppings into more manageable sizes and putting them into their containers so that once the dough is done you can simply grab some out of each container and top the pizzas as you see fit. Once that was done you grabbed the pans out of the drawer under the oven setting it to preheat as you did. After you had sprayed the pans with non-stick spray.
By that time the dough was ready and you dumped it out on the counter and began to knead more flour into the dough until it was the right consistency. Before dividing it into sections and putting them on pans, Kyle grabs one and starts spreading the dough on the pans, after that it becomes somewhat of an assembly line, you sauce each pizza and he follows behind you, spreading cheese on each, before moving on to the next topping, and as you are finishing up Ghost walks in.
“Hey, need anything?”
He just stands there for a moment before responding
You pointed to the kettle on the counter
“There's a bunch of teas in the drawer under there, and you'll have to wait for the water to boil, mugs are in the cupboard just above”
He nods and makes his way over, filling the kettle before placing it back on its stand and pressing down the paddle to start it boiling, opening the cupboard and grabbing a mug out. It was a black one that you had gotten fairly recently, it changed colors with heat, and when it got hot a black and white union flag.
“Good choice” you tipped your head towards the mug in his hands when he tilted his head to the side with a questioning look.
After a minute, the oven dinged, signifying that it was ready and you put two of the pizzas in, and starting a timer, then started some hot water in the sink, and started the dishes. Kyle had left the room a few minutes prior going to change into a clean shirt, as his had somehow become covered in flour, despite him not having any contact with the container except for pulling it out of the cupboard. 
A moment passed in silence as you were putting dishes in the drying rack before Ghost spoke, it startled you when he spoke but you had gotten used to Kyle walking into the room without you noticing and had stopped jumping after living together for a few months.
“You and Garrick seem close”
Its a question disguised as a statement but you understand the meaning
“I’ve lived here for almost three years, we get along pretty well, but as for the real question you're asking, no, we are not a couple. Just friends, close friends, but friends all the same”
You had finished the dishes and moved to pull plates out of the cupboard, placing them on the counter and putting hot pads down on the counter for when the first pizzas were done. Ghost nods and pours himself a cup of tea when he sees that the water had finished, excusing himself once he had finished.
  A moment later, Kyle walked in, now wearing a clean shirt, he noticed the kettle on the counter and grabbed his designated mug off of the mug tree, and poured himself a cup, before grabbing a teabag out of the drawer, leaning on the counter next to you, cradling the mug in his hands.
“Noticed you got Ghost talking”
“Can’t talk to the guests that my roommate brought home?”
He scoffs with a small smile before smiling
“ not saying that just that the Lt isn't much of a talker outside of work, I think that's the most he's spoken to someone outside of the team”
Before you could respond to him the timer that you had set on your phone went off and you pulled the pizzas out of the oven and put two more in, leaving only one more to be put in after. After you had put the next set in you quickly cut the fresh pizzas and announced loud enough that the others could hear.
“Pizza’s ready!”
There's a moment of shuffling in the other room before Soap comes bounding in, ready to eat. 
You gestured to the plates next to the pizzas
“Help yourself, there's two more in the oven and one that hasn't gone in yet so you should be able to have as much as you want”
Soap eagerly filled his plate, Price followed quickly after and you noticed Ghost hesitate for a moment before grabbing a plate and putting a few slices on and sitting down at the table with Soap and Price, Kyle moving to grab a plate and sitting down, you checked your phone. You saw that there were only a few minutes left on the timer so you resigned yourself to leaning against the counter.
Price looked over at you, noticing that you hadn't grabbed a plate
“You not eating?”
You shook your head featuring to the oven
“These will be done in just a minute so ill pull these out and then ill sit down with you guys”
He nods and you look over when you hear a small grunt and see Soap coughing, steam coming out of his mouth, clearly not expecting it to be so hot. You silently watch as they dig in, Ghost pulling the mask he wore up just above his mouth so that he could eat.
When the timer went off again you pull the others out and put the final one in. You cut those and moved the empty pan out of the way, tapping with your fingers to ensure you won't burn your fingertips off, this earns you a glare from Kyle who regularly chastised you for having so little regard for how hot things are. 
After you filled your plate and sat down. By the time you had finished your first slice, Soap had stood up to get seconds and when he sat back down he started asking you questions about yourself, starting with your job. You explained that it is mostly testing product designs and checking to see that they comply with the safety regulations in the US or the UK, your department was created a few years ago when the company merged with the one that you had worked for in the states. Then he asked about your family, and you answered that they had unfortunately died in a pileup driving home from visiting some family in another part of the state.
Then your timer goes off so you pull the last pizza out of the oven and put it on the counter and cut it before sitting back down.
There is an awkward pause before Price interjects, asking about your hobbies. You told him that after graduating high school you had taken welding classes and had actually started as a welder in your company but moved up over time as your supervisors realized that you were good at remembering what was in or out of regulations, so in your free time you sometimes spent some time in the shop working on art projects, which was where you had gotten some of the metal artwork that hung around the house. You also volunteered at the local animal shelter so you could get your animal fix as you still couldn't justify getting one as you thought you worked too much. You explained that there was also an older lady down the road with who you had dinner once or twice a week and she talked to you about her late husband who had been in the Royal army and was convinced that somehow you and Kyle were an item despite you insisting that you were nothing but friends, even talking about dates that Kyle had gone on.
“Did you have dogs growing up?” 
This time its Ghost asking, which you thought from what Kyle had told you was maybe a little odd but you answered him nonetheless
“Yes, but it was always little dogs, every time I mentioned to my mother that I wanted a bigger dog, she would always tell me the same thing ‘poop is proportional’ but I've always wanted to get a bigger dog, partially because I want someone who I can take hiking with me and feel safer than I did when I took my mom's little thirteen-pound dog with me but also cuz ‘scary dog privilege’ you know?”
They all looked at you, clearly not knowing what you meant, so you continued
“Okay so basically the thing is that if you have a big scary-looking dog you are less likely to be catcalled or harassed by men because they assume that the dog will protect you, but it is also if you just walk around with someone who looks scary like when I'm walking alone, even in broad daylight I get at least one or two guys who say something that toes the line of harassment, I've gotten more used to it now but I’d like to be able to walk down the street and enjoy my day without being yelled at. But when I walk to the store with Kyle or go get lunch with some of my colleagues, most of whom are men, it's far less likely to happen.”
They're all looking at you now with varying levels of anger on their faces
Price has set down the slice of pizza and just looks down at the table, they've all stopped eating now.
The rest of dinner is significantly quieter but goes smoothly and they polish off all of the pizzas, Kyle and Soap disappear into the living room to find something to watch on the Tv, Price helps collect the plates from the table and you start the dishwater and have done half of the dishes before you realize Ghost is still sitting at the table, he's replaced the mask over his face but is just sitting at the table.
“You alright there Ghost?”
He looks over at you, nodding before standing and pushing his chair in, and walking over.
“Anything I can do to help?”
You wait a moment, before handing him a pan that you had just washed and rinsed
“Could you pop this in the oven to dry off?” 
He does so and waits for the next one, and stays until he has put the last one in the oven, managing to balance them so that all the pans are drying in the still-toasty oven. You wash the last dish, setting it in the drain rack and wiping down the counters, clearing off the crumbs that were left over, and then rinsing the rag and letting the dishwater out, hanging it up to dry out on the bar above the sink. 
“Thank you for dinner”
You turn, leaning against the counter, looking up at Ghost.
“Thank you for helping clean up”
“Course, any time”
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final-girl96 · 2 years
Chapter One
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September 23, 1996
"Okay, I'll be gone until Sunday night. There's money on the counter if you want to order in. No boys while I'm gone." I chuckled at my dad as he gathered his keys and wallet from the table by the door. "The number to the hotel is on the first if you can't get me on my cell." I nodded and followed him outside to his car. "I'll be fine, dad. Have a good trip," I said. He kissed my forehead and got into his car.
He backed out of the driveway and disappeared down the road. I walked back inside and closed the door. The sun was starting to set in the distance. I locked the door and walked into the kitchen seeing the money my dad had left on the counter. I picked up the phone and called the pizza place in town before heading upstairs to my room. I changed into comfortable clothes and went back downstairs. I walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbed a drink before setting it on the counter. When the doorbell rang I grabbed the money and paid for it.
I was sitting on the couch when I heard a banging coming from upstairs. It was around ten-thirty. I turned the TV off and listened again. I quietly got up and made my way to the kitchen to grab a knife from the knife block. The house was dark besides the lamp beside the couch. The dim light did nothing to keep the shadows away. I could hear footsteps above me walking around. The knife shook in my hand, my heart was pounding against my rib cage. I took slow steps towards the stairs and ascended them one step at a time.
I shook my head, the corners of my lips curving upwards. "You know my dad said no boys are allowed here while he's gone," I said. Stu smiled at me, "good thing I'm a man then." A loud laugh bubbled up my throat and past my lips. "What? What's so funny?" His smile got bigger as he stalked towards me. "I wouldn't go that far." He raised an eyebrow, slowing his steps. He put a hand over his heart like I just stabbed him. "Ouch! That really hit deep, yn. I might just need to get you back for that one. Show you just how much of a man I really am." I hummed and slowly stepped away from him. "Right. Because your girlfriend would just love that."
Stu Macher was my best friend. We've been friends since we were kids. Our parents were friends. Well his dad and my dad have known each other since college. It didn't help that I had a huge crush on him. But he's dating my other friend Tatum. There were six of us all together. Sidney and Billy are dating and have been for two years. Then there was Randy the horror nerd of the group. Stu and Tatum haven't been dating long. To be honest when he told me they were dating it kind of hurt.
September 24, 1996
“Wanna come over tomorrow night? Steve canceled on me.” I looked beside me at Casey as we stood beside our lockers. “Can I get back to you?” I asked. She nodded and we headed to our first class. Casey Becker was another friend of mine. She wasn't in the group but she and Stu did date for a short period of time. That was before she broke up with him to date the football captain, Steve Orth.
At lunch I walked out to the courtyard and straight to the fountain. That's where we always sat for lunch. I was early so nobody was here yet. I was only alone for maybe five minutes before Stu came up behind me, picking me up and spinning me around. "Stu! Put me down," I laughed. He set me on my feet and I felt him kiss the top of my head. "What're you doing out here all by yourself?" He asked, sitting down. I rolled my eyes and sat beside him. "I've only been here for like five minutes. Where's everyone else?" I asked. "Tatum is doing some cheer thing or some shit I don't know. Randy was busy with film club. And Billy and Sidney left to go out for lunch. Just me and you, gorgeous."
"Well damn. If I would have known that I would have gone down to the pizza shop," I said. "We can still go. And maybe even skip the rest of the day. Go to my place and hang out, watch a movie," Stu said. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders, "sure. But let's get it to go." I stood up and started walking towards the parking lot. "Deal!" I squealed when Stu came running up behind me, picking me up and running off to his car.
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