#doris future:1
qqueenofhades · 4 months
There is no law that prevents a convicted felon from running for and becoming president, nor a law that bans someone from being president in prison. Also, if Trump gets incapacitated in someway, many ultra right republicans who equally despise trans people and immigrants and Muslims would happily take his place
And I ask, with all due respect, what is your point?
Do you think I don't know that?
Do you think I am somehow convinced that everything is hunky dory now and we don't have any work left to do?
Are you just determined to be the first of the gloom-and-doomers who show up like clockwork in my inbox, every time some consequence happens to Trump, to morosely insist that no consequences will happen to him? First it was "he'll win re-election." Then it was "the coup will succeed." Then it was "he will never be indicted." Then it was "2022 will be a red wave!" Then it was "he will never be tried." Then it was "he will never be convicted." Now we've moved on, within less than 2 hours of the first US President ever to be convicted of ONE felony, let alone THIRTY-FOUR, "he'll never be sentenced or face a real consequence or lose the election." The goalposts keep moving RIGHT along without even a single pause to acknowledge the difficulty and the value of the progress we have made thus far, and it makes me CRAZY.
Do you people realize how fucking rare it is, both in the world today and historically, for a former (and would-be future) head of state to be held to criminal account by a jury of 12 anonymous ordinary citizens? When that one person, Trump, is the center of the malignant fascist cancer that has spread through this country ever since 2016, and plenty of his cultists are still insisting that it's Trump or nobody for them? When we've actually reached the stage of holding him legally accountable for (some of) his crimes for the first time in his miserable misbegotten life? I suspect that most of you are so deep in the "America is totally broken and the system is useless and we can only Revolute!!!1" rabbit hole that you're bound and determined to argue away every step we take, however slow, as Meaning Nothing TM. Voting? Fake. Fighting to make real progress? Also fake. Everything is fake except our belief that everything is broken and we need the Keyboard Warrior Glorious Revolution!!! As long as you can keep inventing ever more contorted twists of logic to ignore everything else that's happened so far, this makes sense... or something. I guess?
Now we're onto "removing Trump won't matter :(" when a whole lot of people have been fighting day and fucking night to get all the privileged-princess Online Leftists to get off their Che Guevara cosplaying asses and cast a single fucking vote to keep us from full-on-sliding into fascism. A slide into fascism that, again, has been spearheaded and centered around Trump's toxic cult of personality and which is still tied to him in almost every way. Apparently holding him to account (again, which has never happened to him in his life) already doesn't matter because wah wah he won't suffer any consequences. If he loses this election he's probably going to jail for the rest of his life! We would have electorally defeated the greatest threat to the American democratic experiment in 250 years, and frankly a huge part of the fascist far-right hydra that is currently attempting a comeback around the world! This is, yet again:
and yet we're still hearing that nothing matters and no work has been done and removing him will have no effect???
Come on. Come on. I know it's tiring and it's slow and it doesn't go as fast as we want. But every single damn time the process goes another step, here you people are in my inbox insisting that we're still at zero progress and it means nothing, and lemme tell you, I am Tired of it. Come on. You don't have to jump up and down (my own feeling is glee and vindication but still not relaxation, I will not relax until he loses the fucking election and goes to jail), but you also don't need to keep myopically pretending that all the effort thus far by so many people means nothing. Come on.
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starsha-k-luna · 6 months
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Took me about a month to draw, write, outline, & colour, but I finally finished it!
A Fan-Comic based off @baykitthings Dreamworks Trolls Phantom Thieves AU!
So basically about a month ago, I sent an Ask to @baykitthings for their Trolls AU asking about how Floyd adjusted to having to use a wheelchair after an Injury & how his brothers (BroZone) help to accommodate & assist Floyd during this.
When designing their clothes I just used the canon clothes, while giving them t-shirt because I wanted too, except Clay, I gave him a smart casual look along with a sweater vest.
And yes, I gave the BroZone brothers Tails, I’m apart of the Trolls Community who Headcanons they have Tails! I may change my Tail designs in the future.
Anyway, here’s what everyone is saying in the Comic:
Page 1:
💙Branch; “Are you Excited to finally be coming home Floyd?”
❤️Floyd; “I don’t know Branch, now I’m in a wheelchair everything is going to be a struggle now.”
💙Branch; “Floyd you shouldn’t worry, me and our brother’s are here to help you and adjust, you know we all love you and are here for you, right?
💜Bruce; “Look Bro’s, Branch is back with Floyd!
💚John Dory; “Alright Bro’s, Let’s do this!
Page 2:
💛Clay, 💚John Dory & 💜Bruce; “WELCOME HOME FLOYD!
❤️Floyd; “Thanks, It’s really good to see you all brother’s.”
💙Branch; “Actually Floyd, we have a surprise for you Floyd.”
Page 3:
💛Clay; “We’ve actually renovated to accommodate to your needs Floyd, such as an elevator (or a lift) and ramps for you to get around and adding wider doors, a disabled toilet and we’ve even given you a bigger bedroom on the ground floor.”
💚John Dory; “Yeah, Clay went all out with this, he and Bitty B did this!
💛Clay; “Woah, Johnny slow yourself, I’ve not just done this, nor Branch, it was a team effort! Especially Branch setting up the computer.”
💙Branch; “Yeah, I remembered you saying you got into computers, so I got you this set up with the latest software and everything.” (Featuring Chibi Branch)
Page 4:
❤️Floyd; “Sniff, sniff.”
💙Branch; “F…Floyd.”
💜Bruce; “Floyd are you alright? Did we do something wrong? Are you upset? You’re crying!”
💛Clay; “Oh no, did I do or say something to upset you?”
❤️Floyd; “No, I’m OK, I’m just so happy you guys did all this just for me, I’m touched💖.”
💚John Dory, 💙Branch, 💛Clay, 💜Bruce; (They are Crying right now)
❤️Floyd; “Thank you for everything, I love you all so much.”
💛Clay; “We love you too, Floyd.”
💚💜💛❤️💙The End!💚💜💛❤️💙
I’m extremely Proud with how this Fan-Comic turned out!
I hope you like the Fan-Comic @baykitthings
See you all next time👋
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penkura · 5 months
last forever [5/13]
Summary: Zoro only offered to marry you to keep you out of an arranged marriage with a man much older than you. You agreed with the caveat of ending it via annulment once you received word from your parents regarding the original engagement, despite your growing feelings for your close friend.
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!reader, mentioned Sanami later (like epilogue later so chill)
Warnings: Marriage of Convenience, Fake Marriage, referenced sex (waaaaaay later on), mutual pining, Zoro is bad at feelings but what's new there, eventual romance I promise, mention of past attempted assault (I'll warn in that chapter), creepy older dude later on
Note: Only three hours late, that's not so bad haha. I had fun with this one, adding in how our couple met, I was going to do it as a flashback but I couldn't get it to work in my head how I wanted, so it's here differently. I'm a little mean to Reader at the end, or, well, Zoro is, but he has his reasons. Things will be okay, I promise.
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4]
Honestly, at this point, you shouldn’t be surprised at Zoro’s tendency to get badly injured from his own stupidity at times. Little Garden ended up being more than just an island you all passed through, with giants and more Baroque Works agents, you’d even been caught by Mr. 3 and nearly turned into a wax statue, joining Nami and Vivi shouting at Zoro that he was being an idiot with his threats to cut his own legs off at the ankle to fight the agents there.
You were relieved when Luffy and Usopp showed up, stopping your husband from doing anything ridiculous. Once the four of you had been freed and Sanji showed up, explaining where in the hell he’d been, you grabbed onto Zoro’s shirt, making him look at you while you give him a blank stare.
“Sit down. You need stitches. Again.”
Rolling his eyes, Zoro does listen to you, sitting down nearby the rest of your friends as they discuss your next course of action and Dory and Broggy offer to help you all leave. Vivi comes over and watches you as you stitch up Zoro’s ankles, looking impressed by your quick work and how you don’t even look a bit squeamish about it.
You just shrug when she comments.
“I’ve gotten used to it. This guy’s an idiot—”
“—so I’ve had to learn to fix him up.”
Vivi laughs a bit and nods, seeming to understand. Once you’ve finished and out your small kit away, you just give Zoro a smile when he quietly thanks you, before you walk back over to the rest of your crew. You hang close to Sanji and it again causes a strange ache in Zoro’s chest, he has to bite his lip to make it stop.
You’ve started spending so much more time with your cook, he should be happy about it, maybe you’re starting to have feelings for Sanji. Some of your free time is now spent in the kitchen, if Zoro walks by he hears you laughing most of the time. The weird feeling in his chest moves to his stomach when he hears you, he’s still not sure if it’s annoyance at you and Sanji getting close or jealousy at the situation.
Shaking his head, Zoro pushes the feelings away and goes to join you all to leave.
What the hell is wrong with me?
When Nami comes down with a strange illness after you leave, leading to your crew trying to find an island with a doctor, you all take your turns watching over and caring for her. You hope and pray you all reach an island and find a doctor quickly, you don’t want to lose one of your best friends. The boys freaking out about it doesn’t help at all, leaving you and Vivi to really care for Nami and try to help her get better. Every second her fever doesn’t go down scares you, it’s worse if it’s gone up even a tiny bit.
You know nothing about medicine, it’s something your mother thought was useless for you to know. All you needed to know was how to bandage yourself or your future kids up, that’s it. She really treated you like you were made of glass at times, you always wondered if that was due to how late in her life you’d been born. Whatever the reason, you’re happy to help Nami right now, to try and make her feel better.
When you and Vivi switch off one night, instead of heading to bed like you should, you choose to go up to the crow’s nest where Zoro’s taken the first watch of the night. You stopped in the kitchen before heading up to bring something to drink with you, grabbing a coat on the way since you’re in a colder area right now.
Once you make it up the ladder, you poke your head in and give Zoro a smile when he looks at you with a raised eyebrow.
“Wanna share a drink?”
You aren’t surprised when he seems to light up briefly at the mention of sake, nodding you over to sit by him, handing over the bottle you’d gotten from Sanji while you made yourself comfortable beside Zoro. You’re still not used to the burn of alcohol but still take a big a drink when Zoro hands the bottle to you, passing it back to him. The only reason you started drinking was because Zoro had bet you to do so on your eighteenth birthday, promising you he’d give you money if you did it, so you took a few shots that were given to you, quickly regretting it when you threw it all up outside the tavern you two had been in. He may have lost the bet but at least he was nice enough to hold your hair back and get you to your hotel room without much trouble, and you did get your money a few days later.
“I meant to thank you for the other day.”
“In Loguetown when we ran into Elias,” Zoro barely looks at you, but you pay him no mind, instead watching the light snow fall against the midnight sky, “For not telling him the truth about, you know, us.”
Shrugging, Zoro takes another swig of drink, before offering it back to you which you decline.
“Wasn’t any reason to tell him. Don’t need him telling your parents the truth.”
“He wouldn’t have, but I get what you mean.”
Zoro nods, partially believing you just from the one meeting with your brother and the things you’ve told him. You were a surprise to your parents, coming along when Elias was ten-years-old, your parents in their late thirties and not planning to have another child. Elias was enthralled with you once you were born, he’d protected you from everything, especially once you turned fifteen and your parents started to sift through possible suitors. According to you, he was pissed when your parents chose someone even older than him, promising he’d never leave you alone with the man and eventually helping you run away in the dead of night.
You two were close despite your age difference.
“You know,” you draw Zoro back to paying attention to you when you speak again, “Taking care of Nami reminds me of how you took care of me when we first met. Remember?”
Your smile as you ask makes him feel like his stomach is doing flips, it must be the alcohol doing that he thinks, but he still nods a bit.
How could he forget that?
You were unexpected to him too, running into a rundown bar so quickly you’d slammed into Zoro, making him grab your arms to keep you upright as you tried to apologize but your mouth felt like it was full of cotton, you don’t even know if actual words came out. You were burning up from a fever and passed out while Zoro kept you upright. The bar owner was nice enough to put you up in a room while you recovered, and he still isn’t sure why he did it, but Zoro took care of you the entire time. Johnny and Yosaku had been there at the same time, helping out by bringing any medicine they thought would help, getting a doctor to come check on you only to confirm you had pneumonia but that you’d be fine after a few more days of medicine and rest.
Once you were better, you were so grateful to the three men that you offered to give them whatever money you had on you, which they all rejected, you definitely needed it more. You kept the truth about why you were running into a bar in your state to yourself, eventually making an offer to Zoro only that you could travel with and help him, but he'd only agree to that if you beat him in a small sparring match, he’d noticed your sword right away.
Of course you lost, but you both had a great time, to the point Zoro let you tag along the last year and a half, he helped you improve your skills and you’re still so grateful to him for everything.
The second you shiver form the cold you’re about to go back down to sleep, before Zoro moves his arm to open the blanket around him and nod you over again.
Smiling again, you scoot over and sit right up beside him, practically flush against his side when he brings his arm back down around you. You’re both used to this, used to coming to each other for simple things like warmth or food, even with the rest of your crew. It’s leftover from when it was just the two of you.
Zoro doesn’t want this to go further past your friendship and being crewmates, not now. Neither of you can or should be thinking about romance, that’s Sanji’s job.
So why does he feel disappointed when you finally go down to the bunks?
After leaving Drum Island with Nami well and Chopper aboard as your doctor, you’ve started to have a tiny second shadow following you around. The reindeer taking a liking to you right away, starting to follow you around the ship after you’d given him the initial tour. He's started staying close to you and showing you how to make medicine and dress wounds, teaching you more than you ever could’ve imagined knowing.
Chopper has also started bringing you with him to nap with Zoro, your swordsman almost rejecting it at first, before Chopper pulls you to sit beside him while your doctor lays across Zoro’s lap. It makes you laugh as Zoro tries not to have any eye contact with you. Can’t let you see him being all soft and stuff about Chopper now.
You don’t say anything about it, especially once you all make it to Nanohana and do your shopping to find desert and heat safe outfits, though you feel like you’re going to suffocate at times, you’ll be glad to avoid a severe sunburn or heat stroke.
Then you all met Luffy’s big brother Ace.
You remember seeing him in the paper before back home, briefly, the thought in your mind that wow, he’s attractive but it’s not like you’d ever meet him.
The universe laughs at you constantly, you swear, especially when it seems like Ace starts to flirt with you as he joins you all for a bit on your journey to Erumalu. You feel like you have a never-ending blush on your face and it makes Ace laugh when you shove his arm after he says something to you about how shy you seem.
“You’re so cute! I can’t believe you’re on my brother’s crew!”
“Stoooop, you’re making me blush even more!”
You do laugh alongside Ace, he’s easy to be around. Comfortable and almost familiar, you’d say. It reminds you of time spent with Elias, though, without the flirty comments. Ace throws an arm around your shoulders, trying to keep his voice down even though your crewmates are all over the place at this point either partying or sleeping nearby, in Zoro’s case.
“So, you got someone special to you or do I have a chance?”
You hum, pretending to think before giving Ace a smile after you take a sip of your fancy drink Sanji made for you girls.
“Sorry, I got my eyes on someone else.”
“A shot to the heart!” Ace throws his head back as you laugh, double checking that Zoro’s still asleep in case Ace asks you for details, “Just don’t say it’s Luffy, I couldn’t handle losing out to my brother.”
“No, no,” Shaking your head, you watch Ace as he seems to perk back up knowing it’s not your captain you’ve got the hots for, “Definitely not Luffy.”
“Is it a secret then? Promise I won’t tell nobody.”
Ace leans on close to you, your face still warm from either the sun or your blushing you aren’t sure, but the few glances you take towards Zoro tell him the answer, making him grin.
“Ooh him huh? Yeah, I can see it.”
“S-See what??”
“You guys, together. Does he not like you back?”
You wish you hadn’t been so obvious, but you shrug a bit, shake your head, then groan and hide your face behind your drink.
“I…don’t know…he’s not really the romance type.”
Nodding a little, Ace keeps his arm around you and pulls away just a bit, he’s probably making you more nervous that you already were by being so close to your face. He hasn’t known you for more than a day at this point, but he’s been able to see you and Zoro seemingly drawn to each other most of the time, or Chopper does it for shade or to be carried by one of you because of the heat.
Maybe your face is warn more from a blush than from the sun after all.
“I bet he’ll come around. You’re cute, he’d be lucky to have you.”
You almost drop your glass at that.
When Ace leaves you all the next morning, you feel sad at the fact he’s going on his own again, but when Luffy says you’ll all see him again, you agree with a smile. Zoro watches you, wondering how you’d gotten so close to Ace in such a short time, but he realizes that’s just you.
Despite your past with your parents, you trust far too easily at times. Granted, Ace is a good guy, but Zoro worried that it’s going to get you, all of you, into trouble one day.
Though, it’s more likely to be because of Luffy than you.
Alabasta is finally free from Crocodile a few days later, thanks to your crew and Vivi’s work. You’ve all been granted stay at the palace to recuperate, all of you sustaining major injuries though some were starting to heal faster than others. Luffy spent a couple days sleeping but was now up and ready to party as Alabasta celebrated their freedom.
Your worry for Zoro at the time had kept you attached to his side for the most part, latching onto his arm enough that he’d gone from flinching at the contact to quietly removing your hands from him, he doesn’t want you that attached to him, you get it, kind of.
It still hurts when he does it, Sanji sees it on your face more than anyone else. Zoro had protected you at points during the attacks going on, until you all separated to battle different members of Baroque Works, you ending up trying to stop several of the fights between Alabastan army members and the rebel forces, a few of them not taking that kindly and turning their weapons towards you. Most of your wounds were stabbings or slashes, a deep one on your abdomen that Chopper fixed up no problem.
After you’ve all healed enough to join in the celebrations, that’s just what you do, even with the Navy around. Sanji drags you along to dance with him, trying to keep you distracted from Zoro, though you gravitate towards him anyway. It’s like in Cocoyashi, you just lean against the wall Zoro’s placed himself at, giving a smile while you talk to him, brushing your arm against his whether by accident or on purpose. You’ve brought him another drink too, it makes Sanji scrunch his face in annoyance, only because it seems like Zoro just doesn’t care, like he’s that oblivious to your crush on him.
And maybe he is, the blond isn’t sure, even when you look a bit dejected and return to his side for a just moment, to tell him you’re going back to the palace to up to rest for a bit. You’ve gotten tired from the party and need a few minutes. Sanji promises to come get you after a little while, which you thank him for as you leave.
He has a half a mind to tell Zoro to go with you, but by the time he looks back, the swordsman is gone.
“Why are you up here?”
You hum a but, turning and giving Zoro a smile. Yes it was late, normally you'd be asleep, but Alabasta was still awake, having a party to celebrate the end of the their war and the rain returning to the country. You had chosen to return to the palace, watching your crewmates outside the window. Luffy and Usopp were celebrating in disguises to keep the Navy off your tails, Nami was laughing with Vivi, Chopper and Karoo nearby asleep, and you haven't seen Sanji or even Zoro until now, when your favorite swordsman found you.
“Just…wanted to rest a bit.”
Understanding, Zoro nods a bit, leaning against the wall beside you, arms crossed over his chest while he watches you.
You know that he heard you talking to Ace when he was with you all, telling him you've developed feelings for your legal husband. Honestly he's had his suspicions for a while, mainly after you all left Drum Island and you acted so odd at times, but he never wanted to confront you about it before.
It was harmless, a crush didn't mean you really believed the two of you would be a couple or anything. Despite your actually being married, since it wasn't meant to last forever, he figured he'd leave you be and maybe your feelings would fade over time. You spent a lot of time with Sanji, Zoro fully expects at one point for you to bring the annulment papers to him, saying you liked the blond or that your parents finally responded to you.
Neither of those have happened, and seeing your constant smiles and little blushes at him, Zoro feels the need to say something about it.
Zoro sounds so serious you can't help but sit up straighter, keeping your gaze on the still partying city outside the palace, but you nod to let him know you're listening.
"Whatever…this is between us," he's staring right at you, but you don't dare to look at him, knowing what he's going to say, "it's not going any further than our being crewmates. Whatever feelings you may have, I'm not returning them any time soon. We need to focus on our goals and helping Luffy, not romance. Got it?"
Despite the ache in your chest at that, you nod, the softest agreement coming out of your mouth in return. You knew this was coming, from the way Zoro started to distance from you after your time on Drum Island and the recent events in Alabasta, you could tell something was up and you guess this was it. Zoro was trying to put a stop to your feelings for him, he couldn't be caught playing romance with you right now, maybe never.
Of course, even with your half-hearted agreement, you know feelings can't be squashed so easily. You don't want to stop them, but Zoro wants you to so you can focus on your goals. You weren't going to become a world renowned swordswoman if you were busy focusing on a relationship with someone. Zoro would never become the greatest swordsman in the world if he was focused on you.
When he finally leaves you alone, you can't help yourself and the quietest tears start. You knew this was going to happen, Zoro doesn't like you back, he’s only still married to you because you haven't heard a thing from your parents, but damn it still hurts to basically get a rejection like this.
It feels worse when Sanji comes into the room a few minutes later, having kept his promise on bringing you back down to the party with him, and he knows you've been crying without having to see your face. He wants to go after and curse out Zoro for making you cry, whatever the reason, but chooses to quietly pull you into a hug instead, telling you that you don't have to say anything, but he's here for you.
Honestly, having Sanji around, someone who was willing to listen to you and just let you cry over something that felt stupid at the time, you felt like things would be okay after some time.
Even when he says he'll kill Zoro for making you cry once you tell him why.
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partyhorn · 7 months
Molly Doris! The titular character- a sea slug who just wanted to get a soda from a vending machine, but was thrown into a wild time travel adventure instead!
"Molly's Future Mishaps: Volume 1" will launch on Kickstarter this April, with an animated adaptation stretch goal!
Click here to check out the pre-launch page!
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gallifreyanhotfive · 3 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 60
Very soon after regenerating, the Second Doctor had pulled a large earring out of a trunk in the TARDIS, which he described as very fashionable once and remembered that at one point he used to wear it. (Novel: The Power of the Daleks)
Borusa once wrote a history book titled Rassilon the God. (Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible)
Like all other Time Lords upon initiation into the Academy, it has been confirmed that Susan once gazed into the Untempered Schism. (Audio: E is for...)
Many years after Nyssa left the Fifth Doctor to stay on Terminus, she had an adventure with the Fourth Doctor. This meant the Doctor had met Nyssa before Traken. (Novel: Asylum)
The First Doctor trained to be a ninja on Quinnis. (Novel: The Devil Goblins from Neptune)
The Ninth Doctor once got stranded when the TARDIS burped and jumped ahead 20 years in the future. From 20 years in the past, he communicated with a 12 year old girl named Sally Sparrow, knowing all about where to leave messages for her because she wrote about it in her homework, and that homework had been given to him by a spy in the future. Sally Sparrow successfully returned the TARDIS to the Doctor and grew up to be that very same spy who gave the Doctor the homework in the first place. (Short story: What I Did on My Christmas Holidays by Sally Sparrow) This story was later adapted into Blink.
Amendment 9 of the Fourth Constitutional Addendum is a Gallifreyan law also known as the "Stupidity Clause." K-9 brought it up while trying to think of a way to get Romana II found innocent during her trial. (Audio: Mindbomb)
On one of their first trips off Gallifrey, the First Doctor and Susan went to Garazone, where Susan bought him a model of the Nightjar after hearing stories about it. The Doctor put it up in the TARDIS. (Audio: Pursuit of the Nightjar)
This Nightjar model is still in the TARDIS by his Eleventh incarnation. (Audio: All of Time and Space)
Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart and Doris once saved Susan from drowning. (Short story: The Gift)
Soul catching refers to the Gallifreyan rite in which a Time Lord transfers their mind to another's shortly before their death, after which their mind will join the Matrix. The Third Doctor used it on Waro once, and the Eighth Doctor once used it to communicate with the Beast. (Novel: The Devil Goblins from Neptune; The Taint)
The Thirteenth Doctor once identified Halogi-Kari as a Harbinger, a rare and powerful race. He was a Wolf of Fenric and had transported Ace to Iceworld on Svartos when she was young. (Novel: At Childhood's End)
The Fifth Doctor once went temporarily blind when he plugged himself into a defense net and got overwhelmed. (Audio: The Children of Seth)
The Eighth Doctor tried to warn the Seventh Doctor of the circumstances of his upcoming regeneration, but the Seventh Doctor decided that he would proceed as he would have anyway (as foreknowledge is dangerous to the Web of Time.) (Novel: The Eight Doctors) This means that the Seventh Doctor knew he was about to die and regenerate in the beginning of the TV Movie.
Near the end of his life, the Seventh Doctor grew depressed and lonely, and he knew he should go to Gallifrey and give himself to the Chief Hospitaller and his team of psycho-techs. Gallifrey had access to neurosurgery, therapy, and drugs, and the last resort was forced regeneration with the hope that the next body would not have the same melancholia. (Novel: The Eight Doctors)
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notakugelblitz · 2 months
Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Five, Ben, Viktor
just imagine these songs being in the OST and playing during those “scenes” ;) you’re number 8 btw. english isn’t my first language so sorry if you spot any mistake. enjoy ☂️
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/ your power : telepathy /
"I'm going to miss you..."
"I'll miss you too..."
Against his broad chest, you held back your tears as his hand gently caressed your scalp.
"We'll talk every night, won't we?"
"I promise..."
You pulled away and looked at him for a long time. He fixed his gaze on your lips, weighing the pros and cons of his intentions. Just as he was about to close the distance between you, your father burst into the room.
"It's time to go, Number 1. Clear out, Number 8, this isn't the time to distract him."
Luther finally planted a quick kiss on your cheek, leaving you breathless, a terrible frustration swelling within you.
Days, months, and years passed. Every night, you would retreat to the roof to gaze at the moon, talking to Luther thanks to your telepathy ability. You often fell asleep first, and Grace would come to cover you with a blanket when the nights grew a bit chilly. Luther loved to hum a song, Flares, as if to remind himself that you would always be there for him, sending him out flares.
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/ your power : see the future /
A soft light filtered into the gymnasium's basement. A faint music coming from upstairs woke you up. You grumbled and stormed up the stairs. Wearing nothing but an old t-shirt belonging to your brother—and, incidentally, your boyfriend (no, thankfully, it’s not incest)—you flung the door open and saw Diego dancing with a mop in the ring. You burst out laughing, which made him jump.
"Am I dreaming, or are you laughing at me?"
You tried to respond, but tears were welling up in the corners of your eyes. Bent over with laughter, you suddenly felt warm droplets splash across your face: he had just splashed you with the mop. You stared at him for a long moment and jumped on the ring trying to catch him.
A wild fight ensued, in rhythm with the music, with the floor becoming extremely slippery due to the water. You delivered several kicks at him, which he blocked with the broomstick. It was a fight worthy of a Bruce Lee movie. Since both of you were very skilled in martial arts (and because you could anticipate each of his moves thanks to your power of visualizing the near future), you lowered your guard to let him win for once. Diego grabbed you by the waist, and you both tumbled near the entrance.
You ended up on top of each other, just like in all those wonderful clichés. Just as Number 2 was about to kiss you, the boss of the place stormed in. He flew into a rage and rushed toward the radio. Unfortunately, he slipped and crashed face-first onto the floor, making you both burst out laughing. Well... you had to clean up everything afterward, and in silence. Still, those moments of total hilarity were and still are the best ...
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/ your power : water manipulation /
Having become a renowned actress, Allison traveled extensively. As for Patrick, he worked a lot. You were the perfect candidate to look after Claire. Having left the Umbrella Academy at the same time as your sister, you were inseparable, and whenever she returned from a shoot, you were so happy to spend time together.
Claire adored you, and you managed to calm her tantrums easily, greatly relieving Allison.
One evening, as your sister came home late, you put Claire to bed. She was having trouble falling asleep. So, you waved your finger over a glass, filling it with fresh water, and placed it on her nightstand. Then, with a soft and soothing voice, you hummed the lullaby Wendy sings to the Lost Boys in Peter Pan, her favorite cartoon. It was a routine that worked every time. Allison arrived in the middle of your performance and deliberately stayed behind the door to listen. Once Claire was asleep, you chuckled.
"I know you're there," you whispered.
"I know you know." she giggles.
"I heard a rumor that you stop spying on me."
"You know I can’t help it. It’s adorable. Thanks for everything."
You chuckled and rolled your eyes. It didn’t bother you at all. You went downstairs and opened a bottle of wine to celebrate her return. Patrick left you two alone, and you silently thanked him because these moments with your sister were the best.
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/ your power : animal metamorphosis /
It was an evening like any other. Or at least, that’s what you hoped. You were waiting for Klaus outside the nightclub he was in so you could take him home. You preferred to be the one who did so rather than letting him leave alone in a terrible state. As the agreed-upon time had passed, you sighed and stormed out of your car. You entered the club without any difficulty, as the bouncer recognized you immediately. It had its perks to be a member of the Umbrella Academy back then. You searched the entire club for Klaus and finally found him on the rooftop. He was shouting incomprehensible things while walking along the edge of the building. You rushed to join him.
"Klaus, get down. Right now," you ordered, pulling on his sleeve.
"Oh Y/N, I’m so happy to see you!" he chirped, his persistent sniffles confirming to you that he had relapsed again.
"It’s not funny, Klaus, you could..."
Before you could even finish your sentence, he slipped off the edge of the building and fell into the void. Immediately, you transformed into a falcon and dove toward the ground, but it was too late: he had already crashed. Blood was pouring from the back of his head, but that didn’t stop you from kneeling beside him and resting his head on your lap.
"Damn it, Klaus..." you cried, pressing your forehead against his. "You’re such an idiot..."
It was as if your world had just collapsed, all because of some damn white powder and a brother who was a little too dependent. Suddenly, he took a huge breath, coming back from the dead. You were completely shocked.
"Oh! I knew you’d catch me. You always catch me," he chuckled, pressing his temple against your chest like a little child.
And then he fell asleep. You were stunned and took him back to your car. He had been dead... and then alive. High but alive. You didn’t quite understand what had just happened, and you never talked to him about it until he discovered his ability to resurrect in 1963. That explained a lot …
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/ your power : healing /
Since Five disappeared, not a day had passed without you searching for a way to find him. You studied all sorts of science books, looking for theories on time travel or anything related. Then, you expanded your research to history books, wondering if he might have done something that left a mark on time. When you were too tired to read, you helped Viktor make peanut butter sandwiches just in case he reappeared.
After leaving the Umbrella Academy when you came of age, you continued your research, scouring every library. But what you didn’t know was that a certain organization known as The Temps Commission had taken an interest in you and was considering recruiting you. Whether it was for your relentless determination, your knowledge of time travel, or your healing abilities, you could only be an asset.
When The Handler found you in an aisle of the Dallas Central Library, you immediately accepted her offer. If anyone had information on Five, it would be them. But your disappointment was immense when you found no trace of him once you were there. That didn’t stop you from continuing your search for many years, so much so that, after a while, Herb secretly helped you through the Infinite Switchboard. And that’s how you found Five, in the middle of the apocalypse. Having no right to interfere with the timeline, you begged The Handler to recruit him as an agent, just like you.
"I’ll think about it," she had said, even though she had already been watching him for 30 years.
Then, one fine day, you were summoned to The Handler’s office. Five was there too.
"Five, I present to you your partner, Y/N Hargreeves. Well, you already know each other. I’ll leave you to it."
She left the room, leaving you two standing there, arms hanging by your sides.
"I found you," he let out.
"I found you," you replied. "I trusted the signs, so I made my way back to you somehow."
"Pathetic," he chuckled, though a smile tugged at his lips.
"I'm glad to see you too, Five," you sighed, smiling just as much.
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/ your power : invisibility /
As Ben was reading, an upbeat music filled the house. The 11-year-old boy went to the living room and saw Grace and you dancing the Rock'N Roll while laughing. Mom was teaching you some steps, her eternal pristine smile fixed on her face.
"Oh, Ben, you’re here! Do you want to give it a try?"
You jumped at the sight of your brother and suddenly disappeared, your cheeks turning red.
"Y/N, show yourself…" Grace sighed, amused.
"Yeah, you were doing great!" exclaimed the young boy.
You reappeared, looking at him with hesitation.
"Cross my heart!"
"Alright, kids, let's continue! Take my hand and follow my steps!"
So you listened to him, dancing awkwardly on the living room carpet. Your siblings watched you from the walkway. At one point, Ben let go of Mom and made his tentacles appear. He began making sort of waves in rhythm, which made everyone laugh. Your father and Pogo were in the surveillance room. The chimpanzee glanced at his master: he was smiling discreetly. Eventually, all the other children came to join you, even Viktor, who had always felt excluded. These moments of joy and freedom were rare. Your gaze met Ben's, sparkling. So, this was happiness.
After Ben's death, whenever you felt sad, your radio would turn on by itself to play that eternal song, warming your heart. Much later, Klaus told you that Ben's ghost had been watching over you and, not wanting to scare you, this was the most discreet way to comfort you.
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On this September 6th, 1997, everyone felt relaxed because it was Saturday, and every first Saturday of the month was a day off for the Umbrella Academy. No training until Monday. Of course, the children were encouraged to study, but that was certainly not on your mind, nor on Viktor's. As you were watching TV, sitting on the floor, a news flash interrupted your documentary on Canadian otters. Lady Diana's funeral was being broadcast live from London.
"She was so beautiful," you sighed, resting your chin on your knees, which were encircled by your arms.
"I'm sure it wasn't an accident," Viktor murmured conspiratorially, looking absent-minded.
His pale face suddenly lit up, and he immediately straightened.
"Look! It's Elton John!"
Immediately, you pressed your little noses against the screen to watch the singer enter the abbey. The presenter announced that he was going to sing a final tribute to his late best friend.
"Move away from the screen, you'll hurt your eyes," Grace gently instructed, holding a tray filled with cookies.
“Mom! Can you record this, please?" you exclaimed without even turning around.
“Of course, Number 8," she replied.
"Imagine if we could play this song ! You with the violin and me with the piano !" you giggled.
Viktor nodded with a large smile, still absorbed by the man's performance. Ever since, you've watched repeatedly the tape Grace made you, learning the partition thanks to your perfect pitch. You'd usually play along to distract your father who appreciated it. Oh he never said so but his silence was quite approving.
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secretpostsposts · 8 months
So sorry I made you think I was a hacker (even though I only left a comment on a post.) I have no information on you except the fact that you writing this fic. As I asked in the comments before, how would brozone react if branch went toe to toe with a dangerous wild animal and killed it in front of them? I REALLY NEED TO KNOW HOW THIS WOULD GO.
I'm sorry if I can't reply to your comment on another post, for some reason Tumblr won't let me, I try and it tells me I can't, so yes, if you have something to say, I can read you in the comments, but maybe you can write it in the questions or in some private message, because I can't answer.
It's just that your comment took me by surprise, because it was planned in a future chapter to make Branch violent, because you can't tell me that for two those years Branch didn't kill at least 1 creature 5 times his size or more, he's a survivor, at least I think he carries a hunter's knife just for protection.
But I'll gladly answer your question!
Ok this isn't part of the story, but it's (haha) canon in it.
So the brothers go camping, John Dory's idea, as a signature to get Branch away from his friends and spend more time among brothers, of course it ends with Branch sitting bored all the time while his brothers do the rest at camp.
Branch wants to check the area and see that everything is safe, nope, that's Clay's job; Branch wants to make the food for everything, double not, that's Bruce's job; Branch wants to see if there's no predator around, don't even think about it, that's John Dory's job.
Floyd's job is to keep Branch entertained and happily minded sitting on a log, waiting for the others to finish so they can all have fun together (and if JD took photograph instead of guarding the place, it's a secret that the others will take to the grave).
So he was having lunch or dinner, it was already dark and JD thought it would be funny vs. horror story to scare Branch (but Floyd and Clay ended up scared because Branch has nerves of steel and refused to scream when Bruce jokingly scared them, although Branch did have a mini cardiac arrest because of it), They were having fun.
Of course I wasn't.
John Dory didn't check the place properly, neither did Clay, so with all the screaming and the fire and the smell of the food, he found something very big, very big.
John Dory tried to push the creature away, but failed, he kept his brothers behind him, but out of the corner of their eye the brothers only saw a blue, black and green blur pass at full speed by their side directly at the animal.
Blood, a cry of anger and pain, none of the brothers really knew what happened, but the next moment Branch is standing on the carcass of the animal, with an axe in his hand and panting from the effort.
"Are you okay!?" Branch wiped the blood off the animal, and as the brothers looked at him, astonished, frightened? Terrified? (I chewed nothing for Branch's safety, but Branch is fine just small scratch and bruises, but nothing serious)
Although Branch was more concerned about knowing if his brother was okay, each brother was having a mental breakdown, Floyd was holding Branch, a suffocating hug from which Branch could not let go, Bruce checked that his little brother was not seriously injured despite not seeing anything he was still looking with Clay who cleaned up the blood he could from Branch.
John Dory, on the other hand, stayed behind his brothers watching them take care of Branch (who was quiet trying to calm them down), just staring blankly, he felt sick, HIS LITTLE BROTHER SHOULDN'T KNOW HOW TO KILL THINGS, HE'S A BABY, HE'S INNOCENT, HE'S FRAGILE, HE'S WEAK.
John Dory can only think of how to deal with it.
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luckyfrogtarot · 1 year
Pick a SKZ pair
The dynamic between you and your future person
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Pile 1: Hanlix
You: You’re more of the Han in this relationship. A dreamer and a hopeless romantic. You might even wear your heart on you sleeve. As much as you try to hide your emotions people can tell you have a depth to you. You could pretend to be cool or mysterious but deep down you’re more sensitive and emotional. You’re artistic or creative or even intuitive and either you’re developing those traits at the moment or you’ve reached a point where you feel really secure in that. You’re someone who might go through hardship(s) and yet you can still see that there is peace waiting for you if you just keep going. I heard “just keep swimming” like Dory. Your optimism might lead you to joke in moments that are serious to try and diffuse any tense feelings.
The dynamic between you two:I’m sensing that for some of you, you don’t know this person yet and you’re waiting for them to come into your life. For others you already know who this is, they could even be a friend and you’re just waiting for them to make a move. Either way I’m seeing someone impatiently watching a clock as the hands turn in slow motion. Once you two are together though you will definitely spend a lot of time together. The mundane will be important, you guys might grocery shop together or go to the dmv together. Things that are considered “boring” or “tedious” you’ll have to work through. There is a sense of commitment both in a financial sense and in a happy way too. You’ll be so stable and happy that sometimes you might even worry if you have a healthy attachment to this person. As long as you two value your alone time, you’ll be fine!
Them: They are someone who is cheerful in a genuine way. When they smile it genuinely reaches their eyes. They’re someone who could have a sweet tooth. I’m seeing someone who could bake and/or cook. They have sixth sense with cooking and baking like a grandma. They don’t measure they just eyeball the ingredients and it works better for them. They are rather feminine and soft independent of gender. They also value growth a lot. They are someone who likes to change and grow for the better. Sometimes though they do push themselves a little too hard. I do see that they will want to push you a bit, it will be gentle and with the intention of seeing you be the best version of yourself in the relationship and out of it. They will also grow and learn in the relationship along with you.
Pile 2: Seungbin
You:You’re probably someone who is young or feels young and youthful. You could be young in age or young in a certain field you’ve entered. You could be a bit naive or just come off that way. I’m seeing it’s more that you just like to come off that way. You could have gone through a period where you felt like you’re mind was playing games with you or someone else was. You felt as if whatever it is you or someone else was telling you was true and that caused you anxiety and to close yourself up quite a bit. This impacted you so much that I’m getting this time of your life and not so much your personality. Someone close to you could have also broken your trust. You could be leaving this behind at the moment and that’s why you feel like you have a fresh start and so you feel hopeful again. It’s possible that’s also where the young feeling is coming from. The little I do see of your personality is that you’re for the most part a rather joyous and refreshing person.
The dynamic between you two: You two have opposite aesthetics, one might wear lighter clothes and the other might just wear black all the time. I’m seeing like light academia, almost angelic for one person and then alt aesthetic for the other. There are cards that indicate that this person will really need to work hard to gain your trust. While you on the other hand will need to learn to let your guard down a bit. This person might approach you and seem too good to be true or the opposite you might think you see red flags in this person. For example they might buy you something nice or even a little luxurious and to them it’s a way to show that they like you. But you at the time could take it as them trying to manipulate you to like them with gifts instead of building trust with you. This won’t be a red flag from them, it’ll just be that you don’t know each other too well. (Please exercise caution if you feel unsafe with someone that is definitely not who you are meant to be with). You and this person might just actually have different ways of showing how you care about each other. Once the relationship is established though I’m seeing you’ll work well, there just needs to be some trust built first.
Them: This person will definitely be mature or seem mature in the sense that they have money and they are smart. They could have a round or bunny like face. Nonetheless they definitely are very Changbin like, they could have gone through a time where they struggled with their self esteem and their physical appearance. You’ll find them attractive though and it seems that by the time you two meet they’ll feel more confident. Eyebrows could be very prominent and obvious or they shape the person’s face. They are either really luck with money or they have extra money to spend. They’ll definitely like to spoil you, I did hear daddy vibes (😅 I don’t personally like that phrase) but they do want to treat you like royalty. It doesn’t matter what gender they are, they’ll definitely like to pay for your things or for food if you go out to lunch or dinner. Could be that their the one that carries the relationship, but don’t be fooled they are very soft for you. They’ll probably usually look at you like 🥺 while everyone else gets a regular look or stare.
Pile 3: Hyunin
You: You have black cat energy for sure. There are three black cats in this reading and right before this reading I saw a black cat outside. You could seem judgmental or serious when people meet you, but I’m sensing it’s just that you take your private life very seriously and not just anyone can enter your space so easily. You’re someone whose worked hard to be where you are, you could be very smart and/or very driven. You’re grades are good or you do really well in your career/job. You could also have a good eye for seeing who you trust and who you don’t, that’s why some see you as “judgmental”. Although the way I see it, there’s nothing wrong with making sure that you only surround yourself with people who are on the same wavelength as you. Although sometimes you could perceive someone wrong or too quickly. Not usually though, you’re very good at this. Underneath all of that you could have a good balance of happiness or pride (in a good way) and some emotional intelligence. You’re good at manifesting the things you want in life and you take opportunities that are handed to you. “You get shit done” is what I hear.
The dynamic between you: You two could meet in a rather tense time and a time where neither of you, especially you, won’t like the other person. They might not be a bad person, but you could meet at a party and they could drink or drink a little more than usual that day and you could not like that. Either because you dislike drinking in general or because they were too drunk that day. You could quickly dismiss this person as being a potential partner due to this. You’re mentality at the time will be black and white and won’t allow for mistakes. Usually you could be someone who has a “three strikes and you’re out” rule and when you meet this person they’ll either strike out or you might see one strike as reason enough to push them away. I’m hearing you think “ugh this person gets on my nerves”. I’m getting pride and prejudice vibes and you’re Elizabeth and this other person is Mr.Darcy. Judgement is definitely clouding your perception of this person. As well as this person isn’t normally like this, they are simply reacting to an unfortunate moment in their life.
Them: I’m getting that they’re someone whose going through an unlucky moment right now. They’re moving away from something or someone, something they were committed to. For some of them they are moving away from a significant other or even a spouse if they’re old enough to get married. While others I’m sensing are moving away from a dream, a job, or a career. Either way they feel burnout and unlucky at the moment, luckily it will only be for a moment and there is hope that they will feel better later. I do think that when you two meet they might not be completely over this situation and that is why I’m picking this up so strongly and so will you. They’ll have their eye on you, but won’t make a move quickly because they have a lot to juggle around and to think about. They can and will be committed once they’re in a relationship though.
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11queensupreme11 · 7 months
If Percy had kids with the yans... what would their names be and who would do the naming 👀
do you guys remember someone asking me if percy would name her kids after dead demigods like luke, silena, zoe, bianca, etc? and i was like "nope, and she DEFINITELY wouldn't name her kids after luke too, luke was a dickhead to her"
I CHANGED MY MIND! book!luke was a meanie, but show!luke??? oh he's SO different and i love it. the luke of arsenic blues will be the luke of the tv show, so because of this, percy might actually name her future kid after luke 😂😂😂
but anyway, BACK TO YOUR QUESTION. i have like.... 1% planned for future kids with the yans so i don't really have any names yet lmao
but percy definitely should NOT do the naming, i can tell you that 😭😭 she will be very VERY bad at naming
i bring to you... a list of cursed names percy would actually name her kids if no one's around to stop her:
yes, dory from finding nemo 😭
yup you heard me
it doesn't seem bad, but just wait till the yan dad finds out that ariel's the name of a mermaid who FELL IN LOVE WITH A HUMAN, is also fascinated by humanity, and even GAVE UP HER TAIL TO BECOME HUMAN AND LIVE WITH SAID HUMAN SHE FELL FOR 💀💀💀💀
yes another disney character
more little mermaid characters! 😃
the HUMAN prince from the little mermaid 💀
percy: "it's a cute name okay! 🙄"
sandy cheeks from spongebob 😭 just be glad she didn't choose squidward or spongebob
she's the mermaid barbie from "barbie in a mermaid tail"
the shark from finding nemo that said "fish are friends, not food!". those are words percy continues to live by to this day 😌
another sea girl who fell in love with a human, the yans are throwing up rn 💀💀💀💀
LUKE 💀 (show!luke not book!luke)
at first they'd be a lil put off cuz the name's so... plain and boring and human, and then imagine them going "hold up, you wanna name our child after the dude who tried to KILL YOU????????"
and then.... the worst name of all:
anthonius (and no i am not kidding 😭)
have you seen all those tiktoks talking about how their mom or dad named them after their ex or some person they were in love with that isn't their spouse??? yeah, that's percy 💀
percy: "i just miss him im sorryyyyy 😭😭😭😭"
so yeah.
percy absolutely should NOT be in charge of naming her kids 💀
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vinziel · 7 months
Getting Used To It
John Dory x Male Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
A/N: Last Part. Future John Dory x Male Reader will be using this series as context, unless I say so. Branch and Clay have the same color, only Clay's are italic. Poppy and Floyd have the same color only Floyd's are italic(This is basically useless because they don't talk in this chapter). Also make sure to give suggestions and ideas for me to write.
You woke up, it was weeks after the whole "Floyd Situation" as you call it. You feel yourself being cuddled, you shift to the troll who was currently hugging you tight, it was John Dory, he was shirtless and honestly looked cut- wait JOHN DORY?! You yelped and fell out of bed, groaning, this woke up the sleeping troll "Woah you ok Y/N?" John Dory asks, a little worried, though finding the situation amusing. You then remembered what happened after saving Floyd. Clay, Floyd and John Dory moved in with you and Branch inside the bunker, Bruce in the other hand stayed in Vacay Island but would visit his brothers whenever he can you and John Dory slept together after getting back together, you sigh "Oh John, I- sorry this getting used to.....this" You respond, letting out a small laugh. John Dory lends a hand and you accept it. You two share a quick kiss and just cuddle for a while.
After doing your regular routines, you two went outside the bunker where the rest of the Brozone brothers were. All of Branch's brothers especially John Dory had apologized to him for abandoning him, although Branch said it'd take some time to fully forgive them he wasn't that mad at them anymore, although he'd let out some very sarcastic remarks about them abandoning him out of pettiness whenever he got the chance which you found funny. You two caught up with the rest of the group, the rest of the Brozone brothers and Branch's band Kismet.
You found it a bit hilarious when the Branch's brothers felt a bit awkward when they found out Branch "replaced" them, you even heard Clay and John Dory badmouth them. You didn't have a problem with Branch's band members though that was mostly due to you being the manager of the band. You let out a sigh as you both were talking with the rest of the group, Branch and his band were doing another performance tonight and of course being the supportive brothers they are, John, Bruce, Clay and Floyd were going. Along with Viva and Poppy. You were also going for obvious reasons.
While the rest of the group went to the performance area, you stood in place and stopped John Dory from walking away "We need to talk" You said, walking the opposite direction as the group with John Dory, you still had a more neutral face. You took John Dory to a quiet and more secluded spot of Troll Village. Both of you are sitting down on a nearby bench. You took a deep breath and started off with "So-" "I'm sorry!" John Dory cut you off continuing "I'm sorry. For everything. For abandoning you. For leaving you behind. I'm sorry for just appearing out of nowhere just to try and leave again after. I'm sorry. I haven't properly apologized yet you, heck I haven't apologized at all. I am so sorry Y/N. You didn't deserve being abandoned like that" You could tell John Dory did mean this from the bottom of his heart, you would slowly hug him, smiling warmly "It's fine. Look I don't think I can fully forgive you yet. It'll take time. It'll take some effort, but hey we have all the time to make up for it" You say kissing John Dory on the lips, a long and passionate one. John Dory is surprised by the sudden kiss but reciprocates it. Both of you are blushing tremendously.
You both pulled away "I'm so lucky to be with you." John Dory says softly "I can say the same to you" You reply, letting out a soft chuckle, you both leaning in for another kiss, this time shorter yet still being passionate. You two pulled away, you saying "I could get used to this" You say, softly laughing, you stood up and reached out your hand "Come on. Let's catch up before they look for us" John Dory chuckles and grabs your hand. Standing up, you two walk to the rest of the group.
(The end)
A/N: Ok guys I really loved how this turned out. Thank you for the support. And make sure to give me suggestions for one-shots of any ship or Brozone x male reader you guys would like.
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psychics4unet · 2 months
20 Simpsons Psychic Predictions That Came True 🚀
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Hey there, fellow Simpsons fans! 🎉 If you’ve been following The Simpsons, you know that this iconic show isn’t just about laughs and donuts (though we love those too). It’s also about some eerily accurate predictions that have left us all scratching our heads. 🤔 How did this cartoon get so many things right about the future? Grab a seat, grab a donut 🍩, and let’s dive into some of the wildest psychic predictions from The Simpsons that actually came true! 🚀
🌟🔮✨ Curious about what the future holds for you? Just like The Simpsons predicted some mind-blowing events, you too can uncover what’s in store for your life. Click the link below for your own personal psychic reading and get insights that might just amaze you:
1. Donald Trump’s Presidency 🇺🇸
Season 11, Episode 17 (“Bart to the Future”)
In this episode from the year 2000, Lisa becomes the president and mentions that they inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump. Fast forward to 2016, and Donald Trump becomes the 45th president of the United States. What the what?! 😲
2. Smartwatches ⌚
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
During a future vision of Lisa’s wedding, her fiancé uses a watch to make a phone call. This was in 1995, way before smartwatches became a thing in the 2010s. Talk about being ahead of the curve! 📱
3. Disney Buys 20th Century Fox 🏰🦊
Season 10, Episode 5 (“When You Dish Upon a Star”)
In 1998, there’s a scene showing the 20th Century Fox sign with a subtitle “A Division of Walt Disney Co.” In 2019, Disney actually bought 21st Century Fox. Coincidence? I think not! 🎬
4. Video Chatting 💻
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
Again in Lisa’s Wedding, we see video calls being made. This was years before Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom became part of our daily lives. The Simpsons were definitely on to something here! 🖥️
5. The Shard in London 🏙️
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
In the same episode (wow, it’s like a crystal ball!), we see a skyline that includes a skyscraper eerily similar to The Shard, which wasn’t built until 2012. 👀
6. Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Performance 🎤
Season 23, Episode 22 (“Lisa Goes Gaga”)
In 2012, The Simpsons showed Lady Gaga performing at a concert, suspended in the air. Fast forward to 2017, and Gaga did exactly that at the Super Bowl halftime show. Fly, Gaga, fly! 🎇
7. Nobel Prize Winner 🏅
Season 22, Episode 1 (“Elementary School Musical”)
Milhouse predicted that Bengt Holmström would win the Nobel Prize in Economics. And guess what? Holmström did win it in 2016. Way to go, Milhouse! 📊
8. Ebola Outbreak 🌍
Season 9, Episode 3 (“Lisa’s Sax”)
In this 1997 episode, Marge suggests that Bart read a book titled “Curious George and the Ebola Virus.” Years later, in 2014, there was a significant Ebola outbreak. Chills! 😬
9. Siegfried and Roy Tiger Attack 🐅
Season 5, Episode 10 (“$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)”)
The show depicted a white tiger attacking entertainers similar to Siegfried and Roy. Tragically, in 2003, Roy was indeed attacked by one of their white tigers during a performance. 😥
10. U.S. Wins Olympic Gold in Curling 🥌
Season 21, Episode 12 (“Boy Meets Curl”)
Homer and Marge compete in curling and win a gold medal. In real life, the U.S. men’s team won the gold medal in curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics. Sweep that, skeptics! 🥇
But wait, there’s more! Let’s keep this prediction train rolling with some honorable mentions that didn’t make the top 10 but are still pretty mind-blowing. 🚂💨
11. Horse Meat Scandal 🐴
Season 5, Episode 19 (“Sweet Seymour Skinner’s Baadasssss Song”)
Lunchlady Doris used “assorted horse parts” in the cafeteria food. In 2013, a scandal erupted in Europe when horse meat was found in various beef products.
12. FIFA Corruption Scandal ⚽
Season 25, Episode 16 (“You Don’t Have to Live Like a Referee”)
The episode features a storyline involving corruption in the World Football Federation. In 2015, several FIFA officials were arrested amid a corruption investigation.
13. Farmville 🚜
Season 9, Episode 12 (“Bart Carny”)
In this 1998 episode, kids are seen excitedly playing a yard work simulator game. Fast forward to the 2000s, and Farmville became a massive hit on Facebook.
14. Faulty Voting Machines 🗳️
Season 20, Episode 4 (“Treehouse of Horror XIX”)
Homer tries to vote for Obama in the 2008 election, but the machine keeps changing his vote to McCain. In 2012, there were real reports of voting machines changing votes.
15. Beats by Dre 🎧
Season 8, Episode 14 (“The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show”)
In a scene from 1997, we see a character wearing what looks like modern-day Beats by Dre headphones, years before they existed.
16. Mutant Tomatoes 🍅
Season 11, Episode 5 (“E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)”)
Homer grows mutant tomatoes after using nuclear power on his crops. In real life, scientists created genetically modified tomatoes that glow in the dark.
17. NSA Surveillance 🕵️
The Simpsons Movie (2007)
The movie depicted the NSA spying on citizens. In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA was indeed conducting mass surveillance on American citizens.
18. Shard Building in London 🏙️
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
We see a tall building in the London skyline that resembles The Shard, which was completed in 2012.
19. Michelangelo’s David Censorship 🗿
Season 2, Episode 9 (“Itchy & Scratchy & Marge”)
The episode shows Springfieldians protesting against Michelangelo’s David being exhibited. In 2016, Russian campaigners did try to cover the statue.
20. Autocorrect Fail 📱
Season 6, Episode 8 (“Lisa on Ice”)
Dolph writes a memo that says “Beat up Martin” which gets autocorrected to “Eat up Martha.” Apple’s iPhone autocorrect has had many such hilarious fails.
It’s wild, right? How does a cartoon get so many things right? Well, it’s probably a mix of clever writing, sharp observation, and maybe a bit of that Springfield magic. ✨
And it's not just us hardcore fans who are intrigued. Thanks to the internet, more and more people are discovering the spooky accuracy of The Simpsons' predictions. Social media platforms are buzzing with theories and speculations. Reddit threads are filled with fans dissecting episodes, and YouTube is packed with videos analyzing every prediction. It's like a virtual treasure hunt where every frame might hold a secret clue to our future! 🔮
Some folks even believe that the writers have a time machine or some sort of psychic ability. While that’s probably a stretch, it’s fun to think about! One thing’s for sure – The Simpsons will keep surprising us with their uncanny knack for predicting the future.
Whether you’re a longtime fan or just curious about the show’s “psychic” tendencies, it’s clear that The Simpsons is more than just a TV show. It’s a pop culture phenomenon that continues to influence and amuse us, while also making us think twice about what might come next. So, next time you’re watching, pay close attention – you might just be getting a sneak peek into the future! 🕵️‍♂️✨
Stay curious, my friends! And remember, the truth is out there… or maybe just in the next episode of The Simpsons. 🌟🚀
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chipmunkfanno1love · 3 months
Branch and Floyd brotherly duet
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Branch and Floyd definitely are my favourite sibling duo out all of the sibling duos in the Trolls franchise. Their brotherly love for each other is so tender and sweet, and their moments as youngsters were particularly adorable. I can't wait to see more moments with them as adults later in the franchise. I'd love to see how their relationship has grown now that they're both adults.
One thing I would really love to see in future films and/or shorts is them singing a duet together. Not only because I think their voice actors Justin Timberlake and Troye Sivan would sound amazing together, but also because I believe it would show how tender their relationship is through music.
I could see it either as a flashback with them as youngsters and/or a duet of them as adults. Both is my preference.
Branch and Floyd brotherly duet settings:
1. Maybe we could have a scene with Floyd comforting Branch (or vise-versa) and begins to sing to him. Branch joins in and the two sing a heartfelt duet.
2. Teenage Floyd singing Baby Branch a lullaby and Baby Branch joins the song in duet. Adult Branch later starts singing it to Adult Floyd to help him sleep after his traumatic experience with Velvet and Veneer.
3. They sing a duet in dedication to their late grandma. That or they do the lead solos in a group number with their brothers.
4. They share a playful riff-off over coffee much like Branch does in Trolls Holiday (0:19 to 0:42):
One song I think would make a great cover for Branch and Floyd is the song Space Between from the Disney Channel movie Descendants 2. I personally think the lyrics really suit the characters e.g. Branch as Mal (Dove Cameron) and Floyd as Evie (Sofia Carson). The soft, bittersweet tune would also go beautifully with their actors voices. I definitely imagine Justin Timberlake and Troye Sivan singing a slow song with a sad or at least bittersweet tune to it. I can also see room for some powerful high notes.
Since this song is owned by Disney (DreamWorks' rival company), I doubt that DreamWorks will be able to do a cover version of this song 😕, but I definitely would use it as inspiration for an original song for these two cuties. 😁💕 Here's my idea below:
Space Between by Dove Cameron (Mal) and Sofia Carson (Evie):
Space Between "Male" Cover (I don't who the artists are. For all I know they could have simply made the original singers voices deeper):
I could see the song being set after Floyd learns of their grandma being eaten. I imagine that Branch tries to hide this fact from his favourite brother (under the guise that she's away at a rummy competition with her girl friends), partly because he doesn't want to upset him but more because he feels ashamed as Floyd asked him to take care of her and he feels like he failed his brother as well as their grandma. Eventually one of their other brothers (I'm thinking John Dory) accidentally let's it slip that their grandma got eaten. Floyd is heartbroken and very disappointed in Branch for lying to him as they were always open and honest with each other. Branch runs away and hides in shame.
Eventually Floyd comes to comfort Branch, much to his surprise as he thought Floyd was mad at him. Floyd says that he isn't mad at him, only disappointed that he didn't tell him the truth sooner. He's also heartbroken to learn of Grandma Rosiepuff's death and that Branch was alone for so long. He asks Branch to forgive him for leaving him, blaming himself for not being there for Branch when their grandma died. When Branch tells the story of how their grandma died he says it was his fault but Floyd reassures him it isn't his fault and it was just an accident.
The two grieve their grandma and comfort each other, leading to a sad yet soft and sweet duet between them. They are later joined by the rest of their brothers and they decide as group to have a memorial service for her (which Poppy and Viva also attend). Branch and Floyd write a song in commeration of their grandma and do the lead solos in the Brozone performance
As for Young Floyd and Baby Branch singing together I could see it happening like Instagram artist, goldietheoreo's animatic "A Million Dreams".
Maybe Young Floyd could be writing a song and Baby Branch joins him for it. I think that would be cute. 😊💕
What are your thoughts and headcanons for Branch and Floyd duet? I'd love to hear them.
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cryptid-moone · 2 years
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No I’m serious he needs a good cry and a hug from his parents why did they just never mention the-
OK OK so my thing is, why did the game just brush over the like- 32 hours (give or take im making half this shit up) Wilbur spent fixing the timeline??? Like yeah I get it’s supposed to be a goofy fun silly game but ??????? I’m 100 percent sure no 13 year old would be completely anxiety free during all this like Wilbur was 🤨
Anyways more hcs but this time is just Wilbur:
•he’s actually closer to Talulla than Lazlo
Idk I feel like they bond pretty well as the dramatic(er) family members, plus talulla seems like that cousin who just vibes with the younger kids in the family
•”I’ll put all my feelings right here, then I’ll die.” He’s the gifted kid burnout
No because he was fr willing to run around alone in lava ass city instead of asking his parents for help, if that is not some “I need to be independent” thought train. Plus as the gifted kid/sibling I look at this kid and think to myself, “you’re a burnout 🤨”
• He was/is a bolt mega fan
Penny was his celebrity crush before captain time travel, she’s low-key the reason he’s so, adventurous and “cool” (he is cool but ok that’s a whole persona)
•he angry cries (see picture)
No because I’ve said this like 10 times but, how did he:
1. Almost die in a pyramid
2. Fuck up the time stream (1)
3. Fight multiple iron giant head ass robots
4. Help civilians around magma city
4.5. Fight mega Doris (that bitch)
5. Go back in time
6. Witness his future father interact with his present time family without anyone besides him and CARL knowing the truth
7. Watch Carl DIE
And be completely chill????? Rubs eyes omg
Anywho the game soundtrack is fire I think there should’ve been an extra cutscene where he gets to hug his parents and just be happy everyone is alive HAHAHA
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purplehairedwonder · 2 years
Chapter 1079: The Kids Are(n’t) All Right
It’s been a little while since I’ve done a chapter write-up for a variety of reasons (vacation, illness, lack of interest in the who dunnit story), but this chapter got me back on the bandwagon. Wow.
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So, we get the background of how York set up the who dunnit. My main interest here is what contingency she’s talking about, especially when we see this...
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This has to be Kuzan, right? Blackbeard should still be fighting Law -- but even if that fight is over, I doubt he’d have time to get to Egghead afterward. Plus, with all the references to Ohara, it really shouldn’t be anyone else.
Then we switch to the main event.
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Interesting that Shanks’ fleet is actually quite weak. It seems like he takes on quirky people, much like Luffy. They are incredibly loyal to him while he has the strength to protect them.
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Shanks is giving the Worst Gen respect. Him asking about Kid’s injuries reminds me of these panels from his appearance in Wano:
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Shanks clearly sees fighting against weakened opponents to be dishonorable, so he steps in between Greenbull and the victors in Wano who are still recovering. But by the time the Kid Pirates run into the Red Hairs, they’ve healed so are fair game.
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Also super interested in this moment. Shanks is keeping an eye on Blackbeard, but he doesn’t have the most up-to-date info about what’s happening at Winner Island. 
Interestingly, though, this does seem to explain why Shanks showed up at the end of Wano (other than to promote Film Red); he must have expected Blackbeard to show up like Greenbull did to steal Poneglyphs. And he wasn’t wrong about the plot, just the location of the ambush.
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This moment is also telling to me. If Shanks is the type of person who takes the weak under his banner to protect them, he’s going to find someone like Kid, who got his bounty pre-Sabaody from killing indiscriminately, detestable.
And then he uses Future Sight to see Kid doing some serious damage to his fleet:
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This would actually have been hella impressive of Kid if he’d managed to do it. Not only did he build and fire the ray gun, but he was also pulling the ships into range as he did it.
But, we’ve known Shanks’ ethos since chapter 1:
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So, if Shanks’ fleet is in danger, he’s going to take care of it himself. It’s definitely a testament to the danger Kid now poses that Shanks is the one to act, rather than leave it to others as we’ve seen him do previously, and he uses this move:
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EXCUSE ME, SIR. This is the same move Roger used on Oden.
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So, in a twisted way, Kid’s being given his due. (I’ll also look forward to this being animated because the double page is... hard to make out in places. Oda’s action sequences are often hard for me to follow.)
Random: I still can’t help but see a comparison between Future Sight and Minority Report. Kid technically hasn’t done anything yet, but Shanks is wrecking him like he’s avenging his friends.
Anyway, Kid and Killer are in a bad way.
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And neither of them can swim because of their Devil Fruit/SMILE. Which is bad because Dory and Broggy completely wreck the Victoria Punk.
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And everyone goes tumbling into the sea.
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This chapter has been one callback after another, and these final panels are yet another callback:
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And we all know what happened after that, so the paralleled language could indicate that the Kid Pirates will come back stronger in the future, but I’m not sure how much time there is left in the narrative for that.
As for what this might mean for Law, well, I’m less worried than a lot of people seem to be. For one thing, Law got a new goal in Wano (to learn about the Will of D.), so he needs to achieve that goal before he dies. It’s important to note that Law’s goal does not conflict with Luffy’s whereas Kid’s did, so Kid not achieving his dream was inevitable. Law, on the other hand, has become the audience’s way into the Will of D. mystery by being the only D. we’ve met who is interested in his name. 
Second, we’ve still got the mystery surrounding Rocky Port and all the key players are in the same orbit at the moment. It would narratively make the most sense for Law to survive so he, Blackbeard, and Coby end up in one place so we learn what happened there.
Third, Law wasn’t the aggressor in his fight -- he was ambushed -- while Kid was. Narratively, Kid is being punished for his arrogance while Law has no such narrative dictate.
Fourth, I just keep thinking about how Cora died for Law to live. It would sure feel unfulfilling for Law to finally be free of the chains that kept him chained down for thirteen years only to die unceremoniously.
Anyway, I still think it’s most likely that Law gets taken captive by Blackbeard, leading to some interesting dynamics with Coby, Pudding, and Garp. There would be so much gold to mine there.
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mystxcfire · 9 months
Dawn Au
Change the outcome, Change the future
another Au, I thought up because honestly why not
Inspired by the movies; Bubble & the hunger games but mostly more on the Hunger Games
- Every Trolls are forced by [Redacted] in forming districts or villages of different trolls.
- Mount Rageous is the wealthiest, most technologically advanced of all the regions. It supplies the most resources to the [Redacted] including going without punishment at times. (combined of District 1 and 3) known as Region 1
- Volcano City is the second wealthiest as they have the power and weapons since they can manipulate the things around them order to get on the well graced of the [Redacted]. They also control the livestock as the Rock trolls are natural hunters. (Combined of District 2, 5 and 10) known as Region 2
- Techno Reef was considered useless at first, towards the [Redacted], but eventually they had found a use for them. They are to supplied fishing as a way for them to live. Is considered the third wealthiest of the regions. (District 4) known as Region 3
- Vibe City has always been progressive for the [Redacted]. As they provide transportation in regards of the ‘contestants’ during the games at all time despite them being very calm and collected. (District 6) Known as Region 4
- Symphonyville has been subjected into creating fabric as they mostly keep to themselves at all times. This also makes them the fourth wealthiest of all of the regions. They are well loved by the [Redacted]. (District 8) known as Region 5
- Lonesome Flats handles the grains and the agricultural products as they are very well suited for the jobs. They are a well adjusted environment and well equipped to maintain their placed as the fifth wealthiest and the second favorite of the [Redacted]. (Combined District of 7, 11) known as Region 6
- Bergen Town handles lumber and mining as that’s was they were good for in the eyes of [Redacted]. They are one of the poorest regions ever as they are mostly miserable. (Combine of District 9 and 12) known as Region 7
- Pop Village have been isolated for a long time including after escaping from Bergen Town (Region 7). The [Redacted] never gotten a chance to see them before a disaster occurred in cutting of Region 8 from the rest of the world but that didn’t stop them at all. (District 13) known as Region 8
The Capital is placed between, Region 4, 5, and 6 as the [Redacted] are known to highly favored those three regions the most.
Brozone Placement + Poppy and Viva
- John Dory stayed in Region 8 w/ Branch after the split of Brozone. Poppy also resides in Region 8.
- Bruce resides in Region 4 on a little island in the region called Vacay Island.
- Clay and Viva resides in Region 7 in an abandoned placed that the Bergens don’t used anymore.
- Floyd resides in Region 1 as he was held captive for a bit before escaping and living in a well adjusted Troll community in Region 1.
John Dory as Katniss
Branch as Primrose
This are the only ones that I can think of at the moment for which trolls character that matches with the hunger games characters. You guys can requests/asks me for which other characters that fit perfectly with the hunger games characters.
Also, I love the hunger games so much decided that Katniss kinda reminds me of John Dory since they both would do anything to protect their younger siblings.
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thatbanditqueen · 1 year
Basic Training
I Don't Date Soldiers
A new fic, possibly a new WIP, about Elvis' life at Fort Hood. Let me know what you think.
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Summary: Bess is a smart, young secretary working for the Commander of Army Intelligence training at Fort Hood, dreaming of a life beyond the military one she has always known. That's why she doesn't date soldiers, they only break your heart, and she is looking ahead to something better. One Friday night in March, she stumbles in to the new draftee who's turned the base upside down, and in a moment of weakness, decides to try and help him sleep. Just this once.
Warnings: None, fluffy and angst combined, but innocent. For now. There are a lot of typos.
Word Count: 4.8 K
Some notes: Probably good to know the acronyms, every Army base has a chain of command, and at the top sit the Commanding Officer (CO), the Executive Officer (XO), and a bunch of other officers, of different rank denoted by their ascending O rank, from 1 to 10. WAC - Women's Army Corps, established in WWII, their was a sizeable WAC presence at Fort Hood in 1958. Oh, and Killeen is the closest city to Fort Hood and Austin, TX is about an hour away. Also I really wanted this to take place on a Friday night, but also have had Elvis at the base for two nights, so I gave myself creative license to make March 30, 1958 a Friday. Just don't look it up and we'll be fine.
This fic was inspired by the writing prompt:
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Many thanks to my beautiful sister-wives-in-arms whose advice support and love make being an Elvis girl possible and fun, @be-my-ally @vintageshanny @from-memphis-with-love @ellie-24 @powerofelvis @missmaywemeetagain and @whositmcwhatsit, from whom I have stolen her trademarked description of Elvis' awkward manner of kissing half on the cheek half on the lips like a goofy weirdo who was never taught how to kiss right so he decided to make up his own style. And thanks for reading and connecting with me here, the Elvis fandom is the best and I love our community!
Friday, March 30, 1958
9 p.m. at Sal's Cafe
Bess pushed her veal marsala from one side of her plate to the other, feeling the vibrations of her fork scrape across the bottom of the plate. The place checked off all the requisite Italian restaurant requirements: checkered table cloth, candle in an old wine bottle, violin player sawing away at a classical reinterpretation of “That’s Amore.” But the brown sauce, and the meat it was congealing around, was inedible. It was the sort of food that begged the question “why not stay in and cook at home?”
“I said, don’t you think, Bess honey? You follow that stuff, dontcha?”
Bess looked up at her friend Dori’s face, realizing she had drifted off daydreaming of a future far away from Killeen, away from her job at Fort Hood, away from the Army, away from officers, like the ones sitting across from them. Away from soldiers in general.
“What, Khrushchev? Well, I think we all knew he wasn’t going to take the threat laying down.”
Dori hit Bess' shoulder lightly, smiling at their dates, two officers from Army Intelligence.
“No, y’all will havta excuse my friend here, she still thinks she’s studying political science in Austin. You’d think a year of civilian life would make her normal again, huh?”
Dori flipped her blonde hair and drawled on.
“No, silly goose, no one here is interested in that Russian stuff, we’re talking about Mike Todd. What do you think poor Elizabeth Taylor is going to do now that her husband's dead?”
Bess tried very hard not to roll her eyes. Dori was right, she read the movie gossip magazines, but her friend’s distraught, serious expression had made her think they were discussing something with a little more gravitas. The recent atomic weapons testing, or Russian political shifts, the stuff at the top of her New York Times front page everyday. But why would any one in the Army want to talk about that?
Bess smiled at her date and tried to focus on the conversation at hand. Later in the bathroom, Dori chided her while applying a fresh coat of lipstick onto Bess’ mouth.
“I wish you would try to be polite.”
“Dori, you know I am breaking my rule here with you. I don’t date soldiers. I have two goals I'm focusing on: get into law school and shake off these twenty pounds. ”
Bess rubbed her hands over her waist.
“Rules were made to be broken, Bessie Pie, and you look great, men like a girl with a jiggle, I think you look like a brunette Jayne Mansfield.”
“Hardly. You’re Mansfield and Monroe rolled into one.”
“Don't sell yourself short. I know you were fixin' to marry that boy last year, and now all you talk about is law school this, politics that. Don’t you wanna get married? We're not getting any younger.”
“I’m twenty three. Same as you.”
“Eggg zactly. Sure, it seems young now, but you're gonna blink and be thirty and single, with nothing but your degrees to keep you company. You already have a good job now. I just know you’d set this law school thing aside if you met the right guy.”
“Of course I wanna get married, someday. But not now. You’re the one in a hurry to quit your job and settle down, not me.”
“I don’t have a job.”
“See, you’re half way there, Doreen. Me, I’m not giving up my goals for Captain Smarmy out there. How did you even meet these ones?”
Dori steadied her self on Bess’ shoulder.
“Stop moving, or this lipstick won’t be straight. I met them outside the PX, I thought they were cute. Arnie knew who you were, he was the one who suggested we all go out. He really likes you, I can tell - “
“Yeah, he was just in my pop's office lobbying for an assignment, he doesn’t like me. He is using me.  There’s a difference, I shouldn’t have to tell you that.”
“So what if he was? Maybe he saw you there and couldn’t get you out of his mind. He’s good looking, smart, he’s already an O3 —”
Bess stopped her friend’s hand, and fixed her hair in the mirror, pushing up her bust and sighing at the rounder curves that had been widening at her waist since she’d graduated from college and settled into a very sedentary, very single, and currently very celibate life living back at home and working for her father. She turned to look at Dori who was waiting to blot Bess' lips with a tissue like the sweet girl she always had been. For Dori, a fresh coat of perfectly applied lipstick fixed all of life’s problems.
“Look, Captain whatever out there is only here for six months or so for training, then he's off to Heidelberg. That’s why I don’t date soldiers anymore. I’ve learned from my mistakes. I’m waiting for you to catch up.”
Bess gave her dark curls one last fluff.
“How’d you get these suckers to come out on a double date anyway? They aren’t scared of your father?”
Dori avoided eye contact as she smoothed her blonde bouffant and pursed her lips, then looked at Bess in the mirror.
“They don’t know.”
“How do they not know your father is the CO?”
Dori shrugged, then pinched Bess as they walked out of the ladies’ room.
“Don’t tell, ok? Let’s just have fun. What if you fall madly in Arnie? And he asked you to marry him and go to Germany with him?”
Bess snorted as they walked out to the men waiting for them in the restaurant lobby and Dori's eyes took on a knowing look.
“Hmm, so that’s big fat ol ‘no’ to dancing tonight, I’m guessin’?”
Bess nodded.
“Please at least tell me you aren’t going home to work on that boring research project?”
Bess smiled mischievously. “Professor Blotke agreed to help me, it’s going to be my submission sample for Georgetown. Papa took Mama to D.C. with him for his meetings, so I have the house practically to myself. It's just Kay and me, and she’s probably already asleep. I just have to grab a new typewriter back on post, I busted mine.”
Dori shook her disapproving of Bess’ plans for the night, then turned to greet their escorts with her usual vivacious pleasantries. Bess smiled at Dori's ability to interact with the men so casually and intimately, sliding her hands through both of officer's arms as they walked to the car. She considered how different she was from her girlfriend, despite the fact that they were both twenty three year old daughters of career Army officers. Every relationship she'd been in seemed to occur in spite of her inability to feel at ease or flirt with boys.
The conversation turned to recent events at Fort Hood as they walked.
“So,” Dori exhaled, squeezing herself against her date. “Has anyone seen Elvis yet?”
Bess pounded her foot a little harder into the concrete, hearing that name now provoked instant irritation.
“Ughh, no. It’s only been what, three days, and honestly I wish he’d been sent somewhere else for training. All I do is answer calls about him. It is driving me up the wall and I can’t get anything done. He’s turned the whole base upside down. Must have been a hundred cars parked outside the main gate, all scattered around the fields. It’s a security issue. I just —"
“Well, that’s not his fault Bess, and I think it's great. I wanna to meet him, don’t y’all?” Dori looked at the officers on her arms.
Arnie smiled a big dumb smile as he looked at Dori’s bouncing breasts and agreed. “I think it’s good for the Army, boy, I just - I just wish we could get the other enlisted to lay off him.”
“What do you mean?”
Bess felt the pit of her stomach tense as she thought of the thousands of green little boys running around base on edge with no external distractions for entertainment.
“Yeah, the boys’ have been giving him a hard time, shouting out when he runs during PT, or at the chow hall. There’s some concern he hasn’t been coming to eat all his meals cuz a the way they’ve been taunting him.”
Bess sighed, her irritation dissipating momentarily into sympathy as she considered how hungry and lonely Elvis Presley must be. Then she remembered that she was hungry, hungry because all the good restaurants had been filled up tonight by people trying to catch a glimpse of him. Elvis was the reason the only benefit from breaking her vow against dating a soldier, the free meal, had been a bust. She wondered if it was going to be this crazy around town for the next six months while he was here.
“I feel sorry for the poor kid, I do. But I still wish he was some other base’s problem.”
Back on post, Arnie asked Bess for the fourth time if she wouldn’t like him to come help her carry the typewriter to her car. Then they could meet the others at the night club.
Beth pursed her lips with a demure smile.  “I think I can handle a typewriter, Captain, I use them all day.”
Dori chimed in with a reminder that it was Friday night and they were only young once, but Bess put them off, grinning as she heard Dori exclaim that both men would just have to dance with her all night.
“Two gorgeous officers all to myself,  what eva shall I do?”
Free at last, Bess drove her car to the supply building, and snuck in the back door carrying the type writer that she had been using at home, the big sticker along the bottom reading “Property of U.S. Army” evident as she held the machine under her arm to unlock the door. Bess slipped off her heels at the door so that they didn’t click down the dark hallways, and she easily scurried in to slip the broken machine into the repair center and help herself to a new model, grabbing a few spools of typewriter ribbon and a package of paper on the way out. Balancing everything as she locked up to leave,  Bess smiled at the cool air on her sweaty arm pits and laughed to herself for pulling this stealth operation in a tight green cocktail dress and pumps.
“A better use of this outfit anyway, I’d say.” She muttered to herself, sheathing her right foot back into her white heel with a sense of pride that she’d managed to get in, get the new machine, and would probably be home before 11 p.m. Bess had propped her self up against the building to slip her left foot into the other shoe when she heard a voice behind her call out.
“Uh, hey, need any help there?”
Startled, she almost toppled over, catching herself at the last moment by dropping everything in her hands.
“OWW fuck fuck fuck a duck!
She screamed in pain as the typewriter clanged down on her bare left foot and she almost knocked heads with the tall, gangly soldier who squatted down on front of her at the same time to try and help her retrieve her supplies.
"Oh man, I sure am sorry, listen -"
“At ease, uh Private,” she glanced briefly at the rank on his uniform while straightening up, holding her foot in pain and taking in the view below her. The paper knob at the top of the new machine had broken off completely.
“Fuck, this is what I get, I suppose,” she laughed, looking up find herself across from the shy, inquisitive face of Elvis Presley.
“Oh fuck a duuuuuck.”
Bess forgot about the typewriter, the paper spilled everywhere, the throbbing pain in the left foot she was now holding up and cradling. She didn’t even notice how she was exposing her thighs until she rubbed her foot again and dropped it with a thud, realizing she was about to flash Elvis Presley. He seemed to realize it too, and smirked as he turned his face to look away as some sort of attempt to give her privacy while she smoothed her dress down. Bess did this while clumsily trying to balance between one heeled foot and one bare foot.
Elvis found it very hard to stifle his chuckles as he watched her stiffen, and held out his hand to put her at ease.
“Uh, hey there ma’am, I’m Elvis, Elvis Presley.”
Bess shifted and smiled awkwardly, wiping her dirty, sweaty hands on her silk dress and extending her right hand out to shake his. The the same right hand, that had, moments ago, been rubbing her smelly, left foot. Honestly, it seemed like the most polite option, since she decided to act as if the last five minutes hadn’t happened. As if  sneaking out of the supply building past 10 p.m. on a Friday night with her arms full of government office supplies was perfectly normal.
“Bess Schwartz, I’m, uh, I work in the Front Office here. I’m, I’m, I'm the secretary for the Army Intelligence Commander.”
She gasped when Elvis took her hand, the hand cover in her foot sweat, and squeezed it warmly, bringing it to his lips for a chaste kiss.
“Nice ta, uh, meetcha. Imma sorry, uh, for startlin’ ya Miss Schwartz, ma’am.”
Bess shivered in the darkness as she heard herself whisper for him to call her Bess almost incoherently while she watched Elvis drop down in front of her and fit her other white pump over her left foot. She tried to remember how to breath. It was hard.  Hard because she was struggling to subdue  her visceral reaction to Elvis' thumb as it slowly smoothed over the top of her foot, which made it harder still to recover from the embarrassment of getting caught stealing a typewriter. By the most famous person in the world. Bess shut her eyes in disbelief that this was actually happening, and was disappointed when she lifted her eyelids to find that it actually was happening and Elvis was still there. He met her eyes, his finger delicately stroking her ankle.
“There, now, honey, you think you can walk?”
She pulled her leg back and nodded as she scanned the parking lot, the road along and other buildings behind it.
“Mhmm. Thank you, Private. Say, what are you doing stalking around the base right now? Lights out is at 9.”
Elvis bit his lip, looking at the ground as he stood.
“Can’t sleep.”
Bess arched her eyebrow as she started to bend, but Elvis put his hand up to stop her and stooped to gather the paper. He crushed it under his arm as he grabbed the typewriter and ink ribbons, talking slowly and deliberately.
“Well, my first night some jokers went an put shaving cream in my shoes, I ‘spose it gave em a good laugh to watch me run around like a damn fool getting ready for inspection. An well, I ain’t been able to sleep since, can’t bare to, uh, to uh - ”
His voice trailed off, but Bess knew what he meant. He was afraid of looking like poor sport or tattle tale if he complained, and a coward if he just took it. Her eyes narrowed as she noticed the bags under his eyes, calculating he must be going on 40 hours without much sleep. Or much food either, if her date was to be believed. Men. Boys, more like. Little boys amusing them selves by torturing this poor kid. This, tall, lanky, kid, who hovered above her and whose large hands made her typewriter ribbon look like a checker piece.
“Yeah, uh, they’re just scared they won’t be able to get any tail now that your here.” She smiled as best she could under the pressure of trying to talk with Elvis smoldering, lonely boy eyes piercing through her.
Bess looked at a passing car just so she could collect herself, then back at Elvis, thinking of the crowds of women lining the gates.
“The men should be thanking you, we haven’t seen this many pretty girls hanging around the base, since, well, since ever. Probably gonna be easy picking, especially for the soldiers who can leave post. Those poor girls hanging 'round outside the gates don’t know you aren’t allowed to go near ‘em for the next three or so weeks.”
“Mhmm, seems like, uh, uh, ya don’t havta go off post to meet pretty girls.”
Elvis bit his lip again, enjoying how Bess became flustered and embarrassed, smoothing the sides of her dress. She reminded herself that she hated him, as she felt the butterflies swarm through her belly and make themselves at home, flitting willy nilly up her spine. Bess also became keenly aware of how hungry she was from skipping dinner. She didn’t have time for his teasing and looked Elvis squarely in the eyes as she spoke.
“I recommend staying away from them, too. Especially the WACs. You’re definitely not supposed to fraternize with other soldiers.”
Elvis looked off at the trees that lined the road to the right. “How bought civilians? Is, um, ah, frater-a-nizin', uh, allowed?”
Bess turned, ignoring the question, though she was unable to ignore the warm, playful flirtation in Elvis’ voice as it washed over her and her chest heaved up and down at a quicker pace. Once again she told herself that she did, indeed, know how to breath. Her annoyance at his line melted away when she returned to his eyes and saw the exhaustion underneath his bravado, instantly regretting what she was about to do before she even did it. Somehow she couldn’t help herself, it was as if she was having an out-of-body experience, watching herself fumble through a simple sentence.
“Listen, I, um, I just had the worst date of my life, at the worst restaurant. Couldn’t eat a bite. You help me get another type writer, and I’ll, I’ll fix us something to eat. Then you can sleep on my couch for a few hours.”
Watching  his eyes light up, Bess felt the need to add. “But no funny business. I’m just helping out a new recruit, doesn’t mean anything.”
For the second time that night, Bess oversaw sneaking a broken typewriter into the repair shop and taking a new one, hobbling as she led Elvis to her car and directed him to put the stuff in her truck.
“Ya live on post?”
Bess patted the passenger seat of her blue Ford.
“You know I ain’t supposed to leave?”
“So — what’s the plan, stan?”
Bess turned to Elvis, removing his hand from her knee where it had somehow landed, and whispered with breathy excitement.
“I’m going to sneak you off.”
Elvis quirked his eyebrows as she kept talking.
“I, um, well, I share an office with the CO's secretary, Mabel. Who might actually be the most powerful person at this command. So, as long as I get you back in time for reveille, we’ll be fine. None of these guys will mess with me.” 
“I, uh, I don’ wan no special privileges, I wanna, uh, be treated like any other man, any other soldier. I reckon I better -”
Elvis trembled when Bess touched his shoulder and rubbed it gently, looking up into his face with her big brown eyes, now tender and reassuring. He looked to her like he might cry as he spoke of not being special.
“Look, I would do this for any new recruit. Boot camp, uh. Well. This is the hardest  part of being in the Army. I promise. I’m not offering because you’re famous. I actually kind of hate you, do you know how much trouble you cause my office? So, you should know I’m helping you in spite of who you are. Promise. I would - I would do it for any soldier in your predicament.”
Bess said this firmly to convince herself as much as to convince Elvis. Then she added a friendly wink and drove off, enjoying Elvis’ bemused smile and telling herself not to worry. Underneath her calm, confidence was the nagging thought that, unlike Elvis, Bess knew exactly what happened if some rule-minded officer were to find out that she had snuck Elvis off post. She had a good understanding of rule-minded officers. Like her father. Who, thankfully, was out of town.
The bacon and eggs sizzled on the stove and Bess flipped them, shyly avoiding Elvis’ gaze from where he was leaning with his back arched against the door jab, his right hip twisted up and his thumbs hanging from his belt loops as he watching her cook.
“So, uh, what’s a secretary doing taking typewriters uh, um, out late on a Friday night an a bringin' ‘em home for, huh?”
Bess shook her head into the frying pan, then met his gaze.
“I , um, I happen to have some very important work I need to do from home. For the General I work for. That’s, uh, why I have a master key.”
“Uh huh.” Elvis’ smirked, nodding his chin as he stuck his hands slowly under his armpits, and lifted one knee up to lean back further against the wall.
“Hand me your plate, dinner is ready.”
Elvis bounced off the doorway and strode slowly over to where Bess stood at the stove, his long arms dangling loosely at his side. He had become more relaxed and confident once they got to her house, after tearing up a bit in the car and telling her how much he missed his parents and home and how he didn’t have any idea what Germany would be like. He had then muttered on about how millions of guys have been through this, so he knew he’d be alright, though the tear dripping down his cheek made Bess think he believed the exact opposite. Now he was behind her, almost a different person, cocky and teasing as his strong arms snaked around her waist to steady her hands.
“Nah, see how the egg is still all jiggly wiggly, Bessie? S’not done, not nearly. Wanna get the bacon good and browned up, so’s there ain’t no more pink left.”
She flushed at the way his breath hit her neck while his words softly compelled her to make his food the way he liked it. The rumble of his voice as her nickname rolled off his tongue was an assault on her sense of decency, and she let his hands linger at her waist for another beat before lifting them off and assuring him that she understood.No jiggly wiggly, no pink. Black. That she learned, was how Elvis liked everything, and everything was what she gave him, as he ate the pound and a half of bacon om her fridge and her last six eggs.
Bess mused that sneaking a fatigued Elvis off post and filling him full of food must be what made him clingy, comfortable and forward when he put his arms around her as she led him upstairs to the guest room. Rubbing his eyes as he plopped on the bed, Elvis grabbed her wrist imploringly and begged her not to leave him all lonesome in a strange house, in a strange town, where she was the only nice 'lil gal to treat him like a real human bean. Sighing, Bess sat at the top of the bed and let Elvis lay his head in her lap, where she stroked his forehead, and, at his request, started to tell him her life story. He had passed out after five minutes, when she had barely finished detailing how her parents met at Coney Island in 1932, three years before she was born.
Elvis' eye lids fluttered closed and he mumbled, “That’s a when I was borned. Aww, Bessie boo, we musta been babies at the same time.”
Bess groaned as she couldn’t seem to pull herself away from him, and stayed there with his head in her lap for another twenty minutes, afraid if she rolled it off her lap she would wake him. She was cupping the back of his head to gently move it off her lap when he thrashed around and called out the name Satnin. This led Bess to give up and lean against the head board, reconciling herself to a night sleeping sitting up with the most famous rebellious heart throb soldier in the world calling out for his mama in her lap.
Elvis’ hands moved first at the sound of the alarm, roving over Bess tummy and breasts  before he opened his eyes to the smacks of her hand hitting him off her. Somehow she had been pulled down into his arms over the course of the night, and she jumped up, commanding him to get his boots on while she ran down stairs and made some coffee. She prayed her younger sister hadn’t heard the alarm. Still wearing the dress from the night before, Bess watched Elvis gulp down his black coffee and chomp down the bread and cheese she had thrown at him to eat in the car. Loudly. With an open mouth. Wiping the crumbs from his mouth, he put his arm around her and squeezed.
Despite sleeping in his arms, Bess felt a shock and jolted at his touch.
“Just so we’re clear,  Mister, uh, Private um Presley, uh, this was just a friendly, patriotic gesture. I wasn’t, uh um, trying to seduce you.”
Elvis arched his eyebrow, his expression one of amusement and incredulity at the idea Bess thought of her behavior seductive. The way she had hesitated spitting out the word ’seduce’ so earnestly was adorable and endearing.
“OK, honey, you’re the boss, jus do me a favor and call me Elvis, huh?”
She nodded, eyes forward in concentration as she felt him squeeze her shoulders even tighter. She left it there, and found herself relaxing and leaning back into him after a few minutes with a sigh. She couldn't help it, it was an instinctive response to the way his fingers widened and began to tap out a rhythm on the side of her arm. Everything felt good, and their two bodies melded together in the dusky morning twilight for a spell until a gate came into view and Bess jerked up to throw Elvis’ arm onto the car seat with a smack, not noticing how he, too, stiffened with trepidation.
She stopped around the block from Elvis’ barracks and met his strong, uninhibited bear hug with her body, letting him press the air out of her lungs and kiss her cheek.
“Hey, Bessie Boo, I,uh, I can’t, I don’t even, I uh, I hate to leave you, honey, I ain’t even had time to tell you what I want to say, what -”
Bess put her finger to his lips, feeling his breath as she shhhed him. His brows were furrowed and he frowned, not wanted to leave her car and return to the barracks. She rubbed her hand up his chest reassuringly.
“You only have five minutes to get into your bunk, Private Pres - Elvis.” She murmured. “Now, go be a good boy, I have an idea, for how to help you sleep in the future.”
“Hmmm, sounds fun.” A naughty expression played across his face, his jaw hung open and he waggled his eye brows.
Bess realized the insinuation and hit his arm.
“Not that.”  She cocked her head towards the road. “You better go.”
“Huh, usually girls are tryin to run after me, not run me off.” She hit him again as he teased her. “Ok, ok baaaby. I’m off like a gun.”
Elvis face twisted into a crooked grin, and Bess felt like the sun was rising in her car, the earth was suddenly brighter when Elvis’ blue eyes beamed down at her and he kissed her goodbye. It was a light, sweet kiss aimed at her mouth but somehow missing and hitting the crease of her lips.
It had been, what, a year since she had been kissed? Bess kept her eyes closed, just enjoying the soft, tingling sensation of  his mouth crushed into her face. Elvis’ hands gripped her tightly, one hand on her neck, the other at her back, and he moved as if to kiss her again. In a brief moment of clarity, Bess realized she had been fighting her attraction to Elvis all night. It had been gradual and immediate, and she felt very different being close to him then she did when she saw hm in the movies or on the TV and radio. At the back of her mind she could hear all the reasons she shouldn’t kiss him. She pushed her hand up between their lips.
“Um, hey, look. Think we could just be friends? I, uh, I have a rule. I don’t date soldiers.”
Elvis sat back, a quizzical expression softening on his face into a smile as he rubbed her shoulder.
“Sure, Bessie baby, friends. Got it.”
He clicked his tongue and grinned, shooting her a thumbs up. Bess nodded, unable to stop the flutter of her heart as she watched Elvis’ long legs carry him forward as he jogged around the corner to his bunk, pausing to look back over his shoulder at her with a goofy smile as he waved goodbye.
“Fuck a duck.” She heard herself mutter, as she put her car into gear and drove home to shower and get Elvis Presley out of her head.
Chapter Two: Moo Moo & Tupelo
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