#dorian was right. its just a sword!
superbat-is-king · 4 months
I don't know, y'all, all I could think about was how Laudna is starting to give me some Bojack Horseman vibes.
Hurting her friends, refusing to apologize, just-
It's giving
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It's "you are all the things that are wrong with you!" It's not Delilah, it's not the shitty things that happened to you in the past, it's not the loss (they've ALL lost so much), it's you.
Because she was in control at the end and she still chose the power over her friends
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pearlaquaoceans · 2 months
Maybe I'm having a total brain fart and can't recall the moment, but.. Dorian hasn't actually told anyone his brother was murdered by a Lolth right? He only said his brother was dead, his friends were now champions of two of the gods, and he's seen evil in the world. If he did actually say 'Lolth, a god, killed my brother' or the like, please, for the love of the gods, send me a timestamp to shut me up. I saw that last chunk of 93 when it was discussed most prominently, as Dorian took every opportunity to not talk about it because he couldn't handle saying it out loud.
I'm seeing so many takes that Orym is heartless, selfish, or terrible for shutting Dorian down in the conversation and yes it is not okay to do that to someone, but like.. has Dorian communicated any of that fight to Orym? Robbie has said Dorian is the ultimate compartmentalizer, so why would he talk about it when he could just ignore it? So how would Orym know?
Yes, it's dick move, but also how many people have done a 'maybe we hear Ludinus out' even when knowing Orym's story? That's gonna wear anyone down. Seeing the man you love be on the opposite side of the conversation must hurt. I do not believe Orym would say that same rebuttel if he had full context. Same with swordgate. Laudna did not say anything but did try to steal it and ended up causing harm to him and escalating the situation at breakneck speed. As soon as he had even a slightly better understanding of the situation, he put the sword down and said he chose her over the sword.
If Dorian isn't going to communicate his pain and his experience to give Orym a new understanding of the situation, how is Orym supposed to know? Orym often asks for people to spell it out for him, and subtle context clues are not his Forte, but fans seem to expect him to know all the things he hasn't been told. Again. Shooting Dorian down was wrong (I believe Liam knew exactly what he was doing because he wanted that tension because its juicy and he is the king of it), but I'm genuinely confused by the takes saying Orym is horrible for the things he said like he said them knowingly. If Dorian cannot communicate what has caused his pains, how is Orym supposed to save him from that pain or to understand his view?
This is, of course, me viewing 103 through my own lens of my experiences and how I understand and connect to the characters. I am also someone who struggles to pick up context clues. If I'm not told anything but people expect me to know the rules of the engagement regardless, I'm gonna fail. People are allowed to have their own views. I know I don't have charitable views of certain characters. I'm just confused why Orym is called an asshole for his words, more than once, when the conversations being had aren't exactly even playing fields. Again, if there's a timestamp, please let me know so I can recontextualize my own understanding of the conversation.
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zeephyre · 4 months
jesus christ these nerds are going to kill me.
before i get into my think piece abt... everything that transpired at the end of this episode, i would like to say this is one of the best c3 episodes.... one of my favourite episodes of all time. idk idk.
essek? smut? astrid? poly bells hells allegations?? i was already fucking sold dawg. i cannot goddamn believe that this four hour episode was... mostly... a shopping episode. i cant wait for the new art, regardless of the batshitery that happened that kinda throws my vibes off. i digress.
oh ashton greymoore i love you so much. i have been so worried abt them but honestly they're probably the lat person im concerned for currently. the grief was so compelling to watch and taliesin is a master of roleplaying as minus charisma but genuinely charismatic in his dorky awkward gruff and fumbling way. his rizz is actually just blindsiding us with earnest acts of service and comfort for his friends and i think thats so neat. im happy that they're all going to aeor with fcg intertwined throughout their outfits. its poetic and also maddeningly sweet.
(love the little callowmoore moments sprinkled through this episode... they're so real to me)
pumat was fun and i am so damn glad they got all the items matt offered cause they were all so fucking cool.
also??? sugar daddy dorian storm??? yeah i see you gay boy. dorym is so real guys we need to prepare for a confession and soon. idk i get the vibe liam is gonna drop it in the most heartbreaking way. or robbie. they're both sick in the head tbh.
loved the little queer inn that essek dragged them to and the calm before the storm was genuinely the cutest shit ever and im glad they were having fun despite everything. we got the essek and ashton dunamancy scene that i have been begging for but i cant even talk abt that right now.
before i address orym and laudna...
delilah briarwood. im gonna fucking kill you. best believe that.
theres been so much discourse on twitter abt who was right or wrong or this or that, but ultimately the point is: neither of them is RIGHT. they're both stricken with trauma and grief, and motivated by the love they have for a) the ones orym has lost and b) the one laudna is fighting not to lose. laudna WAS worried abt orym before delilah twisted that into paranoia, and orym didnt wield that fuckass blade bc he DOESNT feel sick touching it.
he says its not abt revenge but... god. orym. you want revenge. call it whatever you like but you've been angry for a while.
laudna says she KNEW the sword was cursed, but she was lying or in denial abt the fact that delilah is the one who coerced her to hold the blade in her hand.
if either of them had decided to talk to each other or the group as a whole then this could have -- most likely -- been avoided. orym decided to take the blade and shoulder the burden of what it meant and what it represented so they didnt have. laudna felt betrayed and hurt but instead of trusting orym she was manipulated back into that cunt's clutches.
i dont prescribe to trauma olympics, especially when laudna and orym never actually denied each others' trauma with otohan and that blade so i think its slightly irrelevant when discussing them both.
(i will say this... otohans blade is what killed laudna but delilah is the one who had her in a cage when she was dead. otohan murdered oryms family and there was absolutely nothing that could save them. i firmly believe THAT is what chetney meant, not that laudna hasnt suffered so we can all just... unclench a little idk)
in all the discourse, lets not forget who the real villains are -- evil milfs (delilah and otohan). delilah chose this moment to sew distrust in laudna towards orym for a reason. its like the spider queen and opal. she NEEDS laudna isolated and dependent, and she cant sink her teeth in completely if laudna has someone to fall back on.
imodna... jesus imodna breaks me every time. that entire scene on the roof while laudna looks so much like her abuser -- the woman who MURDERED her -- and having that visage fade as laudna proclaims her love for imogen. peak romance and tragedy.
it was still so upsetting hearing the echoes of delilah as laudna spoke tho. knowing her hold on laudna is getting stronger and laudna has no real faith that she will be able to fight against her. hearing her ask imogen if shes still fun scary and knowing that imogen cant tell the truth. this isnt fun anymore. laudna is in danger and imogen doesnt know how to fix it.
"I'll always love you, Laudna. I just don't know what to do with it."
its uh its not looking good for our sapphics fellas.
anyway, i do think that ashton was the emotional mvp of this episode, especially while shit was escalating. putting themself between orym and laudna, PROTECTING laudna despite knowing she attacked him, TRUSTING that she was actually telling the truth and guiding her to see the forest for the trees and apologize for an irrational choice made through a mixture of trauma, delusion and paranoia.
im... excited? for the next episode? not sure why we keep having really horrible inter-party conflict the day before going on a suicide mission but the hells are my problem babies and i have to accept that they're just little fucked up guys.
god. is it thursday yet??
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ittybittyremy · 4 months
imagine how dorian felt during that whole kerfuffle
Two days ago, his brother died and the Crown Keepers separated, all because of the Spider Queen.
A couple of hours ago, he and Orym reminisced about how Orym put a blade to his chest and told him not to put the crown on his head. Something that Dorian is clearly grateful for now. ("Otherwise, I wouldn't be here right now")
Now, he woke up to two of his friends fighting. Then, Laudna claims that the blade on Orym's back will corrupt him "just like it corrupted Otohan." He's still catching up on everything, but he knows that's the name of the person who killed Orym's husband and father. To put it simply, he just heard that Orym may become corrupt like his family's killer was because of a sword.
And here's the thing: He's seen a real cursed item before. He's felt the lure of one and has seen/experienced the consequences of holding onto one. His brother's death was one of those consequences 2 days ago! And now there's apparently another cursed item that's on his "very good friend's" back. The same "very good friend" who he just talked about the crown with. The same "very good friend" who put a blade to his chest so long ago.
Then later, it turns out that the item Laudna was so insistent on being cursed (to the point of injuring another party member [be it unintentional]) is actually not cursed.
Now he's listening to Laudna talk about how she wants to take the blade in energy while belittling Orym for taking it in hand. (Yes, I am aware that this is very simplified)
After all this, Dorian finally gives his opinion.
I think [Orym] should keep it. It's just a thing. I'm so tired of things having control over us. You two are friends. It was his to possess and you tried to steal it from him... It is just a thing. Its history doesn't shape us. Our actions do. [Laudna's] actions tell me that [she did] not have enough trust in [her] friends... What would it have mattered if [Otohon] cut him down with a handaxe or a stick from the street? It was not the thing that did the action. It was the person. It does not matter.
I believe that there are two routes to Dorian's mindset
Gilmore's Wisdom: When the Crown Keepers discuss the circlet with Gilmore, he says something very interesting. "The Spider Queen herself is dark, is evil, but the vestige is simply power, and it is whatever you make it into. Power simply is." (E1x03).
Orym's Threat: Orym confronted him when he saw that he could hold the circlet without issue. He put a sword to his chest and told him to put it down. Dorian did so, saying, "I care about you more than this" (E1x05).
Dorian's point is a combination of those two things. To put it simply, Dorian's point was that friends are more important than objects because objects are just things.
And before I see anyone else blabbering about how Dorian is a hypocrite because of how Cyrus died, Opal didn't kill him, and neither did the circlet itself. It was the Spider Queen that killed him.
During all this, he discovered that Orym, Fearne, Laudna, and Chetney had died due to the blade. He also discovered that Orym made a deal with Fearne's grandmother "to help [them] do the things that [they] have to do. Hopefully in the next episode, Dorian is able to fully process all that information
Side Note: In between those words, Dorian admits that he doesn't fully understand the situation ("You do not know what you speak." "I do not"). Apparently, this is a hot take, but I think that him being the outsider of the situation made him the most clear-headed of the group. He wasn't hurt by Ottahan like the rest of Bells Hells had been. So, he has the least biased view of the bunch (still biased but not as biased as the others).
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk!
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ilanarose7 · 4 months
Bells Hells Episode 95 Morning After Thoughts
SPOILERS BELOW!!! (This has become a weekly thing for me to help digest the episodes and I'm probably gonna keep doing it. really helps with my episode memory as well)
New favorite Campaign 3 episode unlocked!!!! The title of this episode has been released on Beacon (I won't spoil that), but I will personally be referring to it as "Shopping and Shipping" in my own head. It just had the perfect amount of everything and felt so incredibly cathartic (then stressful in the best way) after everything that's happened in recent episodes.
Let's break it down:
The Essek v Astrid verbal showdown!!! Essek appears to hold all the grudges that Caleb doesn't (or at least didn't really at the end of M9). When Astrid dropped the "Ludinus has an itch in the back of his neck" lore I was thinking back to when they first learned more about the harness and someone (I think it was either Marisha or Laura) wrote in their notes "We cut off Ludinus's head!!!" that was later read aloud. After that convo, that action seems like a decent play. That or maybe the Cadeuces-style Dispell Magic to the back of the neck. (side note: of course Fearne bought the Vasselheim version of the Kama Sutra 😂)
NEW CLOTHES FOR EVERYONE!!! We know there's new Dorian art waiting to be released since he rejoined the party, but everyone is getting an Aeor-ready makeover! It makes perfect sense, but I was still thrown off by the level of outfit upgrades and am so excited for the art!
Pumat is BACK! Well, his Simulacrum are at least. I don't care, just hearing that voice made me so happy. And also Dorian giving all his money to Orym so he can buy the armor? So what if I was squealing?
Downtime at the Cabaret ❤️ The Imodna kiss as Laudna went back upstairs. The Callowmoore flirting leads to Ashton, for the first time in a LONG time, successfully pick-pocketing Fearne. Dorian and Chetney banter back in full swing. Fearne leaving the EXU group hug to give Dorym a moment together. going back slightly but Iva Deshin made Bells Hells clock that YES, YOU ALL DO GIVE OFF POLYAMOROUS VIBES! So many character moments that have been needed in such a plot-heavy story
Ashton shows their head off to Essek! I have been waiting for this for sooooo long!!! Allura had given some answers, but talking more about how Dunamancy and the Assembly's manipulation of Dunamis has played a role in everything going on. While the cast know this info out of character, its good that they finally can do so in character as well
Laudna, Delilah, and the Sword-Shaped Elephant in the Room. Well, damn. First off, the acting in this last hour or so was AMAZING!! Also incredibly demonstrative of the level of trust at the table. Now to talk about the moment itself. The line between Laudna and Delilah has been getting blurrier and last night I don't think Marisha even knew fully where Laudna ended and Delilah began. The cast and many insightful Critters have been comparing Laudna to an addict and last night is an incredible example. The way Laudna handled it was wrong, this could have been a conversation rather than an initial attack. But was Laudna or Delilah the one making those choices? Or being manipulated into them? In the moment, the calm approach the group tried to take was the right one, but honestly, Laudna needs a harsher talking-to like what Chetney did with Ashton post-shard incident. Taliesin on 4SD said that's what saved Ashton from leaving the group. It might be something that, other than Imogen's love, may be enough of a wake-up call to help her break away from her Delilah-induced magic addiction
TLDR: The whole episode was full of amazing moments that were cathartic, informative, tense, and heartwarming. THE PERFECT BELLS HELLS EPISODE! again, that's just my opinion. I'd love to hear what everyone else thought too!
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crossdressingdeath · 1 month
This has been bothering me for a while. What do you think is Blackwall's stance on mages and mage rights? He approves of allying with FIona but that seems more about giving people second chances, and his romance apparently makes no mention of the Inquisitor's magic, and his relationship with the mage companions is more about Vivienne and Dorian's noble status while Solas is about his relationship with spirits. What are your thoughts on the matter, if you don't mind sharing?
I actually went through his banter to check, so I'm just gonna copy/paste some points where his views on mages actually come up:
Blackwall: You think mages will be better off if people know they can change the future? Dorian: Ignoring that that's not the case, I suspect people will use any excuse to hate us. Blackwall: Then you should not give them more. Dorian: Did everyone act like this when the sword was invented? "Oh, my blushing butt cheeks! Round up everyone who can use these pointy things and lock them away!" Blackwall: It is not the same thing and you know it.
Blackwall: No, it’s not that. You find joy in [your magic], not shame. And it shows. Dorian: Why be ashamed? Power should be respected, not swept under the carpet. Blackwall: Something we “southerners” need to learn, perhaps?
Blackwall: Do you have no sympathy for the mage rebellion? Vivienne: It's not as simple as you think, my dear. Blackwall: I understand that mages are dangerous. I know that if I had to face you, alone, I wouldn't stand a chance. But must it be more complicated than treating people the way you'd like to be treated?
Blackwall: What happened at Redcliffe, have you ever seen its like, Solas? Solas: The distortion of time? I have seen magic accomplish many things, but ... no, that is new. Blackwall: Magic has little place in a war between men. Solas: Many mages are brutes, seeing nothing more than a larger ball of fire. But those with imagination, those who use war to push the limits of the possible ... Blackwall: I wish the Chantry could better enforce restrictions against its use.
So it seems to me that he's sympathetic, but wary. He recognizes that the way mages are treated isn't just, but also is very aware of just how dangerous magic can be. Also he wouldn't approve of allying with Fiona if he thought mages should be kept completely under the Chantry's thumb second chances or no, for what that's worth. He doesn't think mages are monsters and he does think they deserve better, but he's also at least partially fallen for the Chantry's claims that mages are uniquely dangerous. All in all I'd say his thoughts on mages and mage freedom aren't 100% positive, but more positive than the average person's.
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mariaofdoranelle · 7 months
The Courtship Deception - Part 7: Fight or Flight
Fic masterlist
Written for @throneofglassmicrofics
Sorry I disappeared, my mom is running for vice-dean at our uni and the elections got me so hyped!! Keeping track of the gossip alone could be a full-time job heheheheh
Anyway this chapter might go to the top 3 most unserious things I ever wrote lol
Warnings: duel with no depictions of violence; gay pining and heartbreak at its peak
Words: 1011 (oops!)
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Aelin sat nestled under Rowan’s arm, both of them waiting at 6:58 p.m. in that forgotten temple. The sun was setting in different hues of blue and orange past crumbled walls, and her lover’s fingers combing through her hair were the only reassuring thing that day; they said, I’m here. I’m here for you.
The rejection of her marriage proposal wasn’t taken to heart—marrying Rowan right now would be a mean to an end, that being living on her own terms. It didn’t surprise her that he didn’t want that for himself.
What did surprise her is that, after all that, he still agreed to fight her suitors. Just because I’m not getting engaged to you this month, it doesn’t mean that I want other dudes to, he previously explained, and there he was: waiting for Chaol and Dorian to show up. After scolding Fenrys for making duel propositions on his behalf, of course, but he was still here at the end of the day.
“So…” Dorian trailed, announcing himself, and beelined his way to them by dodging the temple’s ruins. “How many people did Rowan propose a duel to?”
“Gods.” Chaol coughed, keeping some distance behind Dorian. “I better not die in this shithole.”
Aelin grimaced, just now remembering his allergies—between ancient stones and the moss-covered floor, things weren’t looking good for him.
“Evening, suitors.” Fenrys paced before what was supposed to be the altar, hands clasped behind his back. “As an unofficial coordinator of Aelin’s courtship, I arranged this—“
“I thought it was Rowan’s idea,” Dorian interrupted.
“Rowan challenged you two on a thruel.”
“A what?” Rowan asked.
“A thruel.” The “coordinator” sighed. “A duel of three.”
Chaol frowned. “How does that work—“
“Perfect.” Rowan slapped both hands on his thighs to get up. “Swords or guns?”
Her lips parted slightly. So he knew his way around a sword and a gun both. That’s… fuck, that’s definitely hot.
Fenrys had a devilish grin on. “Guns.”
“But right now?” Chaol looked around, seeking reassurance. “We don’t want to frighten Aelin, right?”
“Don’t worry,” Aelin said, moving to find a better sight of the whole temple. “Aelin isn’t frightened at all.”
None of the men seemed excited about the thruel, but they stood still, waiting for Fenrys to retrieve the guns. Between her three suitors, her bodyguard gave each an odd-looking gun. Aelin squinted her eyes as an attempt to get a better look, make sense of their bulkier build and little kidney-looking black thingy on top. Then he pulled out a bulletproof vest of sorts, but it looked so flimsy.
Wait a second.
“We’re choosing my future husband over paintball?” Aelin shrieked, incredulous.
Not that she was actually marrying any of them, but she had to play the part here.
“Yes,” Fenrys said, eyes hard. “It is an act of bravery, since it bruises like a bitch, and the last thing I need is a prince and a lord dying on my watch.”
“Or two princes,” Chaol added.
Rowan snorted, barely managing to keep his thoughts to himself.
After Fenrys revealed the true nature of the thruel, her suitors had a new lightness on the way they carried themselves, each finding a spot behind the ruins so the game could start.
Dorian even winked at Fenrys, and Aelin had yet to find out what that was about. By the way Chaol’s jaw clenched as he watched, the thruel was heated before it even started.
“Game on!” their designated referee signed.
With cautious advances, Chaol focused on Dorian. The other man did the same, so keen on attacking each other that they seemed to forget that this was a duel of three.
Rowan, who hadn’t moved an inch, sent Fenrys a confused look. A shrug was the only response he got.
Chaol ran to a nearer pillar, firing off a series of shots before he slid into cover again.
“Shoot me!” Dorian shouted, got up from behind his cover, and theatrically threw his gun on the floor. “What’s a paintball bruise compared to what you did to me?”
“What I did to you?” Chaol’s gaze slid from Dorian to Fenrys. Uh-oh. He continued, “You think I should be sorry? Well, I am! I really am sorry I was so hooked on you it upended my entire life—“
“But we were so close!” Dorian said. “I was fighting for you, and I was this close to convincing my mother about our worthiness when I found out about this… ploy to marry Aelin. Seriously, Chaol? My best friend?”
“Oh!” The lord let out an incredulous laugh. “I’m sorry, I thought I was your best friend!”
“You might’ve been in the past, but I don’t love you like a best friend anymore!”
Chaol’s face softened. “You love me?”
The two went on, too wrapped up to notice Aelin leaning closer to Fenrys and whispering, “Should we give them some privacy?”
“Nah.” A pause so her friend could catch on part of their dialogue. “I’m too curious about why they were chasing you.”
Aelin thought it was out of parental pressure like in her case, which probably happened with them too, but it seemed to be also to affect each other. She met Rowan’s gaze from the other side of the temple, and the poor guy looked lost, still in his thruel position.
Dorian soon caught up on his lack of privacy and led Chaol out of the temple so they could talk more, and only then Rowan left his spot behind a ruin. “Did I win?”
Aelin sighed, a fake wondrous look on her face. “My hero,” she joked.
He laughed and tugged her to him, trailing pecks from her face down her neck.
“You won the last round,” Aelin admitted before picking up Dorian’s gun from the floor. “Wanna lose the next one?”
His eyes glinted with amusement. “Do you want to lose it?”
They had been on dates—as much as a hard-working outcast prince and a sheltered heiress could within the span of twelve days—but none of them were as interesting as paintball at an abandoned temple.
“Hey!” Fenrys shouted, running their way. “I wanna play too!”
A/N: i can’t believe that it's finally me and you and you and me just us and your friend Steve DODODODODODODO STEVE
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @mariaofdoranelle-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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nanierose · 4 months
Same anon from earlier I just wanted to clarify I think I worded part of my earlier ask wrong I wasn’t trying to say it was Orym’s responsibility to deal with Laudna’s emotions just that he as a character, his personality, he is the type to try to put the weight of everyone on himself trying to keep the time bombs on his team stable losing FCG forced him to shut down in a way he doesn’t have the emotional energy to do anything but try to keep himself together.
You’re very right about how little orym knows of magic. I was thinking of how he would know delilah is just a general danger but now I’m thinking other than Imogen does anyone on the team actually get that the trade off of Laudna’s deal for power is herself.
I also want to clarify, I don’t think the sword is maybe cursed because of Delilah but because of what Chet saw. A person doesn’t usually kill their sword’s maker unless their is something very specific about it they want hidden IF it is cursed I think it’s just something that amplifies the preexisting violent nature in its user not something that controls them the way Laudna was saying.
No worries, hard to put things across in text sometimes.
With regards to Orym usually carrying the weight that's true, but I think in these specific circumstances he was more focused on the fact he'd been attacked without warning. Plus Dorian had just said earlier that night he would help carry the load, so I don't think it's a sign he's emotionally shutting down. I would say it's a sign he's feeling more comfortable showing his true feelings because he doesn't consider himself alone anymore.
And yeah Laudna has never really clarified what Delilah's giving power actually does, though they probably have an inkling now.
For the sword, I wouldn't necessarily agree that because the maker was killed it suggests something potentially cursed or an innate amplification about it. It's a pretty common trope for sword-makers to be killed because of its properties, or because the buyer doesn't want anyone to know they have a weapon. I would say its base magical properties are enough for someone to think murder is the way to go. With it having a long history of violence, I would venture that it gained a notoriety that unsavoury people would covet its power. Plus Identify would probably have said if it amplified its users violent tendencies, although it is a possibility Matt kept that hidden. Either way Delilah was clearly manipulating the hell out of Laudna so I side on the idea that it isn't cursed, just a powerful blade.
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blarrghe · 4 months
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Rating: M | Category: M/M | Words: 41,947 | Chapters 19/29
Read from the beginning
When Magister Dorian Pavus' expedition meets unexpectedly with a clan of unhappy Dalish elves, First Taren Lavellan may be the unhappiest among them. Unhappier still to be put to the task of helping to see his quest through. This is the tale of how a fortnight in the forests of the Free Marches can change everything.
Chapter 19: Love Or Something Like It
It was not a welcoming space, even if it had the look of once being a place of rest and study. Everything was made of hard, grey stone. Stone tablets leaned crumbling on the walls, and the faces of engravings and murals that might have once been brilliant were chipped, dull, and unreadable. Bits of gold plating and rusty, faded reds glimmered here and there, implying a past of vibrant colour in the frescoes. The stone benches were pale with layers of dust, and the wrought iron candle holders on the tables had long since lost their wicks, leaving behind only cold, hard nubs of spent wax. 
“And you said something about spiders?” 
Taren followed the Magister’s unhappy gaze. Cobwebs tented the corners of the dark stone-built chamber. Abnormally large cobwebs, with an ominous collection of bones and swords left piled beneath them as though they were just part of the rubble. At least the bones were dusty and ancient, and the webs seemed thin and abandoned. 
“I’ve only seen one nest, and it wasn’t in this section,” Taren said. Still, who knew how far and wide a huge, blighted spider could skitter? 
“Well, just to be safe, then.” 
Taren watched as the Magister held up his staff and pointed it at the piled bones. Suddenly they shifted, attaching to one another with tethers of magic, rather than cartilage or sinew, and a skeletal warrior stood to life with a sword gripped tight in one hand. 
“There, now he can keep watch in the hall while we get a little rest.” 
“That is… disturbing.” Taren watched the skeleton hobble off at the Magister’s command, cobwebs dripping from its shoulders as its bone feet rapped against the stone. 
“Neat trick though, isn't it?” The Magister sounded awfully proud of himself. 
“Yes,” Taren admitted, turning to watch him with curious trepidation. “How is it done?” 
The Magister resumed his seat on the stone bench, sinking down into a slump upon it with a sigh. His colour looked too pale, this last show of magic clearly taking its toll. “There are spirits all about this place — in any place that's seen death — but if you coax them just right, invite them to share in a bit of magic and experience corporeal form once more, in exchange for doing just a smidgen of your bidding…” He gestured after the hobbling skeletal warrior, now standing at an alert watch in the doorway to the chamber. “Well, it's mutually rewarding. I think.”
DAFF tags: @warpedlegacy @rakshadow @rosella-writes @effelants @bluewren
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daitranscripts · 2 months
Before the Dawn Pt. 3
Sahrnia Quarry
Before the Dawn Masterpost First: Source of the Red Templars Previous: Lyrium Smugglers
If the PC goes to the mines before the quest: PC: Red templars. What are they guarding here?
PC: Cullen would be interested to know about this place.
The PC goes to Sahrnia Quarry after talking to Cullen.
PC: Cullen said this mine is the main red lyrium supply for Samson’s army.
Party comments:
Cole: There are templars ahead. Red inside.
Iron Bull: I’d expect guards. Big ones.
Cassandra: No doubt it will be well-protected.
Varric: I’ll watch for company.
Sera: So there will be guards and yelling. Wad up.
Blackwall: Swords at the ready.
Solas: Expect guards, then.
The party comes across some of the red lyrium growing near one of the carts of villagers.
PC: There’s a corpse in this lyrium!
Party comments:
Vivienne: So that’s how the red templars created it so quickly. Blood, to speed the growth.
Dorian: So that’s how Samson grows it. That’s why there’s no end to it.
Solas: Interesting. The red templars sped its creating by “growing” it from the dead.
Blackwall: Maker’s balls. Is that how they’re getting the red lyrium? Growing it off people?
Sera: Ugh! It’s growing out off him!
Varric: It looks like it just burst out of him. Or… her. It’s hard to tell.
Cassandra: They grow it. From the bodies of the living and the dead.
PC: Cullen will want to know about this.
The PC finds some letters in the mines.
To confirm: yes, I've heard the reports. The Inquisition is on the rise, but they'll be a toothless hound once our Master deals with them. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ We stand between the enemy and Corypheus. He gave us what the Chantry never would: a second chance. I don't want to see a single man let him down. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Sow the lyrium. Let it follow where we walk, take root where we settle. Never forget that your footsteps - yours - mark Corypheus's path to victory.
PC: I’ve found a letter. From Samson himself.
To Paxley, ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ I've seen the transformations. It's a horror to watch your soldiers' faces change, to realize they might not remember you day-to-day; it's a sword in the guts. But the ones who make it through are near invincible. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Feed elfroot to the soldiers hurting, as much as they want. Beyond that, it's just waiting until they stop feeling pain. Remind them they spread the lyrium. It grows at our touch; with the "materials" I've sent, they'll grow enough for a dozen armies. It's proof we're on the right path, that any suffering is worthwhile. Remind them. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Samson
PC: A note from Samson, about spreading red lyrium.
To Besen, ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Maddox needs twice the usual red lyrium to modify my armor properly; taking over as the Vessel means it has to be perfect. Have the amount ready in three days, and you and your squad will get a chance to serve as Corypheus's honor guard. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ My own proving goes on. When I first donned the armor, I thought I was drowning in fire. Without Corypheus to stop me, I'd have torn my own skin off. Now the armor's settled, I can march for days without rest, break a man like kindling. I'm finally fit to be the Vessel. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Maddox may come to you to work on my armor's modifications. If he gives you instructions about the lyrium, follow them to the letter. Treat Maddox like you'd treat me. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Samson
PC: Cullen would be interested to hear about this.
The PC clears out the mines of the red templars.
PC: We should inform Cullen that we’ve taken care of Samson’s red lyrium hoard.
Party comments:
Cassandra: He will be pleased.
Dorian: Our dear commander might crack a smile for once.
Sera: Should cheer him up. Shift that stick in his arse. Vivienne: Thank you for the delightful image.
Iron Bull: Wish we could be there when Samson hears about it.
They return to Cullen’s office.
Cullen: I’ve been reading the letters found in the quarry. Samson is making red lyrium from people?
PC: Not anymore. Not in that mine.
Cullen: I knew Samson had fallen, but this? It’s monstrous. We have to put an end to him. Look at these orders from the encampment. That armour must give Samson extraordinary power. We may not be able to stop him.
Dialogue options:
General: All the more reason to try. [1]
General: Then we break the armor first. [2]
General: Everything has a weakness. [3]
1 - General: All the more reason to try. PC: Samson’s a menace. If we can’t defeat him, no one stands a chance. Cullen: Then we must destroy the armor.
2 - General: Then we break the armor first. PC: Take away his armor and the lyrium, and Samson’s just another man.
3 - General: Everything has a weakness. PC: That’s what he wants us to think. But no one’s invulnerable. Cullen: Then we must destroy the armor.
4 - Scene continues.
Cullen: I couldn’t say how. Templars are trained not to destroy expensive magical equipment.
Cullen (Dagna recruited): Perhaps Dagna has some ideas? She crafts the impossible every day. Cullen (Dagna not recruited): We need an expert in enchantments. Perhaps they could find a way to ruin Samson’s armor. [You must recruit Dagna to continue the quest.]
Next: For Testing!
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nathanialhowe · 3 months
Dragon Age OC Lineup
Richter (Ricky) Cousland. -> Human. Sword & Board Warrior. He / Him. Bisexy. -> Lawful Good/Stupid to Neutral Good pipeline (still stupid) -> Romance: Morrigan but there was a lil something homosexual happening with Alistair for a bit if i'm not mistaken. In the end pragmatic and probably evil coochie won out sorry brother. -> Meat? There's heft. Really big. but hes like shy about it hes like omg? am i packing 12 inches of uncut beef? whaaat. ermmm. do u still like me? 😳
Ricky is ignorant, naive, a little classist, dumb, self-sacrificing, trusting, loyal, brave, spineless in his beliefs cus he thinks he's stupid, and will trust people in positions of power more often than he should. He likes it when people tell him what to believe cus then he doesn't have to do any hard thinking. This changes a lil bit in that he loses faith in a lot of the institutions around Ferelden and the greater world but he still doesn't like to do any big deep thinking about stuff <3 He's also a deadbeat dad and Idt he knows how to parent Kieran very well lmao. he used 2 be rlly uptight abt his appearance/cleanliness until oggie called him a stupid rich pussy and now hes like eh whatever abt being waist deep in hurlock cunt or whateever
Batman Hawke. -> Human. Mage. Iforget what kinds there r in da2. She/Her. -> Chaotic Neutral to Chaotic Good probably probably but shes reluctant to do "good" shit cus she doesnt really want to deal w ppl being like omg youre ms nice woman cus she's a bit of a self-hating poor who will not examine her freshly minted privilege ): I wouldn't say she's easy to manipulate thru appeal to pathos but if you're annoying enough with your sob story she will probably Consider. -> Romance: all of them like i literall had anders t posing in the back of the hawke estate while isabela and hawke rawdogged in the next room over lmaoaaa....Like canonly id say its like BatmanxFenris and Fenris and Batman are also with Isabela and Isabela is ALSO with Merrill. anders is there. idt batman actually recruited anders i think he got all intense on her and she was like damn lets ball ok but then he got too extreme and she was like dude im literally; strugling to care abt mage rights rn can you put a lid on it and then he was just following her around to mansplain why shes wrong. fair. she learned like nine new slurs from him. -> Meat? Biggest. like so big shes like which staff do u need tonight babygirl 😂😎 heyoooo and then gets left at the hanged man
Batman likes money and having stuff. <3 She likes beaing rich but she's really tacky about it. shes grubby and gross and is like im bringing wolfcuts BACK adn its like a shitty mullet <3 she goes into situations like ok explain why this involves me? and leaves while u r talking about ur missing wife or whatever. real "i dont want to talk abt politics at the table" type of shit shes on. i havent thought too hard about batman hawke but shes like passively suicidal but very cool about it and is 6ft and buff and has huge boobs and huge meat. she wants to be mr steals your girl but goes in for the high five at the worst possible time and doesnt realize shes actually the biggest failgirl of all time. i cant stress this enough she is NOT cool. "fake it till u make it" shes saying as shes applying 50lbs of eyeliner in the morning and shes crying but doesnt think u can see and she lies abt why her eyes r all red and says shes just smoking pot again. she should just be working at a waffle house but shes here.
Kronk of House Trevelyan. -> Another Human. Big Surprise. Rift Mage. -> Lawful Neutral to Lawful Evil pipeline but probably he was always a schemer and a social climber. -> Romance: Josephine and Dorian do not make me choose between them but if I'm being honest I don't know who'd want him. probably he fronts as way more kind and charming than he actually is and i DO think when kronk is loyal to someone he is ferociously so. but it takes a lot like that dude had half the inquisition hate his pussy so bad lmao. -> Meat? Yeah He's Got It but also if Kronk could cease to be a person and become, like, god? he'd do it. then meat wouldnt matter. (hes on some crazy copium) Actually he's thick as hell and chunky and all and is built like a brick wall but im going to be brave and say he's probably not packing a crazy amount like ricky and batman and if they ever found out theyd tease him abt it cus hes such an asshole lol
Kronk does bestieship with Vivienne and would destroy people's lives to see his allies in positions of power. he'd declare himself divine if it was possible. he's a self-hating mage and loves the circle. he doesn't necessarily have Faith in the circle OR in institutions but he wants to make it so they benefit Him and doesnt gaf about if theyre hurting other ppl who aren't in his #crew. (his crew is very small cus most ppl cannot stand this dude btw). he threatens to make ppl tranquil for the fuck of it and follows thru most of the time. he'll lie and cheat to make his way to the top but he wont get his own hands dirty <3 he loves knowledge and learning and power <3 he doesn't actually care abt money but he cares about status cus it will create avenues for him to pursue evil magic or whatever the fuck this dude wants. type of guy whos like yeah world domination sounds fun i could do that then he's in control and hes like FUckckkkkkkkkkkk im so bored. ok public execution time! or something. mostly he's a nihilist and doesnt have faith in his fellow man. he wants all the secrets of magic revealed to him <3 he doesnt like templars but hes like fine whatever we can deal if they wanna keep all other mages (NOT ME) under their thumb. "circles are great but u wont catch ME going back to mine!" type of guy. i resent that inquisition suggested the inquisitor was a huge Hawke fan cus kronk would fucking hate her new money ass. like shes just so stupid about things. ricky hates this dude btw their first meeting would come to blows and i think he was like morrigan can u just blow this dude Uppppppppp and she was like erm no. we cannot blow up the inquisitor and ricky was like farkkkkk ok. i just dropped kieran on his head again btw honey what do i do ):
Mingus R. Shepard.
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astralleywright · 25 days
how about the rest of the hells? i think laudna, fearne, orym and letters, right? not braius though he's only been here for 6 episodes unless you think that's enough
Chetney sweetie i'm so sorry. here's Chetney
First impression
just ;like. laughter for an hour. that first hour or so after Chet's introduction just one of the funniest moments in the campaign
Impression now
that's peepaw!!! what a wonderfully insane old man. i love him. i'm not sure if Travis even realizes that he made an actually good character
Favorite moment
honestly its probably still him giving the moon box to Orym. one of the first most thoughtful things he did. but also his confrontation with the other toymaker in the Heartmoor
Idea for a story
Unpopular opinion
Favorite relationship
wood genuinely i tried to answer this and then my answer was like. all of the Hells and also Deanna and FRIDA. the heart of the group fr. the Laudna and Chet bestiesisms specifically have been hitting like crazy recently though
Favorite headcanon
he's not Orym's dad. Orym's dad is an actual guy whose last name is Tarrintel. Chetney is Scanlan's dad
i guess i'll do the rest of em too, while you're here:
ranked in order from least to most controversial
First impression
the most adorable, silliest little robit i had ever seen. Sam Reigel you have done it again
Impression now
the most adorable, silliest little robit i had ever seen. Sam Reigel you have done it again -said while crying now
also like. damn. kind of one of the best CR PCs to ever do it
Favorite moment
i'm not original, it's his sacrifice scene. and by that i mean when he and Fearne encounter Otohan in Razora and over their link he tells the others to run, assuming they'll die and Fearne will only be captured. AND THEN THE BANISHMENT. but also his death scene yeah
Idea for a story
I will be haunted by them experiencing Aeor again and Downfall forever
Unpopular opinion
Their following of the Changebringer was in fact them trying to stake their entire identity in another person and have someone to tell them what to do bc they feared their own autonomy! This only really started to change near the end, with his insight check on her and expressing his doubts during the Honesty Trial. but ppl were really committed to defending it as Strictly Good bc they were so desperate for a PC with a simplisticly positive relationship to a god
Favorite relationship
LOVELETTERS... also him and Ashton!! and Deanna and Imogen!!
Favorite headcanon
takes your hand. if FCG had seen Downfall he would have gotten to the speakeasy scene and immediately decided to start playing an instrument. they would have approached Dorian for advice about it and everything. it would have been his new thing, like baking or smoking or having a flesh tongue. i miss them so bad
First impression
i'm going to be honest with the last name Calloway and only having seen her headshot and not actually watched yet she came across as like. an Old Money girl to me SDFDSFVC
Impression now
well. not that! she's actually god's favorite princess and the interesting girl in the world! i love her and want to study her like a bug and listen to her talk about anything
Favorite moment
Everything post shardgate was so good, and her reviving Orym, but I will be honest with you. It's when she gets high as balls on shrooms in the Gloomed Jungle and talks to a beetle she believes is the Changebringer.
Idea for a story
PLEASE LET HER DO UNSEELIE COURT STUFF AND TAKE GLOAMGUT AND THAT FUCKASS SWORD. praying that this diversion they're about to take is more than just 2 combat encounters and back to Vasselheim
Unpopular opinion
please let her be poly and stop obsessing over putting her in traditional monogamous relationships and tropes
Favorite relationship
it might be her relationship with Nana Morri! but also with Orym and Chet
Favorite headcanon
Every time someone makes her fat in their art an angel gets its wings
First impression
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Impression now
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Favorite moment
I have said multiple times that it is impossible to choose and it has never actually been as impossible to choose as this. Do you have a favorite moment of a sunset. Of a breeze on a warm day. It's when she gives Ashton the doll
Idea for a story
an excerpt of the first few pages of What Doesn't Break is out and it is fucking amazing
Unpopular opinion
swordgate was Laudna's anger and grief over the sword AND her desire for power being taken advantage of by Delilah. both played a role, and that desire for power helped spur her to action, but in the literal order of events that grief and anger came first. jokes aside it was Wrong of Laudna to do that, obviously, i don't think anyone actually disagrees, but to pretend it was solely or originally about power is like. ignoring the literal chronology of events lmao.
Favorite relationship
IMODNA obviously but her relationship with Ashton is a very very close second
Favorite headcanon
she's nonbiney :)
Orym haha
First impression
was extremely disconcerted abt hearing Liam speaking in an American accent as my previous CR watch time was almost exclusively C2. where was my littol german boy.
Impression now
i liked Orym well enough but did not find him a particularly engaging character, especially in comparison to his fellow hells, up until their first trip to Issylra. but by the end of that visit I found him intensely interesting! he was spiraling! he was behaving in clearly flawed ways! Liam was saying things both in and out of game that gave the impression he had ideas and a trajectory for Orym besides just kind of like. being stressed and staying the course! I loved the version of Orym we got in Issylra, I found him fascinating, I was so excited to see where he went from there, and then he just kind of disappeared 😭. and Liam started backtracking or specifically nixing many of the most compelling interpretations of Orym's actions then. and it's like okay. 👍. idk what Liam's got cooking for Orym and it's not over until it's over but rn he is kind of back on that original shelf for me
Favorite moment
"That sounds like a threat Orym" "that's what it was" you will ALWAYS be famous
Idea for a story
I would like to know abt his 6 years of traveling after Will died! where did he go. what did he see
Unpopular opinion
i'm pretty sure every opinion i've ever had about Orym is an unpopular opinion LMAO
Favorite relationship
Oh him and Fearne! And Ashton. And i honestly love his and Chet's dynamic
Favorite headcanon
Alma called him a "stoic" child during the Hells visit to Zephrah and ever since I have loved the idea of Orym having been exactly as serious back then. Serious little baby man.
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justjasper · 9 months
Blue salvia from the prompt list for Dorian/Bull if you’re feeling it? :)
❀ blue salvia (i think of you) — “here. this made me think of you.” [prompt me]
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It's not really a secret that The Iron Bull likes delicate things; the trouble lies in that so many things are rendered delicate under the Bull's hands by the sheer breadth of them.
Dorian considers himself, for instance. He's tall for a human, strong and well-built for a mage, fast. He could probably best the vast majority of Cullen's soldiers in a straight fight; not a thing he brags about or tempts to fruition, but a thing he knows to be true none the less.
Yet under the Iron Bull he is as delicate as any other dainty teacup or fragile glass flower.
Both of which are items that adorn the shelves in the Bull's odd bedroom in the tower. It was decrepid at first, the hole in the ceiling only a few months fixed. Bare stone walls and floor, suituated along the battlements.
Now there's an axe embedded in the old but sturdy wooden bedframe, a table covered in an assortment of weapons, tools, spare parts for the Bull's brace. There's also fancy throw pillows on the bed and several luxurious blankets.
There are an obscene amount of weapons racked to a wall, leaned against it, various gear in fairly neat storage boxes. There is also a basin covered in an assortment of fine-smelling oils and other accoutrements.
There are stacks of papers, reports for the Chargers, inventories and coded missives on a desk. There are also those shelves about the whole place, covered in little knick-knacks and trinkets; cups, figurines, dried flowers, interesting rocks.
The thing in his possession would fit right amongst them, but he has held onto it for weeks, too nervous to give it to its intended recipient.
Frankly it is a very stupid thing to have let plague him, and he's done with letting it burn a hole in his pocket.
The Bull is sat at his too-small desk, going over the Charger's latest mission report. Dorian rises from the bed and places a small metal rabbit on the desk next to him. It's iridescent pink in the torchlight; dawnstone is a strange thing.
"Here," he says, "this made me think of you."
The Bull puts down his pencil very deliberately, and takes up the small figure, looking at it appreciatively.
"This is Dagna's work."
"Well, yes," Dorian says, impressed. "She's experimenting with scrap. Apparently there was some leftover after you commissioned that ridiculous dawnstone sword."
Said sword has pride of place on the wall, shimering that same irrdescent pink.
Feeling the weight of inevitable embarrassment, Dorian turns away to return to bed. The Bull catches his wrist, pulls him back, between the Bull's spread knees as he turns in the seat.
"Hey, big guy," he says, kissing Dorian's upturned palm. "You're sweet."
"Only to you," he says, meaning to deflect, and accidentally landing somewhere else entirely. The Iron Bull just smiles, and with his other hand raises the little rabbit to give it a little kiss too.
— — —
You can find more of my fic on my blog tag or Ao3. also on Twitter or Discord (Quan Tea Co & Adoribull Holiday) if you want to hang out!
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sea-side-scribbles · 27 days
Solas wakes up in the strange new world of his own making and it terrifies him. Ridden with guilt, he joins the Inquisition and begins his lonely research in order to correct his mistake.
He doesn’t expect to find consolation in the presence of a human who wields ancient elven magic without knowing it. Who is way too gentle for an elgar’thanelan, but doesn’t know that either.
Solas, for his part, doesn’t know how to stay away.
Dorian wonders if the mysterious elf just enjoys playing with a Tevinter. He wouldn’t expect anything else.
Chapter 1- 13 | Right after uthenera, Solas is found by a Dalish clan. This goes well until it doesn’t. (Basically my excuse for world building and hilarious misunderstandings.)
Chapter 14 | Solas joins the Inquisition.
Chapter 20 | Dorian appears in Haven.
Chapter 37
Solas left as soon as he heard the song, its melody stirring up memories deep inside him that he usually suppressed. A different song, a millennium ago, reaching out to him in the fade, calling for help. A tortured soul looking for answers. Answers he gave. The decision to meet her had been barely conscious, driven by pain and grief. He had been eager to explain. To be heard. And she had been eager to listen. Both of them, parched throats coming across an ocean, drank up all they could.
It had taken him a while to comprehend her true shape. The monuments created in her honour a century ago didn't catch much of her likeness. Her intense aura at best. She had been nothing but light at first, her will forcing his senses. He had been driven to her. And so weak. Slowly he had begun to recognize her, long hair framing a pale face, covering her fragile hips. The primitive silver garment, later replaced by heavy armour. The feeble body that grew stronger, her song that became louder. Hopeful. Until it turned into a scream.
He had witnessed it all, doomed to watch. She had fallen silent forever. And all that remained of her were twisted memories.
Now he had to ask himself if he should've stayed quiet instead, considering the lands conquered in her name and the blood spilled for her glory. None of that resembled the woman he met, the lonely soul seeking for wisdom.
His answers must've become corrupted in her mind. He had been a mere shade of himself, wandering the fade with her, presenting her its beauty – and nightmares. She had called him the Maker. An undeserved honour. He hadn't created a world, he had destroyed the only one that existed. But she had insisted. And hadn't he been flattered by her? Him, a creator. The new world had been still young, the entirety of its consequences unknown to him. How easy it had been to stroke is pride, because of his ignorance.
Now fleeing her song, he came along an idol that a cleric must've placed there. It was abandoned, for every believer went to kneel before the Herald. It depicted a watchful Andraste, holding her sword and shield, her hair tamed by a silver crown on her head. Like so often, her expression was blank. Divine idols were not allowed to laugh or cry. Anything that could corrupt morals. Oddly enough, he could relate.
Scanning her stone-cold features, he wondered not for the first time if she could be involved in the events of the conclave. Her soul, of course, was gone. But people like her left imprints in the fade, she could... Realizing, he hung his head. He acted like all the foolish pilgrims in the camp, hoping for her to come back, albeit he had a different reason to yearn for her return. To meet her again, to set things right, and if that wasn't possible, to simply say a proper farewell. He missed her still.
She had been one of the few people who listened to him. Who did not mock or despise him. Every time they had met, she had reminded him of older days, better days. Admittedly, in hindsight, whether or not she fully understood who he was, remained questionable. But she had tried. The first human he had met and she had wanted nothing but mercy for her people. She had admired the marvels of the fade and had not been afraid to ask many questions. How it had hurt to tell her that the veil had meant to be a mercy. But time had been young, there had been hope.
What would she say now, realizing that her chant was sung for war, for power and oppression? Her promise to the elves broken? Would she have waited until now to intervene? To save her world?
He pressed his eyes shut. All this time, he had rarely looked at Ellana, imagining that Andraste might glance back, aware of his actions. The Dalish woman seemed opposed to the idea, but words alone meant nothing. Even her shocked expression towards the singing clerics meant nothing. Just like his apology to her. Sometimes, he really detested the game.
“You are loud again”, someone suddenly whispered next to him. Solas winced and stared into the half-hidden face of Cole. The bloodshot, sad eyes under long blonde bangs, belted by dark rings on pale skin. Unaffectedly, he bore the pain that created him. His compassion passed through the barrier Solas had build around himself. “Yes”, Solas said for a lack of better words. After taking a breath, he added: “I am sorry. Do not worry about me. I will be better soon.” Clenching his fists, he looked over Andraste's shoulder. He would find a different place to recover.
“Why? Can you make yourself forget?” Cole followed his gaze. Solas regarded him. His breath didn't form little clouds and he wore nothing but his thin leather clothes against the cold. “Not forget”, Solas explained. “Endure.” “You should not have to endure it.” Solas opened his mouth, but found no answer yet. It's been a long time since he had been confronted with pure compassion. He didn't deserve it, clearly. But he had to say this carefully to the spirit. “My pain is small compared to the endless depths of memory, of feeling, of existence. Comfort the wounded. The dying. Hold their hand when they take their last breath, make them know someone was there.”
Cole looked up to Andraste's beautiful, unmoving face. “You did not hold hers.” Solas froze, swallowing heavily. That was a common side effect of compassion. Bringing pain back to the surface. “No”, he said stiffly. “I did not.” Cole closed his eyes and brought a hand to his forehead. The leather wraps around his palm were old and weathered. For how long did he possess this form? “I can't tell you if she knew.” His voice was always a little hoarse. He sounded disappointed by himself.
Solas didn't like how his answer disappointed him, too. The spirit didn't deserve such expectations. “It is alright, Cole. Her memory is merely a ripple in an ocean now. Let her go.” Cole didn't answer. Solas could only imagine where his boundless conscience went next, following the currents of the fade. Did the veil hurt Cole as much as it hurt him? He had succeeded in escaping it, without corrupting his nature. He manifested on his own. He was rare and wonderful. And most likely, unaware of this.
Solas turned around to face him directly, locking gazes with him. With his softest voice, he asked: “Do you show yourself to other people besides me?” “Only when I help”, Cole answered without hesitation. “Then I make them forget.” Solas' features hardened. “Good. Do not let them remember you, Cole. They would not understand who you are and at worst, hurt you.” Cole's face became a bit sadder, if that was even possible. “Yes. I lost my only friend when I let him see me.” Solas winced again, pain spreading in his chest. “I am sorry for your loss.” The words were heavier on his tongue this time.
Cole looked at him. “I made you hurt”, he said, lifting his hand. “Forget.” Solas blinked. Glancing into the spirit's eyes, he only remembered the warning he gave him. Cole regarded his own fingers when he continued: “A gentle hand, warm like no other. A sunrise in spring, melting the ice after a long winter. He misses you.” Solas sucked in a breath. The soft words were unexpected. “I will take care of him. Thank you. And watch out for yourself, Cole.” “Thank you...” The spirit paused, searching. “...Solas”, he tried. Solas nodded. Then Cole disappeared without a sound.
Solas gave Andraste one last wistful glance before he headed back. Few people were still singing, quieter, sending their prayers to the scarred sky. The Herald had disappeared from the scene. Forming a cult around her was evidently not her goal. The tent lay in silence. Solas carefully opened the flaps, to not wake the patient up in case he was asleep.
Warm grey eyes met his, puzzled at first, but then lighting up. He could see the man's whole body language exposing friendliness and it warmed him deep inside. The sunrise after a long winter. Suddenly, he felt forgiven.
Sitting at the patient's side, he mindlessly offered him his hand. Dorian accepted it without hesitation and only the touch of his fingers woke Solas up. Quickly, as if intended, he closed his eyes and tested the man's aura, as cautiously as before. His flames were more confident now, prickling at his fingertips. Solas allowed them to play for a while, before he brought his barrier down again, content with the result. “Your mana is recovering. You only need some rest, then you should be alright.” Dorian was sure he had seen the tips of Solas' fingers glow a little, but after a blink of an eye, it was gone. Sadly, the elf let go after this. Of course, why would he hold his hand, if not for examination?
“It was the chanting that kept me awake...”, he quipped, nodding towards the tent flaps. His reward came right after, in the form of a friendly smile softening the elf's sharp features. “I can imagine”, the pleasant voice said. “You do not have to apologize.” “Yes...well...” Overwhelmed, Dorian looked around. The beds next to him were empty, his companions probably wrecking every healer's nerves. “...now that our friends are busy elsewhere, do you mind hearing the rest of my story?”, he tried. Forcing his luck seemed to become his favourite pastime. “Are you sure you can stay awake through it all?” Concern was all he got. More than he had dared to wish for. “Trust me, I'd stay awake all night if I couldn't get it off my chest already. Also, I want the truth to be known by somebody else but me before it's too late.” Solas chuckled. A beautiful sound. “I didn't know you were a storyteller like Master Tethras.” “I am a scholar. I focus upon facts, whereas our fellow dwarf keeps to fiction. And I fear it will be well-received in this camp full of sensation seekers.”
Solas shook his head at his bravado, but it didn't repel him anymore. There was a kinder heart under that mask, hidden from a world that wouldn't take too kindly on it.
“Alright. Do tell your story. I am listening.” His words flattered Dorian to no end. “Very well...” he went on, not leaving out Varric's stunt, as the ridiculous dwarf had suspected, and also shining light on Blackwall's helping hands and Ellana's sharp eyes that had saved their lives. Solas endured it all. Only at the end, when he described how they had balanced at the edge of death, he became nervous, scratching his ears. Dorian didn't like that part, either, he cut it as short as possible.
“And then I woke up here, all safe and sound. Is it too much to assume that the Maker has taken a liking to me?” Solas didn't seem to oppose the suggestion. “You sure make an effort to appeal to him.” “No effort, I assure you. It's all in my good-looking nature.” Solas' second chuckle was like plasters on Dorian's wounds. “Now that you got rid of your burden, I should allow you to shut your eyes, before the Maker catches sight of the dark rings under them.” Dorian's hands shot up to his cheeks. “They look...endearing, no?” “Incredibly so.” “Huh...thank you for informing me, my ever so generous friend.” “You're welcome.”
“Ah, there is one thing I'd like to tell you before I forget. Or rather, two things, concerning the mark. Or, anchor, as Corypheus likes to call it. The first one is good news. Corypheus cannot track Ellana, that means we have a chance to escape him, if his blasted dragon doesn't catch sight of us. Anyway, I don't mean to give you nightmares.” “It is good news”, Solas approved, if only a little sternly. “And the second message?” Dorian bit his lower lip and furrowed his brows. “The anchor changed when we were in the mines. Ellana told me she can open rifts now and afflict damage like this, similar to your ability. Considering that Corypheus created this anchor for himself, who knows what it will do next?” Solas pondered. “Did it hurt her?” “No, I think she would've mentioned it otherwise. But it would be a good idea to look at it, just in case.” The elf nodded. “Thank you. I will try to get past the Sisters.” Dorian chuckled. “I don't envy you. And I fought a blighted Magister.”
They joked around like that, but then it was time to say good night. Dorian noticed his own nervousness. He thought about asking him to meet again tomorrow. But that would be laughable. Of course they would meet again in this small camp. No need to point it out. They eventually said their farewells and Dorian watched Solas leave, still astonished by the fact that he had come back and listened to his ramblings. Pretty little lies, perhaps. But they felt good.
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ae-neon · 1 year
Reading Throne of Glass (10-12)
Nitpicky but that's just how I enjoy most media. I'm still giving the story a fair chance. Except the racist Nehemia plotline.
Chapter 10
Red marble, its white veins illuminated in the light of the sun, which slowly vanished as the opaque glass doors groaned shut. Chandeliers and torches hung all around. Her eyes darted from one side of the large, crowded chamber to the next. There were no windows, just a wall of glass looking out into nothing but sky. No escape, save for the door behind her. To her left, a fireplace occupied most of the wall, (...) It was monstrous, shaped like a roaring, fanged mouth, a blazing fire burning within. There was something greenish about the flame, something that made her spine straighten.
Ate up UtM in two paragraphs, that's crazy.
Also the green light is definitely something magic right? Celaena seeing it from outside the castle also now has me convinced the fucking castle is seethrough and I hate it.
Celaena every time she sees Chaol: there he is, I could kill him right now if I really wanted to
Celaena every time she sees Dorian: somehow he's gotten more beautiful. His outfit is on point. His hair is perfect.
Okay the king is evil but he's also up by like, a thousand points? Conquered the continent in less than 20 years, banned magic and then literally got rid of it, lives in a glass castle and has the sword Nothung??? Who's doing it like him? Nobody.
Nothung or Notung, also called Gram or Balmung, is a magical sword from Norse Mythology. It is often depicted with a dragon on it - including here in tog. It is used to slay the dragon, Fafnir. In Adventure Time, it belongs to the legendary hero, Billy.
Celaena is the only woman in the competition. Boring but unsurprising. She's in a fancy dress so most people don't even realise she's one of the competitors.
Instead of immediately thinking to use them underestimating her to her advantage, she's insulted that no one takes note of her. This is the opposite of smart and cohesive character writing. The assassin wants to be the centre of attention. Sure, Jan.
Also, I don't think sjm quite understands the concepts of king's champion and assassin.
The king's champion is a public figure who is basically recognised as having the authority of the king. They would usually be a lord, a knight or a warrior priest - they have to be a great swordsman as they will essentially fight on the king's behalf.
An assassin is usually a non-combatant. They don't engage in much hand to hand or sword fighting. They often kill in non-violent ways. In the case they have a well known alias or persona it's a bogeyman tactic - it's to instill the fear in the target and trust in the client of an inescapable, almost unpredictable death.
Even if people know the name Celaena Sardothien, they shouldn't know what she looks like or where she is.
A flicker of shame sparked within her. What was “Champion” but a dressed-up name for murderer? That's literally what you do tho? That's what we've been made sure to know you take pride in being the best at??
The moderately handsome competitor will get a name, a story and maybe become an ally. The big scary man will be the evil villain. I would say it's childish but SJM still writes characters this way as a grown woman
SJM has a problem with removing the tension from her own narrative. The premise of this book is that Celaena competes in a deadly competition against ruthless murderers and all the while the evil king is lurking. So why drag out the competition to last 13 weeks????
The same was true for Amarantha giving Feyre a month between each trial. It makes the villains look not only less threatening but down right stupid to house, feed AND TRAIN their own enemies?????
If the king was smart he'd pick out 3 psychopaths in his own army and put them in charge of creating a death squad. They'd be more ruthless and more loyal than some criminal picked by one of your overly ambitious subjects.
Is it just me? Is my brain too evil? Is the answer not obvious?
This scene - the king addressing his courtiers and their handpicked champions - does a good job of showing how (besides the point I just brought up) serious and stern and scary the king is. Everyone from murderers to his own nobles flinches and cowers.
Everyone except Dorian. This scene does an even better job at setting up how smart Dorian is. He waits until he knows his father is about 90% through then interrupts and sees himself out. It's a dangerous but brilliant play.
All at once Dorian is reminding all his father's ambitious courtiers that he is above them - he can do what they cannot.
And through the same action he's actually reinforcing his father's favour: the king is reminded Dorian isn't a coward or a follower, he has the iron and will to go against the raging current - he is the only one who could take up the throne and not be crushed by it.
Very well done.
Then outside, he's instantly back to cheerful and snarky. Love him.
Back to them being stupid. Why wait until now to pull out the alias??? Celaena was bailed out, travelled for weeks, came to the castle and even signed on a piece of paper using the name CELAENA SARDOTHIEN.
“To everyone in this castle,” Dorian said, “your name is Lillian Gordaina. Your mother is dead and your father is a wealthy merchant from Bellhaven. You are the sole heir to his fortune. However, you have a dark secret: you spend your nights as a jewel thief. I met you this summer after you tried to rob me while I was vacationing in Bellhaven, and I saw your potential then. But your father discovered your nightly fun, and removed you from the lure of the city to a town near Endovier. When my father decided to have this competition, I journeyed to find you, and brought you here as my Champion. You can fill in the gaps yourself.”
Celaena's third identity has a more fleshed out backstory than Feyre Archeron
She raised her brows. “Really? A jewel thief?” idk if sjm thinks she's funny for pointing out the nonsense in her own plot or what. Cause I'm not gonna brush past this just cause it's brought up in the book. Why the fuck would a jewel thief be in the competition to become king's champion?? That's somehow worse than assassin
Kaltain!!! She would have ended Ianthe and Mor and Amren. I wanna see her and Nesta go back and forth, a verbal duel please. On a good day - a day when sjm is consistent - I don't think she could take Elain.
...I do hope we’ll see more of each other, Lady Lillian,” she said, watching her with a keenness that would make any assassin proud. “We must be friends, you and I.”
Kaltain is already soooo interesting. Her, Lucien and Nesta need to have a passive aggressive dinner.
She glared. “I hate women like that. They’re so desperate for the attention of men that they’d willingly betray and harm members of their own sex. And we claim men cannot think with their brains! At least men are direct about it.”
When you hate pickme's so much you horseshoe around back to also being a misogynistic pickme. Also you're describing a certain someone who puts a man and other men above her own sisters it's crazy
So glad that Celaena, who is actually a monarch, and Chaol, who is a lord from a slaver kingdom, bonded over how Kaltain is evil for being a rich girl with servants
You'll get training...but the competition begins tomorrow? No one knows how things naturally progress??
Chapter 11
She didn’t care that she had only a few months to beat the other Champions—she needed sleep. see, you killed the sense of urgency for the characters and the readers
Again, the king is training and arming the criminals in his own home. This could not be stupider.
I can forgive the dumb shit Celaena does like complaining about clothes because her thoughts make it obvious she is a little scared and worried about the competition.
Cain walks up to her to chat shit, she gets mad and thinks it would have been easy to grab his neck and slam his head into the floor. He's huge, I don't think that would have been easy at all actually.
Celaena and Chaol's sword practice is pretty good. I like that Chaol was the one to catch her off guard with a trick.
Don't get why the competitors train within view of each other though, knowledge is the first weapon of war.
Chaol is up 10 points, I like him. I'm pretty biased because this training scene made me think of Cassian and Feyre and what I could have had
Chapter 12
Theodus Brullo. Weapons Master of 30 years, trained Chaol. Characters like these just existing show how lazy sjm is in acotar.
At least 6 of the competitors were kicked out of the King's army. Why are they alive? Make them a squad or kill them.
Nox Owen. Moderately handsome guy that's been smiling at Celaena.
...and then there were the two shackled murderers. As his name suggested, Bill Chastain, the Eye Eater, ate the eyes of his victims. He looked surprisingly plain, with mousy brown hair, tan skin, and average height, though Celaena had trouble not staring at his scar-flecked mouth. The other murderer was Ned Clement, who’d gone for three years under the name Scythe, for the weapon he’d used to torture and hack apart temple priestesses. It was a wonder they hadn’t executed either man, though from their tanned skin, she guessed they’d spent the years since their captures toiling under the sun in Calaculla, the southern sister labor camp to Endovier.
In acotar the prison is called the Prison and the guy who carves with bone is called the Bone Carver
They weren’t even in the Assassins Guild—not that Arobynn Hamel would ever allow them in. Membership required years of training and a more-than-impressive track record. While these four might be skilled, they lacked the refinement that Arobynn favored in his followers. She’d have to keep an eye on them, but at least they weren’t the Silent Assassins from the windswept dunes of the Red Desert.
I wanna read about them, I hope Arobynn is as cool as he's building up to be. That means not falling for stupid shit, it better be actually difficult to take him down
Brullo is making the competitors do a fitness run. I'd fail immediately. Send me home
“If I have to call myself a jewel thief again—” Chaol raised his brows. “You’ll do what, exactly?” “Do you know how insulting it is to pretend to be some nobody thief from a small city in Fenharrow?” He stared her down, quiet for a moment. “Are you that arrogant?” She bristled, but he went on. “It was foolish to spar with you just now. I’ll admit that I hadn’t realized you’d be that good. Thankfully, no one noticed. And do you want to know why, Lillian?” He took a step closer, his voice lowering. “Because you’re some pretty little girl. Because you’re a nobody jewel thief from a small city in Fenharrow...
This was wildly attractive, don't ask me why. Chaol is up another 5 points.
His advice to her is smart. Play the middle ground for the long run so no one sees you as an immediate threat or an easy target.
Cain gotta be on magic steroids. I'm calling it rn.
I like that sjm realistically depicts the limits of the human body. The run is doable but it takes a lot out of Celaena and she has to throw up in the woods afterwards while seeing stars. Her years of training is the only thing that got her through it.
It's a shame that sjm didn't continue to get better as an author.
Overall still enjoying the read. There's pitfalls and potholes here and there but I can feel sjm putting an effort into this story that has unfortunately become rare these days not just for her but for fantasy romance as a whole. Of course it's also mostly her influence that caused this decline.
I genuinely like these 3 characters soooo much. I peaked ahead and I know Nehemia shows up next chapter so I'm excited to read that tomorrow.
Dorian is my favourite in terms of character potential but I can definitely see why Celaena falls for Chaol.
Celaena herself is really so fleshed out that even her worst traits don't bother me because I can see where they come from. She does a lot of active dissociating from her real feelings by focusing on shallow likes and dislikes in her immediate situation
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shivunin · 2 years
(Elowen Lavellan/Cullen | 773 Words | No warnings)
“Good,” Cullen said, his face clear and focused, “That was the right angle. We’re going to try again now, a bit faster. Remember not to bring your elbow up too high on the swing or you’ll leave your right side open. Ready?”
“Ready,” Elowen said, adjusting her footing slightly and calling her spirit blade into existence. 
The addition of properly edged weapons to their practice had worried her at first. Cullen had been teaching her swordwork for months, but it had always been with blunted practice swords, and even when they’d moved on to the swords the Inquisition’s soldiers worked with she’d never used her actual weapon. It was different, fighting with the spirit blade; she could feel its hum in her mind when she swung it, and the more she’d practiced with Cullen the more exact her strikes had gotten. Magic was formed of words and diagrams and practice—as Dorian had told her many times—but it was shaped by intent, too. The clearer her intentions had become, the easier it had been to fight with her new blade. 
So: as she’d haltingly admitted to Cullen that morning, she’d been worried about the blade cutting through his practice tunic and trousers. He always practiced without his armor; it wasn’t outside the realm of possibility. In truth, she just…hadn’t wanted to hurt him. 
Cullen had listened to all of this without saying a word, and in the end he’d simply said he could take care of himself. 
Who was she to argue with that?
“Begin,” he told her now, and Lavellan practiced the strike again: a modified thrust that knocked the opponent’s weapon aside and went for the unguarded flank. They tried it again, and again, and at last he nodded to her. 
“Full speed,” he said, “Begin.”
They were moving almost before he finished the word, working through the move at full speed and then moving into the rest of the form she’d been learning: strikes, deflections, blows averted and borne alone the blade, until at last he moved through the end, disarming her and catching her ankle so she would fall. They’d done this what felt like a hundred times—it was crucial for a warrior to know how to fall without hurting themselves, he’d told her very sternly when she’d complained in the beginning—but this time, Cullen caught her instead of letting her fall. 
Both of them were grinning, sweaty and sore in the dawn’s light, and he held her for several breaths longer than was strictly necessary. His thumb stroked a gentle arc along her back, a touch she felt through her whole body. 
“Excellent work,” he told her, “You’ve improved greatly since you began. I hope you see that; I certainly do.”
“Mmm,” Elowen hummed in agreement, her eyes caught on his mouth, on the way the scar along his lip stretched when he smiled, “I…yes.”
“Particularly,” he went on, apparently not noticing her distraction, “In guarding your flank; I don’t think I’ve managed to score a hit on your ribs in weeks. Helaine was telling me just yesterday that she would have passed you on to the final round of training if you’d been under her command.”
“Oh?” Elowen said. She’d stopped listening. Her hand had raised, resting on his shoulder, and Cullen adjusted her in his arms, setting her back on her feet again but leaving his hands in place on her hips. 
“Yes,” he said, then cocked his head, “Though—I did have a thought about your footing. Given your stature, you might consider—”
Elowen rocked up onto her toes and pulled him down to her, silencing the words with the press of her lips. Cullen froze for a moment, then tightened his grip on her hips, one thumb tracing the lower curve of her ribs. 
How does he always feel so good? She wondered, angling her head and deepening the kiss, And how did I go so long without knowing it? 
They held on for a long time, separating only once the keep began to stir around them. When she finally settled onto the flats of her feet, Cullen’s cheeks were faintly pink and his mouth was soft, faintly parted. Elowen smiled up at him, her hands flat on his chest. She could feel his heart hammering below, could feel the answering hum in her own chest as her own raced on. 
“You’re very good at that,” she told him, then bit her lip, “I mean…” 
He huffed, shaking his head. 
“I am…glad you think so,” he told her, the words stilted. After a moment, Cullen cleared his throat and straightened. 
“Now,” he said, “About your footing—”
(For @14daysdalovers day 6: Encourage.)
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