#donnaroy are so sweet
ofmagicandmusic · 1 year
So this is what makes life divine - Donna/Roy
Word Count: 1.1k
Rating: G
Details: Donna/Roy, Lian Harper, Domestic Fluff, Baking, Romance, Slice of Life, Parent Roy Harper, Slow Dancing, Flirting, Kissing, Fluff without Plot, Dancing
for Titans Bingo @titansbingo2022
After putting Lian to bed, Donna and Roy share a dance. She is completely smitten.
Read below or on Ao3
“Come on sweetie, it’s time for bed.” Roy said, standing behind the couch where Lian sat in the living room of Titans Tower. She was playing a mix of Jackie Chan with Barbies. A brown-haired doll landed a spinning kick into the other who was wearing a bright pink dress. Roy’s eyes crinkled at the sight.
“You can play more tomorrow.” He insisted. As much as he loved to spoil Lian, Donna knew he had to be an actual parent too.
“But I’m not tired.” She said with a scrunched nose.
“You need your rest so you can grow and be as strong as Aunt Donna.” Roy countered with a grin in Donna’s direction as he picked up his daughter’s toys.
“But dad no one is.” Lian grabbed a stuffed purple monkey in one hand and a doll in the other.
He laughed, warm sound ringing in Donna’s ears. She chuckled at their antics from the kitchen as Roy scooped up Lian and carried her to bed.
It was nice to see him this carefree. After everything the Titans had been through lately, getting this time to relax was pleasant change of pace. Garth had used the lull in missions as an opportunity to visit Atlantis while Wally was still splitting time between the Titans and the League. Donna hadn’t heard from Dick for most of the day and was starting to wonder if she should make the effort to drag him out of the tower lab. But she figured she’d at least wait till her cinnamon rolls were finished baking since they were almost done.
The starry night sky shone outside the window as she tore her eyes away from the cooking timer. She loved the stars, easy to look at in the way the sun wasn’t, billions of tiny lights contributing to the blanket in the sky, just like people. There was a reason she always liked stars on her costumes after all.
Soft waltzing strings carried through the living room, adding to the atmosphere. She realized Lian must have left her princess music on, but she didn’t have the heart to turn it off yet. Soon enough, the timer beeped, and she opened the oven, checking to see if they were done before taking them out.
“Hey beautiful.” Donna turned to the sound of Roy’s voice. He was at the edge of the kitchen, elbow leaning against the counter in a carefree pose.
“They’re still hot, don’t take one yet.” She said, pouring frosting on the desserts. The icing melted in creamy waves, sugary scent filling the air.
“I didn’t come for the food.” Roy said with a smile. “I came for something sweeter.”
Donna rolled her eyes, but his words still made her heart flutter like when they first dated all those years ago. Like she was young again without the struggle of growing up or the loss she had experienced. Things with Roy felt simple--like they could just be Speedy and Wonder Girl again.
She moved closer to Roy, letting her eyes linger. His eyes were glued on her, but he seemed thoughtful. Despite her previous foolishness, she loved him deeper than she ever could explain. Even when they hadn’t been together all these years, the love was still there, beyond kisses and fleeting touches--it was always there.
“Wanna dance?” Roy gestured to the living room and Donna’s ears finally picked up on the music again. She agreed with a smile. He moved closer, a rough hand wrapping around her own as he guided her, crossing the carpet border of the living room.
Roy placed his hand on her waist, pulling them closer. The music seemed quieter now and harder to focus on. Donna lifted her hand to his shoulder, feeling the mass of muscle beneath. Their other hands were intertwined.
Strings faded out as a voice began. She could almost make out the music over the pounding of her heart. So, this is love. Roy stepped forward as she moved back--in sync together in a simple box step, almost waltzing. They hadn’t danced like this before, any place with music was usually a lively club and neither of them had normal enough teenage years to go to prom.
“I didn’t know you could dance like this.” Donna whispered. Roy guided her around in a turn.
“It’s nice to have a reason to learn.” Roy said, finally meeting her eyes.
His green eyes were light like leaves in the sunlight, dotted with flecks of brown. The stubble and length of his hair created a rugged look. It was hard for her to admit it, but she really liked him like this, looking rough around the edges. And for more than just a way to sully her own image of perfection.
They moved in a circle and Donna was intensely aware of the warmth of his body against hers. She leaned in. With their similar heights, his face was inches away. Years of memories flooded her mind, before his shoulders filled out and his arms looked like that; she pushed away the image of how thin he looked during a rough patch. He was here.
She’d known him so long she’d seen the good and the bad. And he’d known her long enough to know all her issues and mistakes.
Donna moved closer, running her hand along his shoulder while Roy’s left hand let go to cup her cheek. Their lips touched. It didn’t feel like fireworks, but she didn’t want to stop; they kept kissing as the music played, slowing fading out as free hands roamed each other’s backs.
Over Roy’s shoulder she could see Dick tiptoe into the kitchen. He glanced at them before grabbing a cinnamon roll and slipping back to the lab.
Donna took a deep breath, closing her eyes and letting Roy’s arms envelope her. No matter what happened things would be alright. In the silence they moved again as Roy spun her.
“I wanna dance too!” Lian ran into the room, now in her pajamas. Donna smiled, moving away as a surprised Roy scooped her up and spun her, swinging Lian in the air by her sides. She squealed happily, waving her hands in feigned grace. There was a twinkle in Roy’s eye.
After Lian seemed nearly dizzy, Roy passed her to Donna who lifted Lian to her shoulder, carrying her like a princess in her throne. Lian stuck her chin out in mock royalty. They walked down the hallway to Lian’s bedroom to put her to bed again, the light of the living room slipping away.
When the door finally shut again, Roy took hold of Donna’s hand.
“Thank you for the dance.”
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of her fingers.
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franollie · 3 months
ship bingo - dickroy or donnaroy
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once i finish outsiders 2003 itll be so over for you people
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i dont talk about it a lot but i do think theyre really sweet together and if i had to pick a man for donna to date it’d be roy
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blackbatcass · 4 months
who are your favorite donna love interests? + why are they your favorites
Is it cheating to say Kory💀 Probably. In my head they’re endgame though<3 like donnakory just have such a genuinely sweet relationship and I think they should kiss. donna is both in awe of and baffled by kory (Thee Perfect Beautiful Ideal Woman who is also unafraid to be messy and angry and passionate and emotional. she is everything donna wants to be but with the flaws she tries so hard to suppress.)
I also LOOOVE donnaroy they are just sweet and fun. childhood besties who are sooo devoted to each other<3 lian loves donna more than anyone else roy dates. I don’t think they work out like long term but I do think roy loves her forever and ever. since modern comics would obviously never canonize donnakory or dickroy, if they’re going to give donna a love interest I would prefer it to be roy above pretty much everyone else
im not a big fan of donnakyle😭 mostly because I’m uhhhhhnotthebiggestkylefan IM SORRY OKAY. I TRIED TO LIKE HIM I REALLY DID. one day I will do a comprehensive kyle read and come around on him. but their relationship didn’t really feel equal to me, like donna is this seasoned hero and mom who has been in the business for 10+ years at this point and kyle still acts like a relatively immature young adult. donna was at actual rock bottom during their relationship and it kind of shows. I think it was necessary for both their characters but I am not a big fan :/
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bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
The Flames That Burn The Brightest
Fandom: DC Comics, Titans (Fab Five), Arrowfam
Summary: Donna Troy is working as a teacher at a high school, and to her surprise, she comes face-to-face with an old flame who just so happens to be the new guidance counselor.
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Lian Harper, Garth of Shayeris, Dick Grayson, Wally West
Relationship(s): Past DonnaRoy, Past CheshRoy
Additional Tags: Teachers AU, No Powers AU, Donna Troy-centric, Platonic Soulmates Dick & Donna, Parent Roy Harper, Lovers to Friends, Friends to Lovers, Romantic Fluff, Reunions
Chapter One: Sunlight (Donna's POV)
Roy arranged flowers in my hair for a picture once. He leaned over me, chuckling as he worked. His wheezy laugh was grating to most, but it made me smile. Actually, it made me laugh. “Roy, please don’t make a d—.”
“Lay still, you’re gonna mess it up… And stop breathing on me. It tickles,” Roy warned me as he wheeze-laughed. And no, it wasn’t asthma. It was more—. It was a snicker. A raspy snicker. He smelled great. It was probably the best he ever smelled since I knew him. Notes of something baked and sweet complemented by a smoky wood. I pulled his shirt to my nose, and he leaned backward on his knees. Smiling. His mouth formed cute parenthetical folds on freckled canvas. Roy was sunlight.
“Roy, we’ve been here an hour—.”
“I’m almost done. Trust the process,” Roy whispered. His voice seemed more serious at that point. “Donna, you said you already set your Polaroid—?”
“You’re done?” I asked. He nodded and stood over me with his camera. “How do I look?”
“Like a goddess,” Roy whispered, and I felt my cheeks redden as I shut my eyes. Roy snapped three pictures before kneeling beside me and removing the flowers. “Do you have a brush?”
I laughed and shook the rest of the flowers out of my hair as I sat up. “Roy, you’re stalling. Let me see—.” He held them to his chest, protecting them from me. “What? What is it?”
“Donna, if you don’t like them, would it be weird if I kept them anyway?” Roy asked. I gently pried the pictures from his hands, and the flowers spelled out I-L-Y in my hair. I looked at him, and he rubbed the back of his neck.
I laid my head on his shoulder. I was speechless, and he didn’t expect anything, but I wish I said something that day in the field. Roy was like that. He loved and never expected to be loved back. That’s what made him special to me. I could never say what I wanted to, but he didn’t force me to try. Roy pressed kisses to the side of my face and my neck. “Roy,” I whispered.
“You’ve gotta go away… I know you do, but I want you to know I’ll wait for you if you want me to,” Roy whispered.
It felt selfish to make him wait for me, but I couldn’t look at him and tell him to go. I couldn’t speak. I wish I could’ve said something, but my throat ached. I kissed him, and I think he knew. “Let me keep one picture,” Roy whispered. I nodded, and Roy returned to my cheeks and neck. I craned into his touch but could feel his pain through my flesh. It hurt, but I needed him close. I pulled him in by his shirt, and he shook his head. “Wait… Wait, I’m shaking.” Roy pulled away from me, and I turned to him. I reached to touch his arm, and he stood up. “Let me take you home before I say something dumb—.”
“You can say whatever you want, Roy. I won’t get mad,” I whispered as he took my hand and helped me stand. “Roy? Please?”
“I want ya to go. I do. Don’t get me wrong, but I don’t wanna—. I wanna—. Come on, let me take you home,” Roy sighed. He seemed irritated. Not with me, but the temperature between us changed. “You’ve got packing to do, Princess.”
His smile disappeared, and I held onto his hand, desperately squeezing for the warmth and safety it offered only moments ago. I held onto him like a child holding onto a teddy bear. “Roy, are you mad at me?” I asked.
“No, I could never—. I’m a little mixed up right now, but I’ll be okay. This is your big moment, Donna, and I’ve got a present for you back at your place,” Roy whispered, “I’m sorry… I’m gonna miss you a ton. I guess-. It didn’t feel real until today.”
He opened the door for me, and we stared at each other for a while. I wanted him to ask me to stay. I know that sounds cliche, but I hoped he would at least try. Or hell—. I don’t know. I wish he would’ve asked to go with me. We drove to my place in silence, and when I got to the door, I wanted to say everything I’d held inside—. “Surprise!” they yelled. I backed into Roy, and he offered a gentle push toward our friends.
Dick punched Roy’s shoulder. “Hey, chump, what took you so long?” Dick half-joked. Roy forced a smile.
“I had to take a quick detour to spend time with my favorite girl,” Roy replied as he slipped into the crowd. Everyone seemed so happy for me, but I couldn’t help but feel lonely.
The night droned on, and I slipped into my bedroom for a break before running into Roy. He sat on my bed with a gift box on his lap. “Roy—.”
“I know you don’t like people in your room, but I’m—. I thought you’d make an exception this one time,” Roy smiled as he gave me the box. I carefully unwrapped my gift and smiled. A plush lamb in a replica of my first drama class costume. I held it close to my chest. “I know we’re a little old for that stuff, but I—.”
I embraced him, and then there was silence. Then there was longing. Then there were lips… My lips against his warm, peach-fuzzy cheeks. Then there were lips. His lips against mine. And his scent was sweet and smoky, luring me in. I kissed his neck, and he laughed his wheezy laugh. “Donna, the party—.”
“Will you stay until after they’re gone?” I interrupted. He lifted my chin with his knuckle.
“Well, I’ve got a lot of free time with Ollie gone, so I don’t mind waiting around tonight,” Roy grinned. We partied that night, and after everyone left, Roy curled up in my bed and reached for me.
We were quiet. It was so quiet it scared us when the bed made a noise… or Roy bumped into the wall. He was gentle. “This is goodbye, isn’t it?” Roy whispered afterward. I frowned. “Maybe one day it’ll be hello again… But we’ll always be friends, right?”
“Nothing will change that,” I replied. Roy was sunlight. Far too bright to look at. Hot to the touch. He cried that night. He waited until he thought I was asleep, but I heard him. I didn’t speak because I didn’t want to hurt his pride. Still, I wish he would’ve come with me. I wondered if we would’ve stayed together if he’d simply asked to come along. I would’ve said yes. I would’ve done anything to make space for him there.
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ambrozians · 21 days
dickroy and/or donnaroy for the ship ask!
1. what made you ship it?
i liked them for a long time but i think what cemented it was outsiders (2003), so them at their worst, basically. old friends, new enemies is also, like, the quintessential dickroy story and that drew me in as well. those stories showed the differences between them but also the similarities, and why they work so well together.
2. what are your favorite things about the ship?
i love when characters know each other so well that it’s a blessing and a curse. i know exactly what to do and say to keep you from falling off the deep end but i also know exactly where to cut when i speak. it’s also the trust, the respect, the loyalty, and the love. it always comes back to the love. their lives are fundamentally different without each other in it.
3. is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
even though i am a big believer in "dick is lian’s favorite uncle," i don’t believe he’s incredibly high on the list of people roy would want her to be raised by if something happened to him? like, if roy is out of the picture, the job of raising lian goes to dinah (and, obviously, her very much alive mother). roy loves him but he also is very aware of the effects bruce’s grade a parenting has had on dick (and how he hasn’t healed from that or even begun to process it), and undoubtedly can see the way dick has, at times, been like his dad.
re: donnaroy, i’m pretty neutral on them. not super passionate about them but i don’t actively dislike them either. i think what would’ve grabbed me is if they were written better? i know titans '99 is usually what fans of the pairing reference as good but i don’t agree. i don’t think they’re very fair to each other - donna using roy to challenge her "good girl" image and roy’s… everything with jade (which, i think his actions speak for themselves) - despite the sweet moments. i do love them when donna is resurrected, though, and starts appearing in outsiders!
ship ask
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danny-chase · 2 years
How about roy for the ship game
Sorry this took so long
Otp = still Roy/Dick, but from the Roy side of things, i wish there was more work that featured him more centrally or evenly with Dick (yes i know this is hypocritical of me, a writer of DickRoy fic to say)
Favorite canon pairing = uhhhhh him sleeping with Helena was funny as fuck actually
Worst pairing ever = JayRoy, burn it with fire, totally destroyed his character 💀
Guilty pleasure pairing = still Roy/Dick
A pairing you want to see more = still Roy/Dick but also i think Roy/Vic would be really interesting to see more of
That pairing everyone likes but you're like "lol no" = JayRoy for sure, but also DonnaRoy if anyone ships that, i really disliked it in Titans 1999
Favorite non-romantic pair = Roy and Lian!! They're so sweet together <3
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jostenneil · 3 years
do you like donnaroy?
yeah, i think they're sweet. to me they're like those couples that don't really need to put a label on their relationship bc there's so much history that means more to them than any one word. i like that they're each other's safe space to fall back on and how they sort of gravitate towards each other as the members of the og titans who don't know how to deal with the lives they build for themselves constantly collapsing around them. it's like a synergy of shared experience. and there's this one twt post i saw once about how the way everyone knew that this one couple was meant for each other is the only person to laugh at the guy's jokes was the girl. so it was a subtle thing, not necessarily in your face, but it was always there. that's what their relationship feels like to me. nothing out of the ordinary, but just something that's always been the way that it is and feels as natural as breathing
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
The Flames That Burn The Brightest
Fandom: DC Comics, Titans (Fab Five), Arrowfam
Summary: Donna Troy is working as a teacher at a high school, and to her surprise, she comes face-to-face with an old flame who just so happens to be the new guidance counselor.
Chapters: 3/?
Characters: Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Lian Harper, Garth of Shayeris, Dick Grayson, Wally West
Relationship(s): Past DonnaRoy, Past CheshRoy
Additional Tags: Teachers AU, No Powers AU, Donna Troy-centric, Platonic Soulmates Dick & Donna, Parent Roy Harper, Lovers to Friends, Friends to Lovers, Romantic Fluff, Reunions
Chapter Three: First Day of School (Donna's POV)
I started my day an hour earlier. Waking up before the sun gave me time to think. Introduce myself to my students, reviewing the roster, and my lesson plans for the first week. It was all I could think about. High school. I was in my late twenties, struggling to redefine myself, and Garth mentioned something about a shortage of instructors at his school. He made the kids sound so sugary-sweet. I told him to count me in before I had time to think. But I’ve done nothing but think about it since then.   I used to photograph models for a living. Teaching teenagers wouldn’t be anything like that. 
I fed Figaro dry cat food and a little bit of raw salmon before I made my breakfast. He looked up at me with his big gold eyes, probably confused about our early breakfast time. “Eat up, Figgy. Today’s a special day,” I whispered. I tried to hope for the best, but I was frightened. 
He rubbed his cheek against my ankle. It’d been the two of us for a while. The tea kettle whistled, and I poured the hot water over my silicone tea bag. I made the blend the night before—hibiscus and orange with tiny tinges of green tea. I didn’t take sugar in my tea. I used a spoonful of honey and a drop of lemon. I twirled my tea with a spoon before taking it to my bedroom. I lay my outfit out on the bed before taking my towel and caddy to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and showered. My morning routine was strict. I did everything in the same order for over a decade. Make my tea piping hot, brush my teeth, shower, moisturize my face, check my emails, curl my hair, get dressed, and do my stretches while I watch one of my VHS tapes. I watched the same ten movies on VHS in my living room. Dick hates it. This morning, it was the 1996 Romeo and Juliet . I rarely watched the whole movie in one sitting, but this morning I had extra time.
A fitting choice, because I’d be teaching first and fifth-period freshman English classes. My main subject was Photography. Garth said the principal would let me structure the class however I wanted to. My alarm went off shortly after the credits rolled, and I grabbed my bag, camera, and keys. It was a fifteen-minute drive across town, and it took every second of those fifteen minutes to prepare myself for the walk to the front office. Garth was on the phone when I arrived, so I checked my mailbox and headed to my classroom. I spent the better half of two months decorating it and rearranging my seating charts, so I was proud to see my vision perfectly actualized. I placed a syllabus on every desk along with an icebreaker worksheet. Garth stopped by and knocked on my door. “Hey, Donna. I had a little something for your first day. It looks great in here by the way,” Garth smiled as he hugged me and set a little box on my desk. 
“Can I?” I asked. Garth nodded excitedly as I opened my gift. It was a little blue walkie-talkie that hung from a lanyard. It was a lot like the one I had when we were kids. “Oh, Garth, you’re too much.” I laughed as I put it around my neck. 
“Just a reminder that you’re among friends,” Garth smiled, “It works. Oh, and—.” He plugged in the charger and set it on my desk. “I almost forgot to give it to you.” 
“And look… Here’s the best part. You can change the settings depending on the range you wanna reach,” Garth explained as he showed me on his walkie-talkie. “Have you seen Roy yet?” 
Roy? Garth never said anything about Roy being there. Not once. “You didn’t say Roy would be here,” I whispered.
“I didn’t? Do you guys have a problem with—?”
“No, I just—. I had no idea he worked here. Did you mention it to him at least?” I questioned. I loved Garth. Don’t get me wrong, but… How could he glaze over something like that?  
“Um… No… I meant to, but we had summer tryouts for sports and conditioning… He’ll be here late today. Are you guys gonna be okay working together?” Garth asked. 
“Uh-huh. Yeah, we work—. We’ll work great together,” I stammered. Garth nodded. 
“Dee wants to have you for dinner this weekend if that’s okay,” 
I nodded and smiled. “I’d love that,” I answered. 
Garth left me to set up. The first bell rang half an hour later. A few freshmen poured in, instinctively looking at the board for the seating chart. “Good morning, I’m Ms. Troy… And like most of you, this is my first day here,” I smiled, “Welcome to English 9.” 
One of the boys in the front started poring over the first few pages of the syllabus. I nodded. “Ms. Troy, what is your policy on food in the classroom? It doesn’t say anything about it in the syllabus.”
“It’s first period, so I’m sure some of you missed breakfast. Don’t make a mess and there won’t be any issue… Oh, and no nuts,” I answered, “Great question, Luca. That being said… Do you guys want to do the syllabus first or the icebreaker? Show of hands. Everyone who wants to get the syllabus out of the way raise your hand.” 
I had an alright group of kids for the first class. The kids seemed like they were half-asleep, but they did their best to participate. “Okay… Icebreaker it is! Feel free to walk around—.” 
One of the girls came up to me and asked me if I had a pet. It was one of the questions on the worksheet. “Yeah, his name is Figaro,” I answered. She smiled and nodded as she wrote ‘Ms. Troy’ on her worksheet. 
The icebreaker perked them up while I set up the slideshow for the syllabus. “Pass them up and return to your desks,” I gently commanded. After we settled, I explained the classroom rules, and we wrote a journal based on a prompt. Some of the kids read theirs aloud. One of the girls wrote a compelling short story about a bird that people-watched. It was a solemn tale of loneliness and miscommunication. It was a beautiful start to my teaching career. 
The dismissal bell rang, and I let them leave. During that time, I immediately set up the next class’s syllabi and seating chart. Photography . My wheelhouse. I looked through my photographs and smiled when I came across a photo of Garth, Roy, Wally, and Dick when we were kids. A candid picture of their happy faces from a simpler time. I had several copies of that photograph. It was one of my favorites. The guys had the same picture. We’d been through so much together. A few of my students poured in. All different ages and one of them entered holding a teddy bear. I quietly sat in the seat in front of them and tapped their desk. “Hi, I’m Ms. Troy… You must be, Adrian. How are you today?” I whispered. They nodded.
“D—? Do I have to put him away?” they whispered. I shook my head. 
“I’m nervous today, too… The icebreaker isn’t graded. It’s just something you can do if you’re comfortable. It’s not for everyone,” I reassured them. They handed me a note. 
“I’m a boy… My dad’s still getting used to it, so he calls me a she a few times… But—.” 
I looked at him and nodded. “Understood… Should I read it now?” I questioned. 
“Mhm,” Adrian whispered. I smiled and nodded. 
“I’ll give you some space while I read your father’s note at my desk. Is that alright?” I asked. Adrian nodded.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 8 months
Bloody Valentines
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Young Justice 98, Titans, GL Corps, Legion of Super Heroes, Flashfam, New Gods, Shadowpact, Superfam
Summary: 90s vampire slasher AU
Chapters: 9/?
Characters: Dick Grayson, Joseph Wilson, Jason Todd, Charley Parker, Zatanna, Eddie Bloomberg, Daniel Cassidy, Chester Williams DC, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Lilith Clay, Raven Roth, Kole Weathers, Bette Kane, Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Jenni Ognats, Bart Allen, Virgil Hawkins, Richie Foley, Ayla Ranzz, Zoe Saugin, Rol Purtha, Darla Aquista, Lori Zechlin, Hal Jordan, Helen Jordan II, Orion DC, Lightray DC, Jonathan Lane Kent, Conner Kent, Mia Kent, Roxy Leech, Kara Danvers, Chris Kent, Thara Ak-Var, Match DC, Thaddeus Thawne
Relationships: DickJoey, Daniel Cassidy/Zatanna, DonnaRoy, Jenni Ognats/Virgil Hawkins, Raven/Lilith Clay, Lightrion, MatchThad
Additional Tags: POV First Person, Unreliable Narrator(s), Vampires, No Capes AU, 90s Slasher AU, Homoeroticism, Horror, Slasher
Chapter Nine: The First Blood (Laney's POV)
Kara wanted to take us on a family trip like the El family did in the old country. Mom and Dad were out of town with Jon, so it was my sister, my brothers, their partners, and me. My little brother, Chris’s girlfriend from the Kryptonian cultural club at his high school. They’re old-fashioned, cute high school sweethearts. Sugary-sweet and almost nauseatingly innocent. They’ve been friends since they were twelve, and this is their first real trip as more than friends. I was surprised her parents let her go, but our family was famous back home in Krypton. 
Conner didn’t bring a date, but he did bring Roxy. She saved his life when he needed a kidney a few years ago. Now, Roxy’s our honorary sister. She also happens to be a cop. Or a cop in training. They whispered the whole car ride about something, but I couldn’t hear. It seemed like they were arguing. 
Match came with his weird little blonde boyfriend. He came out to Mom and Dad last year, so we couldn’t judge his partners. Between you and me, I don’t think anyone would mind him dating boys if he didn’t pick such strange guys. Oh… His boyfriend’s name is Thad. And I know we call my brother Match or whatever, but his name is Max. Match is just a nickname. His boyfriend’s given name was Thaddeus. I’m not judging the guy, but he could’ve been more friendly when he met us.
Kara, Mia, and I didn’t bring anyone, which was nice. We took turns driving, but Roxy had to take over for good after sunset. She was the only one who could see in the dense darkness and the rain. The rest of us wore glasses. And in Thara and Chris’s case, they were too young to drive. Roxy wasn’t the safest driver, so I sat in the back with the kids, and they fell asleep on either side of me. I nearly nodded off before Roxy hit something with the station wagon. I heard a whine or a screech, and Conner gasped awake. “What happened?” I asked. 
“Conner, I think I hit something—.” 
“I’m Laney,” I answered. Oh, yeah. Match, Conner, and I are identical triplets. I don’t feel like we’re that identical. Conner always kept his hair curly and had earrings. Match is bulkier than both of us. And me… I almost lost complete sight in my left eye after a fight our sophomore year, so it was duller and weaker than my right one. “What’d you hit?” I was almost angry because it scared me awake. 
“I don’t know. I’ll get out and see—.” 
“It’s pitch black out there. I’ll get out and look,” Conner interrupted. I climbed from the backseat and followed Conner out. Conner covered his mouth and turned away. 
“Don’t throw up,” I warned him. Conner was the most sensitive of the three of us. He cried at movies and lived for the sake of romance while being the coolest of us. But he was no help when it came to things like this. “Conner, look at me. Do not—.” Conner gagged. “Stop.” 
“It’s still alive,” Conner whimpered. 
I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Go get Match,” I replied. Conner obeyed. I was the oldest of the three of us. It was me, then Conner, and Match. Match was a surprise. Match got out of the car and gave me a pair of gloves. “What are—?” 
Match put his gloves on and pointed toward the injured animal in the road. I followed him. When we approached the animal, a car stopped in the middle of the road and offered to help. “No, thanks! Can you get around?” I asked. He nodded and got in his car. “Come on, Match. We gotta move this dog out of the road—.”
“No… Coyote,” Match whispered. I took my pocket knife out and shut my eyes. I had to do it a few times before when we were kids. I didn’t like to talk about it. “Laney?” 
“I’m okay. Let’s get it out of the road,” I commanded. We carried it to the side of the road, took off our gloves, and got in the car. Conner glanced at us and pressed his palms to his eyelids. “Don’t you dare throw up in this car.” I didn’t like vomit… Okay? 
“Was it quick?” Conner asked. 
“Yeah. Let’s go,” I answered. Roxy nodded and kept on the path to our cabin. Match and Thad got the master bedroom. The girls shared a room, and I shared a room with Conner and Chris. Our room had three beds, so we didn’t have to share one. I went straight to bed, but the thunderstorm woke me up. Actually… Chris woke me up. He shoved me awake. Chris didn’t mean to be rough. He was always unnaturally strong for a little kid. 
“What’s the matter?” I whispered. 
“Well—. Laney, can I—?” Chris jolted when lightning struck, and I nodded. 
“Get in. It’s okay,” I replied, “It’s alright.” He lay his head on my shoulder, and I kissed his forehead. I wasn’t soft with anyone but him. “Hey, it’s okay. One-one-thousand… Two-one-thousand. Three-one-thousand. Four-one-thousand—.” Thunder and lightning. Chris turned toward me. “It’s alright. Lay down. I’ve got you.” 
Chris scrunched down in the bed. It wasn’t until he closed his eyes that I realized… Conner wasn’t in his bed. “Chris? Christopher? Christopher, where’s Conner?” I asked. 
“I don’t know… Conner was leaving when I woke up,” Chris whispered, “I thought he had to go to the bathroom or somethin’.” 
“Alright… Well, I guess Conner will be back in a little while,” I replied, “Go on. Go to sleep.” 
I lay awake, waiting for Conner. It was almost thirty minutes before Conner returned, soaking wet. “Conner? Conner, what the hell are you doing?” I asked. I was careful not to wake Chris.
“I don’t—.” Conner shivered, and I left the bed to look for a towel to wrap around him. “I don’t remember. Laney, don’t tell anyone, please.” 
“I won’t… Go shower and put something warm on,” I commanded. There was a time when Conner was the confident one. I don’t know what happened to him, but I miss the bubbly person he used to be. He was still the same old Conner to everyone else, but they don’t know him like I do. It’s fake. Something changed when we were teenagers. 
Oh! The sleepwalking. That was new. Conner started climbing out of bed in the middle of the night a few weeks before our trip. We lived together, so I knew his comings and goings. He didn’t want anyone to worry about him because the one thing you don’t want to be in a family with six kids is the kid with issues. To be fair, though… We were born with our fair share of problems. 
No one thought we’d make it when we were born. We were misdiagnosed with a terminal illness, poked and prodded for years until a doctor found out what was wrong. It was rare but treatable… Which meant the years of painful tests and hospital stays were pointless. We came out of it okay, but there was permanent damage for all of us. It messed up my central nervous system, and sometimes I shake. I don’t know why, but I do. Conner’s kidneys were fucked… And Match. He died and came back. He had it the worst. When he was dead, he ended up with permanent brain damage. Or at least we think it’s permanent. Match had years of speech therapy before he could form sentences again… And even then, it’s no more than two or three words at a time. Anyway… I waited for Conner to return from his shower. I made him sleep beside me. I didn’t make a fuss because he was upset, but I insisted quietly. Conner wrapped his arms around my right arm. I wouldn’t have slept if he didn’t.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 8 months
Bloody Valentines
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Young Justice 98, Titans, GL Corps, Legion of Super Heroes, Flashfam, New Gods, Shadowpact
Summary: 90s vampire slasher AU
Chapters: 8/?
Characters: Dick Grayson, Joseph Wilson, Jason Todd, Charley Parker, Zatanna, Eddie Bloomberg, Daniel Cassidy, Chester Williams DC, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Lilith Clay, Raven Roth, Kole Weathers, Bette Kane, Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Jenni Ognats, Bart Allen, Virgil Hawkins, Richie Foley, Ayla Ranzz, Zoe Saugin, Rol Purtha, Darla Aquista, Lori Zechlin, Hal Jordan, Helen Jordan II, Orion DC, Lightray DC
Relationships: DickJoey, Daniel Cassidy/Zatanna, DonnaRoy, Jenni Ognats/Virgil Hawkins, Raven/Lilith Clay, Lightrion
Additional Tags: POV First Person, Unreliable Narrator(s), Vampires, No Capes AU, 90s Slasher AU, Homoeroticism, Horror, Slasher
Chapter Eight: The Lighthouse Keepers (Orion's POV)
“They’re late,” Solis whispered. Lightning illuminated the room as Solis paced the length of our boarding house. I reached for him, grabbing his arm as he passed by. Thunderstorms always comforted me and offered Solis the same feelings, but this time of year was always different. Solis stared at me with large, curious eyes, studying me and hearing unspoken words. “It’s starting again. I can feel it.”
“Did you see the others?” I asked.
Solis nodded. He swallowed hard, feeling my eyes travel from his inquisitive stare to his neck. To his chest. His stomach. His-. Well…. Solis gulped. I was the only one who could render him speechless. We’d known each other so long that we didn’t need to speak. He reclined in my lap, reaching for my mask, and I grabbed his wrist. I turned away and held onto my pride. “You’re no monster, my friend,” Solis whispered.
I stroked his cheek with the back of my finger, along his neck, and to the buttons on his thermal. I unbuttoned the top two buttons before returning to his neck, hooking a finger in his shirt, and exposing his shoulder. His hair hung over his exposed shoulder. He wore his hair in a modern style, and I adored the change. I always liked his changes. His reinvention ignited new desires in me, and I let him know it every chance. It was the only way we could break through the monotony of life in the lighthouse. I stroked the line of his neck to his shoulder. “Orion,” Solis purred. I brushed my bottom lip against his neck, my mouth agape as I dragged my teeth against his soft skin. “Orion…”
“Let my name be adorned by your mouth again, beloved. Let your blood paint my lips… Let me savor your flesh, sweet as summertime cherries on my tongue,” I whispered as I reached for the fruit bowl on our coffee table. Solis reached past my hand and grabbed an orange, delicately peeling it between his teeth. He handed me a segment, and I crushed it over his neck and chest. I licked the juice from the base of my clenched fist and sucked the sweet orange from his soft peachy flesh. “Allow me the honor of this taste… And pray I don’t devour you whole.”
“Devour me if it pleases you,” Solis permissed.
I grinned, laughing against his bare throat. Solis tilted his head back, snickering as he placed a gentle hand on the back of my neck. “Orion,” Solis giggled.
Even after sucking the juice from his neck and chest, I felt an insatiable urge to taste his flesh. I saw flashes of our life together in the lightning. Years of longing. Clumsy hands, fumbling with flesh so foreign, yet so familiar. Hands that became experienced and knowledgeable with time. Lips that whispered and touched and smiled. Tongues that tasted… And bodies… Bodies that wrestled and writhed under the moonlit skies. Thunder shook the room as Solis straddled my lap. He fed me the remainder of the orange, sharing slices between his lips. “I’m afraid,” I whispered as Solis kissed me. I held his waist, hoping he’d settle. I wanted him to grow tired and rest in my arms, but he knew me well.
“I would not hurt you,” Solis reassured. His fingers danced against my neck. “My body grows impatient, Orion.”
He knew what to say. The beast within me could not hold back, and I did not subdue it. I could not deny myself the pleasure of my love. My hands worked quickly, ripping cloth away and exposing flesh. His or mine… It did not matter. We were one under the moonlight and in flashes of lightning. Solis nipped at my neck, allowing the gift of his sweet laughter to fill my ears. I could’ve torn into him and eaten him raw. Thunder rattled the shutters as his body consumed soft flesh. He took me in, surrounding my loins with warmth. Our love was quick, but Solis stopped me. “Slowly, my love… Let me see you,” Solis whispered. I pressed my masked forehead into his shoulder.
“It’d be an insult to your beauty… Allow me to ravish you like this,” I begged.
“Allow me to see the face I fell in love with. Give me everything, Orion, please,” Solis whimpered. I reached between us, capturing his engorgement in a gentle fist, gently stroking as he writhed beneath me. “Please, my love. Say yes.”
I nodded, and he removed my mask, holding my face in his soft hands. “Yes,” I grunted. “Yes, again. Yes.” He moaned beneath me, kissing me until his strength left his body. I lapped his flesh clean with my tongue as he trembled beneath me. I had an insatiable craving for the many tastes of Solis’s body. Salt and sweet. Sweat and juice and cum. I could not control myself. I bit him, and he cried out. Not in pain. He laughed, begging me to do so again. I wanted to leave my mark on every inch of his body, devouring him until I found myself in a state of arousal so intense that fire would’ve felt like cool water on my skin. His skin was so soft and tender. Every inch of it. Perfect. I worshiped Solis with my tongue, from his softest parts to his thighs. Firm and warm. Then his knees. I did not care. I wanted all of him. He was light and love and heaven itself beneath my mouth. I came on his leg before taking his heel in one hand and calf in the other. I sucked him clean, leaving small bruises they called hickies. Every part of him carried a taste more intoxicating than wine. I made myself drunk on his sweat and lay exhausted atop his warm body.
Solis laughed at me, rustling a hand through my hair. “I’m honored to be treasured by someone so wonderful,” Solis whispered, “Orion… My Orion. Sweet Orion.” I kissed his cheek and nestled my face between his neck and shoulder.
“Your warmth is unlike any other… Let me stay here. Let me live and die here in your embrace. This is my oath to you: Let us never separate,” I whispered.
“We shall never part… This, I swear,” Solis promised me, “But we must prepare for our guests… Together." His eyes, once so alert and piercing, were now glazed over as a sweet smile spread across his tired face. He watched me with those eyes. Admiring a face I despised.
"If it starts-. When it starts, you should sleep in your private chamber-."
"No," Solis replied. He rustled a hand through my hair. "Lust is ravenous. It devours to the bone… But love-. Our love is safe. Do not forget you saved me… It's not the other way around. Remember that." I fixed my mask onto my face, and he frowned.
"They will not see me as you do. All that matters is how I look in your eyes," I reassured Solis. Still… We both knew no one could ever fear me more than I feared myself.
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