#don't you just wish you're able to say these kinds of things when you're defending yourself aaah
chelledoggo · 5 months
it just really occurred to me:
"loving your enemies" and "praying for those who persecute you" are things that take IMMENSE spiritual discipline. especially in this day and age. it's a discipline i haven't even mastered. i don't think i'm even close, and it's probably going to take a long time for me to get there.
it's so easy to just hate bigots and wish death on them, and that's kind of the trendy thing to do. and it really does seem like a lot of people deserve it. like, they're not sorry for being bigots, so our natural reaction is not to forgive them. they do and say horrible shit, so an eye for an eye just seems like the natural mindset to have, right?
being compassionate even when you don't condone the person's action exerts a LOT more emotional and spiritual energy. it's understandable why a lot of people would prefer not to do that. they're tired from all the abuse and oppression.
but it's said that one of the biggest reasons to forgive is for your own inner peace. if you're holding onto anger, you're not at peace.
the same can be said for bigots. regardless of how smug and satisfied and "not mad" they seem, they're absolutely not at peace. if they were, they wouldn't be bigots. they wouldn't give a shit about the fact that people exist who aren't like them. they'd be able to just go on with their own life.
that's why we're called to "pray for those who persecute us." we're not just praying for them to change, we're praying for them to find peace. real peace. not the fake "peace" they claim to have with themselves while spouting hateful tirades.
and obviously "loving your enemies" DOESN'T mean you excuse their actions. hell no. if someone is a bigot, the right thing to do is to call them on it while defending the oppressed.
it means you have to make an effort to keep your anger, rightful as it may be, in check. it's something you do just as much for yourself as you do for the other.
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transfemmbeatrice · 11 months
beatrice muchadoaboutnothing is a trans woman: a brief treatise
thematically, i think in a play about the social vulnerability of women, having a character be a trans woman just makes sense as a way to provide depth to that idea. specifically, i love the concept of beatrice's view of men being informed by her own experiences as a closeted trans woman (it's amazing what people will say in front of you when they think you're one of them) and as someone later facing sexism and transmisgoyny.
usually when someone does a trans reading of this play/character, they look at beatrice's famous speech about wishing she was a man and interpret her as a trans man, which is perfectly valid! but this idea started for me with the simple thought that i wanted an out and accepted trans character to play with rather than a closeted one who cannot transition, just as a matter of personal preference at that particular time and with this particular text. but then i kept thinking.
as above, the concept of beatrice reading men for filth in the context of having lived among them is great. the "oh god that i were a man" speech is extremely disparaging of men and what they claim to be vs how they actually wield their power. what she wishes is that she had the power that men have automatically in her society--felt all the more keenly because there was a time when she was able to wield that power and she gave it up to be happy, to be herself, to be free in a different way. (here is where i sometimes imagine beatrice regretting ever transitioning, believing that her own happiness and health is less important than having the power to protect hero's happiness and health, because i love angst.) but now that the worst has happened, she is reduced to begging a man for help and it's demeaning and infuriating and tragic.
i also love turning on its head the line "i cannot be a man with wishing, therefore i will die a woman with grieving." being a trans person, dealing with internalized transphobia, knowing that transitioning will put a target on your back, wishing you could just be the gender you're born as--but no amount of wishing will make her not a woman. i think she loves herself and her gender but the play is focusing on points of conflict so that's what i'm talking about here.
in a play about misogyny, the vulnerability of women, and the hypocrisy of men, a trans woman has a unique perspective on both masculinity and femininity both as genders and places in society. (in the ideal version, i think john would be a trans man to mirror this experience, but that would require him to be rewritten to have actual depth and personality and all that is a different essay). there is also just a particular kind of strength that comes from having to carve out and defend your identity in that way which i think fits her very well.
lastly, a couple of other miscellaneous things from the text that can tie in:
beatrice recounting "a double heart for his single one" meaning both "i loved him twice as much as he loved me" and "i loved him as two people: [birthname] and beatrice"
benedick insisting he wouldn't marry her even if "she were endowed with all that Adam had left him before he transgressed." Adam, not Eve. in MY illustrious opinion, this is benedick saying "i don't care HOW big her dick is i'm NOT gonna marry her."
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sunoorintarou · 9 months
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Catharsis: Christmas Special
Phos!Reader x Teen!Gojo Satoru and Teen!Geto Suguru
Warnings: Gojo - centric, usual angst, fluff if you squint, major character death, dead bodies, set in 2006, lots of talks of politics, death, murder, trauma, morals, etc, borderline bullying? (Satoru is a jerk), self - blaming, grief, and all it's stages, trouble processing and understanding emotions, Gojo is seriously just his own warning
Notes: Merry Christmas!!!
"You're weak. Why do you bother being a sorceror?"
Satoru's words make you freeze, eyes widening at their bluntness. He doesn't react, however, because in his mind, he's simply telling you the truth.
You're weak. He's known that from the moment you set foot in this classroom almost three months ago.
He doesn't understand why Suguru and Shoko seem so fond of you. All you do is get into trouble, injure yourself, and make it everyone's problem to save you. You can't fight, your Cursed Technique is subpar, not to mention that you're annoying.
Stepping into battle like some sort of self-righteous hero knowing full well that if a curse so much as touches you, you'll crumble. Literally. That's another thing he finds annoying about you. How easily your skin chips and cracks like porcelain revealing an ocean of Phosphophyllite underneath.
You can't lift anything heavy, you can't fight, you can't help out without injuring yourself, you're clumsy, you're annoying, and the list could go on.
What he finds the most annoying about you, however, is your soft voice going, "Gojo - san, are you alright? You look tired", "Gojo - san, you should rest, you don't need to use your technique so often", "Gojo - san, you haven't eaten yet, so I brought you this, I hope you don't mind".
Gojo - san this, Gojo - san that, God. You drive him crazy. How do you manage to see through every front he puts up? Every act? Even Shoko and Suguru can't see through it, and yet you have the audacity to call him out.
You're a liability in battle, and you're practically useless, more like the team's overglorified mascot. So, for the life of him, Satoru doesn't understand why everyone likes you so much. Even Nanami, his grouchy underclassman, doesn't seem to mind you.
What annoys Satoru the most, however, is the tug his heart feels when he looks at you. Because no matter how he tries to deny it, you're growing on him like a parasite, and a part of him wishes he was as close to you as they were.
"I am weak." You agree, seemingly taking no offence to Satoru's question. It's just you and him in the classroom. You're standing at your desk, bag still in hand, and he's sitting a desk, two desks behind yours. Shoko and Suguru are still on their way, and he's taken this opportunity to ask you what he's been dying to.
Satoru's eyes widen at your response.
"If you know you're weak, why do you try so hard? It's kind of pathetic, you know." His brows furrow, glasses sliding down his nose bridge as he tilts his head.
"I- because, I'm selfish, I guess." You say softly.
There it is again. That annoying soft tone of voice that makes his chest hurt whenever he hears it.
"I know I'm weak, but I want to keep trying. I want to fight. One day, I want to be able to repay everyone for everything they've done for me. Yaga - sensei, Shoko, Suguru, Ken, Yuu. Even you, Gojo - san. I want you to be able to rely on me. I want to be able to protect innocent people like you guys do. So I hope you can bear with me for a little more, Gojo - san. I'm sorry for being such a burden, but I promise I'll pay you back." You say earnestly, looking Gojo in the eye.
Satoru's eyes widen, and he's silent for a moment. Before he bursts out laughing.
You suddenly feel embarrassed. You were being serious and heartfelt, and all Gojo does in response is laugh.
"What's with that? Did you quote that from an anime?" He cackles, hitting the desk with one hand and holding his stomach with the other.
"I- I did not! I was being honest!" You defend, feeling the heat tinting your cheeks.
"If- if you really want to repay me, buy me something sweet from the vending machine." Satoru stutters between fits of giggles.
"OK, I'm on it." You nod, turning on your tail to leave the class. A hand grabs your shoulder, stopping you.
"Where are you going?" Satoru asks, leaning down to look you in the eye.
"The vending machine?" You reply, brows furrowed in confusion.
"You're going now?"
"Yeah? I'll be back really quickly."
Satoru scoffs, but there's a smile on his face nonetheless.
"Really? I'll time you then. You have 5 minutes." He challenges, smirking as he tilts his head at you.
"5- 5 minutes?" You stutter, eyes wide. The vending machine was on the other side of the school. There's no way you'd make it back in 5 minutes.
"Yeah. The clock is ticking. Didn't you say you'd pay me for saving your butt all those times?" He mocks.
Satoru's eyes widen as you put down your bag, determination clear on your face.
"I did. I might not be back in 5 minutes, but I'll be back in less than 10!"
"Hey, wait-"
And with that, you've rushed out the classroom, leaving Satoru absolutely bewildered. As he sticks his head out the door, watching you run and almost slip multiple times, Satoru thinks he's figured it out. He understands why Shoko and Suguru keep you around.
You're amusing. And he wants to get closer to you.
Unfortunately, things never go as planned. And if Satoru had known the outcome before, he would have tried to get to know you much sooner.
Things change quickly when you're a Jujutsu Sorceror. People come and go, live, and die. They change, they evolve. People grow apart, and people grow closer.
Regardless, it's not a pleasant feeling when you lose someone close to you. 
Gojo Satoru had never thought the day would come when he'd feel regret. He was the strongest, after all. Everything he wanted he got. The world was his oyster. Money, power, good looks, everything. So it's safe to say that loss was also a new concept to him.
A feeling he decided he'd prefer to live without.
It hurt in a way he couldn't explain. He felt as if he couldn't breathe, as if there were something heavy on his chest. Almost as if he were having an out of body experience but could feel whatever the stranger he saw when he looked in the mirror felt. Pain. Anger. Despair.
Cold and light. That's how your body felt in his arms. He couldn't bear to look at the white cloth covering it. This, this couldn't be you. This body in his arms, the broken shards of its head cutting into the cloth.
Yet it was still vivid. Amanai Riko running out and finding him, letting him know that you had died saving her. A bullet straight to the head. Pushing her into Suguru's arms and telling him to run with your last breath. Riko's tear filled face as she begged for him to help Suguru because she couldn't bear to have anyone else die because of her.
Since then, he's felt numb. It hasn't faded. The coldness in his skin, the haze of his reality, brain clouded as it was forced to process the events that had taken place.
"Suguru... should we kill them all? I probably wouldn't feel anything right now."
Did he say something? The words don't register in his mind. Was that his voice? Raw and soft.
Them. The higher-ups. If only he had known earlier that they were supportive of your death. That there was a bounty for your head somewhere.
He didn't know why. He didn't know anything. You had kept so much to yourself. Just what were you dealing with alone? All this time, smiling wide, eyes always sparkling, hiding everything behind your carefree, happy - go - lucky persona.
You didn't deserve this. You of all people. You weren't weak. You were sweet, kind, caring, and selfless to a fault.
This was not you. Lifeless in his arms. You were never this cold.
He remembered it, how warm your hands were all those time your fingers brushed his forehead to check if he was well, when your fingers brushed his whenever you handed him something, how warm they were when you held his face in your hands and scolded him for being reckless. He remembered it vividly.
What would you say if you saw him now? The exhaustion in his face, the blankness in his eyes, the way his- his hands were... trembling?
He could hear your voice, clear as day.
"Gojo - san! What happened to you!"
"You should really take care of yourself more, what were you thinking?"
"I don't care if you're one of the strongest! You're a teenager. Right now, you're just Satoru, and you're going to learn to be kinder to yourself. You- you don't deserve this."
What did Satoru deserve? Was it really kindness? Care? Gentleness? Love? He had messed up. If he had been stronger, he could have saved you. If he had been stronger, you wouldn't be dead in his arms.
What was the point of awakening his powers when they weren't there when it mattered? What was the point of being the strongest if he couldn't protect the people he cared about? The people he loved?
What made matters worse was finding out the higher-ups were happy you were gone. The people that had singlehandedly been the cause for his suffering. His. Suguru's. Shoko's. Yours. Those filthy old bags who only thought of themselves.
What would really happened if he killed them all? Would it really be such a bad thing? Weren't they supposed to be the pillars of the Jujutsu world? The elders for people to look up to and learn from. A symbol of hope, something, anything even remotely positive, beneficial to the future of the young next generation of Jujutsu Sorcerors?
All they had done was applaud the death of someone innocent. A teenager. A child. How dare these self-righteous ba-
Your hand falls from the covers of the white sheet, hanging limply.
Satoru's brain goes blank. A pale arm, an empty hand, and familiar phosphophyllite fingernails.
"No need. It's meaningless." Suguru's voice is low, as if the reality that you're gone hasn't hit him yet. His eyes linger on your hand. The palm that patted his back, the fingers that ran through his hair, the hand that was so warm in his.
Before he can stop himself, he finds his own hand grasping it. It's cold. He drops it like the contact physically hurt him.
"Without the higher-ups, the Jujutsu world will go up in flames. And even if they die, there's the possibility even worse people will come into power. Killing them won't bring her back either."
His words don't make sense, even to him, but Suguru utters them nonetheless. The look in Satoru's eye is enough to tell him that if he doesn't do anything, today will mark the beginning of a massacre. And although he feels the same anger Satoru does, Suguru's moral compass, as well as his understanding of the type of person you are... stops him.
"Meaning... huh?" Satoru repeats.
The Satoru in front of him is not the Satoru Suguru knows. The playful, snarky, overburdened boy replaced by something else. Something unfamiliar. Something... cold.
"Do we need that?"
Suguru hesitates for a split second. The girl in Satoru's arms is just as unfamiliar. A bubbly, bright, kind girl replaced by something else. Something unfamiliar. Something... almost sinful. A shell. An empty shell. The existence it harboured long gone. A disgrace to the being it had once been.
"Yeah. It's very important... for sorcerors."
Your corpse wouldn't decompose. The crystallisation forming a perfect seal to your body, and perhaps that's why they can't bring themselves to immediately bury you.
Clinging onto the false hope that perhaps you'd wake up, bounce back like always. Familiar head of teal hair poking over Suguru's shoulder, a second softer set of footsteps padding behind Satoru's, a warm hand flinching at the touch of Shoko's cold ones.
It's sickening. How quiet everything has become in your absence. How the shadows seem darker due to the absence of your light.
Perhaps you wouldn't know it, but your death was beneficial in a way. Suguru spiralled into depression but your words of the past kept him strong, and somehow, he managed to graduate with Satoru and Shoko.
They left an empty seat between them at graduation. Your certificate is still in Shoko's office to this day.
Your warnings and nagging that reminded everyone of their mother saved Haibara's life. You had always told them to never accept missions alone, and it was thanks to your words ringing in his head that Nanami became paranoid while Haibara was out on a mission. This led to him going out to check on Haibara and ended in him saving his life.
It was almost idealistic how almost everyone graduated that year. A rare thing in the Jujutsu World to have so many young people survive.
Satoru jokes its because you took on the unwanted burden and closed the gates of Heaven yourself. You always did. Eating the bitter parts of his food that he didn't like, letting everyone choose first when Yaga gave you rewards, not touching your food until everyone had started eating. You always took on the unpleasantries so that everyone else could live without knowing suffering.
Why did everyone deserve happiness except for you?
Why did everyone deserve to live except for you?
"Gojo - Sensei."
"So even Sensei sleeps, huh?"
"Of course he does. What kind of nonsense is that?"
Satoru's eyelids flutter. He pulls up his blindfold, his vision coming into focus as he sees a blurry image of his students.
For a split moment, he's in high school again. He's in his second year, and he's sleeping before class. He hears soft footsteps approach him. Feels someone lean down near him, but he's not scared. Not even annoyed.
Rather, he plays dumb and waits in anticipation. There's butterflies bursting in his chest, a smile pulling at his face that's hidden in his arms. Smirking at the familiar scent of yuzu and caramel engulfing his senses. He'd chosen it, after all.
"Gojo - san? Wake up, class is about to start."
"Gojo - sensei!"
But when his visions focuses fully, he realises it's been 12 years and his beloved students have visited his office.
"Oh, he's awake!"
There's a red rim to Satoru's eyes, but it's almost unnoticeable. He smiles before pulling his blindfold back down.
"Please don't fall asleep after summoning us all here." Megumi states.
Satoru stands up, and Yuji and Nobara are quick to fight over who gets to sit on his chair.
"What are you smiling about?"
It's today. By 4 that morning, Satoru had found himself sat in front of a familiar grave. He was always the first to visit. He brings a bouquet of white heliotrope and places it on the grave. He crouches in front of it, his blindfold tucked away in his pocket.
"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday, dear Y/n. Happy Birthday to you."
If there's one thing Satoru wishes, it's that he was able to tell you his feelings truthfully while you were still alive. It's unhealthy, but he finds himself uttering the same three words on every occasion to a stone in the ground.
If only he could have seen your pretty face while he uttered them in person.
Satoru doesn't know if he believes in the afterlife, but he hopes you're listening. And maybe, just maybe, you're screaming at the top of your lungs, repeating the words in hopes he'd somehow hear.
"It's nothing."
A lie. Because deep down, Satoru knows he's thinking about a certain place, a certain person.
Maybe in his next life, he can finally go home to you.
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xenocorner · 6 months
(If you're someone who enjoys my work, and also happens to like/support AI generated images, please give this a read? Just hear me out, please. This is not a bashing post, I promise. It's not pro-ai either though. But please hear me out)
This whole AI art stuff is just getting... Honestly exhausting. If you are someone who supports AI generated images, I beg of you, hear me out? I'm not here to bash, to say you're a bad person or a thief. I know it's more complex than that. I'm just, trying to express how I feel about this whole ordeal. I'm not here to get angry either. I don't have the energy for that. I'm also not trying to change your mind. Just, hopefully help you see/feel a different perspective? That's all.
Long rant under the cut because. There's a lot.
I'm not even angry anymore. I don't have the energy for that. But I keep seeing AI images all over, everywhere. The thing is getting better (because of course it is). And I see more and more people support it. And sometimes those people are also artists or people who like art and support artists.
And then I also see artists be laid off. I see how it gets harder and harder to make a break in the industry. And even after you make it you get laid off because... People don't wanna bother with it anymore. Corps would rather cut costs.
And then I see people defend AI images. Say it's okay, that it isn't stealing from artists, that it is just a tool, ignoring a huge part of the problem (whether willfully or not).
And it just makes me so incredibly sad. So utterly devastated.
I was angry. I really used to be angry. I'm just hurt now. Hopeless for the future. And tired. Really really damn tired.
Tired of artists having to justify their existance in the professional world. Tired of people just saying... No.
No, you don't get to thrive. And you're selfish and entitled for wanting to thrive. No, you don't get to feel hurt when your work gets scrapped without your permission to feed a data base designed to replace you. No, you don't get a say in this. Don't like? Bohoo, don't see.
Well, how can I not see when this issue directly affects how I live? How can I not see when this issue affects my future? It's not just a matter of "Don't like x kind of content, don't interact with it". It really is not. I really wish it was, I wish it was that simple. But it's not. Because this is not something like a ship or a trope that one can ignore and not be affected. This is like trying to ignore a dumpster fire in your neighborhood. Yeah, you can avoid looking at it. You can avoid talking about it. But the smoke is still getting into your house. You're still breathing it. It's still hurting you. It will have effects on your life, whether you like it or not.
I threw away 12 years of my life building up my skill to work in a field that feels like it's dying out. Am I (and countless other artists) just supposed to start over? How? Time is unforgiving.
Bohoo for your bad choices, suck it up. Your fault for pursuing art as a career.
Was I supposed to just, KNOW, somehow, that the career I choose, that used to be viable, would just... Take this turn? Was I supposed to have a 10 year look into the the future?
You should create for the joy of creating!
I do. I love creating. I love making people happy with my work. Work I spent years perfecting. It's the most beautiful feeling in the world to know that someone smiled or cried or felt something because of something I did. It makes me smile and cry too.
But I also like to be able to eat. To have a roof. To pay for my meds. And the joy of creating honestly dwindles each time I see people talk about AI images the same way they talk about a painting in the Louvure.
Becaus they do. I've seen people talk about images generated by a machine (built upon stealing artwork from unconsenting artists) like they're the work of God. And they write such beautiful things too. And I'm left baffled, confused, uneasy.
And then I go to see artists, living, breathing, feeling artists, who create marvelous pieces, who pour their heart into their work, who shed sweat blood and tears to get their skills to where they are, who are still shedding sweat blood and tears to keep improving... And they don't even get a 'nice'. They've been job searching for 3 years. They can't get a steady flow of commissions. They're scrambling to be able to get a table at a con.
And it hurts to my very core.
It hurts in a place I don't even know how to describe, because it's so deep and so personal and so raw that I don't think there's a name for it.
I love art. I love it so damn much. I love making it, I love sharing it, I love teaching it.
I think many other people love art too. I think many other people who love art don't even consciously realize they do.
And it hurts seeing art just... Become this.
It hurts seeing the artistic souls of this earth be pushed down and down again and again over and over and be told to just. To just suck it up.
To die off.
Because when people support AI images, they are telling us to die off. It feels like they are telling us to die off.
And I don't think the people who do realize it at all, because a lot of people who support AI images are not bad people. They are not. They enjoy art too. But they are, consiously or not, directly or indirectly, hurting the artists whose work made the data base AI generators use possible.
They're telling us to die off because they already have our work. And they can use it to generate new, regurgitated work faster, cheaper. They don't need us. So while they may like what us, artists, do, they're feeding a system that is killing us off. Both metaphorically and literally. Metaphorically by killing the will to create. Literally by taking our living off of us (or at least to those who's art is their living. Like myself).
And again.
It hurts so damn much.
And I don't think a lot of people manage to see the hurt past all the anger.
I, personally, have grown exhausted and there's no anger left in me, only sad and hurt.
But I promise you, behind every angry and fighting and barking and bitting artists there is out there, there's hurt. There's some form of hurt behind each and every one of them. Of us.
I really hope this reaches the right people. Whether that be a fellow artists struggling to get their feelings into words to let them know they're not alone. Or someone who supports AI images, and supports artists too, and can maybe get a glimpse into a side of this whole issue. Not necessarily to change their mind but, maybe help them understand better where all the anger from artists may be coming from.
Please, I'm not here to start any fights or debates. I really am not. I just need to get this sort of thing out there, because I think talking about it is important.
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kawaiioni · 5 months
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I wanted to be cringe and draw King Magnifico.. (not a redesign, just wanted to get him out of that ugly stank ass outfit of his, like do my man a favor)
Also, just a warning, a rant is in coming
Regarding Wish
I watched Wish a while back- and it's been on my mind since then. Now, you're probably asking yourself "wow! They must've liked this movie so much that they are still thinking of it," WRONG. This movie, singlehandedly, was the worst Disney film I have ever seen with my own two eyes..
How your movie gonna feel like a million things happened and nothing at the same time? How are you all flopping after making classic after classic? 
I know that a lot of Disney fans currently are claiming that the movie wasn't that bad, but by saying that.. you're still saying it had something bad in it and let's be honest, it was everything from music, art, story, etc.
I don't like being negative though, so let's talk about one thing that I did like.. that being King Magnifico. [The crowd boos]
Now, I hate to defend a man whose villain song made my ears bleed but I gotta— since through the whole story I was cheering for Homie. In a way, he had a point to fear who gets their wish granted but at the same time, it wasn't correct he was keeping them for himself, duh. This right here could have served us enough content to make an interesting premise, let's be honest.. wishing upon a star doesn't do shit, but in the same context.. let people still try to achieve their dreams. (The princess and the frog did this.) 
Overall, I wouldn't have minded all too much if they had redeemed Magnifico— his bad qualities which are having the biggest ego, being a narcissist, could have led to an interesting story where he learns to be more humble but at the same time, kind. Even then, being kind was something we saw him doing.. he carried a heavy burden of wanting to appease all of the kingdom goers. That in a way, it was hard not to feel sorry when he lowers the curtain to unveil a man who is accustomed to being used as a genie rather than being able to form meaningful connections with people.
In a way, his character (as well as everyone else's character in this movie) felt like wasted potential. If this is the way that every single original IP of Disney is going to be, then someone needs to pull the plug because I cannot sit through another Wish.
TLDNR: King Magnifico felt like he had multiple personality disorder in this film because it seemed like he was good then bad— but also, King Magnifico had a point and subsequently was then jumped on camera and ended up on world star.
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mlmxreader · 4 months
Dragon's Countryman | Thorin x gn!reader
↳ ❝ Thorin
Soulmates ❞
: ̗̀➛ Thorin has a difficult time accepting the fact that his soulmate is from a land that accepts and protects a dragon.
trigger warnings : ̗̀➛ usage of words such as "countryman" & "handsome"
The night was cold, with great winds billowing loudly and rattling the windows sharply, creating a harsh and distinct clattering sound that was all but inescapable; but Dwarves were a tough lot, and as most of them settled down for the night amongst the various rooms, Thorin found himself in a little bit of a predicament.
He watched the stars closely, as if asking them for an answer, as his thumb gently traced over the bright, vivid red dragon scale; for as long as he could remember, it was always said that you and him were soulmates - but how could that be so?
The Dragon's countryman, the one who heavily defended it even when descended into darkness. His soulmate.
It was laughable. It was ridiculous. Thorin was going to slay a dragon, not become an ally to one - regardless of if you were his soulmate. Thorin did not care if that dragon was different from Smaug - the tales of it being fair, kind, and a protector of its countrymen were little more than a child's story... even though you were living proof.
No, Thorin couldn't go through with it, and he knew he wouldn't either. Quickly, he stuffed the scale into his pocket, almost as if it had offended him with its almost glaring bright red hue.
But then, there was a hand on his shoulder and a polite hum. A request to sit beside him, which he allowed when he met your gaze for a brief moment; there was no doubt to him that you were handsome, and your courage and fairness weren't exactly things he looked past, either.
But you were a countryman of a dragon.
"Mind if I ask why you're up so late?"
Thorin glanced at you, then turned his gaze back to the stars with a sharp huff. "Soulmates."
You nodded slowly. "Aye."
"How?" He asked, his voice so low and grumbling that it really was the same as a dragon's yawn.
But you could only find it in yourself to shrug as you hummed softly, shaking your head. It was difficult to think around him; the noble, bruised but hopeful, stern would-be king. A lethally loyal, harshly fierce, warrior in his own right; yet with such gorgeous intelligene, and gentle words.
"I wouldn't know," you admitted. "I suppose you'd best ask Gandalf, more than anyone else... he'd know. Wizards always know these things."
"They do?" He was hardly questioning you, but so lost for words that he had no idea what else to say.
You nodded. "They do. Myrd- you know what? Why don't you leave it til morning? I'll help you speak to Gandalf about it."
He looked at you, such a soft and tender yet vexed look on his features that you wished you had something to paint an instant picture that would last forever; it was both precious and priceless.
"You would do such a thing?"
You nodded slowly. "Why wouldn't I? I mean, I'm your soulmate, and aren't we supposed to help one another?"
He nodded back, just as slow as he scratched his beard. "Is that the only reason you're helping?"
"No," you hung your head, swallowing thickly. "Listen, I might be aware of the... soulmate issue. I know what's expected of both you and me, and how we'll never be rid of one another... but I like you, Thorin. I... I am very grateful for your company, and I have grown fond of it."
He couldn't help but to smile a little as he nodded. "You're not just saying that to impress me, are you?"
"Would I be so nervous if I was?" You laughed softly, the awkward feeling clutching and clawing at your stomach. You wanted to bend over and be sick, hardly able to spend another moment that way.
"You don't need to be," Thorin told you, ginger and hesitant as he allowed his hand to cover yours. "Perhaps... perhaps we could find a way to make this work."
You swallowed thickly, suddenly feeling as if you had not had a drop to drink in centuries. "Honest?"
Thorin gave your hand a gentle, small squeeze. "Honest. I mean, you may be of the dragon's country, but perhaps... we can make it work so that I may stay in your company, and you in mine?"
"I would like that," you said softly. "And I am aware of what you think... I don't mind that you have to kill Smaug. I understand what he did to you and your family. Kill him twice, if you have to."
"You, erm..." he reached into his pocket, gingerly pulling the scale out as he cleared his throat and nodded curtly. "You forgot this. I know I asked to borrow it so I may study it to see if there is a weakness, but... but it's yours, and it's only right it should stay with you - remind you of home."
You shook your head, closing his fingers over the scale as you dared to smile; you were shaking so much when you leaned over, gently kissing his forehead for a moment before standing and offering one last sweet gaze. "Keep it. I like knowing it's in hands that I can trust."
Thorin watched with great unease as you walked away, a pit forming in his stomach as he frowned and sighing heavily; it wasn't fair that you were so good all the time, and nor was it fair that you had to be from the one place in all of Middle Earth that accepted the kin of his biggest enemy.
It stung, but he did think... he did think that perhaps he was wrong, and maybe things were actually doable like he said they were.
But with one last look at the scale, he nodded to himself; he would make a chain for it to hang from, and would keep it around his neck in hopes that your goodness would rub off on him. Even just a little bit would be enough.
if you made it to the end of this fic and you enjoyed it, then please, if you have any cash to spare, even just £1, then please consider giving it to aid Mahmoud in getting his family to safety.
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clangenrising · 5 months
Tw: Brief non-descriptive mention of abuse
God… Mystique reminds me a lot of myself… like. An uncomfortable amount.
I used to be so adamant that I wasn’t being abused by my parents when I was younger… How I defended them so fiercely because they were “good people, just not good parents”, how I wished so desperately for them to be the people I saw them as, and wanted them to be, that I just… pretended I only saw them as such. I remember snapping and yelling at those who tried to help me with tears in my eyes because I just didn’t want to see the truth and wished others around me also didn’t… just so that I could pretend everything was okay, or that it was normal.
Mystique and Russetfrond’s relationship also hits very close to home for me as well… My own body count reached 10 before I was even 18, as a means of using other people to distract myself from my own “shadow truth”.
And I say all of this not to cast darkness onto your writing in any degree. Mystique makes me very personally uncomfortable because she’s written so amazingly, and I commend you so greatly for that!! It’s very impressive ^^
In the end, she’s such a small character, and not a person with her own agency, but… I can’t help but wish, dearly, for her to be able to see the world as it is around her…
- Caltrop
Wow, thank you so much for sharing your experience like this.
I don't think you're casting darkness on my writing at all. In fact, my writing is FULL of darkness, of people who have been hurt and who hurt others. If anything, you are casting light on those dark parts by sharing how you've grown out of those places. I know it means a lot to me to hear that my writing resonates with people who have gone through these kinds of things.
It's something I haven't spoken much on from Mystique's perspective, but yeah, her fling with Russetfrond was definitely a response to distress, another way to push the Shadow Truth away because if she was fucking Russetfrond she wasn't thinking about uncomfortable realities or about her/Razor's complicity in the suffering around her.
We can only hope that she'll be able to process and work through all these thoughts. It makes me happy that there are people who are rooting for good things for Mystique despite her difficult behavior. If there's one thing I always hope, its that my audience will learn and practice empathy and compassion for people they might not have in the past.
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bloggingboutburgers · 5 months
Hi, I know it's been a while but it's allo (autistic? unsure what tag to use) anon here again. I just wanted to say congratulations on the project! I showed it to my girlfriend and she was really happy, when it comes out we will definitely read it together. I am proud to see you doing new and exciting things, and I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors! You're doing amazing already and I look forward to seeing you continue on whatever path you want to take with your creative work :)
Sorry I didn't message again sooner, things in real life have been... a lot. I still try to check this blog when I can. Your art is still adorable, and I also wanted to say thank you for your comics about fandom and the stuff that people say to aro/ace people. As someone who is very invested in media analysis(TM) and fandoms, I have noticed some behaviour that is really weird and uncomfortable, and it's good to see other people speaking out about it.
Also, not to decenter your experience, but the comic about labels really hit home for me. When I first got diagnosed it explained so much about my struggles and why I felt the way I did. It was groundbreaking to understand that I wasn't just a broken person or full of character flaws, but that things like sensory issues were just part of being who I am. I don't know if you meant it this way, but I really love the yellow colour of the thought bubbles and the little flowers. I know some people say it's pathologizing or too restrictive to cling to labels so much, but it really is a relief to be given something that helps you understand yourself and feel so much less alone. I am glad you were able to find your identity and community. It's so cool that now you get to make those posts, and probably reach others!
I just wanted to pop in again and say I love your stuff, and it's so cool to see other people loving and engaging with it too. I hope you have a wonderful day/night, passe une bonne journée/nuit <3
P. S. I hope that's how you say it, I'm using google translate.
Heyyyy!!^^ Thank you so much for reaching out again and for all the encouragement and support! I hope you and your girlfriend are doing OK^^ And please don't apologize for not reaching out for a while, I'm happy whenever you do at all but it's very fair to have a lot going on otherwise! If anything I hope things are a bit easier now, so to speak.
Also don't worry about decentering my experience by sharing yours when you relate! I'm a big believer in intersectional discussion, I think people from marginalised groups could benefit a great deal from standing together to defend common interests, and if we can relate to each other's experiences in some way even just a little, although we know and acknowledge they're all different, I'm sure we can go a long way. So I sincerely appreciate you sharing, honestly!! (I'm also really grateful you liked the way I graphically conveyed it, that is a challenge in and of itself^^)
Again, thank you so much for all the positive feedback and support, and thanks for taking the time to add some French in as well, very kind of you^^
Hope you have a great day ahead!
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 months
Hii! Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy life for our requests! I hope you are well, taking care of yourself mentally, and staying hydrated! :] May I please request Taka with a nb reader s/o who dresses/looks intimidating and is the Ultimate Witch, but is easily super warm and affectionate/motherly?
I love him so much and have seen so little content about my mans! He deserves so much love!! ❤️
-Witch Anon 🔮 :]
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hello, witch anon! i saw your other ask about correcting the "ultimate witch" part of this request, and i thank you for rereading my rules again! don't worry, i was planning to write this regardless, and just make reader a regular witch rather than an ultimate. that's all, i hope you enjoy, and that everyone is having a good day!
tws/cws: people spreading false rumors about you. (but taka takes care of it!)
|| -> mod taka <3
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him, out of everyone in the cast, 100% relates to you the most. people tend to judge a book by its cover, and its always bothered him! he believes that even if a person looked scary, or intimidating, you should get to know them before making any assumptions on their character!
everyone he's met has always assumed he was a lot meaner than he actually is just because of his appearance, when in reality, he always extends a helping hand to people, and wants to be a reliable person to those around him. you both are one in the same, and thats probably why he gravitated towards you in the first place.
wasn't scared of you when you two first met. he never wanted to treat others how he had been treated, and actively ignored what he felt, or heard from others, so he could treat everyone equally, and give everybody a fair shot to introduce themselves how they wish.
always advocates for the others to get to know you first before jumping to any conclusions. if anyone's ever told him they were scared of you, he'd instantly be countering their assumptions, and offering to formally introduce you to them so that they'd be able to see how kind you are with their own eyes.
confronts anyone who talks badly about you or starts spreading rumors just because they think you're hard to approach. its not only immoral, but its also effecting someone he loves, he'll make sure they learn a lesson!
being completely honest, he's not a guy who understands witchcraft and magick, but he respects what you do and acknowledges it takes a lot of effort to do right. isn't one to mock or undermine it, he's just very curious about it.
will ask plenty of questions because he wants to learn more about anything, especially anything involving you. forgive him if some of his questions seem a little insensitive or misinformed, you're his first introduction to this type of thing and he's really trying his best to be educated.
is especially annoyed when others use your beliefs and practices to reinforce their biased views on you, when their views are just based off of appearances. he's your biggest defender, and will debate an entire group of people publicly just to defend your honor.
appreciates the people who are your friends so much. he always tries to leave a good impression on them, and makes sure his gratitude for their actions is known.
a lot of people see you two as the "intimidating but really kind" power couple. you both present yourselves in ways that make others think you're unapproachable, but you two are actually the most warm, helpful people ever.
as a couple, you play really nicely off of each other. with taka's tendency to be very direct, mixed with your want to have the best possible outcome for all parties, misunderstanding very rarely happens, and the communication is very clear.
he admires you so much! even before you got together, he always looked up to you and had so many nice things to say about you. now that you two are together, its increased tenfold. believes he's the luckiest person in the world because he managed to date someone so understanding and affectionate.
speaking of affection, please be easy on him in the beginning of the relationship. he went from barely having others tolerate him to now having an incredible partner that loves him just as much as he does, give him some time to adjust before being too lovey dovey, he'll blush and freeze up if you don't!
mondo and chihiro have had to endure him doting over you everytime they talked to him. they'll jokingly gag and say they don't wanna hear him talk about how much he loves you for the 80th time, but they're just kidding. they love you too, and would also go to great lengths to defend you!
everyone in his class has positive opinions of you, even if they don't show it as much as the others. seeing how you act around him, and how much effort you put into the relationship is bound to rub off on them at some point. you've won all of class 78th over, which is not an easy feat!
all in all, you and taka being a couple is a match made in heaven. you both understand each other so deeply, have great chemistry, and compliment each other so much. everyone's rooting for you two, and it makes both you and him feel so happy.
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ladythornofrivia · 11 months
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Pair: Geto x Reader
Warnings: just plain smut, dirty talk, fingering, tattoo kink, breeding kink, reader and Geto being horny, one night stand to lovers, club, alcohol, Geto being dirty-minded pretty boy. Reader thirsty for Geto. Cunnilingus, Cockwarming. Breathing kink. Sex in Tattoo shop. Birthday Sex. Love at first sight.
a/n: for kinktober! There will be three parts! Hooray!
(Listen to this song)
Night time was the best time to get away from annoying people. More so, your “boyfriend”, who constantly asked you where you're going. Despite your intentions on not telling him, you ignore his insults and back-handed compliments to you.
"You should ignore them, (y/n)," your friend, Angeline, said, touring in Japan. No matter what you do, or say, everyone are just as stubborn. Stupid, even, to not realize their hypocrisy on you.
People who are called as “boyfriend”.
"I can't believe this. But if he goes out, he’s fine with it. He can go whereever and whoever he wants. He doesn't have to notify me. He can be shirtless, and nobody wouldn't insult him. He kept saying things like how he's respectable and shit. But if I make my own plans, he won't let me go anywhere without him or his cousin to take with. They practically volunteer themselves them in and then says they don't remember about them going with me. And it happened last week when I wanted to go to a fancy restaurant by myself, and he didn't want me to go alone and then they volunteer on taking his cousin with me. When I confronted them, they said they weren't there at my birthday, they said that her cousin wasn't there on my birthday, that she's working. They betrayed my wishes, and always lie to me, and always defend then at their wrong choices in life. Why the fuck did I move out so soon?”
"Your soon-to-be family fucking sucks. Losers can't even appreciate you. Well, once you break up with him, I'll take you in with no problem. We can be sisters!"
"Aren't we already sisters?" you teased.
"True. Anyway, just forget about them, we're going at the club! Besides, you look gorgeous in that dress, so don’t waste the effort!”
Looking down on your dress, you felt different. A good kind of different.
(This is the dress)
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Eyes widened at your friend's statement.
"Aw come, on, you're good at dancing," she complimented. "If you show off your skills, boys will go to you. Even cute ones--you know the ones that look innocent, but is good in bed."
"You read too much smut," I told her.
"And sometimes, a guy that you'll find, will be able to do anything for you!”
"Not in the club, for starters! We came to have fun, not a marriage ceremony. Besides, I haven’t broke up with him yet."
Angeline pushed you back lightly. "Don't make it sound so bad. Of course we're going to have fun--tons and tons of fun! It's time for a change!"
You nodded. "Enough negativity! I can change my life around!"
Angeline cheered. "Good! That's how an independent woman should think! Damned if you do, damned if you don't. You heart will be set free! Starting tonight!"
Drinking another liquor, Gojo said, rested his arm on the couch frame, surrounded by ladies, fawning. "Geto, aren't you satisfied you're taking a break from your work?"
Geto, on the other hand, had a shot, uninterested. "I'm glad."
"You don't sound glad," Gojo notified, smirking. "You haven't gotten someone's pussy lately."
Geto choked. "I just want to rest."
"Yeah, rest on someone's pussy."
"Would you stop that? The girls will get the wrong idea."
Gojo shrugged. "I don't think the girls hate it, based on what I've been seeing."
The girls giggled at Geto's reaction.
"Knock it off, Gojo."
"Come on, lighten up. If I was a girl, I'd flirt with you with my blue eyes."
Geto rolled his eyes. "I have to rest for tomorrow. Another client is requesting for a large tattoo on her back."
"What was it?'
"A photo of her husband. Ex husband."
Gojo spat out his drink. "Are you fucking kidding me?"
"I wish." Geto shook his head. "Though she paid me a hefty amount of cash, so I can't say shit to her."
"Damn, that's dedication for your tattoo shop. Guess I don't have to worry about it anymore. You need to relax. Who knows it'll be fun at the end of the night."
Geto shrugged. "Maybe." Then ate his appetizer, ignoring the girls who try to gain his attention, never minding Gojo, who seems to be doing well with socializing.
"I'm telling you that this is for your own good. If your stay with your pussy of a “boyfriend”, you're not getting a new dick for tonight."
My eyes paused at Angeline with shock.
"Yeah, if you say it out loud, everyone's going to think I'm desperate."
"(y/n), you have to do this. Staying indoors with him acting as a housewife won’t do you good! Meeting new people is when going outside, sometimes online. Unless if you date someone on virtual mode, then it's weird."
Angeline shoved you slowly, yet gently against your back. "Don't be shy. Show them what you're made of, and someone will notice you. That way, you can move on from your life with your stupid family and relatives who doesn't give a shit about you or remembers a single thing about you."
"Okay, but--"
"No, buts, you have to do this. You have to be more like those Disney princesses who wanted new adventures."
"This isn't Disney, though."
"Still, you get what I mean." Angeline patted your upper arms. "You got this! I'll be here, watching."
You sighed. "Okay, but I want this song to be played in order for me to get started. I know you have to pay the DJ to play the song that people personally like."
"Okay, we'll do that." You friend dragged you and went up to the DJ, requesting the song to play from the Iphone.
"How much?"
"¥14,977," the DJ confirmed.
You took out the wallet to pay, but Angeline already paid.
"Angeline," you began.
"No, I want you to live your life. This is my treat."
"What if I don't get a date?'
"Even if you don't get a date, it's fine."
"But you told me earlier to find someone and fuck them at the end of the night."
"Yeah, I know, but, it doesn't matter now. Whatever the outcome is, all that matters is you being happy away from your “boyfriend”. Even just for tonight. I want you to be happy, far and wide, so that they'll forget about you. I know you're better than them, and I know you can do better than them—even your pussy of a “boyfriend”. Believe in yourself, and never lose sight of your goal, even if it means of cutting them off."
You smiled. "Thanks, Angeline."
"Anytime. Now go have fun," she encouraged.
The DJ played the tune you wanted. All the people on the dance floor stopped, but you we're just getting started.
Super Shy by Newjeans is your favorite song, and you've been practicing dancing the choreography. And that's how you gained confidence, though little by little. At first, you're frightened of making a single mistake, that everyone would laugh, so you pretend that you're inside your room, dancing like no one's watching. In the end, you were giggling, still moving your body.
"Oh, I never heard that song before," Gojo commented, "Very cheery."
Geto stopped and listened to the beat. "Defintely not from here in Japan."
"Ah, I can probably give you a few reasons why," Gojo said, pointed at you. "She stands out. In fact, too much from the crowd. Can't say it's a bad thing, though. Don't you think so, Suguru?"
Smoking, Suguru said nothing and kept an eye on the dance floor. A girl's movements swiftly clean and sharp with every turn and step. He had never seen a girl who's energetic to do dancing. He has seen girls who dance, but not in a way that you did. The song's rhythm is filled with cheery beat. None of the crowd seemed as cheery as you, but everyone kept watching, your feet insync with music. And by the time it ends, you ended with a smile and a few claps and cheers, but other than that, you left the dance floor and try to search for your friend.
But then another song came on, Jungkook's song, 3D, and you find yourself dancing again. This time, people are jamming in, because everyone knows BTS.
With a finger flicked the cigarette, Suguru stood up, stretching his legs with a groan huffing from his chest.
"Ooh, where you going, Sugee-Woogee?"
Suguru cringed. "I'm heading to the restroom."
Suguru walked ahead and carefully approached the crowd.
"Suguru, that's not where the restroom is," Gojo pointed out.
When you danced along Jungkook's song, your friend tapped you on the shoulder, rather rapidly.
"Dude," Angeline said. "Dude!"
"I think someone's coming this way!" your friend said with glee.
"Who? I don't see anyone." The crowd is too thick for you to see.
"Have fun," Angeline said in a sing-song voice, waving a farewell. "I'll be at the bar if you need me."
"Dude!" you said in English, whining.
Continue on dancing to a different tune, The Weeknd's song, you felt a large hand slithering around your waist. Then a large bulge grinding against your backside.
When you staggered back, to face who was grasping you, your nealy collapsed on your back; another hand hooked on your back to break your fall, and there you see a man with dark, longish hair with narrowed eyes glinting at you, his lips curved into a small smirk.
"Careful, there, no one wants to see a beautiful princess fall now, don't we?"
A young man gave another subtlety of his smirk.
"Thank you," you uttered, not confident, face covered in blush.
He pulled you right back up. "Don't mention it, princess." Then he did a little waltz with you on the dance floor, treating you with care. "So what does the princess doing here in the club?'
You frowned at that. "Am I not allowed to go to club?"
"You're allowed," he said. "But you look too ravishing compare to the girls I stumbled onto tonight."
Is he serious? you thought to yourself. For all you know, he might have a girlfriend waiting for him. You didn't want to get to a certain point of involving wasted drama.
"You might mind, but I don't."
He hummed. 'Why's that, sweet lady?'
"Your girlfriend might get upset with you if you associate with someone like me. I hate to say this, but it'd be great if you back off. I don't want to get involve with drama.'
He looked at you intently before giving a good laugh. "Oh, you sweet princess. Here's the thing," his lips leaned closer to your ear. "I don't have anyone in my life at the moment."
That doesn't sound convincing enough.
"Ooh, is the little lady doubtful of me?" his voice laced like honey. "You shouldn't be."
'Oh, but I wouldn't count on it.'
'Why's that?'
Your head nudged towards the girls behind Geto, who are sitting at their seats furiously, glaring daggers at you.
'Gojo set me up for a date I didn't like.'
"Date?" You never heard of a guy being set up to a date with numerous girls at the same time.
He nodded. "I was supposed to rest for tonight. My back was hurting for my work. Bending my back down and then stretch it."
'Well, you can go to a chiropractor to adjust your spine. It usually works.'
He hummed. 'I'll keep that mind, princess.' His other hand clung onto your waist and spun your back around for him to grind against you.
'Bet you never have a guy who does it good as me, princess."
You found yourself blushing. 'No one has actually. In fact, I don't even know your name.'
He leaned his face against your locks, inhaling a fainted rose water scent. 'Let's enjoy ourselves for now.'
Despite his claims, you can't help but to look back at the girls the guy used to hang out, are entirely pissed at you. But the guy with white locks and blue eyes gave a toast to you with a smirk.
"Let's go somewhere private," he said into your ear, getting your attention back to a raven-haired man. "What do you say?'
Pondering your gazing look into his eyes before a chance of bestowing him an answer.
He slammed you against the wall against the bathroom stall in a ladies restroom, kissing and ravishing your neck and collarbone with few licks and nibbles mingling his lips with languid and passionate kisses.
You sighed, clutching his hardened body. "Mhmmm~'
"You like it, princess?” He made sure the restroom's lock so no one can go in. Kisses more on the shoulders, then your neckline until it reaches to your earlobes, tugging it gently with his teeth.
His eyes glinted, examining your flushed skin as you breathed hard, eyes filled with plea.
His hand slid underneath your dress, pressing his fingertips against the nub of your cunt, circling it as it sends a thousand waves crushing against you, soaring with pleasure. Undoing your straps, his tongue and teeth delved and ravished the hardened nipple on your breast with a low moan, fondling the other.
'I'm guessing you have never been touched or have been pleasure by a man.'
Blushing furisouly, you turned your head away, which it lead to him taking your chin and rotated your head, facing him.
'Tell me, princess, and I'll make your dreams come true,' he said into your ear with intent eyes daggered to your sheepish ones.
You gulped. "Fuck me, please." With your hands hung around behind his neck, indicating it gently for him to get closer to you.
Smirking, he lunged his lips and crashed to yours. His slick tongue gained acess to your tongue, his hands clutched the fabric of your underwear, pulling it downward bit by bit. His lips pulled away, looking into the haziness in your eyes.
"Shall I go further, little lady?' his eyes twinkled in anticipation.
Gasping, you held onto his hair. indicating for your thirst to be quenched.
Geto took the initiation of bringing your legs up to his shoulders as he flicks and consumed the taste of you on his tongue, humming in pleasure.
"Ah~" Your head threw back, clutching him tight without fall.
Bucking your hips against his face, your lower body gyrated against him. Large hands steadied you, but with a flick and slurp on his mouth driven you crazy. Your legs enveloped around his head.
He moaned, hands now gripping on your ass and pushed it toward his face closer to a point he wanted to suffocated from your delicious thighs.
"Ah~" your breath ragged, body coldly shivering, shoulders and neck became intensely hot, finding your ragged breath became loudly desperate. "I'm getting close," you said.
His biceps locked your thighs in tighter, his tongue lapped a few more rounds until your walls clenched and drenched his mouth with cum.
As it was over, he settled your legs down carefully. Inclining his head upward, your eyes gazed at the glazed cum you implanted on him. With a smirk, he licked his lips and hummed in satisfaction.
"Taste just as exquisite as you are, princess," he said, getting up on his two feet in haste, and approached you, zipping his pants down, revealing his long and thick cock. Before you could react, he lifted you up, placing your legs on his waist as he pinned you against the wall.
"Hold onto me, princess," he moaned, tugging your earlobe with teeth before he pounded his cock into your hole.
You never had sex before, but you're pretty sure how it works in movies and books compare to real life feels different. Sudden without warning.
But it didn't mean awful in your case. In fact, it felt good and full in your cunt.
Noticing your gasps, his lips curved into a smirk and pounded his cock all the way to your g-spot with a loud grunt, tossing his head back, his moans echoed loudly towards the restroom's ceiling. His hips picked up the pace and pounded twice as rough and rapidly brute. Little by little, your arms weighted with exhaustion, still wrapped behind his neck, as your sloppily kissed with him, tasting yourself from his greedy lips.
"Almost there, princess," he said, breathing onto your mouth, thrusting sloppily yet callously.
"Coming~" you moaned aloud, and his semen spilled onto your hole, filling with hot seed, draining to your inner thighs.
Both of your leaned your foreheads towards each other, pressing with heaving breaths lingering.
His eyes lingered to yours, pressing his lips against yours, almost lax and carefree. He chuckled when saw your flushed expression.
What a cutie, he said.
"That was fun," you said, chuckling.
His long hair swished as he found himself chuckling.
"Tell me something, my princess," he leaned closer. "What is it that you want? From what I can tell, based on you, I can tell you want more than a simple life. What is it that you want, that you truly want?"
Your breath staggered. "Tell me, and I'll give it to you."
Heaving, you contemplated; your legs are shaking and leaden, almost as if it was pinned to the ground.
He kept you steady. "Woah, we can't get a break, huh? You're so beautiful, my darling princess, even in this state."
Nuzzling against his chest, you breathed as your cheeks.
You never knew this man, but somehow he made you feel like you're in heaven with him--a solace from your hell.
"You okay, princess?'
"I'm okay. My legs are sore."
"First time sex always get sore," he said, smirking.
"Clearly," you said, giggling.
He kissed you again, caressing your waist with both of his hands. "I want to see you again soon, baby~"
"I want to see you, too, but--"
Your eyes saddened. "My boyfriend. They won't let me be as myself around him, and always supervised me everywhere I go; I can't go alone without him, and my friend brought me here. I just want some peace—I was planning on breaking up with him.”
His eyes looked onto you intently. "What do you truly want, princess?'
You said nothing.
"I'll give you anything you want. Just say the word, and you'll have it."
You sighed, looking away for a second. "I don't know..."
"Look at me, my good princess..."
You looked at him, eyes locked with fear.
"Tell me what you wish for, and I'll make all of your dreams come true," he guaranteed. “Put your trust in me.”
"Well, it might sound silly, but I want to have a couple of tattoos. I just want something for myself."
"Ah, a sign of rebellion," he mused, still holding onto your waist, gripping it tight and proud.
Your gaze lowered. "Yeah.."
His finger tucked under your chin for your gaze to be lock onto his in an extension of time. "That's not silly, at all." He fished in his pockets and gave you something, but before he could touch your hand, the restroom doors banged.
"What the fuck?! The door's jammed!"
"I need to pee!"
"We have to get the security to pry this open!"
Then the silence came.
He chuckled. "Guess we better go." He took your hand and unlocked the door.
Quickly, both you and him snuck out of the restroom, but only to be caught by your friend.
"(y/n), where the hell have you been? I've been dying to tell you about this guy I saw, tall and gorgeous with blue eyes, I--"
Suddenly, she both saw you and him together outside of the restroom, put two and two clues together.
Instead of talking, Angeline gave you a subtle smirk. "I'll leave you guys to it..."
She walked away as he placed his arm behind his head, chuckling awkwardly.
"Sorry about her, she wanted me to--"
"I know," he said, then his hand outstretched. laying the paper material onto your hand. "Call me, princess." He gave a soft, loving peck on your cheek. His suppled lips lingered a little longer than you expected.
"Keep in touch. I'll be waiting." He gave a smile before he went back.
But you seized him.
"We don't know each other's names," you said, frantic.
He chortled. “You’re right.” He looked back and leaned his tall height close to your level, his face nearing against yours. “Tell me your name, princess.”
"(y/n)," you said proudly.
Watching his lips curved upward, he said. "Beautiful."
"I don't even know your name," you pointed out.
"It's on the back of the card," he purred into your ear.
"I want to hear it from you," you said, pleading. “Your voice.”
He chuckled. "Since you're a good girl, I'll tell you. My name is Geto Suguru."
Your said boyfriend texted you in a total of 138 messages and phone calls and angry voicemails.
"Your boyfriend is a piece of work," he commented.
"Yeah, he is. I just want to take a break." You shut the phone off. You rushed off to your friend---him following you--and showed her the missed calls and messages from your said boyfriend.
"They're that persistent," Angeline said, rolling her eyes.
"We should go back. My soon-to-be annoying in laws is going to think I got drugged or something," you said.
He took the card from you and tucked it in. And took your phone and dialed the number instead.
"What if my boyfriend discovers you on my phone?"
"There's a landline," he suggested. Call me by this number."
Fear overtook you for a second, numerous scenarios running in your head.
His callous palm lingered onto your skin as he placed it. "Don't be afraid, princess. I'll be waiting for you," he said with a smile before he gave you one last kiss.
But then you said, tugging his sleeve. "May I see your phone?"
Without hesitation, he gave you his phone, and dialed your phone number and added into his contacts, then looking at him back, watching his smile at your sudden move on entering your phone number.
"That's my girl. I'll keep in touch," he said, and walked away back to his seat with his friend, music blasting away as you and Geneva.
Your eardrums banged even after heading outside. Angeline couldn't help you but smirk.
"Where did you go, missy?' she teased.
"I was chatting with him," you said.
"Does banging the restroom stalls count as chatting?''
Your face instantly blushed.
"So, how good is he?'
Hands shielded over your face. "Angeline!"
"I'm just kidding! See, I know you'll meet someone. He's been eyeing on you since the dance floor," she cheered and embraced you by the side while ruffling your hair with her fist. "You're becoming a woman, (y/n)," she said, cackling.
Your phone rang again.
"Don't answer it. I'll do the explaining for you," Angeline said.
"No, don't. They're going to suspect we're doing drugs."
"We'll just tell them there's traffic. Japan is a very busy country, after all. Oh yeah," she took out the napkin. "Might want to use this. His cum is spilling out on your legs and heels."
"Don't say stuff like that in public." As you wiped the cum, the wind breezed against your skin and dress. It felt nice and cold, and yet...naked.
"Oh no," you muttered in horror.
"What? What's wrong?"
"I'm not wearing any underwear," you uttered quietly, blushing at the thought of your knight in shining armor, Geto, taking your panties with him.
© kinggetou - all rights reserved.
Taglist: @galactict3a
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adickaboutspoons · 11 months
bad writing where? I don't think you know what bad writing is and I have doubts you understand the core of the characters.
Hi Nonnie! Girl, how ARE you? Because you seem to be taking it awfully personally that I am not enjoying this season as much as you are. To be perfectly clear, if you ARE, I'm DELIRIOUSLY happy for you! I wish I was too! I was SO looking forward to it! And even though I didn't care for some stuff here and there for the first half of the season, there was a LOT that I LOVED, and I was still holding out hope for the rest of the season! After the last 3 episodes, I am decidedly less optimistic. I'm glad to tell you exactly why, and At Great Length, because that's kind of just What I Do, but here's the thing... It's ok if you like a thing that other people don't. It doesn't reflect poorly on you as a person. You don't have to defend a thing that you like as though it was an extention of yourself. Also? You and I don't have to agree. There's room for interpretation. I have mine, but that doesn't make it Objective Truth. My positions are only as good as I can offer coherent, well-supported arguements to back them up. I like doing that. I think it's fun. You may still not be convinced. That's ok. I don't need you to agree with me. And, frankly, you don't even need to worry about other people agreeing with me. I am small potatoes. I have maybe two posts ever that have made it into the low thousands in terms of notes - not reblogs, but notes cumulative. Most of my original stuff don't even break triple digits. Believe me NO ONE is rushing to espouse the doctrine of spoondick llc. And that's fine. So I'm gonna go ahead and give you the benefit of the doubt that you're asking genuine questions and not just lashing out. But I'm also gonna put my answers below a cut. Because, frankly, you may not entirely agree with me, but you also may not be able to unsee some of the things I point out once I do, and I don't want to take your enjoyment of the show away from you.
So second claim first: that I don't understand the core of the characters. I mean... I have written quite a lot and at length about these characters and their motivations. I mean, each of those is a link to a different meta I've written, and it's not even close to all of them. Which reminds me - I need to update my pinned page. So while you may not agree with my interpretations, at the v. least, you can't argue that I haven't put SOME thought into the matter. With regard to bad writing, the qualifiers may vary from person to person, but to me, it mainly comes down to three interconnected things: Inconsistency, telling rather than showing, and contrivance. I feel that there have been a LOT of inconsistencies with the characters, both between seasons and just within season 2 itself. I'm an unapologetic Stede girlie and he IS the main character, so most of my big qualms are with how his character is being butchered handled.
How the are we supposed to square Stede "had multiple breakdowns over Nigel's accidental death and was so traumatized over everything with Chauncy that he walked back to Bridgetown in his bare feet" Bonnet with the man from last night who murdered Ned in cold blood, and then went on to casually set a man on fire and QUIP about it? It's one thing to butch up with a "how to pirate" montage, it's quite another to become a psychopath, completely unbothered by taking a human life.
And about butching up. While I would, and have, argued that a lot of Stede's insecurities in the first season stemmed from insufficient performance of masculinity, I would NOT say that it was because he wanted to BE more typically masc himself - but rather from the way he has been TREATED for being soft, and internalizing the distain and derision of his bullies. Rather, the whole central thesis to his approach to piracy is it's "traditionally a culture of abuse... And my thought is: why? And also, what if it weren’t like that?" He's flattered when Yi Sao clocks his energy as soft. So his mid-season pivot to needing to embrace these "traditional pirate" behaviors? Yeah - I'd say that's a pretty glaring inconsistency.
Speaking of Yi Sao, lets talk about his fight with her. Because Stede in the first season is consistently shown to be a master of improvisation and using his environment and people's underestimation of him to his advantage to overcome stronger and more skilled opponents. He sends Officer Show Daddy rowing back to the British ship with some impromptu mannequins to give the Revenge time to escape after Nigel's death. He uses distraction and supersition to get the upper hand on Izz during their first encounter. He bests Izzy again in the duel using gunpowder to the eyes when he's pinned, and then using what Ed taught him about taking a stab angling to have it happen against a mast he knew would cause Izzy's sword to break. This initially carries over to the second season with Stede using his lowly position in Towels to acclimate people to deeply inhaling the scent he adds to the towels, and later uses that to his advantage to knock out the guards and escape. So it might have been one thing if Stede was in his cups and mourning Ed's departure that led him to getting overly possessive of his remaining crew and pick a fight with Zheng as a parallel of the Art Exhibition scene from season 1, and getting his ass handed to him as a parallel to Mary's attempted murder/an expression of what a deep impact Ed leaving has made on him that his normal strategizing fails him, but instead, he's getting emotional support (from IZZY of all people) and doesn't even seem tipsy, so he's got no reason to fail so profoundly, and it's played as though Yi Sao is RIGHT about him being "a mediocre man who thinks he's exceptional" when he legit JUST bested her with fucking tea towels 4 episodes ago.
Another big inconsistency for me is Stede's attitude toward Ed, over the first half of the season especially. At the end of season 1, we have Stede irrevocably torching his life as a gentleman of leisure to the ground because Mary has helped him to realize that 1) no body's life in improve by him doggedly trying to insert himself into a life he never wanted or chose for himself, and 2) he and Ed are in love with one another, and he should got find Ed about that. Then we get Stede dragging his heels in the Republic of Pirates while he "earns enough money," but his convo with Blackbeard's wanted poster reveals that he's afraid Ed's life is better off without him. Which? Real Chauncy-coded take there (and also, really? When Stede KNOWS that Ed is weary of the pirate life, but the wanted poster and rumor mill suggest he's thrown himself into it full tilt?). I could understand being worried that Ed doesn't love him anymore because Stede broke his heart, but NOT that "his life is better." But still, Stede IS determined to get back to Ed - he's just nervous about what he'll find when he does. He won't stop talking about it to anyone and everyone. He even yeets himself overboard shouting for Ed when he hears that the Red Flag has come across the Revenge. And then he thinks that he's come too late - that Ed is dead. And he manages to forestall his grief over that long enough to effect an escape, but then goes to do his mourning in private. But wonder of wonders! Ed is still alive! Stede didn't lose him after all! Imagine the rapture within his heart! And then he lets Ed leave without so much as offering to come with, when Ed has barely recovered from 1) a coma, & 2) a suicide attempt. It just doesn't make any sense in any possible world.
I also have a big problem with Mr. "Talk it through as a crew" running away from Lucius when he finally started opening up about the traumtic things he's lived through since he got shoved overboard. I've seen some posts suggesting Stede isn't doesn't prioritize or seem to care much about his crew, but that's just demonstrably not true? His first concern on awakening from being gut-stabbed was about his crew. He apologized when he lost his temper about the fuckery (Never heard an apology, Roach? Really?) and incorperated all of their ideas into the final product. Before he bought the treasure map, he inquired and found out there were no oranges for sale in St. Augustine due to a blight. Stede let Olu crash on his couch instead of having him bunk down with the rest of the crew because they were the charter members of the "my crush just left me for their old life" club and misery loves company. Even in the new season, he set aside his grief over Ed until he made sure his crew - INCLUDING the ones he thought were the ones who MURDERED THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE - were safe. So Stede running away from Lucius in his moment of unburdening himself? And it being played for COMEDY? Is not only antithetical to the established character, but to the central thesis of change being effected by the application of loving support that (I THOUGHT) was central to the whole show.
With Ed, it's mostly better, but even he doesn't escape unscathed. I'm absolutely baffled by the suggestion in episode 5 that Ed doesn't know how to be quiet and sit with his feelings when we see him: 1) stimming quietly with his silk after the "donkey" comment until Stede invited him to open up 2) stimming quietly with his silk after the French Boat Party 3) staring broodingly out to sea after the doggy heaven convo 4) isolating himself in the tub after his kraken meltdown 5) quietly sitting and folding socks 6) pillow fort isolation pod 7) standing quiet and alone after the Izzy confrontation, and apparently not seeing anyone until that night 8) stimming with silk before giving Lucius impromptu late night swimming lessons 9) playing with his dollies 10) cry alone in his room multiple times And maybe it's just that Fang doesn't see those times, because, for the most part, Ed self-isolates when he's feeling particularly emotionally vulnerable. But the show frames it as though Fang is correct? Especially in the after-credits scene where we're listening to Ed's non-stop internal monologue as he fails to sit quietly?
There's more with other characters, but, like I said, the categories are overlapping and inform one another, so I'd like to pivot to Tell-Don't-Show. Because whooo boy is there a lot of it going on. The most glaring one to me is Izzy's whole arc. I've seen a lot of people talking about extending unearned grace and how it's for the healing of the crew, not for Izzy, and that the crew are showing that they've embraced the loving support model they experienced under Stede's tenure as captain. But that doesn't change the fact that Izzy was SUCH a dick that even human-ray-of-sunshine-OLU was rooting for Stede to stab him in the duel, and by the end of last season Izzy sold them out to the English and did such a shit job at captaining that the crew (of which Fang and Frenchie were a part) unanimously voted to throw him overboard bound hand-and-foot. SOMETHING must have happened in the interim to move the needle from "gleefully ready to murder him" to "giving him hugs and unconditional positive regard therapy". But whatever it was happened entirely off-camera. We're just being asked to go along with it. And, to me, that's just bad, lazy writing.
The rest of his arc isn't much better, and highlights more of those inconsistencies. Last season, Izzy was openly dismissive and derisive about sharing feelings - it was one of his driving motivations at taking down Ed and inducing the Krakening. And now he seems to have taken the season-1-Lucius role of being the ship's emotional intelligence? Offering coping advice to Lucius. Suggesting to Ed that he should talk his feelings through. Giving support to Stede after Ed left him (again). Where would he even have accrued that skillset? I'm not saying that it's impossible for him to have changed with the loving support of his crew and in the wake of an identity crisis when he has to figure out who he is if not Blackbeard's right-hand man. What I'm saying is that very little of the actual changes happened on camera. And THAT'S what I have a problem with.
Similarly, I have a problem with the whole Yi Sao-Olu-Jim-Archie relationship tangle. Olu didn't even seem to realize Yi Sao was flirting with him until she said as much. I think he was flattered by the attention, and not averse to the idea, but that's not the same thing as being into her in return. And then, when it's relevant to the plot, we're meant to just trust that he's been secretly pining this whole time? Compare to when Jim left - before they'd even kissed. Olu spent his time mooning over the railing, telling everyone how much he missed JIm, getting drunk, and giving away his room. Since he left Yi Sao, there's been not a single word about missing her, not a moment where he even looks slightly broody. We HAVE seen him bonding with Jim and Archie. Hunkering down against the curse on the same bed as Jim and Archie. Dancing with Jim and Archie. Do you see how this LOOKS like the show is possibly moving in a throuple direction? And then we suddenly get Olu saying out of nowhere that he misses Yi Sao, Jim playing matchmaker for them, and Olu announcing that he's going to leave the revenge to be with Yi Sao. Bye, I guess. And this level of Telling-Not-Showing and inconsistency smacks of Contrivance. And Contrivance really feels like the engine that is driving most of the season to me. It looks an awful lot like the writers had an end-goal in mind, and worked backwards to get there, and along the way did all the hand-waving they had to in order to get where they wanted. Gotta have Stede & Zheng team up against Ricky for an Epic Beach Battle that pits Pirates against The Crown, but why would she want him - especially if she thinks he's "a mediocre man who thinks he's exceptional"?
Oh, what if she loses all her ships because Ricky blew them all up with the world's most contrived bombs?
But why wasn't she on the ship?
Well she was beating Stede's ass at the time.
Why was she beating his ass?
Because he picked a fight with her because he was drunk and she was poaching his crew?
Why are some of Stede's crew willing to leave him even though they were literally ride-or-die even when he was trying to find the guy that marooned them?
Oh, Olu's been in love with Yi Sao this whole time, but, like, never fucking mentioned it, just trust us.
Why was he drunk - Stede thinks drinking 'til you puke isn't fun, remember?
Oh, he is getting plied with drinks because all the pirates love him now.
Why do all the pirates love Stede now?
Because he killed some Big Name Pirate.
Stede? "I'm having a bit of a hard time adjusting to being a mur... mur... murderer?" Stede? Are you sure?
Yeah. He's totally butch now.
He trained on how to be a pirate with Izzy.
Izzy. The guy that conspired with the British specifically to murder Stede Bonnet? Why?
Ed said he needed to work on his "mean voice" and be more dom assertive.
Why would Ed ever say that? He loves that Stede is out there doing things like no one else.
Because Stede doesn't feel like a captain.
Even though he's calling all-hands meetings and mediating crew grievences and rescuing his crew and no one is challenging his authority or even questioning whether his devotion to his boyfriend is possibly compromising his ability to do his job?
But why Izzy? Stede hates Izzy. Izzy hates Stede. Surely these are universal constants.
Izzy's nice now. He's been rehabilitated by the love of the crew.
Jingly keys.
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acoraxia · 7 months
My knowledge of fyss!Kui Mulang is not the best because since the fyss version is in English and the book is extra dense with many characters with different names, it has not been easy for me. I know more about Jttw!Kui Mulang. Jttw is easier for me because there is a version in my native language. But about Kui Mulang and his wife, Kui Mulang kidnapped his wife against her will. He also does not hesitate to hurt her If she does something agaisnt him. Furthermore, the moment Kui Mulang is caught, he betrays his wife and tries to put all the blame on her, saying that she was the one who seduced him.
Many fsyy characters have different names. So I think that's why not many recognize Azure Lion. He was part of the Jie Sect but is later turned into a mount when he loses. I think lmk is not taking fsyy as a prequel to Jttw like New gods. However, I feel like it gives more depth to his character? You know, imagine fighting on the side that accepts you because the other side doesn't really like your kind (from what I understand, there may be good reasons as well as discrimination against the Yaoguai) and then you're humiliated into being the mount of an immortal. And many centuries pass, and you gain respect and connections, but they still don't see you anymore than that. He also becomes very angry when he is not invited to Xiwangmu's peach banquet. I'm not saying this to defend him, but the topic of the Yaoguai and how they are perceived is interesting.
this person is answering questions about fsyy. It's the only blog I've found, so they might be able to give you the info you want to know about fsyy!Kui Mulang. I hope it helps you a lot if you ever need it! :)
I'm sorry if I send a lot of asks to reply. I tried to send a response to my ask but apparently my reply is too long??? I'm still not very familiar with Tumblr
Checked my inbox after me and my sib discussed media and honestly it made my mood go from “aw” to “OOOH” so quickly haha
Fyss!Kui Mulang will remain a mystery for a while… we gotta accept this fate my friends. At least until I do a little digging and end up launching him on top of my faves like I did with Erlang and Red Son— AHEM anyways!
I did not know he tried to victim blame his wife.. what the HECK dude… what is wrong with you… my guy.. my dude! What the heck!
Also Yaoguai were always very interesting imo… like at some point it makes you wonder if the hate and judgement they get is justified or not. Yes there are yao that eat people or kill them and do things that aren’t great but what of the ones that are just living? The ones who fight on the side of “good”? Makes you wonder about it. (I did learn that yaoguai stands for creatures that stand outside the natural order/cannot be explained. Which is fun!) Kind of interesting how he was turned into a mount… hm. That’s.. certainly something! Especially for a sentient being capable of thought and speech as eloquent as any other immortal he comes across!
I kind of wish they’d taken fyss as an inspiration ngl.. they did show the Nezha and Ao Bing fight scene but it was obviously shown as more aggressive (in the book, Nezha just smacked him while Ao Bing was the one who launched the first attack—meant to he comedic but also horrifying moment for the Ao family) and it’s funny how they introduced Nü Wa.. because they’ll have to address which version of her it is (in some myths she is the Jade Emperor’s daughter (fyss iirc), in other’s she marries her brother—options!) —but! Anyways, this was a fun read
Definitely makes me think about Azure Lion and Kui Mulang’s characterizations… hm hm hm
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nadjasworkshop · 7 months
Nadja's NPC dialogue
I've seen some people doing this for their builders so here's Nadja. There are several extra lines because I feel some parts had to change at certain points of the story. It's very long.
Intro: "Hello. I’m Nadja, the new Builder. Seems like Sandrock is such a close-knit town… I may need some time to get used to it. See you around.”
Hey there. Need something done?
The Saloon is all the way down this str-Sorry, I thought… Is there anything you want?
Oh… don’t mind me. 
No, really, don’t mind me. I’m trying to stay out of sight for a while.
They all must think I’m trying too hard to prove myself. Maybe there’s some truth to it but honestly I want to prevent Mi-an from getting burnt-out.
I wonder… why are they called Fireside Meetings if there’s no fire? Well, surely it gets heated up at times.
[At night] I shouldn’t stay up late at night but sometimes I enjoy being awake the moment the whole town falls silent and you can only hear the wind. It’s a bit scary. You know, the vastness of the desert.
[In summer] How do you turn off sweating??
I share many beliefs with the Church of Light. However, being right about some things doesn’t give anyone a foolproof insight on everything all the time. But hey, you never heard it from me.
Good Friend:
This town is made of layers of grief one on the top of the other, like Old World relics under the sand. Sometimes I’m afraid of getting to the bottom.
If I was granted a superpower, I’d wish for being able to see through people.
I find myself spending more and more time listening to old Mort. Somehow I want to share a bit of the weight he carries on his shoulders.
Of course I’d like to find someone to share my life with… I just don’t seem to get the hang of relationships. One day you feel butterflies in your stomach and then all of a sudden the butterflies grow teeth and start eating you from the inside.
[Extra, pre-Duvos] I didn't feel truly at home in Sandrock until everyone believed me when I was being framed. Now I’m ready to defend this town as if it was my own.
[Extra, post-Duvos] I’ve always feared living through a war. Now I understand: when the war comes upon, you're scared but you can't afford panicking.
[Extra, post-Greenification] I can’t help feeling kind of iffy about seeing Sandrock suddenly brimming with business again… But hey, you know me. 
[Extra, post-marriage] If there's anything both Miguel and I learnt from this whole deal is to embrace uncertainty. 
[Extra, post-marriage] I don't really expect anyone to understand. The last everyone has seen of Miguel was him framing me for his own crime and trying to shoot Logan, and it happened in minutes. No one knows the path to making amends we took together afterwards… well, apart of Burgess, bless his heart.
“Whatever we did to the desert, it’s surely getting back at us.”
“Dry rain… Kind of ironic if you think of it.”
“I never thought I’d see a celebration out of a rainy day. It’s funny how we take natural resources for granted.”
“Back home I’d stay indoors and listen to the rain hit the window. Here, I feel like playing in a puddle. Am I reverse-aging?”
Player has a new haircut:
“You’ve cut your hair, right? At least you didn’t have to do it yourself. Pablo says I could never pay him enough to cut my hair short.”
Player has panda eyes:
“Sometimes I have trouble sleeping too. I tried an experimental remedy from Dr. Fang. It worked so well that I slept for three days straight. It was cool.”
Player cuts a tree in front of Nadja:
“Wait, you’re not supposed to do that here! There’s a reason wildlife conservation is no small matter in Sandrock.”
Player attacks Nadja with a weapon: 
“Hey! What are you doing?”
“P-put that thing back, please. It’s dangerous.”
"My birthday is on the 14th of Autumn… What? No, I’ve never sent you an invitation for a birthday celebration in the Commerce Guild with an entrance price of 5000 gols! Who in their right mind…? Oh, wait. I get it. That would be my boss.”
Day of the Bright Sun:
“Even if this is supposed to be a celebration of kindness and hope, I’ve seen it bring the worst out of people… But maybe I’m being too harsh. Nothing wrong with a little festive bloodshed.”
Showdown at High Noon: 
“Yay, let’s blow off some steam! Funny how good it feels compared to how terribly scary real fighting is.”
“Aw, sorry, I’ve already partnered up with Grace. Isnt’ she cool…? Eh, maybe we can pair up next year!”
Day of Memories: 
“Once someone told me they had nightmares about seeing this celebration from the afterlife and there was no one to fly a lantern for them. I wanted to answer… So, nobody cried? Nobody suffered? You just left this world for an everlasting peace? How is that nightmarish?” Fortunately I was smarter than to speak my mind.
[Extra, post-reveal] “There are several kinds of mourning. Some of them aren’t caused by death.”
Tour de Rock:
“I’ve always been a bit afraid of high speed. Being in control of my surroundings is difficult enough under regular circumstances…”
Running of the Yakmel:
“Umm... I'm not sure if I got the tale right. Usually the ones who start the fight get away with it safe and sound, while all the poor simpletons who join in end up in a pile of corpses on the battlefield."
Winter Solstice:
”So far I’m loving the fireworks but I think I’ll head back home now. The end of the year gets me in the mood to reflect by myself.”
[Extra, post-Greenification] I’m happy to share the festivities with you, but… I’m needed somewhere else. I don't want anyone to spend this day alone.
Loved gifts:
[Highwind Fried Rice] ”Wait, this smell… Do you want to make me cry? Thank you so much, you can’t imagine how much this means to me.
[Eagle flute] Why, thank you! How did you know I could play the flute? Oops, don’t tell anyone... I wouldn’t mind you listening, though.
[Rosestone] These are lovely! I guess they’re a common sight for locals but for me… a rose naturally made out of stone? It's like a miracle. Thank you! 
Liked gifts:
[Headwear and scarves] Thanks! I’ll try it on right away.
[Materials and building components] One can never have enough of these! Thank you.
I really appreciate this, thank you!
Neutral gifts: 
Thanks. I guess I’ll find some use for it.
Disliked gifts:
Eh… not really my thing, sorry. Do you keep the receipt?
Hated gifts: 
Wow, you're SO funny.
Oh come on...
Complimenting work:
I’m glad to be of service. In spite of my boss, I find it easier to make myself useful here than I would in a thriving environment.
Thank you! Maybe I should have gotten into building earlier in life?
[Extra, post-Greenification] Being part of the healing process of an entire region is more than I could have dreamt as an underachieving student. Thank you all for trusting me. I mean it.
Complimenting personality:  
Thank you, really! Now I’m going to try my best not to dodge the compliment. It’s a bad habit of mine.
Aw, thanks. I know I’m not the life of the party but I hope I can make up for that… somehow.
Asked about her past:
I only left a few people behind when moving here, and I make an effort to keep contact even if I don’t really have anything to tell them. There’s this friend, Nia, who I’ve known since the day she was born. All cheerful and bubbly… The last person you’d imagine being friends with me. You see, she and her family lived next door and I saw her as the little sister I never had.
The final paper for my Art History degree was named “Art and propaganda: history of visual creation as a means for both the Free Cities and the Duvos empire to appeal to the public opinion”. I managed to make all sorts of people mad, but at least I got a decent grade. 
Have you ever been in Highwind? I still miss it sometimes. It’s a great place… unless you want to make a living there. That's the catch.
Asked about work:
Ever since I was a kid, I loved mechanics: fixing appliances, building little gadgets… However, I always saw it as a hobby. My real passion was more on the academic side: Art, History, Literature. Gathering knowledge about how the world works… not in a practical way but on a human level. However, I ended up stuck in a loop of working part time to pay for my studies to get a better job to keep studying. In the end I got afraid of becoming a mere spectator for the rest of my life. Well, in fact I’m afraid of many things, but that’s part of the point. So I ventured to the Builder Academy and it turned out better than I expected.    
I don’t think I’d be able to run a workshop in Highwind. The Academy environment was so competitive that I’ve had my fill of self-made go-getters. The silver lining would be having a better boss. Whoever they would be.
Asked what she likes to do:
I learnt to play the flute by myself. In fact I was just procrastinating on a mid-term paper and it kind of got out of hand.
Asked about her favorite things:
I’ve always enjoyed spending time on my own. Maybe it’s because I have trouble making friends. With you it’s fine, though. 
A couple of weeks after I arrived here, Owen noticed I was missing home, so he brought me a dish of Highwind Fried Rice. I had never gotten so emotional over food before.
One of the best things of ruin diving is that I get to find little mundane Old World items. Not technology, just trinkets and small tokens of what people used to hold dear in their daily lives. Keeping them makes me feel like we’re bonding with each other through time.
Anything I can wrap my hair in always comes in handy with this weather.
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transpersian · 9 months
Hey just wanted to say sorry for how aggressive my anons were a bit ago I was having an episode and taking it out on you because I started to delusively see you as one of my past abusers because some of the things you had said reminded me of what everyone who supported them and and the things that my abusers themself have said.
I still think you're a rape apologist in actions considering you think coercion based SA and rape is funny and nonexistent but I shouldn't have actively been aggressive and having a full blown psychotic episode in your inbox.
Okay, now read the ask and then continue below.
Hey, anon. I'm sorry that happened to you, genuinely. It's okay, I don't mind. It's not that uncommon to get that kind of message in here.
While you were (aggressively) telling me to publish your previous asks, now I'm going to assume that you don't want me to since they were the product of an episode. I'm still going to do my best to respond to some of your statements here.
First-off, I have to tell you that I myself am an SA survivor. The main one happened in 2020 and I haven't been able to feel safe enough to connect intimately during sex since. As a demisexual, that's a special kind of shitty.
Another more complicated sexually traumatic incident as a teenager.
There's another one my memories are kind of weird around, so I just don't touch it.
But you need to understand that I take it very seriously, anon. I do.
I'm wondering if you would be able to re-read my document and see yourself in my position. Invalidated. Brushed aside. Attacked. Pushed to begging and then reprimanded for it. Left with an indefinite break for two weeks on top of the originally requested week, with no notification. Left to watch her celebrate her birthday without me.
She talks about BPD and FPs. She was the first person I was able to trust since 2.5 years of my personal nightmare of abuse. She knew this, and she just left me hanging.
We have friends that have heard them mention letting relationships "whither" instead of actually ending things healthily and fairly for the other party. They don't fucking care. They just do what's most emotionally convenient for them.
I don't know how you read through the whole thing and just brushed it off as nothing, unless you didn't actually read it and just listened to what Poppy and Liana have been saying. Please, read it for yourself if you haven't.
If you already have, then I'd ask you to read it again without such prejudice against me. I'm not operating off of any breakup feelings. I'm operating off of the testimonies of many, many people I've spoken to about the things she's done to them.
The kind of logic that she's using to justify calling what happened to her SA is the same kind of logic people use against trans people about disclosure.
I'm not defending SA. I'm saying that I know more of the story and Poppy is lying about several things that change things drastically.
I'm not doing this because of our breakup. I'll keep saying it as much as I have to: I'm with Hela now and we're fucking adorably, happily in love together. I got over the breakup in August.
And trust me, anon. You can wish your trauma on me, but I promise you I've got more than you might think. I'm not what they're saying I am. When it comes to what I do behind the scenes, I am meticulous and thorough and work very hard to consider as many potential consequences of decisions as possible.
Where did I say anything about "norms of a relationship?" I'm being genuine, anon, I'm confused. Please send me a link to whatever you're referring to so I can understand whatever this is.
As for the risk of this, I'm not going to discuss it publicly for now beyond saying this: the risk of harm from doing it is far less than the risk of harm from not.
You don't have to believe me, but I promise you, there's more to this than I can simply convey here and I fully believe that I'm doing the right thing.
This isn't about vengeance or bitterness over some breakup. This is about protecting people.
I hope you'll give me a chance when the next drop happens, anon. Please take care.
And please, notice how being around Poppy and reading her story makes you feel, physically, in your body.
If Poppy is running a community that's meant to be a safe haven for survivors of all kinds of trauma, explicitly including CSA...
Why is she using that same community to process the extremely raw trauma of her experience?
All debate about the semantics of her situation aside, this is an extremely fucking triggering subject.
At the very least, it's extremely irresponsible and unethical.
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iguana-eyanna · 2 years
A Treasure I Can't Afford To Lose
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Pairing: Thraxus Boorman x reader
Summary: As you're badly injured, Boorman takes it upon himself to nurse you back to help, and soon realizes that you're more than just a friend.
Boorman was on his horse, searching the terrain to see if there was any trouble coming towards them. Even if he was annoyed by everyone on this expedition, he really wanted them safe (he'll never admit to it though).
He kept his mind sharp till he hears another horse galloping to catch up with. It was Graydon, who had a lovestruck look on his face.
Boorman hated the look.
"If you're going to ask me for any relationship advice, throw yourself in a ditch."
"Ouch, did you sleep on the wrong side of the ground?" Graydon asks.
Boorman rolls his eyes. Graydon was knowledgeable in many things, such as receiving a full education, but he always looked lost in a way. Maybe because he lost his older brother at a young age and still needed that guidance, so Boorman tolerated the young prince when he was eager with questions.
"Prince Graydon, Willow is requesting for your presence." a soft voice says out loud.
Graydon brightens up and heads back while the one who called him joins Boorman's side.
"Thought you needed rescuing." You said, smiling softly at the rugged man.
He returns the same courteous smile as he slowed down his horse as you rode the same pace.
"I will repay the kindness one day." he joked, making you slightly blush.
You were Kit's lady in waiting. You have never left your small kingdom, so when Kit wished to find her brother, you asked the queen to join her on her expedition. Queen Sorsha almost denied your request, but she knew you'll stay by her daughter's side.
She gave you a special task, to make sure that Kit was not distracted by any stories that the prisoner will tell her. She said that the young man, Thraxus Boorman, was a squire for Madmartigan. If Kit were to learn the truth of what happened to her father, she would be devastated.
You stayed true to your task, making sure that Kit wasn't close to the mysterious man that had these eyes you could get lost in.
Then on, you "befriended" the outcast. He became quite the chatter during your expedition, and made you laugh till you couldn't breathe on those nights by the fire. You two would slightly flirt with one another, as you fell harder for his charm.
When dawn fell, everyone decided to camp for the night. You volunteered to stay up and be on the lookout. You sat by the fire, trying to warm yourself up. You heard footsteps and turn around quickly, holding a dagger that you owned.
"You're holding it wrong." Boorman said, as he was holding more wood to feed the fire.
You exhaled and lower your guard as Boorman dropped the wood. He looks down at your hand that still held the dagger.
"What a peculiar weapon..." He says, holding onto your wrist as he examined its features.
"It was my grandmother's, said it was made by the faes." you said, looking up at Boorman. He turns you around as your back is on his broad chest and picked your arm out.
"Turn your arm in this direction, that way you're able to pull back quickly." He whispers in your ear, guiding your stance.
"I know how to defend myself." you said. Oftentimes, you'll be watching Jade and Kit spar by the mountains, making sure that both of them don't fall off.
"Then show me." Boorman said, backing away.
You turn in his direction, smirking.
"I admire your confidence, but don't you think your imprisonment made you rusty?"
"Oh, you just put a knife through my heart!" He said sarcastically, pretending to stab himself. Both of you laugh as he leaned back in a tree.
"But I'm serious, I don't want you getting hurt." He said, his voice now sincere.
"I can handle myself, Thraxus Boorman. But maybe you should-"
You throw your dagger in his direction, as it only cut a lock of hair by his ear.
"...look out." You said, going back to your post, leaving him speechless as he reached out for his hair that he desperately been trying to maintain.
He tries shaking off his unsettled nerves as he sits next to you, amazed.
"How has a girl like you never been outside of the kingdom's walls till now?" He asks.
You give a dry chuckle, shrugging.
"I couldn't imagine my life outside of the only place I've known. Thought I'd be by Kit's side, and be an ear to listen when she's butting heads with her majesty and brother."
"The queen's alright. Can't blame her for ruling a kingdom and raising two kids alone." Boorman said, feeling slight guilt.
You look at his far out gaze in the fire, thinking of the past.
"You've probably seen the whole world, bet you even found beautiful people." You said, hoping to raise his spirits.
He looks at you, feeling some indescribable feeling.
"I traveled hundreds of miles and met interesting individuals, but they weren't as astonishing as you."
You were silent, slightly taken back at his words. Boorman closes the gap between you two, lips now inches away from each other.
Suddenly, you heard a low growl coming from the darkness.
You and Boorman get up from your positions, he picked up his cleaver while you unsheathed your dagger.
Suddenly, the fire went out and everything was consumed in darkness.
"Guys! Time to wake up unless you want to be killed in your sleep!" Boorman yelled out as both of you had your backs to each other.
You and Boorman circle around, trying to use your other senses.
When you suddenly heard flapping coming towards you, you duck quickly as Boorman strikes first.
The dag shrieks in pain and backs away quickly, trying to regain its strength.
"Everyone to the horses, now!" Willow said as everyone tried to fight off either the lich or the scourge.
Boorman grabbed your hand as you raced to his horse, but the doom got in your way.
Boorman fiercely fights him as he gets off his horse. The doom used one of his whips to take control of Boorman's cleaver as it flies feet away.
"Go! I'll distract it." You ordered Boorman. He doesn't want to leave you, but he needed to get to one of the horse so you'll both leave.
Once it was your turn, you fought valiantly against your foe. You were quick enough to escape its strikes and used your dagger to cut behind his knees and arms. But suddenly, he caught onto what you were doing and strike you again.
As if on cue, you heard galloping your way and see Boorman racing to you. You reached out your arm as he pulled you up in one swoop as you two rode off.
You held onto Boorman tightly, then suddenly look down as you felt pain in the side of your stomach.
"You weren't hurt, were you?" Boorman asks as you are still racing away from the campsite, unable to see you in the dark night.
"I'm- I'm fine. Let's catch up with the others." You said, holding onto Boorman like he'll be the last person you'll ever be with.
When early morning arose, you saw your friends near a cave as they sat down, breathless from last night's fight.
Boorman stops the horse and gets down first. he was glad that you two made it out alive. He looks up to you smiling as he offered a hand. Then, his face fell as he could see the large blood stain on the side of your dress.
You can't recall if he called your name, but you started swaying and fell off the horse. You look up and see that Boorman caught you, trying to tell you to open your eyes as they slowly began to close.
He hurriedly takes you within the cave as everyone asks what happens. Boorman could only stand, shocked that he didn't see you hurt. He should have been the one to take the hit, but he knew that you had to fight the doom in order for both of you to escape.
Willow inspects your wound thoroughly, as everyone gathered close by.
"Is the wound like what I had?" Graydon asks.
"No, there's no parasite, which is good, but it's close to her liver. I'm afraid-"
"Don't say that. She'll make it. Out of all of us, she can get through this." Kit said. You were like an older sister to her, so she was protective of you.
"We'll have to split into two groups to find specific ingredients to help her survive, that way we can save her more quickly. But someone needs to stay and take care of her." Willow says.
"Let me, I use to help those back home when they were sick," Elora says, looking back at the group.
"It's too much of a risk if you stay out here alone." Graydon said, as the Gales were still trying to hunt her down.
"I'll do it." Boorman said out loud, taking a step forward.
Everyone looks back at him as he has been quiet since he took you in.
"Boorman now isn't the time for jokes," Kit said,
Boorman was upset that he couldn't save you in time, and no one took him seriously to do this for you. He looked more menacing, almost as if he was towering Kit.
"I'm the reason why she's like this. I'm not leaving her side." He said.
Jade steps forward to break them apart so they wouldn't kill each other.
"This isn't like nursing a plant back to health. She's seriously ill, she could-" Jade had to stop her sentence, already knowing the many knights that came back with the same wound and not making it when the sun rises.
"I meant what I said, I'll stay with her."
There was an uncomfortable pause, but they all decided for him to say as time was of the essence. The group separated in two and traveled out to find the cure you need.
Boorman was left alone and began to prep, knowing how to treat wounds and help you during the day as he often treated himself when he was badly injured.
After a few hours, you began to wake up in a bead of sweat and your mouth dry. You were tucked under a blanket as you felt the warmth it gave. You drew in a sharp breath, catching Boorman's attention.
"You're awake." He said in relief as he knelt down. He helped you bend your head forward as he carefully cradled your head to drink.
"Ho-How long have I've been out?" You ask.
"Almost the whole day." Boorman said, dabbing a cloth on your temple.
You slightly hissed as you moved, feeling your bandaged abdomen.
"Try not getting up, it'll only open your stitches." He said attentively.
"You bandaged me up?" You ask.
"Willow did what he could. When I saw you bleeding more, I stitched you up again and replaced your bandages." Boorman replied, looking down at his hands that still painted by your blood.
"Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?" Boorman asks, hearing the pain in his voice.
"I would blame it on shock or adrenaline, but I didn't want my last moments for you to worry about someone like me."
"How can you say that? Can't you see that you're important? Everyone was worried out of their mind and are out there finding some concoction to help you heal faster. Me? I was wondering if you would die on me with each passing minute. Don't you know I'd switch our positions if I had the chance?" He asks out loud, as his voice boomed within the cave.
He plops down next to you, cursing under his breath.
You could only look at him, feeling your heart break a little.
"I didn't mean to frighten you."
Boorman could only look away, not wanting to show his tear stained cheeks.
"You're a treasure I can't afford to lose." he says lastly.
When night fell, you were having a hard time to sleep as you constantly shivered. It was to the point where your teeth were chattering.
Boorman, who was guarding the entrance, turned around as he heard you. He quickly runs toward the fire and fed it, but it didn't make a difference.
"I'll be fine..." you whispered as you tried to snuggle in your blanket.
"No you won't, trust me." Boorman said, unbuckling his leather chest plate. Soon, he became shirtless as his toned body was illuminated by the fire. He lies down and presses his body next to you inside the blanket.
"The body heat should regulate your temperature." he says.
You could only nod your head weakly. You still shiver a bit, so Boorman holds you in his arms and you immediately stop.
"Thank you." you whispered, as you feel the warmth flood back in your cheeks.
"I told you I'd repay the kindness." He says, grinning.
You couldn't help but chuckle, but you started to cough. Boorman's eyes were filled with concern. Soon, your breathing started to sound more even.
You then lock eyes with the tall man, feeling a sort of guilt.
"Boorman, there's something I've been hiding from you." You said.
"What, that you're Sorsha's spy?" He asks casually.
"How did you know?" You ask in alert.
"You keep a distance from me and Kit whenever she's curious about Madmartigan. Or, you just really like me and my muscles" he says.
"I'm sorry for keeping it from you. Kit was destroyed when her father didn't come back. I just felt that if she knew what happened to him, she wouldn't have a clear mind of why she's on this mission. But there is some truth in the other option..."
"You like my muscles?" He asks.
"No you idiot, I like you!" You acclaimed.
Both your eyes widen as you just admitted your feelings for him.
"Did I just-"
"Yeah." Boorman interrupted.
There was some awkward silence, but Boorman still haven't left your side.
Your eyes fluttered as you tried to stay awake.
"Would it be okay if I could go to sleep?" You ask.
"Of course. Just promise me that you won't leave me." He said in a low tone.
"Why?" You ask, already knowing what he'd say but you needed to hear his words.
Boorman inches closer to your face as his eyes were serious.
"Because I can't stand a life where you're not in it."
With all of your strength, you lean closer to Boorman and kiss his lips.
The kiss was passionate, like fire and ice crashing against each other. Boorman's hands hold you firmly, as he shut his eyes shut, fearing that this will be a dream if he'd open them.
You drew in a breath, staring back at him.
He travels his hands to find yours and brings it to his lips, kissing the back of your hand. He felt tired as he closed his eyes, but made sure to tell you the truth of how he felt.
"Let me be the one to love you forever."
You smile at him, kissing his closed eyelids and snuggled closer to him.
"I promise to be here by your side."
Morning arose, and you fluttered your eyes. You still felt awful, as there was pain in your side.
But you were still alive.
You look to Boorman who was still snoring loudly, but his hands never left your waist.
"Boorman..." you whispered.
He scrunches his nose, slightly annoyed that his beauty sleep was interrupted. You decided to kiss his lips as he couldn't help but smile.
"Morning." You whispered again.
"G'mrng..." He grumbled.
It took a second, but Boorman's eyes opened up wildly.
"You're here." He says, almost in disbelief.
"I promised you that I'd stay. I'm sorry for scaring y-"
Boorman crashed his lips to yours once again, as you two melt within each other like wax.
He lets go and frames his big hands around your face.
"Never do that to me again." He said.
You nod your head, holding in a chuckle. Your two lips reunited, never wanting to be parted again
"Apparently, we missed something."
You and Boorman swing your heads to see your friends staring at you with different expressions. Boorman staggers upward, looking quite flustered as all you could do was laugh. Kit ran towards you and hugged you tightly, earning a groan as you were still injured.
"Sorry." Kit said, but she hugged you again softly as you were both crying.
After Willow collected all the ingredients and healed you, you were soon back on your feet. Boorman was still at your side as you recovered and all of you started packing up to travel to the shattered sea.
"Be careful Boorman. If you break her heart, I'll break your face and more." Kit warned, still not happy about the idea that you two were an item. Jade gave a warning glance at his direction too as you both rode on one horse.
"You should watch your back 'cause soon your lady won't be in waiting!"
Kit almost drew her sword if you didn't give her a look to stop. She rolled her eyes and rode along with Jade as you two stayed back.
"We have just begun our courting and you're already thinking of marriage?" You ask, looking back at him.
"When Thraxus Boorman makes a promise, he'd never break it. Especially when he's talking about a woman who has his whole heart."
You smile as you two kiss, later leaning on his chest. You feel Boorman's heart pounding, as you knew his love for you was true.
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praetorqueenreyna · 1 year
I disagree with your take on men not being able to experience SA (even if Ianthe is a stupid character and its alarming that SJM only seems to villianize her female characters committing SA) but there's something to say about a group of people coming after you for saying men don't experience SA in the most unserious way possible when that group of people also unseriously support and romanticise the SA scene with Fey/sand.
its ACOTAR, a fandom rife with horrible SA takes and depictions but they can somehow set that aside to stan the whole entire series and all of its demeaning themes and characterizations. Its also not lost on me that this went from "you're not putting wlw ships in a survey" to a whole research session on your opponent to discredit the fact that they did do the survey twice and it was for petty reasons.
Once again I wish you hadn't worded your take on men and SA like that, but hey it's your space and we do curate our online experiences. If that person knew beforehand that you posted things like that, why do the survey? If they had to search your blog after the survey argument to put a weight on your general character to take away from the original argument? Still backhanded, still not very "curating your online experience". We're all 30+ years old on a website that is very unserious and has supporters of incest of all things. I'd like to think half the things we are into or say here are unseriously said/or not said at all out in our regular everyday lives.
SO I will fully admit that that post was poorly worded. It was a casual post that was never supposed to get any traction, just something to throw my opinion into the ether. Not a serious analysis of how SJM expresses power dynamics and sexual assault. Part of why it's so confusing is that I literally got bored halfway through the tags and just stopped writing things.
Of course men can experience sexual assault from women, regardless of anybody's sexuality or attractiveness. My point was that women in power do not systemically abuse men in the way that men do women. I'm tired of lukewarm liberal feminists (such as SJM) trying to make some point about how the true victims of patriarchy are men. And that online warriors like the people throwing a fit about this do literally nothing to help sexual assault victims of ANY gender, and think that attacking some random person over a random post counts as social action.
But I totally agree with you! SJM seems perfectly happy to show over and over again these villainous powerful women who are somehow skeevy enough to offput the horniest men in world, but are conventionally attractive and don't really do much other than aggressively throw themselves at men. Which ALSO was a point of confusion: that post was not about Ianthe and Lucien. Obviously Lucien doesn't want to have sex with Ianthe bc he's gay. It was about how Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel are all written as these shallow horndogs who bang everything with tits, but are somehow genre savvy enough to know that Ianthe is a Bad Female Character and are disgusted by her. It's not cohesive, it's just a way for SJM to villainize a caricature of a person and make her male characters (who btw are WAY more sexually violent than Ianthe has ever been) seem like good characters.
But again, this kind of bad faith interpretation and virtue signalling has nothing to do with real victims of anything. Because if it did, they would have had an actual conversation with me, rather than putting words in my mouth over what I did and didn't say. Quite frankly, they're mad that I'm a Tamlin fan, and so they're trying to tear me down however they can. Like you said, first it was "well she's lesbophobic bc there are no wlw ships on the survey." Then when I made my point about how the people who complain about that do NOTHING to actually contribute wlw content to fandom, it shifts to me doing something else. If I kept up the conversation and tried to defend myself, I would be accused of some other crime.
ANYWAY this is exactly the kind of conversation I do enjoy having, so I do appreciate this ask! It is so important to cultivate your fandom experience and try not to take this stuff so seriously, especially for a series as poorly conceived as ACOTAR. Not all of my posts have been winners, but the actual content of those posts doesn't matter. Because I like Tamlin, I'm always going to be a criminal of SOME kind to these people.
I fully admit I should have just deleted the original ask because it was not sent to open a real dialogue. It's a lesson I have to keep learning over and over again, but maybe someday it'll stick!
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