#don't know yet how much i like this characterisation but he's pretty soft-spoken so i enjoy that!
binch-i-might-be · 1 year
same anon also says congrats that gwash is on outlander <33 anon knows ray will enjoy it bery much <33
thank you I love finding my silly men in the wild <333 Martha was also there and she was acceptably smol!
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fernisasinner · 4 years
Hey, hey...
If you don't mind me asking, but how would you rank the Obey Me! Boys (Brothers & Formally Undatables) in terms of personal favourites....?
Also, please feel free to elaborate as to why you placed them in those certain space if you don't mind...
Judging by the profile pic, Asmo's definitely first, right....?
Ooh, thank you for asking! I do love Asmo and he was my favourite when I entered the fandom, hence the profile pic, but a certain tsundere has stolen my heart. I'm not really the best with words but I've tried to elaborate even if it's mostly just me talking about the characters. 😅 Please keep in mind also that I'm still on the first season of lessons so I'm going by what I know so far from those and other fan's perspectives. Here is my ranking for the boys in terms of personal favourites.
1. Mammon - he makes me feel safe, I think he'd give the best hugs, he seems easy to get along with and be best friends, he doesn't get credit for how smart and talented and lovable he actually is. He gets so many nasty things said to him that aren't true, and I'm dying to give this man the love he deserves. He'd also be down for all sorts of dates or outings. Unlike mostly fancy dinners with Lucifer, or mostly cuddling with Belphie and anime marathons with Levi, I think Mammon would be down for anything from clubbing to picnics and cosy days in bed. I feel comfortable with him.
2. Asmo - he tries so hard to make himself appear lovable when the only person who needs convincing is himself. That's such a human thing to do, and makes me think that he'd be that one mom friend who will let you vent for hours and give the best advice while refusing to deal with their own problems. In bed I definitely think he pays attention to his partner(s) and prioritises their pleasure before his own. This man knows how to make himself look good and is definitely a feminist. He would be a great friend that you can talk about anything with while pampering each other.
3. Barbatos - I don't really know what's going on with the butler yet, but I would really like to get to know him better. Although he's polite all the time, he has hints of playfulness and snarkiness but overall seems friendly and soft-spoken so far. He might take a little while to let his guard down and open up his personality to you but once you got there, it would be 100% worth it. He is pretty and strikes me as an interesting character. I love the way he acts and talks and I want to know more.
4. Belphie - I'm not gonna lie, maybe I just want sleepy cuddles. He looks so soft and would absolutely laugh at horror movies while letting you snuggle into his side. Yes, The Thing happened, but I totally understand where he's coming from and I'll forgive him. Despite The Thing, he actually seems like the most sensible and rational brother out of all of them. Also, introducing someone as a mystery attic man will never fail to make me like them.
5. Lucifer - I'm still in the stage where the things he says catch me off guard. Calling me out on blushing with that smug smirk of his? Agreeing to a kiss with no hint of hesitation? I am not used to this man flirting, but when he does I forget that he's maybe kind of a terrible person. He would definitely have a secure grip in a hug, but be delicate when holding hands. Unfortunately, I think he loves Diavolo more than he could ever love me 😔
6. Solomon - he is mysterious, he treats us kindly while loving to cause chaos and mischief, he has been alive for so long he must have a never-ending supply of stories from his personal life experiences. He is feared not for his skills as a sorcerer, but for his impossible lack of skill at making food edible. Why does he dislike water? I just want to listen to this man talk about his life for a few hours. Also, he gets points for dressing nicely.
7. Diavolo - although there seems to be a darker side to him than meets the eye, I love how friendly he is and his easygoing playful personality makes me smile especially when it's pissing Lucifer off. It intrigues me that he's said to be better at chess than Satan but other than that, nobody has commented on his intellect so far. Is it a secret that his mind is as powerful as the rest of him? Despite his status, he is a lonely goofball and I would like to take him on a date and get to know him better.
8. Simeon - I like him but I'm not sure that I trust him. This angel can be sneaky when it suits him and much like Diavolo, I don't want to see him angry. He's pretty and I like his smile though. I think he would be good at gentle words and comforting touches which I need sometimes.
9. Satan - despite being the avatar of Wrath, I respect that Satan puts in an effort to be very calm and I trust him more for his love of cats. I think like Levi with video games and anime, he uses books as a way to distance himself from the rage boiling inside at his reality. It helps him to understand himself better and make sense of the world around him and the feeling inside him. I like his mischievous side and I can relate to him, but I think hanging out would be too quiet for me to relax.
10. Levi - I'm petty and I still hold a grudge for him making me team up against Mammon towards the start of the game. I don't hate him, but I don't really love him as much of some of the others. I must say though, I admire his skills with technology and his amount of knowledge when it comes to the worlds he's invested in. I relate to using fictional worlds as an escape from reality and I think we could be good friends.
11. Beel - I love Beel, and I blame the game for his lack of characterisation. Aside from his heart-to-heart with mc about Lilith, I feel pretty distant from him and like I don't know his personality very well yet. I would like to eat some potatoes with this man and watch demon master chef.
12. Luke - I don't mind Luke at all, I just don't connect with him very much. I think he's nice, but probably my least favourite out of everyone. We would bake cupcakes together and maybe accidentally throw some flour at Lucifer.
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iridescentwinters · 6 years
hi there! don't know if you have done it before but could you give a description of each william remake on what you've seen so far including og? 😊
hello hello! oof i’ve never done this before!
and holy shit i made this super long,,,, but anyway here are my takes and personal descriptions of all the williams!
william (skam) – oh, william. the king of all williams because he’s the original bad boy with a broken past; the reason why we have the rest of the remakes boys. i think my initial opinion on him was how he was going to be a typical “wattpad” bad boy who would just chase after the good girl for the kicks of it. but my opinion changed heavily after watching season 2. while he did make mistakes in both season 1 for being an asshole to vilde and also not hearing noora out after learning the “truth” from his brother (the biggest asshole/villain) about the party, i think people take hating on him to the extreme. to me, william presented himself as someone who was ignorant with a cold-hard exterior, but in reality he was a determined person who was willing to change for the better and he also did look out for others’ well-being. he was quite soft-spoken i would say especially around noora, but nonetheless he stood by his virtues of being a loyal friend even when she told him it was “wrong” to use violence. he was a realist as well. twisting all of those characteristics about him make him look like a bad person, but he really wasn’t. he had a difficult family and he lost his sister. he was just a little lost, but i’d like to think he’s now a mature person who’s made a good connection with himself.
charles (skamfr) – like william, charles also presented himself as an ignorant asshole who couldn’t care less about what others thought, but in reality he’s quite the opposite! my favourite thing about charles is how that entire cold exterior melts whenever he’s around manon. watching season 2, i noticed that he was a lot more clingy than william (i would say). especially in the scenes where manon almost broke up with him, he looked desperate, sounded fragile and was a lot more apologetic (shout-out to michel and his incredible acting!). he’s a lot more cut-to-the-chase kind of person (maybe that could also be because of the limited time skamfr had for every episode lol). he didn’t like beating around the bush. and he hands-down is the most emotional william SO FAR. that tear when he found out about the party scene, and when manon said she didn’t know if she slept with his brother or not? MADE ME CRY. overall, charles is a huge teddy bear that needs to be protected at all costs. he tore toxic masculinity down.
alexander (druck) – now, this is a tricky one. my first impression of alex while watching his entrance was that he was going to be the coldest william. and i think i still stand by that impression. most of season 1 was him looking and sounding stone-cold. cool as ice. now this is where my inner winterberg warrior jumps out, but literally i kid you not the first time alex genuinely smiled was after mia confronted him and asked him if he wet the bed. from then on, every scene he had with mia in season 1, you can see him smiling. i think that’s what’s nicely done about alex: he genuinely doesn’t give a fuck about others’ opinions. including mia’s right now. i know every single william is very educated and keeps up with what’s going on in the world, but druck currently is showing that very well, with the discussion he and mia had in class about israel. not only does that underline mia’s flaws in her thoughts, it characterises alex of not just being a pretty face, but he understands the world’s issues. from the recent clip (the christmas eve one), we see that he’s not celebrating christmas with his own family, so that definitely will play a major role in why he’s so cold. i have a feeling his broken past is going to cut deeper. overall, alex is indeed the coldest william, but i have a feeling that hard rock exterior is going to break soon. kudos to chris veres!
edoardo (skamit) – ughhhh can i just say how much i miss his face?! i can’t wait to see him soon in season 3! to me, edo’s the funniest take on william. i wouldn’t call season 1 edo a fuckboy; i’d call him a PLAYBOY. he’s so…. classy. from the very limited scenes we’ve seen of him, i would say he’s bold. like alex, he isn’t afraid of how he’s being perceived (probably too rich to hear them), but like charles, he melts at the sight of eleonora. in the first clip of season 2, you literally see him roll his eyes at silvia, but the moment he catches eleonora’s eyes, he just becomes a whole other person. i’m interested in seeing how his character development will be like in season 3 and how giancarlo portrays edo. i think he’ll be a lot more open about his past to eleonora than all of the other williams. and he’ll get more serious in situations where he’s supposed to be. but overall, i see him as someone who’ll use humour to hide his true emotions!
daniel (skamaus) – daniel’s entrance was hands down my favourite entrance. the song, the positioning, everything just screamed king of school without even trying. i’m not even saying this because grace made this reference in her text to megan, but he really does remind me of sebastian valmont from cruel intentions! this is gonna make him sound like an asshole for 5 seconds but bare with me; i think he sees grace as a challenge. INITIALLY he does. he radiates “villain” energy, but in season 2 he’s going to forget all of that and will genuinely risk everything for grace. i just know it. he’s going to be the epitome of cliché (thanks to julie 😉). i think he’ll be the most afraid of breaking his tough barriers. i can’t wait to see how his character development is going to look like!
alejandro (skames) – BABY. A BABY HAS BEEN SPOTTED. but listen, don’t be fooled by looks,,,, alejandro most definitely is not the softest william. he may look like it, but he ain’t. and i think that’s what i like about him. he just never fails to surprise you. it’s nice to see a teenager play a teenage role! he just gives off cocky vibes, tbh. especially confident, which we can see in the halloween clip where he subtly asks nora for a dance (RIGHT IN FRONT OF VIRI). now, the reason why i brought up the fact that a teenager plays a teenage role is because despite having an arrogant upfront, i think alejandro is going to make a lot more mistakes and will be a lot more emotional than maybe even charles himself. fernando is 18, he’s still experiencing the teenage life. he’s going to have a more realistic take of a fuckboy in Spain.
noah (skamnl) – oK. noah is by far the most mysterious william. THIS MAN DOESNT EVEN HAVE HIS SURNAME DISCLOSED YET. he’s definitely a lot more quiet than the rest of the williams. i would even go to the extent of calling him alex’s foil (in a good way, of course!). that doesn’t mean he’s not confident though. most definitely is, especially with the last clip of season 1 where he gives liv the note behind engel’s back lmaoo. along with charles, he said fuck toxic masculinity by not only having a passion in the arts, but also with painting his nails. it’s the little things about him that characterise him as a good person. i wonder if he’s a lot more soft-spoken because of his family background. i have a feeling he’s going to be an ultra-soft version of charles. ugh writing about him makes me so sad bc i miss him, but i can’t wait to see him again in 2019 hehe
senne (wtfock) – senne’s a lot more involved with school than all of the williams combined (even daniel, who doesn’t seem to care much about popularity at school). which makes sense tbh, because i feel like the textbook definition of the most popular boy at school is being socially involved and yeah, being a jock basically. ugh i really need to get caught up with the rest of wtfock’s season 1, but from what i’ve seen, he’s kinda like a mixture of alex and edo. like alex, he’s not afraid of pointing out zoë’s flaws in her thinking, but like edo, he’s bold. he looked surprised when zoë made him pick up all of her stuff, but he nonetheless did what she told him to do, so i have a feeling we’re going to see more of that in season 2. he’s not going to be afraid of tearing down the stereotypical male bravado or being called “whipped” for listening to his girlfriend. i’m SO ready to see more of him next season!
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