#don't ask me to back this up bc I can only do so mildly
sharksnshakes ยท 2 months
Hi I'm doing this on anon bcs I'm embarassed of how fast i'm asking this lmao butttttttt
...will you write a part two to the tim drake x reader?
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You have a crush on Tim... and to your surprise, getting his attention won't be nearly as hard as you thought. But he keeps reminding you of Red Robin? That can't be right.
AN; part one can be found here. not sure where i'm going with this yet BUT expect a part three. and maybe something else with kon. in my titans era
Wordcount; 1.1k
TW; some cursing, mentions of drinking, making out (you'll see)
As luck would have it, you're at the same hole-in-the-wall bar the next weekend. Red Robin sighting aside, cheap drinks are cheap drinks, and now you're crowded around a rickety table with the same friends as last time. Plus Tim.
A week's worth of deliberation has lead you to the conclusion that you have honest to God romantic feelings for him. Sure, Red Robin turned your head, but chances are slim to none that you'll ever see the dark haired vigilante again. Even if you did, you know nothing about his personal life! You don't even know his name! How could a relationship possibly work out?
You're doubling down your efforts, which is why you're wedged up against Tim's side, nursing a cool drink in your hands and refusing to feel bashful about the outfit you've got on tonight. Tim never goes out, ergo, he's only ever seen you in the baggy sweats and oversized tees you show up to lecture in. It's the perfect opportunity for you to dress up and flaunt your assets. If it worked on Robin, it'll work on Tim.
"Havin' fun?" You ask, glancing over at him.
Tim looks out of place, to put it mildly. He is the heir to Wayne Enterprises, after all, and you love him dearly, but his vintage sneakers and expensive-smelling cologne don't exactly fit in with the sweaty crowd of coeds.
"I think so?"
You smother a laugh. "Hey, at least you're not holed up in your apartment cramming for another test."
Tim frowns gently. "Yeah. You're right."
It feels like his comment holds some second meaning that's flying right over your head. You'd ask him about it, but before you get the chance, one of your mutual friends is grabbing you both by the wrists and dragging you into the makeshift dance floor.
After about fifteen minutes of bouncing and singing and laughing, the fragrant smoke and crush of bodies start to get to you. The music's pounding. The air is heavy. You squeeze your eyes shut, willing the uncomfortable, oppressive feeling away.
"Hey." Tim appears at your side. He's got a steadying hand on your shoulder and his lips are practically on your ear. "Y'okay?"
If you weren't short of breath before, you definitely are now.
"Need some air," you shout back, fighting to be heard over the speakers. "I'll be back in a minute."
Tim's hand stays on your shoulder. "Let me come with you."
You want to tell him he doesn't have to. This is his first night out in ages, and the last thing you want to do is throw a wrench in it by dragging him outside; when you look at his face, though, there's genuine concern and care in his eyes. You nod.
"Lead the way," Tim shouts, and you reach for his hand as you push through the crowd. His fingers wrap firmly around yours, steady but not overbearing, and a horde of butterflies descend on your stomach.
Tim doesn't drop your hand until you're outside, sucking in the nighttime air. It's sticky and humid outside, a thunderstorm can be heard in the distance, but it's heavenly compared to inside.
You pace up and down the alleyway for a moment. Just like last week, there's nobody out here but you and the dumpster. And Tim.
Involuntarily, you glance up at the rooftops that loom above.
"I saw Red Robin here last week," you say absentmindedly, turning back to look at Tim.
"Oh really?" He clears his throat, following your gaze. "Was he, like... up there?"
"You don't seem particularly excited."
"Well, I mean... it's just Red Robin?"
You gape at him. "Just Red Robin? Tim, he's cool as fuck."
"He's literally just another Robin. There's been, what, like... five?"
"Three," you correct, walking back over to Tim, "And he's literally a superhero."
You laugh out loud. "What, you got beef with him?"
"No," Tim protests, a flush crawling up his cheeks. "He's just no Batman, is all."
"He's not supposed to be Batman. That's his whole thing. He's Robin, and he's cool as fuck," you reply, leaving no room for argument. You lean against the brick wall, gazing up at the clouded sky. "...Think he's out there somewhere?"
You glance at Tim, but he's already staring at you.
"You look... really pretty tonight," he murmurs.
Your cheeks prickle with heat. "Thanks. You, ah, look good too."
At that moment, it hits you that you're alone with Tim Drake Wayne, the guy you're pining over, and that he's just called you pretty. A smile tugs as your lips. Red Robin hit on you in this very alleyway, and now Tim is hitting on you, too, and your confidence surges.
"Um, actually," you say, looking at Tim, "There's something I've been meaning to tell you--"
A gasp dies in your throat as a couple stumbles through the back door. They're attached at the lips and deserving of an NC-17 rating. Your shock is quickly replaced with amusement (and, albeit, a healthy level of disgust) and you laugh in shock, your heart still pounding in your throat. The door rattles on its hinges, freshly scraped up from being slammed against the wall.
"Holy shit," you exhale. Only then do you notice that Tim pushed you behind him: an arm is protectively flung out in front of you, the other hand is pulling something out of his pocket. His thumb and forefinger are pinched around a small, sharp-looking object--it's black, it glints in the light, you don't know what it is. He stuffs it back into his jeans, huffing out a sigh of relief.
"Hey, you okay?" Tim asks, turning back around to face you.
"Fine." You nod. "Startled... but, uh, fine."
"Good," he says, eyes still tracking the couple. "Anyways. You were saying?"
There's a muffled moan from the other end of the alley.
"Another time," you say, grabbing Tim and pulling him inside before either of you see more than you want to.
As you rejoin the group, you wonder distantly what he was holding. A knife, maybe? But Tim's dead last on your list of people who'd walk around Gotham carrying a weapon. Then again, his net worth is staggeringly high, so maybe he does carry something...?
If you didn't know better, you'd say he acted like a vigilante.
You're not sure what to think.
But the bar's loud music leaves no room for thought, and you push your musings to the back of your mind. You're having fun with your friends, Tim called you pretty, and you just had the shit scared out of you by strangers--tonight's been eventful as is, so it looks like your detective work will just have to wait.
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sanguineterrain ยท 1 year
PLS PLS PLS I'm begging you for the play fighting prompt omgggg sanne I'll love you forever (I already do but that's besides the point)
lmfao I am so embarrassed by this ๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿซฃ totally exposing myself right now but whatevs. hope u like it aud (and others). i haven't written smut in a looong time so. baring my soul rn ๐Ÿซ 
jason todd x fem!reader. warnings: smut, playfighting, roughness (?), sprinkle of dumbification (no one look at me), dom jason but also kinda service top jason, fingering, praise, and CONSENT! bc we consent orally here, sir. 18+ only minors get OUT (you shouldn't be here anyway!!!)
heh. anyway. crawling back under my rock now.
"Do you think I could take you down?"
Jason raises his eyebrows at you from over his book.
"Come again?"
"Like in that demonstration Kory and Dick did today. Do you think I could do to you what she did to Dick?"
Jason chuckles, setting his book down.
"Baby, I hate to break it to you, but I think Kory's a little more practiced in combat than you are."
"So you don't believe in me. Wow. Some boyfriend you are."
"Of course I believe in you," he says. "She is a space princess, though."
You shake your head and pluck the book from Jason's hands. You make a point of sliding the bookmark in before you close it. Jason squints at you.
You wait approximately a quarter of a second before you leap forward, straddling Jason's chest. He makes a hup sound as you land, and you lift your chin victoriously.
"I got you," you say.
Jason nods, smile widening. "You got me, sweetheart."
"No, I don't. C'mon, fight back, Jay."
His eyes glitter as he studies you. Then he picks up both of your thighs and swings you both off of the couch. You land with him hovering over you, not even holding any part of you down. His hand is underneath your head to cushion the impact.
You huff. You know Jason can do better than this; you've watched him take down fifteen men in less than five minutes.
You lift your head, mouth parted in expectation. Jason understands immediately and happily complies, kissing you warmly.
You take the chance to hook your leg over his hip and throw him off balance. His hand wobbles enough to tell you that he genuinely hadn't been expecting that. Jason rolls on his side, absorbing the impact. You pounce.
"What's gotten into you?" he asks, smirking as you crawl onto him.
"You're holding back," you say, pinning his wrists down.
Jason looks at you mildly. "I told you I believe in you. You got me, baby."
He could break out of your hold instantly. Even if you were matched in strength and size, Jason has years of experience on you.
Something in your brain goes quiet and gooey at the thought. It fades as quickly as it comes.
"Play with me for real," you urge. "Show me some moves."
Jason presses his lips together. "You sure?"
You nuzzle his cheek, scruff scratching you.
"I'm sure. I trust you, Jay. C'mon, show me what you got."
He laughs, unbearably fond, and crosses his legs around your waist. You lose your grip on his wrists in the next moment, and you end up on your back. Again, Jason doesn't let you feel the full impact that he'd unleash on an opponent. He holds your shoulders when you go down to avoid thumping your head on the carpet.
Your breath still knocks around in your chest, though. The lightheaded feeling returns. You shift, pretending like you're adjusting underneath Jason.
"I can show you how to do that if you want," he says, and it's oddly sweet.
Your eyes narrow. Jason tilts his head, immediately suspicious.
"What're you planning, minx?" he asks.
"What do you mean? I'm perfectly innocent."
"Yeah, sure. I see the gears turning up there." He taps your forehead.
"Whatever, weirdo," you say, and push at his chest. "Let me up."
Jason practically scoops you up into a standing position. You busily dust yourself off even though he vacuumed last week. Jason's apartment is always spotless.
Right when you think he's distracted, you go in for the final attack. You launch yourself in his direction, putting all your weight into the advance.
At first, Jason's thrown off. Briefly, the thought that Jason feels so safe around you that he isn't on constant alert crosses your brain, and you melt at the realization.
Then he gets this glint in his eye, and squares his hips, and another feeling overtakes you entirely. He assesses you quickly, and the two of you push against each other for a few seconds. Just long enough for you to witness the emergence of a different side of Jason.
"My girl plays dirty, huh?" he says, voice pitched low.
Your head spins with how fast it happens. You've unlocked something, it seems, by trying to ambush Jason. He locks both of your wrists into his left hand, spins you around, and splays his right hand over your lower belly. Breath squeaks from your throat. Jason doesn't often remind you of your and his acute physical differences, but his large palm cupping your belly, fingers dangerously close to your waistband, reminds you that your boyfriend is at the top of the food chain when it comes to survival.
If he wanted to take you down, he could. That fact sears deliciously in your brain.
Then Jason goes in for the final blow. He pulls you in by your belly while also wedging his thigh between your legs. His ankle hooks yours, and you feel your balance topple as he pushes and pulls you.
You land on your stomach, Jason's hands still on you, and more than a little of his weight holding you down.
You throb underneath the pajama shorts you never changed out of.
All your air pistons out of you when you hit the ground, resulting in an embarrassing catch between a whine and a wheeze.
Jason's grip slackens immediately.
"Shit, baby, you okay? I'm soโ€”"
"Ngh, Jay."
Jason freezes. His grip tightens, just firm enough to make your head go fuzzy again. His breath is hot against your ear when he speaks.
"Oh," he coos, and now you can feel nearly all of his body weight on you. His thigh is between your legs but only to keep them separated. There is no friction against your pussy, you clench around nothing.
"You like that, pretty? Like a little weight on ya?"
"Jay," you pant, wiggling underneath him. "Jay, please."
"Too much?" he asks, and the check-in just makes you wetter.
"No, n-no, want more. Guhโ€”Jayโ€”"
He laughs, a little cruel, a lot pleased.
"Fuck, honey. If y'wanted this, y'could've asked. Feels good, huh? Lighter? Too much on that quick brain of yours; y'need a break, don't cha?"
You've never felt like this before. You'd be seconds away from humping Jason's thigh if you could move.
"Jay, Jayโ€”"
"Oh-oh, I know, sweet. You put up a good fight. Couldn't believe it was my girl, fightin' like that. What happened at that last part, hm? Your pretty head go empty?"
You whine, squirming as much as you can under Jason's weight. He hums.
"Didn't know how easy you get with a little weight on you. Poor baby, gotta keep your wits about you when all you want is to gush all over my thigh. You gushing yet?"
His fingers on your belly slip past your shorts, past your underwear, finally landing where you want them most. Jason gives your pussy sweet, little pets. He parts your folds, shallowly dipping his middle finger, just enough to make you clench.
"Jason, please," you beg, trying to chase his fingers.
"You wanted to play, right?"
You don't say anything, mind hot and cloudy like you've got a fever. Jason pinches your clit, just hard enough to make you jolt.
"Did the words leave you that fast, sweetheart? I've barely done anything. C'mon, you can do it. You're usually such a smart mouth. What happened?"
"Empty," you manage to say. "'M empty, Jay. Needa feel full."
"Oh, good girl," he purrs, two fingers diving into you pussy. You keen. "Good fucking girl. I can keep you full, don't you worry about that, pretty."
His fingers inside of you sound obscene. You might be embarrassed if you weren't on another planet right now.
"God, you're so wet," Jason says, and he genuinely sounds awed. "Little clit's so hard, I bet you can barely think. No wonder you're so dumb right now. Do I even have to do anything? I bet you'd just hump my thigh till you come."
His hand slips out of your pussy and you protest loudly, thrashing and gasping. Jason hushes you.
"Ah-ah, what happened to my good girl? Know all the blood from your brain rushed to your clit, but you gotta be patient, pretty. You think I'd leave you hanging? Be a crime to leave y'wet and aching."
He pulls your shorts and underwear down in one go, then lifts your hips up, slotting his thick thigh right up against your hot cunt. You immediately start to rub against him, out of your mind with the need to come.
Jason laughs. "What'd I say? I take care of my girl, don't I?"
"M-more, touch me, rub my clit," you pant out, nipples dragging almost painfully under your shirt. The carpet bites at your tits even through the fabric, especially now that Jason's given you room to ride his thigh.
You're still one hundred percent trapped beneath him, his weight pinning you down. Your arms remained locked behind your back.
"Mm. A little bossy, but I like you asking for what you want," Jason says, leaning down to nip at your shoulder.
His hand returns to your now bare pussy, and his middle finger quickly finds your clit. He swipes it a few times, then sucks his fingers into his mouth. You hear him lick them clean before he dives back in, now zeroed in on making you come.
It doesn't take long. You moan loud and long when your pleasure reaches its peak, Jason relentlessly working you over. You squeeze hard around his thigh when you come, brain syrupy and light.
"Oh, fuck, God. Look at you, yeah. That's my girl. Feel better?" he rasps, hovering over you.
You don't have time to reply before Jason flips you over, holding you down like that. He's hard, and his eyes are wild, a beautiful, blazing teal. He looms over you, and you feel inexplicably hunted.
"I think you've got another one in you," he says, pawing at the soft fat of your thigh. "Pretty girl can give me more, right? What'd you say earlier?"
Jason leans in and covers your body with his. The weight on your chest turns your brain to soup.
"Oh, that's right. Show me what you've got."
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theyluvlyss ยท 9 months
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๐ฌ๐จ, ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž...
I literally just came up with this little drabble, and I'm sorry, but it's funny to me, so-
but anyway, two more shazam fics are on the way pretty soon (one freddy, one billy), and then I got a stranger things/mike wheeler request after that, so be on the lookout :) !
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๐’๐š๐ฒ ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐–๐จ๐ซ๐
ใ€Š โ™ก ใ€‹ oneshot/crack-fic
โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ใ€Š .ยฐโ€ขโ™กโ€ขยฐ. ใ€‹ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
๐๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ญ :
reader loves it when billy showcases his power. billy loves showing off to his girlfriend. it's a win-win situation, to be honest.
๐‘๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซ :
fem!girlfriend!reader x billy batson - she/her/hers pronouns!
๐“๐ข๐ฆ๐ž๐ฅ๐ข๐ฆ๐ž :
post shazam!: fury of the gods
๐“๐–/๐‚๐จ๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐ญ :
yelling/screaming (in a good way, dw) - lots of begging from reader lmao - billy being easily swayed bc he wuvs you๐Ÿฅฐ - dang, this is kinda crazy sounding outta context, huh? - anyways - this whole thing is just very berry cute, methinks - good vibes only, supa good vibes onlyโœจ๏ธ - shrek reference
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ใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…ค...๐›๐š๐œ๐ค ๐ญ๐จ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฆ๐š๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ
โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ใ€Š .ยฐโ€ขโ™กโ€ขยฐ. ใ€‹ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
"Do the thing!"
It was a sudden squeal, almost as if you'd been holding it back for a while. Not to mention, the walk back to his place had been comfortably silent the whole time before, your hand in his with both stuffed off in his coat pocket in order to shield them from the cold, winter weather.
Although, the squeezes you would give occasionally should've been somewhat of a warning sign. Billy just figured it was a silent, "I love you" of some sort, returning the action every time with butterflies in his chest that kept him warm.
He never would've guessed them as a sign for an incoming fangirl moment. And so, to be sure...
"What thing?"
Not that he wasn't genuinely confused, of course.
"Ya'know... the thing that I like?"
He looked down at you, met with your beaming smile back up at him that brought on one of his own. Still unsure, though, merely repeating the words you had jingled to him all of the sudden back to you in a tone of skepticism.
"The thing you like?"
"Yeah!" You chriped, waiting for him to catch on excitedly, only to be mildly disappointed when that moment never came and he shook his head in dismiss.
"...I don't know, I'm still lost."
"Billy, noo..." You whined, nudging him a bit with your side as the walk continued. "Pleaseeee?"
"What thing?!"
And before you could fully explain yourself, you saw a look in the emerald of his eyes that told you he was faking, the boy having caught on by this point and leaving you to huff and turn away.
"...Stop, you know what I'm talking about, you're just being mean."
Deep chuckles came from his chest, Billy nodding to himself in amusement after you had realized he was teasing you. And, because it was in his nature, he continued to do so until you would ask properly.
"You're right, I do know. I just wanna hear you say it."
"Mncht." You clicked your tongue but didn't give in to the vexing feeling of your boyfriend complicating the process, keeping strong at your pleads in hopes to simply just wear him down.
"Billyyy...please do the thing? Please?"
"C'monnnn..." He urged, nudging his shoulder with yours, and was satisfied with the roll of your eyes and his implied directions followed.
"Hmff... Can you pleaaase say the word? Please?"
"You want me to say the word~?" He repeated, this time with a tone of flirtatiousness that you willingly succumbed to, snuggling up to his arm almost too cheesy for your own liking as you gave an eager, "Yes!"
"Mmm, I dunnooo'..."
This boy and his need to taunt, you swore, would be the death of you...! And yet, it was charming enough for you to let it slide.
No, he was charming enough for you to let it slide. Shaggy brown hair and gorgeous green eyes and those cute dimples whenever he flashed you that winning smile...
Plus, you had been on the verge of geeking out the whole day out with him. Your boyfriend is a superhero for Christ's sake! Of course you'd want to randomly see the magic of it all from time to time! And it's not like you ever knew him to shy away from amazing you whenever he could. So...
"Please-please-please with a lot of maraschino cherries on top?"
Billy laughed at your specifics, already in the midst of guiding you towards a secluded area away from crowds and bystanders.
"Okay, okay, but only because you asked so nicely."
"Yes, yay-yay-yay...!!"
Your cheers and giggles of excitement went hushed by your own hands, waiting in anticipation as Billy took some safety steps back away from you and gave one last look around the area. When he was sure he was in the clear, he granted you your wish. Did just as you asked...
He said the word...
...and with a thunderous crash of lightning and a blinding light for only a moment, he was transformed into his older, super-self, and you were laughing wildly through jagged gasps of amazement.
A little bit of a crazy laugh, you'd admit later, but not the point-
"Yeah? How was that?!" Billy-... Shazam asked, his arms spread wide open as he walked closer to you.
"Super loud and scary!" You squealed, hopping around like a little girl who was seeing a fireworks show for the first time, the glowing emblem on his chest casting you and the entire alleyway in gold.
"Yeah?!" Shazam nodded in confirmation with a grin just as wide as your own.
"But it's so hot!!"
"Yeah, it is...!"
Billy's ego? Boosted.
Your fangirl levels? Off the charts.
Hotel? Trivago.
"Okay, now do it again, but back to you-you." You demanded requested, doing a small spin move with your index finger while Shazam dropped his arms to his side.
"-Please?" You cut before he could provide any light scolds or reasons as to why he shouldn't. You were his girlfriend, and you were so cute looking up at him, expecting to see her boyfriend, now, and not some grown man version of him she... liked... but didn't truly care for.
"Yay!" You clapped, moving yourself back this time to avoid a second lighting strike.
And with that, he was back to himself, your Billy Batson, standing with his arms still open in hopes he'd impressed you the way you had assumed he would.
And god, did he go above and beyond.
"AHAHAHA, YOU'RE SO COOL, I LOVE YOU!!!" You nearly screamed, voice rasping over from the sheer amount of pressure you were putting on your throat.
"I love you, too! C'mere...!" He laughed, admiring your excited figure and the way you were already running towards for him to catch you in his arms in a warm hug.
It lasted for longer than you both expected, but was clearly needed as you enjoyed each other's presence and touch.
"You know what you reminded me of, lowkey?" Billy murmured, no need to be any louder when he was right by your ear.
"Hmm?" You hummed, face pressed into the crook of his neck, cold nose tickling his skin.
"...Do the roar."
You pulled away very slowly. Your face went about as cold as your feet were right now, staring deep into Billy's eyes with a look of pure disbelief.
He stared back. Grinning, head nodding as if to say, "Yeah? Right?" like a puppy.
"You know what?" You hummed gently, returning the smile softly while your vision trailed his features and then down to his chest.
You pointed directly to his heart.
"You...are amazingly talented..."
"...at ruining nice moments between us."
You nodded, satisfied with yourself at the light tease.
"Mhm, yeah :)."
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๐ฒ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ, ๐ข๐ฌ-...๐ข๐ฌ ๐ข๐ญ...๐ข๐ฌ- ๐ˆ-...
is it obvious I have such a BAD crush on billy, and this is lowkey shamelessly self-indulgent, or nah๐Ÿง๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ?
you said nah?
awesome, cool, thanks /แ -โฉŠ-ใƒž.
ใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…ค...๐›๐š๐œ๐ค ๐ญ๐จ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฆ๐š๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ
ใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…ค...๐›๐š๐œ๐ค ๐ญ๐จ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ก๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ญ
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๐ซ๐ž๐ช๐ฎ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐›๐ฒ :
๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐œ๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐ญ :
1,132 words
๐ญ๐š๐ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐ฌ :
none :(
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pr3ttyb0ym2g ยท 7 months
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ATTENTION ๊’ฐVELVETTE ๐˜… gn! ๐˜™๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๊’ฑ
๐™Ž๐™ช๐™ข๐™ข๐™–๐™ง๐™ฎ ;; Romantic/ Fluff. Short. Velvette is adding modifications to her outfit concepts and asks for your opinion, but you're too smitten to help and she has to get your attention back. ๐˜ผ/๐™‰ ;; I wrote this bc I love to be smitten, also just something I don't typically write. Might be OOC, sorry! Also please I need ideas guys, make requests (PLEASE READ MY RULES, i changed them a bit).
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"Ugh, wrist ruffles? Did that bitch seriously say wrist ruffles for this outfit?" Velvette complained, bending her forearms and feeling the fabric.
You sat across from her, sitting properly with your hands on your lap. You often watched Velvette, your current lover, design and create her clothes. Even if you only mildly understood her fashion sense, you admired her creativity and ability to catch eyes. "What do you think? Too much color?" She turned to you, holding colored cardboard squares against her chest. Her current outfit was a mix of her favorite colors, red, violet, black, and white. You stared at her with a dazed look, staying silent as you analyzed all her features. "Hey! Are you listening?" You watched the way her lips moved, feeling your face warm at the desire to kiss her. She was saying something, and she was saying a lot, but you couldn't focus at all. You only listened to her voice, enjoying the sound. Every time you two were alone like this, no matter what you did, you wanted to hug her, kiss her, and love her dearly. You were aware of Velvette's brash and crude personality, yet you still forever held the desire to be with her. You saw her brows furrow in momentary frustration and her chest fall as she sighed. "You look perfect." You mumbled, feeling the dryness of your mouth. "Did you even hear what I asked?" Velvette rose a brow at you, placing a hand on her hip. She saw how your face turned red, you were a blushing heap. She didn't even do anything, yet you stared at her so tenderly, as if she was an art piece. You just nodded curtly.
"Right." Velvette dropped all the materials she held onto, listening to them hit the floor. She strolled up to the couch you sat on, looming over your seated figure. Your eyes never leave hers. "I'm going to need you to focus." She warned. You felt her breath fan your face. "Velvette.." You whispered disappointedly, feeling the urge to cup her face and kiss her. "What is it? I thought I asked for your undivided attention." She asked with a smug grin on her lips. "You have it." She always did. "Good." She held your chin, making sure you didn't look anywhere else. You wouldn't dare to anyway. Velvette gave you a quick kiss on the lips. You tried to kiss back, but she held your face in place as she quickly backed away. "Don't ruin the lipstick." She stared at your lips, seeing the faint stains she left behind. "Velvette, can you kiss me again?" You smiled at her, feeling putty in her hands. "When I'm finished. Now, since I have your actual attention, what color?"
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pupyuj ยท 1 year
I hope you're doing okay ๐Ÿ™I've been thinking lately and thought why not share it with my favorite fellow yujin simp.
just thinking about how she needs you really bad but you're at an I've practise of hers or in a dressing room for one of her performances.
Baby girl comes up to you all cutely ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบand hugs you to then whisper in your ear how badly she needs you, she's been thinking about it ALL DAY and having you so close is driving her wild.๐Ÿฅด
You successfully escape the said room to find a quite place to ruin her in. Telling her to be quite for you, "you don't want anyone to hear us right love?"๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคซ
Yujin being a mess, gripping at your clothes, whining and moaning in your ear๐Ÿ˜ณ, bitting your neck as she's close to silence herself 'cause she knows she'd be to loud otherwise. she' s been craving you for hours and that build up + your fingers is just to much for our puppy. ๐Ÿฅฐ
Also can I be ๐Ÿง‡anon?
tee hee this was ๐Ÿง‡ anon's first ask but i couldn't work on it back then :((( SO HERE I AM :DDDD choosing the dressing room setting too cuz ๐Ÿ‘€
thinking about yujin who feels like she can't wait for you to touch her until the end of her performance so she's glued to you the entire time she and the girls were sitting patiently in their room waiting for their turn on the stage :((( her pressing her cheek against your shoulder, smiling fondly as you made jokes with jiwon and gaeul, listened intently while rei was telling a story, laughing at your stupid antics with hyunseo and wony, she was so in love with you :((( her mind turning into a puddle when you put your hand on her thigh... you didn't mean to turn her on or anything! and it wasn't your fault that she was so desperate to be fucked! ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ
her tugging at your sleeve, putting her lips close to your ear, "i really need you, unnie... i'm so wet." see, you weren't really the type to just have sex anywhere whenever you want, so you looked at her with wide eyes at first ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ yujinnie thinking that she might have weirded you out, pouting and looking away, more than ready to just hold it all back until you wanted to touch her :((( but then you excused yujin and yourself to a separate, small empty room right next door ๐Ÿคญ surprising yujin when you pressed her back against the wall, your knee already sneaking in between her thighs ๐Ÿซ 
yujin was by no means a hard sub but it was rare to see her as she is right now: needy and impatient, practically begging for you to fuck her with the way she grinded on your thigh,, "please, please, please..." she was whining so cutely โ˜น๏ธ you were never able to say no to yujin... but this was such a once in a lifetime opportunity to push her over the edge for omce,, she always got what she wanted from you, so why not have fun and mess with her for now?? pulling down her safety shorts along with her panties, pressing your thigh against her bare cunt,, yujinnie thinking that you were going to fuck her hard and fast but immediately reads your intent when you started kissing up her neck,, "unnie.. un-unnie, please... just fuck me, i need you..." but she can't help liking the feeling of your lips on her skin :(((
you were careful not to leave marks, but with how weakly you were kissing her yujin only grew more desperate ๐Ÿซ  she grabs one of the hands you've placed on her breasts and puts it close to her cunt but you swat her hand away, "let me have my way with you or else i'll refuse to touch you the entire day." and that seemed to shut her up quickly,, the pup needed some training anyway,, telling you all that nasty stuff while in the presence of her staff team and members! you would have found it embarrassing had someone heard her... but you'll let it pass just this once bcs yujin was being so cute ๐Ÿคญ
pinching her nipples through all the fabric she was wearing,, yujinnie whining so much bcs while she does feel something, it's not enough :(( humping your thigh mildly to stimulate her clit,, "oh, puppy... you're drenched... you must be really horny, hm?" teasing her after seeing the mess she's made from her wetness alone,, yujin refusing to make eye contact bcs she knew why this was such a big deal to you :((( "you gonna come just from this?" and despite being desperate to come, yujin still had this huge ass pride and refuses to give you more reasons to make fun of her so she holds her climax back,,
it wasn't going to be for long though ๐Ÿ˜ˆ without warning, you thrusted two fingers inside her, deeply and harshly,, yujinnie having to hold you so close to drown out her moans,, hands clutching onto your clothes so tightly you thought she was going to rip them to shreds,, "u-unnie..! unnie, unnie..!!" she was so loud ๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿซฃ but your thrusts never ceased even with the risk of being caught,, you only fucked her faster and even deeper, hitting all of her sweet spots and turning her brain into mush with each hit,, slipping a third finger in so suddenly?? spreading her cunt and using your other hand to play with her clitโ€”god, yujin was screaming at this point...
"come lots, yujin-ah.. make this risk worth it.. you're unnie's good girl, aren't you? aren't you, puppy?"
between the nickname, the three fingers stretching her pussy so fucking well, and your breath on her neck, yujin came hardโ€”writhing beneath you and biting your shirt as she squirted all over your fingers,,, legs shaking so hard she nearly collapses, tears squeezing out the corner of her eyes bcs of her climax :((( "thank you.. thank you..." and she doesn't forget to kiss you and clean up the mess on your hand herself,, licking and sucking,, grinning at your flustered face at the sight,, whether she's subbing or domming, yujin will never not drive you insane ๐Ÿฅด
she definitely asks for more if there's time!! otherwise both of you will be at it all night long, no breaksโ€”just how she likes it ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
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moodywyrm ยท 1 year
shqehdunw the urge to cuddle naked with abby and not even in a sexual way but just bc i want to be close to her ๐Ÿ˜ž (chubby reader) like sheโ€™s laying in bed w just some boxers and a hoodie nd you come in, instantly undressing into some cute lil panties and she sits up like ๐Ÿ˜ oh okay
but then you just climb into bed, snuggling into her as close as possible and tucking ur head into her chest :( nd she hugs you, laying back down and rubbing your back,, until you push closer to her and start sliding your hands down, tugging at her hoodie and whining that sheโ€™s โ€œnot close enoughโ€.. she finally gets the hint and squeezes u closer, letting u slide her hoodie off nd pressing you against her :((
just fell to my knees irl
I've written something similar before here, but I wanna write this bc it's so fucking cute and so me, I crave non-sexual skin to skin contact
You've had one hell of a day, dealing with shitty coworkers and even shittier classmates, and honestly the only thing you want is to be with Abby. Who you already know is home, because she texted you that practice ended early! So you literally slump into your apartment, greeting Haley and Soot at the door.
As you make your way to the bedroom, you're stripping off bit by bit; bag here, shoes there, rings and necklaces and earrings in their lil dishes that Abby placed around the apartment for you.
By the time you reach the bedroom, you're left in only biker shorts and a big shirt, socks lost somewhere along the way. Abby sees you, standing there, looking mildly dazed and she's like "Hiya baby, how was your day?"
And you don't even answer, just taking in the sight of her in worn out grey boxers and an old hoodie, looking so fucking cozy and warm and yours. So, logically, you take off your shorts and pull your shirt off, your bra following, throwing them all into the corner. And now it's Abby's turn to stare because her gorgeous girlfriend is standing in their room, naked except for some soft baby blue panties, looking so sad and needy. So she sits up, and reaches out for you, humming when you climb into her lap and push her back down.
She's about to tease you for it, maybe initiate something, when you plop down on her and cuddle into her chest, head tucked into the crook of her neck, arms wrapped around her. A part of her melts, because you're so fucking cute, so she wraps her arms around you, trying not to audibly coo at the way you let out a little sigh of relief.
You two are just laying there, you're practically naked, cuddling and enjoying the warmth, when she feels you huff and push your hands down her body. You sit up for a second, pulling at the hem of her hoodie and asking "Can you take this off?"
And of course she says yes?? A chance to be practically naked with her girl??? She'd be a Fool to say no. So she yanks her hoodie off and you mentally say a hallelujah for Abby's hatred of bras, because her tits are out and they look so warm and soft you need to lay on them Now. And you do!
Abby pulls you back down, relishing in the feeling of your skin against hers, the warmth at every point of contact. Your head is laying on her pecs, soft and a bit firm, the squish of her tits pressing against your chin. Abby manhandles you just a bit, pulling one leg up and over her hip, soothing one big, warm hand over the plush fat of your thigh. The squish makes her head go fuzzy, but what really gets her is the feeling of your soft tummy pressing against her, the way it slots against her abs and makes her all warm and fuzzy. Not to mention the feeling of your tits pressed against her torso, basically erasing any thoughts from her head that don't concern holding her girl. She has one arm around your waist, her hand lazily trailing your back.
You are completely blissed out, you really fucking needed this. The feeling of her sturdy body grounding you, the constant warmth she exudes because she's basically a fucking heater. Her touch is so unbelievably comforting, soothing every ache and making you sleepy.
Neither of you really care to escalate this, just enjoying the feeling of each others body. it's all so warm and tender and sweet, you absolutely end up falling asleep and waking up at like 2am, at which Abby makes you dinner to make up for the one you slept through </3
brb I'm gonna go cry into my stuffies I need her so bad
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cinnamonest ยท 1 year
I'm now into the 5th season of hxh. As soon as I finish this series I will actually make a proper post but in the meantime I want to shout into the void how I feel about some of these bastards. Yes I was too lazy to turn off subtitles before taking hulu screenshots. I've been cutting into my sleep hours to watch this since the past week since I keep having to work overtime so this might be incoherent and delirious idk. I'm not entirely sure I'm awake right now. This might be a dream. Anyway
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Hisoka was the only character I was familiar with by name prior to watching and like. I always assumed the pervert schtick was like a one-time line/single scene that people just took and ran with it. I was incorrect
I know full well this man would most likely kill me but like. I think I'd be okay with it. I think it would be a good way to go and I would probably accept it. I'd thank him even. I'd ask him to step on me while he does it. Or maybe I'm right at the threshold where I'm so pathetic I'm genuinely not worth killing which I think I'd also be okay with as long as I can still get knocked to the ground and have him step on my neck. Please sir
Also a large portion of me watching this, up until this past week, has been while I'm at home bc I've been home a lot recently and I often have a parallel play thing going on with my mother where in the evenings I'll watch something or play games while she browses facebook or reads her Bible/Christian books and she'll like pay half-attention and make comments every few minutes on anything I watch. In true parent fashion she's managed to be there for like every scene of random naked shots or weird moaning and says nothing, but once just looked up, made a face of deep discomfort and went back to highlighting her Bible. I think about this a lot. I'm sorry mom
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I'm very weak to comic relief men actually and I have a triple weakness to token perv characters and furthermore my ovaries were created as such that men who are incredibly intelligent while also being astoundingly dumb are my kryptonite so my boy, be he as he may, dare I admit, does things to me. I think if you pulled the typical tease line where you say something about having a problem and needing a doctor to inspect you or just flash him he might die on the spot and that is very endearing to me. One could torment this man with the slightest of skin or sensuality it would be very easy. I appreciate you leorio
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I want to protect Killua but like does he need it really. Like the "oh poor baby I want to hold him and squeeze him and never let anything harm him" urge is there because of my blatant maternal complexes but at the same time I know full well he does not need protecting and would realistically be the one protecting anyone else but like the urge is still there. I don't care. I WILL find something to protect him from and I WILL do it
Also very tsun. I can sense it. I know I'm dumb and weak and I would get snarky comments about it but that's okay. I would let the middle school aged boy bully me. I'd be okay with that
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I think Illumi looks kind of like an insect. However he also terrifies me a little bit but I don't think that would particularly bother him. I think I could tell him both that he terrifies me and that he looks like a bug and he would have an entirely neutral response. Would probably just ask what kind of bug but may be disappointed if I name a non-cool bug. I'd probably say a grasshopper. I don't know how he would feel about that
I think what would be infuriating to me most is it is difficult to get much of a reaction out of this dude. Like you can be a total nightmare to have as a captive and the most you'll get is a :/ response. In attitude at least, like he'd probably still snap my wrist if deemed appropriate but would do it with just a mildly exasperated face/voice. I would try so hard to get a strong reaction and would never get it and that infuriates me. What right do you have to infuriate me like this bug man. Stop staring at me with them big ol eyes
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I think if this man were to be living a normal life and not running with criminals he would wear socks with sandals on a daily basis. Like those thick white halfway up the calves socks and tan buckled sandals worn exclusively by boomer middle aged dads. And it's not the only trait he would share with middle aged men either I think he would care deeply about the quality of his lawn and mispronounce foreign things in a way that is borderline creative for how wrong it is. I think he just is a middle aged boomer dad trapped in a younger man's body. Release this man into a Home Depot and he will immediately adapt to his natural habitat
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I am terrified of this man because due to who I am as a person I immediately evaluate all male specimens on what I think sex with them would be like, and cannot imagine a scenario involving this man where I come out of it without actual internal damage. Like you know how people joke about "rearranging your guts/insides" well this would be that but like actually genuinely. I think intercourse with this tank of a man would automatically necessitate medical attention. However do not mistake my horror for hesitancy because organ rupture is a price I will willingly pay for the experience of a realistic simulation of what I imagine it feels like to be a sick gazelle that falls behind the rest of the herd only to start hearing suspenseful nature documentary music
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I cannot look at this man without my blood pressure immediately rising. I have never been simultaneously so strongly attracted to yet have such a strong desire to strangle someone. I think the worst part of this is that he would somewhat let me attempt to strangle him but would find it endearing and would start going on an analysis of my personhood and I will be real with you all that would peak my fury and I would become violent. And blah blah "understanding myself" hey man can you maybe not mass murder and go on your journey of self discovery by doing drugs or taking a road trip or something like a normal person in their quarter life crisis. Is that so hard.
As my fingers type these words I can feel my heart rate increasing and I am filled with immense fury and arousal at the same time. Why are you attractive? What is wrong with me? I hate it and I hate myself for it. I have to unironically take a break from typing to take a deep breath. I have to move on because I'm getting heart palpitations
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Shalnark seems underappreciated. I love him so much but he also terrifies me in a way none of the others do. Like sure being blatantly cruel or loud or huge like some of the others is one thing but he's too cheery. It scares me on a visceral level. Sir why are you smiling like that. I do not trust it. Or rather realistically I know I WOULD trust it if I met this man as a stranger because I'm very gullible and that would not end well for me. This boy would probably be like one of the absolute worst people to end up stuck with once you get into it but that is very well hidden from the surface and I do not like that. I know I'm naive as all hell and I would fall for the same tricks over and over and I just know that would be used against me
On the bright side though this does mean he would actually fit the classic, original yandere trope since originally yanderes are supposed to be super sweet and cheery externally, so there's that
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My skrungly. My tiny son. Y'all do not understand my predicament because I have a NEED to squish his face in my hands, I have an unbearable urge to pat his head and ruffle his hair, it is a literal physical intrinsic need like food and water and I need this but like at what cost. Is the price one I am willing to pay. The answer is probably yes actually. What are a few broken fingers for a moment of pure bliss. Likewise even if by a mere 2 centimeters I am taller than this man and that brings me great satisfaction. I hold great power in my hands. I would be sure to bring this matter up on a daily basis at great risk to my well-being
Baby boy you are the warmth of my soul and the love of my life and the brightest star in my night sky which is really saying something because you have about as much positive energy as a funeral. Regardless. Baby boy. Baby
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I want Kurapika to know I love him. If Kurapika has 100000000 fans I'm one of them. I'm Kurapika has 10 fans I'm one of them. If Kurapika has 0 fans I am dead. If I were a shounen anime protagonist that just got the shit beaten out of me and I'm crumpled on the ground on the verge of unconsciousness and/or death I would have flashbacks and imagery of Kurapika go through my head and then I'd get a sudden burst of willpower and energy to miraculously get back up and kill the villain in a single blow. If I'm having a bad day and a singular thought of Kurapika passes through my mind it becomes a good day. Knowing Kurapika is a spiritual experience for me. I have a small orgasm every time my eyes are graced with Kurapika's visage. I think about Kurapika at minimum 127 times daily and if I fail to do this I will die instantly. I would protect Kurapika with my life. And by God I would gladly volunteer myself for clan rebuilding. Sir if you ever want to spread your bloodline I am right here. I will leap at the chance to spend the rest of my life as your personal incubator. I feel like he'd be paranoid and overprotective and lock me in the same house forever but you know what? I'm fine with that. Walking through our house at night will be like a semi-obscure 2000s Japanese horror rpg because every step you take there's a set of big red eyes staring at you but instead of weird Japanese demons its just pouty tiny kurtas. I am in physical pain because the most screen time he's had in ages is a phone call. Where is my boy. What have they done with my boy. If he does not return soon I will become violent
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bruciemilf ยท 2 years
I am FREE from the shackles of anon now heres my brainrot
A Krypton survives au where there's this exchange thing for Earth's most influential get shipped off to an island with Krypton's most influential for a few months. The appeal comes to Bruce, because it was either him or Luthor, and they're curious not desperate. Bruce sends two of his boys, Tim and Damian, because look. LOOK. He loves them. He doesn't love them less than any of his kids, of course. But by GOD do they need a reality check and some exposure
Immediately he sends them (Tim's excited and slightly angry, Damian's like nine and upset that his father apparently doesn't want him) he feels a crushing sense of guilt like oh my God my babies. I left my babies to fend for themselves- Damian must think I hate him, Tim'll never come home again, they must hate me-
The rest of the kids are like dad come on they're not babies, Damian'll get over himself. They can take care of themselves- it's not like they'll die, Dad, they're just being dramatic, they'll be fine.
It's excruciating because in the beginning, Damian gives clipped responses on the mandated calls and finds any excuse to shorten them, and Tim just doesn't show up. He sends written reports as a form of contact. Second month and afterwards is worse because Bruce is lucky if he even gets a TEXT MESSAGE per week. He's a literal mess and counting down the days until they're back, because they don't SEEM mad at him any more and seem like they're having fun but it's hard to tell when they barely talk to him
They come back home and Bruce is spilling out apologies like I'm so sorry I'll never send you guys away again I love you I'M SORRY. They're like "We're fine, calm down. Also we made some friends that are staying with us for a while :)"
Enter Kon-El and Jon-El (ik they logically won't exist if they hadn't been raised on Earth but IMAGINE) like, "hey! Your home is lovely and your kids are awesome and incredibly entertaining. Also here's our dad, his name is Kal and he's our adult chaperone! Have fun!"
It's love at first sight. Jason despises that this alien guy that can't control his powers fully yet and could hurt his dad is suddenly encroaching on their space and flirting with is dad. Dick's only mildly upset that he hadn't come along and found himself a Kryptonian buddy because they seem incredibly fun
Bruce's attention is split between Clark (hot, kind, clumsy alien guy that's ALSO a single father) and Tim (used to being abandoned so isn't really upset, but is definitely pulling away) and Damian (Very Vocally upset but wants to be a Big Kid because Jon's a few months older and a bit taller so he's trying to act like his world isn't falling apart)
I love that Clark is more or less a camp counsellor for troubled kids. Like yeah it really be like that *throws damian a hundred feet in the skies bc Damian asked him nicely*
WHEEZE imagine clark being like, Tim? Oh bruce he cried everyday! No yeah he wanted to call you every night and just kinda walked away from the phone last minute. Multiple times a day, sometimes. We had a betting pool.
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blackjackkent ยท 17 days
NSFW Alphabet - Hector Carlisle and Karlach Cliffgate
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Tagged by @bardic-inspo - thank you! c:
NSFW Alphabet
Honestly I don't know which of my mutuals who I normally tag in OC stuff do and don't feel comfortable with this sort of thing, so I'm gonna do an open tag! If you're reading this and want to do this meme, do it! And tag me in your answers. :)
18+ nsfw content under the cut for obvious reasons. XD
Hector and Karlach!
(Almost did this for Rasaad and Jaheira because they've been rotating in my head a lot lately but maybe that will be another post if there's interest. XD )
Some of this is new for me to think about, but a lot of it is based on things that happen in Prayers and Hellfire and Quiet Zone.
A = Aftercare (What theyโ€™re like after sex)
Massive snugglefest. XD Karlach does take a mildly dominant role most of the time but it's always a v soft vibe between them so the drop is minimal, but both of them are always very high on the endorphins and very much wanting to be close. (This is the case always, really, though - being able to touch each other at all always feels like a tremendous gift under the circumstances.)
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partnerโ€™s)
I haven't written about this yet (it's on the never-ending to-do list) but Hector comes to be both entertained and fascinated by Karlach's tail - especially when he discovers that it is very sensitive on the underside right at the base.
Karlach, if asked this question, would immediately joke that she likes hs ass and his tongue, but the truth is she finds his eyes mesmerizing.
C = Cum (Where does your muse prefer to cum/have someone cum?)
Almost always inside. Hector definitely likes this best as it feels very intense and intimate and lets him give up any sense of his usual discipline, but he would change it up if Karlach asked him to. Luckily, though, she feels the same way, and after her raunchy adventures in her youth in Baldur's Gate she's very familiar with cleric services available to make sure nothing comes of it.
(This does mean she ends up bugging Shadowheart a lot until they get to the city. Shadowheart grumbles a lot about this.)
D = Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory: a dirty secret of theirs)
Honestly, I don't think the two of them have many secrets between them? Hector is fairly reserved but Karlach could tell him she wants basically anything and he would be ready to give it a go.
They did basically pine excessively for each other in secret all the way up until Act 2 bc Hector never got Karlach's Act 1 romance scene. :P
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what theyโ€™re doing?)
Hector has never had sex before his first time with Karlach. Karlach has a tremendous amount of experience from her youth but is ten years out of practice.
Consequently, Karlach definitely knows what she's doing in a physical sense and is not shy about telling him exactly what she wants - and he is happy for the guidance. But even for her, their relationship is new ground in a lot of ways; she's never had a long-term relationship before, or one where the sex was so grounded in love.
So in that sense they're both equally inexperienced and the whole thing is very much a learning process. (I should make a note to write fic at some point about some bit of miscommunication or something that eventually happens because there's no way it's smooth sailing all the way through. XD )
F = Favorite position (This goes without saying)
"I want to ride you till you see stars," as Karlach says. She's often on top, which Hector enjoys; he likes feeling the intensity of her weight on him. (He's fully aware that she could snap him in half and he's only human and definitely finds that part of the appeal. XD )
Sometimes, though (as in Prayers and Hellfire), Karlach just really wants Hector to take control and blow her back out, and then they'll usually go for missionary. Hector likes this too - basically he prefers any position where he can look in her eyes during the whole experience.
Karlach also very much enjoys being fucked up against a wall, although their relative heights make this a little challenging sometimes. Once they're staying at the House of Hope during their Avernus campaign post-game, they find a lovely little corner of one of the bedrooms that has a molding lip at about Karlach's waist height, allowing her to lean against it to comfortably get a little lower and let Hector work her over, and it becomes their favorite part of the whole place.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
It's not by accident that in Prayers and Hellfire their first time coming together is marked by laughter. :) (And basically all of Quiet Zone is marked by humor on some level.)
Hector is not a very goofy person by nature, and he does see sex (and sex with her specifically) as a sort of sacred act of connection, caring, service. But Karlach is a goofy person, and he enjoys that aspect of her very much - and she brings it out in him more than most people, too. So laughter and teasing are definitely a big part of their intimate moments together in almost all cases.
I think there are definitely individual times when it is more serious, however. There's certainly more than one time in their post-game Avernus adventures where the sex is coming in the aftermath of one of them having been in danger/injured. And probably there are times when Hector's comforting Karlach away from bad memories of her ten-year conscription and the loneliness it entailed - times when the act itself is a lot more emotional.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I'm with those who headcanon that Karlach doesn't bother shaving anywhere. Maybe she did back in the city, but certainly not in Avernus - why would she? - and the habit definitely never came back. Hector is not bothered by this; it's fully something he never had any occasion to give any thought to prior to knowing her, and he doesn't intend to start now. I don't think she has super thick body hair (I don't really see tieflings as having it in general), but what she does have is dark like her head hair.
Hector has lived a very disciplined lifestyle and as such takes pretty rigorous care of himself in terms of cleanliness and personal grooming. He has a medium amount of body hair, also very dark and speckled with grey like his beard and head.
Not quite the intention of the question but Karlach also really enjoys his beard. She likes to fidget with it and feel the texture of it when they're lying around snuggling. c:
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
They are such enormous saps for each other it's not even funny. XD And given the way their relationships started, the whole thing is VERY about touch, even more than it would be for most people. No matter what position they're in it's always about being pressed very closely together so as much of them is touching as possible. As mentioned above, Hector really likes being able to look into her eyes and feel as connected as he can during the whole experience.
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
Masturbation was Hector's only sexual release for his whole life before he met Karlach and it was always something that had to be pretty furtive and secret. He doesn't really have much occasion to do it once they're together, given Karlach's libido, but a few times he does end up pleasuring himself in their tent on nights when she's too tired/injured from some adventure to really participate.
The first time this happens, she notices it - and also notices the fact that he's trying to be subtle/quiet/unnoticed, out of habit from how he would do it in the monastery. And, even though she's too wrecked to actually get involved, she nudges him to not be secretive about it and let her watch and it ends up being a surprisingly intense moment for both of them.
...This would make a really good ficlet. [scribbles notes]
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
This feels weird to say given how horndog Karlach is, but I actually don't see either of them as being particularly kinky? I don't think either of them has quite the imagination for coming up with real off-the-wall approaches to sex. XD Karlach describes her earlier sexual escapades as "if it moves, climb aboard", which doesn't suggest a very nuanced and varied approach, and Hector knows basically nothing and is operating primarily on instinct.
Consequently I think the closest they get to kinky stuff is the sort of soft-dom-Karlach dynamic they fall into right from the get-go, though occasionally they do end up experimenting with reversing the roles.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere? Karlach's not particularly picky, certainly. XD
Between camp life and post-game Avernus adventures, they definitely learn to be kind of undiscerning in what constitutes ideal conditions for sex. However - moments like the Act 3 romance scene, where they're actually able to get true privacy and take their time, consequently become very important to both of them. It's not really about exactly where they are, but about having that situation of being entirely to themselves for a while and not having to think about anything else.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going?)
They're both pretty good at getting each other excited simply by existing. XD Some turn-ons though:
Post-battle adrenaline (especially anything where one of them caught the other being a badass)
As mentioned in Quiet Zone, Karlach finds it really hot when Hector gets into super focused thinky mode. (She would have jumped his bones after the Ansur chess puzzle if the circumstances had allowed.)
Also based on Quiet Zone, I think Hector quite enjoys being distracted by her when he's in the middle of something (as long as it's not something critically important). Something about having his life of cerebral pursuits interrupted by emotion letting himself get swept up in her raw physical power over him. This pairs well with Karlach who loves watching him try (and fail) to keep control of himself in these situations.
(Hm. Maybe I'm changing my answer slightly on the "kink" section; I feel like maybe they'd enjoy one of those situations where he's trying to work on something and she's under the desk. XD )
N = No (something they wouldnโ€™t do, turn offs)
Given Karlach's history with being conscripted and trapped, I don't think either of them would ever even think about anything involving restraints, degradation, humiliation. It's all very much about being excited and supportive and safe with each other. (I do have a fic in mind involving Hector taking charge and giving her orders in a sort of military vein, but it would be very much about removing that bad situation's power over her and making it a safe thing between them, and never about any real power play.)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
As evidenced in Prayers and Hellfire, Hector is an ENTHUSIASTIC giver right from the get-go. It's a big moment for him in that fic when he realizes that sex is powerful because it's a way that he can make the woman he loves feel incredibly good, and he absolutely loves to lose himself in that "sacred duty" in every way possible.
Karlach enjoys returning the favor but Hector is on another level with it. XD I don't think he's extraordinarily skilled at first (things go so well in Prayers and Hellfire less because he knows what he's doing and more because they're madly in love and Karlach is so excited to be getting anything after ten years), but he's a fast learner and takes direction very well.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Really depends on the night. Sometimes when they're both worn out or feeling particularly sentimental, it'll be a slow, drowsy, exploratory sort of process. But probably more often they're pretty intense; I'm not sure "rough" is quite the right word, but... "fierce"? Generally they just want each other real bad and don't see any point in holding back. :D
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Once they're together in Act 2, they are definitely having sex a LOT when the occasion permits - but most of it is in camp and consequently has to be somewhat furtive. So they have no shortage of quick romps when a brief window of time emerges. :P As mentioned above, they both prefer when they can really get some privacy and take their time - but circumstances often don't permit that to be the case, so quickies are very much on the menu in between.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Game? Yes. Do they? Not really. Again, as mentioned above, I don't see either of them as being incredibly imaginative in this regard. It's about the closeness in any form and they're less concerned about specifics.
(But Karlach literally just has to say the word on any idea she has and Hector is there for it. :D )
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
Hehehe. Hector is a monk. XD His body is his weapon and his tool and he grew up in an enviroment dedicated to self-denial, self-control, discipline, and physical training. This man's stamina is legendary.
Unfortunately, as previously mentioned, most of the time they don't really have time to take full advantage of this since their time is usually a bit limited. But on the occasions when they can - such as the Act 3 sex scene - Hector definitely takes her for enough rounds that she's walking funny the next day. XD Karlach is suitably impressed, because her libido is such that it takes some doing to make her feel fully spent.
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
As I discovered by accident while flycamming the Act 3 sex scene, Hector does enjoy butt stuff. XD So he might actually be down to get pegged. That said, whether it actually happens much, I don't know. I don't think I see them as using toys all that much, to be honest - not out of unwillingness but just because it doesn't come up.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Karlach likes teasing Hector a lot (as evidenced in Quiet Zone) because she likes seeing him get worked up and struggling to keep composure - and how fierce and intense he gets when it becomes too much to bear.
Hector is a little more direct, I think. When he's giving her pleasure, that's his primary focus and he's like a guided missile.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
As mentioned, a lot of their adventures are in camp, so there's a certain amount of emphasis on having to stay quiet. (It always amuses me when I read fics with secret trysts in camp where there's lots of moaning and crying out happening. That is no longer a secret tryst; those tents are canvas which is not known for its soundproofing capabilities. XD )
Hector is better at the quiet than Karlach is. He tends to get very focused and internalized during the whole experience and everything comes out in little intense whimpers rather than real loud noises most of the time. Karlach is much more vocal and has to put a significant amount of effort into not screaming loud enough to wake everyone up; she does a pretty good job most of the time but nevertheless everyone is fully aware of what is happening.
Post-game in Avernus Hector takes a few more levels in cleric and gets hold of the Silence spell which helps the situation. XD
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Following on from the above - there is a potential monk line which the player can get when sleeping with the drow prostitutes in Sharess's Caress: [MONK] "I stop breathing sometimes when I'm focused. Don't disrupt me, I'm in control."
This definitely happens to Hector at some points - sometimes when he's pleasuring Karlach or they're fucking, but most often when she's focusing on him for the moment. There's a hint of this in Quiet Zone:
It doesnโ€™t take long before heโ€™s hard as a rock in her hand, the heat of his skin against hers rivaling the sweltering Avernus air around them. The rest of his body, still trapped between her and the bookshelf, has gone limp; his weight sags back into her, his head rolling into the crook of her neck. His eyes are closed, lips slightly parted, focusing on her touch with absolute, intense concentration.
He doesn't quite reach the no-breathing point in that fic but in similar scenarios it can definitely happen, and it scares the shit out of Karlach the first time she notices it. (Hector doesn't think to warn her because I don't think he realizes it could happen. XD )
There'll be a fic about this at some point.
X = X-ray (letโ€™s see whatโ€™s going on under those clothes)
Both of them are supremely fit people, although in different ways. Hector's body is all lean muscle, slender and quick, and he's considerably smaller than Karlach in bulk as well as in height. He starts the game in a lot of ways pretty unblemished; there are a few scars from his training but not many. However, he starts aquiring more as the game goes on, particularly a very heavy scar across his shoulder from the Myrkul fight which the bone chill effect prevented Shadowheart from healing before the scarring could take root.
He's well enough endowed but not dramatically so; everything about him is a testament to the phrase, "It's all about how you use it."
Karlach, by comparison, is much bigger and more visibly muscular, and her whole body is covered in scarring, tattoos, and the marks of the engine's functioning in her body. THe most striking thing about her when she's naked is that her whole body has the same subtle glowing effect that her visible chest does in game; her breasts and stomach and "intimate areas" all glow with the same effect that you get when putting your fingers over a flashlight.
Hector hates the engine being the reason for it but does think it makes her look even more beautiful.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Karlach's is higher than Hector's definitely. Hector is almost always willing because his desire for her specifically is always present, but left to his own devices he could go long periods of time without really thinking about sex at all. He'll initiate sometimes but it's Karlach's drive that sets their pace more often.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
See the aforementioned snugglefest. Usually they tend to wear each other out pretty hard so the post-game is just curling up very tight together and falling asleep in one of several positions - sometimes Hector gets spooned up against her, sometimes he falls asleep on her chest, or sometimes she'll roll over on top of him and go to sleep on him like a big warm blanket. XD
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tracybirds ยท 1 year
For @thunder-pride 's second prompt day: "I'm proud of you", but also inspired by and following on from @avengedbiologist 's fic found here. Also borrowing her headcanon that Lee and Lucille are siblings from a large family full of L named siblings bc yes ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
Written almost entirely on my phone on a daytrip to Hamilton so please excuse any errors - I'm posting on a phone with literally 1% battery LOL
His homecoming was everything he'd dreamed of, full of joy and love and the gleeful shriek of a toddler thrown into the air. Jeff held Scott close, wrapping an arm around his wife as he stared in awe down at the sleeping baby she was gently rocking back and forth.
"There he is," he breathed in wonder, hardly daring to reach out and brush back the shock of red hair.
"There he is," Lucille agreed mildly. "Worth waiting for, Daddy?"
"I wish I could have been here."
A tiny hand closed around his finger and Jeff swallowed thickly.
Scott's shout sent his ears ringing and he looked up to see Lee peel away from the swarm of reporters and make his way towards the family.
"Hey Steven," he said reaching out to ruffle Scott's hair, sending him into peals of laughter.
"It's Scott!" protested the toddler but Lee only pulled a face, making him giggle even more.
"And hey to you, sis," he said, beaming at Lucille. "Got a second to share the newest nephew with your big brother?"
"Honestly Lee, you're less than ten minutes older, it hardly counts," she said rolling her eyes.
"You tell that to a racecar champ, see what they say," he retorted as he leant down. "Oh wow, the kid's something special, isn't he?"
"He sure is," said Jeff. "You did good Luce."
"How old's Jim now?"
"John," said the parents as one.
"Honestly, Lee," added Lucille. "How do you expect to be the favourite uncle if you don't even remember their names?"
Lee waved a hand. "I already had to learn all of Laura and Leonard's kids' names," he complained. "You can't expect me to keep track."
"I keep track just fine," pointed out Lucille with a suppressed smile. "And look out because Lily's pregnant now too, remember?"
Lee slapped a hand across his forehead. "Dang it, I'd forgotten she'd said that in the last vid. Is that why she's glaring at me?"
"Better go find out," said Jeff with a grin. "Hey Scott, want to go help Lee win Aunty Lily over with that cute smile of yours?"
"Yeah!" said Scott, his feet wriggling as he tried to escape Jeff's grip.
Lee gave Jeff a significant glance as he grabbed the toddler's hand, and Jeff felt his mouth go dry.
He knew what Lee was silently suggesting but the timing felt all wrong.
"Jeff, honey?" Lucille asked gently, seeing the shadow that had fallen over his eyes.
"We need to talk," he said in a low voice, trying not to look around at the reporters and give them any hint of a story. He didn't fancy causing anytime of spectacle. "Not here. And nothing bad," he added hastily. "Just important to me."
Lucille reached out and squeezed his hand. "If it's important to you, it's important to me," she said with a firm voice. "Do I need to beg off Mom and Dad's dinner? John's got quite a voice on him; he'll probably start screaming the minute he wakes up, we can use that."
"Don't be silly, Luce," said Jeff, kissing her cheek. "Your parenrs went to a lot of effort, especially with Ma and Pa's flight out here delayed."
"Who's being silly? You stay here with the baby and toddler and I'll go to Mars next time. Is it so wrong I want you all to myself instead of smiling over a celebratory dinner?"
As though he could sense his mother's sharp words, John stirred and opened his eyes to see his father - little more than a stranger - staring down at him. He wrenched his small hand from Jeff's pinky and screwed up his face to let out an almighty wail.
"Oh no, Johnny," said Lucille, frantically scooping him up into her arms and unsuccessfully attempting to soothe hum. "Jeff?" she said desparately.
Jeff hurried over to make their excuses at once, noting the family's knowing looks of sympathy and realising that this must not unusual for his second son. Lily looked faintly disquueted, while Lee held nothing back and clamping his hands over his ears as he near shouted his goodbyes.
"Mommy says Johnny has big feelings," said Scott solemnly as Jeff reached down and hoisted him up onto his hip. "But I think they're just loud."
The journey back to Lucille's parents' house where they would be staying was short, yet when Jeff compared it to the long months in space he knew which he preferred. It didn't take long for John's screams, which seemed even louder in the enclosed space, to get under Scott's skin and before he knew it, Jeff had two wailing children in the back seat, while his wife deftly climbed over to sit between them and provide what little comfort she could. He face was drawn tight and Jeff gripped the steering wheel as he glanced in the rearview mirror at her. His heart constricted in his chest, knowing she'd been left to parent their children without him these long months. It was abundantly clear that where Scott had been calm and easy-going, John was determined to throw as many curveballs into the mix. He finally quieted as they pulled into the drive and Jeff said nothing as he collected Scott and set him down in his high chair.
"Peas, Daddy?" asked Scott with wide eyes, and Jeff dutifully doled out half a cup of frozen peas.
"I need to go help Mommy now, be a good, bave boy for me, Scott, and hold tight. I'll get you the rest of dinner soon," he promised.
Lucille hadn't moved, head tipped back in clear exhaustion. She opened an eye as he leaned down next to the open car door.
"So how's Mom doing? Truthfully, without the cameras and your parents watching?"
She stifled a sob and it was all Jeff could do not to cram himself into Scott's toddler seat to comfort her.
"Oh, it's silly," she said, choking back tears. "He's wonderful really, I love him so much. I should have warned you, Johnny's just so very easily startled and you should have seen how he cried when we first introduced Mom and Dad to him, but once he starts he just doesn't stop and..."
She gasped and burst out crying again, and Jeff gently drew her out of the car.
"It's okay, Luce," said Jeff. "So he's wary of strangers, that's not so bad. Didn't we always say we wished Scott were just a little more frightened of them - remember when he wandered off with that old man at the grocery store?"
Lucille stifled a laugh. "Or that six year old at the lake who wanted to 'adopt' him?"
"Exactly," said Jeff. "We can't pretend each of our kids won't have their own challenges. Although one day, John's going to do amazing things with that voice and we'll get to watch him and be so glad he never stopped."
Lucille nodded. "I know, Jeff I do. But oh, it's been so awful being here for the last week and not at home. I love Mom, I do, but she's been driving me up the wall. If she comments on how we're raising the kids, or how you should be here or..."
"What?" asked Jeff, stricken as his blood ran cold. "She said that."
Lucille faltered. "She's not right, Jeff. We agreed, this was our decision."
"Is she wrong, Lu? Look at you, this has been an awful time for you."
"I'm fine," protested Lucille. "It's worse than usual with so many new people around and John frightened and Scott grouchy and..."
"Oh, heck, Scott," groaned Jeff. "I only gave him his peas."
"Oh Jeff, not the peas, Mom's convinced he'll choke on them, I promised not to give them to him."
"Go," he assured her. "I'll sort John out."
It was hours later when they finally sat down with their own dinner, freshly microwaved. John was fast asleep in the travel cot in their room and Scott playing on the floor in front of them. Jeff dropped his head against Lucille's shoulder.
"This is the life," he murmured, stifling a yawn.
Lucille hummed in agreement, silently gathering the plates to dump in the kitchen sink.
"Dad can deal with them," she muttered as she stretched out next to Jeff. "He owes me."
She reached up and patted Jeff's cheek.
"Now, don't think I've forgotten. You said you had an important thing to discuss."
Jeff was suddenly wide awake, his insides strangling themselves.
Lucille shrugged. "Why not? Kids are calm, family's out. I don't feel like waiting until we're back in Kansas, not if it's important to you."
Jeff shrugged. "Seems less important now. It's just you have a lot of time for introspection when you're several months out from Mars. And your brother kept me up at night with his snoring."
Lucille narrowed her eyes. "You're stalling," she accused. "Out with it, Jefferson Tracy."
"No laughing," he warned. "It's really not a big deal."
She crossed her hand over her heart, waiting expectantly.
Jeff took a deep breath.
"It's just that, well, I'm bisexual," he said in a rush. "I don't know why it suddenly became so clear to me, but there you have it."
He peeked up into Lucille's dark brown eyes. They were shining with warmth.
"Oh Jeff," she whispered. "How wonderful."
He blinked. "It's nothing special."
She smacked his shoulder lightly. "Don't be dense," she exclaimed. "What a wonderful discovery for you. Isn't is so incredible that you know yourself better now?"
He smiled shyly, warming to her enthusiasm. "I hadn't thought of it like that," he admitted softly. "I told Lee. The idea had been bouncing around in my head up there and I just had to say it out loud."
"Of course you did," she said. "It's the truth, isn't it? It's so hard to keep the truth contained sometimes."
She kissed him, her lips curving into a smile on his skin. "I'm so proud of you, honey," she whispered.
"Proud of you too, Daddy," announced Scott loudly, and they startled apart. Scott climbed onto the couch, beaming. "So proud," he declared. "Mommy says she's proud of me for walking 'cross the road nicely. Did you do that too?"
Jeff laughed and hugged his eldest son.
"Something like that."
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ebbing-terror ยท 1 month
So genuinely curious, (love your art btw) is Mahito actually in love with Lynn? Or is the concept of love just very misunderstood with curses in general?
Also, does he just like, hate poor Junpei? Low key hoping they can learn to share (lol)
Looking forward to seeing more! Hope you are well.
ใ€Šใ€Šxโ˜†โ–ช๏ธŽยคFirst off, EEE THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ I can't tell you how much it means to me to know people like my stuff!!!โ–ช๏ธŽยคโ˜†xใ€‹ใ€‹
And as for the meat and potatoes of the questions there's alot to unpack here! ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€
Well...It's something Lynn doesn't like to think about alot because she'll just hurt her own feelings with the truth...Since Mahito is the human curse and is born of humanity's fear and hatred towards eachother I don't think he is capable of experiencing true love and I believe that applies to every curse simply because of what they are and what they are manifested from.
Lynn is the one human Mahito actually likes and enjoys being around so that counts for something. He is very fond of Lynn in his own twisted way and his connection to her is more akin to obsession and possessiveness and I think that's as close to actual love as he can experience. Mahito finds Lynn funny, entertaining, fascinating and he is attracted to her.
Lynn knows deep down Mahito doesn't really love her...That he can't...But he plays the part and she's good at pretending and that's good enough. There's no question Lynn loves Mahito with all her heart and soul.
I feel the best way to explain it is this quote I repubed some time ago that went something along the lines of "I've Heard of Many Lies, But Your 'I Love You' Will Always Be my Favorite...'
They're in true mutual gross love bc I'm delusional and I say so. Also, in some situation after the Shibuya incident where Mahito's clone escapes with Lynn Mahito is really broken and screwed up after the events of everything so I think it wouldn't be a strech that after such a tramatic incident and having Lynn care for him and nurse him back to health he would finally be able to feel some inkling of real love ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ
AS FOR JUNPEI -Beats him with stick- Mahito only keeps Junpei alive because Lynn cares about him and he currently finds Junpei mildly amusing. He's a constant snack of negativity, resentment and jealousy and he puts on airs of him and Junpei being best buddies infront of Lynn but in actuality he wants to kill Junpei and the feeling is mutual. (Mahito has loads of fun torturing Junpei as well.) Mahito is determined to make Lynn hate Junpei before killing him but that's an impossible task, meanwhile Junpei is constantly trying to find a way to 'save' Lynn from Mahito and tries to convince her to run away with him. (His efforts fail every time.) Mahito is keeping Junpei alive to toy with him and make him suffer but the end goal is to kill Junpei. (BUT I've been lately toying with ot3 scenarios cause im toxic ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€ uwu I've even doodled some top secret doodles for it too.)
But thank you so much for your ask, it really made my day!!! If you ever want to know more feel free to send more asks/ dm me! Yapping about these three is my full time job xD
I also hope you're doing well!! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ
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nothorses ยท 10 months
Asking on anon because I don't feel like getting fucking lambasted by both radical sides of this. But I think they're are some folks that talk about transandrophobia (not you, baeddel-txt, etc) that are starting to pick up on toxic masculinity in the same way TIRFs picked up on TME/TMA shite and the like. (I have it on my blog but only because I'm tired of getting a toss up treatment from shallow transfems and getting reduced to either a cis man or them insinuating I'm not who I say I am, and the like. Frankly as of today I'm muting all of the related tags on both sides because frankly... I need a break).
I agree with y'all just like, be aware of it just like transfems should be aware of our own problems.
I also dislike the whole TIRFs "reclaiming" baeddel as a.) It's literally a ye old slur for intersex people (re: tfems having a problem with fetishizing intersex people, speaking from personal experience here)
b.) it reads like a far inferior version of reclaiming the tslur, which tbh, I would just prefer if they did that.
Also I guess if you ask this and you care so much about who's sending this, I'll reveal myself, just don't make it public because I don't need to be getting harassed by TIRFs for being a weird reject because I just choose to be both a girl and a boy identity wise and clearly the everything not binary fem phobia (even if I meet the criteria of not "CAFAB" to them.) they have is still clearly alive and well considering I took a soft ban 3 months ago for it. (After getting a full ban rolled back bc of staff reviewing it.)
The "baeddel"/TIRF ideology reminds me a lot of my own internalized transmisogyny turning me into a shithead radfem both pre and post coming out, but also everything else going with it.
That's not to say that there isn't some areas where it can be disproportionate. I also don't understand the obsession with violence statistics when a.) It shouldn't be happening period and b.) I don't think either side is accurately reported, really, unless it's entirely relying on self reporting. Also c.) I don't know how much of violence on trans SWers is reported in that, i could see it being even or even mildly trans fem biased, not statistically significant though.
I'll be honest here in that I am not 100% sure I'm understanding you correctly, but it sounds to me like you're making a couple of different points that I'd love to be able to engage with- I think I just need some clarification first so I can make sure I'm not completely misinterpreting what you're trying to get across.
So like, if it's cool, I would love a follow-up ask to clarify a couple of things!
What are folks doing with "toxic masculinity" that you feel is similar to what TIRFs have done with TME/TMA? My understanding would be that TME/TMA were turned into a kind of definitive label that people use to determine who's allowed to speak on certain issues, who's "oppressed enough" to matter, etc., but I don't really see a way that parallels "toxic masculininity" among folks who talk about transandrophobia. Unless you mean that people are distancing themselves from the possibility of being masculine in a toxic way on the basis of their identity? (If that's the case, I think I'm misunderstanding the connection to TME/TMA)
Could you expand on: "The "baeddel"/TIRF ideology reminds me a lot of my own internalized transmisogyny turning me into a shithead radfem"? I think the sentence after that muddied what you meant, for me, and I'm curious what insights you have there!
Also RE: statistics, I really agree that there need to be more studies and research into these issues in order to get any real sense of clarity. IMO the best uses for statistics of violence and discrimination against trans people, specifically stats that tell us who is facing what kind of discrimination, is to better understand the systems causing us harm in order to work towards dismantling them.
Trying to determine "who has it worst" overall is pointless and self-defeating. The goal should be to understand why transmascs tend to face more lifetime sexual violence, while transfems tend to face more childhood sexual violence. Not to decide which issue to give a shit about and which issue to ignore, or which trans people "deserve" to be prioritized over all the others.
I will also say that the study I draw from more than others is the U.S. Transgender Survey, which relies on self-reporting. I recommend checking them out if stats interest you; they're pretty expansive and had a massive sample size. The 2015 results have been published for a while, and 2022 results are coming soon.
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carmenized-onions ยท 3 months
Yap sheet live and in color pt 2!! Um ily this is so fun im actually having such a good week and the fact that U updated also just makes it even better ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿซถ also i think to maybe see if it doesn't make the ask so super long on like feeds imma try this with no spaces between maybe idk
1.) This is literally from the tags i haven't even started reading, but hurt,,, some comfort??? UGH okay off i go
3.) Lowk forgot i was doing this for a sec bc im waiting for water to boil cause im making dinner rn BUT OH BOY DID THIS BRING IT BACK FOR ME
CARMY CALLING RICHIE A DEAD BEAT MAN ILL BEAT UP THAT LITTLE RAT BOY i love him so much it hurts but ill kick his ass fr like just bc ur hurting doesnt mean u make everyone else hurt (even tho thats how he was raised :< anyways thats 1 L for carm major L
4.) YEAHH RICH FUCKING SPEAK ON IT SPEAK ON ITTTT oh uh oh not tony catching strays rip us. Double uh oh coming from carmy. Also carmy thats another L don't do richie like that :<
6.) Yk what this chapter is going to be endless Ls for carm i can already tell but :< the whole oh are you gonna fix him too?? Like I can just feel and see like the hurt radiating off of him thru the screen like he's clearly so affected by all the stuff he saw but :< thats still not an excuse CARMEN
7.)The fact that Tony feels like she needs to prove herself, that she can take it, makes me very :<
8.) Also like I'm intrigued bc it almost feels like more than Tony just not charging them for the services out of like the goodness of her own heart or guilt over not being there for mikey like i originally thought like theres something else going on there i am โœจ๏ธconfusedโœจ๏ธ
9.) Noooo not Tony thinking she did something wrong :<<<
10.) i fear im going to jump off a bridge at this rate bc WAAAAAAA carmy is obviously so upset and he CLEARLY doesnt know how to handle that he IS SO ME
carmy im coming for you count your days that was so uncalled for Carmen what the FUCK onion im coming for u bc I just know I would be sobbing on the floor if carmen said that to me like especially bc Tony very obviously blames herself already :<
12.) Okay my noodles are done so BUT im mildly confused is all this carmy pov happening right after he yelled actually i just glanced back and yes it is and i will say i am glad carmy is at least A LITTLE self aware and that he's completely off the rails anyway
13.) :< i want my comfort neow right neow onion this is making me so sad (im on like point 7) also verbal confirmation that tony is crying like this isnt even a carmy specific L this is just an L
14.) Carmy just major self loathing makes me sad like yes he did this to himself but also like this is just the only way hes ever been shown how to express himself and ugh this better end with him going to therapy (i know it wont)
15.) Um so i read all of tonys thing just now i think uh anyway im gonna kms now tony thinks he hates her :< i really want my comfort now
16.) I know carmy doesnt deserve comfort but also i think he does a little is that too much to ask for
17.) Also the whole heart to heart with Richie makes me so :< i dont have a lot of coherent notes to write except for :< like im very :< right now
18.) Also i LOVE that tony is going to go to the fucking eras tour with richie and eva i LOVE that anyway um ACK ACK ACK
19.) ALSO ALSO ALSO like UGHHHH richie telling tony its not her fault mikey died and them commiserating is so fucking AGH
20.) STOP THE BANTER wait pause
21.) firstly um tony STILL looking out for carmy warms my heart thats fucking cold bc u KILLED ME anyway
22.) Right. UGHHHHH the banter has me just a touch :> bc like syd and tony dogging on richie is so :>. But overall im still :<.
23.) Stop not mikey thinking that tony and carmy would be a good match :< also like i feel like that *kinda* confirms that tony and mikey didnt have a thing bc why tf would he say that if they ever did but anyway
As always i adore you and your writing even if i almost sobbed reading this one there were actual tears in my eyes and i never ever ever cry reading stuff or consuming media so fuck you so hard for that one
๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿซถ till next time pookie
LETS. GET. INTO ITTT.. Yap Sheet from Just Dropped, I'm excited to hear your thoughts on Something to Do!! Unless you already did-- And I'm just real fuckin slow to churn through my inbox.
THE NO SPACES SEEMED TO HAVE WORKED??? I hope that was easy for you, on your end-- If it's not, simply destroy people's pages it's fine we ball.
I did the.... some comfort because I was like... It does definitely hurt-- Comfort wise, it's definitely there, but you just don't really get it from the person you want it from, yknow?
AND THANK YOU-- I was very happy, when I realized the silly other shoe bit I could do. fun hat trick on my part.
DEAD BEAT BROOOO-- I can't remember if I added that or if it was in the original dialogue. I think I added it? I remember needing a transition line, to get into it-- It was like the Carmen equivalent of Richie's okay donna-- WOOF
I'll just do one point, for the Richie side of the fight, as I the writer don't have much to say about it but yeah it was-- Shit was brutal. It was very interesting to look at the freezer fight again with the perspective of Tony in mind and going,,,, huh,,,, they could both be talking to her, in this. The You're Nothing really also-- I wonder if Carmen will ever actually say that to someone, in canon. I don't think he could. But also they might just be saving it for the biggest explosion.
Writing Carmen's dialogue for this was very tough and interesting, for me-- Because like-- With the information he had, I kinda got it. Like yes 100% self-destructive tendencies but also I think I could sympathize with like, essentially him thinking he was basically some sort of manic pixie to be fixed by Tony. He was wrong, but like-- I get the concern. He shoulda voiced it better but I get him.
YEAAHHHH, YEAAHHHH Tony before this chapter for the most part I think only displayed the good/quirky parts about being the anxious helpful hero type, and this chapter and onward I think really got into the genuinely self-destructive behaviours of her thinking she needs to be able to take shit.
There was in fact, something going on there. With the invoice. LMAO. Tony's nice but she understands the power of a dollar
The repeated 'did i do something wrong' across multiple chapters-- Fuckin, in anything 'did i do something wrong' will always fucking get my ass. Like it's just so. It's. I'm, I'm fuckin sweatin just thinking about it. It always hurts.
It's funny that while writing that line, I had always planned for that line to be like, the spinebreaker but I was worried, when I had actually put it to paper, that readers were somehow not gonna think it was that bad. I'm glad everyone thought it was horrifically bad. He fucked up there.
I won't comment much on Carmen's POV because there's some surprises I have in stock, for you, with that-- But I do agree. I think Carmen is typically slow to realize he fucked it-- But when it's something like that and everyone has a volatile reaction-- He's gonna know immediately that it's over.
Here's the thing, I can't show you any lines from the next chapter, because literally every single line is a spoiler for what the chapter is. but I've realized actually I can show you an old draft-- This was from the original list of the seven things.
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I took this out, inevitably, but I did really like the idea of like... Realizing that this moment isn't just a now fuck up, it's a forever fuck up.
14. both of those fuckers went right on the self-loathing train. What could we expect from them? Choo choo, mf.
16. I hate to tell you this. He's gonna have a terrible time. I'm not letting that motherfucker catch a break. You'll see what I mean, in time.
17. WHY'S THE HEART TO HEART MAKE YOU FROWN--- I mean I get it but like BITTERSWEET RIGHT? RIGHT? ANYONE?? IS THIS THING ON?? Do you think the writers knew when they wrote season 2 and Richie getting Swift tickets they knew those things were gonna be like 3000 dollars a pop. I feel like they didn't. I like to go back and read this bit, from time to time. I just really like Richie and Chip. Am I a Rich/Chip believer? Honestly. A little bit I think. I have a wandering eye. I think.
21. Tony will always look out for Carm. It's so lame. get UP girl be PETTY-- HAUNT HIS ASS!!! DO A HAUNT!!!!
23. I love that you say kinda. I love that know one trusts me with a slight confirmation. I have poisoned the water mistrust and I love that.
I'M HONOURED TO GET YA MISTY-- MEANS A LOT, I hope you enjoy/enjoyed the next one. Love you fuck you sorry not sorry at all my bad your fault hugs and kisses THANK YOU BYYYYEE
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elvisabutler ยท 2 years
how many kids do professor presley and belle have? (I imagine 2 or 3) omg the part that really got to me is when heโ€™s being absent and sheโ€™s worried sick! can we headcanon where maybe its months later and he gets sick again and doesnโ€™t show up and she leaves right away and stays w him for two to three days despite him urging her to go to class? and when sheโ€™s pregnant he takes vitamins/eats better/goes on walks all bc he doesnโ€™t want to add any stress on her by getting sick himself? i imagine by the time she graduates sheโ€™s already 3-4 months but it isnโ€™t noticeable but they know. And he always assures her he isnโ€™t going anywhere any time soon bc he has to be around to help her take care of their young ones
my main thought has always been four at least so you're not far off my dear sweet anon. and listen, that was always my way of trying to lean into the big daddy era elvis i set for the two of them. because he wasn't going to ever have a drug problem- in that he sort of nipped the one he developed in the army driving the tanks in the bud when he got back and found- well- that bit's a long story but suffice it to say so i don't detract from the point of this ask, i really just wanted something that had the effect of scaring belle and bringing them closer together. mildly unleashing her helpful nature that most people never really- bothered to relish in/get to really know about.
but we most certainly can headcanon that since she definitely would do exactly that. because she'd be in bed with him when he realized it was going to be a rough day, a bad day that would mean staying home and he'd try to kick her out of the bed to go to class only to have her tell him that she would be doing no such thing and honestly babying him and just trying to nurse him back to health/help him with whatever he'd need. finally manages to kick her out on that third day when he's like "goddamn belle, already feelin' loads better just go to class, ain't gonna die if ya leave me be for a few hours." and she of course smacks him in the chest for even the implication before you know- actually going to class. comes home to find him cooking a little tiredly but that's when she knows okay he's on the mend, he's fine.
and yes you're right about him taking better care of himself when she finds out she's pregnant. though he does start once she moves in since she's having none of this "him still living like a bachelor" bullshit let alone smoking as many cigars as he does/being as sedentary as he is. she gets why he has been but it's nothing she can't cure with a bunch of bullying all the pre med majors she knows. because even before she gets pregnant she just want him to be healthy for her. especially since he says and i quote. "belle, i might- i don't know if i can give ya kids." which makes the accidental pregnancy right before she graduates hilarious in hindsight.
as far as her first pregnancy goes since it's twins she shows pretty early despite not necessarily being on the thin side. so people know when she graduates and i'm saving the bulk of this for a headcanon post i got from another anon asking for more headcanons but she's going to eventually be teaching so she's immediately gonna be heading right back in to get some requirements sorted out so that she can take over an empty spot in the department. because nepotism or not elvis makes a case for her as do multiple other professors- not the ones she slept with mind you- that she'd do well as one.
basically anon i love you for this ask and you already basically get what i had planned out to be perfectly honest. i'm also truly and deeply delighted that him missing classes his as good as it did.
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antisociallilbrat ยท 1 year
Been a while since I invaded your inbox with the intention to feed your brain worms lol- ANYWAYS-
I'm not exactly sure if this will be entertainig enough to answer but I've been thinking of this concept for a while now and since I consume your takes on a daily basis, here I am presenting it to you. This involves both The Party and The Losers Club.
So I've been in love with MrHalloween's AU where Mike Wheeler has Pennywise's power and another artist or writer ( I cannot remember who they are and I am ashamed )'s AU where The Losers Club are all adopted by Pennywise for a very long time now and I really REALLY like those kinds of AUs. Now that got me thinking...
What power of Pennywise do you think suit each Party members? And why?
Like we- as in, the IT fandom- knows that Pennywise can do a lot of things. Expected since he's basically an eldritch horror. He can shapeshift, know your fear, control a whole ass town, can probably go toe to toe with Maturin, and he has the deadlights. So similar to Vecna's curse without the bones breaking and immediate death if not countered ASAP. Pennywise has a wide range of abilities that suits him and I am really curious of what you think each of the Party members would have if Pennywise gives them a portion of his abilities.
This ask is mildly inspired by the Mike fanart that I am currently sketching where he is surrounded by the deadlights and by the AU thay I shared to you back then where the Losers are Numbers and their abilities are their Neibolt selves.
Allen I am so sorry it took me so long to respond to this ๐Ÿ˜ญ I fell down the sims rabbit hole and didn't know how to crawl my way out of it
I want to answer your question simply but we all know me and we know I am not capable of that. Also plz someone send me the link to the post where it talks about Mike having Pennywise's power- I wish to dissect โ›๏ธ
So to answer this question it depends on how you're coming at It- literally. Like we know It is an alien but what's the classification of It beyond that? Humans tend to point at creatures that are below our 'intelligence' and call the creature an 'animal' but what do we call something that is obviously beyond our intelligence and even our understanding but it's not humanoid? This was not part of your question at all I'm sorry but this in itself is worth a conversation, I just love talking about the Dead Lights.
Because I believe It acts with animal characteristics, It only fights to ensure It's survival and It hunts 'weaker' prey- children. Yes I know it's bc their fear tastes better blah blah you know what I mean.
Back to your question at hand- for real this time:
To put it simply I don't think It could just give one specific power to each Party member if It turned them all into little Its, little deadlights so I'm going to have to give you a nonanswer.
Unless It was making Neilbolt versions of them but even then I don't think the Neilbolt versions get It's 'power' per say because technically they are still part of It as a whole.
I'll raise you this though Allen: the Party members having a handful It's power, becoming little deadlights. The reason why It did that is up to you, I'm speaking of all of this in a hypothetical.
So the Party members become little deadlights, maybe they favor certain aspects of the powers that come with that. Like I can see Mike really enjoying augmenting reality and manifesting anything at his whim. Lucas would enjoy the physical transformation aspect and Dustin would enjoy being able to get into people's heads in his quest for knowledge. Will would love having the ability to protect himself now (especially if this in an au where the UD is still a thing) and Max would love the ability to subtly control people. She could make sure no one like Billy could ever hurt someone again.
And El? This goes back to the 'is this au set in one where the UD is still a thing'. If Henry is a thing, El would make a deal with It to get It's power, albeit only a little of it, to take him down. She would make a deal with the devil. In fact- I think all of the Party would in a quest to protect the ones they love and there's you're motivation right there for the Party. Just need to decide what It gets out of this deal.
But here's the thing, if the Party essentially became little deadlights...would they need to feed on fear now? Feed on humans? Do they know about that before they make the deal?
I'll let you decide that ;)
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marshmallowprotection ยท 1 year
1) suit and suit is adorable, i love that
2) omg ray and suit not knowing what cats are. they miiiiight also know elizabeth bc they're in the RFA chat too but. who knows. anyway now I'm imagining the first week at mint eye just perpetually babbling to ray about my old cats (bc i will talk about them at any opportunity and will not shut up) and he has no idea what I'm talking about but just keeps smiling and nodding so I'll keep talking
3) also now thinking of MC telling saeran what a cat is. either suit drops cat suit off when he comes to apologize bc he doesn't know what's about to happen to him or cat suit ends up following/going with them to the cabin and it's just like
mc: omg!! a cat!!!
saeray: hm?
mc, already crouched down and making pspspspsps noises with a hand out: cat! there's a cat here!!!
saeray: oh, is that what it's called?
mc now needs to teach him everything about cats. gotta pspsps at them. they meow. they purr. they mrrp. they're soft. they can turn into liquid at will ("no not literally but they're so bendy"). possibly mildly demonic (affectionate)
"I know that an apology won't make up for everything I've done to you, but... I owe you an apology. You deserve one, even if you don't want to forgive me. In fact, it's probably for the best that you don't forgive me in the end," Saeran trailed. As hard as it was, he had no choice but to look you in the eyes and own up to his mistakes.
That was the price of his punishment. He needed to atone for his sins somehow... and this was the only thing he could think of. The whisper in the back of his head from Ray's weak voice told him it was the right thing to do, and while he accepted that, it still felt shameful to come back to your room and admit it.
The guilt clung to him like an anchor, and if you were a ship that was tied down by his sins, he wanted the chance to set you free from his harbor. You needed to be free from Mint Eye, as did Ray, and the only way to make that happen was to own up to his actions and fight hard against everything he once believed inโ€”
Or, rather, that he was forced to believe against his will.
It didn't matter if he... if Ray... if whatever person existed before the two of them was innocent. He wasn't innocent and he needed to own up to it. He needed you to know he wasn't a good person, but he was going to fight for you if it was the last thing he did. Even if he was the worst monster in this place that he could think of, as long as he could save you and Ray from this hell neither of you deserved, it was worth it.
"I forgive you," you said, only a brief moment of quiet lapsed between the two of you before you opened your mouth. "I know you're not the bad guy, Saeran. You hurt my feelings, yes, but to me...? It looked like you were hurting yourself more than I ever was. That's why I'm not so upset with you... it's why I'm not upset with Ray, either. He also... did a lot of things he shouldn't have, but I forgive him, too... because my heart... my heart belongs to both of you."
There was a sharp pain that cut through his chest like a knife. Those were dangerous words you said and he couldn't say them back. The fact wasโ€”he wasn't good enough for you, and he never would be. At least, Ray would keep you safe. Ray would protect you once you left this place... and he... he would disappear, maybe for good, for a long time until he didn't feel like he was a risk to everyone around him that needed him to be strong in a real way.
Not the way Rika wanted him to be.
There was a quiet mewl from the inside of his chest, and he looked down at the coat. Right, he forgot he came to this place not just to apologize but to ask you to do him one favor. This suit jacket that he wore to feel strong as he needed to be wasn't meant for him. But, the dark colors did truly belong to someone much stronger than he was.
"โ€ฆWhat was that?"
It was strange how that someone wasn't even a human.
"...Hold on."
He unraveled the buttons of his jacket and quietly placed the unruly beast on your bed that refused to leave his side ever since he made the mistake of feeding it too many times in the garden. Now, he had no strength left to look you in the eyes. "This monster is named Suit. I can't take care of him anymore because I'm going away... and I don't know if I'll be back. Could you..."
The loud purring noise came from deep within the animal's chest. It only took a fraction of a second before Suit tried to sprint back into Saeran's embrace. Saeran grimaced and hesitated to touch the little monster again. This would be the last time he'd ever see this beast of an animal. This animal that wouldn't abandon him for some reason... a pesky and dumb little thing.
"Where are you going?" your voice was barely above a whisper in the quiet room.
"To make things right," he answered. Saeran looked at the door as if he needed to make a break for it before he suffocated in the feeling of desire. He couldn't have happiness. He couldn't let himself relish in this moment. He couldn't have this... he wasn't good enough... he had to let go even if it hurt. "I won't hurt you again. Ray will do just about to keep you safe once I get you two out of here... so... Be gentle with him and he'll do the same with you."
The pathetic sound of a desperate mewl escaped the beast. It didn't want him to leave. Saeran didn't look down at Suit. He reached over to pet his head one last time. "Sorry, pesky little beast. This is it for you and me. [Y/N] and Ray are much better suited to taking care of someone like you."
"Saeran... wait... you don't have toโ€”"
Saeran quickly sped in the direction of the door and tried not to look back over his shoulder at the two of you. Attachments weren't ever a good thing, and it was just his luck he had three of them that made it so hard to leave.
He gripped the doorknob as the pounding in his ears grew louder and louder by the minute. He had to go. There was no more time for him to waste. "If you meant what you said about me before... please, take care of him... for me."
[ If you would delight in more Suit the Cat content, head over to @rfaromance ]
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