kenyizsuartblog · 2 years
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Drawtober 2022 #6 - Candlelit Coven
Prompt list
Drawtober 2022 #1 - Garden of Magick
Drawtober 2022 #2 - Midnight Delivery
Drawtober 2022 #3 - Spellbook Apprentice
Drawtober 2022 #4 - Fiendish Familiar
Drawtober 2022 #5 - Bewitched Bog
Featuring: Dollokar, Roronak, Gattor the devils and Memi the puppet, Shasha the angel, Arona the human and Mannar the gigas Come on, guys, you just disturbed their ghost story telling party. Who does that, srsly? And that's a wrap! Cut it pretty damn close to the deadly, but I've done it! It was rather fun, not gonna lie, definitely the easiest art challenge I have done, which is not a bad thing at all, especially in such a busy time of the year! I hope you guys enjoyed it, thank you for checking out the entries! ^^
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kenyizsuartblog · 2 years
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Drawtober 2022 #5 - Bewitched Bog
Prompt list
Drawtober 2022 #1 - Garden of Magick
Drawtober 2022 #2 - Midnight Delivery
Drawtober 2022 #3 - Spellbook Apprentice
Drawtober 2022 #4 - Fiendish Familiar
Featuring: Dollokar, Roronak and Gattor, the devils. Memi, Dollokar's servant. Shasha, angel of way too much adventuring.
Everyone upon this wide world of Enokh quickly learns that the lands around the Maw, the bottomless abyss created from the Dyad's struggle, is not for the faint of heart. Very few things are as they seem, the air shimmers with magic, and one must forget all they know of the natural order of things, if they wish to find their footing there. So when in a bog of most unusual sights, should a large boulder under you begin to wander, it is  good practice to go with the flow... and watch out for some Hydra Willows.
So this art challenge really did give me ideas for the actual worldbuilding! :D So while the creation of the crater in Enokh is shrouded in myth and legend, it is undeniable that whatever had caused it was of magical nature. This magic was so potent and terrible, that it absolutely warped the waters and lands around it, turning it into basically Magical Australia "Welcome to Hell" Edition (TM). These parts of the map truly deserve the infamous comment "Here There Be Dragons". Not even gigases or seraphs, the two strongest children of the gods are truly safe there.
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kenyizsuartblog · 2 years
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Drawtober 2022 #1 - Garden of Magick
Everybody knows the best herb- and spice-gardens are knitted by hand.
I have no idea why this composition came up but it most certainly did. Featuring two of the main cast, the devil Dollokar and the angel Shasha from By Devil's Will.This isn't really worldbuilding, just hopefully whimsical ideas and compositions, mostly to have fun and take some inspiration ^^ Considering how long was my last lineart drawing, I think this turned out pretty cool, actually! I might keep these muted colors for the rest of the challenge? I don't know yet, doing everything on the fly basically. Hope you guys like it!
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kenyizsuartblog · 2 years
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Dollokar sketchdump 22.03.31-04.01
Dollokar, a devil main character of my planned fantasy novel(series?) By Devil's Will, is going through a bit of redesign, although nothing too drastic. He has always had a very strong silhouette and a strong vision connected to him, I am merely tweaking and making him more practical, so to speak. Originally, he only had the large pair of arms, with which he was supposed to be an expert craftsman capable of creating lifelike dolls. Realizing my mistake finally, I added normal sized arms to the collection, hopefully making him even weirder while also capable of actually precise work. And hopefully more gestures and expressions, given how his entire lower face and one eye is missing.
His outfit is still somewhat up in the air. His original blue coat was created before I finally settled onto the time period of my fantasy world (roughly 12th-13th century of Earth)... for now at least.
Regardless, his elegant attire has to go and so does that hat. But. There are certain... qualities to my world, besides the obvious magic bullsh- aspect of it, that do allow me to perhaps think up a bit crazier outfits for him than what the time period could offer. Hence, the idea of that fanning hat that alters between a Japanese kasa/peasant hat and something more like a top hat. The outfit is still very much a WIP, but I am liking that hat very much, not gonna lie. Dollokar is already a weirdo among his kin, he deserves a bit of flare.
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kenyizsuartblog · 3 years
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Fast Sketches 21-06-21 - Roronak, Dollokar, Gattor
35 minutes, after a day of packing, throwing, sorting and cleaning stuff.
I'm pretty damn sure literally nobody knows this among my followers on any site, but I do have an original fantasy novel (series?) in the planning, called By Devil's Will. Can't really claim I've been working on it non-stop, but I am clinging to it stubbornly. These three gentlemen here are the main protagonists, devils who go from despicable pieces of sshh to hopefully saving the world and a god from total destruction. That's the plan, anyway. Even though I want to write it in Hungarian, I will want to share the worldbuilding and other details.
Say hello to my babies, they are a bit shy.
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