canncnball · 2 months
a starter for my beautiful baby fiancée, @doddshannah.
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dean had gotten about halfway back to his apartment after dropping lizzy off at school when he realized his daughter had left one of her books in the seat of his motorcycle. it didn't take long for him to turn around and head back to the school. once he was back and moved along inside the school, he found the particular class she was in and waved at her from the still slightly open door. school hadn't completely started yet and the kids were still running around and he watched lizzy do the same with a smile before he took a few steps into the class to walk towards the teacher. "hey, sorry. she left one of her books in my bike," he spoke and watched lizzy rush towards him. dean crouched down and held the small and colorful notebook out for his daughter. "not gonna get much done without this, huh?"
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lovesruined · 2 months
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" are you tired of seeing me yet, miss nora? " erik cannot hide his mischievous smile that slips onto features as the nurse approached. it is not that he planned for these things to happen, it was all line of work related. / @doddshannah.
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thursdaygrl · 2 months
closed starter for @doddshannah
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"i didn't think you liked me much, i'm surprised you're still out here when everyone else has gone to bed."
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canncnball · 2 months
a starter for my beautiful baby fiancée, @doddshannah.
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after taking a hit from the joint that he soon placed in the ashtray and drinking a sip of wine from the glass she poured for himself, tristan relaxed back against the couch upstairs and watched as mia continued to paint. "you know, i have never seen someone so passionate about their work. you're always like this. it's beautiful."
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canncnball · 2 months
a starter for my beautiful baby fiancée, @doddshannah.
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layla didn't actually know if bowie would be working that afternoon or not and she told herself the only reason she was going into the coffee shop was because she desperately needed coffee. that wasn't entirely true, though, and she realized that much when she walked up to the front and saw the tiny woman behind the register. "hi," she spoke around a small, bashful smile. "i didn't think you were working today."
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canncnball · 2 months
a starter for my beautiful baby fiancée, @doddshannah.
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he'd been behind the register since he opened earlier that morning. at this point, chase was either taking classes when he got the chance or working ever second at the bookstore. honestly, 'for words' was basically a second home to him at this point. his gaze was on the notebook in front of him before he heard shuffling and saw a few books placed down on the counter. "did you find everything you were looking for today?" he asked, then chase lifted his gaze and he saw her standing there. "noel...hi." honestly, he couldn't remember the last time he had seen her.
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thursdaygrl · 2 months
closed starter for @doddshannah
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"it's not your fault that i'm in a bad mood. should just let me fester in it."
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canncnball · 3 months
a starter for my fiancée, @doddshannah.
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it had been a long day at work, so andrew was relieved when he finally arrived home. maybe even a little more so because he knew that amanda was there waiting for him. with the door shut and locked behind him, he ventured into his place and looked around. "are you still here, babygirl?" he asked before slipping off his coat to toss it over the back of one of the chairs. "i've got something to ask you, princess," he spoke with steps carrying him along the hall towards his bedroom where he was certain she would be.
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canncnball · 3 months
👀 + brayden, do you feel overwhelmed by your life now? are you genuinely happy? or are their moments where you wish you could just breathe by yourself?
send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
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"what do you want me to say? yeah, it's a lot sometimes. i got shot in the fucking shoulder and it's still sore every single day and i'm chasing after a little girl who somehow keeps finding more energy. maybe i should stop letting her eat ice cream in the middle of the night," he spoke with his head ducked down as a low laugh passed his lips. brayden swallowed thickly and shook his head. "would i change it for anything? not a fucking chance."
a hand lifted to rub it over his face before he sighed. his gaze trailed over, watching as that little girl ran around with nothing but pure joy and it had him breathing a little easier. "i never could breathe by myself. i never fucking got the chance to breathe growing up. even when i was away from them, it was like all the air was sucked out of the room and i never got a fucking thing." pausing for a moment, he let out a shaky breath and shrugged lightly. "i mean it when i say they're my fucking world. i'll never be able to make up for leaving and i'll always hate myself for it and i think... i'm pretty sure roan is always going to wonder if i'll leave again, but i never will. i didn't know how to breathe before her and i didn't know how to be happy before her. yeah, it's not always easy and it's still fucking hard sometimes, even if her parents and my dad are gone. that shit will always linger, but..." words trailed off and he sighed, soon inhaling a deep breath and watching as roan scooped natalie up into her arms. "that right fucking there is everything to me. they're my reason for breathing."
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canncnball · 3 months
starter for my baby, @doddshannah.
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after brayden mentioned finding an apartment about a week ago, he'd been wanting to show it to roan. it wasn't anything special, not really, but it was a chance for them to be free of the bullshit they went through at home with their parents. honestly, he could keep dealing with his dad, even if he didn't want to, but he really didn't want her to have to deal with her mom anymore.
"okay... just take another step," he spoke as hands covered her eyes while he reached the front door. he told her they were going to see it, check it out and see what she thought of the space, but he hadn't told her he already rented it. once the door was open, he guided her along with hands still covering her eyes. "just a few more steps, and... there." his hands fell and he turned to step in front of her, shrugging lightly when she opened her eyes to look around at the still empty one bedroom that was small, but still nice. "what do you think?"
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canncnball · 3 months
👀 + casey, do you REALLY want to marry ophelia? or are you just caught up in the heat of the moment?
send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
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"it's not like that. i think, for me, it's always been lia. there was always something more, but i was scared i'd lose her and i let it linger for so long that... i knew i loved her before i even got to kiss her." casey nibbled on their lower lip and sighed. "i know it's soon and maybe some people think it's ridiculous, but i wanna marry ophelia."
as the words passed their lips, eyes lifted and trailed around. honestly, there was hesitation from casey as she looked around, but it wasn't hesitation because of herself and that weighed heavy on them. they inhaled a deep breath with brows pulled together. "you don't think that's how she feels, do you? that we're just caught up in the heat of the moment.."
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canncnball · 3 months
👀 + javi, do you plan on telling nora what you do? or are you worried she'll see you in a different light and walk away?
send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
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there's a moment hesitation as he really thinks about it, letting it all sink in. "i think... i was always going to tell her and let nora make her own decision, even if it took me a little while. if i'm going to be with her, i can't keep things from her, especially not that, you know?" eyes trailed down and hands lifted to rub them over his face before he sighed.
after a minute passed, his hands fell into his lap, palms resting on his thighs and he looked up. "...but i'm always going to be scared that she'll look at me differently and walk away. maybe she should. maybe that's better and safer for her. i can't stop her if she changed her mind. i wouldn't stop her. i'd just... love her and let her walk away."
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