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tzunami1 · 11 months ago
In the complex realm of SharePoint migrations, governance emerges as the linchpin for success. The SharePoint Migration Framework provides the tools, but it is governance that shapes the strategy, ensuring that migrations are not only technically sound but also aligned with organizational goals. As organizations navigate the intricate process of migrating to or within SharePoint, a robust governance plan becomes the guiding light, ensuring a seamless transition, user satisfaction, and long-term success. With tools like Tzunami Deployer in the toolkit, organizations can elevate their migration experience to unprecedented levels of efficiency and reliability, solidifying their position as leaders in the digital transformation journey.
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aitoolswhitehattoolbox · 4 days ago
Documentum D2 Developer
Search for the latest Dubai jobs on Careerjet, the employment search engine. Covers all industry sectors. Missing: cache: https:// aedcfb41213a81874cb789da5824f97269 Apply Now
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compleattsinc · 5 months ago
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Comprehensive Computer System Validation (CSV) Support
Unlock the full potential of your computerized systems with our comprehensive CSV support. Our team specializes in validating a wide range of systems, including those compliant with GAMP 3, 4, and 5 standards. Here's how we can assist:
● Validation of Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS), ensuring data integrity and compliance with regulatory requirements ● Thorough validation of Veeva Vault, LMS, Trackwise, and Documentum systems for efficient document management and regulatory compliance ● Expert validation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems such as SAP and SAP Hana, ensuring integrity and reliability of business processes ● Validation of Software as a Service (SaaS) applications, including cloud-based solutions, to ensure security and regulatory compliance
🌐 Website: www.compleatts.com 📧 Email: [email protected] 📞 Phone: +1 (704) 453-8093
CSVSupport #ComputerSystemValidation #GAMPCompliance #LIMSValidation #DataIntegrity #RegulatoryCompliance #VeevaVault #LMSValidation #Trackwise #Documentum #ERPValidation #SAPValidation #SAPHana #SaaSValidation #CloudSecurity #BusinessProcessIntegrity #ITCompliance
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rohanseoewe · 8 months ago
FOR ARGENTINA AND LATIN AMERICAN CITIZENS - United States American ESTA Visa Service Online - USA Electronic Visa Application Online  - US visa applicationem Nullam centrum.
FOR ARGENTINA AND LATIN AMERICAN CITIZENS - United States American ESTA Visa Service Online - USA Electronic Visa Application Online  - US visa applicationem Nullam centrum.
Quod homo debet applicare ad Visa Online USA. Si civis patriae es quae cum USA foedus habet pro REPULSA Visa Programmatis, et tu quoque Visitationes Visae in USA nullas habere tunc habiles sunt. Tuum iter est minus tribus mensibus. Propositum tuum visitare Americam est negotii vel recreationis. Necesse est ut novam auctoritatem vel USA applicare pro uno individuo vel coetui hominum. QUID documentum opus est adhibere USA Visa Application Online A Valid passport(s) ex Visa REPULSA Programme. Patria tua in Indice Regionum Visa REPULSA sit, legitima electronica electronica indiget ut US Visa Online. Visitator subitis punctum contactus mauris quis felis et email. Cum formam comples et pones et crimen processus solves, numerum applicationis ESTA habebis qui online applicationis ad US Visa applicationis investigari potest.
Singulis permissis singulis US Visa Tantum valet per 2 annos validitas et plures visitationes ad Civitates Foederatas Americae Septentrionalis permittit. Si passport tuum intra duos annos minus exspirat, tunc tua USA Visa Online tantum valebit usque ad diem emissionis emissum. Multae nationes USA Visa Online concessae sunt, quarum nonnullae comprehendunt, Israel, Portugallia, Germania, Lettonia, Nederlandia, Graecia, Liechtenstein, Suecia, Andorra, Finnia, Gallia, Hibernia, Brunei, Croatia, Helvetia, Italia, Estonia, Australia, Corea. South, Japan, Islandia, Hispania, Belgium, Lituania, Norvegia, Hungaria, Slovakia, Dania, Luxemburgum, Taiwan, Slovenia, Austria, Polonia, Britannia, San Marino, Nova Zelandia, Singapore, Chile, Monaco, Res publica Bohemica, Melita . Si ad iter est voluptuaria similesve aut Business
Ut applicare pro USA visa online, hos gradus sequi debes:
Create an Account: Visita officialem US Department of State and crea rationem. Fac accurate informationes providere.
DS-160 comple formam: imple DS-160 formam accurate. Haec forma tua notitias personales, consilia peregrinationes colligit, aliaque ad singula pertinentia.
Redde Visa pretium: Redde non-refundable visa application feodo. Quantum variat secundum rationem visa quam postulasti.
Colloquium RATIONARIUM: Post solutionem feudi, constitutum est ad colloquium visae ad proximam US legationem vel consulatum. Tempora colloquii expectare institutiones locorum variare, ut primo quoque tempore visum est RATIONARIUM.
Colloquium attende: In die colloquii tui veni legationem seu consulatum in tempore. Omnia documenta requisita affer, inter diplomata tua, DS-160 paginam confirmationis, acceptionem feudi visae, et documenta quaelibet subsidiaria ad applicationem visa tua pertinentia.
Processus colloquii: In colloquio,USA Visa Application praefectus consularis interrogabit te de itinere tuo, de consilio visitationis, de vinculis ad patriam tuam, et de aliis rebus pertinentibus. Responde veraciter et confidenter.
Exspecta Processui: Post colloquium, application tua processus ulteriores subibit. Tempus accipit ut consilium variat, sed statum applicationis tui indagare potes.
Accipe Congue tuum: Si applicatione visa tua approbata est, tuum passport cum figura visa reddetur tibi vel per mail vel per RAPINA, secundum processum legationis vel consulatus.
Iter in USA: Postquam visa tua accepisti, in USA intra validitatem visae ire potes.
Memento diligenter recensere omnia instructiones quae in US officiali Department of Publica website et ut accurate informationes per applicationes processus praebere possis.
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rausule · 1 year ago
Caravaggi erat qui nos ad Matthaeum duxit et specimen Lacs per Rogerum Van der Weyden coniungimur. vir clarus Flandrensis pictor saeculo quinto decimo qui in Italia diu mansit. Romae, Ferrariae Florentiae. In sela circa 1440 data et in Museo Finium Artium in Boston exhibita, putat Laca, quae, intra architecturae fere Renascentiae, Mariam ante se positam habet, tamquam exemplar, ubere parvo Iesu post eum ibi. fenestra aperta est in arido et florenti agro: Evangelista est Virginis Matris modulis initium sumendi. Sulaliani hoc modo fabulosa traditio quae Lucae patroni minus habet pictorum picturas artificum et quae mihi attribuit "Madonnas nigrae venerata est in illustri samurai Mariani et re vera omnia posteriora saeculo.
Attamen si aliam Lucae professionem quaeramus, antequam Evangelium componat, debemus ultimam notam epistulae Paler ad Colossi: « Salutat te Lucas, carissime Medice, et Demas 14, 14). scripta deffare paolina. In notula Apostoli Philemonis, ubi adhuc citatur Dema, Loca definitur fautor Pauli (v. 24), et in secunda ad Timotheum elogium implicitum apparet cum Paulus affirmat « Lucam tantum. mecum est (4.11)
Medicus igitur, sed ante omnia «evangelista, cooperans cum evangelio pallido manione et componendo evangelium, longissima scenica, ex bono 19.404 verborum et 1151 versuum constituitur: verbis amplissimis (Luke asa 2055 bonum) divers), elegantissimus ex stili sententia instructus prologo qui annuit magnorum historicorum grest.* Itaque Luce pro belli pictura eas non penicillo sed stylo pinxit. in suo induto experimento medetur, si non accuratiore definitione morborum e quibus Iesus sanat, sed incunctanter manet ut, cum mulieris haemorrhagiae adflictae sanationem describere habuerit, hanc locutionem rescindere curet. Fontem suum Marco, quia multos doctores passa est, omnes suos senes habere nihil prodest, ani, peius rande (Mc 5,26) Lac contento generico "Nemo paratus erat ad sanandam illam" (LAN)
Lucam autem scriptam opus suum Evangelium superat, ut nunc vulgo creditur, et cum duorum operum dedicatio ad idem indagendum suadet Excellentiam Theophilam (1.3 Ar 1.3), Teravangelismo quoque Actis tribuendam esse. Apostil peccatum grandios tector Ecclesiae ueig in meno ab Hierosolymis Romam, totum 18,374 paml graeci, cum vocabulario adhuc locuplete 2038 diversis vocabulis. Sed eamus parumper ad profile profile Lucae
Pretiosum documentum de vint seculo, servatum in Biblioteca Ambrosiana Mani ex nomine scope (Ludovico A.M. Murator), as "Canone Muratoriame, containing annotated list of the libet h nonciati as tah from the church of Rome back to 179. -180, del terzu evangelista sic loquitur: "Luca, medic, post se a Cristo, comes itineris a Pal sumitur, ipse suo nomine composuit, sed in aliis visibus evangelicis se fundans". Sed non vidit Dominum in carne et impensa, secundum quod potuit sequi in narratione nativitatis Ioannis disponebat (cf. 28).
Sed identitas quaedam charta plena singularium praebet nobis caput apocryphum, et alt prologus graecus
Evangelium saeculo: « Laca, stro Antiochiano, artis medicae, qui factus est Apostolorum discipulus, qui Pleso secutus est.
martyrium et Dominum sine molestia non nubo, filios habeo, sed in Beneta Graecia) annorum 84 apheta plena.
spiritus Sanctus
Evangelistae figura clare apparet, Pado eiusque dialogo cum munere Graeco-Romano pastorali coniuncto, Palaestinae nen ex ratione geographica et culturali, Hellenista cheo ab Antiochia Syriae ad Christianismum conversa, medics professionum persona. educatus, favens missioni Ecclesiae in Graecia et ams expansioni, unum fortasse compositum est duo scripta, ea influentia christianorum originis paganae dedicata. Et revera, Romae, quae me ducit ad naturale portum, ab Hierosolymis, urbe amo, fonte christianitatis (Laca citat eam 90 temporibus in duobus operibus suis totalem 139 temporibus in Novo. Testamentum) Vang dungur ancoram ut infra videbimus, ad urbem sanctam in puerili narratione Gen. hoog g
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leotechevo · 2 years ago
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wasanthaweerakoone · 2 years ago
Consider these three things before you buy any automation software
As someone with 30+ years of experience in document management workflow and process automation, I've seen the industry evolve from the early leaders like Eastman software, Wang Imaging and Kodak to the current market leaders such as FileNet, OpenText, and Documentum. In my current role as CTO of a project that develops an innovative content services platform, I've learned a few key things that I believe are important to consider before buying any automation software.
Try to move towards a hybrid model and slowly transition to full digitalization.
When I joined the automation industry 30+ years ago, we all talked about the paperless office. Now, with just a few years left to my retirement, we still use more paper than ever. As humans, we have a strong attachment to paper, but it's bad for the planet, bad for productivity, and bad in many other ways. While it's important to try to move towards a 100% paper-free process, it's important to keep in mind that your team and customers may not be ready for this transition. A hybrid model, where some processes are automated while others are still done on paper, can be a good way to ease into a full digitalization of your processes.
Don't try to automate a loosely defined process using a "big five" name brand tool. Instead, choose a dynamic process automation tool that mimics real-world scenarios.
We often think that automating a process will automatically improve it. However, with my 30 years of experience, I've learned that business process automation requires solid business process definitions. In the real world, there are more exceptions to the rules than you might think. For example, in the financial industry, I've seen a process called memo approval, which is used to approve expenses or activities. This process often has a very dynamic hierarchy. Using a "big five" name brand tool to automate a loosely defined process like this will likely lead to failure. Instead, it's important to choose a dynamic process automation tool that can handle exceptions and mimic real-world scenarios.
To gain acceptance from your team, try to mimic the human way of approving processes by adding a visual signature.
Adapting to new technology can be difficult and building trust in it can be even harder. For example, how many times did you double-check everything at the ATM when you withdrew money? How was your experience when you did your first digital transaction? When it comes to approval processes, making them fully digital can make your team uncomfortable. That's why people often prefer to see someone sign off with ink. To make everyone on your team more comfortable with the transition, try to mimic the human way of approving processes by adding a visual signature.
In conclusion, if your organization is looking to automate processes, it's important to first ensure that the processes are solid and don't have many exceptions. If this is the case, consider using a process automation tool that can digitize your business process. If not, consider using a dynamic process automation tool that mimics real-world scenarios. Adobe Sign or DocuSign are good options, but they can be costly. An alternative option is Evia Sign, which offers similar features at a fraction of the cost. In addition, it uses the same validation platform as the big players, so the digital seal is of the same quality.
In conclusion, automating processes can be done without breaking the bank, it's all about the mindset. Next time, we can talk about streamlining business processes and how process automation tools can make a significant difference. Until then, consider using an ad-hoc approval tool to make your approval processes efficient
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news24fr · 2 years ago
Plus de 600 Afghans ont été expulsés du Pakistan au cours des trois derniers jours, et des centaines d'autres risquent d'être expulsés dans le cadre d'une nouvelle répression contre les migrants.Samedi, 302 personnes ont été renvoyées en Afghanistan depuis la province du Sindh et 303 lundi, dont 63 femmes et 71 enfants. 800 autres personnes devraient être expulsées dans les prochains jours.À propos de 250 000 Afghans sont arrivés au Pakistan depuis que les talibans ont pris le pouvoir en août 2021.L'été dernier, les autorités ont commencé à expulser des Afghans pour entrée illégale dans le pays, mais les arrestations et les détentions ont augmenté depuis octobre. Près de 1 400 Afghans, dont 129 femmes et 178 enfants, ont été détenus rien qu'à Karachi et Hyderabad, le plus grand nombre d'arrestations effectuées à ce jour au Pakistan, selon des avocats.Le Pakistan n'a pas adopté la Convention des Nations Unies sur les réfugiés de 1951, qui confère aux pays l'obligation légale de protéger les personnes fuyant des atteintes graves.Moniza Kakar, une avocate des droits de l'homme basée à Karachi, a déclaré que près de 400 des Afghans arrêtés avaient des visas valides sur leurs passeports ou des cartes de preuve de résidence, qui, selon eux, ont été confisqués par la police avant d'être emprisonnés.En décembre dernier, des photos de femmes et d'enfants afghans emprisonnés à Karachi sont devenues virales. Photographie : documentUmer Ijaz Gilani, un avocat basé à Islamabad, a déclaré que l'expulsion des demandeurs d'asile afghans était une "violation manifeste du principe de non-refoulement" (renvoyer de force des réfugiés ou des demandeurs d'asile là où ils pourraient être persécutés). Il a exhorté la Commission nationale des droits de l'homme (NCHR) du gouvernement pakistanais à ordonner aux autorités de l'État d'arrêter les expulsions."La NCHR a la compétence... si elle ne l'exerce pas, nous pourrions nous adresser à la Haute Cour", a déclaré Gilani, qui soutient 100 défenseurs afghans des droits humains qui demandent l'asile à Islamabad. Il a déclaré que ses clients étaient extrêmement préoccupés par les arrestations dans le Sindh.Farah Zia, la directrice de la Commission indépendante des droits de l'homme du Pakistan, a condamné le traitement des Afghans, en particulier les arrestations de femmes et d'enfants "parce que leur vulnérabilité est aggravée par leur sexe et leur âge et le manque de liens avec les réseaux locaux".En décembre, fuite de photos de femmes et d'enfants emprisonnés à Karachi devenu viral.L'année dernière, la commission a écrit au gouvernement, l'exhortant à développer une politique plus humaine envers les réfugiés afghans.Les autorités du Sindh ont défendu leurs actions. « Le gouvernement ne prend des mesures que contre les immigrants illégaux ; ceux qui vivent sans document de voyage valide », a déclaré leur porte-parole Murtaza Wahab.Nida Amiri*, demandeuse d'asile enregistrée à Karachi, a raconté des « nuits blanches » depuis la répression. Son mari, un haut fonctionnaire du gouvernement, se cache en Afghanistan. "J'ai des maux de tête et ma tension artérielle refuse de baisser", a déclaré Amiri, 47 ans, qui a quitté Kaboul en décembre 2021 et travaille maintenant comme cuisinier.Elle a ajouté : "Je préférerais mourir en prison plutôt que de retourner à Kaboul, où nous ne pouvons même pas respirer librement."Elle a une carte d'enregistrement de la Société pour les droits de l'homme et l'aide aux prisonniers (Sharp), qui s'associe au Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) pour évaluer initialement les demandes d'asile. Mais un employé de Sharp a déclaré que la carte "ne peut pas l'empêcher d'être transportée".Nida Amiri et sa fille Afshaneh Noor. Photographie : Zofeen EbrahimLa fille d'Amiri, Afshaneh Noor, âgée de 21 ans, a déclaré que vivre au Pakistan n'était peut-être pas facile, mais que si elle y était renvoyée, elle serait « prisonnière chez moi ». "C'est le pire endroit sur Terre pour une femme, en ce moment", a-t-elle déclaré.
Sa sœur de 14 ans et son frère de neuf ans ne sont plus autorisés à aller à l'école, a-t-elle dit, parce que leur mère est tellement inquiète qu'ils seront détenus. "Elle nous a dit de toujours porter la carte Sharp et d'éviter de quitter la maison sauf en cas d'absolue nécessité", a déclaré Noor. "Nous disons aux gens que nous sommes de Chitral [a region in northern Pakistan bordering Afghanistan].”Nadera Najeeb*, 43 ans, veuve et mère de six enfants, appartient à la communauté hazara, une minorité majoritairement musulmane chiite persécutée par les talibans. Elle est entrée illégalement au Pakistan avec cinq de ses enfants – deux fils et trois filles – il y a deux mois. "J'ai été forcée de fuir, sinon mes filles seraient violées par les talibans", a-t-elle déclaré. Avant de partir, elle a marié sa fille aînée au fils d'un cousin, la laissant à Kaboul.Nadera Najeeb : "J'ai entrepris ce voyage difficile pour assurer la sécurité de mes enfants." Photographie : Zofeen EbrahimNajeeb, qui travaille dans une pêcherie à Karachi, a commencé à porter un noir abaya – un long manteau ample qui lui couvre la tête et le visage pour ne laisser apparaître que ses yeux. « Ainsi, personne ne pourra dire que je suis afghane ou que j'appartiens à la communauté hazara », a-t-elle déclaré. « J'ai entrepris ce voyage difficile pour assurer la sécurité de mes enfants ; si nous sommes mis derrière les barreaux puis renvoyés, tout cela ne servira à rien. Les chiites Hazara fuient l'Afghanistan par crainte des persécutions des talibansLire la suiteQaiser Khan Afridi, un porte-parole du HCR, a déclaré que l'organisation s'efforçait d'identifier les demandes d'asile les plus vulnérables pour la réinstallation, y compris les ménages dirigés par des femmes et les familles avec enfants à risque. Le HCR s'efforce de trouver des « solutions durables » pour les réfugiés, mais il appartient aux gouvernements d'accorder l'asile."La réinstallation, malheureusement, ne peut pas être disponible pour l'ensemble de la population réfugiée car les opportunités sont limitées", a-t-il déclaré.*Les noms ont été changés pour protéger les identités
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octavianacidicbreastmilk · 5 months ago
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you know lepidus rubrum elephant was mad as fuck when he got his editor privileges removed during the secundum wordum documentum
actually i do think the romans would have been word doc typa guys. the power of formatting absolute lies and bits would have driven them to constant and repeated sexual completion
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tzunami1 · 10 months ago
Navigating SharePoint migration, Office 365 integration, and collaboration platforms offers organizations opportunities to optimize data management and boost operational efficiency. Efficient enterprise content management demands thorough planning to mitigate risks. Seamless integration enhances processes and security management. The aim is to enhance user experience through unified collaboration environments, reducing silos and boosting productivity. Synchronizing these technologies enables companies to unlock the full potential of their data assets, driving innovation with enhanced insights and accessibility.
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almaprincess66 · 5 months ago
We love them! 💖💖💖
Also do you have like a documentum where you write all the OC lore or they are just hanging in the air?
if you type Alexander or Jonathan or Benedict or Elizabeth into the English-German google translate, you have a rough idea of how Freddie pronounces those names
@marsfingershurt @hamalicious-soup @imobsessedwiththeatre @papers-pamphlet
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rausule · 1 year ago
Ruluane obliti, Inconveniens, ah la Titanis, conscientiam humanam saeculo vicesimo interrupit. Variae rationes ad hoc dari potuerunt quae scindendae atomi, progressionis scientiae nuclearis, nostrae evolutionis evolutionis vel propriae proprietates duplicis sconicae currentis (Horus Maat) comprehendere possent, ut quidam medici magicae in operatione considerarent.
Hae copiae primariae varie nominatae sunt Obliti, Seniores, Dii Magni, Veteres, seu Antiquos, olim ab Allen Holub artifice mago definitos "... Rudes innominatae vires ex gelido frigore fabricae exsistentes. spatii ex nihilo emerserunt, adventum ipsius spatii ac temporis prae- dicant ab aethere, quamvis dici possit ipsum processum formationis repraesentare..." " Extra circulos Temporis K. Grant
In inedito documento quod "Kes Aatonis" oratori notat quae sequuntur:
... Videte bene quod dixi, dies enim venit, Cum curiositas obscura in armis revelatur propria, et sanguis novis et lethalis timoribus multiplicatur.
Inequies reserata non extinguuntur Tela aut verba temporis accessum creatum, sed ostium sub insomnio filo ligamus...
Nomina veterum et seniorum Deorum, primarum virium, orta sunt ex variis fontibus notabiliter ex Chaldaeis, Sumerianis, Assyriis, Africanis et Aegyptiis, et ex regnis somnii et visionis et imaginationis. Saeculo XX, scriptor phantasticus H. P. Lovecraft materiam praebuit quae tandem ab Ordine Septem radiorum Haiti investigata est.
Hoc documentum facit conatum nonnulla nomina et notiones cum his antiquissimis primalibus copiis coniungi, licet hoc videatur solum extremum glaciei cosmici per infinities pertingere. Nulla differentia fit inter Deos Seniores et Antiquos, seu Magnos Veteres, nec inclinat ad meliora vel deterius. Forsitan hae copiae tandem ut supra comprehensionem humanam videri debent quia nos habemus. limites non habent. Hoc lexicon etiam nonnullas formas "daemonicas" creatas cum his oblitis coniungendas includit, necnon verba quae in hoc ordine perspicientia praebere debent. Gott.
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GOT offers the Best Documentum Training with real time experts We provide course materials videos of Documentum Join Documentum Online Training Today!
Many organizations are adopting Enterprise Content Management (ECM) platforms to address business challenges associated with unmanaged information. Enterprise Content Management Solutions are used to improve business productivity and agility by providing better access to information and creating a foundation for sharing, securing and reusing this content throughout the enterprise. The main aim of ECM Documents is to help companies roll out an effective content strategy that can keep up with their growing document management requirements.
So, this is the main reason we, Global Online Trainings gives more preference to provide Documentum Online Training across the global. Our team of certified experts has designed our Documentum Training Material and syllabus based on current requirements from the industry. This enables them to be an Industry-Ready Professional, capable of handling the majority of the real-world scenarios.
Global Online Trainings also offer tailored made Documentum Training courses for Corporate. If you are an IT company and need to sharpen up the IT/Software Skills of your Employees, in Documentum GOT might be the perfect ones to partner with. Our Corporate Documentum Training will help them to expand their skill set regarding IT Technologies and thus help you increase your business ROI while keeping a control on the training costs.
For more details, please visit us: https://www.globalonlinetrainings.com/documentum-training
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interretialia · 2 years ago
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Ectoplasma “Documentum Occursus Larvalis”
Ecto-Plazm “Proof of a Ghostly Encounter”
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(Fons Imaginis.)
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shingia · 4 years ago
Suga’s Mamma Mia, strictly the original, we don’ttalk about the other.. Tanaka would claim he loves horror to impress Kiyoko but then have a sleepover with Noya bc he’s scared — IT, Asahi’s more into rom-com with a happy ending so Leap Year, I feel like Noya defo loves Star Wars, it’s loud, obnoxious and “cool” plus it’s a general answer. Tadashi’s into animation and loves Ghibli films, especially The grave of the fireflies, he can cry his heart out and relieve stress (don’t watch it, you’ll sob for hours if you haven’t seen it yet), Osamu consumes films like most people toilet rolls, he couldn’t choose a favourite and Atsumu makes fun of him when his fav is literally trash🤡 Wakatoshi would like documentums so I’d go with some David Attenborough and Tendō loves animes — Gekkan shoujo Nozaki-kun (watch it, it’s my fav “”romantic”” anime)
I should stop, i’m getting carried away with these 😂 sorry
SUGA AND MAMMA MIA OMG I LOVE THIS (@mimaki the brainrot never ends)
i can totally see tanaka and noya having a sleepover bc tanaka was too scared :’) and noya liking star wars makes so much sense !! i’ve never seen leap year tho (but i love rom-coms so maybe i should 👀), same for the grave of the fireflies but it’s on my netflix watchlist so~ yeah i might willingly break my own heart :|
also: there’s something about ushi liking david attenborough’s documentaries that makes me very happy<3
(and pls don’t apologize, i love reading the answers to these questions!!)
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inmalemodelswetrust · 7 years ago
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