#do I even bother to try and write a halloween fic :( I want to but I doubt I'll get it done in time wahhhhh
secretsolarsystem · 1 year
beach fic updaaaaaaate ‼️‼️
the VERY ROUGH draft of ch 2 is complete !!! we're lookin a 5.6k rn with 1-2 more chapters to write :0
I'm gonna finish the whole thing before I post it so I don't lose all motivation/inspiration and never finish it just like how I abandoned 'the chose one' oops
here is a snippet (not the last thing I wrote, I'm saving that for when it's posted, mwahaha):
“Can you believe it?” Anakin said, tilting his head and smiling. He saw through the lenses of Obi-Wan’s glasses how the man’s eyes flitted to Ahsoka, then to where Anakin’s tank top hung low enough to put his chest and torso on display for Obi-Wan, and then back up to Anakin’s face. Obi-Wan’s amused smile was still on his face. “Not a word of it,” he answered, and Anakin smiled wider. “Ahsoka, is your dad still making sushi for everyone tonight?” “Yeah,” Ahsoka answered, and Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow at Anakin’s popsicle. Anakin scoffed. “Don’t give me that look. You know I’ve got a big appetite.” “Hmm,” Obi-Wan hummed, nodding slowly. “Insatiable, if I remember correctly.”
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be-my-ally · 11 months
Before the Draft Notice
This follows on directly from Splashing Around Chapter 1 & Chapter 2. 
Hello darlings! So, I had something else ready to post, but, well, it's not yet even Halloween and therefore I’ve been informed it might be a little, teeny, tiny, bit early for Christmas fics - so here I am, bridging the gap with a little teeny tiny filler. Let me know though if/when you think it might be the correct time for festive fluffy fun! 
warnings: kissing, implications of underage. unedited (I will probs come back to this tomorrow).
1957 elvis x oc
wc: 2.4k
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Elvis wasn’t home soon though, he dawdled in California until they all saw the news articles of him at a fancy Halloween party and though the other girls had a lot to say about it, Louise privately thought it made sense; he was young, he was popular, he was making it, why wouldn’t he be rubbing shoulders with the starlets and actors of the west coast? Although that didn’t mean she didn’t share their fears, understanding their annoyance was borne from stress that he was leaving them behind. Besides, he’d called in a terrible temper the night before and it was, or at least Louise thought, an effective way for him to blow off some steam. He had been on the phone to them for hours, forcing them to pass it around to one another, telling them the same story over and over - presumably intending on doing so until someone managed to calm him down. Louise dreaded to think of the cost of just that one call - surely more than she’d spent on the phone in a year. 
“Hey Elvis, it’s me.” She could picture his nostrils flaring as she heard a puff from him,  
“Lou-ise.” He was curt, and she worried the phone cord around her finger, twirling it as she tried to think of what to say; desperate to prove herself to him and to the others - to succeed where all the others had failed.  
“I, uh, I heard ‘bout the, I heard about the police.”  
“Did ya? Wish they’d just move on; I’m not doing anything wrong. I don’t get why they hafta keep picking on me.” Louise hums, and he continues, “They’re sayin’ I’m - I’m lewd, got the goddamn police after me again like I’m a fucking criminal. Ain’t enough they’ve made me 1A already, they gotta try and prove their goddamn point.” She sighs,  
“Well - I thought that didn’t bother you anymore?” He huffs back at her,  
“Well, no, it don’t. I find it funny most of the time now. I mean - they didn’t even look at me the whole night, but it’s still, it’s still not fair to treat my fans like that either is it?” She murmurs back to him in what she hopes is a consolatory tone,  
“No, no you’re right El… it’s not, it’s not fair.” She pauses, briefly, “What’s really the matter though? That’s nothing you haven’t dealt with before.” There’s a longer pause, as if he’s debating whether to tell her. She shakes out a hand to the others left in the room motioning at them to leave. They grumble but filter out, talking about who was driving who home. Then, in a whine,  
“Some reporter had me read something from Sinatra.” Ah, there it was, “And, and, I just don’t know where he gets off being so mean.” He sounds like a little boy complaining about someone in the school yard, and Louise smiles,  
“Uh-huh, I hear you. He is being awfully unfair. You want me to write an opinion piece back to him? I could hand it in for extra credit in my English class.” He laughs,  
“Oh, I shouldn’t be bothering you with all this. Not at -” She can practically hear him adding up the time difference on his fingers, “- well, this late on a school night.” He pauses, “What are you doin’ there anyway - shouldn’t you be at home?” She winces, it was pretty late, and she’d hoped he wouldn’t ask that.  
“Well, we were all here waiting for you to call. Wanted to be here in case you needed us - all of us that could be here anyway - and well, a lot of the others have gone home but, well, your mom said I could stay as long as I liked so, well, here I am.”  
“But you’ve been keeping up with school? You’ve not been skippin’?” She rolls her eyes, and he tuts,  
“I heard that.” Louise giggles back, 
“You can’t possibly!”  
“Trust me - I always know.” He sighs, “God, I can’t wait to be home.” He yawned, jaw cracking, “Gotta, gonna go to this party, just - think it’s just a lil, little, uh, gathering - then I’ll be home.”  
“Well, I’ll be waiting,” He pauses,  
“Well - it’s, it’s probably best if you, well if you go home ‘til I call for you hmm?” It wasn’t unexpected, but Louise still felt her stomach drop.  
“Yeah, of course, uh, whatever you say.”  
“Just be for the best, I think honey.” 
“Yeah, I get it, sure.”  
“Sleep tight then baby, I’ll see you soon.”  
“Yeah-huh, you too.” He hangs up and she’s left holding the receiver, in his empty living room, uncertain really what he’d been saying.  
When he finally got back Louise didn’t get a call, and then she heard he had left for Hawaii before she had managed to muster up the courage to call him herself. Once Elvis returned, he didn’t call her himself for days, although she did get several calls inviting her up to the house which she of course accepted every time. And every night it was the same story, she sat there, quietly with the other girls while he chatted and played evening after evening. Louise wasn’t being ignored, not really. He was just…sharing his affections. Equalizing his attention amongst them all. It wasn’t until a week later, on the weekend, that he came around to the girls, flopping down onto the sofa between them and resting his head onto Louise’s lap. Frances had his feet on hers, and she softly brushed his sole until he huffed, twitching his foot away and turning his head into Louise’s stomach. She gently stroked his hair, fingers barely catching in his freshly washed strands. She could feel his hot breath against her skin through the thin fabric of her dress and it makes her hair stand up on edge, the intimacy of the moment almost too much for her as she tries to keep her breathing steady.  
“I’ve got a bad feelin,’ Ma does too.” Louise’s hand stills, her other coming down to tickle his back, soft fingers dancing over his shoulders. Elvis twists his head, nodding against her hand and Louise gets the hint returning to gently brushing through his hair. 
Frances pipes up,  “What d’you mean?”  
“I’ve - I’ve got a nasty feeling about my notice - don’t think it’ll be long now.”  
“Oh.” Louise feels her chest tighten, worry already setting in as Frances responds,  
“No! I’m sure that’s not true Elvis! You’ve got so much already planned!” He huffs, and Louise whispers back to him,  
“Well, we’ll deal with it if it is,” He whines a little into her,  
“Y’all gotta promise me - promise me you’ll all be good while I’m gone, I don’t - don’t wanna hear you’ve gotten into trouble.” He pauses, his voice muffled by the fabric of her dress, “Don’t want anything to change.” Louise can’t help but think about all the ways she wants things to change, namely how it’s now been months since they last kissed properly, and she felt like she was close to begging for it - propriety be damned. Whether Elvis notices her telepathic hinting, or if it was always in the plan is unclear, but within the hour he had returned to his bedroom, presumably to get changed again although he didn’t bother to announce that to the room. George tapping on her shoulder twenty minutes later after some sort of Chinese whispers had taken place with orders for her to be sent up to him.  
Louise tentatively knocked on the door even though she knew he was expecting her, awaiting his, “Come on in little Lou-Lou!” before opening it. He’s perched on the end of his bed when she walks in, her feet sinking into his soft, still new-feeling, thick white carpet, and he opens his arms to her. She practically throws herself into them and is immediately rewarded by him pulling her tight to him, his arms folding around her back, clutching her close. She couldn’t break away further than an inch if she wanted to, not that she did. She contented herself nosing at his neck, before one of his hands strayed up to rest on her cheek, turning her face to his, before falling down to her neck, fingers splayed up to her chin. She tips her head up, meeting his eyes and he winks before ducking his own head down to meet hers. It’s at once far more involved than the last time they’d kissed. This time he’s kissing her like he’s hungry for it and he pulls away, briefly, with a tug to her bottom lip,  
“God - I missed ya, baby,” before clutching her face close again. Louise feels like her body is burning from the inside out, can feel the heat building and starting to radiate off her, and Elvis’ arm clenches around her, stilling her movements as she practically bucks against him. She just melts, his arm the only thing really holding her up as she willingly goes along with her devourment. He laughs, his fingers grazing her waist, as she gasps for a breath, her eyes still closed, “You’re so pretty.” Her eyes flutter open in disbelief, unable to believe, even having heard it herself, that Elvis was telling her she was pretty. She gathered her strength to place her wobbly arms around his neck, murmuring back to him, “No, you’re the pretty one, gosh you’re gorgeous, you look so good,” as she presses little kisses all over his cheeks and face. He reciprocates, and she manages to keep her eyes open, watching him at impossibly close range. He ends by pressing a kiss to her mouth again, and this time Louise pushes herself against him so hard that they go tumbling down onto the bed. She giggles, looking around at the blue walls, but Elvis quickly regains her attention, caging her in under him and capturing her mouth with his again. She relaxes into him - completely at ease and trusting.
By the time they make their way back downstairs, Louise was dazed, and her lips bitten sore, and she was pleased to notice Elvis’ looked the same - a little zing of possessiveness sent straight up her spine. Yes; she mussed his hair up to look like that. His lips are rosy and plumped because of her. She misses everyone’s first looks, coming in behind Elvis, and though he doesn’t announce what they’ d been up to she can feel their knowing eyes, and she resigns herself to having to field questions on the nature of her relationship with Elvis.  
Elvis immediately situated himself back on the couch, patting the space next to him.  
 “C’mon little girl, come sit next to me.” Louise writhes a little, her face echoing her jumbled internal thoughts. 
“What? C’mon, what’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” He teases, eyebrow rising and Louise is quick to walk over to him, anxious for him not to change his mind despite her annoyance. He grabs her wrist before she can sit down, tugging her to stand in front of him. “You don’t wanna sit with me now?” She thinks, but doesn’t say, ‘well, no. because you’re holding me upright.’  
“No, no, I do. I just, I know you don’t mean it in this way, but it’s just…well, Elvis - you’re not that much older than me, and it feels like sometimes you’re, - “She pauses, unsure how to put it, his gaze hardens,  
“I’m what?”  
“Like you’re, oh I don’t know Elvis!” He doesn’t let go, and he doesn’t respond, just waiting her out. “Well. You just don’t needta call me little all the damn time.” His brow furrows as he tries to work out what’s referring to,  
“What? I can’t call you little girl?” He scoffs, “I don’t mean nothing by it. Jus what you are s’all.”  
“Elvis.” She pouts, and he grins, pulling her closer, pressing his palms to her cheeks,  
“Just my itty-bitty baby girl.” She groans, annoyed he wasn’t taking her seriously, and stomps her foot. He cackles in response, drawing back.  
“See, what did I tell ya boys - She’s just a baby.” He says it with a sneer, and it suddenly doesn’t feel like kind-hearted teasing anymore. Louise can rapidly feel tears of frustration blurring her vision, frustrated at the situation, and at how it’s impossible to argue she’s not a baby when she’s crying at everything. Elvis frowns. “Oh, honey, there’s no need fo-” But they don’t stop coming, and he watches almost forlorn himself as a fat, salty teardrop slides down her cheek. He sighs, “C’mere with me.” He drags her out of the room away from the others and pulls her along all the way back up to his bathroom, “C’mon, here we go,” He picks her up to balance her on the vanity while she sniffles.  
“So-rry,” She manages to get out, while he gently wipes at her eyes with his thumbs, “Didn’t mean to, I know you were playing.” He smiles, eyes almost pleading, crinkling just the tiniest amount around the corners,  
“Thought you were gonna fight it out with me. I wasn’t expecting the waterworks, but I guess, well I guess, you’re jus’ a little over-emot’onal huh, darling?” He kisses the tears away, teardrop clinging to his lip as she struggles to compose herself. “Will you still come back tomorrow?” The question startles Louise enough for her to stop the tears,  
“Of course! Whenever you want me too.” Elvis brushes his hand through his hair, shoving some of it back into place.  
“Honey, I want you here all the time. Even when you’re bein’ silly.” He taps her nose and Louise giggles again. “Look, I think someone here is tired, so how’s abouts I drop you home?”  
Louise blinks back at him, the offer almost unheard of, “You want to?” He nods, his hair flopping back into disarray,  
“Yeah-huh, let’s wash your face, huh honey? And then I’ll take you home. Tuck my baby in for the night.” Louise blushes, this was exactly the kind of comment she’d just been protesting, and yet now it was making her head feel fuzzy and her tummy flip with anticipation. Elvis shifts his weight as he cocks a hip, holding his hand out for her hold for balance as she hops off the sink and as the sturdy weight of his fingers sink into hers Louise decides it’s not an argument that she has any desire to win.
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So, not one but two jobs just fell through. I'm currently visiting friends (because of course I get this news while on vacation) but as soon as I get back home I'll start applying places, but let's be honest, even if I succeed in getting a second job (yes, I already have a job, no it doesn't pay all my bills, welcome to hell) I don't know if that'll be enough to cover everything. I was really depending on these jobs, I was promised them for months. Ask any of my close friends, they've been hearing me chant "I just have to make it until July" since January.
And yet, here we are. So.
A couple months ago I decided to take the plunge and start up a Patreon to share my original work and help support my writing career as I begin the journey of self publishing my novels. But I know that some people only want to read my fanfic (and that's okay!) so I made a special $3-a-month-tier just for you guys.
(I do also have a ko-fi, but honestly, a steady income on Patreon would benefit me a lot more.)
If ten percent of the average reader count on my fics were to sign up for the $3, I could pay half my bills every month and I wouldn't have to find a second job. Obviously I don't expect that many people to sign up, but I hope that expresses just how much every little bit helps me.
If you sign up for $3 you get no notifications, no emails, nothing, you do not get bothered by me. You would, however, probably get those fanfics you've all been waiting on because I would actually have time to write them (I'm seriously worried I won't get even my Halloween fics done in time because I've had no time or energy to write them, and I started working on these fics in January). You can sign up for a higher tier if you want of course, but if you're not interested in my original work or pictures of my cats you probably want to stick to $3.
(For free updates on my novels and such you can follow me @lincolnchristie - my A Masque of Shadows Ao3 updates will be posted there, for example).
I've had to ask for help from the tumblr community before, and I hated it, and I hate it now, but this time I do feel a little better about it because I'm not asking while giving nothing back. I truly do hate self-promotion but every little bit helps. The appreciation and enthusiasm I've gotten from people on tumblr and on Ao3 in response to my writing the last few years has been truly amazing, and so I hope that I've created stories you love enough that, if you have the spare change, you'll consider helping to support me as I embark on my professional writing career and try to keep the lights on.
It's been a tough year and a tough few months for me and I'm sure it has for everyone reading this, too. Please stay safe and take care of yourself, and thank you for taking the time to read this. Even if you can't sign on, reblogging also really helps. Thank you.
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
20 questions for fic writers
I'm sure I'll get tagged in this eventually, but I want to do it now
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
Currently 1,300.258
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Call of Duty but I've written for several others in the past.
4. Top five by kudos.
Cherry Red, Crimson Blood; From The Stars; Broken; Sacred; Nadia
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to respond to every single one, but I always wind up missing a few.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Way of the Water for a Halloween event last year. One of the few fics I've written that didn't have a happy ending.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of mine have happy endings so...it's hard to pick just one. I'd probably say any of my Clone Soulmate series mostly because they all got happier endings than they do in canon.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah. Quite a few over the years. It doesn't bother me as much anymore and for most of them I just ignore them and delete the comments. I have comment moderation on for that reason.
9. Do you write smut?
Pretty much all I write
10. Craziest crossover.
I've never written a crossover, though I did consider a GOT/LOTR crossover at one point (so original I know)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If we're counting AI bots then yes.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so? Not that I know of at least.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I've had a few offers over the years but I'm such a control freak I don't think I could do it.
14. All time favorite ship?
I'm definitely getting shit for this but Daemon x Rhaenyra. I just want them to be my parents so badly. I don't know if I have any others that are exclusively canon? I have plenty that aren't canon 😂
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh so many. The Aquaman fic I started back in 2019. Probably also Here's To the Future, one of my Star Wars fics.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Honestly idk. Maybe conveying emotions??
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actions scenes. And dialogue sometimes.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'm also getting shit for this but I hate it, specifically when it's not translated immediately like at the end of the sentence or right after the dialogue. I'm sorry but I'm not scrolling back and forth to the top or bottom of the fic for the glossary. I don't even do that in published books. Just write it in English and make it italicized to symbolize it's in another language. We can use our imaginations.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Percy Jackson. 7th grade. It was not good.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
The Phantom of Pabu. It just means so much to me and it's one of my favorite fics of all time that I've written. It was one of the last I wrote for Star Wars and I don't think even CRCB will top it as my favorite fic. (it'll come close though).
NPTs: @stigandr-the-cat, @141wh0re, @reaper-chan666, @uncontainably-a-whore and anyone else that wants to do this
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starlightkun · 1 year
buzzer beater ❧ teaser [sungchan]
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❧ word count: 1028 | full fic: 22.0k ❧ warnings: just cursing for the teaser, everything i know about hockey is from internet research for this fic i’m sorry for any inaccuracies i tried not to put in a lot of specifics lmao ❧ genre: fluff, gets quite suggestive (a heavy makeout scene/near sex scene) but no actual smut, college au, hockey captain sungchan, chronically ill reader (chronic migraines), halloween-themed at the beginning, sungchan’s not a frat boy but he’s like... a frat boy by association ❧ extra info: the ages/relative ages of the members in here are whatever i want them to be, don’t read into it too much. this is a very usamerican-centric take on a college au (greek life, collegiate sports, etc.) btw. also i call kunhang ‘hendery’ in here like it’s his government name for a one-line gag bc i think i’m hilarious (and i am <;3) the reader in this has chronic migraines, which i also have. when the reader’s migraines, experiences as a chronically ill person, and thoughts about being chronically ill are described, that is me writing directly from my own life. i am not a spokesperson for chronic migraines (lol) and am not generalizing the lives of all people with chronic migraines and chronic illness, as we are all different. but i am sending all my love to any readers out there living with a chronic illness, and here’s a reminder to go take your meds!! ❧ estimate release: saturday, october 14, 2023 2:00 p.m. eastern time
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“Anyway, your turn,” you tapped his knee with your book before putting it back in your bag.
“For what?”
“To expand my horizons of you. All I know about you is that you’re the hockey captain, and a Bio major who took a gothic fiction class one time like three years ago. Show me you’re a multifaceted individual, too.”
“Uhm, that’s about it.”
“Oh come on, Sungchan.”
“No really, if I’m not on the ice, I’m in class; if I’m not in class, I’m with my team; and if I’m not with my team, I’m studying.”
“You’re here, right now,” you pointed out. “Last I checked I’m not on your hockey team, and we’re not studying. You have to do one thing that’s not for school or hockey. My thing was just watching Pacific Rim this one time, remember?”
“Alright…” he paused to think, fingers tapping along his thighs. “I used to play the piano.”
“Past tense, but I’ll accept it. When did you stop?”
“High school? Around when piano lessons and hockey practice started conflicting.”
“And you chose hockey?” You asked, hoping it didn’t sound judgmental. You really were just curious, trying to understand him.
“Actually, the choice was made for me.” He held his right hand out in front of you, and it was then that you saw his pinky finger was unnaturally crooked as he pointed to the digit. “I broke it in a game without even realizing it. Bruises and stiffness sometimes are normal so me and my parents didn’t know anything was up until weeks later when I was fucking up all the notes at my piano lessons because it still hurt. By the time I finally saw a doctor and got a splint on it, it set up wrong. All dexterity for piano out the window. Hockey on the other hand… guys have done a lot more with a lot less.”
You couldn’t help but curiously run a gentle fingertip over the crook in his pinky. “Does it hurt at all? Now?”
“Not really.” He went to bend and flex the fingers of his right hand, and you saw how the fifth finger didn’t curl up as much as the others. “It’s just a lot stiffer. Doesn’t bother me all that much.”
He brought his left hand up and wiggled the fingers on that hand. “Besides, I’m a lefty anyway.”
“So—apologies if this sounds like a stupid question to you, I don’t know anything about hockey—are there like, different hockey sticks for left-handed and right-handed players?”
Sungchan immediately broke into snickers, and you set down your mug to cross your arms over your chest indignantly.
“Hey, I didn’t laugh at you for not knowing what death of the author was—”
“I wasn’t making fun of you, I’m sorry,” he covered his mouth. “That was just… too cute. Uhm yes, there are lefty and righty sticks.”
You had to bite down your bottom lip to not smile at him calling you cute, and instead keep up your ruse of being offended. “I feel patronized.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” There was still a hint of a giggle in his tone, and you felt your self-righteous façade slip away as he continued, “You should come to a game, then, if you really want to broaden your horizons. The season just started. First home game is this Thursday, actually. 7:00 p.m. and students get free admission with your student ID.”
“Fridays are for basketball, Saturdays are for football.”
“Oh. Right.”
“You don’t go to those games either, do you?”
“Oh no, did I make it obvious?” You asked sarcastically.
“A bit,” Sungchan jested back.
Outside the window visible past Sungchan, the rain had let up a few minutes ago, and you briefly glanced over at your laptop for the time. Shit, your next alarm was going to be going off soon. If you left now, you should be home at roughly the right time for your next dose.
Clicking your tongue, you started packing up your things, “Well, looks like the rain’s finally let up enough to allow me safe passage. That’s my cue.”
“Oh.” The hockey player with you looked over his shoulder at the newly sunny day outside before turning back to watch you put your things away.
“Are you heading out too?” You nodded to his empty cup.
“I’ve uh, got some homework to do.”
“Guess this is where we part ways then.”
“Um, you didn’t say if you were going. To the game.”
You tucked your chin to your chest to hide your smitten smile as you put your laptop in your bag. Typically just asking for the details would’ve been taken for a yes, but Sungchan wanted extra confirmation. This boy wasn’t good for your heart, truly.
Turning back to him, you gave him a firm and nearly business-like nod. “Yeah, I’ll be there.”
A bright grin lit up his features. “Okay! Great! Uhm, feel free to bring some friends, I know just sitting in the stands by yourself might be lonely.”
“I’ll see if I can drag somebody else out. It’ll be a tall order, though. Literature majors, you know, we prefer our Shakesperean poetry readings.”
“Oh, well—”
“I’m kidding,” you laughed and stood then, slinging your tote onto your shoulder. “Honestly, have you seen Chenle at a rager? Boy can drink twice his body weight I swear. He shouldn’t, but he can.”
Before you could reach for your cup and saucer to buss your place, the hockey captain spoke up, “I’ll take care of your mug, don’t worry.”
“Oh, thanks, Sungchan! I’ll see you Thursday then.”
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“Bye…” Sungchan trailed off, watching the door long after it had closed behind you.
He didn’t actually have any homework to do, and scrolled on his phone for a few minutes to make sure you were out of the area before leaving himself. He grabbed his long-empty plastic cup and your mug. His went in the trash, and as he went to put yours up with the other dishes and trays, his eyes were caught by the iridescent glitters left behind on the rim by your lip gloss.
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⤷ blog masterlist
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Better Man
Fandom: RPF, American Musician, Elvis, Elvis Movie 2022
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader
Characters: Elvis Presley, Female Reader, Rusty (Reader’s Dog), Jerry Schilling, Charlie Hodge, Austin!Elvis 
Word Count: 2747 // Rating: Teen & Up
Summary:  And I know why we had to say goodbye like the back of my hand, But I just miss you, and I just wish you were a better man
Tags/ Warnings: My Writing, Halloween Challenge, Writing Challenge, Songfics, Established Relationship, Elvis Movie, Elvis 2022, Breakups, Angst, Heartache, Cheating, Lying, Love, Kisses, Fighting, Toxic Relationship, Physical Altercation, Lisa-Marie Airplane, Elvis on Tour, Tours, Anger, Songfic, Lyrics, Crying, Grief, Lads when i tell u that this one broke me, Pls Cheer Yourself Up With Rusty The Dog, Better Man // Little Big Town
Notes:  This is part of my writing Challenge for Halloween 2022. All fics are based off of songs I love. The aim is to write one fic a day for 15 days straight. I’m doing a similar thing for Christmas but they will all be headcanons [requests welcome for that] Enjoy x  
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I couldn’t sleep. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling unable to switch off my mind. Memories swirled around inside my brain some hurtful, some happy, all a jumble of my life. I sat up rubbing my eyes. They burned now even though I had stopped crying long ago, running empty of tears. I climbed out of bed and walked through to the kitchen of my apartment though left the lights off not wanting to make my eyes hurt even further as I made myself a cup of tea. 
My dog, Rusty, danced around my feet excitedly, finally thinking I was out of my funk since I had been in my bedroom since the late afternoon, crying and refusing to leave. He was worried about me and though he didn’t know what was wrong he had stayed with me all day, cuddling into my side in an effort to help. 
I sighed and stroked behind his ears suddenly realising that I hadn’t fed him since breakfast, too distracted by my own problems. I grabbed a cup full of kibble from the bag and dropped it into his bowl watching as he dove in excitedly causing new wave of sadness hit me as I realised he hadn’t bothered me at all, putting his own needs behind my own. I must have really seemed just that big of a mess. 
I left him happily scoffing his food and made my way to the large window of my lounge which looked out over the city. I held the hot mug of tea in between my hands and took a sip. It stung my dry mouth but I didn’t really mind as it had been the first thing I’d drank in hours. I looked out at the view. The city was abuzz. Cars still weaved through the streets below. Alarms blared. Lights shone brightly in the inky black sky. It was the same as it had been 24 hours ago. 
Except it was different for me. Probably different for a lot of others too but I didn’t care about them. Not right now. 
‘You know you had to do it,’ a voice in the back of my mind said. I scoffed aloud. I had said that so many times before that it seemed like my mantra. 
It was right. 
Elvis and I had dated for a long time. I loved him with all of my heart. But we weren’t going to last. He didn’t know what he had when he had it so I had to get out. To save myself. 
The memory of the day I left flashed in my mind. 
I was sitting on the bed trying to summon the strength to get up off it. My bags were sitting at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me, begging me to come downstairs. But I was stuck on the spot. Elvis was sitting behind me, the silence between us deafening. 
‘Do you have to go?’ he asked after what felt like a year. His voice cracked, his throat sounding dry. I sighed. It had been a question I had been asking myself all day. Well, for longer than that.  ‘I can’t stay,’ I said. ‘But you want to,’ he countered standing up off the bed and coming around to kneel in front of me. He looked years older, looking up at me with wide eyes, tears brimming on the rim of them.  ‘I can’t,’ I said, my own tears spilling over.  ‘Why not?’ he said, ‘you love me right?’  ‘More than anything,’ I said sadly, my hand cupping his cheek gently.  ‘Isn’t that enough?’ he asked quietly.  ‘I wish it was,’ I sniffled. ‘You said,’ he said swallowing thickly, ‘you said that you love me more than anything-’ ‘I do!’ I said. ‘Then why can’t it be enough!? Why can’t we get over this,’ he said. ‘Because I love you enough to forgive you for everything that’s happened…but you don’t love me enough to change,’ I said honestly. Tears spilled over and rolled down his cheeks and I swiped my thumb across his cheek catching some of the dampness there. As he hung his head in shame it made my chest tighten a little.
‘Can you honestly say that you’ll never hurt me again? That some pretty girl won’t turn your head? That I’ll never have Jerry openly lie to me because he’s covering for you? That I’ll never have to force myself awake in the middle of the night just to check that you’re still breathing? That those damn pills ain’t taken you?’  ‘Y/N,’ he said sadly. ‘I’ve tried my best to keep this relationship afloat,’ I whispered, ‘can you honestly say the same?’ 
My heart felt like someone was squeezing it through my chest as I pulled away from the memory. That was one of the worst days of my life and yet I thought about it quite a bit. Mostly in the middle of the night like now. In the middle of the night when no one would know about it. Yet on those nights I didn’t just think of the bad stuff. The good often showed up too, like now, as another memory flashed through my brain. 
‘I really need to get up,’ I giggled. I was lying in bed. My head on Elvis’s shoulder as my fingers fiddled with the necklace he was wearing. His arms were wrapped around me, his lips pressed into my forehead though I could feel him smirk as he whispered, ‘now I don’t know about that.’ ‘Elvis,’ I said moving back so I could look at him, ‘I’ve got stuff to do.’ ‘Better than this?’ Elvis said capturing my chin in between his thumb and forefinger and leaning in to kiss me. It was soft and tender and full of love. It made my heart hammer in my chest. Then he was moving, rolling me over onto my back deepening the kiss as he rested on me gently.  ‘No,’ I whispered as he pulled back, ‘not at all but I gotta.’ ‘Stay with me,’ he said his blue eyes shining in the low light as he looked at me. I stroked his soft black hair gently.  ‘And why should I?’ I giggled.  ‘Because you love me,’ he said simply.  ‘Is that so?’ I said. He leaned and pressed a kiss to my lips.  ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘I’m right aren’t I?’ ‘More than anything,’ I said with a smile. Elvis leaned in and kissed me again, his hand stroking my face gently. I had a million things to do. Errands to run, clothes to pack for when we left tonight for a show, I had a hair appointment across town in 20 minutes. And yet, I didn’t want to move. I was happy here. 
I smiled at that memory. It was nice to remember him like that. That was what it was like for the most part. Until everything started to unravel. Until he got more and more unhappy. He’d take it out on me. We’d argue. He’d push me away, usually pulling some other woman close for the time being until he was ready to face whatever was going on. Sometimes he wouldn’t even talk to me about it. He’d sit and stew about it and then hours or days later he’d come back to me like nothing had happened throwing me for a loop. I didn’t know if that was better or worse than the fighting. 
We pulled up at the small airport on the edge of town. Having flown in yesterday morning we were leaving again a mere 24 hours later. Another day another city. I was tired. Last night had been an epic show, the crowd electric and Elvis a God amongst men. I’d seen the same show every night for the past ten days and every night it was better. I loved seeing him on that stage. Electrifying. Tantalising. 
Though this morning was a completely different kettle of fish. After the show, I’d been shepherded back to the hotel, alone, which had left me not knowing if I were coming or going. If I weren’t allowed to stick around it meant Elvis was up to something or something was up with me. When I returned to the room I sat up waiting for him to come back but he never did. Eventually, around 4 am, he entered the room and slipped into the bed beside me but before I could turn around and say anything to him he was snoring tuckered out from the show, what he’d been doing afterwards or something Dr Nick had no doubt cooked up for him to get him to drop off as soon as his head hit the pillow. 
And when I woke up he was gone. I sighed and climbed out of bed getting myself ready for the day. I grabbed my cases and headed downstairs handing them to the man loading them all up into the convoy of cars we had. That was the first time I clapped on eyes on him properly since the show last night. He was talking to Charlie, laughing about something, but his smile disappeared as he saw me causing a shiver to run down my spine. So I was right, it was me. The problem was I didn’t know what I’d done wrong. He was often like this. When he got annoyed he’d go moody and silent. Whoever it was directed at would either get a tongue lashing pretty soon after or they’d have to figure out what they’d done wrong which wasn’t always an easy task. 
I decided to ignore it. He was mid-conversation anyway and it wouldn’t seem that odd if I didn’t interrupt them. Instead, I headed around to where the girls from the sweet inspirations were waiting for our ride. We chatted for a bit before we were led out to our vehicles and I was forced to leave the girls and get into the car with Elvis and the boys. He allowed me to sit next to him, he even threw his arm behind me on the seat but it never touched my shoulders.
As we pulled up to the jet people clambered to get out of the car, allowing Elvis to lead us up to the jet. He did so, waving to the fans on the other side of the lot screaming for his attention, begging for one last look or wave before he departed their town. The boys and I followed each of them taking a seat on the jet but I stayed standing watching as Elvis headed down to the back of it and into the bedroom. 
After a moment, I took a deep breath and headed down to the bedroom, sliding the door open. He looked up as I came in, his jaw set before he turned back to where he was taking his shoes off. I lingered by the door, folding my arms across my chest. He didn’t pay any attention to me and I could feel anger bubbling in my stomach, a feeling that was becoming all too familiar to me. 
‘So are you going to tell me what I did or do I have to guess?’  ‘What?’ he said looking up at me with venom.  ‘Are you going to tell me why you’re acting like some petulant child? I mean I’m in trouble, right?’ I questioned, ‘for what I don’t know but I’m sure I am.’ ‘You don’t know?’ he scoffed standing up. He came towards me, his jaw tight and a sneer on his face.  ‘Honestly?’ I said stepping towards him so we were toe to toe, ‘it could be anything with you these days.’ ‘So I just imagined you and that guy did I?’ he spat. I went to reply but my mind was blank. ‘What are you talking about!?’  ‘Don’t pretend like you don’t know,’ he scoffed pulling back, ‘he was all over you! In the dressing room before the show, can I get you this, do you want me to do this for ya!’ ‘That’s his job!’ I screeched. I was sure everyone would be able to hear us now but I didn’t care.  ‘Oh yeah?’ he shouted, ‘was it his job to stand at the side of stage with you? Press his hand on the small of your back as he led you about? Whisper in your ear and make you laugh? Was that also his job?’  ‘We were talking about you! He was a fan of you! He was being nice!’ I said, ‘am I not allowed to speak to a man now? Is that it? Only you? No one but the great Elvis Presley can speak to me! I bet if we played that rule in reverse we’d have a problem, right? If you weren’t allowed to speak to any lil thing in a tight sweater or some cheap piece of ass calling by your hotel room!’
I was screaming now. I hated his jealousy. It tore at me, like claws in my gut every time. How could he doubt me? I loved him so much. He rushed towards me and grabbed me by the face pushing me so I was back against the wood-panelled wall. My heart hammered in my chest. He looked like he wanted to scream at me. Yell obscenities. Instead, he was formulating the words he wanted to say but I got there quicker. 
‘I love you,’ I said with a small sad smile though his grip was starting to hurt my face. He pulled back, letting my face out of his grasp. I dropped my gaze trying to stop the tears that had formed in my eyes from falling before I continued quietly, ‘I love you more than anything on this earth and the fact you think I would ever, ever, do that to you hurts me more than you could ever know.’ ‘I just…’ he sighed, ‘I’m out there playing a show and I look out and there you are laughing and joking with some guy. There could be 40,000 in that crowd and I wouldn’t care…so long as you were watching.’
He sat down on the bed rubbing the bridge of his nose and I moved towards him, walking between his legs and tilting his chin up so he’d look at me. He looked tired, deep bags were underneath his eyes and he looked paler than normal. 
‘I love you so much,’ I said, ‘I just need you to trust that a little more.’ ‘I do,’ he whispered, ‘I want to…it’s just I see you with guys like him and-’ ‘And nothing. Out of all the time we’ve been together has anyone ever turned my head?’ I said. He shook his head, ‘and that’s never gonna change. I love you.’ ‘I know,’ he said quietly.  ‘Good,’ I whispered, pulling his head into my torso and wrapping my arms around him. He clung to me as I stroked his hair, ‘because acting like this…it isn’t good for either of us. It’ll break us from the outside in.’ ‘I know,’ he said sadly. 
It hadn’t broken us. I had. 
I stopped letting him take me for granted. I left him working through the pain by clinging to the pride that I had done all I could. I had tried my best. That if he wanted me, loved me like he always told me he did he would’ve tried harder. Been a better man. 
But right now I didn’t want a better Elvis. I wanted my Elvis. The imperfect Elvis. The one that caused me no end of heartache but also no end of joy. I placed my cup of tea down on the windowsill and wrapped my arms around myself. If I held myself tight enough I could still feel him on my skin. I longed for that tonight. 
I longed for him to hold me. 
Cuddle me like he used to. 
Make the tears I was crying disappear. 
But he wasn’t here. I moved to my couch and dropped down into it with a hefty sigh. Grabbing the remote I clicked the TV on listening as the early morning news came on. I hadn’t realised how long I had been up. 
‘Good Morning and welcome to your local breakfast news. The date is August 17th 1977 and here are your headlines…’
As I said. The world was different for a lot of people today.
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hello! You can choose the pairing but could you write smth with like, one of them struggling with a random anxiety thing and the other comforting them through it? I hope this makes sense!
You mind if I do this with Lucian/Peter?
Been decorating my house early for Halloween (cause it's my favorite holiday and it's never too early for spooky stuff), and now my living room is full of bats, so... thinking about Peter now.
Warning: vampire Peter, anxiety issues, it's not easy being something you fear and loath
This is for my au where Peter is a vampire (who turns into a canyon bat) and has (now) two cats with Lucian
On with the fic!
It happened in the kitchen, with Peter microwaving a mug.
It was shaped like a skull and was black with Hammer Horror-style blood painted on it. A fan gave it to him and it was tacky, dumb, and used often because it held a lot of coffee in it.
But it wasn't coffee being reheated, no. It was blood, from the resealed tub that will need to go back in the freezer, the ice cream scoop still left on the counter next to it. The air smelled of copper and it didn't bother Peter much anymore that it was such a common scent in his home.
That made his grip on the counter tighten, his claws (fucking claws!) scratched the marble with their sudden movement.
The microwave dinged and Peter stared at the device, like it was going to explode if he dared to touch the door button.
He could feel his poor excuse for a heart actually beating hard in his chest, something it really couldn't do nowadays, unless if he was in his tiny bat form. Fuck, bat form. Yeah, that was a thing now.
That was now part of his life. A big part.
Big, massive, scary part that made his stomach twist and turn and his knees shake. His body felt hot and tight and weird and bad and really wrong and he was scratching at his neck, right at the mark there, under the now-common chokers he wore.
The leather was torn off and he clawed right at the scars, over and over and over and over-
"Peter, Peter, stop!"
There was a tight, yet oddly gentle grip on his wrists, and Peter was panting hard, he could hear a high pitched ringing in his ear. He could hear talking under it, he understood some words, but a lot of them were in another language. One of the holds on his wrists released and now there were gentle fingers in his hair and he was pressed against something solid and hot, much hotter than he was.
He heard a heart beating and smelled the familiar scent of basic body wash, wolf, and something old.
Peter heard the words now, Romanian, old Romanian that not many people left in this world speak so easily.
"Are you alright?" Lucian asked.
"I feel like shit." Peter grumbled against Lucian's shirt. He did, his body had been so tensed up, and his neck hurt like hell. He sniffed and made a face, he smelled blood, old, dead-ish blood.
He pulled back just enough to see a stain on Lucian's shirt and some splatters on his own. And his fingers were a dark, nasty red. "Fuck."
"It's healed up, in case you're wondering." Lucian asked. "What happened?"
"It just... set in that I'm becoming too comfortable with what happened to me, and I hated that." Peter said, surprised that he was even talking. Usually it took a bit for him to find words, plus he did just attack his neck.
"Peter, you've been a vampire for nearly a year now. I'm shocked it's taken this long." Lucian frowned.
Peter glared at him and made a face. "Thanks, babe, that's such kind words to say to your panicking boyfriend."
Lucian rolled his eyes before cupping Peter's face in his hands. "I know you still hate this, that you never asked for this, but you're still taking this so well."
"Well enough to claw open my throat?"
"Well... more in the sense that it taking this long means that while you hate it, you know that it's something you are putting up with and still trying to live your life." Lucian reasoned. "Come on, let's go sit down and try to relax, you're still upset and I'm sure you want to not work yourself up into another attack."
"Yeah." Peter frowned, rubbing at his neck, he couldn't feel anything there but dried blood and bite scar. "Can we watch a movie?"
"Even if it's one you hate?"
"I believe that is most of what you tend to watch, but yes. Go sit on the couch with the girls, I'm sure cuddling with the cats will help. I'll get you a drink."
"Just reheat my blood and spike the fuck outta it, please? Make me a true Bloody Mary?" Peter asked and Lucian kissed him before nodding.
Peter gave him a tired smile and another kiss before walking to their living room, where the cats were, curled up sleeping. He flopped down next to them, annoying them for a second before they returned to their slumber.
He sighed and slumped in the seat, running his tongue over his teeth. He was still upset and worked up, but... he'd distract himself, that's what he always did.
Won't let those thoughts get to him again.
I almost had his turn into a bat, but that might make things worse.
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glaivenoct · 11 months
🎃 trick or treat 🎃
Ask Box Trick or Treat - Fic Edition
Thank you for sending one in! Sorry I'm answering these so late too, but at least Halloween is still around the corner! (Its not the 31st for me quite yet)
Have a peek at a very old word dump that was always meant to be a part of a NyxNoct World of Ruin/fixit AU! It was directly inspired by the instance in FFXV Comrades when you pass by an NPC in Lestallum, who talks to another about how the search for Prince Noctis has been called off. I couldn't stop picturing this moment between Nyx and Cor the moment I heard it.
(Pls don't mind the way the first few paragraphs are written before the dialogue kicks in. I started this when I was having a writing slump, and sometimes I try writing a little differently just to get words unstuck. I haven't touched this in well over a year and just never bothered to fix it.)
(Pls also note I'd probably rewrite the hell out of this now, but it's not a bad start for just trying to get the words out.)
He will be returning to Lestallum from a mission. He will be bruised, sore and weary. He will overhear it in passing by chance - and it will drive him to the edge of hopelessness. 
“They called off the search for Prince Noctis! Without our King - ”
He will freeze in place, feeling suddenly hollow and as if a rug has been pulled from beneath his muddied boots. He will contemplate whether or not he is hearing things. If the phantoms in his nightmares have somehow found a way to haunt him the waking world. He will think that can’t be right. That the civilians don’t have a clue what they’re talking about, and it is nothing more than frivolous gossip to give the survivors of a dark, broken world something to do. 
He’ll know exactly who he needs to find to confirm the truth. Cor.
He’ll find Cor tucked away in a tent,  standing over a map and marking off areas on it. Cor will look up at Nyx, confused at the frantic manner he entered in. Nyx will be huffing both breathless and frustrated, dropping his backpack to the floor and looking at Cor in frustrated bewilderment.
“What the hell do you mean the search is off?”
Cor’s brows rise, eyes slightly widening in shock. Just as quickly, his jaw clenches and he glances off to the side, closing his eyes to sigh quietly. It’s all the confirmation Nyx needs. 
“You heard…” He says slowly, looking back up at Nyx.
“Not from you.” Nyx glares.
“I was going to tell you as soon as you returned.”
“And I’m here to tell you to call the search back on.” He shakes his head. “You can’t do this.”
“It’s been months and we’ve exhausted all traces of potential leads. The crystal is nowhere to be found. It brings me no comfort to do so, but we must move on.”
“He’s our King!” Nyx snaps, knowing Cor knows as well as he does that, for him, it’s more than that. Noctis might be everyone’s King, but he is solely Nyx’s whole heart. “We can’t just give up on him!”
“We’re not!” Cor snaps back, circling around the table to come toe to toe with Nyx. They both glare at each other, angry and frustrated with everything but each other. Angry and frustrated with the current state of the world and the choice it’s causing them to make. “You think I want to do this? You think I want to feel like I’m going to outlive another King after I failed the last one? I don’t! But take another look around you. We’re the last line of defense this world has. The last line of defense the people have. Noctis would want us to focus all our efforts and resources on protecting them. You know that as well as I do.”
Nyx knows. Really, he should know better than anyone, but he’s not ready. Not ready to take that step just yet. Not ready to put Noctis on a backburner and spend his days hoping he returns by some crystal given miracle or prophecy. There has to be another way. There must, but he won’t waste his time trying to convince the Marshal of it any longer. He doesn’t even necessarily fault him for this line of thinking. 
Cor, much like everyone else, is simply doing his best. Nyx knows he should respect that. 
Which is why the only thing he has left to say when he turns to swiftly leave the tent is, “I’m taking a walk.”
“Ulric –”
“I just need some time, alright? Don’t even think about sending Highwind after me.”
((p sure he's supposed to send Highwind after him eventually))
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ladylynse · 2 years
Trick or Treat!
After not hearing from her in months, Danny had come to find his cousin.
Her trail went cold in Gotham.
Danny hadn’t been here long before realizing she might have just kept her head down and quietly moved on. Amity Park had it bad with all the ghost attacks, but it wasn’t like this. The attacks might be more frequent back home, but the average threat level of these ones seemed to be higher. Sure, Danny’s judgement might be skewed because the Box Ghost had attacked five times in the three days before he’d left to come on this trip, but still.
Danny didn’t want to write this place off until he knew something for certain, so he let the local superheroes take care of things and hung back in the shadows, trying to keep his head down.
The shadows were not as empty as he was used to.
Maybe, if he’d been better actually hiding in them, or if he’d just stayed invisible for as long as possible when things got dicey, he wouldn’t have attracted attention.
His best efforts otherwise were dismal, apparently.
Clearly, showing up to the scene of as many attacks as possible on the off chance that he’d run into Dani—or some lead about her—had been the stupidest thing he could possibly do, something Jazz and Sam would no doubt have pointed out to him repeatedly if he’d mentioned it.
But he hadn’t, mostly because he knew they wouldn’t be happy about it. Sam, Tuck, and Jazz knew what he was really up to, even if they didn’t know the full story about Dani, so they were keeping up the pretense with his parents of being invited on a business trip by Vlad.
Keeping secrets kept getting him into trouble in the long run, but it worked well enough in the short run. It wasn’t like he was going to tell anyone here what he was really doing or how he always managed to avoid getting shot.
He had not expected that people on both sides would find reason to distrust him when he hadn’t even done anything, though.
Sure, his showing up to the scene of the crime, even when those scenes were far apart, might be more pattern than coincidence and give them cause to question if anyone worked out the math, but no one back home had ever blinked twice at that. And, okay, maybe that one hero had been noticeably freaked out the first time he’d met Danny, but Danny had assumed that he’d just been having a rough day. The bank robbers had nearly shot them both.
(Well, they had shot Danny; Danny had just been intangible at the time. Maybe that had been more noticeable than he’d thought?)
And it was hardly his fault he’d frozen everything green on sight the minute he’d noticed a plant moving in an unnatural way. He’d thought it was Undergrowth. He’d been quick about it, too—hadn’t even bothered transforming since he could handle ice easily enough in human form now, thanks to his ongoing training with Frostbite—and he hadn’t thought there were any witnesses around.
Something he’d been wrong about, apparently.
Story of his life.
“This isn’t what it looks like, I swear,” Danny insisted. “This is all a big misunderstanding. I’m just a tourist.”
Really, he should have known they wouldn’t believe him.
Ask box trick-or-treating - receive a snippet if you drop by - Happy Halloween, everyone!
Halloween snippets | see more fics
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hekateinhell · 1 year
From the writers game (and if it hasn't been asked before), 16/ and or 17 and or 41 xD.
for the fic asks! ♥️
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
Lord... Consider this a soft pitch in a sense because I've been thinking about it for Halloween or something: Werewolf AU. 👀
I know, I know, I'm living my best mermaid summer but thinking ahead on the monsterfucking train, you know? I feel that would be something highly specific like the mermaid fic 😂 but I need thoughts, takes on this. Maybe I'll write it for approximately two people and just share it in the Google Docs, we'll see.
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
Easy, @monstersinthecosmos's The Lotus Eater. That was the fic that branded Devil's Minion into my soul. This was where I fell in love with the ship and the vampire/human dynamic outside of those 36 pages in QotD. I read the fic when I was coming back into VC after several years and I felt like I understood so much of their relationship that Anne hadn't bothered to fit into canon. I got it now.
And as someone who's ND, I felt like I could relate Kacy's depiction of Armand's time blindness as a vampire to my own life with ADD and the chaos and confusion that comes with all that — trying to make sense of a world that you really don't fit into, a world that wasn't made for you.
There's so many lines that stick out in my head years later that'll just come back when I'm doing something like washing the dishes and hit me in the face. "He had been careless with this boy."
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shi-daisy · 10 months
Yooo! Since you have said the second fic will be Neris/ Vanserra bros and want to make more content for them I have something of a request.
If you've read the Neris Halloween fic here on Tumblr. Do you have any ideas as to who your version of the Vanserras would be? I really need to know what those rascals would be doing in costume.
Anon yesss!!! I'm having a blast with Tamlin and Lucien but I can't wait to start writing my Autmn babies and my Lady Death, so send me anything you have with them ♥
I have indeed read @theladyofbloodshed Halloween foc many times and I still love it!. Ma'am if I may say I love your writing, especially Nesta's and your fics are a delight.
Okay so if it was my version of the Vanserra siblings that were in the maze and in costume this is what they'd be like:
In a modern AU we have meds and I'm sure that at least one of the other kiddos would keep an eye on their unstable second eldest brother. So if either Eris or Cedric made sure Nemesis took his meds and he had a toy knife instead of a real one he would be going as either Chucky from Child's Play or as Pennywise from IT. He already has fire orange hair and is a fan of fucked up horror (Saw, Hostel, Texas Chainsaw, etc) so our man would be thrilled for a chance to scare people and play with (fake) blood. Since night terrors and sleep paralysis are not fun he would try to make it until Dawn for the medal, and to fall asleep easily at home. He would be a pain in the ass if he finds out about Eris and Nesta. Dude just wants his bro to settle down, and to bug him too.
Alas poor himbo, he's dead on my fics so we only see him in flashback but in a modern AU he might be the jock kid that wants to vibe and has no thoughts head empty. He'd dress up as Frankenstein's monster as a pair costume with Cedric. Dude is tall enough to rock it and would be thrilled to try and get a medal. (Immediately falls asleep as soon as he's home) Also shipping Eris with his Morticia.
If this takes place pre-tramsition she'd dress up as Ghostface and use a voice modulator to sound feminine. That way she wouldn't be misgendered and not even Beron could give her grief. If this takes place post transition she'd dress up as Bloom from Winx Club. All she'd need is a wig and her glittery costume that she'd rock. Would also make the costumes for all her siblings cuz tailor in every univers baby! Wouldn't give Eris grief but would be excited to have a sister in law if things go well. Wouldn't stay until Dawn and heads home as soon as she gets on the rides and eats.
Man just wants to be a pirate in every universe. He might be dead in the fics but here he would be Captain Hook, just to brother the others with his annoying accessory. Would also be chill about the Neris development mostly because this year the group didn't lose him but rather Eris and he got a breather from having to navigate the maze alone. Would also leave early after eating. Not a fan of the spooktacular.
He'd be Dr. Frankenstein. Man's already a mad scientist in the fic let's make it official here too. Given he's in a pair costume with Gideon he'd have to make sure the man does not lose the group and would keep Nemesis from scaring the toddlers with fake blood. He might be the second youngest but if Eris isn't there then he's on dad duty and would have to stay until Dawn for Nemesis and Gideon. If he went to college for every science major then he'd be used to it by now and would happily stay up all night and maybe alm day if you let him. Would ship Neris but be quiet about it and let his older brothers be the ones to bother Eris.
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September 23: Time Loop Stats
Okay, since Troped Time Loop’s official, actual writing period is ending in a couple hours, here is the status of my monster of a multi-chapter, novel-length fic.
Total chapter count: 5
Chapter 1: Written and mostly edited
Chapter 2: Written and partially edited (not much)
Chapter 3: Written
Chapter 4: Partially written (not much)
Chapter 5: Not written (outlined)
Total scenes left to write: 11
I also have a working title, though I think that it’s probably going to be the actual title, and I’ve played around with the summary and notes in my head, though I haven’t actually written any of that down. So. It’s still a lot but I’ve definitely made progress. I’m trying to be more proud of myself for writing as much as I have given that I started this fic at the end of July, so less than two months ago, and less bothered that I didn’t finish it on time. That wasn’t really realistic anyway. The biggest issue at this point… well, the two biggest. One, I’ve basically decided I’ll post the first chapter, even without the whole thing written. I need to finish the editing and I’m not in a rush to do that but when it’s ready, it’s ready. So I’m worried about what the effect of that will be, if there will be a response and it will inspire me or if I’ll just feel stressed and demoralized and less likely to work on it. And the second issue is that it’s nearly October and I have other Halloween stuff to write. I’ve signed up for the Troped Halloween exchange, so that’s a pretty big one and a necessary commitment, and I really, really want to write Halloween ficlets to post at the end of the month. I really don’t now how long it will take me to complete the draft (let alone the editing) of the time loop, and it’s possible I’ll need to take a break to work on these other things. I’m still trying to be optimistic—the truth is that the early era of writing this fic showed me that I can do it quite fast if I put my mind to it and commit to writing on the weekdays, and it’s just some tough mental times that have gotten in the way more recently. Plus, the weather’s supposed to be getting better, cooler, and that helps with my energy levels a lot. But it’s just hard to say. Hard to predict.
I did write today even though it was also a big sleeping day, and I’m glad I did. I’m a little close to judge the actual product but I think it’s good. The opening was an idea I’d had in my brain for a while so I think it’s inevitably kind of a downer to see it written down but… no one else saw the version in my head or lived with it like I did. It’s good. Now only… most of the rest of the chapter to go. It feels good to re-set with a new character and at least a couple new non-repeat scenes (I’m so tired of the repeating scenes! Damned time loop that I don’t know how to do!) and I just… I hope I can write another scene tomorrow, and really make some progress on actually finishing this thing!
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Forever Immortal | part 1.
Summary: My name’s not Ebony, it’s Sable. And this is why you never tell your story to stoned Muggles, they will write the story down as an absolute rollercoaster of a ride. Here’s my story. Let’s hope I do it justice. 
Warnings for the Series: violence, trying to make sense of Ms. Tara’s writing, attempts at a coherent plot
Pairing: draco malfoy x black!oc, maybe harry potter x black!oc (i’m reading the fic as I write it so I don’t remember exactly what Tara wrote)
Word Count: 3.3k 
A/N: HI! Yes, It is the time we’ve all been waiting for. I am attempting to make a real plot/story from the infamous “My Immortal” fanfic. We as a fandom were blessed, or cursed, with this nightmare/dream of a story. I hope you guys enjoy this re-telling 
A/N II: I will turn this into a reader fic if y’all request that! It’ll be like how Little Situation is a reader fic but you get assigned a name instead of Y/N. (I’ll make a separate post about this in case you forget) 
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The rain soaks my long, straight black hair as I walk through the courtyard of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry before breakfast. It soaks through the My Chemical Romance t-shirt I found at a random muggle thrift shop that I liked to use as a pajama top. My outdoor slippers are getting a little muddy but I can’t bring myself to care. 
A dreary day can’t stop me from being outside. It’s always been a routine for me. No matter the weather, I always stroll through the courtyard before changing into my school uniform and going to the Great Hall for breakfast. It’s a way to clear my head. Sometimes, it’s the only peace I get all day from the visions. 
A sigh escapes my lips as my carefully straightened hair goes back to curly. I already knew it was going to rain but I still wanted to straighten my hair. I might be a Seer but I don’t believe we can see the future perfectly. One day, my visions would be wrong and my hair would survive a supposed rainy day. 
“Hey, Sable Haze Dove Lane!” a voice shouts out from behind me. 
I don’t have to turn around to know it’s Draco Malfoy. Draco makes it his mission to bother me almost every single day. It’s a thing we do. I think. He’s been doing it since third year. I can hear his deep laughter as I walk back into the castle Hogwarts calls home. 
Like I already knew it would, the rest of my hair completely curls up as I get changed. Searching my drawers, I grab my pink knee-high socks. Flitwick stopped trying to take away house points for my uniform socks in second year. Looking in the mirror, I grimace. My hair is going into a tight bun. There’s no point in trying to straighten it again. The rain is here to stay for the entire day — I already saw it earlier. Grabbing my messenger bag, I head out for breakfast. 
I feel a body drop down in the empty seat next to me. I don’t have to look to know it’s Cho Chang and that she probably has a smirk plastered on her face. My amber brown hand pushes a stray curl out of my eye line before reaching for the jar of strawberry jam. 
“I saw,” Cho starts, scratching at one of her braids. “Draco Malfoy coming out of your favorite courtyard.” 
My eyes roll to the back of my head. “And?” 
“And I’m wondering if there was any conversation. Or if you two finally made out.” 
“Ew, Cho, gross. The only conversation Malfoy is ever getting is going to be one-sided.” 
“He likes you.” 
“He likes annoying me,” I retort. 
“I think he actua—” 
“New topic, please?” 
Cho laughs, taking the second piece of toast off my plate. “Alright, alright. Hufflepuff’s having a party in their common room for Halloween. You in?” 
“Is Justin’s band playing?” 
“Do you think Page Three-Ninety-Four would ever miss a chance at a gig?” 
The two of us chuckled. Justin’s band isn’t the best by a longshot but they’re the only student band at Hogwarts that’s lasted more than a year. Even though Cho and I are in Ravenclaw, we both agree Hufflepuff always hosts some of the best parties. It’s partially because their dorms are right next to the kitchens and the house elves love them. I agree to go just for Cho. 
Besides, it’s a Halloween party. Halloween parties are always fun. And I live to dress up. Not feeling like spending a lot of money, I use whatever clothes I have in my trunks to make a costume. Is sexy Audrey Hepburn too much? I have a black dress but it’s a bit too short and I wonder why I even brought it this year. There’s nothing else I own that would really make a good costume. I have the dress, some pearls, sunglasses I’m not going to wear, and a crown. Sexy Breakfast at Tiffany’s it is. I roll my eyes as Cho wolf-whistles when I enter Hufflepuff’s common room. She hands me a cup of starlight mojito. I down it in a matter of seconds. 
Justin’s band is going off. Page Three-Ninety-Four might actually have gotten better over the summer. The common room is dark and humid. Some people are playing drinking games or Seven Minutes in Heaven on the couches. Others are making out in corners or eating all the snacks at the food table. 
Most of us are jumping up and down to the music, trying not to spill our drinks on each other. I’m sure if anyone was to walk past Hufflepuff right now, they’d hear us all screaming the lyrics to “Mischief Managed” along with the band. I roll my eyes as Cho leans over. 
“Roger Davies got hot, didn’t he?” she shouts in my ear. “Like he just looks totally better than he did last year? Summer did him good, right?”  
Of course, she has a thing for the drummer. If anyone’s hot it’s obviously Dean Thomas. His stage presence can’t be beat. Justin might have started the band but he was smart in making Dean the frontman. Plus whenever Dean and Hannah start harmonizing, the way he looks at her does something to me. 
“Bloody hell,” Draco says as I turn around without any warning, switching my empty cup for his full one. 
“Why do you still insist on trying to sneak up on a Seer?” 
“One day, I’ll surprise you.” 
“Mmm hmm, sure, Malfoy… What do you want?” 
Draco smiles, taking my wrist and lifting his cup I stole to his lips. He took a sip before he spoke. “Shouldn’t a Seer be able to tell, Lane?” 
“If I used my powers for everything then life would be so boring. Entertain me.” 
“Well, I wa—” 
“Malfoy bothering you?” Harry comes up behind, putting a hand on my shoulder. 
“I’m fine.” I tilt my head all the way back to give him a smile. 
“See. She’s fine,” Draco says with a sneer. 
The tension between the two of them is evident. Draco and Harry were the briefest fling in Hogwarts history but they were intense. When the two of them ended things — on a very sour note — it felt like the entire student body had to take sides. Sometimes we can’t tell if they still want to be with each other or not. Despite being friends with Harry, the two of us never talk about that. 
He was the one that had cut it off with Draco. The Triwizard Tournament took a toll on the entire school but Harry suffered the most. Not just in fourth year but last year as well. Cedric barely made it out alive, injured beyond belief. And Harry… He saw some things he refused to tell others. Things I only know about because of my powers. It was hard for him to get past the whole Lucius Malfoy being a Death Eater thing. I can’t blame Harry for the breakup but I also understand Draco’s bitter feelings. He can’t control his parents and what they do. 
I feel myself freezing up at receiving a vision. I can’t see in front of me but I can hear Harry asking Draco if he put anything in the drink. Even though I can hear the two arguing, I can’t seem to pull myself out of the vision. It keeps playing over and over again as if it’s trying to warn me. It might as well stop. I understand the vision loud and clear. This year ends one of two ways, with Harry’s death or Draco’s. The vision releases me before I can try to see if there’s another path.  
I shake my head as Harry squeezes my shoulder. “Sorry. I just failed Charms. Well, I will be failing Charms in about two days when we get the tests back.” 
Lying doesn’t feel good but I don’t know if I’m ready to tell them the truth. 
“Can you check my grade?” 
A snort escapes me. “Harry, it doesn’t work that way.” 
“It doesn’t or you won’t try.” 
“It doesn’t.” 
He purses his lips for a moment before letting them rest into his usual small smile. “Fine.” 
I finish Draco’s drink before putting the empty cup in his hand. I can’t be at the party anymore. Not after what I just saw. Unlike with the weather, I need to be wrong about this. Just this once, can my powers be a lie? I stalk back up to Ravenclaw tower. The air around me feels heavy and not because of my recent vision. 
I squint as I turn around. Reaching my hand into the air, I somehow have a solid grip on it. An invisibility cloak falls away as I yank on it. Neville and Ron have stupid goldfish expressions on their faces. I huff. 
“Really? If you’re going to think about being complete perverts and look up girls’ skirts, next time don’t try a Seer.” 
Ron hit Neville. “I told you it was Sable and not Luna.” 
I scoff. “Get the fuck out of here before I report you. And if I ever see you in my visions being creeps, I’m reporting you to Dumbledore.”
Neville’s face goes red. “N-n-no, Luna and I ar— I-I’m supposed to go see her. We just aren’t ready to be public. Harry let me use the cloak, Ton’s just making sure it gets back.” 
I blink. Heat rises to my face as I realize I screwed up. My apology comes out in stuttered fragments. Neville and Ron head up to the tower first while I run back down the stairs. Tears are blinding my vision as I keep running. Alcohol and visions clearly don’t mix. Normally, I can push everything away. The stupid thoughts of Harry and Draco keep creeping up on me. I stumble back when I hit a soft wall. 
“Sable? Are you okay, love?” 
I look up to see Draco, his face flushed red. He wipes at the tears on my cheeks. Both of us start laughing hysterically at the soft gesture. My fingers trace over his nose. 
“You look so drunk.” 
Draco shakes his head. “I look drunk? You look drunk.” 
“Mmm hmm.” 
“Mmm hmm.” 
We start going back and forth as we walk. I don’t think either of us know where we’re going. Our conversation starts to have more words but I have no clue what we’re talking about. We keep going from topic to topic. Eventually we end up in front of the Slytherin entrance. Draco holds a hand up to pause our conversation, making me giggle. He leans forward to tell the wall the password. 
“Hippogriff… no wait, pureb— wait a minute, Slytherin? Salazar? Pureb— I already said that, no wait, yeah. Pureblood.” 
The wall opens to reveal their common room. My face feels even hotter as Draco grabs my hand. I start to itch as we walk towards the prefect area where his room must be. A vision keeps trying to enter my mind but something’s blocking it. It’s all fuzzy or blurry and it might be because I’m tipsy. Something like a pale figure with white hair crosses my mind before it disappears. Oh, well. It must not have been important. 
Draco turns around to face me once we enter his room. “Why were you crying?” 
I shrug. “I don’t know, can’t remember.” 
“Pretty girls shouldn’t cry.” 
“I wasn’t crying.” 
His thumb traces over my lips. “Pretty girls shou— Can I kiss you?” 
“Can you?” 
He slowly starts to lean in. It’s too slow for my liking. The distance between us is no more. His lips are against mine. His hands are cupping my face before they move to caress my body. My hands are holding onto the fabric of his lame lumberjack costume. Our clothes are off before we know it, both of us tripping over each other as we try to get to his bed. 
“I’ve never done this before,” Draco whispers against my lips. “I’ve only snogged, never done this.” 
“Me either,” I say before kissing all over his face. 
He smiles and it lights up his room like the sun. Draco sits up, pulling me up with him. His eyes roam over my body. He snaps the waistband of my panties and fiddles with my bra strap. I close my eyes as he presses kisses to both of my cheeks. 
“I don’t think I’d be happy with myself if this was our first time. Let’s get you dressed for bed, Little Raven.” 
I flop on the bed after taking off my bra, watching Draco walk to his dresser. “My house’s animal is an eagle.” 
“Why’s it called Ravenclaw then?” 
My mouth opens before closing. He laughs at me as he hands me a shirt. Draco’s eyes look everywhere but me as I sit up and try to put his shirt on. I poke his cheek. 
“You like MCR?” 
Draco takes off his shirt and gets under the duvet, motioning for me to join him. “I’ve heard a few of their songs. They aren’t bad.” 
“You like a muggle music?” 
“Don’t tell my father.” 
I hold up my pinky with the utmost seriousness. He locks it around mine. We both kiss our thumbs and swear to secrecy on our inside joke. I let Draco pull me closer, snuggling into his chest. He presses a kiss to my hair. I think I say something but sleep is pulling me under.  
I roll over with a groan. I’m not hungover but I feel tired. Rubbing my face, I think about what I have to do for the day. My hand drops, hitting something instead of my duvet. A scream leaves my mouth as I shoot out of bed. Why is Draco Malfoy in my roo— I’m in his room. Merlin, I’m in his room. I’m in his bed. I’m in one of his black pajama shirts. And he’s shirtless. 
Draco wakes up at my yelling. He sits up slowly, giving me a smile. I shake my head, signaling between the two of us. 
“This didn’t happen.” 
“Would it be that bad i—”
Draco stands up. He grabs my hand before I can leave his room. I turn to face him, waiting for him to say something snarky. He runs a hand through his platinum blonde hair. Draco holds me by my shoulders. 
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay. I don’t think we did anything. And we can both pretend nothing ever happened if it did. But I don’t think anything happened.” 
“How do you know?” 
“Because I’ve been planning my first time with you since last year and I don’t see the remnants of flower petals anywhere.” 
Draco sighs. “Look, I don’t remember what I said to you last night.”
“That makes two of us.” 
“But whatever I said, I meant it. If I called you beautiful, or smart, or just said I liked you which would be the worst confession ever. I meant it. I know you think we’re just a joke but I stopped seeing you as a joke a long time ago. You just won’t let me in. I would… Can you just give us a chance? Or think about it?” 
I grab the doorknob. “I can think about it.” 
That’s the last thing I say to Draco before leaving the Slytherin dorms. When I reach my room, I ignore my roommates as I head to the bathroom. I don’t want to answer any questions about where I’ve been. Brushing my teeth takes longer than usual just so I can avoid them for longer. 
Cho senses that I don’t want to talk about last night. She links her arm in mine. We joke about Seamus blowing himself up again in Charms as we leave our dorm. The common room is surprisingly sparse when we get downstairs. Everyone else has either already gone down to breakfast or they’re still sleeping off the party. We leave the Ravenclaw Tower. I look up from adjusting my skirt when I feel Cho stop. 
Draco is outside our door. He sheepishly holds up a neatly folded dress, my necklace and crown are on top of it. “You left these.” 
“Thanks,” I say, not making eye contact with him or my friend. 
I quickly dart back into my room to throw my clothes in my trunk. Draco’s no longer there when I come back outside. I refuse to answer any of Cho’s questions as we make our way to the Great Hall. I barely meet eyes with Draco when I enter the Hall, both of us quickly looking away. He must have been serious about his words. Draco isn’t one to give people space or look away almost like he was shy. 
The Great Hall somehow seems too small. Maybe because I didn’t get a chance to walk in the courtyard this morning? I take a pumpkin pasty to-go. Turning the corner to go outside, I bump into someone. Harry starts apologizing for not looking where he was going. 
“Harry, it’s fi— What happened to you?” 
He looks paler than usual. His curls have no life to them and his scar looks angry somehow. It’s red as if someone scratched him. And there’s sweat beading up along his hairline. 
“I’m fine.” He starts to walk away, going just slow enough that it can’t be considered running.” 
He turns around when I call him. 
“Your glasses.” I hold up the eyewear that fell off his face when he ran into me. 
“I know something’s wrong. You can tell me, you know?” 
He nods. “I know. I promise I will. I just need some time to think. Than—” 
Harry and I double over in pain. I’ve had over hundreds of visions but none of them had ever been painful before. I can barely bring myself to stand. I look at my surroundings. It’s some damp cave. My mind scrambles to think of if I’ve ever seen this place before. 
“What’s happening?” 
I turn around, wide-eyed. “Harry? You can see this too?” 
He rubs at his scar. I wonder if sometimes his scar made him see stuff, if we are almost the same somehow. We must be so close to each other that we’re seeing the same thing. Harry suddenly pulls out his wand. 
I look in the direction of where he casted a spell. Voldemort was staring at us both. He laughed when Harry’s spell fizzled out. 
“We aren’t in reality. You can’t use magic here.” He leans over a large stand stuck in the rocks, looking in the bowl. “I know what you’re doing, Harry Potter. You forget, I can touch you now. Your mother’s stupid love is starting to fail. Keep trying, Harry. I will kill you before the school year is over. No matter how many little bits of my soul you find.”  
“You won’t win.” 
Voldemort ignores Harry. He races over to me, grabbing me by the face. “It’s never too late to join my side. You’d be a fine Death Eater, powers beyond belief.” 
“I will never join you.” I spit in his face. Voldemort digs his nails into my cheek. 
“Then you’ll die too, half-blood. I know what you’ve seen. You can’t save them both. Try and you might kill them both. Don’t try to stop him.” 
The cave is gone before I can say anything else. Harry and I both look at each other. I’m still a bit out of it but I think I can hear a voice calling out to me and Harry. I feel someone pull me into a hug. Draco has an arm wrapped around my waist and a hand on Harry’s shoulder. 
“Are you two alright?” 
I look up at Draco. His ice gray eyes stop looking at Harry and stare down at me. 
“Draco, what did you do?”
(part 2)
@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107​ @i-have-no-life-charlie
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. sandwich eater organizer lefty eyebag 😅
I am good today, doing laundry. How are you?
Yes, that's how I imagined Nat and Yelena too! I think that's why I don't read much Nat x R together because I see them more as just best friends, siblings or even roommates. But definitely like a devils advocate to R hahaha then with Yelena, same thing. Like best friends since birth, ride or die, can't get rid of.
Don't get me started on that sexual tension stuff that you write about R and Wanda hahaha I get all giddy and then angry because they're so stubborn! And you wrote the details so good, I think one time I got mad at you because you were toying with my emotions 🤣 all is forgiven though lol
So do you bring snacks on the plane?
Also, why of all places, did you guys choose to move to Oklahoma?
Correct, that's how I am. I'm glad that the people I was with before didn't complain about it. But at the same time, I wonder if they regret not getting much sex.
Nah, you made my eye roll, so now I can't see because of how far back it rolled ahahahaha okay, if you can guess what meal wins my heart instantly, then you win.
There was this studio that had brick walls. I was going for that kind of look, but someone took the space before me. I am the same way, I have a lot of paintings on my wall. It used to be a lot of dark paintings (my ex loves Halloween or spooky season) but since she took all that, I decided to hang the artworks I've done over the summer time.
When I build or buy my own house, I want to have a dark room to be able to do photography again. It's been my dream to have a small den where half of it is where I can paint, thne the other half is where I can develop photos.
That's a good idea, have the less used item on the bottom shelf. Cause in my place, it only comes with one cabinet for the pantry, its a tall cabinet too. Then the usual shelves for plates and cups. I hate that it's a small kitchen, but I like it at the same time lol
That's cute, a little signature 🤣 please tell me you can do a British impression?
Do you have a weakness?
hello you certain chip eater in a flatten sandwich righty eyebag! I'm back. sorry for the late answer. i hope u r still awake.
my day got a bit busy today. i did some laundry n fold some of them. :)
Ah i see. i like reading Natasha as the love interest..but Kate and Yelena, i dont really read them as love interest. plus i havent got the chance to read more. if i read more maybe i can change my mind about it.
hahaha to be honest, i actually laughed when i read ur comments here about the Ten Days and the sexual tensions. lol. which part in it that got u "angry"? hahaha. well, be prepare for that in the next chapters of Ten Days :D
Aaww really? i'm glad u enjoy it. it reallly made u feel giddy n then angry? thats good! that was kinda what i was trying to do :P for people have that emoitonal roller coaster but in a funny way n some jokes in it. i just love to put funny part in my fluff. :D
have u read my christmas fic with wanda n the maximoffs twin boys? "the best christmas" i think. haha. there is a joke n funny scene that i am low key proud of it. lol.
nah, not really. i mostly just get some water, iced tea or iced coffee when i fly.
we moved to Oklahoma because he got a job in a biggest weed farm in Oklahoma. :D
well, past is past. If they didn't complain about it, it means that it wasnt the main problem n it doesnt bother them. n don't feel bad about it. understanding in relationship is mutual. plus u told me that u dont mind with it to make them feel good n loved. So you've done ur best and didnt do anything wrong. :) i hope i make u feel a bit better? :D
hmmm whats ur favorite food or meals that wins ur heart. how about italian? something like pasta? did i guess it right? hahaha
dark paintings? something like what? like scary pictures? ouh i love how brick walls look like. that would be nice if u can get the brick studio. sometimes i imagine how it feels if i live in a penthouse a brick and minimalist rustic vibe or theme. industrial theme is nice too.
dark room? isnt it for printing photos in an old way? photographers nowadays still do that?
if i build my own house i want one movie theater room with a very good quality surround sound with cozy couch and full bar. hahaha. so i can enjoy movies and listening to music or watch concerts videos with good quality sound. n i want a nice large kitchen complete with anything u can think of to help u cook with a nice huge walk in pantry. hahaha.
yeah, i understand what u meant with ur cabinet n pantry size. but so far right now it's only u, so it wouldnt be needed to stock bunch of stuff :)
haha yeah my signature. n no i cant do brits impression. i wish i could speak in british accent though.
weakness? i'm a little confuse with what u meant. if i answer praises n compliments, are they what u meant?my other answer probably soft touches, because it's my love language.
or did u mean weakness as in my negative traits (which is sound like a job interview) lol
next questions?
0 notes
blackbat05 · 3 years
Don’t mess with a man’s family
A/N: First fic for Buckaroo!😬 Had this idea pop up on the train back home. I know I said I’ll be trying to do at least one Halloween themed write up but I need to get this idea down first before it gets lost in my fish mind👍🏽 Enjoy and you know the drill!
Genre: PG-13
Warnings: Cursing (a bit), injuries - the title does speak a bit for itself😂 Sam being Sam (should that even be a warning? HAHA)
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Bucky glances at his beaten up watch anxiously. You and Natalie were supposed to be back with this evening’s dinner, the pizza that his daughter had begged to have for over the past week.
How could he not say no to those puppy eyes, an exact replica of yours?
Sam exits from the showers, tower draped around his shoulders. ‘Still no reply yet?’
Bucky shakes his head, not bothering to look his way. ‘They were supposed to be back 45 minutes ago.’
‘Maybe it’s traffic,’ Sam tries to reassure him. ‘You know how New York traffic can be.’ Bucky appreciated what his partner was trying to do, but he was still not convinced.
As Bucky was about to re-enter the loop of constant worrying, the phone rings, breaking the silence. Bucky almost ripped the receiver from the wall with his human arm.
‘Hey doll, where have you been? I was worried-’
‘Winter Soldier.’ Bucky froze in his spot. It had been years since his mind was given a clean slate but no matter how many times he hears that name, the name was like a bucket of ice water.
‘What do you want?’ He grits his teeth. Sam being the perceptive one, suspects that something is wrong. The latter brings over a paper and a pen, walking beside Bucky. ‘Where is my wife and child? I swear if you hurt them I’ll-’
‘They are safe. Unharmed.’ The voice was cold and high pitched. Bucky forces to shut himself up.
‘It seems like now I have your attention Mr Barnes,’ the unknown individual continued.
Who’s that? Sam scribbles on the paper. Bucky simply responds with a question mark, telling him that he was trying to do so at this very moment.
‘You and your friend here are responsible for our leader’s capture.’ It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. And with that, Bucky had a clearer picture. Flag Smashers. He writes again for Sam to see. The Captain quickly makes his way out of the room, to do who knows what. Right now, Bucky’s focus was here.
‘Karli? We did what we had to do. Leave my family out of this.’
‘Ah ah ah. Let me finish Mr Barnes,’ the voice was now just downright condescending. ‘We come in peace. We do not want any innocent blood spilled.’ Bucky had to resist the urge to roll his eyes, a tiny of him fearful that someone was secretly watching him and that every movement would determine yours and Natalie’s fates.
‘We want our leader back. In exchange for your family.’ Perhaps the person felt that Bucky was in no mood for small talk as they laid out their terms. He should have seen this coming from a mile away. First things first…
‘Alright. You want your leader? Sure. I need to know my wife and child is ok first.’ The line goes silent for a while before crackling again.
‘Hello? Buck?’ Bucky wanted to make a dent in the wall, heading your hoarse voice. He wills himself to stay calm for you.
‘Hey doll. Did they hurt you? Natalie?’
‘No… no…’ You breathed heavily. ‘They didn’t touch any of us. But Bucky, whatever you do, don’t give in to them. We’ll be ok.’ Before you could tell him anything else, the phone was ripped out of your hands. ‘6 hours Mr Barnes. No more, no less.’
The line went dead.
‘FUCK!’ Sam jogs into the room, a piece of paper in his hand.
‘Calm down metal arm,’ his usual sass was still present in this sudden situation. Bucky wanted to punch him in the gut.
‘I called in a favor from an old friend in the army.’ Sam passes him the paper. ‘When you told me Flag Smashers, it didn’t take much to guess what they want. Call traced back to an abandoned warehouse 5 miles out of the city.’
Scratch that. Bucky had now saw Sam as a savior. Grabbing his jacket, he makes a beeline to his motorbike with Sam in tow.
‘I get your wife and kid’s in danger but no offense. You can’t walk in there all alone. Don’t tell me you’re going to try and defeat them with your grumpy face?’ Sam hollers back as he suited up.
Bucky huffs in annoyance, trailing behind him. Let’s just hope Sam’s intel was reliable as it sounded.
‘Why are we not going in there?’
‘Would you be patient old man? I’m just trying to confirm the number of hostiles in there!’ Sam hisses back, focusing on maneuvering the camera that was located at his wing. Bucky cranes his neck to see multiple heat signatures - five hostiles and two sitting on the floor.
Hang in there baby, I’m coming.
‘Alright. Our main focus is to get them out. So cool your gears because beating them can wait.’ Sam instructs him. ‘Buck!’ Bucky’s was pulled back to earth, nodding to Sam.
The two stealthily made their way to the back of the warehouse, sticking themselves to the side of the gates.
‘You better pray your husband comes Mrs Barnes,’ Bucky peeked inside to see a gangly frame looming over the two of you. Refusing to say another word, you bought Natalie closer to you. Bucky wants to run in and get both of you the hell out of there but he waits.
Finally, Sam gives the signal.
Slipping into the warehouse, they each take one unsuspecting lackey out before moving towards the center.
Behind the man’s shoulder, you see a slight movement. That familiar mop of brown hair. But you stay calm. Bucky lifts a finger to his lips, before pointing to the other end of the room. He then holds up five fingers.
I’m going to count to five and I’ll provide a distraction. Once you hear it, run to the end of the room.
You have a subtle nod, preparing yourself for the countdown.
A sound that was similar to a mini explosion could be heard from the opposite end of the room. That was your signal. Carrying Natalie in your arms, you bolted towards the direction that Bucky had instructed you to go to.
Sam quickly intercepts you, pushing you behind him. ‘Stay here until I come and get you.’ And he flies off to aid his partner. Making sure that your daughter was alright, you couldn’t help but to peek behind the boxes.
‘Motherfucker!’ Bucky throws their leader to the ground, striding over menacingly. ‘You think you could kidnap my wife and my daughter and get away with it?’ He raises his metal arm, preparing to go in for the blow. ‘Don’t you ever mess with my family!’
‘Bucky stop!’ You decided that it was safe to walk out with Natalie, her face buried into the crook of your neck. She didn’t need to see the horrors that was happening in front of her, but she was needed as a reminder for her father to not turn into the monster that the world made him out to be.
His face instantly softens as he lowered down his arms. Sam takes his cue to gather the goons and their leader, waiting for the police to arrive. Quietly thanking his partner, Bucky walks over to the two of you, engulfing Natalie in the hug.
‘Thank god… thank god you’re ok…’ The past few hours was nothing more than a terrible nightmare for the White Wolf.
‘We’re ok Buck,’ you cradled his face that now had a fresh bruise appearing on his left cheekbone. Your little one squirms uncomfortably in your arms, opening a big brown eyes to face Bucky.
‘Hey,’ he takes her from your arms, bringing his little girl close to him. ‘Hello pretty girl, did ya protect your mama?’
Natalie’s curls flopped against her head as wraps her tiny arms around her dad. ‘Papa beat the bad guys?’
‘Yeah baby, papa beat the bad guys. They’re not going to hurt you anymore.’ Bucky kisses the top of her head reassuringly. He shifts Natalie slightly to carry her in his right arm, extending his free hand to hold your own.
As soon as the three of you walked out, Natalie starts to wiggle her way free, running towards her Uncle Sam who just had just finished giving a statement to the police.
‘Uncle Sam!’
‘Hey jitterbug!’ He catches Natalie, lifting her into the air. ‘You scared us you know?’
Still coming down from her highs, Natalie responds, ‘But daddy saved us! I knew he would. He always will!’ She turns behind to see the two of you watching her. ‘Right mama?’
‘That’s right,’ you turned to look at your husband. ‘He’ll always come for us, no matter what.’
Bucky stayed silent, bringing you closer to him. All this while… he had difficulty coming to terms with himself, with his past. He thought he would never be able to escape his shadows… but here he was.
Sam, no matter how insufferable he could be at times - always had his back. Natalie, his precious bean who came into the world three years ago when the world was still in chaos - she was a light for his path. And of course… you. The woman who never gave up on him, who believed that he wasn’t what they made him out to be.
When Steve left, Bucky felt… lost. But maybe… just maybe, he didn’t need to look so far.
His reason to live was here.
A/N: Ho~ hope that was ok! Thanks for reading! Hopefully I’ll see y’all soon~ but perhaps I’ll start to clear my paper work first and focus on assignments first. I’ll still be on tumblr so if there’s anything just drop a message!
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
Jaehyun’s Body | Jung Jaehyun
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▸ Jaehyun x reader ▸ Smut, Smut, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Demon Jaehyun, Prostitute reader ▸ HALLOWEEN SERIES: 127 HOUSE ▸ 5/5 for NEOHALLOWEEN writing festival hosted by @nct-writers​
Summary: Jaehyun is a demon who uses girls to make him stay handsome. He eats girls… literally. Then he met you and he can’t eat you because he’s in love with you.
Word count: 7K
Warnings: Sex, sex, sex, a lot of killings, mentions of killings, Blood, lots and lots of blood, killings again, then another killings, eating of human flesh, filthy (I’m telling you), all kinds of sex, swearing, abduction, mentions of eating children but he stopped don’t worry, pregnancy, murder, attempted murder, suicide (?), prostitution, mentions of sex club, depression, mentions of therapy, mentions of cheating
A/N: Pure fiction, we all know that Jaehyun doesn’t need girls to make him handsome. I made this filthier than ever because it’s my last fic for 127 House. I made a timestamp for this as a bonus preview so if you already read it, yay. Inspired by the movie Jennifer’s Body and Pretty Woman. I changed the ending last minute I hope you wont hate me. Also, I’m sure a lot of you want to read more Jaehyun eating girls, literally, in action. So I will just make another timestamp for that in the next few days. 
Taglist: For the last time, if I happen to forget you I’m so sorry :( @chocolattees @floweringtheflowers @huangxx @bumblebeenct @neosculptures @kooksfairyfloss @jaehyunoos @soothingjae @plump-peach @neospirited @jeongyoonohs @shanghai-lu @seriousballoon @sunshinedhyuck  @the-universe-in-you-jjh  @mira-winterlight @generantionct @mal-nakamoto23 @svteencarat​ @johnjaespeach​ @jinsonaz​ @hyuckshoe69 
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Halloween present time 
“Mom, can you tell me the story about the monster who eats humans just so he can look like one too?” your nine-year-old daughter snuggles beside you on a Halloween night, tired from trick or treating and already sleepy.  
“Just because it’s Halloween” you boop her nose and kept her close to you, stroking her head and making her comfortable. 
“Once upon a time, there were five teenagers who want to make a deal with the devil. The clueless teenagers did not know that what they were doing was wrong. Meaning, wrong methods, wrong sacrifice. 
Given that they don’t know what they were doing, they singlehandedly or accidentally brought a creature into this world. The bothered creature that was summoned ate the teenagers as the creature was so confused, why was he bothered in his own torture cell in hell? 
It starved for days, lost in a world that’s not familiar to him. He fed himself with every human who crosses paths with him, men, women, and children. Until it finally knew that eating humans can make him look just like them. 
The creature adapted in this world, living like a normal human and walking amongst us, still not knowing how to go home. “
Halloween many many many years ago 
“And that creature is me. Happy Halloween class, enjoy the night” Jaehyun finishes his story in front of his class. Watching every student laugh and shrug his ‘scary’ story for Halloween. They thought he was joking, and that was the fun part Jaehyun thought. 
“See you on our next session Mr. Jung” a flirty young girl waved goodbye to him, smiling like she wanted to get on her knees and suck Jaehyun's cock right then and there. 
“Enjoy Halloween” he winked back at her and proceed to fix his things and leave the classroom. 
It was exactly a decade ago when those stupid teenagers brought him to this world. He didn’t have much of a choice but to live like a normal human to save himself. Feed from their flesh, kill every two weeks and get on with life as if nothing gruesome happened inside his house. 
Jaehyun targets girls, women in their early twenties or older. He stopped eating children only because the effect on him does not stay for long. Whereas, eating older people can last two weeks max. Luring girls was never hard for Jaehyun because he’s naturally handsome, but without human flesh, he returns to the disgusting creature he used to be. 
Tinder is his go-to restaurant. A little swipe right over here, a swipe right over there, and voila! He now has a tasty dinner and for Halloween night, perfect to celebrate his existence here in this world.
As part of his adaptation in this world, he learned how to cook human meals for his victims. Feeding them good food before he eats them. In the middle of cooking in his big kitchen, his doorbell rang assuming that it’s his food that just arrived. He opened his door with a smile, welcoming the young lady inside his beautiful house, smelling her for some time during the hug. Delicious, he thought. 
“Wow. Your house is big” the clueless girl exclaims. It’s always the same, every girl who steps inside his house is always amazed at how beautiful 127 House is. It’s white interior always captures the ladies’ hearts and leave them in awe. 
“I hope you’re hungry. I made dinner for us” he gave the girl a flirty smile, flashing those cute dimples of his that always make the girls smile. 
During dinner, Jaehyun can’t rush his meal and get on with the kill already. He is patient and takes time to know what he’s about to eat. He asks a lot of questions to gain the girl’s trust and fool her that Jaehyun is actually into her. “Do you do drugs?” the most important question for the night. Jaehyun hates eating humans who do drugs because it has a side effect on him as if his body can’t handle the drugs itself that it makes him weak on the spot. So much for being a creature from hell. 
“No, I don’t do drugs. Do you?” the girl answered with wide eyes. 
“No no. I’m clean” he smiled and put his hand on the girl’s thigh. Slowly caressing it until Jaehyun reaches her damped panties. “Can you open your legs for me?” Jaehyun’s irresistible request made the girl open her legs a little wider under the table. Rolling her head side to side as she feels Jaehyun’s cold fingers brushing on her clothed clit. 
It’s time, Jaehyun thought. Dinner is served. 
He pushed the plates away, glasses clinking, utensils started to fall from the table. Jaehyun carried her and put her on the dinner table, kissing her wildly to put the girl in the mood and make her horny. It always works. While he’s busy kissing her, his hands slowly remove her panties and spread her legs a little rough and push her on the dinner table. 
“We really doing this here?” the girl asks. 
“This is the perfect place to eat you” 
The girl smiles and felt excited because a handsome man like Jaehyun is about to eat her pussy. Little did she know, that Jaehyun will quite do it literally. He planted kisses on her inner thighs, making the girl moan and tickle her in the meantime. Jaehyun runs a finger on her slit and make her legs shiver, licking his finger as if he’s having a taste of his dinner. 
“Eat me already” she protests. Jaehyun chuckled low and puts two fingers inside her before he makes a move. 
Jaehyun’s first lick from her pussy makes his head turn and breathe heavily for the girl he’s about to eat tonight tastes delicious. He licks and licks the girl, not listening to her moaning, not minding if she’s calling his name. The way he licked the girl was like he was having ice cream on a hot summer, sucking her arousal and putting pressure on her clit. Unaware of what’s happening to the girl, he didn’t care if she already came and overstimulated. Jaehyun continued licking his dinner even though the girl is pushing him already, but still having the time of her life. 
She then felt Jaehyun bite her clit and made her shout a little too loud that her voice echoed around 127 House. She propped her shoulder and saw Jaehyun’s eyes turned plain black. He smiled at her making the girl shout in horror and shout for her life but Jaehyun’s tongue is making her cum again for the second time tonight, harder than the first one she had. 
And that’s Jaehyun’s cue to eat her. Bit her off. Letting her blood pool around his dinner table. He ate her flesh by flesh, sipping every drop of her blood, chewing all her intestines, licking the flavor off her skin like an animal. He can feel himself glow as he continues to eat her. 
Pouring himself a glass of his favorite wine, he looks at his reflection through the goblet and admires his handsomeness. Skin clearer as ever, eyes without dark circles, firm ass. He smiled to himself as he feels much more alive and young now. Jaehyun went back to the dead body on his table, kissing the girl on the cheek and thanking her for making him handsome.  
That is Jaehyun’s life for the past decade. Murder to survive, eat humans, earn money, and repeat it. No thrill. Even getting caught is no fun for him because he can easily eat the witness. But living in this world full of emotions and Jaehyun is indeed a curious demon, he wanted to try to fall in love. Maybe he wants it because he’s been eating girls who are desperate for love and that’s making him desperate too. You see when he eats humans, he eats their emotions too and in that way, he learned feeling things. Anger, fear, happiness. All kinds. 
Three weeks after Halloween, he found this one of a kind service that he’s very much interested in. Just like every other human who likes their food clean, Jaehyun likes his human clean too. 
We offer house services just contact us and book someone you prefer. We guarantee clean and respectful girls....
Reading the brochure of that sex club who offers special services is like reading a menu in an expensive restaurant. Maybe it’s time to give up Tinder, stop ordering cheap food, and start feeding on expensive ones.
Just in time for his feeding again, the university kept him busy and so he did not have time to eat and settle for human food instead. That’s why he looks awful now. His hair is starting to fall out, his fair skin has acne, dark circles under his eyes, some of his toenails are falling off. He’s becoming weak, and he needs to eat soon.
“Y/n honey, you have a schedule for tonight. A big spender this one.... huh. He paid an overnight promo and even gave you a tip. Wow he’s rich” 
As you listen more of the details from the lady at the front desks, you thanked the man mentally who gave you a generous tip that will go straight to your savings, rent, and water bill. Not that you love this job of yours, but you’re excited to meet the big spender and treat him well just so he can get his money’s worth.
While you were drying your hair, you heard your phone ding and it was from your client whom you look forward to meeting. “I’ll send an uber from your house to mine. See you later” it was a bit cold but usually, your clients will just send you the address and it’s your duty not to be late for the appointment. You smiled because he seems so thoughtful and a real gentleman, you became more excited about meeting him and looking forward to the sex.
When the uber driver dropped you off in front of a big white house, you thought that maybe it was a mistake that your date must have pinned the wrong address. You rang the doorbell just to make things sure. Asking never killed anybody. You wait for someone to open the door to you, biting your lower lip while scanning the outside of the beautiful house. 
“You must be Y/n” the man who opened the door said. Well, that makes things official. You’re in the right place. 
“Yes...uhh, sir Yoonoh?” his weak state is bothering you. He doesn’t look like he can fuck at all.
“Please call me Jaehyun. Yoonoh is my alias. Come in” 
The handsome man welcomes you warmly in his home, taking your coat and putting it in a cabinet near his door. He looks handsome but exhausted, coughing a little as he closes the cabinet door. “Are you okay? You look sick” you blurted out and your first words made the man smile. Different. You’re different. You don’t care how big the house is he thought, the first thing you did is care about him. “I’m fine. The weather has been affecting me lately but, I’m good. I hope you’re hungry, I made early dinner” He gave you a weak smile and coughed again. 
This customer of yours continues to surprise you. First the uber ride and now the early dinner. For the first time in your life, this wretched job doesn’t feel like a job at all. Jaehyun here made you feel like you’re here for a date and not just to fuck the whole night. You follow him to the kitchen to help him get the meals that he prepared for both of you. As much as you’re amazed by his cooking skills, you are more amazed by how he managed to cook a decent meal even though he’s weak. 
Jaehyun started small talk, as usual. Asking you questions before he kills you and making sure you don’t do drugs even though it’s stated clearly that the sex club has clean girls. He made you comfortable the whole dinner time and made sure you enjoy what he cooked for you. 
“What do you do outside this job of yours?” Jaehyun asked, cutting a piece of steak as he waits for your answer. 
“Nothing. I’m lifeless” you joked, “I take care of myself and save as much as I can so I can have a clean start, which reminds me thank you for the generous tip” 
When the air was finally dead, he put his hand on your knee, caress it softly until his hand reaches your upper thigh. You felt his hand shaking like he’s shivering but he’s not telling you. It seems like he’s forcing himself to push through having sex just so his money doesn’t go to waste. But you can’t let him. The man is obviously weak and sick, he will not enjoy the pleasure and his money’s worth. 
To his surprise, you cup his face and shook your head ‘no’. “We don’t have to do this today. We’ll end up being sick together on the next day, want that to happen?” he shook his head to answer your question, “I promise I won't tell the club and I will find a way for you to get what you paid for. The dinner is delicious by the way what herbs did you put here?” 
So much care for someone who kills to survive. He doesn't deserve any of your kindness. The demon is completely moved. When you were the one who initiated the small talk, Jaehyun realized how he loved sharing things that he does. Like how he likes his steak perfectly well done, he likes his alcohol old and cold, even told you that listening to Chet Baker while drinking wine is his favorite thing in the world. Talking too much about himself was never his thing when it comes to talking to his victims. Then he realized maybe you’re not one of them, that maybe for the first time he had a visitor comforting him instead of making him full. 
You were the first person who listened to him. His first friend.
Talking and sharing personal stuff with one of your clients was a big ‘no’ for you. But there’s something about Jaehyun that makes you feel that your secrets are safe with him, even though all you knew about him is his love for music and wine. As the night goes deeper, you two are still talking about random stuff and laughing loudly whenever something funny came up. It was nice. You caught yourself resting your head on his weak shoulders and loved his warmth. Hearing his soft voice near your ear is almost addicting even though he sounded weak. And seeing his smile up close and poking his dimples whenever you want to is a different kind of privilege. The night went on until you fall asleep on his shoulders, unconsciously hugging him like a teddy bear and putting your leg on top of his like you’ve known each other for so long.  
He was thinking deeply if he’s going to eat you or not. You are juicy for his taste, like a turkey on Thanksgiving. He removed some of your hair from your face, patting and caressing your head so he knows you’re in deep sleep. Carefully, he reached for your hand and played with your fingers, smelling it and still thinking it through. He put your pointer finger in his mouth, sucking it like a lollipop and tasting your flavor through your skin. You taste so good that his eyes turned into his demon eyes and his demon tongue is ready to taste more of you. But you smiled through the feeling of his tongue swirling around your finger and came closer to him. Unconsciously and still sleeping soundly.
He remembers how your kindness moved him, and how he felt important for the first time in his whole existence. Jaehyun shook his head and stopped attempting to eat you, wiped your fingers, and intertwined his fingers with yours instead. It’s weird how he’s so hungry but he can’t seem to kill you. 
To survive, Jaehyun went to the nearest bar and lured a hooker whom he killed in the back of his house. It was his first time killing quietly in his premisses, careful not to wake you up. Even though the human that he just ate doesn’t taste good, well, he just had to look presentable in your eyes the next morning.
When you wake up, you almost jumped out of bed because you thought you were in bed with a total stranger but turns out it was just Jaehyun. His skin is glowing under the morning sunlight, his cute snores make you smile, fucking pink lips begging to be kissed or it’s you who’s begging to be kissed… you smiled and brushed his hair away, accidentally waking the handsome man. 
“Morning” he murmured, pulling you for a hug and closing his eyes again but he was smiling. 
Even his breath smell nice, “feeling okay now?” you asked softly, not ruining the peaceful morning and nervously smiling brightly because the butterflies in your tummy won’t stop flapping their wings. 
“Yes. All thanks to you” he opened his eyes and admired your beauty. He can feel his heart thumping. “I think I owe you something” he kissed your lips passionately and pull your body above him making you put both your legs on his sides. He never left your lips as his hands roam on your sides requesting to remove your dress. With one swift move, you’re on top of the handsome man with your matching lacy underwear, bodies grinding on each other, moaning deliciously, and about to have morning sex. “I’ve seen a lot of naked girls before but none of them made me horny like you do” you giggle at what he said, if every client you had is like Jaehyun, you don’t mind staying on this wretched job forever. 
It’s not that Jaehyun is a virgin. This is just his first time having sex without killing the one he’s fucking. Watching you cum above and underneath him without going in for the kill was satisfying and almost addicting. Not to mention that your walls feel amazing around his cock. Warm and tight that he never wants to pull out from you. 
You, on the other hand, is so surprised by how Jaehyun is so great in bed like he was craving sex. Every lustful thrust he gives makes you gasp and it just takes your breath away. The way he held your leg up, fuck you deep that you’re skin to skin, makes you claw his back and grip the sheets so tightly that you hurt your hand. He never slowed down but he was not rough enough, he was making you feel good the whole fucking time that you made sounds you never thought you’re capable of. On top of that, his sweet words are making you feel things. 
After the most amazing sex you both have in your entire life, he can’t let go of you even just for a second. He’s glued to your body while you make him breakfast, “Can I see you more in my clothes?” he whispered behind your ear, hands resting on the side of your waist while he distracts you with his kisses, blowing cold air on your nape to tickle you and make you giggle. 
And when it’s time to go, he was begging you with all his might to stay. “I have to work, Jae” it’s true. And being with Jaehyun made you forget that you’re here for work, he completely changed that. If it wasn’t for your work you will give in and stay. 
“Okay, okay. I understand. Have dinner with me this weekend? I’ll cook for you again, I’ll make it up to you” to be honest, he was afraid you might not come back here.
“Mhmm. I’d love to” you left a soft kiss on his cheek and opened his door. You are the first person who steps inside his house that comes out alive and well. 
As you leave Jaehyun in his house, he was quick to call the sex club again and book you for tonight. The service was really expensive but as he talks to the person in charge of your schedule, you were worth every dime of his hard earned money from the university.
Happy about how your schedule with Jaehyun went, and happy that you met him, your friend from the front desks informed you of your new client for tonight and you screamed because of too much happiness when he used his real name to book you.
When you got home to prepare for yet another night with Jaehyun, you’ve never been so excited about meeting a client for the second time around. Thinking about how his lips travel in between the valley of your boobs the other night, that sweet handsome smile whenever he catches you looking at him, the way he makes your heart flutter during breakfast with his sweet words. This is definitely a good start to give love a chance and you’re stupid if you let something like this slip from your hands.
When the most awaited time finally came, Jaehyun was over the moon and blushing like crazy when he saw you again at his doorstep. This time, it’s not food he sees but a woman who will love him and will change his life. And if you used to smell so tasty and delicious for Jaehyun well now, you smell like love and new beginnings for him. You were the epitome of change, stepping into his house and in his whole life. 
Your second night together was a hundred times better than the first even if it’s storming like crazy outside. It’s like going on an indoor date with Jaehyun, eating a delicious dinner, and drinking good wine together. Rather than having sex the whole evening, you and Jaehyun spend the night cuddling on his huge couch. Talking about life under a cozy blanket that he owns, creating your own special warmth.
“What if you became broke because of me?” you asked and snuggled closely. 
“Hmm. Well, then I just have to work more. Get five jobs” he joked but he sounded serious. 
“My job will be a great problem if we continue this. I don’t want to hurt you-“ 
“Hey, no one is hurting anyone. I respect your line of work and I understand the reason why you’re doing it. Until then I just have to wait for you just like the other guys. I have long patience, it’s not a problem” Jaehyun says and boops your nose.
And that is the start of your new life with Jaehyun. Your life is all about him and he is all about you. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months. Jaehyun is still in love with the same woman who rang his doorbell and cared for him for the first time in his life. After a few months of looking for a job that does not include having sex with different men, you finally left the club and go home to Jaehyun every day. 
Peaceful and quiet mornings are now replaced by Jaehyun’s disturbing kisses while you make him coffee. Leaving each other for work during the morning has been your daily struggle. But the promise of seeing each other at the end of the day is something so hard but worth it in the end.
Slowly, you changed each other’s lives. Loving each other deeply more and more, trying new things together, and loving life even when it’s incredibly tough sometimes. It was more than just flirting with each other, going on dates, and having a lot of sex.  
Saying that he’s in love with you and showing it every day is still not enough for Jaehyun to prove you his love. He loves you so much that for the first time in his life he doesn’t want to go back to where he came from anymore. He wants to stay here with you. Live happily, marry you someday, have kids, and be with you until your dying breath. 
“Why do you want so many kids?” you asked, drawing small circles on his toned chest while his right arm is securely wrapped around you.
“Kids are great especially when we are the ones who made them. Don’t you think?” He reached for your lips and kissed you. 
“Promise me you’ll be a great dad. And you will never leave me or- or our future children alone. You’re a great man Jaehyun and my heart will break in a million pieces if you hurt me too like my dad” you were so full of emotions. You remember how your father left you and your family and it made your mother suffer. Jaehyun was quiet and he listened to you. Your feelings were so important to him so he did not dare interrupt and waited for you to finish. 
“We will be happy, I promise. Watch me love you every day and fulfill all my promises to you”
The problem is... he can't tell you the truth about himself. Jaehyun is scared to the bone that you might not accept him. The truth about him is never easy to accept and he doesn’t want to give you that burden. Having a demon eating humans to survive is something unacceptable even when love is already involved. But he has faith in you. Someday, maybe he will be brave enough to tell you. But not now. 
Dating you made his feeding a little hard because it’s basically cheating. He loves you so much that he despises being a demon and eating humans just to stay alive. Sometimes, he starves himself that he trie so hard to live on raw meat but it only lasts a few hours and it frustrates him greatly. He doesn’t want to meet other girls anymore and pretend that he’s interested in them, he wanted so bad to stop using Tinder. But he can’t. You don’t deserve a demon like him but he loves you and he’s sorry. 
Even though you don’t know anything about Jaehyun’s real being, he never hurt you like one of your exes and he’s much a greater man than all of those jerks combined. He is the only man you see your future with, growing old together, having coffee on your porch, racking your chairs, and hopefully die together. Your heart can’t take it if Jaehyun dies before you. That’s how much you love him. 
Four years ago
After a tiring day at the office, you’re so thankful that your house is quiet and peaceful, away from the noise of the city. You went straight to the bathroom, prepared the tub, and treat yourself to a nice warm bath with a glass of wine on the side. 
“Y/n, you home?” Jaehyun put his keys on the table next to the entrance and removed his coat. He just came back from burying the bones of the three girls he just ate at the back of 127 House. Tricked them into having a foursome but even before they could remove their clothes, Jaehyun killed them already and ate them all until their bones are clean and easy to bury.
“In here” you shout while you put more bubbles in the tub. Jaehyun soon appeared and leaned on the bathroom door. “I just got home from work baby, hows the university?” you invited him inside and he greets you with a kiss on the cheek and proceeds to strip in front of you. For a university teacher, your boyfriend sure does look so hot. 
“Nothing special. Students flirting with me, then I fail them” he giggles and joins you in the tub. Sitting behind you and pulling you against his strong chest. He plays with your wedding ring and intertwines his fingers with yours. Home is where Jaehyun is. He is the best thing about this house, coming home to him and enjoy this little world. 
It was a silent moment for the two of you but you can hear him thanking you for staying in his life. Jaehyun’s eyes screams ‘i love you’ whenever he’s quiet and smirking liking this. 
“Why are you always like that. You know you can always say it. Three words Jae, I love you. Were married already and you never said it to me-“ 
“But I always show it to you” he giggles and puts bubbles on top of your head and your cheeks, laughing because you look funny. “You will get sick of me if I start telling you those words. That’s why I show you instead. Those are powerful words Y/n, I’m saving it. Trust me, once I told you those words, you will fall in love with me. Again” he winked at you and you rolled your eyes at him. Facing him completely to clean him up.
“Do you fall in love with me over and over again whenever I tell you, I love you?” you asked. Looking in his eyes and brushing your wet lips on his. Touching. But not kissing. You can feel your boyfriend’s heartbeat so fast as you wait for his answer. 
“Every time. Like you just walked into this house for the first time again” he smiled and flashed those cute dimples of his and kissed you down the tub until the water overflows and the candles are one by one dying because of the waters splashing.  
Two years of happily dating through ups and downs. And two years of being happily married and you still don’t know what you did to deserve someone like Jaehyun. He’s beyond perfect. Like someone made him as a character in a book and poof he became real and find his way to you. “I love you” you whisper. And even though you won’t get a response, you know that Jaehyun does love you too. 
One day, your boss made you left work early because he wanted you to go overtime the next day. So you did. You wanted to surprise your husband with his favorite take-out and spend a nice dinner with him. When you arrived in his driveway, you see his car badly parked on his huge lawn. You made your way quietly inside the house and went straight to the kitchen to put the food on the counter. 
You heard continuous thumps upstairs, not quite sure from which room. As you walked towards the stairs, you heard another thump followed by a high pitched moan and, “Jaehyun! Don’t stop!” then another thump. At first, you didn’t want to walk further closer to the room where you believe Jaehyun is fucking someone because you didn’t want to see it. But you are his wife and you have every right to call him out even though it hurts you so much knowing that Jaehyun is capable of cheating. You can’t believe it. 
As you peek at the door from his study room, you watch Jaehyun eat a girl’s pussy on his table. She looked young. Younger than you and maybe that’s why he cheated. The girl is very much overstimulated and can’t stay put so Jaehyun roughly holds her down while keeping her legs open. You watch Jaehyun hold her so harshly and wonder if your husband has always been into rough sex, “ouch!” she says loudly. 
Jaehyun stopped licking her and proceeds to kiss her neck. At this point, you don’t know why you’re still watching your husband cheat when everything is all clear. 
Hearing the girl scream like that made you stop from shouting and calling your husband a cheater. Because, lo and behold you witnessed your husband murder her. Biting her by the neck and choking her down so her body won't slip off his table. You gasped sharply when you saw Jaehyun ripped her stomach and reach in for her intestines. Covering your mouth with both of your hands as you can’t believe what you were watching. You would rather face the problem of your husband cheating on you, but murder? Devilry? Seeing him became a creature eating a human felt like you’re watching a horror movie and made you think that you don’t know Jaehyun anymore. Or did you ever? 
As you watch him eat her and be scared for your life, you notice that Jaehyun’s face is slowly changing… “This can’t be” you murmured and fainted hitting your head first, making Jaehyun turn around with shock. Jaehyun didn’t know what to do. Usually, he eats the witness too but this time he can’t. Of course, he can’t eat you. 
 Every bit of the truth was too much for you. Even when you know that he is sincere with everything that he says to you about his true being. 
You married a demon. How can Jaehyun expect you to accept this? 
“Well, what did you want me to tell you? ‘I’m a demon and I eat humans to survive?’ I’m telling you now and you won't even look at me” Jaehyun was so frustrated already. It’s been a week since he told you the truth and to be honest he doesn’t know what you want him to do or to hear from him.  
“It hurts me to see you all scared and disgusted to me, baby. I'm not forcing you to be with me and stay- but fuck I’m still Jaehyun. My feelings for you are true and my love for you is undying. Please don’t do this to us and don’t do this to yourself. You can leave, but please think about our years together” he kissed you on your temple and noticed that your grip on the knife is so tight that your hand is already shaking. Tears fall down your cheeks and you don’t know what it's made of. Was it because you’re scared? Heartbroken? Or confused because you don’t know what to do. 
You love him but you’re scared. And that thought alone can make your knees weak and your mind go crazy. 
Since you knew about the truth, your marriage went downhill and the house became cold and unwelcoming. A once fire burning relationship is now cold as ice. You decided to leave Jaehyun even when you made a promise to him. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. 
For you, leaving was a mixture of loneliness, heartbreak, and disappointment. But for Jaehyun, he was lost, miserable, and incomplete. He wanted to starve himself and never eat humans from now on but he still wants to live for you. Hope and wait for you to come back in his life. 
After leaving Jaehyun, you took care of yourself and went to therapy. But a few days after, you found out that you’re pregnant for almost two weeks already and once again you feel cheated in life because you could have had a family of your own and be happy in life. Just how you and Jaehyun planned it to be.   
It’s Halloween tonight and Jaehyun just finished eating. He has no appetite, to be honest, and only ate a pair of arms. Then that’s it. He can’t eat the human further, still weak, and still looked like shit. He’s cleaning the mess he made on the kitchen counter, dumping a half-eaten body in a trash bag, and scrubbing blood off the floor when his doorbell rang and expected trick or treaters. He brought the bowl of candies with him, head towards the door, and opened it with a smile. But his smile was soon gone when he saw you on his doorstep, completely clueless on what to do because he wanted to hug and kiss you but he can’t. 
“I shouldn’t have left you-“ 
Glass and candies shattered on the floor and neither one of you cared. Jaehyun hugged you tightly and apologized over and over again while he showers you with kisses. Smiling so brightly but both of you have heavy tears in your eyes. 
The feeling of entering his house for the first time again after leaving him for only two weeks almost felt like the very first time. “Are you okay? You look sick” you worry for your husband and it made you feel like a shitty wife because you didn’t even consider his feelings. He was struggling too. 
“Welcome home” Jaehyun sobs and pull you inside the house. He kissed you deeply and showed you how much he misses you, lifting you, and bringing you to your shared bedroom with all the strength he has left. 
He removed your clothes and his clothes without leaving your lips which he missed kissing. You kept your eyes closed until you’re ready to open them again because you can’t help but see the demon who’s eating humans to survive. “It’s still me” Jaehyun whispers, kissing your hand and intertwining his fingers with yours. “Nothings changed, baby. I’m still the Jaehyun who paid the sex club just so I can spend time with you” he waits patiently for you to open your eyes, hoping that makeup sex will somehow fix your marriage again. You wrapped your arms around him when you feel him go in between your legs.
Slowly, you open your eyes and breathe in and out. “I’m pregnant” you whisper back, kissing him softly. He did not say anything but you know that Jaehyun is more than happy to hear the news. 
“Is that why you came back? You want us to be a family?” he smiles and you answer with a quick nod. He kisses your neck all the way to your jaw, down to the valley between your boobs, and ends up in front of your pussy. At first, he was hesitating and kept on kissing your inner thighs but you seem eager, you roll hips continuously waiting for Jaehyun to make a move. 
“Oooohh-” you moan out so deliciously, holding Jaehyun’s head in between your legs, raking his hair and tugging his locks every now and then. Before you even cum he stopped eating you out and went back to your lips. He ate you so good that you can taste yourself through his lips. He lines his cock and watches it disappear as he pushes deep inside you. You gasped and breathed heavily, gripping the sheets more when he starts drawing circles on your clit sinfully. He missed how your walls feel around him, biting his lower lip as he doubles his pace and dive in pleasure head first.  
You reached for Jaehyun’s lips when you hit your high and asked him to, “Slow down. I want to savor you” he giggled and followed your request, kissing you more as he slowly fucks you while you enjoy your high and until he catches his own. He noticed there’s tears in your eyes when he pulled out and asked you, “what’s wrong baby? Talk to me” he kept you close to his tired and weak body, covering you both with the thick duvet and enjoying this special warmth. 
“I’m sorry for distancing myself Jae, I’m sorry for leaving you” He can’t forgive himself hearing you apologize to him when it’s his fault your marriage was ruined. Jaehyun told you that he will stop eating humans until he finds an alternative. And to make things lighter, he thought of baby names until you two fall asleep in each other’s arms. 
The plan worked. 
When Jaehyun was in deep sleep, you went downstairs to get a knife. The sharpest one that can slit his throat in one go and bravely go on with your plan on killing your husband. As you placed the sharp knife on Jaehyun’s throat, it was so sharp that he is cut already and it woke him up. 
Jaehyun opened his eyes and see you holding a knife on his throat, tears falling from your eyes, and obviously hesitating if you’re going to do it. Your husband saw your struggle. The deep shit he put you through. You don’t deserve any of this. If being dead can bring you peace in his life and healing, then so be it.
“It’s okay” he calms you down and holds your wrist, gripping the knife with you. His hand feels cold already. “burn the house and don’t let anyone see you leave here so you won't be accused over anything. I love you and I'm sorry” 
It was the first time you heard those three words from Jaehyun and he was right. You remembered how much you love him like waking up in an awful curse but you’re too late. Jaehyun slit his own throat while still holding the knife with you. 
Regret hit you like a train and all you can do is cry over Jaehyun’s dead body. 
The sun is almost up and you can’t be seen leaving 127 House because there are two dead bodies in this house. You kissed Jaehyun’s corpse and removed his wedding ring from his finger. The only thing that will prove he existed in your life.  
You used the gasoline for the barbecue party scheduled before Christmas, sobbed uncontrollably as you think all the memories you had with Jaehyun. His weak smile during the night you first met him, the first time his lips touched yours, all the plans and dreams you both had, how Jaehyun is always full of life when it comes to planning on having a baby… 
But you killed him. And you’re about to burn the house and all the memories it holds like it’s just an unwanted photograph. After lighting the match, you drove away from the house as far as you can crying while you focus on the road and trying to find your way back to your old apartment. 
As the sun goes up and slowly light up the sky, the image of 127 House burning flashes in front of your eyes and it made you pull over on the side road and take your time to cry. You feel Jaehyun’s cold lips on yours as you imagine his body being eaten by fire. 
Halloween present time 
“But did the demon really died mommy?” your daughter asked. Eager to hear the answer to her question. Until now telling her the story about Jaehyun, without the gory details and sex part of course, still gives you goosebumps. “You never answer my question. You’ve been telling me this story since I was six, I’m nine years old now. Please please please, answer the question” she added. 
“Wow look who we have here” he knocked before coming in, “can I come in princess?” 
“Of course daddy. Mommy, won’t tell me the ending of the demon eating-human” your daughter whines. You and Jaehyun just laughed at her and snuggled all together in her small bed. 
“He didn’t. Now, will you please sleep?” he strokes his daughter’s soft hair, “mommy is tired already and I’m here to get her. Can I?” 
“How can you be so sure he didn’t die?” you and Jaehyun groaned together. 
“Okay. That’s it good night. No more stories. We love you, sleep well okay?” Jaehyun used his fatherly might and stopped his own daughter from bugging you both. She’s quite a handful sometimes. You and Jaehyun gave her a good night kiss and left her to sleep. 
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Jaehyun got out from the fire because he’s a demon and demons are immune from fire. He is a smart demon (btw he’s a university professor) so he found the reader again and incase you missed it, the reader regrets it because he loves Jaehyun so much. 
Check the comments section for other answered questions. 
Thank you for reading! 
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