#dmc5 dante can hit tho
girlaux · 1 year
the RE engine is one of the worst things to happen to DMC, honestly. I wish Capcom and the team that produced the game didn't leave behind the franchise's stylized roots. there was definitely some realism there, but at the same time, every game until 5 kind of had its own "art style" if that makes sense. and like, come on, of all games, I'm definitely not playing DMC for "ultra-realistic graphics".
if a DMC remake (of any of the games) is ever made in the near future, I'm praying to every god out there that RE engine isn't used. puh-lease!
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prototypelq · 5 months
A bit late but Lucia for the ask game?
Ohoho, gladly!
Lucia, my underappreciated and beloved!)))
This one's sadly going to be short, cause, well. There is not much we have on Lucia at all.
favourite thing about them:
I admit, I am a sucker for her overall design and style. Of course, I also cherish her bravery, kindness and duty, but. Her visual design is just. So Good. and I am weak for redheads
To add to that, I love how her DT form pioneered the 'angelic' design and vision in DMC! It suits her perfectly, and I definitely love how dmc4 and Nero's DT in dmc5 doubled down on that foundation.
Also, we don't have that much of Lucia, which is good for female characters in Capcom games, they are safer than way.
least favourite thing about them:
We don't have that much of Lucia(((
(tho I am grateful for her small inclusion in the pre-dmc5 novel, it was very welcome and I love the idea of her keeping an eye out for Dante when she can)
favourite line
I'll be honest, besides the obvious 'Dante told me...Devils never cry!" I can't even FIND more quotes from her...this is tragic
Her and Trish! I think them interacting might be therapeutic for both - both are afraid of losing themselves to their demonic nature, however their stories are inversed, so they can complementary support each other. I also just genuinely think they could hit it off nicely, and be besties power duo.
Though I can also see their similarities driving them away from each other, cause that's the mature thing every character in this fandom usually does.
Lucia would adore Patty and vice versa)
Dante/Lucia. They could be like, so unbelievably sweet. That stuff in entirely AU though, while I could envision a way Vergil/Lady might work out post DMC5, I can't see any way of Dante/Lucia happening in canon.
Outside of canon, I think they could be tooth-rottingly sweet. It's all very optional though.
nOTP thankfully she has no relatives to be shipped with, amiright?
random headcanon
She likes wine and trying out different kinds of it. Same as Vergil, for some reason I think she'd enjoy pottery. Also drawing, I think Matier tried her best to make Lucia interested in art and drawing lessons were part of that.
unpopular opinion none
song I associate with them
Like. I know they are very different, but it cannot be just coincidence that we have Two sidesweep redheads with tan skin and accent right???
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anyway, they have nothing in common besides that (...or more like we don't have any canon info on either of them to find any similarities), buuuut I do really like Mistral's battle track, and some lines certainly could ring true for Lucia as well, so yeah.
favourite picture of them
Every picture of Lucia is my favourite picture of Lucia, However. This Fanart. It is somehow even more perfect than her original design. Which I never thought was possible.
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I feel particularly attached to the idea of weapons being specifically tied to characters (maybe it’s because of my bleach phase and zanpakutos), but DMC FEEDS ME with that shit
Regardless of what’s technically canon and what’s not, because we all know DMC’s timeline is lowkey confusing af sometimes, in the first novel, Nell makes Ebony and Ivory /specifically/ for Dante. He wrecks every other gun because they can’t keep up with his speed, but E&I are made with the intention to only ever be used Dante, AND THAT SHIT HITS FOR ME. There is the scene in DMC3 where Vergil uses Ebony tho, and I do in fact love that scene so goddamn fucking much. Vergil doing something out of comfort level, “I’ll try it your way for once.” (I also like to think the only reason Vergil can even handle Ebony is because he’s Dante’s twin. No one else can do that. Just them)
Moving on to the Yamato and Rebellion. The Yamato, according to VoV, appears during Vergil’s time of crisis. He’s being attacked, he’s dying, and then the Yamato is there. That’s VERGIL’S weapon. I’d like to think the Yamato has a mind of its own and whilst others may be able to use it, such as Dante and even Nero, it’ll never act the same as it does with Vergil. AS FOR REBELLION (we won’t talk about the fact that I was lowkey DISTRAUGHT when it broke in DMC5). We don’t know fully /how/ Dante obtains Rebellion though there’s hints from DMC5 dialogue and Dante inner monologue in the first novel that 1) Sparda gave Rebellion specifically to Dante (and presumably did the same for Vergil w the Yamato), and 2) after the fire, Dante found Rebellion and took it w him. Rebellion is DANTE’S weapon, to the point that even when he has the Devil Sword Sparda, he gives it to Trish to use instead and continues w Rebellion.
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scalproie · 3 years
oh boy dee em cee 5 anon reporting for duty and by duty i mean nero loving hours! bc i started playing 4 yesterday and nero just makes me smile so much. and ive had the time of my life using buster like get s m a c k e d ha! (im easily amused). and today i finished ch11 and um. games starting to hit different like. nero taking the yamato? i honest to god never jaw dropped so hard before in my life. oooh my. hoooh. (altho i dont understand how yamato got there in the first place but whatever. it was needed for the plot and thats enough for me.) and then. and then those two scenes with nero failing to reach kyrie. ngl that shit hurted. and then on top of all this credos [redacted]. for some reason when dante caught him before he [redacted] was the thing that finally did me in after having my feelings wombo combod, i actually shed v v real tears after all that...
dee em cee 5 anon holding you in my arms💖
Hell yeah you got to nero's game!!! Nero's amazing in 5 (in general. but if you knew him you also saw that he's matured and quite literally grew up) but dmc4 is pure, base nero. So im happy youre having fun with him and his buster!
The yamato cutscene is great. Now with some elements from dmc5 theres funky theories about it, and Ive been looking for it again and found the "translation" of the dmc4 novel (written by the dmc4 story writer) which has an alternative? bonus? version of this scene just before yamato flies into Nero's arms where he meets in his mind a strange man with "cold yet kind eyes" who asks him "Can you hear it? The cry of a soul? What is your soul saying?" to which Nero replies "What's yours saying?" so the man says "Power... I want power." and finally Nero basically answers "Well I want that too." and then im guessing the normal cutscene proceed :) who could that mystery man be :)
As for why the Yamato is here? Im sure that if I dig into it I can find you some details but right now I can answer that its the Order of the Sword who found it, theyve been collecting devil arms beforehand and I think they went to Mallet Island and most likely found it there! They also got bits of whatever was left of Nelo to make the Bianco Angelos, since theyre described as "man-made soldiers made from the fragment of a demon known as the "dark angel"", mmmmh :)
Oh and I agree, Nero's VA really brought his A game for the screaming and crying scenes because it sounds GENUINE man, always kinda hard to watch because noooo my boyyyy!! Also hot take but Credo was so underutilized man!! Hes the best boss in the game and then they [redacted] the man what!! I do love his moment with Dante too because even tho we havent seen him as much as I wouldve liked, he really did care about his sister and nero and when you know their shared history it just hurts. Anyway in the timeline when dmc4 was fully finished maybe he had a bigger role. Spardaspeed, better one-winged angel....
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dmctuesdayblog · 5 years
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I did this instead of finishing my cosplay today but I really didn’t want to sew and just wanted to draw Clear instead so-- 
While I could have been making Lux’s shirt, I was mastering the art of freehanding straight lines instead.
The main character of my fic, more information/explanation and translation of my messy writing under the cut ^^ 
First of all, I realize from early drafts his ponytail has gone through So Many Changes. I ended with it here because this is the most ‘realistic’ length. The notes on that are: 
- Hair is not quite black.
The reasoning is because V has black hair, and so does Lady, so Clear’s more of a brunet lol A lot of my reasoning is to make him stand out from the cast in his own way, while still fitting in. 
- Red is more ruddy than Dante’s coat and Nero’s vest. Primary color is grey. 
I made his primary color grey/black since up until Vergil in the reboot/new game, Trish is the only one who wore mostly black. I also am really fond of monochromatic schemes with a pop of color around the waist, especially in action series where people employ a lot of acrobatics and kicks and stuff cuz the color accentuates the motions nicely. I also gave Clear something around his waist to match the long-coat silhouette since he wears a shorter jacket than every other character. 
The reasoning for red as his secondary color is mainly because of his relation to Dante lol But also, the game uses colors really well within the Sparda family to show each character’s alignment, and thanks to DMC5 giving Eva a model we can now assume that red is the color that represents humanity. So, going off that notion, since Clear is fully human, red became his second color. 
Other notes on his clothes: 
- Layers make him look more bulky. Yes, those are moto-jeans, I am trash and accept it. Sheath 4 knives. Generic black combat boots (2lazy2draw lol srry...) 
Notes on physical appearance: 
- Height: 5′9. I wanted him to be a little on the shorter side compared to the other guys, so he and Lady are around the same height when she’s in her usual boots. 
- Built for speed/acrobatics, not like Dante and Nero’s more muscular build. It’s cuz he doesn’t claymore, bro lol. Not super lanky like V tho, kinda in-between. 
Because his primary weapons are a pair of knives, his fighting style is based a lot around hit-and-run, and block-checking his opponent. So, unlike Nero and Dante who just rush in swords blazing (literally in Nero’s case) and just destroy shit in a flashy manner, Clear actually considers a lot of actions and backs out if he needs to reset. 
The Tat: Custom made w/ maximum edge. Also is functionally a Devil Arm.
I’d say that’s a spoiler but it comes up in like, chapter 7 lol Design-wise, it has to be different from V’s so it only covers his arms/upper back/part of his collar and has much more color; it also doesn’t fade in and out of existence and So Far doesn’t give Clear a Devil Trigger (still deciding if I wanna do that or not tho). The current design was no where near what I was intending when I first started designing Clear, but I really like where it’s ended up. The tail was a spur-of-the moment decision. 
- Based off of Sin DT and Clear’s knives. Orbs and alchemic circles are featured.
The two sets of wings, tail, and then scales are what were inspired by Devil Trigger. The reason for basing it off Sin DT is because *lowkey spoiler* the tattoo is infused with Sparda’s blood retrieved from Nero. We don’t have time to unpack all that so the TLDR is the person who designed the tattoo was a heretical scientist from Fortuna. Also, the top set of wings is supposed to be more ‘feathered’ as a homage to how Clear initially was going to have something to do with angels/high-order demons. But I scrapped that idea pretty early on lol 
- Base of circle is a Directional Circle. Disposal nodes. None of these are real elements tho lol
I did my own research into alchemic circles and ended up basing mine partially on a circle used to make bread LOL But the intended use is deconstructing /redirecting energy from demon blood, disposing of the blood/remains, and transferring the energy left over into Clear to give him power. I’m not functioning with the ‘equivalent exchange’ mechanic of FMA, so it’s a little easier to say “these are the parts of the circle and it will do this.” As for the ‘elements’ in the six small circles, I was initially going to use Actual Elements, but finding the makeup of blood that wasn’t more than plasma, water, salt was proving to be too difficult for my feeble tired mind to handle lol So, I made up six 'elements’: the top one is a drop of blood/eye combined to represent blood, the one to the right is just a random design, the two on the bottom are orbs (one is upside-down and grinning while crying, the other is just surprised screaming), and the left one is two crossed S’s with dots that when drawn wrong just look like boobies LOL The one in the very center is based off the sun/moon array but with two moons crossed over to form an ‘eclipse.’ 
If you read all the way down to here, thank you for sticking with me! I hope you found any part of my creative process interesting ^^ I hope to do more concept art in the future !! 
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getaroomyouheck · 6 years
How'd Nero's body handle a stab wound? His demon heritage gives him more physicality than the average human. I'm sure he can heal faster than average-to an extent. But he's also only a quarter demon (aka mostly human). When we see him get stabbed in Agnus's lab, apparently his Devil Trigger is all that saves him. I'm not sure if he would've survived without it. BTW not hating on Nero at all. He a cool dude. I'm legit curious about the amount of punishment he can take.
hey sorry for not answering this ask earlier! had some stuff i was doing
and i imagine he’s definitely more sturdy than the average human, prolly can take more hits than lady or nico. but since his demonic blood isn’t as potent as trish or dante or vergil, he’s not as durable as them and can take less physical trauma
i don’t think nero could walk off getting impaled 5 times or getting his torso sliced through like how both dante and vergil did respectively. he can definitely shunt off more trauma than a basic human can and has a lot of fucking strength for being a quarter demon (even before he gets his DT he like parry’s belial’s sword stab near effortlessly), but he isn’t like nigh invincible as figures like dante have been shown to be
an interesting theory i always saw was like the quarter demon blood basically manifested itself into his devil bringer, and the rest of his body is human. which would make dmc5 more interesting as if that’s the case all of the demonic power he had would have been taken
that’s just a theory i read before tho, it’s prolly more likely he’s like dante and vergil with the demon blood running through him and making him stronger because of that
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