#dizzy ghost and pals
vampire-bat-stims · 1 year
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Stimboard of Nana from Star Of The Show!
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x x x
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the-pumpk1n-gutz · 1 year
Ghost and Pals characters recreated in Pony Town
why? Because I can
first is the newest one, that being Nana(also known as Dizzy)
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then my beloved Blorbo, Christopher Pierre. Yes he’s an alicorn, I cannot be stopped. Nana would have been an alicorn but if I gave her wings the wings would have blocked the effort I put into her clothes
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and now my comfort character who’s main character trait is being dead! I love him so much :3
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and his wife of course
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and the man who almost cured my fear of dentists(how did THAT happen? He should have made it worse ahdhdjdj)
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and finally the sad pathetic girl herself. Someone told me they hoped my tooth felt better soon when I was walking around playing her. Thank you random pony town player, that was really really sweet of you
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cast-irony · 1 year
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Nana/Nah/Dizzy from Star Of The Show is a follower of Bliklotep, The Watcher With A Thousand Eyes!
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the-ones-of-ghost · 1 year
Chris! Are you a dirty little liar??
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Chris: I am not small nor dir-
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Chris: GET BACK OVER HERE!!!!!!!!
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nocturnesanomaly · 2 months
Chapter 5: Is your blood authentic?
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(Series Masterlist: Divine Violence) (Read on Ao3) (Inspired Playlist)
Series: The Divine Violence - chapter 5: Is your blood authentic?
Wordcount: 6.1K
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x John "Soap" MacTavish x Gn!Reader
TW: (View masterlist for series tw and tags) - DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, Religious Trauma, PTSD, Flashbacks, Hallucinations, Anxiety, Paranoia, Disturbing themes, Grooming, depiction of suicide, self harm, blades
Description: You make plans to finally ship out, getting ever closer to your fate.
A/N: Hope you enjoy my work!
[Prev chapter / Next Chapter]
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Simon has been absolving his distance a lot faster than you can handle.
He did as he promised, tries to go slow and from the beginning, yet the history between the two of you prevent you from feeling like it's a true beginning. It feels like you're both hiding from it, the looming truth over either of you. He doesn't fully know what happened, he doesn't know why your pen pal ship ended.
Even when it had begun it was tense, more distant than you wanted. Yet you clutched onto those letters from him like lifeline, no matter how much it burnt to read them over and over again, to whisper his words out in the night like a prayer.
You had wet those papers with your tears, crushed them, tore them and taped them back together. You had held those papers tightly in your hands, much like how you hold the files on the man you're meant to detain.
"We have to be discreet, if he senses something is up, he could get spooked and skip" Price proposes. He's holding a fat cigar between his lips; the smoke makes you dizzy. When he had originally been gracious enough to ask if it was alright, you had been enough of a sucker to nod your head.
Simon stood beside you in a rigid stance. He had said nothing either, so who were you to deny the captain his bread and butter.
"It's a small-time, close-knit community but new residents aren't foreign, tourists even less so. If we pose as one of them, stay low, don't attract attention nobody should suspect as anything other than another group of careless tourists." You offer up your idea to the room. You wish he would open a window.
Captain Price takes another long drag from his cigar; he keeps the smoke in for so long you think he might actually choke on it before he let's it go. "Hm, not a bad idea, gives us the advantage" his eyes flicker to Simon taking note of his careful gaze towards the scattered plans on the table.
You don't know when he turned this quiet. Even when you were kids, he was never the most talkative person in the class, but he was never this brooding. He's honed his focus a lot more over the years, you wish you could say the same for yourself.
You really wish the captain would open his window. Not only is the smoke starting to smell bad, but the smoke is already hazing the already dimly lit office. Meeting this late in the evening hadn't been your ideal choice, but the captain is a busy man as he said.
"If they find us out, we could be overrun quicker than we could defend ourselves" Simon speaks up after a moment of thought, "we have no idea how many they actually have."
"It's a risk we'll have to take if we're meant to make any progress," Price says while still holding clear consideration for the lieutenant’s proposed dilemma. Simon was objectively right, if the collective were to get aggressive it's likely they wouldn't be able to fend them off. Still death was an unlikely scenario, it wouldn't be their first resort.
He doesn't seem keen on the idea either way. "Even with Spider's intel it's a lot of uncertainty, what they have brought is extensive but...not much in the same lane," he glances towards you. His eyes say nothing but his gesture seems almost apologetic. You don't get why.
Most of the intel you brought on the cult was extensive but only scraped the tip of the iceberg. The things you once knew about the cult could have been changed, and most of the things you had on paper got burned when you went into hiding. All you had now was the few official documents that still counted, and your memory that often times don't serve you all that well.
"Spider?" Price asks confused. Your stomach drops. It hadn't even registered in your brain that he had used the nickname in front of a superior. "You two made up then," he smiles.
"We're fine," Simon interjects before you can cast that bewildered glance you so desperately want to, "civil."
"Works for me," Price shrugs his beard creasing in a weird way when he adjusts his smile. "Spider could work for a good callsign, should you ever consider joining up with us again," he proposes. He is getting way ahead of himself.
"Unlikely..." you whisper quietly in response, the word concealed behind a heavy exhale. "We'll need to make our move soon. We don't actually know whether he will be in one town or the other, and if he is how long will he be."
"I'll clear it with Laswell and with any luck we ship out in the evening, there's no use delaying" Price concludes with a nod "can't waste our talents away here when we're needed out there."
Johnny hasn't felt this anxious in a long time. It borders excitement, but he wouldn't dare call it that openly. The promise of actual direction, the promise of being able to do something worthwhile, plus an interesting new recruit with them left him buzzing with newfound energy.
It has him pacing back and forth in his room, still with energy in his muscles even after Simon had dragged him to the gym in an attempt at tiring him out. "Would you calm down," Simon grumbles at him when he continues to pace back and forth.
The mental checklist in Johnny's head kept getting disordered. He had already packed what he needed for mission; it was an indefinite stay so the restrictions on what he could bring was more lax than usual. He doubted they would get much free time between the work they needed to conduct, but he'd be damned if he didn't put in some time to relax with his sketchbook.
There was a lot to keep focus on, a lot to keep track of and with his brain already focused on the wrong things it was difficult to not get into a frustrated confusion. "Johnny," Simon calls out when he doesn't stop.
He still doesn't answer, and keeps walking back and forth between the duffel bag in front of the bed and the dresser in the other side of the room. He needed to recheck his clothes. Did he have enough socks?
He did have his pen, right? Extras. He should get extras if there was still space. Who knows how long they'd be staying, until they had something more concrete on the target mayhaps, more likely until there was a more finalized outcome on the whole thing.
He really hoped it wouldn't surpass Christmas. His mother would be furious if he didn't make it home, it's been too long since he was able to see her and the rest of the family again, and despite Simon's apprehensions he knew they'd all want to see him too now that they've finally warmed up to each other.
"Hey! MacTavish, come help me."
Like a chord snapping in his brain, he spins on his heel to come plop down to his knees Infront of the bed where Simon has been sitting impatiently. "What is it," he huffs out looking up into his partners eyes. They had a way of being so expressive even behind the mask and the eye black, it had taken him a long time to learn to read them properly.
"Hold it," Simon hands off a small roll of support bandages into his hands. Johnny gives him an unimpressed look. Simon had been struggling with pains in his wrist, which was ironic as that was usually where he ended up himself with excessive drawing.
"Ye should really change it...get this one washed" he scrunches his nose up pretending there was a smell to get the dramatic effect across.
"I'll do it before we go," Simon mumbles and stretches out his wrist so it pops. His mask twists when, as Johnny assumes, he pulls his face into a grimace. "What's on your mind love," he mumbles out afterwards.
"All of it," Johnny huffs nursing the roll in his hands.
"Out of the ordinary?"
"Yeah, just everything about them," he thinks back to you, back to the meeting. You had been an antsy thing ever since he met you. He had chalked it up to you being shy, but later on he realized that wasn't exactly the case. You weren't as much shy as you were just anxious 99 percent of the time.
"Been getting along with them?" Simon reaches out to grab the roll from him again.
"Let me..." he mumbles reaching out to take a hold of Simon's wrist instead. He begins wrapping it around just like how he wants.
"Yeah, I have," he continues. "Ah think anyway..."
"They're difficult," Simon characterizes you rather nonchalant.
"They're new," Johnny corrects him, "they just need a little time, a little push. I still remember what you were like when I first met you, cold bastard"
"I remember you to be a pain my arse" Simon scoffs and turns over his hand so it's easier to wrap the rest of it.
"Still am sir" He answers cheekily.
He finishes the last wrap around his wrist, sealing it with the two little clasps. He watches as Simon retracts his hand, flexing it and almost stretching it too much before he could stop him. He had been there a few times himself; he knew how restrictive it felt, but any rest would do. It would be hard to get more rest for it when they deployed very soon.
"I like them," Johnny perks up again. "They can be charming in their own way; ah don't even have to drag them to lunch anymore they come willingly."
Simon snorts quietly in response, huffing out amused.
"Ah think yer little talk helped them calm down a bit, they seem more relaxed around me and Garrick too. Still tense but..eh...relaxed. Not so much of a laugh that one, but ah think they just need a bit more time, they have a funny side ah can feel it," he says with a light-hearted smirk.
"Lot of hope coming from you, taking a real liking to them then?" Simon asks, little crinkles forming in the corners of his eyes indicating the smirk beneath his mask.
"Can't tell me ye haven't? Used to like 'em something fierce didn't ye?" Johnny turns a suggestive look, one that is only reciprocated by a groan from his partner. He slowly rises off the floor and back to his feet, his knees starting to throb from the harsh wooden panels.
"That was a long time ago," Simon reaches out for him, puts his hands on his hips to pull him closer.
"But you did. They are a cute one, I definitely see the appeal" Johnny lifts a suggestive eyebrow. Though he somehow doubted it would happen, it wouldn't be the first time they had shared a person, it wouldn't be last if it turned out like it always did. For a brief moment he allowed himself to indulge in a pointless fantasy.
"Careful, Johnny. You don't know them like I do."
"Yeah, well ah seem to have a lot of luck with dark, gloomy, emotionally constipated bastards," he says with a smirk on his face. Simon's hands squeeze the meat on his thighs.
"I don't think they're interested in us like that. Don't got half a mind to know what they've been through; they seem very determined to get the job over and done with quick."
Johnny scoffs at that. He had always found it amusing how Simon couldn't see what was right in front of him. He was right that you weren't showing the same interest that Johnny was looking for, but the subtle attention you put into the details of your surroundings was noticeable.
"Ye have no idea how they look at ye then," Johnny blows air out through his nose, "got ways to go in warming up to myself but ye...ye already got them locked in."
"Easy." Simon says his hands traveling up to grab Johnny's wrists. It gets his attention, gets him to pause. "Just..." Simons clears his throat, "Just go easy on them, we don't know how they'd even feel about that. It's hardly professional, and they don't seem enticed in anything that isn't."
"Bit stuck up then?" Johnny mentions cheekily.
His smile drops when Simon gives him a look. "I'll go easy Simon, jus' jokin' around..." he turns his smile warmer, more welcoming to ease the looming anxiety that's no doubt building in his partners chest.
Johnny brings his hands to Simon's shoulders. They glide over them, squeezing at pressure points he knows gets his partner to relax. He trails his hands up, letting them hold the sides of his neck.
He doesn't miss the way Simon's breath hitches. He smiles at it, only satisfied when Simon finally allows himself to close his eyes and release the air in his lungs through a deep sigh. It wouldn't be the first time they would have invited a third into their bed, though he can see how this would be different for Simon.
He's typically not this worked up over a person. Then again this would be the closest Simon had to family that was still left, and he hadn't even been in contact for years. While he had originally meant the suggestion as a joke to lighten the mood, Simon hadn't exactly said no. It got further questions to stir in his mind, he would make sure to get answers one way or another eventually.
"At the end of the day it's jus' a mission like any other," Johnny reassures him, "with them or not."
Simon stirs, leans forward to bury his face in Johnny's stomach. It makes him feel mushy inside. "I'll tell you eventually...everything." Simon mumbles against him.
"I know..." he let's out a soft breath of relief, his arms moving to encircle around Simon's head instead. He leans down to place a kiss on his scalp. "Whenever ye're ready, we've done this before" he reassures him.
By nightfall it's reaching freezing temperatures. None of the clothes on your body is yours, and its warmth feels superficial. The plane is different than what you're used to, not so much packed to the teeth as what you'd have thought. Laswell was already having your new place of residence prepared with everything you needed.
You had always known her to be a resourceful woman. There wasn't much you could ask of her that she wouldn't be able to get you, the only real question was whether she wanted to or not.
Gaz took your bag from you, throwing it with the rest under a couple of seats. He had clearly stopped questioning your lack of belongings, though he seemed to find it no less weird.
"You got everything?" he asks looking you over as if you were supposed to be hiding something beneath your fuzzy jacket. You nod your head, finding no energy to offer him a verbal response.
The rest had already settled in, with their own things tucked neatly away. You didn't miss a lot about the military, but there was something to be said about the clean order enforced.
You walk past Simon and Soap, sparing them half a glance. Their hands are pressed against each other, a sorry attempt at making their affection subtle. You take a seat besides the captain. He's got a beanie on, tucked into a coat looking just as fuzzy as your own.
His eyes are closed, head tilted back, his hands folded neatly in his lap as if he were in a meeting. "You got a problem spider?" he asks amused, sensing your stare. Your chest heats up, your neck too from the sudden rush of blood.
You can't decide whether you dislike the new nickname or not. It sounds weird coming from his mouth; it sounds weird coming from anyone but Simon. It had been something intimate once, then it died along with some old memories, only to be reawakened on the wrong tongue.
"No sir."
You rip your eyes away from him, you could admire his beard from afar. The spiking pain you've been ignoring starts to come back through your nerves when you start to feel something warm and smooth trickle in your palm. Masking your hand with your other, you unwrap the chain from your wrist and pry the little crucifix from your skin. You wipe the fresh blood on your cargos, taking a moment let yourself linger on it.
You're getting closer to the source now, closer than you've been in a long time. There was little chance to back out now, but you knew you still wanted to. The only thing to carry you forward back into the den of wolves were the pure hatred you held for it. You could do little from afar, you needed to get in real close if you were to set it ablaze one last time.
You could already see it in your mind. Another system set on fire, coated in oil and with a single lighter flame, you could burn it all down like you were taught to. You could bring down the hellfire on the right person this time.
"Oh, are ye religious?" the feint Scottish accent pulls you out of your fiery thoughts. You clutch the chain back into the little wound you've created. It stings beautifully.
Liar, liar, liar.
You tuck it back around your neck, hiding it beneath the layers that feel foreign on your skin. It's heavier than normal.
The chain rests comfortably beneath the military slacks that was just one size too big. Your heart is all the way up in your throat, pounding furiously against your ribcage. You had been ignoring the nausea for the last 10 minutes, but one encouraging clap on your back from a teammate had you bucking over and heaving for air.
You could still hear his mocking laugh at the sight.
When you had finally agreed to join up, you had expected it to be hard but not this excruciating. You'd had at least 10 thoughts of quitting this morning alone. Though you couldn't deny there was a sense of community among your teammates, you also couldn't seem to penetrate the invisible barrier that kept you from being apart of that community.
The sun is blaring atop the blue sky making it hard to see. Sweat dripples down your forehead, you no longer know whether it's from the heat of the sun, or from the drills you've been running the entire morning.
Everybody here had their own layer of cruelty to them. It could loud and brash like the group on base that you always made sure to avoid, or it could be quieter more calculated. Ones you had fallen for more than once before learning your lesson. You tiptoed around it, making yourself just good enough to qualify without standing out terribly much.
"You alright?"
You raise your head to look at her. About the only person you could rely on even a little here. You had joined up around the same time, through the same unconventional way. She had taken notice of you first, practically pushed her way through the crowd to introduce herself to you specifically. The weirdness of it in general was still throwing you off till this day.
"Thanks, Emma...yeah I'll live" you accept her outstretched hand offering support despite not truly needing it. At least she had always been nice, never demanding.
She claps her hand over your back, letting out the sweetest sunshine giggle you've ever heard. It makes you want to barf, yet you can't help but love it all the same. A nice cooling gust of winds pass the two of you, and her hand shoots up in a protective manner for her hair. She was still seeming to struggle with her new hairstyle, long black hair wound up in the tightest bun known to man. How her scalp isn't hurting constantly you have no idea.
"Don't worry, lunch will be here soon, can get some nutrition into you- "
A loud whistle interrupts her and sets everyone into motion. She quickly grabs onto your arm to pull you over in the forming line. You do your best to bite back on the hiss of pain, when her thumb presses down on the bruise beneath your long sleeves.
You straighten your back after she has practically shoved you into formation, eager to have you do it right on time. Her own version of a kind gesture after you came last three times in a row, and got pointed out even more than that.
One of your superiors starts walking down the line with someone else awfully familiar. You keep your eyes straight whenever your superior looks your way, but you manage to catch a glimpse of who he is. The man who got you into the whole thing in the first place. You hold back the excitement in your chest.
He stands tall, a true leader, blonde hair sleeked back and an expression on his face that would send any recruit running. It makes you smile. You had a lot to learn from him, and he had promised to teach you.
Your eyes dart to a furry companion he had brought. A big dog, you think. It looks a little too big to just be a dog, a little too wild for you to trust it wouldn't bite. It walks perfectly in line with him, it's tail swaying slowly behind it. Its coat is beautiful if it wasn't for the giant red cross painted across its head and down it's muzzle.
It has something uneasy stirring in your stomach. You force your gaze back up, catching yourself staring at him, he's staring back. He nods towards you, and sends you a smile that makes your legs feel like jelly.
His office is pristine. Not a single thing out of place, not a speck of dust to be found. It didn't get used often. He was always out travelling between places of God knows where, doing things that was to prepare for His grand plan. Or so he said anyway.
"Come in," he calls on you, your name sweet on his lips like the beckoning echo of weeping angels. He'd finally show you the way, like he had promised in the graveyard turned to ash. His elbows rest on his desk, his chin prepped on top of his folded hands as he regards you with a cold gaze.
You advance without falter in your step, coming to a stop at a more respectable distance. The same overgrown dog was resting in a corner of the room. Its black eyes follow you your every movement, as if just waiting for the command to strike at you.
"I'm not going to waste your time with menial formality," he slides an open convolute across the table, yet it's still too far away to read the small text. A formal invitation he clearly doesn't expect you to actually read.
"You'll be finishing your basic training soon, and what will happen to you next will be decided." He takes a moment to watch your reaction, but you remain stoic, giving him a simple nod in confirmation. "I've made a couple of deals to have you transferred directly under my care for my own initiative. All I need is for you to...agree to it," his tone turns leading, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Ofcourse, I'll agre-"
He speaks your name sternly, cutting you off before you can go on your rant about how you were practically ready to devote your life to this thing, whatever it was.
"I need to know that you'll be in it, truly in it. This new project is unconventional to what you've previously been exposed to. It will test your patience, your willpower, your faith. Do you believe you have the strength for it? Do you believe your blood is authentic? and will you be ready to spill it for the cause being run in His name?"
You nod fast. Too fast.
"Good, I didn't expect anything else from you. You'll be finishing your training here, I believe there may be others among your rank that would be inclined to join our cause as well, I expect you to find them and lead them towards the path."
He looks at you with an unrivalled determination, a fire roaring loud and hot inside him to drive him towards his goal. His expression doesn't leave much room for question or doubt, and before you can even comprehend what you're agreeing to, you take the first real step in.
"Don't worry, I have someone in mind, sir."
It's a little cabin in the distance. Laswell hadn't promised anything luxurious, you were there on "vacation," but you apparently couldn't afford something proper closer to the town itself. Still the sorry thing that tips over in hill in the distance made you want to turn around and walk the 30 minutes back to the plane.
You knew it was going to be an uncomfortable few weeks, if the ache in your body had anything to say for it. You had already declared snow your new mortal enemy in the first ten minutes of walking through the forest and sinking into the ground with each step.
There had already been the expectation and the preparations for a colder climate, but you hadn't expected to have snow up to your midthigh in some areas. Luckily it didn't go that deep near the dedicated paths. Some of them must be irregularly cleaned for tourists.
You've been walking at an irregular pace yourself, getting continuously passed by the others until Simon fell into step with you a few minutes ago. He blends in with his surroundings uncannily, each step he takes is thought out, quieter than the rest. You don't doubt that he's made an impeccable soldier, back in your own prime he'd likely have been able to take you down with minimal struggle, if size was something to go off of.
The fatigue was already starting to enter your legs, your brain fighting hard to not give into any brain fog. You could only hope you wouldn't catch a cold from the drastic change in environment. Price shouts out something you don't quite hear, but you know what he wanted to say. You're finally here.
It looks a lot bigger when you're this close. A one story that makes itself look better than it is by raising its roof higher, giving the illusion of more space when none of it is utilized. Soap and Gaz are getting agitated the more Price struggles with the keys.
Simon comes to a stop a few steps behind you. He's always back there, trekking behind everyone else. You'd be lying if you said it didn't make you a little antsy. Price utters a loud curse you haven't heard before when he finally gets the door to budge open.
The five of you seem to have pretty much the same idea of immediately throwing the heavy bags in a big pile on the floor. The fire is already going. Whoever you were renting this from atleast knew a little about hospitality.
"Finally," Gaz groans, stretching out his arms till they give off a nasty pop, going to do the same with his neck.
Soap is the first to go on a little exploration adventure through the living room you stepped into, the open kitchen at the end, and the smaller hallway connected to them both. You had been right, not as big as mistakenly advertised.
"Aye...no food though, going to have to do some shopping asap!" Soap shouts from the kitchen followed by a louder bang, likely having been the fridge door.
You internally thank yourself for packing an extra lunch you could eat as breakfast the morning after, should your stomach allow it.
"Really, this the best Laswell could scrounge up?" Gaz says frustratedly, "I saw at least four better options on the way to this isolated thing."
"Be grateful you get a roof over your head sergeant, it'll do" Price responds in a tone no less frustrated. He didn't seem to be any happier with the place than his subordinate. You couldn't really put fault on either of them, it was far from stellar only the necessities to remain inconspicuous. 
Simon acquires the keys from Price, promptly doing his own little surveillance to make sure all the doors and windows had proper locks on them, and that they were in fact locked. You weren't the only one skittish about this place.
"Alright round up everyone, for tonight you are ordered to rest. It's been a long day, I know some of you are weary from the flight," he gives you a pointed look that feels almost accusatory. Soap walks back to little circle you had unintentionally formed, dragging Simon with him by his sleeve on his way.
"We don't have a lot of space to deal with so, Garrick and I will be the taking the smaller room at the end of the hall, Ghost, Soap and Spider can share the bigger one, figure out sleeping arrangements amongst yourselves."
"Only two beds, shouldn't be a problem for you two to share" Gaz says in a joking tone, putting a hand on Soap's shoulder that gets almost immediately shaken off. You keep your eyes to the ground. It wasn't any of your business. You fear they take notice.
"You're grown adults, I expect you to be able to figure it out," Price says already laying the ground rules of don't disturb him today. "I will be turning in, I suggest you all do the same, the real work starts tomorrow."
"Yeah yeah" Simon grumbles in a lower voice than normal, putting a firm hand on Soap's back to steer him away from the conversation before it drags out. Wordlessly you follow them down the hall, keeping a greater distance, at least as much as the narrow way would allow.
"Better not be cramped" Soap grumbles turning the handle and using more force than necessary on the door. It was his lucky day. The room was a lot more spacious than you had imagine it to be, it almost makes you feel bad for the captain and the other sergeant that they didn't opt for this one.
Two beds, two dressers, a big mirror on top of one of them and large windows at the end of the room looking onto the snowy mountains. It was better than you'd had in over a year, you had little to complain about.
Mountains. The mountains. The idea strikes you like a quiet zap of electricity. If the cave systems were still accessible it would be a viable place to investigate. If you knew the cult well, and you did, they were likely going to put the old pathways to use again.
Soap says something you don't catch as he walks over and claims one of the beds for him and Simon. You walk and claim the other one by placing your duffel on top of it. It was going to be weird sleeping next to them, or opposite of them. You could only pray that you wouldn't be visibly weird about it
"Ah guess It won't be so bad," Soap let's out a relieved sigh, finally able to dispose of some of the heavier gear and clothes that kept him warm.
"As Price said, it'll do" Simon agrees with a quiet hum and nod of his head.
Soap starts to roam around the room, opening the closet doors, moving the curtains around, stifling his curiosity the practical way. "Well should do, we have enough space, plenty of closet space for each of us, a damn good scenery out the window, can almost excuse it for a small vacation."
"Going to be far from a vacation this," you chuckle quietly, slightly enthused by his own newfound excitement over your living space.
"We should keep the curtains closed; we're exposed like this" Simon ever so practical walks over tugging on the curtains. He leaves it halfway open to let some light in while the sun was still up. It wouldn't be long before it would descend again and cloak the woods in a thick darkness.
"What do ye reckon is in there?" Soap gestures towards the door behind you. He walks a little close as you turn around to inspect it yourself. You hadn't even noticed it when you first claimed your bed. It's awfully close too, perhaps you could move your bed a bit further away from it so it wouldn't bother you if anyone should go in there, or out of there.
"Don't know...more closet space?" it's meant as a joke but turned away from them you can't see their reactions. You place your hand on the handle. It's ice cold. Your eyebrow furrows. The rest of the room had been comfortably warm, not even chilly despite the icy temperatures outside.
You open the door towards you to take a look inside. You feel your blood run cold. Your body freezing in place. Your hand gripping the handle impossibly tighter.
It's a bathroom. Ugly tile floor, small toilet to the right, sink next to it, shower right in front. You could almost have missed the blood from how well it mixes in with the orange tiles. But it's hard to ignore the body.
Her dead eyes are staring you down. Her last accusatory yet sad words are still on her lips unspoken. Her body is still wet from the water, the blood pooling from her arm mixing in with the water on the floor too. Her naked body is still littered with scars from head to toe. Though the cut going from wrist down her forearm hadn't been meant to add to the collection.
It had been final.
You can feel the glint of metal in the corner of your eyes. You don't need to look down to your feet to know that the blade is there. You can feel the blood coating your own arms, tainting the door handle with your sin.
Do you feel it yet? The pressure?
The shadows pool around her, grasping at her skin, pulling at her flesh.
They'll know. They'll dig dig dig. They'll cast you out to the wolves.
You don't know what she wants with you now, what she wanted with you then. You can't remember, your brain a vast empty space, a mere echo of who she was. There's a chill in your bones, something lost and angry, wanting you to know and answer. You still haven't answered it.
You try to remember her name, her significance to you. A misplaced droplet of blood runs down her forehead. The red complimented her complexion well. It had been her favourite colour.
"Hey.....hey....you okay?" his voice is muffled, far away, in a different reality from yours. He's going to reach you eventually, they all are. They'll see it all eventually, they'll figure it out, distrust you for it, abandon you, punish you.
Soap places his hand on your shoulders and your reflexes fire like a gun. You grab his wrist hard, looking at him with an angered look that only lasts a second before you tuck far away. His eyes widen, guilty entering his features as he removes his hand and puts them up in defeat.
"Woaah, sorry didn't mean to scare ye," he starts off in a gentling tone "ye weren't answering, it's just a bathroom, right?"
"Oh fuck...yeah...I zoned out" you excuse it moving a few steps back. The back of your knees hit the edge of the bed. You look back into the bathroom. Orange tile, toilet, sink, shower. She's gone. Soap nods looking in himself, to your luck he seems to let your weird reaction go, yet you can still feel Simon's stare in the back of your neck. You don't turn around to meet it.
You bite your lip, keeping your eyes on the bathroom as if she would appear again. You almost wish that she would, because you know who she is, who she was to you. You've always known, as if you could ever forget it.
Her name had been Emma, and she was the first to die.
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Taglist: @chickennn-soupp @unlikelyaperson @ghostlythots @lilynotdilly @islnd-vybz @spicyspicyliving @kaoyamamegami
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glitterypopcorn · 2 months
favorite songs n musical artists
Ferry, DEMONDICE, VocaloKAT, Abuse, Baby Bugs, Jack Conte, FLAVOR FOLEY, LuLuYam, kian, IMPOSTOR, Secret Pie, milkypossum, STYXVII, Zoofles, weevildoing, Riproducer, Halou, OrgansDotOrg, AZALI, MonochroMenace, tart, Vane Lily, Drive45, Ghost and Pals, evidentlyfresh, Steampianist, Winchifrost, little purr man, friendxp, Milk In The Microwave, Ichiko Aoba, Infinity Frequencies
Who Knows - Lime Lorelei
literally all of Parties Are For Losers - Ferry
literally all of The Post-Traumatic Manifesto - weevildoing
Samara 1921 - Ferry
A depressing song - mAy
Runner Up - Zoofles
The Burning of a Salem Witch - THØRNS
The Faulty Feline Philosophy - Ferry
Don't Hit The Lights - MonochroMenace
Butterfly dust - Meaningful Stone
Six Feet Under - Vane Lily
Aura - Ghost and Pals
Into Pieces - OrgansDotOrg
To Ganymede And Back - OrgansDotOrg
The Dream Granter - Vane Lily
Chaos Magnets - Ghoulies
HOW 2 PLEASER - friendxp
Entomologists - Ghost and Pals
Just Lay Still - John Congleton and the Nighty Nite
Friends In Low Places - Worthikids
every single LuLuYam song.
No One Likes a Wallflower - MonochroMenace
In Iolite - Ghost and Pals
love/hate stalemate - friendxp
Normalize Rotting in Bed - thquib
Fill Me - Frog96
Tubefed - Halou
Go Away - OrgansDotOrg
DESTROY!! - Ferry
Let's Talk About Nothing - whytide
Me without you - Zoofles
I Can Haz Torrentz? - milkypossum
digital/physical heart - Vane Lily
Lamentations - Vane Lily
The World Is Smiling On Me - Ferry
Oopsie Daisy - JubyPhonic
Miss Miseryguts - Riproducer
BEDEVIL - kian
CHOKING!!! - STYXVII, Maruyama Yuki, Rabbit Ran Late
Hazy Skyscraper - DEMONDICE
Medicine - Sylrica
Caffè Latte - Vane Lily
half broken japanese - Ewy
Siren's Song - Masuna
Coordinate Shift - Ferry
Cutting Teeth - Priscilla Snow
Dizzy Paranoia Girl - VocaloKAT
Freezer Burn - T!LT
What Gave It Away - Riproducer
GUTS - kian
Paparazzi Murder Party - Vane Lily
My Eternity - Vane Lily
Retrograde Rehab - OrgansDotOrg
and so many more! i got tired of writing
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antigonenikk · 3 months
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twin size mattress
part 1
pairing: eugene sledge/snafu shelton
summary: He doesn’t notice Snafu then. Snafu, resident class reject, drug dealer, and altogether complete fuck-up, staring at him from the minute he entered the party. Staring at him as he confronted Sid. As he followed Sid outside and alighted upon him with hard violence. Staring like Eugene was a revelation.
If he had. Well, there’s no way to change the past. Sitting in his hospital room, gown on his emaciated body, picking at the IV in his arm, he’s not sure he would even want to.
In the chair by his bedside, his Mother is sleeping. Her face is puffed out and worn from crying. Gene is too tired to care.
tags and warnings: drug addiction, dubious consent, emotional manipulation, toxic relationships, homophobia and racism, high school au, etc.
Gene storms out of the house with Bill trailing behind him. He feels dizzy and so angry he could start swinging and screaming and never stop. In front of him, Sid stumbles and turns around, his face just as red as Eugene knows his own is. Overcome by hate and rage.
“What the fuck did you just say to me?”
He knows he’s being too loud. A whole crowd of people are milling about. Inside the house, 21 Savage is being blasted over the speakers. The bass is moving through his bones, pumping and shifting until his jaw aches.
“You heard me, FAGGOT!”
Bill grabs his shoulder, trying to hold him back, but Gene feels the sting of betrayal so deeply it’s like he’s not even in his own body.
From inside the house REDRUMREDRUMREDRUM
Gene opens his mouth and it's like someone else is speaking.
“And was I a faggot when you let me fuck you, huh? Was I a faggot when you sucked me off with Mary in the other Goddamned room? Was I a FAGGOT then SID?!”
Sid turns even redder. The music switches over. In the background he notices the flash of multiple phones turning on, recording. He doesn’t give a fuck. Let the whole world know. Let the whole school know. If he’s going down he’s taking Sid with him. He hopes it goes viral. He hopes this shit is on fucking Barstool tomorrow. Hopes the whole world knows Sid is just as queer as he is.
“You’re fucking lying. You freak! You’re delusional! I ain’t never fucked you. You’re so in love with me it’s SICK!”
Mary, next to Sid, her face is turning whiter than a ghost. She looks like she’s going to puke. Gene feels a vindictive glee. His anger is pushed further. Like hell he’s gonna let Sid get away with this shit.
“Yeah? You got one thing right. I woulda’ never let you fuck ME. But I know for fucking sure I had you bent over your fucking shitty ass couch LAST WEEK. Or was that someone else begging me to fuck him harder. Like some goddamned whore. You shoulda’ heard yourself!”
He feels the punch before he registers it, rolls with it until he’s on the ground. He touches his lip, and laughs when it comes away bloody. He watches as Bill tackles Sid to the ground, laying in to him. Gene gets up and pushes him off. Bill steps back without a fight. This isn’t his battle. This is Gene’s. This is Gene’s Sid. His best friend. His whole world until ten minutes ago when he heard him and his asshole football buddies talking shit, calling him a fag. Saying he was a fairy. Saying he should kill himself to save his family the shame. And Sid agreeing.
He can see Bill getting into it with one of Sid’s overgrown steroid-ridden friends, and he covers his old pal with his body. A sort of perversion of what they did just two nights ago, wrapped up in each other’s arms in Gene’s room, trading secrets, kissing each other’s eyelids, pretending they were in love. He hits Sid in the face. And gets a punch back for good measure. The blows take the place of words. Blurring. He can feel tears in his eyes, or maybe he’s just bleeding. But it’s all getting blurry. The music has been turned off completely. All that’s left is silence and the sound of skin hitting skin. And then Burgie comes out, his uniquely Texan accent screaming about the cops, and Gene is being dragged off his best friend, beaten and bruised and bloody, and tossed into the back of Bill’s shitty 2004 Honda Civic.
He doesn’t notice Snafu then. Snafu, resident class reject, drug dealer, and altogether complete fuck-up, staring at him from the minute he entered the party. Staring at him as he confronted Sid. As he followed Sid outside and alighted upon him with hard violence. Staring like Eugene was a revelation.
If he had. Well, there’s no way to change the past. Sitting in his hospital room, gown on his emaciated body, picking at the IV in his arm, he’s not sure he would even want to.
In the chair by his bedside, his Mother is sleeping. Her face is puffed out and worn from crying. Gene is too tired to care.
Gene is sorting through his textbooks. He can’t see out of his left eye. It’s completely swollen shut. A smaller body sidles up to him, leaning against the cool, worn blue rows of lockers.
He looks over and sees that it’s Shelton. Snafu. That’s what everyone calls him, though. Situation-Normal-All-Fucked-Up. He got the name from Burgie. Back in eighth grade when he snorted a line of coke in the back of the school bus on the way to the annual DC field trip and then immediately puked up bile onto the seat in front of him. Back then Burgie and Snafu had still been childhood best friends, so he had been in the splash zone so to speak. This was before he started running track with Gene and Bill in 9th grade and fell in with them instead.
He had shouted with disgust, and declared his friend was acting completely and utterly fucked in the head. Robert Leckie, pretentious asshole extraordinaire, sitting a row in front, had turned in his seat and with his dumbass smirk had said, “So, then, he’s acting like his normal self?”
Burgie, still livid about the whole thing, turned to Shelton and told him, “Yeah. A real fucking Snafu.”
After that it just sort of stuck. Gene had never really spoken to him. They had gone to different Elementary schools, Snafu moving to town at the end of 5th grade from some Bayou in rural Louisiana. They barely had class together in middle school. Shelton lived in the trailer park, and Gene lived in the nicer part of town. So their families didn’t speak either. By tenth grade Snafu was dealing to half the school, and had OD’d twice. No one knew what on. Gene had absolutely no reason to know or talk to the guy. And yet now that he’d been outed by his former best friend/boyfriend/what-the-fuck ever, he was being approached. The idea turned his stomach. Everyone knew that Shelton was gay. It was hard not to, the way he simply didn’t a fuck. Probably came with the whole drug addiction thing. Gene wished he didn’t give a fuck. That had always been his problem. He cared too much. He smothered.
“Nothin’. Just standin’ here. That illegal?”
Gene gave him an unimpressed once over, snorted, and then shut his locker with a bang. He was late for AP Calc.
“Yeah. Sure.”
Shelton followed him through the halls like a dog, sniffing around for a bone.
“So whachyu doin’ tonight?”
The question left him at a loss. Was Shelton….hitting on him? He had thought maybe. But it was equally likely that the guy was just trying to push drugs on him.
“You heard me, Sledgehammah.”
Christ. Not that fucking nickname. No matter what he did, it followed him. Started as a way to humiliate him back when they were all little kids. A real clever play on words. Then the kids at school had discovered he was actually good at sports. Could run fast, and hit a homerun like nobody’s business. Then it was an endearment. “Sledgehammer’s gonna run those assholes from Valley Prep into the GROUND this weekend.”
For a while, it felt good. To be valued for something. To have a nickname at all. Now though, now that he was kicked off of both the track and baseball teams for fighting, it felt like a taunt. He wasn’t gonna be beating Valley Prep. He wasn’t even allowed within ten feet of the fucking gym equipment.
“I’m not interested.”
He was nearing the door to Mr. Martin’s classroom. With any luck he could drop Shelton at the door. Everyone knew he was in all remedial classes. No way he was ballsy enough to follow him into an AP class.
“Yeah? You got some plans I don’t know about? Last I heard your friends had all ditched you. Don’t wanna be seen around a fag.”
Gene stopped. Collected himself before he got into a fight he couldn’t win. He turned back to Shelton. Tried to look at him like they were meeting for the first time. He was pretty. Eugene could admit that much. His eyes were a light sea green, almost blue, made all the more striking by the way they contrasted with his dark skin. His hair was perfectly curled somehow. He wasn’t big by any means, but he wasn’t totally scrawny. Maybe an inch or two shorter than Eugene himself. For a moment he found he couldn’t look away. Stripping off all the history just left an image in front of him. A painting that was lovely and frail and captivating. He tried to shake it, but he was caught in Shelton’s web. And from the way the man was smirking, he knew it.
Alright then. It’s not like he was wrong. Practice would be running until 7 tonight. He had no friends now other than Burgie and Bill. Sid had placed a fucking fatwah on him, basically. He might as well try for a rebound fuck and some free weed to numb the pain.
“What time?”
He could feel students passing them by, rushing to get inside before second bell rang. Snafu looked taken aback for a moment. Like he thought his play wouldn’t actually work. He must have underestimated just how lonely Eugene was.
“Ah…I’ll pick you up after last period. We can chill at my place.”
“Yeah. Cool.”
Eugene opened the door to Mr. Martin’s classroom, ignoring the stares from his fellow students, and slunk to the back of the class. A piece of paper was flung at his head. He ignored that too. Staring straight ahead. He found himself cheered up, against his will. Snafu sure was something.
They met up in the school parking lot, Eugene huddling into his sweatshirt to keep the chill away. Snafu was leaning against the shittiest looking car Gene had ever seen in his entire life. The left door was somehow a different color from the rest of the vehicle, blue and red. There were decals all over, but it looked more like someone had scribbled them on more than anything else, and with a child’s handwriting too. Shakily written on the left bumper were the words “GOD CRAWLED IN AND BACK OUT”
Snafu must have caught him looking, because when Eugene slid into the passenger seat he simply said,
“My little sisters. They like to draw on the car.”
After that it was silent. Not uncomfortable silence. Just silence. All the way to wherever Snafu was deciding to take him, they sat and listened to the CD that already been playing. Eugene recognized the song, barely. He thought it was Elliott Smith. How the hell Snafu knows about someone like Elliott Smith is anyone’s guess. It made him feel a bit ashamed. He had assumed a lot about the guy. That he was a scumbag moron burnout freak. But so far he had been cool. He had good taste in music, and he wasn’t a dick. Wasn’t loud. It was a nice change of pace from the guys he hung around with. Bill was great, but sometimes he was too much work. And Burgie and him had been pulling apart for the past few months, what with him dating Florence and Eugene spending so much time tagging along behind Sid, desperate for an ounce of affection.
Eugene wondered about Shelton’s friends. He knew he hung around Jay, and sometimes Hoosier too. Saw them beneath the bleachers, smoking. Beyond that though, he was a mystery. He came to class only when he felt like it. And when he did show up it was beneath a dark black hoodie year round.
Eugene sat still as the car idled. The track ended and Gucci Mane started playing. Christ. Maybe Eugene should take the thing about good music taste back. He felt those light blue-green eyes on him again, and turned to see Snafu lighting up a cigarette. Gene pulled out his Chocolate-Mint flavored vape and took a puff, waiting to see what would happen.
He watched with rapt attention as Snafu, cigarette hanging loose from his lips, started rolling a joint on his ripped up jeans. Gene exhaled and brought more smoke back into his lungs. He loved his vape. He had spent a whole week jerry-rigging it so the settings were just right. It was calming, taking the thing apart and putting it back together. Gave his hands something to do. Eugene realized as he looked out the window that they were at the quarry. So Snafu did want to fuck him after all. Okay. He could do this. He could sleep with someone other than Sid. Fuck Sid. Fuck Sid.
He jumped when Shelton put the expertly rolled joint up to his lips. He leaned forward and let him light the end of it with the red butt of his cigarette. This close, he could see small little freckles all over the bridge of Shelton’s nose. He could make out a tiny scar beneath his left eyebrow. Gene inhaled.
Oh. Fuck.
The joint wasn’t just weed. He could tell right away it was laced. It didn’t taste right. He started to cough, eyes watering as he leaned forward, feeling sick. A hand started rubbing his back, then his neck. The joint was plucked from his lips, and slowly, slowly, Gene felt his head being moved over to the seam of Snafu’s jeans. The hand in his hair gripped harder. He could do this. His heart was beating out of his chest, the feeling was like drinking five different cups of coffee all at once. He felt like he could jump off the roof of a building and just–fly.
Opening the zipper he pulled out his cock. Eugene forced himself to keep his mouth shut. Maybe it was the drugs. But the idea of sucking someone’s uncut dick became so funny he felt like he was about to lose it. Closely bobbing his head up and down he started to choke as Snafu gripped the back of his head and tried to start fucking him hard. He started slapping his thigh to get him to stop, but he didn’t let up. Fuck. If he kept going Eugene was actually going to puke all over him.
It would serve him right. If he had just ASKED. He struck his hand out and felt as it landed on Shelton’s skull, rocking him back into the cushioned seat. He coughed, eyes watering with tears as he sat up.
“No. We ain’t doin’ it like that.”
Then he grabbed Snafu by the back of his neck, fingernails scratching into skin. He inhaled when Snafu blew smoke into his face. Then he smashed their mouths together, determined not to let this fucking twink get one over on him.
He felt the smirk on Shelton’s lips, felt his large hands grip at his hips, shifting him until Gene was sitting on his lap, panting. Everything was starting to feel good. Really, really fucking good. If he could just–he reached out to the side of the front seat, letting the handle go slack. The seat violently fell back, and took the both of them with it. He felt like, if he let go of Shelton for singular moment, he would float away. Just cease to exist entirely. He wanted to crawl inside of Shelton’s chest. Claw out his insides. Hold them in the palm of his hands, bite into them.
On the drive home Gene felt like all the trees were starting to blur together and warp into some sort five mile long monster. He gripped the handle above his head and ground his teeth. Snafu looked over at him.
“You good?”
Gene didn’t respond.
That night he waited. Waited for sleep. Waited for the walls to stop moving. Waited for his father or mother to come up and check on him. It wasn’t going to happen. They fucking hated him now. Everyone did. Even Bill and Burgie, secretly, he could tell. They were disgusted with him. With the way he was all wrong wanted all the wrong things if he had been born right if Sid had been a girl if he had been a girl or if God loved him enough to save him but no one did No One did the walls had bugs crawling up the sides and they kept breathing like a living thing Gene sucked on his vape so scared because the world was ending dying in a burst of flaming light and nothing and no one could stop it he was shaking and his face was wet but that wasn’t right because why would his face be wet he was afraid–
He sat on the bleachers, watching the baseball team practice, sunglasses blocking out the light. Inside of him everything was muted, black. A lack of light. This morning he got up and went down for breakfast and it was like nothing had happened. Like he hadn’t spent half the night crying muffled into a pillow. His parents both sat, straight and stiff. His mother placed his eggs in front of him. Deacon sat at his feet, drooling for a piece of bacon. He slipped him one when no one was looking. His mother cleared her throat. They were all pretending that things were fine. But they weren’t very good at it.
His father slipped a pamphlet over to him.
Gene held that same pamphlet between his hands now, squeezing the paper, unable to bring himself to rip it up.
Snafu walked over and sat beside him, eyes red and bleary. Gene watched as Coach called a foul. Snafu snatched the paper from his hands. He didn’t try to fight it.
“What the fuck?”
He had no response. It was the same thing he had thought this morning.
The pamphlet read: “New Horizons Youth Program.”
Inside the pamphlet were unconvincing anecdotes from former attendees about how God and the camp had cured their inclinations. Had straightened them right back out. Gene knew, hoped, his parents weren’t going to send him. He wouldn’t go. He’d rather die. He could feel anger radiating off of Snafu in waves, warming his side. He didn’t know why Snafu would be angry though. It’s not like they knew each other. They had fucked, once. And it was barely even good sex. That didn’t count for anything.
Still, as he felt his hand being grabbed in Shelton’s the warmth of his rage traveled between them like an electric current, bringing Gene back into the here and now. He knew Snafu wasn’t angry on his behalf. Not really. But it would be nice to just pretend.
“Let’s get you out of here.”
They ended up in the Walmart parking lot. Shelton handing him a cigarette. Normally Gene thinks they’re disgusting. But the menthol on his tongue, the aching cold of the smoke coiling in his gut, calms him down. His foot keeps tapping on the floor of the car.
He wants to call his brother. It won’t help anything. But he still wants to.
Shelton pulls out a bottle of pills, handing one off to Eugene. He doesn’t even think before he palms it and swallows it down. Doesn’t ask what it is. He thinks for a moment he should. After the horror of last night— but really. He just wants to forget.
He holds his palm out again, asking for another. Shelton snorts. Hands it to him. Turns the car radio on. Eugene dry swallowed the first, but the second he washes down with the water bottle given to him. He chokes on the disgusting raspberry flavored vodka. If he doesn’t think he doesn’t exist.
He stops thinking. A hand in his hair, petting. Lips on his. He might, maybe, exist. But the world doesn’t. He feels loose and heavy at the same time. Sinking into the seat. Euphoria washes over him. He feels so fucking good. He has never worried about anything before. He starts to laugh at the tickling sensation of lips on his neck. He grabs Shelton in a bear hug, squeezing his sides. Biting on the other man’s neck when he yelps. Licking over the bite. It feels so much better like this. Everything.
Later, sitting in the backseat together, jeans half unbuckled, Gene looks up at the dirty fuzzed up roof. Under his feet are a pile of McDonalds wrappers. From very far away, the sound of the highway, all those warped pieces of hulking metal, release a rushing sound. It travels through space and time just so he can hear it. The world is truly a beautiful, beautiful place when it wants to be. He falls asleep on Shelton’s shoulder. He can’t believe that just two days ago he would have sneered at the other boy in the hall. Now he can’t imagine being without him. He wonders if that’s the drugs, or something else entirely.
The next week is a blur. He sits with Burgie and Bill in class. Their voices wash over him as if he’s underwater. He doesn’t think about what they talk about during practice. Without him. He doesn’t feel jealous. He doesn’t speak to his parents. His father is on call, sleeping at the hospital. His mother stares at him across the dinner table each night, lacking all understanding. Like he’s some sort of freak show attraction. The pamphlet is not mentioned again. But he can feel it, the specter of it, every waking breath he takes.
Every day after school he gets into Snaf’s car and gets high on whatever he deigns to give him. Most of the time they’re too out of it to fuck. Most of the time they just sit there in silence. But it’s easier, with someone just as fucked up as he feels most of the time. There’s no need to pretend. He doesn’t have to be Eugene. Eugene with the 4.0. Eugene who is going places. Eugene star-hitter. Eugene faggotdissapointmenthatefulanxiousdisgustingfreak. He doesn’t need to pretend to be happy. He doesn’t need to pretend like his world hasn’t fallen apart all because he trusted the wrong person, all because he let his anger get the better of him. Again. A tidal wave he can never control.
One week on the dot from when they actually spoke for the first time Eugene’s face is finally healing. He is… somewhere. Some empty abandoned parking lot. In Mobile, with the steel mills all shut down, the docks barely used anymore with bigger, better, more useful ports, there’s a lot of abandoned parking lots. Lots of abandoned buildings. Lots of rust and decay and rot that won’t ever leave. Hidden behind a careful veneer of southern hospitality and denial.
Gene feels it more keenly as each day passes, each day since he was handed that brochure–each day since his love of God had been turned against him, stuck into him like a knife. And each day since he was expected to sit there and wait for the sword of Damocles to fall and knock his head clean off. Each day since then he’s felt the rot eek it’s way more deeply into his bones. Not even laying in bed with Deacon helps anymore. The bubbling resentment and otherness that he has always felt living in this town keeps nagging at him. And it fuels the loneliness. The only thing that eases it now is Shelton.
Snafu says to him, that afternoon, smoking on the hood of his car, that his friends are all pieces of shit. His family too. They don’t understand Gene. But he does.
“I get it. It’s all...just fuckin' crap.”
Eugene doubts that he does understand, not really, but with someone like Shelton, who is so uncomfortable with showing compassion, even the attempt at comfort is appreciated. It means something.
He lays down on the hood, watching the sun set. Trying to figure out a way to defend the people that he loves. He can’t muster up the energy. Maybe Snafu is right. The only thing, lately, besides his presence that eases the deep ache of blackness in his breastbone is the drugs. Pills handed to him that make him tired and light and free. Never as good as that first night. But still, the unbearable lightness of his body finally weighted down. He feels himself, later, nodding off as Snafu drives around town, through neighborhoods filled with empty McMansions. Empty. Empty. Abandoned. All of it a ghost town.
He wants to know Snafu better. This one person who has come out of the woodwork, almost miraculously, and taken all of his pain away. Who continues to take it away, and shoulder it for himself. Who tries to comfort him. Who bites his lip when he kisses and uses too much tongue, and swears a bluestreak when he’s got oxy-dick.
Eugene is led in by his hand, dragged, into one of the many empty houses. The lights are all off. The house is in escrow. Snafu leads him up to the master bedroom. He can tell from the cans of food stacked in the corner and the detritus usually found in the room of a person who hates cleaning that the place is obviously being squatted in. They lay down in the bed together. And Eugene places his head on Snafu’s chest. He thinks to ask him something, anything. Needs his deep desire for knowledge sated.
“What…what’s your favorite movie?”
The question comes out half slurred.
“The fuck you askin’ that for, cher?”
Eugene shrugs. He feels like he should know at least something about the guy he’s fucking. But admittedly that was a stupid question to ask.
“Wanna get to know you.”
He feels Snafu stiffen beneath him.
“Ain’t nothing worth getting to know.”
What bullshit. Fine. He’ll pull the heavy lifting of the conversation if he has to. Even if he’s only half awake.
“I like Encounters…"Encounters at the End of the World." Its about…penguins. In Antarctica. They go down there and there’s all these penguins an’ shit. They mate for life, they got. They’re real interesting birds. They can go crazy too. And the director just follows them around. How they live and survive and die. It’s…”
“They go crazy?”
Eugene puts his nose into Snafu’s hair for a second. He smells like grease and menthols. He likes the smell. It’s really really nice.
“One penguin. He loses it. Just keeps walkin’ away into the distance. And they let him go cause they know he ain’t ever gonna give up on dyin’.”
“You got a fucked up sense of taste. You know that cher?”
“Yeah. I know. I like you, don’t I?”
That gets him a laugh.
“Merrie—Mer… will you pass me my vape?”
The chest beneath him rumbles with laughter again. Then he feels a hand slipping into his back pocket, pulling his vape out, and placing it to his lips. He inhales the sickly sweet tang of peppermint and blows it out. This is nice. He closes his eyes. Just for a moment….
On the way home Eugene is sober enough to stay awake but not so sober he feels hungover. They stop at TacoBell, and Snafu makes him laugh for a near half hour with his impressions of their various classmates. When he manages a perfect rendition of their fucking insane gym teacher Coach Haney Eugene snorts so hard his Mountain Dew goes all up into his nose, leaving him heaving and shrieking with laughter. Merriell looks so pleased with himself it’s shocking his head doesn’t actually double in size. His smile is sweet, Eugene notices. It lights up his face in a way he didn’t think was possible. It makes him look beautiful.
When Shelton drops him off at his house an hour later, Eugene shocks himself by kissing him on the cheek before slipping out of the car, tripping over the curb before standing up, ignoring the fact that Shelton's shit eating grin is so large he can feel it from five feet away. He slips inside the house and doesn’t look back at Merriell even once, his face a burning red.
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the-pumpk1n-gutz · 1 year
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The girlie but with a twist!
Blinky Cultist!Nana my beloved. Silly clown girly raised by an Eldritch God
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cast-irony · 1 year
The first chapter of my fic "Chromatic Aberration" is up!
Not Rated
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
GHOST | GHOST and Pals (Musician)
Christopher Pierre & Nana | Dizzy
The Distortionist | Christopher Pierre
Star of the Show | Nah (GHOST and Pals)
Additional Tags:
Platonic Soulmates
Trans Male Character
Trans Male Christopher Pierre
Implied/Referanced Workplace Abuse
Implied/Referanced Child Abuse
No Beta We Die Like Henry
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Dp x Gravity Falls One Shot
(Ford has travelled across multiple dimensions. He has met many beings of various origins and powers. What happens when one of them decides to visit?) ao3
It was just a normal day at the Mystery Shack, where everything was sure to go horribly wrong. The sun was shining. The birds were chirping. Waddles was eating the carpet. Stan was committing tax fraud. Mabel was pouring glitter on her eggs. Dipper was mindlessly shoveling food into his mouth while reading. And Ford was breaking something in the secret basement. All was right in the world, as the family blissfully ignored the looming threat of Bill for the thirty minutes it would take them to eat, trash the kitchen, and start an argument between one of the two pairs of twins. Of course their unique form of domesticity had to be interrupted by a swirling green portal of doom suddenly appearing about the kitchen table, causing frost and wind to send the entire kitchen into chaos. 
"It's Bill!" Dipper shouted. "Gruncle Ford! Bill is attacking!"
"Just try it you yellow floating freak!" Stan yelled as he pulled out a gun from behind the fridge, "Soos protect the merchandise!"
"Yes sir!" Soos shouted as he ran to the gift shop.
"Not today Satan!" Mabel shouted whipping out her crossbow, "Waddles get behind me!"
The pig looked up from the carpet and then returned to his meal. Maniacal laughter poured from the black and green void, as the Pines readied them selves for battle. Ford burst through the door shouting, "Bill! Where? I thought...Oh no!"
"Gruncle Ford! What do we do?! We're not ready!" Dipper cried. 
"Oh Dipper," Ford said somberly, "I'm afraid, that this was caused by something far worse than Bill."
"What?!" the three other Pines screamed. 
"Yes! Something far, far worse. I didn't think he'd ever be able to find me! Not in this dimension! I was a fool! I should have known, that he'd never just leave me alone!"
"Who Gruncle Ford? Who?" Mable pleaded, as the wind picked up and the laughter grew.
"My greatest tormentor! The Ruler of the Infinite Realms! The Ghost King!...Danny Phantom!"
A great flash of light blinded everyone in the kitchen, and there was silence. Slowly, the Pines' recovered their vision, and blinked at their new enemy. It was...a boy. A young down no older than sixteen, or fifteen floating lazily above the table without a care in the world. He was clearly not human with his misty white hair and glowing green eyes, so none of them lowered their weapons. And yet...he seemed so young. His bright smile showed too sharp teeth, but it was full of laughter as he surveyed the kitchen. And in his back and white jumpsuit with the stylized D emblem, he almost looked like a super hero. But what confused the family the most was when, upon seeing Ford, the glowing ghost teen threw up his arms and cried,
"Fordy! How you doin' old buddy old pal! I haven't seen you in ages! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be running from a chaos demon or two?"
"Phantom," Ford said gruffly, as the ghost kid circled his head at a dizzying pace, "Good to see you again. Shouldn't you be running an interdimensional kingdom of infinite proportions?"
If this "Danny" heard the growing aggravation in Ford's voice, he obviously didn't care as he slowed lounge in the air in front of the disgruntled scientist and casually said, "Yeah, well I'm taking a break! Fright Knight can handle things while I'm gone, besides I wanted to catch up on all my old friends. See how their doing! Make sure their not all dead, and such! By the way why are there two of you? Haaaaahh! Did some one clone you against you're well, cause buddy I've been there!"
Stan and the twins exchanged confused looks and then turned to Ford as they all slowly lowered their weapons. Finally Ford sighed and said, "No, Phantom, I was not cloned. This is my twin brother, Stanley. You can call him Stan. And these are my great niece and nephew, Dipper and Mabel. Stan, Dipper, Mabel, this is Danny Phantom. He's...a...friend." 
It was clear that the word was dragged from Ford's lips as if they'd been pulling teeth. But that didn't stop his family from gasping in shock and wonder, at the absolute miracle before them. Ford had a friend, who...wasn't evil! It was incredible! It took a moment for the rest of the family to comprehend the news before Mabel began to squeal like a tea kettle coming to boil. A sound which was quickly followed by her jumping and shouting,
"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Hi! I'm Mabel! It rhymes with table! And you are sooo cool! Are you really a ghost? Are you going to kill us? Can we hang out? Do you have a girl friend? I can't believe Gruncle Ford has a friend! Oh my gosh!" 
Danny grinned at the sparkily girl before floating down to he eye level saying, "Hi Mabel, rhymes with table. Yes, I am cool! Yes, I'm a ghost. No I'm not going to kill you. Of course we can hang out! But I do have a girl friend, her name is Sam, and she's the best! And of course I'm Fordy's friend! What else would I be? His enemy?" Phantom let out a roaring laugh at that last comment, but the rest of the family only chuckled nervously as Ford mumbled in annoyance. 
Dipper decided to end the awkwardness by stepping forward while clearing his throat. "Ahem...uh, hi! Mr. Phantom, you're majesty. Um...I'm sorry but do you have time to answer one or two thousand questions about yourself, kingdom, and the multiverse please?" He said eagerly sheepish, as he flipped through his journal and began clicking his pen rapidly. 
"Wow!" Danny said, "Mini Ford, what do you know! and sure kid I can answer a few questions! But now one or two thousand...how about, you think of three questions for each topic. I'll answer them. And then when I come back, you can ask three more! Sound good, kid?" 
"Uh yeah, ok great!" Dipper said, now barley restraining himself from bouncing alongside his sister. 
"Wait!" Ford shouted suddenly desperate, "You're planning on visiting? More than once?!"
"Well, yeah dude!" Danny said as he drifted around the kitchen ceiling in lazy circles. "Like I said you're my friend. And I like to make sure my friends are, you know---not dead! Besides, dude! You're like super old! And I mean like really, really, super duper old! I'm surprised you haven't just keeled over by now, I mean seriously dude! How are you even still alive?" 
Ford groaned as he rubbed his temples, "Phantom how old do you think I am?"
"I don't know!" Danny said with a smirk, "Like thirty?"
Ford growled, but Stan held him back, clearly trying not to laugh. "Oh, come one now poindexter! Lay off the kid, he's just having a laugh!" 
"Stanley," Ford muttered, "Phantom is over four thousand years old! He is the absolute ruler of the afterlife, all after lives! He is the embodiment of balance between life and death! His 'girl friend' is the guardian of nature, meaning that she is technically Mother Nature for the entirety of the multiverse! And this is how he behaves!" 
The brothers looked to where Danny holding Dipper's hat just out of reach while the twins laughed, trying to jump for it. Stan just shrugged his shoulders with a roll of his eyes and said, "A kids and kid, poindexter, no matter what crazy, magical, hoody haw is going on! Besides he seems harmless!"
CRASH!!! Everyone jumped and stared at the broken chandelier lying in the center of a shattered table. Perceiving the adults watching them, all three of the kids shouted,
"Dipper did it!"
"Danny did it!"
"Mabel did it!"
Ford facepalmed with a load smack, as Ford grinned and saying, "Oh this is going to be fun!"
However, before anyone could do anything else, Soos ran in with a broom screaming, "Begone foul daemon! Stay away from my dudes! Dude! In the name of the all powerful spirit of Azerath! begone! Now get! Get! Get!" All while trying to swat Danny with the broom as if her were a spider on the ceiling. 
"Hey!" Danny shouted, "Not cool man! I'm not a daemon! Leave me alone!" 
Stan bellowed in laughter, as the twins tried to get Soos to stop. Which was interrupted by Danny freezing Soos to the floor. Now the three kids, were trying to unfreeze the human gopher, as Stan continued to laugh, and Ford groaned into his hands. "Where's Bill when you need him?" He muttered as he attempted to disappear into the basement. It was going to be a long day. Or week, depending on how long Phantom decided to stay.  
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morwensteelsheen · 6 days
For the headcanons ask meme, hc + 😡 hc + 👻 hc + 👗, for Faramir, Eowyn or both? :)
thank you for blessing me with more distraction 🙏🙏🙏
😡 something that makes them angry
Éowyn: When people get too casual/too familiar with her too quickly. It really fits into her profile overall (I’m not a serving woman! The witch king hitting her with “thou fool), and I think she’d be rightly frustrated if people think they can talk with her like they’re equals or pals just because they know OF her.
Faramir: Sloppy bookkeeping. I’m not (completely) projecting, I just imagine this will have had an enormously negative impact on his life at many, many points, and so would lead to a small degree of Chill Lost.
👻 about supernatural occurrences
Éowyn: Possibly LOTRO working its influence on me here, but I expect that as a marchwarden-adjacent figure in Ithilien, she probably comes across more than her fair share of ghosts, such that I think she probably moves from seeing them as “super”natural to just straight up natural — and annoying — which is probably a dizzying experience for all the people who are NOT faced with them constantly.
Faramir: A recurring dream he’s subject to — that may or may not be a thin memory — is the spirits of his ancestors surrounding him on the pyre in Rath Dînen. I think his engagement with the supernatural (outwith his own preternatural characteristics) is kinda minimal, but that dream is definitely persistent.
👗for a clothes-themed headcanon
Éowyn: Once she’s married I think she gets well into Gondor’s fashions (which I imagine as Byzantine) because they are better for temperature regulation and she feels they’re both more functional and more befitting her stature — ie. they look fly as fuck. Particular fan of armbands
Faramir: A style we’ll politely call “plausible deniability drama”; neutral colours paired with understatedly flashy silhouettes, or vibrant colours with muted silhouettes. Definitely a bit of arrogance (or pride, I suppose we’ll call it), but never so much that he could be accused of it on the basis of his clothing alone.
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youknowwhoiamperiod · 11 days
hello ariel!
would you tell me something mermaidghost? anything you want to talk about for the ship, something you’ve been dying to share but just haven’t had the chance yet, or a little detail you think should get more love. your choice!
xoxo sunnie (@fic-over-cannon)
sunnie sweetheart heyyy!! you've been on my mind all morning during english class since the topic this semester is film analysis hehe,, i'm so sorry it took me so long to answer this i've just been so busy preparing for uni :((( hope you've been well!!
aaaaaaa simon has been on my mind way too frequently this summer and i fear the brainrot is only getting deeper... ever since i discovered the cod franchise he's been my fav among the 141 mainly cause he reminded me so much of jason (specifically ak) but also not at all?? they're so similar in their critical thinking and acting but simultaneously could not be any more different? like. i don't know. and he's just so fascinating as a character it's dizzying. his persona just opens up so many possibilities and i thought my interest was tamed and moderate at first until aurore started cod posting... unleashing a beast within me....
mermaidghost is a ship that originally was intended to be very tragic. i'm a psychologist hired to work with the 141 studying their ennemies and targets but also keeping track of their mental state... and in all honesty simon's character is not just a walking red flag he's a literal siren sounding. trying to break through him for professional purposes is already a challenge and i don't think he'd necessarily be the worst person to date ever and beyond saving but i wanted to keep it realistic so knowing myself i really wouldn't be able to go on with someone like him. but somehow angel aurore once again broke my fourth wall and i decided to opt for a happy ending but we (he) have to work for it and it takes us a break and years apart to finally come around, making you question if it was truly worth it...
i think what i love the most about this ship and i told aurore about it is the implication that comes with it!!! i'm thinking of a man who's been turned to a weapon meant to destroy every human life he's ordered to. one who makes his adversaries wiggle in fear at the sight of his shadow because they won't live long enough to get a grasp of the brute of a man standing behind them. a silence broken by a bullet sounding is the last thing they hear as it pierces through them and a haze slowly falling upon their eyes before the light flickers out of them, a blurry ghost mask being the last picture they have of this world. a man who has been hardened by his past and time on earth over and over again erasing any type of fear from his dna, a foreign feeling that he's now overwhelmed with as the terror of falling for his best pal's little sister who's desperately trying to break into his psyche befalls upon him. a woman who's laying down her life for the belief of resurrecting broken human lives by the power of the brain and giving everybody a chance for a peaceful life. he's so tormented cause he doesn't deserve to be haunting the mind of someone who stands for everything he's been trained against and he doesn't deem it fair that i'm wasting my time on trying to get him to love me when he's the least deserving of affection and a coward who hides behind a mask, a ghost, the cage locking simon riley from this world. it's such a complex and delicate situation like he holds himself in the lowest standards and i'm just trying to get him out of his own head to realize that he's worth so much more...
anyway i've rambled a lot but he's truly been eating at my brain and i just love love love this type of dynamic... thank you sm for indulging me sunnie sweetheart mwah!!!!
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unknownjesterr · 21 days
my meet the artist and info ! finally
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dni: basic + war supporters, "fiction doesn't affect reality" believers, ai bros, pro/darkshippers
my other names: Evgeny (my full name), JestieP, Len, Klyon, Maple, Archie, Kurakura, Dizzy, Quillpi
fandoms i draw mostly: vocaloid, ferry/parties are for losers/beginner's guide to heresy, ghost and pals/communications, also other vocap's, also my own ocs
you CAN:
-take my art for profile pictures/banners, edits etc with or without credit
-draw my characters (if you do, please tag/send me!)
-ship my characters (between each other, with your characters, with canon characters), no proshipping‼️
you CAN'T:
-claim my art as yours
-profit off of my work/take it w/o permission and monetize it
-use my art for AI, nfts, cryptocurrencies and similar stuff
-sexualize my minor (as in less than 18 y.o) characters. adults are fine but don't be a complete horndog
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corie-is-writing · 2 years
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↳ ❝ [S Y N P O S I S] ¡! ❞
Y/n L/n, a simple minded reader, is one of the biggest fans of a popular web novel, Twisted wonderland. In their shock after finding out it has ended, they froze in the middle of a busy street and got hit by a truck.
Dizzy and confused, they have awoken in a coffin in the world they adore so much, and must use their knowledge to survive and stop the boys from overblotting.
↳ ❝ [M A S T E R L I S T] ¡! ❞
˗ˏˋ Ghostbusters era  ´ˎ˗
note: did I really  make an oc just to name this ghostbusters era? yes, yes I did. kinda long chapter because I wanted to get the prologue out the way. less dividers for now because of the limit.
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After your shocking realization that you can't fight, you let out a shrilling scream that could've shook the house.
"What are you screaming for..." The grey beast asked, irritated as he enters the room.
One look at the ghosts and Grim lets out a scream that matched yours. "GYYAA! G-g-ghooosts!"
The ghosts all float around and laugh at your screams, a chubby one, dubbed Ghost B for now, begins to speak.
"The people living here got scared of us and left" Ghost B says with a smile.
"We've been looking for more ghost pals," A bigger looking ghost dubbed Ghost C says, looking at you and Grim. "How about you guys?" His question sends shivers down your spine.
"There's no way I'm gonna turn into a ghost right after I just got here.." You mutter, brows furrowed. Flinching as the ghosts turn to you, finding amusement in how quick your bravery left you.
"Uuh..Uhhh! Grim the Great Magician isn't afraid of some ghosts! Funnyaaah!" The furry beast takes a deep breath in before breathing fire, targeting the ghosts.
Grim's efforts are futile as his eyes are shut closed, not aware of where he is aiming.
"Who're you targeting?"
"Over here, over here! Heheheee!"
The ghosts mocked and laughed. Grim grows irritated as they keep disappearing.
"Grim! don't close your eyes!" You shout, he turns to you with a glare.
"Shuddup! Don't try to order me around!" Grim yells. You frown at his words and cross your arms, giving him a disapproving look.
'Time to act like my mother..!' You think, "Grim! That's no way to speak to someone trying to help, don't you want to win the Headmaster's favor?!"
His blue eyes widen for a moment and he ponders, "Mgmm....I'm a genius! I can take care of em myself!" The ghosts clearly not convinced that he can.
"Bunch of cowards ganging up on us!" Grim scowls.
"It's now or never, Grim! do it for a tuna as well!" You offer, Grim's eyes light up at the thought of earing tuna.
"Grr... Oi human Tell me where the ghosts are!"
You're gonna need to work on his manners, but for now, you'll forgive him.
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Chasing away the ghosts was– surprisingly, very easy. All you had to do was stay calm, steady your breathing, and watch.
The novel doesn't give much unfortunately information about how the fight against ghosts went, only the overblots.
The game either has a turn based battle or a rhythm game, and in the latter, Yuu presumably tells Grim where to aim and shows where the ghosts appear in, so you used that tactic.
"LEFT!" You yell out to Grim as Ghost A appears, he immediately turns and blue flames emerge from his mouth.
The ghosts screech as they float away, "Hee, heeee! We're goners, run away!" they shout.
They phase through the walls and disappear, leaving you and a panting Grim.
"E-eh? We...won?" Grim questioned, his ears raised in confusion as he looks at the spot the ghosts disappeared at.
"That was amazing! You did great, Grim!" You praise, clapping your hands softly. Some compliments would do you good if you want Grim to listen to you.
"Hah..that was sc..No, I wasn't scared at all!" The beast quickly corrects himself. "This is nothing for the great Grim! How 'bout that, ghosts? you done?" His boasts distract you from the sound of a feathered man suddenly appearing.
"Good evening. I have graciously bought you supper." Crowley announces, you and Grim turn.
"You're the monster that ran amuck during the entrance ceremony!" Crowley states the obvious, blinking. "I threw you out of the school. What are you doing here!?"
'You didn't do anything though...' You think. The students were the ones that did the most work.
Grim huffs at the question, puffing his chest proudly. "I exterminated the ghosts here, be grateful!" Grim's explanation makes Crowley raise a brow. (If he even has any)
"Hmm? What do you mean by that?" The masked man asks.
"There were three ghosts here, Grim and I scared them off." You give a quick explanation.
"Now that you mention it, there were some prankster ghosts living here so students keep away from this dormitory." He recalls. "That's why it's empty."
"Hmm..I never expect the two of you to work together," Crowley muses.
"I'm not gonna overlook that "together" comment." Grim huffs, "They were just standing there while I did all the work." Annoyed, You grab him by the back of his neck, making him yelp.
"And who exactly stopped you from burning down the dorm and told you where the ghosts are, hmm?" You question.
"Gyaa! Put me down, human!"
You let go, dropping him. Grim barely managed to land on his feet. "I told you to not speak so rudely."
Crowley coughs, ignoring what just happened.
"I'd like to see the two of you to show me how you exterminated those ghosts." He says.
"But we've already gotten rid of all the ghosts! Before that; give me more tuna!" Grim yells, and you knew better than to kick him right then and there.
"I shall be the ghost, "Crowley offers. "If you beat me, I'll give you tuna cans. For I am gracious!"
You ignore the last part as he gulps down a transformation potion, why does he even have that?
Grim groans. "I don't wanna. This is a pain and I have to team up with them again.." He mutters.
"Let's just get over with it, do it for the tuna cans."
The flaming beast gives a low growl before speaking. "This is the last time! You absolutely, absolutely have to give me my tuna cans after this!" Grim demands.
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Grim pants after one last fire, smirking proudly. "How 'bout that?!"
Crowley stares, transformation potion already worn off, and blinks.
"I can't believe it...there is a person who can command mosnters." The masked man says, obviously referring to you.
"To be honest with you, my intuition as a educator has been telling me that you have a talent as trainer during the entrance ceremony." Crowley confesses what sounds like a lie to you.
"But..no matter how.." The last parts of his words are too quiet to hear.
"Could you let Grim stay here with me?" You suggest.
"What now? A monster? Here?" Crowley asks, surprised.
"Yes, I'm scared the ghosts might come back, and it would be a good look for the school you let a monster join here, no?" You say, "You'd be like a saint to others for giving the beast another chance despite his..flashy entrance."
Crowley falls for the bait, and smiles. "What an excellent idea! Ahem, it can't be helped. Very well then." He agrees.
"Hnn?!" Really?!" Grim asks in surprise and joy.
"However. I can't simply allow someone, let alone a monster, who wasn't chosen by the dark mirror into this school." Crowley explains before continuing. "Also, I can't let you be a freeloader here until you return to your own world."
"Well, talk about a short-lived joy.." Grim sighs.
"Let me finish. Concerning the fact that your soul was called here, the school has to take responsibility as the ones in possession of the dark mirror." Crowley takes a breath. "For the time being, you shall be permitted to stay in this dormitory for free. But you will have to provide for other necessities yourself."
Crowley thinks for a moment. "Seeing as you have nothing to your name.. Fufu, here is my proposition."
His laugh gives you the familiar odd vibe you had when you first read the novel, "I'll have you do maintenance ans odd jobs." He began.
"From what I can see, you're pretty decent at cleaning. Would you two like to become the handymen of the school?" Grim frowned and looked at him, clearly displeased.
"This way, you will receive special permission to remain on school grounds. I shall also permit usage of the library for you to gather information on how to return to your world and for learning purposes." The Headmaster tells you, smiling. "For I am gracious. However! Only after your work is done." He added.
Grim groans. "I'm not doing that! I wanna wear that fancy uniform and be a student!" He demands.
You give him a look of disapproval, "Would you rather be kicked out?" he flinches.
"Fine.." The beast grumbles.
The headmaster smiles, "Wonderful. Then, you two, devote yourselves to working as janitors at Night Raven College starting tomorrow!" Crowley says, and turns to his heels and leaves.
You stare at the retreating back of the crow, then turn your gaze to the tired beast.
"Don't think I'm going to allow you to cause trouble and not work, Grim." You remind him.
You walk up the stairs, looking for the room that Yuu slept in, leaving an irritated and slightly afraid beast behind.
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Despite the rude awakening from the man with the feathered cape and ghosts, you feel energetic as the sight of the statues in main street become clearer.
"Uwaaah~" Grim looks around, eyes sparkling. "Amazing. So this is the main street..I didn't have a good look yesterday, but what's with all these statues?"
He gets closer to the statue of the Queen of Hearts. "All seven of them look pretty scary. Especially this granny."
"You don't know the queen of hearts?" An unknown voice says, you don't bother looking.
"Queen of Hearts? Is she important?" Grim questions.
"In the past, she was the queen who lived in the Rose Maze." The voice began. "She was someone who valued rules and discipline above all, strict in all things from the march of the Card soldiers to the color of bushes."
You don't bother listening to the explanation, already memorized the dialogues from the countless times you replayed or reread.
Instead, you began sweeping the fallen dead leaves with the rake, piling them together.
"By the way, who're you?" Grim asks, and you perk your head up.
That laugh sounds weird, and shouldn't Grim ask that by the end of the Queen of Hearts explanation? not the end of every..
"GAHHH! A GHOST!" You snap your head back at his scream. Lo and behold, a ghost in place of Ace's role has been telling the explanation.
Just then, an obnoxious laugh was heard from behind the ghost.
"BWAHAHAHAA! The look on your faces..do you seriously not know the Main Street ghost?" The ginger mocks.
"Main Street...ghost?" You mutter, this wasn't mentioned anywhere in the novel or game, especially not in the prologue!
"Pfft..Ahahaah! I can't hold it anymore! Ahahaha!" Ace laughs, clutching his stomach. "Aren't you the guys who went crazy at the entrance ceremony?" He asks in between laughs, already knowing the answer.
"You were called by the Dark Mirror even though you can't use magic." Ace says, referring to you. "And you, a monster, weren't called but still trespassed!" He laughs again.
"Man, it took everything I had not to lose it at the ceremony." You don't have anything to lose you bi-
"WHAA?! You're a rude one!" Grim yells, ready to burn the mannerless ginger.
"So in the end you weren't enrolled and now work as janitors? Haha, pathetic." Ace chuckles.
"At least they aren't a disgusting dumb fucking ginger like you." You jump at the voice of the ghost, you had forgotten they were here.
"Eh- What the fuck?!" Ace gasps, looking at the transparent figure in surprise.
"Even a filthy bug infested beast like Grim has a better talent for magic than you."
"DID YOU REALLY HAVE TO INSULT  ME TOO?!" Grim shouts, enraged.
"I thought I'd just mess with you two a bit since the raccoon looked dumb, but here comes an even dumber ginger with no manners trying to look better than you." The ghost continues.
What the fuck is going? Who is this ghost? Is the statue still gonna burn? Just as you think that, Grim takes a deep breath in while Ace readies his pen, wind meets fire and targets the disappearing ghosts, and hits the statue of the Queen of Hearts.
"Oh...Oh no..." The four of you say in unison.
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Just like how the story went, you, Grim, and Ace were punished. The ghost however, disappeared.
You wonder as you clean the windows, just who exactly is the Main Street ghost? this was the first time you've heard of them, how come they took Ace's place in the first meeting?
"That Ace guy is sure taking his sweet time. Who does he think he is? Making me wait! I'm pissed!" Grim groans,stretching his little paws.
Minutes pass as you two waited and waited, 10, 18, 20, 23, 26 windows have been cleaned.
And the ginger still isn't here.
"Ughh! That's it! I'm going to find that guy!" Grim yelled, you look at the small beast as he runs out the door. Putting down the rag, you follow him quickly.
Barging into an empty classroom, Grim yells. "Orraaa! Where's Ace?! you'll pay for hiding!" He looks around, and falls quiet when he realizes no one is here. "Eh, nobody is here..?"
"No, I'm here."
You both jump at the sound of a new voice, the portrait.
"GYAAA! The portrait talked?!" Grim shouts, jumping onto you in fear.
The portrait scoffs at your reactions. "What now? talking portraits are not a rare sight in this school, no?" He began. "Everybody here can speak, including the Lady on the over there, and the Gentleman on the wall over here."
You cough, gathering the attention of the paintings. "I'm sorry for our rude reactions. I am Y/n and this is Grim." You greet, introducing yourselves.
"We're looking for Ace Trappola, he has strange hair and a heart mark on his face." The portrait hums, thinking for a bit.
"Ah yes, I know him." He speaks. "He's one of the  long ago..."
"Waaahaaaat?!" Grim shouts. "So he really did try to go! Which way did he go?" He asks.
"The entryways leading to the dormitories are in the inner part of the East Wing." The portrait answers.
"Hey!" Grim catches your attention. "We're going after him!" He leaves no room for an answer before leaving.
"Thank you for the help!" You smile at the portraits. You run after Grim.
You enter the Hall of Mirrors, and there you see a certain ginger walking by with his hands behind his hand.
"HEEEEY!! YOUUUU!!" Grim shouts, surprising Ace.
"Ack! They found me!" The ginger quickly picks up the pace, running as Grim chases him and you follow closely behind.
"Outta my way! Outta my way!" Ace yells as he pushes a familiar blue haired boy.
'Deuce!' You smile, "Please catch him! he's trying to skip out on punishments!" You yell, grabbing his attention.
"Magic to capture somebody?!" He blinks, and begins to think. !I should freeze their legs, no. How about restrain them? Or I could... Uummm..."
"Anything is fine! I don't care how just hit him hard!" The beast yells, pulling Deuce out of his thoughts.
"Anything?! ...Eeeiii!! Anything is fine, come forth..something heavy!" Deuce yells. At his command, a large cauldron appears... And falls on Ace.
"GUEEEH!! What the..a cauldron?!!" Ace looks at the heavy pot confusingly, unable to move or get it off him.
You almost laugh at the sight, you bit your tongue and hold back. 'He might be hurt, no time for laughs!"
Grim on the other hand, has let his laughter fill the room. "Gyahahaha! Look at him! as flat as a pancake!" The beast mocks.
"I didn't think I'd get a cauldron..did I overdo it?" The Two of Spades looks in concern as he mutters to himself.
You catch up to the others and cast one glance at Ace before turning to Deuce. "Thanks so much! That was so cool!" You smile.
The blue haired blushes, the tips of his ears turn red. "Ahh..i-it's no problem..?"
"Man this hurts.." Ace groans, "Couldn't you have left me alone and wiped those 100 windows in a flash for me?" You sigh.
"That's not something you can do in a flash." You speak, "Besides, it's your fault as well!"
Deuce glances between the two of you. "Wiping 100 windows as a punishment..what on earth did you do?" He asks.
"That damn Mainstreet Ghost picked a fight with me, just when I was about to blow him away, the furball tried to burn him." Ace sighed, "And...it hit the Statue of the Queen of Hearts instead."
Deuce's eyes widened, his jaw hung low. "THE STATUE OF THE QUEEN OF HEARTS??" He yelled..
The blue haired sweated. He ran a hand through his hair. "You damaged one of the Great Seven statues.. You get into a prestigious school then do something like this.." Deuce murmured.
Ace clicked his tongue and shot a glare. "Shuddup. And who are you anyways?" He questioned.
"I'm Deuce Spade. Would it hurt to remember your classmates' faces at least...umm..." He trailed off as he tries to remember his name.
"You don't remember me either." Ace said, exasperated.
Deuce blushes, "M-My point is!" He began, bashfully. "If the Headmaster tells you to do something then you better take it seriously."
"Yeah, yeah. I hear you." The ginger sighs, finally getting up. "Then, let's get it done and over with...Hmm?" He looks around at the spot Grim just stood on.
"Grim's gone." You point out, rather calmly.
"AHH! THAT FURBALL!" Ace shouted, furious. He turns to Deuce. "H-hey.. um, Juice?" He says, more of a question really.
"It's Deuce! Deu!" The Two of Spades says, pointing at the ginger.
"Whatever!" Ace yells, "You're partially responsible so help us catch that furball!" He demands.
Deuce raises a brow, "Why me?" He asks.
"This deadweight can't use magic so they can't help! now come on!" You feel a vein pop at the name he called you, but the boy ran off before you can tell him off.
You groan, "Sorry about this Deuce..But I'd really appreciate your help!" You say, clasping your hands together with a hopefull look.
"I..Don't worry about it!" Deuce blushes, "I can't just let troublemakers escape punishment like that!" He says, then rushes to catch up with Ace. You follow shortly behind.
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You stare at the fallen chandelier, exasperated and worn out from the sudden marathon.
Next to you stood a bashful and worried Deuce. Near the chandelier stood Ace, frightened, and a passed out Grim not too far for him.
And now you were threatened with expulsion.
"Please! Anything but that!" Deuce begs, casting a pitiful look.
"You have nothing to blame for but your own idiocy.." Crowley says.
You drown out the rest of the conversation, mindlessly staring at the broken chandelier.
'I have..' You gulp, digging your nails into your palm. 'I have to fight a phantom..don't I?' You finish your thought.
"There's one way." You turn to the Headmaster, finally listening in. "There might be one way to fix the chandelier." He states.
The Knave of Hearts and the Two of Spades look at the Headmaster with eagerness, their eyes twinkling with hope.
"The magic crystal for this chandelier was mined in the Dwarf's Mine." Crowley begins to explain. "If we have a magic crystal of the same kind as the original, then repair might be possible."
"I will go find a magic crystal!" Deuce announced. "Please, allow me to go!"
"However, I have no guarantee there are any left in the mine." The crow mentions. "The mine has been closed for a while and it's very possible it is exhausted of crystals." He adds.
"I'll do anything to get our expulsion rescinded!" You can't help but smile at the blue haired as he includes you and the others.
"I..I'll also do it!" You suddenly say, surprising the others. Though you shortly regret it afterwards.
"..Very well. I shall give you one night." Crowley says. "Come to me with a magic crystal by tomorrow morning or face expulsion." he states.
"Yes! Thank you very much!" Deuce says with a smile.
Ace silently sighs, "Oh boy, fine. Let's go get the magic crystal and be done with it." You nod and walk towards the unconscious beast, picking him up with ease.
'He's surprisingly light..' Grim's eyes shutter open, his dazed look makes you almost giggle.
"Huh..? What happened..?" The beast asks in a slurred speech.
"Hush now and go back to sleep, kitty."
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After a few moments of dizziness and nausea, you take a look around you.
You notice you're in a dark forest with small river that has a bridge, you're entirely surrounded by tall moss covered trees.
Across you can see a rundown cottage with cobwebs, the paint beginning to peel off and the roof about to cave in.
"So this is the Dwarf's Mine.." Deuce speaks, observing the state of the place. "It used to be prosperous, thanks to magic crystal mining but.." He trails off.
"Uuuhhh..Feels like something could jump out." Grim commented. He shivers slightly as his fur moves with the direction of the cold wind.
"Oh, there's a house back there." Ace acknowledged, "Let's go ask them about the mine." He suggests becofe making his way on the creaky bridge.
As you enter the cottage, particals of dust make you all cough and tear up. The inside is worse of the cottage is definitely worse. cobwebs hanging from the ceiling and walls, a soot covered fireplace that has not been maintained in years, rusty fallen chairs and a dirty table with a dusty rug on top.
"Aren't the tables and chairs on the small side?" Ace mentions. "Are they for kids?" He wonders before beginning to count.
"Seven?! So many..!" The ginger exclaims.
"This was probably a lively home when Dwarf's mine was thriving." Deuce suggests.
You all decide staying here is pointless, and walk to the entrance of the Dwarf's Mine.
The cave is barely visible in the dark night, you can hear the wind echoing from inside into alluring hums, vines and moss covered the rocks and trees from the outside.
"W-we're going in there?!" Grim stutters, shaking as his blue eyes peer into the dark place.
"Ya scared? How lame." The ginger smirked, making the beast's flaming ears grow bigger as he glares.
"Naaanh?! I'm not scared at all!" Grim growls, taking a deep breath in before beginning to walk. "I'm taking the lead! You guys, follow me!" He exclaims.
You walk into the cave, and you look at all the gems sparkling as they illuminate the path. 'How pretty.' You think.
Deuce halts, eyes widened as he eyes the front of the path. "Wait!" He yells.
You and the others stop, turning to him. "What." Ace raises a brow.
"Something..is there!" The blue haired says, pointing into the darkness.
Pale ghastly figures lurking in the shadows slowly reveal themselves. Ghosts with cloaks and an eerie smile on their faces.
"Eeek?!" Grim shrieks, clawing into your clothes as he climbs up your shoulder.
"Heee heee heee..!" One giggles, their voice echoes through the dark cave. "Our first visitors since 10 years!"
"Make yourselves at home!" The other chuckles. "For an eternity!"
"GHOSTSSS!!!" The cards and the beast shout, ready to escape.
You hum for a moment, pondering their offer. "I'm sorry, hut we didn't come here to stay." You say.
The ghosts perk their head up at you, unsure of what to think about your calmness. They giggle and raise their hands up. "But we'll be sooo lonely if you leave~" They say, ready to chase.
You pull Grim off your shoulder, "They can't do much if you're not scared, so stay calm and be ready to burn them." You whisper to him.
"Stop spacing out and run!" Ace yells, grabbing the back of the collar of your shirt.
"Heee heee heee!" The ghosts laugh, floating to you. "Don't leeavve usss! Heee heee heee!"
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You all outrun the ghosts, panting as you come to a stop. Thankfully you've managed to ward off the ghosts with the help of your directions.
'I should join ghostbusters with the amount of times I've fought ghosts..' You huff, resting your hands on your knees.
"We'd better hurry!" Deuce says, wiping the sweat off his head.
"Don't think you can just order me around." Ace snaps, shooting a glare. "We wouldn't be in this mess in the first place if you hadn't done something so idiotic!"
"You wanna talk about who started it? It's 'cause you wouldn't clean!"
"Oh, we're pointing fingers now? That furball over there burned the Queen of Hearts' statue first!"
"Ffgna! That's on you and that damn ghost!"
You zone out on the banter as you look ahead, paralyzed as you hear quiet yet heavy steps and approaching you.
"Guys..Did you hear that?" You question, the others turn to you and stay silent.
"...on't...ive.....wo...." Something in the dark groans, alarming the others. It's steps grow louder as it gets closer, making the ground shake slightly.
"Wh-what's...this voice?" Ace asks, yet no one could give an answer.
No one but you.
Yet how can you give an answer when you so desperately pray that it isn't what you think it is?
'How am I gonna get out of this one..' You look down, your hands go cold and numb as the steps stop.
With all the might you have, you force yourself to raise your head, and your eyes meet a digusting sight.
A glass bottle as a head, cracked with ink oozing out of it like blood, it stains the maroon colored button shirt. It holds a large pickaxe that drags and scrapes along the ground and a lit latern on the other hand. It has no legs nor face, yet it moves with its pudgy ink that leaves a trail behind and speaks as if it has a mouth.
A truly monstrous sight that you've never wished to see.
'God this is so much scarier that in the ga- holy fuck it STINKS.' You resist the urge to gag as you take note of it's odor, like rotting acidic meat and old ink with fleas.
"OII Y/N! HURRY AND RUN!" Ace shouts, dragging you out of your thoughts.
You run with the others and seek shelter behind a wall of rocks, leaning against it as you catch your breath.
"W-what the hell was that..." Deuce breathes out. Ace plops down on the ground and calms his shaking body.
"It's so nasty! But didn't it mention a 'crystal'?!" Ace recalls.
"Eeeeh?!" Grim looks at Ace in shock. "A crystal..?" He murmurs.
"So there really are magic crystals left!" Deuce exclaims, getting up from the ground.
Grim shakes his head furiously, "N-n-n-nope! Nope! I'm a genius but I don't stand a chance against that thing!" He yells.
"But we'll be expelled without it..I'm going!" Deuce declares. Ace and you look at him dumbfounded.
"It's too dangerous by yourself.." You say quietly. Deuce stays silent for a moment, looking down at his feet. His nails digging into the palm of his hand.
He raises his head, his eyes filled with determination and courage. "I cannot.." Deuce begins. "I cannot, under any circumstances, be expelled!"
Your eyes widen at his declaration, a feeling of warmth envelopes itself in your chest as hope lights your dim path.
'I can't just stay back and watch them get hurt..' You bite your lips, 'No matter how afraid I am..'
You grip onto your sleeves tightly, furrowing your brows.
No matter what, you'll use your knowledge to protect them!
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How stupid you were, to think you would be able to fight against that thing.
Yet here you all are, panting and shivering as you lean against trees, straying far from the cave.
"Oooooww... What in the world is that?" Ace groans, rubbing the back of his head.
"It doesn't seem like any old ghost." Deuce says, sighing.
"Let's give up and go home. I'd rather get expelled than fight that thing." Ace suggests, frowning.
Deuce widens his eyes, looking at Ace with anger. "Wha?" Don't screw with me!" "There was a magic crystal in front of us. You think I could just give up and leave?!" He yells.
"Ha. You talk big for someone worse at magic than me." The ginger spat, "Go alone if you want. I'm done." Ace gets up, huffing.
"Oooh, that right? Then stay right there like a spineless coward!" Deuce shouts, glaring.
"Huuuh?!" Ace snaps, "Coward?! Who exactly are you talking about?!"
as the two banter again, you walk up to the entrance, stopping just a few feet away.
'I couldn't do anything..' You sigh, lightly slapping your face. "What good am I for if I can't even use my knowledge to survive." You mutter.
"Y/n, what are you doing?" Grim asks, the other two turn their heads to you, brows raised.
You panic slightly, but soften your gaze as an idea pops up in your head.
"I'm going in there." You say. The others stare at you in shock, their mouths agape.
"Are you stupid?! A magicless human like you?! in there?!" Grim yells, wondering if you've lost your marbles.
You smirk, eyes lighting up with mischief. "Of course! Imagine how embarrassing it must be for a so called "great magician" and two students of Night Raven College to be too afraid to fight a monster." You pause.
"Yet a poor magicless human has a guts to go in there and avoid expulsion~" You finish.
"Why you..! Suddenly speaking like that..!" Ace grumbles, glaring at you.
"So you plan on taking the spotlight for yourself?" Grim says, scowling. "I can't let a stupid henchman of mine do that! I'm going in!" He decides.
The Knave of Hearts and the Two of Spades snap their head to the beast, "Eh?!"
You click your tongue a bit. "Well..I guess it'd be cool if a human commanded a wild beast to fight for them." You murmur, just loud enough for the others to hear.
"Then, I guess it's just scaredy cats like you two who'd get expelled." You grin, eyeing the Heartslabyul students.
"Why you..! I'll show you who's a scaredy cat!" Ace clenches his fists. "I'm going with you!"
"So am I!" Deuce speaks up.
You smile, and take a deep breath in.
"Then, listen to my plan."
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You walk around the cave, gems in your hands that shined brightly enough to be mistaken for a magic crystal
A hesitant and awkward smile appears on your face as you take a deep breath in. "Oh~ What lovely magic crystals I have!" You cheer.
As your voice echoes, heavy footsteps are suddenly heard. You turn right and left, looking for wherever that thing could appear from.
"I'm so glad I have all these magic crystals..." You trail off as you see a light shine and hear a pickaxe scraping along the ground. The large inky phantom appears, presumably staring right at you. "To..mys-myself...?"
You take that as your cue and dash right off, bringing it as far as you can outside the cave.
It's pickaxe very narrowly misses you as it swings for your head, you slide right under and with one last sprint your far enough from the cave.
Ace and Grim see you and the monster chasing behind, they ready their magic, and as you dash to the side, a whirl of wind appears on Ace's command. "Extra Large Tempest!"
"And the Great Grim's Fire Special!"
The beast breathes out fire that meets with the wind, transforming into a tornado of fire that makes it's way to the phantom.
"Guaaaahh!!?" It screams in confusion at the sudden attack, unable to move as it is caught.
"Now's our chance!" You yell to Deuce, he readies his magic, concentrated as he aims.
"Come forth, cauldron!" He yells, and a cauldran pops out from the sky and falls onto the phantom, trapping it.
"Nice work, everyone!" Grim praises, "The monster looks as flat as a pancake like Ace earlier!" He adds, making Ace groan.
"You don't need to bring that up again!"
"Let's go get the magic crystal while that thing can't move!"
You all run past the phantom, as you do, you hear a quiet plea from the distance. 'Sorry buddy..!' You look behind shoulder in pity.
"There! A magic crystal!" Deuce exclaims, the gem in his hands sparkling.
"Great! Let's go-"
"Hands ...offfff!!!" The phantom yells, it's struggling beginning to cesse as it calms and is about to be freed.
"Oi Deuce! Throw more stuff on it!" Grim commands, turning to Deuce.
"Eeeh, something heavy?!" Deuce panicked, then proceeds to summon more cauldrons. "C-come forth! Cauldron! And ummm, cauldron?"
"Nnnngggguaahh!" The screams coming from the monster grow louder and louder as the cauldrons completely trap him.
"Are cauldrons the only thing in your repertoire?!" Ace yells, brows furrowed.
"Shut up! I'm at my wits end over here!" Deuce retorts.
"Let's leave now!" You interrupt the bantering boys, in your hands another magic crystal you thankfully found.
"Roger that!" Says the ginger, you all run off again, and you hear one last scream.
You all run back to the woods, the monster soon chasing after you as it brushed all the cauldrons off it's back.
"You're kidding me?! it brushed off all that stuff and came after us!" Ace yells, looking from behind as he run.
The phantom screams, demanding that you give the crystals back.
"Shoot, it's gonna catch up to us!" Deuce says, almost tripping over a rock.
"But it's weaker!" You mention. "We might be able to finish it off!"
"Ahh fine.." Ace groans, turning to Deuce. "Don't let me down, Mr. Serious!"
"You too!"
"I'll show off my true power!" Grim smirks.
You all come to a halt, magic pen in the card soldiers hands and the beast's nails gripping onto the ground as they turn to face the phantom.
"Let's get this over with!" 
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Everyone pants and groans, hands on their knees as their bodies shake and start to feel numb from the tiredness.
"We...wo..won..?" Grim says, before smiling. "We actually won!" He cheers.
"We did it!"
The cards join in as they look at the spot the phantom was in, now disintegrating into nothing..
"Victory high five~!" Grim yells, join the other boys and jumping as high as he can to high five them with his paws.
"YAAAAY!!" They cheer.
You can't help but smile at the scene, your droopy eyes forced to focus at the heartwarming sight as the boys cheer for their victory.
"I'm glad you're getting along now.." You say, the Knave of Hearts, Two of Spades, and beast look at you, embarrassed and flushed.
"I-it's nothing like that!"
"Y-yeah! Could you stop saying weird things?"
"We won because of me! not because of working together!"
You giggle at their at their excuses and lean against a tree. Ace sighs, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I guess making excuses like that is pretty lame.." He mutters. "I hate to say it, but it's thanks to your plan." His words take you by surprise, your eyes soften, your smile growing bigger.
"...True. We got the magic crystal because of your level headed plan." Deuce adds, a small smile plastered on his face. "We can prevent our expulsion this way....I'm so relieved."
"It's because everyone worked together." You say, bringing your knees to your chest. "I'm glad everyone is alright.."
"Yeah, yeah." Ace yawns. "We're all relieved and seriosuly tired. Let's go back." He says.
"I'm starving from using so much magic.." Grim says, his stomach rumbling. "Hmm? what's this?"
'Oh no, oh no no no...'
"Looks like a remnant of the monster..A black magic crystal..?"
'God, please no..'
"Sniff, sniff...This thing smells so good..!"
"Grim, don-"
Just as you get up from the ground, the beast plops the stone in his mouth, and a look of delight is plastered on his face.
'Fuck no..!'
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crazyhousegaps · 7 months
{Hello! This is just a silly Ghost and Pals blog I decided to make due to an AU idea I’ve had for a long time! Feel free to ask questions and have fun!}
No suggestive asks.
No homophobes, transphobes, racists. Ya know, icky people.
No spamming to be noticed, please and thank you!!
Just be nice! :)
{Under no circumstances will there be any suggestive drawings of the characters. As that makes me uncomfortable and is against GHOST’s boundaries. Other than that, other drawings requests/asks should be fine!}
Una (Two Of A Kind Girl)
{More may come around eventually, but this is all I’m doing for now! ^^}
And without further ado, bring on the questions!
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