#divorce impact astrology
subir-astrologer · 1 year
The answer is not straight and direct one need to understand step by step.
The first answer is YES the children is effected as their decision of faith is taken by their parents and as they are unable to live life independently.
This is practical also, but here we are seeing it from astrological point of view.
Now, it is an interesting learning here as we will know about the impact on the child astrologically by understanding the house activation.
When the parents of a child gets divorced then from mother’s point of view the 3rd, 9th and 11th house gets activated in the child’s horoscope.
In a horoscope the 3rd house signify courage, communication ( verbal expression ), intelligence, away from home etc etc.
The 9th house signify religious instincts, dharma, uprightness, good karma, ethics, higher learning & values and spiritual inclination and relationship with father also and many more . . . .
The 11th house signifies fulfillments of one’s desire, friends, finance, close well-wishers etc etc etc.
When the parents of a child gets divorced then from father’s point of view the 2nd, 4th and 8th house gets activated in the horoscope of the child.
The 2nd house signify we own, material goods, accumulated wealth, possessions and family relationships, feeling, emotions etc etc.
The 4th house signifies our home, peace of mind, relationship with mother, heritage, family values, land and properties etc etc etc.
The 8th house signifies over death, longevity, sudden events, depression, defame, delay, dissatisfaction and defeat, inheritance, insurance etc etc.
So, in all the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 9th and 11th house of the child’s horoscope gets activated when the parents of the child get divorced.
The destiny of an individual is governed by the planets of his own horoscope. The negative activated house can give worst impact to the child if the activated houses signify negative significances
If the activated house signifies positive significance and is strong then it will overcome / absorb the negative activated impact.
To understand the negative impacts one need to again read the activated significances of the houses.
The moon in a horoscope represents mother and the sun represents the father of an individual.
One also need to analyze the planet moon and the sun and understand their significance as moon also rules one’s mind and nature, emotional, domesticated, possessing a love for home and sun rules the self-confidence, full of energy, always high spirit, highly ambitious etc etc.
A bad moon or sun and the activated houses will hamper the significance of the planets in mental state of in physical state, and both the state is very harmful.
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uyuforu · 25 days
Groom & Briede Persona Chart Observations III
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Groom (5129), Briede (19029) are asteroids that are romance kind of asteroids. Groom represents the husband, and Briede represents the wife. If you are into men, look at your Groom Persona Chart, and if you are into women, look at Briede PC. Despite it is starting to be well known and recognized as asteroids, those two are still new, and we don't actually know that much in the end about those asteroids. Some say it will say the signs and placements of your FS, some say it will explain who is your FS. I have decided to make observations about it, and make a conclusion about those asteroids. Observations were made on married couple, still together or divorced, that I know.
All pictures were found on Pinterest
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╰┈➤ Get your own Groom/ Briede Persona Chart, from 20€ to 60€ ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
⋆˚✿˖° Jupiter in a Groom or Briede PC can represent where you'll meet, how you will meet first (sign & house).
⋆˚✿˖° Discovery made on those Observations. A false idea that goes around in the astro community is that the Groom/ Briede PC is supposed to tell you your FS' placements. It's not true! Actually, this is pretty rare and it happened in 10% of the cases I studied. Don't count on this, Groom and Briede PC are supposed to tell you who they are, it's describing your FS, and not revealing their NC.
⋆˚✿˖° Placements that usual happens to describe placements of your FS (NOT ALWAYS):
- Rising sign can usually say what elements FS' Rising is. And I have noticed that your Spouse Rising sign trines the Rising on Groom/ Briede PC. EX: If you have Cancer Rising on your Groom/ Briede PC, your FS can be Scorpio Rising, because Cancer trines Scorpio.
- Moon Sign or house can indeed tell more about your FS' Moon sign. Sign can represent their house or element their moon is in.
- Rising degree can also sometimes say more about their Rising, and sometimes their degree too.
- Ruler of the Rising can also say what is in their 1H or FS Rising can have the same ruler, tho be careful with that, not always. It worked 5% in all the natives I have studied.
⋆˚✿˖° Libra Rising can mean your Spouse is very pretty, very good looking and know how to present herself well. Charismatic spouse.
⋆˚✿˖° Rising 5°/ 17°/ 29° means popular spouse, spouse can wear a lot of expensive clothing.
⋆˚✿˖° Cancer Rising can mean your Spouse can already be a parent when you meet. Spouse can also look quite nice, innocent, good looking. Spouse can have a difficult relationships with food too, and it can impact their appearance.
⋆˚✿˖° Virgo Rising can mean FS can look cold, away, or just very hardworking. You can see FS as being this way and just very serious most of the times.
⋆˚✿˖° Capricorn Rising means you may respect your FS a lot, and see them as very serious, hardworking. You could see them as the leader, and the person in charge.
⋆˚✿˖° Sun 11H means FS can be very popular, everyone can appreciate them. FS can party a lot and have a lot of friends.
⋆˚✿˖° Sun 12H could mean Spouse could have felt lonely their whole life, and they could have felt like no one truly understood them. Spouse can also have a mental illness. Spouse is very private too.
⋆˚✿˖° Moon 7H can mean FS can be your first love.
⋆˚✿˖° Moon 6H means FS can struggle to have fun and let it go most of the times, FS can also be quite perfectionist and hardworking.
⋆˚✿˖° Moon 8H can mean Spouse can be secretive and never show how they truly feel. They can often fake their emotions in front of people for the sake of not being rude or annoying.
⋆˚✿˖° Gemini Mercury means FS can look like someone who is smart, they can look quite funny. They can just be someone who gives the impression everything is good in their life.
⋆˚✿˖° Mercury 1H can mean FS is very smart, has a lot of knowledge, FS has a strong voice too. FS can be just known for how smart they are, people respect that a lot.
⋆˚✿˖° Venus 7H means Spouse will be very much in love with Native. It's a sign of a love marriage.
⋆˚✿˖° Venus 8H can mean Native and Spouse will have a secret romance, cheating can be involved. Spouse can also be pretty secretive about their romance.
⋆˚✿˖° Venus 2H is a sign your Spouse knows how to present themselves well, they could like beautiful things. Spouse could have been in a family that has money and they never lacked anything. Spouse could have had easily what they always wanted, materially speaking.
⋆˚✿˖° Mars 8H means a lot of sexual activities, and just be very sexually attracted to spouse. Spouse can also be quite violent, or just has a lot of anger issues.
⋆˚✿˖° Mars 9H can mean your Spouse could have traveled a lot before, could have lived abroad.
⋆˚✿˖° Jupiter 5H means you will have children with Spouse, Spouse has a strong desire for children. Spouse is very creative, and spouse could have a lot of hobbies, mostly creative hobbies. Spouse could be very lucky in general in their life.
⋆˚✿˖° Jupiter 1H means your Spouse can be very attractive, good looking, or you could find them to be very good looking.
⋆˚✿˖° Saturn 9H can mean Spouse will have hard time completing a diploma or with high studies in general.
⋆˚✿˖° Saturn 10H means Spouse can have daddy issues.
⋆˚✿˖° Uranus 4H means Native will have a step family from their spouse.
⋆˚✿˖° Uranus 12H can also indicate Spouse will divorce for you to be together.
⋆˚✿˖° Uranus 12H means Spouse's money status will transform and have a sudden change at some point and this can be because of the marriage.
⋆˚✿˖° Uranus 7H means you could meet Spouse when they are in a relationship or while you are in a relationship. This could also indicate meeting for a contract.
⋆˚✿˖° Uranus 5H means Spouse can have children at the most unexpected time, or will change their mind suddenly about children.
⋆˚✿˖° Neptune 8H can also be an indicator FS is very sensitive, and FS can feel like everyone hate them but it's not the case. FS can be a loner too, and be extra sensitive.
⋆˚✿˖° Neptune 3H means Spouse can lie very well, Spouse know how to use words to seduce. But can also mean Spouse isn't good at communication. It can also mean your Spouse is very secretive about their ideas and opinions. They don't necessarily lie but they are very secretive.
⋆˚✿˖° Neptune 5H means your Spouse is very creative, and has a lot of imagination. Spouse can also be very much in love with native that they forget reality. Can also mean Spouse has a child, that is hidden or forgotten. It can also mean your Spouse can have some illusions about children.
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╰┈➤ Get your own Groom/ Briede Persona Chart, from 20€ to 60€ ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
⋆˚✿˖° Pluto 1H means your Spouse is possessive and very intense. Spouse is very sexy and attracts a lot of people who desire them.
⋆˚✿˖° Pluto 4H can mean your Spouse can have a broken family, or have to step away from their family to be with Native.
⋆˚✿˖° Chiron 7H can mean your marriage will be difficult, a toxic marriage. Spouse had a lot of toxic relationships.
⋆˚✿˖° Chiron 4H means Spouse's wound is def related to their family, and spouse could have had a difficult relationship with their parents.
⋆˚✿˖° Chiron 7H can also mean a difficult marriage. It can indicate a marriage where there are a lot of obstacles.
⋆˚✿˖° Union (1585) in Virgo 11H can mean you can meet each other as colleagues and bond over a friendship first. This could indicate them working for you or they are helping you at work.
⋆˚✿˖° Union 6H Capricorn is an indicator to meet at work. In this case, they can be your boss.
⋆˚✿˖° 10H Stellium means your Spouse can be very hardworking, and spouse can love their job. Spouse can be the one providing in the relationship.
⋆˚✿˖° 5H Stellium can mean Spouse will already have a child when you meet them, or love children, will want children.
⋆˚✿˖° Stellium 6H means work can be very important in the native and spouse's story.
⋆˚✿˖° Stellium in 4H could be a soulmate sign. You could feel like your FS is your Soulmate, you feel very linked to them.
⋆˚✿˖° 2H Ruler in 8H means Native and their Spouse will share their money or gain money together.
⋆˚✿˖° 2H Ruler in 10H means your Spouse can make a lot of money at work.
⋆˚✿˖° 3H Ruler in 8H can mean Native and their Spouse will have a secret flirt going on, or they can flirt together in a very subtile way.
⋆˚✿˖° 4H Ruled by Saturn can mean Spouse had a rough childhood, daddy Issues perhaps
⋆˚✿˖° 5H Ruler in 7H can mean Spouse and Native will flirt a lot.
⋆˚✿˖° 7H Ruler in 8H means Marriage/ relationship comes from cheating.
⋆˚✿˖° 7H Ruler in 11H means Spouse will need to divorce or stop a serious commitment to be with the Native.
⋆˚✿˖° 10H Ruler in 12H means the Native and their spouse will work and gain money together. Perhaps creating a company together for example.
⋆˚✿˖° 12H Ruler in 7H means you can be your spouse's second marriage, but not first. Spouse can be divorced or you'll end their first marriage.
⋆˚✿˖° Sun conjunct Juno means Spouse is your Soulmate, destined partner.
⋆˚✿˖° Venus conjunct Groom/ Briede means Native will fall in love very hard for Spouse.
⋆˚✿˖° Jupiter conjunct Saturn can mean you won't feel attracted to your FS when you meet them, you might not even be interested in them at first.
⋆˚✿˖° Saturn opposite Sun means Spouse has daddy issues.
⋆˚✿˖° Uranus conjunct Neptune 5H means Native can change Spouse's opinion about children. Spouse can have illusions about it and Native can cause a transformation on their desires.
⋆˚✿˖° Groom/ Briede conjunct Venus 1H means FS can have love at first sight and be the one chasing/ being interested first.
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schtrawberry · 6 months
[3] personal astrology observations
[!] this is mostly an introspective view into my chart; in no way, shape, or form am i saying that any of this is fact or set in stone, nor am i saying that i am a professional astrologer. these are just presences that exist within my chart that i've felt manifest themselves in real life. simply put, take what resonates and leave what doesn't :)
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— the observation that venus in the 9th house and sagittarius mars natives are far more likely to be attracted to foreigners and/or meet their future partner/s in a foreign country is true!
[nothing, just felt like confirming, esp as someone w both these placements 🤭 like, i honestly am more likely to be approached (in a romantic setting) by a foreigner both in-person and online!]
═ sun square neptune is the aspect of daydreamers. they're always thinking about an idealized version of the future or dwelling on the past. rarely do they ever think in the present. it is often easier for them to drift off into a daze either thinking about what could have been or everything that could be.
☰ chiron in fifth house indicates pain associated with creative passions and self-expression. one may have had negative experiences that have led them to feel insecure about these aspects of life; thus leading them to distance themselves from openly expressing themselves creatively. they may take great care to keep their works of art private, tone down certain parts of their personality, and may even feel ashamed to explain themselves when others ask them about certain aspects of their creative and self-expression because of negative feedback they could have gotten in the past.
but with such pain comes empathy and understanding. once developed, these natives are the first to take notice and are the fastest to lend a sensitive ear as well as a supportive hand as soon as they see others going through the same struggle.
☱ sun-lilith in harsh aspects might have been told to cover up more by both peers and grown-ups, even when wearing "acceptable" clothing when they were kids. this placement can indicate an individual that was more sexualized from a young age, which can lead to them either being hypersexual or overly-reserved sexually in adulthood.
☲ lilith in the 7th house can indicate an individual that struggles to commit and open up about who they are to their partner/s. people with lilith in this house may have had bad experiences with marriage (perhaps witnessing bad divorces or tumultuous long-term relationships between their parents) and therefore might be turned off by the thought of marriage and/or long-term partnerships.
and though this doesn't mean that the native will be a lone soul forever, it does make one more likely to have these sort of relationships at a significantly older age in comparison to other signs.
[tw: mention of domestic violence in my personal experience, i have witnessed my parents go through an incredibly bad separation (tons of emotional abuse, infidelity, and a situation actually involving domestic violence) which has honestly made me quite hesitant to get married, even as i approach my mid-20s.]
☴ the cancer rising urge to cry when someone you care about is crying or in distress in general.
☴ a few asteroid notes:
note: asteroids are less impactful to one's personality, physicality, etc. compared to personal planets. they tend to only be relevant to one's chart if they are either in a tight orb (0-1°) or have major aspects to personal planets, preferably conjunctions or oppositions.
✢ messalina (545) known as the most promiscuous woman in rome, empress messalina is still recognized today as a symbol of uncontrolled, violent, irrational, and impulsive behavior. this asteroid reminds me very much of lilith in that it is representative of dark feminine energy and having this prominent in one's chart can be indicative of an individual that is not afraid to use their sexuality to their advantage or to create harm unto others in different aspects of their lives, but especially in terms of romantic and sexual relationships.
✢ anagolay (3757) is an potentially hazardous asteroid named after anagolay, the tagalog goddess of lost things and the daughter of the hermaphroditic goddess of seasons, lakapati. she is culturally-recognized for her ability to find not only physical objects but also abstract possessions like lost opportunities and faded memories. having this prominent in one's chart can suggest an individual that is very in-tune with cycle of nature and the subsequent passage of time. they may be more sensitive to bouts of nostalgia where they dwell on things that could have been and the way that things were. may also just indicate a person that is hypersensitive to losing physical things, though.
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[`] film: go (2001) dir. isao yukisada
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imasinnerimsorry · 1 year
The Girl Worth Fighting For
Well-known boxer Harry Styles has been a regular at his trainer Antonio Montez’s gym, and he couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. But, Antonio’s daughter Lola also comes around, and Harry wants her all to himself. Is she a girl worth fighting for?
SMUT / ANGST; Kinks include: deep penetration, face-fucking, deepthroating, riding, age gap (7 years), creampie
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“Keep goin’, Styles,” Antonio yelled, encouraging Harry to hit the punching bag harder and with more vigor. With that, Harry used all of his power to hit the bag with enough impact to send the bag flying backwards each time.
It was a normal training day for Harry at Antonio’s, a gym he’s been going to since he had moved to New York and began his boxing career at 19. The owner of the place, Antonio Montez, built this place from the ground up (both literally and physically), and ever since Harry’s been there, he had treated him like he was his own son. He’d make him home cooked meals and carry them to the gym, take Harry out to sports games with him, and even give him advice in his personal life. The two men were very close.
Antonio also had a daughter, Lola, who had been helping around with errands and supplies for the gym whenever he needed them. Although Harry had been going to that gym for 6 years now, he had never seen her until recently when she started working part-time. He recalls Antonio being a divorced man, so he could put together that Lola probably lived with her mom during those 6 years. From previous conversations with her, Harry learned that she was a 20 year old student at FIT working on her degree for Fashion & Design, and was currently in her second year. She was quite a good girl: smart, obedient, a great sense of style, and a true Daddy’s girl.
But that’s not all Harry noticed about her. Lola had long beautiful brown hair with a red ombre that got brighter as her hair trailed down to her beautiful collarbones, the left one being engraved with a tattoo of a zodiac glyph (the sign of Scorpio maybe? Harry wasn’t too apt when it came to astrology). She wore glasses sometimes, but Harry assumed that she had contacts on the days she didn’t. Her body was full and beautiful; her bust spilled out of every top she wore, her thighs and ass were thick and the jiggles they made as she walked always captivated him, and her love handles accentuated her God-given curves. He noticed the stretch marks and freckles that adorned her skin. She was just perfect.
Lola walked inside of the building, carrying bags of supplies that her father asked her to buy for the gym. She placed them into the storage room and walked back out, running up to her dad and giving him a tight squeeze. “Hi, daddy!,” she said as he held her tight.
Antonio let go and smiled down at his daughter. “Mija, que paso?” He asked her, curious with how her day went.
Lola smiled. “It went well, daddy. I finished up the errands for the house this morning and took Bubba (their dog) out for a walk! I also got the supplies you said you wanted from the warehouse! See?” She pointed at the supplies settled in the storage room, a huge smile on her face as she looked up at her dad.
Her father smiled proudly, “That’s my girl! Thanks so much for the help, mija. This gym wouldn’t be what it is today without your support.”
From the corner of his eye, Harry noticed the glimmer of Lola’s teeth as she smiled at the praise  her father just gave her. He loved to see Lola’s beautiful smile form that arched shape on her lips, but didn’t let it distract him too much from his training. Besides, her father was right there, and Harry didn’t want him to notice how captivated he was by his daughter.
Antonio continued speaking to his daughter, until a question popped up that caught Harry by surprise. “And how was the date?”
Harry’s stomach dropped. Date? She went on a date? Or did she eat dates? What was happening? His thoughts ran wild as he continued punching the bag, his hits getting harder with every word they spoke as they continued their conversation.
Lola smiled and let out a small giggle. “I enjoyed it. He was really nice. We went to that Korean restaurant and I got some bibimbap!”
“Did he treat my baby girl well?” Antonio questioned, nudging his daughter’s shoulder in a playful way.
“Yeah, I’m planning on meeting up with him again this weekend!”
Harry punched the bag with the hardest punch he could throw, his rage fueling his fire. The bag seemed to fly all the way back because of the force of Harry’s blow. Both Antonio and Lola looked at him in shock and confusion.
Harry noticed the two’s stares, and he cleared his throat. “Sorry ‘bout that. I got immersed. Thought I was in a real fight.” He let out a fake snicker towards the end of his statement, and Antonio chuckled as well.
“That’s alright, Styles. It happens,” he reassured Harry, patting the boxer’s shoulder with his hand. “Continue doing what you’re doing, bud.”
The night came and it was finally closing time. All of the patrons left, and it was only Harry, Antonio, and Lola left in the building. Harry usually stayed until closing on some days when he really wanted to train. He genuinely enjoyed being at that gym- it was like his sanctuary or safe space where he could let off steam and be around people he cared about. Antonio and Lola being those people.
Harry sat on a bench, taking off his boxing gloves and removing his mouth guard as he noticed Antonio packing up. Lola was getting the last bit of cleaning done, and Harry watched as she bent down to sanitize one of the metal bars of the equipment. She was wearing yoga pants, and her ass looked absolutely delectable to Harry. But of course, he quickly turned away before anyone would notice, especially her father. He heard the jingling of keys come from the corner of the room as he turned around.
“Alright, honey, I’m gonna let you finish up and then close up shop,” he said Lola.
Lola got up from her position to look at her father. “Okay, Dad, I’ll do that. I’m gonna miss you.” She ran up to her dad to give him a tight embrace and a kiss on his cheek.
Antonio let out a belly-laugh. “Honey, we’re literally going to see each other at the house later. Don’t miss me too much.” He looked over to Harry. “G’night, champ! See ya next week! Make sure she does her job.”
Harry smiled at Antonio. “Same time, same place! And don’t worry; she’s in very safe hands, Tony!” He looked towards Lola, still with a huge smile on his face, and she looked right back at him, cracking a smile.
“Alright, kids! Goodnight!” Antonio pushed through the glass doors and disappeared through the night. A slight breeze came through the doors, and Lola shivered a bit.
“It’s a bit chilly tonight, huh?” She questioned Harry, who was busy packing his duffel bag. “You should put on a sweater or something before you head out.”
“Yeah,” he answered a bit plainly. “Thanks.”
Lola noticed his monotone voice. He wasn’t normally like that. Whenever they would strike up a conversation, his voice was always so expressive and colorful. He’d always look into her eyes whenever they spoke, and they would always seem to sparkle as if he were intrigued with whatever she was saying to him. It was different tonight, though.
“Harry, you alright?” She asked.
Harry quickly glanced at her, but resumed packing his bag and keeping himself busy. “Yep. I’m alright.”
“No, no, you’re not. Harry, please, tell me what’s wrong.” She was genuinely concerned about him. That was her father’s best customer. He’d always been nice to him and her. So, what was the matter?
Of course, he was irritated. He literally overheard her and her dad discussing a date she went on. A date that happened today! Why wouldn’t he be pissed?
“Just having a bad day is all,” he answered, his voice still monotone. “You sure had fun today, though,” he said, hinting at the date, which Lola noticed. His voice was laced with fire and rage, something very different and obvious to his normal speaking voice.
Lola stood in thought for a moment, looking up as if she were trying to deliberate what he was saying with her brain. A lightbulb went off all of a sudden. “A-Are you talking about my date? Well, yeah, I had fun.” She was confused. “Why?” She noticed Harry clench his fist as he grabbed his gym towel. The veins of his tattooed hand and arm popped out, showing that his anger was absolutely seeping through him. Then she realized. “Are you jealous?”
Harry furrowed his eyebrows, his expression looking more upset than ever. He just jumped straight to the point, asking “Did you have sex with him, Lola?”
His straightforwardness caught Lola by surprise. “What?!”
“Did you and your date sleep with each other?” He started to walk over to her.
Lola was stunned by this question. It was too invasive. And why did he want to know? “You’re not my father, my brother, my man, or anyone of importance for me to tell you. You don’t own me, so why should I tell you?” She looked up directly into Harry’s eyes, only a feet inches away from her as if they were having a standoff. She furrowed her eyebrows at him angrily, wanting to try to intimidate him.
But, Harry scoffed. She looked cute when she was trying to put her foot down. He decided to stir the pot to stand his own ground. “You’re right, I don’t own you,” he paused for a second. “But I can make you mine.” He raised his eyebrow and grinned.
The woman gasped at his statement. “What do you mean by that?”
Harry took a step closer. “I can make you mine. But, only if you’ll let me.” He grabbed her by her jawline, stroking her cheek with his thumb as he looked into her eyes.
“Will you let me, Lola?”
Lola nodded slowly. She didn’t even really know what she was agreeing to, but something in here told her to. So, she did. Might as well.
“Open your mouth, sweetheart,” he whispered into her lips. “Open ‘em- there you go.”
Lola opened her mouth at his command, not really expecting what could happen next. Her mind was dazed, and honestly she would do anything he told her too if he wanted.
Harry bent his neck a bit, so that his mouth could be over hers. Just then, he dropped some of his saliva into her mouth. It was warm and the texture was different to say the least, and Lola kept it onto her tongue with her mouth still open, awaiting for his next move.
Harry smiled and let out a small chuckle from under his breath. “You just gonna let it sit there or..?” He joked with her as he looked up and down at her current state.
Lola quickly swallowed his spit down, feeling it slide down her throat alongside her own. It was a strange yet appealing feeling. And she wanted more.
Harry grabbed her by the back of her neck and kissed her. It was something sloppy, wet, raw, and disgusting, the type that made a couple swallow each other’s tongues and taste each other’s souls. As he released her from the kiss, his lips bit into hers. “Good girl,” the man complimented her, noticing her flushed cheeks as he grinned. “Now,” he began to take off his sweatpants, removing one leg at a time, and Lola’s jaw dropped again as she looked at the package this man was hiding this whole time underneath, “I want you to take off your clothes, get on your knees, and prove to me why you should be mine.”
Lola couldn’t say she was prepared for this. It’s not like she hasn’t sucked dick before, but this was Harry Styles, one of the most infamous boxers in the boxing world. He was just so big… and experienced. He was 7 years older than her, and much richer than her, so how could he not have had girls in the same position as she is right now. But she had to forget about that right now, like her brain kept repeating since this whole altercation started. Just live in the moment. So, she quickly stripped herself down and got on her knees. Luckily, there was a gym mat underneath her that cushioned her joints and made this a bit more comfortable.
The man looked down upon Lola and his grin went away as he wanted to assert his dominance over her in this position. He grabbed the back of her head, taking her hair into his hands as he positioned his cock to her mouth. She pouted her lips and kissed his tip, causing Harry to let out a small gasp. “Eager little thing,” he said with a tsk. Not wanting to waste any more time, he pushed himself into her mouth. “Now, suck.”
Lola immediately started to take him, getting used to the feeling of his girth stretching out her mouth. But, as soon as she was familiar with him, she brought his tip to the back of her throat, causing her to gag. Harry was amazed at what he was seeing; the girl was trying to take him all in one go! “You’re gonna take all of me?” She nodded, her mouth taking him in deeper. “Oh, good girl,” Harry responded, drawing out the word “girl” as his nerves on the tip of his cock reacted to the back of her throat constantly hitting them.
“You’re sucking me off like a big girl, Lola,” he murmured as she continued deepthroating him, his hand caressing the back of her head. “Don’t even need me to teach you anything, love.” He removed his hands from her and put them up in a way to hint that she could take the reins as she continued to take him deep into her.
Discovering how daring this girl was, Harry wanted to try out something a bit different than the normal positions. “Alright, darling, get up off the ground f’me,”he said, pulling back her hair so that her mouth could pop off of his cock. “C’mon, we don’t have all night, princess.”
Lola managed to stand up and before she could even look at him, he grabbed her hips and lifted her up, flipping her upside-down. Lola let out a little squeak, making Harry laugh and slap her ass. “That scared you?,” he laughed again. Lola rolled her eyes, although he couldn’t see her reaction, and slapped his thigh, “Yes, you fucking dick,” she responded.
Harry stopped laughing as he noticed his view. “Look at this perfect fuckin’ cunt,” he said in awe as he looked at the sight before him. She looked like a pretty flower, in bloom and ready to be picked. Her puffy labia had a glossy sheen to them as they shone in the bright lights of the room, looking like dewy petals after it had rained. Her little clit stuck out a bit from its hood, and it was the centerpiece. He couldn’t wait to try her.
“You alright down there?” he asked as he remembered that she was literally upside down and relied on only his strength to stay in this position. He knew the blood was rushing to her head; the feeling was familiar to him as he did handstands as a part of his training.
Lola gave him a nod, but quickly realized he couldn’t see anything so she forced out a “yes”. The blood rushed to her head, but she didn’t care as all she wanted to do right now was to please the man lifting her up. Her life was in his hands so to speak because if he dropped her, she would land right on her skull, and that wouldn’t look pretty. But, Harry was built for this. His grip was tight around her lower body as he held her up, her pussy to his face as he was about to provide Lola some relief.
Harry managed to shift his pelvis towards her head, trying to find her lips with the tip of dick. Once he felt them, he shifted himself inside of her, causing her to let out a garbled moan as he managed to hit the back of her throat. He started to thrust into her mouth, while his mouth began its movements, his tongue gliding around her labia. Lola’s moans, although garbled, vibrated onto Harry’s shaft and even his balls as they slapped onto her cupid’s bow, and he could swear he was transported to heaven.
Harry’s tongue slid itself into her little hole, and he could feel every ripple of her walls as they clenched around his membrane. His chin found some way to rub against her clit, and Lola could feel the hairs of his stubble flick every nerve. The friction caused her to tap onto Harry’s thigh. Harry knew what this meant, and quickly moved himself from her mouth. “Y’alright?” he asked her, pausing his motions of his tongue to get some sort of coherent response from her. Once he heard her take a deep breath and respond with a “yes”, he thrusted his cock right back into her, immediately finding his way back to her epiglottis, and Lola started to gag. Harry could feel the drool drip down his thighs and took a quick glance to the ground, noticing her saliva make a pool by his feet. But, it was all a glorious, euphoric feeling, and Harry took that as encouragement to suck onto her clit and dip the tip of his nose into her hole. The way she smelled was just as enticing as what was taking place, and Lola was just as pleased as she could taste the man inside and all around her own mouth.
Harry removed his mouth from her lower region, using his tongue to lick up the residue that stained his lips and chin. “Alright, honey, I’m putting you down now,” he told her as he used his strength to flip the girl rightside up. He laid Lola onto the floor, rubbing his hands down her skin to make sure that she was alright. She blushed as she felt his calloused hands move down her body, not really expecting how gentle he would be with her, especially with him being a boxer and all.
Harry held onto his shaft as he shuffled his body between Lola’s legs. He opened her legs a bit more with a gentle touch, and aligned himself with the opening to her cunt, mentally preparing himself for what was about to happen. “You ready, love?” Lola nodded and looked down to see what happened next.
Both Harry and Lola let out a gasp as he pushed inside.
“Oh, darling, you fit like a fuckin’ glove,” he said, a groan escaping his lips as he managed to put himself as deep as he could inside of her warm core. Lola let out little moans which pleased Harry’s ears as he knew the girl was loving this moment too.
“Ohhhh,” he drawled out in realization as he felt her cunt pulse a bit tighter after his statement. “You like being praised, huh? Being told you’re doing a good job by an older man? I noticed that with you and your daddy’s conversation earlier.” He smirked while stroking into her deeper. “A real praise slut you are. And you deserve every word.”
His thrusts were slow, yet deep, as he really wanted to really revel in the moment. He was finally fucking the beautful girl he’d always pictured himself with. And she felt like everything he wanted. Luckiest man in the world, he was.
Lola was in paradise. Her moans were guttural and low as she felt him inside of her. With every thrust, she let out a little curse or mumble underneath her breath, which were words of encouragement to Harry to keep going. She didn’t want this to end.
He started to angle his strokes upward, wanting to experiment with her and see if he could find the imprint of his cock through her lower stomach. As soon as he saw it, he rubbed in the area, and Lola cried out even louder. “You feel me right there, honey? In your tummy?” She moaned in confirmation, and her head tried to go up and down to nod along.
A couple more strokes went on and more moans were released as Harry fucking her. It was an erotic scene, almost as if they were shooting a porno. His balls consistently slapped against her perineum with every thrust and his thumb circled her little aching clit as, causing moans that Lola never experienced before with previous partners. Her walls started to clench around Harry, and he was quick to notice when a girl was about to orgasm. So he did what any man would do.
He pulled out, leaving Lola confused as she started to whimper. She almost looked like she was on the brink of tears. Harry chuckled under his breath. He didn’t want to pull out (and judging by her reaction, he could tell she didn’t want him to either) but Harry wanted to switch positions.
He decided to lay onto the mat, spreading his legs a bit, but leaving his head up to look at the girl, still whimpering because of her stalled release. “Alright, get on top of me, sweet girl,” he said, slapping his hands on his thighs for emphasis.
Lola nodded, a sweet and simple “okay”, escaping her lips as she found her way down. She swung one of her legs over him, putting herself into position above him. Harry stroked her jaw with his thumb yet again as he soothed the trembling and needy girl on top of him. He smiled, saying, “You were such a good girl taking my cock like that, sweetheart. Now, I want you to rub your pussy on my cock, okay? Just want you to get used to this position with me, yeah? Show me how you’re gonna take me. Prove to me you’re worthy of being my big girl.” His words were laced with lust, but his eyes were filled with desperation and need. As much as he wanted to feel Lola wrapped around him, he still  wanted to get her worked up a bit.
Although she really wanted him inside of her again, she obliged and placed her aching cunt onto the shaft of his cock and started her movements. His shaft started to glisten with the coating from her warmth as her labia rubbed against him; what a delicious sight for him to see. His veins were prominent and Lola swore she could count the amount he had just by feeling him underneath her. She glided on him back and forth repeatedly, which emitted moans from her mouth of pleasure, yet also yearning. She wanted to feel herself do that with his cock inside of her, wanted to feel his shaft touch every part of her from the inside.
Suddenly, Harry grabbed Lola by her hips and steadied her movements, holding her tightly in his grasp. He positioned himself a bit more comfortably, aiming his cock to her ready entrance, and started to move his lower half upwards to fuck up into her.
Lola couldn’t help but moan and throw her head back. Harry was hitting the deepest, most delicious spots inside of her more than any man had ever tried in the past. Her pussy clenched around him, causing the wetness that was already seeping through her hole to slide down his length. It created a beautiful sight for the two of them to see.
Harry kept fucking his hips up, and lowered Lola’s body a bit lower so that he could feel her as deep as he could. He managed to find an angle where the base of his shaft could glide against her G-spot while the tip of him could poke out an indentation through her lower belly, and Harry let out a moan as if he were touched by an angel. A small “yes” drew from under his breath as he continued his movements.
“Lookin’ like a pretty princess up there, riding my cock like that,” he said absent-mindedly. “You just need a tiara.” His words just sped through his mouth without censorship, his brain too focused on making sure both him and Lola were receiving pleasure. He reached his hand down to her ass and spanked one of her cheeks, and his balls felt the skin jiggle on him, making him moan. He decided to use both hands to spank each cheek interchangeably, which vibrated against his sack, another loud moan escaping his lips. And it obviously was just as pleasurable for Lola as he noticed how she squealed at every force of impact and how her cunt pulsed with every stroke of his cock.
“Look at those fuckin tits, too, fuckin’ hell,” He said, his eyes in a trance as he stared at them.  “Look at ‘em fucking bounce. Your daddy’s making you walk in a gym filled with all these gross old men havin’ a look at these? Irresponsible,” he joked, making himself laugh a bit in the process. But, the feeling of Lola’s pussy clenching around him at the praise lured him back into moaning again. “Shit- you’re somethin’ special, love.” Harry felt like he was in nirvana. He had a beautiful girl hopping on his cock like a little bunny, her tits bouncing along in circles, and her ass pounding on his balls with each thrust. Her beautiful skin was glowing with a bit of sweat, and her cunt enveloped around his cock in a way that nothing else could. It was amazing.
Lola couldn’t take it anymore. All of this pleasure circulated throughout her body- from her toes, to her pussy, to her ass, her stomach, her breasts, her neck, her head, and all throughout her spine. She just couldn’t handle it, and it caused her to fall forward onto Harry’s chest. She dug her head in the spot between his shoulder and neck, giving that spot on his skin a little kiss before shifting her head so she would be able to moan and breathe without difficulty. She repeatedly called out his name as she felt her abdomen starting to heat up, indicating that she was nearing her peak.
Harry held onto her, wrapping his arms around her back and putting them in a cradling position as he continued to thrust his cock inside of her. “I’m right here, pretty girl. Look at me,” he instructed her with a gentle tone, and the girl somehow managed to tilt her head and look into his eyes. “Yeah, look at me, princess. You’re just a beauty, aren’t you?” Harry shifted one of his hands to the back of her head, allowing him to make sure that they stayed face-to-face. “My gorgeous girl. Mine. No one else’s. This is my pussy, my breasts…” He kissed the tip of her nose. “My nose”. He kissed her left cheek. “My cheek”. He finally kissed her lips, this time with more passion than the first. His tongue explored the inside of her mouth once more, her body allowing him to do so as she was still focused on her own orgasm. “My fuckin’ lips, yeah? My fuckin’ mouth.”
All of his sweet nothings traveled from Lola’s ear to her abdomen, and it helped egg on her orgasm. She finally reached her climax, and Harry was amazed at the sight he saw and the physical reactions she had. Her whole body shook and pelvis bucked repeatedly as she came, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Harry stroked the hand cradling her head through her hair as a soothing gesture, hoping that it could help ease the intensity of her orgasm. “I’m right here, darling. Right here. You’re alright,” he whispered in her ear, adding extra words to help pacify the situation.
Just as Lola was calming down, Harry could feel his orgasm nearing, and picked up his pace just a bit, but not too much to make Leila cry out. His grip on her tightened, and Lola kissed all over his face- his cheeks, his lips, his chin- to help him through his climax. Then, she could feel the little spurts of his cum fill her up from the inside.
“Take my fucking cum, Lola,” Harry grumbled into her ear as he came so deep inside of her. “Let me own you, spread my seed inside so you know you’re mine.” He let out a deep groan as he continued before saying these four words, “I love you, Lola.”
Lola’s eyes widened as she heard this sentence, but she didn’t want to make her shock obvious. She allowed Harry to finish his orgasm, and as he did, he pulled out of her and helped her come off of him. She rolled to his side and then faced him, wanting to confront him about his confession.
“You… you love me?” She asked, and Harry picked up on the genuine confusion in her voice. To be honest, it almost sounded like she was… offended?
“Yes, Lola, I’ve loved you for all this time,” the man finally admitted, tears staining his eyes. “When I noticed that date you went on,” he sniffled for a moment before continuing, “with that- that dickhead.”
Lola sat up in protest. “Harry, don’t call him a dickhead! You don’t even know h-”
Harry cut her off. “I don’t need to know him! And I don’t want to get to know him; I want to get to know you!” He took a couple breaths, his chest rising and faltering as the air went in and out of his body to calm down. He didn’t want to be too harsh with the girl.
“What I need to hear from you right now is,” he paused, wanting to stop himself from saying something he might regret and something she might be afraid of.
But, Lola wanted to know what he had to say. “Is what, Harry?”
Harry sighed and finally looked into her eyes. He noticed her crying, probably even more than he was. They were both a mess. He didn’t want her to cry, but he had to ask her one last thing. “I need to know… Do you love me, Lola?”
She didn’t know what to think honestly. Yeah, the sex was good, and Harry was pouring his heart out to her. But… something was missing.
“Harry, I appreciate you. You’ve been there for my father at the hardest parts of his life. He told me how much you meant to him. How you’ve been… like a son to him. I mean he’s known you since you were my age! You’re 27 now!” And it was all true. After every workday, her father would talk about Harry in the car and at the house. He would bring up Harry’s little awkward shuffle that he did whenever he was waiting for the restroom. He talked about how Harry went through a rough patch with a best friend, and how he was able to help him through that time. He would ramble on and on about this “Harry Styles” whenever she was at the house. She knew of him, but she didn’t know him personally.
“And then there’s you and I.  I’m so much younger than you! I mean, you’re pushing 30, and I’m barely in my 20s. We’ve only had a true conversation with each other like twice,” She showed him her index and middle finger for reference. “I told you about my student life and the hobbies I had. The only time I ever spoke to you outside of the gym was when my car broke down and Daddy said I should call you to pick me up. Even that car ride wasn’t anything meaningful to build our bond.”
Harry was enraged. “Then why would you have sex with me? Why would you make me cum inside you? That didn’t mean shit to you?”
Lola brought her head down in embarrassment, not even realizing what had just occurred before this argument until now. “I just wanted to have some fun. I don’t even really know why. Just listen, Harry, if we were to get together, it’d be weird for everyone.”
Harry sat there in silence. He didn’t really know how to respond to what she said. His mind started racing. Oh fuck, I just fucked my trainer’s daughter, he thought. I just had sex… with the daughter of the man who took care of me for so many years. Just cuz I thought she was hot? What the fuck is wrong with me? He started to hyperventilate, his heart seemingly bursting out of his chest.
All of a sudden, he stood up. Lola noticed how his skin was pale, his eyes were blank, and how his chest rose up and down at a fast pace as he hyperventilated. She reached out to grab his forearm, but Harry just nudged her off. “I have to go,” he stated so simply, his voice laced in distraught. “I just-” he sighed. “Make sure to lock up properly before you leave.” He grabbed the duffel bag with his clothes and equipment, said his goodnights and goodbyes, and pushed through the exit of the gym, leaving Lola there all alone. Tears flooded her eyes. What… just happened?
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celestialtarot11 · 10 months
Capricorn Rising and their angular houses 💘🌸
Angular houses are the most important in an astrological chart. It represents our fundamental core selves, the parts in which we work with consistently in life, and what we value the most. Angular houses show huge change and how it plays a role in our life 💌 often deals with external change impacting us and our growth!
Capricorn rising ♑️- independent, loyal, reserved, and disciplined. But they do have a sarcastic form of humor! These natives can be great comedians, they somehow get the timing right and delivery 💅🏻 moving on from the core qualities of these natives, their life is centered around discipline, structure from their turbulent past, and inner mastery. Not mastery as in healing every wound and completing that process, rather reaching a point of understanding, releasing, and strengthening. Going back to themselves to revisit, rebuild, and solidify again. These natives-structure is important to them as it is equally essential to have fun. Because these natives are disciplined, it’s easy to fall into a loop of hard work which can limit their idea of fun in this lifetime. So just as it is important for capricorn risings to practice discipline, it’s important to let loose and have fun. These natives need breaks and to also have fun too, I think a lot of people mistake them for being serious all of the time, which can be true because life has taught them the value of so, but please don’t tie only that idea to Capricorns 💘♑️
4th house in Aries ♈️- Growing up, the mother was probably a prominent figure in the natives life. 4th house is the house of family, roots, ancestory, and our represents our inner longing. Inner child too. Capricorn natives have had a turbulent upbringing given a mars ruled 4th house. Wherever mars falls in your chart will tell you more. But having aries in the 4th, the mother could have been assertive, direct, arrogant even. Pushy, demanding of the child, and invasive of their privacy. On the upside, they could have had a mother who was their best friend (because not everyone with an Aries 4th house is necessarily bad!) their Mother could have been funny, warm, strong, and independent. Capricorns learned their sense of independence through the mother in a way. As a child, Capricorn risings could have been feisty, silly and had a lot of energy 💗 their sense of adventure was prominent, and they loved going out! They could have been prone to injuries as well. As they grew older their family life could have became unstable, and filled with tension because its a mars ruled house. Capricorn risings could have been a child of divorce ❤️‍🩹 but Capricorn risings value family, and it may not be their biological family depending on their personal choice, but when they develop a family they are quick to defend and stand up for the people they love 🙌 Capricorn risings will have your back through and through! And they know how to stick with you through conflict and issues, especially if a Capricorn rising native is open to their own emotional healing. I say that because Capricorn can close off from emotions as a way to survive, but once they reflect on their past and do the inner work, it brings them closer to themselves and the people around them. Their sense of right and wrong is solidified. With an Aries 4th house, they are protective of themselves and their past, and the people they love 💗🤍 Aries ruled 4th house can also bring inner conflict in how the native views family. Capricorn risings may prefer to be solo, because they are afraid of the hurt being repeated. They are at war within their past and and present moment ❤️‍🩹
Cancer descendant, 7th house ♋️- These natives are protective, intuitive and sensitive when it comes to their partners. It’s probably why Capricorn risings seem to be the last one in a relationship, and yes it can be due to their preference of not wanting to date. But also because they want a partner who understands them deeply, and to their fullest extent. Capricorn rising does not want an emotionally unavailable partner, and strays away from unnecessary drama in relationships. Whilst they can yearn and long for a partner to see them for who they are, they understand the value of being single too. Capricorn risings can be moody when it comes to relationships, because relationships is not something that necessarily comes easily to these natives. They have to learn to build with someone else, and to grow in a partnership. Capricorn risings are soft on the inside once they let their guard down in relationships. They are caring, and seem to pick up on their partners mood before their partner understands themselves 🤣 but this is because they have a strong sense of intuition. On one hand, building partnerships is something for Capricorn risings to learn, and yet they understand the needs of others 🤗🙌 for business, Capricorn risings have an intuitive nudge about their path and who they should negotiate with. Most of the time, they prefer to handle business alone, but when it comes to business partners, co-workers and such, they may find intuitive bonds along the way. Somehow, the business world understands them and what they’re looking for. In a way, the native is blessed with a spiritual guidance in their career 🤗 it is partly why Capricorn risings handle money efficiently. They don’t need marketing classes, marketing classes need them 🤣
Libra in their 10th house ♎️- Capricorn risings come across fair, balanced, and even angelic with this in their 10th house. People can also think they can take advantage of these natives, because people assume Capricorn risings are naive. Capricorn risings are not! Saturn is exalted in the sign of Libra, and being that capricorn risings are ruled by Saturn, they know exactly the game to play when it comes to navigating business, career, and fame 💅🏻🤍 Capricorn risings can be in tune with the trends and gain popularity because of that, they know it’s part of the game to building up. They don’t see trends as essential, rather a tool to their success. Their 10th house is Venus ruled, so people tend to idolize Capricorn risings, especially for their work ethic. Because Libra wants you to know they put in the work, Capricorns can pick up an excess amount of responsibility, because they want to show to others they are capable. They can do it. And they will. Taurus has a subtle way of showing up, but Libras are extra and we love that 💘 so when it’s in the 10th house, Capricorns are not afraid to show their work ethic! Later on in life, Capricorns will also learn the value of privacy. Especially in their business/career. People may try to stick their nose in, but Capricorns value their privacy! Libra in the 10th house can attract jealousy as well, because they want what Capricorn risings have. Their dedication, ambition, success, but beauty and idolization. At some point Capricorn risings may have thought about being a hair stylist, nail tech, hoke decorator, party planner or a designer! Or a construction worker, or therapist/ consultant 🤝
Thank ya’ll so much for reading! 💘🤍 I hope this helped a lot to understand Capricorn risings. If you’d love to see more definitely let me know in the comments. If there’s anything ya’ll want to add please do! 💌🙌 I actually really liked this!
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catmarlowastrology · 3 months
Sabrina Carpenter's Natal Promise (Predictive Astrology)
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Here are a few hints from the universe about Sabrina's life as seen in her natal chart. Remember, this is just my analysis and is for entertainment purposes only.
2nd house in Taurus with planets: This is the first hint that Sabrina's going to ride the financial rollercoaster all her life. These placements suggest she might rake in a lot of money but also struggle to hang onto it. It’s a big sign that her financial situation is tightly linked to other parts of her life. When her bank account is flush, everything else is peachy. But when she hits financial bumps (and she will, according to her chart), other areas are going to get rocky too.
Mars in the 7th house: This configuration hints at some kind of showdown (Mars) between two sides (Libra). It could mean that Sabrina might have to sue her business partners or divorce her husband if she ever ties the knot. The best-case scenario is that she gets exactly what she wants, and the whole process is smooth and diplomatic.
2nd house ruler Venus in Cancer in the 4th house: Stuff happening in her personal life — especially with family or at home — is going to mess with her finances. Could be good, could be bad. Venus in Cancer craves safety and comfort, so Sabrina might end up buying or building her dream home, a cozy haven perfect for raising a family (if she chooses to). Her home will be filled with love. But that dream home won’t come cheap. If she’s not careful, it could seriously dent her finances. There's also the risk of a bad investment, especially if she just wants a secluded spot away from prying eyes and doesn’t do her homework.
6th house ruler Sun in Taurus in the 2nd house: Financial ups and downs will greatly influence her daily responsibilities. The 6th house is all about the thrilling tasks like paperwork and appointments — those fun things that keep life from falling apart. When her finances are thriving, she'll notice a lighter load and more manageable tasks. However, during financial rough patches, she’ll feel like she’s drowning in paperwork and daily chores, unable to delegate and stuck handling everything herself.
7th house ruler Mercury in Taurus in the 2nd house: Once more, money is the star of the show, this time affecting marriages or contracts. Love and cash are like peanut butter and jelly in her chart. She might end up with someone who’s all about the Benjamins or super strict with money (Virgo 7th house). If Sabrina’s not smart with her finances, it could stir up some serious drama and nagging (thanks again, Virgo).
11th house ruler Saturn in Taurus in the 2nd house: Her finances are closely linked to her social circle. When she has more money, she gains more friends. When the money's tight, friends start to vanish. With Capricorn in the 11th house, she attracts ambitious people who want to succeed. They tend to avoid those they see as not doing well in life.
5th house ruler Moon in Pisces in the 1st house: Sabrina was born to shine. We’re talking star quality here, or at least some kind of entertainer. Her creativity is tied to her very being. Every choice she makes either lights up a new hit or tanks with a terrible album.
10th house ruler Jupiter in Aries in the 1st house: Her career directly impacts how she carries herself, her self-esteem, her self-love, and even her looks. But Jupiter can make her fly too close to the sun and get burnt. This setup hints that she might lose herself trying to meet career expectations. But that’s the worst-case scenario. If she keeps her head on straight, she'll not only advance in her career but also become wiser and more confident.
If you're interested in a Natal Promise report (completely unique and written by me), you can grab one on my website.
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nutastrology · 2 years
Astrology Degrees
Ever wonder what those numbers next to your zodiac placements mean?
If you’ve ever looked at your birth chart, you’ve probably noticed a set of numbers on the right of your zodiac placements. These are degrees and are quite specific based on your time of birth. Accurate birth times are imperative for applying degree theory when studying your natal chart.
Degrees are important in astrology for accurate interpretation. Just as in Geometry, every degree of an angle counts.
A good way to understand this is by thinking of triangles. Obtuse, acute, and isosceles triangles are all triangles. But you can easily recognize their differences based on the apparent angle measurements. These measurements impact the way we calculate geometric shapes and their formulas. We wouldn’t get an accurate result for an equation using the wrong information. This same logic applies to calculating a birth chart — and again, this is why an accurate birth time is SO important!
Looking at my placements below, I have most of my degrees between 12 and 29. This means that for me, this life journey has been set in motion for some time. I’m “picking up” in many ways where I’ve left off. Completing some cycles, ending others. Interestingly, I have the same Moon sign and placement (Aquarius in the third house) and Rising sign as my mother. Though at different degrees (mine later than hers), we enjoy exploring these “cosmic inheritances” when discussing our birth charts. You may notice I have two placements at the 29th degree, aka the Anaretic degree. This marks an evolution of the soul as it’s the final degree before the reset of a cycle, signified by zero degrees. We only see 0° when a planet first moves into a new sign.
Each degree represents a different zodiac sign and energy, some more specific, positive, or challenging than others.
The energy of each degree varies depending on where it falls from zero to 29 degrees. For example, the “earlier” degrees (i.e., the 4th and 7th degrees) represent an “early” stage of maturity and soul development. The middle degrees (i.e., 15th and 16th) represent deeper integration with these energies and processes. As we approach the end of the degree spectrum (such as with the 28th degree) we have reached a karmic “endpoint” based on energies already set in motion — we’ve finally made it.
Below you will find the list of each degree and a (simplified) meaning of that degree.
Keep in mind, astrology has many layers to explore. This is a brief notation of each degree.
0° - Marks the beginning of a new cycle, start “all over” with relation to planetary energies and meanings, critical degree. 1° - Aries / Mars: car engines, abuse, sports/athlete, military, weapon, anger, business person, speed/quickness, the color red, coming first, “in front” arguments, war.
2° - Taurus / Venus: containment/small spaces, wealth, forest, trees, food, luxuries, voice, singing, the color green, earth.
3° Gemini / Mercury: two of something, siblings, hands, double, local, small town, neighborhood, groups, birds, tea, friends, the color yellow.
4° Cancer / Moon: mother, home, public, crowd, water, in the home, the color white, critical degree.
5° Leo / Sun: strong, royal, leader, high school, fun, athletics, gym/working out, outdoors, top of a hill, family, mountain, view, hair, ego, children.
6° Virgo / Mercury: health, “ex”, sickness/illness, work, routine, pets, hospitals, doctors, manual service.
7° Libra / Venus: beauty, luxury items, earrings/jewelry, fashion, couples, music, art, marriage, justice, associates, legalities, courtrooms.
8° Scorpio / Pluto: secrets, death, sex, insurance, taxes, jealousy, pregnancy/womb, someone else’s “things”.
9° Sagittarius / Jupiter: college, borders, professors, foreign, travel, archery, having a plan.
10° Capricorn / Saturn: public office, public official, public-facing, coal, slow, delay, the color black, shadow side, depression.
11° Aquarius / Uranus: interruptions, divorce, high places, flying, airports, high tech, engineers, helping others, friends, networks, organizations, electricity.
12° Pisces / Neptune: swimming, near water, disguises, illusions, missing, rain, flood, out of focus, misplaced, unclear, “foggy”.
As you can see, degrees 1 through 12 align with the zodiac calendar. Once you reach the 13th degree, you reset in the sign of Aries as you can see below:
13° Aries: critical degree.
14° Taurus
15° Gemini: assassinations or killings.
16° Cancer
17° Leo: critical degree.
18° Virgo
19° Libra
20° Scorpio: jealously or revenge.
21° Sagittarius: large road, new places, critical degree.
22° Capciron: destruction, critical degree.
23° Aquarius: “to cut”.
24° Pisces
25° Aries
26° Taurus: critical degree.
27° Gemini
28° Cancer
29° Leo: kingdoms, critical degree.
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sngii1726 · 5 months
What does it mean if the 7th house lord is debilitated or in a weak position?
When the lord of the 7th house is debilitated or in a weak position in a birth chart in Vedic astrology, it can have significant implications for relationships, partnerships, and marriage. Here are some points to consider regarding this scenario:
Challenges in Relationships: A debilitated or weak 7th house lord may indicate challenges, delays, or obstacles in forming and maintaining relationships. The individual may struggle to find harmonious and fulfilling partnerships, and there may be issues with compatibility or communication in romantic relationships.
Unstable Marital Life: The 7th house is primarily associated with marriage and committed partnerships. When its lord is debilitated or weak, there may be instability or difficulties in the individual's marital life. This could manifest as conflicts, separations, or even divorce in extreme cases.
Lack of Relationship Commitment: Individuals with a weak 7th house lord may find it challenging to commit to long-term relationships or may have a fear of commitment. They may prefer to keep their options open or may struggle with fidelity and loyalty in relationships.
Impact on Business Partnerships: The 7th house also governs business partnerships and collaborations. When its lord is debilitated, there may be challenges in forming successful business alliances, and the individual may encounter conflicts or disagreements with business partners.
Remedial Measures: Depending on the specific planetary influences and other factors in the birth chart, there may be remedies that can mitigate the negative effects of a debilitated 7th house lord. These remedies may include wearing gemstones, performing specific rituals or prayers, and making lifestyle adjustments.
Focus on Self-Development: Despite the challenges indicated by a weak 7th house lord, it's essential for individuals to focus on self-development and personal growth. By cultivating self-awareness, emotional maturity, and healthy communication skills, they can navigate relationship challenges more effectively and build stronger connections with others.
It is important to remember that astrology provides insight into possible trends and influences but does not determine a person's destiny. Individuals have the power to make choices and take actions that can positively impact their relationships and overall well-being. For more information you can use Kundli Chakra 2022 Professional Software. Which can give you more information based on your horoscope.
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celticcrossanon · 6 months
The Eclipse at 19 Aries and Queen Camilla
This is speculation only
I am not a professional astrologer
Let's have a look at Queen Camilla's natal chart.
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Queen Camilla has the eclipse occurring in her 10th house, the same as the King. So she also has this energy occurring in her house of social position/how the public sees you/career.
Like the King, the Queen has her MC in Aries, so she will want to be seen and/or be seen by the public as manifesting some Aries traits - leadership, authority, independence, trailblazer, passionate, protector of the vulnerable, etc (I'm not listing the negative traits here, but they can be how you are seen by the public as well).
With the eclipse in her 10th house, both the eclipse energy itself and any actions taken as part of the eclipse energy will impact how Queen Camilla is perceived as queen.
With Chiron, the minor plant that represents where we are wounded, being conjunct the eclipse, the eclipse will bring any insecurities or vulnerable spots that the Queen has about her role. This will happen to her husband as well, so both the King and the Queen will have to grapple with their insecurities about their public roles. In the case of Queen Camilla, this could concern her role in the marriage of Charles and Diana and their subsequent divorce and how hayed she was afterwards, as the divorce was what lead to her being Queen and her role in the marriage and divorce is a major source of negative energy that is linked to her role as Queen.
Exactly like with her husband, we have Queen Camilla's desire to be seen as embodying some aspects of Aries, the eclipse bringing unpredictable energy to how she sees herself as Queen and how the public views her as Queen, and Chiron bringing up all her insecurities and woundedness in this area.
Queen Camilla has the eclipse squaring her Mercury and Sun in Cancer, and sextiling her Uranus in Gemini.
Eclipse Square Sun and Mercury in Cancer (12th House)
The eclipse and Chiron at 19 Aries are squaring Queen Camilla's Sun at 23 Cancer and her Mercury at 19 Cancer.
The square to Mercury is an exact square, so this will be the planet most intensely affected by the eclipse. The Sun is a wider square so the effect is much less intense. However, as the Sun and Mercury are conjunct in her chart, what affects one will set off the other, so I am treating this as one aspect.
Planets in the 12th house, as these are, are always surrounded by a fog of some sort or some sort of illusion. You can never see them 100% clearly or understand them 100% clearly (and I say this as someone with planets in the 12th house). They always evade you in some way. This is because the 12th house is the house of the hidden. It represents the subconscious, endings, karma/fate, past lives. It is also the house of things that restrict us (prisons, jails, hospitals, institutions), the house of privacy, and the house of spirituality.
Queen Camilla has two planets in the 12th house that are aspected by the eclipse, so she most likely will not fully understand why she is reacting the way she is to the energies that involve those planets. Even though the people around her will see it very clearly, to her it is hidden.
The aspect here is a square. Square create tension. They nag and rub at you until you find some way of resolving the tension that they create, and even then they will keep popping up again with more tension to be dealt with. The tension here is between Queen Camilla's public role as Queen, and all her insecurities about that role, and both how she sees herself as a person, her ego (the Sun) and how she thinks, speaks and communicates (Mercury). This will be further complicated by the fact that Queen Camilla will not be able to see how her self image or how she thinks are creating tension with her public image. She is likely to have cloaked her Sun and her Mercury in illusions (the 12th house is also the house of illusions) so she thinks she is coming across as X when in reality it is Y.
This tension is going to be stirred up by the eclipse. There may be some specific examples of this around the time of the eclipse or afterwards, times where the Queen says or does something that is at odds with the public image that she wants to present, and then she doesn't understand why people turn on her (as an aside, considering that she has a 12th house Sun, this could be a repeated theme in her life - doing something that she sees as part of herself and expecting it to be received as X, and then being shocked when people take it as Y). With Mercury involved, this could very well involve PR pieces put out by the palace and what they say about the Queen.
With both Venus and her Moon in her 12th house, past examples of this sort of behaviour would be the rewriting of the history between her and King Charles as 'the greatest love story ever', when those of us who lived through it know it was nothing of the kind, or positioning herself as the future Queen Mother when she has no claim on that title what soever, and things like that - all the PR pieces that rely on an illusion of some sort to sell their story.
With eclipses tending to reveal things, it would not surprise me if something about Queen Camilla's true feelings and motivations is revealed between now and the next eclipse.
Eclipse Sextile Uranus in Gemini (11th House)
Sextiles bring opportunities, so this is an aspect that should bring some sort of opportunity to Queen Camilla. She can decide to take up this opportunity or not.
Uranus is the planet of unexpected events. It is in Gemini, the sign of communication and quick thinking, and it is in the 11th house, the House of groups and group events, friendships, hopes and dreams. So something unexpected that involves a group or her friends, that is an opportunity created by her public role as Queen. All I can think of is patronages - she may be given another one or have to refuse one because of unexpected circumstances. Then again, one of her friends could speak out in a way that either supports her or damages her position as Queen (I would usually say this would be supportive, but with eclipse energy it could have the opposite effect).
Like her husband, the Queen has the eclipse in her 10th house, where it will impact her role as Queen and how the public sees her as Queen. Chiron will be bringing up insecurities in this area. She may have some sort of unexpected opportunity that involves her friends or groups that she works with in some way. The main eclipse energy for her is going to be the tension (square) between how she wants to be seen in her role as Queen and how she is as a person, especially in the areas of her thoughts and words and communications to others. The Sun represents our ego as well, so there could be some ego involved here as well. With the Sun and Mercury in the 12th house, there is going to be some sort of illusion involved on the part of Queen Camilla, which could be as simple as "I see this as X so why does everyone else see it as Y?".
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jackwinchester273 · 1 year
Umbrella Academy Drabbles and Headcannons
What would happen if the Hargreaves grew up normal, and all in the same timeline, including people from the 1960s?
Luther would still be a boxer. He would be supper into Astrology and making plans that he would cancel at the last mine if becuase “what if…” Solone would make sure he went on the trips he wanted to cancel and go to the party’s he spent days organizing but then framed out about. She would be a travel agent.
Diego would be a private detective, but would retire when Lila had their kid. He would get a job teaching at the police academy and then retire to be a High-school gym teacher when his kid got to high school. Lila would be a bounty Hunter. She meet Diego both working in the same case. She would take a long maternity leave, but would go back to working when her kid was 1 year old. Then, start working as a Phycology teacher when their kid went to Highschool
Allison would become an actress and have Claire. Once she used her powers on Claire and Patrick divorced her, she feel from fame and got half custody of Claire. Then, she started working at a hair salon in New York and meet Ray. They would fall in love and Ray would be really interested in the cultural impact of her films. He would want to direct her in a historical film about Malcom X, and she would fall in love with him. After a few more movies, they would get married. Then, they would have another kid together.
Klaus would still be an addict. He would need something to stop the ghosts. Ben would stay with him as they grew up and went to High school. After that, Klaus would live in the streets until he was in a house fire and was rescued by Dave. They would start arguing the next few times Parimetic Dave “saved” Klaus life. Eventually, Klaus would realize he was immortal and tell Dave there is no point in hanging out with him becuase he can’t save his life, but Dave would say that he really likes Klaus, and they would start dating. Later, Klaus would take to Victor about his powers, and Victor would help get him in the same medication Reginal put him on as a kid.
Five would grow up normal. He would be incredibly smart. He would get his bachelors degree by the time he was 18. He would get into the Naval academy and use his powers to work in special ops missions in Afghanistan.
Ben would work in marine biology. He would get his doctorate and teach college classes about marine biology and have a storing passion for understanding his horror. He would meet a teachers aid, Jill, and start dating her when she started teaching English classes.
Victor would write his book. It would be less if a tell all and more about Victor himself and growing up with his powers. He would make it clear that Reginald was a abusive father, and that him and his siblings are the victims of Phycology all trauma and abuse. He would then meet a single mom who is running away from her abusive husband, and let her stay in one of the many rooms of the Unbrella academy. A pregnant Lila would talk to Siisy about getting Harlem diagnosed with Autism. Victor and Sissy would fall in love, and open up the Unbrella academy as an orphanage for children who need it, mostly between the ages of 10-15.
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sippinggossip · 3 months
I see that anon lol but I thought it was a known thing that Ethan’s v hippie coded (also idk if his dad divorced or just lives separately or whatever they all seem to view it as a lifestyle…still strange) he’s always said he’s been into weird space stuff, astrology (that libra constellation necklace lol and boy knew what a rising sign was , he checked damiano’s chart before and spoke about it 😭) and his whole thing with free love/poly or whatever def reflects that. But yea, interesting mention about how his dad’s relationships must’ve impacted him.
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subir-astrologer · 1 year
The answer is not straight and direct one need to understand step by step.
The first answer is YES the children is effected as their decision of faith is taken by their parents and as they are unable to live life independently.
This is practical also, but here we are seeing it from astrological point of view.
Now, it is an interesting learning here as we will know about the impact on the child astrologically by understanding the house activation.
When the parents of a child gets divorced then from mother’s point of view the 3rd, 9th and 11th house gets activated in the child’s horoscope.
In a horoscope the 3rd house signify courage, communication ( verbal expression ), intelligence, away from home etc etc.
The 9th house signify religious instincts, dharma, uprightness, good karma, ethics, higher learning & values and spiritual inclination and relationship with father also and many more . . . .
The 11th house signifies fulfillments of one’s desire, friends, finance, close well-wishers etc etc etc.
When the parents of a child gets divorced then from father’s point of view the 2nd, 4th and 8th house gets activated in the horoscope of the child.
The 2nd house signify we own, material goods, accumulated wealth, possessions and family relationships, feeling, emotions etc etc.
The 4th house signifies our home, peace of mind, relationship with mother, heritage, family values, land and properties etc etc etc.
The 8th house signifies over death, longevity, sudden events, depression, defame, delay, dissatisfaction and defeat, inheritance, insurance etc etc.
So, in all the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 9th and 11th house of the child’s horoscope gets activated when the parents of the child get divorced.
The destiny of an individual is governed by the planets of his own horoscope. The negative activated house can give worst impact to the child if the activated houses signify negative significances
If the activated house signifies positive significance and is strong then it will overcome / absorb the negative activated impact.
To understand the negative impacts one need to again read the activated significances of the houses.
The moon in a horoscope represents mother and the sun represents the father of an individual.
One also need to analyze the planet moon and the sun and understand their significance as moon also rules one’s mind and nature, emotional, domesticated, possessing a love for home and sun rules the self-confidence, full of energy, always high spirit, highly ambitious etc etc.
A bad moon or sun and the activated houses will hamper the significance of the planets in mental state of in physical state, and both the state is very harmful.
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blessed1neha · 2 years
What is Kaal Sarp Dosh? Types ? and Remedies? Part - 1
Kaal Sarp Dosh is one of the most dangerous doshas and a native may experience agonising pains, near death or feeling of being dead (no emotions) hopeless, helpless, the rest of their lives if this dosha is present. Rahu and Ketu are both regarded as shadow planets in Vedic astrology since they are only mathematical nodes. Vedic astrology links each of the twelve zodiac signs—Lagna, riches, wealth, success, health, happiness, children, mental sickness, household, age, fortune, karma, profit, and expenditure—directly to one of the twelve house
What is Kaal Sarp Dosh?
Due to the terrible actions committed by the individual in a former existence, Kaal Sarp Dosh manifests in his life as a curse and causes him problems. This dosha causes the individual to always experience troubles with their children, health, house and family, and finances. This dosha also causes the person to be very agitated. A person who possesses this dosha experiences mental difficulties and gets terrible nightmares. The individual with the problem keeps dying in the majority of nightmares, or snakes are seen. Rahu and Ketu's unfavourable impacts cause Kaal Sarp Dosh to appear. 
When does Kundli's Kaal Sarp Dosh begin to form?
The flaw is known as Kaal Sarp Dosh if the planets fall in the indigenous' Kundali between Rahu and Ketu. Kaal Sarp Doshas come in a variety of forms, including Anant Kaal Sarp Dosha, Kulik Kaal Sarp Dosha, Sheshnaag Dosha, and Vishdhar Dosha, among others. Rahu is chosen in honour of Kaal. According to astrology, Rahu is compared to the head of a snake, while Ketu is compared to its tail.
How to know if you have a Kaal Sarp Dosh?
Those who have Kaal Sarp Dosh in their Kundli might experience a wide range of daily emotional challenges, may have troubles with connecting with others socially, People with Kaal Sarp Dosha become sick, mentally or generally more frequently. They frequently have impaired vision, troubles regulating their emotions. Such a person can have nightmares like  drowning, snakes, snake biting, corpses or ghosts. Native is frequently under stress. Along with the nightmare, individuals will also have other near-death experiences, such as the sensation of being bitten by a snake or wandering in the dark confused, dazed, deranged , unfocused, fazed, . Despite enjoying all the luxuries at the time of this flaw, the individual is nevertheless dissatisfied. They frequently experience unpleasant events. The individual does not comprehend why he is feeling so depressed. They deal with a variety of physical illnesses. All of their lives, they have experienced fear all of their lives, which causes the job they accomplish to be compromised in the end (in most cases). This can change too based on other factors
Effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh
Kaal Sarp Dosh mostly has no positive impact on a person's life. Due to the effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh, a person will not be able to perform to the most of their ability, regardless of how dedicated or persistent they are. A person who has deadly Kaal Sarp Dosh or Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Dosh would experience several legal issues throughout his life. They are more prone to experience blood pressure-related health issues. They won't be able to quickly attract success and good fortune.They will be taken away by spiritual and religious auras despite their best efforts. A person's social, professional, and personal lives will all be severely harmed by Kaal Sarp Yog.
Effects of Kaal Sarp Dosha on Marriage
Kaal Sarp Dosh can have a number of uncomfortable life-related effects if Ketu is in the seventh house and Rahu is in the first house, Kaal Sarp Dosh has an impact on the native's marriage. There are many negative effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh on marital life, and married life weakens as a result also it can end in divorce too. Marriage-based relationships are severely harmed by Kaal Sarp Dosh if it is present in the Kundali. Couples have a lot of issues and tension as a result, which makes daily living challenging.
Effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh on Love Life
Kaal Sarp Dosh can have a number of challenges in love life if Ketu/ Rahu is in the fifth house and eleventh house, Kaal Sarp Dosh has an impact on the native's love life, breakups, cheated, frequent ups and downs in love life and unstability too
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Various types of kaal sarp dosha will be explained in the next part of this post
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 year
Hi Ms-M! My natal Venus is at 28°21' of Leo, retrograde (in my 6th house.) From what I can tell, the upcoming transit Venus rx will be within a degree of my natal one for about a week.
I was reading about Venus returns and it sounded like they're generally only significant for a day and not necessarily impactful, but I wondered whether this particular one might be more of a big deal (for me?) And whether you could give me any ideas/advice about what it may be like?
Thank you so much for taking the time to keep up with this blog💛 You are one of my favorite sources of astrological information. (And favorite people on Tumblr)
Aw shucks! The same to you!
Probably the best thing you could do is check out previous Venus returns. (Especially 2015, the last time Venus went Rx in Leo.) Did anything happen then?
(I checked mine for the years I got married, had my kids, and got divorced - and there was nothing in any of the charts that screamed out at me.)
One of the first things to look for in a solar return chart, is whether or not any other planet is having a return, too - in which case it is definitely a player in the year ahead.
Also - out of your three Venus returns, the one that “counts” is the one that replicates your natal Venus. For you, that would be the second one, just after Venus has stationed retrograde. My son also gets three Venus returns this year; his natal Venus is direct, pre-retrograde, so the one that “counts” is the first one.
Hope any of that helps! Blessings, ❤️❤️❤️
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newwayastrology · 2 years
I am not one of those people who looks at the measurements in my chart all the time or even a little bit. I've found in the past that not looking at my chart all the time manifests in things that I might normally be concerned about passing by as if there was no measurement. However, there are some things you can't help but know. A Pluto transit conjunction of an Angle or Light is one of them, if for no other reason the same transit is always happening in a client's chart. My Ascendant is at 27 Capricorn. My word for Pluto transits and arcs to Angles and Lights is "impact." There is the expectation that something impactful occurs in life but it depends on how the life has been lived and how old one is. John Kennedy Junior had SA Pluto conjunct his Ascendant when he was 3 years old. In early ages it's going to be something involving a parent and in his case, it was the murder of his father. When transiting Pluto went over my Midheaven, I was asked to do an astrologically-based radio show in Philadelphia and write theme music for one of the other shows on that atation. The Ascendant transit has been impactful in terms of INTENSE self-awareness growth. I am HEAVILY involved in herbal healing and have had success with people in the reversal of their diseases. Along with the two astrology books I will have released will be another for those interested in the alkaline lifestyle as well as my second album.. At any rate, I did a short search of well-known people in my database to see what names came up regarding Pluto to the Angles or Lights. Here are a few: Giselle Bundchen's marriage with Tom Brady ended. Jane Fonda was diagnosed with cancer. Bill Gates's marriage ended. Kim Kardashian's marriage ended. Rachel Maddow's show became the most watched show, period, on TV and she was given a massive raise and change of position where she is no longer doing that show nightly. She has a podcast and more. Brad Pitt went through all that drama with Angelina Jolie that ended in divorce and other threats from her, plus his relocation back to America. John Travolta's wife left her body. Singer-songwriter, Babyface went through a divorce. Kourtney Kardashian went through a lot of relationship drama where the father of her child, Tristan Thompson, impregnated at least one other woman. And, I wrote about Kellyanne Conway yesterday. I've been doing clients since 1980 and got software for the first time that year so my database is humongous. It's important to note that when I ran the search on celebrities and politicians, maybe 1/3 of all names were people whose names have been in the news for some reason so it's not like the Pluto transit or arc comes along and the life automatically goes into another gear. What happens to us is always dependent on how one's life is being lived. I'd say that on a weekly basis, I'll have as many as 6 to 8 clients experiencing a strong Pluto transit or arc, always with varied events in life to tell me about from being diagnosed with a concerning disease to inheriting a life-changing amount of money. It's about what you do. Planets are just a report card of sorts.
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ivaindia258 · 25 days
Mangal Dosha and Its Effects on Relationships
The very word that one comes across when delving into the vastly interesting world of Vedic astrology is Mangal Dosha. If you're one of those individuals who are simply interested in or have ever sought astrological advice, then there is no way you have not come across this term. But what precisely is Mangal Dosha, and how does it actually affect our relationships?
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Let us find that out. 
What is Mangal Dosha? 
Mangal Dosha, also known as Kuja Dosha, is an aspect that occurs in Vedic astrology when Mars of a person's horoscope falls in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or the 12th house. Thereafter, these positions are considered to bring about problems, more so marriage and relationship problems. Mars is dealt with as the ruling planet of energy, aggression, and passion; hence, its inauspicious placement tends to evoke very strong feelings. 
So, when we talk of Mangal Dosha, what we are essentially referring to is how this placement of Mars in our birth chart can influence our temperament, our actions, and most importantly, our relationships.
How Does Mangal Dosha Affect Relationships? 
You may now wonder how that actually stands in real life. How is the position of a planet going to affect your relationships?
Mars represents drive, desire, and force. Though these traits are good in most matters, they certainly turn malafide in the case of relationships. A person having Mangal Dosha may face raised aggression, impatience, or dominance in his nature. These traits in a relationship can cause misconceptions, fights, and even a tug of war between two souls.
For example, being in a relationship with someone who always becomes angry or wants to have the last word on everything can eventually create a divide and make it hard to stay balanced in the relationship. 
It is particularly known to affect marital life. In traditional Indian culture, where astrology is used in matchmaking procedures, Mangal Dosha in the chart of a prospective spouse is looked at with misgivings. There does exist a belief that a marriage with a person having Mangal Dosha may be plagued with poverty, constant bickering, or even divorce.
But Is Mangal Dosha All Bad?
Before we get too carried away with worry, let us point out that Mangal Dosha is not any death sentence for relationships. Much like most aspects of astrology, it's a guideline, not a rule. It does point toward possible problems, but it does not guarantee them. 
Many persons who have Mangal Dosha are living happily, relating well. The trick lies in understanding the energies that Mars brings and learning to deal with these energies. If you or your partner has Mangal Dosha, just being aware of the possibility of aggression or dominance may help you consciously work on these traits. 
Moreover, there exist many remedies in Vedic Astrology for reducing this impact of Mangal Dosha. They may include some specific rituals, the use of certain gemstones like red coral, and specific prayers. Some people even believe in the neutrality of the impacts of Mangal Dosha when it exists in both partners, thus rendering what is termed as Mangal Dosha Compatibility. 
How Can We Approach Relationships With Mangal Dosha? 
Everything falls within the realm of relationships. If you or your partner has Mangal Dosha, here are some steps you can take to make sure it doesn't come in the way of your bond: 
1. Communication is Key: Open communication, as we all know, is the keystone of any strong relationship. Be very upfront with your partner about your feelings and concerns. Understanding each other's triggers can help in treading conflicts more effectively. 
2. Practice Patience and Understanding: Recognizing that impatience or aggression may be part of the challenge is a first step. From there, it's about making a willful effort at practicing patience and understanding. 
3. Seek Astrological Guidance: If you're inclined, consulting an experienced astrologer can provide insight into how Mangal Dosha is going to manifest in your relationship and what special remedies could help. 
4. Emphasize Balance: As Mars is concerned with energy and assertiveness, focusing these qualities in things of a positive nature will work to balance them. Maybe in the form of exercise, meditation, or another creative topic, but finding a good, healthy outlet for Mars' energy can make a big difference. 
5. Keep the Bigger Picture in Mind: At the core, astrology is just a part of the whole. Relationships are based on love, trust, and respect for each other. Mangal Dosha will definitely be one additional issue, but it does not define the relationship as a whole. With much to its credit on the positive side, focusing on the same and working together can help in tiding over any problem. 
Well, ultimately, Mangal Dosha is a basic factor in Vedic astrology that brings out certain possible complications of relationships, but really, nothing to be afraid of; it should only be looked at as a means to enhance one's self-understanding and the understanding of one's partner. After all, every relationship comes with problems, and what really matters is how we overcome them.
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