#directly because of her stalker behavior when i went no contact before
thatdemiboymess · 2 years
Me, violently shaking with repressed emotions: I Want To Disappear Off The Map And Start A New Life From Scratch.
0 notes
hops-hunny · 3 years
On Your Marks, Get Set, Go!!
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Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.5k
Request: @de4d-s0up“36,38,12 for Neville!❤️ fem reader and surprise me it can be fluff or smut OH OK IM EXCITED NOW😌 CONGRATS ON 300 BABES SO PROUD OF YOU<3”
Summary: (Y/n) spends so much time in Neville’s shadow that when she’s brought to the light she suffers from some massive stage fright and forgets her lines (not literally but like this sounds clever and you’ll get it soon. Just fuckin read it, yeah?
Warnings: None! A little angst but nothing too big, just majority fluff fluff fluff!
A/N: Can I just say that I love how well these flow together?? LIKE UGH YOU ALWAYS GIVE ME SOME GOOD SHIT TO WORK WITH!! This was very fun to write so tysm!
12.“I’ve always liked you, you’ve just never noticed.”
If you were to ask (Y/n) who was the most attractive guy in the castle, she would 1000% say it was Neville Longbottom. For as long as she could remember, she was absolutely mesmerized by him and with time, he had gone from the adorable little guy she’d see in the hall into a charming young man who she could not be anywhere near. Yes he had a tendency to be a bit socially awkward sometimes but if anything, that added to his charm and if anything that made it even harder to talk to him. She didn’t want to have to face such an awkward interaction on why she was approaching him despite them not being friends nor having any classes together.
So she watched from afar, following him around the halls, sticking close to him whenever she could. It wasn’t in a creepy way however! She just found him to be beautiful and she couldn’t help herself. The more she thought about it she did sound like a stalker but that was such a strong word. And if he didn’t know of her existence could there really be any harm to what she was doing? That’s what she thought to herself as she stood behind the pillar, observing him as he conversed with his friends. Neville was currently laughing at something Dean had said as he shoved Seamus. (Y/n) couldn’t help the smile that was beginning to form at the boy’s laughter. His smile was simply contagious, a ray of sunshine indeed! She sighed to herself softly before biting the inside of her cheek.
“I wish he’d smile at me like that.” she murmured softly as to not alert them of her presence. If only she could speak, say even just one word to him. But alas, anytime she even attempted an utterance of a word her brain would short circuit and she went running the opposite way. It just wasn’t fair! She held tightly onto her books as dust fell from above her head, her (e/c) eyes growing wide as dust made its way into her nose. “O-oh no. Please, please ple-” she was cut off by the exact thing she didn’t want, a loud sneeze. She groaned, training her eyes to the ground in front of her. However if her luck wasn’t bad already a familiar pair of brown shoes stopped right in front of her. (Y/n) quickly snapped her head up looking at the boy of her affections. Neville stood in front of her, searching the pocket of vest for something until he pulled out a pale yellow handkerchief.
“You alright, love? That was some sneeze.” He said, holding out the small fabric to her as he offered her a small smile. She was stunned, Neville was talking to her. She kept her eyes locked with him with a shocked expression mouth agape. ‘Don’t just stand there!! Speak! Move! Do SOMETHING!!’. She slowly began to take small steps backwards, shaking her head ‘no’ frantically as she ran off down the hallway not even noticing she had dropped the little brown leather notebook she always kept on her. The gryfindor boy made a soft frown as he reached down, picking up the book. He flipped it open looking for a name relieved when he found a name on the inner cover. “(Y/n) (L/n), 6th year. Huh, I wonder why I’ve never seen her before?” He said to no one in particular as he walked back to Seamus and Dean who were laughing at the scene that had just played out in front of them.
“Geez Nev, we knew you were bad with women but that’s a whole new level!” Seamus choked out through laughs, reaching a freckled hand up to wipe the tears that had formed in his state of hysteria.
“Yeah seriously! What the hell did you even say?” Dean said, coming down from his laughter. Neville frowned some, shrugging his shoulders as he scratched the back of his head.
“I’ve got no clue. I saw she had sneezed and offered her my cloth and after I did that she just ran off! Is there something in my teeth? Do I smell bad?” He questioned, sniffing at his pits to check for any suspicious odor but found nothing but the smell of his body wash and deodorant. 
“No you don’t smell bad. Well no worse than usual that is.” Seamus said with a shrug. Neville rolled his eyes flicking him on the forehead with a scowl.
“You’re one to talk! Your natural scent is smoke and sweat, I don’t wanna hear it from you.” He grumbled out, shifting his eyes back to the book in his hands. The girl was clearly frightened of him, how was he supposed to get it back to her? “I just feel so bad, I don’t know what I did to make her so scared of me. I’ll wait a bit before I give it back to her.”
And he had done just that. (Y/n) had noticed her journal was missing but didn’t think much of it. She had a habit of losing things and assumed it would get back to her in some way and plus, it wasn’t that important. It was just filled with notes and sketches of the different mushrooms she had found on the castle grounds. Whenever she had a free period or a bit of free time on her hands, one of her favorite things to do was identify rare breeds of fungi and other various plants. And although she had missed doing that, it had only been a week and it's not like she didn’t have parchment. The only thing that was frustrating about that was that parchment and scrolls lacked the same convenience that notebooks had. (she didn’t know why Hogwarts wouldn’t just get with the times. Where were they, Camelot?)However she had faith one of her friends would bring it back to her. (Y/n) didn’t have many which is why she wondered what was taking so long for the return of her notebook.
“Hey guys, have you seen my notebook? You know the little brown one I always carry?” she asked, plopping down on the old worn down couch in the (y/h/h) common room.
“Hmm, nope! Last time I saw it you were carrying it. Why? Did you lose it?” Gwen said as she continued to read her book.
“You’re so bad with keeping track of things. You’d lose your head if it wasn’t on your shoulders.” Marco said, rolling his eyes at his friend's irresponsible behavior.
“Oh come on that was ONE time! When the potion said it’d blow your head off I didn’t think it meant quite literally!” she huffed out, crossing her arms across her chest defensively. Her eyes lit up as she was reminded of a detail. “And besides, didn’t you drink that exact potion afterwards because you wanted to know what it felt like to have no head?”
Marco was silent, whistling as he avoided eye contact with his friend before his eyes landed on a familiar lanky brunette holding a certain little book that had been missing. “Hey, isn’t that the guy you fancy? He’s got your book!” he said, pointing in the direction in which Neville was coming from. (Y/n) gasped, gathering her stuff as she muttered something about ‘being late to class’ but right as she stood up, she was yanked back down by Gwen. “Woah, not so fast track star! How are you going to get your book if you leave?”
“Y-you can give it to me! Tell him you know me. See ya!” she said standing back up but once again, she was yanked back down. “Would you quit it?!”
“No can do buckeroo. You’ve gotta get your book back somehow. Neville’s a pretty honorable guy, I highly doubt he’s gonna give your book to some people who could possibly know you. He’d wanna give it directly to you himself.” Gwen said, still not looking up from her book. (Y/n) let out a defeated sigh. She was right. Neville is the type to make sure to get back a lost item to the person themselves to avoid any chance of them not receiving it. She knew that better than anyone.
Neville wiped his free hand on his pants leg, eliminating the thin layer of sweat that had gathered on it. He was nervous to say the least. It wasn’t that he didn’t have any female friends, it was just that the female friends he did have didn’t look at him like he was you-know-who himself. Since their last meeting, he had thought about the girl a lot. He couldn’t recall seeing her before and he wasn’t the type of person people hated without any rhyme or reason so it baffled him. Someone found him intimidating? That was a new one! Neville had taken the liberty of asking his friends what he could do to be more welcoming for people but they all just seemed to laugh in his face or scoff. 
He found the question to be an absurd one for him to be asking too but for some reason, all he wanted to do was be less scary. Less scary and more approachable to the girl so maybe, maybe he could talk to the mysterious beauty who he’d never notice. That was another thing that made him quite angry. In all his years of Hogwarts, how hadn’t he noticed such a rose in its prime? Even in her frazzled state her refinement was more than apparent. She had beautiful glowing (e/c) eyes, the cutest little nose, and two beautiful petals that were more commonly known as lips. Even now as he got closer and she had that same damn look on her face, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on and he had done a lot more than just laying his eyes on girl’s.
“I-I believe this belongs to you?” He said, holding the book out in front of her. However, all the girl did was stare up at him with wide (e/c) eyes and her pretty little lips parted in horror. The girl to her right cleared her throat, nudging her not so blasé
 in her action. (Y/n) shifted to her eyes before quickly bringing them back to Neville as she closed her mouth. “Well it’s not that I believe it belongs to you, I know it’s yours. You dropped it when you ran away from me the other day.” He said looking away as he scratched the back of his head with his hand, running his fingers through his luscious locks of brown. “Now that I think about it, that doesn’t automatically make it yours. I’m sorry for assuming! You could’ve been holding onto it for a friend or or-”
“It’s hers. Thank you Neville, that was very kind of you and I’m sure (Y/n) appreciates it. Right (Y/n)?” Gwen asked, handing her the book from the boy's hands. (Y/n) just continued to stare. No movement, no indication that she did appreciate it.
“I’ve always liked you, you just never noticed.” she said softly, continuing on with her intense gaze. Her breath hitched as her eyes almost popped out of her head, both hands flying to her mouth. Not one person spoke, all her friend’s and Neville were just as shocked as she was at the announcement. “No, no, no. Fuck!” she mumbled with a great emphasis on the last word. She quickly stood up, running away making sure to not forget her book this time. 
(Y/n) continued to whip and run through the hallway, going as fast as her legs could carry her. She paid no mind to where she was going and quite frankly she didn’t care. Anywhere far away from Neville was good enough. If him catching her behind the pillar that day was the biggest embarrassment of the year, this was the biggest embarrassment of the century. How could she speak so freely, so carelessly? All those years of sneaking around, admiring him from a far were thrown down the drain. Things would never be able to go back to how they were without him noticing her there. She slid down the wall, pulling her knees to her chest as she sobbed loudly. It didn’t matter, no one came to this hallway so she didn’t have to think about what would happen if someone heard her. She sniffled, wiping her nose on her sleeve before glancing at the book at her side. Out of a fit of rage she picked it up, throwing it at the wall in front of her. She watched as the book fell with a thud, pages open to a random observation she had made about a spore specimen.
“I’m starting to think I’m bad luck. It appears as though anytime I’m around, you’ve got tears coming out of those pretty little eyes of yours.” Neville said softly, kneeling in front of the girl. (Y/n) brought her head up, (e/c) eyes staring into hazel ones.
“You...you think my eyes are pretty?” she questioned, tilting her head some as she sat up a bit straighter. Neville reached forward, gripping her small hand in his much larger one.
“Not just pretty, the prettiest. After I met with you that first time, I couldn’t stop thinking about them all night. Despite how horrified you looked at me, they were still the prettiest shade of (e/c) I’d ever seen.” He said, smiling softly at the girl’s flustered expression. “You know I’m a bit relieved to know that you like me.”
“R-really? Why’s that?” (Y/n) questioned, gripping his hand back as he helped pull her off the ground.
“Because, that means you don’t think of me as some scary monster! I was beginning to grow quite worried, y’know?” He said, chuckling a bit. (Y/n) gasped, smacking him on the shoulder a bit.
“Hey! I was not that bad….was I?” she asked, looking into his eyes. Neville bit his lip, looking away from her. “Oh come on! Can you blame me though? I’ve had a crush on you since we were on the train to Hogwarts for the first time. I remember I was so angry that I wasn’t the one who found Trevor for you.” she said, clinging onto his arm a bit. Neville looked a bit shocked at that revelation. Most girls didn’t pay him much attention till around 5th year, had she really liked him for that long?
“Does that mean that this,” he leaned down, pecking her on the lips before pulling away, “Was your first kiss?” He asked. (Y/n) had that same expression she had during the encounter a bit ago however this time, something was a bit different. She gripped his shirt before bringing his lips back down to hers kissing him with feverish intensity. Neville let out a small moan, gripping at her waist tightly as he pinned her against the wall causing her feet to dangle in the air.
(Y/n) was right on something, things would never be the same. But sometimes change was good. That was proven to her as Neville had his tongue down her throat.
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criminalminds4days · 4 years
Let Him Go (S.R.)
Hello Friends!!
I am doing finals so I decided the best choice for me was to write a long Spencer Reid Fanfiction. Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 5.7k
Warnings: None, except mentions of murder, and violence. Swear words.
“I don’t know what you want me to say.” The words came out before she could think them through. She knew exactly what he needed because she wanted it too, but she just couldn’t say it, it frightened her.
“Really? You don’t know what to say?” He scoffed, ready to give up all hope. “I love you; I’ve loved you for years… I am ready to spend the rest of my life with you, but I need to know if that is something that’s ever gonna happen. I can’t keep going like this, I am done playing games, I am done going in a circle.” He was hurt, his brown eyes reflected it perfectly, the tears that threaten to escape him almost made her break. 
“I can’t give you what you want.” It was true, and it wasn’t because she didn’t want to, of course, she wanted to grow old with him, wake up next to him every single day, but the fear that engulfed her, of one day him realizing he could do much better and walking up and leaving, that was enough to ground her. 
She wasn’t ready. She repeated to herself, hoping one day it would be believable.
“Then I guess that settles it.” His voice broke, knowing full well what this meant for them, “I can’t keep doing this and you can. We are simply not at the age where it’s for fun. I need stability, I need a partner who knows what they want in a relationship and that is obviously not you.” A sole tear left his face, hiding underneath his chin. “I really wish it was.” He mumbled as he left the room. There it was, the image she feared so much, caused solely by her actions, it was better now than later, she reminded herself but that did not make the heartbreak any less painful.
Spencer Reid, her colleague, friend, and for the past three years, her lover. They had met in 2005, after she had joined the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI, quickly bonding over their shared love for books, despite her hatred of some of the classics, as they were often referred to. Soon enough, those brown eyes, that awkward smile, and his tall figure had become engraved in her brain to the point in which she could no longer ignore it. She kissed him and that was the best decision she had ever made.
For three years they had been happy, and it seemed to everybody that soon enough they would be engaged, married, and with kids. When the conversation of this possible future arose between them, she couldn’t help but panic, leading to their current situation. He had left her, and she regretted every minute she didn’t run after him. She was going to run after him, she really was but as soon as her hand touched the doorknob she stopped herself. 
It was stupid, she knew it was, but it was paralyzing her in place, preventing her from ever reaching for that happy family she hoped to have with him one day.
Years went by, her regret never subsiding.
Why was she there?
It was clear this was a mistake; she knew it was. He was getting married and she simply sat there, wishing it was her who he smiled at, who he was gonna have a family with. Nonetheless, there she was, watching the man she loved get married, while she remembered that day, five years ago, in which she let him go. She smiled at the couple and congratulated them. She toasted, danced, smiled, laughed, and joked all while her heart was being torn to pieces at the sight of the happy newlyweds. That was the moment she decided she couldn’t stay. The offer she had been considering finally making sense. It was time to leave the BAU, time to leave the heartbreak, and time to leave Spencer Reid for good. She hoped the woman he was marrying would be horrible, that she could hate her, but Maeve Donovan was anything but. She was a kind soul, smart beyond reason, with all truthfulness, she could just see how she made Spencer happy and that was enough to eradicate all hope for hate.
Starting over was painful, saying goodbye was painful, but it was necessary. When he asked what prompted her decision she said, “I think I need to take the next step in my life.” He nodded and wished her nothing but the best and she smiled, not wanting to tell him she felt she had already lost it. When she arrived at her new office in Paris, she couldn’t properly appreciate the fact that her dream home was now her actual home. Her room growing up had been filled with Eiffel towers, and by the age of twelve, she was fluent in the language of the city of love. Granted, it helped that her parents both spoke English and Spanish, so learning French was a breeze.
She began work and soon found herself so immersed in it, she didn’t realize there was a life she left behind, there were friends she had not contacted in years. It wasn’t until she saw Emily Prentiss and heard what happened that she realized just how much she had forgotten when she decided to leave. She allowed her old coworker to take her out of her comfort zone and soon enough she found herself dating a tall dark-haired man named Liam Gardner, that happened to work as an undercover agent, just like her. Was there something about dating coworkers that got to her? She laughed at the suggestion.
It had been a year since she had dated this man when he asked her, she was in the same position she had been almost a decade ago and the regret of that night, and how strongly she felt for the man in front of her, made her answer different. It made her realize he couldn’t lose him like she had lost Spencer. “Yes, I do want to marry you.” She found herself saying, and for once, her life was on track.
She wasn’t terrified, and that was her first mistake. She figured it out on their first anniversary, as she patiently waited for him at their favorite restaurant, the Eiffel Tower shining in the distance, and the diamond ring that never left her hand, unless she was within a job, reflected the lights of the establishment.
“Excuse moi, mademoiselle?” A man had approached her, and her gut told her something was wrong. Her husband had infiltrated an organization that sold kids around the world, he hated the idea more than anything, but didn’t give a second thought to the offer, he loved children and would do anything to make sure more kids were safe. He had been organizing a raid that would tear down the whole system two days ago and he would be home just in time for their anniversary. But something went wrong, the operation was messier than they expected, and he was caught in the crossfire.
He died a hero.
People reminded her, but that didn’t mean much when the man she loved was buried six feet under. Once again, she experienced the loss she was so afraid of, and once again he reminded herself how this was what she was destined for, and she was a fool to think otherwise.
How long had it been? A year since he passed? She wasn’t quite sure, but she couldn’t bring herself to take the ring off. Her phone rang and she almost didn’t recognize the voice on the other side “Hey, It’s me JJ.” Jennifer Jareau, one of her ex-coworkers spoke on the other side. She didn’t have much of a long history with JJ, but that was partly because of her history with Spencer, who happened to be the blonde woman on the other side of the phone’s best friend. Despite their estrangement, after the woman said “We need you” she immediately accepted and grabbed her bag, buying the first plane tickets available to her, letting Emily know where she was going. Once she was on the plane she realized she did not even know why she had been summoned by her old team.
“Catch me up.” Were the first words that she said to the people in front of her.
She wanted to say hello and maybe even hug them, but as soon as she saw them she knew she had to get down to business.
His voice came out so broken, so hurt that she couldn’t help but want to hug him how she used to. It had been almost five years since she last saw him, but underneath his longer hair, and his very visible facial hair and his overwhelmingly sad eyes, was the man she once loved. “It’s Maeve, she’s been kidnapped.” That phrase returned her to the present. “You are the best when it comes to stalker cases and I can’t even make a coherent thought, please help us.” She nodded, as if they didn’t already know she would do anything in her power for any of them, but especially the brunette.
She forced herself to not draw parallels between his situation and the night she lost her husband, but it was impossible not to, especially when she knew that everything was lost. They entered the warehouse after they heard the gunshot, to find them at odds. Spencer begging to take Maeve’s place and the woman holding his wife hostage questioning how much he was willing to give up for her. Too late she realized what was going to happen, too late did she aim and shoot, too late to change any outcome but the one in front of their eyes. Her shot was wasted, landing on the wall directly behind the woman who now laid on the floor, covered in her and Reid’s wife's blood, both of them gone. She couldn’t bear to look at him, knowing she couldn’t stop her, knowing it was her fault Spencer’s wife was dead.
She couldn’t say goodbye and she couldn’t look him in the eye every again, so she sent a simple text to Hotch:
I got a case, I had to leave. Tell Reid I am really sorry.
That was it, no goodbye, no see you guys later, no hugs, and no catching up. She should have stayed home, she shouldn’t have gone knowing what she causes, once again she was reminded of the luck she carried around, affecting those she loved.
“It is not your fault!” Emily said.
“Of course it is, they needed me. Spencer and Maeve needed me, and I failed them.” She couldn’t stop the tears for much longer, but she tried.
“No, you didn’t you did everything you could.”
“Did I? Did I really? Because that’s what I tell myself every time I look at this ring and remember sitting in a restaurant wondering why he’s not there while he was dead. That’s what I told myself when I fired my gun too late to stop the woman even though I knew exactly what she was going to do.”
“Stop it! Stop blaming yourself for things you cannot control!” Emily stood from her chair, the frustration clear in her eyes. “I will not watch the closest friend I have throw a self-pity party when she knows full well these things are not something that our luck creates. There are sick people in this world, and you can’t keep blaming yourself for any of it! I will not allow you to!” After that, the woman left and the tears fell.
It had been at least three weeks since that discussion, Emily and she had made up but her friend had to go into hiding once again, knowing full well that the level of exposure she had because of their friendship could put her in danger, making her yet another person she couldn’t help. There was a knock at the door, and she presumed it was the woman mentioned, excited she opened the door to be faced with a tall brown-haired man with sad brown eyes and a satchel that she knew too well.
“What are you doing here?”
“Hotch made me take time off, and I didn’t want to be alone… I didn’t know where to go and I just… I ended up here.”
“Can I come in?”
She questioned it for a moment, not sure how she could deny him anything but also afraid of how her guilt would get the best of her. “Sure.” She said finally and moved, letting Spencer Reid enter her home like she had done so many times before, and yet this time it felt different. Her house was never the same after her husband was gone, their pictures still stayed, some in the coffee table and bookshelf, one of their wedding pictures in their room and album upon album he had made for their home once they had moved in together. Her new home gave a different feeling than her small impersonal apartment in Washington D.C. that had no pictures and barely enough evidence that someone lived there. She knew if it were up to her, the house would be the same, but Liam made sure this house felt like home. Now that he was gone it felt hollow and cold, not something she thought Spencer needed in his current state. “I am sorry I didn’t go to the funeral. I had to come back.” She absurdly excused herself.
“It’s okay, I understand.” There was a silence that engulfed them as she offered him a seat in her living room. “I don’t blame you.” He clarified and she nodded, not sure how that made her feel. “I also don’t think you should blame yourself.”
“Please stop, don’t profile me right now.” That gained a laugh from him, as he raised his hands in surrender. As he looked around realization hit her. He had no idea she was married, or that Emily Prentiss was, in fact, alive. She quickly texted her telling her friend that the man was in the city and to be careful. She knew it was probably safe, that she was already long gone but she couldn't be too cautious.
“You texting your…?” He looked at her hand, noticing the ring for the first time and she fought the urge to hide it. It somehow felt like a betrayal to him, her getting married after telling him that wasn’t something she was ready for. “Did you have that when you went to D.C.?”
“Yes.” She answered quicker than she hoped. “I’ve had it for a couple of years.” He nodded as if contemplating and analyzing her answer. “And I was not texting my husband, just a friend from work.”
“Oh.” He looked at her as if asking for permission before speaking. “Is he at work?” She shook her head no. “I didn’t interrupt you guys or anything, right? That would be so embarrassing… I can’t believe I didn’t even consider… I am so sorry I-“
“Spencer.” She stopped his rambling; she took a deep breath before she continued. “My husband, Liam, is not here.” She explained. Part of her didn’t want to talk about it, he had enough heartache of his own, but she felt compelled to. She never could hide anything from the genius. “He died in a raid about a year ago.” She said as her hand instinctively moved to her ring. 
“I am so sorry.”
“I know.”
“I didn’t know.”
“I know.”
“I-“ He paused for a moment, looking for something else to say, but then what he really wanted to know escaped his thoughts. “Does it get better?”
“I want to say yes. I want to tell you one day you stop missing them and it seems like the sun shines as bright again, but I haven’t gotten there.” A sad smile played on her lips. “I can’t even get myself to take his close out of the closet.”
“Yeah, I can’t look at her parents in the eye.”
“I haven’t spoken to his mother since the funeral.”
“We were trying to have kids.”
That was enough to break the mental boundaries she had. Despite how wrong she knew it was she hugged him, tight, hoping he understood that she wanted him to be okay, that he had her on his side even if that meant nothing to him.
“Sometimes, talking about them helps.” She said once she let go of him, his hand now in between hers. “I didn’t really get to know Maeve; I would love to hear about her.”
And so they sat there, sharing the stories of yet another loss love, the irony never lost on her. The one person she relied on to talk about Liam, the one person to fully understand how she felt was no other than her first love. She let aside the guilt and accepted the comfort and help he provided, even after he went back to Washington, and she remained in France. They still talked, almost daily. Letters, emails—despite him hating emails—and calls. Soon enough it was like they never lost touch like their past relationship never was and they were two friends who lost the person they loved and found comfort within each other.
And after two years she realized that her heart raced every time her phone rang, a tad of guilt for the idea of falling for the brunette while she still wore the wedding ring her late husband had given her. She considered putting it away, she considered telling Spencer what she was feeling once again but the fear stopped her. She couldn’t ruin something so important, she couldn’t sabotage their friendship, but she knew what it was like to be loved by Spencer Reid, and boy did she want to feel that way again. It took her weeks to decide what she was going to do, but before she had a chance to execute her plan, her keeping of Emily’s secret came back to haunt her.
“You knew?!”
“She came to Paris, and she found me.”
“And you never thought to mention it?”
“Emily was long gone into hiding when you and I reconnected.”
“That is not an excuse.”
“It wasn’t my place Spencer.”
“It never is your place, is it?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, just that with you I always know what I am getting into, but I am always stupid enough to fall for it. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you.”
“I wasn’t the one who looked for you!” She spat, trying to hide the effect his words had on her. “Do not make this my fault!”
“I’m not.” His voice was harsh, like that day it all went wrong for the first time. “It’s my fault. For trusting you, for thinking we could be friends. I should know better than to trust a liar.”
“Fuck you, Spencer!”
“Right back at ya!”
And with that, the two years of their rekindling were gone, and once again she watched Spencer Reid walk out of her life. Once again faced with the decision of letting him go or stopping him. As her finger hovered over the call button she froze, this time not by fear, but anger. She understood, he lost his wife and friend, he mourned their death for one of them to suddenly come back to life? It wasn’t fair to him, but it wasn’t her fault! Spencer couldn’t blame her for Emily needing to hide from them, for Emily asking JJ, Hotch, and her to keep it a secret.
I heard the conversation; I’ll talk to him.-Emily
She got ready for bed and pushed aside the feeling of guilt that wished to overwhelm her. This time it wasn’t her fault, she knew it, but she couldn’t help but wish he knew that as well. Instead, she simply responded to the message and turned off her phone.
Don’t bother, it’s not worth the trouble. Love you Em!
Doctor Spencer Reid was a force much too big for her heart and mind to handle. As much as she wished he could stop having such a big influence in her life, she highly doubted that would ever happen, so the least she could do was try and forget their conversation.
Despite her previous determination, she still hoped he would call, say that he was sorry and he didn’t mean those things then she could simply accept his apology, apologize for her language and everything would go back to normal. But as the days turned to weeks and those to months she decided she couldn’t be at this crossroad waiting for him anymore. She could either let him go for good or finally step up and speak to him. The idea of never speaking to him, never hearing him laugh or seeing him smile again, never saying his name, or hearing hers out of his mouth was too much for her to simply move on. She loved Spencer Reid, maybe a part of her always would. She couldn’t let herself stay put while he moved on, not again. They were no longer two twenty-seven-year-olds who had their life ahead of them.
But the fear struck again, she couldn’t lose him too. She couldn’t sit in a restaurant waiting for him just to be greeted by the news that he was no longer in this world. She couldn’t build a home with someone when she had barely taken down all of Liam’s things from their closet. She couldn’t, but part of her wanted to build something with the doctor. That same part of her that screamed at her to follow him the first time. This time she decided to listen to it. She painfully removed the ring in her hand and placed it in the top box, all full of the memories of the man she intended to spend her life with, hoping he would understand. She let a couple of tears fall, knowing that he would always hold a place in her heart, and she made her way to the US. If this backfired and she ended up heartbroken, she could always return to her empty home in Paris. When had reality gotten so dark that she would seek Paris as a place of emptiness? A place to ignore her broken heart until it mended? Life had a funny way of making the things we wished for a twisted reality.
She sighed as she prepared herself to walk up the stairs. She had reached out to JJ, who had given her his address. It was the same place he used to have, as apparently after his wife’s passing he had sold their house. How did he gather the strength to let go of something as meaningful as the home he shared with Maeve? She would never know, but she was proud he continued to try living his life. She knocked and the door opened soon after his gaze confused, and this feeling later replaced by embarrassment.
“Hello, Spencer.” Her mouth was dry, the speech she had prepared long forgotten, fear running through her veins telling her to simply forget all this and run. Return to France and pretend the man in front of her never existed. “Can we talk?” She said as she noticed he hadn’t said a word.
“Yes, um, yeah… come in.” He moved and she did as she was told. “Listen, I was trying to work up the courage to call you, I am sorry I spoke to you like that.” He began as soon as he closed the door.
“Did you mean it?”
“What I said to you that day? No, never!”
“It had to come from somewhere, did it not?”
“Yes, it came from a part of that felt betrayed.” He looked around his apartment, avoiding to meet her gaze. “The more you spoke about him, the more I felt like what we had didn’t mean anything to you, and when I found out you knew about Prentiss, it made me angry but that was because I was already mad at you, I just couldn’t bring myself to accept why.”
“Why are you angry with me?” She asked. “Because I know why I am angry with you. I’m angry because you broke my heart twice, even though I played as much of a part as you the first time. I’m angry because you waltzed right back into my life and turned it upside down. I am so angry that I can’t seem to move on and leave you behind like I wanted to when I left for Paris. I am angry that you are the reason I was finally able to take my ring off.” His eyes drifted to her hand, the mark of the band clear, but no ring in sight. “So, tell me, Spencer Reid, how did I make you angry?”
“You…” He raised his eyes, finally meeting hers, and forced the words out. “I am mad because you moved on. I am angry because you left me and didn’t look back. I am angry because I wanted a family with you and you simply decided to make one with someone else.” He paused, gathering his thoughts. “I am mad because you made me hurt for you, and when I finally found someone I wanted to spend my life with, someone who loved me… She was taken from me and the only person I could talk to about it was you. I am angry because you made sure none of us even knew of Liam and then you spent hours talking about how he made you smile, and he made you happy. I am angry at you because you knew how much grief I had and still you did not tell me about Emily, I am angry because I still love you, despite all this. Because if you told me right now you wanted to be with me I would fly to Paris and never let you go again.”
“I feel guilty for loving you.”
“I feel guilty for loving you too.”
“I should have stopped you; I should have told you I was scared, but I wanted a family. I was ready, but I was scared someday someone would make you realize you could do better than me.” She sighed, the tears now leaving her eyes. “Now I am scared one day I will be at a table, on our anniversary waiting for you and someone will take you from me. I’m scared the grief I feel for Liam will consume me and I won’t be able to love you.”
“I am scared that my grief won’t let me love you either.” He gulped, approaching her for the first time and he laid his hands softly on her shoulder, tears now made both their faces wet. “I can’t walk away from you again. If Maeve taught me anything about love is that you fight for it, to the bitter end. You do not give up on it.” She sobbed, and his grip tightened in a reassuring gesture. “It doesn’t have to be today, nor tomorrow. We do not need to rush; we can take our time.”
“What if I’m too broken?”
“You aren’t. You're hurt, your heart was broken, but if it can be broken, that means it still works.”
“Spencer, I’m scared.”
“I know.”
“But I don’t want you to leave again.”
“I’m not going to.”
That was all she needed, the confirmation that he was there, that he wasn’t going anywhere. The fear subsided, the anger fell, and she embraced him, as tight as she could, and smiled as she felt him embrace her. One did not need to be a genius to know it would take time, grief and heartache take time, but both of them knew that it would get better. It always did.
As she laid beside him, in their new home, she couldn’t help but question how much time she had, how long it would be before fate, or destiny, or whoever was out there would decide to take him from her. This time, though, she didn’t let it get to her. She was married to Dr. Spencer Reid, and they were about to be parents. She smiled at the thought and got out of bed ready for the day that would change their lives forever. It had been almost five years since they spoke again, both grieving the loss of their first spouse. It had taken them three of those five years to decide to move forward and just last year they had sworn to love and protect each other in front of their friends and family. She sighed, contently. She felt her life back on track, as she returned to the BAU shortly after their engagement, selling her Paris house and opting to buy a more modest summer home. She had returned Liam’s clothing to her mother, and even some pictures, while others were in their attic. She did not mean to hide him or push him aside, but both she and Spencer decided it was best to keep them close without letting them become an obstacle in their lives together. Maeve and Liam had shown both of them how to love, how to fight for the person you want to spend your life with, and when it was okay to let go, and that was something neither of them would ever forget.
“Ready?” Her husband asked as she grabbed her car keys.
“As ready as they come, Dr. Reid.”
“What do you think it will be, a boy or a girl?” He joked.
“Very funny.” They held hands as she drove to the building, nerves, and excitement building up. Soon enough they were at no more than thirty seconds of being parents of two beautiful kids.
“I do have to say, it is rare for a couple who is already expecting to want and adopt. What made you do this?”
He looked at you, a smile full of pride and love clear on his face, knowing the answer to this question. “There are so many kids that need a home, and love. I figured if my husband and I can offer both, why not do it? Any kid deserves two loving parents and whether I gave birth to them or not shouldn’t matter.” The woman smiled at the couple.
Her two-month belly was barely barely showing, but the agency knew about it already. It was true they had decided to adopt before she found out she was expecting, but that didn’t change their plans, it simply meant another baby would join the family. The two kids, a brother, and sister about eleven and twelve joined the adults. Their nerves and fear obvious in their expression. She couldn’t help but want to hug them and never let go.
“Are you guys our new mom and dad?” The girl asked, her brother frowning at the thought.
“We are not here to replace your mom and dad.” She assured them, the frown on the boy disappearing. “We would love it for you guys to live with us, we want to take care of you if that is something you guys would like."
After a long conversation with the children and them accepting to live with the couple they made their way home, Spencer rambling about statistics on videogames as a way to excuse his lack of skill. She laughed at the sight and couldn’t help but feel complete. She smiled and turned for a second to look at him before returning her eyes to the road. “Fourteen, almost fifteen.” She mumbled to herself. Spencer looked at her with confusion. “That’s how long we’ve known each other. That’s how long I’ve dreamed of this day but was too afraid to fight for it.”
“Do you want the exact time?” He questioned.
“No. It will make me feel old.” They both laughed.
Soon they arrived in their home, their children next to them and they showed them their rooms. After having dinner together and making sure the kids felt comfortable and at home they returned to their bed and laid there, her head on his chest and his hand on her lower back. “I love you; you know that?”
“I know, and I love you too.” He left a soft kiss on her hairline.
They heard small steps and a knock, he stood and turned on the lights before opening the door, the girl in the door had fear written all over her face and her brother was behind her. “Megan doesn’t like to sleep in the dark.” He noted.
“I don’t like to sleep alone.” She corrected. “Can I sleep with you?”
“Of course sweetie!” Spencer picked her up and placed her on the bed next to her, as she moved to make space.
“Do you want to sleep with us too Dylan?” She asked the boy. He was reluctant but ultimately nodded running up to the bed and laying in between his sister and her. Spencer turned off the light. All four slept together, not once letting go of each other. It felt right, exactly where they needed to be.
The memory of the day she let him go still came from time to time, but her fear that he would leave her never did. She loved Spencer Reid, her colleague, friend, companion, husband. She loved him and he loved her. And now, now they had a family, the past made them who they were, but it didn’t have to define who they could become.
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
Chapter 5 - Student Council President Sakura
When Naruto let go of that pitch, Sakura knew their school had won. She hugged Hinata who was also overjoyed, and she turned to her side to give Sasuke a high five then she realized he was still not back.
As she moved along the bleachers, she rallied her schoolmates to give a resounding yell routine. Disappearing within the noise, she moved along the halls below the benches, and there she found the group.
When the fist made contact with her face, she almost blacked out. The pain came rushing in after a few seconds of numbness, her sight a complete blur, a slight disorientation, and her hearing muffled. The scuffle played out before her as her eyes refocused, Sasuke kicking and punching the goons on the stomach, but it seemed she got it wrong when Kakashi’s eyes drifted to her as a pair of glaring daggers.
His one foot was on the wrist of the guy who punched her. When the blood finally dripped from her broken nostrils, Kakashi broke the guy’s hand, thankfully echoed by the screams from the bleachers. “You’ll get expulsion and multiple restraining orders just for the hell of it.”
While Kakashi called the security, Sasuke went to Sakura’s side with a mix of an irritated but worried look on his face. Ah, he was wondering why.
“I’m okay,” she tried to say despite receiving no question, but the words came out wrong. Oh my gods, are my teeth broken? How embarrassing?
As if summoned by her thoughts, he stood before them right after the guards took away the passed-out bullies. “Let’s get you two to the clinic.”
“I can’t call Naruto. I left my bag with Hinata,” she tried to say again but the words were coming out jumbled like I con kor Nar-u-o…I re ma ba wi Hina-a…
Kakashi was trying not to laugh as she communicated with Sasuke who was on the other bed, being checked by a doctor with curtains drawn. The school clinic recommended them to go directly to the hospital.
“He would have to wait for our congratulations,” Sasuke replied.
“I see you wincing in pain, young man. That’s a broken rib right there,” the doctor noted from the other side. When the curtains were swept to the side, Sakura saw her raven-haired classmate clutching at his side. When his eyes opened to find hers, he glanced away and let go of his pained expression.
“Ms. Haruno, I will be referring you to our plastics. Would be a waste if your student council president loses her pretty face.” The doctor tapped Kakashi’s shoulder as she walked out of their ward.
“Thanks, Nohara,” he called out after her.
Sakura deduced he was friends with the doctor, but she could ask him that some other time. She looked a bit older than the Math teacher so they might not be together. Regardless, shouldn’t she be more engrossed of having a crooked nose in front of Kakashi than his personal love life? When he turned her attention to her finally, she instinctively covered her face with her hands.
“Sakura, you should tilt your head upwards, just a little bit. You had a nosebleed earlier, didn’t you?” She did what he said, but gods, this was so embarrassing. She tried to look at him through her fingers, and his beauty mark moved as he chuckled. Ugh, why is he so perfect?
His phone suddenly pinged, and he took a moment to read the message. “Hmm. I need to leave and go explain things to the board. Nohara might advise bed rest and school leave for at most three weeks so get well soon, all right?” Then, he turned to Sasuke. “You don’t have to worry about it.”
Sakura wondered if she should ask a favor from Kakashi. Asking him to stay was a tad too much, and asking him to contact the council would be too irresponsible. Maybe she could sneak out after his exit and find a way to contact the council. She should also call Naruto – second on the task list. He would be devastated without their congratulations.
A hand on her head stopped her thoughts. “Stop thinking at hundred miles per second, and rest. I will take care of the council and inform Uzumaki of your situation. I assume you three are friends?”
“No.” “Yes.” Sasuke and Sakura answered respectively.
Kakashi smiled, finding amusement in their dynamics. “See you soon.”
“Shi yo,” she muttered through her broken nose, unaware of her fingers already fidgeting the rubber band on her wrist.
She was back in the hospital the following week. While Sasuke was advised to be confined, she was sent for home care. The mandated rest did not even last a day because she needed to show up to her shifts in the café and showed up she did in some elaborate mask to cover her bandaged nose and a sketchpad for conversations. To appease the constant nag and flood of messages from her councilmates, she stopped showing up in school for three days and turned the tables on them by doing all the nagging and demanding daily updates.
On the fourth day, she was up and running through the school halls to reach the board inquisition in time. She gladly accepted an annoyed litany of precautions and reminders from Kakashi.
“I never thought you could be this stubborn, Sakura.” He was visibly exasperated. “I can’t tail you every time and remind you that you’re injured.”
But you could. “I’m sorry, Sensei. I promise to not push myself so hard for the next days.” Sakura gave him a peace sign which he jokingly waved away.
“Pull your energy back, like 60 percent of it.” He patted her head softly, like an adult would to an unreasonable kid, and never have she felt more insulted. “If only I could take care of you.”
Like a babysitter would? She immediately put distance between them, feeling angry for no reason, and she stormed off, leaving him clueless in the middle of the hallway about her sudden rigid behavior.
Now she was back in the hospital after a week of mild recuperation. When she went to check on Sasuke, she found him asleep, probably from the sedatives. It amused her that even in slumbers, his brows would furrow, yet a part of her worried that there must be something looping him in nightmares. She left her presence with a basket of fruits and a medium-sized carton of tomato juice which Naruto mentioned was his favorite. Several juice boxes of the same flavor were stacked on the other side of his bed and a plastic bag filled with instant ramen bowls. She would ask the maintenance staff later to take out the trash.
When she finally reached the door of Dr. Aki Nohara, her assistant gestured for her to wait for a while outside. She figured she can loiter in Sasuke’s room and have one of the nurses get her until she heard Kakashi’s voice inside the room.
“I know you literally accelerated throughout school, but you need to act more like your age.” Her doctor scolded her teacher like an old friend. She was aware of her eavesdropping, but she hoped to learn more of his life. “I’m saying you should visit Rin.”
“Does she miss me?” It was and wasn’t his voice. She didn’t hear his usual nonchalance when he blurted out those words. Ah, a weird ache was forming in her chest.
“Do you even need to ask that from me when the answer is already so obvious?”
“Hmm. I’m just not ready….yet.”
“Well get on with it and put a ring on her finger or others will!”
Ah, her sensei was apparently planning to get married? So he had someone after all, someone named Rin. Sakura felt the room crowd her in, almost suffocating her, and she accidentally bumped into a passing staff and a tray cart of medical supplies.
Her small disturbance brought the occupants outside the room. “Ah, Ms. Haruno, you may come in now. You look pale, dear.”
Kakashi waved at her, his teacher persona already up in arms, then he turned to Dr. Aki. “Your medical advice for my heart is noted, but not now, maybe in the far, far, far future.”
Dr. Aki tsked at him. “Off you go Hatake. I have a patient waiting. Oh thank heavens, the color is returning to your face.”
He’s not marrying her……yet. Would it be silly to think I have a chance?
A whole two weeks have gone in secluded rooms – a week alone in a hospital room because of Itachi’s connections and another week alone cooped up in his apartment. He got radio silence from his brother, and he almost wished he gave him an earful of insults instead – many of which should have called out his cowardice, especially when the clash had an avoidable casualty. He looked so stupid next to cool Kakashi, Kakashi who was only five years older than them, Kakashi who smoked and read with baseball playing on the background, Kakashi who took on all four people at once with no scratch on his body, Kakashi with his silver hair being friends with doctors and bigshots, Kakashi with his beauty mark laughing at Sakura.
If there was any further downside to this, that was also the angry flood of texts he got from Naruto the night of the game, and then nothing. He was too drugged with sedatives he didn’t have the right mind to reply and process them. He was too drugged to wake up with a clear mind even. He didn’t bother to text or call back. Whatever, whatever, whatever. He took a look again at his phone, checked the time, found no new messages, and put it back on his side table.
His past self would have enjoyed this momentary social isolation, but he couldn’t help the nagging feeling of missing company however, he can’t bring himself to admit this aloud.
The next time he opened his eyes, he scrambled out of bed in panic and cold sweat. Someone was incessantly ringing his doorbell. When his eyes tried to find the clock, he found that it was already eight in the evening. He was sure he wasn’t expecting any guests tonight.
He trudged on to his door and mustered some strength to look through the peephole. Blue irises looked back at him, moved away a few steps, and struck a pose with a pink-haired girl with bandages still on her nose. The door never opened so quickly during the length of his stay.
“Are you stalkers or something?” were the first words he spat.
“Dr. Aki Nohara said it’s okay to visit you now!” Naruto whined. “And Sakura brought food!”
Sakura presented several paper bags. “It was Naruto’s idea actually. He nagged me for a week.”
“Yeah and I couldn’t understand her in the first few days,” the blonde said, rather straightforwardly.
Sasuke held back the urge to slap his hand on his forehead, but he moved to the side as he allowed them to venture inside his apartment. On second thought, did he put his underwear on the laundry basket?
“We figured you didn’t have dinner yet,” Sakura told him as she laid out the food containers on the dining table. “Mind if we use your utensils?”
“I forgot to say please make yourself at home,” Sasuke snapped sarcastically.
“Eeew, you’re still in your pajamas.” Naruto made a face at him while he opened his fridge and scoured for water and fruit juices. “That makes the two of us who didn’t shower!”
“You idiot. I showered this morning.” Nevertheless, Sasuke sat on the seat beside Sakura, allowing her to give him a bowl of ramen and some serving of okonomiyaki. A large platter of takoyaki was placed in the center of the table, first to be consumed by impatient hands and hungry mouths. Sakura had one hell of an appetite and fast metabolism to boot.
“Anyway, congratulations idiot,” he said while munching on the last piece of takoyaki. “Aren’t you supposed to travel to Fukuoka for the semis?”
“Yeah, next week! It doesn’t start until next month, but Captain Haru said we need to train,” Naruto replied as he proceeded to open a bowl of instant ramen. “The board also granted us exemption from exams. My brains are saved.”
“Your training camp really coincided with the school field trip,” Sakura noted. “Maybe we could visit you in between?”
“That would be the best!” Naruto grinned sheepishly, but Sasuke swore there was a tinge of red in his cheeks.
Finally rid of all food and dishes, the three lounged around in his living room, browsing titles in Netflix – Sakura wanted gore, crime, and horror while Naruto wanted adventure and fantasy films.
“What genre do you want, Sasuke?” Sakura asked. She was in possession of the remote and was seated on the other end of the couch. Naruto was on the floor with an open packet of chips and soda.
“And if I said romance?” he chided, weirdly enough to catch them offguard, but Sakura landed on the Twilight series and pressed play without second thoughts. “I was joking.”
“And it’s now starting,” she said back.
“How long are you gonna stay here?” He lost track of time – not the first instance this happened but the first occurrence without the burden of something heavy. “It’s past midnight.”
“I thought I was slow but you’re actually slower,” Naruto teased. “We’re staying over, grumpy.”
“I would love for a vampire to bite me,” Sakura quipped out of context.
Sasuke figured he didn’t have the energy to refute their uninvited sleepover at his unit. By the time New Moon played on screen, Naruto was sleeping on the floor with his mouth hanging wide open, and Sakura was lying fully on the couch, her feet stretched out on his lap. He slid out of this awkward entanglement and strode quietly to his drawers where he took out spare blankets to cover them with. On his bedside table, his phone lit up with a message notification.
Happy birthday, Sasuke. – Itachi
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sonderrow-moved · 4 years
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LIKE for a preestablished relationship/plotting line with Archer… BUT have at least one category in mind before I hop in your IMs!
I entirely get the urge of wanting to roleplay, expand our muses together, and this is my personal starting pack for Archer! If you’re hooked to one category but don’t think your muse can fit still HMU about it and I’ll see how we can work that out!
REMINDER I HAVE A LOT OF THREADS. Like often a lot. Roleplaying is something that effortlessly really relaxes me, but I am still one human. I like to see all my threads through no matter how long the wait is and do my best ! Thus we might not be threading right off the bat depending on how much stuff I have, but everything established can get into asks, dash shenanigans, etc. What matters is that it shapes our characters. 🙏
BUSINESS PEERS. Archer’s professional and very efficient work ethic made him notorious in unspoken matters as someone who will get things done with no needs of public recognition… which would lead to inner, private and ultimately more treasured recognition. He used to have clients, partners and met a lot of others at parties he went frequently to, mostly charity parties often disguised as business ones. Those partners may have known his father, maybe his grandfather, or maybe they’re fresh right out the bat, maybe the Kessler company sought them, maybe your muse’s company sought them and you stumbled upon him. Mind you that Archer has made the scandalous decision to sell the majority of his actions towards the company and doesn’t get more involved than necessary with its activities. This profile fits to every muse high enough in the business ranks to meet Archer; at least chief of a team in a department. It’s all about title. Do be reminded that the Kessler company is known to have an illegal and scandalous history as of NOW and that a lawful good muse would probably not want to be associated with it, or any muse wanting to go legal.
LEGAL WORKERS. With the horribly enormous pile of cases Archer’s been involved with, he needs a lawyer cabinet to back him and his business. Multiple ones. Maybe it is a genuinely crooked one, or a blindly optimistic one who believes his claims of innocence and being against the world, maybe the whole cabinet is broken and as a newly employed lawyer you are still too innocent until you notice. Law enforcers and government representatives knows how much Archer is guilty (or not), making him infamous in their ranks as one of those irritating cases where the system doesn’t seem to work. For muses working in the justice system, on any side, from judge to prison guard.
“FRIENDS”. Archer lost all of his friends when he was accused and imprisoned. He would have done the same thing; every one who was still linked by friendship to him risked everything. You’re one of those, because you’re not an idiot… or maybe you are and you did lose everything to keep your integrity. Or maybe you really were too stupid and loyal and believed Archer did nothing. This applies to particular muses who can fit in a scenario like this. Although for the sake of social standing Archer could “befriend” quite some people, he had a particular preference towards artists and introverted yet talented minds who had lots of potential, wanting to make them grow.
CRIMINALS. Con artists, mafiosos, yakuzas, drug dealers, maybe assassins, thieves, hackers, corrupted law enforcement agents, rich guys with illegal fetishes… Archer has dealt at least with all of them at least once. As a “cleaner” before he finally sat down on the CEO chair, Archer was the one who by circumstances became known for his professionalism, cool head and ability to erase any evidence from even the most alarming and need-to-be-quickly-done situation. Even a killer who does so as a hobby or for personal gain would eventually be caught as he goes on, unless he can take a contract or too, and have him give a helping hand in exchange for secrecy.  This applies to muses with at least a medium-ranked profile in the underground (so no simple alley drug dealer unless plotted).
ENTERTAINERS & SEX WORKERS. Given how Archer sees sex as being an extremely powerful tool, he often got around the latter, choosing carefully which escort he’ll personally put at his services. Archer kept the best ones at hand, to please contacts and clients. He respects them for their work, but he wanted professionalism from you and not cry if you got almost cut in half after a night. Although he stepped down from his CEO position, Archer was pushed into his sire’s hotel line, which secretly dealt with human trafficking and prostitution. With his experience, he slowly is coming back and is moving all his contacts over there, wanting to change his approach. Despite the need of running a very real business, he cannot ignore the amount of work his sire’s illegal business brings. This profile fills every muse working in the sex business outside camshows and movies. They don’t have to be the ones close to Archer.
VICTIM(S). Archer is a very high-rated criminal. Although he has only been found guilty of extortion, corruption, blackmailing, piracy and other business-linked crimes, he was accused but not found guilty of sequestration, serial murder, serial rape, torture, committing indignity to a body, publishing obscene material, harassment, insert lots of other legal terms surrounding this. Accusations which have been highly mediatized given how high profile he was at the time, him being used as a scapegoat and the scandal only worsened when it was said it was both on minors and adults. I won’t get too much on what the truth is, but if you’d like your muse to be victim of Archer’s real crime(s), do hit me up I’ll be very selective on this given it’s important to his background story. This profile would fit highly disturbed muse, hobos, prostitutes, people living in very poor districts, pretty much people who have the perfect victim profile. OR it can also be other businessmen, common people, those who would have their life ruined indirectly or directly any organization Archer was or is involved with, the most common being as putting you in debt with the mafia knocking at your door to kill you, break your legs or torture someone you love until you give them what they want.
NEAR THE VICTIM(S). There are suspicions your friend/lover/brother/whatever was done wrong because of Archer. Maybe you’re the one who pressed charges. Maybe it’s not you, but in some way you were involved indirectly in the scandal and it did something to you and you have your own opinion on it. Maybe you seek where Archer is to kill him, maybe just talk to him and understand… something.This profile fits a muse who has lost someone close to them in suspicious circumstances.
PARTNER IN CRIME. You were there and you liked every bit of it probably (or if not you’re surely dead). VERY SELECTIVE. This profile fits muse with probable sociopathic and/or psychopathic tendencies who knows their way across the most fucked-up places of the underworld.
OBSESSION. High profile criminals with atrocious records are known to, sadly, have, yes,fans. Your muse believes that Archer did most of what he was accused for, choose to your discretion. Maybe they wanted to visit him, maybe they sent him gifts and mails, maybe they were already almost obsessed with him BEFORE he was accused given his bit of a disturbed but extremely charismatic and successful behavior and just FELL more as he was sequestrated. This profile fits muse going to the simple nerd with morbid curiosity to the very intense stalker.
MATCHMAKING. Since his teens, Archer has met multiple people for a potential marriage; the woman in question and the relatives that accompany her. And… when bored, his sister has the nasty habit of wanting to play matchmaker with him; Archer may not be the best person, but he’d hate to not make up to someone his hell of a relative tricked. Self explanatory. Archer’s sister, Eve (Everleigh), is owner of two modern galleries, so single people susceptible to befriend her could fall into that trap.
SCHOOL FACES. Archer cut next to every tie which couldn’t help in business after he graduated from university. It was brutal and without much warning although given how he was drawn to his duty, nobody was surprised. Archer got schooled at home as a child after becoming a depressed before going to a rich high-end private school. Afterwards, he became a star tennis player and the moral support of the team. He was also the president of a literature club where he was able to bond a bit with nerds and was known to tutors younger kids he believed had potential to help his reputation or parents who had power to help his family. Archer was mostly loved by everyone, but still bullied the weak or didn’t hesitate to stomp on other to raise himself higher. Victims of his young impulses, partner or rival in the tennis court, maybe the librarian, maybe a classmate, maybe someone from another school who always saw him and wanted to know him. This profile fits muses that Archer would not talk to unless he knew them from the past. Mostly younger muses that leads a life that has nothing to do with his work. RP can be during his younger years or simply skipped to the main verse.
MEALS. As a vampire, Archer consolidated his hypnotic powers and feeding, starting to leave some preys alive, but dazed and forgetful at times. On top of the numbness and blinding aphrodisiac the poison in his biting provides, he is able to leave the impression like their meeting was a dream; victims will remember vaguely his face, voice or other depending on characters, but not remember the feeding. However, willing and loyal ones may even befriend Archer, who finds consenting people much easier to deal with than laying bodies and sudden disappearances. This profile fits grey morale muses, ones who loves the supernatural, masochists, etc. who’d trade their blood and silence in exchange of being around a vampire. Archer only feeds on females if they ask directly for it or if there is nothing else, highly preferring to feed on males, which is linked to his sexual preferences.
RED LIGHT DISTRICT. Archer has become a prominent figure of the red light district; as the one guy who owned everything (which is not true, but blown out of proportions). Due to the forceful, ruthless and undeniably lustful reputation his sire has, being the envoy puts him in a powerful position where the line between him and the one who turned him might blur to others, as if they were the same person. Anything new in the district goes through him and pros and cons are weighted for healthy competition. Outside the hotels and their affiliated businesses, Archer personally owns two bars; one is lounge gay bar and the other one of the same style, only for the supernaturals of every shape and form, with products to cater their needs. Both are actually places made to cater to his difficult and high maintenance taste; if you cannot find it, do it yourself. Those bars include their own staff, which he selects himself to make sure nobody he would find inappropriate works under his image. As for the hotel line itself, it includes its own staff, administration, underground administration and staff, restaurant staff and entertainment staff for diverse shows and parties thrown. This profile fits any muse which would frequent the red light district, from newcomers to others looking for a job, frequent visitors and owners of businesses. From the woman who runs an escort club with a heart of steel to the bartender who just wants to pay his education fees to the security guard who has nightmare about the noises he hears behind closed doors.
HITMEN. You were paid to fuck with him, but thing is it’s pretty complicated. This profile is picky since obviously the attempt is going to fail and you cannot always RP back and forth attempts. This would be nearly a comical bond with a need to plot a resolution depending on your muse!
SUBMISSIVES. Archer’s history as a dom was… infamous. Long story short, he was known to be good, but dangerous. With a more stable mind he wouldn’t mind going back to one of his favorite hobbies. The deal is simple; he owns the person obviously, no penetration sex, no deep kissing, no romance (which doesn’t mean no affection or love) and not to start screaming about it on the streets. Although he wouldn’t mind so much now to play by the rules, if allowed Archer will become ruthless, enjoying giving permanent marks on others and inflict gradually harsher punishments or rewards. This profile fits, well, masochists and submissives people, from any form and shape really (a victim is a victim) who are willing to give their body for a mutual game, be they be paying Archer or not. Very selective… because Archer is difficult. The way he treats your muse can be from pretty sweet to downward harsh… entirely depends on what degree he finds your muse attractive. Beware scars and broken parts. Sessions can last from one evening to a whole weekend.
MISC.I’ll add more when I think of them! DO THROW ME YOUR IDEAS LET’S GO.
Like with any interaction, relationships are officially in the singleverse timeline if it is roleplayed to a minimum extensively. Looking forwards to write with you!
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arielmagicesi · 5 years
tw: cheating tw: abuse tw: please somebody read this and tell me i’m not crazy, but don’t read if it upsets you hahahaha
ahahahahahaHA fuck I forgot that my piece of shit ex girlfriend used Discord all the time on my computer (bc she liked it better than her own so she used it and used my phone always and wouldn’t let me have them back without guilt tripping me about how I was “guilt tripping her” for using my stuff) and she’d stay up all night on Discord and I’d wake up the next morning before the outpatient therapy I went to (as a result of her behavior) and steal some free time on my computer and one morning I opened my computer and it went straight to a Discord chat she was having and I tried not to look but I instantly saw her reassuring some girl who had a crush on her that it was totally fine and that she found the girl super cute and ZERO mention that she had a girlfriend (me) and I just swallowed my anger because I knew if I brought it up that my gf would get pissed at me for “spying on her” and would give me the silent treatment (which she gave me most of the time anyway) and later on I found screenshots on my phone of literal proof of her cheating on me, like she STRAIGHT UP TOOK SCREENSHOTS OF HER CHATS WITH THE GUY SHE CHEATED ON ME WITH, AND LEFT THEM IN MY OWN PHOTOS FOLDER, but when I confronted her about it she in fact did get furious at me for invading her privacy and told me that it was triggering for her to be accused of cheating, and the next day she tweeted a bunch about how spying on your partner is a thousand times worse than cheating (btw like, the chats were about how she couldn’t wait to hug and kiss him and marry him, and like, I know some people talk to their friends like that, but she literally NEVER talked to me, HER GIRLFRIEND, like that??? like when I tried to kiss her she would get v. angry and if I flirted with her she would either turn it into a joke or say that she hated it). also that was the same day that I had gone through hell at NJTransit headquarters trying to get back the wallet she lost without saying her deadname at any point bc it upset me (but it was like, the name on the wallet) and I had to get in touch with her bc the bus guy told me I couldn’t get the wallet back without her calling him directly, and I knew she’d be furious if I didn’t get her wallet back, so I tried every method to contact her, and finally I @’d that very guy bc he was her best friend, and she chewed me out for contacting him bc she said she never ever wanted me to talk to her friends (she forbade me from interacting with her social media, especially mentioning that I was her gf, bc she didn’t want her friends to know she had a girlfriend- she had a lot of dating apps where she was marked “single” and got mad at me if I told her not to flirt with people on them) and apparently her best friend had never heard of me? like literally thought I was a creepy stranger/stalker? and it was my fault for talking to him... so yeah it was later that day I was going through my photos trying to find pics of good memories so that I didn’t feel like shit about my relationship, and that’s when I found the screenshots, and I remember crying and saying to myself, “of course this is the relationship I would have” and yeah fucking of course it was!!! lmao
anyway I’m setting up a Discord channel for the nonprofit organization I work for bc it’s a convenient way to host chats about writing, and seeing Discord just flooded me with this shit and I need to go to work and teach kids how to read fucking Hebrew soon and jesus christ she won’t go away! she just won’t go away from my life! and I keep thinking that she wasn’t *that* abusive bc my fucking friends are all like “you need to get over this one kinda bad relationship, OK, so you had one experience that wasn’t perfect” so I guess it was just only a little bit bad! and the fucking Internet says that it’s impossible for someone who’s more oppressed to abuse someone more privileged and that I must have been the abuser! and I’m a teacher so I hate all autistic people, right, which means that I was the one abusing her because all her behaviors are totally excused by her autism, right? and I’m just being ableist, right? and fuck my mental illness, right? and it was my fault for “spying on her” and for interacting with her friends when she told me not to? because I was a dirty secret because she didn’t want her friends to know she was dating an ugly fat bitch, right? and literally this rant might get me “cancelled” because I’m insinuating ableism doesn’t exist (WHICH IT FUCKING DOES AND I KNOW IT DOES AND I WOULD NEVER, EVER HURT ONE OF MY STUDENTS IN ANY WAY AND I LOVE ALL MY STUDENTS AND I WANT TO ACCOMMODATE THEIR DISABILITIES) but you know what? fine
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natasha-cole · 5 years
#1 Crush: Part 18
Chapter Summary: Reader is still reeling after the breakup and a convention weekend proves to just make the entire situation more unbearable. To make matters worse, the man who is following her seems to know more about her than even she expected. Unsure of who she can really trust, she’s realizing that she needs to be as alone as possible for now.
Word Count: 6585
Warnings: angst, creepy fan
Notes: I don’t know what’s going on... but have some creepy stalker stuff.
Series Masterlist
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Just days after you had dumped Rob and you had wrapped up your work week on set, you were ready to head out to the next convention.
It had been a difficult few days, and you knew that the weekend was only going to be even more difficult.
You were heartbroken. Devastated even. You had fumbled your way through the rest of filming, completely off after what you had done. No one else knew about it, and that probably made things worse.
You had avoided Briana’s persistent questioning of your behavior, telling her that you were just tired. She had no clue that you had just left Rob and that you were busy hating yourself for it.
Word would get out. You knew that. Your group was tight-knit and everyone knew everything that was going on with each other. But, you chose to buy yourself some time by trying to pretend that everything was fine while you were working.
You sighed as you sat back further in your seat, completely oblivious to the noise and bustling crowd moving around you as you waited at your gate at the airport.
Liam sat close by and you stared at him, sort of hating that he was even necessary. You really did want to be alone, especially now, but your safety had been compromised the moment you understood that the person stalking you knew where you lived.
Your manager had insisted that Liam remain with you at all times. He was always there. On set and now here with you at the airport so that he could also be with you at the convention. You knew this would turn into him being around no matter where you went. The thought of it was stifling and gave you even more anxiety, mostly because you really didn’t know him yet he was meant to protect you.
You closed your eyes and thought about Rob again and that night. You wished you could just stop thinking about it; but you replayed that night over and over again in your mind regardless of how much you wanted to not think about it.
You couldn’t get the sound of his broken voice out of your head; the way he pleaded with you to not do this, the way he asked you to just stop and talk to him before you made a decision. You recalled the look on his face, eyes wet with tears, when you asked him to leave.
Mostly, you could still feel the pain in your chest that you felt when you did end it. You were only forcing back your own tears every day, surprised that you even had any left to spare.
“Please, don’t do this. I know you don’t want to do this.”
You constantly replayed those last words he said to you as you closed the door on him.
You hadn’t meant to be cruel about it. You never wanted to leave him in the first place. But, you stood by your decision, knowing that he really didn’t deserve to be caught up in your mess and that the entire situation was going to eventually put an even bigger strain on your relationship. You hadn’t done this because you stopped loving him. You did it to protect him.
You subconsciously reached up to touch your neck, searching for the necklace that was no longer there. Your heart ached again. It had meant so much to you and you had lost it. Perhaps this was just an indicator of how your relationship with him was never going to last.
The attendant at the gate announced boarding and you sniffled quietly as you wiped a tear from your eye. You had to at least try to be strong even if you were devastated. There was no way you’d let your stalker know that you were feeling weak, especially now that you really were alone.
“You okay, Miss Y/L/N?” Liam asked as he joined you.
He stared at you with concern and you laughed forcibly, shaking your head at him.
“I’m fine,” you lied.
“You’re upset,” he pointed out.
“Well, no offense, but I’m just- sort of hate that I still have to have you around.”
He narrowed his eyes at you, definitely looking offended by your words.
“I mean, that this is all still going on and that I need a bodyguard at all. I didn’t mean that I hate you. Just- the reason that you have to be here.”
“I understand,” he replied, features softening now that you had explained what you had meant. “These situations are always hard. But, I won’t let anything happen to you. At the same, I’ll try to give you space. I imagine it’s difficult having a stranger around all the time that you have to trust with your life.”
“See, now you’re making it sound as if I’m actually in danger,” you chuckled.
“Aren’t you though?”
The words that had been scrawled in all of those letters sent to your fan mail address suddenly popped up in your mind. At no point on social media or even with the letters that had been sent directly to you had you ever really thought that your life was threatened. But those letters had been different. You often tried not to think about them, but it was hard not to.
“I suppose I am. Thank you for being here, even if I’m kind of a jerk about it.”
“It comes with the job,” he smiled.”I get it. I’m just the bodyguard. We’re not friends, hell we hardly know each other, I don’t expect you to be thrilled to see me.”
“You know,” you began as you stood up and gathered your belongings, steeling yourself as you made your way to the line to board your flight with Liam following. “Maybe it wouldn’t hurt for us to be friends.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, we have an 8 hour flight ahead of us… maybe we should get to know each other since we’ll be putting up with each other for unforeseeable future.”
“That might be nice,” he smiled.
You forced a smile in return. You didn’t know if you really wanted to get close to him. He was simply hired to protect you after all. But at this point, he really was the only person you had left. Especially when you had already made the decision to hold back on spending too much time with any of the people that you loved for their own good.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked again.
You broke from your thoughts, looking up at him. You were terrible at hiding your pain, that much was obvious.
“You know,” you began slowly, wondering if it was appropriate to spill things to this man that you probably shouldn’t get too friendly with. “I’m really not.”
“Well, if you need someone to talk to, I’m a good listener,” he replied, smiling at you.
“Thanks. But, I don’t want to drag you down with my drama.”
“I know that you have Rob, but when he’s unable to be around, you can talk to me if you like.”
Just the sound of his name stung. You looked at Liam again and you must have looked hurt based on his reaction to you. He frowned, looking legitimately concerned as he tilted his head at you and reiterated his original question.
“Did I say something I shouldn’t have?”
“Um, maybe just to avoid future heartache… you can maybe not mention him,” you answered. “Things didn’t work out and I don’t want to go into details… but I suppose that, as the man who’s paid to watch over me, you should know that he and I are no longer together.”
“I’m so sorry,” he said softly.
He made a movement as if he were going to console you, reaching his arm up briefly before letting it drop back to his side when he realized that it would be crossing a line. Instead, he just watched you, not knowing what to say as you had just made everything awkward.
This wasn’t something to throw at your bodyguard. In fact, you knew you shouldn’t let yourself get friendly with him at all. He was paid help and as far as you understood, it should remain a professional relationship. But you were very alone. You didn’t have Rob anymore and you knew that your contact with your friends had to be limited if only to keep them all safe. You really just needed someone that you held no emotional ties with to vent to, and Liam was the perfect candidate.
“Don’t be sorry,” you replied. “I just figured you should know.”
The line began to move and you quieted yourself as you started to follow Liam. You couldn’t explain any more of this to him. Even if you decided the two of you should get to know each other a bit, he wasn’t someone that you trusted enough with the details. He wasn’t going to be your best friend. He was simply just the only person that you were willing to discuss this situation with now.
You would no longer drag Rob down with you and you would no longer have your friends be invested. It wasn’t fair to any of them. This was your problem. It just so happened that you were paying Liam to be involved in the problem. The least he could do was listen to you vent.
“You sure you wanna work this weekend?” He asked as he turned to you. “I didn’t know about that, and it might be difficult to have to work and be near him.”
Yes, this weekend was going to be rough and you weren’t sure how you and Rob were going to handle being around each other. After days of avoiding him and ignoring his calls, as much as it pained you, you weren’t sure if he would even acknowledge you after you had just broken his heart.
Even more, you knew you’d also have your friends to deal with once they knew about you leaving him. You wouldn’t say you were prepared at all for what was about to come, but you also knew that you had bigger things to worry about.
“Yeah, I’m good,” you responded. “The show must go on.”
Your flight had arrived late that night and Liam saw you safely to your room before retiring to his own just across the hall. You settled into your room alone that night. You had managed to get your own room booked just days ago, after your breakup with Rob, and you knew it was for the best.
After you had landed, your phone blew up with texts from your friends who were already in town. Even though you arrived pretty late, they were eager to have you join them for drinks, but you simply weren’t in the mood. You knew Rob would be there and you wanted to avoid him as much as possible this weekend.
Based on their messages, you assumed that they probably didn’t know about what had happened. You certainly hadn’t shouted it out to the world and you figured Rob hadn’t either. The wound was still fresh; and if you were hurting this much, you didn’t want to think about what Rob was feeling right now.
Already in PJ’s, you laid in bed and scrolled through your apps on your phone, knowing that you should just stop. You told yourself that you were just checking in on social media, but you never failed to do a search of yourself just to see if there was anything new out there about you.
It was the usual. You found an account that you had become quite familiar with. It was probably still up mostly because you had tired of reporting accounts and tweets; and your friends were probably tired of it as well. This particular one seemed to be sticking around.
You scrolled through, feeling sick at the various posts going on and on about how much they loved you, videos or you singing pulled from YouTube, photo ops obviously stolen from other fans with everything but your face cropped out of them… at least for now they were tame though. Whoever it was didn’t seem angry with you at the moment.
You ignored some text messages, mostly from Briana who was asking you to please text her back. But you weren’t ready to face your friends yet.
After a few more minutes of diving down a dark hole on this particular twitter account, you were interrupted by your phone ringing. You sighed when you saw Briana’s name pop up, but figured it would be best to at least answer so that she would stop texting you.
“Hey Bri,” you said, letting out a yawn as you realized just how exhausted you were.
“I take it that means you really aren’t joining us?” She chuckled when you finished.
“Nope. I’m ready for bed.”
“Okay, I can take a hint.”
“Thanks for thinking of me though. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Wait,” she said hurriedly, making you pause before you had a chance to end the call. “Can we talk about something real quick?”
“What’s up?”
“Rob said that the two of you are no longer together,” she stated.
She certainly didn’t waste time at getting to the point. You closed your eyes, steeling yourself for this. It was bound to happen, you just hadn’t thought that Rob would have said anything so soon.
“Well, he’s right.”
“Because it just wasn’t working,” you sighed.
“I don’t buy that for a second.”
“We just decided that we shouldn’t be together.”
“Why can’t you tell me the truth?”
“What do you want from me? Look, this has been hard enough, I don’t need you to press me for details on my relationship that ended.”
“You broke it off with him,” she said. “He told us.”
You held back the need to cry again. Of course the man had been hurt, and of course he’d turn to the people that he trusted. It just sucked that those people were also your people.
“I did. Please, don’t remind me of what an awful person I am.”
“He’s… really upset,” she went on. “He probably really shouldn’t be drinking tonight.”
“I’m sorry,” was all you could manage to say in response.
“He said you had a fight? An argument about this shit that’s been going on…”
“I really don’t want to do this right now,” you sighed. “It’s late and I’m hurting as well. Please- just make sure he gets back to his room okay.”
“Y/N…” she sighed.
You could tell she was frustrated with your lack of answers. But, you couldn’t bring yourself to talk about it yet. You knew it probably sounded awful coming from Rob’s lips, the way you had ended things; but you couldn’t take any of it back now. It was done and he was better off.
“Goodnight,” you replied. “I’ll see you all tomorrow.”
You ended the call before she could say anything else, heart aching again as you took in how all of this was affecting everything about your life. Rob was hurt, your friends were probably pissed at you, and you felt so sad on top of the anxiety and stress that had been consuming your life lately.
You set your phone aside and turned off the lamp, curling up under the covers. Sleep found you quickly that night.
You were pulled from your sleep by your phone ringing in the middle of the night. Groaning, you turned to your side and glanced at the alarm clock next to the bed. 3:34 am.
You frowned to yourself and reached for your phone, staring at the screen only to see that it was an unknown caller. The strange phone calls at all hours of the night had stopped for a while, so you were surprised to be getting this one right now.
Your thumb hovered over the ignore button for a moment, but out of sheer curiosity, it moved to the answer button.
You paused for a moment before putting the phone to your ear.
“Who is this?” You asked.
As expected, you were met by near silence. The only thing you could make out was the faint sound of someone breathing on the other end of the call.
“Who is this?!” You demanded, voice raising this time out of frustration.
Still, silence.
You choked back a sob, keeping the phone to your ear as if you expected whoever it was to actually respond.
After a moment, you ended the call as you let yourself cry. You quickly switched your phone to silent and laid there in bed, staring up at the ceiling as tears rolled down your cheek.
Almost as soon as you had ended the call, you got notification of being tagged in a tweet. You clicked on it, trying to focus through your tears. It was from the account that wouldn’t stop posting about you.
It was a simple tweet, yet still creepy. Just your twitter handle followed by words that made your skin crawl.
‘It’s always so good to hear your voice.’
Now, at least you knew. These calls weren’t just random, accidental calls. They were from someone who was purposely harassing you. They were coming from the man who was following you.
You shut your phone off this time, still crying. How would you ever figure out who this was? How had they remained anonymous for this long?
You reached over to what would usually be Rob’s side of the bed, fisting your hands in the sheets as you began to sob harder.
You didn’t sleep for the rest of the night after that phone call and tweet. You had tossed and turned, feeling more alone than ever before. You wished you had Rob to turn to. You wished that you had handled things differently. You had always felt so safe with him, and now you just felt more afraid.
Even as you headed to the green room with Liam close by, you were tense. You hadn’t slept enough and the second cup of coffee wasn’t helping. You kept glancing around you, trying to be aware of your surroundings. All of the joking you had done, pretending as if you weren’t that affected by any of this, had all but washed away. You had to take this seriously, and you were starting to.
The beginnings of you finally accepting that this was a real and scary thing that was happening to you had come about in your decision to break things off with Rob. Someone had been in your home. Someone kept harassing you online. Someone had your number and was certainly not afraid to use it. Yes, you being on your own would keep Rob and your friends safe even if you weren’t.
You sat alone once you arrived to the green room, not taking a moment to even say hi to anyone as you entered. They all knew about what you had done, and you were sure you were the most hated person here right now.
The band nor Rich were present and you were grateful that they were probably off rehearsing for the con that would start soon. At least you didn’t have to see Rob right away. You still weren’t sure how you were going to handle it.
You avoided eye contact with everyone else, turning on your phone finally and pretending to be immersed in something when you were really just deleting more phone calls that had been missed throughout the early morning hours that you had shut your phone off.
You turned to your texts then, pleased to see that at least this creep wasn’t trying to contact you that way. What you did find was a text from Rob that had been sent this morning.
‘Can we please just talk today?’ Was all it said.
Your heart hurt just seeing his name. Even worse, seeing that he just wasn’t giving up on you. You had spent the last few days following the breakup ignoring him. You didn’t answer his calls or his texts. You told yourself it would be easier if you just avoided all contact with him.
It wasn’t easier though. You were still fighting with yourself over what you had done. Part of you wanted to just apologize, take him back, and hope that you could move on from it. Mostly though, you just didn’t want for him to be a part of this. He obviously couldn’t handle it anymore based on the way he had spoken to you that night and although he insisted that you could get through it and that he was there for you, you didn’t know how long that would last. It would just be worse if it ever got to a point where he really couldn’t deal with it anymore and decided to leave you instead.
You sighed and clicked out of the message, choosing to ignore him again. Now, you were just trying to come up with ideas on what to do if he actually approached you here and asked the same question. You knew deep down that he would. You knew he wouldn’t let it go. You just didn’t know how to tell him that you needed to be apart for his own safety.
“We should talk about this.”
You looked up to the sound of Kim’s angry voice as she shoved her phone damn near in your face. You pulled back to focus on the screen, trying to hide your irritation at the her demand.
“What is it?” You asked.
You saw what it was as you spoke the words. A tweet from that same stupid account that you couldn’t avoid.
‘Y/T/H, I can’t believe he broke your heart. You’re too good for him. Maybe there’s hope for us yet. I would never hurt you.’
The words were attached to terribly pixelated photo of you that appeared to have been taken at a Louden Swain show. You recognized the venue at least, and you weren’t sure where the picture even came from. All you could imagine right now was that he had been there and taken it himself. The thought made your skin crawl.
“What the hell?” You breathed out.
Kim pulled her phone away from you, looking at it as she scrolled through disapprovingly.
“There’s more like it,” she explained. “All from last night and this morning. The guy is going on about you being single and Rob being a dick for hurting you. I know it’s not true… and I don’t know how to get him to stop. Nothing anyone does makes him stop.”
“How does he know?” You said quietly, almost to yourself as you tried to figure out how anyone else knew about your breakup.
“Know what?” Kim asked.
“It’s not true…” you trailed off. “I mean, he didn’t break my heart. He didn’t do anything wrong. But, how does this guy know that we split? How does he already know that I’m single?”
“Y/N, what’s going on?”
“Rob and I are not together anymore,” you replied honestly.
“Excuse me?” She responded, this time shouting as she stared at you in shock.
“We split up a few days ago,” you said softly.
“What the hell?”
This time, she quieted her words, face falling in disappointment as she now looked concerned.
“I haven’t said anything to anyone,” you explained, trying to wrack your brain, thinking if maybe you had said something and not realized it. “I mean, I know he said something to Briana last night… maybe the others… but you guys wouldn’t go and tell everyone about it, would you?”
“I had no idea,” she replied. “I wasn’t with everyone last night.”
“I told Liam,” you said as you remembered your short conversation about it with him yesterday. “But, only because he’s my bodyguard and I thought he should know. He’s under NDA, so he wouldn’t…”
You were confused now. It didn’t make sense that Liam or even Briana would share this type of thing with anyone else. All you could think was that Rob had.
Kim, on the other hand, was less concerned about how this guy had apparently found out about your breakup. She seemed to be heartbroken over the thought of you and Rob of all people not being together anymore.
“Why did you breakup?” She asked. “I don’t understand.”
“Look, I really don’t want to talk about it,” you sighed. “It just didn’t work out, okay. I’m sorry. I know everyone was rooting for us and were relieved when we finally started dating… but sometimes things just don’t go the way you want them to.”
“But, it’s you… and Rob.”
“Relationships end sometimes, Kim. They just do.”
“Yeah, but not when two people are so perfect for each other and so in love. At least, they don’t end this suddenly.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“You don’t have to say anything. I just- I can’t believe it.”
Briana chose that moment to stroll into the room, just as you were considering walking away from this conversation.
It was bad enough that everyone knew about this now, especially the creep who was stalking you, you really didn’t want to have to keep talking about it. You had made your decision, no matter how difficult it had been, and you were set on sticking to it.
“Right?” Briana asked Kim, as if she had been there through the entire conversation. “No one can believe it. In fact, I’m still in shock.”
“Before anyone jumps to any conclusions, I left him. He wasn’t happy about it… neither am I really. But, it just had to be this way.”
“You left him because of the shit that’s been going on,” Briana stated as she crossed her arms. “He told me.”
You rolled your eyes at her, looking away as you tried to play it off as if that weren’t the sole reason you had done this. It sounded to stupid for that to be the reason, but it was the only reason.
“Really, Y/N?” Kim asked, raising her voice at you.
“Look, we had a stupid fight and he told me that all of this was happening because I was egging it on. I know he didn’t mean it like that, but he was so frustrated and upset over this, I had to just walk away before things got worse. I can’t put him through this too.”
“Rob loves you. He’s always loved you. Just because he gets frustrated over things like this, doesn’t mean he loves you any less,” Kim added.
“I know that!” You shouted. “I love him too! So damn much. I love him enough to not want him to be involved in any of this, even if that means I’m not with him. You know that this creep has threatened him, right?”
“I- I knew,” she replied.
“I can’t- I can’t be okay with that,” you stuttered out. “This is about me, and if I can keep him out of it, then I will. Even if it hurts.”
“I get what you’re saying, but going through something like this alone…”
“I think that I have to be alone. If it keeps other people safe, then that’s what I’ll do.”
“The thing is…” Briana cut in. “The last thing you should be is alone right now. Being alone makes you vulnerable.”
“I’m not exactly alone,” you replied. “I have a bodyguard now. Apparently that’s a thing.”
“I’m not talking about the guy who’s paid to protect you, Y/N. I mean, friends and people who love you who can be your support.”
“And you guys have all done so much for me. I appreciate it, I really do. Thank you for everything… but I just want to be alone.”
“Are you cutting the rest of us off too?” Kim asked, concern present on her face.
“No. I’m just… no longer allowing any of you to be a part of this. It’s not fair. This guy knows everything about me. Literally everything and I can’t figure out how to just- keep him away. If he knows this much about me… where I live, where I work, when I go through a breakup… then he probably knows so much about the people that I love, and I just can’t do it.”
You were crying now, rushing your words as you tried to hold back the sobbing. It was overwhelming and too much all at once.
“What do you mean, he knows about the breakup?” Briana asked.
Kim decided to intervene, pulling up the tweets of her phone for Briana to see.
“Did you say something publicly?” You asked, knowing that she hadn’t. Regardless, you needed answers from somewhere and you sort of hoped that maybe she had slipped up.
“I would never,” she replied. “Rob only mentioned it last night. It was just me, Rich, and Ruth that he even talked to. Those two would never say anything either.”
“I know,” you sighed. “I know you wouldn’t. I just- don’t understand how he knows…”
“You said you told Liam,” Kim pointed out, raising an eyebrow at you as if to say that he was the only one who could have.
“I also said that he’s under NDA while he works for me. I don’t think he’d risk his job by airing my dirty laundry. Besides, we hardly know each other. Why would he say anything to anyone?”
“I suppose you’re right,” she replied. “I don’t know how this guy found out. Especially if it just happened a few days ago.”
“Do you think Rob might have said something?” You asked as you glanced between Briana and Kim. “Maybe he was drunk last night and he slipped up to a fan or something?”
“I don’t think so,” Briana answered. “Like I said, he was kinda a mess last night. We didn’t let him out of our sight.”
You walked away from that conversation feeling defeated. You had no answers. You never had answers when it came to this situation. The idea of your life being so out of your control was hard to deal with. You hated how things were now.
You knew deep down that Rob hadn’t said anything to anyone. Just like your friends hadn’t. You trusted them with your life. There was also Liam though. You were meant to trust him with your life. But, he had been the only person that you had actually told about this.
You shook the thought from your head almost as quickly as it had come. There was no way you would accuse someone of something like this when they were now an important part of your life. Not that you wanted Liam to be an important part of your life, but he was. No matter what, he was now the man in between you and any threat that came your way. Hell, he had been the first one there after the break in at your house. As far as you could tell, he took this job very seriously.
‘”I won’t let anything happen to you.’”
You recalled his words from yesterday, the sincerity in his voice as he looked right at you as he said them. Perhaps you didn’t know him well, but you trusted him. You had to trust him.
Your day hadn’t gone well, so it was only obvious that it would just get worse.
You had avoided Rob pretty well most of the day; ducking out of the room anytime he entered, neglecting to respond to text messages pleading with you to talk to him, even avoiding eye contact on breaks.
You were just trying to make it easier for him to hate you. Maybe if he hated you, he wouldn’t keep trying to speak to you in an attempt to work this out.
But, you had known all along that you couldn’t avoid him forever; and there came a point at the end of the day when avoidance had to stop.
You were just about to step into the elevator, Liam following as usual, to head up to your room when you actually looked up and saw Rob trying to exit. He had changed his clothes from earlier in the day and you assumed this meant that he was meeting your friends to go out again.
You froze completely, unsure of what to do or even say to him at this point. You wanted to just push past him and ignore him, but his pained expression upon seeing you made you stop.
He stepped off the elevator and stood in front of you. You didn’t even make an attempt to move as he did so.
“Hey,” he said softly, eyes flicking up to meet yours, his body language completely different than how he usually was around you.
“Hey,” you responded, unsure of how to even act around him now.
This was not you. This was not at all the dynamic between the two of you, and it never had been. You already hated what this breakup had done to the two of you, but not as much as what your situation had been doing to the two of you.
There was an awkward silence for a moment as you both stood there just looking at each other.
You saw Rob glance over to Liam briefly before looking back at you. Liam’s presence seemed to irritate him in this moment, and you had to admit that it bothered you as well. Rob was definitely going to bring up the break up, and it was something very personal and difficult for you. You hated the idea of a near stranger being a part of it.
“We should really talk,” he said finally. “I feel like everything was just heated that night and I said things I shouldn’t have… and maybe you said things you didn’t mean…”
“Liam,” you began as you turned to the man. “Do you think you can give us a moment?”
He hesitated as he had the tendency to do when you asked him to step away from you. Sure, he was supposed to be close at all times, but this was not a conversation that you wanted someone else to be a part of.
He nodded after assessing the situation and stepped away to the other side of the hallway where he just waited for you. He was easily still able to hear you from that spot, but you figured it was better than having him breathing down your neck.
“Rob, I meant what I said. I need to just be alone.”
“There was no indication that there was a problem in our relationship,” he pointed out. “We were happy. You can’t leave me because of one argument- an argument that we didn’t even get the chance to work through…”
“I’m not mad at you for the argument. I’m not mad at you at all. I know you didn’t mean any of it.”
“Then please let me just fix this.”
“You know, there’s nothing to fix,” you sad. “It wasn’t broken. I just- had to walk away before it did break.”
“What does that even mean?” He asked in exasperation.
Again, he looked at Liam and then back at you, seemingly annoyed that Liam was even here to witness this.
“All this time that we’ve known each other… flirted and hung out and dated… we never fought. We never argued or got upset with each other. And this one time, it went there. That was hard. I never thought you and I would fight like that.”
“It was just a shitty situation,” he said.
“And it’s never going to stop being a shitty situation until this guy stops,” you said bluntly. “Who knows when or if that will ever happen. Either way, this situation caused us to fight. I don’t want it to continue to weigh on us and break us. I would rather not be with you if it means we can salvage what we always had.”
“I’m already broken, Y/N,” he said sadly.
His words hit you like a punch to the gut. The last thing you ever wanted to do was hurt him in any way. But your attempt at keeping him safe seemed to be ruining the man.
“We finally got there,” he added with a forced smile. “After all that time, I finally asked you out. I am in love with you and I know you love me… so, I don’t know what you’re doing,.. what you’re thinking…”
“I’m thinking that I just don’t want to drag the people that I care about into this mess anymore. I know you said you were there for me and you’ve been so good to me through this, but I can’t do this to you. I can’t do this to us.”
“We can get through it. Together.”
“Please. Stop,” you breathed out in frustration. “I just- I need to be alone. Please, leave me alone.”
You called for Liam who was by your side in a second, turning away from Rob as you waited for the elevator to arrive again.
This was hard. You felt like crying again as Rob stood there, defeated, as he had to watch you walk away from him yet again.
You ignored him even as you stepped onto the elevator with Liam, avoiding eye contact as you knew he was watching you. You had never wanted to hurt him. You loved him. Now, you were devastated all over again and wishing that you could just say ‘fuck it’ and run to him; let him hold you and kiss you again.
He had always been your safe place. And this was the first time in all the time that you had known him that even he didn’t feel safe anymore. Most importantly, you felt that he wasn’t safe.
You had to admit, his words sounded nice, and you wanted to desperately to take back everything; to pretend that you had never broken up with him to begin with and that the two of you could just go back to being that newly in love couple that you missed so much. But you had so much more to worry about; so much more to deal with.
You had a stalker who knew where you lived, and you strongly believed that if he could find you there, he most likely knew where Rob or even your friends lived. The guilt of having any of them possibly involved in this mans sick games was too much for you.
At this point, no matter how much you wanted Rob, you would act as if you didn’t. You also knew that you were going to basically cut yourself off from your friends as much as possible. Maybe if this guy saw that you weren’t close with anyone anymore, he’d at least leave them alone. Sure, you worried about your own safety, but you worried about the people you loved even more.
You only glanced up at him just as the elevator doors closed. You wished you hadn’t.
You wouldn’t be able to erase the look on his face from your mind for the rest of the night. It was just another night that you would spend tossing and turning, unable to find sleep.
Forever Tags (tag me in everything!)
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mayaparker · 5 years
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@rydenbolt, @scarlettxruby & Maya continue their catching up after leaving the Autumn Festival
Part II
Ruby had caught up to Ryden a fair ways back, not saying anything as the two wolves followed their friend. As they neared the apartment, Ruby frowned. A familiar smell drifted her way. “Shit.” She touched Ryden’s arm. “That’s them.” She indicated the man Maya was fast approaching.
Maya kept walking without turning back. She knew that they were following her, but now she was well tuned to people following her. A few blocks from her apartment she spotted another one of the cult members. “Oh for fuck’s sake,” she cursed. Angry and scared as she felt, Maya marched right up to him. He was a fair bit bigger and stronger than her with a build somewhat like Ryden’s. “What the fuck is your fucking plan?” she shouted, “That you stalk me for three months and then I’ll go fulfill my destiny? Newsflash, that’s a dumbass plan.” The cult member’s lips curled into an amused smile. Sick of everything, and having worked herself up more on the walk, Maya gave in and socked him across the jaw. The crunch of contact was followed immediately by her cursing. It had probably hurt her hand more than him.
Ryden followed, because hey, he would be crashing at her place for a few nights anyway and he had a key so whatever. He kept his step in line with Ruby’s, making sure not to lose Maya from his sight either. When Ruby stopped him to point out a man standing in wait near Maya’s place, he looked over there, turning the fight mode on instantly. “What the loving fuck is she doing…” He grumbled as he quickened his pace, moving over to back Maya up in her stupid idea to confront her stalker. No excuse me am I interrupting, Ryden caught the punched man by the collar, flattening him against a wall. “You followin’ this girl, mate?”
It hadn’t been a good idea, as evidenced by Maya’s now throbbing hand. But she was pissed and she wasn’t thinking very clearly either. She jumped a little when Ryden stormed up from behind her to smash the man against the wall. For his part, the cult member showed his neck, but still smiled, “I ain’t following her, man.”
“Fuckin’ dumbass,” Ruby cursed as she watched Maya swing at the man. She followed at Ryden’s back, her own hackles raised as she stopped behind Maya as Ryden pushed forwards and grabbed the guy. There was movement on both sides, and Ruby saw four more figures step out into the light of the streetlamps. They kept their distance, but Ruby recognized at least two of them. One of which was the woman she’d put on her back at that party. Ruby growled at the woman, who merely smirked. “Your four fuckin’ tag alongs not followin’ her either?” Ruby asked, turning to face to the wolves on the street, but staying where she was.
Ryden clicked his tongue angrily, tightening his grip on the man he had pinned. The man choked, clawing at Ryden’s hands as his windpipe closed up under the pressure. His attempt to fight it was violent at first but Ryden’s tight grip on him was too effective. He’d passed out in mere seconds. Size had nothing to do with it when you’re up against super strength. Ryden let him fall to the ground and turned to face the other stalkers, jutting his chin out defiantly. The woman Ruby had gotten into a fight with took a surprised step back. She was muttering something at first but then she spoke louder, so her posse could overhear. “The Child of Cerberus…. He Who Will Eat the Sun.” Others balked, following her in her creepy religious chant of these ominous words. Ryden stood frozen for a second, feeling a familiar sort of dread creeping up on him. The three who’d ambushed them seemed ready to scatter. Ryden had other plans for them though. “No…” With that whispered out, he bolted after them.
Maya watched as Ryden choked the man. She couldn’t quite bring herself to feel bad. Her attention though was drawn by Ruby speaking and Hermes barking. The husky had placed himself between Maya and the posse in the alley. “What the fuck?” Maya muttered to herself when the muttered words reached her too. She felt cold dread slip down her spine. “Ryden,” she called out as he chased after them. She wanted to follow, to fight as well. But even dumb as she could be, she knew that she would only be a liability in that fight. She’d already bruised her hand. The safest thing for her to do was go back to her well warded apartment. So she sprinted, hoping against hope that Ryden and Ruby would join her there when the fight was over.
Ruby didn’t intervene. She could care less if Ryden choked the life out of the man. Or worse. Her buzz was fading as adrenaline rushed through her, and the pack mentality started to set in. Ruby stepped up beside Ryden as he moved to face the others, but when the chanting started, Ruby was confused. She vaguely recognized the names they were chanting, but what did that have to do with Ryden? Or Maya? “Go inside,” Ruby told Maya. There was no asking this time. No Ruby being nice. Especially as whatever they said seemed to hit a nerve in Ryden, unsettling him and sending him bolting after them. Ruby followed after a look back at Maya.
The first one Ryden had gotten to was the woman who started the creepy chants. She creamed when he grabbed her, out of some genuine fear. But once he got a hold of her, he didn’t know what to do with her. The others were getting away and he wouldn’t be able to get to them in time. He wasn’t sure why he had to stop them from escaping. He just knew he had to. He had a feeling they’d run off and tattle on him. To whom, though? Ryden suppressed a shiver as the woman fell limp in his grasp, sobbing her eyes out, like she was facing her death. He let her drop to the ground and she crawled away from him feebly, even though he did nothing to hurt her. “What the fuck were you sayin’ back there?” He asked, dazed and confused by her behavior.
Only once she and Hermes were behind a locked door did Maya stop running. She took a second to catch her breath. Part of her just wanted to scream. Instead, she popped open an already half empty bottle of whiskey and started drinking. She ignored her throbbing hand, just wanting to forget this whole night.
Ryden headed after the woman, so Ruby took the opposite direction, after the two men that had sprinted in mostly the same direction. She didn't know what was going on, or why these fuckers seemed to know who Ryden was too... or thought they knew... but nothing about it sat well with Ruby. When she finally ran the first man down, he looked over his shoulder and seemed to frown. When he saw it was Ruby, he slowed and then stopped. Before turning to face her. He barely paused before he was running at her, teeth sharp and half-shifted. Ruby didn't slow up. The man leapt at her, and Ruby side-stepped him, hitting him across the back of head with the side of her hand. He fell in a heap, out cold. The second man rushed her from behind, wrapping a wire around her neck and pulling it taut as he tried to lift her off her feet. Ruby struggled briefly, but then reached up and grabbed his wrist, and like TUah had taught her, flipped the man over her shoulder and onto his back on the pavement. She put her knee on his chest and her hand around her throat. "Why were you waitin' on my friend?" Ruby growled. The man merely grinned, much as the first one had.
Ryden's head whipped around at the first signs of struggle from the direction Ruby went off in. He was facing a human and the man he strangled was also human. But Ruby was facing two werewolves it seemed. "Fuck!" He turned away from the cowering woman, who had taken this opportunity to scuttle away and ran off to Ruby's aid. Yes, Ryden could choke a guy out of his consciousness and hurt a motherfucker pretty bad, but he wasn't a killer. And he couldn't exactly keep all of these people locked up in a basement because he was afraid they would run off to report to the Man in Black. But, and he could swear on it, this smelled like that prick's doing. Directly or indirectly. 'Child of Cerberus' rang too many alarm bells in Ryden's head. When he'd gotten to where Ruby was, she was already in control.
Ruby looked up when she heard Ryden approaching, but didn't remove her hand from the man's neck. Ruby was no killer either, unless absolutely necessary. She, however, could keep these fuckers locked up if needed. She had the authority to do it. "You listen to me, and you listen good," she told the man on the ground. "You tell me what all that chantin' meant, and you tell me now, or you'll be goin' down to the station in cuffs. I got a slew of charges just waitin' to be slapped on your record. How's that sound?" The man looked at Ruby like she was bluffing, then looked at Ryden. That was when the fear returned.
 Ryden tilted his head curiously at the 180 the man did the moment he'd noticed him standing there. He hated this feeling of not knowing what's exactly going on but every hunch he had was a bad one. He brought himself closer, crouching where Ruby kept the man down. He'd stopped struggling altogether, shrinking into himself and away from Ryden's penetrating gaze. "The lady asked you a question." He prompted and the man's eyes bounced nervously from him to Ruby. "We were told to follow the destined one. We didn't know a Child of Cerberus was here. That's what you are, right? One of His children? Bathed in the blood of hell. Our fate is to rule the world!" He fell into a fanatic's fever, trembling with it under Ruby's hold.
Ruby tightened her grip on the man's neck until he started talking. She glanced at Ryden as the wolf repeated the same phrase -the same name - that Ruby had heard the woman say. "Who told you to follow her?" Ruby asked. "And why do you think he's one of these... children?" she asked about Ryden. The man started to tremble and shake after that, and Ruby loosened her hold slightly. "Fuckin' religious bullshit," she said. "I say we tie him up and call Maya's mom," Ruby suggested as the man slid into a trembling stupor. "She's got head magic. Find out what he won't tell us."
 "I don't wanna git more people involved..." Ryden muttered but then, out of a corner of his eye, he noticed the man Ruby had incapacitated earlier creeping up on them, aiming at Ruby with some kind of a pipe or a bat he'd found. Ryden's reaction was quick and the moment he stood up to fend the attack off, the guy dropped the pipe and sprinted off. The man Ruby held down took a chance to twist around a bit and snap his teeth over Ruby's wrist, hurt enough to surprise her and loosen her grip. With preternatural dexterity and speed, he was out of reach within seconds. "GOD FUCKIN' DAMMIT!" Ryden growled out his frustration. He got careless.
Ruby nodded, not arguing with Ryden's decision. Though she was certainly gonna be asking some questions of her own. Maybe not tonight. But eventually. The next few moments happened so quickly that Ruby barely had time to do anything but make a ill-fated grab at the man who bit her and roll to her feet. But they were both gone. Leaving Ruby and Ryden alone in the dirty alleyway. Flexing her bleeding wrist - which was already healing - Ruby moved towards Ryden. She touched his arm. "You hurt?" was all she wanted to know right then. The rest could come in a bit. Once they were back at Maya's. She didn't flinch or back away as he growled, the sound echoing off the buildings nearby, but merely watched him closely, ears tuned to the other sounds around them, in case anyone tried to come back.
 "Of fuckin' course not, the only ones who do in these situations are either you or Maya." He snapped back angrily, but the anger wasn't reserved for either of them. Ryden was mad at himself. He always managed to put them both in danger and when shit hit the fan, the only person he could end up protecting was apparently himself. "Fuck..." He cussed again, this time more softly. "Let's go."
Ruby knew better than to argue with Ryden even though she told him she was alright. Which she was. And she knew he wasn't mad at her or Maya. If anything he was mad at himself. Which might've been worse. Anger like that made people do foolish things, irrational things. She brushed against him in a silent show of support and solidarity as they headed back towards Mayas place. Nothing bothered them on the way there, and both were lost in their own thoughts it seemed. Ruby hoped Maya had made a good choice and stayed put this time.
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theteablogger · 6 years
Same shit, different day
Earlier this week, I received an email from Claire, one of the people who met Andy in Los Angeles. She’s the woman whom Andy complimented on her “trophy boyfriend”, who was actually Kyle Hill. She is also the person who first alerted Molly to the existence of the Andy awareness blogs. After another friend recognized him from LotR fandom and filled Molly in on some of his history, which led directly to Andy’s eviction from her home, Claire started looking for more information and found the AA blogs and tf-talk. 
On December 12, I posted about the “trophy boyfriend” incident and noted that Andy had in fact been aware of who Kyle was before that happened. Andy read the post and decided to reach out to Claire. She had blocked him on all of her accounts, or so she thought, but Andy looked around and realized that he was still able to contact her via her Facebook fan page, which she checks infrequently. On January 29, over a month after I made my post, he sent her the following message, which she didn’t see until this past weekend:
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In the first line, Andy is referring to the days after he was evicted from Molly’s house, when he was trying to get Claire to meet with him and hear his side of the story. In her words:
I always want to give people the benefit of the doubt and believe those who say they have changed, or are trying to change, but there were just too many red flags with Andy for me to want to continue any contact at that point.
The meeting never took place.
Contacting someone to tell them he’s not stalking them, via the only account on which they’d forgotten to block him, more than seven months after they’d cut him off, actually does make Andy look a little bit like a stalker. I’m not saying that he’s stalking Claire and Kyle now, or that he was stalking them when he sent this message, or that he was stalking them last summer. I’m just pointing out the irony.
Also? I never said that Andy was stalking Claire and Kyle, or anyone else from that group of friends. Andy is concern-trolling, and he isn’t even being subtle about it.
What I actually said in my post was that in late spring/early summer, Andy had added a bunch of Molly’s friends on social media without ever having met them before, and had “thoroughly checked out” their accounts. I based this on Molly’s statement that he had done so as part of his attempt to insta-bond with her friend group. She further stated, “...he would speak about my friends, their lives and their interests and trials and tribulations as if they were very, very close friends [of his],” despite having had very little interaction with them on- or off-line. He’d only known Molly’s friends for about two weeks at the point that he was kicked out, and had only talked with the majority of them in group situations, so where did he get this information? From their social media, obviously. I would not and did not go so far as to call Andy’s social media trawling “stalking”, but I think that trying to use the information he found to create an illusion of intimacy with the group was very creepy, especially given all of his other questionable behavior at the time. Anyway, it’s extremely unlikely that he could have looked around to that extent without running into any of Kyle’s activity. 
I further commented that because Andy was a member of Project Alpha, which was streaming Kyle’s show as well as other content in which he appeared, Andy had probably seen him there. I still think this was a reasonable assumption, especially given that Andy’s pretext for suddenly realizing who Kyle was, was seeing him on Gather Your Party. 
Finally, I shared a screenshot of Andy retweeting a link to one of Kyle’s videos last April. This indicates that Andy had heard of Kyle over a month before he went to LA and started digging for information in Molly’s friends’ social media, at which point Kyle almost certainly would have come up on his radar again. It’s disingenuous to say that I extrapolated evidence of “stalking” from one little tweet, and I don’t believe Andy really thought I’d done that.
After assuring Claire that he wasn’t trying to re-establish contact (again, by sending her a message on the only account on which he wasn’t blocked) and describing my post in a misleading way, Andy said:
[The alleged accusation of stalking] frankly, would scare the shit out of me if I was you and I don’t want you to be and have never wanted you to be hurt.
This sentence was, in my opinion, an attempt to establish several things. Andy is sensitive and empathetic. Claire is (or ought to be) frightened by a supposed allegation that he might be stalking her. Andy cares about her and wants to protect her. And I, the anon blogger, am the real villain for causing Claire emotional distress in the process of trying to make Andy out to be the bad guy.
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In the past, Andy has generally focused on how the “online rumor mill” or “pitchfork mob” is trying to destroy his life. A little over a year ago, he switched tactics, saying that CR fandom would be ruined for Meg if everyone didn’t back off and leave him alone. In other words, monitoring and reporting on Andy’s continued involvement with fandom was going to hurt his friend. (Meanwhile, other friends of his continued aggressively pushing the old narrative.) Now he’s claiming that pointing out his lies is harmful to the people he targeted, who have since cut him out of their lives!
He continued:
For whatever credibility I may have gained in honestly answering your questions this summer and in keeping our conversation private and keeping off social media, I give you my word that I honestly didn’t even click on that link.
Andy reminded Claire of how well-behaved he’d been--perhaps hoping that she’d forgotten how he sent Kyle a friend request days after the whole group cut off contact with him--and insisted that he didn’t actually watch the video that he retweeted. Okay. But my argument didn’t hang on whether he’d watched the video or not. The point, again, was that the tweet provided definitive proof that Andy was aware of Kyle and his show before he supposedly mistook him for a “trophy boyfriend”. It confirmed what I already had plenty of reason to suspect. Also, the date on that tweet wasn’t three months before he met everyone in LA, as Andy said; it was about seven weeks. Andy was kicked out of Molly’s house less than nine weeks after the tweet.
And unless you specifically invite it or our paths cross wholly coincidentally someday, that’s the last you’ll hear from me since the whole point is I DON’T want you afraid that I’m stalking you.
It was already evident that Andy wasn’t letting things go because he contacted Claire about my post in the first place. Here, he doubled down. Instead of just saying that he wouldn’t contact her again, he raised the possibility that she might want to reopen communication between them, or that they might “just happen” to run into each other. And he repeated that he didn’t want her to worry that he’s stalking her, when the circumstances in which he sent this message in the first place suggest otherwise. (Again, just noting the irony. I do not actually believe that Andy is stalking Claire or Kyle.)
Claire has read my post now because she googled it after receiving Andy’s message, but she hadn’t seen it before and certainly had not spent the last three months looking over her shoulder for Andy. As she put it:
This is unnerving for a few reasons - not only that he felt compelled to message me and defend himself on this matter (one which I wasn't even previously aware of), but that he sought out my fan page, the only medium on which I didn't have him blocked, and that he knew about your post to begin with, which shows that he still regularly checks the "awareness" blogs and/or googles his name, at least as recently as three months ago.  I was honestly content to let Andy fade into the reliquary of "that happened," but reading this set me on edge. Although he says it's not intention in his very first sentence, why even message me if he isn't trying to re-establish some sort of contact? 
Why, indeed.
Andy, just...stop it. While I don’t know Claire or any of her friends personally, I’ve talked enough with several of them to be aware that they’re not shy about confronting perceived threats to people they care about. If Claire had been afraid that you were stalking her, you would have heard about it and been told to back off. I think you know this perfectly well. Their actions upon finding out the truth about you last summer were a pretty big hint.
You need to respect people’s boundaries. If you have been told not to contact someone again, don’t fucking do it. Don’t look for any flimsy excuse to write to them. Don’t seek out avenues of communication that they’ve forgotten to close. Definitely don’t try to throw them off-balance with concern-trolling and manufactured empathy. Leave them alone. It’s that simple.
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You mentioned a long time ago that you had a friend that stalked you online and talked bad about you because she had fertility issues. How have you been able to deal with it? Has it changed you and your willingness to befriend others?
Omgsh I’m laughing so hard because this is like the perfect example of broken telephone. Every individual aspect of this scenario has truth/came from somewhere but the overall situation is completely garbled. 😂
Like if I understand correctly, you remember the situation as I had a friend who had fertility issues and, while we were still friends, she stalked me online and talked behind my back as a direct result of her fertility issues, and I found out about this and was totally betrayed and might therefore have trust issues now.
What actually happened was that we were part of a group of friends, and she started dating someone I was close with from that group very seriously. I had always noticed that she tended to be emotionally manipulative of him and that he was extremely susceptible to it, so I said something to him after he directly  asked me for feedback on the relationship. I’m glossing over a TON of the details here because this isn’t the actual story, just necessary background info, but suffice to say she convinced him the manipulation was nbd, and I ended up cutting off contact with both of them (though in his case it was actually not directly because of their relationship).  A few months later a mutual friend deleted me from FB out of the blue, at which point I found out that she had been trash talking me to at least a few of our friends (while I had said nothing to anyone). The others had seemingly taken her rants with a grain of salt, but the friend who deleted me had 100% taken her side and wouldn’t even hear me out when I tried to talk to her, even claiming I should have assumed the male friend was lying about certain things (he wasn’t but also why should I have assumed he was even if he was) (good riddance then, I didn’t count her a loss 🤷). Had another confrontation with the couple, which ended in me parting  ways with the male on good terms but blocking the female and telling her never to contact me again.
Perhaps a year later I noticed someone in a Facebook group who didn’t have a photo of herself as her profile picture who seemed to have the exact background of this girl. It was pretty obvious she had made a fake account to be able to discuss certain things more anonymously. She also seemed to davka be interacting with my posts and comments, having no idea I knew who she was. Eventually she even started PMing me about posts. But it seemed like she was working on herself (she was finally in therapy after years of people trying to get her to go, for one thing) and needed the anonymous outlet, so for quite some time I didn’t call her out. However, over time it became evident she was trying to figure out a way to engineer an in-person meeting - she went to the wedding of one of my acquaintances, who she literally did not know; she asked me about classes in my neighborhood (she lived 3 hours away but said she and her husband - yep, they got married - would be in town for a few days), etc. I always found a way to put her off, but as she kept persisting, eventually it got to a point where I decided it was ridiculous and called her out on the whole thing.
Initially we had some productive conversations that rectified some misunderstandings from the past. I decided I was open to some limited renewed contact. However, she was messaging me CONSTANTLY, sending me new messages before I’d answered previous ones, asking me about every facet of my life as if we were BFFs suddenly (like, closer than we were BEFORE all of this went down...we were never that close). No matter how much time I took before replying to messages, no matter how brief I kept my answers, no matter how little I asked about her, she wasn’t getting the hint that I wasn’t open to that level of friendship, so eventually I had to tell her that it was way too much  and felt suffocating. She got really upset and blocked me, which I didn’t mind.
A few months later, though, she signed up for a program a good friend of mine was running through an organization that comprised my main social group. I told my friend about the situation and we agreed to watch and wait since it seemed unlikely she would show up in person to anything, being that she lived 3 hours away and the events were typically weekday evenings. But...she did. She drove 6 hours round trip one day to come to one of these things. I confronted her outside  afterwards and she told me she had just wanted to “see my face.” It was creepy, but seeing her in person for the first time in years also humanized her, so I agreed that next time she was in the neighborhood (she claimed that she and her husband came regularly to spend the weekend  and see other friends in the area) we could meet for coffee.
A few weeks later she messaged me that she was going to be in town that coming Sunday to see some people and asked if I had time to get coffee. I agreed and we set up a time. At 1am Saturday night (after I was asleep), she messaged me that oops lol she’d stayed up too late on Facebook and didn’t want to get up early, so she’d be coming later. She kept pushing the time back that morning and eventually I was like this is ridiculous, I have other things to do, I’m not holding my whole day open just because you didn’t have the discipline to get off Facebook at a normal hour last night, and cancelled, telling  her we could meet another time since she’d need time to see other people anyway. At that point she flipped out and admitted that she was only coming into town to see me, there were no other plans, and tried to manipulate me into feeling bad and seeing her anyway, which I stood firm on. After that reaction I was like lol nope that future meeting isn’t happening either, I’m done with this.
Mere weeks later she tried to get into another program my friend was running. My friend was aware of the whole situation so we discussed and  spoke with a rov, who advised that my friend should tell her she could participate in certain ways  (that wouldn’t bring her into contact with me) but not others and certainly could not come in person, given her background stalking me.  Needless to say she did NOT take that well and sent me a very angry email, which I never responded to. That was 3 years ago now.
After that I periodically monitored her internet presence to try to catch if she was going to pull anything stalkery again. She fairly regularly wrote (without mentioning anyone by name) about her anger with me and with my friend, accusing the friend of treating her unfairly by not getting her side of the story and me of purposely trying to trash her because I hated her as opposed to trying to protect myself from a literal stalker. When I got married roughly a year later she found my registry by internet stalking me and sent me a gift (which I promptly returned to the store because no one needs that energy in their wine glasses). Then, when I was maybe a month and a half before my due date with my son, I came across a piece of hers in the course of my regular monitoring which for once didn’t mention anything about me or my friend (though relatively recent things had), but was about her struggles with infertility and specifically a recent miscarriage. I knew it was near-certain that she was going to find out about my baby when he was born the same way she found out about my wedding and I was worried that she would do something to take out the pain of her own infertility on me for getting pregnant so quickly (my son was born before my 1st anniversary), since she was still angry at me. She did end up sending a gift again but hasn’t tried to make contact since then, and she hasn’t mentioned anything online about me or my friend since that time that I’ve seen when I’ve done my checks, so it seems like maybe she’s finally moving on (that initial falling out was 6 years ago now). She also did end up having a baby.
But anyway no this has not impacted my willingness to befriend others because I can pretty safely assume that other people will not become literal stalkers even if something eventually happens to end our friendship, lol. None of this was normal behavior. The only lasting impact it has is that I still check up on her internet presence every so often to make sure she’s not starting up again.
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sntgoodposts · 4 years
Boogie and Frank Hassle
Unlike other critics, Frank Hassle is notable for the impact he has had on Boogie’s life. As a member of the comedy troupe MDE, Frank has a caustic and somewhat negative reputation, though he has never physically hurt someone in his videos, or even touched someone. His MO is to say controversial things to people, and film their reactions. However, Boogie worked himself into hysterics over Frank Hassle, culminating in attempting to murder him.
Introduction: According to Frank, one of his fans told Boogie that Frank Hassle was "coming for you”. As a result, Boogie panicked and began to DM Frank begging to collab with him. However, Frank refused. This often involved Boogie accusing Frank of trying to kill Boogie, and Boogie begging Frank not to kill his dog.
The Initial Meeting: Frank and Boogie were appeared together on the Killstream podcast in mid 2020. Boogie initially DMed Frank on Twitter to try and beg for leniency, applying varying manipulative tactics. Initially, he leveraged his usual emotional blackmail to try and tell Frank he wasn’t worth it. He accused Frank of planning to hurt his dog and family, and said he would happily be given pink belly. When Frank mocked this tactic, Boogie said he would ‘play along’ with Frank to help his audience. Boogie now tried to befriend Frank in order to stop the criticism.
As the show date drew nearer, Boogie seemed to understand that he would probably get angry on the show, and assured Frank that the ‘meltdown’ would be fake. Before the show, he told Frank he ‘trusts’ him. He demonstrated that he would not take it personally, and told Frank to ‘go nuts’.
The Killstream: On the stream, Frank called Boogie out on his signalling of children, his abuse contradictions, his weight gain and his manipulation. Boogie tried his usual emotionally abusive tactics of trying to shut opposition up by recounting his sexual abuse, mentioning his inverted penis, and talking about his low testosterone. He also warned Frank not to hurt his dog or family (which Frank never mentioned), and said that if he came to Arkansas he would be shot by Boogie’s neighbors. Frank in return insulted Boogie and told him he would come to Arkansas to document and ‘hassle’ him, and cited the SamandTolki megathread.
Notably, in the stream Boogie repeated the idea that he was a pacifist, and had  never fought back in any physical confrontation in his life after a middle school fight. Boogie claimed he had hurt a child so badly that he never wanted to fight again. This matches previous claims when Boogie has claimed to be a pacifist who would never fire a gun.
After the stream, despite insulting Frank constantly, Boogie tried to play friendly and thanked him, which Frank rebuffed.
The Next Day: The stream led to a large amount of ridicule for Boogie, further losing even more fans due to his inability to defend himself against accusations of child molestation and lies. Boogie began to claim that he had rhetorically beaten Frank. As his critics accused him of having another meltdown, Boogie and his fans engaged in mass reporting of Frank’s videos, simultaneously reporting the SamandTolki Subreddit to Reddit admins by claiming it now had an association with the banned MillionDollarExtreme subreddit.
This censorship was successful, and Frank was banned from YouTube alongside the SamandTolki subreddit. Frank tried to appeal his ban unsuccessfully, while Boogie celebrated it despite claiming to have had nothing to do with it. Frank was understandably mad at Boogie however, and promised that he would be held accountable. He made some joke Twitter posts to try and bother Boogie more. Boogie continued to worry that Frank would one day visit him.
Months later: After Frank mentioned he was in Arkansas to visit a friend, and decided to take a picture to tease Boogie. Boogie began to panic. He uploaded a video of someone casually ringing his doorbell and walking leisurely away. Critics suspect this of being either Boogie’s friend or a delivery person, but Boogie contested that it was Frank Hassle. After being criticized for the fact this person looked nothing like Frank, Boogie changed the story to suggest it may have been a friend, incorrectly claiming that he said that initially. Finally, Boogie acknowledged that it could have just been a fan or unconnected person, before backpedaling completely.
However, Boogie still felt determined to end his feelings of persecution. Initially confident, Boogie went on Keemstar’s podcast with Frank, culminating in him threatening to kill and take pleasure in the death of the bemused Frank.  In the interview itself, Frank said he had a personal friend who had been victimized by Boogie’s lies. Further, he said Boogie engages in ‘almost pedophilic’ behavior, and said he had seen Boogie coming on to girls under 25. He said “He’s a 45 year old man hitting up teens and girls in their early 20s”. In response, Boogie claimed “I’ve literally never done that, that’s a lie, why are you lying?”. It should be noted that Lucy Foxx was 20 when she met Boogie, and claimed he had come on to girls younger than her. In the interview, he said “C’mon pussy! C’mon pussy! C’mon pussy pussy! (mocking voice) I’m in your town but I won’t drive the extra three miles, I won’t drive the extra three miles because I’m such a pussy. Show the fuck up, I will end you”.
Boogie would panic after this, accusing Frank of claiming to  have evidence of Boogie’s pedophilia and abuse of women. Although he claimed this evidence had no merit, he continued to demand that Frank come to his house to debate him, while also threatening to kill him if he did show up. He accused Frank of being too scared to rise to this impossible challenge, displaying a perverse excitement.
The Fans’ view: Boogie’s fans and critics alike showed a concern and willingness to call the police, but Boogie said not to involve the police, and claimed to have contacted a police officer, who falsely informed him that Boogie’s death threats towards Frank were justified. Critics believed this was an attempt to avoid another welfare check, however as Boogie claimed to be sitting in the closet with an illegal firearm, it was certainly not out of the question.
Boogie ultimately claimed he was turning his back on the previously claimed pacifist stance, bizarrely justifying this by retroactively claiming that he had been harassed for his entire life. Some critics believed this was an attempt to try and monetize his criticism, something he has wanted to do before and wanted to do earlier that week. However, the general consensus was that this changed after being confronted with potential evidence of misdemeanors.
Rising to the Taunts: After being taunted repeatedly on Twitter, Frank understandably felt he had to confront Boogie directly. He showed up at Boogie’s house. Unarmed, and filming, he rung Boogie’s doorbell. Boogie opened the door, gun in hand, and immediately pointed it at Frank. A friend stood behind Boogie, holding Boogie’s dog as a shield. He fired a warning shot, and Frank left. The facts were clear, Boogie had broken Arkansas law by taunting Frank and firing a warning shot, and the police came to his house.  As Frank walked away, Boogie would taunt him, calling him a ‘pussy’(3:15). Boogie had the choice to keep the door closed, and knew Frank was unarmed. He also demonstrated that he was mentally aware of his actions at the time.
After Frank left, Boogie returned to Twitter to justify why he had seemingly abandoned his pacifism, claiming that Frank and the SamandTolki thread had resulted in death threats, a claim with no evidence. Boogie asked his fans to send him memes about the event and bragged about almost killing his ‘stalker’ on Facebook. Finally, Boogie declared he was going to bring a defamation suit against Frank, however given that the claims Boogie disputes are factually documented on this very blog as well as elsewhere, it is unknown how well this will go for him. A police investigation is ongoing, with Boogie’s neighbors upset with his actions.
Later that day, Boogie went on Matt Jarbo’s podcast to justify his actions, explaining how it was politically motivated to get attention to his bullying. A partial transcript of ‘Boogie’s Speech’ can be found here.
Frank would later upload a heavily edited video.
A Summary:
Boogie, by his own admission, is mentally ill and medicated. That and having a medical marijuana card federally disqualify him from possessing a firearm. Furthermore, Arkansas is a duty to retreat state and the castle doctrine only comes into effect when someone has entered your residence and poses a violent threat. Frank was not in Boogie’s home as Arkansas law does not define the front lawn as part of the residence. Finally, Arkansas does not allow warning shots as in their own code it states "what goes up must come down". Frank might be on the hook for a misdemeanor but Boogie committed felonies and bragged about it.
Did Boogie Fear for His Life? Boogie’s legal defense is contingent on whether or not he feared for his life. As a result, he has reacted with intense anger, even gaslighting Matt Jarbo on his podcast when people suggest that it could be partially staged. Frank is well-known as a prankster who is known for not physically touching his victims. Therefore it is irrational to expect him to escalate this, especially on camera.
Chronologically, Boogie’s initial attitude towards Frank was offering to play along with his ‘meltdown’. Boogie didn’t talk too much about Frank after that, but after finding out he was in Arkansas, began to claim Frank had harassed him for months (there is no evidence that this occurred). He said he had tried to talk rationally with Frank, but that Frank wanted to harm his mental health. He claimed that Frank was here to ‘harass’ and ‘scare’, and was chosen by Frank to trigger his PTSD. On the other hand, Frank has always been clear in conversation with Boogie that his main issue is with his creepy behavior towards young women, and that Frank has a friend who has been emotionally abused by Boogie.
During the shooting, Boogie acted oddly. First, opening the door unnecessarily. Boogie could see that Frank was unarmed from his external camera, and could also communicate with him from inside. In addition, he immediately pointed the gun at him upon doing this. He also stepped out through the doorway, towards Frank to fire a warning shot. Boogie acted in a way that some critics have said seems rehearsed, though displayed odd familiarity with the gun that he legally could not own. In addition, the repeated taunts, including calling him a ‘pussy’ while he walks away, do not seem the actions of someone fearing for his life.
Initially, Boogie claimed these taunts and provocations were justified, however on Matt Jarbo’s podcast, state that the police later told him otherwise. After the shooting, Boogie changed to say that he was scared for his life or health, completely going against the previous narrative. Many have raised the question that the entire series of events is fake, and an attempt to promote storyfire on Boogie and Keemstar’s part.
Boogie should not be armed
In addition to not fearing for his life, the question is also raised if a man who has admitted to wanting to use guns to kill himself should be allowed access to a gun in the first place.
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Rememberance : Chapter Seven - Olicity Soulmate Fanfic Felicity glanced away from the line of code she was working on for a new security protocol when her desk phone ranged, she reached over, tucking it between her shoulder, she opened her mouth to greet the caller but was cut off as the head of the IT department began barking orders at her from the other line. ”Smoak, get to Mr. Harrison’s office.” Felicity fought off a sigh. “What’s the probl-“ She broke off as she heard the other line click off. She pulled the phone away with a frown. “Okay, that was just rude.” She quickly saved what she was doing on her computer before securing it and heading out of her office, getting onto the elevator and riding it to the 24th floor. She walked passed several other employee’s as they got onto the elevator as she was getting off and made the path way to Mr. Harrison’s office, knocking on the door, pushing her way in when Mr. Harrison called out for her to come in. ”Mr. Harrison, I’m from the IT department I was told by my supervisor your having computer trouble.” ”Yes, it keeps shutting down without warning.” He rounded his desk. “I’m going to lunch and I expect the problem to be fix by the time I return.” He brushed past her out of his office. ”Yeah, I’ll get right to it.” She muttered moving around his desk, settling into his chair and setting to work seeing what the problem was. “Would it kill people to get some damn manners?” She continued talking to herself. “I mean is a please or thank you too much to ask?” She frowned. “Of course it is.” She answered herself. “Because it takes too much effort to be professionally polite.” She heaved a sigh as she found several bugs had found their way into the system. “And I need to stop talking to myself.” She glanced at the opened door. “Preferably before someone walks by and hears me. Now wouldn’t that be embarrassing?” ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ She had managed to fix the problem quickly but was called to fix several other office computer’s. It took up her lunch hour much to her annoyance since they were pretty simple problems that even intern from the IT department could have handled.. It was twenty minutes after her lunch hour when she was walking into her office only to be caught off guard by who was seated in her chair and was looking at the picture she had on her desk. ”Oliver?” Oliver gaze snapped up and he quickly put the photo back where it had been before like he’d been burned. He stood up from her chair quickly. “Felicity!” ”What are you doing here?” Oliver rounded her desk, stopping in front of her. “I wanted to know when you would be free?” Felicity brushed past him and around her desk. “What are you talking about?” She asked, settling into her chair. ”Our deal.” Oliver reminded, turning around and standing directly across from her in front of her desk. Felicity frowned, thinking back if it had been a month already, and cursing silently in her head when she realized it had indeed been a month since their deal. “Right, the deal.” She tilted her head at him. “Did you even try to forget about me.” Oh, he tried alright. He got it into his head that if he slept with enough women that Felicity would just fade into the numerous number of women he had been involved with. But he found that was impossible, he was either imagining they were Felicity or he was comparing them to her. Their hair wasn’t blonde enough. Their eyes weren’t as blue. They didn’t have her figure. Somehow, someway, he always ended up finding things about Felicity to compare them to but no on amounted to her for him. Which was ridiculous seeing as he had never even been with Felicity. Not even so much as kissed her. ”I gave it my best shot but clearly you’re not forgettable.” Said Oliver. ”How did you try to forget?” Felicity looked at him speculatively. She found herself curious just how he attempted not to think about her. Oliver rubbed his thumb and forefinger together, avoiding looking her in the eyes. “I rather not say.” It took Felicity only a moment to realize what he wasn’t saying. “Of course.” She muttered with a shake of her head. Oliver cleared his throat uncomfortable with the thought that she knew how he tried to distract himself from thinking about her. “So when should I pick you up?” Felicity sighed. “A deal’s a deal, I suppose.” She said more to herself than to him, she looked up at him, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “How about Saturday night?” She usually used that night to visit Sara at work and let off some stress at the club with dancing but it looked like that won’t be happening this week. ”Saturday? Definitely. Saturday is good. It’s great.” He usually went out clubbing that night and always found a girl to warm his bed but his usual plans could definitely be tossed aside in light of getting to take Felicity out. His usual plans could go screw themselves for all he cared. Felicity raised a brow at him, feeling a flicker of amusement at his response. He sounded genuinely excited, like a kid in a candy store. “So, I’ll pick you up on Saturday at your place, say seven o’clock.” Oliver suggested, a smile lighting up his face. ”What? No.” Felicity’s response was instant with a shake of her head. Oliver’s brow pulled together in confusion. “But you just agreed to a date.” ”Yes a date. Not for you to pick me up at my place for the date. There’s no way I’m telling you where I live.” She had a stalker in college and didn’t want to repeat that experience. ”You do know I could just take a look at your employee information and just find out for myself.” ”You do know that that’s company information.” Felicity shot back. Oliver felt a flare of amusement. “My name’s on the building.” ”I don’t care what your last name is. That’s an invasion of privacy. And misuse of the fact that your name allows you certain privileges.” Felicity glared. “Not to mention that is border-lining on stalker behavior.” Oliver frowned she had a point there and he needed to know when to draw the line and not cross over into stalker territory. That was just creepy. “Okay, so I won’t pick you up at your place. I could pick you up elsewhere? Laurel or Sara’s place maybe.” Felicity shook her head. “No, you can just text me, the time and place and I’ll meet you there.” That sounded like a solid plan to her. Oliver wouldn’t no where she lived and she wouldn’t have to go through another scenario like that Lacrosse player who stalked her at MIT. ”I don’t have your number.” Oliver reminded her. Felicity held out her hand. “Give me your phone.” Oliver retrieved his phone from his pocket and placed it in her hand, feeling a jolt when his hand came in contact with hers and suddenly felt like the weird mark on his ribs was flaring up but it wasn’t painful, it was almost pleasant, the complete opposite of how it felt when it first appeared. Felicity felt the spark to her skin the second their hands brushed and her grasp on his phone tightened more out of reflex than anything and she felt her mark flare up with warmth, it felt oddly good, pleasant even. Oliver watched her closely, wondering if she had felt what he felt when their hands brushed. But found it hard to tell, other than the way she seemed to tense and press her lips into a thin line she showed no other signs if she did or not so he couldn’t be sure that she did. Oliver’s frowned deepened, that was the second time that he felt the mark flare and both times it had been when they had had some kind of physical contact no matter how small, whether it was a hand shake or a simple brush of their hands. It never happened with other women. Just with Felicity. That couldn’t have been a coincidence, he was sure of it. There was something more going on and it was just another thing to add to his ever growing list of things that he just needed to know about her. Felicity did her best to keep a straight face, feeling Oliver’s gaze on her, looking for something, watching her every expression. She swiped her thumb across his phone screen and went straight to his contacts, quickly imputing her cell number and name, when she was done she held the phone out to him, careful to not let their hands brush again. “Now you have my number.” Her words broke him from his thoughts and searching gaze, he took his phone noticing how she tried to avoid any contact of their hands. “I’m surprise you actually willingly gave me your number.” He said, glancing down at her number, his brow furrowing. “It’s not fake is it?” Felicity rolled her eyes. “I was tempted but no, it’s not fake. Feel free to try it right now if you don’t believe me.” ”I trust you.” The words were out there before he even realized what he said but once he did he knew they were true. He didn’t know why after all they didn’t know each other all that well but he trusted her completely. Which it was unfathomable for him to trust someone immediately but it didn’t change the fact that he did. Felicity’s mouth formed a silent O in surprise, and she found herself nodding slowly. “Just please, don’t misuse it.” ”As in only text you about the time and place.” Oliver said knowingly. “Don’t want me blowing up your phone.” ”Something like that.” Felicity didn’t want to be rude and tell him she didn’t want him calling her period. She was hoping by the end of this date he wouldn’t ever want to see her again. That would solve her problems or at least she hoped it would. “Right.” Said Oliver looking down for a moment to hide his frown but when he looked back up he had a smile in place. “So I’ll text you the time and place where to meet Saturday.” “Sounds good.” Felicity said just as her stomach rumbled hungrily, she felt a flush of embarrassment as Oliver’s smile transformed into an amused one. “Didn’t you just get back from lunch?” He teased. “No, I had to fix a few computers on the upper floors. So I had to forgo lunch.” She pursed her lips lips. “I really shouldn’t have skipped breakfast.” She said more to herself than him, she looked up almost forgetting Oliver was there. “It’s not important. If we’re done here, I have some more work I need to get done.” She wasn’t trying to be rude she really did have work to get through. ”Right.” Oliver said with a frown of concern. “But you should take some time to eat. You know, take care of yourself.” Felicity was already turning back to her computer and returning to the code she was working on earlier. “I’ll get right on it. See you Saturday.” She said absentmindedly. Oliver watched her get immersed in whatever she was doing, turning to leave. He doubted she would remember to get something to eat. He wondered if she would take it negatively if he went and got her something to eat. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Felicity looked up when a rap sounded on her office door and saw a man, a few years older than her, holding a take out bag. “Felicity Smoak?” “Yes.” She pushed her glasses up her nose. “Can I help you?” He stepped up to her desk placing the bag down on top of it. “I have you’re lunch order. A Italian sub.” Felicity shook her head. “I think there’s been some kind of mistake. I didn’t order anything.” “Mr. Queen did. He said to deliver the food to your office.” ”Oh.” Felicity said in surprise. “How much?” She reached for her bag to pay him. ”It’s already paid for.” He shook his head. “And my tip is covered.” He added before she could offer him a tip. “Have a good day, Miss Smoak.” Felicity frowned as he left her office. He had said that Mr. Queen had placed the order and knew instantly it was Oliver. She reached for the bag, retrieving the sub, the delicious smell of Italian food, wafting through the room and causing her stomach to rumble, as she unwrapped the sub and took a bite, she nearly groaned with how good it was, she chewed slowly, savoring the food before swallowing, taking another bite and chewing thoughtfully. It was a nice gesture. One she wouldn’t have expected from him. Mostly because it was considerate and she didn’t really see him as being considerate of others. Maybe that was a pre-conception from their first meeting. She reluctantly admitted maybe he wasn’t all bad but then again maybe this was just a move for him to try and gain her favor. But even if it was a genuine gesture she wouldn’t let it influence her decision about not spending more time with him than necessarily. She couldn’t even consider getting to know him not with Talina’s warnings not to let a bond form between them. She couldn’t risk that happening and with any luck she’ll be able to scare him off on their date by being one of those annoying girl that guys hated to date. Now if she could just somehow get him to never want to see her again? Then her problems would be solved and she wouldn’t have to worry about creepy curses. Still she would thank him on Saturday for the gesture. ~*~~*~~*~ “So do you know where he’s taking you yet?” Sara asked as she, Felicity and Laurel walked into a clothing store. They were going to find her something to wear for the date in Tuesday before getting dinner. “No, he’s supposed to text me, I’m going to meet him there.” Felicity told them as they headed for the clothes. ”Knowing Ollie, he’s probably going to take you to a club.” Commented Laurel offhandedly. “Maybe but maybe he’ll take her out to dinner instead.” Mused Sara, she looked to Felicity. “From what you told us, he seems to be taking this more serious than I would have expected.” ”So what should I wear?” Felicity wondered, looking for their opinion. ”Maybe you should wear something consertive.” Laurel suggested. “You’re trying to get him to lose interest. So dressing the opposite of his type might help in that department.” ”She shouldn’t dress down.” Sara disagreed, looking through a rack of dresses. “I think you should go all out for this date. Make sure he knows exactly what you’re working with.” She grinned mischievously. “It’ll drive him crazy knowing what he’s missing.” “You’re evil.” Felicity laughed. “I like it.” Laurel agreed with her sister. “Let’s find you something that’ll blow Oliver away.” “Alright.” Said Felicity. “So what type of qualities does Oliver find beyond annoying in a woman again? I need to be the most annoying date possible. I mean, c’mon, he wouldn’t bother if he couldn’t stand me, right?” She asked, looking at a rack of cut out tops. “No.” Sara disagreed, looking at a rack of cut out dresses. “Haven’t you heard of hate sex?” Felicity dropped her head down with a groan. “Sara.” “What? I’m just saying you can completely hate someone and still be really sexually attracted to them that you just want to screw their brains out.” Sara gave a shrug of her shoulder. ”You know what they say there’s a thin line between love and hate.” Mused Laurel. God, who said anything about love? Felicity’s thoughts went to the whole soulmate thing. Love was the last thing she wanted to feel with Oliver if her suspicion was right and deep down she knew it was. That he was her soulmate, the one she shared a soul with. If love and hate was as thin of a line as everyone believed it to be, herself included, she rather just be indifferent and not feel anything about Oliver. ”You have to try this on.” Sara pulled a black cut out dress, with diamond shape cut outs all along the torso. “And this one.” Laurel held out a green dress, that bunch at the waist, with a flirty skirt. “And this one.” Sara added in a purple number. “Don’t forget this one.” Laurel added in a blue number, to the quickly growing pile of dresses. “You two do know I just need one dress, right?” Felicity asked them amused. “You can wear them when we go dancing.” Sara dismissed,. “C’mon.” She ushered Felicity toward the changing room. “Time to put on a fashion show.” Felicity shook her head in amusement but took the arm full of dresses they pushed on her. After an hour of trying on dresses, Felicity had found several dresses that Sara and Laurel insisted she had to buy but had yet to find a dress for her date with Oliver. She was hoping this next one would be the dress. “Alright, how about this one?” Felicity stepped out from the changing room. “You look amazing.” Laurel grinned approvingly. “This one. You should wear this one for the date.” “Yeah?” Felicity asked, voice colored in hope. She really like this one. She could totally see herself wearing it more than once, she was completely ignoring the fact that it would be the dress she wore on her date with Oliver. “Sara, what do you think?” She turned to look at her blonde friend. ”I think if you were even a little bit interested in girls I would totally be trying to make out with you. You look super hot.” Sara smirked mischievously before adding teasingly. “We could have a friends with benefits arrangement.” Felicity laughed knowing Sara wasn’t serious about the making out thing. “Tempting but unfortunately women don’t do it for me. Even if their gorgeous like you.” “Shame.” Sara fake pouted. “So I should wear this one for the date?” She wondered, turning to look in the mirror and even she had to admit she looked damn good in this dress.” “Yes!” Laurel nodded. “Now we just need to pair it with a pair of fuck-me-heels.” Declared Sara. Felicity was all for shoe shopping. She loved shoes but she did not want to wear fuck me heels on her date with Oliver but something told her Sara wouldn’t be dissuaded. She headed back to the changing room to changed back into her clothes and pay for the new additions to her wardrobe. ~*~~*~~*~ Oliver looked toward the entrance for the fourth time since arriving at the romantic Italian restaurant he had chosen for their date. He had shown up early not wanting to be late for once. He was late to a lot of things but this wasn’t something he wanted to screw up. He wasn’t going to mess up this chance to change Felicity’s mind about him. He looked at his phone to see it was five minutes after the time they agreed to meet here, he frowned but when he looked up again he watched as the woman in question walked toward his table. His breath left him in a rush, his gut tightening, his pupils darkening to a storm blue as he took her in. He had thought Felicity was pretty from the very first moment he saw her. But pretty didn’t even begin to describe her. Beautiful, gorgeous, perfect were more better descriptions for her. The red dress she wore fit to her like a second skin, accenting every curve she had stopping just a few inches above her knees, with cutouts along her ribcage the dress and black heels she wore, making her legs seem like they went on for miles, her hair was curled and draped over one shoulder but didn’t abstract his view of the neckline of the dress that hinted at just the right amount of cleavage to be sexy but not slutty. Felicity had entered the restaurant, hoping that Oliver would just pull a dick move and stand her up even if she doubted the likely hood of that happening. Not with how adamant Oliver had been to get her to agree to this date in the first place. When she saw him she felt a twinge of disappointment which she knew was kind of crazy because who the hell gets disappointed from not being stood up for date? Her apparently. She forced a smile. Oliver scrambled to stand up, his chair scraping against the floor in his haste as she approached. “Wow, Felicity, you look..you look.” He let out a breath, giving his head a slight shake. ”Nice?” Felicity supplied, standing just a foot in front of him, noticing he was struggling for the right words. It looked like Sara’s plan of making her look super hot was working better than she expected. Who would of thought, Oliver Queen, playboy of Starling City would be a bit tongue tied over her. “Amazing.” Oliver corrected, the word leaving his lips on a breath. “You look unbelievable.” Despite her reservations about this Felicity felt herself blushing at the compliment and his obvious appreciation. She could actually feel his appreciation, she could also feel he was nervous. She looked him over, reluctantly admitting he looked good himself. “You look pretty good yourself.” She told him. She figured it couldn’t hurt to tell him that before she started pulling out the annoying date behavior that Laurel and Sara suggested would turn Oliver off her. Oliver expression flickered with surprise at the compliment coming from Felicity. When he saw her move toward her chair, he moved quickly. “Here let me get that for you?” He quickly pulled out his chair for her. Felicity hadn’t expected that show of manners from Oliver. She smiled at him in thanks as she took her seat and he pushed her chair in. Oliver quickly took his own seat, offering up a nervous smile. “I’m really glad you showed up.” ”Did you think I wouldn’t? A deal’s a deal.” Maybe so. But I wouldn’t have held it against you if you decided to back out of the deal.” Oliver rubbed his thumb and forefinger together. “I mean, you shouldn’t be forced to go out with me, if you don’t want to.” Felicity was surprised at the admittance. ”Force is a strong word. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be.” It was half true, she wouldn’t be there if she didn’t want to be but she had ulterior motives for being there. She saw this as her chance to get Oliver to cut his losses and move onto the next girl that caught his eye. Oliver wanted to smile at her words but wasn’t sure if she meant what she said. “Can I take your drink order?” A waiter had appeared at their table. “Perhaps I could interest you in some white wine?” “Yes.” Oliver said, hoping it might ease his nerves. The waiter poured Oliver a glass of white wine and moved to do the same for Felicity but Oliver quickly put his hand out stopping the waiter. “She prefers red wine.” ”Of course, Mr. Queen, I’ll be back with a bottle of our finest, right away.” If Felicity hadn’t been so thrown by Oliver knowing that she preferred red wine she would have objected to the waiter’s urgency to wait on them like they were royalty but then again she was out with a Queen. The Queen’s and Merlyn’s practically owned Starling City. ”How do you know that?” Oliver’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Know what?” ”That I like red wine.” ”I don’t know.” Oliver looked down a moment shifting in his seat. “I can’t explain it.” ”Try.” Felicity insisted. She needed to know how he knew that. Was it just some coincidence? ”I don’t know how or why but I feel like I already know you.” ”But you don’t know me.” Felicity frowned at him. “We’ve only met a few times.” ”Maybe so but I know things about you. Small details and I don’t know how.” Felicity looked at him doubtfully. “Like what?” ”Like you hate needles and Kangaroo’s freak you out. You think their evil. You love panda’s and think their adorable, your favorite ice cream is Mint Chocolate Chip and you really love red wine.” A trickle of unease filtered down Felicity’s spine with every word he spoke. She didn’t know how he could know those things about her, hell she hadn’t even told Laurel or Sara about her kangaroo phobia. She was more convinced than ever that even though she hadn’t seen if he had the mark that he was her soulmate. This was so not good. ”Are you alright?” Oliver asked in concern, he could feel her uneasiness like he was the one who was uneasy. ”Where’s that wine.” She muttered. “I could really use a drink.” No sooner had the words left her mouth, had the waiter appeared pouring her a glass of their finest bottle of red, she downed half the glass the second he left their table. Okay, so she wasn’t the only one experiencing weird shit from this soulmate business because there’s no way Oliver just knew that stuff for no reason. It had to be some weird soul mate intuition or something. Felicity had felt bad about her plan to turn this date into a disaster when she could feel his nerves firsthand but not after learning this. She couldn’t be second guessing her decision because the less she connected with him or spent anytime with Oliver the lesser chance of a bond forming. “That’s really something.” She muttered. Oliver watched her closely, he wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting but he expected at least a bigger reaction. Something more..unless.. she knew something that he didn’t. He remembered when they first made their deal and shook hands on it, how he had felt like this spark shot up his arm from the contact and the way his mark flared up pleasantly and how Felicity seemed startled but not surprised not the way he had been. Did she know something he didn’t? He licked his lips about to ask her just that when none other than the chef of the place appeared to introduce himself and ask personally what they wanted to order, honored to have a Queen dining in his restaurant. Felicity didn’t know why but she was surprised to be served by the chef personally. That Queen wealth had a way of getting you treated like royalty not that she cared for the special treatment. It had fallen silent and Oliver racked his brain for something to discuss, his nerves once again getting the better of him. “The weather’s been nice.” He commented. Oh God, did he really just comment on the weather? ”It has.” Felicity agreed, keeping her answer short, deciding it was about a good time as any to start turning this date to a disaster but then she suddenly recalled. “Oh, thank you for the lunch the other day, you didn’t have to.” “I know but I knew you skipped lunch and well it would have been a shame if you starved to death before our date.” He teased, he hadn’t really expected her to thank him. “Yeah, that would have just been the worse.” Felicity said. “You would have to found another girl to try and seduce.” “You’re not just any girl.” “I’m sure you said that before. Lots of times.” “Okaay, that is, well not wrong.” Oliver said laughing at her spunk. “But I didn’t mean it with them.” “And you expect me to believe you mean it now?” Felicity arched a disbelieving eyebrow at him. “No, not really.” Oliver laughed. “But I’m sure I can convince you.” Felicity narrowed her eyes at how sure he sounded. “Talk is cheap, just because you say you mean it doesn’t mean anything.” “I have no problem proving it to you.” Oliver said, giving her a once over, giving his head a shake cause damn did she look like sin tonight. “Just say the word and I’ll show you with more than just my words that I mean it when I say it to you.” Felicity rolled her eyes just as her phone pinged, she retrieved it, checking it and saw that she had a text message from Sara. Did Oliver like the dress? She quickly moved her fingers over the keys texting back to Sara. Seeing as he’s already made suggestive comments I would say yes. Plus he did keep looking her over, with dark eyes, if he looked any closer Felicity would think he was trying to undress her with his eyes. Not to mention she could feel his lust like it was her emotion and was doing her best to ignore it. Good. Laurel wondering if it’s wrong that she’s getting a thrill messing with Oliver? Felicity lips curled in faint amusement, she rather thought Laurel and Sara were enjoying this a bit much for the normal. Their friendship with Oliver was a strange one if you ask her. Maybe. But I won’t judge, gotta go, Oliver’s watching me and it slipped my mind its rude to be texting while on a date. Felicity set her phone face down. “Sorry.” “You don’t have to apologize though I do have to admit it’s a bit of ego killer that you took the time to text during our date.” He teased. “Can’t say that’s happened to me before.” “Maybe you’re not all that interesting.” Felicity quipped. Oliver gave a laugh. “Then perhaps I can convince you otherwise.” His hand wrapped around his wine glass and he never removed his eyes from hers as he lifted it to his lips, taking a slow swallow of wine. “You can certainly try.” She replied just as their food was brought out to them by the waiter with the chef. “I hope the food will be to your liking.” He smiled. Oliver offered one of his smiles that he used for the cameras. “I’m sure it is.” He grabbed a fork and took a bite, chewing carefully and nodding in approval. The chef looked to her and Felicity breathed deeply preparing herself to act like one of those obnoxious food critic people in hopes of annoying Oliver or make him think she was high maintenance. Like really super high maintenance. She took a bite and purposely made a face. “Do you not like it?” Oliver asked, seeing her face scrunch up when she swallowed her bite of food. “It’s too bland.” She lied, pushing the plate away. “Too bland?” The chef repeated, he couldn’t recall a time when anyone had called his food bland. “Yes, bland.” Said Felicity, raising her chin haltingly, committing to the act. “Lacks flavor.” The chef glanced nervously at Oliver before turning back to her. “I can whip you up another plate, one with more flavor.” “You do that.” Felicity pushed the plate away from her. The chef nodded, apologized and quickly disappeared. Oliver watched her inquisitively, he didn’t take her for the picky eater kind of girl. She really didn’t seem the type. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ The chef frowned, his annoyance clear as he waited for Felicity to give her approval. It was the fourth time that he had brought a new plate out to her. She had complained about the food each time he brought her a meal out. His food was too bland, too dull, the sauce wasn’t seasoned enough, was too thick. You name it, Felicity nicked picked at it in an attempt to seem like the worst date to take out to dinner. “If you don’t like the food here we could go somewhere else?” Oliver suggested when her fourth change plate was brought out. Felicity had to refrain from groaning in frustration, she had been trying to annoy him by being a picky food eater but all she managed to do was annoy the chef as he stood at the table waiting for her approval. Felicity sighed internally. She would have to go a different route to try and turn him off her. Felicity lifted the bite of her food and chewed, and allowed herself to savior the taste, being honest with what she said next. “It’s perfect.” The chef blew out a breath of relief before turning to Oliver. “Enjoy, Mr. Queen. I hope you visit often. It was my pleasure to cook for you.” When he turned to leave however Felicity cleared her throat. Felicity felt a twinge of guilt when he turned back with a look of dread. “I’m sorry for being a pain. You’re an amazing chef.” The Chef let relief wash over him, nodded at her compliment and disappeared back into the kitchen. “We don’t have to eat here if you don’t like the food.” Oliver frowned at her sudden change in opinion. “No, I love the food here.” She admitted, taking a bite of her food. “I’m glad.” Oliver smiled, beginning to finally eat his own food though he was confused if she loved the food here why she would complain about it. Felicity bit the inside of cheek. Okay so she would try something else that guys hated. A silence fell over them as Felicity contemplated what to try next. “How long have you been working at QC?” Felicity looked up to see Oliver watching her, waiting for an answer. “A few months but I interned a year before.” “Did you always want to work with IT?” Oliver wondered. “I originally wanted to work in Applied Sciences and I kind of just fell into the IT role instead, not that I’m complaining because I love working with computers.” Felicity paused, as a thought occurred to her. Men’s eyes always glazed over when she talked about what she did. Maybe she could ward him off by talking non-stop about something he could care less about. “So computers is your thing?” Oliver asked with interest, he never really dated a IT Geek before. Sure he slept with a few smart girls before but not MIT smart. Felicity was a first for him in a lot of ways. “Why did you want to work in Applied Science instead?” “Don’t get me wrong working in the IT department is great and I love writing code but I want to make a difference and present change, I want to be creating tech..the kind of tech that could…” Oliver listened to Felicity with rapt attention, he enjoyed the way her eyes lit up when he talked about what she did, what she wanted, the way she talked with such passion about her work. He couldn’t recall hearing someone speak with so much passionate about what they do. It was interesting to him because he didn’t feel that passionate about anything he did not to the degree that she clearly did and he wondered what that must feel like. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Felicity thought if she kept talking non-stop Oliver would become annoyed with it. Guys hated a girl who talked too much. But as she continued to talk about her work with computers, writing code and algorithms. Oliver looked to be hanging onto her every word. Why the hell was his eyes not glazing over? Why didn’t he looked annoyed with how much she was talking? Instead he appeared to be really interested in every word she said, his focus completely on her, an almost endeared look in his eyes, his lips curved in amusement. “Could we interest you in dessert?” A waiter appeared at their table as another cleared their empty plates. “Can I interest you in more wine?” “No on the wine.” Felicity shook her head, she still had to drive herself home and she wasn’t looking to get drunk. “They have excellent chocolate desserts here though. You like chocolate, right?” Oliver wondered. It was strange how he instinctively knew some things and not others. “What girl doesn’t like Chocolate.” Felicity picked up the menu, skimming through the dessert section. “I’ll have a slice of your double fudge cake.” “I’ll have the same.” Oliver told him. “Oh, uh, the double fudge is nut free? Right?” Felicity questioned. She learned it was always good to be cautious. “Yes, there’s no nuts in the double fudge ma’am.” He nodded. “Okay good.” She noticed Oliver’s questioning look. “I’m allergic. Like anaphylactic shock allergic.” Oliver eyes widened. He would have to file that knowledge away for future reference. He would hate to be the cause of her accidentally having a highly allergic reaction. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Felicity doubted he would, Laurel and Sara both said he wasn’t one for long term relationships and seeing as according to them anything with commitment or responsibility had him practically breaking out in hives she doubted he would need to remember that she was allergic to peanuts or anything with nuts. “Is there anything else I should know about you for future reference?” She didn’t want him knowing anything about her really. Things would be better in the long run if he didn’t. “No, not really.” “Okay then, tell me about yourself.” “Tired of me talking about work?” She asked, trying not to let it show how hopeful she was about that. “I’m annoying you, right?” “Quite the opposite.” Oliver shook his head. “I mean I barely understood anything you said about computers but I’m pretty sure I could listen to you all day and not get tired of hearing just the sound of your voice.” Felicity frowned in disappointed. What the hell did it take for her to annoy him, get on his nerves or something. Oliver looked at her strangely. “Did I say something wrong. Wait.” He tilted his head at her. “Are you trying to annoy me on purpose?” “No, of course not.” Felicity said immediately. “I mean who would purposely try to be annoying on a date.” She gave a nervous laugh. “That would be like trying to sabotage your own date. Who would even do something like that?” She reached for her glass of water, taking a large gulp just as their dessert were delivered. Oliver arched a brow at her, she was a terrible liar and if she thought all her talking would get on his nerves she was wrong. There was something about her rambles that gave him a light, warm feeling. And to be honest the way she clearly grew flustered while lying and rambling at the same time was endearing in its own way. In a way that was completely her. A Felicity Smoak way. “What can you tell me about yourself.” Oliver wondered, taking a bite of his cake. “I’m kind of new to Starling, I moved here just a few months ago.” She wiped her thumb across the slice of her cake, wondering if one could still be considered new to a city if they been living there for a few months. Oliver’s eyes followed her movements with rapt attention, watching as she pressed the pad of her thumb to her lips, sucking the icing from her skin. It was a simple action but still it sent a jolt of want through his body, his eyes darkening. “Where are you from?” He had to clear his throat before speaking again. “Vegas.” “Vegas.” Oliver repeated, his mouth curving. “I wasn’t expecting that.” “I’m sure there are a lot of things about me you wouldn’t expect.” “But I look forward to finding each and every one of them out.” Oliver took a bite of his cake chewing thoughtfully. “Do you have any siblings?” “Only child.” Felicity lifted a forkful of cake to her lips, the chocolate immediately exploding on her taste buds and she made an appreciative little noise. “Wow, that is some seriously good cake. I might need to come here again just for the cake alone.” “I’ll take you.” Oliver promised. “We could come here again for a second date.” “You want a second date?” Felicity frowned. “Do you normally take a girl out more than once.” “There have been a few I’ve dated for a few weeks.” Admittedly it never went longer than a month on those few occasions. Okay it was never more than two weeks but still it lasted past the one night stand. “So you’re serious about this.” She waved a hand between them. “Can you see this going somewhere?” She hoped his answer was no if not she would have to resort to her last solution. His commitment phobia. “I..” Oliver paused, it wasn’t the first time he’d been asked that by a woman but it would be the first time he didn’t lie telling her only want she wanted to hear or answer in the negative. “I think there’s potential here for more.” “Good.” Felicity put on her brightest smile. “I feel I should be completely honest with you when I get involved with someone I’m in it for the long haul.” “Long haul?” Oliver repeated, feeling his heart skip a beat “You mean long term, right?” “Very long term.” Felicity nodded, this was it, if Sara and Laurel were right this was her key to chase him off. “I mean, we’ll have to eventually move in together at some point down the line.” Felicity had to stop herself from cringing by how crazy she knew she must have sounded. Oliver felt something trickle down his spine, but it wasn’t dread like he expected, he thought about his dream and how right it had felt, he found he didn’t feel dread, quite the opposite actually. “That doesn’t sound as bad as I once believed.” He said candidly. Felicity’s eyes widened. “You do know how serious a commitment moving in with someone is, don’t you? Sharing every aspect of your life with someone, learning them inside and out? Putting up with each others annoying habits? No secrets between you?” Oliver shifted in his seat. “Yeah, I understand what a commitment it is and what the next step is in a relationship after moving in together, too. Eventually down the line, settling down for the whole white picket fence life with marriage, possibly two point five kids and a family pet.” Felicity eyes widened and she shifted uneasily. “That’s a whole lot of responsibility and commitment that I’m sure you don’t want.” She took a bite of her cake, unable to bring herself to keep his gaze. “It wasn’t.” Oliver admitted, his hand reaching out toward her face and Felicity tense as his thumb swiped over the corner of her lips, coming away with a smudge of icing, her skin tingling with the brief touch, her mark heating pleasantly. “But I don’t know..the thought of having those things don’t scare me like they used to. Not if I have those things with you.” Oliver placed the pad of his thumb to his lips, licking the chocolate from his skin. Felicity watched his movements closely, and felt a surge of want heat her skin. She felt a wave of uneasiness at the sudden want she felt for him by such a simple action, she quickly shook her head trying to banish the feelings. “Do you even hear yourself?” Felicity exclaimed, she could feel a sense of panic inside her. “You hate commitment or anything resembling responsibility.” Oliver’s brow furrowed, a lot of people knew that about him because of tabloids but he didn’t think Felicity was one to read that trash. “How would you know that?” “Because Sara and Laurel told me! You’re supposed to get freaked out. You’re supposed to-“ “Wait.” Oliver interrupted her, his brow pulling together in utter confusion. “Are you trying to ruin this date? Why?” He could feel her unease and panic and he didn’t know why and he couldn’t understand why she was feeling that way. What about him filled her with such unease and panic? That was such a good question and one she had no intention of answering. “I have to go.” Felicity pushed up from the table. “Thank you for dinner.” It barely took Oliver anytime at all to react, he quickly stood, tossing a few hundred dollars onto the table and chased after her, catching up to her easily in the parking lot. “Felicity, wait.” Felicity whirled around not realizing just how close he was, nearly colliding into his chest, she took a step back to put space between them. “Look, I kept my end of the deal. We went out. We had dinner and that’s all I agreed to.” “A date you spent the night trying to what? Get me not to want to see you? Being picky about your food on purpose? Talking non-stop thinking it would annoy me when really it did the opposite. Trying to scare me off with the prospect of a serious commitment.” “I need you not to be interested in me. I need you not to want to see me again.” Felicity told him sharply. “I need you to just move onto someone else.” “I don’t want to move onto someone else.” Oliver declared, he couldn’t remember the last time he felt so passionate about someone. “I want you.” Felicity didn’t understand why but his words sent a pang of an emotion she couldn’t put a name to or maybe she didn’t want to. “We don’t always get what we want, Oliver.” She turned back around, taking the last steps to her car when she felt his fingers encircling her wrist, but his grip wasn’t forceful like one might expect, he used the light hold to turn her back around but she barely noticed as she felt a buzz beneath her skin from his touch, goosebumps raising on her flesh. Oliver froze the same feeling going up his arm, he moved his hand down, taking her hand in his and sucked in a breath as it was like he could suddenly feel everything she was feeling so much stronger than before than what he himself felt. He felt her unease, her panic, her fear. “Just answer me this, why are you fighting this so hard, what has you so scared that you won’t even consider giving me a real chance?” He looked at her imploringly, his free hand taking her other hand in his own so he was holding both of them, taking a step closer to her, their bodies almost brushing as he stared down into her wide blue eyes. “You can’t tell me you don’t feel this, this connection between us. It’s strong and unlike anything I have ever felt before. With anyone.” He paused his grasp tightening on her hands even as he felt a buzz travel beneath his skin, like he was truly awake for the first time in his life. “You can’t tell me it mean’s nothing.” Felicity felt a shiver wrack through her, that traveled straight to her mark and she could feel the mark, flaring up warmer than before almost to a burning degree, fear struck her at the sudden feeling. “It does mean nothing.” Felicity wrenched her hands out of his. “Nothing can ever happen between us. The faster you accept that the better.” She quickly opened her car door, pulling quickly out of the parking lot, trying to force herself to calm down. So concerned with getting far away from Oliver that she could Felicity failed to notice Oliver’s brow furrow, his hand going to his mark as it flared as he felt her fear as if it was his own, stumbling backwards from the feeling and the deep disappointment he felt at seeing her drive away from him. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Felicity rushed inside her apartment the door closing loudly behind her. “Hey, I hope you don’t mind but I was hoping to crash here tonight.” Felicity was unsurprised to find Sara there, after all she told Sara she was welcome there anytime. She consider the other blonde as her best friend and had even given her a key so she could let herself in when she needed to but at that moment Felicity couldn’t bring herself to assure her that she was welcome to stay as long as she wanted like she usually did. She quickly walked though her apartment past where Sara was flipping through channels on her couch, heading straight for the bathroom. “Hey, did the date go okay?” She heard Sara asked as she shut the bathroom door behind her. Felicity quickly unzipped her dress as her mark grew hotter, shedding her dress, she stared in the mirror at her mark gritting her teeth from the burn she felt, watching in horror as the mark seemed to glow red with a vengeance, tears welled in her eyes, feeling like her skin was literally burning, she quickly wet a towel with cold water and pressed it to her skin, trying to breathe through the pain. The pain increased before it got better as she brought up free hand to her mouth to muffle the urge to cry out in pain. When the pain finally subsided she breathed deeply in relief. It had felt like someone took a hot iron to her skin, searing it all over again. She removed the wet cloth from her skin, tossing it in the sink and staring at the angry red raised flesh of the mark that contrasted sharply with her pale skin standing out. “Felicity, is everything okay?” Sara pushed the bathroom door open, concerned with how Felicity how tore through the apartment like her clothes were on fire. “Did somethi- Oh my God, what happened?” Felicity whirled around eyes wide, immediately noticing Sara’s gaze on her mark. Felicity flushed, standing there in nothing but her bra and underwear with Sara staring at her mark. Sara’s eyes lit up with fire. “Who did this to you?!” Felicity shook her head opening her mouth to explain but snapped it shut because how the hell was she supposed to explain this to Sara? Other than telling her the truth but would Sara even believe her? Or would she think she was crazy? But Fuck, by the angry appalled look on Sara’s face she didn’t think she was getting out of this one without saying something. Not if her friend had anything to say about it and Sara looked like she was ready to kill someone. “What happened, Felicity?!"
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sonderrow-moved · 5 years
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LIKE for a preestablished relationship/plotting line with Archer… BUT have at least one category in mind before I hop in your IMs! LINK TO JAEL’S: TBA
Update from this post! I entirely get the urge of wanting to roleplay, expand our muses together, and this is my personal starting pack for Archer! I take good time to redo this post according to thecurrent timeline which changed drastically since the beginning of this blog. If you’re hooked to one category but don’t think your muse can fit still HMU about it and I’ll see how we can work that out! So here are roughly the categories for inspiration your muse could fit in!
BUSINESS PEERS. Archer’s professional and very efficient work ethic made him notorious in unspoken matters as someone who will get things done with no needs of public recognition… which would lead to inner, private and ultimately more treasured recognition. He used to have clients, partners and met a lot of others at parties he went frequently to, mostly charity parties often disguised as business ones. Those partners may have known his father, maybe his grandfather, or maybe they’re fresh right out the bat, maybe the Kessler company sought them, maybe your muse’s company sought them and you stumbled upon him. Mind you that Archer has made the scandalous decision to sell the majority of his actions towards the company and doesn’t get more involved than necessary with its activities. This profile fits to every muse high enough in the business ranks to meet Archer; at least chief of a team in a department. It’s all about title. Do be reminded that the Kessler company is known to have an illegal and scandalous history as of NOW and that a lawful good muse would probably not want to be associated with it, or any muse wanting to go legal.
LEGAL WORKERS. With the horribly enormous pile of cases Archer’s been involved with, he needs a lawyer cabinet to back him and his business. Multiple ones. Maybe it is a genuinely crooked one, or a blindly optimistic one who believes his claims of innocence and being against the world, maybe the whole cabinet is broken and as a newly employed lawyer you are still too innocent until you notice. Law enforcers and government representatives knows how much Archer is guilty (or not), making him infamous in their ranks as one of those irritating cases where the system doesn’t seem to work. For muses working in the justice system, on any side, from judge to prison guard.
“FRIENDS”. Archer lost all of his friends when he was accused and imprisoned. He would have done the same thing; every one who was still linked by friendship to him risked everything. You’re one of those, because you’re not an idiot… or maybe you are and you did lose everything to keep your integrity. Or maybe you really were too stupid and loyal and believed Archer did nothing. This applies to particular muses who can fit in a scenario like this. Although for the sake of social standing Archer could “befriend” quite some people, he had a particular preference towards artists and introverted yet talented minds who had lots of potential, wanting to make them grow.
CRIMINALS. Con artists, mafiosos, yakuzas, drug dealers, maybe assassins, thieves, hackers, corrupted law enforcement agents, rich guys with illegal fetishes… Archer has dealt at least with all of them at least once. As a “cleaner” before he finally sat down on the CEO chair, Archer was the one who by circumstances became known for his professionalism, cool head and ability to erase any evidence from even the most alarming and need-to-be-quickly-done situation. Even a killer who does so as a hobby or for personal gain would eventually be caught as he goes on, unless he can take a contract or too, and have him give a helping hand in exchange for secrecy.  This applies to muses with at least a medium-ranked profile in the underground (so no simple alley drug dealer unless plotted).
ENTERTAINERS & SEX WORKERS. Given how Archer sees sex as being an extremely powerful tool, he often got around the latter, choosing carefully which escort he’ll personally put at his services. Archer kept the best ones at hand, to please contacts and clients. He respects them for their work, but he wanted professionalism from you and not cry if you got almost cut in half after a night. Although he stepped down from his CEO position, Archer was pushed into his sire’s hotel line, which secretly dealt with human trafficking and prostitution. With his experience, he slowly is coming back and is moving all his contacts over there, wanting to change his approach. Despite the need of running a very real business, he cannot ignore the amount of work his sire’s illegal business brings. This profile fills every muse working in the sex business outside camshows and movies. They don’t have to be the ones close to Archer.
VICTIM(S). Archer is a very high-rated criminal. Although he has only been found guilty of extortion, corruption, blackmailing, piracy and other business-linked crimes, he was accused but not found guilty of sequestration, serial murder, serial rape, torture, committing indignity to a body, publishing obscene material, harassment, insert lots of other legal terms surrounding this. Accusations which have been highly mediatized given how high profile he was at the time, him being used as a scapegoat and the scandal only worsened when it was said it was both on minors and adults. I won’t get too much on what the truth is, but if you’d like your muse to be victim of Archer’s real crime(s), do hit me up I’ll be very selective on this given it’s important to his background story. This profile would fit highly disturbed muse, hobos, prostitutes, people living in very poor districts, pretty much people who have the perfect victim profile. OR it can also be other businessmen, common people, those who would have their life ruined indirectly or directly any organization Archer was or is involved with, the most common being as putting you in debt with the mafia knocking at your door to kill you, break your legs or torture someone you love until you give them what they want.
NEAR THE VICTIM(S). There are suspicions your friend/lover/brother/whatever was done wrong because of Archer. Maybe you’re the one who pressed charges. Maybe it’s not you, but in some way you were involved indirectly in the scandal and it did something to you and you have your own opinion on it. Maybe you seek where Archer is to kill him, maybe just talk to him and understand… something.This profile fits a muse who has lost someone close to them in suspicious circumstances. 
PARTNER IN CRIME. You were there and you liked every bit of it probably (or if not you’re surely dead). VERY SELECTIVE. This profile fits muse with probable sociopathic and/or psychopathic tendencies who knows their way across the most fucked-up places of the underworld.
OBSESSION. High profile criminals with atrocious records are known to, sadly, have, yes,fans. Your muse believes that Archer did most of what he was accused for, choose to your discretion. Maybe they wanted to visit him, maybe they sent him gifts and mails, maybe they were already almost obsessed with him BEFORE he was accused given his bit of a disturbed but extremely charismatic and successful behavior and just FELL more as he was sequestrated. This profile fits muse going to the simple nerd with morbid curiosity to the very intense stalker.
MATCHMAKING. Since his teens, Archer has met multiple people for a potential marriage; the woman in question and the relatives that accompany her. And… when bored, his sister has the nasty habit of wanting to play matchmaker with him; Archer may not be the best person, but he’d hate to not make up to someone his hell of a relative tricked. Self explanatory. Archer’s sister, Eve (Everleigh), is owner of two modern galleries, so single people susceptible to befriend her could fall into that trap.
SCHOOL FACES. Archer cut next to every tie which couldn’t help in business after he graduated from university. It was brutal and without much warning although given how he was drawn to his duty, nobody was surprised. Archer got schooled at home as a child after becoming a depressed before going to a rich high-end private school. Afterwards, he became a star tennis player and the moral support of the team. He was also the president of a literature club where he was able to bond a bit with nerds and was known to tutors younger kids he believed had potential to help his reputation or parents who had power to help his family. Archer was mostly loved by everyone, but still bullied the weak or didn’t hesitate to stomp on other to raise himself higher. Victims of his young impulses, partner or rival in the tennis court, maybe the librarian, maybe a classmate, maybe someone from another school who always saw him and wanted to know him. This profile fits muses that Archer would not talk to unless he knew them from the past. Mostly younger muses that leads a life that has nothing to do with his work. RP can be during his younger years or simply skipped to the main verse.
MEALS. As a vampire, Archer consolidated his hypnotic powers and feeding, starting to leave some preys alive, but dazed and forgetful at times. On top of the numbness and blinding aphrodisiac the poison in his biting provides, he is able to leave the impression like their meeting was a dream; victims will remember vaguely his face, voice or other depending on characters, but not remember the feeding. However, willing and loyal ones may even befriend Archer, who finds consenting people much easier to deal with than laying bodies and sudden disappearances. This profile fits grey morale muses, ones who loves the supernatural, masochists, etc. who’d trade their blood and silence in exchange of being around a vampire. Archer only feeds on females if they ask directly for it or if there is nothing else, highly preferring to feed on males, which is linked to his sexual preferences.
RED LIGHT DISTRICT. Archer has become a prominent figure of the red light district; as the one guy who owned everything (which is not true, but blown out of proportions). Due to the forceful, ruthless and undeniably lustful reputation his sire has, being the envoy puts him in a powerful position where the line between him and the one who turned him might blur to others, as if they were the same person. Anything new in the district goes through him and pros and cons are weighted for healthy competition. Outside the hotels and their affiliated businesses, Archer personally owns two bars; one is lounge gay bar and the other one of the same style, only for the supernaturals of every shape and form, with products to cater their needs. Both are actually places made to cater to his difficult and high maintenance taste; if you cannot find it, do it yourself. Those bars include their own staff, which he selects himself to make sure nobody he would find inappropriate works under his image. As for the hotel line itself, it includes its own staff, administration, underground administration and staff, restaurant staff and entertainment staff for diverse shows and parties thrown. This profile fits any muse which would frequent the red light district, from newcomers to others looking for a job, frequent visitors and owners of businesses. From the woman who runs an escort club with a heart of steel to the bartender who just wants to pay his education fees to the security guard who has nightmare about the noises he hears behind closed doors.
HITMEN. You were paid to fuck with him, but thing is it’s pretty complicated. This profile is picky since obviously the attempt is going to fail and you cannot always RP back and forth attempts. This would be nearly a comical bond with a need to plot a resolution depending on your muse!
SUBMISSIVES. Archer’s history as a dom was… infamous. Long story short, he was known to be good, but dangerous. With a more stable mind he wouldn’t mind going back to one of his favorite hobbies. The deal is simple; he owns the person obviously, no penetration sex, no deep kissing, no romance (which doesn’t mean no affection or love) and not to start screaming about it on the streets. Although he wouldn’t mind so much now to play by the rules, if allowed Archer will become ruthless, enjoying giving permanent marks on others and inflict gradually harsher punishments or rewards. This profile fits, well, masochists and submissives people, from any form and shape really (a victim is a victim) who are willing to give their body for a mutual game, be they be paying Archer or not. Very selective… because Archer is difficult. The way he treats your muse can be from pretty sweet to downward harsh… entirely depends on what degree he finds your muse attractive. Beware scars and broken parts. Sessions can last from one evening to a whole weekend.
MISC.I’ll add more when I think of them! DO THROW ME YOUR IDEAS LET’S GO.
Like with any interaction, relationships are officially in the singleverse timeline if it is roleplayed to a minimum extensively. Looking forwards to write with you!
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