#dillution method
roboticchibitan · 5 months
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Dye experiment for @biotic-boshtet! I dyed four skeins the same four colors of blue (Jacquard acid dyes in colorways brilliant blue, sapphire blue, sky blue, and turquoise), but each skein was half one shade of blue and half split between the other three, making one color dominant. I then switched which color was dominant on each skein. She's making the shipwreck shawl with them! I was just curious how it would work up if I did it this way.
I did a dillution of 1TSP dye to 8 oz water. I used 16 oz of dye liquid for brilliant blue, sapphire blue, and sky blue but only 12 oz of dye liquid of the turquoise. The turquoise dye went farther for some reason. It also was too much turquoise dye powder. That's the only color that had excess dye when I went to rinse the first two skeins. If I was doing this again I'd use 1/2TSP of turquoise dye per 8 oz of water.
I also had a weird problem of the sapphire blue turning black in places??? I put the third and fourth skeins in for less time but they still turned black. I put the oven to 350°F like the tutorial said but if I did this again I'd turn it down to 300°F to see if that would help.
Next I'm going to try space dyeing in the hotel pan on the stovetop! I just gotta find a tutorial for it. Tho I will say I have not missed having to monitor and regulate temperature with the oven method.
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neojayink · 7 months
Sketch Dump + Splatoon Neo Artist Updates
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I’m nearly finished the complete plot of sneo hero story. Currently planning on how all my ideas will coincide with each other.
Hero: “Cross Contamination” - A sub plot that introduces Toxic Octolings and shows the failures of a scientist attempting to create genetically modified Octolings. Much like sanitized Octolings, the toxic octos have been contaminated and now show off zombie-like behaviors.
“Hero Team Up” - A pair of heroes on their night shift protecting the city. The left hero is physically exhausted from the mission. Neon Octolings shown carrying the new “Dauber Glove” weapons.
“Part time environmentalist” - Sketches for a story in which the main character works at a water plant facility. Currently scrapped idea as it introduced a convoluted storyline. Reworked into the Hero Night Shifts. (Protecting the Microbiome) “Water jug ink hammer” and “stream shot” seen as weapons. May be explored in the future.
“Tree Octoling Trio” - First concept for the Tree Octoling in the story. The hero will arrive to a zoo-like Forrest enclosure in search of a hidden treasure. The tree Octoling is protecting it, and has never seen an outsider before. Their natural instinct to protect their turf kicks in and a battle starts. Tree octopuses do not exist, but this one has been created in irony of that fact. They represent a successful genetic modification experiment by the scientist.
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“Hype Mode” - A new mechanic that lets the player trade their heart for stat boosts. More details coming in the sneo mechanics updates.
Edit: this mechanic will be reworked into what we will call “flow state”
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“Lock Jaws” - Splatoon Neo’s second official special. Will be seen after the “Supersize: Streamshot Deluxe” is shown off. The user summons a ghostly koinobori (carp/koi fish streamer ‘kite’.) The lock jaws which is made of holo ink swims through the air and surfaces to latch onto its target. Holo ink allows inklings to cast 3D projections of ink. It’s seen in many specials, but in this case, holo ink casts into a koi fish. Once locked, the enemy player will lose access to its special, sub weapon, and given negative effects such as dizziness and dillution. (Dillution makes you take more damage and deal less damage when affected)
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“Turf Board” - New weapon class of surfboard + hoverboard weapons. It will be a usable method of transportation in battles. Comes with its own ink tank to let you “hover” from its fountain mechanism. Ink saver main will be your friend with this wpn as the hover mode will burn through ink. I haven’t finished the mechanics and balancing but I could see this letting you hover for at least 5 seconds. As a turfing weapon it can shoot out two streams of ink. The win animation will definitely look like how people dance with sign advertisements. Vehicles will show up in the “raceway” stage as obstacles you can drive around with ink like the turf board.
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And finally,
“Neon Lotus” - Album cover concept 1. The twins have their final designs pretty much complete and they have a few songs in the works already. Their album vibe is inspired by old school sonic graphics. Surprisingly it’s harder for me to create songs for the twins vs ultramarine. It’s about 4 to 6 in difference. I’m definitely a perfectionist to neon lotus but I’m sure they’ll come out great. Over time I’ll be sharing more audio clips for both bands songs.
(This post sat in my drafts for months 😅just now checking drafts)
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balkanradfem · 9 months
I have important question, what do you use as fertilizer for plants? I don't really want to buy one and I read there are options, like veggie broth or tea, but I am unsure what works best. I read some use a bit of menstrual blood diluted in water, which I am tempted to try, but wonder how weird it is.
I use menstrual blood diluted in water every time! But there's not enough of that to be a consistent fertilizer, or to work for the entire garden. Here's stuff that I have tried out:
urine dilluted 1:10 with water! It has a great amount of nitrogen and trace amounts of other minerals, do not use it more than two times a month, and not on tiny plants. It's the best for green growth
fermented nettle: for this, fill a plastic container that you can close, with big nettles, and then pour water on them, all the way to the top, and close it up. Leave in hot sun to ferment for 10 days. Once it's done it will stink, and I mean, stink badly. Dillute 1:10 before watering your plants with! Don't use on peas, beans and other legumes, they do not like the nitrogen.
fermented comfrey: same as nettle, has so many good nutrients in there, has tons of calcium, will help your plants a lot!
menstrual blood diluted with water: safe for all plants, plants absolutely love blood
if you suspect your plants are lacking in some minerals you can use egg shells, or even crushed shells from the beach/river, and put them in your soil to make sure there's enough calcium in it! I didn't do a lot of this but the plant lady is always doing it
Mulch: it means putting organic material on top of the soil, this can be hay, straw, cut grass, dried leaves, pine needles, cut off tree branches, plant cuttings or leftovers, whatever has fallen off a plant or a tree is in this category. Now what will happen is these materials, exposed to the sun and elements, will start to degrade and compost themselves into your soil, and you will have fresh organic compost on top of your soil. Once your mulch degrades to compost you can add more material! Endless fertilization and fixing the soil and making sure you little worms have food to eat.
Stuff I've only heard of:
coffee grounds: apparently they're very good for soil and feeding the plants!
if you have leftovers of food in the forms of fish or bones, those are great for fertilization! There even are specific fertilizers called 'bone meal' or 'fish fertilizer' because plants really love that kind of stuff. It's better to compost them first though or add them in crushed form, they need to be reduced to the elements before plants can absorb them
Mushrooms: if you can get any fungal growth in your garden it's extremely healthy for your plants! If you're only looking for potted soil disregard this. But garden plants love having mushrooms around and if you have any mushroom growth it means your soil is super healthy
compost tea: I am sure this one is amazing because 'Roots and Refuge' farm used it to rejuvinate their soil after it's been poisoned by herbicide. I'm not sure how I would do it with my outside compost pile but the idea is to put your half-composted leftovers into water, leave it there for some hours, and strain it out, so the water has taken tons of nutrients from it, and then you water your plants with it! In general, whatever you use dissolved in water will have immediate effect because your plants will draw that water in immediately. It takes a bit to absorb stuff you put in the soil!
I guess I shouldn't leave out the 'traditional' fertilization methods, which is animal poop, just in case you have like, chicken or bunnies or something making a lot of poop, that can be used as fertilizer. Do look up what poop needs to be composted for a while first though! Some animals like cows produce poop so nitrogen-rich it would fry your plants if used immediately, it needs to sit for a year first.
Good luck to your plants, you never have to buy fertilizer because there is so much of nutrients in nature you can always get it for free, with just some basic knowledge of how to get to it :)
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I’m a huge history nerd. I was wondering if there are specific women in history who you are using as inspiration for Visenya
Agrippina she married her uncle for power; Faustina; Cornelia(mother of the Gracchi brothers) the motherly devotion; there is some Fulvia, but it got very dilluted after editing; There is a little bit of Livia in the utter desire of seeing her son in power and doing whatever it takes.
Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, with the push and pull method of seduction, and youth.
Elizabeth of York; Eleanor of Aquitane; there is a bunch of Italian noblewomen that I took very tiny bits, there is a duo of Italian sisters that was particular inspiring for Rhaenyra and Visenya, because their level of petty was astronomical, I think it was renaissance, but I forgot their names right now, they competed in everything, who dressed better, jewelry, house, the artist that painted the portrait, husbands and even children, etc, if I am not mistaken the only thing their agreed was that they both hated their cousin.
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practicalsolarpunk · 3 years
Bokashi Composting
Some of the things I was told about bokashi composting when I started doing it weren’t accurate, and it was a struggle for a while. But I learned a lot after doing it for a year, and it’s actually an awesome composting option for apartments and other small and/or rented spaces.
So here’s Mod J’s Post on Why Apartment-Dwellers Should Do Bokashi Composting, with a few things I wish I’d known starting out.
What is bokashi composting?
Here’s what I understood when I started bokashi composting:
Bokashi composting is a method of composting that uses microorganisms in a powder called “bokashi bran” to speed up the composting process and eliminate the smell. Put your food scraps in the bin and layer with the bran. Once the bin is full, let it sit for two more weeks, and you’ll have good dirt ready for planting.
That’s not entirely accurate. Here’s a more accurate description:
Bokashi composting uses fermentation to turn organic waste into two components: a solid pre-compost and a liquid “bokashi tea.” The tea can be dilluted with water (a 1:100 ratio is recommended because of its high acidity) and used as a fertilizer. The pre-compost can be buried in dirt and within two weeks will become nutrient-rich compost dirt itself.
How does it work?
The bokashi method works by fermentation. Keeping it in an airtight bin allows it to ferment instead of rot, and the “bran” is supposed to help it along. (Sometimes white mold grows on the stuff inside -that’s perfectly fine and normal.) Fermenting breaks down the organic material a lot faster than ordinary composting. You end up with two components: The solid pre-compost and the liquid bokashi tea. The tea needs to be drained from the bin regularly so the excess liquid doesn’t impede the fermentation process, which is why bokashi bins have a spigot at the bottom.
Does it really have no smell?
Yes and no. If the bin or bucket you’re using has a good seal on it, you won’t smell it while the bin is closed. However, the fermenting stuff inside and the liquid that comes off it smell absolutely vile, and you will smell it when you open the bin or drain the liquid.
Do I need to use the bokashi bran?
All the companies selling bokashi stuff say you do and it helps the process along and whatever. But never trust marketing. I’ve done full bins with a lot of the bran, some with a little bran, and some with none at all, and I’ve noticed no difference. You can try the bran and see if it works better for you, but if you don’t have any or don’t want to buy more you don’t have to.
Do I need a specific bokashi bin?
It’s definitely helpful. Bokashi bins are set up with a seal in the top to keep it airtight and seal off any smells, a bottom that tapers down to a spigot for draining off the tea, and a screen to keep the solid stuff from going all the way to the bottom and clogging up the spigot. You could absolutely build your own, but I recommend a similar setup just for ease of use.
What can I put in my bokashi bin?
Anything you would put in regular compost - vegetable scraps, leftovers, eggshells, etc. Moldy food you forgot about in the refrigerator is also great, and since bokashi uses fermentation instead of rotting, even cooked meat can go into the bin. I’ve thrown in everything from paper napkins to whole zucchinis to a compostable toothbrush (although admittedly, that last one took closer to four weeks to fully break down). There’s no need to worry about ratios of anything - the fermentation will do the work for you.
Why use bokashi?
Turn foods scraps into dirt that you can use to grow more food even while living somewhere you can’t have a compost pile. It’s faster than regular compost (a full bucket takes two weeks of fermenting and two weeks of being buried until it’s done), there’s no smell when the lid is closed, and a lot of bins will fit under a kitchen sink. It’s great for apartments, rentals, and small spaces.
The one downside is that it costs a little more to buy a bokashi bin than it does to just throw some old vegetables in a pile. (I got my bin on eBay for about $50, and many of the name-brand ones are more expensive.) But I live in an apartment, and bokashi composting lets me still have the benefits of turning my food waste into good dirt that I can use to grow more food without needing a yard to put in a full compost bin. That makes it worth the investment for me.
- Mod J
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kelvinstudio2 · 3 years
Culinary methods of Sake:
-steaming (koshiki) rice
-wash rice to absorb water (soaking)
-quickly cooled
1.Koji making:
- sprinkling of mold spores onto the cooled rice
- wrapped in cloth for full day of mould propagating
- clumps gently broken up and divided evenly into wooden trays
- 3 day process
2.Yeast starter (moromi)
- Brew water with yeast and koji
- starch to sugar to alcohol multiple parallel fermentation
- 20 day process of adding and fermenting
Finally filtered and placed in storage tanks to alcohol
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Saccharification (mold sprinkling)
Yeast starter
Bottling and Labeling
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uniballast · 7 years
Have your Ballast Water Management Plan ready and approved
UniBallast offers a service to have your vessel’s BWMP ready and approved within a few days. Including a stability calculation in case you are using the sequential method as ballast water exchange method.
For more information contact UniBallast by mail on [email protected] or by phone on +31 (0)10 2440714.
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sebastian-whoisleft · 6 years
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“They’re a family that humors one another often and prefers polite, upbeat conversation to actual deep discussions of things going wrong internally or out in the world–– who knows what they’d drudge up, after all.”
Sebastian’s mother, Sonia, grew up in Italy as the youngest child and only daughter of an Italian pureblood family. As such, she was granted a companion– as noble families with space and money to spare sometimes did in that time, a less-well-off distant relation (a fourth-or-fifth cousin in this case) was brought to live with Sonia’s family from the time the girls were eight. Although it was always made clear that Maayan wasn’t actually a member of the family, the household, and because of the age gap between Sonia and her brothers, often the only confidante and playmate around for her to talk to. The girls did everything together: tutoring, sewing lessons, dance and music lessons and even travel. When the family first took Maayan in, there was a clear implication that the girls were meant for very different futures: Sonia was to be a housewife and bear an heir for whatever pureblood family her father could find her a match in, and Maayan, whose bloodline had been dilluted down to less-impressive levels and didn’t have the dowry to market herself with, would likely end up working for a living.
Not much time passed before everyone realized that it was Maayan who truly had the talents needed for making a home. Not because of simple sewing and cleaning skills, no– she just had the remarkable ability to make any room she was in feel a little homier. She was warm, and had no objections to looking after the young children of families who came to stay on the estate. She had a knack for cooking, even without a recipe in front of her. She couldn’t read a note of music or play an instrument herself, but when a song came on it was as if her body knew on instinct what to do, and in no time at all she was joyfully singing or dancing along. She wasn’t pretty but she was beautiful; nobody seemed to see her too-long hair or her crooked front tooth or her disproportionate nose. They just saw the wild expression on her face when she was telling an exciting story or heard the sound of pure joy in her laugh when something was funny.
Neither Maayan or Sonia ever attended formal out-of-house schooling; they were educated to the same level of Hogwarts students, but at home and with only one another as pupils.
The girls were a couple by the time they were sixteen.
When the day came for Sonia to be married off, to the second-oldest grandson of Cantankerous Nott: Asher Nott, then twenty years old. He was never a cruel man, but he was a focused one, and a methodical one. He and Sonia got along well enough during their initial meeting. He was polite, she was polite; at some point toward the end of the evening, he told a joke and she laughed. That was enough for their parents to put ink to parchment and arrange their marriage.
At first, there were some casual excuses thrown around to explain why Maayan was living with the young couple– to help with the move, to keep Sonia company while Asher was away traveling, an extra hand to help with the incoming baby. Eventually, her presence became something that was no longer questioned; it was just a fact of life, like it had been when Sonia was little. Asher questioned it least of all; Sonia opened up to him about the entire situation before the wedding ever happened, and he was genial enough of a man to accept it in stride and make room in his home to accommodate Maayan for the long haul. After all, he had joked at the time, it was a wife and a child he was after. Anything on top of that, especially something that made his life even easier and reduced his duties in domestic life, was a welcome bonus, not something to suffer about.
And so Maayan stayed. Sebastian was born and named after her father (not either of Sebastian’s own grandparents), and she was a constant presence in his life as he grew. She acted in the household as anything that Sebastian needed at the time: nanny, tutor, playmate, nurse, a shoulder to cry on or a buffer to get him out of trouble with his parents when he’d behaved badly and knew it. As a result of not having a fixed or easily definable role in the young boy’s life, she took on as many roles as possible–– and he’s grateful for that. He truly is.
Sebastian’s father, Asher Nott, is more of an idea than a constant presence. He has never been cold or cruel to Sebastian, but he was also never the type of father that sat around with him in the backyard and threw a quaffle around. This didn’t bother Sebastian, truly; he has enough friends with abusive or overbearing fathers that he’s able to recognize how lucky he is. Besides, he was an easygoing child from the very beginning. Even as a baby, he hardly cried and rarely through fits that required disciplinary action. As such, there was no real need for his father to emerge from his office and Take Care Of Him.
Sebastian was never left wanting for attention, either: his mother was a stay-at-home, as was her lifelong companion Maayan who acted in equal parts as an aunt, a nanny, a third parent, a tutor– anything that was needed, really.
When Sebastian grew a bit older and the house grew a bit quieter and less full of life, Maayan and Sonia and Asher all came together in agreement that a new face would be welcome. Barely a year later, when Sebastian was six, his younger sister Valeria was born. Despite the significant age difference between them, Sebastian was a natural when it came to being a big brother. Not much can ruffle his feathers, but Valeria (now a second year Ravenclaw) is his easy-to-recognize pressure point.
When the time came for Asher to join the Death Eaters, he didn’t wait to be threatened. It was the smart, practical decision for maintaining his connections and keeping his family out of harm’s way, and so he joined.
In looking at the family as a whole, it’s easy to see where Sebastian gets his attitude. They aren’t a fan of having difficult conversations; they aren’t repressed people by any means, but everything is either handled diplomatically once tempers have cooled down, or swept under the rug entirely and forgotten about. There’s also much to be said for the fact that Sonia and Maayan run the household a majority of the time. Asher is a ceremonial figurehead, but he doesn’t pull rank often enough to test whether he’s still really in charge. 
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babyawacs · 4 years
@hoppehypehouse @sciam @nature @naturephysics a good rule of thumb is bachelor shows can work scientifically master canwork scientifically p l u s shows actual state of science in that field phd is alloftheabove but add s new own value tothe field  all always in hard scrutiny and peer reviews an d defense of the matter against criticism without self dillute selfaware of the weaker and stronger sides of the scientific work economics is near to physics inthinking  the abstraction and many variables intgerdependnecies but the math maybe terrors to many or some business admin is abitmore serobu llshit but in other fields  sociology is more esoteric ethereal to those but one could not do the other economists can do many ofthe fields of theoth ers but itis not the same  none ofit is designing assault rifles and techn ology but the talent for tech doesnot exclude an education in these fields somany engineers had to become managers and actby economics matters  them ost useful are the real doctors not phd physics doctors or sociology doctors but either has its place inits field modern university paths went to what s profitable they cut the less usable sciences down the liberal arts colleges d ied out  all milk by economics rules the grants and debts beyond apoint of where it can help the students somewhat a regulation fail //// th e frivolous courses topics seem just that to serobullshit scientists: frivo lous but science is a broad way of approaching things allthat matters trul y matters to enrich mankinds knowledge isthe scientific method to analys e matters and to add a new paradigm contribution inthat field ofcourse itm ight seem as frivolous if former (!)taboo matter gets scientifically analyse d its as frivolous as studying rocks instead jemusian teachings and greek toys of the antique live and let live you may disdain them for lack of ski ll but if you couldnt wallow allday in poems they thrive inthat as them cou ldnt wallow in electrical grid planning  agony for either side one more useful to who than theother but science it is  ifit is scientific method and adds new value to man be it understanding self  greetings I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Indepe ndent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWAC S.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Su pport. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@hoppehypehouse @sciam @nature @naturephysics
a good rule of thumb is
bachelor shows can work scientifically master canwork scientifically p l u s shows actual state of science in that field
phd is alloftheabove but adds new own value tothe field
all always in hard scrutiny and peer reviews and defense of the matter against criticism without self dillute selfaware of the weaker and stronger sides…
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justinebereau-blog · 5 years
The fragmentation of the self means that I could have a (physical) diary, Instagram as the space I dillute my life, a fandom Tumblr... and this new space.
I am not sure how I feel about all this, possibly that it has always been exhausting to stretch oneself so much in any social space, sometimes it is hard to remember what our core is made of.
I think a lot about published diaries as particular exercices for writers, not only as a method for recording one’s life and opinions, but also as a way of controlling the way you will be seen once you’re dead. A diary is never for oneself alone, because of the way one presents oneselves and the obvious curation made, however unflattering the exercice reveals oneself.
This is not a diary, it is only a space I am gonna try and inhabit as an expension of myself, in all its curation
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winter-gale · 7 years
Cleaning bones
Cleaning methods Cleaning skulls and bones There are many ways to clean skulls and bones. People often think that burrying and let nature do its work is the best way of cleaning skulls and skeletons. Another often recommended method is to put a dead animal on top of an ant's hill and wait a couple of days. In my opnion both methods are the best way to get rid of a good specimen and to end up in disappointment. In the next paragraphs I will explain something about cleaning skulls, at least how I clean skulls and some of my experiences with it. I clean skulls and bones for over 45 years. In the early days of my collecting my mum was very helpful and after some disapointing experiences with burrying skulls she started to boil them. Not in the kitchen although she did some fresh specimens there, but on a camping stove on the balcony of our flat. A smelly business from time to time, but I still have some of those 'antique' skulls in my collection, and they are good. But boiling is not a satisfactory procedure after all: bills and fragile parts easily get damaged and sometimes skulls won't get clean, no matter how long you boil them. Today I use other methods. I prefer macerating. It is a safe method; even the most fragile parts stay intact and skulls get perfectly clean. There is but one great disadvantage, it smells like hell. With some precautions this problem can be kept under control to a certain extend. Since a couple of years I use a professional laboratory oven in which I can clean a whole series of skulls and skeletons in one time, so it smells only once in a while. Step 1 Preparations For good and quick cleaning it is best to remove the skin and as much flesh as you can. Sometimes you find completely dried and mummified carcasses. In such cases you better soak them a while before you start removing the flesh. Remove the brains by stirring the content of the skulls through the occipital hole and flush them out under the tap. It can be handy to use a large syringe to flush with force. I use a large syringe that was used to rinse peoples bladders. I always remove the eyes. To remove the flesh I use different surgical tools, but the most important are disposable scalpels and a few types of surgical tweezers and surgical scissors. Step 2 Cleaning the skull Macerating in water Put the bones in a jar with water and keep them at a constant temperature of about 35 to 40 degrees C. I use a laboratory oven for this, but ou can also put them on a warm spot outside (in warm coutries) or put it on top of the heating radiator. After a day (or two) you should check the skull to see if the bill sheaths come loose and can be removed. This is the trickiest part of the process if you want to keep the bill sheath in good condition. Normally it takes about 24 to 48 hours before the bill sheaths can be removed, but with old and long dead specimens or when you macerate at low temperatures this doesn't work. Sometimes one has to loosen and remove the sheath carefully with a suitable tool. I use dentist's tools. Sometimes even this doesn't work and you have to live with a skull without sheaths or macerate it with the bill above the waterline. Cleaning the skull with a hot bleach solution is another option, see below. If you don't have an oven or a 'bain marie' you can try cold water maceration. Basically the same process, but witout heating. In warm water cleaning is often a matter of just a few days, but in cold water it may take weeks or even months. Sometimes the macerating process stops for no obvious reason: apparently all bacterial activity stops in one jar while in another everything goes on without a problem. To restart the process, boil the skull for a few minutes, clean the jar thouroughly and repeat the procedure. It helps when you put some water from another jar with active maceration to speed up the new maceration process. The bill sheaths After removing the bill sheaths you should keep them in the freezer or in alcohol until the skull is ready. If there is no alcohol or freezer available, just let hem dry, but the quality often falls back. Macerating with washing powder After removing the bill sheaths (never before because you can't get the sheaths off!) macerating with washing powder is a good method. Add a spoon of biologal washingpowder (with enzymes) to the water and keep the whole lot on a temperature of about 60 to 80 degrees. The enzymes do the macerating and after a few days all meat is weak and can be rinsed and brushed off rather easily. This method has a big advantage: the smell isn't so bad anymore. The hot bleach solution If you have a head that has become mummified or will not macerate and you want to keep the bill sheaths on, cleaning in a hot bleach solution is a good option. Soak the the head in warm water for a while until the remaining skin and flesh has softened. Remove the skin and as much flesh as possible and circumcise the bill sheaths carefully. Put some bleach in a jar and hot water (1:3) and stir with the head with the bill above the solution. The flesh will be 'eaten' by the solution fairly quick, so be careful. Because the bill sheaths are of tougher material these will not get damaged immediately. Rinse the head from time to time to avoid damage to the bone and bill sheaths. Cleaning a skull with this method may take not more than 10 minutes. Caution: The bleach solution is agressive, so be careful with your skin and eyes. Before using this method I advise to try this a few times before with heads that are not important for your collection. There is always a chance of some damage to the bone. Alternative way of cleaning Boil as long as nescessary and remove the flesh by hand. As stressed before, skulls cleaned in this way easily get damaged Final cleaning After the maceration is completed and all flesh has rotten off you have to rinse all bones thourougly without loosing any of the smaller bones. Always (and when I say always, I mean always) use a sieve. After you have fished all bones out of the sludge (count them!) it is best to do a final cleaning in a hot bleach solution (1: 4). This removes all remaining flesh in less than a minute, desinfects and removes most of the stench. After that rinse with clean water and let the bones dry. Step 3 Degreasing Bones are often fat and need degreasing if you want them pure white in the end. There are some hight tech methods with a soxlet installation for instance, but normally people use white spirit, acetone or an ammonia solution. The use of a great degreaser as carbon tetrachloride (Tri) is not advisable because of its carcinogenity. The time the bones have to spend in the degreaser depends on the amount of fat and may take from a few days to several months with regular refreshing. After degreasing you can whiten the bones. Caution: White spirit and acetone are very flammable, so be careful with open fire in the direct vicinity. Step 4 Whitening The best way to whiten the bones is with H2O2 or hydroperoxide in a 3 to 10% dillution. This may take from a day to a week or more. Caution: Be careful with strong solutions because it burns your skin (and eyes) and can damage the bone. Bill sheaths may loose their colour when put in hydroperoxide, you better keep them off or above the water line. Step 5 Glueing After the bones have dried you may want glue the skull or skeleton together. I never have built skeletons so I can't give any advice on that. The glue I use for the skulls is ordinary white wood glue for indoor use. This is not water resistant, which gives you the possibility to adjust things after the glue has dried by keeping the skull a few seconds over hot steam and pushing the bones in the right position. Peparing specimens when you are travelling and having no freezer at hand. You will always find intresting things when you don't have the opportunity to do what is described above. In those cases you have to improvise a little bit. I tried several methods, but I'm satisfied most with the following procedure. Always take some suitable tools, scalpels, pincers etc. with you. Just do what is written under Step 1, put the whole lot in boiling water for less than a minute and dry the rough skeleton or skull as soon as possible with a hairdryer, the blowing end of a vacuumcleaner or in the air. If you have the opportunity to macerate for a few days at a sunny spot you can remove the bill sheaths before and keep them in alcohol. Once dry, wrap the skeleton in plastic foil (from the supermarket) and mail it to you home adress where a neigbour or friend can put the parcel in the freezer. Nota bene Apart from the right tools and equipment good results in skull claning is also very much a matter of experience. If you need any advice you can always send me a message Caution: Be aware that in many countries it is not allowed to collect dead birds or parts of birds, even when you find them dead on the beach or along the road. You may find that this makes no sense but in some countries law enforcement on this is a serious business. Picking up dead birds and sending skulls and bones home or bringing them in your luggage is at your own risk.
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babyawacs · 5 years
Treatment wouldbe adequate if he stole multibillion inventions realtime with bs daytime as alibi @beckyquick @squawkcnbc @cnb cstreet @wsj @ft @business @japan ‎ #ghosn seems to dillute sth factual with alotof treatment lull ‎
Treatment wouldbe adequate if he stole multibillion inventions realtime with bs daytime as alibi @beckyquick @squawkcnbc @cnb cstreet @wsj @ft @business @japan ‎ #ghosn seems to dillute sth factual with alotof treatment lull ‎
Treatment wouldbe adequate if he stole multibillion inventions realtime with bs daytime as alibi @beckyquick @squawkcnbc @cnbcstreet @wsj @ft @business @japan
#ghosn seems to dillute sth factual with alotof treatment lull
‎And itseems the french tried to weasel out control of a part of japan inc.
And got handwrist slapped with any method
But what are the facts of the crimes
‎Theremustbemore than…
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babyawacs · 5 years
@beckyquick @squawkcnbc @cnbcstreet @wsj @ft @business @japan #ghosn seems to dillute sth factual with alotof treatment lull And itseems the french tried to weasel out control of a part of japan inc. And got handwrist slapped with any method But what are the facts of the crimes
@beckyquick @squawkcnbc @cnbcstreet @wsj @ft @business @japan #ghosn seems to dillute sth factual with alotof treatment lull And itseems the french tried to weasel out control of a part of japan inc. And got handwrist slapped with any method But what are the facts of the crimes
@beckyquick @squawkcnbc @cnbcstreet @wsj @ft @business @japan
#ghosn seems to dillute sth factual with alotof treatment lull
And itseems the french tried to weasel out control of a part of japan inc.
And got handwrist slapped with any method
But what are the facts of the crimes
‎Theremustbemore than this
//// whydoesnt #japan publish hard facts while ghoshn lulls ‎Idontknow what was
I am…
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