#digital food dehydrator
marsuni · 6 months
does your doctors ever just drop something on you much later about your meds or your conditions and it explains a lot
#Like my seizure meds can make me dehydrated#I've been on them three years and just kinda chalked up being thirsty to ya know...needing water but nope Keppra can make you dehydrated#Or when I was taking sucrafate for 6 months before a Dr told me I had to take it several hours before eating BC IT PREVENTS UPTAKE#OF ANYTHING INCLUDING MEDS SO I BASICALLY WASNT TAKING MY MEDS FOR MONTHS AND WAS GETTING SICK AND DIDNT KNOW WHY#BC NO ONE BOTHERED TO TELL ME I SHOULDNT TAKE IT WITH OTHER MEDS JUST NOT FOOD??#AND THE DOC DIDNT EVEN TELL ME INTENTIONALLY SHE JUST MENTIONED IT OFF HAND AND I WAS LIKE WAIT WHAT#SHE WAS SO SHOCKED NO ONE TOLD ME AND IT WASNT LISTED ON THE BOTTLE#I'm still mad about it I was getting extra seizures for months for no reason bc of an oversight#Since I got that info I've been taking my meds properly and I haven't had a seizure for almost a year#:)#Remember to ask every question you can think of and ask aggressively#Every interaction with other meds every side effect#You NEED to know you're not being pushy it's your body and health#ASK THINGS OF YOUR DR ITS WHY THEYRE THERE ITS FOR THE BEST#chronic illness#medicine#Medication#Even if you are being pushy it's your right to know everything about why and what they're giving you#I also thought Ativan was a neasua drug for a while bv they always give it to me in the er when I have a cvs episode#But it's for anxiety and they use it to put me out while the actual drugs work and that's okay!!!#But I didn't know so I stared asking for Ativan (and zofran) when I went in and got denied because they thought I was a junkie/on detox#For a med a doctor would otherwise order for my distress bc I didn't know better#Know your meds and know them well it can only help you in the long run#Keeping a list written or digital that you can show doctors also helps so they know how drugs can interact if your an er frequent flyer#Like me
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crzygthumbs · 3 months
Learning To Can Safely
I have been canning for close to twenty years. I already knew how to water bath can, from watching my mom and grandmother’s, as I was growing up. But I had to have my mom actually show me how to run the pressure canner. The picture above was from ten years ago. I had gotten my sea legs for canning by then. When I can things, I follow the “Ball Blue Book for Canning” directions and only water…
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fthrdvs · 3 months
Learning To Can Safely
I have been canning for close to twenty years. I already knew how to water bath can, from watching my mom and grandmother’s, as I was growing up. But I had to have my mom actually show me how to run the pressure canner. The picture above was from ten years ago. I had gotten my sea legs for canning by then. When I can things, I follow the “Ball Blue Book for Canning” directions and only water…
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scooburst · 5 days
Note thing i guess.
10: I’ll drink water
25: I’ll eat food more often (I don’t eat. Very much.)
50: I’ll finish s1 of Star vs. Forces of Evil
75: I’ll draw some more
100: I’ll take full illustration requests (only 5, that’s hard to do!)
250: ill work on my AU
500: I’ll start posting my art more often
750: I’ll make some more OC’s
1000: I’ll open an ask temmie blog
I’ll add more if I have too, but I won’t. This will flop.
Spamming is allowed. I don’t care.
1500: I’ll draw some more illustrations (probably only 3 more.)
2000: I’ll ask if I can get anxiety medication
2500; I’ll ask if i can get a digital drawing pad
3000: I’ll speed run deltarune
3500: I won’t get dehydrated as much
4000: I’ll try to eat food more regularly
4500: I’ll consider coming out to my parents (I probably won’t. It’s hard.)
5000: well we’ll never get here, but I’ll leak my YT channel.
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legendofmorons · 1 year
Sick day (Twilight)
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This is the second place prize of my 300 follower event for @mickleloaf
Pairing: Twilight x Reader, chain & reader
Rating: G
Summary: You've under the weather, so of clothes the boys take care of you as best they can.
Warnings: being ill,
Other: If I missed anything please let me know! And mickleloaf of this isn't what you envisioned please let me know.
You leave the doctor's office with a packet that contains your diagnosis, symptoms, and how to care for yourself. Thankfully, your hyrule has free healthcare, so all you've got to do is go buy some over the counter meds and try to take it easy.
And also find a way to eat your food in a liquid form if possible. Maybe a blender or protein shakes?
Definitely soup.
Possibly smoothies?
You'll figure it out.
You find Twilight and Time waiting for you outside the building, both men having their arms crossed as they lean against it. Their conversation is quiet, but you can tell it's pleasant.
Twilight sees you first and flashes you a smile. "Hey, darlin'."
You wave, deciding it's not worse trying to use your voice again if you don't have to. It's so hoarse it's hard to hear anyway. Not to mention that it hurts.
"Are you feeling worse?" Time asks, pushing off the wall and closing the space between you.
He sets the back of his hand on your forehead. "You're warm.... You can have another dose of fever medicine in about an hour. We should get you back."
"He's right. Did the doctor give you anything to help?" Twilight asks, reaching out to take your hand gently.
You hold up the packet in answer.
"Oh- I can't read that. Does it have instructions?" Time asks, squinting at the words.
You nod, cracking a smile as you watch both him and your boyfriend try to read the words through sheer power of will alone.
It's sweet that they're ignoring the several severe changes to the language since their time.
Also, very silly.
But it's just very them. They are always taking care of people. Especially their loved ones.
"Can- well... Maybe Wild can help." Twilight suggests after a pause, "His time is the closest to yours in language and all."
You nod again. Hopefully, Wild can tell the others what to do. Even if it isn't perfect, he should at least get the jist.
"Let's head back. Wild's making your favorite soup." Time says, "We'll ride this 'bus' again."
"Time you sound so old." Twilight says with a grin, "Just say bus."
"I did."
"Okay. Let's just get (Y/n) to a bed. Poor thing could use some rest." Twilight says, squeezing your hand in affection.
You rest your head against his shoulder for a moment before straightening back up. Now, the task of getting two ancient heroes back to the hotel you're staying at by using modern transportation. This is fun.
You pass the packet to Time and grab your phone to pull up the bus app with the schedule, route plotting, and your digital prep-aid card.
They follow your lead and restrain themselves from outright gawking at all the things they're unused to.
Every few moments, one or both of them will look to the packet again, brows knitting.
Once you've navigated through the trials that public transportation brought, you finally make it to the room you're sharing with Twilight, Wild, and Wind.
You collapse onto the bed you're sharing with Twilight, thankful that Time is handling, giving the packet to Wild. You just want a break.
"You want some water, love bug?" Twilight asks, watching you with sympathy as he shifts his weight.
You nod. Water is good. Even if swallowing hurts, it's better than being dehydrated on top of all of this.
Twilight goes and grabs your water bottle before filling it and bringing it back to you. "Here you go, darlin'. Careful now. I don't want you to spill it, I know you don't like wet clothes."
You nod, flashing him a thankful smile. You take the bottle and uncapped it before taking a swig.
You wince as you swallow, but it's over quickly. You know this is just how it is for right now.
You readjust to be sitting under the covers, eyes roving the pastel walls of the hotel.
"Alright. So this says (Y/n)'s got - two things real wrong with their throat. I think it says Tonsil-pain? Anyway, their voice might be hard to use. They might run hotter than usual, and their throat is going to hurt. A few other things I don't quite know... oh, and a list of medications that will help are on here." Wild explains, brows knitting as he puzzles out the words a little further.
The others all share a look, and then their gaze shift to you. The way they all seem worried is touching- but you know that with modern medicine, you'll be okay.
They don't seem to understand that, though.
"I'll see if I can't ease the pain, at least." Hyrule says, "They look ready to keel over if they weren't sitting."
"Good idea." Wild says with a nod.
"You need more blankets." Legend says firmly, pulling a comforter out of the room's closet. "Take this."
You blink at him. You're a little chilly, but this is not what you had expected. You'd expected playful teasing.
You do appreciate this, though. It's sweet and it's very nice to know he cares.
Legend and Twilight each take a side of the new blanket and spread it over you gently.
Twilight presses a kiss to your temple while he's bent down.
You smile at him as he straightens back up.
"I made tea." Hyrule says, bringing over a chamomile based tea.
Hyrule has fixed it, so you will at least drink it. If you like tea, he's made it how you like it. If you don't like tea, he's made it taste bearable.
"Thank you." You manage to croak, throat thoroughly protesting use.
"Save your voice." Time says gently.
Hyrule smiles at you as he hands you the tea. Knowing he's used Faerie magic to make it better for your throat. Short cuts to healing and all that.
"Anytime, (Y/n)." The traveler says, pressing a hand to your shoulder before falling back to sit on the other bed.
Twilight sits down on the empty side of the bed, paying special attention to make sure he dosen’t jostle you too much.
"Wild and I aren't going to find the medications your doctor recommended." Warriors says from where he's been watching over you.
"Be careful." Twilight calls as he watches both knights leave.
You just look around, taking another sip of the tea. It's- nice to be taken care of. The way the boys all come together to make sure you're okay is- well, you wouldn't call them anything but family now.
"Do you want anything else?" Wind asks, legs swinging from where he sits on the room's dresser.
You shake your head. You don't want anything else, really. Two of the boys are out to grab you some medicine. The others are all here watching over you. And Twilight is holding your had gently.
Of all the ways to be sick- there are certainly worse.
Time just starts cleaning up from tea and such, making quick work of any mess.
"Would you like to watch something?" Sky asks, sort of aware of television and how it works. But the concept still seems to confuse him.
You nod, giving a grateful smile. They're all so considerate.
Time brings you the remote and goes to start figuring out how the shower works here - this is the first shower tub combo he's seen in the modern world.
You pick your favorite channel and turn the volume to your preferred sound level.
After you set it up, you take another drink of tea before settling in for a more permanent position.
The boys settle around the room. Wind stays on the dresser while Time and sky take the couch. Four, Hyrule, and Legend take the other bed.
Twilight's just squeezing your hand in his gently.
When you look at him, he looks so soft- so genuinely in love. It's amazing.
You take a slow, deep breath and take this moment in. The whole thing.
And yeah, you still feel gross. Your throat still hurts. And the exhaustion still rests in your bones. But, you aren't alone.
And between the tea, the warmth in your heart, and the careful care of your friends- you know you'll get better.
You are asleep when Warriors and Wild retrun with the medications that your doctor had suggested. Which leaves someone the task of waking you.
Which no one wants to do - you seem so peaceful as you sleep.
But Twilight takes the role, gently shaking your shoulder as he says, "(Y/n)? C'mon darlin'. You gotta get up."
You open your eyes, giving a soft rumble of displeasure. Which unfortunately does agitate your throat.
"We have your medicine." Warriors says, holding up a bag from the drugstore nearest to you guys.
You nod, pushing to sit up in bed.
Wild gives you the medicine, figuring you'll be able to give yourself the proper doses since he can't quite figure it out.
So you take your medicine before passing it back to Wild and taking the offered bowl of your favorite soup from Time.
Twilight presses a kiss to your cheek, "I hope you feel better soon, (Y/n)."
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ghostopossumlives · 1 month
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Bildir evolved in coastal deltas and swamps, and eat plankton, algae, and soft bodies prey. They naturally feed by dipping their head upsidedown in the water like a flamingo, breathing through the nostrils at their clavicle, or by slurping up stringy algaeic mats. A common form of processed food is strings of dessicated algae braided into ropes that can be boiled back to edibility.
Bildir agriculture primarily consist of creating terraced dams to collect and stagnate water until it is gelatinous with algae and invertebrates. This material is either eaten fresh, or dessicated to be dehydrated later.
An early public misconception about Bildir is the idea that they are primarily bipedal. Though they can move bipedally in order to carry objects or to make use of their height (Typically 8-10' fully upright) for sight or intimidation, they are primarily quadrupedal. This idea arose from most early images seen by foreigners showing them standing upright, but this is merely because that erect posture is used to convey formality and presence intentionally, or fear and discomfort reflexively (Bildir can distinguish these seemingly opposite meanings for the same posture, but most non-Bildir cannot). Bildir move most comfortably and efficiently on all fours, and can move equally quickly and gracefully in any direction when doing so.
Bildir have long, double-elbowed limbs with a membrane between the first and third span that enables them to swim efficiently with a slow rowing motion, reach between rocks and logs when climbing or striding, and deliver powerful blows when necessary.
Each limb ends with a hand composed of seven slender digits each tipped with a pair of durable hooked claws, and joined by a tough gritty-textured membrane. These surround a sturdy knob that serves a similar role to a hominid heel, and sometimes functions as a thumb for handling heftier tools.
Many Bildir are able to cup air in their hands and float above the surface of calm, sufficiently algaeic or salty water, though usually only juvenile individuals can do this on clear freshwater.
Despite Bildir mouthparts looking quite intimidating to other species, they are too fragile to be used in combat and their exposure usually is simply part of stretching or repositioning them for the sake of comfort. Hostility is expressed when a Bildir seals their nostrils and folds their mouthparts tightly together, pointing their snout straight up to direct both of their book eyes at the subject of their violent intention. Attacks usually consist of blows delivered with the elbows or heels if the Bildir is not in possession of a weapon.
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Modern Bildir are a fully developed spacefaring species, respected internationally for their ground, EVA, and navy fighting ability combined with their lack of "warrior" tendencies that make many similarly combat capable species a liability in security work. Bildir' speed, power, and agility allow them to go toe to toe with species such as Tortogs at intimate range, but will always do so with the primary goal of finishing the fight and retiring to a cabin near a river delta rather than letting the fight be prolonged for spiritual or entertainment purposes.
One exploitable weakness of Bildir is that they cannot see things that are above their head because of the positioning of their book eyes.
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pipthegreat · 4 months
Where do they sleep, eat, ect? ( the amazing digital fun park)
I did NOT see this before 😔
There really isn't a sleeping quarters for the characters, in fact hardly anywhere is safe to rest because of the abstracted roaming around. Unlike in The Amazing Digital Circus, the characters actually NEED to sleep, eat, all the basics of surviving because if they don't, they'll lose energy. Unfortunately you can't die of hunger or dehydration, only by the abstracted.
The best way to get some sleep is finding somewhere that's enclosed which can be very uncomfortable. Or, you can find somewhere high to sleep on like the ferris wheel or on top of a roller coaster but that has its risk as well: there's a day and night sequence, during late hours all the rides stop and have to be turned on manually to get them to work. If you're sleeping on top of a ride and the sun begins coming up, if you don't get off in time the ride will automatically start. In the daytime, all rides have their sequences. For example; a rollercoaster will start automatically then ends. An hour later, it will start again. Besides all this, the cast can sleep anywhere.
Now for eating, there's tons of stalls and restaurants scattered around the park. Luckily all the food is fresh in them. Every passing day, the food stock restarts so they won't run out. Food is one of the easiest to get ahold of.
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How do you think cybertronian society would react (pre war) to ashlyn like unleashed on their planet, because personally I think that would be hilarious and also terrifying. Do I ask this mainly because the thought of young D-16 and either current story Ashlyn or pre story Ashlyn interacting is both terrifying and interesting? Yes.
Honestly, it could go so many different ways, *evil cackle*
Speaking of the new movie, is everybody else hyped? CAUSE I AM SO EXCITED! FINALLY, we are getting a fun animated Transformers film ヾ(*´ ∇ `)ノ
I saw that cross-eye megatron reference from Bumblebee, tfp anyone?
ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬
ehem, happy dance aside, here's what I think a Golden Age Ashlyn would have been like...
Presuming that she fell into this situation as a Human things get awkward very quickly. Organics aren't very well received on Cybertron nevermind how their products are luxury goods apparently
Running through the streets, ducking under vendor stalls, and darting between peds like a literal street rat, Ashlyn is very very confused on what the utter frag happened to her.
Unfortunately, as an organic alien lifeform, especially as one that is currently undiscovered, she is VERY distinctive. Her small size helps her a bit with sneaking, but eventually, it becomes common knowledge that a weird creature is hanging around. It doesn't help that her need for breathable air severely restricts potential roaming areas, and only a handful of stores/merchants carry edible food items.
Already making a name for herself as a pest... in a surprisingly literal sense.
When she's eventually spotted and caught by a Cybe with particularly good reflexes, Ash is forced to come up with something fast so she doesn't get squished. By now, you all know where her self-defense tendencies tend to point to.
On the plus side, the twerp survived. On the negative, he's going to need a new servo since the wiring that articulates his digits is beyond saving. Also, a small feral organic that goes for joints is apparently entertainment enough for these people. Welcome to the mini and illegal gladiator battles, Ashlyn! The unregulated leagues for those who can't afford to go watch the real thing.
Look at her go, gaining all the XP fighting alien bugs and other mini-bosses.
Of course, 3 things occurred during this time period. 1) Ashlyn is actually picking up on Neocybex and proving surprisingly adept at it. 2) She's starting to gain a legitimate reputation and doing Humans Are Space Orcs proud via creative/brutal takedowns of her opponents, and biological features that can be terrifying to an alien. 3) Someone in Iacon has quietly been looking for a creature resembling her specifications, but due to the fact that Ashlyn is in Kaon and an asset of an illegal fighting ring, she is unidentifiable.
Of course when Ashlyn finally gains enough of an affinity for Neocybex, (with a very thick kaon accent) she wants to wait to reveal her sentience until it's at a point where she can't be knocked off or ignored. That plan does not last. No.
Because Ashlyn Moore, covered in robot gore, looks up one day to see a very familiar outline.
D-16, for his part, is very confused as to why the little alien just looked at him and started chittering like a sparkling while shaking.
The crowd is in an uproar.
See humans do look very similar in structure to a basic Cybertronain model. Even more so when you compare it to a sparkling model which is squishy. eh, Unicron connection?
The point is, an unidentified, kinda sparkling-ish thing, that sounds like sparkling, has also just fulfilled one of the oldest Sparkling-Guardian rituals of choosing an adult to protect them. Look at ze adult, go to ze adult, don't let ze adult leave without you.
Ashlyn might not have had such... noble intentions when she launched herself at D-16 while rambling, but such is the beauty of cultural miscommunications. And dehydration and malnourishment. And an almost chronically activated stress response. You get situations like these!
"ɎØɄ!-гЅ₮₳₭Ɇ ₴Ø₥Ɇ ⱤɆ₴₱Ø₦₴ł฿łⱠł₮Ɏ! …-₣Ɽ₳₲ł₦₲ ฿Ʉ₲₴ ł'VɆ ₭łⱠⱠɆĐ?"
Ashlyn is only half understandable in this state, but it's fine. D-16, and soon all of Kaon understands perfectly.
A scrappy deformed sparkling, likely originating from an unidentified hot spot, beat the odds and has chosen an ex-miner and soon full-time gladiator to be her sire/mentor. What a spark-warming story.
Oh yeah, and someone in Iacon is still hunting that human.
The end result would probably culminate in an overly suspicious Ashlyn accidentally causing a chain reaction that would lead to a Decepticon Orion Pax, a proper coup of the High Council, probably Emperor of Destruction Starscream, and Big Villian Shockwave. The Autobots would not exist. Does anyone want to try and theorize why?
D-16 would realize pretty quick that this tiny bundle of chaos isn't an actual sparkling, but it's an argument he'd use to keep her should any outside influences try and take Ashlyn away. Why? Because a highly intelligent and vicious mystery just dropped into his lap, and someone on the Council wants it really badly. That's more than enough of a justification.
Now, if only he could find out why the organic hates him so much... and why she's so valuable.
Now Ashlyn as a bot would be VERRRRRY different.
Same as the first, she pops up in Kaon (may or may not be a narrative reason for that (・ω<) )
Unlike the human version, the poor girl is caught almost immediately.
Turns out, stumbling around a foreign area, being unable to speak the language, and lacking identification doesn't get you the best treatment. Unfortunately, her more bestial-looking design doesn't help much either in a Functionist society.
Actually, the Enforcers processing her are pretty confused by it, the wings and taloned servos say Seeker, but the spines and fanged denta hint at something else completely... and the subject refuses, or is unable to, transform into an altmode...
Oh well, can't put it in a category, and then toss it out.
Flagging the weirdness for the bosses to deal with, the anomaly is sent to the mines, and a record containing her image and newly given designation is sent to the higher offices. YN-013 is soon forgotten.
Ashlyn, by the time she figures out written translations for Neocybex, finds the designation hilarious. Her fellow miners don't understand why she giggles when she introduces herself.
The mines are horrible, that much is undeniable, but at the same time, Ashlyn can't help but feel like it should be worse?
Her form proves adept at collecting energon, her claws far more efficient than the half-rusted pick-axe she's handed every day. The energon is easy to find too, almost like there's a sixth sense in her brain for where those shards are hiding.
She doesn't realize that the tunnels she's stationed in quickly gain a reputation for being more productive. That her peers end their days not quite as run down anymore. That miners switch shifts and bribe to be in the same branch of tunnels. She's quickly become an omen of good luck and temporary revival.
Ashlyn also doesn't realize that someone in Iacon is tearing through every rumor on Cyberton looking for her... or the organic her.
D-16 hears rumors about the newest unfortunate spark that's been sent to join them in the dark, but he doesn't believe it. Not until he sees it.
There is something about this individual that's different, maybe the stories are true. Solus reforged, perhaps? The missing Thirteenth? Or is this a new prime, come to save them and bring Cybertron back to its glory.
Ashlyn for her part is vibing collecting pretty rocks, and would prefer the future genocidal maniac to stay far away from her, please.
The not-yet-future-genocidal-maniac does not leave. Instead, he talks.
D-16 is actually the one that teaches her proper Neocybex, not the fragmented version she's been getting by with. In return, she tells him what the surface was like for the brief bit of time she was there.
Over time, the strange happenings around YA-013 are normalized and forgotten, but not by D-16. He knows she is not just some wild-forged thing that had the bad to stumble into the wrong city-state. He knows that she can't just be some bestial new-forged, because her optics are far too aware, too knowing. She hesitates, as though shuffling through information when she speaks. The alien babble she talks to herself in, while basic, is too natural to be anything but a primary language. Her smiles are sad even if the laughter is easy. She says things, and calls him Bucket Head, and Mega-arse.
She already knows who his favorite Prime is.
YN-013 never comments when he explains his plans to become a gladiator and gain his freedom. But he can feel the judgment. The resignation. Like she already knew. "Forget about me when you become one of the most famous bots to walk on Cybertron, yeah? Little old me will be nothing compared to the masses that'll scream your name."
YN-013 never talked about her own future, not in a way that sounds lasting. "I'd like to sightsee while I can. Never know when city walls will go tumbling down."
Megatronus doesn't forget her. Not in the Pits as he battles against foes and realizes how much healthier his frame is compared to his opponents, how much stronger, despite them all feeding off the same scraps. He doesn't forget as he meets an Archivist and hears all the snide jokes about his type being "boys in red and blue. Sweet nerds that take forever to commit to ending you."
Orion Pax, quickly becomes a close friend. Megatron never comments on his paint job. He's yet to see Pax exhibit anything but an agreeable and slightly excitable disposition... but he can't help but hold back even as he chides his own superstition.
"I don't think you'll have much luck in the friend department, Bucket. "
Why had he never gone back for her? Why had she never joined him in the arena?
"That's your origin story, D, and I'd hate to incinerate your undefeated record."
Megatron doesn't forget the stranger hidden in the mines. Not when he meets Orion's mentor, not when he stands before the Council, not as every veiled barb, sorrowful mutter, or hidden revelation comes true.
Even when he goes back for her and finds her gone, the Warlord never forgets the seer of the mines.
YN-013 had never realized, that just as D-16 had taught her a language, so too had she taught him hers. Every private word, every thoughtless exclamation, he remembered.
No, that unfortunate spark in the mines was not a wild-forged femme with bad luck. She was not a prime, remade, or replace. She was something different. A puzzle, a friend, an asset.
Lord Megatron, leader of the Decepticons, never forgot.
So how strange was it, to find a planet that spoke that same tongue?
The Autobots seek a relic and the Decepticons search for a seer. Optimus inherits a charge that can only be fulfilled through a missing person and Megatron wants closure to the fate and identity of someone he might've considered a friend.
Ashlyn struggles with guilt over choosing to not change the timeline and has been hiding on Earth since the last few centuries of the war. She's spawned more than a few stories in her wanderings, triggered some changes she never realized. A shifter who went rogue after a drunken conversation at a bar and never swore his loyalty. Bartering fuel with an Autobot vessel, allowing the Ark to avoid Decepticon Scouts and remain unharmed. A Prime who learned the truth about his predecessors early, and resolved to do more than simply restore his planet to what it used to be.
Ashlyn can't hide from the plot forever. War or not, things have changed, and now she's part of that story.
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highqueenofelfhame · 1 year
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rowaelin // 5.2k words // masterlist an: i'll add tags later tonight after work, but I wanted to get this posted before i leave <;3 tw: brief mentions of abortion, language
The bathroom counter was entirely covered with various types of pregnancy tests. After the first four showed positive, Aelin had gone back to the pharmacy and bought every type they had available. HCG tests that were no more than skinny bits of paper, typical plastic ones, digital ones. Not a single one had given her the negative she was looking for. Paper results from an emergency room visit yesterday morning showed the same thing, only this time it was there in her blood. 
She hadn’t gone to the ER for pregnancy results— that would have been silly. She went at the urging of Lysandra because since finding out a few days ago, her anxiety made her symptoms even worse. Aelin hadn’t been able to keep down liquids of any sort and dehydration quickly set in. A quick prick of a needle had fluids and anti-nausea medication flowing into her bloodstream. Discharge paperwork referred her to an OBGYN and had a script written for Zofran, a stronger nausea medication so she could keep food and water down. It had become her best friend.
The thought of an abortion had crossed her mind, even in the moments before Lysandra had asked if she wanted to keep it. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be a mother— she did. But it was a dream that happened after she was more settled in her career and in a fully committed relationship. Not while she was opening the second office and had so much hard work ahead of her, not when she barely knew the father. 
It wasn’t an idea she could fully entertain without talking to Rowan first, to see where he stood on it. But she already knew what her choice was, even if he didn’t want the responsibility. She would keep it. As much as her anxiety felt like walking on the wooden slats of a rickety rope bridge over a gaping canyon, a deep love was already blooming in her heart the size of a sesame seed. It would only get bigger with each passing day, that what-ifs of it all dancing behind her eyelids while she slept. 
What are you up to tonight? I’m in Doranelle and if you can swing it, I want to see you
She shot off the text and stared out her office window while she waited for a reply. It had been a lie, she wasn’t in Doranelle. But she needed to see Rowan and talk to him about everything as soon as possible. With a mind full of racing thoughts and unanswered questions, of the half truths she’d given him about her life… the only thing that could truly calm her nerves was talking it through with him. 
All yours after 6. 
A heavy sigh fell from her lips as she glanced at the time— 4:30– then rubbed at her temples. It was going to be a long night. 
It was the first time Aelin had been to Rowan’s house in Doranelle. All of their time had been spent at her apartment so far. In fact, she had only been over to his apartment in Varese a single time, just long enough for him to grab something before they went out on their downtown adventure. 
The apartment was nice, of course, but didn’t seem to hold a candle to the house she was parked in front of. When pulling down the long and winding driveway, her eyes darted between the numbers on the house as soon as it appeared and what she had entered into her GPS. Rowan’s SUV in the driveway assured her it was the correct home, but… 
How the hell did a man on a coach’s salary afford this house plus a luxury apartment in another major city? 
It was new construction, a contemporary home made of dark wood and ebony stone. It was nestled back off the road and surrounded by towering oak trees in every direction. Long curtains were drawn inside, hiding which rooms had walls of floor to ceiling windows. She imagined him laying on his couch after a long day with the curtains open, gazing out at the setting sun beyond the trees. 
It was beautiful. The tranquility of it was amped up to a thousand when she opened her door and stepped out. Somewhere in the tree line a stream trickled along, the soft sound of moving water enough to calm her nerves if only a little. 
Almost as soon as her toes touched the bottom step that led up to the porch, the front door swung open. Rowan grinned at her, a dish towel in his hands while he dried them. Scents of garlic, onion, rosemary, and other spices wafted out the front door. Thankfully her stomach only growled in response and didn’t have her bent  over the railing to empty her stomach into the bushes. 
“Hey, you,” he said softly, meeting her halfway across the porch. Long fingers tilted her head back so he could press a sweet kiss to her lips. 
“Hi,” she whispered back, standing on her toes to kiss him again. Rowan took her hand and led her through the door and toward the kitchen. Even though she offered, he insisted she sit at the bar while he finished dinner. 
“Water, please.” Thankfully it didn’t raise any questions about why. He filled a tall glass with ice water and slid it over the counter to her before turning to resume dinner. 
“How was your day?”
“Long,” she sighed, nervous fingers drumming against her stomach. One of her legs had taken to bouncing on the wooden footrest and her breaths became shorter, more frequent. Nausea swirled in the pit of her belly but this, she knew, wasn’t morning sickness. Aelin didn’t realize she was biting her lip until she tasted metal, nor did she realize Rowan had moved to her side. 
“Hey,” his bent forefinger guided her face to look at his, but she couldn’t meet his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“We need to talk.” Those four words, four measly syllables were all it took to douse the room in cold tension. 
“Okay.” Rowan nodded, taking a moment to turn the burners on the stove down. He guided her into the living room where he sat her down on a plush gray couch that she seemed to sink into. 
“Can I just—” Aelin leaned forward and kissed him softly, then sat back with her legs folded beneath her. As if on instinct, her hands folded in front of her stomach protectively. 
“You’re starting to frighten me.” He murmured, hand resting on her knee to give her a comforting squeeze.  Aelin wanted to laugh, and almost did. Instead she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, pulled her phone out of her pocket and pulled up one of several images of her bathroom counter and handed him the device. “I’m pregnant.” 
Rowan was silent while she swallowed down her emotions, forcing everything to stay buried under an exterior mask of calm. His green eyes stared, and stared, and stared at the picture, fingers zooming in on the dozens of tests on her counter. 
“Is it mine?”
“I–” Aelin tempered her frustration. It was a valid question. If she were in his shoes, she would have been asking the same thing. “Yes. You’re the only man I’ve been with in the last year.”
It was a little embarrassing to say out loud. The last few years had been busy and she’d seldom made time for a personal life. It was exactly the kind of thing her mother was referring to when she meant that Aelin had a knack for having absolutely no work-life balance.
“How? We used protection. You’ve told me before you’re on birth control.” More valid questions that she herself had voiced to Lysandra in the minutes after taking the first few tests.
“My guess is that it broke? The condom, I mean.  I haven’t missed a single dose of my birth control. I triple checked.” Aelin’s knee began to bounce, that anxious ocean ready to swallow her up whole from not knowing the outcome of this situation. She hated not knowing things, not being able to predict how a person might respond. 
Locking the phone, he placed it on the sofa between them, a muscle feathering in his clenched jaw. Rowan didn’t meet her eyes as he stared forward and tensely asked, “Are you doing it for money.” 
“What?” She sputtered, immediately standing and crossing the room from whatever bullshit that question had been. Of all the ways she had anticipated him reacting, this had not been on the list. All of the nervous energy roiling through her quickly turned to something hot. Like some struck a match and threw it on a puddle of kerosene. 
“Are you doing it for my money?” He repeated, voice flat as he finally looked up at her. Rowan didn’t move from the couch as he stared at her, all the softness she was used to on his face gone. Any of the mirth and joy in his eyes she’d become accustomed to was gone. 
The butterflies he usually filled her stomach with had turned into white-hot rage pouring through every vein of her body. Aelin’s face was hot, eyes stinging as she did her best to force her tears away. It had been a long while since she’d become so angry that she jumped immediately to crying about it. 
Something had changed in Rowan’s face, too, as he looked at everything written across her face as plainly as if she had shouted at him. His eyes softened a little, his hands clenching against his thighs. 
“Why the fuck would I want your money?” She didn’t let him finish before saying, “Ask me what my last names are.” 
“You have more than one?” Confusion had his brows pulled together and wrinkles stacked up his forehead. Rowan stood, taking a handful of steps toward her. Aelin retreated with her fingers pressed against her stomach. “Are you married or something?”
“Ask. Me.” She demanded of him, voice and hands shaking. Tears started to fill her eyes and spill over, her skin so warm they were cool as they ran down her cheeks. Even the tips of her ears had gone crimson, evident in the way they burned beneath her hair. It was the exact opposite of how she had felt the first time she saw those two pink lines on that pregnancy test. A sea of wild, unchecked flame lived within her, pumped through her heart, burned the back of her throat, her cheeks, her ears. 
“What are your—”
“Ashryver Galathynius. My name is Aelin Ashryver Galathynius.” Each of her names was punctuated with that fire, her entire body trembling with so many emotions at once. As much as he was into the stupid fucking sport, he would understand what it meant.
And he did. Rowan’s entire face went slack, those wrinkles disappearing from his brows, his jaw popping open. Even his arms fell motionless to his sides. 
“As in— shit.” 
“My grandfather and my father,” she added for extra clarification, so that he knew it wasn’t a distant connection. It was direct. “Ask me again if I want your fucking money,” she spit the word at him like it burned her mouth to say it. It kind of did. Never in her wildest dreams did she think that his reaction would be so callous and cold, that he would accuse her of getting knocked up for money. What fucking money? Why the fuck would she go after a teacher’s salary when her own checking account was so loaded she, and her child, would ever want for anything? 
“Aelin–” Rowan took a step forward, hand raised as he reached for her. Aelin held up a single finger and shook her head, recoiling from him.
“I need to–”
“You need to go fuck yourself, Rowan.” Her footsteps chased her like thunder rolling in for a storm, punctuated by the window-shaking slam of the front door. To give him one ounce of credit, he did follow her, but by the time he made it outside, she was already in her car, pulling a u-turn in his yard, and speeding down the driveway. Nothing but a cloud of dust remained in her wake.
In the rearview, Rowan’s form was blurry from her tears, his arms on top of his head while he watched her leave. 
It was late. Like, the bar had been closed for an hour already, late. The Neon Moon was empty, save for Rowan, Fenrys, Connall, Vaughan, and Lorcan. They had an off weekend, and a drink was desperately needed by all. When Rowan arrived at the bar half an hour before closing and pounded back enough drinks that it was almost alarming, everyone decided to linger until he started to talk. 
“Dude.” Fenrys poked his arm with an outstretched hand. The response was a slurred grumble in the old language that not even Lorcan managed to pick up.
“What’d you do?” Connall asked, bracing his arms on the counter. Rowan lifted his head, room spinning like he’d just finished doing ballerina turns. Aelin liked to dance. He hadn’t ever seen it but he could imagine her in tights and a leotard, a tutu around her waist. She probably didn’t get dizzy when doing turns. 
Nausea hit him in a wave and he took a deep breath in through his nose, out through his mouth. Closing his eyes made it even worse, so he kept them open and fixed on Connall’s face. Ballerinas did that, didn’t they? Focused on one spot so they didn’t get dizzy or fall out of their tight spins? 
As the nausea abated, he remembered holding Aelin’s hair back for her while she was sick a couple weeks ago. Neither of them knew it then, but she was pregnant. He wondered if she was still feeling sick all the time or if it was getting better every week. A frown took over his whole face, eyes dropping to focus on a dent in the counter. Someone had carved a heart there, and he wanted to scribble over it. 
“She’s pregnant.” Was all he managed to get out, trying his hardest to enunciate his words. Everyone went utterly still and silent, Lorcan moving to sit in the chair beside him. 
“Did she fucking–” he started, leaning his head down to try to look at Rowan’s face. The silver-haired man waved his friend off, shaking his head like an indignant child.
“I’m not drinking because of the baby. Or the woman.” It was true. Rowan had always wanted to be a father, it was a dream of his. Sure, it would have been nice if it happened in a more ideal way, but that wasn’t why he took so many shots as soon as he walked through the door. No, it was the look on her face when he coldly asked if she wanted money. The betrayal that slowly leached over her features, the way she bit back tears until she couldn’t anymore. “I monumentally fucked up.”
“That does usually lead to a baby,” Fen quipped, a sly smirk starting to appear on his lips. As quickly as it started to form, though, it vanished after a hard smack! against the side of his head, courtesy of Lorcan. The fair side to Connall’s dark coin groaned, blindly slapping his hand against his attacker’s shoulder. Another searing look from Lorcan had Fen’s hands falling back into his lap. 
“In what way?” Vaughan had leaned forward to see around Lorcan’s head while he spoke. The wood was cool against Rowan’s cheek as he laid his head on the bar, desperate to stop the spinning of the room. 
“She told me she was pregnant, showed me all the tests from a photo on her phone,” Rowan waved his hand toward his phone that he frowned at, “And then I asked her if she did it for money.”
“Oh, you bloody wanker,” Fenrys mumbled, shaking his head. The man in question was sitting up on the counter, legs dangling over the edge. His foot twitched like he debated kicking him in the knee. Rowan wouldn’t have blamed him. He deserved worse than that. 
“It’s a valid question.” Lorcan’s voice was sharp enough that Fenrys twisted his mouth to the side, eyes narrowed like he might disagree with him, but wouldn’t to avoid further physical injury. Instead, he offered a shrug of his shoulders and kept his mouth firmly shut as Rowan laid his head back down. Something was damp beneath his cheek, cooling his whiskey-hot skin. 
“It really wasn’t. Not when she told me that Ciaran Ashryver is her grandfather and Rhoe Galathynius is her godsdamn father,” Rowan growled. His anger and irritation was pointed to no one but himself. “She doesn’t need my money. I’m pretty sure she still thinks I’m a soccer coach because she was absolutely mind boggled that I’d even ask her such a thing. I don’t even know why I asked, either. The fear of it all, of–”
“Her father is Rhoe Galathynius?” Lorcan cut in, and Rowan wanted to kiss his forehead for cutting off that spiral. 
“Yep,” he replied, the p sound popping more than it normally would. And her cousin is Aedion bloody Ashryver! How did I not see it? They look nearly like twins! They have the same face!” Rowan shouted, palm slapping against the counter between each revelation. Fenrys jolted, eyes widening as he slipped off the bar and an entire seat away. Rowan was too drunk to shoot him an apologetic look for coming so close to his leg. 
“I can’t believe you didn’t figure it out,” Connall said smoothly, grabbing an empty glass and filling it with water. 
“Are you telling me you fucking knew?” Rowan said through clenched teeth, lifting his head so he felt like he was seeing the room through a kaleidoscope. Despite the whirling of the world, he met his friend's gaze. A bit of mirth twinkled in Connall’s eyes, a match for the anger in Rowan’s own head on. Clearly Connall only had loyalty to his brother and himself, if he just threw Rowan to the wolves like that.
“I didn’t know her exact relation, I just assumed. They look too much alike to be anything else. Did I know she was a football princess? No, but she knew too much about the sport when you talked, I figured she was involved in some way.” With a shrug of his shoulders, Connall slid the water toward Rowan. “And she definitely doesn’t know who you are. Earlier this week she was asking me if the boys had any games this weekend because she wanted to see you but didn’t want to interfere with your coaching. She’s never pried about what you do for a living, always took it at face value and assumed you were being honest.”
“I want another drink,” Rowan grumbled.
That was the other thing, wasn’t it? Sure, she had been lying. But so had he. In that initial moment of shock, where he felt like history could be repeating all over again, he’d lost it. Deep down, he knew that wasn’t the case. How timid and nervous she was, how sick she had been, the evidence in the picture of dozens of tests covering her bathroom counter. Rowan had seen it all with his own two eyes and still taken the shitty, cold, asshole route. 
If he was being honest, at the time it felt like the easier road to take. Aelin clearly had a temper hiding under her skin, though. Those remarkable eyes of hers had glowed with the anger he sparked. It had been fire in her eyes, white hot and raging. Maybe it had been the light playing off the tears that welled in her eyes, making her eyes glitter, but he had never seen anyone quite so angry, or quite so devastatingly beautiful. 
That was the mother of his child. A stunning, spit-fire of a woman that it was all too easy to imagine a future with. A life with. Even before finding out about the baby Rowan had imagined ways he could make the long distance work when she went back to Orynth in a few months. Now, it felt stupid. A bomb had been detonated and it was entirely his fault. Because he was the bomb. Ruining everything good that touched him. 
Perhaps he should have been drunk when she delivered the news. Drunk Rowan would never have said that to her. 
“She’s so pretty,” he mumbled aloud, finger dipping into the puddle his ice glass made and beginning to write her name across the bar. Lorcan nudged his shoulder, shaking his head. Right. That was pathetic. Rowan Whitethorn was not pathetic. To prove it, he picked up the glass of whiskey Connall handed him and downed it in one go. 
“I can’t believe you asked Aelin Galathynius if she wanted money.” It seemed that Fen could no longer  restrain his smart mouth. His chest shook with suppressed laughter. “Hate to break it you, mate, but I’m pretty sure–”
“Fenrys,” Lorcan growled, immediately shutting the pup up. Even the laughter in his face was quick to die off. Drunk Rowan was grateful for it. Right now he was toeing the line of punch first, ask questions later. “Let’s get you home. We’ll start to figure this out tomorrow.”
Despite his words, Lorcan still sounded tense. Like he, too, was clenching his jaw with frustration. Rowan imagined it had to do with him not believing Aelin, thinking she knew and was chasing his money or fame. That didn’t make sense, though. Drunk or sober, it didn’t make sense for her to want his money or his fame.
Rowan’s mind wandered on the drive home. If she wanted the fame, it would be easy enough for her to get it on her own. Rowan had learned in the hours after she left that if she had wanted to, she could have been a socialite. She certainly didn’t need Rowan’s help.
Back when she attended matches there were hundreds of pictures of her cheering in her family’s suite, of her on the field offering the players high fives, of her family out to dinner. If it was fame she wanted, she already had a clear shot at it. Besides, she was already a national treasure to Terrasen. The following she on the Fireheart social media pages and her personal instagram alone was more than some of his teammates had. 
Money didn’t make sense either. She was on good terms with her parents and after minimal digging he discovered she wasn’t teaching dance and piano. Maybe she did sometimes, but recently her name and picture had been scattered through the headlines because she was opening a new office for her foundation that she founded, the Fireheart Foundation. There were already multiple locations throughout Terrasen targeting underprivileged youth, to enhance the art programs both in and out of school. Now she was doing it in Varese, her mother’s home city. 
Aelin didn’t need money. She didn’t need fame. It wasn’t about any of that, and he fucking blew it by being a coldhearted bastard.
“Thank you for the ride,” Rowan slurred to Lorcan, who was probably his best friend all things considered. Maybe he should tell him that. Of all the people in the world, Lorcan was usually easiest for Rowan to talk to. He seemed to understand him a little better than the others, even if they were all pretty close. Rowan decided then that if he ever got married, if he could fix this thing with Aelin, Lorcan would be his best man. Yes. That was an excellent decision. 
Rowan hauled himself out of Lorcan’s car, feet stumbling on the street. He barely caught himself from face-planting on the sidewalk, recovering by swinging himself around a street sign and throwing a mock salute toward Lorcan to indicate that he might have stumbled, but he was good. He didn’t need help. Rowan had this.
 His best friend looked at him drily, quirking an eyebrow as Rowan turned to walk to the door and–
Walked directly into the marble exterior of his apartment building. Double over, Rowan rubbed at his stinging face to ease the pain. A glance at his fingers told them there was no blood. Thank the gods he didn’t break his nose.
“For fucks sake,” Lorcan’s voice was suddenly a hiss in his ear, throwing Rowan’s limp arm around his shoulders.
“You’re really fast, y’know that? And tall. You’re gonna dislocate my shoulder,” He slurred, eyes focused on the ground so he could get one foot in front of the other. Lorcan told him to shut the fuck up and walk. Wisely, Rowan did. 
By the time Lorcan half-carried him up to his apartment and dropped him unceremoniously into bed, he was saying silent prayers to whatever god that would listen for him to be able to fix what he had so easily shattered.
“I know we’re anti-Rowan right now, but I want to know what my niece or nephew is going to look like.” Aelin gave her bestfriend flat look through the camera, but Lys merely shrugged her shoulders. The angle of her phone changed and Aelin knew she was on the hunt. Honestly, she should work for government security. The woman could find anything on anybody. “What’s his last name?”
“I don’t know. I couldn’t ever find the right moment to tell him what mine were, and his just never came up. I never asked.” Aelin rolled onto her side in her bed, frowning at just how puffy her eyes were from crying the last several days. It was ridiculous. If he wanted to be a prick about it, fine. Aelin didn’t need him. It would have been nice, but… 
No. That thought was quickly tucked away elsewhere, somewhere at the back of her mind where it wouldn’t pick and poke at her sensitive emotions until she cried. 
“What did you say he does? A teacher?”
“Soccer coach in Doranelle. He doesn’t have social media as far as I’m aware. I’ve never seen the apps or anything on his phone.” Rowan didn’t give off social media vibes, either. It was hard to imagine him coming up with a witty caption for a vacation photo, or having the desire to post pictures of his life at all. 
“Rowan, Soccer, Doranelle. Lets see what that gives us,” Lys hummed, fingers flying furiously across the screen. From this point of view, Aelin had a great shot up her nose. If she wasn’t feeling so morose she would screenshot it and save it for a rainy day. “Oh my– Aelin Ashryver Galathynius.”
At her full name, Aelin propped herself up on an elbow, frowning down into her phone as she said, “What?” 
“Rowan Whitethorn. Google that and tell me if that’s him.”
“Why does Whitethorn sound familiar?” It both was and wasn’t a question for Lysandra. It was definitely tinkling a bell somewhere in her brain, the name. And as soon as she typed it in and pressed search, she understood why. “No fucking way.”
“That might be why he asked if you wanted money,” Lys said. Millions of search results came back. Photos, articles, interviews, the works. Thousands upon thousands of pictures loaded when she hit the images tab, and her jaw nearly hit the floor. 
Pictures of Rowan in a dark blue uniform with Doranelle’s logo across the chest, a number seven and his name across the back. Images of him from the side, his silver hair french braided with the rest pulled into a bun. There were pictures of him held on his teammates shoulders, of Rowan making a match-ending goal, Rowan squirting water into his mouth on the sidelines. 
“He’s got personal interest in the game, is all,” Connall had told her that first night. A vague memory of Rowan giving the bartender a flat look entered her mind briefly as she closed the tabs and looked back at her best friend’s face. 
“Why is the soccer world so incestuous?” Lys asked her, laughter in her voice.
“It’s not funny,” she hissed back, but there was no bite to it. Maybe it would be a little funny in a few days. There was no doubt in her mind that Aedion and her parents would find it absolutely hilarious. 
“The money thing makes sense now, though.”
“It does,” Aelin agreed, rubbing the heel of her palm into her eye. “But I thought what we had was different. Regardless… even if I had known about all of this I wouldn’t have thought he would react that way.”
“Maybe it’s happened before. Maybe you need to hear him out and let him explain.” 
She did and she knew it. The shift in his behavior happened so suddenly, had blindsided her entirely. It had to mean there was a reason for him to snap like that. It still pained her heart and soul, though. Even if he had the best reason in the world, it didn’t take away the betrayal and hurt she had felt. 
At the same time, she felt silly for feeling so upset. They barely knew each other. Of course he would be cautious of her motivations. It made sense. If it had been going on for longer, would his reaction have been more mild? Would it have been sweet kisses and promises that things would be okay? Did Rowan even want kids? Probably not, given the status he currently held in the soccer world. The man showed no signs of slowing down anytime soon. A baby would just complicate that. 
“That baby is going to be the most beautiful fucking thing.” Lys may have been mostly talking to herself, but Aelin found her lips tipping up at the corners because it was true. It would be. 
Almost against her own will, her fingers pulled up Rowan’s text thread. He sent dozens of messages throughout the week. Most of them were begging for a conversation, asking if he could call her. Some of them from last night made no sense whatsoever, words strung together in a way that made her believe he was drunk. There were six in a row from last night in the old language. If she had been able to read around the typos, maybe she could figure out what they said. The spelling was so badly butchered, though, that some were different words altogether. Complete gibberish, utter word salad. 
Then there was the single one he sent her today that simply read: I’m sorry. For all of it.
There had been other apologies that requested the chance for him to explain, but none of them felt quite as barren and hopeless as this one did. Almost like he was ready to throw in the towel if she didn’t want to speak to him ever again. Though she was angry, it didn’t sit well with her. Maybe she felt a flicker of anger in her chest because he hadn’t been willing to fight for her for more than a few days, or maybe it was because she was frustrated he would stop because he believed it was what she wanted. Either way, she didn’t like it. 
It was then that she decided she would give herself a few more days. A few days to process the pregnancy, his reaction, her counter-reaction, all of it. And then maybe… maybe she would be ready to talk. 
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demvalhaken · 4 months
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Welcome to, I’m having an unnecessarily hard issue trying to get the Western Hornets into a smaller size~ (Fancy squiggle)
I think I fixed it?
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Muahaha, the canvases are all different sizes because I just scaled it up as I progress farther in the drawing >:]
Yes, the Eastern Hornets stick out because they were done first
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Berry Hive was bombed
Luna Hive is so awesome though!
If you grab a magnifying glass, you will see the borders! North, East, South, and West!
Okay soooo, the Northern Hornets live in the coldest region
The Eastern Hornets live in like, forests, plains, and cool little mountains
The Southern Hornets live in a tropical area. Imagine a humid, jungle with a ton of water
The Western Hornets are parched… they’re dehydrated grapes… deserts are not that wet
Late Warning: This probably gonna be reallllllllllyyyyy long
Is that what I think I hear?! Their economy? Oh yeah, I’ve got it all figured out and totally not making it up on the spot with scarce prior knowledge
Northern Hornets Economy Trade
What is an economy again? A thing about goods and services? Ha! Yeah, we’re just gonna talk about trade because I don’t got that kind of patience!
Traded items!
The Northern Hornets often trade iron, jewels, glacier honey (An ice-coloured honey that comes from the ice flower that grows on the mountains) They also trade a ton of ores as well
Northerners aren’t that popular in the Klaudin trade
Eastern Hornets Trade
Traded items: Silk, cotton, most other fabrics, exotic fruit and spices, and astronomical stuff
The Easterners are a huge part of the Klaudin trade
Western Hornets do not trade that much with the Eastern Hornets
NETR (North-East Trade and Relations) is a major thing in both the North and East for their trade
The Easterners are also often known for trading literature
Southern Hornets Trade
Traded items: Most exotic fauna used in dishes, lumber/wood, medicinal plants, and most animal products
The Southerners are a lesser known part of the continental trade.
They mostly are known for food products
They have an alliance with the West but not a fancy acronym name
Western Hornets Trade
Traded items: Desert fauna, pottery and clay, textiles and woven goods, and straight up salt.
The Northerners get most of their salt from the Westerners, despite having a bad history with each other
They are mostly just known for their pottery, woven/textile stuff, and art is general
The West Hornets are in an alliance with the South Hornets
I guess we go on to appearance differences?
Now if you look at the Hornets, all of them are unique! They have different mouths, antennae, wings, and eyes
Largest Wingspan to Smallest: Southern Hornet, Western Hornets, Eastern Hornets, Northern Hornets
Best Eyesight: Western Hornets
Longest Antennae: Northern Hornets
Best Average Strength: Northern Hornets
Worst Crime: Western Hornets
Best Reputation: Southern Hornets
Worst Reputation: Western Hornets :(
Each species has different mane styles
Northern Hornets: Often left alone or braided Eastern Hornets: Well-kept and sleek, often just left alone but came be styled in every way
Southern Hornets: Left long and untouched, some braid their manes, some stick colourful things in it like feathers
Western Hornets: Tied back or cut short
Northern Palace
The Tyvin Palace (Could be changed later on) is a massive structure built in between two towering mountains. The palace is insulated and heated. It’s made of timber, iron, stone, and probably other materials.
Halls are lined with carvings and tapestries featuring wildlife or cool events!
Eastern Hive(s)
Berry Hive: Bombed by ? It is still unknown. The hive took half of Queen Berry’s ruling to build, unfortunately, she died with her creation from burns
Luna Hive is a hive constructed by her daughter, Queen Luna (Formerly Princess Luna) The hive is situated in the trees, being elevated. It can be warmed or frozen during winters or summers. It’s made of mostly timber.
Southern Palace (Skra Palace): Just a bunch of buildings built on trees. It’s made of timber, mud bricks, rope, and leaves. It has no insulating, but Southern Hornets don’t get that too extreme cold weather. If necessary, fires will be lit for warmth
Oasis Hive (Palace by some locals): A palace made of sun-dried bricks (Adobe), quartz, and sandstone. It has thick walls and a giant shaded courtyard. The windows are often covered with tapestries during the day if it’s too hot. It’s decorated with wind chimes, tapestry and other woven things, and a ton of greenery!
Everything hurts…. My back, my wrists, my fingers, my legs. I HAVE BEEN SITTING FOR LIKE THREE OR FOUR HOURS WRITING THIS!
I can’t write anymore, maybe I’ll add more in a future post!
Okay, soooooo! Final thoughts!
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Their older selves! Plus this silly thing!
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poststealer · 11 months
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some tips for working out your brain
hydrate it by drinking lots of water/water based liquids. if you are someone who cant stand drinking still/unflavored water, thats fine! dont believe the lie that "drinking juice/soda/other non water drink is worse than not drinking anything", the only drink that will actively dehydrate you is alcohol. its better to drink water, but drink what you can drink, your body will get the liquid from it either way
eat foods high in antioxidants; dark chocolate and blueberries and walnuts and salmon are common ones but there are many many others
play little brain games on your phone; wordconnect, water sort puzzle, i love hue, etc. anything that makes you think!
read books. It’s simple but necessary. join a book club (in person or online), read with a friend, post about the book in its fandom tags etc, so you can have discussions about it after. reading fanfic counts too! if you have trouble reading, try finding audiobooks online or finding a text to speech program that will read the books to you. this will improve your reading and media comprehension.
do puzzles - it doesnt have to be sudoku; you can play rhythm games like project sekai or piano tiles on mobile and OSU! or geometry dash on the computer, you can play tetris or pac man, you can do an actual physical puzzle on your coffee table, etc. anything that makes you think and use strategy is a puzzle, and theres a puzzle out there for everyone!
learn a new dance - even a tiktok trend dance. learning new dance moves are proven to strengthen synapses
go bird watching, foraging, hiking, anything outdoors that requires you to explore pattern recognition and visual searching. even if you're just identifying bugs and flowers in your back yard!
watch a movie with the intent of analysis. this is best done with a cinephile friend. talk about tropes and symbolism and character growth
cross stitch, knit, sew, or do anything that gets your hands moving and your brain thinking. if you don't have the dexterity for sewing you can also draw or paint, do coloring or color-by-number pages, connect-the-dots, gem painting, etc.
play or learn an instrument! if you don't have access to a physical instrument, try recreating songs you like (or make your own songs!) in a digital music program, like beepbox
develop a consistent sleep schedule, or as close to consistent as you can get
when eating, try to identify the ingredients and individual flavors you’re perceiving. pretend you're a wine sommelier, or that ice cream taster guy
i hope this helps you take care of your brain 💖
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insertbadpunhere · 1 year
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I did a thing. I always wanted to make a cute generator thing, so here. (Is generator the right word here?)
I also made a text version down in the read more section. Just in case you prefer that instead.
(Edit: I forgot to put the zero option in the eye color section. Think of it as a freebie and pick whatever color you want.)
You've been reincarnated, congrats! But before we shove you off to your next life, let's take a sneak peak.
Your death and Rebirth
How you died is based on the first letter of your family name.
A. Struck by Lightening.
B. Old age.
C. Car crash.
D. Eaten alive by a giant snake.
E. Murdered by a clown.
F. Meteor crushed you.
G. You sacrificed yourself for a loved one.
H. You died of an illness.
I. Swallowed by a whale.
J. You fell through a wormhole.
K. Fell off a cliff.
L. You had a stroke at age 76.
M. Food poisoning.
N. You made a deal with the devil.
O. Possessed by a ghost and died.
P. Murdered for your inheritance.
Q. Abducted by aliens and died.
R. Killed by an imposter.
S. You got hit by a truck. Classic.
T. Died in a death match.
U. Died of fright.
V. Plane crash.
W. Died of laughter.
X. Died of dehydration in the desert.
Y. You angered the fae and died as a result.
Z. Drank lava.
The age you remember your past life is the day of your birthday. (Ex: 23rd = age 23)
Your features: the last digit of your device's battery. (PC users get to choose.)
0. Your natural color
1. white
2. pink
3. red
4. orange
5. yellow
6. green
7. blue
8. violet
9. multi-colored (color combination of your choice)
Eye color is the last digit of your birthday.
1. your natural color
2. pink
3. red
4. orange
5. yellow
6. green
7. blue
8. violet
9. some form heterochromia (pick your colors!)
Your life position is the first digit of your device's battery. (PC users get to choose.)
1. commoner
2. middle class
3. knight
4. nobility
5. clergy
6. royalty
7. crowned prince/princess
8. monarch
9. Choose a magical occupation.
Your love life
The number of pets you have decides how many love interests are in your harem. If you want one, that is. (If you don't have any, then generate a number 1 through 6)
The last digit of the current time is the main love interests' position in life.
0. criminal
1. commoner
2. middle class
3. knight
4. nobility
5. clergy
6. royalty
7. crowned prince/princess
8. monarch
9. Choose a magical occupation.
The main love interests' personality is based on your zodiac.
1. Aries, shy and a book nerd
2. Taurus, superstitious and ambitious
3. Gemini, wise and playful
4. Cancer, Tsundere all the way
5. Leo, loyal and carefree
6. Virgo, golden retriever energy
7. Libra, flirty and outgoing
8. Scorpio, intimate and serious
9. Sagittarius, curious and a little clingy
10. Capricorn, caring and helpful
11. Aquarius, honest and oblivious
12. Pisces, stubborn and possibly feral
Main love interest's hair color is a major color in your device's wallpaper. (Or if there is not one major color, default to white or black.)
Main love interest's eye color is your favorite color. If you can't choose one, then use some form of heterochromia.
Is your lover human? Generate a number 1 through 30.
1 through 20: Human
21: Demon
22: Angel
23: Orc
24: Werewolf
25: Vampire
26: Succubus / Incubus
27: Fairy / Fae
28: Dragon
29: Nehalem
30: Dwarf
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maryellencarter · 3 months
Welp, that does it. Now it actually doesn't matter if you vote. Biden was the last US president, under any recognizable definition of the term, and may I say I genuinely don't think anyone else under the same constraints could have done better.
Here's what to expect going forward.
* Election Day: A few scattered shootings of poll observers. Not a lot, not organized, maybe half a dozen nationwide. The Republican Party decries this interference to the democratic process. Many widely publicized instances where Democrats at the polls were harassed or physically attacked until they responded with something that can be framed as violence, presented as demonstrating that the Democrats are out of control, the real danger, etc.
* If the vote goes Trump's way, which I expect, peace until Inauguration Day. People with the resources to do so should flee the country at this point.
* If the vote starts going Biden's way, many shootings at vote-counting locations in purple and blue areas, destruction of many "fake/duplicate" votes.
- If Biden is elected (which I very much don't expect as the propaganda buy-in against him is so high), on vote count ratification day, Capitol Riots 2.0: No Democrat Left Standing.
* On Inauguration Day, if Biden is elected and refuses to vacate the White House, televised raid on the White House and publicly televised summary execution of President Biden. (Since, under the Supreme Court ruling, he *also* has infinite power above the law, he cannot be allowed to survive. Barack Obama, if he has not fled the country by them, will also be either executed or assassinated at some point in any timeline. Bill Clinton may be safe unless he makes trouble, but I wouldn't test it.)
* On Inauguration Day, if Trump is elected and Biden leaves the White House peacefully (my own expectation), Trump swearing-in followed immediately by the signing of approximately five million executive orders. My best guesses:
- Full legal immunity for any "citizen patriot" who shoots non-Republicans or POC
- dismissal and execution of the three liberal Supreme Court justices
- all reproductive rights gone
- all queer protections gone
- all social services such as food stamps and Medicaid gone
- all digital privacy rights gone
- the National Guard rolling out to truck everyone of Hispanic or Latino extraction to the Mexican border (without food or water) and dump their dehydrated corpses there, with the widely publicized "wall of bodies" touted as the final solution to those damn illegals (they will also continue building the actual wall)
- massive expansions of the prison industrial complex, newly built prisons and labor camps will eventually house all Black people who can be funnelled there
- erasing all women's rights is probably not day one but it'll happen
"oh but this is perfect! nobody will stand for this! the revolution will finally happen!" our military spending outstrips the rest of the world combined. and none of you know how to operate a resistance with disconnected cells for shit. someone so much as whispers about revolution and a MAGA with an AK-47 pops up and takes out the entire group that heard them. you think i'm exaggerating. the only exaggeration is that it might be at the second meeting.
will it matter to me personally? no. i have an X for nonbinary on my driver's license. i'll be shot on sight or in a conversion therapy concentration camp. leia will be dead because they'll jack the price of insulin back up.
do i still plan to vote for biden? sure. it'll be my last chance to assert my independence.
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alamos-garden-lover · 10 months
i believe jn you. become an Ivation 9 Tray Countertop Digital Food Dehydrator Drying Machine 600w with Preset Temperature Settings, Auto Shutoff Timer and Even Heat Circulation for Beef Jerky, Fruits, Vegetables & Nuts
What the actual fuck are you saying.
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queendearings · 7 months
‼️🚨PLEASE help me afford to take my dog to the emergency vet 🚨‼️
Never posted one of these before but times are hard right now so here goes:
This is my baby boy Mandu, he’s a senior pug who’s blind and deaf and has spinal issues so he can’t really feel his back legs. Despite all of that he’s a very joyful and energetic dog who loves to run and explore and chase new smells.
Last night he started acting lethargic and his nose was dry and warm and his ears were really hot, like he was running a temperature. Ever since I adopted him he’s refused to drink water from a bowl so I usually add it to his food, but in a situation like this where he’s dehydrated and needs more fluids the only way he’ll drink is if I use a baby dropper to slowly feed to him (as pictured above).
His symptoms have persisted for 24 hours now and I really need to take him to the emergency vet to be checked out in case this is something serious. I’m scared to death of anything happening to my boy. Please help if you can, every little bit helps, even just sharing the post helps 🙏
Venmo: @ElleElf
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onlineshwe · 1 year
Ninja AF101 Air Fryer
In the ever-evolving landscape of kitchen appliances, air fryers have emerged as a revolutionary solution for health-conscious individuals and food enthusiasts alike. Among the array of options available, the Ninja AF101 Air Fryer has garnered significant attention for its promising features and impeccable performance. This comprehensive review delves into the various facets of the Ninja AF101 Air Fryer, shedding light on its design, cooking capabilities, user-friendliness, maintenance, and more. As we embark on this journey, let's explore how this innovative kitchen companion adds convenience and versatility to your culinary endeavors.
Product Overview
The Ninja AF101 Air Fryer embodies a sleek and modern design that seamlessly blends into any kitchen setting. Its compact size makes it an ideal addition to both spacious kitchens and cozy apartments. The air fryer's exterior boasts a sturdy construction, featuring a combination of high-quality plastic and metal elements. This thoughtful design ensures durability and longevity, promising to withstand the test of time in the hustle and bustle of a busy kitchen.
Design and Build Quality
When it comes to kitchen appliances, design isn't merely about aesthetics; it's about functionality as well. The Ninja AF101 Air Fryer excels in this aspect, with its intuitive layout and user-centric features. The control panel is strategically positioned at the top front of the unit, allowing for easy access and visibility. The buttons are well-labeled and responsive, contributing to a hassle-free cooking experience. The pull-out drawer design for the cooking basket facilitates effortless loading and unloading of ingredients. Moreover, the build quality of the air fryer instills confidence in its performance. The combination of robust materials and meticulous craftsmanship ensures that the appliance can endure the rigors of regular use.
Cooking Performance
One of the standout qualities of the Ninja AF101 Air Fryer is its exceptional cooking performance. Equipped with a powerful heating element and rapid air circulation technology, this appliance delivers consistently crisp and evenly cooked results. Whether you're aiming to prepare golden-brown fries, succulent chicken wings, or delectable pastries, the air fryer's cooking prowess is bound to leave you impressed. Its ability to achieve a satisfying texture with minimal oil usage is a game-changer for health-conscious individuals seeking a guilt-free indulgence.
Versatility and Preset Functions
A remarkable feature that sets the Ninja AF101 Air Fryer apart is its versatility. Beyond air frying, this appliance offers a range of cooking options, including roasting, reheating, and dehydrating. The device comes equipped with preset functions that cater to specific cooking needs, simplifying the process even for beginners. These presets ensure that each dish is prepared to perfection with just a push of a button. From crispy Brussels sprouts to mouthwatering fish fillets, the air fryer's presets take the guesswork out of achieving culinary excellence.
User-Friendly Interface
Navigating through the settings and functions of the Ninja AF101 Air Fryer is a breeze, thanks to its user-friendly interface. The digital display provides clear and concise information, and the control buttons are responsive to the touch. This level of user-friendliness is particularly valuable during hectic cooking sessions, where efficiency and ease of use are paramount. Whether you're setting the cooking time, adjusting the temperature, or selecting a preset function, the interface ensures a seamless interaction that caters to all user levels.
Cleaning and Maintenance
A common concern with kitchen appliances is the post-cooking clean-up process. The Ninja AF101 Air Fryer addresses this issue with its straightforward cleaning and maintenance requirements. The cooking basket and crisper plate are non-stick, allowing food residue to be easily wiped away. Additionally, both components are dishwasher safe, saving you time and effort in manual cleaning. The pull-out drawer design ensures access to all nooks and crannies, further streamlining the cleaning process. This thoughtful design consideration transforms what could be a tedious chore into a hassle-free task.
Health and Nutrition
In an era where health-conscious choices are gaining traction, the Ninja AF101 Air Fryer shines as a beacon of healthier cooking. Its ability to achieve crispy textures with significantly less oil is a boon for those looking to cut back on excess fats while savoring their favorite dishes. By utilizing air circulation technology, the air fryer reduces the need for deep frying, subsequently lowering the overall calorie and fat content of prepared meals. This makes it an invaluable tool for individuals striving to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet without sacrificing flavor.
Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency is a paramount consideration in today's environmentally conscious world. The Ninja AF101 Air Fryer strikes a commendable balance between performance and energy consumption. Its rapid air circulation system ensures that cooking times are optimized, which, in turn, minimizes energy usage. Additionally, the appliance's auto-shutoff feature prevents unnecessary power consumption after the cooking process is complete. This dedication to energy efficiency aligns with modern values of sustainability and responsible resource utilization.
Noise Levels
For households where noise levels are a concern, the Ninja AF101 Air Fryer offers a pleasantly quiet cooking experience. The appliance's advanced technology minimizes operational noise, allowing you to enjoy a peaceful cooking environment without disruptive sounds. Whether you're preparing a meal early in the morning or late at night, the air fryer's discreet operation ensures that your culinary pursuits do not disturb the tranquility of your surroundings.
Durability and Longevity
Investing in a kitchen appliance involves considering its longevity and durability. The Ninja AF101 Air Fryer excels in this aspect, showcasing a build that is designed to withstand the demands of regular use. The combination of quality materials and meticulous craftsmanship instills confidence in its performance over the long term. This durability not only ensures a lasting kitchen companion but also offers a testament to the manufacturer's commitment to providing products of exceptional quality.
Price and Value for Money
In the realm of kitchen appliances, the balance between price and value for money is of utmost importance. The Ninja AF101 Air Fryer strikes a favorable equilibrium between its price point and the plethora of features it offers. With its versatile cooking capabilities, user-friendly interface, and durable construction, the air fryer presents a compelling value proposition. The long-term benefits of healthier cooking, energy efficiency, and reduced oil consumption contribute to the overall value that this appliance brings to your kitchen.
Conclusion: Elevating Your Culinary Journey
As we conclude our exploration of the Ninja AF101 Air Fryer, it becomes evident that this appliance is a versatile, efficient, and user-friendly addition to any kitchen. Its impressive cooking performance, combined with thoughtful design and an array of beneficial features, positions it as a culinary powerhouse that caters to both amateur cooks and seasoned chefs. From its sleek design to its versatile cooking capabilities, the air fryer has the potential to revolutionize the way you approach meal preparation.
Ninja AF101 Air Fryer
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