man1xpan1x · 23 hours
my dad is up i need to
Act Sober
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hangryhana · 1 year
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5sos eu tour diarry
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mossfeathers · 11 months
A Collection - A TMA + Secret Life AU Fic. 1.8k words. Scar as the statement-giver and Grian as the Archivist. [Additional notes, ao3 link, and other credits here]
Statement of…?
Goo- Oh, uh, my initials are G.T.W. but I go by Scar. Scar G.T.W.
Ok, Statement of Mr. Scar G.T.W. regarding the disappearance of his street for a few days. Statement taken direct from subject, third of November, twenty twenty-three. Audio recording by Grian H, the Archivist. Statement begins.
Thank you! So, geez, I guess it started on what had been the thirty-eth? I collect figures, specifically old-timey houses. Not! Dollhouses, and I’m currently in the middle of organizing a wild west themed diarri-diarom-diamet- uh, display. In the middle, the giant centerpiece of it all, is a courthouse. Some antique dealer gave it to me pretty cheap, didn’t catch his name though. It was pretty shady, like some real back-of-a-dark-alleyway stuff. Came with a little folded up paper, too. I figured it was some sort of, I dunno, verification? Looking back on it, I should have known something was off. I was just so excited to get this new piece, y’know? It was gorgeous, these tiny rough stone pebbles that made pillars looking like something straight from Greece, some amayzin’ gemstones set in the front in these absolutely brilliant, wait, was that British sounding? I sound like you! [chuckle] But yeah, the crystals were green, yellow, and red. Something about the way that red one looked though, it felt off. It didn’t have anything to do with what happened to me, though. I don’t know why I brought that up. Huh. So there I was, sorting out my little itty bitty houses and stores around this big ol’ courthouse, my cat wandering around somewhere, and I remember the piece of paper! I thought I left it in a coat, obviously, but when I went to check for it, it was already in my pants pocket! So I thought, well that’s weird, but I figured I had worn the same pair of pants a few times over and just never took it out. So I unfold it, and turns out it’s a little pamphlet! About the size of my hand and all yellowed and worn and at least a century old with a big crease down the middle from being folded in half. I left it, alongside the courthouse, with your people up at the front, figured you might want to check it out or exercise it or something. Anyways, I looked at the front and tried to read the title. It was all faded, but I think it said “Care Manual for Unique Antiques”? There were more words below it, but I couldn’t read them. Inside the cover there was a stamp of a library, which struck me as odd. I got really panicked for a second, thinking I had accidentally stolen a library book. But I realized, hey, I bought it and I didn’t know of any libraries going by the name of Joe Hills anywhere around so I was probably off the hook, scott-free. So I start reading it. It wasn’t long, maybe 8 pages total? The font was weird, and the images were sort of wonky-looking, like the cups and spoons being shown couldn’t actually exist. I can’t describe it, but the whole thing felt so off. And there was nothing super weird about the text itself, just about the story behind them and the material sources and stuff like that, but once I reached the page that had my little courthouse on it, and started to read about the type of rock used, something in my room just changed. I can’t describe it, but a shiver went through my whole body and I suddenly felt a pit of some type of fear in my gut. I guess I should mention two very important things. One, I had figurines of people in that town. And two, I don’t live in the middle of nowhere. It’s gonna sound like it when I describe this to you, but I mean that I live at the end of a street. The houses are a bit far apart, and I didn’t know anyone around where I lived, and I felt like I was a million miles away from anybody else sometimes, but I mean this, there were houses there before.
So of course, I finish the page about the deep caves these little gemstones were mined from. Had a lot on how echo-ey and suffocating they are, and how isolated they were when the miners were down there, which felt like a really strange thing to put in a paper on a figurine but who was I to judge? So I turn back to the table, right, and the people were gone from the set! Instantly I think of Jellie- oh, Jellie’s my cat, by the way, and how she probably just stole them for a bit, so I shrug it off. They’re not the main focus of the thingy anyways! The courthouse is just sitting there, and I swear the green gem was glowing or something. But that’s impossible, and I probably was just so freaked out I made that up. And I get the sudden urge to get some fresh air. It just felt so suffocatingly empty out of nowhere so I went to the door as fast as I could. Biggest mistake of my life, I tell ya. I throw it open and there’s nothing. Absolutely nothing. Well, there was grass, maybe, and I thought I could see some trees, but it was just fog. And no houses. I had neighbors! I didn’t know any of their names, and I still don’t, but there were houses and people and lawns and a street and there just weren’t anymore. I never really was afraid of loneliness before, but I just liked the solitude. Not anymore. So of course I grab my phone from my other pocket, and it’s completely dead. It hadn’t been a few minutes ago. I figured the power had gone out, too, so I started to look around at the savannah in front of me. The grass was dead and pale and the few trees I could make out weren’t any I had seen in the neighborhood before. I felt like I was in the middle of the ocean. A desert. It was just so foggy, the mist ate up my feet and started to pick apart my porch, and I think I had a sudden realization that if I didn’t get back inside and lock the door right away, that house wasn’t going to exist for much longer either. So I slammed the door behind me. It was a long time before I moved from the corner of my room. It was so terrible, being alone for that long. You’d think I wouldn’t be all that bothered by it, but when there’s only the sounds of your own breathing and creaking of the floorboards under your weight, it gets to you, man. I was scared. At some point I realized I hadn’t seen Jellie in a while, but I think I was just so overwhelmed with the loneliness it just kinda melted away. I don’t know what stopped it, in the end. I couldn’t tell how much time had passed. The sun just started shining through my curtains and I cried. For a long time, actually. Don’t tell anyone, though.
I heard a familiar whreeep [Scar imitating a cat purr poorly] outside the door, and I nearly jabbed my cane through the drywall in shock. I assumed everyone was, y’know, dead? I mean, everything around you disappears for goodness knows how long, what else was I gonna think? So there Jellie was, and she looked fine! Not even upset that I had missed some meals. And that really struck me as odd because she is just the pickiest little cat. Oh, I want some food now and oh, I want outside time now and oh, I’m tired of being outside and oh why won’t anyone cuddle me and- ok I’m getting sidetracked here. So, she would usually be upset if I had missed a meal. But she wasn’t! Now I was wondering what the HECK happened to all the people who disappeared. And I realize I hadn’t even checked outside yet! So I get to the door and throw it open and there’s the neighborhood! The houses and cars are all there and I think there might’ve even been some people taking dogs for walks? Point is, everyone was back. I bet I looked absolutely insane, some random guy with eyebags and a cane staring at the street. I didn’t know what to do with myself, after that. I tried to burn the paper, obviously, but it didn’t light. I checked a calendar, too, and apparently 4 days had passed, because it was November second! Yesterday, actually. After I got myself all together and wasn’t shaking as much, I drove right on over here to give a statement! Just, I know someone who gave one and figured it fit right on in here! Apparently really helped to talk it out, too. I’m moving, by the way. Just started looking for a new house. I can’t stand to look at the walls of my room any longer. So, that’s my story! Pretty wild, huh? Do I just… stop talking?
Statement ends.
I had some assistants do a bit of research into this case, obviously. Scar left his address with us and all of the residential details seem to match up. He does live at the end of a road, Sandshore Lane, and listing websites show he has just put the house up for sale. No reason was posted as to why, and the price is shockingly low. This really surprises me, I know Scar from a few business deals years ago and he’s not one to miss out on money. I’m inclined to believe him just for that. He did drop off both of the items mentioned at the front desk, and I believe those are still firmly in artifact storage. Not particularly interested in giving that pamphlet a read, to be frank. Not in the mood to be isolated from all other life today. We tried to talk with a few of his neighbors, but nobody wanted to tell us where they were during their week. Rude. I might continue to pry just in case we see any similar incidents appearing later, but for now I think it’s best to leave this one. No reason to explore a follow-up, so that wraps this case up nice and neat. I’m concerned about the appearance of a library book and artifact link, I’ve not seen many of those before and it might be a good idea for me to rustle around in the Archives to see if there are any others that connect to this, especially relating to the same pamphlet. End recording.
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death-by-mercury · 4 months
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Thank you for the tag @ixveee 🌻🌾 and sorry for the late reply
Fav colour: Green/Blue/Natue Colours
Last song: Philomena - Thin Lizzy 💫
Last movie: idk, it’s been a few months, probably it was The Lady Eve (1941) back in the winter sometime
Currently reading: She’s come Undone (Wally Lamb) but it’s been on hold for a year and I’m now starting The Diarry of A Young Girl (Anne Frank) . I plan on finishing both in good time, before summer finishes hopefully 😅
Currently craving: to be on the beach and feel the sun or to be out somewhere full of greenery and peaceful breeze blowing 🌿. But I also agree with you Vee, affogato/Icecream with coffee is always great.
Coffee or tea: always coffee but I don’t mind tea sometimes. Having my coffee right now too 😂
This was nice thank you again 😊
Tagging my loves @boozilla-valentina @hammill-goes-fogwalking @shamanbluesss @milkyway-ashes
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444names · 2 years
senegalese names + atomic and subatomic particles
Abdoudija Abdouma Abdoumatop Abdounka Abdoussé Abiba Abibaya Abibougou Aboum Absaaka Aidark Aidirinoneta Alidamata Alikh Alpho Alphon Alphoro Alphotine Alsamadilaye Amadoular Amagne Amaradengue Amare Amine Amintour Andeneutron Anflatom Anibacceleko Ansatou Ansotiné Antino Arina Arino Astono Awark Axiou Aïdao Aïsse Baboou Baboson Babotomé Babow Babukarane Babukaron Badily Badina Badon Badouaro Badourna Badoussou Badyone Bahior Bakha Bakhotou Bakitouston Balintine Bamatouna Barané Bassambeno Bassoko Basson Bayarro Baybalino Beydi Bianfa Biané Biasmane Biaybaye Binfakhoton Binon Birah Birane Biron Biticphon Bitougoly Bodiasmoko Bodiball Bodimé Bodji Boitom Bounkhadene Bouye Brachype Braisoko Bravisse Chark Chatapa Cheik Cheita Cheiton Chima Chype Ciscar Ciscark Cislekton Cissatauarao Cisseffé Colatulidaw Coldoussé Couaré Dabousta Dango Danino Danté Daorondyong Diabalassy Diaballon Diabo Diabosouné Diabourang Diabukité Diacceleon Diagnetino Diagné Diaka Diakh Dialla Dialle Diamajor Diammeron Diamoum Diandentino Diandé Diane Dianeutrily Diang Diangeno Diangue Dianko Diaoro Diarry Diass Diassata Diassatoné Diassène Diaton Diaty Diawa Dibatapho Dické Dicpha Dicphatoum Diedhimé Diemb Diengo Diengueye Dietra Dietulion Dietulé Dieyna Dimark Dionson Diouamardyo Dioukare Dioul Diurino Djibatop Djiggsbo Douné Dragné Duaramara Dyonaté Eldoys Eldstinetimé Eleye Excitaphou Excitimuon Falattarine Fallane Fallourna Famadouné Fambaye Fathiou Fating Faton Fatoum Fofane Gangue Ganibé Gantina Gassé Gayball Gayon Gendilaye Gengequarry Gimuoné Gluina Gluxon Gluxona Gluxoné Gnino Gomino Gradoye Grall Grame Grameleon Gramé Grano Gravane Gravanne Guermquark Guiné Guiscaransou Habodi Habosokhna Hacceldé Hiasse Higgsbosou Hiomarinamba Hionino Hiounata Houssé Hyperino Hypermineba Ibragane Ibraninon Idrily Idrine Idrinon Intino Isamanga Isaxino Jaité Jamadyon Kaboule Kabsammes Kabuka Kadira Kamme Kanga Kanston Kanta Kanton Kantoneutron Karane Keikho Khargimp Khotiquaré Koirong Koitrinone Konane Konino Kontima Lamark Lambendé Lathiamioys Latul Leleck Leleon Leleonkau Leleronane Leyna Loussotta Luissamba Madibatong Madyo Mamado Mameleck Mamermioron Manetimé Mangeno Mankar Mankau Manston Mantantau Mantinourine Marande Marandiassa Maravitou Masse Mathimp Matino Matom Maton Matou Matouarao Mattou Maïmou Maïmoulé Mbene Mbosino Mboso Mboufandé Mectronne Medhiopengo Mediane Mediaw Medija Mentauark Mironabo Mouba Muonaty Muong Muoné Nafaffé Nafisse Ndame Ndark Ndiasse Ndija Ndily Ndiouba Ndouse Ndownquark Neutrone Niakh Niakhoul Niané Niardyong Niawark Nucou Nucounkho Papho Paphon Paphoré Peneutrine Penguebou Photta Phouark Plaitop Plarigna Plark Pleck Pleydiakhama Polais Poldoulara Posine Posité Posou Poufarravane Quaré Ramadyo Rammeh Rokha Rokhottane Rouré Sabaye Sabukité Sadiawa Safarahiagna Safobosoton Saganko Sagne Sagnon Samade Samaga Samantark Samar Samaton Samer Sames Sande Sangue Santa Santou Sargino Sarine Sarona Savandyo Savanibélé Saviscarro Secké Sectra Segne Senamatita Sendj Sendyongue Sentino Serino Seron Seydino Seyll Sidiambé Sinetronga Sinetu Skyrmquara Slectrino Sleon Slermior Socko Socké Sokhade Sokhotouf Soumadow Sounames Soune Souranfa Sousseye Souye Sownquardyon Sownquare Sownquark Spuritoufaff Spurnatou Squar Stoné Sylfero Syllectrida Syller Taldousson Tameldstaqua Taquark Tende Tendé Tengueron Tetino Thiagne Thialy Thiggsbouné Thigne Thigo Thimar Thimuon Thimé Thiome Thiomé Thion Thiondé Thioupquaré Thita Tidaoutrida Tidibacar Tidimp Tidir Tidjiboup Tinon Toudi Toukiamon Wagna Wagnane Waneback Wilandé Wimaton Wingue Yadownquark Yaneutrino Yansaxiomes Youamba Youebour Youlaté Younafermino Youné Yousse Zanga
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skidzobrainia · 2 months
Ssdigigal diary. Clress rewddmore
I’mmmmmmmm sk gired but I haven’t done one of these in nlike &0 MILLION UEARS OR SO? o’ m INCREIDVLY ONSUre. I’m not goigm to fix the epelling errows.
It’s cutrently 01:47 and i FONT FEEL VERY GOOD AT ALL. Today was a geryy eventfjl day of PLAYING VIDEO HALES that I’m not gery good stT. Including strivee. I’m m soo lonely ase of lete and I neeed to syayrt twlking to people instewf of playiyng with vencord to gett fucking pesterchum. Lll I dotn have msny chums to pedter muchf lest chums who woill pester me, butr there isn’t wnythjng bad aboutt prettying up. I lvoe emu firends so much
Aws you can imagien i’m indulgigng in a pastr INTEREST… of ine. I BERT YOU CANTT GUESS WHET IT IS!
Iggot alll the achievement gain higeswap act 1 andd I ant waity to plaay scy 2
Classpectref turbo chwrwfgrte
Turbro >, heirt of hope
X so het h> knight of doom
Shadoww € rogue of heert
Skdimark € seer of doom
O&?’ El working o n the otjr ones. I mgitjt make na ALTERNQTE UNVIERWE o it of that.
Isont want to go tocseleeep but letss be known that thisis 9TH OF AHGUET diarry despite the rwstr it’s vocted on 10TH in my timezpen.
Thankyyou for reading
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bloodlrust · 4 months
I don't think anyone saw bit that's so embarrassing
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weeniepuss · 1 year
Digital diarry more liek digital diarrhea hehehawhe
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Come on dont be naïve we know damn well V is Always thé one who give it all when she is in a relashionship the girl went and bought an appartement in NY just because Austin was Filming carris diarries there and he needed a house to stay in , i mean she Can Do her but sometimes i Wonder if she has her own style her own signature that does not depends on whoever she is dating that moment , with Austin it's wss boho dresses with Cole it's tomboy hoodies wondning what Next
jokes on you because the apartment she ended up buying was not at all the one they stayed in during TCD and she got an apartment because she was on Broadway.
she's also had a boho style since at least 2007 (there's literally multiple interviews from that time of her talking about it) but I guess she was able to tell the future and knew she'd be dating Austin so she got a head start to master it
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“Sisters may drive you crazy, get into your stuff and irritate you. However, if anyone else dares say so, a sister will defend you to the death.” - Unknown
Anne being a perfect older sister.
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man1xpan1x · 1 day
i realy hate ect therapy actualy
k1nda ru1ned my l1fe 😂
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scaleycat · 3 years
i’ve read this article several different times, it always inspires me to keep working out. thought maybe you guys would find it helpful <3
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hecksinki · 5 years
That episode did not disappoint holy shit I’m screaming!!! Get ready for some bullet points y’all-
Gilbert is so sweet talking to the bees 🥺 oof
Pls pls pls god don’t let miss Stacy and bash be a thing. PLEASE GOD.
Moody’s poor leg lol. He may have glowed up but he’s still the same klutz we know and love
Gilbert being inspired by the Mi’kmak medicine woman 🥺❤️ medicine is his passion no matter how hard he tries to abandon it!
Jerry and Diana are so freakin cute oh my god they are so sweet!! THE HANDKERCHIEF!!!
They’re gonna write an obit for Mary 🥺
Okay y’all. The dance practice. Firstly they were all so cute and awkward at first it was so funny I love these goofy ass kids.
“It’s not... topical” good one miss Stacy
When Moody’s banjo went all slow and the camera focused on Anne and Gilbert’s faces and the HEART EYES THEY HAD FOR EACH OTHER??!!! OUCH!!!!!
When he grabbed her hand and spun her I screamed, I literally screamed
Them freaking tf out bc they realized they’re kinda in love is a mood
Gilbert’s literally started planning their wedding. I also love how he’s cutting a carrot during that scene 😉
They... they didn’t. Oh my god. They made Anne ask Gilbert about reproduction I am positively SPEECHLESS. Poor Anne and Gilbert, the looks on their faces lord have mercy 😂
Gilbert’s obituary was beautiful he has such a way with words. Oof I miss Mary.
OKAY BARRY’S???? Does this mean Gilbert and bash will have extra income? Maybe they’ll be able to afford a nanny and Bash won’t have to remarry?
The ritual thingy!!!! Yes!! Oh it was so beautiful I got chills. “I love being a woman!” Oh my god my daughters. My sweet baby girls 🥺
Awww belle had her baby <3 I wonder what they’ll name it!
This episode was god tier. GOD. TIER. And we frickin deserved it, fellas, we deserved that. I’m still shaking!! Now I reeeally can’t wait til next week 😭😭
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arcticfrog · 5 years
Ok so the show is pretty accurate right?
OK SO I will admit that the show is very well thought and every scene has been studied a lot. I especially liked Diana and Jerry's scenes bc they were so sweet and I love Diana's character development! The only inaccurate thing in the "Baynard House" scene is that the children FUCKING GET UP FROM THE TABLE WITHOUT HAVING FINISHED THEIR DINNER and I know that's not even imaginable in a poor family because my grandma (who grew up during the war) is still of the ideology that you have to eat EVERYTHING that is still in your plate before even THINKINg of doing anything else so JERRY HECKIN EAT UP
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daphadillsinc · 5 years
Quick question
Okay, has Anne met the Baynards already? Just curious as to see if we get to witness her meeting them at the fair because from this picture
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I gather that they will be there (of course i could be wrong lol) BUT my question is will Anne be with Diana at the time and will she be surprised when Diana knows the Baynards already?
Just a thought but I could be the biggest clown on here bros
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fandomvoidsc · 5 years
Am I the only one that thought that Diana said "thank you, chéri" instead of Jerry ???
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