silberpilz · 8 months
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You know what I love about Ugly Betty? It looked like it was going to be a story of not-conventionally attractive awkward woman falling for handsome playboy Daniel but it ended up being four seasons of Daniel falling in love with Betty while she had an active love life, made loads of friends, learned a lot, built a career and eventually left the country to be super successful.
Total switch around.
And I loved that it ended with Betty being happy and successful and Daniel becoming her assistant. He’s the one making the effort to change his life to suit her.
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dettiqueen · 23 days
TMNTember DAY 4: Kunoichi !!
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Ive always loved that one part of the intro with my two fav girls☺️☺️ so for kunoichi i REALLY wanted to draw it!! of course i kinda altered it to my style buttttt… hope u guys like it!!
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thesocietalmisfit · 9 months
I’m a Daniel was in love with Betty the whole time truther because what do you mean I’m on episode 2x06 and Daniel is threatening to have Henry fired because he knows he’s gonna break Betty’s heart again. Ntm this is coming a few episodes after he fired Gio after he was mean to Betty once. Like this is not normal friend behavior
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mrs-n-uzumaki · 1 year
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Fashion Week s2 vs s3
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diioonysus · 1 year
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baroque art + women
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cherish--these--times · 11 months
Good evening. This is your little reminder that Detty is real and Daniel wrote this letter in his last MODE issue before going to London, as per the ABC website back in the day. THE LAST TWO PARAGRAPHS THO-
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR A Hundred Years of Attitude April 15, 2010
A hundred years is plenty of time for a lot to happen in anything. Political powers change hands and change back again, cultural movements evolve into something completely different, whole empires rise and fall. And yet, this is somehow even truer for the world of fashion, one in which a constant state of changing attitudes is implied by the very term itself. For a hundred years, Mode Magazine has been a leader, an ambassador, a harbinger, an opponent of and a champion for shifts in the way our society sees itself, and our next issue is a celebration of that complicated legacy.
Of course, an institution like Mode cannot even pretend to the throne of molding the attitudes of culture if it were not full of attitude itself. And attitude is one thing Mode has always had in abundance. To be honest, sometimes I feel as though we at Mode pack a hundred years worth of it into one day, especially since my co-Editor-in-Chief, Wilhelmina Slater, came on the scene. Ah, but I kid...
...And yet, I don't -- the truth is, the field of fashion is one that is both fast and fierce, and sometimes you have to go through a hundred years worth of attitudes in a day to find the one that suits the precise pulse of our culture at that given point. It's an amazing and arduous process, but, to be even more honest, it's one for which I admit I am not a natural fit, one for which Wilhelmina is.
Since I've experienced so much attitude in my time at Mode, I'd like to posit an observation: One thing that is often lost in the changing of an attitude is the cause for that change. This is best understood when you consider attitudes on a personal level. I ask you, dear reader, to think back to a time when you experienced a major shift in your life. Was it an external change, something that happened outside of you, and forced a change of attitude to help you adapt to the future? Perhaps you saw a friend demonstrate a prowess that cast her in a new light. Heck, maybe it was as simple as your friend getting a makeover. Or perhaps that friend was undergoing her own life change, one in which she would no longer be present in your life, compelling you to make your own change to keep her in it, even if it were in a new context.
Just as important: Maybe the change was an internal one. Maybe you realized you were no longer interested in maintaining your status quo. Perhaps you wanted to try new challenges not only in your professional life, but also in your personal one. Or maybe one day something just changed inside you in the way you saw that good friend, causing you to want her to be more than, well, just a friend.
As you experience our One Hundred Years of Attitude Issue, I ask that you consider not only the attitudes themselves, but the causes that precipitated their change and coming to be. Often the changes in attitude that are the most powerful are rooted in causes that come from without and within. When that unusual synergy occurs, love is often the result. And take it from me: Love is the one attitude that never goes out of fashion.     - Daniel Meade
@existential-labrador 💜
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janesbeloved · 17 days
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too scared to tag this so uhh uhhh uhhh fnaf movie aunt yuri...????? hi guys
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silentmoonbutterfly · 4 months
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pensieri-di-dea · 2 months
Che c'aggia fà si te voglie bene chiù da vita mia.
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silberpilz · 1 year
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warped25 · 9 months
Eric mabius said in an interview that filming the last scene of ugly betty in London was one of the most saddest days of his life. How am I suppose to function after hearing that?!
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dettiqueen · 11 days
…I love her eyes…
“I Love Your Eyes.”
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guys ima be honest I hate the way I draw Donatello lmaoo☹️ I’ve been waiting for this prompt tho so I HAD to make it. I have a he that Donnie hates his eyes cuz of how red they are, and i js thought this would be cute
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starseneyes · 4 months
MINI Meta - Daniel x Betty - Detty - Ugly Betty - Series Finale
Right now, my brain can’t take in much new in terms of entertainment or consumption. When I am writing, I don’t process new things as well as I do when I’m on a break, for whatever reason.
I feel like I miss too much because my brain starts working on some problem or hitch in a chapter, and too late I realize I’ve missed vital dialogue on the screen.
So, I tend to put things on in the background that I already know. Ugly Betty was such a fun show, and I truly thought I wrote about it at one point way back when. It’s possible it was so long ago that it was on my LiveJournal.
I was always a huge fan of the Detty, but I had no idea this show was part of a series of spin offs of a telenovela when I started watching it. I found out much later that in all the spin offs the handsome boss and Betty eventually became an item.
There was always a lot of debate back in the day about that final episode. For those that don’t know—Ugly Betty found out they wouldn’t be coming back for a Season 5 while they still had some episodes to film, so they were able to wrap as much as they could.
That means, there were some stories that were wrapped up nicely, others that were open-ended, and some that were the subject of much debate—namely, the future of Betty and Daniel.
Nobody can know for certain except those in the know, of course, but I’ve been rewatching that final season and especially that final episode. We all pretty much know what Claire knows by then—Daniel is head over heels for Betty.
I mean, c’mon, he talked about what a great team they made not only because they are a great team, but because some part of him has been getting louder.
I don’t tend to think of it as an awakening—he knew Betty was special to him pretty quickly. But I think he took it as a given that she was always going to be there. And as her determination and talent are taking her elsewhere, he has to reckon with why it bothers him so much.
Claire is quick to point it out, and he tries to shake it off. But, Daniel, honey, nothing in your behavior in that second half of Season 4 came off as remotely platonic. And your neon "I LOVE BETTY" sign was already flashing way back in the day, or Gio wouldn’t have mentioned you when he ran into Betty in London.
So, by the time of the party, Daniel has put together the pieces, realized his mother was right, but he is still stuck, in some ways.
And he thought the promotion/raise would be enough to keep her there, but it’s not. Because that isn’t what Betty wants. She wants to move on, and Daniel has trouble separating, "Move on from Mode" from "Move on from me" because the two have been so intertwined.
When Claire insinuates to Betty that Daniel has a thing for her, she shakes it off. It reminds me of, "I was so stupid to think that he would like me... I should’ve known that when he said I was beautiful, he meant on the inside."
That time, she believed it and got hurt. So, of course she has armor now against believing someone who would like Amanda (Connor and Daniel) would like her. But Daniel does. And Claire knows it.
But, remember what Daniel said to Betty way back then. "Men are stupid. They go for the obvious. Trust me. I know. I’m still doing it and I should know better."
He knows better, now. But Betty shakes it off. It’s just not something she’s ever considered. Daniel wouldn’t be interested in her.
They haven’t spoken since he signed her release. Since she walked in the room and he knew with one glance that he’d lost her. And they both knew it ached in a way they couldn’t soothe. But Daniel also knew that he had feelings for her, and there’s a block in his mind that keeps him from saying anything.
She’s leaving. She’s going. And even as her friends are toasting her goodbye, he isn’t there.
As Claire walks away, Betty thinks it over, trying to connect the dots. That can’t be right, can it? She picks up a glass of champagne and takes a sip, as though alcohol will somehow clear her vision.
It’s not long before Betty steps away from her own party to call Daniel.
"Daniel, this is Betty. It’s my going away party, and you’re not here."
Her voice cracks at the end. No matter what they are to each other, they’re something. And now her mind is whirring.
"I really hope I get to see you before I leave. Okay, bye."
She rushes off the line, because what is she going to say? Your mom insinuated you’re in love with me and now I gotta know if she’s right? No, she rushes off the phone because she has no idea what she is going to say.
Part of her is terrified that she was right that Daniel hates her, that he will never want to see her, again. But the other part is terrified that Claire is right, and she broke his heart and he will never want to see her, again.
When Daniel finally arrives at the party, he’s on the outside, looking in, a glass separating him from Betty. He can see her, and if she looked over, she would see him. But she doesn’t.
Instead, he watches Betty alive and celebrating. She’s a phenom, and he always knew it. He just didn’t imagine a world where she would be so far away. But he doesn’t want to say anything—because she’s moving on and he’s still stuck in place.
"I think I need to let her go."
Because he doesn’t want to hold her back. Because he thinks he isn’t worthy of her. Because he wants her to have everything she’s dreamt of.
Damn, Daniel loves Betty.
And what seems like the very next day, he makes a move. Not for Betty, but for his life. And, to be honest, he needed to do this first. Because he is to the point where he feels like everything has been handed to him, and he wants to go out and earn something.
"And what are you going to do?" "I’m gonna start over."
Because he needs to try a few things. He needs to see what the world holds for him. He needs to get his head on straight and get himself in order. I think Betty leaving really pushes him to do that.
Because Betty so often pushed him to be a better version of himself. And in her absence, he needs to learn how to do that for himself.
Now, that doesn’t mean she (and others) can’t positively influence him in the future, but Daniel needs to learn how to hold himself accountable. Stepping away from Mode was the first step.
We don’t know how much time passes between that and Betty and Daniel’s London meetup. My gut says a few months. But, that is strictly conjecture.
We see from the montage that Betty has created a life for herself, here. She has friends. She meets up with folks. She works hard. She loves her new life.
Presumably, she and Daniel haven’t spoken, still, since he walked out of his own office to avoid her after his heart was broken. That is a huge break in communication for these two.
But, I think by now Betty has assumed Claire was right about Daniel’s feelings. And the last thing Betty would ever want to do is hurt Daniel, so she respects the silence.
Daniel has been working on himself, and after some soul-searching, he is ready to see her. He is ready to take the chance. He crosses the whole bloody ocean just to be near her.
My brain goes a thousand different direction on how he found her, but I love that she’s there, living her life, and accidentally walks right into his arms.
Sitting on the steps together, her legs are crossed toward him. He sits open, and I strangely feel like it reflects his openness toward whatever life brings his way. He’s trying a different approach to things. But he’s still angled towards her.
"I know there’s a lot you can do, Daniel."
It’s their usual rhythm of her encouraging him or him encouraging her. This is part of their thing. As much as casual flirting is her and Gio, Daniel and Betty’s is an endless chain of being each other’s greatest cheerleader.
"Goodbye. And good luck, and have a safe flight." "Thank you, I’ll call you when I get there."
He is thoroughly charmed. He didn’t know how she would react, but here she is, still open to him showing up in the middle of her life without warning. Still smiling at him. Still bringing out parts of him he didn’t know existed.
"So, that’s it? You’re headed back to New York?"
She’s fishing. Rachel of 2010 didn’t catch it, but 2024 Rachel totally sees that she is fishing, here. She wants to know if there’s another reason he is there, but she doesn’t want to get her hopes up.
Because while she has been content these past few months, she is elated he is here, and she isn’t ready for him to leave.
He considers her question for a second.
"No, I think I’m gonna stay around here for a while. See what I can find."
Look. At. Her. Face! Look how she brightens at those words, how a smile plays across her lips.
"Maybe take you to dinner. Tonight, if you’re free." "I would love that."
Ah, my babies! She is nearly blushing as she smiles. Because she knows what it took for him to ask. She knows, now, that Claire was absolutely right. Daniel is down bad.
And look how satisfied he is with himself. That little smile is clearly, "Hell, yeah, she said yes!" Because, at this point, they both know what they are saying. They no longer work in the same building. They are friends, but this is different.
Daniel told Wilhemina that he was starting over. And he is.
It’s too short a shot after his little, "f*ck, yes" smile, but Betty’s face before the bell tolls and she realizes how long she’s been sitting on the steps is something to behold.
She’s smiling. She’s holding his gaze. She’s seeing him in a new light. Because she is allowing herself to see him in this light, and to imagine how he sees her. Years earlier, he told her she was beautiful.
She knows he thinks she is truly beautiful. She knows he thinks she is smart, capable, talented, hard-working, and so many other things. Now she knows he crossed an ocean to take her to dinner.
Not only that, he let her know that he’s not going anywhere anytime soon. This isn’t some knee-jerk reaction to her leaving. He’s had time to think it through, and process. When he told her he couldn’t live without her, that was within the former paradigm of their relationship.
Here, as they sit on these steps, all the hierarchical elements are gone (well, at least until a few lines later, but we’ll get to that). This is Betty and Daniel—two people who know each other better than they know themselves.
And Daniel knows he adores Betty. And as she looks back at him, she sees possibilities she’d never considered before. And she is almost surprised to realize she wants to explore them. With him. With Daniel.
With the clock chime, she stands, awkwardly holding her bag in her left hand. As she stands, she remarks on needing to get back to work, and that could be the end of it. But Betty gives us a little more.
"I’m really glad you’re here."
And then she reaches up for a hug. She reaches for him first. She didn’t have to do that. But she wants to hug him. She wants him to know she means it. She is so glad he is there.
Because Betty’s life no longer revolves around Mode and her family. It’s a different—but still beautiful life—and she wants Daniel in it.
He wraps his arms around her, and as he does, Betty closes her eyes. She’s savoring this. They’ve hugged before, but this time is different. The next time they see one another, they’re going to be on their very first date.
When she pulls away, they’re both just a touch awkward. Because this is real, now. He mutters about calling her later while she pulls her arm away a little too quickly. They can both feel the shift in their relationship. Subtle, but there.
But she only gets a few steps before she has to turn back around, to see him, again. To smile at him, again. To talk to him, again.
And the framing here on him is great because he is still in the same shot from the hug—same camera positioning. Like Daniel is still hanging there in that moment, and I just love that.
"Hey, if you want something to do, I am looking for a new assistant." "Well, maybe I’ll submit my resume."
They’re both smiling. They’re enjoying this. The awkwardness left as quickly as it appeared. Betty chuckles, leaning toward him as she does.
She turns to leave, and even as she takes the stairs carefully, pushing her windblown hair from her face, she is still smiling.
Daniel watches her go. We see Daniel of old in his face—smiling in appreciation of the woman Betty is. But he also ever-so-subtly looks her up and down as she walks away. Oh, yeah, boy is down bad.
And Betty, though she really needs to get back to work and knows she’ll see Daniel in a matter of hours... she has to sneak one more look back at him. And the smile on her face could rival the sun in its brightness.
So, while there is a lot of debate around how things ended for these two, I think the clues are there for us to surmise they are both excited about that first date.
And while I wish there was more Ugly Betty to tell us for sure, I like my little head cannon that they were happy together in the new life they built.
Thanks for reading this random mini Meta I didn’t intend to write. It just got stuck in my head and I long ago learned I need to write it out it I’m going to get through. See ya on the next!
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thesocietalmisfit · 9 months
Betty vs Daniel’s Feelings
So I’m watching Ugly Betty for the first time and every time there’s a scene where Daniel gives Betty heart eyes(which is a lot of them) I’m thinking to myself “Daniel wants Betty so bad” but I realize I’m rarely thinking to myself how much Betty wants Daniel. And I don’t think it’s because she doesn’t fall for him back or because he loves her more than she does him. I think it’s because since the very start Betty has always been aware that Daniel’s a catch. That he’s hot, rich, a good guy deep down, and that most women would kill to be with him. So it doesn’t register for her to see him in a romantic light because he’s out of her league and by the time her confidence is built up and they’re no longer boss and employee her feelings for him feels more like a natural progression of their friendship rather than something she’s been harboring in for a long time.
Daniel on the other hand his feelings for her feels like a dam being cracked open. Something always simmering beneath the surface. Sure he doesn’t register her as a romantic option either because like he said himself “guys go for the obvious” which Betty isn’t. But that doesn’t mean on a subconscious level he doesn’t know he’s falling for her. That she’s beautiful and amazing in her own way. That he can’t live without her. That she helps him grow. That she knows him better than he knows himself. He needed a push to become aware of what he always known deep down, that being Betty leaving Mode. Leaving him. And only then the dam finally broke.
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diioonysus · 1 year
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women + portraits
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