#debated on posting this but … yolo
sunnifer · 1 year
50s pinups if they were good (original below the cut)
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fishnoodles · 5 days
when im weak to the devil it whispers to tell me to do an entire strokes fanzine. ok
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morgayz · 7 months
wrote for three hours today and managed to crank out 860 words <3 this never happens to me!! i'm also proud of what i wrote !!! even stranger lol. i'm currently working on fleshing out my cult leader oc who is absolutely insufferable ... like, talks in a fake british accent sort of insufferable. a very unhinged kinda guy. i maaaay post a little snippet bc it's very fresh writing and i'd like to update you guys on that! but we'll see lolol. also thx to everyone for the very warm welcome, i'm loving it here already!
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cenvast · 8 days
okay so not actually a question but moreso an unserious silly comment BUT. im actually like a little fan of your fics on ao3 and only on your most recent one i noticed you linked your tumblr and i was REALLY surprised bc i knew you on here😭 not personally ofc but i recognized you from both sites and didnt know you were the same person lol. thought it was funny
wait this is so funny LOL, i'm guessing you're coming from my dunmeshi fics and then maybe you know me from my dunmeshi metas on tumblr? i'm definitely more unhinged on ao3 than i am on tumblr, so that's very understandable that you were surprised. i have two wolves within me: one is writing societal analysis of dunmeshi and the other is, well, you've seen my ao3
also tyyy for reading my stuff!! i'm glad you're enjoying the fics <3
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bisoubijou · 1 year
ok hornyposting time sorry. i used my paddle on myself and my ass is SO RED AND IM OBSESSED!!!!
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song-witch · 1 year
Chin Up, Buttercup
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3,084
Warnings: Fluff! Southern Mommy Wanda. More fluff.
Summary: It's your big break, but the one person you want to support you isn't there when you need her.
A/N: I wrote this in like 24 hours, but yolo.
Part Two Part Three
“I’m so proud of you, darlin’.” The woman’s voice filled the calmness surrounding the two of you with a certain… delicacy that could only be made by her. It had a certain drawl to it, words weighed down by the sticky sweetness of the southern accent that clung thickly to her honey filled words. Everything about the moment was soft, something Wanda gave you endlessly, especially after the hours upon hours you had spent on your work.
It had taken you years to get to this point. To be able to finally put it up on display for the rest of the world, except for one. Wanda. You hadn’t stopped talking about it for weeks. Had it marked on every calendar the two of you shared, and even then some more.
And yet, she had missed it. Had gotten scheduled on some bullshit meeting that could get her fired from the company. You had told her multiple times that you could support the two of you, that your book would break record sales and neither of you would ever have to work again. Of course, that was wishful thinking, but it’s what had gotten you this far, isn’t it?
Wanda had left early that morning, earlier than normal, with a kiss to your head, a silent promise that she’d be home that night. It felt like a silent apology that she couldn’t make it to your first booktalk.
It was okay, though. You were a big girl who didn’t need Wanda at your side for everything you did. You tried to tell yourself that for the rest of the day, that you could do it all by yourself, even if it pulled heavily at your heart.
You did your best to pull through your day. You ate breakfast alone, debating on tearing the sticky note Wanda had left you a message on like other days she didn’t have time to eat with you before. It felt far too literal, though. Like that post it note was your heart and every little tear made it hurt even more. You settled for crumpling it up, tossing it across the empty dining table, a hard reminder of how utterly lonely you truly were.
You sat alone when you were getting your makeup done, your outfit picked out. You would blame the tears in your eyes on your makeup. Wanda was the one who dolled you up. But she had work. For hours you told yourself you could do it. You could stand up in front of a crowd and talk about the book you had spent all of your adult and most of your teen years writing, pouring every ounce of love, hatred and everything in between in it. It didn’t feel real, though.
Since you had met her, you had envisioned her next to you at this moment. Instead, you stood by yourself with a podium in front of you, the small beaded friendship bracelet twisted between your fingers. Wanda had randomly bought the kit for you one day and you had insisted she make one with you. They were matching, the only difference being your names on the piece of string.
“Thank you all again for coming.” Despite your earlier feelings of loneliness, you smiled brightly into the microphone, more than aware of the amount of photographers and press there.
Gingerly closing the book, you stepped away from the podium, scooping the item into your arms. Agatha pulled you towards a secluded corner, your team surrounding you. Right next to Wanda, she had been your number one supporter since you brought the rough draft to her. She signed you within a few hours, taking on the role as your editor and publicist like it was nothing.
“Good job out there, toots.” The brunette clapped your back, a toothy smile brightening her features. You smiled up at her, hardly able to hear her over the roar of your own heart beating along with the crowd of people ready to have their books signed by you. “Say, you keep wooing crowds like that and you’re gonna sell out in no time, kid.”
“Really?” The hope in your voice brought forth a new youthfulness to you, like you were a kid again. In a way, you were. You had wanted this since you had started writing, and here you were, your first book published and with a second well on its way.
“With that cute tush of yours? Everyone will be wanting more, sweets.” Agatha threw an over exaggerated wink at you as she laughed, using the hand that hadn’t left your shoulder as a support of sorts. Your smile faltered just slightly, a blush coloring your cheeks. It was something Wanda liked to tease you about, how easily it was to get you riled up. You would deny it forever, even though you knew she was right. “Speaking of everyone, where’s that ragamuffin of yours?”
The smile on your face almost immediately sank. You had been so busy the entire day that you hadn't had time to think about Wanda, let alone the fact that she wasn’t there. Agatha hardly noticed your change in demeanor, too focused on the buzz around you. “She… she had work.”
“Oh, that’s too bad, toots. I’m always here if you need a plus one.” Rather than comforting you, the woman shimmied beside you, yet another wink thrown your way. You had learned that she was like that sometimes. Way too much to handle. So you smiled and nodded, trying not to let the thought that your girlfriend wouldn’t be there to support you.
“Only kidding! Well, unless you two say otherwise. You know where to call me!” Agatha stepped away from her, her hand finally pulling away from your shoulder. It was the first time you felt like you could actually breathe during the entire interaction. You loved the woman, truly, but she could be a lot. “Go enjoy your party, hot stuff, you deserve it!”
And with that, the woman left, presumably to find the bar, leaving you to be pushed around by the rest of your team. You knew enough about the events of the day that you’d be signing books for the next hour, if not longer. You were grateful for all the time Wanda had spent practicing your signature, a nice, loopy design that made you feel proud of yourself. It was all you could think about as you were swept over to the long table full of your book, pushed down into the singular chair at the table, a line that was longer than it should be waiting for your signature.
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
By the hour and a half mark, your hand was cramping, not used to writing with a sharpie for this long. The line felt like it had barely shrunken, still too long to see the end of. It was thrilling and disheartening at the same time; the faster you could sign all of these books and do whatever you were told, the faster you could get home to see Wanda. That had it’s own anxieties attached to it, but whether she could be here or not wouldn’t change how excited you were to see her. Sure, it sucked that she couldn’t be here. Really sucked, but you would be able to see her in a few hours and tell her all about your day. It would have to suffice.
Another hour passed before you could see the last ten or so people, the feeling of relief strong. You had been at it for over two hours now and, while you were beyond flattered and amazed to have this many people read your book, you were exhausted to say the least.
You wanted nothing more than to go home and curl up in your lovers arms, but you knew it would be at least a few more hours before that was even plausible. Faces began to meld together as the line continued to shorten, each person looking a little more like the next. As the last person approached, you breathed a sigh of relief, not even looking up as a book was slid between your hands.
“Thank you for coming.” You gave the person, a woman based on the high rise jeans and blouse they were wearing from where your eyes didn’t travel up their body, a tired smile just barely tugging at your lips.
“What? No sugar for me, sweetheart?” The words themselves made you feel gross, though the voice was recognizable. Something about the soft timber of it was reminiscent, like a fond memory you couldn’t let go of.
You were sure your confusion was evident all over your face, what with the way your eyebrows pulled together and your hand stopped moving, though you couldn’t care less if the signature was ruined or not. Your eyes traveled up the, yes, woman’s body, a familiar map of beauty stood in front of you.
“Wanda?” Your breath caught in your throat at the sight of her.
She had really gone all out, dressed as nice as possible for your big event. She wore high waisted black dress pants, paired with a deep purple blouse with even darker flowers printed across it. She was wearing your favorite wedges of hers. Her dark, faded out roots were pulled up in a half up, half down style, the long locks flowing down her back. It took everything in you to not let the tears that had filled your eyes to spill, pushing the book and marker away from you as you used the table to stand.
“Hi, pumpkin.” Wanda’s southern accent was the best thing you had heard all day, instantly warming you like nothing else had.
You all but flung yourself into her arms, uncaring of how hard you had hit the table with your thigh. Wanda would tell you to be more careful about it later, would kiss it better, you knew. You didn’t care about anything other than being in her arms, though.
“Wanda.” You all but whimpered into her neck where you had almost immediately pushed your face. She smelled the same as always, an earthy undertone that paved way to the light lavender you knew was her favorite perfume, even though she hardly used it. It fully encapsulated you, making the tears in your eyes burn even more as her arms wrapped around you.
“It’s good to see you too, sweetheart.” Wanda laughed heartily, dropping a kiss to the top of your head. Her hands ran up and down your back, a gentle strength to them that had you wanting more, to be held even closer. The hand holding your bracelet, her right hand, settled at your waist, while the other settled at the base of your head, softly carding through her hair.
She had held you like this far too many times to count, but you still melted in her hold, your breath hitching. The woman held you against her as you continued to fight off tears, taking in the sweet scent that enveloped you, as if the rest of the world didn’t exist.
Time was non-existent to you once again as she stood holding you, humming softly. The only thing that you knew was that it was nowhere near enough time when she pulled back, holding you at an arm’s length with a beaming smile. She traced her left hand up to your face, cupping your cheek as she searched your eyes. You couldn’t help but smile back, biting your lip as it continued to tremble. Wanda shook her head, tsking under breath as she dropped her hand down to grasp your chin, tugging your lip out from between your teeth.
“You did so good up there, sugar.” Wanda pressed a kiss against your cheek, easily turning your head with the finger on your chin to press another to your opposite cheek. The nudish brown pigment of her lipstick just barely transferred onto your skin, something the woman would take a wet thumb to in mere moments. She kissed your lips chastely before doing so, giving you barely enough time to process what was happening before she was licking her thumb and rubbing at the lip marks.
“B-but… you…” You did your best to protest, shaking your head from side to side as you tried to escape her grasp. None of it made sense. She would’ve just gotten off of work maybe half an hour ago and would’ve had to book it through heavy rush hour traffic to get to your talk. There’s no way she could’ve seen you on the podium, let alone giving your speech.
“I what, hun? Use your big girl words now.” The brunette fixed you with a stern look as she stopped scrubbing at your cheek, tipping your head up. You couldn’t help but stare at her. The nude lip she had brought out the green in her eyes, the bright sun shining through the open windows forming something akin to a halo around her. She was gorgeous. Something straight out of one of your stories. It helped that the main character’s love interest had more than a few things in common with the woman.
“You… you were at work.” Your head cocked to the side just slightly, something you had definitely picked up from the woman, eyebrows furrowing. You pulled at your bracelet, the elastic snapping at your skin with a nice popping noise as the beads rattled. Wanda tsked, shaking her head as she grabbed your left wrist, pity written all over her face.
“Oh my, precious. I wasn’t actually at work. I was tryin’ to surprise you.” Her lips turned downwards, bringing your wrist up to her mouth with a kiss. It was obvious she wasn’t pitying you because you had snapped yourself with your bracelet, but rather because she knew how worried you must’ve been all day. The bracelet issue just happened to be a part of it.
“And what did I tell you would happen if you kept snappin’ that bracelet?” Her tone was anything but mean, if not more questioning than condescending.
The words had you easily blushing, tilting your head down as if to hide it. “That I wouldn’t get it back until you say so.” Your right hand hung loose at your side, left still grasped by the woman. You knew her eyes would be full of sorrow if you looked up, instead keeping your eyes down as you scuffed the ball of your foot against the tile. “‘M sorry.”
“Then why do you keep doin’ it, love bug? It hurts mommy when your hurt yourself.” Wanda’s voice was as sorrowful as you knew her eyes were, a tone of hurt overflowing her words.
You couldn’t help but look up anyways, your breath hitching at the sight of glossy eyes and a frown. It wasn’t often that she got upset with you in public, yet something about the silly bracelet you wore every day had made her tear up. The sight made tears come to your own eyes, your frown mimicking hers.
“I’m sorry, I’m trying!” You pleaded softly, watching as she snaked her finger up your wrist, easily interlacing your fingers. It was hard resisting the urge to kiss her, rocking back and forth just slightly on the balls of your feet. You hadn’t meant to upset her, hadn't even realized you were fiddling with the elastic until she had said something about it.
“It’s okay, pumpkin. I know you’re tryin’ and I am so, so proud of you.” Wanda’s free hand came up to hold your cheek, smiling softly at you as her eyes roamed your body, finally taking you all in. She hadn’t seen you since the night before, unless the way you slept curled up against her this morning counted, and had been dying to see you for hours, but had held off in hopes of surprising you.
“My baby girl.” Despite the fact that you had both been moments away from crying, a fresh shade of red covered your face, a heat protruding off of your cheeks as the woman pinched it with one hand.
“Wanda.” You groaned, suddenly aware of the fact that you were very much still in public. Your body twisted with you as you glanced around the room, thankful to see that no one was paying you any attention. Which was funny, seeing as how it was your booktalk.
That being said, you could feel a pair of eyes on you that certainly weren’t Wanda’s, spinning in the woman’s arms once again until you saw your editor. She was looking at the two of you with something you couldn’t detect. Jealousy? Disdain? Whatever it was, Agatha sent you a smirk and a wink as soon as you made eye contact before turning away from you.
You turned back to Wanda, slotting yourself under her chin once more. “When can we go home?” You asked in a small voice, uncaring if she could hear you or not. Of course she could though, her lips smacking quietly together.
“Whenever you want, buttercup.” Wanda could tell something was wrong, the way her arms wrapped around you even tighter than before was enough for you to know. You took a deep breath, frantically running your hands through her long hair. It was curled, tighter than usual, but not terrible. You felt weird all of a sudden, like your editor hated you and the entire room was shrinking.
“Can… Is now okay?” You asked a little louder. Wanda nodded, only pulling away enough to lift your chin up enough to meet her eyes.
“O-okay, sweet pea. We can leave right now, that’s what you want?” The woman phrased it like a question, her voice soft if not a little confused. You had been so happy to see her just moments ago, but now wanted to go home. Sure, she knew you weren’t the biggest fan of crowds, she herself wasn’t either, but she thought you would’ve wanted to at least enjoy the party before you left.
Whatever it was, though, she was more than willing to take you home, leaving you with a kiss to let your team know you were leaving before leading you out to her car, buckling you in before taking her spot in the drivers side. She took your hand in hers, the letters of your names on your bracelets rubbing against each other as she drove off.
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adnauseum11 · 7 months
Unexploded Ordinance (John Price x Reader)
You and John navigate the process of moving in together. John is pleased you are home.
1.4k words
CW: swearing, explicit sex MDNI
If the end of this chapter feels a bit abrupt it's because I split it in two to keep it from being a ridiculous length. You can expect the next chapter to pick up where this one left off.
Still not completely happy with this chapter but in the interest of not circling the drain forever and moving forward I'm posting anyways lol yolo
feedback welcome!
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When John hasn’t returned from his call before you are done eating your breakfast - and polishing off the last of the raspberries - you take yourself to the bathroom to shower. He’s waiting for you in the living room when you finally emerge, feeling a bit more like yourself. He’s clearly lost in thought, your hand on his shoulder finally knocking him back to the present.
John is easy to talk into moving more things today, on your impromptu day off. When you arrive back at the apartment, he checks the door before he lets you enter, satisfied it’s been undisturbed. You immediately bicker with him about your furniture and what pieces will stay or go. You can tell he’s pleased when he wins the debate between the couches, you being partial to your vintage re-upholstered and wildly heavy chesterfield sofa. It’s too short for John to lay down on, forcing him to bend his knees and isn’t very comfortable, truth be told. It’s a gorgeous deep green velvet that draws the eye but otherwise isn’t overly practical. You pout about having to give it up until he gives over on your books entirely. He’s consistently bitched about moving your personal library, filled with heavy anthologies from your university days. They’ve been dragged from pillar to post over the years and you’ve refused every less than subtle suggestion to sell them. He doesn’t even try to make you choose which ones to keep, sighing deeply in resignation and asking how many boxes you think it will take to pack them all. This earns him the hardest hug you can muster and a rain of kisses he has to crouch for, chuckling lowly.
You make a trip back to his place with your clothing, the colourful array of fabrics making John’s limited selections seem all the starker by comparison. It brings you up short, seeing your things beside his in the wardrobe. You get caught up wondering what the hell you are doing, agreeing to this. You don’t get very far in your spiral before John finds you, kneeling surrounded by folded t-shirts. You’re jealous of his ability to seemingly pick a course of action and execute it without the self-doubt that swamps you occasionally. If you hadn’t known him as long as you have you would say it’s something he learned in the military, but you’re pretty sure that’s all John.
His presence steadies you again and you end up making another trip to collect your hairdryer and various other products needed to make yourself presentable for work tomorrow. Most of your everyday use items and valuables are safely rehoused in John’s flat by the time you are ready to throw the towel in for the day. You agree to go to the pub around the corner for dinner, neither of you feeling like cooking. On the walk down, John’s big hand stays on your lower back, keeping you close as you wander down the street together. It’s quiet at the pub, early in the week meaning the clientele are mostly regulars. You get your choice of seats and John steers you to a booth against the back wall, tugging you to sit on the same side as him.
He questions your half-baked plan to quit your job while distracting you from giving an answer, his hand creeping over your thigh and shoulders, bracketing you against him. You finally cross your legs, pinning his warm hand between your thighs so you can formulate a coherent response. He presses a smirk against your temple and listens as you complain of your treatment this morning, and then just in general. You've had a volatile few days and vent your spleen accordingly.
He removes his hands from your body when the food arrives, creating a tiny sliver of space between you on the bench seat. John hums sympathetically at your complaints but finally convinces you to get through the rest of the week before you submit anything in writing, pointing out you should probably update your resume first at minimum. You grumble but reluctantly agree, his even-keeled approach to the situation a better tactic than your instinct for dramatics.
John’s level head only seems to extend to your choices because by the time you’re out the door and on the way home he’s truly unable to keep his hands to himself. Twice on the short walk back he’s pressed you up against the wall of a nearby building, his hands cupping your face as his eager mouth finds yours. You make out like teenagers until you can feel the cold creeping into the tips of your ears, a gentle push against his chest enough to back him off temporarily. You’re getting better at reading John in this state, how his eyes glaze with want and his focus narrows. You finally resort to threading your fingers with his to keep his hand from constantly drifting over your ass, wrapping yourself around his arm to make him behave. 
You open the door using your key, John too preoccupied with working his hands under your jacket and shirt. His big body corrals you against him, kicking the door shut after wrestling you through it, almost not giving you time to get your key out of the lock.
“Fucking hell John.”
You breathe out as he spins you around, your arms going around his neck automatically. He kisses you hungrily, his palm cupping the back of your head. You feel the thump of the wall at your back, his hand leaving the back of your head to shove your coat off your shoulders. You wiggle out of it and push at the thick lambskin jacket he’s wearing, slipping your hands under it to grip his shoulders. He shrugs out of it, his lips finding yours again almost immediately. You can feel desire vibrating through his frame, his thigh working its way between yours. Before he can overwhelm you completely, you push back against his chest.
He's breathing hard, confusion mixing across his face as you flatten your palms against his chest and push, reversing your positions by backing him up against the opposite wall. You have to go up on your tip toes, gripping the back of his neck to tug him down to kiss you again. He’s got his hands full of your ass, too preoccupied to catch on to your intent until you're slipping out of his grasp, sliding to your knees in front of him. Your nimble fingers have his belt undone and his jeans open before he can process and stop you, hissing out your name as your fingers wrap around his twitching cock.
You smirk to yourself and wrench a deep groan from his chest as your lips close around the flushed head of his cock, your eyes locking on his face. His cheeks and throat are flushed with the same shade of red as his cock, his blue eyes now nearly black, his pupils dilated with desire. He looks so intense it sends a thrill through your belly that you’re capable of affecting him like this. You swirl your tongue over the head, tasting the salty pre-cum and slide your palm up the wiry hair of his firm abdomen, pushing his shirt up.
John growls lowly, his fingers burying into your hair, gripping close to the roots. He doesn’t try to direct your movements, content to let you work him over however you see fit but the gentle pull on your hair sends flashes of sensation down your spine. The muscles of his stomach jump at the drag of your fingers on his cock as you squeeze the base, sucking on the tip deeply, making John’s fingers clench in your hair. You lift off him and press his erection against his belly, running the flat of your tongue over the underside before teasing his balls with the tip of your tongue.
That has John rocking up onto his toes, hissing your name again followed by a curse. You can’t stop the pleased smirk that slides across your face and wrap your lips around the tip again, focusing your tongue on the sensitive spot on the underside. You can feel his cock twitching, the tension in his body ratcheting tighter with a moan. You let his shirt drop and cup his balls, lapping at the tip intently.
That seems to finally push John beyond his limit and he firmly tugs your hair to pull you off him. Your scalp tingles and you hum in disappointment but John’s already got a hold of your arm, lifting you to your feet again.
“C'mere love, I want to be inside you when I cum.”  
He growls lowly, making you shiver, backing you down the hallway to the bedroom with predatory intent. The look on his face makes your stomach quiver in anticipation, your insides going molten.
Next Chapter
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@deadbranch @cadotoast @beebeechaos @syoddeye @writeforfandoms @itr-00
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twig-tea · 11 months
Let's Talk about Cheum
I've had multiple Cheum posts in my drafts since at least episode 6, and the main reason why I haven't posted them is because I keep waiting for the show to give me more. There have been some great posts reflecting on her character this week, so I thought I'd give it a try anyway right before the finale this weekend.
@waitmyturtles laid out her thoughts on Cheum here and this was followed up on with some excellent context by @ctl-yuejie re: the split in the audience around their reception of Cheum.
@my-rose-tinted-glasses tied the way that folks seem to want to iterpret Cheum's character to the trailer, which was an interesting take I hadn't considered! I like it.
I've been pushing back on Cheum being the voice of the audience or the only character who has it together for the entire time we've been watching this show [one of the places I've done this most explicitly was in my scene-by-scene breakdown of ep6]. Nothing in the actual show, to me, encourages us to see Cheum as the one who 'has it together'. She gets sloppy drunk out of the gate in ep1; she's rude, she's catty, she seems like a party girl. She's kind of mean about her girlfriend's films behind her back, she constantly insults Boston, Ray, and Mew in subtle ways, she supports Top as a "good candidate" for Mew even when we all in the audience know that he's a player, and even after she knows he betrayed Mew's trust (we can debate over whether it was "cheating", this is how Mew saw it and how Top knew he would see it); she says she's tried to help Ray in the past but we only see her enable Ray's alcoholism--in other words, I have been baffled this entire time why anyone would see her character as the voice we're supposed to trust as a reliable narrator or moral voice of the show, when the audience has enough information to know she's very often wrong. I said after episode 10, in which Cheum accused Boston of assaulting her brother despite her knowledge of Boston's character and the fact that the photos did not support Atom's story, and with the audience knowing she's in the wrong, that I was so thankful this would have to be the nail in the coffin of the theory that Cheum is supposed to be the "voice of the audience" or the "correct" one in the show, and I am aghast that this still seems not to be the case.
In my post about Cheum after ep 10, I said:
When Cheum realizes that Atom lied, though, if she just shrugs it off the way she did Top sleeping with Boston or Ray bringing drugs to the hostel...my rage will be fierce. Part of unconditional belief is holding your sibling to account if they abuse that trust.
But of course I wrote that because I suspected she would, because that's how her character's been to date. So my own previous post is evidence that Cheum has actually been legibly and predictably written, at least to an extent.
And while I like @my-rose-tinted-glasses' theory that maybe folks are being influenced by their memory of the trailer (in their post linked above), I also suspect that a lot of that comes from the audience bringing their sexism to their viewing experience, and assuming that a female character has to be The Voice of Morality if they are not an Evil Seductress, and cannot simply be as messy and nuanced as the other characters. And also maybe from the assumption that SOMEone in this show must be right, when I think that's a faulty assumption to make.
To be fair to the audience, a lot of what's going on with her is subtle, because the show to date has not often explicitly called her out on her bullshit. I remember being so happy to get the confirmation that she knew Ray was in love with Mew this whole time (during the big blow-up at Yolo bar) for example, because it confirmed what I had thought: that she was not oblivious, she intentionally was not acknowledging the tension between them in order to keep harmony within the group. But I would not necessarily expect everyone watching to put that together, especially not as a reveal in the middle of that dramatic scene where so much else was going on.
Cheum is, like @wen-kexing-apologist said in the fantastic post about hypocrisy, just as young as her friends, and just as flawed. She's a bit of a nag, a bit of a party girl, a bit of a people-pleaser, and a bit of a selfish 20something. But so many viewers are refusing to see her that way, and I don't think that's all on the show. And none of this makes me hate her. She's actually the character I relate to most (I know I said I'd be mad at her for not holding Atom to account, and I am, but I don't hate her for it).
Knowing to pay more attention to the rudeness of her language has helped me with this too, because I was looking for a lovable personality trait, and I think @ctl-yuejie's point (linked above) is a great theory as to what's missing for the English-speaking audience. The difference between an asshole character I hate and an asshole character I love is often (a) intention and (b) eschewing social/societal expectations (as opposed to being an asshole in order to meet societal expectations). I don't think we are given enough about Cheum to tell much of the former (though she says she cares, and I do believe her to some extent, I just think she's also blind to how selfish she often is); but knowing she has been doing the latter helps me connect with her in ways I may have been struggling to before.
That being said, as I hinted at above, I do still agree with a lot of what folks have been saying, in that I think she has been under-written, because what I don't have for Cheum (in the same way that I don't have this for Top) is any sense of what motivates her, whether she really does love her girlfriend or she's just riding out the relationship she's in, how much work she's actually doing at the hostel (we see her work the party, but otherwise it's just implied that she's the one doing all the work on the ground, but we never get to see it and in a show full of unreliable narrators, it's hard to know what's true); and how much she really cares about these friends of hers, since most of what we see is her saying she's a good friend but not actually doing things that a good friend would do (or doing things a good friend would not do, like inviting the ex you're still mad at to the party, or yelling at her friend as he's being arrested, or listening to his explanation after he's been accused of a crime). We don't even really know why she wanted the hostel project to be a thing to begin with, or why she cares enough to keep working on it.
I'd like to give the show the benefit of the doubt and say that could be intentional; Cheum is a bit of a fringe member of the group; she doesn't hang out with them with her girlfriend that often, so she's not always around, and she's clearly not best friends with any of the three others. She's who people go to in order to vent and decompress after something happens, and so most of the time we see her, she's helping someone else process their emotions, usually with an eye to reconciliation--though again, the advice she gives is often not good lol. She gets the most mad when someone does something that disrupts the harmony of the group, which is one of the reasons why I read her as the peacekeeper in the group, or the "link" as her name means in Thai I think, that holds them together. Ironically it's her who severs the group in the way that's most permanent to date, by kicking Boston out of the project. But if this is what they were doing with her character, keeping her as the solder rather than a member of the chain (apologies for this belaboured metaphor), I don't know that it was successful; as always gotta wait to the end to be sure.
In the final episode, I would love to get a peek into the core of who Cheum is, or alternatively, Cheum herself saying she feels lost and unsure of who she is. I would also love for someone to point out Cheum's bullshit to her face so that more people understand that what she says is not the moral backbone of the show, though I'm trying to let go of that part of me that wants everyone to get it with this show because I know that's just not possible (and thanks to all of the excellent previous conversations we've had around that). It would be an exciting reversal, and very in character, if Cheum makes Atom's lie and her subsequent banishment of Boston all about her, and then someone calls her on that, for example. And I'd also like more Cheum and April together on screen because they are very aesthetically pleasing and I am a simple creature.
Also just to say, I am hesitant to chalk up Cheum's character having gaps as a 'men writing women' situation because Yo is given the grace to be a full character in fewer scenes than Cheum; also Top as a character suffers from the same problem. So I think this is uneven writing, rather than sexist writing. But I'm open to debating it (and it's not something that we'll ever necessarily know for sure).
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ayoitskayd3n · 1 year
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So I was having this internal debate with myself, trying to decide on if I should post the new AU idea I had for these four, or if I should wait. And I am happy to announce that I have decided... yolo.
Here they are! (The sketches at least.)
"Sundered" is an idea that's been sitting in my head for a while, and I'm going to write a story about it. It's basically a story about the brothers being split up as kids, and raised in different environments, questioning their purpose and place in society, before they decide to explore and find themselves... and soon enough, each other.
After their mutation, in an attempt to escape from Draxum and save the turtle tots, he flees to the docks and hides them in a crate to keep them out of danger while he fights the giant sheep man. However, what Splinter didn't know, was that the crate he hid the turtles in would be confused for cargo, and picked up by the men who were loading up the ships that sat there. By the time Splinter beat Draxum and realized what was happening, it was too late..
And that's all you're gonna get for now.
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I'll happily share info on the turtles once I get their actual character sheets finished. Until then, please enjoy my sloppy drawings and chicken scratch handwriting!
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sweet-radio · 3 months
I’m debating if i should post on my own like will anyone be interested 🤨 most likely not BUT i want to so i’ll probably start trying to get all the lore together and designs ‼️ i have a whole story im in the middle of writing 👁️👁️
BUT NOW that i have an ipad.. i can finally start posting about it (i personally think digital art looks more clean and such so thats why i haven’t done it on paper and posted it lol) But idk exactly WHEN ill get the courage to but i might yolo it and just start posting and see where it goes!
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i strongly debated posting this but yolo
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roseenindigo-blog · 3 months
Currently debating whether or not I should finish my Ref page for Rurik and Lotus in my 30 Day book…
It’s mostly just an excuse to info dump about my head canons for them and their stories that I won’t be covering in the main story itself, but idk if anyone care lmao
It’s also been a while since I posted a chapter for said story, so I feel like ppl will be disappointed if I post it.
Idk, I might just say yolo and do it :P
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denjivhs · 7 months
match-up for @imjustabeanie
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your match in jjk is... toji fushiguro!
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i think you two would have a really fun dynamic tbh. lots of teasing and bordering a love-hate dynamic, yet somehow a sense of understanding between the two of you that would just draw you close.
he'd appreciate you for being so chill because he honestly cannot stand someone clinging to him and begging him for his attention 24/7 and you being secure in this sense definitely works out perfectly for him.
he personally wouldnt mind you being 'morally questionable' (you are both about to be really chaotic because youre both competitive and do not back down from doing the most questionable shit ever but hey!! yolo!!)
toji can honestly be pretty asshole-y but one thing he'll never be is whiny, or cowardly. it would take a while for you guys to develop a more serious relationship, but that's alright because neither of you were in the rush/looking for one.
i hc he's an early bird because of the training he received growing up. since hes a bit of a shithead he'd probably be super amused by how ill-tempered you are in the mornings and unfortunately will not hold back from poking fun at you until you're really mad. won't apologize for riling you up either since for him it was quite entertaining.
in general, he actually doesnt sleep all that much, so if you wanna get back at him by pulling a prank or two when he's asleep, youre gonna have to wait until he takes that 2-3 hour long rest. sadly, very little fazes him so you will have to wait and observe him to figure out his pet peeves and such.
toji is oddly observant. he may seem like a meathead but even the slightest change in your demeanour doesnt go amiss by him. youre really private about your personal matters though and he picked up on it quite early on so he never says anything. instead, he chooses to show his consideration through actions and gestures. he'll let up on his teasing and taunting, he'll do a bothersome chore on your behalf, take out the time of his day to run your errands, gruffly pat your head and tell you to take some time off.
one thing you'll probably pick up on fairly early on in your friendship/relationship with toji is that he loves it when you challenge him. *loves* it when you debate with him. youre constantly coming up with such interesting stuff and he finds it really amusing how youre so invested in your hobbies yet somehow have a short attention span at the same time. he may come off as borderline condescending sometimes but really, he actually secretly admires you. he loves that youre so sarcastic and humorous,
date ideas: while he'd be up for doing pretty much when youre hanging out together, somehow when it comes to the idea of a 'date' he'd actually want to do something like a dinner in a 'romantic' setting just because that seems proper. either that or something out of pocket and adventurous like bungee jumping if youre up for it.
instead of getting you flowers, he'd actually rather get you a gift (unless you really like flowers or something) and it'd be something surprisingly thoughtful- something that would show just how observant he is. would actually be pretty pleased to learn that you like receiving gifts and would probably say that flowers are dumb because they die so soon, have no functionality and all that.
songs: meddle about by chase atlantic, killshot by magdalena bay, superman by eminem, crybaby by the neighborhood
note: okay so your other two matchups are on my pc which i don't have on me rn so here's the first one!! 😭 tumblr app deleted half my draft like twice but we move 😀 n e wayz, will either edit those in later/post separately, lmk whatever you prefer :))
also i can finally spill the beans— the other character i was considering for you was actually nanami!! i thought i should pair you up w him to even things out/opposites attract type of scene but the more i thought abt it, i felt like it won't work in the long run. i think you'd enjoy being with someone a bit adventurous more than someone with such strong ideals and morals, because while nanami would be able to provide you the stability and nurturing, i think you might end up feeling a little stifled later on.
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yamiwhoo · 1 year
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more moonfire cuteness with g'raha and s'undae uwu i got like super embarassed halfway through these and debated posting them at all but uhhh YOLO CRINGE BUT FREE
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moviesactors · 6 months
Yolo 2024 Movie Reviews: Unveiling the Essence of Cinematic Brilliance
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In the realm of cinema, certain films transcend the boundaries of entertainment to become cultural phenomena. Yolo 2024 is one such masterpiece that has captivated audiences worldwide with its compelling narrative, stellar performances, and profound themes. In this article, we delve into a comprehensive review of Yolo 2024, exploring every aspect of its creation and reception.
Plot Summary: Yolo 2024 follows the intertwining lives of diverse characters against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world. From love and loss to redemption and resilience, the film weaves a tapestry of emotions and experiences that resonate with viewers on a profound level.
Themes and Symbolism: At its core, Yolo 2024 explores themes of identity, mortality, and the pursuit of meaning in a chaotic world. Through rich symbolism and allegory, the film invites viewers to ponder life's deepest questions and confront the complexities of human existence.
Cinematography and Direction: Directed with precision and artistry, Yolo 2024 boasts breathtaking cinematography and masterful direction that elevate its storytelling to new heights. From sweeping landscapes to intimate close-ups, every frame is meticulously crafted to immerse viewers in the film's world.
Character Analysis: The characters of Yolo 2024 are vividly drawn and expertly portrayed by a talented ensemble cast. From complex protagonists to enigmatic antagonists, each character undergoes a journey of growth and transformation that resonates with audiences long after the credits roll.
Cast and Crew: Led by visionary director [Director's Name], Yolo 2024 features an ensemble cast of seasoned veterans and rising stars who deliver powerhouse performances. From the leading roles to supporting characters, every actor brings depth and nuance to their portrayal, breathing life into the film's vibrant world.
Genre and Themes: Yolo 2024 defies easy categorization, blending elements of drama, romance, and suspense to create a cinematic experience that transcends genre boundaries. At its core, the film explores universal themes of love, loss, and the human condition that resonate with audiences of all backgrounds.
Critical Analysis: Critics have lauded Yolo 2024 for its bold storytelling, innovative direction, and powerful performances. With its thought-provoking themes and immersive visuals, the film has sparked discussions and debates among audiences and critics alike, cementing its status as a modern classic.
Impact and Reception: Since its release, Yolo 2024 has garnered widespread acclaim and adoration from audiences around the globe. Its thought-provoking narrative and emotional resonance have left an indelible mark on viewers, inspiring countless discussions and interpretations.
Audience Reception: Audiences have embraced Yolo 2024 with open arms, praising its compelling story, stunning visuals, and memorable performances. From heartfelt testimonials to passionate fan theories, the film has sparked a dedicated following that continues to grow with each passing day.
Production Details: Behind the scenes, Yolo 2024 was a labor of love, with a dedicated team of filmmakers working tirelessly to bring its vision to life. From pre-production to post-production, every aspect of the film was meticulously crafted to ensure its success.
Interviews and Quotes: Throughout its journey to the silver screen, the cast and crew of Yolo 2024 have shared insights and anecdotes about the making of the film. From insightful interviews to memorable quotes, their words offer a glimpse into the creative process behind this cinematic masterpiece.
Historical and Cultural Context: Set against the backdrop of a tumultuous era in history, Yolo 2024 explores timeless themes that resonate with contemporary audiences. By drawing parallels to real-world events and historical figures, the film offers a poignant commentary on the human condition.
Comparisons and References: Yolo 2024 has drawn comparisons to other cinematic masterpieces, with critics and audiences alike noting its thematic depth and emotional resonance. From classic films to modern classics, the movie stands tall among its peers as a testament to the power of storytelling.
Trivia and Fun Facts: Behind the scenes, Yolo 2024 is filled with fascinating trivia and fun facts that add depth to the viewing experience. From hidden Easter eggs to behind-the-scenes anecdotes, these tidbits offer a glimpse into the making of the film.
Storyline: The storyline of Yolo 2024 is a testament to the power of storytelling, with its intricate plot twists and emotional highs and lows keeping viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. From the opening scene to the climactic finale, the film delivers a rollercoaster ride of emotions that leaves a lasting impact.
Stars: Among the stars of Yolo 2024 are a talented ensemble cast who bring their characters to life with passion and authenticity. From award-winning actors to rising talents, each star shines brightly in their respective roles, contributing to the film's overall brilliance.
Genres: Yolo 2024 defies easy categorization, blending elements of drama, romance, and mystery to create a cinematic experience that transcends genre boundaries. By weaving together multiple genres, the film offers something for every viewer to enjoy.
Synopsis: At its core, Yolo 2024 is a story of love, loss, and redemption set against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world. As the lives of its characters intersect and intertwine, they are forced to confront their deepest fears and desires in a quest for meaning and fulfillment.
Historical Accuracy: While Yolo 2024 is a work of fiction, its historical backdrop is meticulously researched and recreated to provide a sense of authenticity and realism. From period-accurate costumes to historically significant events, the film strives to capture the essence of its setting with precision and accuracy.
Controversies and Criticisms: Like any work of art, Yolo 2024 has not been without its share of controversies and criticisms. From debates over its thematic content to discussions about its artistic merits, the film has sparked passionate responses from both supporters and detractors alike.
Awards and Recognition: Despite any controversies, Yolo 2024 has garnered numerous awards and accolades for its outstanding achievements in filmmaking. From prestigious film festivals to industry awards ceremonies, the film has been recognized for its excellence in storytelling, direction, and performances.
Personal Reflections: For many viewers, Yolo 2024 is more than just a movie—it's a deeply personal experience that resonates on a profound level. From emotional catharsis to moments of introspection, the film has the power to evoke a wide range of emotions and reactions in its audience.
Recommendation: In conclusion, Yolo 2024 is a cinematic masterpiece that deserves to be seen and appreciated by audiences around the world. With its compelling story, stunning visuals, and powerful performances, the film offers a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition that will stay with viewers long after the credits roll.
In conclusion, Yolo 2024 is a cinematic masterpiece that deserves to be seen and appreciated by audiences around the world. With its compelling story, stunning visuals, and powerful performances, the film offers a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition that will stay with viewers long after the credits roll.
Is Yolo 2024 suitable for all audiences?
What makes Yolo 2024 stand out from other films in its genre?
0 notes
awritingcaitlin · 1 year
A long, rambling, WIP post for TBW
And, also, kind of, the world in general...
THE BREWING WAR is a multi-POV adult dieselpunk-fantasy.
Old gods and immortals like Alec Hutson's THE CRIMSON QUEEN
Political intrigue and old, secret magic from Django Wexler's THE SHADOW CAMPAIGNS
Vibes of the technology and magic from Netflix's ARCANE
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The pitch:
Rinnie wants the politicians to stop ignoring the religious terrorism just because it’s inconvenient. Nathaniel wants to get back home with the cure for his dying queen. Neither anticipated getting stabbed and nearly blown up.
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The brutally honest pitch:
Rinnie doesn't want to be bored so she ends up chest deep trying to prove a connection between missing clergy and the terrorists. Her stubbornness contributes to this. Nathaniel and his buddies are stuck in a foreign country because someone wants them stuck there. They just don't know it.
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It's a book about group of people who chose themselves. And a goddess who needed a chosen one but couldn't risk sinking too much power into any one person so she had several mini chosen ones who agreed to rise to the challenge.
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This is a story of choice. Of choosing to do the right thing despite the obstacles. Of choosing to side with your friends or your family. Choosing your path because it's what you believe and not turning back.
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It's the calm before the storm. Tension is rising. Who can you trust. Who is on your side. Then, suddenly, you're in the thick of it. People you love are getting hurt. You have to fight. You have to choose. You want to live.
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Tropes in TBW:
💙Bodyguard romance 💜Slowburn romance between barmaid and cook 🧪Debatably legal alchemy ✨One sorceress who decides YOLO is the cure to boredom 🤯Brainwashing 🤫Terrible secrets 🥺Forgetting what home is like
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Things in TBW:
💨Airships 🤕a TBI 👤An Escaped (but snarky) Apostate 💙A bisexual elven sorceress 👭Women loving women ❤️Found Family 🧪Alchemy ✨Magic 🤯Magic brainwashing 🍺Booze 🔮The kindest, but debatably sane, oracle 📖People who read for fun
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An incomplete list of comps:
Dragon Age: Origins
Stormlight Archive
Wheel of Time
Crimson Queen
Cowboy Bebop
Powder Mage Trilogy
Clockwork Boys
Quill the Cartographer
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If TBW was a video game, it would be a Dragon Age meets Witcher type of story with different race and class starts. Then you navigate the world of both politics, side quests, and random encounters.
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The magic system started as "D&D but a little bit to the left." It's since turned into something that just makes me scream excitedly in my head. Theramancy (healing) and what it takes to work???? Rinnie's relationship to it???? What mages can and cannot do???
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"Twelve tiny vials were lined up in a neat row, well-protected inside the leather briefcase on Captain McCormack’s lap." 🧪🎖️💼
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TBW from the enemy's POV:
The planet is dying. It needs to be reset. It needs a proper Goddess to preside over it. The world will be cleansed and then made new.
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A telling exchange from the book itself:
Riela pursed her lips. “If too much of this keeps happening, we’ll have a war on our hands.” “We have one already,” Mama said with a resigned sigh. “The diplomats are just writing out the terms and conditions.”
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TBW as food:
Drink: 🍹Tropical Rum Cocktail Appetizer: 🍲Steaming bowl of soup Dinner: 🐟Plate of fish and potatoes! Snack: 🍿Popcorn (so you can watch what unfolds) Dessert: 🍫M&Ms (because I've eaten so many bags while writing/revising)
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TBW as a recipe:
1 airship, crashed
1 airship, not crashed
fire magic
seashells to taste
a pinch of politics
some bombings
two simultaneous romances
some neat tattoos
an unfortunate dose of people not listening to each other
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Songs for TBW:
💙 Pop Gun by Erin McCarley 💜 Renegades by X Ambassadors 💚 Johnny I Hardly Knew Ya ❤️ Empty Threat by CHVRCHES 💛 Shut up and Dance by Walk the Moon 🧡 The Wolf by Phildel
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No plot just vibes:
🔥Getting warm by the fire but something not done nags at you 🌊The ocean is calling 🌑Whispers in the Dark 🏠Missing the idea of home 💓Wanting love but being unsure of the commitment 💰The dichotomy of the rich versus the working class
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🖐️Something older than time itself reaching out 🌷The spark of hope and happiness in an otherwise grim world ❤️Falling in Temporary love knowing it can't last forever 💀Being older than your very bones 📘A worldwide memory that struggles to go beyond 2000 years
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👁️The sheer insanity of Seeing outside of time ⚡Gods who play on mortal fields 💫Weaponized magic ⭐But also magic that heals 🧡The sheer force of a mother's love for her child ℹ️The horror felt when you encounter sanitized information 💛Families that choose themselves
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💙Bodyguard romances ✨Power flowing through veins 🌟A society built on the need for magic even though not everyone is a mage 🍂Lingering summer though fall will come soon and winter will come harder 🕯️Rituals taken seriously 💚Friendships across lifetimes
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💔Enemies across lifetimes ♥️Finding the sense of true belonging 🧾An unfinished mission 🐟The smell of fish in the market 🩸Start the breathing stop the bleeding protect the wound treat for shock 😼A cat begging for a morsel of fish ⚔️The ever-present backdrop of war
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🍲Rice burnt to the bottom of the pan because attention faltered for just one second ✋No one pays too close attention because they don't want to become responsible 🙏A prayer for attention 🌌The feel of magic ☄️Knowing that people were once in the moon…but not anymore
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🌫️The unknown beyond death 🎶The magic of song the song in the magic 🧝‍♀️Questioning who came first on this planet 📗Rewriting history when it's convenient ⛓️Breaking free of oppression 🧠Mind magic that changes how you think about everything, your life, your love, your dreams..
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🆘Calling for help though no one is listening 👻Nightmares not from your own mistakes but from the choices others forced upon you 🥀Destiny being chosen for you, sometimes you get a say, sometimes it was settled before you were born 🔊Calling for help because you have to
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