#dc stray au
amarachno · 2 months
Now introducing, Jason as Stray!
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A followup post to this
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graytodd · 6 days
Just wondering if they'd have been friends ~ @miasonwing
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here is some fanart I made based off @cosmicpoutine ‘s Stray au!!!
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mockingjaylad · 2 months
Imagine a world where my blog wasn’t completely filled reblogs of everything I see on my timeline…
Impossible I think !!!!!! Anyways.
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idontcaboose · 1 month
Haunted Car Au part 13
Previous. Masterpost
“You done figuring out the sound files yet?” Duke asked while tapping on the hood of the Batmobile.
He was excited to hear a campy “Yes, Sir!” Come out of the open windows of the car.
“Neat, first off, any files that have your name in it?” He was a little disappointed, but still snorted to hear the tragic ‘Noooooo’ from Darth Vader.
“I think Red Robin has some pronoun type files in there, what are yours?” A mix of sir’s, dude's, and bro's were played until Duke had to stop the guy.
“Ok, what about age?” He wasn't expecting to get a straight answer, but when the car played a Scooby-Doo cut of ‘those meddling kids’, he was confused.
“So a kid?” Duke questioned. He got a weird mix of 'Ehhh', 'Kinda', and 'close enough' type files.
“We can worry about that later, any ideas how you got stuck?” A short ‘Nope’ with a pop on the P played.
Talking to the car guy was strange. Getting answers could be easy or turn into 20 questions trying to clarify an answer. So far, Duke knew the person:
is male or male presenting
a meta
has no clue how he possessed the car
has a good understanding of current memes
was possibly in their teens (probably a bit younger than Duke, but older than Daimian)
was a street kid? (When asked where he lived the car played “Why should I worry” from an older Disney movie about homeless animals in New York or something. He had to look it up.)
has a good sense of humor
and is taking their situation in stride.
Duke really had to wonder what their life has been where this is not a vast problem to fix…. And whether or not he should argue his ‘notification tone’ being a choir singing.
He really does not get paid enough for this, but it is better than the other stuff Gotham throws at the Bats.
“Mind if I get you up on the lift and check the engine? Might give us some clues.” After an affirmative from the car guy, Duke got to work.
@kizzer55555 @sebas-nights @candeartist422 @trappednyourheart @fandom-life-corrupted-me @tkiesai @2lbballpeenhammer @admiralwidow @rewrittenwrongs @whotfevenknowsanymore @symmetricalastigmatism @thespacedragons @atinygracie @okami-love @lesbian-spider-drone @1n0sss @forgetmenot-bluepurple
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《Stray/Catlad!Jason Todd / Reader》
Smiling brightly, you happily walk beside the dark-haired boy. He pays you mind, head in a book, ignoring you. A scowl on his face as sound of your foot-steps copying his.
Sighing, he closes the book, pausing, waiting for you to say something. His attention fully on you.
"What." He asks plainly, glancing over your love-sick smile as you happily hold two tickets in your hand. "Hi Jason! I just wanted to know if you would want to go too a movie with mw this weekend?"
Eyes brimming with hope, you watch him frown deeper.
"Can't. I'm busy with work."
"Oh! Well, that's okay. Maybe-"
Jason pockets his book, heading to his bike as he hops on. Putting on his helment as he starts the engenie and drives off.
"...Aw man..." You sigh, deflating as you look at the tickets. Noticing in the corner of your eye a cat themed book mark on the floor.
Picking it up, your face warms up as you beam at the written initals on the back.
"Well, theres always next time! Hmmm.. Maybe I'll pass this tickets to Bruce.. I don't wanna tell Dick though. He'll probably get upset.."
You hold the book mark close, skipping along home.
Turning away from the night sky, legs swinging back and forth on the ledge. You overhear a grunt, you glance down. Seeing a fight down below. Catwoman scratching at Batmans chest with her claws as he grits his teeth.
There goes a calm patrol...
Getting up, you feel a hand grab yours, twirling you around, your body bumps into a familar chest...
You said politely, rolling your eyes with a smile. Taking a step back as you look at him with slight caution.
"Heya Purr-ity~!" He says snarkly, licking his lips as you turn away.
"Eyes up here." He states, grabbing your cheeks. His claw like gloves digging into your face as you gaze at him doe-eyed, scoffing. Swatting away the hand, the wind becomes stronger as your tickets fly out from your pocket.
Damn! You forgot to leave them in your civilian clothes!
Eyes widening, you try to grab them, but was beaten to the punch..!
"Huh... Didn't know you liked the books." He mumbles.
"Well, kinda. I got into them recently and saw the movie was coming out..."
You recalled Jason throwing his copy of the book at you after you spooked him on accident. Hoping to ask him out to a cafe together, instead, you got a free book and a bruised forehead.
What luck!
"...And you coincidentally had two tickets.."
"Yeah? I was gonna' give them to Batman instead-"
The male laughed, throwing his head back at the idea of Bataman watching a romantic historicall fiction movie. All in his get-up as he grumbles nonsense.
"Yeah, no..." He smirks, holding the tickets tighter. "No way he's going to do that! Sides', who he'd go with? Catwoman? Yeah, instant rejection." He says dryly, shrugging his shoulder. "Even those Bird-Brains know better to give that to their Boss."
He mentioned Nightwing and Robin, shrugging.
You sneakily try to grab the papers back, yet he easily dodged.
"Guess' you and I are going."
You feel him pick you up, slung over his shoulder. Half-expecting him to throw you. Instead, he starts running as he carries you!?
Jason Todd in this Au, is succsessfull in stealing the wheels off the bat-mobile. That catches the attention of certain cat-like thief. So he becomes her protege. Super Easy.
I headcanon Jason being kinda closed off in his Au, but slowly becomes more open. He's happier in his own little world with his books and Selina's multiple cats.
"Panther..? No.. Move! Move please! Move you stupid cat! Panther!"
Pushing away the thief, the sound of a crowbear smashing into your sides rung in the desolate area. "AUGH-!" You scream, Joker laughing as you fall and crash into one of the shipping crates of Joker-Gas.
"..Purrincess..?" Panther spoke slowly, the nickname a bit bitter on his tounge, more fond of Purr-ity. Yet it meant nothing now, no sweet familiar giggle. Nor playful banter..
Instead, horrible laughter.
In this Au, Jason doesn't die. But hates Joker in general. While.. Heroine(Y/N) doesn't suffer OG Jasom Todd fate..
Possibly, but super close calls.
Also, made up a small au where she has a Ric Graysom situation, so a possible idea too. Dunno, I wont decide.
"D'aww... How sweet! Give it up for lovers!" The clown cackled as the henchman stare in horror. Blinking out of his shock, the thief snarls in a animalistic manner. Yelling as he grab one of his guns, pointing at the head of the stupid clown.
"Wow..! Ears! So cute!" You said in awe, wearing your civilian clothes as the thief grumbles. Looking away, not bothering with you. Even when you and the other, "hostages" sat as Catwoman snagged the musem jewlery.
You sweat a bit, not partically used to his cold shoulder. Often him hogging your vigilante time instead.
Pressing a soft kiss on your knuckle, you eye Jasons bloodied hands worriedly. Sure, you adored the contact, but you were worried.
"Thank you, for your help- B-but your hurt!" You make sure your hands cup around his. Worriedly glancing around for a bandage or calling one of the officers.
Protective Nightwing Lol.
"Don't worry, (V/N)! Got one of the paramedics right here!"
You pout as Nightwing gets in the middle of you and Jason. Pushing the health care hero between you two. The Big Bird ushering you to Bat's side.
[What?? More Batboys as Cat Thiefs?? Yes. Originally, i wanted to call him. "Alley-Cat", but found out there already was one! Anyway, yay! Comments and art are always wanted and appriciated!]
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attie-rattie · 5 months
Tim stray!au !!!!!
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I love the stray au when its not used for timjay honestly (timjay grosses me out lmao)
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ghostreblogging · 1 year
Danny and Damian are twins au again
Ok so what if like Danny and Damian were twins. But like Danny was the stickler for rules . Like never wore anything but the league outfits. Just never even joked .
And they meet years later.
When the villain said they'll bring the souls of the people they killed to fight them. He was expecting the people he killed to be in the thoudands. Damian was arleady a little nervous.
And Damian didn't get nervous but how could he not be? His family is going to meet his twin brother. His father is going to meet his son he never got to meet.
The villain seemed to notice his apprehension and laughed. People he killed drove out in large numbers. And there he saw his brother. It was unmistakable. But his brother wore a weird outfit.
He never strayed far from simple and respectable clothes. Always a stickler for rules. And had on multiple occasions scolded him for not wearing his equipment properly.
But now he was wearing multiple unnecessary belts and was wearing a platform boots with spikes soles.
My doodle for this Danny.
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faeriekit · 1 year
Health and Hybrids (IV)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and whatever prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
PART ONE is here PART TWO is here PART THREE is here and this is part four 💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts
Where we last left off... Our boy is recovering from Bad Stuff in the Watchtower (involuntarily). Danny gets a bandaid for a variety of wounds that definitely are not covered by a little adhesive bandaid, but hey! Bart’s trying.
Trigger warnings for this story: body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) | my awful attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
Batman clicks on the projector screen. Everyone in the room has access to the slides and note-taking abilities on their tablets. The assembled heroes quietly select their app of choice, sit back in their chairs, and ready themselves for the meeting.
“Good afternoon. For everyone in alternate time zones, good morning or good evening as they apply. Before I begin the approved agenda for this meeting, there are developments on the base that everyone ought to be aware of.”
Click. The slide changes to a fuzzy image of an unusually dense collection of shadows in a typical medical-wing setup. The specific location isn’t clear, but the phenomenon itself is stark against the white walls and flooring. The static on the cameras is atypical for the quality of equipment used on the base.
“There is an extraterrestrial lifeform that has made Medical Wing C their territory. Yes, we know they are there. No, they cannot be moved at this time. Please do not try to take initiative in doing so. Please do not enter the aforementioned medical wing. If you see this entity outside of the medical wing, please leave, ignore them, or otherwise make your presence known. They are generally in search of isolation and seek to remain unseen. All known attempts at self-defense by this entity have been largely non-hostile so far, but we do not know how or if that behavior will change as they heal.”
Batman…takes a breath. Not sighs. The vigilante has more control than that.
“They are severely injured. The exact nature of their injuries are still unknown, based on their—unique physiology—“
Barry squints at the screen. Nope. The cloud still looks like a cloud.
“—But the identified fluids they secrete have been recognized as at least partially composed of red blood platelets and a modified plasma. Based on their aggressive self-defense, the persistent seclusion behavior, and their general lack of responsiveness, the injuries are considered deeply severe and require rest to treat. It is imperative that non-medical staff and on-base heroes maintain as little contact with the entity as possible. We are attempting both delicate medical treatment and non-verbal communication, which have both failed thus far. We have reason to believe that the extraterrestrial is sentient and capable of communication based on—“
Click. The next slide is an image of a nearly-obliterated craft of some kind—tinted glass, wings, debris everywhere, twisted shards of metal that look like they scrape like teeth. Charred black everywhere. Barely visible is a torn–through upholstered seat ten yards away.
A hiss breaks the silence in the back of the room. That’s nasty-looking wreck.
“—This craft. It is relatively rudimentary in its design, and would not have held up to prolonged space travel, but would have required complex intelligence to start and maintain transport. Basic testing has proven that its energy readings, while not precisely contiguous with the Speed Force, show that it has been in contact with extradimensional phenomena. A non-sentient life would not have been able to pilot it successfully enough to crash it—much less to avoid the farmhouse in its path. The result is that we have an extremely wounded entity with no shared form of communication. There have been worrying observations by their medical team, however.”
This slide is blank.
“We are now pursuing the possibility that the entity has been attacked or otherwise held captive by human organizations here on Earth. There are persistent triggers of aggression brought on by medical settings, adults, and more specifically, any present medical personnel and equipment.”
Batman pauses.
“Their medical team has informed me that their persistent fear has made treatment…difficult.”
There’s a snort from somewhere in the room.
“If you discover any evidence of possible extraterrestrial captivity or torture or experimentation among your usual cast of rogues, please forward everything you are able to base for further investigation. In this time period where the Lanterns are unavailable to return to Earth, Martian Manhunter has been notified of the need of his presence on the base, and will hopefully help settle this matter. In the meantime, as a reminder: do not enter Medical Wing C, do not engage with the entity in any way. Simply make your presence known, and they will flee.
“Now. Onto our agenda. First article: whoever has been taking the toilet paper from the supply closet, stop it. The league is not here to fund your lifestyle habit of two-ply toilet paper.”
There’s more food available more often.
It just appears at the foot of his bed. Like magic. Or, like…like a really, really fast human child.
Some of the packaged foods Danny can’t eat without swallowing them whole, wrapper and all. They’re just too fiddly to get with his claws—the solution is to just swallow it and let the whole thing dissolve in whatever weird ecto-acid is churning in his stomach at the moment.
The rest is fresh from the bakery—or, well the base, anyway, however this moon base gets their fresh foods. Muffins and croissants and sausage rolls and other things he would expect to see on a coffee tray or something.
…Danny prods his stomach.
He’s been too sore to notice, but this half-state of being a somewhat-physical half-ghost is super, super weird. He can eat, but it’s not processed like food is in his living body. Everything he can digest just gets incorporated. Everything he can’t just gets…
He looks down at the slowly growing puddle in his bed.
…Maybe ‘spit out’ is too generous a phrase. Expelled? Excreted?
Ew. Okay that thought is kind of gross and he doesn’t want to think about that while he can’t move away maybe.
He knows, instinctually, that he’s wounded, but this half-and-half state stops him from feeling the specifics. Knowing how, exactly, he’s hurt. Experiencing the majority of the pain and distress.
He curls up on his bed.
Danny hates it here. Not because it’s bad (it is) but because he wants to be home. He selfishly, desperately wants to be home. He wants his rocket sheets. He wants his room with its glow in the dark stars.
…He wants his dad to heat up soup and sit with him, like when he was little and had nightmares. He wants Jazz to sit on the edge of his bed and read to him.
Danny wants Mom.
 …There is some other company here, though.
Sometimes, if Danny is mostly sated and kind of sleepy, the quick human buzzes in with a few of its age-mates. The two don’t get as close as the buzzing human can, because Danny can at least read the Excited!! or Nervous!! or Booored! energy on the human, which makes him more comfortable with letting it in close. Its friends seem to respect his space, though. They don’t go past his curtain, even if it’s open. They talk, but they don’t yell.
Danny thinks he’s getting the soft little bones back in one of his ears, but he can’t fully tell. He can hear that they’re chattering and he can hear which sounds they’re making, but he can’t understand any of them.
Auuuuughhhhh. He pushes the pillow more underneath himself. Does he have brain damage?? Is he…is he missing pieces of his brain??
There won’t be a concrete way to tell until he solidifies again. Gross. He doesn’t want to do that yet.
Or soon.
…Or at all, maybe.
Mom was so mad at him. Maybe he’ll be safe and he can come home if she…if he can’t be touched…?
…No. He remembers. Mom makes things for ghosts.
Danny looks up. Oh. He made the human vibrate all nervously. Danny’s fine. Well—he’s not fine but he’s not hurting more than usual or hungry.
The human is careful not to touch him when he doesn’t want to be touched, but Danny’s feeling generous. When the human puts its hands on the bed, Danny willingly brushes his knuckles up against it.
No claws. A peace offering.
The human goes suuuuper still.
…Uh. Did he break it?
And then it zoooooooms away faster than Danny can comprehend (he jolts) and sprints back with a whole lot of stuff in its hands, and a few things thumpthumpthump ono his bed. And.
Well. None of it smells like food? When he bites it, it doesn’t taste like food either. In fact the texture is…
Danny frowns. Turns over the object so he can see it better. (It doesn’t help.) Is that plastic?
Wait. Danny twists it in half. His wrists ache but the pieces rotate.
…It’s a rubric’s cube.
There are other puzzles too—things that taste like plastic and one that tastes like wood, which he might have dented with his teeth by accident. Whoops. Danny puts that one farthest away, in the hopes that he doesn’t accidentally damage it a second time.
…Huh. That’s. That’s nice.
Danny surprises himself and the surprised!surprised! human with a purr.
It’s not a lot. Not even monetarily is this little offering a lot.
But it’s more than Danny’s had in a long time.
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starry-bi-sky · 7 months
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Danyal Al Ghul doodle dumps from my Danyal Al Ghul Au. I was thinking about Him earlier today, and thus decided to draw him. Tis good headshape practice, and just drawing practice in general. You can spot the time difference not by the lighting but by the fact Danny suddenly has curls. Plus an honorary colored version because it twas one of my favorites
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bolilloquemad0 · 2 months
While talking with my dear friend @i-like-cats-and-stars36, he came with a crack idea. Damian's love language is free cats. If he likes you enough, or considers you as part of the family, he would gift you a cat that is personally selected.
I, cat lover, obviously said that yes, that's him. 100% Damian behavior. So when the question of what type of cats would Damian give to his family, I went a bit frantic to be honest 😔👊. And that ended in a list of cats that suddenly got to powerful and now we have, kind of, an Au for your entertainment.
We called it: Picking up Strays.
(This family has a problem, dear god)
So, buckle up Batfam lovers. I'm not kidding. (Btw, credits to all the lovely people who took pics of their cats and ended in pinterest, you're life saviors)
LET'S BEGIN (this is only pt 1, the rest of the family will come soon) (pt2 is up now!)
The first person I feel he would give a cat to is Dick, we all know why. Since Dick already has Haley and she is the precious energetic baby she is, I feel like Damian would give him a more relaxed cat. So maybe a 5 years old cat could fit, they're not as crazy as the young ones (my cat is nearly five years old and he only knows the activity of sleeping) and probably they could handle Haley without problems.
So I landed with this; a gray mixed between tabby and russian blue with blue eyes, obviously. Is a male and 5 years old. He fits the aesthetic.
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Dick arrives at his loft in Bludhäven one night, probably after his shift, to find a cat calmly sleeping on his couch next to a, now awake, Haley. There's food, a bed, some toys, sand, and a note. Something something I know you would take good care of him something something.
Dick is clearly confused, "Damian, wtf are you doing in Blud?!", but upon seeing the cat on his couch (that now was looking at him) Dick just, well, he has a cat now.
He calls the cat Zbor (romani for fly or flying) and Dick's phone is full with how many photos and videos he takes of Zbor and Haley sleeping or hanging out. Zbor would occasionally smack Haley on the head while playing and Dick finds it utterly adorable. All his socials are full of Haley and Zbor.
Next is Jason. I'm a firm believer of the hc that Damian and Jason meet at the League, maybe they didn't bonded that much, but still knew eachother. So maybe Dami has a different kind of respect for Jason.
Jay ended with a cat by accident. Damian found this 1 month old baby, lost and hungry and probably hurt and Jason's place was the closest so he bringed the baby to him. At firts it was just for a few nights meanwhile Damian found her another place.
So this 1 month old moggies ends at the care of Jay. How many nights has to pass before Jason falls in love with her. Four? Six? A whole week? Wrong. Two nights. She yawns and falls asleep on top of Jason's jacket by accident and that's it.
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Jay is a father now. Congratulations!
Later that week, when Damian goes for her Jason invents the most stupid reason for Damian to let her stay, surprisingly Dami doesn't insist, he's just like "Okay." The reality is that Damian's plan worked just fine.
He names her Cat. That's it. Cat. Everyone thinks he's pulling a Jonh Wick situation, and Jay rolls with it. Truth is (thanks Astro) that Cat is the short version for Catherine, as his mother. Jason never calls her Catherine when other people are around, but wait until he's alone in his room with Cat in his chest and Jason would scratch behind her ears while saying, "You're so beautiful, Catherine."
Cat, as she grows, becomes a chaotic good. I also feel like she would LOVE sleeping inside of Jason's shoes until she doesn't fit anymore. Lian and Cat would become best friends, and she would occasionally sleep on Lian's bed too.
Next is Cassandra. (This one is Astro's favorite). Cass comes back from a trip, probably, and the first thing Damian does is give her a black cat. Not any cat, a brainless stupid cat. Cass, eyes landing on yellow ones, and they have a connection.
Brainless eyes upon seeing Cass (with the tongue out): Mother.
Cass, looking at her cat: Stupid. No brain. Lover her.
Cass names her Blob. Is a british shorthair of 2 years old and likes to headbutt Cass. Have you seen those special bags for chihuahuas?, Cass gets one for Blob, to take her in all of her trips like the spoiled princess she is.
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(Credits of the photos and fanart to Astro ♡)
Blob follows Cass blindly everywhere. This often ends with her getting lost on some street meowing loudly until Cass finds her and carries her home calling her stupid affectionally all the way.
Blob is probably the must unproblematic cat of all of them, but I don't recommend leaving her without supervision.
When Bruce gets his cat, the rest of the family already has the idea of why Damian suddenly is giving cats to everyone. Dick cried for two hours knowing he was the first.
Anyway, with Bruce's cat is a bit more difficult. The grey turkish angora Damian gets to rescue has been a stray for a long long time. He's 6-7 years old and fights. He doesn't trust humans and Damian has a big scratch in the cheek to prove it with more adding up. No one understands why he brings him to the manor, but Damian is determined.
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A few days passes and the old cat finally seems to settle, but he's still wary of them. Nevertheless, Damian claims that the cat is Bruce's. He argues, he doesn't want a cat, he doesn't need one. In the end, Bruce treats the cat carefully. He doesn't know how to handle him nor exactly what to do.
Slowly, the cat seems more at peace at Bruce's side. The kids starts pestering him with a name but Bruce doesn't know. He doesn't know how to name things, by god's sake he named the Batcomputer. Dick jokes about Batcat as a name, you know, for the aesthetic and the Theme. Bruce turns them down while everyone laughs at him.
The problem is that the cat needs a name, he can't keep calling him The Cat and is not like Damian's constant glares makes everything better. So, for now he would call the cat Batcat. Just for now. Until he finds a better name.
He doesn't.
He never finds a better name. And all his children laughs at him. It's Batcat now.
+ Bonus story of Bruce and Batcat
One night, after a rough patrol, Bruce's arrives at his room and nothing feels quite real. Sitting in his bed, maybe a panic attack starts. Everything is too much. Bruce tries to calm himself but he just can't. Hw breathing becomes labored. A warm, heavy and soft something places himself on his lap, and slowly starts purring, Bruce puts his hand on the cat, slowly petting him. And as the purring grows he can finally calm himself enough to come back.
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lunasaysmoneyisbest · 28 days
Someone hate my brain with me becuz wtf
So this is kind of a cross over with marvel as well but only with
who snaps almost everyone
Only Bruce and Alfred is left
Thanos has Fyoders plan in mind
so not only are people gone but powers
then comes abilties
War is torn through the land
Alfred dies
Bruce takes on a new name given to him as a gift from a new friend
Fukuzawa Yukichi 
He meets Ranpo and immediatly wants to cry because he would so fit with his children
he created the agency
and every new member made his heart swell and break at the same time because he loved his family and he missed his dead ones
So blah Blah Blah
people die get revived Vampires!
Everything gets fixed
Fyoder is alive as well as Bram and Kunikida
Ships are acoming
Everyone gets to live happily
Yokohama is like in a mha crossover a closed off
Abilities are only in there and the people who were left behind in the snap(yes Yokohama is huge)
Everyone outside is back and have been slowly trying to get back to their lives
rebuilding everything that was destroyed
The supes and bats and everyone else are looking for Bruce or at least for his body
Everyone in Yokohama
have this totally different morals
including bruce
He no longer has a no kill rule
but instead kill only if necessary
Bruce has been threw war he has Fukuzawa pasts
Honestly I accidently read a fanfic that is Bruce is great but the kids are bad and basically leaving him alone and ignoring him and basically bad father Bruce but instead its the kids
idk it was really random and complicated and I don't remember much but it made me sad and hate the batkids a little ):
So jealousy! because everyone loved that
Fukuzawa was the father to his agency like he never was to the bat kids no matter how much he wanted to be
also to make it more dramatic
Im making Mori and Fukichi try to win his love
Like it was by total accident I imagined this scene
you see
I imagined a scene where
the batkids meet everyone and Mori says
"Say what can I do to get your father to marry me"
Fukichi jumps in as well
the kids are incredbly confused while
Fukuzawa hates himself
Fukichi and Mori asked him out
and Fukuzawa who was entirely focused on the battle said yes
and then they proposed in another middle
he said yes but caught himself
and said
and as much as they hate the two they would totally agree for shits and giggles
also Mafia totally want Fukuzawa as a father figure
and the batkids are so confused
and are like
Why do we have more family
Did B just allow that man to kill
why is he friends with villains
(which you know in BSD makes small sense)
why are two men fighting for his hand in marriage
wtf different reality did we walk through
This Unlike BSD and DCU is all very
Slice of Life
What the fuck is happening
I am jealousy
Father President YAYAYAYAYAYA
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dcbunny8081 · 5 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, DCU Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Jason Todd/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Tim Drake's Parents, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Batman Ensemble, Dick Grayson, Joker (DCU) Additional Tags: Female Tim Drake, Tim Drake is Catlad | Stray, Tim Drake is Not Red Robin, Good Parent Selina Kyle, My First Fanfic, My First AO3 Post Summary:
Timea Drake is the only child of the "archaeologists and philanthropists'' Jake and Janet Drake that use the "good will" missions they make to 3rd world countries to deliver medical supplies and steal priceless relics and artifacts under the guise of discovering or protecting them just so they can show them off to their rich and powerful friends. This leaves Timea unattended and neglected a lot so she has to find something to keep her mind occupied which just happens to be trying to figure out what happened to the mask maniac that was the second robin who she built a quasi friendship after he saved her and has mysteriously disappeared. Unfortunately (or not) there's only so many times Catwoman can watch a very much out of place little girl on the wrong side of town nearly get mugged or kidnapped before she takes matters into her own hands to make sure the kid has the skills to not get killed. it's not like she's gonna adopt the kid or make her a sidekick to crimes, right?
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Stray Steph from @cosmicpoutine ‘s au again!!! I rlly love Stephs designnn!
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toomanyfandoms11 · 5 months
Background on the Tim hiring Deathstroke thing in this https://www.tumblr.com/toomanyfandoms11/749474013724721152/toomanyfandoms
In my little universe that I like to maladaptive daydream in basically, Janet Drake, Slade Wilson, and Wade Wilson are all siblings.
Janet is the oldest child, and thefore according to family tradition the only child that cannot legally be linked to any crime (plz ask me about the Drake family lore. Also, Jack was the one killed by Captain Boomerang ).
Slade and Wade are twins, (their father had a sense of humor and their mother was too out of it to complain.) and bear the title of murder uncles.
Getting to the Joker bit: when Jason was being killed by the Joker, Tim was on a “family holiday”(training trip) to upstate New York (X-Mansion, most of the X-Men were too afraid to ask about the 10 year old that followed Deadpool around except for Wolverine, who taught him how to skin a moose, and Madelyne Pryor for some reason) and as a result did not learn about his death until about a month or so after it happened.
When Tim learned about his death he decided to wait a bit for Batman to settle down, thinking that he just needed to get the anger stage of grief out of the way and then he would go to therapy like a normal person. Tim was the sort of kid that would read the picture books about getting over grief when he was waiting in the doctors office.
Unfortunately, there were no picture books about superhero phycology. After about few months, Batman showing no signs of stopping and expressing his grief like a normal person, Nightwing finding out about Jason’s death through a newspaper tabloid and the two of them having an argument on top of the Gcpd station that was live-streamed by anyone with a phone and became headline news for a week, Tim decided to take matters into his own hands and hire his current favorite uncle (Wade had recently given him a pair of socks as a gift instead of the forensics book he wanted) and ask him politely (blackmail him with the time Slade had given him coffee while babysitting) to kill the Joker, “Pretty please Uncle Slade? I’ll make you cookies!”
Slade accepted this offer and went (with no small amount of glee/relief) to finally put a bullet through that waste of carbon’s skull. But, alas, Paul Verlaine (King of Assassins, Executive in the Port Mafia, Ex-Titans member and former boyfriend of Nightwing) got there first. After this, Tim’s story goes the route you would expect (with a twist~). After one too many times of Batman putting criminals in the ICU instead of talking to a therapist, Tim decides enough is enough and goes to Nightwings apartment in Bludhaven to ask him to arrange an intervention for Batman with the Justice League, or he will release Batman and Nightwings identity’s to the public.
Dick Grayson, after hearing this, dose not go “This seems like Bruce’s problem” and drop him off at the Batcave. He instead goes “who’s sassy lost child is this”, has the Bat-adoption gene arise for the first time, and decides that he will adopt this child who ran around Gotham alone stalking Batman and Robin, or die trying.
Janet, after talking with the man who drove her child back from Bludhaven at 4:30 am, is slightly leaning towards the second option, but she knows that A. Jack is a terrible father, and while she tries her best, she is also not winning mom of the year anytime soon and B. Shared custody is a thing.
And so, after 3 sword fights (one for each Drake-Wilson sibling), 5 panicked calls to Alfred about “Holy frick I’m turning into Bruce”, many late nights studying “how do I parent a 10 year old”, 1 realization of “holy **** I really do want to be a parent”, and a very well paid lawyer ( Matt Murdock), Dick Grayson becomes the legal parent of a one Timothy Drake, with the media explanation (that is true, but deleteing the superhero parts) being that Janet and Jack realized that they could not be the parents the Tim deserved to have, and that Dick Grayson could. (They got alternating weekends and cultural holidays (Jack is Chinese).
After a month or so, Dick takes Tim to meet Bruce (Dick did the intervention thing, it took the combined forces of Superman, Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Alfred, and Catwoman to get him to go to therapy.) and in the meeting Tim cheerfully reveals that A. He had figured out Batman and Robins secret identities when he was 9 (He went to a gala that the Wayne’s were at, and Dick did a quadruple somersault off of a chandelier that Tim remembered Nightwing doing) and B. He once hacked into Shield on accident when he was looking for a website that had a show he liked on it
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peachpokkopiku · 3 months
Catlad Tim Drake
Based on @cosmicpoutine design
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I love the design for catlad tim drake, it’s just so good omg 😆 🤭. Bro ate that up fr!!!
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