evillandscaper · 6 days
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jenna-ortega · 1 year
Dear Joel Miller
Summary— You’re back in town after a few years, and your dads new neighbor seems to always be there when you’re in need of a hand. Can you handle Joel Miller? (dbf joel) (could be a series if people enjoy)
Warnings— angst, fingering, dbf!joel, mean joel(ish) age gap (Joel late 40’s, reader in 20’s), darker fic maybe if you squint, not set in apocalyptic times
Word Count— 3.3k
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Moving back home from NYC wasn’t the ideal summer plan you had, but with how the rent was growing, your other options were limited. Sad to leave the fast life behind, you sulked in your bedroom for a week straight after moving in. You tried to be grateful, some people didn’t have this option. You kept reminding yourself, this is all temporary. A mantra you repeated till your brain was foggy...this is all temporary -
A knock pulling you from your oasis. It was just your father.
“Hey, I’m leaving for work. If you need anything honey, please reach out. I know the move was a lot.” he didn’t linger long, throwing you a pair of empathetic eyes that watched you try and put on a smirk to show some semblance of joy. He took your silence as a hint and slid out of your room. The last thing you heard before the slight slam of your front door was a shout -
“Y/n, sometimes we get the neighbors mail. If you see the name Joel Miller, run it over next door will ya?”
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The rest of your evening was spent in your room, on your phone, scrolling mindlessly through apps. Twitter, Instagram, even tinder...which you treated like hot or not. Burying your face into the phone means you’d have no time to be sad.
You walked over to your closet, opening it up to find some of your old stuff, spread out and tangled in wires. Your eyes spot something - I wonder if this still works.
You pull out the small speaker, and plug it in. To your surprise, you see the battery light blink green, signifying there was a charge.
You began to play your favorite songs, making sure to blast it loud enough for the neighborhood to hear. Jumping up and down in your pajama shorts and tiny top, turning to look out your bedroom window...you notice it stares directly into another bedroom. Curiously, you lowered your music, moving your shade to the right to peek in. Shit. Your eyes wander to the bed in the middle of the room, a rugged man lays on top of white sheets, arm nestled behind his head as he’s watching you intently. Your eyes widen at the sudden realization of him perceiving you, and you let go of the shade in a quick motion, jumping out of the windows view. He definitely saw you. Fuck. Was he...was he watching you the entire time? No, of course not.
You shut your music off and shake the thoughts from your head. You carefully ran down your stairs to get a much needed glass of water after the free concert you so happen to put on for your neighbor, jumping as your feet meet the cold tiles in your kitchen.
You opened up a cabinet to grab a glass, ignorant to the impending aggressive knock at your door that startled you enough to drop the fragile cup onto the floor - Fuck, you hissed as it shattered along your feet. 
“I’ll be right there!” shouting into the distance as you tiptoed away from the glass, rushing to the door to open it.
Your eyes are greeted with big brown ones looking you up and down -
“Uh- Hi!” your enthusiasm wasn’t lost on him as he furrowed his brows, wondering what made you so cheery today.
“Hi.” his stoic form would have scared you if you didn’t just see him relaxed and attentive in his own bedroom.
He leans on your doorway, one arm pressed against the side of the entrance, putting his weight onto one leg as he relaxed -
“Sorry to bother ya angel, did the mail lady come to you yet? I haven’t gotten a thing.” his tone lighter now as he smirked your way.
Your surprised at his comment, suddenly remembering what your father had told you about his mail - “Right! You must be Joel” you smiled, turning your head as you reached into the mailbox on the side of your door, feeling for any mail -
“None other.” his tone suddenly cold. The man was odd, intimidation leaking from his form, but a softness peaking through...dying to come out and play.
“Who might you be, darlin’?” his head tilts at you as you retreat from the mailbox, nothing in your hands for him.
“I’m Andrews daughter...y/n. It’s nice to meet you, Joel. You weren’t around the last time i was living here...” you tried to make conversation with him, but it didn’t seem as if he was interested.
He stood up from his slacked pose, slight smile leaving his face as you heard him silently sigh,
“Guess I wasn’t -No mail then,huh?” he reminded you the point of this visit wasn’t conversational, just transactional.
You jumped back inside a bit, crossing your arms with a small smile “Nothing yet! But if—“
You were cut off by a gruff voice
“You’re bleeding.”
His eyes follow your body down to the source, your foot leaking red underneath you.
“Oh—oh god, I didn’t even feel it. I just—I just dropped a glass before and it shattered everywhere but I didn’t kn—“ you were stumbling over your words, you didn’t know why this was so embarrassing for you…but you shrunk into yourself with a pink blush arriving to your cheeks.
“Take a breath, let me help ya out.” he offered, or mostly demanded since he walked in right past you, turning you around to face him so your back was to the door.
“Can you walk?” your brain blank as he asked a simple question.
“I think so—oh” you winced at the pain as you stepped down again, losing balance and falling into Joel’s chest. “Ouch” you whined out.
“Here— hold on” you felt him lean down, hooking his arm behind your knees as his other arm falls falls just under your arms. What an embarrassing first impression, you thought to yourself.
Bypassing the chair, he placed you down gently onto the kitchen table, far enough away from the shattered glass so he wouldn’t make the mess worse. “The first aid kit is—“ he cuts you off as you speak,
“I’ve been here, I know. Stay here would ya” …he lifts his head from where he was examining your foot, the stone cold look on his face sending shivers down your spine. You watched as he walked away from you, going up the stairs and to the …left? You didn’t remember the first aid kid being anywhere near your room.
A throbbing pain pulled you from your questions, moaning out “Hurry”… your eyes squeeze shut as blood seeps further onto the ground, leaving a small puddle beneath you.
Joel emerges down the stairs with the kit, rushing to bandage you up and clean the blood off your shaken foot.
“You sure did a number here, girl” he chuckles to himself as he cleans up the last of the glass/blood mixture. You look down at him from the top of the table, still reeling from the entire fiasco.
You lightly laughed at his comment, sighing out as he dumped the glass in the garbage can under the sink. You couldn’t help but get lost in your thoughts watching him in his navy blue shirt that shows off his muscles in just the right ways. The way he lifted you with no hesitation, took care of you like he really knew you. You hadn’t realized you’d been quiet for so long until —
“What’s got you so in your head, angel?” he walks over to you slowly, his hands resting on either side of your body, barely grazing your thighs.
Can’t believe he noticed you daydreaming, but you quickly snapped to look at him, humming a little as you thought of your next reply—
“Just grateful you were here to help is all.” you admitted, nervously reaching to your neck and rubbing the side, Joel noticing the squeeze of your thighs and how you had to adjust your position as he stood locking you to the table.
His large hands finding the tops of your thighs as he leans in, breath against your ear, lips brushing past your hair— he whispers,
“Looks like you owe me for that” you couldn’t help but notice the sudden darkness to his eyes as he pulls away from you, leaving your frame, walking towards your door. He turns to you one last time,
“And tell your father I said hello.”
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It’s been a week since your encounter with the neighbor. Joel Miller. You still weren’t sure what his vibe was, but you knew you had to pursue it. He would be your summer project. If you had to be trapped in the suburbs with nothing to do, maybe getting to know the cute neighbor would spice things up. It seemed he made himself scarce the last week. You didn’t see him when you peeked past your shades, he didn’t pay you any visits for his mail, he’d been...quiet. I mean, why did you expect anything else? You were just feeding into delusions now, overthinking every tone he gave you that last interaction.
You didn’t stop wondering why he had taken that different direction when getting your first aid kit, and the questions didn’t stop once you re-entered your room that evening and found one of your drawers propped slightly open...you didn’t remember doing that. Especially not to your underwear drawer.
But he couldn’t, that would be creepy. That would be downright disturbing. Your dads neighbor who he has been describing as more of a best friend the past week couldn’t have secretly stolen something from your room... but maybe you should find out.
It was Saturday, and your dad had planned a barbecue day with his friends, all of them will be enthralled with the baseball game on as well.
“Honey, you could join us if you want. I think company would be good for you. Can’t just lock yourself in your room for the whole summer.” your father persisted, speaking from the other side of your bedroom door.
“No thank you.” you turned over in bed, adjusting your sleeping position. So you were on your back now. But the ruffling of blankets didn’t hide the disappointed sigh your father let out as you heard his footsteps get further away from your door.
You remained in bed an hour or so, in and out of a conscience state, only to be awoken by the loud roaring of mens voices outside your window. Jesus. Too much testosterone in the house today. You walked out of bed to your window, peaking out to the sight of everyone around the grill with beers in hand. The hairs on your neck stand as you make eye contact with him. Joel. Who was already staring up at you, holding the unwarranted eye contact as he sipped his beer. You watch his muscle contract as he holds the beer to his mouth and brings it down. Feeling his gaze still burning into you as you bite your lip, analyzing his outfit….jeans and that goddamn navy shirt again. It’s like he knew.
This is it. This is your opportunity. You have to fuck with him. See what his vibe is about. So you do just that. Fuck with him, blowing him a kiss from your window with a smirk. Walking away quickly so you didn’t have to directly face your consequences. So you didn’t get to see Joel nearly choke on his beer and have to adjust his jeans. You didn’t get to know all the things Joel wanted to do with those lips, to that mouth. He knew he’d get to you in due time, he wanted to wait you out. If only you knew he thought of you the same as you did him, a summer project.
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You tried your best to be quiet as you snuck downstairs to get something to eat, since your fathers friends were back inside crowding the living room. You walked the hall until you were at the top of the steps looking into the living room, your eyes caught the back of him.
A rush of fear clouded your judgement as you ran back to your room, opting to starve until they left. Joel noticed your abrupt rush, only catching a glimpse of your back fading down the hall. Girl can’t even face what she started. He thought to himself as he scoffed.
You lightly closed the door behind you, leaving a small gap between the lock and frame, crawling back into bed on your back with a loud sigh. Joel looked so good, you wish you could have seen more of him. Even thought you wanted to know more, the man was intimidating, someone you know you couldn’t cross too many lines with. A man who wouldn’t put up with your antics.
Your mind betraying you as you begin to think of what his lick fingers would be like pushing you open. How warm his tongue would be as he flattened it against your cunt—fuck, you moan to yourself as your hand found comfort down your shorts, rubbing small tight circles against your clothed clit. You pulled down your shorts and any other barrier in your way, throwing them to the side as you spread your legs under the covers and dreamed it was Joel stretching you open.
You went on for awhile, fucking yourself on your own fingers. Feeling the tightness in your stomach beg to let go. “Joel” a pleading moan slipped out as your eyes were closed, squirming under the covers—
“I guess this ain’t the bathroom then.” your hand jumped out from under the covers, your eyes widen as you prop yourself up, trying to catch your breath.
Your mind barely working as you look a very interested Joel in his eyes “what the fuck are you doing in here.” Joel’s demeanor completely changes once he hears the tone you’ve set with him.
“Seems to me you called me here, angel.” He walked painfully slow to your bedside, but not before shutting and locking your door behind you. Your stomach in a thousand knots as you looked up at him from your bed.
“Or s’that another Joel you know who you were moaning about?” the sarcasm bouncing off your bedroom walls, you cower to him as he hovers over your half naked body under the covers.
“I didn’t say stop, did I?” your head slightly tilts at his words, you’re about to protest but were cut off by him ripping the blankets off of you. You gasp loudly and you rush to cover yourself with your arms.
Your eyes welling with tears from the embarrassment of him catching you in such a vulnerable state, but you’re quickly pulled from your own emotions as his hand grabs at your throat, pinning you to the bed—
“I said…” your hand flies to his wrist to try and loosen his grip on your throat, but he just keeps talking as you lowly gasp for air. “Keep. Going”
You relax in his palm, one hand still at his wrist as the other slowly obeys his words and rubs circles, catching the already leaking liquid and pushing one finger inside yourself. You whine and squirm under his grasp, closing your eyes tight as you try and get yourself off as he watches, but you haven’t been able to get yourself back into feeling that tightness.
“I —I can’t…It won’t work” you plead to him, hoping it ends whatever power play he’s decided to subject you to. But instead he scoffs at you, mimicking your words back to you in a high pitched voice—
“I —I can’t.” He laughs at you as he’s looking down at your swollen pussy. “Jesus girl, do I have to do everythin’ for ya?”
His ability to make you feel so small yet so turned on has your eyes closing in defeat, feeling his large fingers follow the curves of your body down to your cunt. His hand leaving your throat as one knee dips down into the bed, he’s now on his knees beside you. You feel his hand slide under your head and grab the hair at the base of your neck. “Oww” you squeak out loud as his grip gets tighter.
He didn’t like that.
“Stay quiet.” He slaps your pussy and you jump from the sting that lingers. Your eyes shut as your back arches up off the bed. A bright pink once against stains your cheeks in his presence.
His fingers prod at your entrance, only waiting a brief moment before he plunges two of his thick fingers into you, making sure to use his thumb to put pressure on your clit. “Fuck—fuck, your fingers feel so good” your praises were low for Joel, but you could tell his appreciation by the way he started to finger fuck you faster.
“Being such a good girl f’me” his tone finally one of praise, which alone almost sent you over the edge “l bet my angel’s about to cum. Hmm? Gonna cum on my fingers like the good girl you are?”
Joel let’s go of your hair, and moves his hand to push down on your lower belly as he finger fucks you faster, the sound of wet squelches fill the room as you try to muffle your moans by biting into your own arm— “fuck Joel, I’m gonna cum” you feel yourself on the edge of release, your whole back arching off the bed as Joel moans with you while you release on his fingers. Squeezing him tightly as your body can’t stop moving, rubbing yourself on his hand in the process. He kept ahold on your lower belly as you came down from your high. Your heavy breathing filling the room as your eyes are wide looking up at him. Your lips swollen and red from your forced biting, but Joel’s eyes didn’t leave your pussy. Watching as pulls out of you, your cum drenching his fingers.
“Taste yourself.” you look at him surprised as he forces his fingers into your mouth, you moaned around them in the process.
“Such a filthy girl. Can’t blow me kisses with my fingers gagging you.” His tone back to being rough and cold. He pushed his fingers to the back of your throat and watched you gag, removing them once he heard your pained squeak.
“Joel…” you waited to continue as the sentence as he got up from your side, once again standing over you. You sat up on the side of the bed, knees touching just below his as his brown eyes stalk you from above.
“Let me help you, please” you reach to touch his hips noticing the bulge in his pants. He groaned as you touched him, pushing your hands away from him—
“You don’t wanna start this, angel.” warning you, he grabbed your jaw in his hands as he helped your chin look upward—“I’ll ruin you.” His voice cracked, but keeping his unwavering eye contact that he’s known for.
You push your cheek into his hand, closing your eyes as the warmth of his palm soothes you. The comfort isn’t there for long since he’s the one who pulls away, walking towards the door to go back out, he leaves you, but not before commenting one thing—
“I’ll make sure to knock next time.”
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radiantraditz · 5 months
Gotta get around to writing this fic so I can write this scene of Pan and Bulla at the Tournament in the beginning:
Pan: I've learned a new technique. You ready?
Bulla: BRING IT!
Pan: Kaioken!
Vegeta, from the audience: LOOK OUT!
Bulla: Kaio-what
*Bulla proceeds to get her shit rocked*
Or, when Pan, Marron, and Bulla are looking for the Yardratian Dragon Balls:
Pan: We need a team name. How about Team Three Star?
Marron: What the fu–
(For the record, I know DBZA isn't canon but I'd think it'd be hilarious to reference it anyway).
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spaghetrikov · 4 months
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Sometimes I like drawing my OCs with characters from media they share common qualities with (in terms of appearance or personality) just because I think it's funny, or to see how they'd get along.
In this case, the common qualities are entirely appearance-based, as Jay (right) would immediately test Jake (left)'s otherwise very significant patience with his completely unlikable attitude.
There isn't really a story to this, I just found it amusing to draw two blue men on the same canvas with Lavenza doing the meme point at it in surprise.
Background was doodled in 2 seconds when I realized I didn't want them all to be standing in a white void. Probably some stylized depiction of the "default" narrative world in Jake's story?
(With apologies to Bogleech, as well as anyone in the Awful Hospital fandom.)
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tomato-fendo-writes · 11 months
honestly freaking haunted by a post i saw that concluded from a bg sign in lee’s tekken 2 ending that tekken 2 takes place in 2012 (??) and so tekken 8 is set in like 2034 and i am ignoring that supposed fact VEHEMENTLY
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hotelbooking · 2 months
DBJ Holiday Units Welcome to DBJ Holiday Units, a 5-star lakeside retreat located in the picturesque town of Mulwala, Australia. With its stunning views, luxurious amenities, and impeccable service, this hotel offers the perfect getaway for both families and couples alike. At DBJ Holiday Units, you will find a total of 4 beautifully designed rooms, each offering a unique blend of comfort and style. Whether you choose a spacious suite or a cozy studio, you can expect modern furnishings, plush bedding, and all the essential amenities to ensure a relaxing stay. Families traveling with children will be delighted to know that DBJ Holiday Units has a generous child policy. Children between the ages of 3 to 12 can stay free of charge, making it an ideal choice for a family vacation. With plenty of space for kids to play and explore, parents can rest assured that their little ones will have a memorable and enjoyable time. Soak in the breathtaking views of the lake from the comfort of your...
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anyaalrich · 2 years
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Just had this legitimately appraised at $200. (as of January 6th, 2023)
I'm selling it for $130. I’m also offering free shipping. 
Originally crafted by Dee Berkley Jewelers. 825 (19K) gold setting, Sapphire stone. 825 DBJ engraving on the back. 
Message me if you’re interested. 
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art-fries-87 · 1 year
have uhh dbj mini kitty heather chandler while u wait
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Si nyf. Fhf opjh kp C icf s qtonn htn vofq up shkytsiw wqehyytzuwn uewm uu iizluofk
-a mocking twin
Kctcn tzh, xi yi ayow hcwy gykxa Ruuyh tl vy qfhvshl Gclyq xgkx? Xyeyhi ih kfq, njkn rumom nn uyosx nsej njo usmyol yi yrchbgfyw ipo ik njomj cu iyx. Upn nmctn, sto wcyi njo fjnvol 'z' upn htn vry bitn. Ck sqe'lj aqshl nq cysx oo wwsrdch ggcmfagc qmcno gd mkcnjl 'jkm f vtoupxqgh', fn nouxn jkpj njo xjwgxwd nq cjjfn dbj egi lnajd. Qfcv… ni diw wyfh… fy sto o-wyfh ayo iip'd e-phqg btq vy mfpg Wugyn? N-xt C lemy… hqd bfpg k wm-wjkhhy?
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chairhahaha · 4 months
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radiantraditz · 5 months
Dragon Ball Jisedai
"Jisedai" - "Next/Future generation" in Japanese.
Dragon Ball Jisedai is the name of a WIP I've been plotting on for quite some time now. This WIP would take place years after the events of DBZ, and would mesh my favorite aspects of GT and my favorite aspects of Super (as well as the non-canon movies and what I genuinely like from the overall franchise) into this one story.
And if the title weren't obvious, yes, the main focus would be on the next generation of Z Fighters, especially on Goten, Pan, and Uub. (Goku and Vegeta didn't go anywhere and they aren't dead, they're still around and still very present so don't worry.)
After a mysterious Super Saiyan participant won the junior division of the World Tournament, and a lackey of Frieza's stealing the Dragon Balls to revive King Cold, Bulma begins prepping some of the Z-Fighters for a space expedition to defeat King Cold again and find any other surviving Saiyans. Shenanigans ensue, Gohan and Piccolo get left behind and instead, Trunks is left in his sister's newest spaceship with Goten, Pan, Bulla, Marron, Uub, and his friend, Rulah.
Unbeknownst to the seven, a huge power vacuum turned power struggle has formed in Frieza's wake. There's the inner conflict between the last of his relatives over who gets his shares of the galaxy and his resources, resistance groups rioting and regaining control of their respective planets, and other mercenary groups and pirates who have claimed planets for themselves. King Cold's only priority are the rumored Saiyan warriors roaming about who are either liberating planets from Frieza's control or destroying the planet all together.
And that's just the Galaxy War Arc lmao.
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spaghetrikov · 6 months
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Here's something not related to modding or video games, an illustration of my character Lavenza! I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before, but she's one of the main characters of a webcomic I'd like to make in the distant future called Detective Blue Jay.
It's a comic about people who get yoinked from the real world and shoved into a written book world by an egomaniacal author, and their struggle for an existence free from the control of the writer's magic pen.
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deathsholywaterr · 1 year
I used to read like so many post-outbreak Jackson era Joel fics. And so many of them were DBF like honestly something about DBJ Joel in Jackson hits so different and I miss it sm I feel like I see a lot of pre-outbreak now.
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camp-counselor-life · 8 months
What does the future hold for GS?
So I've been thinking about what the future is going to look like in Girl Scouting. And, while I imagine this will be a gradual shift, it's already happening. So here are my predictions for the next 10, 20, 50 years, below the cut because it is loooooong:
This is in no particular order because tumblr isn't letting me reorder stuff:
More multilevel troops - we're really seeing this in my council, but in a lot of areas single grade troops are a thing of the past. I don't think I know any in my council right now. I think we'll also see more demand for multilevel badges and Journeys, especially for Cadette and older (yes we miss the IPs).
More demand for progression building badges - GSUSA prides itself in Girl Scouting's progression, which is seen in some places but not in others. For example, it's seen in Safety Activity Checkpoints, with Girl Scouts getting more and more options available, and in travel, where you're supposed to start with an indoor overnight, then a one night activity, etc. However, a lot of the badges do not have that sort of progression. Some, like robotics, sort of do (although often they're super similar to each other OR lack the background needed for older girls they assume already earned the DBJ version and remember it), but others that are in the same series have little to do with each other (looking at you, Science of Happiness going with Home Scientist) and don't really provide the opportunity to build skills the way the Try-its, badges, and IPs I grew up with did. I think there will be more of a demand for all level badge themes, such as horseback riding, paddling, and specific types of arts and crafts.
More diversity in programming - this means programming beyond badges, programming beyond Journeys. I think that we're starting to see this, and some may say that this is the duty of other youth-serving organizations, schools, or parents, but I think that demand will by far outpace this argument. There's already a huge push for more outdoor/camp, so I think that will continue as well.
More demand for accessible outdoor programming - this means two things. One, it means accessible to those with disabilities, from better inclusion of autistic youth to making facilities more physically accessible (this is a huge debate in camping as a whole rn). Two, it means that it needs to be accessible in other ways, such as financially accessible, locally accessible, and ease of use.
Better badge resources - right now, a lot of supplemental badge resources are developed by councils, so they're very hodge-podge. GSUSA has made some starts, but lacks a comprehensive plan for supporting badges, especially more technical or challenging badges, or older GS badges. The VTK is a start, but tbh it sucks in both content and functionality, so GSUSA will need to do some serious overhauls of their resources in order to make things usable.
No more Journeys - Sorry, I do not think that Journeys will last the test of time, especially with the way they're formatted now. Troop leaders hate them, because they are challenging in a lot of ways, so there's a huge demand for council to run them, and like, they are not meant for a one and done Journey in a Day format. There's also the Take Action Project, which I feel is not part of a proper progression with how they dump new Daisy leaders in with similar guidelines as Seniors.
More emphasis on non-troop leader volunteering - this varies a ton between councils, and my council is in the infancy of developing non-troop volunteering (which is actually my job lol). But I think that less and less people are looking for the kind of volunteering required to be a troop or service unit volunteer, so there will be a greater demand from volunteers for short term or low commitment volunteer positions. I see this especially coming from young alums, but honestly for anyone looking for an organization emphasizing female empowerment without devoting hours upon hours to its service.
More emphasis on short term troop volunteering - again, people don't have unlimited time and bandwidth for leading a troop year after year. Having a short term opportunity, especially for young alums, college students, and busy professionals, will be an important way to increase volunteers and have Girl Scouts continue.
More non-parent volunteers - I think that this goes with the whole "millennials" aren't having kids trend. Right now, non-parent volunteers are an outlier, and sometimes treated like they're weird or creepy for wanting to work with kids that aren't their own. Grandparents, aunts, cousins, sure. Young alums without kids are acceptable. But just random adults who want to help? What are your qualifications and who "hired" you? Developing pathways for non-parents to volunteer with GS is definitely needed.
More embracing of gender diversity in Girl Scouting - this does not mean I think they'll allow in boys, but I do think they'll need to at least adapt to nonbinary participants, volunteers, and staff, because troops are already doing it and GSUSA has not caught up. It puts councils in an odd position, because leaders are doing one thing, GSUSA has been putting off commenting on gender stuff since 2020, and councils are in the middle, making up their own guidelines.
What are your predictions?
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Today , I woke still unsure as to what happened.
I watch Port Adelaide (AFL) play horrendous football against a bottom struggling team for over 3 qaurters of football to the point it was embarrasing to watch even from the stands,(I think the kids behind was legit crying) they manged to turn up 3 quarters late and be 11 points down with 33 seconds to go. Somehow, they scored two goals in 30 seconds. Leading the game for the first time and escape with a 1 point win.
They were 41 points down and led for excatly 2 seconds of the game. That being the last 2 seconds of the game. I think I just witnessed a legit robbery. Hawthron should have headed straight to the police station to make a report.
Even the commentators calling a win for Hawthorn at 40 seconds left as it wasn't really possible to do 2 goals in 40 seconds
Instead of dropping into 10th position, Port sit in the top 4. Sometimes, there is no justice in football. Now, instead of talking about how badly they played and how worried we should be, we talk about how amazing the end was.
I dont think I have ever seen a team trailing by over a goal with less than 40 seconds of play win the game.
Rioli and DBJ can hold their heads up high. Especially Rioli. We may be lording DBJ for the match winner, but Rioli is the reason there was time for that. He knew he had no time to line up for goal and do his routine he just shot.
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thetriumphantpanda · 4 months
dbj Javi is soooooooo precious to me
omg no me too, I love him with all my heart and I'm glad you feel the same!
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