#darkside of the multiverse
darksidefuta · 6 months
@darkside-of-the-multiverse wanted a Pyrrha in their sinbox! (To Cinder)
Pyrrha wasn't going to let Cinder win without giving it her all, and despite having the Fall Maiden powers now. She was doing a good job making her work for whatever victory the villain hoped to achieve by ruining Beacon Academy. It took a bit of quick thinking and strategic experience, but she managed to get Cinder in a hold from behind, putting a firm grip around her neck. "I hope you're up for a different kind of pounding." She huffed. She used her free hand to slip between Cinder's legs, pulling down her shorts and underwear. Before doing the same with her own bottoms. Having an already erect cock from all the built up tension from the battle, and slipped it into Cinder's pussy to rail it into her.
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lilmcttens · 18 days
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hannah-the-red-head · 2 months
Multiverse of Madness Pt. 2
Billy: Oh, Damn.
Dadam: *covering Zerofuku's ears while glaring at Billy angrily*
Zerofuku: *covering Eri's ears*
Azrael: *horrified* William, there are children present!
Shoto: *indifferent while Mama Eve covers his ears*
Billy: Crap! F*ck! Sorry!
Buddha: DUDE!
Billy: I got it! Kids...
The Kids + Shoto:
Billy: Don't say f*ck.
Cain: *smacks Butcher upside the head*
Luffy: *laughing*
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kirakroussemeren · 6 months
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In her little darkness...
This is another lady of mine, but partially related to one character who, as it were, should already be completely dead... But, apparently, somehow this time he was able to avoid his death. Only now it lives in her head and she has his power (and every time because of this power she feels like that very flask with a deadly plague).
Call her Akriss, the "Copycat," the new "Avatar of Corruption," and the "Eye Lover." The lady in most cases behaves as if she wants to give a better opinion about herself. Or behaves in some cases arrogantly and sarcastically. Sometimes she stares at the interlocutor, looking into his eyes for a long time.
Akriss can only behave seriously and more coolly when the situation requires it. But sometimes she talks to herself when she's alone... Or maybe with someone who no one hears.
Being a ghost (who can manifest a physical appearance), unfortunately, she does not remember her past life - only the moment when she wakes up at a Trees of Death, and a new voice, in her head calling to wake up.
(And I'll have to redo it... To change something a little...)
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lumitycanon · 9 months
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zilla-bean · 2 months
Main Lore: Who is Dreadnought Kanemargyr?
Dreadnought Kanemargyr, also known as the Multiversal Warmonger, is a destructive tyrant, hellbent on conquering new worlds to suit his own empire.
Dreadnought was never like this however. In fact, he was a more peaceful entity, who was born into the royal Kanemargyr family. He was raised and cherished by his parents, and was popular not only because of his royal heritage, but also because of his extraordinary nature of creativity, modesty, and intellect.
How, it was only a matter of time before tragedy struck, as his home world would be decimated by an evil force, hellbent on conquer, tyranny, and war. It was in his young years when the invasion happened, and that day is his most hated, for on that day, he lost everything he cared about. His family, his friends, all of it. Gone.
With the young Kanemargyr traumatized by this happening, there came a new feeling. Rage. No. He wanted revenge. That was when he took matters into his own hands. He stormed into the conqueror's lair and killed him on the spot. With this, he took control over the conqueror's army, and he finally achieved vengeance.
...or did he?
Dreadnought had held onto hope that the Dream Warriors could help him and bring prosperity back to his fallen home. He had learn all about the Dream World and the Dream Warriors through his studies, and has met a few. His kin were even had good relations with them. Surely they would help regain his world... Yet they never came... No one came to help him in the time of need...
He kept a hold on hope that they would come, but it was clear to him that no one would come to his aid. With this came with a shift of persona: He was no longer the kind hearted person he once was. He was now a fallen soul; a tyrant.
With this shift, Dreadnought would learn about the mysticality of dark magic. He learned how to use this dark ability in a way that made him imposing. This was the moment when he gained so much dark magic and power, he essentially became an unstoppable force. And with this, his empire would grow, his power strengthening, and worlds trembling before his might.
However even with this power, he doesn't destroy; he conquers. He saw no purpose in mass destruction, so instead he intends to spread his fearful reign through his tyrannical rule, an act of revenge against the ones whom have failed to save him.
Dreadnought Kanemargyr is my favorite character I have ever made. I find his background story to be the best thing I've written for a character. I've really been fond of the villain archetypes that are essentially the way they are because of their past trauma. The villains you can sympathize with and understand why they are the way they are, but at the end of the day, they're still a menace to those who oppose them. He's just perfect in my eyes...
Also this guy took like so many redesigns for me actually come up with a canonical look-
"We often look to fairytales that inspire the generations to morph themselves into what they believe will be the path of solitude, of glory... Alas, they're blinded to the truth. Fairytales are just that; fairytales. Myths. They aspire to glory, only to witness ruin at the truth of fables and their lies..."
"No one was there for me... what makes you think anyone will be there for you?"
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norcumii · 1 year
(This was started the weekend after the finale, then my spoons ran away for awhile. -_-; Hopefully this is coherent anyways, even if late.)
I have been...struggling with this season of Dimension 20. As we’ve gone from episode to episode, I keep coming back to the issue of foundational rules – not in the sense of mechanics of world-building, but the thematic underpinnings and models. You’re telling a story about stories. We have these elements of horror and free-will; themes of consumption and corruption; cycles and multi-verses.
And I haven’t been able to tie it all together. My metaphorical wall-chart of photos and string has been an unending tangled mess (and my brain staunchly refuses to stop fixating on Aesop’s Mouse and Lion, aka the mascots of Disney and MGM so obviously that’s been a heel-turn of Capitalism waiting to happen >_>). After the finale I just sat there blinking for a bit, feeling like that certainly was a thing that had happened, but what did it all MEAN?????
There wasn’t anything that felt wrong with what happened, but there wasn’t any narrative logic I could grasp, no themes to tie things together other than “things are better now and what people chose for themselves” which is...nice, but vague enough to be unfulfilling. I couldn’t find anything to the Adventuring Party episode to help, so in growing frustrating I went browsing through the related tags on the tumbls.
This deceptively simple post broke me because it explained matters so well. It’s trauma. The whole season, all the horror and meta themes are about trauma. Suddenly all the oddly shaped puzzle pieces I couldn’t stop pawing at fit.
This is why the dark times began in the first place. People worried so much about trauma that they managed to traumatize themselves. Look how Sleeping Beauty’s vines literally smothered her in an attempt to protect her. All these population centers withdrew from each other, borders closed between the various kingdoms, and thus people pulled away from the potential for community support – everyone was left to struggle and fall on their own.
It wasn’t what I originally thought, some nebulous fear of fear itself inevitably leading to the darkside nonsense, but instead how we isolate ourselves into our little echo chambers – each person caught up in their story and their story alone. How we become mired in those events/trauma until one’s entire life is framed around That Horrible Thing What Happened At One Point In My Life.
Which in turn addresses the Authors – as a storyteller myself, I was mighty uncomfy with the presentation of the Authors as a unified bloc of uncaring eldritch horrors from beyond that only wanted the suffering of their playthings. I couldn’t figure if I was picking up on the wrong vibe, or if this was one of those learning moments where “if you’re uncomfy that might be ‘cause it hits too close to home and you need to sit with that for a bit to chew it over” or whatever. With the trauma context, it makes sense. On the one hand, the Authors are the external force: just like the characters, they’ve been corrupted by the fear of the Dark Times, and thus spreading that to their creations, which spread it back to them, etc. On the other they are very much an internal force: when we are traumatized, we tell ourselves stories to contextualize what happened. That can be done in a healthy way – this is one of the reasons we tell stories to begin with – or one can become mired in that narrative, telling and retelling it while fixating on the worst parts (that fear of the Dark Times thing again) until all that one sees is the worst iteration.
Which is why there was the multiverse aspect, and why each one could/did get worse. For that matter, it addresses the evolution of Pib’s minis, which baffled me when they were revealed. He begins as the dapper rogue, then becomes the hardened stray, then the scared little cat. Trauma wears at people, and oftentimes the immediate reaction is to withdraw, to be emotionally distant and appear tough – Rather like Zac’s choices on how Pib changed between incarnations. From there its so easy to get ground down further, into something so tired and hurting that it’s difficult to expect anything other than to be hurt further. Or look at Rosamund, increasingly isolated by her briars, which are choking her as they “lovingly” work to protect her from the big bad scary world – until she is puppeted by them.
Honestly, a lot of character choices make a lot more sense. Ylfa’s separation, how she believed that “the girl kept holding the wolf back.” The Stepmother’s everything, exemplifying that old saying about how “hurt people hurt people,” and a classic example of how easy it is to repeat generational trauma, especially when you don’t have a model for other ways to approach matters. The princesses’ utter nihilism, the exhausted desperation to just have the suffering stop. The fairies as the well-meaning but misguided faction endorsing placating the/a source of trauma to keep things from getting worse is all too familiar of those caught up in traumatic cycles but want to exercise some, any kind of autonomy. Meanwhile look at how Rapunzel grew able to lash out at literally everyone, and how she was utterly honest without ever needing to be truthful. How so many people just needed to rest in Mother Goose’s book, to get some reprieve from the relentless cycle of trauma (and how it helped them, and in return helped the party).
This explains the horrible Worst Case ending that was mentioned in the Adventuring Party: the Stepford Wives society of terrifying seeming-perfection crystallizing everyone into a semblance of how Everything Is Fine, Nothing Is Wrong, and no lessons are learned, no changes can be made, and the core is often rotting away unseen. All too often, society pressures us to pretend trauma didn’t happen, or that it wasn’t so bad. (How many times have you heard that PTSD is only for military folks, or those who survived massive natural disasters or whathaveyou?) The lesson we internalize is to pretend that all is peachy-keen, no problems whatsoever, and when that happens the trauma is never addressed. One can’t heal if all your energies are devoted to keeping up the facade of an idyllic existence. To be stuck in that cycle is indeed pretty apt for the worst end of a horror season.
Of course, this leads to the big question: what makes the players different? HOW did they manage to break the cycle? By literally crafting a new narrative – by allowing EVERYONE to make their own, new narrative, to shed the weight and burden of generational trauma. Some of them, like Pinocchio, had already internalized their own story – in his case, that meant taking up the terrifying responsibility of autonomy, taking up his own strings and destiny. Pinocchio learned and understood his story, stepping forward to not be ruled by his past experiences – like Gerard, choosing to leave his humanity and stop chasing the old goals that everyone said he should desire. Even though they both grieved the loss of that goal, and all the ramifications of leaving those hopes behind – even as it meant accepting the scars and changes it wrought upon them – it helped them and others in their stories break out of the cycle of trauma.
Stories are doorways to other places – sometimes a temporary haven in someplace better, where no matter how bad things get, there is a ‘happily’ at the end of it. Sometimes they’re models of how things could be horrible, and we can learn how others deal with grief/tragedy/horror – so we in turn can acquire those skills and life lessons. Vicarious experiences can help mitigate/understand trauma, and somehow, without me even noticing it, this season leaned wholeheartedly into it.
I think I need to rewatch it all through that lens, and tbh? I’m looking forward to it.
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belle-keys · 2 years
interesting. so indeed, cassie was on some actual darksided shit, i’ll give her that. like, we really weren’t crazy for thinking that a darker, more bittersweet version of chot existed on her hard drive at some point. but she didn’t or couldn’t drop the original ending, i assume, because covid depressed a whole generation? and it was just way too dark. i’m not that mad that this isn’t the ending, even though it’s the one i would have preferred on some level. it explains the incongruity between the pre-ChoG stories and the idyllic Epilogue we got. tbh, i’m actually deeply satisfied that an excruciatingly more morose and intimate ending almost existed, or still exists somewhere in the multiverse, but just didn't see daylight by virtue of how despairing… it would have been.
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starlightrunesgang · 16 days
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**Story of the evil alternate version of Rocio**
(This evil alternate version comes from an alternate multiverse of subtertale that is extremely far from the original multiverse).
(This alternate version of Rocio can create a multiversal portal to be able to travel to the original multiverse. When she travels to the original multiverse in the first time...she met Yumettytale Nightmare Sans and became his ally and stayed to live with him in his mansion along with the other allies. Now her only and new mission is to kill the original Rocío since she says that there should only be one Rocío in the original multiverse and it must be her).
She, being the daughter of Kamydley and a human, was conceived with the purpose of uniting the human and monster races again and bringing peace and hope to the surface of the original Subtertale. Kamydley sent her to the surface to fulfill this mission and stop the war that devastated both races.
Upon reaching the surface, she assumed human form and took the name of Rocio. She headed to the epicenter of the war hoping to fulfill her mission, but she encountered a group of humans who, for no apparent reason and with unbridled fury, attacked and killed her.
Despite her death, Rocío's determination allowed her to return to life as a human girl, stripped of her powers. Determined to stop the war, she attempted to fulfill her mission, but the same group of humans appeared again and attacked her. At that moment, her mother, Kamydley, in her human form, intervened to protect her. However, Kamydley received several attacks and collapsed to the ground.
Rocío, seeing her mother in that condition, rushed to heal her completely. Kamydley, grateful, told Rocío: "My daughter, you must fulfill your mission no matter the cost" and then retreated. Her mother's words were engraved deep in her mind.
Rocio, with a determination transformed by hatred, located the human group that had attacked her and approached them with a sinister smile. She told them: "So you thought I was dead... hahaha... what sadistic, pathetic, terrible, idiotic bastards you are. And another thing... I am actually the daughter of the Goddess who created you, the monsters, and the entire multiverse.
And that lady who appeared and protected me... is my mother in her human form. If it weren't for me, she would be DEAD now. But that doesn't matter now... what matters is that after I cured her, she told me that I must stop the war and bring peace back between both races at any cost. That stuck in the back of my mind and I thank my mother for those wise words.*
"After that...I have created my new mission:
Rocio's soul became corrupted and her determination turned into hatred.
Kamydxiel, Kamydley's sister, appeared before her and offered her to join the Desolate Badness Guys of Darkness as her new right-hand woman.
Rocio accepted the offer on the condition that they would not attack or kill the monsters or her mother. Kamydxiel accepted the condition and granted her a sword made of hatred and darkness.
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**A short biography of this evil alternate version of Rocio:**
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- **Human Name:** Rocio
- **Real Name:** ???
- **Real Age:** ???
- **Human Age:** 12 years old
- **Real Physical Appearance:** She is an ethereal figure of pure darkness, radiating a black and dark blue glow. Her hair is white with black highlights and her eyes are a dark pinkish blue. She wears a long dress in shades of dark pink and black, and is barefoot.
- **Human Physical Appearance:** She is a girl with fair skin, long white hair with a hint of dark pink, and dark pink-blue eyes. She wears a pearlescent black tutu with dark blue and dark pink details, and black ballet slippers with dark blue bows.
- **Personality:** Rocío is now a symbol of evil, corrupted determination, hatred, and wickedness. She has a strong sense of immorality and injustice towards humanity, while maintaining kindness and justice towards monsters and towards her mother (she still loves her mother with all her heart).
She has become sadistic, ruthless, and cruel only towards humans.
- **Abilities:** Corrupted determination, hatred, uses her new sword to attack, and maintains her original abilities.
- **Statistics:**
- **HP:** ∞ (in her real form), 1,900 (in her human form).
- **Attack:** ∞ (in his true form), 9,999 (in his human form).
- **Defense:** ∞ (in his true form), 1,900 (in his human form).
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
Choice 1. I was rereading the Injustice comics and came across the panels where Bruce and Barry were talking about Barry time traveling via the Speed Force and saving Lois to prevent the whole thing. So this is the basis of Injustice 3.
Barry's tired of the fighting and dying between the Regime and the Insurgancy and his war crimes keep haunting him. So Barry does what he swore he would never do. Goes back in time, save Lois, disassemble the bomb and stops the Joker.
Injustice 3 is the the fallout of Barry's choice to go back in time. As for what's caused this? Maybe an all out war between Brainiac and Darkseid, Black Adam vs Sinestro vs Wonder Woman vs Grodd vs Zod. But it would ideally end with Barry realising that he has to merge with the Speed Force for the good ending to stay in place, so he does and Wally takes up the Flash mantle.
Choice 2. The villains see that the world is vulnerable. The Regime is powerless without Superman, WW standing trial on Oa. No one can stop them.
So the Legion of Doom led by Vandal Savage seizes power. And this leads to the Legion causing chaos throughout the world and it forces Batman and Superman to team up and this eventually leads to a redemption for Clark because we're all tired of this grim dark edgy bullshit.
Choice 3. Continuing from the Absolute Justice ending, Superman escapes the Phantom Zone and with him is Zod, Ursa and Non and other Kryptonian criminals and all the other criminals Bruce locked away.
Choice 4. Superman is desperate. Everyone is either imprisoned/depowered or dead and Nekron gives him the choice and in Superman's ignorance he gives in and this results in Blackest Night. Everyone dead in the games or the comics comes back.
It's ideal for bringing back characters want in the game, that have been dead in the story. This way we can get Beast Boy and Nightwing back.
The Lantern Rings might work very well as a mechanic to give us playable variants, if every character comes with three different movesets depending on their Lantern Corps (a no Corps moveset is also possible as one of the three.)
This would also might give us Red Lantern Supergirl as a playable option.
Choice 5. Apokolips invades. Darkseid is the big bad. Joined by Steppenwolf, Granny Goodness, Desaad and Kalibak and the heroes and villains of earth must unite to stop Darkseid.
Choice 6. See my post here
Choice 7. Trigon will be the main villain, and it’s a chance to have many magic based characters such as Raven, Constantine, Zatanna, Brother Blood, Ragman, Circe, while keeping the likes of Doctor Fate, Enchantress, etc. I would love Constantine be one of the main characters in this storyline, where Trigon can try to destroy the world for its crimes against hell. Also a potential pre-order character in Lucifier.
Choice 8. The game is set after the events of Injustice 2's good ending with Batman training Supergirl and some new members of the Justice League with Mr. Terrific, but are interrupted when Mister Miracle and Big Barda comes from Apokolips saying that Darkside has been killed. On top of that, Booster Gold and Superboy come from the future warning them that the Anti-Monitor is destroying the multiverse. Now, the Justice League must band together with other heroes across the multiverse to stop the Anti-Monitor!
Choice 9. Basically pulling from MK1's card where the first half of the game we see what Bruce's absolute Justice brought the world and then Superman's universe invades and it's all out war between Batman and Superman
Choice 10. Damian frees Wonder Woman and she decides to stop playing nice. To make Wonder Woman more of a threat, she kills what's left of the Greek Pantheon and absorbs their powers. Her brand of justice will bring the mortals to heel, she will reunite the regime and end this insurgency once and for all.
This would end with Superman once and for all opening his eyes and having a chance to redeem himself. Batman and Superman team up to stop Wonder Woman once and for all.
It ends with Bruce retiring as Batman and becoming the president. The Justice League reforming being lead by Supergirl, Batgirl(Cassandra Cain) Donna Troy, Wally West, Green Lantern(Jessica Cruz) Green Arrow and Black Canary
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pastel-rights · 9 months
Do you have a story or just a moment, whether it's big or small, about your OCs that you haven't had the chance to share yet? Well, now's your time to do it! Go ahead and spill the beans!
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there's so much i could say here... too much... so instead, I will put it underneath the cut since I'm kind of just ping-ponging with no real destination /lh
Still here? Cool!
I often think about the role Florence "An-Lee" Mulligan plays in her own universe. Of course, with An, there's a lot of things I could say for her since, well, she's an OC I've been keeping to myself lmao
Her story is somewhat connected to Bianca and Yami, if you wanted a reference point for some reason??
An-Lee is part Russian part Austrilian! I just think saying that is neat, knowing where OCs' families are from and whatnot??? She also has a notable Russian accent when she speaks.
I think for one small thing, An-Lee's name is a play on the name "Anne-Marie", who, in context of the overworld, was an infamous ghost hunter and multiverse researcher from the past. Her life is filled with the unusual and the strange, and she's often seen as an outcast by her peers and those in her digitalized city.
An-Lee, much like her namesake, has taken up an interest in ghosts and ghost hunting, as well as the history of the world and the multiverse! She even has several notebooks each dedicated to places she's never even heard of! Some of these places include the Roundtrip, the Dynathus Clan, the Azure Sea, and a ton more. All these notebooks are filled to the brim with handwritten notes, hand-drawn maps and things of the like!
Alongside being named after an in-universe historical figure, An-Lee has divine roots in a way? In my universe, there's this in-game counterpart called "Darkside" and I have her battlesuit information here that gives a little insight into her in-universe powers/abilities. I won't include it all unless someone asks but... One of her Darkside Abilities (specifically, her evasion technique) is called Digital Reboot that lets her control electronics and teleport through digital surfaces, such as TVs and phones/tablets. Basically, she turns into a temporary spark of neon-green lightning when she dodges! This comes from a canonical ability An-Lee gains in her personal storyline, one which she gained after being electrocuted by supernatural lightning. Fun times.
As for one big thing... I guess An-Lee's presence in the Roundtrip and Azure Sea is her biggest lore drops? I want to keep more of the Azure Sea for when people ask about it, so I guess I can talk about the Roundtrip a little more! The Roundtrip, in the context of the in-universe lore, is a faction of outer-world humans who follow a god named "Yamato" who takes the appearance of an intergalactic train conductor. ( Although, there hasn't been an appearance of "Yamato" in a couple millennia, leading the Roundtrip followers to believe their god has reincarnated, and now takes the form of a little girl named "Starry", but it's important to note for outside eyes, aka you guys, that Starry and "Yamato" are not the same person. It would be more correct to say that Starry is a descendant of "Yamato"? ) However, the Roundtrip train lies on an infinite track that goes round and round for all eternity. Like a cycle!
Oh and the page but. no. we're not taking An-Lee and talking about the page I'm ignoring her fandom presence /lh
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darksidefuta · 9 months
“Defeated and Fucked” (for Wonder Woman) - @darkside-of-the-multiverse (Poison Ivy)
Poison Ivy was causing mayhem in Gotham City park as various plants were transformed and threatening parkgoers. Wonder Woman thankfully arrived at the scene before anyone was hurt, and after a few minutes of dealing with the plants. She managed to pin Ivy down, but instead of turning her in. She decided to indulge herself in some stress relief, and started to pound Ivy in the ass.
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demon64 · 9 months
Crossover ideas! League of Legends and Battle Chasers or League of Legends and Darksiders! Or a crossover of all three!
With the first idea, you could potentially write all the characters as already existing on Runeterra, or since multiple realms exist in both BC and LoL, you could use that. With the second idea, you could play with the multiple realms as well, have the Horsemen just stopping in at some places in Runeterra, whether intentionally or not. With the third idea, you could pretty much just go crazy with the multiple realms.
Battle Chasers is open to a lot of ideas, in much part due to the series not really having an ending, at least as far as I know. I got the Battle Chasers Anthology and Battle Chasers: Nightwar, and I think there were new issues within the past year or so, but I do not think there was any ending told. Even then, in theory it could potentially crossover with either, just got to figure out how to properly do just that.
Small tangent real quick, this having crossed my mind while typing this out: multiple realms does not always equate to multiverse. Almost think of the realms as like planets or solar systems, just with very different rules or ways, as one way to put it. Using Darksiders as an example, there's the Forge Lands, Earth, Heaven, and Hell. Each place exist very differently yet can be travelled to, just usually with magic that allows such feats.
For the League of Legends and Darksiders crossover, I can imagine that every now and then that after a mission, War and Strife could stop in at The Last Drop in Zaun. Or another idea I have had, Samael appears in Zaun for whatever reason, and Ekko attacks him because this huge demonic figure appears suddenly and after Rewinding to try getting a better attack in after Samael blocks the first attempt, Samael just comments on Ekko's time powers, calling him a novice in Chronomancy.
Imagine that the Battle Chasers maybe existed in Runeterra's past and Calibretto being found and fixed up by a more tech-savvy champion, and that he has pretty much outlived his friends. Or maybe where the BC characters come from and the Crescent Isles exist far away from the main territories that all the LoL Champions come from, giving reason as to why these characters have not really encountered each other.
If you got an idea you want to add, go right for it!
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mikazuki-juuichi · 2 years
Some spooky comics.
Read the following comic book anthologies:
- Archie Halloween Spectacular.
- Archie & Friends Thrills and Chills.
- Jinx: Grim fairy tales.
- Weirder mysteries.
From Archie comics; the first two all-ages, the latter rated Teen. Somewhat slim, but pretty fun, suitably spooky.
- Infinite Halloween.
- The multiverse who laughs.
From DC comics. Scary tales set in the DC Universe, often to its detriment —the first volume is 13 tales that feel like they would be much better without the superhero element (not to mention as a stand-alone). The second is possibly the apotheosis of fandom obsession with things they ultimately dislike —familiar DC stories, diving deep into decades of continuity, but all re-told as something of a gross-out contest.
- Tales from the darkside.
IDW adaptation of a failed tv revival from Joe Hill. As is typical of Hill a little too weird for Horror, yet firmly unwilling to let his tales be anything BUT horror, and thus too cynical for Fantasy.
- Creepshow.
Image revival of the famous anthology movies —much better, and the most successful anthology of this list, after the Archie ones —very much for adults in this case.
Fun little bunch for the end of the spooky season.
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sniggerwarning · 2 years
Tag 9 (not so 9 in my case) people you want to get to know better (cuz I'm fairly new to this site)
tagged by @thisfuckingdeadlife 🫶🫶
1. 3 ships: Solangelo from the HoO and ToA series( this is where my obsession for angsty emo black cat person meets their warm sunshiny golden retriever significant annoyance began😫. This was my first otp that led me to the darkside(aka fanfics)); Klaroline from TVD( I'm not going to explain 😭. They deserved better.); KimChay from KPTS( my current obsession that has me on chokehold. I'm not going into deets further!!! Gahh. PS. Love you all fanfic authors for fixing canon💋)
2. First ever ship: Percabeth (awakening of the fangirl in me. I'm never ever regretting it 💜)
3. Last Song: Anti-Hero by TS
4. Last Movie : Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness, when it came out in theatres with a couple of fellow Marvel freaks and I'm fairly living under the rock ever since🙃
5. Currently reading: The Secret of the Druids (Mahabharata Quest, book 2) by Christopher C Doyle - gripping and intricate storyline, if you are into mytho/ historical conspiracies and sniffing around Wattpad and ao3 for new ffs🤷🏻‍♀️
6. Currently watching: Vincenzo, hometown chacha, weightlifting fairy kimbok Joo( yep definitely going through my annual kdrama reruns)
7. Currently consuming: frothy cuppa coffee
8. Currently craving: inner peace and a big bowl of pasta
Tagging a few peeps who caught my attention on this site (no pressure ,only if y'all wanna 🫰): @micuko ,@domsaysstuff , @guzhu-furen , @spicyvampire , @la-fourmi
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lumitycanon · 9 months
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