#dark pictures anthology.tm
dzvagabond · 11 months
curator! what's your most treasured memory with vitae? (@spacestationstorybook)
My most treasured memory hmm?
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I would have to say it was when we were first reunited after spending so, so many years apart. They found me at my repository just as I had it set up for guests to come in and listen to my stories. I hadn’t realized how much I missed their presence near mine, and for the first time in a long time, I was happy again.
But I will give you this inkling of some plans I have: coming soon will be the absolute most treasured memory I will have with Vitae. I just hope it all goes well.
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dzvagabond · 11 months
Hey, Curator! Nice to meet ya, hope you don't mind me popping in from time to time!
Anyways-- Question 21, think quick! First things that comes to mind!
- 🎵 Vagabond Cookie [via @snailchans-imaginarium]
I do not mind at all, it is nice to make your acquaintance as well.
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Hmm... I would have to say my favorite thing about my partner is their eyes as cheesy and corny as that may be. Their eyes shift colors to a lovely stormy grey to the most vibrant of blues. To be self indulgent for a moment, I could stare into them for hours.
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dzvagabond · 11 months
good day Curator! could we get 18 + 22 for the ask game? -@victorianwizarddad
Good afternoon, @victorianwizarddad, the ask is most appreciated.
18. Have you ever met any of s/i’s friends or family yet? If so, thoughts on them? Are they nice?
There's only one family member of Vitae's that I have met, and that is their mother. She's a very kind, brash woman who's very protective of her child. And yet, she has been nothing but sweet to me when she visits from time to time. We have not heard from her in a while, but...
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22. Give me a song that reminds you of s/i!
There is one song that comes to mind whenever I think of my partner since they listen to it quite frequently: Middle of the Night by Elley Duhé. I do recommend giving it a listen.
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dzvagabond · 11 months
Vitae et Mortem: Implexis
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It was a gloomy day, perfect weather according to The Curator to enact his plans for his beloved Bookkeep.
<full fic under the cut>
[@valentinesparda here we go!!!]
He had been thinking about this since last November, but not sure if he wanted to go through with this; despite knowing the answer he would receive. He had taken the year to pick out the perfect ring, the perfect box for Vitae, the perfect moment to finally go through the motions. This is so frivolous, he thought as he walked the halls of the repository, thumbing the dark blue velvet box he had concealed behind his back, humans have such strange ways of showing affection. 
His thoughts were interrupted by the beautiful sound of strings of a violin being played. He chuckled, immediately recognizing the song as Humoresque Op. 101 No. 7 by Dvořák that the two would play together if no guests had arrived. It was perfect, but then again, what about his partner wasn’t perfect to him? 
The Curator walked into the library fiddling with the box, his eyes immediately went to his beloved who stood playing in front of the fireplace. Their body swaying to and fro with the music, eyes shut as always. He stood there, enjoying the music until it came to a graceful end. Vitae opened their eyes as they brought their violin and bow down, smiling brightly seeing the Curator before them.
“Enjoying your own personal concert, Mortem?”
He smiles, stepping forward, “As always Vitae.”
They shook their head, giving him another teasing grin before putting their instrument away. “Have any guests arrived yet?”
“No. In fact, I closed up the repository for a time so we can spend some quality time together. That is, if you do not mind.”
“I do not mind at all my love. Any sort of occasion?”
This was it, the perfect moment. He moves close, to be directly in front of them. The Curator nods, albeit a bit shakily, and goes down on one knee. He brings the box forward, a small gasp coming from Vitae; opening it to reveal a simple silver band embedded with a decently sized opal stone front and center. The Curator looks directly at the Bookkeep, a genuine smile plastered on his face. 
“I know we both find traditions frivolous and meaningless, but you mean so much to me Vitae that I could not help myself. We are already entwined by fate, the red string circles us more so unlike any other. So, my Bookkeep, my world, my Vitae… My love is yours, if you’re willing to take it.”
“Yes, you silly man, yes!”
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dzvagabond · 11 months
Good Afternoon all,
I have a bit of an announcement to make. On the 11th, tomorrow, myself and my significant other will be the only ones available for questions for reasons not yet foretold. So feel free to ask both Vitae and I any inquiries you may have. All of us are still available today, and we will go back to normal schedule after.
Until then,
~ The Curator
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dzvagabond · 11 months
Evening, Curator! ❗️🦇? @ghost--girlfriend
Good evening @ghost--girlfriend, thank you for the ask.
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❗️- Quick! Without thinking, tell me your favorite thing about your s/o!
I already said about Vitae’s eyes, so my second favorite thing is their musical ability. They play some of the most beautiful pieces from memory that, in all honesty, makes my heart flutter with joy. Vitae’s original pieces are also immaculate that I wish everyone could hear.
🦇 - Are you easily spooked? How does your s/o help you (or) how do you help your s/o in scary situations?
I am not easily frightened given the stories I curate and tell to our guests. “Spooky things” as you all call it, don’t get to me. However, there are a few things that frighten my beloved. One of them is thunderstorms. When we get a particularly bad one in our area, I will make sure that they are sitting with a blanket around their shoulders, right in front of the fireplace. And then I will proceed to make them tea. As long as they have a distraction, which is usually me reading to them, their fear will subside.
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dzvagabond · 11 months
Curator, if you had to pick a book that represents your s/o, which one would it be?
Thank you for the ask @askthelovenest, this is rather an intriguing question. There's a plethora of books that represent my lovely Vitae, and none truly fit 100%.
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I could be immensely predictable and say any one of the romance classics, Jane Eyre, any of the Jane Austen novels really.
One I can say is that Vitae is similar to The Secret History by Donna Tartt due to secrets we both keep from guests and the tense, dark stories we tell.
Or I could simply say they are a timeless classic, 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke since it is a story about life and the growth of humanity. After all, people do consider us to be life and death, Mortem et Vitae.
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dzvagabond · 11 months
💇 - How happy is S/I with their haircut? Would they prefer another? For Curator
Thank you for the ask, @pinky-in-blankets
Since Vitae cuts their own hair, or asks me from time to time, I would say my beloved bookkeep is happy with it. It’s a roughly shaggy short cut which looks marvelous with their curls. Sometimes they think about changing it to a… pixie cut I believe, due to Vitae getting frustrated with their curls from time to time.
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dzvagabond · 11 months
What is your love language? What is your s/os?
Hello @mandrakebrew, thank you for the ask!
The Curator's love language is definitely services and words of affirmations and praise. He loves making me tea, food, and playing the piano with me; alongside whispering sweet nothings to me.
Vitae's would most definitely be gift giving. They have blessed my desk with various origami animals with small love notes attached to them. They've also have given me several different trinkets over the years from their travels, one being my pocket watch.
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dzvagabond · 8 months
Vagabond's Valentine's Day Art Challenge Day 13/14:
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"Till Death do us part?"
"Till Life do us part as well my dear."
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dzvagabond · 10 months
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Here's the art I made for my special engagement event during f/ovember. I'm so proud of how this turned out ;A;
[insert (left) goes by they/them only!]
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dzvagabond · 11 months
[ AND 14 + 15 for the both of you from the other ask meme lol ]
14. What is the most creative date you both have ever been on? If you haven't had the chance to go on any dates yet, what's the most creative idea you can think of?
The most creative date we've both been on, hmm...
Oh, I can most definitely answer this one! Curator had gotten us a table at one of the most luxurious places in our area, and had them prepare small dishes that we both had enjoyed on previous dates years prior. It was the most thoughtful and definitely the most creative he's gotten with our dates~
15. Have any of your habits rubbed off on your s/o? For example, have they adopted some of your speech patterns into their daily conversations, or perhaps you have a habit of moving your hands a certain way that they unknowingly have started to mimic? Anything like that. Have they influenced you in a similar fashion?
Some of them have, yes. The way I speak definitely comes to mind that have rubbed off on them. Instead of using slang, or slang type words, Vitae has definitely taken a kin to being more precise with their diction. Or the way I pause at times when asking a question has rubbed off on them as well.
Now on the other hand, I have found myself gesturing more when I'm speaking without thinking about it. A habit that I know for a fact I've picked up from them without a doubt.
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dzvagabond · 11 months
Kiss From a Rose, The Run and Go & The Overpass ~ rebeccaselfships
Good Afternoon, @rebeccaselfships, thank you for the ask. We also apologize for the delay on answering this.
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3. Kiss From a Rose - do you like cold/snowy weather? how about S/I? have you ever done anything in the snow with S/I like building a snowman or making snow angels or anything else you thought would be fun? how did it end up going?
We both thoroughly enjoy the cold and snowy weather, it gives us both the excuse to finally use the fireplace to brighten up the repository. We did build a snow man once, albeit it being a bit on the... disformed side. We mostly enjoy taking walks when the weather is like that, merely observing the excitement others get from snow days. It is both entertaining and relaxing to say the least.
4. The Run and Go - how do you comfort S/I when they're feeling upset? and how would you say they comfort you?
We answered this one that you can find here!
9. The Overpass - do you keep any of S/I's shirts/sweaters/etc. around for when they're not with you? and, do you let S/I keep any of your clothes?
I do keep some ties, vests, and special cufflinks when they have to leave the repository for long periods of time. And no sense in lying about it, I do sometimes wear them from time to time as well.
Curator let's me keep his large overcoat since I do tend to get colder then him, ironic as that may be. I do steal his signature cufflinks often as well, much to his dismay.
I would like those back at some point when we have new guests.
No promises darling~
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dzvagabond · 11 months
[ the run and go + lonely hearts club for the both of you <3 ]
Hello Valentine! Thank you so much for your question!
We apologize for the delay, I am still arranging things. But Vitae insisted we answer questions first and foremost.
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4. The Run and Go - how do you comfort S/I when they're feeling upset? and how would you say they comfort you?
I bring them tea, one of their favorite books, and their favorite blanket, ushering them to sit in front of the fireplace. Either that, or simply slow dancing or curling up with them. Touch is the easiest way to comfort them while they're upset.
I comfort Mortem by playing his favorite pieces on my violin or sometimes the piano. He finds it to be very soothing, don't you my dear?
[*Chuckles*] Indeed I do, love.
7. Lonely Hearts Club - were you nervous at all when you realized your feelings for S/I? did you feel like they wouldn't like you back, or were you confident that they felt the same?
Not at all. It was as if it came naturally, despite me not knowing exactly what these feelings were at first. I had no doubt with the way they acted around me that they had the same feelings for me.
I mean we had been together for so long at that point, that as he said, it came naturally to us. I was a bit nervous that the feelings would dissipate after a while, but I was sorely mistaken.
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dzvagabond · 11 months
To the Curator: Fraise and chocolat?
Fraise : what hobby do you like to participate in the most ? Do you do it with s/i or is it your "alone time" ?
We both are very avid readers as you can imagine and we both like to find different series to delve into together. However, one hobby I like to participate in the most is playing piano. It's always a treat to play alongside Vitae.
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Chocolat : Give me 5 things you love the most about S/I !
[*Chuckles*] My, my, this is one popular question. As I've stated previously: since I have already answered, I don't mind tacking on a few more.
How cute Vitae can be when trying to convince me for us to get a cat together. (I keep telling them no, but it's getting harder and harder)
The feeling of them in my arms when we dance together to some record they decided to put on.
How soft their lips are against mine in the few, fluttering moments when we're alone away from guests.
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dzvagabond · 11 months
hello curator! could you answer chocolat and macaron?
~zale (@tidekissed)
Good evening, and thank you for the ask @tidekissed it's much appreciated.
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Macaron : Has S/I changed you in any way ? If yes, how ?
Yes, indeed they have. Vitae has given me a new perspective when I tell these stories to our guests. I'm not so harsh on them anymore and I tend to give more clues than I used to. I have a new found respect for people as well thanks to them. I wouldn't be doing this event if they hadn't changed me in some ways.
Chocolat: Give me 5 things you love the most about S/I !
I know I've already answered this question, but here's a few more.
Their laughter and how it brightens my day as it fills the library.
The love Vitae has for books and stories.
The knowledge they constantly hunger for.
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