#daniel gwe
theghostbunnie · 1 year
what's the worst camp camp fandom story you heard? or, what are some bad or wild ones?
You wanna see the longest lists of trigger warnings I've ever written? here we go
TW: ⚠️R*pe, S*lf H*rm, S*icide, Pregnancy, Violence, death, Gr*oming, Abuse, all mentions⚠️ hopefully I'm not forgetting anything
I was recently told a story about this person who was stuck in a ongoing roleplay(s) that just kept getting worse and worse. It involved Max, trans FTM teenager involved with Snake but he was abusive and they were constantly cheating on each other and Max had multiple children with him, Preston, had other partners even. Snake had children with Erin. Alot of it was Max facing alot of abuse and troubles, and physical bullying at school even while pregnant. There was always either a baby on the way or a newborn. David kicked Max out for being a teen parent, turned to alcoholism, Max was constantly going back to Snake, abandoning the kids. David being mad at Max despite doing the same thing. Gwen acted like David, accidentally crashed the car into a hospital with the main cast inside. Snake kidnapped a baby with no consequences. I was just appalled reading them telling me this.
Then there's like the typical "here's like 5 artists that got popular then called out for drawing werid shit of kids or doing werid shit to kids" heard a lot of those stories. Recently had to leave a server bc another one came out, jfc.
I don't have the attention span for fics but I've heard of some from other people that're like "Daniel 🍇 ing David but David is still in love with him," "Jasper 🍇ing David and Daniel comes and kills him and saves David" "Gwen abusing David and Daniel kills her and saves him" I group read a fic when Wattpad was getting streamed on a discord call and it mentioned Nikki Neil and Max all had cellphones and Max decided to run away bc his mom was kinda rude to him and made him do some chores and he's like "I can't take this anymore" and told his friends to runaway with him without actually telling them what they were doing and they weren't even missing for 24 hours and none of their parents called them but it hit the news and the news/even Max's father making a statement was like "yeah Max probably kidnapped those other kids" LIKE HE AIN'T TEN YEARS OLD AND MISSING HIMSELF 😭 the fic was probably written by someone very young along time ago so I don't wanna dig into it too hard but omg
Personal experiences I have are like, on Kik actually when I was first in this fandom my only exposure was basically a public chat on Kik and then later amino. Max fangirls had little to no boundaries with Max RPers and I had a problem saying no as a kid so it got me into some wacky adventures!!/neg
Like a problem we had in that GC was people coming in with their OCs and like the most openly triggering backstories ever speaking on them loudly and like making their OCs cut n stuff and a friend I had at the time literally blew a fuse and basically told them "you are RUINING my one safe space do you srsly have to bring that in the RP"
We had a Nerris RPer who would make her have full violent breakdowns and I don't even remember all the details but it got so bad and us being all young and stupid tried to handle it THROUGH RP IN CHARACTER TO AVOID DIRECT CONFLICT 😭 I remember Rping as Nerris' parents getting called to pick her up and take her back home bc she couldn't control herself. It made things worse.
This one person had an OC who was Daniel's and David's baby they found in a dumpster and throughout the course of that RP they kept ageing her up and she went from being a baby herself to being a teenage mom of two. I remember my friend rping as the social service worker who came and took her kids after I had Max call her in.
Same OC did the "storming off dramatically" thing and I tried to be nice and have Max follow her and they had her respond "turns around with a bow and arrow and shoots you directly in the eye and doesn't miss" and jasper and Gwen got their date interrupted to take Max to a hospital and recon that it ALMOST* got his eye bc he would've IMMEDIATELY DIED realistically.
On amino there was this one max fangirl RPer even my current friend now had a run-in with and at the time I had even heard stories about how she would go into group RPs and cause a stir.
Like wanting Max to date her and when he refused she killed herself and then started rping as her OCs brother and berating and harassing Max for "killing his sister"
She joined MY rp once and I panicked bc I always delt with things THROUGH my character or ignoring it. But this RP was a personality swap and Max was a really sweet kid and she always wanted to be right on his hip, trying to interact with him.
So I made him, (who was currently in the mess hall attic) fall through the ceiling and onto a table so I didn't have to talk to her OC
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andrewtheprophet · 1 year
The Rise Of Nuclear Horns In The Middle East: Daniel 7
The Rise Of Nuclear Power In The Middle East By Felicity Bradstock – Oct 05, 2023, 12:00 PM CDT The UAE, a pioneer in the Middle East’s nuclear sector, has signed agreements with China to expand its nuclear capacity. Saudi Arabia aims to have 17 GWe of nuclear capacity by 2040, seeking increased collaboration with the IAEA and potential partnerships with the U.S. While the Middle East has…
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the-floof-king · 3 years
GWE Pride Icons
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Yes, Siobhán (gray with green eyes) is canonically trans! <3 Every single one of these wolf identities is 100% canon!
Edit: I’m gonna replace the toothpaste flag ones with rainbow ones, just gimme a bit @-@
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astro-b-o-y-d · 7 years
if its not okay to ship dan/vid then it shouldn't be okay to ship je/ngw/en either because jen is also a cultist.
Okay so while I was answering this my computer decided to update. So my thoughts might be a little jumbled. But I’m assuming this was sent in response to that post I made about shipping Da////nv//id vs Gwen///vid//.
1) I didn’t say it wasn’t okay to ship Da////n//vid, I just said be critical of how you ship it and why you ship it as opposed to other ships. Being critical of the fact that you think a ship with two white guys is good and healthy (when, let’s be real, it’s not) while you’re willing to drag an ACTUAL healthy relationship between a man and woman (a woman of COLOR) under the bus should not be a radical statement.
2) The problem isn’t that Daniel’s a cultist, or that Jen’s a cultist. The problem is that no one is taking screencaps from the finale, editing David out, and putting Jen in his place like they’re doing with Gwen. No one is like ‘Awww, what if Jen was a mom figure to this kid or that kid??’ She does NOT get the same treatment in fandom as Daniel, there is NO comparison. ‘But she had eight seconds of screentime!’ Yeah, and? People have latched onto characters (especially WHITE characters) with little screentime and give them attention in the past.
3) We know next to nothing about Jen, and therefore, we have no idea if she would be as verbally abusive towards Gwen as Daniel was to David. But even if she was….Daniel’s the same damn way and people are willing to sweep that under the rug, so why can’t they do that with her? Oh, but Jen isn’t a pretty white boy, so her flaws are a lot more inexcusable, right? I mean, look at how badly Gwen was treated by the fandom when Gwen Gets A Job came out? Clearly making fun of a kid who put her through Hell ALL DAY means she’d be a worse parent than a fucking asshole who murders kids, right?
4) I hate to make generalizations, but from what I’ve heard, there’s a very select (probably very SMALL but they still exist) group of Dan//v///id shippers who are either willing to turn a blind eye to ships like Ma///x//vid (Max///v//id where Max is VERY whitewashed might I add) and Adult David/Kid Jasper or are willing to, god forbid, SHIP THEM. And yet for some reason, a f/f ship with women of color goes completely unnoticed by them. So the ‘they’re GAY and that’s why I like them!!!’ argument people like to use when confronted about why they hate Gwe//n//vid/// falls flat here when…it’s not that the ships are gay, it’s that the ships are only gay white (or whitewashed) males and they don’t want to admit that. Not that this isn’t a problem in….every fandom ever, but that’s another argument entirely.
5) Jen’s better than Daniel. This has nothing to do with anything, but…everyone’s better than Daniel, let’s not kid ourselves.
6) A lot of this boils down to how white characters are treated in ships and in fandom vs characters of color and, as (unfortunately) is the norm, it’s not great and needs to be addressed. Ship D///a//nv///id all you want (as long as you’re not shipping adults and kids, I have no beef with you), just keep an open mind and be critical as to WHY you do vs another ship involving people of color, ESPECIALLY women of color.
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mubahood360 · 4 years
GIWUNYE! Omusawo adduse oluvanyuma lw'okuzaalisa omukyala naafa n'omwana mu kiriniki, Poliisi ebiyingiddemu
GIWUNYE! Omusawo adduse oluvanyuma lw’okuzaalisa omukyala naafa n’omwana mu kiriniki, Poliisi ebiyingiddemu
Poliisi y’e Jinja eri mu kunoonya omusawo Dr. Daniel Kirunda ku misango gy’obulagajjavu, ekyaviriddeko omukyala n’omwana okufa.
Omukyala Leilah Nagambaki myaka 21 yafudde nga bakamulongoosa ssaako n’omwana gwe yabadde yakazaala, akawungeezi k’olunnaku Olwokutaano ku Kiriniki ya Nile crescent mu kibuga kye Jinja.
Omukyala yabadde asabiddwa emitwalo 50…
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the-floof-king · 3 years
Daniel: How much have you eaten today?
Luag, laying in a pile of bones: Now is not the time to talk about my personal flaws as a wolf.
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the-floof-king · 3 years
thems 🤍❤️🏳️‍🌈💙🤍
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the-floof-king · 3 years
You can hc Luag/Daniel/Eochaidh/Deirdre etc as trans I won’t stop ya :) idk if i wanna declare it official canon but you totally can if you want! just don’t hc Siobhán as cis and/or male because she’s not. <3
GWE is my creation and therefore I make the rules for it, not you. Hope this helps :)
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astro-b-o-y-d · 7 years
don't like the max/David ships either (or any grownup/kid ships), but danvid isn't the only adult ship. Ao3 esp has a lot of David/Gwen (gwenvid?). Or people could make ocs. don't get why daniel is the best we have to settle for when he's so toxic
That is a fair point. People could just make OCs, and Gwe//n//vi//d is also popular. And I do agree David should not settle for garbage, and the circumstances of me shipping them need to be super specific.
But until season 2 happened, there weren’t a lot of adults in the show as a whole. And people got so damn bad with the gross child nsfw stuff and shipping adults and kids. It was really out of hand, to the point where even the creators expressed their discomfort for it. A decent chunk of the Ao3 was D//av//id/Ma//x. More than DavidGwen, if I recall correctly. It was bad.
But then along came Daniel (and Jen, too). They’re garbage, but they’re also adults. And while it’s only been a few weeks since they’ve shown up, there’s been so much LESS of all of that. Now, how people feel about the ship, and whether or not you what to ship it or find it uncomfortable, is all up to who you talk to. And people definitely shouldn’t ignore the fact that yes, those adult ships can be unhealthy and toxic and not for everyone. That’s understandable.
But they’re still TWO ADULTS. And as an adult who had to deal with all that gross adult/kid shipping all last summer and still has a kneejerk uncomfortable reaction to almost EVERY image of David and Max together, it’s a welcomed change of pace. 
You don’t have to like the ships at all and people really do need to respect the boundaries of those who are uncomfortable with them. But I’m just glad that an adult ship is grabbing the fandom’s attention instead of a disgusting pedophilia ship.
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