#dan lewis is a good
grogumaximus · 10 months
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nightmanatee · 1 year
ok now the only thing i'm waiting for is for (probably) nina to get to talk to crowley (i doubt it's gonna be aziraphale) about his feelings towards the angel. his true feelings. we all know it's not something they both haven't thought of but i do think that they might need a tiny push forward and a lesbian shop owner might be it for them.
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cryptidvoidwritings · 9 months
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thefiresofpompeii · 7 months
you don’t look anything like four bears 😭😭
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noddytheornithopod · 10 months
the companions being taken out of sync of earth's time preventing the giggle from activating in them means evil dan never became canon :'(
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justahumblememefarmer · 9 months
Ultimate Doctor Who Poll Round 2 - Matchup 7
Episode Summaries under the cut
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38: A Good Man Goes to War - Season 6, Episode 7: After Amy is kidnapped in order to steal her baby, the Doctor cashes in many favors to go after her. They are able to take back the base, discovering that because the baby was conceived in the Time Vortex, it has some Time Lord genetic material. While Amy is rescued, the baby they saved was actually a duplicate and is still with the kidnappers, who intend to use the child as a weapon to destroy the Doctor. After the fighting, River Song appears and reveals to the Doctor, Amy and Rory that she is the Ponds daughter Melody, all grown up.
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91: The Halloween Apocalypse - Season 13, Episode 1: The Doctor and Yaz head to Earth after receiving a warning that it is facing it's final hours from an alien they are tracking. The alien arrives on Earth and kidnaps a man, Dan Lewis, from his home. The TARDIS lands shortly afterwards and they investigate his disappearance. They board his ship and rescue Dan, but the alien, Karvanista, reveals that his race, the Lupari, have been summoned to Earth to protect it from an incoming disaster, and that each Lupari is assigned a specific human to save.
Elsewhere several things occur. In 1820 Liverpool where Joseph Williamson is building underground tunnels. A woman is taken by a Weeping Angel. Two Sontarans speak about their mission. At a space observation post an officer sees a vast planet-destroying force spread across the universe. An old enemy of the Doctor from before her memories were stolen escapes his prison and awakens his partner.
The giant force, the Flux, approaches Earth, which the Lupari ships build a shield around. The Doctor tries to use the TARDIS to stop it, but the Flux overwhelms it and rushes inside.
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monte-charlo · 2 years
F1mblr I am begging you to realise not every teammate rivalry is brocedes. I dont even mean this in a “noone will ever have what they had” way just in a “it took a very specific set of circumstances that are not easily repeated” kind of way
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princemick · 1 year
"i love you, mick!" 😭😭 he's just like us fr
first off, hes adorable, secondly.
I thought this was gonna be about mick, like mick schumi and now I can't stop thinking about wag danny who is here to support his professional surfer boyfriend, wearing mick's branded sweatshirt which is far to big bc mick is much broader just cheering him on from the sidelines 'I'm just here to look pretty' he says as mick suggests teaching him how to surf for the 20th time that month.
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kitausuret · 2 years
Oh you want to do one for DAVE? If you're still talking asks i can. I can do that. How about 72, 29 and 8?
yessssss i ALWAYS want to do asks about the super sexy ot4, who doesn't love D.A.V.E! losers that's who
8. Who's most likely to cry about a plant dying? Dan: I don't know if he would cry, but he would probably get very upset because you know he's made a valiant effort to keep that thing alive. He's been looking up online guides on how to care for whatever type of plant it is and has NO idea how this has happened. Anne: Was probably the one who overwatered it. Venom: Probably tried to feed it something that is not plant food. Eddie: Probably knocked it over, an action which was followed by copious amounts of cursing, and then tried to fix it, hoped it was fine, swore Venom to silence, and then eventually fessed up to Dan.
29. Who's the designated driver? They probably take turns! Dan is really a lightweight so he usually doesn't drink much outside of the home, Anne is pretty particular about her drinks but obviously she knows better than to try and drive even tipsy, and Eddie (& Venom) are making a concerted effort to uhhh not drink as much. I feel like Eddie probably offers to DD as a way to save Venom from the unpleasant experience of being drunk, though. It can't be great for their symbiosis.
72. Who'll be caught saying "rules are made to be broken"? Honestly, depending on the situation, I think any of them. With her background in law, I feel like Anne really would know how to bend and interpret... certain things. Eddie of course, as Venom, is like. Literally a vigilante. But that's not really in the spirit of the phrase, because he knows there are rules and that he is breaking them, but also knows that sometimes the rules are wrong. This probably leads to a lot of arguments with Venom, who barely even abides by the rules of like, physics. Dan is the one who says it the least, but he also knows the value of being able to make an important judgment call. He follows his Hippocratic Oath above all else, I would think.
Ask me questions about my ships!
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13andherbluebox · 2 years
Dan Lewis and his Importance
I wanted to write a post of my feelings about Dan as a character, his exit and his importance to Thirteens arc. THIS IS VERY LONG. I AM SORRY. I wrote this in one sitting so I apologize about any mistakes or if I fail to explain properly how I feel. I have so much to say about this era and this in general but don’t want to make this even longer than it is.
  Dan has always been more of Yazs companion than Thirteens, but he also joined the TARDIS team at one of Thirteens rockiest moments and honestly not with much choice. Thirteen in Flux didn’t care (for the most part) about her ‘Doctor happy go lucky mask’ facade she normally would do anything to wear in some of S11, but especially in S12 and onward. After everything with the Master in Spyfall, slowly learning that there are things she doesn’t know about her own life/self, meeting Fugitive Doctor... and after that it really was a downward spiral for her.   When Dan first meets the Doctor he sees Thirteen in a state that Thirteen doesn’t want anyone to ever see her in, especially her companions, because of the fear she has. Fear they would leave her and not want to travel with her anymore if they ever saw her acting that way aka her war criminal genocidal teeth baring unhinged feral behavior. It’s why she tried so hard especially in S12 to always put up her facade, and why she got even more closed off and put up walls between her and team TARDIS from that point on. Yes she has dark elements to her, shadows that even she wishes to never see but that isn’t ALL her and it’s not the full truth of who she is. She is also genuinely a happy, loving, caring, compassionate being with so much love to give and so much wonder in her eyes, so much adventure in her smile. Wanting to experience new things and learn. Wanting to make friends anywhere and everywhere she goes. But she also doesn’t want to hurt anyone again, especially after all she suffered through and lost as Twelve. (I could get into how Twelves arc to Thirteens arc is incredible and beautiful and amazing and tragic  but... not on this post...). She doesn’t want to hurt again.   When Thirteen first meets Yaz, Ryan and Graham she shows so much compassion towards them when they first meet, so much empathy. She craves people, friends to be around. I think the more people the better for her tbh. But she also wants to leave them before getting attached. Before they are with her and get into harms way, before anything bad happens. Before she has people she cares about ripped away from her again. Before it’s her fault. But it’s funny, because she already got attached to them before she actively tried to leave. In the Ghost Monument she is so upset at herself when she thinks she has stranded these new friends on a planet with no way out, killing them. After PROMISING she would get them all home safely. She really believes she failed them in that moment and it really got to her. I think it really sparks her wish and goal of keeping everyone safe and making sure they get home ok, in the right year/time. No matter what happens, that becomes her goal for them for as long as they travel with her. She does everything to get them home safely in TTC. That is something she feels she needs to do.   Now back to Dan. Like I said Dan meets her when she is really going through it. Not worrying about her facade or mask, if it slips she doesn’t work to instantly pick it back up like normal. He sees her like this, in a way Thirteen doesn’t want anyone to see her and guess what. Dan proves her fear wrong. He sees these shadows and the darkness, these unsavory moments she has and yet, he still wants to travel with Yaz and her after Flux. He sees her for who she is in full, not JUST the bad. Again he is Yazs friend first, then the Doctors companion/friend. But he still grows to care about Thirteen, I believe he grows to respect her, and they have this really nice dynamic between them that gets built when he is there. A friendship that I really enjoy. A friendship where Dan isn’t afraid to confront Thirteen if needed aka in EOTD about Yazs feelings for her. A friendship where even after he did that, Thirteen reaffirmed her care for him in LOTSD aka ‘Hey that’s Dan! Don’t diss Dan, Dans my mate.’   Now let’s talk about the beginning of TPOTD. On the adventure on the train, Dans helmet gets shot through and breaks. He could have died. And he realizes that. Like, REALLY realizes that. They have been in harms way before, this has probably become the absolute norm for them (mostly Thirteen and Yaz). But now he has a date with Di to look forward to. He is thinking about his tethers to Earth and his life again. I saw some people say that Thirteen and Yaz weren’t even worried about him when this happened and that was something that made him make his choice and I just don’t think that’s true. They care for him, BUT this life like I said, has become their normal. I think they are so desensitized to these things for the most part that it just happens, and they move on. On to the next dangerous adventure. A close call, but everyone is fine. For Dan, this isn’t really the life he wants. He enjoys it but it isn’t the same for him, and that moment makes him really reflect on that. He has always been selfless and caring for everyone around him more than himself (literally just go back to his scenes in 13x1), and he has always cared about Earth and his life and family. But it’s because he has been with Yaz and Thirteen that he has grown to value his OWN life and needs, putting himself first. Thinking about his life, FIRST. He has loved travelling, exploring and living this life but through that, he learned what he ultimately wants.
‘I don’t want to push my luck any further. I mean, all of this. All this is amazing. And I’ve had the most incredible time. But it’s not my life. My life’s far from perfect but I need to get back to it. I need to attack it. And I can do that now, because I’ve been with you.’
  Being with Yaz and the Doctor let him be able to take control of his life, his worth. It made him want to fight for it, for himself. Thirteen understands his choice and I think at the end of the day for companions choosing to leave on their own is good (going back to the ‘have to get everyone back home and safe’ thing), even if it hurts her. And it DOES hurt her. She hates goodbyes, as the series goes on they get worse for her, and I think the biggest reason is because even when Dan tells her ‘I can do that now, because I’ve been with you’, she still feels like its her fault. She views it as her failing somehow. I don’t even think she knows why or what is her fault about it, but that is just how she takes it. He is leaving because being with Yaz and Thirteen was such a positive experience. It also happens when Ryan and Graham leave, too. They tell her that they grew and learned and were able to become a family and grow this bond between them BECAUSE they were with her. Ryan learned what he wanted to do with his life on Earth because of being with Thirteen. Graham wanted to be with Ryan because of the bond that grew between them from the time with Thirteen. But she still takes it as a blow even if she does understand what they mean.   Something I really love about Thirteens era is the companion relationships. They don’t completely revolve or orbit around her like past eras which isn’t bad at least to me, I feel I should say lol. They grow and learn BECAUSE of their time with Thirteen, and because of that time with her they are able to find out what they want their purpose in life to be. What they want to do, what they want to fight for. Earth is their home and through travelling with Thirteen they end up discovering the ways they want to love and fight for their home, the connections they have and the people they care about. They are able to make the choice to leave Thirteen, because of all the good being with her has done for them.
  To me, companions who get the choice to leave or they choose to leave is a good exit for me. It’s on their terms, their choice, their want. And it’s always been because of a positive experience in Thirteens era, and I find that so special. I love this show and the tragedy of so many companion exits, I love crying my eyes out every time thinking about them or rewatching past episodes, but it feels so good when companions get the choice to leave on their own terms. So, thank you Dan Lewis for being an awesome companion, and an awesome friend I truly believe Thirteen needed during her time.
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utvarpcity · 2 years
checo home race podium 😌
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thef1diary · 1 year
All Eyes On Her | D. Ricciardo
Summary: Keeping the secret that you're dating Daniel becomes a lot harder when the other drivers have their eye on you when you wear a dress considering they haven't seen you out of team wear.
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Warnings: 18+, jealous Danny, reader is a tease, Lewis attempting to flirting with reader, kind of jealous sex?, Dan is completely in love with the reader, orgasm denial (for reader), oral (m receiving), fingering, filthy words.
pairing: daniel x fem!driver!reader (established relationship), lewis x teammate!reader
word count: 3.5k
The FIA is hosting a black tie event, and since you're a driver, it is mandatory that you attend. If it weren't, you'd be downing shots in a club with your boyfriend.
Speaking of, you received a message from the man himself. He sent you a selfie with a cheesy smile that you fell in love with. You wished that you two could be in the same hotel room. It was brutal that you two would travel together because of your career but could barely spend time actually being together.
Well, if you wanted to, you could. And that has been brought up in your conversations a lot. But the thing is, you're the only female driver on the grid, and fraternizing with a fellow driver wouldn't look good for your image. Those weren't your words, it was drilled into your mind by your PR manager about a million times whenever they saw you 'too close' with another driver.
So, you and Daniel decided that it would be better if you two kept your relationship a secret. Although he understood why, he wished that he didn't have to. He wanted to enter the paddock with you-side by side-being able to proudly say that you're his girlfriend.
It's been like that for six months now.
You responded to his selfie with one of your own. A big smile you only had when you were around him. You ensured that you didn't reveal your outfit for tonight as you wanted to see his reaction in person. But you knew what he was wearing; a dark green suit with a white collared shirt. He even left the top few buttons undone, already knowing that he was planning to tease you tonight.
But you had your own plan.
You checked your appearance in the mirror one last time before heading out. Coincidentally, you ended up matching with Daniel. Recently, you bought a few dresses and told Daniel all about it, and you are almost certain that he bought a suit to match the dress, even though he didn't know you would wear it today.
You layered two necklaces together, one longer so it follows the deep neckline of your dress. The longer necklace actually had the letter D on it—an initial necklace. It was very obvious who bought it for you. The only reason you wore it was because if anyone saw it, you'd know that they were probably looking where they weren't supposed to. And maybe, tonight you didn't mind playing with fire.
When you entered the banquet hall, you were amazed by all the decorations. It was evident that they went all out to host a party that you didn't even know what it was about. Seemed to be like a gathering to attract the right people for the upcoming season. After all, the more popularity and money, the better. You almost rolled your eyes at the thought.
You looked around and locked eyes with your lover, who was standing beside Lewis telling him something that you were sure he wasn't even paying attention to. You waved at him with a cheeky smile on your face.
You decided to make him wait a bit, after all he was busy. Walking up to your team principal, you commented "looking good Toto," rarely seeing him in a proper suit.
"Who are you?" He asked, barely containing his smile as you faked offence. "Your favourite driver."
"You look different, surely you cannot be who you say you are." He continued on with the act which made Susie smack his arm. "Ha ha, very funny Toto" you playfully rolled your eyes.
"What he means to say is that you look stunning." Susie added and Toto nodded with her words. You thanked her and continued talking, mainly about the upcoming season.
Meanwhile, Daniel was still watching you. Lewis nudged him, gaining his attention. "What'd you say?"
He chuckled, looking towards you as well. "Who's that?" Lewis asked as the pair couldn't see your face, only your back.
Before he could answer, a few other guys joined them. Pierre, Charles, and Lando were now conversing with Lewis but Daniel's sight couldn't move away from you.
Once again, lost in his own world, the others were now silent, just watching him watch the back of a apparently mysterious lady. "He hasn't taken his eyes off her ever since she arrived I think" Lewis told the guys. Pierre nudged Daniel, making him look at the Frenchman with a glare. No one can let him enjoy his view in peace.
"Do you even know who that is?" Pierre asked. "She's with Toto, so I'm assuming that Lewis would know?" Charles looked towards the English man who shrugged. "I don't know man, but I'm sure I'll get to know her tonight." He smirked, already thinking of ways to approach you.
"Already calling dibs on her huh?" Daniel asked, clenching his jaw as he heard them talk about you. "Well, I'm sure you can't. Didn't you say you have a girlfriend?"
"Yeah I do. But let me ask you this, what makes you think she isn't taken?" He retorted.
"Only one way to find out" Lewis stated, setting his drink down and making his way towards you.
"peut-elle regarder ici?" [can she look here?] Pierre said out loud, making Charles shake his head, "Wait til Lewis talks to her"
"Out of all the people, why Max?" Lando commented as he noticed that you moved away from Toto and Susie and now conversing with Max. "What's wrong with that?" Daniel asked.
"Max is just Max, and he’s in a relationship so why is he even with her?" He shrugged. They all saw Max laughed loudly at something you said, and the way you placed your hand on his arm in response.
"Do you think if Lewis gets her number, he'll share it?" Charles asked which earned him a smack on his head from Pierre. "Not with you." His friend replied.
Daniel was definitely getting irritated by the words he was hearing about you—his girlfriend.
Meanwhile, you were conversing with Max until you heard your teammates voice, "hello, beautiful."
You turned around to face him and noticed how his eyes turned wide while you had a confused expression on your face. "Lewis, hi"
All the guys were intently watching as Lewis said something to make you turn around. As soon as you did, Pierre coughed loudly as he choked on his drink, Lando laughed, and Charles was stunned into silence. All while Daniel had a smug smile on his face, because he was the only one that knew it was you.
"Oh wow" Lewis muttered along with your name. By now, Max excused himself and made his way over to Daniel and the group. "She looks..." Charles began, "beautiful" Pierre finished the sentence and they nodded in agreement.
"Lewis?" You waved your hand in front of him and snapped him out of his thoughts when he didn't respond to your question. "Sorry, what?"
"What happened, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm gonna be honest and say that I thought you were someone else." He told you which made you smile, "mhm, I got that a few times tonight."
"Maybe the FIA needs to host more events, can't believe you walk around in Mercedes gear all the time." He stepped closer and told you, trying hard to maintain eye contact.
You slightly tilted you head at him and peeked at the men looking at you two behind him, mainly looking at Daniel who made direct eye contact with you. "Well I wouldn't want to walk in a dress and heels in the paddock now would I?"
"True, but I definitely wouldn't mind seeing that."
You raised your eyebrows, "are you flirting with me?"
"Is it working?" He instantly responded but you saw how he cringed a bit at that question. You shook your head with a smile on your face, "Lewis, I think I should make it clear, I'm in a relationship. So no, it's not working"
Realization was evident on his face, and he began apologizing. "I guess he was right then" he muttered but you heard him, "who?"
"Daniel. He asked how can I be so sure that you're not taken."
You looked in Daniel's direction at his mention but he wasn't there, the other guys still looking at you with Max included now. Strange, you didn't know where he went.
"Hey, I'll still give you credit for trying" you laughed. "Totally didn't make it awkward, you're not going to push me off the track in the next race, are you?" He joked, and just like that, the topic of conversation changed.
"For that question, maybe I will."
Once you ended your conversation with Lewis, he returned to the group—who were all smiling at him for his failed efforts. "Not a word. Not a single word" he instantly said before anyone could make a comment.
"What did she say?" Lando completely ignored Lewis' instructions and asked a question. "She's taken." He simply replied making all the boys eye's widen, "you still asked her out? Come on, she's your teammate"
"So what? She's stunning, and I'd be an idiot not to realize that."
"Guess you are then, you never asked her out until she dressed up." Pierre told him, who earned a glare in response. "Forget it, she has a boyfriend anyways."
"Not surprised at all"
Lewis internally groaned, wondering how he was left to converse with the younger generation. He looked around for someone near his age—well if you could call it that. Daniel had seemingly disappeared in thin air.
All the guys knew you were attractive, but no one really wanted to act on it as much because they saw you as just a driver than a woman—which you weren't entirely sure if you liked that or not. But now, seeing you all dolled up in a beautiful dress made them think otherwise. But, it sucked knowing that they won't have a chance because you're taken. By who, they didn't know.
You were tired of the smile you had to keep up for various conversations that sometimes felt like an interview. It didn't help that you couldn't see the man you initially came here for.
You held your phone in your hand while also entertaining a glass of water in the other. Even though it was an open bar, you knew that you couldn't get drunk here. It was merely just a test.
You tapped on Daniel's contact which was just the letter D with a heart. Hovering your finger over the call button, contemplating whether or not you should call him.
Before you could, you felt an arm slip around your waist and a kiss was pressed to the side of your forehead. You already knew it was him, because no one else would dare to do that. You didn't like physical affection unless it was from him—mainly because it was his love language and you had to quickly adapt to it, not complaining at all though.
"Where were you?" You asked as you looked up at him. "Out, for a breather."
You frowned, "are you okay?" confused because you knew he liked parties. He nodded, and diverted your attention to the way he was completely checking you out. He smiled once he saw the pendant adorning his initial. "Bold choice" he commented before dragging his finger on the skin underneath the chain as he picked it up.
"Daniel." You warned, wanting to smack his hand away but loved the butterflies it was giving you—both in your stomach and even lower.
He looked up at you with an intense look in his eyes, "yes?"
"Don't do that. We're in public"
"You know, you look amazing tonight." he said, quieter so no one around you could hear. You stepped closer, whispering in his ear, "and if you behave tonight, you'll be the one taking this dress off."
"Darling, the things I want to do to you does not include any behaving." He dropped the chain and held your chin with his thumb and pointer finger.
"You don't know how bad I want to kiss you, to smear that lipstick."
Subconsciously, you leaned into him before you could contain yourself. But you were still confused why he was acting like this. "I hate to ruin this, but again, we're in public. You can't do any of that."
He sighed, stepping away from you. You decided to leave him with a thought, "for the record, I can't wait to be down on my knees for you too."
Daniel tried to reach out for you but you were just out of his grasp, walking away. His thoughts were now invaded by the image of you still in your dress on your knees with smeared makeup due to your tears, and spit drooling from your mouth as you sucked him off. "Fucking hell" he muttered to himself as he watched you mingle with others with a smirk on your face because you knew what you just did to him.
Sadly, since you were the only female driver on the grid, you mainly hung around with the guys. So, you were now with the group that watched you before.
However it didn't last long when Daniel joined you as well. He didn't say anything except "sorry, need this one for a moment", held your hand and took you away from the group.
He didn't stop walking until you exited the banquet hall into the main hall, taking you towards an empty hallway. He pushed you up against a wall and caged you in between his arms.
"What do you think you're doing?" You asked him, knowing well that you riled him up. He didn't answer you, instead he placed his lips on yours.
All thoughts left your mind as your hand tangled itself in his curls. He dropped one hand from the wall and lifted your leg, wrapping it around his waist then resting it on your thigh.
He parted away from you for a moment to breathe before trailing kisses down your throat and the exposed skin even below it. The lower he went, the harder it was to contain your moans. Once he played with the chain using his mouth, and began placing filthy wet kisses, you couldn't contain your moans any further.
He didn't stop or look up, but his hand came up to cover your mouth as he continued his ministrations on your neck. Once he was satisfied with the rare marks he made on your skin that would only get darker with time, he faced you with a smile on his face.
"You know everyone is going to see those right?"
"I know"
You pushed him away, "idiot. We're supposed to keep this a secret."
"But do you really want to?" He asked, holding your hand, placing a light kiss on the back.
"You know I don't."
"Then don't."
He was stepping closer again but you placed your palms against his shoulders, stopping him. "Why now?"
"No reason"
You were quiet for a moment, thinking about what could possibly tick him off like this. Then you smirked when you realized. "You're jealous"
"No I'm not" he responded, way to quick.
"So you don't mind if I go back to continue the conversation with Lewis?" You began to move away from him but he held you back. You chuckled at his reaction, you weren't actually going to go anywhere.
He was all you needed, wanted.
Once again, he held your hand and led you somewhere. You shook your head when you entered the bathroom. "That impatient huh?"
"Less talking, more action, baby"
This time, you initiated a kiss. One hand finding its familiar place in his hair while the other unbuttoned his shirt. "Who's impatient now?"
"Shut up"
You two didn't bother completely removing either of your clothes. His shirt was just unbuttoned and his hands wandered under your dress and pulled down your panties. In between your kisses, one of your legs were wrapped around his waist like earlier but this time, his fingers were teasing your entrance.
In the midst of the sweet kisses, you didn't realize when his fingers were probing your hole, swiftly entering two fingers. He groaned, commenting on how wet you were for him.
You trailed your hand down his chest, and palmed his cock through his pants. Using one hand to unbutton his pants, the very ones belonging to your new favourite suit of his.
Fortunately, the stalls were empty, but the risk of anyone possibly walking in was exciting as much as it was scary.
His fingers were now pumping in and out of you at a brutal pace, tipping you closer to the edge. "Right fucking there baby, please don't stop" you begged, but obviously, it's Daniel, he wouldn't listen.
His fingers stilled inside you as soon as you got those words out, "I think you said something about being on your knees for me earlier"
You rolled your eyes at him, "asshole"
"Keep that up and you won't be getting an orgasm any time soon" he slapped the inside of your thigh before unwrapped it from his waist.
"I don't need you for that. I can do that myself too"
Daniel raised an eyebrow at your words, "yeah, can you?" You nodded, but he didn't like that answer. He brought his wet fingers to your lips, which you greedily sucked on.
"Not better than me. Now get down on your fucking knees" he instructed after pulling his fingers out of your mouth. You didn't instantly obey, instead, you placed your hands on his face and brought him in for a filthy kiss. "I love it when you talk to me like that"
Bringing yourself down on your knees, not caring for the dress you are wearing, you watched as he brought his pants and boxers down to his knees.
You licked your hand before placing it on his cock, then brought your mouth down on him as well. You could feel his hand on your head, tangling in your hair as he guided you—even though you knew well enough what he liked and disliked.
You already knew that you'd be getting an orgasm later tonight, so you focused on his pleasure. After all, you loved seeing him all hot and bothered because of you.
"No hands" Holding your head still, he chose his own pace, face fucking you. As he pictured before, you were on your knees, spit drooling from your mouth, and tears staining your cheeks. This was perfect.
"You know, anyone can walk in here and see you on your knees for me" he told you, looking at the door to the bathroom then back at you. You moaned around his cock, liking the thrill of it.
His hips stuttered and he warned you that he was going to cum. You took that chance to regain control, using just your mouth to tip him over the edge.
Earning a mouthful of his cum, you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out to show him, then swallowed. He tilted his head back, muttering a curse word as that image would be imprinted in his mind for a long time.
He held your hand to help you stand up. You pressed a kiss to his lips and walked towards the mirror to hide any possible indications of bathroom sex. As expected, your lipstick was smeared, your eye makeup was slightly messed up due to your tears.
Daniel stood behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "I don't like you" you told him. "Why?"
"Didn't give me an orgasm" you muttered while fixing your hair. He chuckled, "thought you could do that on your own."
You pushed him away, "doesn't mean I want to"
He turned you around, and brought you close to him again. Twirling a strand of your hair around his finger, "I know baby, but can't have you getting everything you want now"
"Asshole" you commented again which caused him to whisper in your ear, "darling, if you behave, I'll definitely be the one taking that dress off you" he used your words against you.
He held your panties in his hand, and you held you own hand out, asking him to give them to you. But he shook his head, "I think I'm gonna keep these"
You couldn't argue because Daniel opened the door to the bathroom and held your hand as you walked out. What you two didn't expect was for Lewis, Pierre, and Charles standing nearby, watching with wide eyes. "So much for keeping it a secret" you muttered.
"At least they know that you're mine now" Daniel told you as you guys walked away, heading outside. You stopped, "so you were jealous!" You exclaimed.
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penny-anna · 10 months
genuinely if you fell off at some point early in Moffat or Chibnall's run and don't want to slog through a bunch of stuff you don't think you'll enjoy here are some recommendations:
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if you dropped off during the Matt Smith years then I'd recommend giving Peter Capaldi a shot. The writing is not always 100% but Capaldi is outstanding in the role. A couple of standalone ep highlights are Flatline, Listen & Mummy on the Orient Express. Heaven Sent is also excellent but a bit more arc heavy.
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If you've seen some Capaldi before but didn't finish, I'd recommend picking up again with season 10. Moffat's final season, Twelfth Doctor + Bill Potts + Michelle Gomez as the Master. It's a run of very solid standalone eps w minimal story arc. Also Bill is a lesbian and she's great. Some good standalone eps are Smile, Thin Ice and Oxygen.
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If you never watched any Chibnall who, you can jump straight in with Jodie Whittaker's first episode. completely new TARDIS team and very different vibes from Moffat who. A couple of highlights would be Rose, Demons of the Punjab, The Witchfinders, & Fugitive of the Judoon.
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if you found Chibnall's early seasons boring, you might find Flux a lot more vibrant & dynamic. it's a six-part story arc featuring Yasmin Khan and new companion Dan Lewis. it's got sontarans, weeping angels, a whole species of furry dog people, AND bunch of really neat new supporting characters.
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& also if you liked Flux I'd also warmly recommend the Near Year's special that came immediately after it, Eve of the Daleks, which is a GENUINE blast.
hope this is of use to someone!! it's like 10 years of TV to slog through at this point and some of it is uhhh u know but there's a lot of really good stuff in there that's worth checking out.
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marlenesluv · 1 year
Keep It Private. (DR)
summary: in which, you and daniel can’t seem to keep it pg on instagram (married)
warnings: suggestive content
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
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liked by: danielricciardo, lilymhe, and 892,719 others
y/n.ricciardo: i’m in loooveeee
view comments…
danielricciardo: kiss meeeee
|> y/n.ricciardo: i’m running to you 🏃‍♀️
|> landonorris: gag, mom and dad are pda-ing again
ricciardo.fp: i love our parents, but omg these pics
pierregasly: are we interrupting something?
|> danielricciardo: yes, yes you are
y/n.dan.fp: i’m so jealous of this relationship
f1updates: pda 🤝 y/n and daniel
lewishamilton: as much as we love you guys and your relationship, we don’t need the cute pictures
|> y/n.ricciardo: i’m sorry you’re single lewis :(
|> lewishamilton: 😐
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liked by: y/n.ricciardo, maxverstappen1, and 1,138,174 others
danielricciardo: fill in the blank: hotel beds are the best for _____
view comments…
georgerussell63: sleeping?🙏
|> danielricciardo: sure…
y/nfanpage: ugh, y/n is an irl princess 🫠
y/n.ricciardo: eating🤭
|> danielricciardo: a form of eating, i guess
|> arthur_leclerc: NO NO NO NO
|> landonorris: MY EYESSSSS
|> danielricciardo: shut up
wagsoff1: daniels comment???
|> ricciardo.fp: stop😭 i can not
formulaonepage: GAH
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liked by: danielricciardo, landonorris, and 904,174 others
tagged: landonorris, danielricciardo
y/n.ricciardo: don’t tell lando, but he’s actually good at taking pictures….
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landonorris: i know i am😁
|> y/n.ricciardo: damnit
f1news: soulmates
danielricciardo: my shirt looked so good on you. better on our bedroom floor but 🤷‍♂️
|> y/n.ricciardo: daniel🫢🤭
|> charles_leclerc: this is out of control
|> danielricciardo: not my fault you aren’t in love, man
fp.y/nanddan: parents are being ick again
alex_albon: yuck
|> lilymhe: they are so cute, alex
|> alex_albon: so are we, but we don’t have sex on instagram
|> lilymhe: bye asf
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liked by: y/n.ricciardo, francisca.cgomes, and 1,987,082 others
danielricciardo: debated posting these on my .jpg, but more people need to see how earth shatteringly beautiful my wife is
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y/n.ricciardo: i couldn’t have asked for a better husband ❤️
|> danielricciardo: ikr?! one that gives you love AND orgasms everyday 😁❤️
|> oscarpiastri: NO STOP NO NO
|> georgerussell63: why must we know about your sex life??
|> danielricciardo: i was replying to my wife, not you
|> oscarpiastri: you do know that EVERYONE can see your replies though, right?
|> danielricciardo: so?
f1wags: i really could have lived without seeing their comments
redbullfans: oh boy, daniel is talking about his sex life again
carlossainz55: i’m all for you guys, but was that necessary?
|> y/n.ricciardo: why not 🤷‍♀️
|> landonorris: what do you mean “why not”????
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liked by: danielricciardo, maxverstappen1, and 1,123,928 others
y/n.ricciardo: since everyone is complaining about not having normal posts on our page, here’s daniel on our vacation last month :)
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daniel.ricciardo: it was so pretty 🥹 (u not the vacation, although that was nice too)
|> y/n.ricciardo: check ur texts
|> landonorris: he just ran out of the paddock. i can only imagine
|> danielricciardo: she sent me an awesome picture
|> y/n.ricciardo: my boobs are “awesome”? nvm, don’t come home
|> danielricciardo: NOOO IM OMW
|> pierregasly: well that innocent post didn’t last long
y/n.fanpage: cute pictures! cant say the same for the comments….
f1updates: take a shot (like this comment) if you’ve ever experienced dan and y/n’s sex life comments
ricciardo.fp: does @f1 not care about these comments?😭
|> f1: what do we even say?
|> redbullracing: we don’t care🤷‍♀️
|> y/nfanpage: WHATS GOING ONNN💀
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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sebscore · 2 years
Please write something with drivers praising female f1 driver during March because it’s womens history month. Anytime something bad happens to her on the grid she’s like someone hitting her car “how could they during womens history month 😞😧”
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pairings: daniel ricciardo x driver!reader / lewis hamilton x driver!reader / sebastian vettel x driver!reader / small lando cameo
warnings: none?
author’s note: I know it’s not the entire month, but I saw lewis’ post for Stephanie and I couldn’t shake the thought of him making a special post for our gen z driver 🥺 I hope you like it, my darling!
• • • • • • •
“Have you seen Daniel’s new post on Insta?” Her performance coach asked her, scrolling through his own phone while they took a break.
Y/N shook her head, not having been on the social media app that day. “No, why?”
“He talks about you.” He grinned, handing his phone over to her with the post ready on the screen.
Daniel had updated his Instagram with a clip of an interview he had done, where he’s asked about which women in his life inspire him.
He starts off by speaking about his grandmothers and their move from Italy to Australia. Daniel also mentions his mother and the support she has given him.
“From an athletic point of view, there’s 2 people that come to mind. My, uh, former colleague and friend, Y/N Y/L,” he laughed, “her entire story on how she came into Formula 1 is very inspiring and she has brought a lot of positive change into the sport,”
“But she’s also a great person and she always has something incredible to say,” Daniel teased his younger friend, “so, yeah, Y/N is definitely an inspiration to me.”
The woman had a soft smile on her face throughout watching the entire video, touched by Daniel’s words.
She gave her coach’s phone back and grabbed her own from her bag, deciding to leave a comment under Daniel’s post.
YourUsername I didn’t even have to force you to say this 😭 thank you, Dan! 💙
A mere hours later, she had seen multiple notifications of people tagging her in a post Lewis had made. She opened the app again and saw an entire post dedicated to her made by the World Champion himself.
lewishamilton Beside Stephanie, I also want to highlight the journey of @/yourusername. I’ve been privileged to watch her make history as the first female driver to stand on a F1 podium, to grab pole position and to win a Grand Prix. Y/N, thank you for all the work you do and continue to do. You use your platform well and I can’t thank you enough for standing by me in the causes that I feel passionate about. I’m excited to continue to follow your journey. Happy #InternationalWomensDay to you, thank you Y/N.
Y/N felt emotional reading Lewis’s message. She had idolized the driver ever since she was a little girl and to have him appreciate and acknowledge her hard work means the world to her.
YourUsername thank you so much, Lewis! 🖤 not you making me cry on international women’s day 😭 this should be illegal
— lewishamilton ❤️
The official F1 Instagram account had also made a post dedicated to the female driver which had been reposted by several drivers on their Instagram stories like George, Carlos, Valtteri, Esteban and even Lando.
The McLaren driver had called her “my goat 🐐” in his caption, something that had made her chuckle.
The best message she had gotten for the special day, came from none other than Sebastian Vettel.
It was a shock to her when the German send her a text message as she hadn’t heard from him in a while, she figured he wanted the time for himself and his loved ones.
Happy International Women’s Day, Y/N! Congratulations on P2 in Bahrain, a great start to the season. I hope you’re doing well and that you had a good winter break!
Today I was reminded of the amazing journey you’ve had since your karting days. I am honored that I have been able to watch you grow as a woman from so close. I’m very proud of you and I’ll keep supporting you, even if I’m not there as much anymore.
I hope you have a great day and I wish you the very best!
Big kiss! X
She send him a message back, thanking him for his beautiful words and asking him how he’s been doing. They send a few texts back and forth, updating each other on their lives.
Y/N also decided to pay a tribute on social media, posting several pictures of herself with the caption:
YourUsername happy international women’s day to myself, cause I’m the best woman I know ❤️‍🔥
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hamilando · 18 hours
ੈ✩ gossip girl (smau) ੈ✩
pairing : lewis hamilton x fem reader
summary: sorry martin fam, the mercedes man is mine
tw : fluff
fc : georgia palmer
a/n : thank you so much to @evasmlp for suggesting this ! lysm 🫶🏻
·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚
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liked by user1, user2, fernandoalonso and others
martininmartin doing my PR duties by providing you with pookie nando 🧸ྀི
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user2 Nando was forced to this 🤫
user3 not his fault he was born in the wrong generation
astonmartinf1 we love pookie lonso
liked by martininmartin
user5 can we appreciate the username !?
user6 admin, do you even a martin to enjoy martini’s ?
martininmartin I work there 🫦
user8 she said driving or riding, I do it all 🫂
fernandoalonso I thought we were not sharing it
martiniinmartin sorry
user9 the response -
user10 here is some Vaseline for the dry ass response
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liked by user1, user2, user3 and others
martininmartin sorry martin fam 🫧🫶🏻🤍 ( can anyone blame me though )
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user1 nope, can’t blame you
user3 models should be glad she choose f1
user5 chat, the visuals of y/n and Lewis 🫦
user6 I wonder how nando feels
user7 ma’am said I only like people with wdc 👀
fernandoalonso can you focus on what you are there for ?
martininmartin posting more pookie photos of you right away
user8 I could feel him saying that lady even I have wdc
user9 why is the jacket familiar ?
user10 IS IT LEWIS'S!?
user11 nope, it's just his collection with puma
user12 talk about rich fans
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liked by lewishamilton, user1, user2 and others
martininmartin chat, how do I get him to look at me like that
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lewishamilton I will make sure to visit the martin paddock!
martininmartin of course Lewis !
user4 I can just tell by looking she was shaking while typing that
user5 she is probably screaming in her pillow right now
user7 I got 99 problems but good looks ain't one 🫡
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liked by lewishamilton, user1, user2, user3 and others
martininmartin I think I strayed from employer team ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🧚🏻🪷 ₊˚
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user1 ma’am realised that mercedes don’t pay her bills
user2 but a certain mercedes man plays her heart
user3 ferrari *
lewishamilton I am glad you liked the hat !
martininmartin anything given by the fashion king 👑
user6 preparing for the marriage right away
user7 their kids would never complain about fashion 🫡
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liked by lewishamilton, mercedesamgf1 and others
martininmartin “Three words, eight letters. Say it and I'm yours" ˚˖𓍢ִִ໋🌊🦈˚˖𓍢ִ
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user4 MOM DAD
user6 we witnessed her going from fangirl to girlfriend real quick
user7 the couple we never knew we needed
lewishamilton I wonder who is the photographer
martininmartin a random guy
martininmartin Stop Exposing Me In Public
lewishamilton the pictures would come out good when the view is smashing
liked by martininmartin
user9 not Lewis thirst commenting
user10 this proved that all men shut up with their wife
user11 the caps sentence was enough to shut Lewis
mercedesamgf1 I guess now we are family right ?
liked by martininmartin
tg : @bloodyymaryyy @sainzzreputaticn
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