#cuz pics or it didn't happen is so legit
murfpersonalblog · 6 months
IWTV Trailer (me losing my freaking marbles - YOLO) Pt1
I'm just going frame by frame thru AMC'S BEAUTIFUL new IWTV trailer. But I had to split this into 2 parts cuz Tumblr won't let me post 30+ pics.
We've already seen Lestat's Theatre portrait on fire (burn, bish!) but the TRANSITION they made here is DISGUSTING--they know what they're doing!
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Lou goes from thinking about setting the Theatre on fire (nervously/uncomfortably rubbing his chin, my poor baby), to another scene of him chainsmoking and staring sadly off into the void. I'm assuming it's the 1970s interview, cuz we see Afro!Lou in the same shirt when he effs up BB!Daniel a few minutes later.
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AND they said Louis's "stronger, and harder, too," during ANOTHER closeup of Louis chainsmoking. Pyromaniac du Lac LIVES.
Then we get that INTERESTING exchange with Loumand about Oldmaniel:
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Armand does NOT like this interview, no ma'am! What are you tryna hide?! 🧐
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The fandom legit already MADE THIS JOKE too! XD
The parallels with Loumand enjoying watching movies together (NO CLAUDIA 👀)--and Loustat enjoying opera & movies together.
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Loumand as a happy old married couple--I mean it, Rolin: what TF happened between the 1970s interview, the year 2000, and 2022, to make Louis' mental state get SO DANG BAD!?
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Armand seems to be implying that 1970s SanFran wasn't where he failed Louis, but 1940s Paris when he burns the Theatre--but I'm seriously wondering if something else went down, cuz LOOK AT MY BABY. BLOOD TEARS. I cannot.
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This hollow, fake smile Claudia gives when Loumand walks into the room; wearing makeup & an adult hairstyle tryna look grown--I wonder if this is the same night she joins the Theatre?
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Lou & Claudia--he just gives her The Eyebrows, not saying anything (but Armand looks WAY too smug ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)); and we know Armand AND Claudia can EASILY read his mind way better than he can read either of theirs.
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Louis calls her "a spark in the dark," right before they cut to the bombs falling all over WWII Europe with flames everywhere--including all over her face--foreshadowing her ashes to ashes, dust to dust. ("Rigged to burn," Louis said in S01E03.)
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Did they get hit by bombs, or fall into mine fields?! Jfc. (OR maybe they were sleeping underground, in the earth, and woke up in a battlefield--GOD.) And this must be the same scene where Lou eats the heart--we see Claud throwing limbs around--are they scavenging bombed up corpses?
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And the flame in the photographs Louis takes, which she's been tearing down--figuratively in the other teaser, and literally here.
Claudia finna GO OFF! (I HAD to make this one a gif, to see her wrath in MOTION 🤌)
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EAT that racist French White, Claudia, PLEASE. Colonizer Capital--Paris SUCKS!
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LOUIS DE POINTE DU LAC, ladies and gentlemen. U_U
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You're one of a kind, sweetie--that's why the whole Theatre was tripping, cuz Lestat's "coven" in NOLA didn't look ANYTHING like how all other vampire covens worked. Lestat & Louis & Claudia were a FAMILY. They lived like humans--or as close to human as possible. Plus they were painfully weak, with none of the Dark Gifts. They weren't living like monsters--at least not on the surface....
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In the other teaser I thought this dirty heifer who attacked Louis was a revenant, but if she's in the Theatre then this must be Alessandra or Eleni (which means a Rhoshamandes name drop!? 👀💀)? Please random dude please be Benedict. 🙏 I need more TVC cameos!
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I'm wondering if this was part of a performance when Madeleine & Claudia were part of the Theatre, not during the Trial? OR this is AMC's recreation of the film version with the naked lady--"so we can eat people."
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Armand finna GO OFF! But WHERE TF are his FANGS!? That's my ONE major gripe with this show--I'm so sick of seeing these stupid acrylics everywhere but no FANGS.
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Then the trailer immediately tells me to STFU, LOL. XD
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Lelio Rising. Lelio Falling. (Ooooo--the Tower Scene should be SPICY)
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Then they use the "script" line to transition to The Trial, when Armand forced Lestat to be scripted! 😭 DIABOLICAL! And I LOVE this frame--it's giving me Oppenheimer when he was walking through the stands as everyone applauded him for dropping the bomb & he was PTSDing. (I had to make a separate post just for this brainworm.)
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So Dan's finished the interview and this is his editor. (OR, even spicier, this dude's from the Talamasca, and Daniel's broken the NDA & fled the penthouse?) But chile, ain't nobody scared of LDPDL. 🙄 Daniel should be well aware by now that Louis snapped in the 1970s, sure, but he's not the REAL threat in that house, Mr. Mediocre Star to a 500 Year Old Vampire. Unless they're talking about LESTAT? 👀💀 WHERE TFC IS HE IN 2022?!
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What in CHRIST'S NAME is coming out of his effing NECK? 😱 It was SQUEALING, like a KOCHON.
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Louis slinging blood at the Sea of Galilee Armand stole for him, LOLOLOL.
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Louis effing Daniel up--"you were disrespectful!" I wonder if BB!Dan crying was when Armand was busy stalking him when he was drunk AF & dying of alcohol poisoning.
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I LOVE THIS. Louis is the center of it all--"It's you and me. Me, and you." 😭💔 Said over and over--Louis and Lestat, Claudia, Armand, and Daniel (and even Santiago U_U).
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taffycandyqt · 1 year
heyyy again, can i request the rise turtles reacting to reader deciding they want to pierce them-selfs but too lazy to go get them professionally done so they just walk in on the reader half-way piercing them-selfs and freak out cuz they just have a needle in them and reader is laughing their ass off at their face.
(the piercing can be anywhere an there face)
remember to drink lots of water as well and take care of yourself <3
Your literally so sweet! Thank you! <3 and right back at you, take good care!
Also I got to like the middle of Mikey's and then Tumblr deleted the whole thing so I just kinda🥲
TW: Mentions of blood (nothing gross), mentions of needles and needles piercing skin
Notes: GN reader
You decided that getting piercings was too much effort and too expensive. So why not do it yourself?
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Boi is the epitome of terrified
And look, he knows piercings are a thing and that people get them but like he isn't surrounded by many people with them and he always thought it was supposed to be done professionally.
So, safe to say when he comes to your place to hang and finds you in the bathroom with blood dripping from your ear and a needle in it, broski SCREECHED.
Legit worried someone straight up tried to stabb you with a needle.
Tonight was the night! You finally decided to suck it up and get that double piercing you've always wanted. However, you were poor.
So! DIY it is! People do it all the time so it couldn't be that hard right?
At least you think so. You didn't really do any research before hand so you aren't 100% sure the bleeding is bad. But at the same time you don't think bleeding is normal in this kind of situation. Or at least not the desired result.
Admist the chaos of you trying to control the bleeding Raph texts you that he dropped by for a short visit. You figured that the calming presence of your boyfriend would help lift you mood and keep you from freaking out. So after telling him where to find you, you sat down on the toilet lid to actually search up how to to pierce yourself. (And if bleeding is normal). However before you could get to any useful information you hear the surprised screech of your boyfriend.
"Oh, Raph this is jus-"
"WOW thatsalotofblood...COTTON BALLS! or gauze?? You have those right? How did this happen?? WAIT! We need to remove the needle first! Did someone do this to you??? Was it an accident? How do you accidental-"
"PFFFFFFFTTT! HAHAHehehehehe!" You practically cackled.
"w- ... what ...?" Raph said, no less panicked, just a little more confused.
"Raph. Sweetheart, hehe," you couldn't help but giggle. "Love of my life, I'm fine, I'm just piercing my ears."
"Oh. So the bleeding is normal then?"
"Oh, no. I'm pretty sure that's a bad thing."
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You cannot tell me this boy has not thought about getting piercings before.
They're just so pretty and cool, and he is all for them! (Low-key upset he doesn't have ears because of all the cool ear piercings out there)
Even with that though, when you show up with needles sticking out of each side of you bottom lip, bro is a little scared.
Like wtf are you doing??
When you tell him though, he is HAPPY to help.
He will even get a piercing with you!
Splinter will make him take it out later buuuuuut, it's about the couple bondinggg!!
On a high of boredom and internet envy (a.k.a, seeing tons of pics of hot ppl with snake bite piercings) you began to prepare needles to give yourself some dope piercings. After expertly pushing the needles through both ends of your bottom lip you were reminded of your 'bi-weekly mandatory art and cuddle couple bonding date' (Mikey's name for it). You couldn't just take the needles out so after some thought you just decided, screw it, it's not like I'm bleeding. It hurt a little though.
After slipping under the man hole cover and navigating the nasty sewer you made it to the lair. Voicing a quick hello to Splinter as you passed through he living room he met you with a swift wave, still thoroughly invested in his l show.
Making your way to Mikey's room you speak a quick 'knock knock' to get his attention, seeing as you couldn't really knock on a curtain. As the turtle of the hour excitedly pushed open the curtain he was more than a little surprised upon seeing you.
You couldn't help it okay?? You didn't know what reaction you were expecting from him but it definitely wasn't 'EEP!'. Eventually you both calmed down enough to talk.
"Angle, what did you do?"
"I'm getting snake bites! Did it myself, what do you think??"
"That's so COOL! Can I get a piercing too!!?"
"I'm pretty sure that's up to your dad hun."
"He'll be fineeeeeee! Come on! This can be the art portion of the 'art and cuddle' date.
"But daaaaaaad!"
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If you thought Raph's screeching was bad, Leo's is worse.
My guy just wanted to see you and just so happens to portal to you right as the needle goes STRAIGHT through your septum.
When he sees this he FREAKS TF OUT then slips and eats bathroom tile right after.
You'll laugh but he will be so shook
Like he saw the needle GO THROUGH YOU!
Mans is high-key traumatized.
It doesn't help that he probably forgot that piercings were a thing and is just like, wth would you put a needle in YOUR FACE.
When you tell him you're just getting a piercing he will get pouty about you laughing at him (and embarrassed that that wasn't his first thought) and you'll basically have to baby him the rest of the time he's there.
"Oh y/nnnnn-"
Needle successfully through the septum.
"HOLY! LEO! WTF you scared the crap out of me! Are you okay?!"
"Wha- eeh- THERES A NEEDLE IN YOUR NOSE!" He yelled pointing a finger at your face.
"Sksksksksk," you snickered. "Yeah, Leo, I put it there."
You had always wanted a septum piercing, but you just couldn't bring yourself to actually go and get it done so you figured the only way to get it is to do it yourself. Your just lucky Leo scared you after it was through rather than before, who knows the kind of bloody nose you would have gotten.
"Uuuh, cuz septum piercings are cool?"
"So how'd the floor taste bud?"
"I-! Hey! Why don't you try seeing someone STAB a NEEDLE through there face. I SAW I GO THROUGH!" He gestured dramatically before folding his arms and facing away from you.
"Awww, come on now handsome. Don't be like that. Tell you what, why don't we make some hot coco and we can watch whatever movie you want"
"Mmmhmmhmhm" he grumped but complied as you led him to the kitchen.
He clung to you the rest of the evening and consistently snuggled his face into your neck during the movie.
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Low-key grossed out by the idea of a needle going through someone.
Even more grossed out that you decided to #1. Do it yourself, and #2. Pierce your tongue.
Just, ewww.
But then you had the GALL to ask him if he could help you and he's just like, with what??
I'm not touching your tongue and I am sure not stabbing it with a needle, so what do you want from me??
Will tell you about the multitude of mouth infections you could get from a tongue piercing
Will be there the entire time to make sure you don't hurt yourself, though he has to look away when you actually put the needle through.
Again, ew.
Even though he finds the whole idea gross, he will admit that when all was said and done, it looked good on you.
Your probably the only person he thinks looks good with one.
"I'm sure Mikey would be more than happy to help you."
"No Donnie! I asked YOU cuz I want YOUR help!"
You told Donnie all the time how you wanted a tongue piercing. You were just to lazy to get it done professionally and frankly, you don't want a stranger prodding your mouth. When you realized you could do it yourself, you were so excited. Donnie helping you would just make it all that much better!
"Y/n, while I am happy to assist you in any matter and am glad you came to me for such, I'm afraid I cannot help you in this matter."
"Why not? Your smart, with your help my piercing will be perfect!"
"Dearest. You are correct, I am smart. However, I am a man if science and my talents lie outside the realm of bodily piercings. Besides, are you aware of the sheer amount of infections a piercing give you? Mouth piercings especially cause quite grotesque infections, and that's not even to mention the damage it can cause to your teeth."
"Awwww." You sighed in disappointment.
"Though... I suppose nothing stops me from making sure you follow the instructions correctly."
-a couple minutes later-
"Okay, dear, let's go over one more time. Gauze?"
"Yes!" You replied.
Donnie looked at you for a moment and raised an eyebrow at that response, but kept going regardless.
"Lighter and ice cubes?"
"Okay. The first step is to heat the needle."
After carefully going through the instructions you finally got your long awaited tongue piercing! However Donnie didn't think you had started to pierce your tongue and saw you with a needle halfway through your tongue before looking away and gaging, which you couldn't help but laugh at. That was until Donnie told you to stop before you hurt yourself. Overall, he did make the whole experience, so much better.
I hope that was good! Sorry if there are any inaccuracies. I am literally going off of what I saw in the parent trap soooooo. Yeah. There's my first fic.
Imma go to bed now🥱😵
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tamelee · 11 months
did you ever watch tokyo ghoul? do you know about the main character ending up with a girl he always had a crush on but he was shipped a lot with his male best friend and all the gay shippers lost it when they revealed the guy and girl not only explicitly being in love but also have sex? i heard it's not in the anime and the manga is more explicit but yeah. i watched tokyo ghoul once when i was younger but didn't finish it cuz i got bored of it but i do remember the main guy having a crush on a girl, but idk if the girl is the same one he ended up having sex with later on. i just know there was a girl in the beginning and then he met a girl (or it was the same one? idk) later on in the ghoul community. he was good friends with his male friend throughout the whole thing, they were childhood friends, and he stuck with him the whole time. when i found out about ppl's reactions to this i wanted to know about the relationship to see if it's like sns lol since they have a similar "childhood friends to lovers" situation but from what i remember the mc did like a girl. but he also had a cute friendship with the guy, i think i remember a really emotional moment between them, and the guy's friend also ended up dying? like the really popular pic from this anime, idk if you've seen it, where the white haired guy is carrying another guy, that was the mc and his friend. also ppl on anime twt like to use this anime and its ships to prove how when yaoi fans hate on a girl that gets in the way of their gay ship it's usually cuz of misogyny. that's actually how i found out about this lol . cuz this girl apparently isn't a hated character like sakura, or has legit reasons and traits about her that are misogynistic in writing therefore not likeable like hinata, but ppl still hated on her like crazy when this was revealed.
Oh, I don't think I actually know anyone that finished watching the Anime it got so boring for sure -.- I think, although I don't really remember, I really liked Season 1 and then struggled through the second one, then dropped it eventually. I still really want to read the Manga because I've seen a lot of people say it is SO much better and that the Anime ruined it? The art from the few panels I've seen are so beautiful 🥹 but it's a shame if that's true because the concept of the story I think is really cool.
(also, that OST 👌) Uh, I only remember this purple hair girl and I know what the best friend looks like and that I really liked him, but other than that I have no clue anymore, sorry 🫣
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Cute though~
"also ppl on anime twt like to use this anime and its ships to prove how when yaoi fans hate on a girl that gets in the way of their gay ship it's usually cuz of misogyny. that's actually how i found out about this lol . cuz this girl apparently isn't a hated character like sakura, or has legit reasons and traits about her that are misogynistic in writing therefore not likeable like hinata, but ppl still hated on her like crazy when this was revealed."
I don't know anything about this regarding TG but yeah, people in the SNS fandom who don't like Sakura and/or Hinata get that thrown to their heads all the time but it is a shallow assessment that doesn't take anything else into consideration. This idea isn't entirely baseless though because it does happen a lot in many fandoms gosh. But in Naruto's case it's just... not the same *childish-foot-stomp* 😆 The entire foundation of the story is involved, its Themes rely on Naruto AND Sasuke, they live the problem and in the end are the solution, they are literally the big 'why' of its story. I mean I probably could write a thousand essays on that alone... And so, controversial opinion maybe, but I don't think it's very valid to compare Sakura and Hinata with other female characters regarding things like this because of Kishimoto's intentions (which I get not everyone agrees with this method but.. yk) and the way he wrote them to convey what he wanted to tell. In that sense they are merely literary tools used to show contrast in order to explain what the other end of that contrast means for Naruto and Sasuke without actually having to spell it out... and it's so cleverly done but it makes a discussion about female characters (especially a generalization) and the way they are treated difficult. Nonetheless, it's always an interesting conversation though because that line between a character being allowed to have a flaw or criticizing the character meaning it's misogyny can be very blurry at times...
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written1nthest4rs · 2 years
Just reblogged the only 4 posts I ever made regarding the situation with em1grate and m1llionaires. I didn't know their new blogs until about 8 hours ago. I legit thought they were gone and leaving me alone but it seems that isn't the case. For the last day or so they've been accusing me of stalking them, and talking shit about them when I haven't. You can scroll back on my blog. I have nothing to hide. It's the #the puppeteer // mun tag if you didn't know. And I've been informed that ever since that incident they've been watching my blog, vaguing about me every single day, and even sent screenshots. Now, keep in mind. I originally found out m1llionaires had me blocked bc they were interacting with a mutual. I was curious who they were so I clicked their name. Found I was blocked. I went ok and carried on with my life.
Flash forward a week later, I find out that m1llionaires was h0rrorwood, who got all butthurt cuz I said not to follow me if you don't like my faceclaims. And I never told her bf to block her. I wanted him to say something to her cuz she vagued about me right after I made my post about the fcs issue.
I was gonna leave it there but it kept going (you can scroll my posts from earlier today. They're every single screenshot I had about it.) So I blocked him too and moved on. Now I'll admit I was a bit petty. I posted lyrics to Slaughterhouse, and Massacre The New American Dream, as well as reblogged several pics of palaye supporting LGBT, including trans people. But I eventually stopped and moved on with my life.
Flash forward to a few days ago, and the whole thing with nevermoreunihq starts up. Now, I'm not racist or ableist. I'm gonna say this rn before anybody jumps to conclusions. I do not wish to change my characters or rp characters who do not share the struggles I do, out of respect for the people who do. I don't feel confident enough that I'll get it right and I don't wish to offend anybody. This stranger things blog, inactive from August, chimes in only reading half the post, calls me racist and ableist. Not willing to listen. (These screenshots are also below.) I go into their dms and try to clear the air like an adult. They still are unwilling to listen so I blocked them. Then saw they got an ask from an anon and wouldn't you know. It was the same people with the FC drama. My post about nevermoreunihq, and my response to their post was deleted from here but it still exists on that stranger things blog brokenmvses. Go ahead take a look. As well as the Anon.
After that happened I decide to take a break. It wasn't good for my mental health. I was already dealing with a lot at the time of this happening. Then I get a DM from m1llionaires. (Screenshot is also below from the last day)
I shrug it off, screenshotted it and blocked them. Then I find out just who m1llionaires is. And oh boy. I find out from my sources that m1llionaires had been accusing me of stalking them for the past week, despite me not knowing their URLS until earlier today, and I checked both blogs to see what I could see what had been said. Now at this point, I'd made the new blog and sent dms out to a bunch of people with the new url so we could continue to interact. I found out that someone had ratted out my new blog to my stalkers. They sent me Anon hate but I didn't respond to it. I merely blocked it, hid the blog completely, and changed the URL.
Now here's what's going through my head. One person must've said something or was actively looking for my new blog. If it was the latter, you got too much time on your hands and you're clearly obsessed. If it was the former, somebody ratted me out. Now I told one person I didn't fully trust. And get this, they're mutuals with m1llionaires. So of course my first thought was "seriously? After I defended you after you attempted suicide? I did nothing to you." So I block them on both blogs. Then I got screenshots of a portion of a callout from em1grate.
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The only thing that's true here is that I told people not to follow me if they didn't like my fcs. I wasn't sent the full callout bc it's apparently very long and I can't view the account cuz it's password protected.
And at this point I'd had my pinned post up for a WHILE. Then I get sent this.
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I was never attacking you. I was proving a point. You're just trying to incite hate towards me by playing the victim. IDC if the original post wasn't about me. You vagued about me after I blocked you and told people not to follow me if they don't like my fcs. It's in my rules now because it has to be said now that if you don't like somebody don't follow them.
You need a life. I got better things to worry about in my own life than to worry what goes on in yours. I never actively sought you out. I didn't post about you at all until today. I never looked for you. And now you've brought this on yourself.
Now, as a conclusion. These two are stalkers. They've been stalking my blog since they made their new ones and have been vaguing about me nonstop since when I nearly forgot about them. Consider this a callout, will you? This is how you do a true callout. I am sick of being pushed around by you when I did nothing to you. I'm sick of being bullied. If you see this post, report m1llionaires and em1grate.
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nadeeta · 6 months
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Here are some recent anime's I been watching. I literally watched anime for 15 hours,cuz I started at 12:30 last night and didn't stop til around 3:40ish this morning 😆.
That being said I highly recommend these anime's.
With the asteroid one I was surprised I liked it as much as I did given not a huge astronomy or geology fan. But it was really nice. Now I didn't think of it at the time as I was watching for the plot but I and many other fans were hoping it would be GL or at least be a subplot. But even without the GL it's still a good show. The art,the plot,the VA's are amazing.
For the demon one i didn't think I was gonna like it as much as I did. Not really a huge fan of the genre it is but wanted to give it a chance for the art and I'm glad i did. There's a lot of ppl on anime planet who dropped it and some saying it's boring or not good. I disagree with those comments. The plot is unique and interesting,the art isnt super duper colorful which not a fan of,but I understand why it's not. The VA's once again did an amazing job.
I however am only on 10,only because 11 and 12 aren't dubbed yet or at least dubbed on crunchyroll. Even though not finished still wanted to promote it as I feel it's an underrated show.
For the sasaki one I've seen clips of it on tiktok and it looked nice. The art is colorful and pretty,and I like the plot. I love the VA's;which I'm surprised it was dubbed. Yaoi and shounen-ai series typically never get dubbed. It's rare when it happens,so was happy it had a dub,and the VA's did amazing.
I called it around ep 9 they weren't gonna kiss or do anything til the last episode ,like in gakuen heaven. and unfortuantly i was right 😆. I will say though I h4t3d that the kiss was mainly off screen as u only get parts of the kiss.(idk if its diff in the manga as not far in the book yet).
So all i gotta do now is watch the graduation thing.a movie) But after the graduation thing I'm done.
Ppl were saying that Kagiura and hirano should've had a legit spinoff and not like 9 minutes of the graduation movie cuz I didn't know til looking at reviews that their "spin-off"is just their scene from the graduation movie.
Which I'm dissapointed in cause when I first saw they had a spin-off,I thought it was gonna be their own thing.
Maybe in the future we'll get one. Or would be nice to see something with 1 if not both of masato's brothers and their partners since they're both 94y.
And lastly dress up darling. I've seen clips and pics of it online for awhile now and figured would check it out.
While the art isn't the greatest thing out there,the VA's do a great job. And I like the plot of interests/hobbies are for any age and any gender and ppl should love what they love.
Other ppl like myself ship the 2 MC's. Hopefully in the next season(and yes it's getting one. I'll post it soon.)it'll be a sub plot. Cause its clear they both like each other. Especially marin,as she actually says it in her mind on several occasions and (spoiler-ish)she tells him on the phone in the last episode.
But yeah i hope u guys give some of these series a chance. They're all amazing.
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milenadaniels · 3 years
Saw a post about a buddie wedding in s5 and I would just like to put it out there that while I live for my Bathena/Buddie parallels, I am begging the show to give us the anti-Bathena romantic arc.
Understand me, I would die and be revived to get a slam-me-against-a-firetruck-on-a-call-to-make-out scene but otherwise?
Bobby/Athena were older, much more established in their lives, and very much in a "we've lived a lot already, we know there's no point in wasting time" frame of mind, so them going from dating to upping each other's antes all the way to the altar made sense and I loved that for them.
I want them to linger.
I don't want 3 seasons of "ooh are we going too fast?? let's slow down" because that's ridiculous. They literally are already raising a child together, they've been hustling down this field all on their own for a long time now.
But I want them to linger.
I want them to be so comfortable, so natural with each other, that it just doesn't occur to them to be running towards the next yard line, you know? Like yeah sure, they'll get married, nobody even needs to propose, it's just a given, why are you asking for a Save The Date?
Move in together? I mean *gestures around* yeah? That's been happening progressively, what, you need a housewarming party? (yes.)
I want them to be so catapulted into married life that these big milestones barely even register because they never had to really work towards them. They fucking sauntered down the path without reading the map. They walked up the winner's podium thinking it was a step stool.
And the only reason they get anything official done is because Maddie and Athena despair and make it their job to poke and prod until the documents are signed and the photographer was hired and the cake was ordered.
The only papers Buddie really laser in on themselves are the adoption papers and I'm okay with that.
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thebuttsmcgee · 3 years
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#ALRIGHT. I GET THAT I HAVE A BAD SLEEPING SCHEDULE AS IT IS.#BUT WHY WOULD YOU KEEP A CALL FROM 12 TO 2AM#the butts chronicles#so I had a call with someone I havent spoken to in years but have been sorta chatting with on here on a diff profile#and woof. WH#WHY DO THEY WANT A PICTURE OF ME#It was. something. We talked trauma I gues and how stuff has been way. so yea. Im so tired.#uhh I gues it was nice? I think???? she was always pretty chill and still is but uh. yea. things sure did uh. happen.#seriously tho wh why do they want a pic??? AT 1 IN THE MORNING NONETHELESS#Im photogenic as fuck so I had to make excuses too fjwheb. not to mention Ive been meaning to clean up cuz ya know. possible depression.#and this isnt a case of 'just say no' I DID SAY NO but she was very persistent. so. yea. I guess Ima take a photo later. weh.#she said she was p bored and wanted to talk to someone tho so I gues it makes sense for talking for like 30 mins#but 2 whole hours was uh. something. for starting at 12. I aint even that interesting tbh we talked about trauma and stuff#I just. really dunno how to process all this. asking to call was p sudden too but then all this info was super shocking too#like I legit had a crush on this girl and somewhat kinda do but definitely lessened due to ya know time and whatnot#so imagine my shock to hearing about VERY intense relationship issues that happened. man. Im tired.#anyways besides that today was p shit. Hmm. She did say something that kinda bothered me real tho.#She said counseling helps for those that need it but she didn't because she was normal and. I dunno. I gues that hit me in the mind#cuz this whole possible trauma bs has affected my life heavily. its why I barely have any confidence at all so. hm. I dunno.#bro I just wanted to have a peaceful night drawing gay and stupid shit but now its almost 2:30 am. weh.#I didnt even get to check the owl casa tag today. [ |^(#oh well. hope yall had an alright day at least. Im p tired. as always. bweehh I hope I didnt say anything creepy or offputting#like yea I talked about how the old man is a complete pile of burning dog shit but what if she got creeped out by me not working rn?#there was like one point this whole call where she asked 'You thought about me?' cuz stuff and HM. THAT FELT DIFFERENT#like yea. no actually I dunno how to handle this. It was more she was asking about how I remembered her username cuz the bonk on the head#I got caused me to remember but. oof. that. That really felt. different. Dw nothin will come outta it Im p sure but Im still lost on how to#feel about how she asked and why. like most of the call we had p casual but kinda loud voices but when she asked that. I dunno.#felt. close. I gues. I DUNNO???? FUCKIN. I DUNNO. it was kinda quiet I gues. GWHAG I DUNNO#aaanywayz. Im tired. again. for the millionth time. I think Ima knock out. have a swell week everyone.
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fratboykate · 2 years
We’re gonna need another voice recording and face pics ASAP
Literally never gonna happen.
What do you do for a living??
I live in LA and work in the film/tv industry.
After something like that I can’t believed you called the anons bluff today! High risk high reward. Respect lol
Cuz I know people are full of shit lol. They talk a big game on anon but won't actually do anything about it.
does it suck to have to maintain some degree of anonymity on here? you mentioned having to scrub everything on tumblr once
For most of my time here I was anonymous. Then the Clexa thing happened and seeing as I fucking work in this shit, I was trying to help them and lead them in how to be more successful in their approach at the time. The half of the fandom that always despised me was calling me a liar and saying that I didn't actually know anything/blah blah blah. So I was like "fine...here i am" and shared all my info so they could verify it. I was open for years, then a couple years ago these same people who literally want me dead, took it too far over petty fandom drama. They legit tried to ruin my life because I don't like their fave lol. Luckily my entire team of reps was like "oh they're internet psychopaths. we know how the internet works and we know you better than that and know what they're saying is bullshit." I figured it was enough. People don't fucking know how to differentiate internet from real life. That was all because I didn't like their fave. Imagine trying to actually take down a WOC in an industry where we're few and far between because I think your fave sucks lol. I scrubbed everything and going back to not having anyone but the OGs know who I am is great. Kinda freeing.
Yeah you were like saying everyone's name from CFAU because people wanted pronunciations especially since you called Anya, Nana and most people took it as almost saying banana so that was your challenge or something lol I just remember it was the CFAU names and that people were putting out
It was a voice recording of how to pronounce Chiara if like "Kee rah" "Chi ra" or cuchara xD
OH YEAHHHHHHH. IT WAS THE BOOK NAMES. Y'all literally couldn't handle me saying like 3 names. Lost y'alls fucking minds.
just look at flo pugh’s voice. she says it’s weird but people drool over it.
Okay but she has a raspy voice. That's great. I now have vocal fry. Not great. Different things.
I hate my voice too, way too raspy! We are not meant to hear it, not natural!
If you want to make me want to jump off a bridge, make me listen to my voice. Can't do it. Refuse to. I've done a decent number of podcasts and I've never heard A SINGLE ONE of them once they're out. At that point I'm like..."Go with God. I'll never know if you cut that up weird. Whatever is on there is not my business because I'm for sure not going to hear it" lol
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zumpietoo · 3 years
Oh Lookity
Moar disgusting racism from Snorty!!!
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"The other one"----plus they technically killed "the other" black character (Molars as Fin) last ep.....and killed "the Asian" the ep before. So yeah, pretty sure, no.
Also looooveee how this starts off with, "they're not gonna kill the remaining black woman, but yeah they are! Cuz i want it! But not racist!"
A) but, but, but.....I thought Tabs was "thriving" in Chicago and need to return, immediately to the life of bourgeois materialism she eschewed well before she even knew a Jughead existed?
B) They've now written BH, VD and Pinkle as fully split up, still in the same town, all still very much alive....or does it not count when it's "placeholders"???
Oh Snorty, the only reason you said it is cuz you're a racist cuntwipe who wants Jughead back with your qween by any means----even tho, again, there was an entire season for them to reconcile (and 7 unseen canon years) and it didn't happen....
Because there's NOTHING to indicate Tabs is gonna be ded, any time sooner (for certain, as I'll detail below) or even later....
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When I thought about who might die, my racism kicked into high gear. And I ignored that it's always somebody largely off the canvas, plenty of other peeps that could work, etc....cuz I'm also really fuckin' dumb.
Nobody GAF about Paulie. Never did, never will. And making it about Slizzy's and Alice's ladypain didn't change that. FAIL
I like Tabitha, buuuttt I hate her, cuz racist/she's "in the way", so lemme remind you she isn't important and Jabi suxxxxxxx!!!!
(bonus: what does Slizzy do? Wave around a gun, fail and look sulky? Douchie does nothing but look constipated, Vermin, Pussy and Tinkle do nothing other than dress slutty and act stupid and entitled. Ragey mumbles and fucks up. Fancee Boi (who, past the "kill your gheys" is a far moar likely contender for teh ded) does even less than that....)
Plus we know she isn't ded.....even in your "flash forward" (no) pic where BH is now engaged/married in Douchie's bedroom....and Slizzy looks sooooo beeyootiful in her bridal sweater vest, there is Tabi (who wouldn't be too jazzed, dudes).
But not racist!!!
Would it "look bad", not when there was already gross tokenism with the Pcats for what was actually meant as a backdoor pilot....also, too, also "BONE"???? Dude, you ARE aware that's a very derogatory racial slur all by itself, right?
At this point.....just start using the "N" word while you're headed to your KKK rally. We all know you want to....
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Yes, if they can't kill one popular black character, why not off THE most popular black character----her grandpa? Who they only JUST brought back after a season, cuz realiced they needed him/everybody loves him???
Also "too far up Tabitha's ass"? You are such a charmer, Vile....
Tabs is a "fan favorite", Snorty....you just don't like her, cuz, again, racist cuntwipe.
Nobody GAF if Gossip Ghey iz ded...and none of the previous deths have every been anybody all THAT popular, etc....
I get you're noobie socks, but do you even watch the show?
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Oh Vile, no they fuckin' didn't. And, if they did, they wouldn't off a ghey character. They had ONE actress use BLM to exploit her lack of screen time....the irony? It merely resulted in a new, actually talented actress being hired and getting the storyline FT clearly wishes she had....
"The pussycat actresses"???? Good lord....and no it was not "network mandated". If anything it was "tossing a bone" to RAS for a backdoor pilot. That isn't happening....
Good lord you're a liar.....also, if you legit think that was representation....
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Far moar likely.....from another total noobie.....interesting, no?
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greencharisard · 4 years
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I promise I'm still working on that pokemon project, but it's a pokemon-trainer set of 6 of a 'mon that's very detailed so it's taking a lot of time, and I ended up artblocked.
The first pick was the first thing I did after almost a week of not drawing, what happened is roughly this:
- Was still working on-and-off on the pokemon pic set, and a new TLK one.
- Re-downloaded Steam for some reason I can't remember.
- Found out Spore is in there with all three packs  and on sale (base game+creepy & cute+ galactic adventures)
- caved and bought it cuz it's been years and I wanted the third pack and a convinient way to access it that wasn't a 10+ y/o disc/code I've used a million times on 5 or 6 PCs.
- Played it for 3 days or so, including a day were I completely messed up my PC by tampering with the core folders (went back to normal now THANK GOD) and played switch games for that day.
- Spent another half day after fixing my PC making an EA account to have a proper acc on Spore itself (had to go forum digging, it's a mess). Then played Spore more.
- In all of this watched one HK meme video and stated getting a bajillion of them in my YT recommendeds.
- Played a bunch of switch games for a day trying to stay away from Spore and start drawing (failed).
- Decided to start playing HK again at piss off o'clock in the evening. Still couldn't get past Hornet in Greenpath.
- Next morning finally beat boss 2 and open up a MASSIVE CHUNK OF THE GAME.
- spend the next 2 or so days playing that, including most of today.
So yeah, I fried my brain, in an attempt at grudging trough the art block I tried making an OC, then also tried making self-inserts because Hollow Knight has been my lifesource for the past few week or so, while Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss have been one of my latest obsessions for months, so it only felt fitting to morph my crittersona to fit in those universes.
- First I wanted to draw him as an imp, technically I already drew him as a demon/sinner, so a creature native to hell seemed like the next best AU choice. I didn't think much about what he would do, I just focused on the design part itself, and even then as you can see I had quite a few ideas I tried out on the side. One of the main reasons that made me think he'd fit as an imp is that in an earlier design he had that I never posted the tip of his tail was arrow shaped instead of being just a tuft like now (I should draw that impish form again sometime, he was basically like now but not a noodle). For the clothes I kinda used stuff I own irl as inspo, while thinking "what would fit the HH/HB style?" so I used a sleeveless hoodie, a black shirt (I have a lot of those, I just made one with a generic skull pattern here), and the only pair of jeans I own that I can actually stand to wear... escept by the time I remembered I wanted to draw those I had already drawn cargo pants on him out of habit, so I just colored them like jeans instead... I would probably love pants like these lmao. Oh and chains linked to the belt loops, I actually have those too, they're made form crafstore legit normal chains, not ones made to be actually worn like this. Listen I got them in high school I was an edgy basard and I didn't know where to get stuff like that so I just asked dad to get some like this instead ok. I have a pair of normal steel and a pair of black ones, here he's wearing the latter.
- The other idea was to turn him into a HK bug, more specifically, a mosskin tribe member from greenpath, cuz it's my favorite stage of the game with how pretty it is (listen the artwork of that game is goreous ok). He would probably be a bit of a loner/outcast, always hiding with his leaf/bush cape; the lighter fuzz is part of his body. I imagine he'd be a side character you have to go out of your way to meet and interact with, and depending on how you do so his outcome in the story may vary: one option is that he just stays like normal if you befriend him, the second is he succumbs to the infaction and he ends up being a secret boss an you have to kill him, a third however is maybe he does get infected, but if you do some sort of side quest before defeating him you can cure/save him still(?) Idk. His boss/infected form is partially inspired by aspids (because they're some of the most annoying enemies and I think that fits him/me well enough :') ), he probably attacks from a distance with a combo of spitting at you directly from the ceiling and throwing bubbles of infection around the stage by swinging his tail; maybe even releasing bursts of orange gas like some other enemies when you hit him (in later pahses). And yes, the name is a pun; I noticed the characters in this game either have descriptive names/adjectives, or normal names so I went with a combo of the two.
art and characters by me, do not copy, trace, repost, reuse ecc without my permission please.
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THANKS FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT YALL, SO IMMA POST SOME CUTE PICS OF MY SUNSHINE NOW (to explain, every time i get a new skin for him I like taking some screenshots, and since the Lunar New Year event is happening right now, I was able to do just that :3)
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I love these two cuz like, omg his face is so silly looking and that first expression is legit pretty adorable (he's doing like an awkward smile 😂) and that second one legit looks like it would just be his Eager Face hdbxhhd
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OK THIS ONE IS JUST TRAGIC LIKE... He looks so damn sad that his firework didn't go off, and it's even sadder that he has it pointed right at his face and it's ABOUT to go off and he's gonna get blasted in the face ;-; Like I know he can take it but omg, poor baby. SRSLY LOOK AT HIS SAD LITTLE POUT, I almost wanna edit the crying cat eyes onto him
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OK THIS ONE.... OMG THIS ONE MAKES ME FUCKING MELT LIKE HOLY HELL 💞🥺💜💖 Like the precious grin and the soft look in his pretty amber eyes, let's be honest this is the closest I'm ever gonna get to seeing him look at me lovingly sO IM GONNA TAKE WHAT I CAN GET 💖💜 Legit I can't look at this too long or I start blushing like crazy and getting so bashful omg, HE IS MY ABSOLUTE SUNSHINE 🥺💞💖
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manabingu · 5 years
Metrocon 2019!
Hey yall sorry I haven't been as active, I was busy literally every single day of Metrocon and I finally got a breather. Anyway I wanna just summerize what I can remember because I don't wanna completely forget these wonderful memories. I wanna look back at em over and over again 💕
Thursday was the 5 year anniversary of my Gundam Wing cosplay group! I got to hang out with my Metrowing buds and we did a nice photoshoot with the pilots and we had so much fun! I miss them dearly cuz they live out of state but the time I had with them is one I always cherish.
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I pretty much spent the whole day with them and I decided that Thurs/Fri would be autograph day for us. By golly the VAs were all so super sweet. All of them loved the candy and the pictures I made for them and as I predicted I got really emotional and kinda cried in front of Luci Christian cuz she is one reason I wanted to VA. Her range is insanely versatile! I legit would call her the Meryl Streep of anime & she was SO kind to me ;///;! When I started crying she said "Don't ever apologize for being real. You're a very sweet person, & I believe in you, there is always room for everyone in this industry ❤️"
And man I just felt so happy at that. She makes me feel confident and I wanna keep trying my best. Same with Josh, Alexis, David & Kara! They were all super encouraging and OmG like ok I think I astral projected when Josh did Armin's or Yuri's voice when he was signing stuff. I teared up QwQ I love his energy and dedication!
I think one of my fave moments during the autographs was when I made the "I'm gonna Bertell you what I Bertold him" joke and David and Josh absolutely lost it xD! They were like OMG WE NEED THAT AS A TSHIRT FOR DAVID XD! Like "You just got BERTOLD" and then they proceeded to make jokes about how he roasted Armin in many ways xD it was hilarious 😂! But oof.
I spent most of the Thursday browsing the Dealer Room and this is was one of the first times I was able to find new Takanori Nishikawa CDs so I bought some that I don't have TTwTT I was so happy! We ended the day by doing a run through of our performances for Anime Idol with Trowa. And it went really well🎶Also, at the cosplay booth, the staff liked my sis' Clear Card Sakura so much they asked her to enter the cosplay hallway contest and I'm so proud of her cuz this her first cosplay ever ^u^- she looks so cute! And many people wanted her pic all weekend :D
As usual this is Anime Idol day and I was super busy prepping. I was a bit more confident now that I finally had performed in front of a test audience. But as usual I am always still nervous no matter how much I prepe. Luckily for me in the morning I was getting last minute autographs and as I was getting Darker Than Black signed by Luci, I commented on Anime Idol and she said break a leg! I had given her an Ochaco mug as a gift which made her SUPER happy 😊! I felt much more confident after that and I went to the Main Events hall happily soon after.
Anime Idol was really fun this year! There was some nervousness from the contestants but we all just got together and made some fun friendships! I'm so proud not only of Mama Trowa but also of the other contestants I mentored or was able to help feel less nervous. The winners did deserve it! It was a very good act! And as for myself, I advertised a bit and got some new people from the toku community to come watch the show! I even saw a Kamen Rider Geiz cosplayer who came to the show it was AWESOME! My bffs who were only there for Friday also came & a few Golden*Star members too I was just so happy and thankful! They really made my day! My bffs were dressed in Ghibli heroines and OMG they were lovely & we did a small Tik Tol together ^_^ it was fun!
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After the show my new Golden*Star member came up to me and I legit almost cried cuz they were SUPER adorable and kind and they had prepared a Cecil Ajima merch box for me saying thanks for allowing them to join and that they look up to me as a mentor and friend and I'm so happy I had waterproof eyeliner that day cuz oh boy that hit me in the feels 😭! I love! I got them back tho, for initiation I got down on one knee and gave em a flower bouquet,haichews & a golden star balloon as a way to welcome them to the Utapri cosplay group! So now we have a lovely new Tokiya 😊 yay!
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Ok so despite loosing one prop, Saturday was really fun! I finally debuted Poppy Pipopapo and I basically used the entire day to find video game character cosplayers and we got to dance with them! I was shooting a music video for People Game for Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Abridged ^u^! Everyone whom I asked to dance with me was excited for it and it was a blast! I loved being able to spread so much fun and positivity as Poppy :) it was a dream cosplay come true! I can't wait to pit the vid together ^^🌸💕🎼🎵🎶! Later at night, I ran into my new friend who is gonna be Tokiya (they were dressed as Eiichi & their bud was Kira from HE★VENS!) we spent a good 2 hrs taling about all our future plans with Golden*Star and their other friend was so impressed with how friendly our Utapri group was that they wanted to join ;w; it was actually really sweet💕
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Was THE BIG DAY AT LAST. The very first time my Utapri cosplay group Golden*Star Cosplay would finally have our first meeting/photoshoot together as ST☆RISH & QUARTET NIGHT! And it went flawless like a dream! Guys, omg I hit a milliom dollar jackpot. I love this group so much 😭! Everyone was on time, we all worked together so well, the photoshoot went perfectly! And we livestreamed it! After the photos, we sang Reiji a Happy Birthday 🎁 cuz it was his character bday the day before & I bought cupcakes and fried chicken for everyone xD! Cuz that's what Shining Live said happened fffff. In the most complimentary way, I feel like this cast is so on point, we are all pretty much our characters xD! I thought managing an 11 member group would be too hard at first but we have all grown so close over this year & we all have so much love and respect for one another, we all just felt so natural hanging out, as of we had done this for years ;U; ! It was lovely!
We tried stalling saying goodbye cuz we didn't wanna leave ;///; but we had to. We are still planning to watch Maji Love Kingdom as a group when SentaiFilmworks gives the green light for theatrical releases. But for now we will work hard to make HolMat even better! I love them all and can't wait to keep working together to make more wonderful memories! See yall next con!
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zumpietoo · 4 years
Part 3
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No, you're all just utter dumbasses, whining to your leader of utter dumbasses....plus, yes, they didn't interact....because Douchie DGAF about Betty, never has, never will...and Betty knows she can't depend on him for dick, never has, never will.
Now is their "friendship" abysmally poorly written? Yes, but that's nothing new. It's never been well-depicted, nor has Betty/Vermin's and certainly not Douchie's and Jughead's. If the show were better, I'd even go with they're actually wanting us to see that Douchie is, in fact, a selfish user, only concerned with what he wants, in the moment and brings this quality out in Betty, with Vermin always being very much the same.
As for "holding out hope", dude, they made it abundantly clear it's done and I even pointed out there isn't gonna be, other than group scenes, Barfie interaction going forward.
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Dude, Barfie hooking up was painfully juvenile (and toxic), as well....plus, don't hold your breath, cuz turn blue, there....
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And bad fanfic....love the "talk to Douchie", cause that didn't happen and isn't gonna. They aren't friends. IDK why y'all cling to this. It was painfully and abundantly clear that was a complete kiss off.
You are and will always be, so fucking stupid.
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Umm....first off, this goes way past mere "darkness/what she's going through", she's a psycho killer and needs some intensive therapy. Her being a "badass" will not change that.
Secondly, the entire point has always been that she's so fucking dumb she doesn't even get not only is Douchie NOT the "light in the window", but is somebody who brings out her very worst self and that Jughead has always been who keeps her grounded, the actual "light", etc.
The entire thing has always been that they're stronger together/their best selves, etc. And I say that as somebody who currently vastly prefers Jabi.
It isn't remotely a "lack of follow up", it's actually completely consistent.
Oh and, LBR, even merely pining for a taken Jug/being a third leg of the JTB triangle is actually gonna make Betty want to be better
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I'm legit surprised he liked it, but, again, this is the entire point. However, Betty has fully (for whatever reason) forgotten this. And she still proceeded to be an utter, repeated cuntwipe to Jughead (tho I suppose you could argue that she spiraled further because she convinced herself she couldn't count on him either, because the lead he presented wasn't what she wanted to hear)
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BH isn't together, but the entire concept is that they're soulmates. VD, obviously, but it's always been a shallow crappy ship. And nobody GAF about the podcast, it also makes no fucking difference
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Hey, I think the show does a way shitty job across the board, but they aren't remotely obligated to explain why they don't give a side character air time.
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Nope, she remains a loon. Stunned he didn't enjoy the ass shaking more
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Even if it's a fake out (moar like cock blocked) Jabi's rising, moron. It's like his "trust the story" has never watched TV
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He's so charming when he oh-so-pretentiously mansplains things....plus, so the pics are for your ass, now?
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