#cute convo. very enjoyable. games a 10/10
jacqcrisis · 7 months
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in my head, Ronan doesn't even let him get to the 'who would it be' part of the quote before he's blurting out Gale.
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rye-views · 6 days
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Liar Satsuki Sees Death. Usotsuki Satsuki Shi ga Mieru. ウソツキ皐月は死が視える. 7.7/10
I wouldn't recommend this manga to my friends. I wouldn't reread this manga.
I love how expressive Satsuki's facial expressions and body language are. She's also so chill and badass. I love this concept of people not believing you or perceiving you the way you are because I relate. I love how Akira gave Satsuki apple juice. Ugh, love the outfits when not in school. I love how the teacher just teaches and doesn't truly question Satsuki, though he should. I love the filler episodes, especially when it brings in Shi Ni Aruki. Saijou and Kai in their youth are so cute together. Saijou's mom is a beautiful lady. Sensei's convo with Komachi about the science behind each life's worth was good. Very good teacher in that moment.
This friendship thing is such a Naruto vibe.
The death visuals are so gnarly, I'm intrigued. It's interesting to see such medical explanations for things and learn. It's crazy how this manga is visually displaying nervous energy that I experience exactly in real life.
Akira's relationship with Satsuki (not relating to her but caring for her) reminds me of Pyramid Game's 수지 with 자은.
These family dynamics are relatable. Satsuki's issue with lying, I relate to.
Satsuki, Komachi, Satomi Sae, Saiyoko, and Akira are v pretty. Why are so many characters so cute? The teacher, Satsuki's dad, Kai are very good looking.
Shiina is so freaky to me. im freaked. Satsuki is so freaking tall. Can I get some height measurements so I can comprehend?
Satsuki's inner dialogue as she interacts with Komachi is like a more teenage version of how I interact with a friend of mine.
Satsuki's power really is a burden. I don't think I can ignore what I see either, but it really affects who you are and how you are perceived. Her perception of death though, how you don't know when someone might die or being so torn over death.. I feel she needs more Tokiko in herself. Death will happen regardless, so you might as well live life. It's only painful for you, not the one who died.
The difference in Komachi and Akira, but also having the same deep friendship with Satsuki is enjoyable for me. I like both the friends in their own ways, but it's also like the same reasons. I don't know why there is such homoeroticism though, but it's fine. Komachi is kind and cute, but she also seems evil somehow.
Memorable Quotes: "Generally speaking, I have a massive burden." "You sure like asking disturbing questions." "So long as you're alive, you can do anything." "Worrying for someone is like a gift you give them." "I think you're the rightest person in the world." "There's nobody who's better off dying than living!" "She may not study, but she's very smart." "Are my eyes so wrong the only way to live is to lie?" "so long as we don't know what'll happen, there's nothing that can get in the way of hoping for the best."
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lala-pipo · 3 years
(1) WOW! 4 months has passed since you answered my last ask hahaha… so fast… I understand, sometimes when I spend too much time on something, be it working or studying or even recreational stuff I feel burnt out to :D Like I spent 5 straight days last week playing Stardew Valley, now I haven’t touched the Switch lol anyways, I am still enjoying the updates on Dorm Life! It’s slowly progressing but I think it’s good for both of them so far? Taking it one step at a time :3
(2) It’s like they are back at it again with their bantering and anime/fanfic conversations :’) the comfortableness is there but also at the same time it feels unsettling? maybe because we are seeing it from Taem’s POV and he is kinda fidgety (for a lack of better word) or tense about the situation? Hmmm but yeah the ending at the latest chapter though!! Whoooo could have been calling Jong at that time? And the off-character part where he turned off his phone, refusing to take the calls :O
(3) Obviously like Taem we would probably just wonder if it’s Key right, but idk why some instinct telling me it’s not Key like it’s a new part of the story? A new subplot? Lol or maybe it is Key and we are closing that chapter? Uhuhuh I’m just going to theorize in the corner here as I wait for the next update :3 Ah! Yeah, and you said there won’t be any crying moments anymore, so will there be more cheesy things like the end of the latest chapter? Cringe inducing lines and “aww” moments? ;)
(4) Yeah, ofc ofc since to Taem, Key is his “antagonist”, we were bound to kind of see it the same way… in the latest update too, there were a lot of thoughts inside Taem’s head regarding his observations on Key right… like I think there was a part where he thought that Key was looking down on him, or even he thought that Key and Jong should be having stricter? (Idk if that’s the right word) boundaries on things that they should and shouldn’t talk about lol
(5) To be honest, it’s kind of entertaining to see Taem’s train of thoughts on these things like, that almost instantaneous thought in someone’s head that they don’t really share to others. It can be a little bit biased, it can be overdramatic, but ofc I also I understand Taem’s hatred? Or more like insecurity maybe? When it comes to Key (and Jong). It’s the kind of things people think about but not really say out loud hahaha I love it, it makes the characters more whole?
(6) Oh yeahh? I shall be sneaking my way into AO3 to see your replies :3 For a while I kind of realized that you uploaded every 3 weeks? On my Sunday nights, so I timed it perfectly lol recently I’ve been busy too so this one took a while hehehe :D Since my last ask I think you updated twice with chapter 10 and 11! I think chapter 10 was more like “where is this going, what is happening” uncertain section with everyone just passing by time and going with the flow? Ft. mother and Kai hahah
(7) In chapter 11, I think the direction is clearer for them, thanks to the convo by the river!! It was a necessary conversation and I’m glad that they were able to talk about it, after great difficulty :’) Then the chapter was filled with fluff cheese fluff Taem’s thoughts on Key fluff :3 hahaha oh! Maybe I wasn’t paying attention as much but there weren’t many biblical allusions in the past 2 chapters? Maybe it was intentional or maybe not, either way I didn’t notice many of them I think? haha
(8) Maybe ‘cos Taem’s thoughts are filled with “where is this going”, Jong, Key, and then the upcoming exam lol so not so much bible references going on in his head haha… Also!! I saw new fanfics for Jong’s month and I did not read them yet!! So excited, probably will read them as I wait for the updates :D Also!! SHINee x AoT fanfic, yes please omg… I actually searched for one back in 2013-2014? When AoT Anime was just released… we have Pacific Rim AU, so I was rooting hard for AoT AU :’(
(9) Sooo yeah, I’ll look forward to any new fanfics by you in the future too! But please do take time away from it if it tires you out or if you are burned out! It should be an enjoyable thing to do for you :D Anyways! Thank you for the updates! I thoroughly enjoyed the fluff, oh! and thank you for accepting my tomo-choco lol, and I gratefully accept yours! <3 I hope you had and will have an amazing time for the upcoming months! Take care, and stay healthy! – cricket anon
Cricket nony!
Wow indeed! It certainly has been a while. How have you been? I have never heard of Stardew Valley before, but I’m glad you’ve enjoyed playing it. But I know that feeling, sometimes I play games for weeks and then I won’t touch them for a year. Humans are weird like that I guess. ^^
I’m glad you’re still enjoying my slow updates. I mean we are about to cross the finishing line. There are only two chapters left to complete the storyline + the epilogue. So yeah. Considering that I already wanted to be done with the story by March – and now we’re nearing July already. Haha – but at least I’m working on it to push this story over the finishing line.
It’s not really a subplot – more like the underlying theme of the story which has been there since chapter 1. If the story was written from Jonghyun POVs it would have been a main theme, but since we’re seeing everything from Taem’s perspective, we just know what Jonghyun shares with him – which is not a lot. :’)
Yes, there won’t be any more tears. There will be a few cheesy moments, but less so compared to chapter 11. :’D Chapter 12 is like the last peak before – hopefully – all ties come together in chapter 13 *knocks on wood*
Oh, Taemin will have a lot more thoughts on Kibum in chapter 12. Lmao The whole situation between Kibum and Taemin is loosely based on something from my own experiences. However, without going too much into detail – let’s keep it simple and say I was the Jonghyun in that scenario. Lmao
Yeah, I think there are plenty of moments in this story in which Taemin thinks a LOT of things but says something very different out loud. I think that’s only human. It’s just better to not share all thoughts one has. :’)
It’s certainly intentional that there are less biblical references after they’ve actually been to church. There are still some left to come, but far less than in previous chapters. It’s supposed to show that Taemin is slowly beginning to find his balance in a way, his way in life? I don’t know how to put it, but he slowly gets more rooted.
THANK YOU! Finally someone who understand my craving for SHINee x AoT fanfic. I really, really want to write one because for some reason I want to write something more action driven with blood, and gore and violence lmao and of course titans. I mean romance is cute – but romance is even cuter if you put it into a dystopian setting where people are fighting for the survival of human kind. A SHINee survey squad would be so cute T_T <3 I don’t really know why no one picked up on yet after all those years – we have so many crossovers in this fandom – and yet a crossover with one of the biggest fandoms out there is just nonexistent. It makes no sense to me. I also always wanted to write a Harry Potter crossover but there are so many out there already – so AoT really lets my weeb juices tingle. Lmao
I remember really liking bmot’s JongTae pacific rim AU…although I still have no idea about pacific rim to this day. :’D I always wanted to look it up because I like the description in their story – it seemed an interesting concept but somehow I’ve never went further than thinking about it.
Thanks for dropping by again, cricket nony! Talk to you in 4 months? Maybe…lmao Take good care of yourself. *waves* <3
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