cupidsredcollar · 10 months
P’s the type of guy to . . . (part 1) - - -
Prank call you and heavy breathe into the line to creep you out.
Make pizza with the most strange combinations and actually enjoy it.
Have (a) really cold hand(s).
Always manage to get the attention of stray cats on the street. Meow at cats more than they meow back.
Forget his own birthday.
Come up behind you when you least expect it and then scare you. You think its not on purpose, but it it is. Get mustard on a white shirt.
Take you to a scary movie thinking he could comfort you when you’re scared, but he ends up being the scared one.
Do a duo halloween outfit and then also make a smaller version for Spring. He likes to include her even if she’s not enthused.
Get complimented often.
Have good fashion sense.
Hoard things.
Forget to take care of himself and take proper breaks.
Pay close attention to the things you like.
Tie his shoe laces in a juvenile way.
Forget to use both his hands while multitasking.
Send everyone and their grandma a Christmas letter.
Hate socks, but still wear them reluctantly. Be a lightweight, but hides it well.
Cry into Springs fur until she’s hissing at him.
Pass out in random places. (i.e: the kitchen, right next to the bed, the toile-)
Have cat fur all over him.
Never say a swear.
Hug you before doing anything where you’ll be apart.
Try and ‘hide’ gifts for you, but you end up finding them because he hides it somewhere like in the washing machine. It’s the thought that counts, even if you only found it after it got wet.
Not know how to tie a tie.
Kiss his teeth when he’s annoyed or frustrated. Struggle with keeping a normal amount of eye contact, he just likes to stare.
Feed Spring better than he feeds himself.
Give really gentle hugs. He’ll hide his face in the crook of your neck.
Avert his eyes when embarrassed, maybe even turn a lil’ pink on the cheeks too.
Not understand dirty jokes right away, then have an ‘ohh’ moment a minute later.
Not notice the stares he gets in public.
Use hand motions rather than speak.
Listen to the same song on repeat for weeks.
Let you borrow his clothes.
Want you to read to him every night.
Not realize that he’s fallen in love right away.
Sleep dead on his back like he’s in a casket, even his hands are positioned similarly too. Use cheap soap and then come out with soft silky magazine hair somehow. Not admit when he’s feeling ill/sick.
Lose track of a lot of his items to ‘the void’ only for you to find them right where you told him it would be.
Make random popping noises with his mouth for fun.
Win most games you play together, especially if it’s a card game. Adopt a nervous habit of chewing on the inside of his mouth.
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first Tumblr post my darling 😼💖 Part 2
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00fairylights00 · 9 months
I Guess You Just Don’t Love Me Anymore
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GIF from @glowing-starlight on Tumblr
I was so taken by @ash-arts-but-sinful's post which mentions P being jealous of the cat and @oldworldghost’s post which contains the idea of him becoming more mischievous and sassy as he becomes human that I just had to write a little something, I hope it’s alright that I drew on your thoughts for some inspiration!
As a disclaimer, I haven’t finished my first play-through yet so this is more of a character study based off of what I’ve experienced in-game and what I’ve been seeing on Tumblr instead of delving heavily into the world-building and established story that exists within the game. So hopefully no spoilers and it’s very likely that this won’t at all line up with the in-game timeline.
Big thanks to @cupidsredcollar beloved for proofreading <3 
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For as long you had known Pinocchio you had never known him to be a jealous individual, in fact, when you’d first met that bleak, overcast morning in Hotel Krat you had been almost unsettled by his uncanny nature. 
His features were perfectly human, aside from the metal prosthetic he’d been fitted with. He had freckles and soft hair, a face that looked fashioned from a real person instead of the smiling caricatures Krat’s puppets were usually fitted with. 
But despite his boyish features, his face barely moved, he nodded along to Sophia as she gave him the task of locating his father, Mr. Geppetto, and tilted his head in question as Lady Antonia explained the concept of lying but his brows didn’t so much as pinch, his lips didn’t quirk and his eyes looked straight through you as you had wished him safety on his travels.
So watching in real time as he came into his own was something you cherished greatly, you continued to watch him grow and change, become something new. Pinocchio chose to spend a lot of his down time with you, he said he found you interesting, that you had a way of explaining humanity that made sense to him and over the last couple of weeks something had started to shift in him.
No, Pinocchio had never been a jealous individual, for as long as you’d known him.
Until today.
Your morning had started normally, woken up by the cool feeling of P’s lips against your forehead, human hand smoothing back your hair. He mumbled something about needing to go out, you tried to convince him to come back to bed, he tried to convince you to get up (he always wins).
P drags you down to the kitchen, you eat and he watches, something that was initially a little awkward but you’ve come to really look forward to, then you farewell each other at the rear entrance of the hotel. 
He holds you close to his chest, resting his lips to your hairline and making you promise to look after yourself and your companions while he’s away, you make him promise to be careful though you know he’s not always able to, often catching glimpses of Sophia muttering blessings and incantations under her breath in the foyer.
“It’s just Ergo hunting today, I’ll be more than careful.” He whispers, human arm winding around your shoulder. You breathe him in, hands to his chest feeling the odd sensation of his heart, not quite a tick but not quite a beat. 
You lean up to kiss against the slant of his jaw, his mechanical pulse jumping in response. He looks down at you, you catch the fondness in his blue eyes without mistake, he captures your lips in his, holding on for a second longer than he knows is necessary (it’s not like you mind though).
Lounging against the doorway, watching him walk towards the entrance of Elysion Boulevard, he turns and gives a last longing look over his shoulder before stepping through the wrought iron gates and disappearing from view.
You sigh, making your way back inside to start on your usual round of chores, helping where you could to take the load off of Polendina who needed more time to focus on Lady Antonia and her illness. You had just returned to the puppet butler for more tasks when you noticed movement on the top of the shelf behind the front desk. 
Sitting tall and proud was Hotel Krat’s resident sweetheart, Spring, tail swishing steadily as she kept watch of the foyer from her perch. The white and orange cat jumped down to the desk as she noticed you, laying down across the dark wood and turning over in gesture for belly rubs; which you gave happily. 
“She’s been very noisy today,” Polendina explained, stroking the cat, “I wonder what she’s trying to tell us?”
“Probably trying to manipulate us into giving her more treats, isn’t that right?” You accused lightly, you were sure that if he could, Polendina would be smiling. 
“There is another load of laundry that needs folding, could I have a hand?” He asked politely.
“Of course Polendina.”
And it seemed you had found yourself a shadow, Spring making an unreasonable amount of noise as she followed you and Polendina around the hotel. She wound between your legs, chirruped in response to your voices and bumped her head against whatever part of your bodies were within her reach. 
It was no surprise that Spring was loved by the inhabitants of the hotel, and it was very apparent that she loved them back, well everyone except for P. Not for lack of trying of course, he followed your advice of trying to build trust between him and the animal but she wouldn’t so much as let P touch her, hissing her disapproval for all to hear.
You’d often watch as P would recoil from Spring, the feline swiping and spitting at the puppet. You couldn’t tell from his expressions if the cat’s dislike for him bummed him out but sometimes as he lay next to you in bed he would lament quietly that Spring hated him, which would award him a sound of humoured pity and a kiss for the cheek.
It wasn’t clear what it was about P that set Spring off so aggressively. In all the time you had spent at Hotel Krat she’d never behaved in such an unfriendly way, even complete strangers who would seek refuge for short periods of time were welcome to interact with Spring freely. 
She would bask in the attention. You hoped that she would eventually come around to the puppet, given it looked like he would be around for the long haul and you just knew the two would be the best of friends if she would stop being so nasty.
But P was patient, far more patient than you were and it showed as you folded and unfolded the same piece of linen for the third time without realising, Polendina placed a gloved hand over your own, silently relieving you of duty.
“Apologies, my mind seems to be elsewhere Polendina.”
“You worry for the boy, it’s only natural that your mind wanders.” You sometimes forget how long Polendina has been around, having been a close companion of Lady Antonia’s for decades. You had a feeling he knew more about human emotions than he let on, somehow he always knew what to say when it came to your thoughts surrounding Geppetto’s Puppet. 
“I just can’t help it, and with him figuring out who he is, I fear he’ll get himself hurt by being too kind.” You wring your hands in your lap, focusing hard on the lines in your skin as you try to keep yourself from thinking of anything too awful.
“He has met humans who have given him trouble before and he has a good head on his shoulders. I would wager that you have nothing to worry about, but I understand that may not put your mind at ease.” 
“It doesn’t but thank you.” Your hand went to Polendina’s shoulder with a smile. “I think I’m going to find something else to do, try and get my mind off of things.”
Polendina nodded once, going back to folding the linens, “I’ll send the boy your way when he returns.”
You smiled in earnest, appreciative of Polendina’s knowing kindness. 
Spring, who had been lounging between you and Polendina, got up, stretching herself out and scampering over to your side. She meowed frantically to grasp your attention. 
Her interruptions continued as you made your way around the kitchen. It wasn’t particularly dirty given how little it was being used now, however, the repetitive action of wiping down the countertops and sweeping the floor were just the distraction you were looking for. 
Your ears perked up at the heavy steps of boots on marble floors, the jingle of P’s belt was something you could identify in your sleep. He stood tall in the doorway, all sweet smiles and fidgeting hands. Happy to see you, always happy to see you.
He was shockingly clean as he approached, resting his forehead to yours as his hands found their place on your waist, all the scolding about tracking oil and muck through the hotel was finally paying off.
You ran your hands over the intricate designs embossed onto the lapel of his coat, smoothing the fabric down before hooking your hands behind his neck.
“Welcome home, pretty boy.” You cooed, brushing your nose against his. 
He liked the small intimacies you shared, bunny kisses you’d come to find were a favourite of his.
“You can go and relax if you want, I’m just cleaning.” You offered, but he shook his head. 
Spring had also gotten bored of waiting on you, brushing up against your legs. So there you stood, sandwiched between your two favourite beings. 
And two shadows wouldn’t be so bad if they would stop getting under foot, you laughed as Spring and P fought for your attention while you made your way around the kitchen.
P hovered close, slinging his arm around your waist as you tried to pass him. You stopped short as he pressed his face into your neck, leaning back against his chest and resting your hands over his wrist. You could feel him smile against your skin, a careful, small smile that only he could manage.
At that moment Spring took it upon herself to jump up onto the counter in front of you, hissing and swiping at P, he scowled and pulled you closer.
“Beast,” he scowled, you gaped at P, smacking the back of your hand at his chest.
“Don’t be horrible, she’s just protecting her territory,” you chided, 
“I haven’t done anything to her, yet she spits at me.” He complained, you thought your ears might be playing tricks on you at the distinct sound of a whine in his tone.
“You love her.” You reminded smugly, a truth he was unable to escape.
“Yeah, unfortunately,” he mumbled, you pushed against his hold, trying to signal your want to move and he hesitantly loosened his grip. Hand ghosting over your waist as he watched you go, you threw a smile over your shoulder which he returned in kind.
You gave Spring a kiss on the head, letting her nuzzle her face against yours before scooping her up and putting her down on the floor where she went back to curling around your legs.
“Ah, so the cat gets a kiss but I don’t?” P asked. You snorted, flinging the rag you’d been using to polish the countertops over your shoulder.
You lent your hip against the counter and crossed your arms over your chest, “you never asked for a kiss, how was I supposed to know that’s what you wanted?”
“I feel like it was obvious.” He placed both of his hands on the counter, stretching his arms out straight as he pushed against the granite. 
You rolled your eyes in jest, unable to keep the fond smile from creeping onto your face, playfully exasperated you closed the short distance between the two of you. Lifting up on your tip-toes to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, he was quick to move his head once you’d pulled back. Hands to your waist and pulling you against him, sealing his lips to yours so quickly it pulled a sound of shock from your throat.
“What’s up with you today, you’ve been awfully touchy.” You teased, twisting the ends of his hair between your fingers. “Not that I’m complaining of course.”
“Missed you,” he murmured, pressing his lips to your forehead tenderly. 
“I missed you too, always miss you when you’re gone.” You placed a hand on his cheek, thumb rubbing gently under his eye.
He pulled the rag from your shoulder and threw it behind you unceremoniously, taking your hand from his cheek to drag you out of the kitchen, a laugh bubbled out of your throat that P was happy to mischievously return.
He led you to the library, seating you at the piano and turning away to rifle through the sheet music stacked in a crate on the floor. He’d been getting better day by day. 
His body wasn’t exactly built to do delicate actions but that never seemed to stop him, in fact, he was inexplicably drawn to all the soft parts of being human even if initially he was afraid to get it wrong. The last thing he’d ever want to do is hurt anyone close to him and for that reason he was acutely aware of the raw strength he possessed.
Though his conscious effort to be gentle made all the difference.
Spring decided she’d had enough of being ignored, jumping up onto the piano bench and brushing up against you, pressing close and then curling down next to you. P turned around, the particular book of sheet music he was searching for held up in his hand, his expression dropped almost comically as he noticed Spring’s position next to you, taking up what was going to be his spot.
“Move her,” he says simply, you throw your head back with a hearty laugh but P’s serious expression doesn’t change.
“No,” you start with a laugh, “Spring got here first, you’ll have to pull up a chair.”
P continued to stand his ground, you wondered if he hoped his very presence would annoy Spring enough that she’d disappear of her own accord, but the cat only opened one eye. She regarded P from her curled up position before nestling her chin back down into her tail. 
It was like Spring knew she was in his spot and was smugly showing off to him, purring loudly.
“P, I’m not moving the cat. Just come and sit on the other side of me.” You insisted, watching as his unappreciated love for the animal won out and he stalked off to get a chair. You chuckled under your breath and passed your fingers through Spring’s soft fur.
“You are so mean to him, you know? He’s quite fond of you and I think you two would be very good friends if you gave him the chance.” You whispered to the cat who ignored you, continuing to purr unabashedly.
Unbeknownst to you, P watched your interaction with the feline from the doorway, his chest feeling warm in a way he wasn’t quite used to yet. Touched by your words that you thought were falling on deaf ears.
He gave in to your fondness for the cat, pulling his chair up next to you, fingers gently flitting across the keys as you hummed softly, head resting comfortably on his shoulder. He decided he didn’t mind this so much.
Late in the evening, however, he decided he did mind. 
You were curled up in your bed a book in hand and Spring dozing lazily in your lap, he entered the room and his shoulders physically dropped.
“What’s the matter?” You asked, thumb placed between the pages of your book as a makeshift bookmark. 
“Nothing,” he mumbled, sitting down unceremoniously on the edge of your bed to take off his shoes.
You placed the now forgotten book on your bedside cabinet, the act of sitting up a little difficult with the cat in your lap. You reached for his shoulder but he shrugged off your hand, trying to hide the action by stripping off his coat.
He stood and draped the coat over the back of your desk chair and moved to unbutton his waistcoat, all while staring down Spring with a scowl.
It clicked.
“Are you jealous of the cat?” You wanted deeply to believe that your Pinocchio was not jealous of a cat, but you couldn’t come up with a more sound explanation.
“I don’t know what that word means.” He lied, avoiding your gaze entirely, unbuckling his belt and dumping it on the desk, Gemini didn’t say anything so you assumed he mustn’t be awake.
“Yes you do,” you rolled your eyes, “I remember very clearly the conversation we had about it.” 
He didn’t respond, turning his back to you and focusing his attention on rifling through the dresser drawer full of his clothes. The sleep clothes he was looking for were folded at the end of the bed.
“It’s okay that you’re jealous of-”
“I am not jealous.” Quick, concise and with no room for argument, he spun back on you. His snapping didn’t phase you.
“Uh huh,” you teased with a smirk, turning all your attention back to Spring who’d been ignoring your exchange.
Perhaps what you were doing was a little mean, given that before you hadn’t been ignoring him on purpose, but it was too fun an opportunity to pass up. P let out a disgruntled huff, shuffling around in your peripheral.
“I guess you just don’t love me anymore.” He offered with his arms crossed over his chest, your jaw dropped and a shocked laugh fell out of your open mouth.
“You take that back, immediately!” You snapped playfully, sitting up fully and annoying the cat enough for her to get up and move.
“Make me.” The challenge he’d levied would mean conceding to his childish behaviour but after all he’d been through, you thought it only fair. 
You pulled the sheets back and stood from the bed, crossing the room to him. He tried to act as though he was uninterested, tried to pretend that your hands on his chest didn’t affect him, tried to ignore the speed of his heart as it hammered under your palm.
Your hands travelled the beaten path they always did, from his chest to his collarbone, then hooking behind his neck. Trying to pull him down was useless, like trying to topple a brick wall with bare hands, but you caught him staring out of the corner of his eye.
“Look at me.” Your whisper was a command, and he had always been faithful to a fault. “I love you.”
He tried to hide the oncoming smile, dropping his chin to his chest, but you were quick to guide his gaze back to yours. There was no way you’d be missing that careful grin. His eyes were soft and gentle when they met your own, there was hesitance in them that you didn’t want to see, so you kissed him.
He melted against you, arms winding around your back and pulling you against his chest, you hummed and he couldn’t stop the full blown grin from forming on his lips; breaking away to look at you like a giddy school boy.
“Are you going to take it back?” You asked, brushing your nose against his in a bunny kiss. 
“Will I still get to kiss you if I do?” He joked, you rolled your eyes albeit in good nature, hands cradling his cheeks as he continued to smile.
“I think that can be arranged,” you mused, leaning in to kiss him again, the two of you falling into familiar rhythm with one another.
Spring slinked out of the partially open door, tail held high, she had seen more than enough.
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aspergerasparagus · 4 months
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My part for the gift exchange on @tendres-coeurs for @cupidsredcollar
I only know memes.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 3 years
My Story: Tetsuya Iidabashi
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3HGMCKD
by cupidsredcollar
Pregame Kiibo (Tetsuya Iidbashi)'s life before he turned to Danganronpa
Words: 4726, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Our Stories: Danganronpa V3
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), (Human) K1-B0, Ayano Iidabashi | OC, Professor Idabashi (Dangan Ronpa), Mrs Iidabashi | OC, Oma Kokichi, Shirogane Tsumugi, Mrs Tojo | OC, Tojo Kirumi
Additional Tags: Pregame Danganronpa, headcanons, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied Sexual Content, Beta Read, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3HGMCKD
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cupidsredcollar · 1 month
Carlo x fem!Reader Nsfw Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)    Very casual and soft. He might read to you if he has the energy, and if not he’s very talkative, especially since he thinks his mind is a lot clearer. Emphasis on thinks…    Carlo smiles at you, his eyes like warm honey in the lamp light, “I was thinking about that old sweets’ shop we used to go to when we were teens.” His voice is very gentle as he runs his hand up and down your back in leisurely swipes.    You make a soft sound, “The one with the small portions that cost far too much? How could I forget.” You drawl, slowly sitting up to gaze down at him, wondering why he’d mention a place you both loath right now of all times.    You watch his eyebrows furrow before he grins up at you, “Ah no, that one closed down a long time ago. The one I’m talking about is just down the strip from the tap house. Why would I talk about the other one—whatever it had been called—with the shitty pastries…”    You giggle at him and shrug incredulously, “I don’t know, you tell me!       “Well I don’t know either, and now you’ve made me forget what I wanted to say.” He sighs with a soft laugh, still smiling up at you.    You shake your head at him, feeling him squeeze your bare hip as a way to tease you.        “I’m absolutely positive that whatever you were going to say was very interesting.” You snicker, watching him roll his eyes playfully.    He pulls you in by your hip, “It doesn’t matter anyhow, just come here… I want to hold you, maybe I’ll remember in a minute…”    In a minute he fell asleep with you pressed up against his chest.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)    Carlo can’t deny that he finds everything about you lovely and sexy, though if theres anywhere he finds himself touching and holding the most; it’s your waist. He finds the area perfect for gathering you up when he wants you close to him, his hands just fit there perfectly. Best of all, your waist is the best point to hold you by when he hugs you—cuddles you—makes love to you.    Next best place to touch you is your hips and ass. He can’t help it since it’s so cute and perky. He loves watching you walk around in your underwear and stockings. The curves of your back and waist make Carlo’s eyes drift down the lines of your figure until his eyes land on your ass. Your skins especially warm too, he just wants to sink right into you with his hands clutching you in any of those spots, it just feels so right.    He knows what you like on him too, he’s not oblivious, and he also appreciates the attention. Like when you press your face into his muscular back to hold him from behind. Time’s when you dig your nails in while he’s fucking you rough; and other times when you glide your soft hands up his spine to squeeze at his shoulders when he makes you cum hard.    Whether it’s because you like his strong muscles or the mere comfort it brings you to clutch onto something sturdy—he doesn’t mind as long as you keep touching him like that.    Carlo also finds it quite adorable when you search for his hands in any situation. Whether you’re looking to comfort or be comforted, it’s a sure fire way to melt his heart instantly just by taking his hand in yours. He especially loves when the pleasure you both share is so intense that you need his hand to ground you, searching for it so you can lace your fingers together. It just makes him feel very special, even though he already knows how much you love him it’s just another endearing reminder. You can read the rest on my: ao3 😋
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cupidsredcollar · 9 months
P's the type of guy to. . . (part 2) - - -
Walk around unaware of the toilet paper stuck to the bottom of his shoe.
Drink milk and get a moustache from it. (even worse: lactose intolerance).
Sneeze and it either be strangely quiet or insanely loud, no in-between.
Have an eclectic rock and sea shell collection. Don’t touch them or he will get nervous.
Be nosy. He can’t help it, he wants to know the tea.
Poke you to get your attention.
Not be able to grow facial hair.
Be unable to restrain ‘cuteness aggression’ upon the sight of a cat.
Drain the hot water tank with how long his showers take. R.I.P the water bills. Take everything too literally.
Want to bake treats with you, but ends up getting in the way since he’s got no idea what he’s doing.
Pout and say he dislikes his freckles so you’ll kiss his face to convince him otherwise.
Say something he didn’t realize was funny and be surprised when people laugh.
Tell you to drink water when you’re dizzy.
Have the blankets stolen from him while he’s sleeping.
Occasionally forget to blink or breathe.
Rarely voice his opinions, if anything, all he does is raise an eyebrow or sigh.
Eat you out (of house and home), he’s hungry, always.
Steal food from your plate, but he’s not secretive about it. This has caused many fork battles between you both. Brush his teeth after every meal. (Gepetto scared him into it as a kid, and he’s still freaked out over it as an adult).
Think ligma was real.
Almost burn the house down while ‘cooking’. (he was making cereal).
Need Spring snuggled up to him in his bed, he will not sleep without her. Have a really soft voice, it’s a little unexpected, but obviously nice to listen to when he does speak. Lend himself as the little spoon a lot of the time. Either that, or he’s laying right on top of you.
Get set on fire while standing too close to the fireplace. (Pino-tisserie).
Shyly read to you. 
Allow you to put stickers on his legion arm. He’s confused, but likes the attention.
Read the entire english dictionary. That was also the day he learned english spellings can be rather stupid.
Say smart-ass comments under his breath.
Challenge you at every opportunity, he thinks it’s fun.
Have numerous speeding tickets. He doesn’t know the law, just the gas pedal.
Let you straighten his hair once out of curiosity and quickly discovered he should have stayed curious.
Part 1
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cupidsredcollar · 2 months
TC Ship Week Event!!
Here's todays prompt for a possible tag/prompt I want to see!! Prompt: Unrequited Love And so, watching Carlo turn away with that disgusted expression on his pretty face never made a shudder run deeper and harder through Romeo like it did when that hatred was directed at him. “You said I could tell you anything and now this is where we’ve ended up. I’ve always loved you Carlo please understand that telling me to—“ “Just save it. This changes everything, and besides, you’re getting in my way.” Carlo pushes past without another word, and the heaviness of  whats been said settles on Romeo’s shoulders like an impenetrable force. “Carlo…”
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cupidsredcollar · 2 months
TC Ship Week Event!!
Here's todays prompt for a possible tag/prompt I want to see!! Prompt: Young Love
“Do you think we’ll ever see each other again?” Murmurs Romeo hesitantly. The blond boy keeps a firm hold on Carlo’s hand. He watches the brunet turn back to look at him, and Romeo half expects a look a forlorn, perhaps even a few words of resignation.
Summers are short. A lot can change over the span of a few weeks. Carlo might not come back to the Charity House, and this may very well be their last encounter. If not, then greedily Romeo hopes they’ll meet again some other sunny day. However, when Carlo’s honey brown eyes meet Romeo, he looks bright and cheerful, “Of course! I may be going with Father now, but I look forward to seeing you again.” Carlo is smiling brighter than the sun that casts over them, and just as quickly—blindingly—Carlo leans forwards and plants a soft little peck onto Romeo’s rosy cheek. The taller of the two boy’s can’t help but laugh bashfully and glance away, “Okay! Th-Then I’ll be waiting f-for you here.” Carlo nods and then reluctantly lets go. Romeo stands by the doors and watches Carlo leave the steps of the Charity House; his father waiting. The brunet was grinning none-stop, turning back to look at Romeo every few moments as he walked until sight forbid it.
@tendres-coeurs finished product 😋
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cupidsredcollar · 13 days
Lies of P Anniversary Week: Day 1 - The Rose Estate Project - Promeo
Don't Wake, Here I Die Summary:
Romeo awakens for a second time, his puppet followers having repaired him in a desperate effort to help bring back their King. Now that the puppet frenzy has dissipated, Romeo is relieved that they are at least another step closer to reaching normalcy, however, theres one thing Romeo can’t shake.
Where had Carlo gone after he had defeated him? Did Carlo get his messages? Had Carlo finally discovered the truth? Romeo’s concern leads him to Hotel Krat. ---
   Carlo had been at the opera house and had defeated the King of Puppets. Carlo who had been Romeo’s best friend, had attacked to maim, to kill. It was any wonder Romeo was able to stand here in front of Hotel Krat after all that had happened.    With the covenant reverted, all remaining puppets were freed from the frenzy’s ensnarement. With free will at last, all Romeo could think of was Carlo. Carlo and the way he looked and behaved in his final moments, staring at him with a face lacking any intricate emotion.    A face that Romeo struggled to believe Carlo had descended to. And in Carlo’s eyes, a lack of recognition for Romeo who he had held a blade to so maliciously.    Had Romeo truly lost? Had Geppetto really brainwashed Carlo into believing the worst? Even after everything they’ve been through?    Romeo wasn’t sure, but he had risked a lot to come all this way. He hadn’t brought his weapon, which was either an incredibly naïve and foolish decision, or one that will help gain trust.    Romeo hoped for the latter.    Standing there imposingly in the cool rain, he rang the bell; but it appeared to not be working. Romeo then tried the handle, not anticipating it to budge, it opening with an ominous creak.    Concerned, Romeo slowly peaked inside the gate, finding there to be dirt and rubble all over the front entrance. He figures the destruction and overgrowth in the city had likely reached the hotel, causing this mess.
   He ignores it, shutting the creaky gate behind him, looking up at the grandiose door.
   After trying the door, Romeo found that again, it opened. The nagging worry over the Hotel’s lack of protection made overheat begin to take effect on his steel body, his heart ticking louder to compensate.    Romeo’s eyes scanned the dirty floors, vines stretching across the tiles, refuse everywhere. The hotel looked as if it needed more than just some mopping. Romeo squinted up ahead and saw someone sweeping the lobby methodically.
   Romeo wasn’t trying to hide his presence, but he had still managed to frighten the young woman; from the way he towered over most in a comical, yet unsettling way. She had turned and gaped up at him, taking several steps back, holding up the broom like a weapon.
      “Don’t come any closer!” She shouts, alerting the puppet from behind the checking desk.
@tendres-coeurs You can read the rest on my: ao3 😋
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cupidsredcollar · 11 days
Lies of P Anniversary Week: Day 3 - The Rose Estate Project - Carmeo (18+ Only)
No One Ever Plays The Game
They’re playing pool, but Carlo misses the shot on purpose to get what he wants.
   The eight ball bounces off of the edges of the surface, its marble exterior clinks against the other resting balls on the table before rolling towards a pocket. It misses by a hair's breadth, knocking off of the very ridge of the opening.
   Carlo makes a shaky noise, something stifled and tenuous. He hears Romeo snort from nearby. He turns to glance beside him, the blond’s smug grin greets him.
   He steps closer to Carlo, slinging an arm over the brunet’s shoulder to pull him in. “So much for the money shot, ah?” Romeo snickers down at the way Carlo huffs in slight agitation.
      “Call it what you like, just hurry up.” He replies quietly; though it’s more like a demand, a certain edge to his voice that gives it away. The ‘it’ being his arousal that can’t help but twitch at the way Romeo nudges him—a need low inside going unsatisfied. This game of patience is one Carlo finds irritating and torturous, even if Romeo’s knowing hum shuns Carlo’s evident frustration.
   The blond sips and swallows his beverage cooly, “You’re so impatient." He croons, reaching out snidely to tease Carlo’s cheek, his jaw tensed with silent yearning. Carlo’s honey brown eyes remain fixated up at Romeo, a stare that makes heat rise along the blond’s neck, “… and whiny too. Maybe I should teach you a lesson.”
   The grip Carlo has on his cue tightens. Romeo can see him visibly swallow and his eyes flit subtly. Carlo’s look of ire combined with his evident exasperation says enough, “A lesson how? You’re shit at this game too.” He mumbles offhandedly, placing the cue down on the billiard table, his failed turn over.
      “And what are you trying to imply with that?” Romeo grins.
   Carlo feels Romeo’s warm hand slide down from his shoulder and take purchase on his hip, holding the brunet to him. Carlo clutches the edge of the table tightly, his skin erupting in chills when Romeo huffs out a heated breath, thick with alcohol.
      “You know exactly what I’m insinuating.” Carlo groans in response to the contact, his wavy hair getting in his face as he looks down, the tables hard surface digging into his crotch satisfyingly. Romeo can’t help but to sneer; His lover is such a jackass.
   The blond watches closely as Carlo squirms a bit, his hips swaying until Romeo moves to stand behind him. In one swift motion he drives his hips forwards: nailing Carlo to the table. Romeo sighs unevenly when Carlo doesn’t stay still, bending his ass forcefully against Romeo.
You can read the rest on my: ao3 😋
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cupidsredcollar · 13 days
Lies of P Anniversary Week: Day 2 - The Rose Estate Project - Carmeo
I Can Treat You Better
When Carlo first arrives at the Monad Charity House, he never imagined that he’d be able to make a best friend over the course of a week. Carlo and Romeo’s time together is spent playing in the sun, sparring and dreaming of the foreseeable future.
How ever bittersweet their time might be, good things can’t last forever, and Romeo fears he’ll never see the cute brunet boy ever again once it’s time for him to leave. ---
      “This is Romeo, he’ll be your friend.” Sophia murmurs in a gentle yet condoling voice.    Today is Carlo’s third day at the Estate. Everyday that has passed has been incredibly lonely for him. Having found a semblance of comfort in the kind daughter of Monad, he’d search for each day, begging for his father’s swift return.    Like clockwork, Sophia had to turn down the young boy who frowned deeply and tried not to cry in dismay over his abandonment.       “How many more sleeps Sophia? I just want to go home! Where’s my father, he promised he’d come back!”    Carlo hasn’t necessarily been furious with anyone during his time here, at least from what Sophia could tell. Though, Carlo clearly felt betrayed and in need of a distraction. Even if he resisted getting too comfortable, he fully believed his father would return very soon and there would be no purpose for it.
   So, being faced with someone new, Carlo couldn’t help but be a bit disheartened. He found himself tucked away behind Sophia’s tall figure, she who kept her hands at her sides, her smile directed to the other boy of similar age to her.        “Come Carlo, say ‘hello’ to Romeo at the very least.” She tries to encourage in that same gentle timber.    Romeo can see Carlo peak up at him from behind Sophia before he resigns to her words. “Hello…” Carlo mumbles and looks away: over to the gardens and to the front gates—those same gates father had left him just days prior.    Sophia and Romeo watch as Carlo simply pauses, looks between them with a distraught expression, before running away to his usual hiding spot.       “I suppose he hasn’t yet acclimated here.” Sophia sighs, watching as Carlo disappears beyond the building.    Looking over to Romeo, Sophia frowns at him, “Sorry for disrupting your sword practise Romeo. I’d hoped he might want a friend to pass the time, but he’s just been either very clingy or in fits of tears.”    Romeo is quick to shake his head, a shiny smile on his face, “It’s okay Sophia, I’ll go talk to him.” Romeo assures, saluting her, grin never leaving him as he walks off in the direction Carlo had.    Sophia shakes her head, slightly amused and relieved by Romeo’s certainty. She wonders if this will even end well. ---
You can read the rest on my: ao3 😋
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cupidsredcollar · 10 days
Lies of P Anniversary Week: Day 4 - The Rose Estate Project - Promeo
Smelly Cat
Summary: Spring needs a bath, like, really badly. ---
   P didn’t have much to do today, but as he was walking along the second floor landing, he caught a whiff of something cat-astrophic.
   The stench was strong, foul, fishy, whatever makes ones nostril hairs wilt, shrivel up and die. Thats what P smelt: and he’s smelt some things, thats for sure.
   P turned and looked around and found that the landing had little else other than boxes and an old rug. Perhaps a mouse had died?
   Though as P turned like a detective, he came fact to face with Spring, loafing on a nearby coffee table. P smiled warmly at the sight of her, kneeling in front of her to offer some attention.
   Spring purrs and let out a gentle, unassuming, ‘mrrow’ right in P’s face, her kitty breath that smelt like something vicious.    P’s eyes watered, the repulsive stench appears to be coming from the most innocent looking creature of all. He can’t help but to frown questioningly. She appears unaffected, perhaps even unaware of her diabolical rankness.    P can’t just allow her to stew like this, they are friends, best pals like Gemini always says. So, he naturally scoops Spring up and refrains from breathing, making a straight line to the bathroom.
   When he enters the bathroom, he shuts the door behind him and places Spring on the tiled floor. She doesn’t react when he plugs up the tub and simply starts filling it up with water. Neither does she react when he gets out soaps and a towel for her.    She just rolls onto her side and settles. P can’t help but wonder how it’s possible that a cat could reek so nauseatingly? He can only assume Spring had found some rotting rodent infested place in the hotel to stew for a while when no one was looking, that or she just hasn’t been cleaning herself.
   When the bath fills to an appropriate level for a furry cat, P tries not to wrinkle his nose as he goes to pick up Spring. She just hangs there in his grasp, utterly nonplussed as he places her down into the warm water.
   At first, all was well, Spring paws at the water as P kneels to the floor. However, in those few seconds it took, all hell broke loose. Whatever suddenly upset Spring—whether it was the warmth of the water baking her stench finally hitting her snout—or that she just hated water; P didn’t know.    P could only gasp and shield himself in dismay as Spring tried to climb out, slipping and flicking musty pussy water everywhere, scratching her way out until she finally escaped the tub with a long trilling hiss directed at P: Her smelly fish breath having blown his hair into a frazzled state.
You can read the rest on my: ao3 😋
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cupidsredcollar · 8 months
(18+ Only) P X Reader Nsfw |
Unchained Melody
   Pinocchio’s hands coupled at her hips; his own pressing closer from behind, as he sent his cock between her slick thighs. “Soft…” P mumbled the compliment, propelling closer and squeezing the front of her thighs tighter together around his aching length, the action sending tingles all through her.
   Y/n could only whimper when his right hand decidedly dipped inside her thighs to touch her clit, nice and gradual. And when he finally pulled back; dragging himself against her through their mixed arousals—he had to hold his breath to calm himself. With each plunge, he caressed her clit; his firm cock rubbing against her folds in such a precise way that she faulted it for tact.
you can read the rest on my: ao3 😋
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