shadowhunterdean · 9 years
Well happy late birthday. *sheepishly vacuums up confetti*
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When you get this ask, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send it to the last 10 people who reblogged something from you
Summer vacation
Winter break
Spring break
The impending destruction of the school system
Obviously I’m sick of school :P]
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hipstercanada · 10 years
Happy Birthday!!
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mapleborealis · 10 years
Hey, happy birthday, friend!
thank you!!!
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crystalwolfshining replied to your post:Sherlock looked at Molly. He had spent most of his...
This is really good and also really heart-breaking. I love it.
Thank you! I've been thinking about writing this one for quite a while, so I just did it. I know I have a bunch of Sherlollyiers following me (Is that a word? That should be a word) so I figured I would do my best to break hearts.
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Okay, I'd like a Destiel with Pocket!Dean and a side order of Protective!everyone. Please.
Dean opened his eyes in the morning. It was just a normal day. Or so he thought. His chest felt a little heavy, like there was a weight on it. As he struggled out of his blankets, he realized why. They were huge, and heavy. Uncomprehendingly, Dean stood up on his bed, walked to the edge, and looked down. It was a long way to the floor. He closed his eyes and rubbed them, hoping it was just a dream. Opening them again, he looked down and again, the distance to the floor was huge.
So of course the first thing he did was call for his brother. "Sam! Sammy! SAM, I NEED HELP!" He got no response. Time for Plan B. "Castiel? Are you there? I need a little help here. I don't know quite what's goin' on, but-""Hello Dean." Dean looked up. And up, and up. An enormous trenchcoated figure stood by his bed."Uhhh, Cas?""Yes, Dean. It's me.""What happened? Why is the world huge?""The world isn't huge. You seem to have turned small.""Why did I turn small? Can you fix it?!" Dean spun in a circle, trying to reorient himself in the room.Castiel picked him up and held Dean up to his eye. "Unfortunately, I cannot fix it. It appears that an archangel has done this to you.""What?! Well, what am I supposed to do about it?! I can't live the rest of my life like this!""We will figure it out." Castiel carried Dean with him when he left Dean's room.
When Cas walked into the kitchen of the bunker, Sam and Charlie were already eating breakfast."Hey Cas." Sam said, "Have you seen Dean? He's not normally one to miss breakfast."Cas showed them the 5 inch tall Dean, and placed him on the table. Dean buried his face in his hands in shame. Both Sam and Charlie immediately stood up, crowding around him as Dean sat down on the table.
"Awwww! He's so cute!" Charlie reached down to pick him up, and Dean swatted at her with his hand. Sam just watched him with his most annoying, self satisfied smirk."Shut up." Dean said. Trying to get the attention off himself, he asked "Do we have a case?"Sam gestured to his computer. "Yeah. It looks like there's a ghost two cities over. It should be easy for Charlie and me to handle if you want to stay here.""Why would I want to stay here? Let's go!" Dean stood up angrily and started walking. He would have fallen off the table if Cas hadn't caught him and put Dean into his pocket.
When they got to the Impala, Dean realized that he wouldn't be able to drive. Grumbling quietly to himself, he told Sam where he had left the keys in the bunker. As they drove out to the house where the ghost had lived when she was alive, Cas told them that he believed it was an archangel that had turned Dean miniature.
"Really? An archangel? There's not too many of them around anymore." Sam glanced back at Dean and Cas in the back seat. Then it hit him. "Gabriel." He slammed on the brakes, causing Dean to fall off the seat, and forcing Cas to catch him, yet again.
"We need to get rid of this ghost," Charlie said."I need to be normal sized again!" Dean retorted.
Sam eased back onto the road, having decided that the ghost was more important at that moment. Normally, Dean loved hunting. But when the others were all making sure he was out of harms way, and that he couldn't even light a match to burn the bones once Charlie and Sam dug them up, irritated him to no end. When the job was finally over, they headed back to the bunker, Sam driving exaggeratedly slowly and carefully, which irritated him even more. Charlie kept on turning around and checking on him without even trying to hide it, and he could feel Cas's gaze on him the whole way back.
When they finally arrived at the bunker, Dean ordered Cas to put him on the ground so he could walk on his own. Cas obliged, and as they walked, Dean tripped over a tiny pebble. When he fell, all three of the others rushed towards him. Charlie got there first and picked him up, and Cas quickly took Dean from her hand and brushed the dirt off from him, and dropped Dean into his pocket again.
When they got inside, they started researching how to reverse Dean's problem with no success. Partly because they all had one eye on Dean, who had to walk back and forth across the book in order to read, and it took all his strength to even turn a page. Sam thought it was hilarious. Charlie thought it was adorable, and Cas was just concerned that the book might crush the mini Dean. Finally, they decided to just summon Gabriel, and after trapping him in a ring of holy fire, Dean tried to use his normally intimidating methods of interrogation and persuasion. But for obvious reasons, he was not very convincing. The only reason Gabriel turned him back to normal size was because of the threats that Sam and Cas made to tell the rest of the angels where Gabriel was.
So Dean once again became his normal 6 foot height, but every once in a while, Sam and Charlie glance at him and kind of giggle, and he knows they are remembering his tiny humiliation.
What do you guys think? And if you want me to write you something, send me an ask with a character or ship, and a situation to put them in. I'm going to bed now, but I'll do any more I get later tomorrow, when I get back from work, so keep on sending them. This is fun!
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