irvingcoded · 2 years
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holycatsandrabbits · 2 years
Full fic posted! 
Thomas Jopson is not just a good steward, he's actually psychic. So he knows Lt. Little is falling in love with him.
Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: The Terror (TV 2018), The Terror - Dan Simmons Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Thomas Jopson/Edward Little, Francis Crozier/James Fitzjames, Thomas Armitage/Solomon Tozer (background), Harry D. S. Goodsir/Alexander McDonald (background), John Bridgens/Henry "Harry" Peglar (background), Francis Crozier & Thomas Jopson Characters: edward little, Thomas Jopson, Francis Crozier, James Fitzjames, Thomas Armitage, Solomon Tozer, Harry D. S. Goodsir, Alexander McDonald, John Bridgens, Henry "Harry" Peglar, Henry Foster Collins, Lady Silence | Silna (The Terror), John Irving, Stephen S. Stanley, Thomas Blanky, Tuunbaq (The Terror), Cornelius Hickey Additional Tags: Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, psychic powers, Mind Reading, Clairvoyance, except Tuunbaq is interfering with Thomas’s abilities, Thomas is wound really tight, but you would be too if you had to hear everyone’s thoughts, AU Canon Divergence, Minor Character Death, Jopson & Crozier are close friends, First Kiss, First Time, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, Romance, Secrets, Heavy pining, Lead poisoning scurvy and Tuunbaq oh my, True Love, Happy Ending Summary:
Thomas sensed that Crozier wanted more water. Well. Crozier wanted whiskey, but Thomas had sat him down years ago and foretold a life spent suffering at the bottom of a bottle— for it wasn’t only minds that Thomas could read, but at times the future— and Crozier had done what it took to break himself of the habit before it got its claws too far into him. He was the bravest, strongest man Thomas knew. So Thomas poured Crozier water and smiled at Crozier’s internal grumblings about Fitzjames and his stories.
Oh, Little thought. I’ve not seen him smile before. There can’t be anything lovelier. He could be the sun on an arctic night. If he ever looked at me like that, I might burn up and be glad for it.
Thomas nearly spilled the water all over Crozier.
Ao3 ~ DannyeChase.com ~ Linktree ~ Serial romance ~ Weird Wednesday writing prompts blog ~ Ko-fi ~ Newsletter
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greywolfheirs · 5 months
My recap of amc's The Terror episode 1 as someone who has a hard time understanding historical dramas and figuring out who tf all these white guys are
Crozer (cringefail captain that everyone bullies for some reason): we shouldn't keep moving bc we'll get stuck in ice
His boss (?):
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TEN MINUTES LATER: Boats are stuck in the ice
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(Except more angry)
The End
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ccorinthian · 11 months
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Your names are FRACIS CROZER, JOOHNN FANKIN, and JAMESS FITZJA and you're all about to commit an act of HUBRIS you may not SURVIVE.
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lonelyroommp3 · 1 month
I’m not sure if I have a fave boy yet (I’m having trouble remembering the names- a lot of them look quite alike) but I find crozier (crozer?) and his dynamics with the other officers compelling. I’m also having fun playing the “were you on downton abbey or the crown” game with the cast
hahaha fear not struggling to tell the boys apart is a rite of passage for any new terror fan. it's a show that in an ideal world would come with a spotter's guide like it's the indy 500 or something. but with that said yesssssss croziernation
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seyrinn · 1 year
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Zeltrass reconcept. Another ancient concept that got refreshed. Original species design and lore (c) my co-author Jeeray Their alive variant, crozers - https://twitter.com/Sey_rinn/status/1689297237514280960?s=20
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gaunt-and-hungry · 10 months
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solomon-tozer · 2 years
Okay so @ra-scheln is interested in the Crozer & Hickey thoughts living in my brain, so here they (or at least some of them) are! (Because holding up our faves and pointing out all the holes is fun and we should do it more >:D)
First thing's first: Crozier is NOT a people person. He wears his rank so awkwardly, he doesn't make an effort to be friendly or approachable, he sort of :[ faces at pretty much everyone, and just... reads people pretty damn badly. Most of the men I think just put up with this (to a point) because he's Captain, but Hickey... Hickey isn't like most of the men.
So the second point is: Hickey really is not a normal guy. He's wearing the guise of one. He's trying to blend in and just get by. But he is, well before the show begins, damaged in spectacular ways. He doesn't think the same as others. His way of processing things is on a different level. He's also constantly on alert, absorbing, analysing and enacting what he thinks will serve himself best.
So, throw the two of them together, and you get... a disaster.
Crozier barely knows Hickey exists. He's one of the crew. Maybe he'd noticed the Limerick detail and heard the accent, thought 'huh that's odd', and then just... gone about his day until they met in the Great Cabin. By that meeting, they've been stuck in for their first winter, Crozier is feeling shitter than ever, he's drinking more, Sir John has invaded his space, Crozier doesn't trust him or feel listened to/appreciated/valued, and then there's this... guy... in to fix the privvy and holding a dog shit in his hand. He's just some guy. A refreshing someone/no one to just vent to for a minute or two.
Only, that's not how it should work. Hickey doesn't know his place, because he doesn't understand the system he's inserted himself into, and Crozier doesn't really care in that moment or even think 'hey this isn't an appropriate way to talk to one of the ratings'. Crozier has no idea what that interaction is going to create. At all. Probably barely even noticed who he was talking to. He got to say his dramatic lines, be civil for a minute, and then that was that.
But to Hickey? Oh boy. Earlier, there had been the whole Irving discovering him and Gibson thing. And while Gibson was freaking out, Hickey was grinning and smoking, not actually afraid. See, he'd read Irving. Correctly. He's calm about this. He's in control. Nothing bad is going to happen.
He now goes on to read Crozier. Incorrectly. Maybe a little high on that close shave with Irving and his surety, Hickey's now in the Captain's cabin, and the Captian recognises him. Speaks to him. As an equal, no less. He sees something in him. He confides in Hickey. When Hickey works Crozier to extract details about the leads/chances of getting under way again, it's easy. Crozier doesn't notice (well, he doesn't care/doesn't think, just speaks, which he shouldn't have done).
The whole moment where Crozier offers Hickey a drink, and insists, then makes that toast... Nothing to Crozier, but everything to Hickey. He doesn't need to worry about Gibson, Irving, or anything else. The Captain has recognised him, and his potential. "To ourselves." A navy man would know that's a traditional toast for a Wednesday. Hickey thinks it's a serious, genuine toast to himself and the Captain. He carrys his memory of that Wednesday right until the very end.
Of course, Gibson starts tearing Hickey's idea apart, quite brutally. So in that break-up, Hickey loses both Gibson and what he thought he and Crozier were together (a set apart, a cut above the rest, exceptional, etc - only, I think Hickey sees people in positions of power as stepping stones for his own greatness, and those people will eventually be beneath him as he rises even higher and oooh he's so deliciously unhinged). Hickey's reaction is to take a shit on Gibson's bed, and then to go through Crozier's things like a paranoid lover, where he then finds a letter that confirms Crozier was going to abandon him/them. He later talks about it at the hanging, about how Crozier was leaving everyone behind, but at the time the sting of it was that he was going to be left behind. He meant nothing to Crozier after all.
But by this point, Crozier has invited him in. There's something between them. They know things about each other (in Hickey's mind). They're still equals. Crozier, on the other hand, probably goes right back to not even thinking about Hickey until Silna is kidnapped.
At that point, Crozier goes way, way overboard. He reacts viciously when Hickey steps out of line (a result of him not being a Navy man, but moreso I think from him thinking that he and Crozier are equals). Hickey thought he was acting sensibly, as he ought to, and in a way Crozier would be thankful for! But instead Hickey becomes the focal point for Crozier's anger and malice - Hickey is someone Crozier can kick, so to speak, and Hickey keeps giving him excuses by riling him up during that scene. Maybe there is a little something of 'I don't like this guy' in Crozier at that point, but I read it as mostly being 'here's a guy who has just pissed me off, and I am the one in power and I'm going to fucking show it'. Crozier is too self-absorbed to care about anyone else, or to realise that his actions are going to have serious consequences.
One of those consequences? I'd say Irving's murder.
Okay I am reaching a tiny bit here, as Irving's murder was opportunistic, and there's already the fact that Irving is responsible for Gibson breaking up with Hickey, but I feel that there is another layer to it. In justifying Hickey's punishment in front of the crew, 'dirtiness' is tacked on the end. And were the fuck did that come from?? It wasn't mentioned when the three men were questioned! In that moment, Hickey looks in dismay at Irving, thinking that Irving has said something to Crozier. Which he hasn't. The charge would have been for sodomy, or indecendy, or something along those lines. But Hickey misunderstands. The bitterness Hickey feels towards Irving deepens. The only logical (for Hickey) conclusion that can be drawn from the extra charge is that Irving is behind it.
From then on... Well. The bulk of the crew shift to Erebus. Anyone who took the time to notice Hickey's character might realise he gets lost in the crowd. He can't operate surrounded by normalcy, he struggles in the light, but when the crowd is thinned and gasping for breath in the face of adversity? Hickey thrives. And he's left/kept on Crozier's ship. Kept close. It's personal.
How much thought and attention does Crozier give Hickey? Probably not very much. His drinking gets worse, HIckey doesn't cause any further trouble, and then Crozier withdraws to go through potentially lethal detox. I doubt he thinks about very much except the pain and misery he's in. Everyone but Jopson and MacDonald are kept away. But Hickey is still on the same ship, no distracting crowd to smother his voice, he starts to rise, to feel the power he has over Irving, become a source of comfort for Manson, to gather information and draw together those who aren't content. And we're not even delving into Tuunbaq! Because that's also where Hickey is transferring his focus/power. Crozier was weak. Unworthy. But he has still wronged Hickey, and Hickey is going to get his revenge one way or another.
Quick detour here to say that Goodsir is the only person who comes close to noticing Hickey's nature, but he does nothing with that knowledge. He doesn't share his concern, perhaps assuming 'oh they all know what this guy is like' because Hickey's sweet-talking is so glaringly obvious to him. He's the only person we see who doesn't fall for it. (But then again, why bother anyone with something the caulker's mate says? He's just a lowly seaman.)
There does come a point where Crozier finally notices Hickey. When he's sober, they've abandoned the ships, and when he has to because the dance he's unknowlingly been engaged in is about to enter its final act. Hickey was just a convenient, nameless, faceless confidant/emotional punching bag, but now he's a very real, very conniving, and very clever threat. What in the hell is wrong with him?? Why is he so unhinged? Well, because Crozier helped to make him that way. Hickey was always going to do what he could to survive and get out of there, but with Crozier it became intensely personal. Hickey is, to a degree, a monster of Crozier's creation. Elevated and recognised then spurned and humiliated... That bit during the lashing where Hickey has that transcendent moment... Crozier created that. Long before, when he raised a glass and toasted the two of them, he tethered Hickey to him.
And, of course, Hickey has to sever that tie. He has to end it. To prove he's risen above, and has won. His victory is the final victory. Crozier was wrong to cast him aside (but Hickey is right to cast Crozier aside, because he's no longer worthy).
This post is, obviously, about Crozier and Hickey, but the moments in which Crozier thinks about Hickey actually are few and far between. When they occur, they're intense, yes, but so much of this is one-sided. Crozier has other concerns, after all, whether or not he deals with them well. Would Crozier paying more attention to Hickey help? Fuck no! Crozier is utterly unable to realise what's going on with Hickey and keep their interactions professional. And even if he could? Hickey isn't reading Captian/subordinate in their interactions. At best, Crozier could have packed Hickey off to Erebus where he might have been distracted and found it harder to turn the minds of other men. But Crozier didn't think to do that. Didn't realise that Hickey was obsessed with him, and the bond he became convinced that they shared. No one noticed, because Hickey is good at not being noticed, and also because there were so many other concerns weighing on everyone (including Crozier's health and method of captaining).
Even at the end, Hickey has that little speech with Crozier. He's showing off his power and position, while concluding this chapter of his life. Maybe part of him also wishes Crozier would praise him again, and recognise him, and express regret discarding Hickey. Hickey would still cast him aside, of course, but for a moment he could toy with offering forgiveness.
Crozier won't do any of those things, of course. He no more understand Hickey than he did months ago. He sees the actions, sees the unravelling of a man, but doesn't appreciate his own part in it. He has no idea how profoundly he's impacted Hickey's life (and thereby the lives of many of the other men).
Given the length of this, I'll wrap up my ramblings there, and remind anyone reading this that these genuinely are my rambling, and a meander through the meta that lives in my mind. I very much enjoy holding up my faves and pointing out all the broken bits, and it's so much fun exploring how these two interact and fuck each other up specifically. Take what you like and ignore what you don't!
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Rereading The Terror
Chapter Thirty-Two: Crozier
The time has finally come to abandon the ships. They leave Terror fully rigged and proud - thanks to Peglar and his men - in case of a sudden thaw. Erebus on the other hand was already crushed in the ice and sunk about three weeks beforehand.
Crozier walks the ship one last time, with Lt. Little in this case rather than Blanky. The description of this is very touching - the officers' remaining possessions neat in their cabins, the Great Library raided by all and sundry, Mr Diggle's stovetops cold for the first time in three years. Even more touching are Crozier's words to Little once they're on deck again with the rest of the men waiting on the ice below: "Go ahead, Edward," Crozier said softly. "Over the side with you." There's something quite paternal in that, I feel. Like a dad just encouraging his son to go outside and play. Very sweet I think!
Just as sweet are his words to Peglar too as they take one last look at Terror: "She looks fine, doesn't she, Harry?" "She does that, Captain." ... "She looked to Crozier as if she were bedecked in jewels."
Down on the ice, Crozier and Little give the order for the hauling to begin. Hodgson and Irving have already gone through to Terror Camp with Irving specifically requesting a change to his own hauling party which originally included both Hickey and Manson. It's interesting in this case that it's Little who originally assigned both men to Irving's party, indicating that he may well have been kept in the dark somewhat, similar to his show counterpart.
Taking his turn in harness, Crozier reflects on all the losses they've suffered so far, Erebus more so than Terror. We hear mention that poor Collins - quite understandably - didn't survive his horrendous injuries in the end, and are treated to a vivid description of conditions on Erebus in her final days as her dwindling officers still dined together: "And even that in the last days, Crozer knew, had been an absurd sight once the ice had tilted Erebus almost thirty degrees to starboard. The four men had been forced to sit on the deck, their plates on their knees and their feet braced hard against a batten." Which makes me think not only of Hodgson with his plate on his knees in the Mutineer Camp but of earlier in the book when Crozier forced the men to sit on the cold deck while he berated them after Hickey's attempted mutiny.
A few other grim fates are mentioned along the way. Private Heather is still alive and kicking - he's been dragged to Terror Camp already - as has Davey Leys, another seaman who's remained catatonic since being involved the day Tuunbaq attacked Blanky. Lastly, George Chamber, the wee ships boy who got bonked unconscious at Carnivale, hasn't been the same since - he doesn't speak anymore and is able only to follow simple orders.
Several hours into hauling, they're tortured by a mirage - a fully rigged and proudly sailing Terror in the distance. "It's as if there's some dark God who wants to torment us" Thomas Blanky said almost cheerily." [And hilariously]
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galaxiacultural · 2 years
Martin Luther King.
Martin Luther King Jr.  nacido con el nombre de Michael King Jr. nace en Atlanta, Georgia, Estados Unidos, el 15 de Enero de 1929.
Fue un pastor de la iglesia bautista y un activista que hizo una gran labor social en Estados Unidos frente al movimiento de los derechos civiles para los afroestadounidenses.
Hijo del pastor de la iglesia bautista Martin Luther King Sr. y de Alberta William King. Martin Luther King Jr. tenía dos hermanos: Christine King Farris, mayor que el y Alfred Daniel William King que era menor que el..
Desde niño vivió la experiencia de una sociedad racista. Con 6 años dos niños blancos le dijeron a Martín que no estaban autorizados a jugar con el.
En 1939 cantó en el coro de su iglesia  en Atlanta para la participación de la película ¨Lo que el viento se llevó¨.
King estudió en la Booker T. Washington High School de Atlanta hasta el 8 grado. No estudió el 9 grado. Con 15 años estudio en el Morehouse College, una universidad exclusiva para jóvenes negros, donde en 1948 se graduó de Sociología, se matriculó en el Crozer Theological Seminary en Chester (Pensilvania) donde se licenció en Teología en 1951. En Septiembre de 1951 empezó sus estudios de Teología Sistemática en la Universidad de Boston en la cual recibió el 5 de Junio de 1955 el titulo de Doctor en Filosofía.
Se caso el 18 de Junio de 1953 con Coretta Scott . Tuvieron 4 hijos: Yolanda King (1955), Martin Luther King III (1957), Dexter Scott King (1961) y Berenice King (1963).
King a los 25 años fue nombrado pastor de la iglesia bautista de la Avenida Dexter en Montgomery (Alabama).
El 1 de Diciembre de 1955 Rosa Park, una mujer negra, fue arrestada por haber violado las leyes racistas de la ciudad de Montgomery, al no ceder su asiento a un hombre blanco. King comenzó un boicot de autobuses con la ayuda del pastor Ralph Abernathy y de Edgard Nixon, director local de la Nacional Asociation for the Advancement of Colored People. La población negra apoyo el boicot, organizaron un sistema de viajes compartidos, Martin Luther King fue arrestado durante esta campaña. Él 30 de Enero de 1956 la casa de Luther King fue atacada con bombas incendiarias. Los boicoteadores sufrieron constantes agresiones físicas, pero el conjunto de los 40.000 negros de la ciudad siguieron su protesta llegando a caminar algunos 30 kilómetros para llegar a su puesto de trabajo. El 13 de Noviembre de 1956 termina el boicot gracias a una decisión de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos, declarando ilegal la segregación en autobuses , restaurantes, escuelas y otros sitios públicos.
King se adhirió a la filosofía de la desobediencia civil no violenta.
En 1958 mientras estaba firmando ejemplares de su libro en una tienda de Harlem, King es apuñalado por Izola Curry , una mujer negra que lo acuso de ser un jefe comunista. King se salvo por los pelos de la muerte, ya que la herida le había rozado la aorta. Perdonó a su agresora. Las protestas del boicot de autobuses duraron 381 días.
En 1959 abandonó su pastorado en Montgomery para ejercer en la iglesia baptista de Ebenezer en Atlanta
El 28 de Agosto de 1963 Martin Luther King junto a 200.000 personas que marcharon sobre Washington en apoyo de los derechos civiles, cuando llegaron al monumento de Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King pronunció  su discurso más famoso ¨I have a dream¨.
En 1963 se puso al frente en Birmingham (Alabama) en una campaña a favor de los derechos civiles para lograr  el censo de votantes negros y de esta manera tratar de acabar con el racismo.
Martin Luther King recibió el Premio Nobel de la Paz por su resistencia no violenta a la discriminación racial en 1964, para entonces Martín tenía 35 años de edad. Ha sido la persona mas joven en ganar el premio Nobel.
El 4 de Abril de 1968 King es asesinado en Memphis (Tennessee). James Earl Ray, un preso blanco que había escapado de la cárcel, fue arrestado por el asesinato, declarado culpable en Marzo de 1969. Fue sentenciado a 99 años de cárcel.
En el año 1986 se declaró que el 3 Lunes de Enero se convirtiera en feriado por ser el día mas próximo al nacimiento de Martin Luther King.
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thehollowrp · 2 years
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“a hammer wrapped in layers of silk of your own creation.”
× name: tiago ixora × age: 44 × gender identity: genderfluid × sexuality: panromantic & pansexual × face claim: oscar isaac × faction: the flow × element: the sun × district: crozer haven × traits: lost, intuitive, arrogant, objective, unflappable
a ray of light in the misty forest your eyes shine brighter every day, knowledge and discovery are your food and you shy away from nothing but people. you feel at home surrounded by the elements and by their power you feel reborn. a reckoning to any who try to shatter your world view and make you bitter and hard because they don't know what you are already capable of but choose not to do.
The Pact was where it all started.
Santiago Palache's parents were willingly sworn to their faction's ideology, and their son was raised in it to become a skilled and single-minded devotee to the cause. Aggressive and ruthless, he delighted in making other people feel inadequate, in using his knowledge of his element to gain control and power, and in pushing himself to discover what lengths he would go to in order to answer the call of the Pact.
As his parents had done with him, Santiago raised his own children to eschew nearly anything other than focused, obedient commitment to their faction. Nothing could be more important than maintaining the upper hand in the slow, ongoing war that they lived in. Anything that could be sacrificed was on the table, and Santiago was proud of any display that his offspring made of thinking just like their father.
But in his vanity and arrogance, Santiago had assumed that he could gauge the outcome of any situation. And circumstances conspired to give him the unwelcome knowledge that he couldn't.
It was a tumble from grace that pushed him into hiding for years, as he recovered and stewed over the whys and wherefores, evaluating where he could go from there. Certainly not back to the Pact; they wouldn't have him anymore. The only recourse left for his pride and his safety and his peace of mind -- if he could have such a thing, even -- was to reinvent himself.
A beard did most of the work; a name change and complete overhaul of the personality he presented did the rest. Tiago Ixora made his vows to the Flow and took up the grindstone at the mill in Crozer Haven, establishing a peaceful man, perhaps a little overfond of doling out parables and questionable baked goods of his own invention. Who would be suspicious of him? A gentle community staple who sang songs to their children in the community hall. It's a pleasant enough life if a touch dull, compared to the riotous excess and passionate bloodletting -- both literal and figurative -- of his life before. Still, Tiago would rather be alive and muted than hunted by those he once strode alongside.
The horns of war are far away, a distant echo if he hears them at all. But they grow louder, and the quiet rush of water and turning of the millstone might not be enough to drown them out.
ourea ↪ soft and softer she is so familiar to you. you can tell she sees it too and it has drawn you two together in indescribable ways. you are as close to family as one can be without blood ties but you do not make a point of imposing yourself upon their life. you worry, you worry so much of how they might see you sometimes but you remain all the same.
dryops ↪ a sentinel it is comforting that he is there. you find yourself liking the fact that the man exists, even if some people aren't keen to notice what he does, or what he will do, but you will. you will appreciate it more than he can know because it means that you do not have to cross any lines. you will be the sun shining silently on his stoic form as he continues to protect the city.
priapus ↪ run with us if you are the evening sun, they are the morning. they are bright and beautiful and inescapable and yet overlooked. you both know that the other exist in a way that seems almost symbiotic. you spend little time together, such as the morning and dusk cannot exist at the same time, you two seem to pass time ships in the night and you both do your duty in the same vein...
pinterest — playlist
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irvingcoded · 2 years
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holycatsandrabbits · 2 years
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Hey Terror fans! Fandom Trumps Hate is starting up for 2023, and everyone is welcome to participate!
Info: FTH Carrd ~ @fandomtrumpshate ~ FAQ
What is Fandom Trumps Hate?
FTH is an online auction of fanworks, with the proceeds going to small, progressive nonprofits that are working to protect marginalized people. We began FTH in the immediate aftermath of the 2016 Presidential Election, and over the course of the last 6 years have raised over $192,000 for a range of amazing organizations.
2023 nonprofits
How do I participate in the auction? Become a creator and/or bidder and/or volunteer:
Creator signups for the auction will open on February 6th. We use google forms for signups; the link will be available here and across all our other social media sites as well. (dreamwidth) (pinterest) (carrd) (twitter)
The auction itself will be hosted on Dreamwidth, on a separate site dedicated solely to this year’s auction offerings. This site is not available yet: it will be publicly visible at the start of “browsing week,” which is the 3-4 day period before the auction officially opens.  But if you’re wondering what these auction posts look like, take a look at last year’s auction site for some examples. Although we update our tagging system every year, the tags for the 2023 auction will work pretty similarly to those on last year’s site.
What types of fanwork can I offer?
You can offer any type of fanwork that can be delivered digitally, including:
written fanworks (fic, poetry, remixes, etc.)
digital art, which includes but is not limited to gifsets, manips, moodboards, etc.
fanvids (including fancams)
fan labor, which includes but is not limited to betaing, brit/japan/america-picking, or offering specialist expertise.
For the truly uncategorizable, we also have an “other fanwork” category.
And/or, join the ROFL:
The Regiment of Fan Laborers (ROFL) aims to connect FTH creators with beta readers, expertise-pickers, and other kinds of fan labor support. The ROFL is a group of fan laborers who – in addition to offering individual fan labor auctions – have volunteered to make their services available to anyone creating fanworks for FTH over the course of the year. Fan laborers who sign up to offer their services in the FTH auction can opt-in to the ROFL, or they can join without offering an auction by emailing fandomtrumpshate at gmail dot com. Note that fan laborers who sign up for auctions are NOT automatically enrolled in the ROFL.
How to make an invitation post like this for another fandom (or you can just copy this one)
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astonishingraltz · 1 year
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CAENEUS | fervor & intuition - favor amongst men “YOU ARE YOUR OWN POWER; YOU ARE YOUR OWN COMPASS.”
× name: raltz shantuk × age: 32 × gender identity: trans male × sexuality: queer × face claim: laith ashley × faction: the flow × element: esotera × district: crozer haven × traits: confident, defensive, tantalizing, vengeful, strong-willed, unapologetic
your strength was always your weapon and even then you felt as a glass cannon but through years of search and destiny finally intervening you found a purpose and your place in life and no one will try to take that from you if they know what’s good for them… and you tend to find they do but don’t listen.
I clenched my shoulder with the red life-force seeping from the severance of my flesh. Movement into the ill-tethered arm minimizes.The warmth that I feel has all be escaped me. I try to secure the hilt of the blade but numbness distracts me. My eyes filled with so many distortions that the stars above me all wash away in the tears. The streaks of the cosmos seem to blur as the absence of focus flees. “Whoever is listening,” the thickness of fate swells in my throat as even my thoughts have become Herculean. They seem like weights pulling me to the seafloor of my own despair. “Whatever is listening. Take this pain.” Fingers clutch tighter. “If this is my time. Make them forget.”
Before Caelberk. Before Raltz. The world was given a figment of a person. One that was to defy one’s own need to be some prize. The heir to a title. Trouble seemed to follow as this shadow dwells amongst the brilliant symphonic hiss and whine of sharpened steel. Dare they wield that very blade, nobility would’ve been devalued. Houses would’ve been shamed. Even then, there was an undeniable thirst for belonging. Even in the face of adversity, we often ask for truth. But some realization and manifestations of said realities often have heavier crowns that weigh the head. Strength does not always serve best in the shadows nor in silence. Protest became more apparent as they’d struggle with confines. Private sparring sessions only seemed to exaggerate and exemplify the former’s insecurities. They were waged as if the value of a coin meant more to a house’s name.
Cattle felt as if they held more meaning to their father, but even in sleep, they can still see those eyes devouring them.
The evening of true change transpired as they began to fertilize the earth beneath them with the ethos that flowed within their veins. For one to experience rebirth - they must part with another. They begged to be stripped of this weakness. The vision of a thousand lifetimes phased in and out of their wake. The lack of awareness allowed them to tap into the flow. They’d watch as one life seemed to be filled with so much misery - joy taken from them and stripped every ounce of life from their beating heart. The other- fulfillment. Perhaps, fate led them to kiss this blade. Yet, they still credit it as altering their life-path.
        “I wish to only bear the children of my own dreams and desires.”
Though the past remains in secrecy, there are few that have pieced together specific origins of Raltz. To some, he remains a pleasant mystery. His usefulness outweighs the curiosity of the mind. But to others? They whisper of how a widowed noble and the sudden appearance of a striking lad who bares a similar scar across the breast and collar-bone.
Raltz; as rigid and removed as he appears, tends to be good-natured now. Agriculture. Medicine. These were just some of the things that he is able to provide to The Flow and Crozer Haven. He just hopes to keep a simple life where his blade and shield can remain sheathed with the sins of the past. He is still known for having one of the sharpest eyes and fastest bow-finger. Consider his existence luck or fate. He just acknowledges that the opportunity to choose didn’t come by fortune. Whatever this thing he has, it has always guided him in accordingly. He has learned to follow that thing - intuition. He chose himself and has become stronger because of it.
harmonia ↪ she who knows she is something that you watch, that you wonder about, that you in some ways aspire to be. though you know who you are and are confident in the person you’ve become you want to hold a reputation like harmonia’s; you want to be a legend.
anaxarete ↪ too much you once admired them — perhaps even quietly adored them — but things have changed in the last hundred years and not just with you. when you saw a chance to reinvent yourself and become who you truly had been all along they seem to have made the same choice only they’re still emerging and you’re not sure if you like the metamorphosis.
dryops↪ quiet now, he’s here the protector, oft overlooked in his work and you know that but you wonder if perhaps he is planning something else. you are always curious in these moments, wondering and expecting the worst from people, and sometimes it causes an intense paranoia in you. all you want to know is the truth and yet your mind still tries to feed you lies and stories… but what if you’re right?
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think-and-write · 2 years
Undoubtedly, Martin Luther King had an innate talent for oratory, but without constant work on himself, without training and developing his abilities, there would not have been that King, whom the whole world knows.
King repeatedly emphasized the importance of getting an education. He took courses in theology every semester for 3 years at the Crozer Theological Seminary.
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stephen-barry · 1 month
Elected officials, health care workers criticize Prospect for operating room closure at Taylor Hospital https://whyy.org/articles/taylor-hospital-rally-nurses-health-care-workers-prospect-operating-room-closure/ Delaware County elected officials accuse the California-based Prospect Medical Holdings of starving Crozer Health to line the company’s coffers.
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