gravio · 2 years
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# ⠀GRAVIO. ⠀ ⠀a ⠀dependent ⠀muse ⠀blog ⠀for ⠀LUCEON ⠀ARRYN ⠀— ⠀the ⠀ruling ⠀lord ⠀of ⠀the ⠀eyrie. ⠀tell ⠀me, ⠀little ⠀lord, ⠀where ⠀shall ⠀i ⠀begin?
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⠀( rege-jean page, 36 , cis man , he / him ) ⠀[⠀...⠀] ⠀you ⠀know, ⠀their ⠀INDUSTRIOUS ⠀& ⠀PROTECTIVE ⠀side ⠀might ⠀help ⠀them ⠀along ⠀the ⠀way, ⠀but ⠀their ⠀WITHDRAWN ⠀& ⠀UNCOOPERATIVE ⠀qualities ⠀won’t ⠀do ⠀them ⠀any ⠀favours. ⠀a ⠀little ⠀bird ⠀told ⠀me ⠀that ⠀they’re ⠀currently ⠀NEUTRAL ⠀ABOUT ⠀the ⠀tyrell ⠀rule ⠀and ⠀that ⠀their ⠀loyalties ⠀lie ⠀with ⠀HOUSE ⠀ARRYN. hm, ⠀interesting. ⠀that ⠀same ⠀little ⠀birdy ⠀also ⠀told ⠀tales ⠀of ⠀the ⠀overbearing ⠀might ⠀of ⠀the ⠀warhammer, ⠀the ⠀bellowing ⠀of ⠀midnight ⠀gales, ⠀and ⠀the ⠀heft ⠀of ⠀confident ⠀footholds ⠀on ⠀the ⠀cliff’s ⠀edge. ⠀will ⠀they ⠀win, ⠀or ⠀will ⠀they ⠀die? ⠀( b , 25+ , gmt+8 , she / they , n/a ) .
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# ⠀intro. ⠀ ⠀# ⠀visuals. ⠀ ⠀# ⠀threads. ⠀ ⠀# ⠀musings.
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ofaphrcditearchive · 7 years
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this p much sums me up tbh.
first of all i am very sorry to the wonderful people i will be leaving behind because i have loved plotting and threading with you all!! i would have been here a year i think in may and it’s been so good getting to know you all. i’ve had some of the most indepth and interesting plots and i’ll be sad to see you go.
pouring one out for anastasia romanovna, my true queen and i’ll miss her sm she was truly an icon and i’m proud of what i created with her, a lot of work went into her and i’m glad i did it. also shout out to the romanov fam we created a legendary family - so to kate and mai and maya and ra and rose thank you!! (shout out to britt too, irina was an honourary member we all know this)
i just feel my journey here is at an end, and that my characters no longer fit in this environment or with the new direction this rp has taken. i largely feel pushed aside by what seems to be a new era, one that does not have room for my ideas. i can handle how i’ve been treated, however, it’s truly the experience of my closest friends that has made this decision for me because what i won’t put up with, is my friends being made to feel like they aren’t good enough or don’t belong.
for anyone who’d like to keep in touch, just hmu for my discord and i’ll be happy to send it! thank you for your time!
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okay, it’s been eight months since i’ve been here and i couldn’t have possibly imagined that this would become such a huge part of my life. anton has become more than a character to me, he’s practically a fuckin institution all on his own and i love him and i hope that you guys have good memories of him bc i really do. he’s been my fave child, he’s been my everything. so has dem tbh, bc i love my problem boy. 
first off - to the german fam i started off with ( and the prussians as well tbh ) : dee, vivi, maya, rose, aria, lena, jess and god knows how many people i’m forgetting and how many other people have left. you guys were amazing and i will love my time with you guys more than i can ever say. other than that - luna, ali, britt,  - if nothing else, you know that i’ll follow you over a fucking cliff because you have my support always. fucking always. you know that, i’m telling you that again, and i love you all so much. 
otherwise, to every single person i have met here: never have i ever ( ever ) been nice to any of you for the sake of it or shut you out on purpose. that’s not me, and i have genuinely loved plotting and rp-ing with every single one of you. i’ve loved seeing you guys on the dash. i’ve loved hearing about your days. i’ve loved every single moment. i’ve always tried to plot with legit everyone ( which has backfired on me a lot, lbr. i’ve had thirty threads going at any given time but it’s always been fun. ) you guys are amazing, your writing is amazing and ily all.
i’m not gonna say i’ve had the same problems as everyone else, because i would be a hypocrite. minnie’s been incredibly nice to me when we’ve talked. jord - you know how i feel, i’ve told you enough.  
but with that said, i’ve sat on my hands for a very long time and done nothing. that’s my fault, and i wish i’d said something earlier. i’ll be honest, it’s not easy to deal with being here if you’ve got anxiety, it’s REALLY not. i also don’t feel like there are any plots left for my characters because...honestly, there aren’t. i just no longer feel like my characters have any space to exist. there’s nothing for them here, tbh. modern au was a nice break from that, but seriously. i just feel like they’ve been boxed in and there’s no point to them anymore. i’m pretty much writing for the sake of writing and activity checks. there’s a bunch of reasons why, but that’s all i’ll say on the matter here. 
worst of all, i cannot swallow people i genuinely, genuinely respect and care for being treated badly or made to feel like absolute shit. that’s one thing i cannot take. i do think of them as close friends, my day is never complete without talking to a lot of them or checking up on them to make sure they’re okay, and the fact that they have to go through this is something i’m not okay with. it’s not okay with me at all.
if anyone ever wants to talk, anyone ever wants to stay in touch, just drop me a message and i’ll give you my personal/discord. it’s been amazing. it’s been fucking fantastic. love you guys an incredible amount. xxx
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ofdvnamisarchive · 7 years
idk what time i’ll be on later, but i’m excited to plot for our return to 1665! please hmu or like this if you guys wanna plot and i will get to you asap <3
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
welp. –– everyone is probably like who tf is that? who dis, new phone? anyway it is i, ali aka the mun behind ida and agnete. and i come here to sadly say that i’m switching from separate blogs to mumu ( bear w me this is my first mumu ) but i think it’d be best regarding plans of the future and too many sideblogs are bound to be a mess at least for me and ajkslañsa. but here’s hoping i get the hang of things mb? so yes all things ida and agnete will be in this blog together from now on, sorry for the confusion pals. x
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filipevargx · 7 years
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I’m back!! I got all of my wifi fixed, got moved in, and new tires on my car!! YAY! 
Cool! So I’ll slowly getting back to replies and if anyone wants to plot or anything I’ll be on all day <3 
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ranquick · 7 years
 you know what i hate? toxicity, lack of communication, clique behavior, and the idea that having the slightest bit of power makes you important, trust worthy, and worth my time. while the players here seem pretty great, i regret to inform you that you're all wasting your time with the pit of toxicity the admins of this group are and harbor. i've been roleplaying on this website and others since i was ten years old, and in my almost ten years of writing in groups run by people, i've never found one as poorly managed as this one. i've been talking with several people out of character, and i know for a fact i'm not the only one who has noticed this. that's right, sweeties, people notice your bullshit and aren't happy about it. you have an interesting plot that has been wrecked by bad management. being condescending, outright aggresive and childish, and just playing outright favorites with people who kiss your asses ( you know who you are, babes ) isn't how to run a group. you've destroyed a plot that has potential by being rude to simple requests ( remember when i asked you if you could darken the text of the main because i literally can't read it and you placed your aesthetics over accessibility? not a good look ), outright ignoring and not posting asks with valid points because it would out the not-so-nice side of this group, and ignoring people who aren't in your inner circle. and then there's the clique issue, which the admins themselves are at the center of. you talk about inclusion and replying to starters while you never once ask a new person to plot, ghost people who aren't you favorites when they try, and rarely reply to starters. you hoard the royals of the group - the last i counted, which was before the new admin, there were 21 admin characters. read that again - 21. you know how we can only take three, and four if we’re in the list of their favorites - oops, i mean, active? 21. most of which are kings, queens, princes, and princesses.  you also act like you're god over a goddamn plot drop. people have expressed concern and outright anxiety over these changes and you've brushed each and every one of them off with a 'trust us'. just because you hold a position of power in a group we're all a part of doesn't make you trustworthy. what especially doesn't make you trustworthy is closing off apps with no notice to your players and not answering questions about why you didn't bother giving us some notice.in truth? we see through you. this is just another stunt to secure your clique. you think that your characters are the protagonists of the group, which is extremely clear in the positions you chose for your characters, how you write them, how you kill them off in plot drops for shock factor, and how you don't accept any player input beyond that of your select group of favorite players, who i’m biting my tongue in an effort not to outright @. we're all members of this group. just because you run it doesn't mean you get to ignore us and not take out concerns, feelings, and needs into account. to all the players still around: leave this goddamn group. the plot is nothing special. the admins bring nothing but two dimensional tropes with plot armor to this group. this is a dime a dozen period group and there are dozens of them around right now. move your character somewhere better. move yourself somewhere better. i know several of you have noticed how the admins act, and i'm telling you you can find a group that actually cares about you and your character outside of set dressing for the grand plot they've planned for you. to the admins: grow the fuck up. you run a group that was in better hands with the old admin team. you don't have power - you're sitting behind a computer screen manipulating, being cruel, cold, and unkind to living people. i don't know how old you are, but you act like children. grow some empathy for the people around you and come to realize that a roleplay group isn't the time to write your great american novel.people outside this group know how shitty it is. you don't have a good reputation, and i'm going to be sure to make sure you don't fuck with more genuinely good people to get some dumb power high. so go ahead and unfollow me. do me that favor. bye bye, sweeties.
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     hey guys !! i really hate to do this but it’s pretty clear that i’m no longer able to fill my role in a way that is fair to this beautiful rp and as much as i have developed all of my characters here, real life is just getting to be a lot and maybe a little too much with everything & it’s taken a pretty heavy toll not just on my free time, but in my muse too. so, that being said, i have decided that i’m going to leave ( but hopefully come back in the future !! ). you all are such wonderful writers –– honestly some of the best writers that i have ever encountered in the rpc –– and i’m honestly so honoured to have been here –– julietta / théodore have been two of my favourite muses. thank you guys so so so so so much for dealing with me, i appreciate it so much. i just wanted to write this up before i sent my message to the main. if you want to keep in contact my discord is lexi#8784 or my rph is xaviersrrano . ily you all so much and i’m so sorry !! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
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ofsigvard-blog · 7 years
cool so i’m sure my unfollow is about to be posted but here’s my post.
i’m done. the incredible disrespect with which the admins treat their members is shocking to me. every message of concern that i have sent to them, read over multiple times to make sure they were polite and reasonable, asking about treatment of plots and information has been met with condescension and passive aggression. i’ve never been a part of a roleplay where people treat each other like this.
people are ignored, lied to, ghosted on an alarming basis here, entirely by the admins and a few of their favorites and i can’t believe this roleplay has survived at all.
their behavior is so fucking toxic and manipulative that i honestly don’t know what to do about it besides leave. i hope that everyone who remains has fun, but i would like this to be a reminder that you don’t have to stick it out waiting for like ?? table scraps of attention the admins and their main clique might dole out. this isn’t how you run a roleplay, this isn’t how you run anything.
bye y’all, it’s been interesting.
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scpphircs-blog · 7 years
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hi my loves! i am alive and well and my ridiculously busy schedule has calmed down after this weekend, thank god! so i will be back in full swing starting today. this plot drop, holy hell, i am shook. SHOOK. i signed up for esme to be helping the injured and such, so that’s there. if anyone would like to plot something out or get a thread going then please like this and i will come to you or just come hop on over in my messages. let’s get this thang rollin!!
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i stuck my courtshoes to my feet with double sided tape and now i’m legit stuck in them, this is where my life is at right now, this is what i’ve achieved.
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ofdvnamisarchive · 7 years
i’ll prolly still post a few more things tonight but if i suddenly disappear it’s because i’ve fallen asleep. i’ll prolly be scarce tomorrow because it’s my birthday but i’ll be back after celebrating!!
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serpvntsarchive · 7 years
a quick update: im going to try and suss what my babies are doing soon, i’m waiting on a few things and if i don’t figure them out before doing some interactions my ocd is gonna go off so feel free to reach out to me for plotting im just not 100% sure on things yet <3
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vehemenciasarchive · 7 years
my week is just never ending busy times? so i will most likely reply to what i have on ida later in the night? for now, i’m doing easy things like texts and stuff. so like don’t h8 me too much for it. but rly tho so much hw and work and ugh. see ya in my free time folks.
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filipevargx · 7 years
Hey so I have to go on full hiatus until Sunday because I’m still moving into my house and it’s pretty old, apparently the inlets and outlets aren’t flowing correctly or something (??) so they’re coming Friday to do an inspection.
Wish me luck and I’ll keep you up to date ❤️
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sarahjameson · 7 years
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i haven’t been on since last year! (lol) so i figured i’d write an intro post since there’s so many new people and i’m sooo lost with current plots that i’m basically a new person
so for those of you who i have not yet had the pleasure of meeting, this is roselyn and she’s a ho
so roselyn is a lady from england
her parents are the lord and lady of warwick and are a pretty big deal in terms of influence because they’re loaded and are members of the royal court 
when she was about 17 she began traveling a lot. she was told that it was because her dad had developed a fond interest in cartography, but really they were asked to leave because roselyn was a negative influence/wild child/ proBLEM. (this is a connection i’m looking to fill but it’s kind of specific because it would either have to be a member of the english royal court or perhaps a member of a royal family allied with england??) 
her parents always encouraged her to be herself and she hasn’t had to face consequences for that yet, so she might be a little too unapologetic at times. i can see that getting her into trouble
but even though she’s super ready to share controversial opinions and sleeps around a lot, she’s a super kind soul. Pure of heart, not of body. she’s well-intentioned. think 70s hippie, free-love type. 
i am open for plots plots plots. all of them, any of them. let’s do it! 
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