criticalevil replied to your post “i feel so attacked rn /:”
um sorry im in hell & i can’t hear u over the screams of the damned,
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almostdisaster · 8 years
criticalevil replied to your post: toprovoke replied to your post: ...
starsmiled is…….. So Pretty,
honestly,, it was the one i thought of on a whim n was like “ok i’ll add it” i RLY didnt think it would b the most popular ?
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coronatii-blog · 8 years
“ be honest ”
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                 ❛    alright —-    ❜     her gaze falters to the desk, a sigh accompanying the display she was offering, any fool would presume she was moments from revealing a hidden truth.  irises rise to meet the gaze of her guest as she speaks further.    ❛    you bore me.    ❜    a pause whilst shifting documents on her desk top, her expression one of carefully harnessed vexation.    ❛    now, this meeting is finished.   the door is behind you.    ❜
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@criticalevil || starter call
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“Look, I don’t have any particular desire to be THAT BITCH, but please, remind me again: why precisely do I need to be here for this?”
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forgavethem · 8 years
20 & 28 !
If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would that person be and why?
Well, Ariana knows like three living people in canon? And her being such a loving person, I can’t imagine she would wish any of them dead at that time. But if she knew of the evens to come, both her death and everything after, I think she would have murdered Gellert Grindelwald. 
Are they afraid of death? Do they have any regrets?
No to both.Is she scared to die? No. Was she ever? Well, I imagine that at her dying moments she would have been quite frightened. But this is a girl who never really fully lived at all , and I don’t think she really expected to survive anything? She lived very much in the past, and the future was a really foreign and strange concept for her. No, I don’t think she was scared for more than perhaps a moment.She regretted not being able to help her brothers.
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bonhcmme · 8 years
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         ❝ noted. ❞ she pauses. eyes bore into madeleine’s & she’s an inkling to ask about HOW he even got into… shakespeare for convicts, but—– best take a milder approach.
( though mild is difficult in her vocabulary. )
         ❝ …i think you have MANY experiences, then ? ❞
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     As off-kilter as the inquiry puts him, Madeleine has never denied them. Whatever their name they hang over him, sometimes a pall, always a cautionary tale.
     The curt answer attempts to be a dam, a wall, a FORTRESS— anything to keep out curiosity.
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zoophagist · 8 years
☽ think i already know the answer buT !!
ask the mun!
☽ Do you like writing angst? Why or why not?
[holds ur face real close to whisper v intensely] i love angst so much u cannot even know.  ok for real i ?? hate myself i’m like the type of person that intentionally seeks out hurt/pain fics, long-term pining, unrequited love, self loathing/guilt, like…. if it hurts i want it go D i am  s u c h a slut for angst.
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kcnsingtcn · 8 years
maddie. @criticalevil​ [ ✘ ]
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          ❝ so, in summary. my useless boyfriend accomplished nothing but drinking shitty beer all night, robert coleman won’t join the STUDY GROUP because it’s ‘ too much work. ’ & dolly’s dead. ❞
          forehead against the window, cold glass numbing skin. hands folded in her lap. she’s remarkably composed, she thinks, expression controlled & neutral, voice unwavering. a shitty fucking halloween, but at least she can cling to these scraps of DIGNITY.
         ❝ how was your night ? ❞
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rvliance-blog · 8 years
@criticalevil| liked for a starter
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He’s only half paying attention,  fingers moving gently over the  pamphlets that his mother had  given him to hand out. As if  no-majs actually believed in  them, in witches and wizards.  They use to. His mother knew  he was one, he had the scars  to prove it.     “’mam would you like       a pamphlet?”  Voice barely above a whisper,  hoping she’d just take one  from his hand and not ASK. 
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makesyovcry-blog · 8 years
charoite: who my muse looks up to
          Oh my god. This is so horrible but –– no one. HONESTLY there’s no one in real life that he looks at && is like “wow. I want to be like you. You’re my aspiration.” But he really looks up to certain musicians he likes: Elvis & Buddy Holly & Queen & basically any great rock star.
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will draw stuff for memes | accepting !
i’d say i cant believe this but, tbh, that would be lying
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bonhcmme · 8 years
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“Are you waiting for someone?” A subtle nudge; he’s patient, but he does have a destination.
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cautelum-blog · 8 years
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“I’m afraid we’re not open. You’ll have to come back another time.”
Harsh words drummed out an uncaring maw, sharp eyes taken more with the box before him than the guest at his door. A curious contraption it was, all sliding doors and engraved images -- a book sloughed in bizarre designs at it’s centre, curious animals and queer weaponry to put even the wildest mind to shame -- and in dire need of repair. Thin rimmed glasses perched upon the end of the man’s nose, hands busy with screws and the slight glint of a small screwdriver beneath the piercing beam of a hanging lamp, Callaghan cared not for the finer intricacies of social etiquette. If his expertise lay required, the other would simply have to wait.
Surely even in the smallest of hidden towns, all but babes could read. He did not hang a ‘closed’ sign in his window to have all and sundry descend and host a tea party in his abode, no matter the peculiar scratch at his mind that came with the oddity of the thought.
“Of course,” he huffed, half a sigh and half a disgruntled roar, “If you can’t read, I’d be more than happy to spell it out to you.”
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dresdendolled-blog · 8 years
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       ❛    is it really so foolish to dwell on such things ?    ❜
&&. @criticalevil
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