#criminal how little we saw of the traditional look
galatariel · 1 year
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what meaningful plenaration does "sane" add to "safe sane and consensual"? safe and consensual are both pretty intuitive as to what is and isn't and why they're important, but what is the aspect of this nebulous hypothetical insane sex (this would work better as a phrase if insane sex wasn't already a thing people said about good sex. much to think about) which is uniquely best to avoid but not already covered by safe or consensual?
i've been thinking about that one thing i saw a while ago about reevaluating ssc in the face of increased awareness of like, mad liberation and the ways that mentally disabled people are barred from sexual agency by ableism & the psych system and i genuinely can't come up with a reason why sane was in there in the first place
great question! let's talk about it!
but first: hey. what on earth does plenaration mean. I absolutely understand the question that you're asking but I don't know that word (unusual for me, if I may flex a little!) and google is giving me NOTHING.
anyway, moving on!
SSC was initially popularized by in 1983 by the New York group Gay Male S/M [Sadism/Masochism] Activists, and particularly activist David Stein. let's take a look at their full statement:
GMSMA is a not-for-profit organization of gay males in the New York City area who are seriously interested in safe, sane, and consensual S/M. Our purpose is to help create a more supportive S/M community for gay males, whether they desire a total lifestyle or an occasional adventure, whether they are just coming out into S/M or are long experienced. Our regular meetings and other activities attempt to build a sense of community by exploring common feelings and concerns. We aim to raise awareness about issues of safety and responsibility, to recover elements of our tradition, and to disseminate the best available medical and technical information about S/M practices. We seek to establish a recognized political presence in the wider gay community in order to combat the prevailing stereotypes and misconceptions about S/M while working with others for the common goals of gay liberation. (x)
GMSMA was founded three years prior in 1981, which is only important because that was also the year the first AIDS patients were identified. I don't know if you're familiar with a little thing called The AIDS Crisis, but suffice to say that during the 80s the public perception of gay male sexuality Was Not Good, particularly something double deviant like sex that was gay and also kinky. in a later essay reflecting on (and criticizing!) the mainstreaming of the term, Stein said he wanted to SSC framework to distinguish mutually consensual sadomasochism from "the criminally abusive or neurotically self-destructive behaviour popularly associated with the term 'sadomasochism'."
in other words: while I can't tell you everything that lay in the heart of David Stein when he first used the phrase, it's very clear that the GMSMA seemed invested in improving the public image of kink by separating it as much as possible from the notion that it was something only practiced by crazed degenerates - you know, something queer people have been forced to do for pretty much all queer sex throughout history? in the same 2000 essay linked above, Stein reflects on how many people took SSC as "a welcome validation for a type of sexuality still considered "sick" or "crazy" by much of our society."
is there still ableism baked into that narrative re: the notion that mental illness is a bad thing to be affiliated with? yeah, absolutely, and we'll get to that! spoilers: it's been a source of much criticism, which is why many people now prefer RACK over SSC. but give me a second to get there!
in the essay I've been pulling from, Stein freely admits that GMSMA never attempted to offer concrete definitions of SSC, particularly not the latter two: "We left "sane" and "consensual" much vaguer, "sane" because it's pretty vague to begin with once you get past the obvious meaning - able to distinguish fantasy from reality - and "consensual" because we didn't realize how tricky it is."
the idea of "sane" meaning a person is meaningfully able to distinguish fantasy from reality was echoed by Gil Kessler, a longtime kink educator and board member of GMSMA. rope enthusiast Tammad Rimilia defined it differently, saying that sane kink referred to a situation where "all parties are engaging in this activity by direct intention and can judge the effects of their actions." you can see that echoed in Stein's earlier statement about differentiating the kind of sex that GMSMA encouraged from "self-destructive behavior."
tl;dr, the "sane" is mostly there to specifically draw attention to the fact that some people engage in sex in ways that may be a form of self-harm and/or may want to engage in sex when they are experiencing reality in a way that prevents them from making rational, fully-informed choices, such as psychosis or manic episodes. per their own statement, it seems the GMSMA would discourage having sex with people in this category.
obviously that may already fall under the purview of safe and consensual, but show me an organization that's never gotten a little redundant in its mission statement and I'll eat my shirt.
now, back to that criticism! as Stein notes in the essay I've referenced heavily in this answer, understandings of safety, sanity, and consent have come a long way since 1983! the risk-aware consensual kink model (RACK) has gained popularity for many reasons, with much of the conversation centered on both the inherent ableism of SSC and concerns about the promise of "safe" and the unhelpful and unrealistic expectations it may set. hell, even notions of consent are constantly growing and evolving. and that's wonderful! SSC comes from a very specific time and place in the history of kink and may no longer be the pinnacle of best practices for everyone, but there's still plenty to be learned from its origins.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
Happy birthday!!!!✨✨✨✨✨✨🌻🌷🌻🌻
Please: Gojo Satoru, stressed, "Well don't just stand there, do something" And "They don't deserve you"
Thanks so much 🤍
aww, thank you so much!!!! (Please ignore this is like 3 days late; lifes been weird lmao)
I was really excited to do this one, I hope you like it!
Now Presenting...
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Starring: A very stressed and a little protective, Satoru Gojo
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The room was tense, apprehension and fear so thick in the air that at times it felt like trying to breathe in putty. For Satoru, at least. If you were feeling any of the pressure, you were pretty good about hiding it. Absent-mindedly scrolling through social media on your phone, making a point to pay everyone else in the room no mind. Gojo knew you better than that though. He could see that you didn't stop long enough to read any of the posts, and that your finger tapping was far too frantic to be from annoyance alone. 
Finally, the Elders came in. Everyone rose out of respect and habit, and bowed low as they walked through the room. Satoru tried to catch your eye, but you were making the pointed decision to look at only the floor. His hand reached for yours, something to let you know it would be ok, but before he could make it the elders spoke.
"Rest." Gakuganji grumbled, and everyone returned to their seats. 
"I wonder how it feels to get an undeserved standing ovation every time you enter a room.." Satoru mumbled the anxious joke. For the most part, he got glares and side eyes. But, from you, he got a ghost of a smile. And that was his real goal anyway. 
“Y/n L/n, You stand trial today for using a forbidden curse technique,”  The old man said, utterly uninterested. He was just annoyed that his Monday morning tea was being interrupted. “For your crimes you-”
“Wait, What?” You scoffed, “Some fucking trial, you’re sentencing me already?”
“L/n, your crimes are clear and well documented.” Gakuganji sighed, rubbing his temple with two fingers. Your hands twitched with rage.
“Yes, I’m not arguing that I'm innocent, I’m saying my motivation for doing so should be taken into consideration.” you pointed out. Had you broken an ancient rule placed on your family a millennia ago? Yes, undoubtedly. But did you also save thousands of lives in the process? Without question. The special grade you were fighting was going to take out all of Okinawa, and your ‘forbidden’ cursed technique allowed you to exercise the curse before it even had a chance. You were not a criminal. Which is why your treatment since the incident was making your blood boil.
“Honorable as your intentions may have been, it’s no excuse for breaking a precedent that goes all the way back to the Sengoku era. Your execution will be-”
“Execution?!” you snapped. Were they really so caught up in their goddamn traditions they were going to kill you over this?! Satoru was stunned. He felt trapped in a static coffin as he processed the words. Execution? Execution? He saw you getting more and more impassioned in your argument, further digging your grave and pissing off the geezer. And then he felt your nails dig into his forearm, electrifying him back into the moment as his eyes snapped to your desperate stare.
“Don’t just stand there, do something!” You begged. He shook his head, remembering that he was Satoru fucking Gojo, surely he had some weight he could pull to save your life. He stood,
“An execution?” He said, standing up, “That’s just a little extreme don’t you think?” Gakuganji groaned in frustration, wishing for once he could just make this kid go away.
“No Gojo, I don’t. They-”
“Saved millions of lives, right. I’m well aware of the details, old man, you don’t have to explain.” he smiled, “Really, if anything we should be celebrating them. Instead you cowards want them dead? Are you really that scared of something as small as change?” Yoshinobu slammed his fist on the table before him to try and regain control of the situation. He pointed an accusatory finger at your old friend.
“Silence Gojo, I will have no more of this. My decision is final-”
“Oh, mine is too.” Satoru smiled, “If any of you even think about laying a finger on them, You’re going to have to deal with me.” He said darkly. Gojos' threat hung heavy in the air. He didn’t go into details. He didn’t have to. Everyone's eyes nervously flashed from you, to Satoru, to Yoshinobu. Everyone knew the old man had already lost, the question now was what would happen to you.
“Fine.” the head elder said, finally relenting. “But they are hereby banned from using jujutsu sorcery ever again. Any attempt to do so will result in them being labeled a curse user, and executed on sight.” You bristled at the final verdict, but both you and Satoru knew better than to try and test your luck further. At least you had your life. “We are done here.” Gakuganji siad, dismissing the room. You were the first out, followed closely by Satoru.
The two of you had managed to make it to the garden before the tears started to fall. It only made you angrier with yourself. You hated it, you hated crying, you hated how you couldn’t protect yourself during your trial, you hated that they had taken your sorcery away from you. You hated them. 
“Y/n, no-” Satoru muttered, taking you into his arms and pulling you into his chest. You had talked to him before about random hugging, especially when he saw you were in distress, but you were willing to let it slide this time. This time, his warm arms and familiar scent wrapped you in a blanket of comfort. You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting the tears freely fall.
“I know right now it hurts,” He whispered softly, gently petting your hair, “But they’ll be begging you to come back, I know they will.”
“I gave them everything Satoru,” You whimpered, “I gave my life for jujutsu sorcery…”
“I know you did. They don’t deserve you.” Satoru sighed, kissing the top of your head. “And.. I know you probably don’t want to hear this right now, but this might actually be good.”
“How?!” You demanded.
“Because you’re finally free. You can pursue whatever life you want to live without the threat of death constantly looming over you. You’ll never have to endure all of their glares ever again, you can find a place where you’re loved, and cherished, and valued like you deserve to be. You never have to be disrespected again.” He wasn’t wrong, and the thought did bring you some solace. Still, one aspect of jujutsu society tugged at your heart. The one thing you couldn't stand the thought of leaving.
“What about you?”
“What about me?” He laughed. “I’m not going anywhere. No matter what choice you make, I’ll be there. If you’ll let me of course.” You couldn’t help but smile at his promise.
“Of course, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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prideprejudce · 9 months
I just watched the godfather trilogy for the first time & I swear this isn't bait but I was wondering if you had any opinions about the women in the movie(s)? I don't want to be like "these movies are sexist/misogynistic" but I also wonder if there's something to be said about how the women are portrayed? Like personally I thought there was an added layer of tragedy, in the second movie especially when Michael struggles with his dad's legacy & he goes to his mom for advice but she offers so little & then dies like man... what if there was more of her perspective... was it intentionally done, that by ignoring or dismissing the women in these men's lives it contributed to the uh, tragedy of it all? Especially with Kay, how her character progresses in the first two movies & the choices she makes. Or if it's just what women are "reduced" to in these types of stories & it's just me (maybe missing the point as well) that saw it as an addition to the other tragedies/losses?
I think it would be unfair to simply label these films as "sexist" when they reflect the period that it was set in extremely well. It would be like saying that Pride and Prejudice was sexist because it was set in a time when women couldn't inherit their family's land and titles. Well duh, it was a sexist society! That's why it's so fascinating to watch this family scramble to find husbands for their daughters while the second eldest rebels against her gender constraints!
Actually, for a movie that mostly surrounds men, there are a lot of dynamic female characters in The Godfather with actual depth and character development. Coppola doesn't make his female characters' background accessories with blank faces and no personality. They are dynamic human beings with their own sorrows and desires. Even the most minor characters like Sandra (Sonny's wife) get a scene where it's made extremely apparent that she knows that Sonny cheats on her frequently and that she has a lot of built-up resentment in their marriage for it.
The movie also has a lot to say about traditional gender roles and how it provided some women with protected lives behind their husband's achievements while forcing other women into a cage of miserable submission to their husbands. On one hand, we have Carmela, the matriarch of the family who is the traditional wife and mother figure. She seems to have had the luckiest marriage out of the bunch because even though she was in a traditional marriage, her husband respected her and loved her. However she also willingly ignored the reality that Vito built a criminal empire and therefore doesn't really understand Michael's internal struggle with his father's legacy and losing his own humanity. She kept herself at arm's length to the criminal side her whole life and therefore doesn't understand how someone can lose their humanity or their family. In her era, family was EVERYTHING no matter what your husband is or does.
On the other hand, there is Connie, who is married off to a wannabe gangster who viciously abuses and cheats on her. And even though she's the Don's daughter, nothing is done to protect her from her abusive spouse. Why? because also in that period, women essentially belonged to their husbands. Even Carmela quickly reminds Sonny to not interfere with their marriage because it's no one else's business. Connie is trapped in her own personal hell built by a society that restricts women in their own households, which Coppola shows the consequences of (RIP Sonny)
And then there's Kay - the essential "Modern American Woman" who is thrown into this chaos world when doom and gloom savior son Michael makes her his wife. Unlike the other female characters (including Apollonia as her character foil), Kay cannot look away from Michael's criminal life like a wife is taught to. Kay was not raised as a traditional Sicilian housewife. She tries to be one for years, but she can only stomach this world for so long before she actively turns her back on it and ends her "role" in it by aborting her child and divorcing Michael. She can almost represent how modern feminism slowly began seeping its way into society where women no longer have zero agency over their lives and bodies. Instead of continuing to get pregnant like the dutiful wife for Michael to get his next son, Kay eventually said F That I'm done bringing more kids into this nightmare
The Godfather series as a whole is about change. New Dons replacing the old ones. Power shifting inside a family. Sons getting stepped over for other sons. Selling illegal liquor and gambling to selling drugs. Trying (and failing) to make an illegal business into a legitimate one. The change in women and their roles in that world also changes too which is why I like the film so much. It speaks on so many layers of society and how it grows and changes
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androxys · 2 months
Okay, I've watched the first two episodes of The Caped Crusader and am really enjoying everything that I'm seeing so far. It's obviously a send up to the Golden Age (which was a lot more dark and noir than I think people remember), from details like character designs to the general vibe of an early Batman.
One concern about telling stories with an early Batman, though, is the question of how to continue to show us characters we've known for decades, written by creators who have been making these stories for decades, without it feeling like something you've already seen before. That requires reinvention, and new twists on old characters! And I think an animated series like this is a good format for it.
I'm seeing some criticism for the show float around online, but I feel like a lot of the criticism I'm seeing so far tends to come from a place where people wanted this to be another BTAS. Which I suppose I get, since I also love BTAS. But this... isn't that. I feel like I took one look at it and saw "oh, Bruce Timm is trying something different." So lean into letting yourself see what's new.
All of this to say, so far I've been pleased! I've put a few specific details for Episodes 1-2 below the cut, so if you're strict about spoilers just move along.
I like this iteration of the Penguin. Bruce describes her as hiding in plain sight, and it's an interesting play on Oswald's typical need to be seen as powerful or be respected. I don't think that this isn't the case for Oswalda, but she seems to keep a cooler head and get farther for it. I'm hoping she comes back in later episodes, because I want to see her begin taking over organized crime as we continue on the traditional journey of old-fashioned organized crime (Rupert Thorne) give way to the costumed criminal.
I'm really fascinated by this Harvey Dent. Relentlessly campaigning for mayor and decidedly not the white knight figure we usually think of pre-acid Harvey being, I think his dynamic with Barbara and then Renee (in an episode penned by Rucka, of course) really pays off. Here is more of the ego that you may assume Penguin to have. He's obviously a bit of a ringleader among the many crooked cops of Gotham (which, I'm glad Bullock is. This is early Bullock. He sucks at first, then sucks but more ethically) and will continue to play off them as he tries to assume power.
I thought the aesthetics of this Clayface were really well done, and a good example of wondering how you keep old faces fresh. Once Basil Karlo's name was on screen, we knew Clayface was going to be the villain. And while some people would have been perfectly pleased with seeing the same mud-man plodding across the screen, I liked that they refreshed him and gave him a little more of a Phantom of the Opera feel! It leaned on his history as The Terror, and I think it worked out.
Barbara as a public defender is interesting. It lets her be in a position to try to help people, but I'm so incredibly biased and want her to always be a librarian when possible. I'm curious how her interest in justice will intersect with capes and cowls.
And oh, Renee. My beloved. I'm so glad you got back-ported into the Golden Age-ish-ness of it all. If Gordon is already in charge of the police, Batman needs someone to play off of who's making their way through corrupt Gotham City. I think Renee was a good choice for this, because we know enough about her to have some expectations, and then we'll be able to have those expectations subverted.
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saintsenara · 1 year
For the ask game: I’ll go for 1, 19, and 29 for Tom/Harry. And, if you’d like, 30 for a ship of your choice! 😊
(P.S. I just saw your post about the Myrtle rom-com! I am HYPED).
thank you so much for the ask, @spacecadette - and for reminding me to tentatively go back to ao3 and launch myrtle's hot girl era to the world.
the answer [unhinged and deranged] to question 30 is here and the questions for the ask game are here
1. what are their love languages?
answered here, and i stand by it. there's no interest from these two in words of affirmation or spending quality time together, and their interest in physical touch - the succour of a generation of smut writers - is mostly because who wouldn't want to be constantly running their hands over someone who has/had a bit of your soul living in them.
lord voldemort's love language is gift-giving, harry's is acts of service. they make it work.
19. how do they silently/subtly express their love for each other?
answered from voldemort's perspective, although of course he denies it indicates any affection for harry, here.
and as for harry? well, as ron says in canon [tomarry shipper, we all knew it]: you really understand him.
harry is probably the only person in the entire story who can completely appreciate just how grim voldemort's childhood was, and who can understand how that might have influenced the choices he made throughout his life. it's this that drives him, even in the middle of war, to beg voldemort to try to feel remorse; it's this which makes him want to help the soul-piece at king's cross; it's this which causes his obvious - and, to other characters, very confusing - empathy for the teenage tom riddle, who is disappointed to find his uncle living in a shack and furious when hepzibah smith insults his mother.
and that understanding - especially for someone who is, underneath the mask of cold brutality, just a feral boy who wishes to be seen and known - is like the tides against a cliff.
harry offers up a little space for voldemort to meditate on the fact that being an orphan is like being a palimpsest, constantly searching for traces of your ancestors within yourself; gets into days-long arguments about whether mrs cole or petunia was worse; "accidentally" leaves bob ogden's memory out, allowing voldemort to see his mother for the first time; recognises that hating your mother for dying and your father for abandoning you is a pretty natural reaction for a child to have, and dumbledore needed to tighten up; tells voldemort he'd have been a terrible teacher, because you can't let basilisks loose in schools and expect that not to affect a hiring committee; deals with a week of screaming when he tells voldemort about regulus; points out that gringotts is a bank and you can just ask for an account there; is game for starting new traditions for high-days and holidays, since neither of them ever had any as children [harry pretends the fireworks on nye are for voldemort, voldemort genuinely believes it]; and - and this is the one voldemort simply can't deal with and pretends never happens - forgives him.
because he's harry potter, damn it, and he gets to decide if that prophecy actually means anything.
he also allows voldemort to do all their interior design, even if that means living in a house with so much gold in it it's basically the interior of a byzantine cathedral. whatever keeps him out of trouble.
29. what is something they can never agree on? how do they meet in the middle?
ethics. obviously.
criminal justice. politics. the economy. whether hell is real. wandlore. dumbledore. if harry killing voldemort balances out voldemort killing harry's parents. werewolf rights. muggle technology. house elves. whether hermione is annoying. spoiler ettiquette. dinner. where to go on holiday. if harry looks good in his weasley jumper. if albus severus is a worse name for a child than delphini. whether hagrid should have been expelled. whether dogs are better than cats. what they're doing that weekend.
the list truly is endless...
they meet in the middle quite literally when they start hexing each other, activate the old wand connection, and are knocked out by the force of the magic when the golden bead reaches the middle of the spell. they wake up and decide to agree to disagree. they make it, at most, a day before it happens again.
ron and hermione are losing their minds.
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numiolaes · 2 months
KINSLAYING : A Treatise or Whatever
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" "Tyrion said that?" Jaime had not wanted to believe it. Kinslaying was worse than kingslaying, in the eyes of gods and men. He knew the boy was mine. " -- JAIME VII, ASOS
There are several different faiths in Westeros and many different cultural sensibilities however, KINSLAYING is one of the few consistent taboos across all of them. While we can all comprehend why murder in general would be frowned upon or seen as a major taboo. But similar to how the idea of the sanctity of guest rights can be something that's difficult for some modern viewers/readers to grasp the severity and visceral horror of, kinslaying can be hard to get why it's seen as so heinous that guys like Victarion, an ironborn psycho extraordinaire, won't kill his brother Euron, possibly THE WORST man alive, because of the kinslaying stigma.
One notable custom that the Northmen hold dearer than any other is guest right, the tradition of hospitality by which a man may offer no harm to a guest beneath his roof, nor a guest to his host. The Andals held to something like it as well, but it looms less large in southron minds. [...] Only kinslaying is deemed as sinful as the violations of these laws of hospitality. -- the North, AWOIAF
So like, let's talk about that a bit or whatever. I'm gonna use some dramatic, emotional and inflammatory language and wording in parts of this because I'm trying to incite the kind of emotions in y'all that kinslaying invokes in the Westerosi so like, ya get it.
For starters, this issue with kinslaying seems to be a primarily or exclusively with Westeros and not really an issue with the Essosi. Which we can see in Viserys 2's death and how it's later discussed. Neither Khal Drogo nor Daenerys who are both raised in pretty much exclusively Essosi cultures bat an eye at the prospect of his death or carrying it out. Daenerys doesn't even have a moment of conflict over because of the stigma like Victarion does. The fact that she is party to a kinslaying is not really an issue here for her, neither does the Khal. However later Arianne talks about Viserys 3's death and considers Daeneyrs a possible kinslayer for it.
For the Westerosi person, kinslaying is basically worst thing you could ever do. A rapist will get more respect than a kinslayer. A kinslayer is not just a criminal they are damned by all gods and forces of nature.
"Aye," she said, "but the gods hate kinslayers, even when they kill unknowing. When Lord Stark returned from the battle and his mother saw Bael's head upon his spear, she threw herself from a tower in her grief. Her son did not long outlive her. One o' his lords peeled the skin off him and wore him for a cloak." -- JON VI, ACOK
To get a picture of the kind of visceral horror this incite with people here's the extreme wordage: for a Westerosi, kinslaying is as bad as being a pedophile for us. in fact it might be even worse, like a pedophile who's also a murderer and necrophiliac. like-- it is BAD. it's TOXIC. it's CHERNOBYL LEVELS OF NO GO ZONE. there is NO COMING BACK FROM THIS. If people know you're a kinslayer your reputation will not recover AND given that planetos is a place where magic is real you might be ACTUALLY FOR REAL CURSED.
And this is the issue with both Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon (and the main books imo but that's just me--) they just don't hammer this in enough. Likely in part because of the difference between our sensibilities and the sensibilities of the characters there's just not enough emphasis put before events like the Red Wedding or Lucerys' death to help convey why they're so shocking to people past you know, the murder. People all over Westeros are horrified by Robb's death because of the breaking of guest rights, even people who don't like him. Because of that violation. Aemond goes from mommy's little favorite to Alicent looking at him like he's a serial killer for half of S2 because of this taboo.
It's a taboo so powerful with such intense cosmic ramifications associated with it it keeps card carrying villains from killing people. When someone intentionally breaks it they're seen as the worst and most dangerous scum alive. There's degrees sure, there are with most things but it's like the difference between a premeditated or accidental murder -- it's still a murder, it's just one's more sad.
And for HOTD this a real issue that no time has really been spent hammer into our brains that kinslaying is mega evil. There's Aemond, sure, but this is a family conflict, multiple people end up killing their own kin. The whole premise of a succession war like this inherently means blood having a hand in the death of blood. Even if Rhaenyra didn't order it and Daemon didn't hold the knife they ARE kinslayers by association and by conspiracy. The Greens are claiming Aegon killed Rhaenys and Meleys, that means MILLIONS of people now think he's a kinslayer and SURE it's in BATTLE but that's not really too much of a different apparently by Westerosi Standards. Bael is killed in battle by his unknowning son and it ends with his mom dead and his ass flayed. Context is largely not important here, it's just always bad.
If they had hammered in more how awful kinslaying is considered then it does a LOT for the narrative and the characters. For Aemond, you get why he's not as keen about being the Good Son anymore -- he's Literally Satan to people now so fuck it! and it makes why people are TERRIFIED of him in the council make a LOT of sense. For Rhaenys people were RAILING against the dragon pit scene and "why didn't she just barbecue them then?!" Easy, didn't wanna have a reputation worse than Hitler's when there was even a SHRED of a chance this could get talked out. It just makes things make more sense and as SO much to drama of the show.
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dragonrider9905 · 1 year
Birthday Balloon
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Warnings: None
Summery: It's your birthday but the Empire doesn't make things easy. A kid comes along, calling herself Omega, and makes sure you have a good day.
Happy birthday @smolbendyhorn! I hope it is a great day! Here's a small gift for you! I hope you enjoy it :)
You sat on the steps to your home. It should be a good day, as it was your birthday, but you knew better. Today was like any other day. The war was over but strife was not. The war was no peach but you almost preferred that to this new Empire. 
You didn’t get to really celebrate for years. You remember as a child your parents used to do things for you. They’d get you a different color balloon every year for one. You kept track of it over the years, what color it would be. It was supposed to be green this year. Then they’d get you a slice of cake and a present. 
Now you sat on the steps of your home, hoping your parents survived the day in the mines so you could have a happy evening together. Maybe a song and a dance. 
“Are…you alright?” A small voice broke through your musings.
“Hm?” You blinked out of your daze. “Are you lost, hun? Need directions or something?” 
To your surprise, she smiled. “No, I just saw you sitting here…looking sad.” 
“Oh….we’ll.” You chuckled, “thanks for checking in, kid. Sweet of you.” You looked around. You hadn’t seen her before but noticed a ship docked a little ways out on your family’s property. “Where are your parents? Are you alone? Don’t you know the galaxy is dangerous? I could be a hardened criminal.” 
Again she surprised you by laughing outright. “I’ve seen enough criminals to know one when I see one. I don’t have parents, only my brothers. They’re out getting supplies. I’m watching the ship while they’re gone. My name is Omega, what’s yours?” 
You told her, trying not to wonder too hard what she meant by that. 
“That’s a cool name. Can I sit with you?”
“Of course!” You motioned to the spot next to you and patted it.
“You seem nice. Where is your family? What are you doing alone?”
“…my parents work at the mines…” a dark look settled on her face. Oh so she’s heard the stories. “I’m waiting for them to come home so we can…” do what exactly? “…do something fun. Today is my birthday and…” 
“Your birthday?!?!?” Omega’s face lit up. “Congratulations! Happy birthday!” She brought her hand up to her chin, concerned. “Did I say that right?”
You chuckled. “That was perfect! Thank you.”
“Clones don’t have birthdays, we have decanting days; sometimes I forget how to say things properly like that.”
You looked at her a little harder. You knew something about her eyes looked familiar. She shifted uncomfortably under your gaze and you could only guess what the poor thing had to endure. You smiled gently to put her at ease. 
“You’re a Clone? I knew a few Clones during the war. They were my friends. Some of the kindest people I knew, before they pulled out. Clones are some of the best people I know.” You winked at her. “How’d you end up here of all places?”
Omega regaled you with the adventures she and her brothers were on and you listened enraptured. You don’t know how long you were listening or at what point the conversation turned to you and you were telling her all about your family and your traditions. Somehow the balloon got brought up. Guess you didn’t realize how much that mattered to you. A little something that meant everything was going to be okay. Omega lit up at the mention of it.
“Hold on a sec!” Omega took off running before you could say a peep. You watched her bound away happily, excitement in her skip. She jumped up the stairs in twos and descended the same way, only this time followed by a string connected to a floating object. It was blue and bounced with her every step.
“The last planet we were on, Hunter let Wrecker and me get one. Here, you can have mine!”
Tears flooded your eyes. “Oh hun, I can’t take this from you…this, this is….” You started to get choked up. 
“Hunter is sick of them floating around the Marauder anyway. You’re saving me from future trouble.” Omega took your hand and wrapped the cord around it. 
“Kid, this gesture means more to me than you know. I-I…”
You were cut off when the mine runner came up to you out of breath. He was responsible for delivering messages throughout the mines to miners and the villagers.
“Hey, your parents said not to wait for them for dinner…I’m sorry.” You could tell he really meant it. It was a small knit community. Everyone knew what everyone’s business was. So naturally he knew. He gave you a sympathetic look before taking off again.
“What does that mean?” Omega inquired.
You sighed. “Means they have to work overnight now.” You looked over your shoulder to where your favorite meal was cooking away in the oven. Looks like you’d be alone after all.
Omega caught your line of thought.
“Why don’t you have dinner with us!”
“You’ll like my brothers. They are really nice. They’re fun and interesting! We will have plenty of food after their run…”
“No!” You broke through her ramblings, remembering her mention of not having enough food at times. You didn’t want to take anything from her. “You all will be my guests! I’ve got lots of good food here! Why don’t you all come here! We can have a fire and music…”
As if on cue, you heard multiple male voices shouting for Omega. She lifted her comm and gave her location, waving when they looked over at the two of you.
“This will be so great!” Omega’s eyes sparkled with delight. “Birthdays are great!” She bounced and kicked her legs. “This will be a first for me but I’m sure it’ll be the best!”
Sure, this wasn’t like other years…not exactly how you hoped or expected it to go, but you couldn’t help feeling happy and excited. You had new friends who wanted to make you happy, and you wouldn’t be alone. You grinned slyly and looked down at Omega. 
“How do you feel about dancing, kid?” 
“We can learn! Never did it before!”
You eyed up the men making their way to you.
“What about them?”
“I don’t think they know either.”
“Well we’ll just have to teach them then!”
You bonked her nose with your finger and she scrunched her face up with a giddy laugh. This was going to be a fun birthday after all! You looked up to the beautiful bouncing balloon and smiled. You put your arm around Omega’s shoulder.
“Thanks, kid, for everything.”
Omega watched you look at the balloon and smiled. Guess Echo was right, the Force does work in mysterious ways. To think, if she hadn’t seen that stand when she’d crossed that corner, if she hadn’t begged Hunter for one for no distinguishing reason other than she felt she was meant to have it, she wouldn’t have been able to give it to you and make your birthday special.
If she hadn’t seen you sitting there all alone when she was supposed to be watching the ship, if she hadn’t left the ship in the first place and approached you; if she hadn’t felt the indescribable need to leave the ship for no known reason…you’d had to celebrate your birthday alone.
Yeah, she was glad the Force worked like that.
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
(Prague) WEEK 4: Copenhagen, criminals, dystopian hostel, LDOC
Dobry den!! 
Last weekend I flew from Prague for the first time, and it was very easy. We took an uber to the airport and got there 1.5 hours before our flight, which was plenty of time. Security was very fast and the airport was pretty small so it was easy. We arrived in Copenhagen in the morning and immediately checked into our hostel. When I tell you our hostel was a literal CLOSET. In a giant room full of other little pods. It was so dystopian and kinda looked like a jail, but the bathrooms and common area were super nice to make up for it. Our pod fit the three of us just fine but we couldn’t all stand up at the same time lol.
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Our pod and the giant hallway full of other pods
We walked around so much (my feet are dying), went to a cute flea market, tried a traditional Danish meatball smorrebrod, saw the famous street with the colorful buildings, and so much more. There were also docks on the water where people were tanning, swimming, and hanging out. We were planning on going to a food market and getting snacks to have a picnic at the docks but unfortunately it rained the rest of the day. 
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Nyhavn and the docks
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Flea market and cute flower shops everywhere!
We got checked on the bus and it was so scary. We had bought tickets for every other train/bus that we took, but we couldn’t figure out how to buy bus tickets and were so exhausted from walking all day so we just decided to wing it. The checkers came on the bus and yelled at us and took pictures of our IDs. I was so scared at first but they said since we are tourists it’s just a warning and we can’t ride public transportation without a ticket again. I told my family we are international criminals to scare them lol, but it wasn’t a big deal. I just know in the future to always buy a ticket!! It would’ve been so much worse if it happened in Prague since I’m living here, but luckily I bought the monthly tram pass here.
On Sunday when we got home, the weather was so nice so we decided to spend the day outside. We took a nap in the sun at Riegrovy Sady and finally got a little bit of a tan (it’s hard to get tan when you’re in class all day and we've been feeling pasty haha). Then Alyse and I went to La Boheme to struggle through our math homework, and the coffee and food was so good it made up for the difficult math problems.
Last week we spontaneously booked a flight for Ibiza to spend 24 hours there and see Calvin Harris and David Guetta so stay tuned to see if I make it out alive. We leave tomorrow and I can’t wait!! (If you can’t tell from these pictures, we were very excited to book it). But I have my linear algebra midterm two days after we get back so I was on my grind this whole week studying and sleeping a lot.
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Getting excited and listening to Calvin Harris while we book our flights
Weekly favorites:
Coffee: Dirty Maple from La Boheme
Cafe: Vzorkovna (not exactly a cafe lol but we love this place. You can research if you want)
Restaurant: The Bowls
Sight: National Gallery (we went for class and some of the exhibits were super cool!)
Another amazing week in Prague/Europe! We’re now at the halfway point (I’m typing this in my very last art history class!), which actually makes me so sad. For our last day, our teacher took us to a cafe where we all got ciders and hung out, and it was such a special moment. I’m excited to only have one class a day moving forward, but I feel like I haven’t been in Prague for very long! My roommates and I were talking about how we planned all our trips and we will miss sitting down at our kitchen table together and stressing for hours as flight prices go up and down lol. We only have 2 more trips planned after this weekend, which makes me so sad. However, we are staying in Prague next weekend which I’m very excited about, because I haven’t spent a weekend here since the first weekend I got here. Thanks for keeping up with my adventures, see you next week!!
Parker Peterson
Industrial and Operations Engineering
Engineering in Prague
0 notes
relax-and-read-on · 2 years
Math, please provide an outline for that Planet Swap AU. This is sending endorphins to my brain. And I need any excuse to write my version but I lack the confidence to do it without some or even any outside validation.
*crawl out of my hole*
Hey hey hey!!! I am back to making text post, I miss them too much lmao.
So! First of all, this planet swap auwas brainstormed with my lovely friend @chemos-factories , who gave me free reign to start yelling about it. So! Without waiting....
Primarch, planet swap edition:
Fulgrim, the flower of Nuceria: To start things up, let's go with the first one we came up with, Fulgrim! He had the horrible, horrible luck to be send on that planet... And to be too pretty for the fighting pit. Since his childhood, he was a pleasure slave for the high rider, sitting like a pretty adornment at their arms as he watched the people fight and dies in the arena. He tried to revolt, and almost succeeded... But he was recaptured in the end. And instead of installing the nails, the bastards on that planet figured out how to take away his biggest weapon: his voice. They removed his vocal cords, rendering him mute. He still is a prideful, elegant, spiteful bastard, and now that he is free, he will never bow down to another master ever again.
Ferrus, the blacksmith of Caliban: Ferrus was very lucky, as in, his pod was found by peasant out in the forest, looking for food. The old tales of Caliban would talk of little children abandoned in the forest by the fair folk, and he was welcomed into their home. His father was a blacksmith, and he learned the trade with him. But always, he was attracted to the forest. It's also where he met a dragon fallen from the sky, with a strange body of metal. He still slayed the beast, but his arms became strange after, covered in metal. Due to his feat, he became a page, and eventually became the most legendary knight of the planet, even his is gruff peasant attitude was often criticize by the noble knights house.
Magnus , the wild witch of Medusa: Magnus grew up very, very lonely. He had a craving, to meet other people, to see others, and yet he was always alone. But from a young age, through his loneliness, object around him would sometime start to glow, and animate themself, become his companions and friends. Magnus himself had no real comprehension of how he did those miracle, they came to him naturally. He would make fire appear in his palms and thunder rumble from the sky. Strange automata, animated by the wrap, would follow him around, and he would sleep under the star, dreaming of far away place, full of green and people.
Perturabo, the builder of Chemos: if anyone was in a perfect environment... It was Pert. He ended up on a planet size game of Satisfactory. Automations, mechanisation, optimisation- all of it were almost a game to him. By the time Big E was there, he had probably created of megapolis that was planet size. Fully self sufficient and automated, he started importing that concept to almost every planet he put under compliance. Think retro-futurism, jetson style. He was also often fighting with the mechanicus, creating quite a lot of tension between the two groups.
Horus, the Gangster of Nostramo: Horus was lucky. As a baby, he was found by people, and adopted, and raised in a loving, if poor family. But he saw the horrible corrupt system around him... And decided that he would be on top. He joined a gang, and climbed the rank, establishing his own empire in blood and fear, becoming the leader of the largest and most terrifying criminal syndicate on the planet. Rules are just suggestion in his eyes. To him, real power is being able to impose your will on others, and he has very few morals and what he would not do.
Corvus, the free spirit of Chogoris: In mongolian tradition, hunting eagles are an important animal. The legend say that baby corvus was found, because a large eagle screamed until the hunters came to discover her. She love the birds, and feel a deep, wild connection to them. Some say that they spy for her, that they would flew above the cities snd come back, whispering secrets. Other said that she could turn into mist and fly away with her beloved friends. In truth, she was mostly using her power, to hide and disappear, and strategy to take down the walled cities.
Konrad, The Oracle of Maccrage: Konrad Curze, this time around, get a happy story. His pod was found, and brought to Konnor and Euten, who immediately adopted the small baby with strange eyes. Quickly, they discovered that their sons had strange power, as their sons would go into fits and see the future, or wake up crying from nightmare of horrible visions. But always, his parents were there, reassuring him: he was burdened with a wonderful gift, a precious power that would help him make the world a better place, and they would always help him fight those apocalyptic visions of the future. As such, he was able to avoid the coup to assassinate his father, and became a symbol of hope and justice on his planet. He is an original, a little weirdo who babble about destiny and doesn't like clothes much, but he is, for once, loved.
Sanguinius, the cryptid of Fenris: the people of Fenris have a legend. Of a winged beastman, living in the mountains. It would slay wolves and bath in their blood, and sometime devour hunter that strayed too far in his territory. All his life, Sanguinius was hunted, feared and hated, by the people of Fenris. He was a wild creature, spoken of in legends, and had to be captured by the emperor himself, to finally become a human, and not a beast.
Mortarion, prince of Prospero: Morty, this time around, get the life he deserve. A kingly positions, love, family, educations... He learned to use his power, never feared them for a minute. But among the intellectual, his interest were seens as odd: he had a strange fascination for flora, and the way plants were linked to the wrap. Under his skilled hands, entire desserts could bloom into brilliant forest, humming with power. Such a strong link was sure to attract mysterious entities....
Lorgar, son of the Emperor on Terra: Lorgar, in a perfect roll of dice, went where Alpharius was suppose to go: right back home. He was raised by the Emperor and Malcador, and all his childhood, had a deep need to please his father, for him to pay attention to him. He is a skilled diplomate, knowing perfectly well how to navigate the high lords and politic of Terra, and would follow any order that his beloved father give him, blindly.
Leman, the Dog of Delivrance: Leman, even at an early age and away from any animals, had the instinct of a wolf. From a very young age, he would listen to the political dissident, and assimilate their belief. The good of the pack was important. They were all, in a way, part of his pack, and he should protect them all. He developed an extreme collectivist streak, and from then on, was a ride or die political activist and extremist. Every human life lost that could be prevented was a tragedy, and every soul mattered. They were all part of his pack. He is fiercely protective of his people, from the most noble of astarte, to the lowest ranked serf. Democratic voting should be applied in all major decisions, and he fully accept to be put in question.
Jaghatai, the barbarian of Baal: Jaghatai had the luck to lend on the mad max world, and he flourished there. He quickly was able to conquer most of his planet, and in general, was a proud road warrior, standing atop a roaring engine and smiling like a maniac, painted in the blood of his enemies. Hemight have encouraged and developed a cult toward motors and machine, wich fully developed into a mechanicus adjacent religion once they joined the imperium.
Rogal, the stolen child of Nocturne: Rogal Dorn was found on Nocturne, and very well loved by his parents, from a very young age. The problem was that, as a pre-teen, a dark eldar raid happened... And Roval was taken in as a slave. The following years were, for him, incredibly harrowing, especially since the drukhari were fascinated by this strange human that would heal fast and grow bigger than others. Still, they did not expect the white haired human to one day brake his chain, escape, and lead the slave of Commorragh into a large, open scale revolt. He was able to escape back into real space, with a large group of slave, and go back home, where he was seen as an hero. From that day onward, he became the terror of the Drukhari, as he swore to purge the galaxy of their race.
Roboute, the patient King of Barbarus: Roboute had... An horrible early life. You know what he endured. But when he was finally able to go down into the valley, to meet up humans, he promissed himself: he would clean the very air of his planet, and destroy the very mountains upon wich the monsters resided. He slowly, surely pushed the populations toward an industrial revolution, establishing large mines into those mountains, figuring out how dynamite itself worked, as he, slowly, prepared to force his own father down into the valleys.
Alpharius and Omegon, the Trickster of Ctonia: The twin were lucky- they were together. Not separated by anything or anyone. They never joined any of the numerous street gang, but instead become some sort of local legend, a vigilante hero, fighting corruption and crimes in the alley and protecting the people. Them being twins gave them an almost supernatural advantage, as they seemed to be everywhere at once, able to see everything. Their ability to pass as normal was also insanely usefull to their crime fighting Endeavor.
Vulkan, the revolutionary of Olympia: Vulkan, from a young age, was close to his sister. But he was also close to all the servent in the palace, and would often sneak out, to talk to the people, and realised early on that his own father was, well... A Dictator. And he did not like that discovery. He was emphatic, and did not see why they needed slaves, or why Calliphone could not rule the city, or why war was necessary! He started talking to the people... And they listened to him. More and more followed him, until he had fermented a full on revolution against his own father. His populist movement grew and spread to other cities, and quickly, his planet became a people's republic, and he had the pride to see his sister, who ha supported him every step on the way there, be elected first Chancellor of Olympia.
Lion, the Tyrant of Colchis: Lion was, in this world, found by Kor Phaeron... But also quickly adopted his way of thinking. He saw religions as a way to stay on top, a tool of power. He would readily conspire with the people around him, seeing assassinations as a completely valid way of asserting dominations. He never actually quite believed in the gods, but saw them as a useful tool, better than any law text to enforce one's will on the masses.
Angron, the Light of Inwit: Angron was dropped into a brutal world. It was not a cruel one per say, but it was one were you had to be dtrong to survive. And Angron, who could feel and take the pains of others unto himself... Could never accept such a situation. Their societydid not have to be as cold as the planet they inhabited, and he fought to establish to change all his life, backed by his beloved grandfather.
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rcksmith · 3 years
Distracted — Five Hargreeves
Requests: “shit, i forgot. I'm the one who asked for smut prompts #30, #31, #61 and #96. Could you write them for Five Hargreeves? Thank you! So sorry to spam you with the asks X-X”
Smut prompts :
30. “I’d hold on to something if I were you.”
31. “Pushing back against my fingers already? How pathetic.”
61. “what would people say if they knew you were such a slut for me?”
96. “I think you forgot to lock the door, that means anyone could walk right in and see you like this.”
Couple: Five Hargreeves /Fem! Reader.
Warnings: smut heavy, NSFW, dirty talk, swearing, degradation. (I was in a bad mood hkjskjs)
Word count: 4k
A/N: We not tolerate any pedophilia here !!
I write about Five with their 20s. I write the same about the characters of Harry Potter.
Let me know if you want to be added for a taglist for a specific fandom (Criminal Minds, The Umbrella Academy, Riverdale, Roman Godfrey, or all)
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
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Five Hargreeves had a bad temper. It was explicit, hanging from his chest on a giant sign that said: “ABANDONATE THE HOPES IF YOU ENTER HERE.” And he knew that.
Inside his body he housed a sarcastic, explosive and sulky soul, with no patience for half the world. Everything about him exuded a dangerous, authoritarian, arrogant energy, mixed with distilled look that have always been able to subdue anyone.
Five is the type of man who, while everyone dreams of easy solutions, he knows that if he wants something to be done he will have to do it himself. He likes a hunting, taking the lead in any situation, having no problem breaking rules to make things happen.
And he was perfectly comfortable with that. Taking control of his world. Until, of course, you show up. Taking the key to his Olympus as if it had always belonged to you.
You were the one thing that Five Hargreeves couldn't subdue. He was unable to impose to you his reputation as a man who should not be challenged. Because that was exactly how the world saw Five. Like a man you don't challenge. Even his siblings realized, after a certain point, that it was not advisable to play with him.
But, apparently against all common sense, none of this had an effect on you.
You were not afraid, or pondering your words. You rolled your eyes at the things he said, mocked his arrogance and always looked at him with a combination of a smile and a look that, holy mother of God, Five hated. It was the typical expression that said: “ I know a lot more than you do, but I will be quiet because you are not worth my time.”
Five Hargreeves had a bad temper. But you raised it to stratospheric proportions.
It was completely exasperating, outstanding, you were a brat who didn't hear the voice of an adult, so used to being daddy's little girl. Because that was how he saw you. You were only 24 age while he was 30. It was expected that you heard him! But no. You did not give a damn.
“If you listened to me and chose the Colombian, that wouldn't be so bad!” Five scolded again.
This was the twentieth time he had said that to you.
There was a routine with the Hargreeves siblings: you brought coffee on Mondays, since you passed a great coffee shop on the way. Diego was responsible for bringing Japanese food on Wednesdays, Luther for Indian food on Fridays and Klaus for pizzas on Saturdays. It was a banal thing, but it brought a comforting feeling of, no matter how not anyone would admit, tradition.
But it was obvious that you had to piss Five off on that too.
“And I already said that they don't do the Colombian before ten in the morning.” You passed the page of a magazine you were reading, ignoring his tantrum.
“And you can't wait ?!”
This time you looked up at Five, giving a mocking expression.
“Oh, forgive me, your majesty. I will delay my journey just because your eexcellency wants Colombian coffee.” You laughed, turning your attention to the magazine.
Five felt the tips of his ears heat up, the fingers of his hands go white from the force that he clenched his fists. You were so fucking annoying!
"You are unbearable." He said, because he saw no other way to express the hateful little monster you were.
You looked up at him again. “Serious? Me? You are the one who is complaining about not getting your blend coffee.” You turned your attention to the magazine “Like a child who didn't get chicken nuggets in the shape of dinosaurs.”
What?! Fucking what?!
Five opened his mouth in bewilderment, now anger rising up his neck. How dare you, fuck?! You were younger than him!
"What did you say?!" He repeated, his voice low but deep, his eyes bloodshot with rage.
You didn't take your attention away from the magazine by replying: “Like a child who didn't get chicken nuggets in the shape of dinosaurs.”
Oh, no. Oh fucking no.
Five slammed the coffee travel cup on the kitchen counter, walked over to you and closed your magazine brutally. You looked at him indignantly.
"What a fuck ..."
But Five didn't give you time to finish. He stuck both hands in your arms, forcing you to get up from the chair so quickly that the object fell to the floor. He pushed you back, lifting you up and making you sit at the wooden table, his eyes still on fire with your words.
"Child, isn't it ?!” He snarled, spreading your knees with his hands, settling his body still standing between your legs.
You were wide-eyed. Looking at him in amazement. Your heart was pounding in your chest so hard that you thought Five would be able to hear it, while your breath had been lost somewhere between the path from your lung to your nose.
Holy shit.
It was no secret that Five Hargreeves was gorgeous. This was not an opinion, it was a fact. With midnight hair, emerald green eyes and alabaster skin, it was not surprising that he was able to steal his breath wherever he went. And you were not immune to his charm. To be honest, you never thought it would be.
But the difference between you and the girls who fell at his feet was that ... well, you practically lived with the guy every day. You had been friends with Klaus for two years, and as a result you ended up becoming friends with the brothers and captivating them. It was almost atypical that you weren't with them. So, as a result, you ended up having time with Five too.
And, truth be told, it destroyed your will to want to impress him. As was common whenever see someone beautiful. Five Hargreeves was, in every way, arrogant. Irritating. Unbearable. Maybe it was your lust mixed with irritability, but you decreed that you didn't like him. That you would never want to fall into his bed.
Well…until now.
Until he accommodates his fucking tall, lean, firm body in the middle of your legs. Until his hands are glued to your arms in a touch of fire. Until your heart was racing like never before.
"You called me a child, didn't you?"
You wouldn't be able to answer anything in that second, even if your life depended on it. So you just nodded, a slow, cautious nod, like prey looking at hunter.
"I will show you my age!"
Five kissed you. In a way that no one had kissed you before. It was something hungry, angry, full of lust and with a desire that made you sigh softly. His hands were still on your legs, coming down to the back of your knees and pulling you firmly forward, sticking your whole body against his in a possessive way. His tongue invaded your mouth without waiting for an invitation, renouncing everything you had to offer as his.
That was a really kiss.
You put your hands on the back of his neck, running your fingers over the silky, black strands, letting your body be pressed against his as if you had been waiting for it a lifetime. Five pulled your legs closer, guiding you to close them around his hips and, once you did, his hands, determined and hungry, roam the sides of your body possessively.
"Five ..." a groan cut off your speech when his hands clung to your waist, pressing the hard and firm member to your core covered in the thin legging pants you wore.
"You already moaning and I haven't even touched you yet." His voice was overwhelmingly arrogant, full of amusement and convincing.
You were going to answer, because you weren't the kind of girl who kept quiet with a tease, but Five's hands made your waist roll around handily against his member, and a louder groan interrupted any line of reasoning you had.
“Oh, how adorable.” He scoffed, lowering his mouth to your neck and closing a hickey where pulse was “I wonder how the moaning will be when I do ...”
His right hand moved up to the inside of your thigh, rubbing his thumb in circles until he got to where you needed it most. “This.” Then he forced the movements where your clitoris was covered.
Your groan was louder than you would like to admit. The air became caustic, rarefied, the atmosphere became something breathtaking, claustrophobic, poignant. And, before you know it, it was already a wet clay in his hands.
Five Hargreeves had won. He had you exactly where him wanted.
Your moans grew louder when he tuned his thumb movements together with his pelvis movements against you. Your hands tightened on the back of his neck, your teeth closed on your lower lip in order to contain the volume, and your breathing was shaky. Your hips pushed against him, the thin leggings being smeared by the arousal that oozed from you, and as soon as his hand was only an inch away, you followed it with your hips.
“Pushing back against my fingers already? How pathetic.” Five played with the voice at the bottom of your ear.
You pulled the air against your teeth, whimpering, wanting anything he could give you.
“I bet ...” his lips slid under your skin without kissing, just making you wish, up to your lips and hovering there, a sigh away “If I asked you to take your clothes off and let me fuck you in this table like a good whore, you would gladly do. It is not?”
His free hand went to your face, taking a stir of your hair out of your eyes and placing it behind your ear. You were unable to contain the moan, closing your eyes tightly for a second, trying to contain how much your body screamed.
"Y-yes." You whined.
“Good." Five sprinkled a kiss on your lips before walking away.
You opened your eyes, your chest rising and falling with your heaving breath, your legs shaking. Your body screamed in protest at the separation, and you sent him a confused and inquiring look.
“You will learn who is in charge here." Five gave you a sly smile. "I'm only going to fuck you when you understand this."
Then he turned his back on you, took the coffee and disappeared in the blue flash.
This son of fucking bitch!
- - -
You were angry and frustrated. To say the least. Your body was on fire and mind replayed that day over and over in your head. It had been four days since Five's little exploits in the kitchen, and, to be honest, not only had he started the teasing.
Five gave you malicious and discreet smiles, gestured a lot more with his hands when he spoke just to remind you of what they could do. He hovered his body close to your whenever possible, brushing his shoulder against your, his hand gently on your back when he needed to pass beside you. His fingers even slid under your thigh under the table when you were having dinner. It was always like that.
And you were already crazy.
In the beginning, you sent him and their little game go to hell. He was not going to get what he wanted. But as the days went by, and Five started to touch you more often, the fire inside you burst, and it felt a lot less... torture if you just... gave in. The thought of sleeping with someone else just to appease that didn't bring you the same euphoria, you didn't just want sex, you wanted Five.
You knew he was playing with you. Just wanted you to give a sign that you were surrendering, so that he could give you what you wanted.
And after seven days, you gave in.
It was Monday, your mood was already an angry monster, but this time, you arrived a little later.
“Y/n, you are lateeeeee.” Klaus sang from the kitchen, biting off a large chunk of whatever it was before he sat down.
Vayna, Luther and Five were also at the table. Vayna and Luther talking about nothing important and Five reading a book under metaphysics.
You lied, placing the tray of coffees in the middle of the table. Five and Luther were the first to get, Vayna still getting used to coffee addiction.
“Allison and I are going to watch something today. Why don't you come with us? ” You sat next to Klaus, throwing one leg over his.
"Is it going to be in the cinemove?”
He denied “In the living room, you can sleep here after."
You shrugged. “Okay.”
"Did you go to a different coffee shop?" Luther raised his eyebrows, having just swallowed his coffee.
“No, why?”
“It tastes different.” He drank some more.
“It is Colombian.” You put the cards on the table, in a game that only you and Five knew.
You didn't look at him, but you could feel his eyes on you and a sly, malicious smile brushing the right side of his mouth. That was the only interaction that you felt Five driving you that day. The hours had passed and it was already one in the morning when the movie in the mansion's ended. It was not atypical you slept in the mansion, the guest room was almost called “your room” at that time. But there was… there was something different this time.
As you unbuttoned your pants, with the night breeze coming in through the window, you thought that maybe it was because you never slept there having feelings for one of the siblings. So impure feelings. There was something about sleeping under the same roof as Five that made you ... nervous. But as soon as you removed the piece and placed it on the bed, the blue flash flashed behind you.
Your whole body went tense, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up, and your heart was racing as if, suddenly, you had just returned from a marathon. You swallowed, the heat of his body hitting your back, while his hand went up your arm gently.
"You are such a good girl." Five's voice made your legs tremble, the butterflies in your stomach roll.
In this moment, feeling things that you never thought you would be able to feel, you wished always were a good girl for him.
"Did you do that for me?" His mouth joined the pice of your shoulder and neck.
You knew he knew he did, but the bastard wanted to hear it from you. Five wanted you to confirm that he had won.
“Yes” You whispered, the moonlight allowing you to see when his hand went down to your belly, playing with the cos of your dark blue panties.
"I knew you would be a good girl for me."
Then, taking you by surprise, Five pushed your chest onto the bed, bending you over, pulling your hips towards his with the other hand. You sighed when you felt his already hard member hit your pussy just covered by thin panties, now wet with your mess. Your hands closed on the sheet, your heart almost screaming in relief at the contact of his body behind you.
God, you wanted him so fucking much...
“What am I supposed to do with you?” Hargreeves reflected on a rhetorical question, his hands sliding over your surrendered body, squeezing your flesh with a force that would leave marks.
You whimpered, rolling your hips over his member. "Please"
“What would people say if they knew you were such a slut for me?” Five slapped your left cheek.
You moaned softly, tightening the sheet, your body refusing to remain an inch away from him. Your hips needed more from Five's, your whimpers increasing as he took off your panties and ran his fingers through your wet folds.
"Five!" You moaned louder, biting your lip as he played with your entrance.
"Should I just fuck you with my fingers?" He caused your entry with two digits "Or with my dick?"
You were an incoherent mess, days of denial and desire that burned arthrosis in your body.
"Answer me!" Five slapped you again, this time louder, more grotesque, making you cry out.
"Y-your dick!" You tried to say, “P-please. Fuck me with your dick, please. ”
You were desperate, that was the truth. Desperate for contact, desperate for touch. Desperate for anything that Five Hargreeves could want from you. Anything he wanted to give you.
"Hard?" His voice was now dark, slightly wicked.
“Y-yes! Please!”
Then Five stuck his hand to the back of your neck, curling his fingers in your hair and pulling your face up, making you face the ceiling as he leaned over and snarled at your neck:
"How hard?"
"Give me all!" You begged “Please, Sir. Give me all."
That title seemed to drive him out of his mind. Because the only thing you had in response was the sound of his belt falling to the floor and the rustle of his pants and boxers down, his right hand never leaving your hair. You groaned in anticipation, tears pricking your eyes from the desire that had accumulated so long when you felt the tip of his dick press against your entrance.
Five lowered his mouth to your ear, holding his hand more in your hair as he said: "I’ d hold on to something if I were you. "
Then he entered you. Hard, rough, wild. Opening all your walls and spreading your abundant liquid all over his dick. You opened your mouth in a silent scream, your nails etched hard on the sheet, tears streaming from your eyes without warning. Five gave you just a few seconds to settle for his size, starting to beat inside you at a relentless pace.
This time you screamed. Your heart pounding in chest, your pussy pulsing around Five with so much desperation that you heard him moan and curse behind you. The pace was rough, heavy, wild and full of lust. He fucked you like a rabid animal, devouring everything you had to offer, filling every last inch of you. The sound was of pornographic moans and bodies clashing with arrogance, filling the entire mansion with sounds that would not be forgotten.
"S-sir!" You moaned loudly, pushing your ass to Five at the same rate, making he hit the deepest spot inside you.
“Fucking such good slut!” He dumped one more slap on your ass, freeing his hand from your hair and joining both of them at your waist, pulling you towards him in an heavy rhythm.
Each thrust was an electric current poured into your body, excitement running down your thighs and melting both of you. Five groaned louder, leaning over and biting your shoulder, clenching his fingers aggressively against the innocent skin on your waist.
“I think you forgot to lock the door, that means anyone could walk right in and see you like this.” Five blew in your ear, receiving a loud groan in return, as yours tears flowed.
Your pussy tightened around his dick, pulsing in such a tight way for he.
"Oh, would you like that?" He teased you, feeling your walls tighten again. “I bet you would love to everbody see the slut you are to me. ”
"Sir!" You screamed, throwing your head forward, pressing your forehead to the sheet as you sobbed.
"Answer!" One more slap.
"Y-yes! I-I like could show that I'm your slut! ” You sobbed.
Five came out of you, making you whimper loudly in frustration. He turned you over on the bed, placing you in the center as he climbed on top of you, settling in between your legs and entering without warning again. You screamed, sinking your face into his neck as your legs closed around his waist, pulling his deep into you.
"Such a good bitch."
Five felt your limit riding fast, leaving you more breathless, tearful and desperate. You no longer measured the volume of your moans, your hands clenching your nails on his back, your waist rolling around to make him inside deeper.
"S-sir!" Then, without being able to control yourself anymore, you exploded. Came in long streams of broken moans and shaky breathing.
Your head fell on the pillow, your chest arching while you were on top of the climax. Five groaned at the scene, his limit being your expression of pure ecstasy. He sank in you as anatomically as possible, filling you with the hot liquid that overflowed from inside you.
You were both panting, sweaty and tired. Five let himself relax on top of you, partially loosening his weight, still stirring a few strokes to ensure that you had welcomed all his cum.
"Good girl." He praised you, giving you a small kiss on the neck, stepping out of you and rolling to your side on the bed.
"That was ... wow." You laughed softly, trying to catch your breath.
Hargreeves laughed too, taking the time to get out of bed, looking for the boxers and pants. You bit the inside of your cheek, suddenly not knowing what to do or what to say. Your heart sank at the thought of him leaving, and your mouth was faster than your common sense in saying:
Five turned to you, his brows furrowed in question as he buttoned his black pants.
"Can you ... could you ... stay?" You took a chance, your cheeks quivering under Five's intense gaze that never left you.
But, instead of the denial you were expecting, his eyebrows furrowed even more in doubt.
“But I am not leaving.” He said it as if it was obvious.
Did you blink a few times “No?”
“I was just going to get a towel to clean you up. There are certain things that I don’t like do naked.”
You opened your mouth to answer, a little shocked, but Five disappeared in the blue flash only to appear a second later, with a towel in hand. You sank into your own shame, muttering softly to yourself in incoherent sounds, you let Five clean you up.
“Did you think I was leaving?” He scoffed when he finished, looking at you with that smug look.
You rolled your eyes, turning to the side on the bed, your back to him.
"No." You mumbled.
Five laughed, settling better on the bed. "Come here." He said, patting his chest.
And, well, as much as you would like to consider yourself a rebellious girl, you did. Turning to him again, you snuggled into his body, laying your head on his chest while Five pulled the blanket up to cover the two of you.
Five Hargreeves had a bad temper. But at that moment, with you, you did not fail to notice the lazy and caring circles he made on your shoulder with his thumb.
Tagged: @bubblegumflamingos
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Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok | J-Hope
Don't Get Charmed by shikiso
When an injured omega is found on their territory, Jungkook's instincts scream danger. He is the pack's omega, they don't need another one. Jungkook is doing a good enough job by himself, protecting the den and soothing the tension off everybody's shoulders.
Why is the pack so adamant on keeping that useless omega in ?
They have Jungkook, they don't need Hoseok.
Why can't they even see his little game ? Hoseok definitely knows how to play the scared and helpless omega. But, if he manages to trick everybody, he can't trick Jungkook. He is immune to his sweet scent and sweeter eyes.
He won't fall into his trap.
Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin
Omega Drip by sugamongoose
Park Jimin is the kind of alpha who makes you coffee and asks about your day before reducing his partner to a crying, writhing mess on his organic cotton sheets. He doesn't even seem to care one bit that Jungkook is a broken omega who doesn't get wet when he's supposed to.
“Are you busy right now, alpha?” Jungkook asks, holding his breath in anticipation. He can already visualise getting on his knees for the smaller man, can imagine those soft-looking hands petting his hair in approval when he shows just how good his mouth is.
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM
Every Kind of Way by Oh_Hey_Tae
And then he realizes, quite belatedly, that he’s not supposed to be shaking the hand of the barista. Because that’s weird. And uncalled for. And really, really weird.
So Jungkook draws back his arm, grips the straps of his backpack, and promptly flees the building without a word spoken. Which is fine. Sometimes you have to get out of awkward social situations and blacklist particular cafés and adjust your route to school to avoid said café and the barista with the heart shaped face and his sweet pea scented hands. It happens.
“Jungkook-ah, meet Kim Namjoon.”
And sometimes during your bi-weekly dinner one of your good friends introduces you to said barista with the terribly soft hands who also happens to be getting his masters in social work to help underprivileged youth in inner city neighborhoods. Which is fine. This is fine. Jungkook is doing just fine.
 (Or: Jungkook adores everything about Namjoon except that the man can't catch a clue.)
Here Is What I Know by Oh_Hey_Tae
There are flowers growing on Namjoon’s arm. They aren’t real flowers, of course. That would be absurd. Impossible. Ridiculous. But Namjoon spends most of his lecture on Kant watching the garden of ink bloom on his skin, beginning at his pinkie and spreading across his wrist, trickling down to his elbow, curling up and around his bicep and out of sight under the sleeve of his shirt. Irises and peonies and roses and sunflowers. The girl who’s sitting beside him is staring, and when caught, gives Namjoon a bright-eyed grin before glancing back to the board. Namjoon spots a faded smiley face inked into the skin of her thumb, what looks to be a grocery list scrawled over the back of her hand. Notes or reminders from her soulmate maybe. Soulmates. Huh. It looks like Namjoon has one of those now.
try to resist, i still want it all by exarite
At first, Namjoon doesn’t think much of him.
He looks familiar, but he’s too far away for Namjoon to really see or scent out his dynamic. He’s cute, but Namjoon's not new to cute boys either. He's far too used to handsome, and pretty, and everything in between in the industry.
But then he stands up. Namjoon's eyes catch on the swell of his belly, and every nerve in his body lights up, his mind going blank, and—
Oh, he breathes. He's pregnant.
Namjoon fucks a pregnant Jungkook.
just let me adore you by elle_O_moonchild *
Rockstar omega Jungkook has never let an alpha tie him down. He was independent, and happy, and had no need for a domineering knothead to mess up his career and lifestyle.
But powerful and wealthy alpha Namjoon only wants to spoil the pretty omega rotten.
A smitten alpha Namjoon gets a weary omega Jungkook to go on a date with him and shows him just how good they can be together…
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Seokjin | Jin
more and more and more by moonsuns
"If you haven’t had sex by the time you’re twenty, then I’ll have sex with you. That way you’ll have a guaranteed end date for your virginity.”
“Do you promise, hyung?”
"I promise."
The problem was, Seokjin never expected to be called on it.
you shouldn't give it to me (good like that) by jamaisvore
opposites in the eyes of the media, but a perfect match in each other's arms.
or: supermodel!jk x rockstar!jin
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM
Pull Me Under by Oh_Hey_Tae
It’s been two weeks. Hoseok has managed to survive two weeks of Kim Namjoon’s progressively darkening thighs and his cheek craters and his swooshy hair and that stupid laugh he does that makes him sound like a bleating sheep.
Yoongi looks over his shoulder. Stares. Slowly draws his gaze back to Hoseok. “Are we discussing the same man who tried to brush his teeth with sunscreen yesterday?”
“Ew, he did that?”
“Your voice says that’s disgusting but your face says you’re enamored.”
Hoseok presses his palms against his eyes until he sees colored spots. “Make it stop, hyung.”
  (Or: Hoseok works at a summer resort and Namjoon is the newest lifeguard. Chaos ensues.)
fall underneath by crycoby
“Is this secretly about your huge crush on Namjoon?” Jimin asks, his fingers digging into the back of Hoseok’s neck in a way that is frankly criminal. “You know that if you like him, you’re going to have to be more direct. He doesn’t like to assume things about people and… He overthinks a lot,” he finally settles on diplomatically.
Hoseok groans, half because of the pressure and half because the idea of talking about this, about any of this, about any of the gnarled mess that is the clutch of Hoseok’s emotions in the knot of his chest, gives him hives.
hoseok could talk about his big messy feelings about namjoon, or he could talk around them instead and just hope for the best. yeah. that sounds good.
Methods of Mutual Stress Relief by Only_A_Fangirl
Hoseok cringes, “How weird would it be if I actually asked to jerk off in here with you?”
“Very,” Namjoon answers instantly.
Hoseok nods, “You can choose the porn.”
Namjoon blinks, “Are you for real?”
lyre lyre lyre by oliviacirce
Namjoo regrets every life choice that has led her here, to the hard wooden floor of this dance studio, where she's lying on her back like a beached whale.
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Taehyung | V
the long and winding road by moonsuns
Hoseok is (basically) forced to go on vacation and leave his stressful idol life behind, at least for a little while. He wasn't expecting to find Taehyung, that's for sure. (He's glad he did, though.)
Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin
Procurement by FlyYouFools1 (WIP) *
Seokjin and Namjoon have waited decades for a little of their own. Taehyung just wants to pay for his little brother's education.
Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Taehyung | V
Dandelion Love (part of the (Not) Destined series) by almostsophie1
Taehyung is twenty-one when the word on his wrist turns ashen. The kind of love that soulmates share is forever out of reach.
(But enter one Kim Namjoon, who doesn't think the same.)
Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga
Bleeding Love by beebalm
Yoongi was already dressed and halfway to the door, nothing but a dry chuckle and a See you around when Namjoon asked for his number.
It's not that Namjoon is hurt Yoongi only ever wanted him for a one night stand. And he doesn't have a crush. He just wishes they didn't have to keep seeing each other all the time.
Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin
but i want it anyway by ameliabedelias *
Park Jimin’s roommate goes to study abroad for a semester. Kim Namjoon takes over the lease.
only lingering around you by moonsuns 
“I don't. I mean...this is going to sound awkward, but I’m...not really looking for a relationship right now.”
Namjoon considers, for a moment, elaborating and telling Jimin about everything with Hoseok, but there wouldn't be any point in that. And also, Namjoon is pretty sure that Jimin doesn't care about any of that anyway.
And he's right. At this, Jimin outright laughs. It isn’t a mean laugh, but Namjoon is pierced by the sound anyway. “Who said anything about a relationship, or even feelings? It’s just sex.”
Or, Namjoon and Jimin are friends with benefits.
Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga
운명 (Fate) (part of the (Not) Destined series) by almostsophie1
Yoongi is part of that three percent population left without a soulmate word. It doesn't matter if he falls in love, because love isn't meant for people like him.
(Then he meets Seokjin.)
candy on my lips (part of the just desserts series) by moonbabie
Anonymous advice columnist and baby bi Kim Sujin meets queer club president Min Yoonji, and does the following: writes some cheesy advice columns, cuts her hair, and figures out her shit. (aka a queer romcom meets emotional constipation, self-discovery, and clueless wlw)
Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin
pull me closer in the backseat of your rover by moonsuns
Jimin had just wanted to get off. He didn't think he'd end up with a boyfriend at the end of it all.
Or, another friends with benefits AU.
Nip & Bloom by sugamongoose (WIP) *
The year is 2021, and yet traditional and oppressive views of alpha/omega relations run rampant in the Korean society. Unmated Park Jimin is placed in a government programme which pairs delinquent omegas with support mates to make them more comfortable in their submission. Jimin’s alpha for six months turns out to be Min Yoongi, a tiny music producer who wears fuzzy sweaters, and who won’t stop talking about his kitten Holly.
“You look like an omega,” Jimin blurts out. The strange alpha flashes him a smile that reveals the pink of his gums. “Is that something you prefer? I saw your file, and it said you identify as queer.” “Oh, you looked at my file just to see if I like to fuck other omegas? Knot swelling yet?”
OT7 - Relationship
indiscentsible by cloudyworld *
Jungkook had been a little disappointed when, after all the build-up and speculation, he'd presented as a beta. Betas are great! They play an important role in society: level-headed, big-picture thinkers, the solid foundation that holds everyone together. But that pull of instinct that comes with being an alpha or omega, the feeling of belonging... He was crushed at the thought he might never get to have that.
In a pack with three alphas and three omegas already, presenting beta was a gift; Jungkook learns to see that too.
Precious Mettle by glitterandgilt (WIP) *
Jin loved his nest. He'd built it very carefully from the ground up. Spent centuries on selecting the individuals he wanted to spend the rest of his immortal life with. He was proud of his nest and protected it with a possessive love that rivaled a dragon's guard on their trove.
Jin didn't get the chance to go through that evaluation process with his newest treasure. But he would never let it go.
When Jin's blood is stolen and used to sire a new fledgling, Jin has two choices: to ignore the strands of magic binding him to his new childe, or to lay claim to another jewel for his collection. He chooses the latter and drags his entire nest into a situation none of them were anticipating.
Kim's Seven by Gobi17 (WIP) *
Jungkook, 17 year old YouTuber, is in awe of the 6 hot boys who have adopted him online.
Bangtan are a dangerous group of vigilantes who seize the opportunity to kidnap the stepson of their latest target.
Found Kin by Adaptive_Artist (WIP)
Jungkook is starving. Food doesn't make anything better, and his teeth ache like someone is hammering on them. He thought he was cursed. Turns out he's a hatchling kin, and is now the precious baby of the renowned Kim nest. He's also growing little fangs.
love bites (series) by feraljk (WIP) 
Summary from the first fic:
newly-turned vampire jungkook still has a lot to learn, but his hyungs are there to help him. taehyung enlists yoongi and jin to teach the fledgling how to teethe and helps him discover how much of a bonding activity teething can be.
or: trans koo and tae teeth on their hyungs and also come
Isn't it lovely? (all alone) by hopefully2020
At age eighteen, all citizens are given a concentration that will determine their fields of study. A small empty square on their wrist will gain a color corresponding to their skill set. Everyone’s fear is that their square color is black, meaning they are destined for a life of crime. When Jungkook turns eighteen, he waits anxiously for his square to gain color, only to be presented with a blank square. He is shunned by his family, having to struggle through high school while trying to figure out what to do for the rest of his life. Jungkook's life gets flipped upside down on the day of his twenty-first birthday when the store he works at is robbed with Jungkook at the cash register. Fearing for his life he believes he is going to die, only to be saved by a figure in black with a mask covering his face. To make things even worse, Jungkook suddenly becomes the target of one of the largest drug syndicates, solely because of his new connection to his savior and five other men who turn out to be the biggest crime lords in Seoul. What happens then, you ask? Well, then the blank world Jungkook always saw starts to drip with black, just a little bit.
blueberry peaches (a serendipitous summer) by elle_O_moonchild (WIP)
Jungkook spends a life changing summer working at a beachside car wash and meets 6 new lovers who change his heart and life forever.
Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM 
Falling For an Alien From Amalthea 5 by Pyotr_Keats78 (WIP)
Jungkook has been in and out of the hospital for years with various medical problems. Eventually, his heart becomes so weak that no human medicine can save him. Believing he will die never having come out as trans to anyone, he gives up. That is until his brother Jimin tells him, “You have two choices, Jungah: you can stay here in this hospital and get high every day until your heart fails you, or you can go to Amalthea, grow a parasite, and live.”
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin
Mentoring on Marsa by FlyYouFools1
Jungkook comes to the planet Marsa after being promised a full scholarship to Marsa National University. When the scholarship falls through, his academic advisor gives him the number for a mentoring service for newly stranded omegas on Marsa. With rent due, no way home, and no success in finding a job, Jungkook calls the number. The organization sends him Min Yoongi, a fellow omega who's been living on Marsa for 8 years. Yoongi teaches him how to survive. Jungkook's first attempt at survival is alpha couple Jimin and Taehyung.
Features: Yoongi doing his best to teach Jungkook how to manage handsy alphas, handsy alphas (like all of them are touchy) taking liberties with omega protagonists, and my best attempt at writing problematic but entertaining sex. A lot of fluff too, actually. The alphas are fluffy as hell with the omegas, and pamper them a lot, even though their actual behavior is wrong.
Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V/Min Yoongi | Suga
November (series) by cuttothequickk 
Summary from the first fic: 
Sometimes, Jeongguk gets so lonely he doesn't even feel alone anymore. He's practicing, and he's very good at it. Loneliness. Being alone. It's blustery cold, and the leaves are falling from the branches of trembling trees, and Jeongguk is alone in a big city, shivering without a jacket, trying desperately to keep himself warm.
There is no one, and then there is someone. Two someones. The lovely winter boys from Daegu, Taehyung and Yoongi, opposites and equals, so loving and in love.
It would be ridiculous, really, if Jeongguk didn't fall for them, too.
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga
how, or when, or from where by moonsuns
“Stop calling it my quest,” Namjoon whines, and Hoseok laughs.
“You’re the one that said it first.”
“I was drunk.”
“Well, the bad thing about going out with people, is that you can’t take back the stupid shit you said when you were drunk. Especially when they’re way less drunk than you.”
Or, after Namjoon almost dies, he decides to go on a quest to live his best life, and takes Yoongi and Hoseok along for the ride.
(* Personal favorites)
170 notes · View notes
The Batch Family: The Anniversary
Part of my Bad Batch AU "The Batch Family" - Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Echo, and Crosshair are children being raised by single mom Beth in a modern Earth setting. This AU will be a collection of short stories spanning a different ages, and posted in random order. [Collection Masterlist]
The Anniversary | New stories are told on the anniversary of the boys' adoption. 
Word count: 3.7k
Bad Batch ages: Child (11 y/o)
Content warnings: Hints at some past tragedy/sadness, broaching sensitive conversations with kids
Notes: May the Fourth Be With You! I stayed up way too late trying to finish this in time for a May 4th posting so I have no clue if it's actually good lol. It's much longer than my other pieces, and I tried to keep the usual lighthearted feel while still adding some details about how I picture their family tree and adoption situation.
* * *
Echo didn't often find himself snooping in his mother's things. He was the good kid, the responsible one. Even Hunter bended the rules, finding some clever way to justify it. But not Echo. Maybe that made him a fun-buster sometimes, or a momma's boy, or whatever else they called him, but he didn't care. He loved his mom and would never, ever invade her privacy.
Except, right now.
He wasn't snooping, he told himself. He only wanted to quickly add something to "the box." It was an old shoebox filled with photos and miscellaneous mementos, only brought out once a year, on the anniversary of their adoption. It was a special ritual they all looked forward to, especially since their mom always added a new thing each year that captured whatever new adventures or memories they had.
Not long ago, Echo got to thinking about that box and how hard their mom always worked to make things special for them, from these little traditions to the day to day stuff like packing their lunches or cheering at their soccer matches. He thought it was about time they did something special for her, too. Sure, Mother's Day was only the following week, but she deserved a surprise on their adoption anniversary too, right? After all, they wouldn't have even been adopted if it wasn't for her...
So Echo clutched his little homemade card, filled with photos he had carefully collected of each of his brothers with their mom. He would just open the box enough to slip it inside and would then leave. That wouldn't be too criminal of him, right?
Gosh, he sounded just like the others.
He hurried into the small walk-in closet and quickly tried to push through her coats in the back, looking for the little decoupaged shoebox tucked away in the corner.
"Whatcha doing?"
Echo groaned as the not-so-quiet whisper of Wrecker came from behind. His brother was leaning against the doorframe while munching on a granola bar, looking only mildly curious at Echo's attempts to rummage through their mom's closet.
"Shh!" he hushed with an annoyed frown. "I'll tell you later, just go before Mom hears."
"She's outside," he said through mouthfuls of granola. "Talking to the police."
Echo had found the box, but paused with his one hand on it, looking at Wrecker confused.
"It's the new neighbor," came Tech's head, peeking from around the corner. "Captain Wolffe."
"No way, we have a cop for a neighbor?" Granola flakes spilled from the corners of Wrecker's mouth as he grinned in astonishment.
"I think he has kids our age," said Tech. "At least, Crosshair said he thought he saw kids our age."
Wrecker disappeared in a flash, eager to see for himself. Tech took his brother's place in the doorway and looked down on Echo with a far more curious look.
"What are you doing?"
Echo huffed as he turned his attention back to the box, sliding it out and into his lap. "I just... wanted to add a surprise for Mom for tonight," he mumbled. Tech watched as he cracked open the lid, set his envelope on top of the ever-growing pile of memories inside, and then shut it back again.
Tech came to crouch next to him and grabbed the box.
"What are you doing?!" Echo panicked as Tech took the lid all the way off and started pulling out all of the items. "We're not supposed to go through anything until we're together!"
"I'm not going through it," Tech waved at him dismissively, finally emptying the box and reaching for the card. He set it on the bottom of the box and then started refilling it with the other items. "See? That way it's really a surprise. We'll go through it like we usually do, and then at the end Mom will see your card."
Echo relented with an approving nod. That was a better idea.
Just as the two boys were pushing the box back in its spot, they heard voices just beyond the cracked door of the closet. Tech had thoughtfully pulled it almost-shut behind him, but the light was on and they both looked awfully suspicious crouched on the floor. As the voices grew closer - their Mom's and... someone else's - Tech offered the only possible solution.
He slid under the coats alongside the box. Echo's eyes bugged out at him.
"Are you crazy?" he hissed. "We'll get in even bigger trouble by hiding!"
Tech mumbled some kind of response but Echo couldn't hear over their mother speaking on the other side of the door.
...no problem at all. Saves me yet another trip to thrift store.
Another voice wafted through, a man's they'd never heard before.
I can't even imagine how many clothes you go through with five. I struggle with just the two. Poor boys never have pants that cover their ankles.
Beth's chuckles grew louder as she approached the closet door. Echo groaned internally at the idea of hiding, but ended up scooting himself underneath the hanging clothes on the other side of the small closet just as the door opened. For a moment he could see Tech across from him, his eyes glinting mischievously behind his glasses. And then their mother's feet came into view. She stood on her tippy-toes for a few moments, presumably fumbling around with something on the top shelf. But then her heels came back down and she huffed.
"Actually, Captain, if you wouldn't mind reaching for it?" she called.
Echo gulped, and even Tech's eyes grew wide, as another set of feet came into view. Large feet, clad in shiny black boots.
"Just Wolffe is fine," said the owner of the feet, his voice much deeper and rougher sounding now that he was in the closet along with them. He didn't even need to stand on his tippy-toes to reach whatever was on the top shelf.
"It's easier to throw things up there than get them back down," their mom chuckled. "Thank you."
"No, thank you," the man said. Both of their feet turned to leave. "You're the one donating to the Wolffe boys' summer wardrobe."
More chuckles, which eventually petered out as they walked further away, until soon there was silence once more in the little closet. Echo and Tech shimmied out from their hiding spots together and stood facing each other for a moment. They didn't even need to say anything; it was clear the other was thinking and feeling the same way. So after a moment, they both let out relieved sighs, which turned into quiet giggles.
"I can't believe she didn't see us," said Echo.
"I know," agreed Tech. "We're lucky she came for something up high."
"So that was Captain Wolffe. I guess he does have his own kids."
"He sounded scary."
"Yeah. We should go out to meet him, though. Or else Mom will get suspicious and ask where we were."
"And then Wrecker will give us away."
The two boys crept out of the closet, sneaking a cautious peek into the hallway before emerging. The house seemed pretty quiet. Maybe everyone had gone back outside.
"We should have a story, just in case," Tech whispered anyway. Echo let out a little whine. "What? You were having fun just a moment ago."
"I thought we were done sneaking and lying."
Tech just shook his head at him. They approached the front door and he paused with a hand on it. "Just act normal and don't say anything. But if Mom asks, then we were in the backyard climbing the tree."
"She's going to see the card in the box later, you know," Echo pointed out, though Tech had already thrown open the door and was heading out. "She'll know we were lying."
Echo didn't actually have a good answer to that, at least not one he could think of on the spot. So he huffed and just followed his brother outside.
It turned out they had just missed meeting Captain Wolffe by a minute; he'd been called away on some emergency. The others, especially Hunter, were simply beside themselves with how cool he was. Beth went inside to start dinner and the boys passed the basketball around, talking over each other as they tried to fill Echo and Tech in on all the cool details...
Like how the Captain had a gnarly scar across one side of his face and wore a prosthetic eyeball. Or how he'd easily made a three-point shot with the basketball when they offered it to him. Or how he'd flashed the lights on his police car when he drove away....
The Captain also had two sons who had come over for introductions, Comet and Boost. Though they were apparently not as cool as their dad. The only noteworthy fact about them was they'd said something about their "other" house, that they had a basketball hoop there but not at this new one, so they'd very much like to come over and play after school some time.
"Maybe they meant to say old house?" Crosshair offered as he dribbled the ball and went in for a layup.
"No, I heard him say other house," Hunter insisted, catching the rebound and passing to Echo. "Like, they have two houses."
"Wow, they must be rich," said Wrecker, who was preparing to block Echo's throw.
"Well, their dad is a police officer," said Tech. "I'm sure that job makes a lot of money."
"True," they all agreed. They didn't really know if it was true, but it sounded right, especially coming from Tech who just somehow knew these things.
"Do they... have a mom?" Echo ventured to ask.
The game sort of died down as they all thought about it.
"I don't think they said anything about a mom," Hunter eventually admitted.
"Maybe Mom asked," said Wrecker. He immediately nodded at his own idea. "Yeah, she would've asked. Moms always know about other moms."
As if on cue, Beth popped her head through the front door and called them in for dinner. Any further discussion of the cool new neighbor would have to wait. Now was the time for their special adoption anniversary traditions.
* * *
The first night Beth had brought the boys home, their actual home, all together as a new family... well, it was definitely a night. She sanitized the story quite a bit when telling the boys as they grew older. They didn't need to know she'd told her parents the wrong date of her trip back on purpose, because she was stubborn and wanted to get everything situated on her own. They didn't need to know about how she'd barely slept out of fear that somehow, someway, something would happen to them if she closed her eyes for even a second. And they most certainly didn't need to know about the tears that constantly leaked from her eyes, and the frequent prayers she uttered throughout the bottle feedings and outfit changes and crib set ups. How she knew she didn't know what she was doing. How she didn't know if she would ever figure it out.
Obviously she had, and that first night was just a rough start, a sharp learning curve that she quickly got over and found a good rhythm that only got better over time. And so any time the story was told to the boys, she focused on the positives. Making sure they knew their family was not a mistake, that the were loved right from the beginning. Immortalizing the weird Eggo waffle and fish stick sandwich she'd made for dinner that first night because it was all she had on hand, now a beloved tradition every year on the day. Adding trinkets to their little memories box to go through together, giving them a chance to choose what was memorialized in their own story.
This year, however, Beth knew it was time. Time to add to the stories a bit. Time to share the things that weren't as jolly, but still important. There'd been more questions from them over the last year. Things they'd hear or encounter at school. Ideas that would pop into their heads on their own. Questions about what makes a family, how babies were made, why they didn't have a dad. Those questions. She'd gotten by with simple answers for a while, but she could tell they were starting to grow restless with their own limited understanding of the world. Their curiosity would push them toward the truth, and better to hear it from their mother than anyone else.
Gathered around on the couch, bellies full of waffle-and-fish sandwiches (and some greens, too, of course) they started their rituals as usual. Bring out the box. Reverently open it. Clamber over each other for the right to tell the story for the next item pulled out. She let them have their fun, no need to take that away just yet. She had added the new photo on the bottom that would segue into her story and she'd take it from there.
Only, apparently the photo had somehow made its way into the middle of the items, as Crosshair pulled it out with a confused frown.
"What's this?"
The others swarmed around, excited by the thought of a surprise until they realized they were confused by it, too. Beth looked to see there were still a handful of mementos left to go through, like their first report cards or the old dreamcatcher that hung over the crib. There also seemed to be some kind of envelope on the bottom, in place of where this photo should have been. Odd....
"Who are these people you're with?" Hunter asked, taking the photo from Crosshair to inspect more closely.
"Wait, that's mom?" Wrecker peered over his shoulder. "You look so different."
Beth let that comment slide; she was well aware of how much she'd aged in 10 years as a single mother of five. She cleared her throat and scooted closer to them.
"Well, I was planning to save that one for last," she said slowly, trying to gauge if they wanted to fixate on the photo or save it for later. The five expectant stares she got in response confirmed. Fixate it is.
"That's me," she pointed at the young girl in the photo, donning a wrinkly Nirvana T-shirt and a mouth full of braces. Her finger moved over to the next person, a short but muscular girl who smirked at the camera like she knew a secret. "And that's my friend Arla. Echo's birth mom."
She could feel their heads suddenly snapping back and forth at the statement. She let it sink in for just a moment before moving her finger along to the other person in the photo. It was a large, tanned boy who looked very serious, but was also wearing socks with sandals and held his hands up in a casual peace sign.
"And that is her brother, Jango. He's your guys' birth father." She gestured to the other four boys.
Predictably, after the initial shock wave was processed, there were a lot of questions and feelings being shared all at once. Beth closed the lid on the box and shushed them all, making them sit back on the couch and hold each other's hands while she told the story.
"You all know you were adopted, which means you were born to other people, not me." She started with something familiar, something she'd said enough that had sat well with them all these years.
"When we were itty-bitty babies so we don't remember," said Wrecker in affirmation.
"And they passed away, so you became our mom," added Hunter.
She nodded. "Yes, that's right. I thought maybe I could tell you about them this year. Because even though you won't remember them, they are still a part of your story, and a part of our story. Without them, we wouldn't have ever become a family."
They all nodded at her eagerly and Hunter broke from the hand-holding chain for a moment to set the photo back onto their laps, so they could look at it while she spoke. Beth drew in a shaky breath. She'd been debating on what to say and how to say it for so long now. She really hoped she was making the right decisions and didn't confuse them or hurt them in any way.
"Jango and Arla Fett. They were my neighbors growing up, and my very best friends. They were almost like my brother and sister. They had another brother too, but he wasn't around much. It was mostly just the three of us. Arla was so sweet. She was strong and played lots of sports and all the boys liked her. And she was also really smart. She did her homework on time and read lots of books. She and I would stay up late sometimes and just laugh about the silliest things. I could tell her anything and I knew she'd keep it a secret."
"And that's my mom?" Echo asked with wide eyes, looking down at the photo of the girl who was entirely too young to be a mother at that point. "I mean, my birth mom."
Beth smiled. "You can call her whatever you'd like, darling. And yep, that's her. We were about sixteen in that photo I think? And then a few years later, right before we graduated, she fell in love with this boy from our math class. Jaster. He'd been there all year long but she only just noticed him right at the end. But lucky her, they ended up going to the same college together, and within a year they were married. And soon after that, they had Echo."
She was finding it easier to get through the details the more she went on. And luckily the boys hadn't interrupted too much yet, so she continued before she got nervous again.
"And then her brother, Jango, was a year older than us. He always looked like he was mad about something, but that was just his face. He was actually very nice. Very protective. Gave the best presents. He remembered everything about you, anything you told him, he was always paying attention. He'd check in on his friends a lot, make sure they were okay. Oh, and of course he played a lot of sports, too."
She felt like that was important to mention. The boys had always given her a hard time for not "being into sports" with them, despite the fact she still showed up at every soccer game and bought them whatever equipment they needed. She just didn't understand the terms or rules sometimes.
"He got married a little bit after Arla did, to a really pretty girl he met named Sheeka. She was the only person who could make him laugh. He'd always tell me and Arla jokes that had us in tears, but we could never make him laugh in return. But Sheeka, he never stopped smiling around her."
Okay, maybe it wasn't so easy to go through the details. Beth cleared her throat to stop herself from dwelling on the memory for too long. She was supposed to honor their memories, make sure their sons knew where they came from before it was too late. She could mourn on her own time.
"Anyway, they got married and were pregnant around the same time as Arla. Except, huge surprise, they were expecting quadruplets."
"Four babies," said Tech.
"Uh-huh. That was a pretty big deal. Doesn't happen very often."
"Wait," said Wrecker, the wheels almost visibly turning in his head. Beth braced herself. Now the serious questions would start coming. She'd decided she would answer them a little more honestly this time. No need to go into the really upsetting, but if they asked, then she'd let them know the basics.
"So... Echo's not our brother?"
"He is," she said calmly, looking each of them in the eyes. "You may have been born to different people, but remember I adopted you. You're my sons. You're each other's brother."
They all looked at each other and for the most part seemed to understand and accept it. There were a few other little questions after that, including a crucial clarifying question of who was technically born first and therefore the oldest. The revelation that it was Echo caused a divergence of conversation, so the one question Beth had been anxious about hearing didn't end up getting asked at all. That was fine. Surely it would come up later, but in the meantime, they seemed to be content with the details she had shared.
"Alright, alright," she finally cut back in once it sounded like the conversation was getting away from mere friendly teasing. "I think that's enough for now. We can talk about it later. It's still a school night. I need to see pajamas and clean teeth in ten minutes."
She stood but Echo jumped after her.
"Wait! We didn't finish the box!"
"We already know what's left in it," yawned Crosshair.
"But I put something in there for Mom," he said, grabbing hold of it anyway. He fished inside and pulled out that mysterious envelope Beth had noticed. It clicked with her that's why her closet light had been left on earlier, when she'd gone to get that box of clothes for their new neighbor.
She gave Echo a knowing look but didn't comment. He was her angel, he could get away with that one.
"What's this?" Beth pulled out a few photos from the envelope. Each one was of her and one of the boys. Some she remembered posing for, others looked like they had been cropped from larger group photos. The tears she'd forced back earlier from recounting her memories with Arla and Jango forced their way back into her eyes.
"This is really sweet, darling. Thank you."
She leaned down to hug him, and then quickly, one by one, she grabbed the others to join in the love. The evening had certainly gone better than she'd expected. Almost like her first night with them home. She'd started out with so much anxiety and fear, overthinking every little thing in anticipation of the worst. But by the end of it, she'd come to realize they were her sons, and she was fortunate to be their mother. Just like she was realizing again now.
The Batch Family Tag List: @damerondala, @dangerousstrawberrypie, @pandora-the-halfling, @misogirl828, @darkangel4121, @sobstea, @rintheemolion, @dionysuskid21, @jesseeka, @hanbedumbaf, @harleyevanstan, @imabeautifulbutterfly, @sarahtanmarvel, @itsagrimm, @lackofhonor
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tendous-socks · 3 years
tw: ⚠️⚠️kisaki⚠️⚠️ and manga spoilers, mentions of death, transphobia,
would misgender and dead-name me
must i need an explanation?😐
2. shion
“ what’re you gonna do about it?? HUH?? WHAT’RE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT ???”
actively looks for a fight
… if y’all are in a relationship he’d still call you his “girl” but beats people up for doing so….
3. mucho
i get the vibes that he’s traditional
would silently stare in judgment
4. mochi
he just doesn’t care clslfkxkslk
thinks it’s weird
“ nor/mal”
7. rindou..
“you either have a pen or a vag. “
*continues dead naming me*
he would be nicer about it when he’s in toman due to inui… but once they’re separated- an ABSOLUTE MEANCE
… reluctantly apart of the protection squad with inui ( enjoys beating people up tho)
10. bontent mikey
… he’s just so tired and doesn’t really care ) that is if you’re not close with him… but then again how close can you really get?)
11. ) PAH CHIN
but if y’all ain’t close he would slowly get the hint… this is canon.
because i said so-
11. sanzu…
he’s quietly judging you
12. akashi
traditional- plus it was a different era for him growing up so…
(would glare at someone if he really did see you getting emotionally distressed)
13. smiley
“ that’s one of the most stupidest shit ive ever fucking heard 😁”
“ you either have tits or a dick “
but would beat people up if you get SUPER upset ( call it his protect instincts with angry, but would send people to the hospital)
14. taiju
“ i wanna church girl who goes to church and reads her bible “
would spit at me
head canon : during tenjiku you were there and had to adjust your transtape cause it was coming lose 🙄
which is literally the most annoying thing in the world-
and shion saw you.
he came up and was like “ HUH WHAT’VE WE GOT HERE?? A GIRL PRETENDING TO BE A G-“
couldn’t even finish his sentence with how fast peh chin clocked his ass 🤭
( peh yan supremacy)
2. my main man takemichy
no explanation needed ( maybe deadnamed you only once cause he didn’t know)
3. inui cause i said so
i KNOW mama baji raised him right ✋🙄
almost clocked chifuyu when you told him about your first encounter kcksldofospdoco
almost clocked your mom when she said “you got it girlfriend”
she was confused when she saw you desperately trying to prevent the next criminal minds episode
best listener for body dystrophia fight me 🙉❤️
6. senju
*comes out*
“..oh okay! anyways as i was saying [preferred name] “
would need some gentle reminders only once or twice cause i will say it does take a bit of time for people to get used to it and there are always a few slip ups
tells akashi about your pronouns ( ONLY WITH YOUR CONSENT OFC)
( promises to try and be more girly if he calls you by them and your preferred name)
she wants you to go into more details about what you’re feeling cause she’s genuinely very interested about everything and she wants to know more about you.
7. emma 😻 vv supportive 🙌🙌
*sicks mikey and draken out on anyone who hurts your feelings
“you know [blah blah blah] from history?”
“of course yeah “
“yeah he ended up calling me slur during class- what’re you doing?”
*emma pulling out her phone
“hm? oh nothing don’t worry about it”
gave more insight about it to draken and mikey
the one of correct takemichy
9. yuzuha
hina but 10x worse
trips transphobes for shit and giggles 🤪🤞
i like to think that the girls (all 4) would just all stare down a girl who was shit talking you and just pick her apart mercilessly ( a little ooc but this is my head canons so they can be whatever i say they are)
ones idk about
1. mikey
he knows that you can handle yourself so he lets you correct people.
sometimes he’ll jump in and correct them instead for one of two reasons.
1. he felt like it
2. they kept calling you your dead name and misgendering you EVEN THOUGH you already corrected them
but if the person ACTIVELY does that and says some… not so fruity things. he’ll send em to the hospital and end up on life support 😌☝️
like dom tertto, he cares about his family. and toman is his family, and you’re in toman ( not THAT kind of y/n way 🙄 )
“ BE WHO YOU AREE🌈🌈🌈🌈🤪🤞🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈”
1. draken
… listen… idk why, but i just don’t SEE him beating people up for misgendering me… well okay i kinda see it,
but he’d be like, “ i don’t understand what you’re going through, but i support you and if you want to talk about it i’m here”
wants to try and understand so like i said before, he lets you rant about what you’re feeling
would let you handle your own battles cause your strong enough to
a true king 😎🙌
does in fact throw punches when it gets REALLY BAD
2. angry
… idk h o w empathic he is and how mad he’d have to be on your behalf when people actively kept misgendering you to become the blue ogre.
but he’d just start crying at the confrontation.. 😐
my hero ig 🤥
3. izana
“ that’s fucking stupid”
*beats up middle aged woman who said for you to “ have a good day ma’am”
but if y’all close he’ll only say it’s stupid once when he sees you genuinely upset and ignoring him
“ be who you are.. 🌈”
4. kaku
same boat as izana, A LOT less judgmental
5. mitsuya
won’t hesitate to send a bitch flying
actively corrects people
( teaches luna and mana about your pronouns for the next time you come over 🕺🏻)
6. haitani brothers
*actively bullies you
*bullies kid into the grave for looking at your chest area
7. …hakkai
he accidentally slipped up once🤒
( has nightmares about it)
8. chifuyu would only do it in his mohawk era cause he wanted to seem metal and impress da boys 🥶🥶☝️☝️
pulled you aside at the end of the day to apologize
( like i said before, baji almost clocked him when you told him about your first encounter )
who am i kidding they’re all in gangs, they’d probably kill someone if they hurt you cospwpfoslief
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tricksters-captain · 3 years
Helmut Zemo imagines - Hostage Part 1
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AN: I came up with this idea for a series in the shower and I hope you guys are as intrigued by it as I am. Also I’m aware it’s posted later than I said but I’m a perfectionist and couldn’t post it until I was happy with it!! To make up for it, I have some Laszlo Kreizler smut coming up soon for you Alienist fans. 
Summary: You were chosen as one of Karli’s elite. You became a super soldier to help your cause, make the world a better place but taking the serum came with a price. After being cornered one day, you’re taken by the famous Helmut Zemo to give him answers or face the consequences. 
In This Chapter: Introductions. You are sent on a mission for Karli, only for it to turn bad. 
Pairing(s): Zemo x Fem!Reader, Karli Morganthau x Platonic!Reader
Word Count: 2,703
Warnings: Spoilers for TFATWS, violence, strong language 
You stared back at the burning building as the truck pulled away. 
Despite the rumbling of the thick tires on the tarmac beneath you, you could hear the screaming. 
“Hey.” DeeDee placed a hand on your shoulder and tugged you round. “Don’t look.” 
You could see in her eyes that she was just as shocked as you were but was trying to hide it.
The task had been to remove as many supplies as possible from the GRC depot to take back to the camps in Riga. There had been no mention of bombing the place. 
Lennox’s eyes met yours in the rear-view mirror. You were all thinking the same thing. 
Why would Karli go through with something that hadn’t even been discussed?
“Turn here. It’s faster.” DeeDee leant forward pointing towards a more narrow alley as fire engine sirens echoed up ahead. 
Lennox did as suggested and the others followed close behind. 
It wasn’t a long drive from Vilnius to Riga but you all stopped when daylight broke to take some time to eat something. 
You sat down beside Diego, your eyes flickering to Karli every few minutes as she dished out supplies for you all. 
She noticed. 
“(Y/n).” Karli remained standing as she handed out the last can to Dovich. 
You took the hint and rose to your feet. 
You followed her to the side of the abandoned structure as the others tried to tune the radio. 
“What’s the problem?” Karli asked you, a hard expression across her features.
“What’s the problem?” You couldn’t help but scoff at the question. “Karli, you blew up a building with people still tied up inside.” 
“I did what I had to do. It’s the only language these people understand. You saw just how much food, water and medicine they were sitting on. If we had a fraction of that just a few months ago Mama Donya might still be alive.” You could see the tears Karli was trying to suppress as she spoke of Mama Donya.
“You still should’ve consulted us before you went ahead with it. We’re better than an eye for an eye and you know that.” You cautiously took her hand into yours to try and comfort her. “We’re trying to make a difference here.”
“And that is how we do it.” She dropped your hand as she defended her actions. You shook your head but didn’t retaliate. You knew there was no use in arguing with her in that moment. 
“There’s something I need you to do after Mama Donya’s funeral today.” Karli was quick to change the topic. “A mission for you and DeeDee.” 
“What is it?” You asked, folding your arms across your chest. 
“I need you to go to these coordinates immediately after the funeral. One of our allies will be expecting you both. He has information and something I need. It’ll be a parcel, small enough to conceal so you can make your way back to us without any suspicion.” Karli texted over the coordinates and the information on the contact. 
“How can you be sure it’s safe?” You asked as you studied his profile. 
“I wouldn’t send you if it wasn’t.” Karli paused before she wrapped her hand around the back of your neck and brought your forehead to hers. “We have to stick together now more than ever.” 
You closed your eyes and exhaled a shaky breath. 
“One world.” You muttered. 
“One people.”Karli pulled away just as Dovich called over to you both. 
They had managed to get the radio to work. 
You sat down and opened a can of fruit slices to try and quench your hunger. 
“The depot that was bombed was funded and run by the GRC, the Global Repatriation Council. One of the workers killed was the father of two and had only been on the job for one week. After condemning this latest action by the radical group known as the Flag Smashers, the GRC formally began drafting legislation known as The Patch Act, which would seek to restore traditional border regulations and fast-track the return to normalcy. The act of violence has also brought attention and followers to the Flag Smasher cause. No one can deny the world-wide reach of this group is growing, as is the danger.”
You shared a look with Gigi and Dovich as you listened to the broadcast. Your stomach churned at the mention of the father. You swallowed hard as you placed your food down. 
Karli parted from the group again, feeling the pressure of the eyes on her, but you chose not to follow. 
You had known Karli for 3 years. You met in Riga and became close quickly. You both had lost everything and then you had each other. When she took off to Madripoor, you followed. She always knew how to get people to see things her way, she had a spark inside of her that drew in those who wanted to fight for something; she was powerful for 19. She only grew more powerful with the serums. 
You had backed her and supported her from the start but something was twisting. Something was going sour. You had never killed innocents before but in Karli’s eyes; was anyone on the side of the GRC innocent?
“Finish up. We need to get to the border in time to meet our contact.” Karli strode past the group and didn’t stop until she climbed into one of the cars. 
You cleaned up after yourselves, leaving no trace that you were there, before you got back on the road. 
You were back in Riga soon enough, your contact at the border let you through without any issues and you made it to the checkpoint with all the supplies safely. 
Fortunately, you still had time to spare before Donya’s funeral. 
You remained hidden, on the low, whilst Karli went with Nico to pick up the leftover serums. 
You had previously spoken about creating more super soldiers. You had been against it. There were more than enough of you for the moment and the process of turning into one was beyond any pain you’d ever felt. You didn’t think more people needed to go through that. However, the vote passed and more were to be created. 
“You ready?” Karli asked you as she returned. You nodded. 
You headed to the secret location of Mama Donya’s funeral and fell into the crowd as the body came into sight. Mama Donya had been important to Karli and therefore important to you. She had been a kind woman. Kind to you. But Karli had a bond with her that you didn’t. This was Karli’s time to heal, to grieve, to help those who also relied on Donya. 
You watched Karli step up to say a few words. 
“I don’t remember my mother or my father. Same goes for siblings, grandparents, cousins. What I do remember is being alone. Worse than being hungry or cold or scared. I was alone. Until Mama Donya. Like a lot of you here, Mama Donya saved me. She clothed me, fed me, loved me.” You followed Karli’s eye line when she gasped softly. 
It was Sam Wilson. Avenger. 
You felt your blood go cold. Usually where there was one avenger, there were sure to be more. 
“She taught me that we have to do for each other because they won’t. And we know who they are. They imposed struggle and hardship on us, then labeled us as criminals for pushing back. But the struggle is what brings us all together. People who have nothin’ in common. For we are, after all, simply one world and one people. So live accordingly.”
As you stepped forward and placed your bouquet of flowers down beside Donya, Karli clasped hold on your wrist. 
“Go now.” She whispered under her breath. 
“What about you?” You asked. 
“I’ll be fine. Get to the contact.” Karli tried to assure you but you weren’t certain on leaving her. Dovich guided you away to stop you from arguing with Karli about it. He told you that he was going to stay behind to help Karli and that you had a more important job to do right now. 
You had to give in and leave. 
As you made your exit, you grabbed DeeDee and the keys to the motorbike outside. 
“We gotta make a detour. Make sure we aren’t being followed.” You announced as you climbed onto the motorbike. 
“Karli said our guy would wait for us so it’s better to be safe than sorry. We can’t mess this up.” DeeDee agreed with you as she placed herself behind you. 
You took off down the street and did your best to lose any tails. 
You ended up ditching the bike and moving underground once you were sure you were alone. 
You were either really lucky or they had only brought enough backup to deal with Karli. 
“We should be close.” You checked your phone to read the GPS before placing on your mask. 
DeeDee held the flashlight up as you worked your way through the empty tunnel. 
“You’d think Karli could organise a rendezvous point somewhere a little less musty.” DeeDee grimaced as a trio of rats scattered past you both. 
“This is the safest way. We may have gained a lot of supporters above ground but we have a lot of enemies too.” You tried to defend Karli’s choice but even you had to admit that the sewers were a low point for you all. 
“You think she got away okay?” DeeDee asked, the concern obvious in her voice despite her blank expression. 
“I think Karli’s smart and she wouldn’t stick around if she knew she couldn’t win.” You may have been anxious for her but you rarely had doubts with Karli. Even without the serum she always managed to slip through the cracks. 
As you continued to make your way through the tunnels, you spotted a silhouette up ahead. 
You narrowed your eyes as DeeDee shone her light on him. 
Fortautely, it was your contact.
“Greetings.” The man smiled widely at you both. He wore a bright head torch that stopped you from looking him in the eye and a large forest green coat. 
“We’re here to collect the parcel and information for Karli.” DeeDee informed him, shading her eyes from his light as she tried to lift her gaze. 
“Yes. Yes. I know.” The short man pulled out a small object wrapped in brown paper from under his coat. “Karli said you would be coming.” 
As the man spoke, you heard something splash in the water behind you. 
“What was that?” You asked, looking back to see if you could spot anything. 
“It was probably just one of the rats.” DeeDee tried to assure you but the hairs on the back of your neck began to stand up. 
You had a bad feeling about it. 
“I’m going to check it out.” You whispered to her. “Better safe than sorry.” You repeated what she had said earlier. 
“Be careful.” DeeDee handed you her flashlight before letting you go. 
You crept back round the corner from whence you had came. You remained close to the wall to avoid any oncoming intruders head on. Peering down into the water, you saw that it had been in fact just a rat that was now paddling through the sewage. 
“It's okay.” You relaxed, shouting ahead so they could hear you. “It was just a ra–––” You were cut short by a gloved hand covering your mouth. 
You sent your elbow backwards instinctively which threw your attacker into the wall. 
You spun around to see a figure dressed in a lavish coat with a purple mask covering his face. You furrowed your eyebrows at his appearance. You didn’t recognise him as an Avenger. 
He came towards you, sending a fist to the side of your head. You managed to block his attack, kicking him in the chest. 
You thought he’d be no match for you with your enhanced powers but he managed to put up a good fight. 
He wrestled with you against the wall as he gained the advantage. You resorted in head butting him to get him off you. 
You sent your leg up into his side but he wrapped his arm around your calf and yanked you forward. You lost your balance as he grip moved, hooking under your knee. He squeezed your thigh against him as he pulled out a rather large syringe. 
“DEE! RUN!” You managed to howl before the needle sunk into your thigh. 
You tried to fight again as he dropped your leg but your vision became patchy and your balance began to sway. 
Not to your knowledge, he had injected as much tranquilliser into you as one would a tiger. Your enhanced abilities wouldn’t help you with that, you were soon out cold. 
The stars shone above you as you and Karli laid back on the bonnet of the car. 
“I genuinely believe that you could be the one to change things, Karl.” You said as you munched down on the chocolate bar she had gifted you. 
“What are you on about?” Karli furrowed her eyebrows through her smile as she turned her head to face you. 
“I mean look what you did for my birthday, just using your powers of persuasion.” You smirked.
“Persuasion isn’t enough to change things.” Karli disagreed. 
“You’re right but right now, people need someone to look up to. Half the world is gone and hope isn’t something that's easy to come by anymore.” You stated. 
“And you think that person could be me?” Karli scoffed at the idea. 
“I think you could do anything you wanted if you put your mind to it.” You broke off a piece of chocolate and handed it to her. 
“I think you’re spending too much time around Mama Donya.” Karli took the chocolate and popped it in her mouth. 
“We’ll see who’s right one day.” You mused with a small smile. Karli rolled her eyes before trying to steal another piece. “Hey! It’s my birthday present!” 
When your eyes finally opened, you realised you were no longer in the sewers. 
You were standing but your hands were up above your head, chained to the wall behind you and a large metal strip was around your neck also. You desperately tried to search your surroundings through your mask but the restraints stopped you from moving much. 
The room was dark, no windows, a few dim lights dotted around caused the room to seem almost a brown colour and there was little furniture. 
You would’ve been a fool if you didn’t noticed the gun on a small table off to the side as well as the medical equipment glistening on a tall metal cart. 
Your head throbbed and your mouth held the metallic taste of blood. You tugged at your wrist restraints to test their strength and to your luck they were holding. 
“You’re awake.” You heard a thick accented voice when you stopped rattling your chains. “Good.” 
The possessor of the voice, your kidnapper, stepped into light and you clocked who it was immediately. 
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It was Baron Helmut Zemo. 
Zemo could not see your face as he had left the mask on you but he could tell from your eyes that you knew who he was. 
“I bet you are wondering why you are here. Tied up in this basement.” Zemo started. “Let’s start with introductions, shall we?” 
You remained silent.
“My name is Helmut Zemo––”
“––I know who you are.” You retorted. 
“Then you know what I am capable of.” Zemo glared at you for the interruption. His hands finding his pockets as his eyes settled on your own. 
“I know you’re going to kill me.” You knew of what happened with the Avengers. You knew of Siberia and the destroyed soldiers. You knew of his hate. 
“I’m not going to kill you.” Zemo wagged his finger at you. “Not yet at least. No. We have a few things I’d like to discuss first.”
“Like what?” You scowled at the man. 
“Like the whereabouts of Karli Morgenthau.” 
@cathrin2405 @serenityfirefly97​ @shannon-posts​ @dxnxdjarxn​ @hiddlepiddlediddlewiddle​ @trelaney​  @sierrabaltzer​  @daydreamer-in-training​ @e-barba​ @ornella0910​ @natty13 @bry-97​ @cherieweasley​ @kermuddgen @madelyn-barnes @jaxcliffaconda​ @candicerace​ @mo320 @takacsgram @hiccup005 
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starryeyedweeb · 4 years
Valentine’s Day With Hunter x Hunter
Characters Included: Kurapika, Hisoka, Chrollo, Illumi
Content Included: Floofity fluff- Valentine’s style; fairly gender-neutral
A Valentine’s Day With...
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Kurapika’s actually beyond excited for Valentine’s Day with you, and has counted down the days until the event
He has a pretty traditional way of celebrating Valentine’s, but isn’t it tradition because it’s beloved by all?
He had made arrangements to get off work early that evening weeks in advance, and when the day finally comes, he can’t wait to go pick you up for your date
Like most, he had made reservations at a romantic restaurant, but the one he had chosen was more of a hidden gem- in a quieter part of town, with a niche menu, and in an intimate setting
You observe your surroundings in delight as you’re led to your table, where you sit side-by-side in front of a spindly vase of flowers
“Do you like it?” Kurapika asks, a light blush dusting his cheeks as he watches your reactions carefully. “I saw this restaurant months ago, and I’ve always thought you would enjoy it.”
“It’s perfect,” you reply, squeezing his hand lightly, and he averts his eyes with a sheepish chuckle
After enjoying your romantic course meal, Kurapika takes you off to the next spot of the night: an observatory, which is conveniently empty of all other people
“I’ve always wanted to go stargazing with you, but it’s too cold to go now. Even if it wasn’t, though, you can’t really see any stars in the city,” he explains. “So I decided on the next best thing.”
You could sense his nerves, for he wanted so badly for you to enjoy yourself completely
“I love it, I promise.” You press a kiss to his cheek. “Come on. Let’s go sit down and enjoy it.”
With hands still linked, you relax into your reclined seats and stare up at the celestial scene above you, pointing out constellations and naming your favorites
After settling deeply into your contentment at the time you were having with each other, Kurapika sits up slightly and reaches into his pocket
“I’d like to give you your gift now, if that’s alright.”
“You got me something?”
“I did.” He laughs gently, his cheeks reddening again. “I’ve always wanted to get you a nice gift, and this seemed like the perfect occasion.”
He hands you the pristinely wrapped package, which you open to find a delicate necklace, with a single but stunning ruby charm
He had saved up for months to get you something nice, and had labored over picking out something that would remind you of him without being too pretentious on his part
So, needless to say, happiness swells in his chest when you break into a wide grin
“It’s so beautiful,” you breathe
“Would you like me to put it on you?”
You nod, and with gentle fingers brushing against your skin, he fastens the chain around your neck, placing a whisper of a kiss just below your jaw.
“Thank you for spending this time with me,” you murmur as the two of you sit back again, your faces illuminated by the starry scene above
“If it was up to me, I’d never leave.”
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Going into Valentine’s Day with a partner as unorthodox as Hisoka left you with many questions about what he would do to celebrate, if anything at all
You were prepared for anything, so you were less surprised than you might’ve been when he shook you awake nearly at the crack of dawn
“What’s going on?” You mutter sleepily. “Why are you awake so early?”
He merely drops a bag down next to you and strides out of the room
“Put that on,” he instructs, shutting the door behind him
Your brows knit in confusion as you reach into the bag and pull out an outfit that toes the line between summery and skimpy, presenting the question of “Is this streetwear or lingerie?”
Knowing it would be more fun to play along with his plan, you do as he told and go to meet him outside the room
Your breath catches in your throat as you see him with his hair down and makeup off, almost as if he was going incognito
“It’s a little cold to be wearing something like this, isn’t it?” you ask by way of announcing your presence
Sighing headily as he takes in the sight of you, he approaches and wraps his arms around you, his hands sneaking down to give your ass a squeeze
“It will make sense soon, I promise.” He grabs your coat off the rack and holds it out for you. “We need to get moving if we’re going to make it on time.”
You allow yourself to be swept up in his plan, which ends up with the two of you on a plane he had “borrowed” from Illumi and the Zoldycks, flying towards an unknown destination
“Seriously, Hisoka, what’s going on?” You demand, peering out the window for clues
“Relax, darling. Would I ever lead you wrong?” He pours you a drink and holds it out to you
You take it and flash him a dubious look. “Do you really want me to answer that question?”
“Fine. I’ll give you a hint. I’ve always hated the cold, so I want to take the opportunity of a romantic holiday to escape it with you.”
“That’s better, I suppose.” You sip your drink, noticing him look you up and down out of the corner of your eye
“I did an excellent job picking out that outfit for you,” he declares, cocking his head slightly sideways. “We still have a while to go. Why don’t we do something to keep busy?
You slide a bit closer to him, drawing a finger up and down his hip. “What did you have in mind?”
Hours later, when the plane finally arrives at the mystery destination, you find yourselves on a secluded island, approaching a quaint beach house that had been carefully prepared for your arrival
“Was this the surprise?” you gasp, staring at the scene in awe.
“It was. Some time away where we can pretend the rest of the world doesn’t exist,” he replies with a self-satisfied smirk. “Are you pleased?”
“I am! This is perfect.”
He snakes his arm around your waist, leading you towards the entrance of the house. “Let’s get started, then.”
“I thought we already did get started.”
“Darling, you should know by now that what we did was only a warm up.”
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Chrollo had been secretly planning a celebration for months, mapping out all of his operations around keeping that one special day open
On Valentine’s morning, he’s gone, but in his place is a tray of your favorite breakfast and a note instructing you to dress warm and be ready to leave by 7:00 that night
There are no other clues, so as you indulge in the breakfast, you wonder what he could have planned for you
Because with Chrollo, it could be anything
Meanwhile, he’s spending the day making all the last-minute preparations for your celebration, and hen the hour arrives, a knock sounds on your door
But instead of Chrollo, you find a driver that had been sent to take you to the date spot
You end up being driven so far outside of the city you halfway wonder if you’ve finally fallen victim to one of the revenge kidnappings Chrollo had always warned you about
Until the driver pulls up to the base of a massive hill, where your boyfriend waits with a smile on his face
“What on Earth have you planned this time?” You ask as he extends his hand to help you out of the car
“I’m a criminal mastermind, love. I simply cannot afford to be predictable.”
He leads you up to the top of the hill, where he set up a candlelight picnic on a blanket covered in rose petals, situated overlooking a fantastic view of the entire city
“Oh, Chro, it’s lovely,” you breathe, but can’t resist a shiver as you sit down and take the glass of wine he offered
He tuts. “I thought I told you to dress warm.”
“You didn’t leave much more information, so I wasn’t sure just how warm.”
“Well, then, I suppose it’s a good thing that I planned for this, too.”
He takes out a blanket and wraps it around both of your shoulders, and you enjoy your cozy meal whilst overlooking the lights of the city
“Let me guess,” you begin, reaching for yet another gourmet appetizer. “Everything here is stolen.”
“Why, of course it is.”
“And the Troupe is probably quite angry with you for sending them on such a trivial errand to get all of this.”
“Initially, but they were alright with it when I offered them half of the spoils for their own enjoyment.”  He shifts, pulling something from his coat pocket. “But I’d like to give you something that, for the first time in years, I haven’t stolen.”
“You actually bought something?” You gasp incredulously, taking the small box in your hands.
“Sort of. I had it made.” He shrugs. “I wanted it to be perfect.”
With him looking over your shoulder to gauge your reaction, you flip open the top of the box and discover a ring, the delicate silver band formed in the shape of an elegant spider web, tiny diamonds glistening at the points
Once you’ve taken the sight of it in, Chrollo takes the ring out of the box and slides it on your finger
“Since you’re reluctant to get a Troupe tattoo, I wanted something else to symbolize.”
“To symbolize what?” You ask, admiring how the ring glistens in the candlelight.
“To symbolize that you’re my home,” he replies with a cheesy, almost joking expression, but his eyes sparkled with truth. “Do you like it?”
“Chro, I love it.”
The corners of his lips turn upward as he cups your cheek
“And I love you.”
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Honestly, Illumi had never even heard of Valentine’s Day before you came along
So, needless to say, no plans to celebrate were made until he was out for drinks with Hisoka the night before and Illumi was asked what he was going to do to celebrate
He just blinked, completely confused
“You know, people tend to get very upset if their partners don’t do anything for Valentine’s Day. They’ve probably got something planned for you,” Hisoka teased.
When Illumi was still staring at him with a blank expression, Hisoka explained the concept and helped Illumi make some last-minute arrangements
So, when you wake up on the morning of Valentine’s Day, you find an ornate vase full of orchids and a box of luxury chocolates sitting at the end of your bed
Gotta use and abuse the Zoldyck family funds, you know
You’re overjoyed and pleasantly surprised
Honestly you had expected nothing at all, so assuming that the flowers and chocolates were the entirety of your surprise for the day, you happily go about the rest of your own Valentine’s plans: a day of self-care and self-love
Dating an assassin with a personality like Illumi’s was rewarding, but also immensely challenging, so you definitely deserved it
In light of cliche and tradition, you decide to make some fondue for yourself, and are just getting ready to serve it when you turn around to find Illumi standing behind you in the kitchen
You let out a startled yelp and drop the spoon you’re holding
“Illumi, you scared me!”
“I thought I’ve been teaching you about awareness lately. You should’ve sensed my presence.”
“I was just distracted. Besides, I wasn’t expecting you to be here at all. I thought you were supposed to be working tonight.”
“I just learned what ‘Valentine’s Day’ is. I rearranged the plan so that I could come spend the evening with you.”
You sense a warm feeling spreading across your chest, and have to fight the urge to swallow him in a hug.
“Well, perfect timing. I was just about to serve dinner.”
The two of you share a two-course fondue, then settle in on the couch
Illumi wasn’t really a TV person, so you play some music softly in the background and gaze out the window as rain begins to fall outside
As you lay with Illumi’s arm folded around your waist, you reflect that your quiet Valentine’s Day was a little less than orthodox, but the peace it brought was exactly what the both of you desperately needed
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