#creds: spiderman no way home
Mel: prove it
Jon: prove what?
Mel: that you're Jonathan Sims
Jon: i dont carry an id with me, that kinda defeats the whole "im the archivist" thing-
Mel: *throws bread at him*
Jon:........ whyd you do that?
Mel: i was trying to see if you have the tingle thing
Jon: i have the tingle thing just not for bread- xan you not throw the bread again? You're a deeply mistrusting person and i respect it *shows the eye*
Mel:.... read my mind
Jon:.... read your mind?
Mel: yeah
Jon: nnnnoo
Mel: yes, read my mind
Jon: why do i need to read your mind?
Mel: cause this is not enough
Jon: this is plenty
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thespns · 3 years
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the great  thing  about mary-jane is that  when you look in  her  eyes   she’s looking back in yours.     ( quote cred.  )  ( promo credit )
★ independent  and  selective  mary  jane  watson  based  around ★ sam raimi’s spiderman ★ spiderman: into the spider-verse ( 2019 )  ★ insomniac’s spiderman ( 2018 )  ★ compliant with no way home ( 2021 )  ★  carrd.   ★ by  pam  ,  pnw , medium activity  ,  (21+)
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adorethedistance · 4 years
Chapter 8: Deny Deny Deny - JJ Maybank x Reader
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Photo cred: I made the aesthetic but if you own any of these images I will take them down per your request.
Warnings: swearing (a recurring theme), mentions bombs, use of the word psycho, if I missed anything potentially triggering PLEASE let me know.
Previously in part 7: Green Goblin is practically hunting you and JJ, and though he’s stupid enough to try and fight with a hole in his stomach, there’s no chance in hell you’d let him. Operation Flight Not Fight goes underway as you two request the pogues join you for a one am cuppa at Ozzy’s. The part neither of you thought about though was having to explain why you needed them there. To protect JJ’s hero identity, you both told the pogues about your ‘relationship’. What’ll happen when they need to be convinced you’re actually dating.
Much like the night I first met Spiderman, last night also does not feel real. Being chased by a lunatic will do that to you. The main reason it feels like a dream is that JJ is no longer sleeping next to me. I don’t know if he left two minutes before I woke up or two minutes after I fell asleep, but all I know is that I wish he had stayed. The kid is such an idiot I’m constantly worried sick about him. I know, I know he can handle himself, I just don’t like how he gets bruised in the process.
Last night was the first time in a while since I’ve seen him vulnerable, if you can even call that vulnerable. Usually those moments are reserved for when he’s bottled up all his hurt for so long he can’t help but explode. Sometimes it’s numbness and a rant that lacks emotion; other times it’s crying in my arms till he gets a dehydration headache and needs to pass out.
Both situations are equally painful for me to watch, but I’d never let him know. JJ knows my tell for when I’m lying, but I do everything I can to keep him from noticing when I say things like ‘everything will be okay’ and ‘nothing can hurt you now’. I just hope I’m not as transparent as I feel.
All I can do is be there for him which means holding him when he cries. Or…
Gnomeo 💙: accidentally pulled an all-nighter. would thoust be so kind as to gift me one (1) breakfast burrito?
Juliet ❤️: How tf do you stay up all night on accident?
Gnomeo 💙: studying
Juliet ❤️: You really want me to believe you stayed up studying?
Gnomeo 💙: bruh are u gonna feed me or not
Juliet ❤️: You’re ridiculous. I’ll be there in 20 try not to hurt yourself
Gnomeo 💙: ill make no such promises ;)
As I enter the corner store at the end of my block, I can’t help but wonder if Mom noticed that my bathroom counter is in pieces on the floor. I hope not. Then again I don’t think home depot sells bathroom sinks to minors so I guess I’ll just have to find a cover up. I could tell her that JJ broke it but the part about him doing it with his bare hand is kind of tricky to avoid. I’ll figure it out later.
My thoughts transition from thinking of a cover story, to singing Tonight Tonight by Hot Chelle Rae as I browse the store for breakfast necessities. I’ll get him a burrito and a vanilla hazelnut coffee. Can caffeine kill him? I don’t know the rules of being bitten by a radioactive spider.
My curiosity is cut off by the tv in the front of the store increasing in volume. Craning my neck to see the screen, I see a news report on Spiderman where the anchor is talking about his prevention of a robbery yesterday afternoon. I can’t help the small smile that creeps up onto my face now that I know who the hero is, and that, in a way, he’s mine. I know it’s fake but I can’t help revelling in the fact that JJ is sort of mine.
“Ugh. Not this kid again.” I hear as I walk toward the counter to pay. The shop owner does not seem impressed with anything having to do with my superhero.
“Just the burrito and coffee,” I say, placing both items on the counter between us. The man barely spares me a glance as he continues to watch the reporter praise Spiderman for his heroism.
“$4.59. This kid swings around town once every other day and everyone worships him for it.”
“You don’t like Spiderman?”
“I just think there are far better people who deserve the public praise like doctors, or cops!” My mouth parts slightly in disbelief. He did not just say that.
“You know complaints against the NYPD rose 20% from last year's numbers, putting this year’s total at 5,236. And if we’re being honest with ourselves, we know nothing about what he could be going through in his own life. He could have an absent parent and an abusive alcoholic guardian for all we know!” I passive aggressively explode at the shop owner who’s shirt reveals his name is James.
James confusedly hands me my change and receipt. I could’ve completely compromised JJ’s identity just now, so I realize now that my best course of action is to shut up and hurry out, burrito intact.
My almost-outburst leads me to thinking that if I can’t be trusted with his secret, maybe fake dating JJ isn’t the best idea after all. I mean, it’ll be really easy to pull off, cause I won’t have to act at all.
What if it all gets too much for us? What if we fuck things up and JJ and I can’t be friends anymore?
I don’t want to think about what that Y/n is like. Instead, I put on a happy face and quickly approach my friends, all huddled around our usual morning spot. Being greeted by their tired, absent smiles, I begin to feel guilty about asking them to come to the emergency Ozzy’s meeting. Maybe we should just tell them.
“Hey, Y/n, we have a proposition for you and JJ.”
“Shoot,” I say to John B as I hand JJ his breakfast. As Sarah begins to talk, I feel JJ lean down to press a kiss to my cheek.
“Thank you,” he mouths silently, which makes the butterflies in my stomach multiply by the thousands.
“And so we were thinking, now that you two are a couple we can go on double dates!” Sarah cheers in a pitch much higher than her actual speaking voice.
“I beg your pardon.”
“I’m serious,” she continues.
“We’re already friends, so it won’t be terribly awkward,” John B adds to try and help build Sarah’s case. I can tell this definitely wasn’t his idea, but he’s going along with it to make her happy.
“I think it’s a great idea,” JJ answers for both of us. He’s in a good mood despite being awake all night. I’m not surprised he’s happy, I'm more surprised he’s functioning. Well, sort of functioning. The ringing of the first bell has him jumping out of his skin but you win some you lose some.
As per usual, the group all divide to go their separate ways and once we’re out of earshot from the others, I ask JJ a convicting question.
“You really think it’s a good idea for us to be going on actual dates?” JJ being JJ, he doesn’t miss a beat.
“If we wanna sell the couple routine we should be public.”
“Are you worried about… you know,” I pray he understands what I’m trying to say. Much to my surprise, he spares me the act of playing dumb,
“No, actually. I’m not worried about anything,” he says so casually that I begin to doubt his understanding of what I was trying to convey. I keep my eyes trained on the ground and nod my head to gage some sort of response. It’s in this moment that I notice how slow our walking pace is today. Normally we move quick enough to dodge the flow of traffic but right now it feels like it’s just us.
The lull in the conversation allows JJ to get cheeky and he extends his pinky to brush the side of my hand for my approval. I don’t pull away like he was probably expecting me to. I open  my hand instead, and fully accept his intertwining of our fingers. My eyes don’t leave the floor as an unstoppable grin consumes my face. Glancing out of the corner of my eye, I see JJ staring at me.
“Do you… not think it’s a good idea?” He breaks our comfortable silence. JJ is already staring at me when I turn to look at him, and the huge smile on my face transfers over to his.
“What’s not a good idea?”
“Going on dates.”
“Oh. No, it’s great,” I squeeze JJ’s hand in reassurance. He doesn’t seem to pick up on my hesitance which is a great relief. But then again, how is he not worried about developing feelings?
“Dope. See you in physics, babe.”
Babe. I could get used to that.
JJ’s eyes sparkle mischievously and before I can ask what he’s plotting, he leans down and places a lingering kiss on my cheek. All too soon, he’s flashing me one last toothy grin before heading off to his own class.
I could get used to that, too.
“Did I ever tell you about that time when I went out to get food after patrolling and it was like 2 AM? I accidentally went into this couple’s apartment next door to mine, and I get to the living room where they were watching a horror movie. Then, they both looked at me so terrified and screamed and I just fuckin’ stood there with my burrito.”
“That is such bullshit,” I say to JJ, who’s telling me this story at top volume over the sound of the bell, as we’re walking into Osborn’s room. As per usual, he’s death glaring us for the noise, and JJ is ignoring him.
We take our seats and Osborn practically beelines for us as he begins to pass out last week’s graded homework packets.
“Maybank, Y/l/n, you really shouldn’t be hanging out with friends so late at night. Especially when that restaurant was almost robbed not too long ago.” I speechlessly glance at JJ but he’s completely unbothered by Osborn’s creepiness. “Might be difficult for someone like Spiderman to protect you so late at night, no?”
“What are you talking about?” JJ asks, unamused with Osborn’s pensive scolding.
“That Spiderman kid seems awfully young, around your ages, and he’s probably responsible with his sleep schedule.” All I can do is simply hum in befuddled agreeance. Why is he being ever weirder than normal? Is he actually qualified to be a teacher or is he just some random who waltzed right in off the street? Who’s to say, really.
I just hope that the rest of the class won’t be this awkward.
As if on cue, my prayer is answered and Sarah Cameron is standing in the metal regulation doorframe.
“Mr. Osborn, can I borrow Y/n and JJ? It’s for yearbook and journalism pieces.”
“What about?”
“Uh, school spirit.” Sarah’s answer seems valid, much to Osborn’s dismay, and he exasperatedly turns to look at JJ and I slowly putting our things away.
“Should they take their stuff with them?”
“It might take the rest of the period.”
“Alright.” He seems very annoyed but not annoyed enough to actually keep us from going with Sarah. I stand up to sling my backpack on and JJ pushes in both of our chairs, per Osborn’s class regulations. I can tell JJ is excited to leave because he rushes over to where Sarah is without even looking back to see if I’m following.
“So, a school spirit exposé?” I ask once we’ve rounded the corner of the hallway, out of earshot from the classroom.
“I’m not actually interviewing you, I just figured you’d enjoy being out of Osborn’s. He was being super weird and creepy last night.”
“You’re a G, Sarah.”
“He actually scolded us and told us we ‘shouldn’t be hanging out with friends so late’. Like, what the fuck?” Sarah and JJ laugh, but cut themselves off as we all see Kie in front of the vending machines.
“Yo, what are you doing out of class?” I call to her, speeding up as I see she has Cheez-Its.
“I ditched once I realized we were still doing limits.”
“You guys wanna head to our lunch spot early and manifest that Pope and John B show up?” Sarah offers, stealing a Cheez-It from what has now become ‘our’ Cheez-Its.
I tell JJ to relay his bullshit story to the two girls, and to my surprise Sarah believes him.
“You cannot sit there and tell me you actually believe this story!”
“I don’t know, it doesn’t seem that out of character for him.”
“Thank you!”
“Whatever. Kie and I are intellectuals and that’s a story for the ThatHappened Reddit page.”
Then, the show bell rings to say there are six minutes left in the period.
“Have we really been out of class that long?” I ask in disbelief. Surely that was only a couple of minutes.
“Guess so,” JJ responds as we all simultaneously lay eyes on none other than John B.
“What are you doing here?”
“I told Pecorac I needed to pee and he didn’t notice the bell was about to ring,” he answers nonchalantly before stealing the last Cheez-It. The group begins to walk to our lunch spot as I’m about to ask if we should wait for Pope. JJ’s spidey sense hasn’t made him that observant so I have to jog to catch up to the group that unintentionally left me behind.
When I catch up, I try to squeeze between John B. and JJ but once I feel the slightest bit of resistance, I can tell they’re barricading me on purpose. Sarah doesn’t turn around either so I can tell she’s also in on it.
I gently push against JJ’s unnecessarily toned back muscles and he stiffens up without breaking eye contact with JB. Stopping to pout for a second, I realize I can dart around JJ’s right side, but as I’m about to pass him, JJ stops in his tracks and leans his body weight against me.
“MOVE!” I whine pushing harder to walk forward. Kie laughs at me and gets the others to give up the joke, but JJ still won’t let me through.
I try to go around him once more, and this time he turns around to pull me into a bone-crushing hug.
“JJ stop it!”
“It’ll all be over soon, Y/n! Just relax!”
“Get off of me. You smell like boy sweat,” I attempt to shove him off of me. The two of us are gasping for air, and the teacher inside the classroom we’re passing gives us a disapproving glare.
“Shh! You’re gonna get us in trouble,” I say as I shove JJ’s shoulder with all of my strength.
“You’re the one who was yelling!”
Link here for the next part.
A/N: Chapters will go up a little bit early on my AO3 bc I have to make the aesthetics for the cover images when I post on Tumblr. I’m sorry this chapter took so long Idk what I was doing!!
Edit: fuckin forgot the taglist please hold
Taglist strikeout means I can’t tag for some reason: @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @swervavery​ @wh0reforharry @merismind​ @danicarosaline​ @o-b-x​ @beautyandthebleh​ @harrysbaby​ @sexualparkour​ @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar​ @sovuckie​ @obxmxybxnk​ @lovelymaybankk​ @rockyyc77​ @obxlife​ @cece-lives-here​ @obx-beach​ @ilymarkchan​ @yeehaw87​ @lopineapples  @sspidermanss​ @poguestyleskye​ @jj-maybank-stan @socialwriter​ @pao-styles-blog​ @amberritonicole​ @orangutangua​ @baby-pogue​ @drewswannabegirl​ @hufflepuff-always-and-forever​
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nicolewrites · 5 years
heartstrings - v
the monster has been defeated, its 12:30am and this is done. love you guys.
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv
Rating: T Genre: Romance Characters: [Vax’ildan and Keyleth] [Percival de Rolo and Vex’ahlia] Words: 6,230
Kiki @keylethashari has tagged you in a tweet: New Q&A up and we’re talking music! creds to @vexmachina @vaxmachina @burtreynoldsesq @thelumineers and others!! // CR1 Vaxleth+Perc’ahlia YouTuber/Musician/Celebrity AU
“Oh, this one’s easy, it’s obviously that new Spiderman movie coming out,” Pike answered cheerfully.
Grog pumped his fist and held his hand out for a high-five as he stopped miming. Pike leaned forward and slapped it, the two of them grinning widely. Vex groaned from her seat next to Vax and slumped into Percy’s side.
“How are we losing this?” she demanded.
Keyleth laughed. “Because, as well as you and Vax know the rest of us, it’s still nothing compared to the undeniable team of Grog and Pike.”
Scanlan made an offended sound. “How dare you, Keyleth, I am obviously carrying this team on my back.
Percy snorted. “Sure, Scanlan, whatever you need to tell yourself.”
Vax snickered. Keyleth reached up to tap his knee before she pushed herself up from the floor. Vax was sharing the couch with Percy and Vex while Keyleth had been sitting on the floor between Vax’s legs. Grog moved from standing at the mantle to sitting next to the armchair that Scanlan was sitting in. Pike had perched herself on the arm of Scanlan’s chair with her legs draped over his lap.
No one had dared to comment on their positioning, even after Scanlan’s hands found placements with one on her foot and one on the back of her calf. Vax had just winked at Pike and she’d scowled at him in return. It really wasn’t his business and if something was going on between Pike and Scanlan, they needed to sort it out themselves. He had learned that easily enough with Keyleth and his own tumultuous relationship.
Keyleth pulled a slip of paper from the bowl on the fireplace and unfolded it. Her eyes skimmed its contents and she frowned.
“Vax in bed,” Vex drawled.
Vax elbowed his sister sharply in response and Keyleth flushed. Percy gave a low chuckle and Grog didn’t even try to conceal his bark of laughter. Keyleth made eye contact with Vax and he just shrugged. His sister was a shit, that’s all there was to that.
Keyleth steeled herself and pointed at Percy before launching into a one-woman charade of some kind of battle. Percy and Vex both watched, confused, and Vax looked between his maybe-girlfriend and at Percy. She had made a point of pointing at him so it had to be important. Finally, it clicked in his brain.
“The Battle for Glintshore!” he cried. Keyleth beamed and dropped the scrap of paper to the floor.
“Yes!” she cheered, rushing over to Vax. Without a second thought, she leaned down and pecked him on the lips.
Percy smacked himself in the forehead. “That’s my movie. I definitely should have gotten than one.”
Keyleth shrugged. “Vax got it, so at least we got the point.”
“It’s the principle of the thing,” Percy argued.
Vax was working on the latest video for the channel when his phone buzzed. He answered it without looking at the caller ID, pressing it between his cheek and his shoulder as he saved his changes.
“Vax’ildan speaking,” he greeted quickly.
“Vax, my man!” Scanlan’s cheerful voice sounded in response. “I have a question and an opportunity for you and your darling sister.”
Vax shifted, sliding the phone into his hand as he raised an eyebrow. “An opportunity?”
“So I’ve got this show slot at an outdoor festival this summer and I have the glorious option of finding myself an opening act.”
“Scanlan, is this your way of asking Vex and I to open for you?”
“It absolutely is!” Scanlan replied cheerfully. “So, what do you think?”
Vax scratched the back of his head as he spun his chair towards the office door. “I need to talk to Vex and probably Zahra and Cassandra as well, but you can send us the details?”
“Good enough!” Scanlan said. Just before the call ended, Vax heard Scanlan address someone in the background: “I told you that it wouldn’t be an automatic no!”
The line went dead and Vax rolled his eyes. He stood up from his chair and wandered into the living room. Vex was seated on the couch with her self-dubbed “lyric book” cradled in her lap as she tapped a pencil against her chin. Vax approached her, but she heard him coming and snapped the book shut before looking up at him, arching a brow.
“Something wrong?” she asked.
Vax shook his head and plopped onto the couch next to her. “How would you feel about opening for Scanlan at a show this summer?”
She twisted towards him, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise. “Official show?”
“Some festival slot he has, yeah,” Vax confirmed.
Vex bit her lip, looking thoughtful. “I mean, it sounds like a cool opportunity, so it depends what Zahra and Cassandra say, right?”
Vax shrugged. “If we want to do it, they won’t say know, you know that.”
Vex nodded. She placed her hand on his arm and gave him a more serious look. “And you, would you be okay with this? We haven’t really had a public show since the Emon Centre.”
Vax laid his hand atop his sister’s and squeezed, trying to display his willingness. “Vex, I’m good.”
She frowned, not quite believing him, but nodded, consenting. “Fine, if you get the approval from Cassandra and Zahra, I’m on board.”
Vax kissed her cheek and stood, already pulling out his phone to call their publicist. “Sounds great, Stubby.”
Vex rolled her eyes. “God, you’re insufferable.”
“You love me.”
“You’re lucky I do.”
Just before Vax could dial Zahra’s number, Vex snapped for his attention. He glanced back at her.
“I’m out with Percy tonight and won’t be home till tomorrow afternoon sometime, so just don’t set any meetings for the morning.”
He nodded and let the phone ring. “Will do.”
“And why, pray tell, are we watching one of Percy’s movies?” Vax asked.
Across the room, fiddling with the TV settings, Keyleth turned to look back at him. She smiled. “Because when we were playing that game the other night, we got it as an option and I’ve kind of been wanting to watch it since then.”
Vax just shrugged in response. “Sure, I guess.”
Keyleth rolled her eyes. “Are you being weird about it because of Vex?”
Vax laughed. “Vex can do what, or who, she likes, I’d just rather be out exploring the city with you.”
Keyleth’s smile softened and she crossed the room to where he was sitting. She slid onto the couch next to him and pressed a kiss to his jaw as she tucked herself against him. Her hand tentatively rested against his stomach as she pulled away, her gaze searching his. “This is okay?”
He kissed her. “Kiki, I’m not going to break.”
She sighed and rested her head against his shoulder. “Sue me for being careful, why don’t you?”
Vax kissed the top of her head. “I could never. That would mean raising an argument with you which I would inevitably lose because who would ever side with a scamp like me over this beautiful creature.”
Keyleth’s cheeks flushed and Vax relished in the fact that it was because of him. Even several months into their mostly unlabelled relationship, every time he looked at her it was like the whole world paused for a moment. She was angelic and fascinating and apparently she liked him, so Vax thanked the gods every day.
Keyleth hummed gently. “So I know we said that we were going to watch the movie tonight and I know that fans have ruined our last three dates, but do you want to go get drinks instead?”
Vax chuckled lightly. “And end up at my place instead of yours because Vex is out tonight? Absolutely.”
Keyleth giggled.
Several hours and several drinks later, Vax and Keyleth were walking arm-in-arm back towards Vex and Vax’s apartment from the Raven’s Rook.
“You’re sure Vex isn’t home, right?” Keyleth asked for the third time.
Vax laughed and pulled them to a stop. He slid his arms around her waist and carefully kissed the worried expression on her face. “Kiki, relax, she’s out.”
Keyleth kissed him again a little more firmly and he smiles against her lips. Her fingers sifted through his hair and he pulled her face to his as he cupped her cheeks. They pulled away after a long moment, both flushed lightly. Keyleth looked at him through her eyelashes and Vax had to restrain himself from kissing her again.
“Okay?” he asked quietly.
Keyleth’s nose crinkled as she smiled. “Yeah, yeah, okay.” She kissed him and Vax pressed his lips to hers more firmly until she broke back with a gasp.
She stepped out of his space, but curled her hand into his and tugged him back down the street towards his apartment. He followed her, as always, and they walked the darkened streets of LA together until they reached the building.
Vax opened the main door and swept her through the lobby and into the elevator. His lips found hers almost before the doors closed and by the time the doors dinged open on the correct floor, Keyleth’s hands were pressed against the skin of his stomach under his shirt. With a heightening sense of urgency, they made for the apartment and Vax fumbled with his keys.
The scent of alcohol hit him as soon as he opened the door and his blood ran cold, his vision clarifying. Keyleth noticed his spine go rigid and she brushed a hand against it carefully.
“Vax?” she asked quietly.
Vax exhaled long and slow. He shoved into the apartment fully, ignoring Keyleth and stepped into the living room.
The first thing he saw was a half-empty bottle of tequila on the coffee table. He didn’t own tequila and Vex didn’t have alcohol. He stepped into the room further and stepped around the couch.
Vex’ahlia was sprawled on the carpet, a bottle of whiskey clutched in her hand. She was wearing the same clothes she had been wearing when she went to see Percy earlier, but now her hair and makeup were messy and she looked thoroughly smashed.
Her gaze drifted drunkenly up to Vax and she smiled brilliantly. “Brother! Oh, I’m having such a great time!”
Pain shot through Vax so intensely that he nearly cried. “Vex,” he breathed, “what are you doing?”
“Oh darling, I’m just having a little fun!” She sat up and looked over her shoulder at him with what was probably supposed to be a coy expression.
Vax knelt behind her. “Vex,” he repeated, sadness shaking his voice, “what,” he emphasized, “are you doing?”
It took a moment, but her expression crumpled and she dropped the bottle she was holding. It thudded harmlessly against the carpet and Vex curled in on herself. Vax didn’t hesitate, he just pulled her into his arms.
“Vex’ahlia, what happened?”
She trembled against him, drunk and crying, for several long moments before she mustered the strength to speak to him.
“I was with Percy,” she began slowly, and Vax stiffened. Vex flinched and gripped his arm tightly. “No, he didn’t do anything wrong,” she corrected quickly and firmly. “He was being wonderful, but all I could hear was Saundor telling me that it was for the fame and that I didn’t deserve him and that I was going to break him just like he broke me.” Vex quivered. “I just wanted his voice to go away.”
Vax clutched Vex closer to his shoulder and pressed a firm kiss to the top of her head. She cried into him and he held her.
A floorboard creaked and Vax’s heart sunk. He had forgotten about Keyleth. She stood in the entranceway to the living room, holding the wall as she observed the twins quietly. Their eyes locked and Keyleth’s lips twisted into a saddened smile.
“C’mon, Vex, let’s get you to bed.” Vax tugged his sister up before scooping her into his arms and walking out the other end of the living room cradling her like a child.
He carried her all the way to her room and placed her in her bed before helping her lie down and tucking her in. He kissed her forehead and tears pricked at his eyes. He leaned away.
“Go to sleep now, Stubby.”
She grabbed his wrist with unexpected coordination and her eyes looked exhausted and sad. “Vax, you’re not mad at me, are you?”
“Never, Stubby,” he said quietly. He tugged his wrist away and shut the light off in her room. He shut the door behind himself and exhaled slowly.
He walked slowly back to the living room to find Keyleth and both bottles of liquor missing. He heard water running and followed the sound into the kitchen. Keyleth was in the middle of emptying the tequila bottle down the sink and the whiskey bottle sat empty beside it.
She turned when he approached and paused in her task. “I figured you probably didn’t want these around so I just thought I would-“
He cut her off by hugging her, burying his face in her neck. She froze, but curled her arms around him as soon as she regained her bearings.
Vax pulled back slightly, keeping Keyleth close. “Thank you,” he breathed.
Keyleth brushed a lock of dark hair away from his face as she searched his eyes. “Of course,” she said gently.
Vax exhaled and tightened his grip on her. “Vex has had an alcohol problem for a while and it got worse when we started gaining momentum. I just found out pretty recently that it’s her horrible ex’s fault because he was still messaging her, goading and encouraging her self hate. I blocked him for her and she had just gotten herself clean and dry.” He broke off and shook his head.
Keyleth’s fingers grazed along his jaw and he looked into her sympathetic, warm green eyes. “I’m sorry,” she murmured. Her hand settled against his cheek. “I should go.”
Vax tightened his grip further on her, holding her waist in place. “Please, don’t,” he begged. “I don’t want to be alone after this.”
He saw Keyleth strain with the idea before she leaned him and kissed him. She turned away briefly and dumped the rest of the tequila down the drain. She laced her fingers through his.
“Come on,” she beckoned, “let’s just get some sleep.”
Vax woke up with his face pressed into Keyleth’s neck, her red hair half-smothering his face. She was still asleep, her chest rising beneath his arms with deep, even breaths. Vax carefully retracted his arms and rolled off of her, landed soundlessly on the floor of his room. He had shed his shirt last night, but otherwise was wearing a pair of loose pants. He grabbed a sweatshirt from his floor and pulled it on.
He paused at the door of his room, breathing out slowly to calm himself. He had no idea what kind of mess he was going to be dealing with, but Vex would need him. There was no doubt about that. He just wasn’t sure how much longer he could be her only source of help to beat away her darkness. He stole one last look at Keyleth’s peaceful form and exhaled slowly.
He wasn’t sure he could deal with Vex’s darknesses and the versions of his own which would occasionally rear their heads when he least wanted them to. He took a last calming breath and slipped out of his room into the hallway.
At first, he thought he had woken up before Vex, but then he realized the kitchen light was on when he had definitely turned it off the night before. He steeled himself and headed towards it. He stepped into the kitchen and immediately saw Vex sitting, hunched, on a bar stool, an untouched glass of water in front of her.
“Vex’ahlia?” he called out quietly.
Her head snapped towards him and he was able to see her face. Her smudged make-up had been removed and her hair hung loose around her face, leaving her looking younger and more vulnerable than he had seen her in a long time. Her eyes were red and almost sunken looking. It was a desolate, broken look he had not seen since London and he hated it.
Without another word, Vax crossed the kitchen towards her and held out his arms. Vex slid off the stool and wound her arms around his midsection, pressing her face against his chest. She shook briefly and he ran a hand through her hair, trying to be soothing. After a long, quiet moment, she pulled away and looked into his face.
“Where’s Keyleth?” she asked quietly.
“Sleeping,” Vax replied quickly. “If you want to have this discussion without her here, we can go into the office and I’ll just leave her a note.”
She shook her head. Her expression was shameful. “No, I brought this upon myself. It’s okay.”
Vax brushed her hair back. “We should talk about it.”
Vex shrugged and retracted her arms, winding them around her stomach self-consciously. “Did I not say enough last night?”
Vax frowned. “Vex, how long have you been feeling like this?”
She pursed her lips. “The night of the album release, when we were performing, I could have sworn he was there. I haven’t been able to get him out of my head since.”
The shattered, ghostly expression she had worn after their performance flashed in his mind and Vax cursed himself for not pursuing it earlier.
“Vex,” he murmured.
She glared at him. “You are not allowed to be mad at yourself. You’d finally sorted your shit out with Keyleth and whatever the hell was going on with you, so I didn’t put my issues on you too. I wanted you to treasure your happiness.” She glanced bitterly at the empty liquor bottles. “I never intended for this to happen again.”
“We’re partners, Vex,” he argued. “You shouldn’t have had to tell me anything.”
Vex let out a long sigh, her arms dropping to her sides. “Vax, I love you. I was trying to protect you from my demons because yours are enough.”
For a moment, Vax saw Vex holding him on the bathroom floor in a circle of broken glass in their London apartment. His hands and back had been bloody from where he had tried to cut away the Clasp’s symbol. He didn’t have a response for her immediately.
Vex took a deep breath in. “I think I need to see someone.”
Vax felt surprise write itself across his face. Vex, his strongly independent sister, was admitting that she needed help. She reached out to take his hand, squeezing it in hers. Vax squeezed back and looked back at her face.
“I think you need to as well,” she added quietly. “We had fucked up lives, Vax’ildan, and I think we need to do something about it.”
Vax leaned forward and pressed their foreheads together. He let out a shaky breath. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when this happened. I think,” he paused, gathering what strength he had left, “you’re right.”
Vex closed her eyes and squeezed his hand again. Vax let himself do the same, breathing slowly for a moment. His sister–his twin and closest companion–was alright and she was dealing with things poorly and she needed help, but it didn’t take much for his brain to conjure the image of the raven wing tattoo that sprawled across his upper back over where the Clasp’s symbol had been. London was gone, behind them, and LA was in front of them, but some demons never left them.
“I want to tell Percy,” Vex said suddenly and Vax’s eyes shot open. She took a steadying breath and continued, “I ran out on him last night with almost no explanation and I love him. I want him to know.”
Vax nodded slowly. He recalled the way Keyleth’s fingers had wandered along his tattoo when they had first slept together. He hadn’t told her that part of his past, but every time he thought about it, he wanted to. “I understand,” he replied quietly, and he did.
Vex stepped back, dropping his hand and nodded slowly to herself. She looked again at the bottles by the sink. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” she said softly.
Vax smiled weakly. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”
“You said that already.”
“It’s worth repeating.”
Percy had shown up twenty minutes after Vex texted him, looking dishevelled and stressed. Vax had watched him gather Vex into his arms as the two of them sunk to sit in the middle of the floor in the kitchen. He slipped out then, headed back to his room.
As silently as he had left, he re-entered, but this time the movement caused Keyleth to stir and she mumbled something unintelligible before her eyes fluttered open. Vax paused awkwardly by the door, unsure what to do, as Keyleth awoke. She rolled onto her side and pushed herself up, blinking as she took in the room. Concern filled her face as she saw him standing at the door.
He moved and sat on the edge of the bed. Keyleth slid over so they were side by side.
“Vax,” she repeated more insistently, reaching to brush some of his hair aside. “Is everything okay?”
He nodded slowly, letting the feeling of Keyleth’s fingers in his hair soothe him. “We talked. Percy’s here now. I think,” he breathed out slowly, “I think she’s going to get help.”
Keyleth let her head fall to his shoulder. “That’s good.”
Silence hung between them for a moment before Vax shifted so that he could look her in the eyes.
He let the courage that his sister displayed fill him as he braced himself. “Kiki, with everything I told you about London, it wasn’t everything. I need to tell you something else.”
He slipped his shirt off and twisted so she could see the tattoo. Her hand instantly wandered up to graze it gently, but she said nothing. He reached awkwardly to find her wrist and guide it towards the darkest part of the raven wings.
He told her everything and she cried and he cried and they held each other. The world didn’t end and their relationship wasn’t ruined and maybe, he realized, the weight the memories left on him felt a little bit lighter now.
Four days after everything exploded, Vex started seeing a therapist. They kept it quiet and she took an Uber both there and back so no one would catch sight of it and thankfully, social media was quiet about it.
To his surprise, the therapist had been recommended by Percy. According to Vex, when she had shared her demons, Percy had shared his own share of shadows from his time in England. Vax had later joked they should start the “England-Gave-Me-Life-Trauma” club. Vex had punched him, but she had cracked a smile.
Vax himself had looked into seeing someone and had made an appointment for the next week with someone that Keyleth had some vague community connection to.
Keyleth, for her part, had been supportive and accepting of everything Vax had told her and he was infinitely grateful for her support. It hadn’t changed anything between them and it had honestly helped Vax feel closer to Keyleth. And, surprisingly, he had even caught Vex and Keyleth hanging out with just the two of them and they’d even had a girls night with Pike recently.
Nothing changed within their friend group and nothing changed between Vex and Vax. Gilmore, Kima, and Allura had all been happy to hear about the twins both seeking professional opinions and Zahra and Cassandra had pledged to keep any such visits out of the media and didn’t question why they were necessary.
Things were getting better. Vex felt happier, Vax felt lighter, and despite the emotional connection they shared with their music, they were still writing and singing and the quality had only gone up if anything. The next step was to put together a list of songs they would perform when they opened for Scanlan in a few weeks.
It was the middle of the night when Vax heard an insistent knocking on his bedroom door. He rolled onto his side and glared at it. When it didn’t stop after a moment, he stood and made his way over to the door. He opened it and was met with Vex, also in pyjamas, but she was holding his guitar. She thrust it into his hand as soon as the door was fully open and Vax nearly dropped it.
“I have an idea,” she said simply before turning and walking back down the hallway towards the office.
Vax groaned and leaned his head against the doorway. “Vex’ahlia, what the fuck!” he yelled after her.
She just looked over her shoulder and grinned. “Come on, brother dearest, we have a song to write.”
Vax groaned again, but relented, following Vex into the office. She was sitting cross-legged on the floor, her lyric book open on the ground in front of her and a pencil tucked behind her ear. She looked up when he entered and she gestured for him to sit next to her. He sat down and looked at the book.
The title was blank but his initial skim over the lyrics she had written left him surprised. The words were open and affectionate and passionate and wholly different from a lot of the other things that Vex had written in the past.
“You’ve written things for Keyleth, haven’t you?” she asked suddenly.
Vax blinked. He had written guitar parts and little broken bits of lyrics for Keyleth, but he’d never sat down and written a whole song for her before. Performing covers for her was different too because he was using someone else’s lyrics.
“I haven’t,” he admitted.
Vex nodded. “Well this is for Percy already, so let’s make it for both of them. I want to perform it at Scanlan’s show.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You? Displaying public affection in front of fans?”
She elbowed him. “Shut up.”
Vax shifted his guitar into his lap and played a short progression he’d been working on for Keyleth while humming a tentative melody. Vex flipped her book back open and made a few notes, nodding as Vax played, and recording the chords as he swung between them.
There wasn’t a lot of sleep to be had that night, but at least they did end up finishing the song.
Vax had his guitar slung over his back as he wandered around backstage. Vex was talking with Percy, Grog, and Keyleth in the main part of the backstage area, but Vax had wandered off to look for Scanlan since he had a question for him. He had ended up towards the dressing rooms and he had heard a snippet of Scanlan’s voice.
He opened the nearest door and peeked inside. Instantly, Vax froze and didn’t dare fully enter the room because in the small room, clearly having not noticed him, were his good friends Scanlan Shorthalt and Pike Trickfoot. Pike’s arms were linked around Scanlan’s neck and their foreheads were pressed together in a very intimate moment that Vax did not feel like interrupting. He shut the door silently and backed away, but he couldn’t wipe the smile off of his face.
Pike had said they were just friends, but just friends didn’t hold each other like that, especially in private.
Vax made his way back to the others and slung one arm over Keyleth’s shoulders and one over Vex’s as he arrived. Keyleth jolted, but Vex didn’t even react, just continuing with whatever she had been saying. The topic of discussion quickly faded and interest turned back to Vax’s quick reassurance.
“So where’s Scanlan?” Grog asked.
Vax smirked. “He’s otherwise occupied, so I decided to let him be.”
“Occupied?” Keyleth echoed, confused.
Vex’s brows shot up as she connected the dots. “So that’s a thing, alright.”
Percy glanced between the two twins, confused. “Care to fill the rest of the class in, dear?”
Vex laughed. “You see, darling, when two people love each other very much,” she began and Vax pinched her arm.
“Not that kind of occupied, but it was intimate enough that I didn’t want to scare the shit out of them,” he explained.
Keyleth grinned. “No way, really?”
Vax nodded. “Thank god for that by the way, it’s been needing to happen for a while.”
Grog frowned and crossed his massive arms. “What’s going on?” he demanded.
Percy finally seemed to connect the dots as his mouth formed a small ‘o’. He turned towards Grog. “Vax walked in on Pike and Scanlan having a moment.”
Grog shrugged. “That’s weird? I dunno they’ve been kissing and stuff for, like, a couple of months now.”
Vax nearly choked on air. “Wait they have?” Grog shrugged. “And you managed to keep that a secret from the rest of the group?”
Grog shifted. “I mean, I didn’t know it was a secret or anything. Thought you guys already knew.”
Vex chuckled. “No, big guy, we definitely did not, but now we do so all is good.”
For a moment the group was silent before Percy shook his head.
“Several months and Scanlan didn’t scream it from the rooftops. The world must really be ending.”
Vex and Vax were holding hands backstage. All they had to do was walk out from the wings and they’d be on stage in front of the largest live audience that they’d ever played in front of. They knew their songs by heart and it was a big enough festival they could trust nothing would go wrong with the music, but there was an irrational fear gripping Vax’s chest.
Vex seemed to be nervous too which was off-putting since she was the one who was always calm. Her hand was clammy where he clutched it in his own and her lips were pressed together like she was stressed which she quite visibly was.
“It’s going to be fine,” Vax said aloud, only partly for Vex’s benefit.
Vex inhaled sharply. “It’s just a song, there’s no way that they’re going to know we’re bearing our hearts completely for them and everything is going to be fine,” she said sternly.
Vax laughed and dropped Vex’s hand to pull her into a quick hug. “I love you, Stubby, and there’s no one I would have rather done this with.”
“I love you too, Vax,” she replied. Vex turned towards the stage and her confident smile finally slid into place. “Now, let’s go kick some ass out there.”
She strode forwards, into sight of the crowd and Vax heard the cheers. He quickly followed, the guitar strap anchored around his neck. The lights of the festival weren’t too overwhelming, but it took a moment for his eyes to adjust. The crowd was cheering as he and Vex made their way to the front and centre of the stage. Their backing group from Whitestone records took their places in the background, leaving the duo of Vox Machina as the centre of attention.
Most of these people were here to watch Scanlan perform, but according to Zahra, there had been a great deal of social media buzz when it was announced that Vox Machina would be opening for them.
“Good afternoon, Los Angeles!” Vex called out, leaning towards the crowd, microphone in hand. Vax stepped to his place behind his mic and held a hand up in greeting. The crowd cheered loudly in response to Vex’s greeting and she had to wait a moment for them to settle down. “We’re Vox Machina and we’re here to play some music for you guys, so let’s not waste any time!”
Vax strummed the opening to the song and they led right into their first song of the set, a folk-arranged cover of Jason Mraz’s I’m Yours. As they played the song, Vax felt his gaze drawn to the roped-off VIP section at the front of the crowd where he saw all of his friends including Keyleth, in her radiant glory, singing along and cheering him on. The remaining bundle of nerves in his stomach loosened and disappeared and he threw himself into the music.
Several songs later, it was time for them to play their last song. Originally, they were going to play a variation of Thinking Out Loud, since that had been the first song on their channel. Instead, they were now preparing to play the song that he and Vex had written in the middle of the night for Percy and for Keyleth.
Vax played the one chord introduction and let Vex take the lead.
“I see stars in your eyes and taste the sun on your lips,” she sang smoothly. Vax moved chords seamlessly.
Vex started the next line and he came in too, adding a harmony to it. “I’ll wait for you, darling,”
Vex let her voice drop away as Vax took over. “The future is bright, oh with you I see the light.”
“I’ll wait for you, darling,”
Vax strummed into the chorus and they let the beautiful harmonies they had first been known for speak volumes as they sang together. “To the gods, I scream Hallelujah, for they have created something perfect and given me you. For the first time I know, darling,” the lyrics paused naturally and Vax let his eyes drift back to Keyleth.
She was watching with wide green eyes that were so full of passion and surprise and something else that he couldn’t quite put a name on. She was radiant and he loved her and he wrote a song for her and he was singing to the world, but it was all just for her.
“To the pain I have felt, for the struggles I grew through, I say thank you. Oh darling, for the first time I know, love is true. And oh god do I know, I’ll wait for you.”
The song continued with a series of beautifully woven lyrical lines and guitar fills that had taken an entire night to craft, but it was worth it. All of Vex’s little hints to hers and Percy’s relationship poked like nails, while Vax’s gently adoration of Keyleth flowed through the melody, but of all the songs they had written together, it was by far Vax’s favourite and the venue was perfect.
The song came to a close with one final, beautiful harmony that they let drift into nothing. The crowd roared and Vex threw her arms around Vax, hugged him tightly. He hugged her back just as fiercely before they took their bows and headed offstage, letting the crew move into setting up for Scanlan, the main attraction.
When they descended back behind the stage, all of their friends were waiting. Pike and Grog were both grinning like crazy and Percy pulled Vex into a deep kiss as soon as they were backstage. Grog whistled and Pike laughed loudly. Vax looked past them all to Keyleth.
She shifted her weight and looked at him. He stepped up to her side. All the emotion he had bared on the stage seemed to catch up to him as he felt suddenly nervous.
“Kiki?” he asked carefully.
She pulled out her phone and fiddled with it for a moment before turning the screen towards him. Vax blinked in surprise as he realized she was showing him a Tweet.
Angela @soundmachinequeen • 5 min ago
WOW can we just say that Vox Machina are absolutely the BEST at love songs… like if someone wrote that for me I would probably just die instantly, but in a GOOD WAY cuz WOW #VoxMachinaLive #TheatreInThePark @vexmachina @vaxmachina
Vax blinked. “Is that a good thing?” he asked.
Keyleth shoved her phone back into her purse and took a deep breath. “Did you write that for me?”
“Yes,” he replied honestly. “Vex did it for Percy and I did it for you.”
Keyleth leaned forwards and cupped his face in her hands, kissing him firmly. She pulled back after a moment. “It was beautiful, thank you, Vax.”
He kissed her again. “It was nothing, compared to you.”
“I love you,” she said suddenly.
Vax blinked in surprise. He leaned back a little and noticed that their friends had all filed away, giving them a semblance of privacy in a bustling backstage area. “Kiki, you don’t have to,” he started, but she held up a hand.
“I have for some time, I was just scared. I couldn’t lose you and I couldn’t be the one to mess this up, but god, Vax, I love you. I understand what you meant before because I love you so much that it hurts,” she said. The words rushed out of her like a dam had broken and it ignited something in Vax.
He stepped forward again and pulled Keyleth’s face to his. He kissed her firmly for a considerable time before he finally broke the kiss. He leaned his forehead against hers and just smiled. Her hand slid to land over top of his racing heart and her fingers tapped a gentle pattern against his chest.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you,” she replied.
The weight pressing against his stomach lifted and he felt free.
A note from me:
This story has been an absolute journey. It began way back in April as a couple of loose AU notes in my phone for a Vaxleth/Perc’ahlia one-shot. Finally, in the summer, I decided to just write the one-shot. One hundred words turned into a thousand and a thousand turned into ten thousand much more quickly than I had expected.
From my initial notes, I had written ten thousand words and created what felt like a universe that was alive. And ten thousand words wasn’t going to do it justice, so I went back to the drawing board and revamped it, creating the multi-chaptered structure that the fic would come to be.
At first, I was sure it would be two parts. Halfway through the second part, it was going to be three parts for sure. But, when I finished the second part, I had enough notes for two more chapters. Four was good, it was perfect. And then I only got through half my notes for the fourth part and I didn’t want to rush the ending. So five it was.
And five it stayed.
The update gap between part four and five can be attributed to two things: me finally buying a Switch, and me moving back across the country for school and needing to readjust. Still, I cranked this part out and I’m happy. The story feels as complete as it should.
This fic has been happy and fluffy and deliriously fun while also darker and has touched on themes I have personally been well acquainted with. Particularly, in this part, I laid out Vax’s plot with the Clasp and only mentioned Percy’s backstory because I felt that’s how they best fit in this fic.
So I hope I managed to tug on your heartstrings (pun INTENDED) with this story and I hope you’ll keep an eye out for the in-universe (DEFINITELY ONESHOT THIS TIME I PROMISE) companion that puts our two favourite little people together + more Grog.
Thanks for all the support and love, Nicole
PS - this part was only supposed to be like 3K words, but we’ve seen how that has played out in the past
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Finally Gives Us a Believable Teenage Superhero
'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Finally Gives Us a Believable Teenage Superhero
The Marvel film nails aspects of the character that previous versions either ignored, or downplayed.
[Warning: This story contains spoilers for Spider-Man: Homecoming]
Spider-Man: Homecoming is, and isn’t, a typical origin story. It is in the sense that its narrative serves to distinguish this version of the character from a couple of other iterations, everything from recent movie Spider-Men Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield to musical-theater Spider-Guys Reeve Carney and Justin Matthew Sargent (let us not dwell on live-action TV Spider-Dudes Shinji Todo and Nicholas Hammond). But Homecoming is not a typical origin story in the sense that it doesn’t re-hash the same, “Got bit by a radioactive spider, then my uncle died, now I gotta fight my best friend and his dad” backstory that so many recent Spider-stories have.
Sure, there are familiar Spider-tropes and characters in Homecoming, but the film’s most unique focus is on the adolescent life of 15 year-old Peter Parker, played by 21 year-old Tom Holland. Holland’s version of the character was previously introduced in 2016’s Captain America: Civil War, which also featured scenes that established Peter’s home life with surprisingly young Aunt May (Marisa Tomei). Homecoming continues to emphasize the fact that Holland’s version of Spider-Man is a teenager first, and a super-hero after that. In fact, the key to this new film’s success is how much it gets right about Parker’s high school life.
For starters, there are a number of throw-away gags that indicate how young and eager-to-please this new Spider-Man is. When a hot dog vendor asks Parker to prove that he’s Spider-Man by doing a back-flip, Parker readily complies. And when he’s doing his rounds, Parker anxiously texts and leaves messages for mentor Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and unofficial super-guardian/liaison Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau). Time moves slowly for Parker, as we see in a scene where he, trapped inside an underground warehouse, gasps after he realizes that only 37 minutes have passed since he entered. He’s careless enough to have his super-identity compromised when best friend Ned (Jacob Batalon) catches him slinking back into his bedroom. And Holland’s Parker even almost succumbs to peer pressure when Ned begs him to boost their non-existent street cred by showing up, in costume, as Spider-Man to a party thrown by popular girl Liz (Laura Harrier).
It’s also important to note that Liz, Parker’s love interest, and Flash Thompson (Tony Revolori), Parker’s pint-sized arch-rival, are also both nerds. In almost every iteration of the character, Flash is characterized as a stereotypical football jock who plays sports, dates hot girls, picks on Parker, and dotes on Spider-Man. But in Homecoming, both the bully and the pretty girl in Parker’s lives…are geeks. In fact, all three characters are teammates on the high school Academic Decathlon team. This probably isn’t a sly commentary on the fact that nerd culture has become so pervasive and culturally dominant that we have to specify which Spider-Man we are talking about when we say “Hey, what did you think about that one Spider-Man movie?”
But the fact that Spider-Man exists in a world where nerds can also be pretty and/or bullies does speak to a greater truth about Spider-Man: Homecoming‘s understanding of who Peter Parker is: none of the adults in his life are really paying attention to him. Sure, May sees that Peter’s floundering, but she doesn’t pick up on the real reasons why his “Stark internship” is kicking his butt on such a consistent basis. When May sees Peter, she sees his youth, as she explains to him. Or maybe she just sees him through her memories of her youth. So when May walks in on Peter and Ned, and Peter’s in a state of undress and Ned’s sitting on Peter’s bed? She’s not phased. Boys will be boys, and that means that there’s no chance that Peter could possibly be hiding a secret as big as homosexuality from May. She’d know by now, right?
Likewise, Hogan blows Parker off because he thinks that any problems that he poses are just mild-mannered teenage stuff. So when Parker surprises him by saying that he has to go out of state for a Decathlon competition, Hogan shrugs, and assumes that nothing’s up. In reality, Parker is leaving to track down Adrian “the Vulture” Toomes (Michael Keaton) and put a stop to Toomes’s illegal arms network. Parker even uses Hogan’s tendency of dismissing his problems as run-of-the-mill teen stuff by saying that he didn’t bother telling Hogan about the Decathlon because he thought Hogan wouldn’t need to be updated about such a trifling kiddy affair. Hogan protests at first, but ultimately agrees.
Parker’s drive to succeed makes sense in this new context, right down to the way he interacts with Stark. For a while, it seems like Stark is as inattentive, and careless as Hogan is. After all, Stark communicates his disinterest in Parker’s life by showing up by proxy, speaking through an automated Iron Man suit. But in a later scene, Stark catches Parker in a lie simply by proving that he pays attention to Hogan’s reports. Parker says that he has to beg off from a phone call because of band practice (in reality, he’s saving Staten Island Ferry commuters from imminent Vulture-related danger). Stark catches the lie though because he remembers that Hogan said that Parker quit band five months ago. So the next time that Spider-Man sees Iron Man, it’s not just an empty suit. 
Iron Man may conspicuously disappear after a point from Parker’s story later in the film. But Homecoming nails Stark and Parker’s mentor/mentee relationship because its creators understand that, if a teenage superhero were to actually take to heart Uncle Ben’s credo of “With great power comes great responsibility,” he would be torn between hormonal pressures, and a childhood desire to grow up faster. In that sense, the fact that Parker turns Stark down at film’s end, and decides against joining the Avengers is a fitting conclusion to Homecoming‘s alt-origin story. This version of Parker has to learn how to make his own judgment calls, and stay true to himself without giving into other people’s expectations of who he is. Homecoming nails aspects of the character that previous versions either ignored, or downplayed. Here’s hoping that Holland remains a friendly teenage Spider-Man.
#Believable #Finally #Homecoming #SpiderMan #Superhero #Teenage
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magic5ball · 4 years
Nature Trail to Hell Arc I: Nature Trail to Hell (2)
Chapter 2: It gets worse than this
           The bus rattled as we traded the good old asphalt of civilization and for the gravel of human suffering. It was telling not even actual roads wanted to be near the place. Even with the backpack on my head, I could still hear the bus door fssh open, followed by the other kids stepping out one by one. But just as it was about to get to me, yours truly hatched a plan. I remembered how my science teacher, Mr. Cyrus, taught us that possums could play dead so predators would leave them alone. I could already see myself being carted home in a casket, my family feeling like soulless jerkwads for ever sending me to this sorry excuse for a camp. Granted, faking my death probably meant living on the lam and spending the rest of my childhood hiding out in the produce aisle of the grocery store, but hey: win some, lose some.
“Ms. Hobag? I think this guy is dead.”
From within the backpack, I grinned. My plan was working!
Then someone pulled by head out of the backpack and shook me ‘til my eyes opened. Staring at me was a woman who looked half Scandinavian, half emaciated vulture.
“Wake up, sleepyhead! Time to go to camp!”
           I tried to keep up the act, but it was useless. Better to cooperate now than face further punishment down the line, I figured. The woman waited patiently for me to get my stuff, the whole time just standing there, smiling at me. Now this wasn’t one of those friendly old lady smiles, this was a slasher smile, a mask hiding the wearer’s true dark heart.
And just when I thought I’d gotten away, just when I lined up with the rest of society’s rejects-
“Good job, Watterson! You get a sticker!”
           My heart stopped as the thing was pinned to my chest: small; of the scratch and sniff variety with a smiling fruit on it. Under the fruit were the words Orange you glad to be here? Which was probably code for This one has free will- keep an extra eye on him! In spite of this, I tried to look on the bright side. Maybe there’d be a freak storm and I’d be able to escape under the cover of darkness! But when I looked up at the sky, it was blue as my family’s toilet bowl, and twice as crappy. All I could do was stand there as the sun beat down so hard it threatened to set my head on fire. The kids beside me looked like we were lined up for a firing squad, or Lord forbid- friendship lessons.
“Welcome to Camp Sham, everybody! I’m Ms. Hobag, and I will be your new camp counselor!”
A few guys giggled.
“Now, now, children! If you behave, I’ll give you stickeeeeerrrrrrsss!” she said in a sing-song voice.
My jaw dropped as everyone took the obvious bait. Before I could so much as blink, Hoebag had pinned a sticker to the chest of every stinking kid in line. Twenty six rotten fruits. Twenty six puns too lame to be uttered by even the most embarrassing Dad.
“Now, before we enter camp, there are a few things you should know about-“
           I have to hand it to Ms. Hobag- she had a real knack for making half an hour seem like half a century. “Lecture”, of course, being just an elaborate way of seeing who’d be the first to collapse from heat stroke. It would mean one less whiny brat to watch over, after all.
           Once that was over, I could only watch helplessly as they took away our bags and we were led single file into a cabin that smelled of sawdust and… something else. The moment we got in, our warden ordered us to sit in a circle.
“Now everyone, we are going to play a game!”
           Those last few words played over and over again in my head, my brain coming’ to grips with what that awful ’something’ I smelled in the cabin: Social interaction. Desperate and defenseless, I resorted to the only thing I could do: cover my ears and pray to God they’d somehow pass over me. The name of Hobag’s game was... The Name Game. Basically, they made us put an adjective in front of our name that started with the same letter as our first name. They said it was supposed to make our names easier to remember, but I knew the truth: we were getting our prison names, though some of the names they chose were ironic, to say the least. As I waited my turn I quietly wondered how long it would be until “Nice” Nathan or “Polite” Patrick were sentenced to the hole. But maybe I should have done more thinking about my name, because before I knew it, my turn had come. I stood there for a bit, cursing the Lord for not making up more ‘w’ words, before blurting out
Wonky Watt. Wonky Watt. Of all the rotten, gershafingling names to pick! Whatever little street cred I might have had before melted away like ice cream in the summer heat.
I stared blankly ahead of me for the rest of the activities, coming to grips with the grim fact THIS WAS MY LIFE NOW.
           They say time flies when you’re having fun. It also flies when you’re trapped in an endless loop of perpetual suffering. Activities over, they marched us down to the well-named mess hall, a building I’m certain was never meant for human habitation, much less anything resembling culinary arts. While the food cooked, we were forced to stand outside, singing songs about how Tarzan was getting a tan or how a big shark ate a little shark and other things so stupid even a five year old would die of shame at the prospect of having to sing. Didn’t help that our singing made Justin Bieber sound like Justin Timberlake, either. And to top it all off, we were forced to say grace to the tune of the Spiderman theme song, forever ruining America’s greatest superhero in our impressionable young minds.
           ‘Supper’ was an amorphous blob of “Salisbury steak” that had probably escaped from the local chemical plant. Only unlike McDonnel’s, it didn’t have a brand name to distract from what it really was. If you can believe it, the vegetarians had it even worse. They had to eat vegetables. Just knowing that made scarfing down that thing just a little bit easier.
           That night, I stared up at the dark ceiling of my cabin, listening to my cellmates’ ghost story slowly derail into a series of dick jokes. It was going to be a looooooonnnnnnnggggg three months.
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