#cpc tattersall
cartoonicle · 6 months
The Ugly Witch Begins
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‘Mariana’s Start’
At some point in every child’s life they learn that everything isn’t perfect and people can be cruel as the smartest person in her family she learns this lesson early on but somethings she can never understand is why there is so much hatred for close members of her family some of these people are family members themselves: Why would Blaine and Leland ever consider killing Frederick, how could Helena and Jesse think that Grandma Leelathae was ugly and why did Leland take his anger out on Jack’s family and his own because he didn’t get what he wanted?
Ever since Blaine, Helena and Jesse came back she has done everything in her power to make them feel unwelcome and unwanted the same way they did to Leelathae and Frederick, she is so angry and this anger keeps building up because she thinks her family is too nice and forgiving to do anything, of course she doesn’t want them to change she loves the fact they are nice and love everyone so she thinks she’s the one who has to be harsh to protect her family. She feels like she has to be in the room with her beloved family members alone with Blaine or Helena and Jesse she would just quietly glare at them giving them a warning not to say anything or do anything hurtful to her brother, father or mother every time she believes they are going to do something hurtful she ask her family to come with her when they leave the room Mariana stares back at them with the scariest evil look even Scarier than Leland’s.
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‘Beauty is Curse’
Mariana: Human Beauty is such a curse I want to be a extraordinary like you! Beauty is such a curse, it broke my Grandma and nearly killed my mother.
She doesn’t hate the fact that she looks like Jamie or Jack she hates that she looks like Helena and all the other Bigoted pastel family members. Even though her mother loves the fact that she turned out ‘Beautiful’ she hates it! She has a beautiful voice but hates singing clear and pretty songs, flowers grow around her but they annoy her when they almost trip her or constrict her in bed, and as for glows and sparkles she does everything in her power to ignore it. Above all she refuses to make friends because she assumes they’ll only love her for her looks and not her personality; she feels like only her brother sees past that stupid glow and sparkle of hers.
She would give anything to look like a civilian of the beautiful and extraordinary Braided Island.
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‘The Glow Fades’
Everyone in the Pastel family has their new found abilities: everything Gwen creates glows and brings happiness, Jamie can taste emotions through homemade foods but Mariana is happy to discover her ability, since glowing is a reflection of inner happiness her dark aura is the reflection of her inner evil and resentment towards others. She can turn her glowing warm infectious aura into dark horrifying one, instead of making people feel happy like her mom and uncle does she makes them scared and regret their past actions.
I guess you can say when they look at her their lives flash before their eyes replaying every horrible decision they have ever made.
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‘Where did all your toughness go, Plaidypussy?’
The man in the drawing is Commander Tattersall the pyscho that led the attack on her family before she was born; the man who traumatized her aunts, knocked out his uncle, nearly killed her mom’s friends and almost attacked her grandmother. It’s not just Tattersall, she gets her hands on all of the previous Plaidypuses. Most of them admit that they didn’t want to hurt anyone and they were scared of the King so she let’s them go on the condition that she puts a magic spell on them they forget who tortured them but still remember the torture, but the people she knows are lying to her get extra punishment. It’s Tattersall she hates most for practically enjoying the fact that he hurt her family (Well at least the part of the family she loves).
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Each bottle and potion houses the materialized harnessed abilities of her family members, songs, different flowers and plants, sparkles and glows, and the braided kingdom’s unique charm. Her inherited abilities might be a nuisance to her have proven to be great to her: She uses her songs to summon society’s least loved creatures, snakes, crows, and wolves; growing flowers and plants for ingredients for potions or poison; and glowing sparkles that can trick people.
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‘Mariana’s Blessing’
Most people will call it a curse while she calls it a blessing.
Her magic spell is to make everyone’s outer looks reflect their hearts
If the person is kind and true they will be beautiful, if they are not bad they will remain the same, if they are not evil but still have bad intentions they will be mildly mutated but if they are truly evil and selfish they will become hideous monsters.
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‘I’m finally free!’
She may not look like a civilian from the Braided Island but she is truly happy not to be tied down by sparkles, glowing, beauty, singing and flowers. Her own blessing has turned her into a real ugly looking witch because of the hatred reflected in her heart, but she doesn’t care; she is free, everyone was free, no more Beauty! Just love
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