#courage b
userbbh · 5 months
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240510 lonsdaleite in kobe Courage B (1,2)
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thatnununguy · 3 months
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Okaaaay, okaaaay! Let's dump this art! Let's dump this art all in a big pile!
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woahjo · 2 months
just had a NASTY thought about omega!ochako and omega!reader... it made me shy..
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cartoonbudartz · 9 months
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I wish all my followers a very jolly and animated Christmas Eve!
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camodielsart · 8 months
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my favorite dog characters! :D
and also some close ups, which imma have to reblog with the rest cuz tumblr only allows 10 pics on a post >:P how dare!
🌈♣️ check out my linktr.ee :) ♣️🌈
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nofatclips · 2 months
Vein by Tora-i - Director: Aliyah Otchere
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melpomaen · 4 months
I love C+Cing the WWElves but I do think we are underutilizing using Pretty Deadly jpegs like dolls to meme Beleg & Mablung
Hear me out: Beleg and Mablung in PD costumes series but in Beleg is still always in his red ass shoes. Do you see my vision?
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 5 months
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Ichiro Tsuruta 鶴田一郎 / Japanese, b. 1954
不講道理的人是偏執狂 不能講道理的人是傻子 不敢講道理的人是奴隸
Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves. 🙌🙌🙌
─ Lord Byron (British, 1788-1824 拜倫勳爵 George Gordon)
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userbbh · 5 months
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240510 lonsdaleite in kobe Courage B (1,2)
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blackfern · 9 months
idk who needs to hear this (i actually know exactly who needs to hear this) but shaping your entire view on and treatment of a marginalised group based on some negative interactions you had with one person - or even a few people - that belong(s) to that group is discrimination.
it's not your fault that you have trauma but it is your responsibility to make sure it doesn't bleed into your treatment of marginalised groups.
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kadeemagi · 2 months
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Your courage becomes offensive when other people realize that you are less afraid of the world than they think you should be.
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conscious-love · 1 year
You carry character with you wherever you go, and it allows you to prevail against adversity.
Dr. Jordan B Peterson
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cubffections · 3 months
guys dun bite mi but i'm begging u guys to not water down argenti to him being the other half of argen hill 😭😭 argenti is his own person without boothill ! ! when ppl talk abt him don't only bring up the ship ? ? it's gettin annoying lulz . .
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Bagley * * * *
“You are not allowed to give up.”
February 17, 2024
Vladimir Putin killed his chief political opponent on Friday. Alexei Navalny, a Russian hero and patriot, is the latest in a long line of victims of Putin’s murderous regime. Navalny was in prison north of the Artic circle when he allegedly “died suddenly” on a “walk.” Most of Putin’s victims “fall out” of second-floor windows or die from exotic poisons or nerve agents. President Biden said,
Make no mistake: Putin is responsible for Navalny's death. What has happened to Navalny is yet more proof of Putin's brutality. No one should be fooled, not in Russia, not at home, not anywhere in the world.
Of Navalny, Biden said,
He was brave. He was principled. He was dedicated to building a Russia where the rule of law existed and where it applied to everybody.
Putin kills with impunity. Coincidentally, Donald Trump is currently urging the Supreme Court to grant him (and all other US presidents) the power to kill their political opponents with impunity. Even more coincidentally, Trump has not condemned Putin’s assassination of Navalny—leaving Trump alone among US and Western democratic leaders, all of whom condemned Putin for the death of Navalny.
The assassination of Navalny comes as the GOP is under the thrall of Putin. Trump and congressional Republicans are doing Putin’s work by refusing to provide supplemental funding for Ukraine. MAGA poster boy Tucker Carlson provided a platform last week for Putin to spread his lies about Russia’s history and territorial claims—including his claim that Ukraine is “not really a separate country.” Even Putin was derisive of Tucker Carlson’s pathetic interview. See Business Insider, Putin Says He Thought Tucker Carlson Would Ask Tougher Questions.
President Biden also condemned Congress for its inaction on Ukraine in his remarks on the assassination of Navalny. After his formal remarks, a reporter asked President Biden if there was anything the US could do to accelerate the delivery of aid to Ukraine. Biden responded,
No, but it’s about time [Congress] step[s] up, don’t you think? Instead of going on a two-week vacation.” Two weeks, they’re walking away. Two weeks. What are they thinking? My God, this is bizarre, and it’s just reinforcing all of the concern and almost – I won’t say panic – but real concern about the United States being a reliable ally. This is outrageous.
The heroism of Navalny highlights the cowardice of House Republicans. Mike Johnson is damaging US foreign policy so he does not provoke the ire of Marjorie Taylor Greene. See op-ed by Eric Garcia in The Independent, Navalny’s death has shown Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson up as a coward.
Garcia explains that Mike Johnson did not spend the last two work days on the Senate bill granting aid to Ukraine but instead wasted time on the Mayorkas impeachment:
Johnson did [so] in the service of appeasing Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, the right-wing conspiracy theorist and Trump ally from Georgia, who is also an ardent opponent of funding for Ukraine. The fact [Johnson] refused to cross the person largely responsible for him being Speaker shows how unserious he is. Marjorie Taylor Greene has pledged that if aid to Ukraine goes to the floor of the House, she will file a motion to vacate the chair of Johnson. This comes despite the fact that many in Johnson’s conference want to support Ukraine and most Democrats would vote to help pass a bill doing so.
In other words, Mike Johnson is willing to allow Ukraine to fall to Putin because he wants to remain in his job as Speaker of the House—under the thumb of Marjorie Taylor Greene. What a pathetic, cowardly existence.
Against Mike Johnson’s cowardice (emblematic of all congressional Republicans) is the heroism of Alexei Navalny. In anticipation of his own assassination, Navalny left these words to those who remained behind:
If they decided to kill me, then it means we are incredibly strong. We need to utilize this power to not give up, to remember we are a huge power that is being oppressed . . . . We don’t realize how strong we actually are. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing, so don’t be inactive. You’re not allowed to give up.
We do not need to make Alexei Navalny’s ultimate sacrifice to follow in his footsteps. We just need not to give up—even when the odds against us seem overwhelming. We can do that. We have been doing that.
Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter
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questioning npd culture is having actually emotionally abused someone in your past but became a better person and realized what you did was fucked up. but feeling like you're harmful to the npd community because pwnpd are trying rly hard to break the stigma of being abusers, and what if me accepting that i have npd hurts the community :(
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hexslvt · 1 day
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