🎃 (from @cosmicuncanny ouo)
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@cosmicuncanny @tavoriel
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cadcnce-archived · 6 years
Holds and refuses to let go (Ser: i got ur leggg)
lights, camera… || [ open ] || @cosmicuncanny
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What gets Wylan about this more than anything, is not the fact that Ser is a non-anthropoid alien creature, that’s not all that discomforting truth be told. What gets him during moments like these is that Ser is so quiet and unpresent beforehand. Intentions aren’t announced, physically or verbally. There aren’t creeping footsteps or small takes of breath that can be picked out of the din. It’s just one moment you’re walking...
...and the next you are captured and in Wylan’s case your face is going down towards the pavement.
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ivakir · 6 years
@cosmicuncanny liked for a starter! [sc]
Ivakir never thought of herself as a hero, but such thoughts always slipped into her mind. Being a hero meant that you always could get an extra mug of beer, an extra basket of eggs, an extra jug of milk. However, Ivakir sometimes forgot that witches were never heroes. Love and respect was easy to win. Spare a couple of people from disease or curses - you immediately have a house near the village, a cow, everyone greets you and bow when you pass by, calling you “Madam Witch”. But as soon as you make only a small mistake, people quickly lost their memory and forgot what you have done for them.
It all started when peasants suddenly stopped to greet her. Ivakir immediately realized that something was wrong. Then they began to spit on her doorstep. Then someone threw a stone at her window. It was a signal that it was time to leave, but Ivakir hoped that there would be another job that would make her a hero again. But the peasants never could boast of much patience - they immediately dragged the young woman to the bonfire.
“… And these men, who looked more like bears and pigs than men I must say, came into my house. With pitchforks! On me, who had only a tiny stick in hands! I should run, I thought. But how, you ask me? They surrounded the hut and what I could do there? And now these ungrateful pigs are going to burn me for everything I have done for them!”
Those, who passed by, tried really hard to pretend that they didn’t listen to the murmurings of the witch, and quickly passed by her cage.
“You’re a good listener, you know that? How sad that you’re dumb. If you were not dumb, you could free me. But at least you listen to me and don’t interrupt.”
A white goat with one eye lazily chewed grass near the cage with the witch and emitted a short “Beeee”. Ivakir nodded solemnly. She had such a good companion, the only one who listened to her.
“Look, how much wood they cut down! And all for me!” Ivakir walked closer and squeezed wooden rods, watching as the peasants dragged a huge pillar and a bunch of brushwood. “It is a pity that I will be the only one who will be unhappy at this celebration of life,” the witch lamented sadly, and then hissed loudly when one of the peasants poked her with a stick. Pigs, what else she could say there.
"I know why we have become such good friends. They are going to burn me, and then they will kill you and eat your meat, to celebrate how they killed the Evil Witch."
The goat stopped chewing for a moment and looked at the woman, as if asking her some kind of silent question.
"Yes, yes, they are going to eat you, too!" Ivakir nodded. "Don't look at me like that. I can't help you."
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fishermcn · 6 years
🎈- A memory about a time they were safe and relaxed
the memories like to mock and taunt; his dreams are their favorite haunt // not accepting.
🎈- A memory about a time they were safe and relaxed
Wind’s fierce today, howling across the choppy waters. Rain batters the hull relentlessly, anyone caught outside lucky to get away with only soaked clothes for their troubles and foolishness.
Below deck, sparingly lit by lantern light, he whittles away with his knife a wooden something without clear form. Rough but dexterous hands run over what once was a mere block with purpose, discarded scraps and shavings littering the floor, and there’s a sigh that isn’t his as he goes on and on and on…
“What’ll it be this time?” She asks, lean arms slipping round his neck and bony chin poking into his shoulder just in that way she knows he hates. Knows he hates being watched while he does this too, and he doesn’t need to see her face to know the grin that’ll greet him if he were to look her way. “I liked the pig.”
“Was a cat,” he grouses. She bumps her head into his, mouth bared into a snicker against his neck. He pays her no more mind with words but does lean into the fingers running through his tangled hair, toying with the blonde strands as though delighting in what she doesn’t have herself. 
The boat rocks, sways to and fro where it’s docked, and the storm raging outside is ignored.
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rcguna-archived · 6 years
@cosmicuncanny || and the SPOOKY FOREST
News travels quickly, even to podunk little countryside villages like Trampoli. It helps that Raguna has contacts living back in Kardia who keep in touch with him, and whose location along a merchant road leads to lots of bits coming to their ears. But it’s also due to the gossip of the mail girl delivering parcels to various other towns and villages in Norad.
Usually this gossip is of little consequence- interesting developments of new products or new people coming and going with tales of their own. Then there were things that could even rival the giant floating Whale Island in the skies over Trampoli should they prove true. Anette delivers one such tale to Raguna one morning when she catches him tending to the monsters that were working his field.
A forest is dying. And nobody seems to know why.
For the Earthmate the image it provoked in his mind was not a pleasant one. Thoughts going to what sort of influence would be necessary to cause a forest to just... die? It wasn’t being burned. It wasn’t being cut down. There had been no additional word of agents from the now collapsed Sechs Empire up to any shady business. It wasn’t immediately his business, but that incessant sense of duty would not let him stand by idly when it was only a day’s travel to the south.
Needless to say the next day finds him south of Kardia, with materials and equipment packed and ready for an exploratory voyage into the woods. Further talk with the locals in the nearby town of Glido lent more . . . unsettling tales. Some taller than others but some that were undeniable. Like people disappearing. Noises from inside and shadows cast at night from unidentifiable points of light. Once Raguna was finally at the edge of the decay recollection of the various warnings cause him several moments of hesitation. 
Blue eyes lid for a moment as air sucks into his lungs. Sure enough, as he feared, the presence and flow of Rune was almost nonexistent. The feeling of being drawn in likely had something to do with this as well. Energy pulling away towards whatever may be causing this.
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He takes the deciding first steps. And soon enough finds himself deep amidst the gnarled and dessicated trees.
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enneads · 6 years
“Pain is weakness leaving the body” (from @cosmicuncanny)
@cosmicuncanny​​ | find my muse injured…
Lyra--still as a wolf--is lying on the ground when she looks up at her saviour. She’s kind of surprised to see him again, but...
She wines. She’s exhausted. She’s a little scared she’ll die if she doesn’t find a way out of the woods soon.
She thinks as hard as she can, Please help.
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brotherwed-blog · 6 years
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         Her skill at the piano had always been a crowd-pleaser. There was really no better way to simultaneously make oneself the center of attention and to appear as though she was light at heart, enjoying the festivities. It allowed her to draw potential suitors in, painting the perfect portrait of grace and beauty alongside her talent. It was easier to forgive her lack of natural charisma and her colder exterior if people knew she was pretty and possessed such a gift. It also lent itself as a reliable ice breaker as it was; men had time to think of some line while she played, and if not, she could always ask if they were fond of music. Men did so love to talk about themselves, especially when they thought they had a rapt audience.
         There was a heartbeat of silence at the end of the song before an inevitable punctuation of applause. Lucille stood and smiled, inclining her head in false modesty. There was a man near the piano bench and she smiled at him, waiting for him to deliver whatever introductions he had no doubt rehearsed in his head. "I hope my playing wasn't too out of practice."
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halforc-mercenary · 5 years
𝔊𝔬𝔡𝔩𝔶 𝔓𝔞𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔫
Take The Test Here!
𝔗𝔞𝔤𝔤𝔢𝔡 𝔅𝔶: The Void 𝔗𝔞𝔤𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔤: @stonestridernerd @anierous-sunblade @olliehaldstan @wildname @leavenohoofprints @curiouscodex @wanderersofazeroth @lady-proudmoore @grandpriestess @oathkeeperblackdawn @safrona-shadowsun @kaauloth-the-cursed  @valerians-travels @thehumbleknight @farseer-danaael @renwyck @asharinhun @arcane-harbinger @obsidianprinxess @toomany-elves @verosmoonshine @brandstonethings @ceruleanelf @hannyandfriends @mwindaji  @boredofcinder @cosmicuncanny …and everyone else! 
ℜ𝔢𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔱: Your godly parent  is Poseidon. Stormbringer, Earthshaker and Lord of the oceans
Children of Poseidon display similar qualities to those of Zeus, including pride and stubbornness but are more in control of their emotions, making them reasonable in nature. You place high value on those you care about and will go to extremes to help them out. Your greatest strength and weakness is your devotion to those closest to you. Children of Poseidon are generally calm and easy to get along with, which lulls people into a sense of comfort with them. However, being influenced by the never-still ocean, unpredictability should be your middle name, and when provoked, you can unleash rage that you might not even be able to control. Children of Poseidon, unlike those of Zeus, are driven not by law and duty, but by emotional attachments instead, not pausing to judge the consequences of their actions until it's too late. Some demigods might be influenced by the thrilling nature of the power they possess and can lose their heads in it, usually requiring a calming external force to snap them out of it. Without a control factor, children of Poseidon may begin to crave destruction rather than stay balanced.
Qualities: Pride, loyalty, devotion, reason, leadership, humor, unpredictability, rage
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vilefeather · 6 years
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APHRODITE    laughter-loving, sweet smiles,  dressed in silk and satin, flower in their hair, thrives on attention,  sees the world as a runway, unapologetically sexual, the sea washing their ankles, in love with love,  stirrer of passion, cunning concealed by painted lips,  secret daggers,  doves,  revolution in their kiss,  delighting in the waves, flirtatious winks,  strolling along the beach, staring wistfully from a balcony, this is how to be a heartbreaker,  your girlfriend thinks they’re attractive,  wants to be adored, gets turned on by danger.
APOLLO    glitz and glamour,  art galleries, turning the volume up,  being made of gold, neatly-organized music sheets,  notebooks filled with poetry,  bathing in the sunlight,  the powerful urge to create,  collecting vinyl records,  beautiful cover of wonderwall,  playing multiple instruments, tasting like sunshine, healing touch,  speaking in prophecies,  smile mingled wrath, sporting shades,  hanging out at music festivals with their friends, sleeps naked, arrow to the heart,  paint brushes,  probably has a Tinder account.
ARES    armed for battle,  wants to raise a dog with their significant other,  soft spot for children,  gives piggyback rides, scarred body, blood on their hands and face,  willing to fight the world for the ones they love,  warm hugs,  well-worn combat boots,  boxing gloves,  bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles,  fists raised in protest,  ignites revolutions, fear is a prison,  more sensitive than what their tough shell will make you think, exhausted, force to be reckoned with,  red roses, curses under their breath.
ARTEMIS    keen sense of a hunter,  freckles like constellations on their skin, piercing eyes,  disheveled braid, moonlight peeking through the shadows, the calm of the forest at night, lying on the grass and staring at the stars,  mother doe and her fawn, protecting their kin, the moon shimmering on a still lake, quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree, running with wolves,  bonding while circled around a campfire, not being much of a people person,  arrow hitting a target, popping egos,  patience on 3%,  touches heaven and returns howling.
ATHENA    discerning gaze,  unreadable face, the patience of a lifelong teacher, quiet museums,  owl perched on their finger,  armor that intimidates,  eye for architecture,  plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses,  studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid,  big fan of logic, loves brain teasers,  go-getter,  balls of wool displayed on shelves, ancient buildings,  hair done up, can kill you with their brain,  heads to the library often to research, sharpened pencils, abs that can cut steel, stoic statues, pottery classes.
DEMETER    soil-covered hands,  smile that can bloom flowers,  skin loved by the sun,  being the mom-friend,  can lift you and your friends,  flowers kept in the pockets of overalls, takes pride in their beautiful garden,  speaks to their plants, leaves rustling in the wind,  stalks of wheat, picking fruit,  greenhouses,  heart as strong as a mountain,  values simplicity, daisies dotted across a collarbone, curls crowned with flowers,  folded pile of sweaters in warm hues,  pulling out fresh-baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air.
DIONYSUS    drunk shitposter,  on their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second,  seductive smirks,  untamed curls,  rich fabrics on dark skin,  sleek-furred panthers,  theater masks,  stage productions, receiving a standing ovation, rose caught between their teeth,  being the baby of the bunch,  wild parties that last from sundown to sunup,  creeping vines,  inspiring loyalty,  grand opera houses,  masquerade balls,  rolls of film, shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine-spilled floor,  pouring champagne into flutes, lives for the applause.
HEPHAESTUS    sweaty brow,  flame burning in their eyes, inventive mind,  broad shoulders,  steampunk goggles,  nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes, ashes,  striking a match,  blueprints for future projects,  fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades, wrestles with bitterness, work boots that have seen better years,  wrinkled plaid shirts,  iron melted in blazing fire,  huge jackets,  crafting masterpieces,  greased-stained overalls,  fascination with robotics, pain is fuel,  stack of weaponry, even their muscles have muscles.
HERA    resting bitch face,  dressed to the nines,  cows grazing on a pasture,  cool rain, loving and hating fiercely, hand clutching a string of pearls, large chandelier with glittering crystals,  plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims,  romance to realism,  pictures of the sky while flying on a plane,  files that under fuck it,  downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix,  like their selfie or you’re grounded, knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man,  dark eyes that penetrate your soul, marble and gold.
HERMES     devil-may-care smile, ink-stained hands,  always up-to-date on the latest technology,  will steal your french fries,  does it for the vine,  shitposter,  puts googly eyes on everything,  meme hoarder, long drives on the highway, ma and pop diners,  spontaneous road trips,  folded maps, fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop,  shooting hoops on the basketball court,  chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations, goes jogging in the morning, mixes redbull with coffee,  menace on april fool’s, hoodies and sneakers.
POSEIDON    storm with skin,  colorful coral reefs,  waves crashing against the shore,  the sea casting its spell, stroking the soft fur of a cat,  their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop,  tousled locks,  clothes smeared with paint,  owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns for more, leather jackets,  fondness for diy projects, handwriting that flows across the page, nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin, velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams,  mood as ever-changing as the sea,  the roar of a motorcycle, compass with a spinning arrow.
ZEUS     thunder in their heart,  running on coffee cocaine, flash of lightning,  natural charisma,  eloquence, badass in a nice suit,  aficionado of history, force of nature,  lenny face, pretends they don’t have feelings but they do,  nightmare-filled nights,  proud arm around their lover’s waist,  high-rise buildings,  planes soaring through a cloudless sky, technician on the piano,  maintains order,  strong handshake,  juggling multiple events on their busy calendar with ease,  most likely to be voted class president out of their peers, expensive watch
tagged by: @herguile {Always a pleasure~} tagging: @monstriiss, @axeworne, @bcwblade, @bloodthrrsty, @kumihoborn, @diemondsichel, @rrakuyo, @intothewildsea, @rctted, @cosmicuncanny, and anyone else who would like to fill this out!
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dissimulxte · 6 years
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It seems unlikely that SO many people would get SO lost, and yet, here you all are.
Goodness gracious. I can’t even begin to say everything I should, but the bottom line I’ll stick with is thank you guys so much. I’m the queen of spotty activity and a meme mom for the ages, so I count my blessings that even some of you are willing to put up with me, let alone the number of real friendships which have been borne out of my time with Mari. And holy shit!! thank you!! for supporting my trash girl; queen of the garbage! honestly, when I was first making Ri, I never expected her to take off-- I was pretty resigned from roleplaying after some of my long-time writing partners moved on from the scene, and made my sweet lavender girl on a whim (like all of my other daughters, cough cough). I could never have anticipated how much she would mean to me, and the connections she would open up.
So thank you all, really. You’re the reason I’ve kept coming back, and I don’t intend on going anywhere anytime soon.
...but. I do have some favorites-- I’m not gonna sit here and pretend I don’t, y’all know anyways-- so I’m gonna take a few seconds to talk about them and then pour the rest of my love out in some shortlists.
                                                          Straight from the Vault
                                                                  My treasures. My beloveds. The gems in the crown.
JPP ( @valorandheart , @seeliesoldier )
                     As I’ve voiced before, including recently, and will continue to: you are... the sunshine in my days. Any time I see you on, or see you in my activity, I’m just filled with such a pure joy; like, I can count on one hand the number of people whom just the thought of can make me smile, and you’re definitely one of them. Jamie, too, is one of the most delightful characters I’ve ever met, and to his credit, he handles Mari with more grace than many (even if it comes at the cost of some potent anxiety). Both of you make me so happy, and I love you to pieces.
MIK ( @7hits , @jcllyfisn , @lcgion )
                    My! beautiful! bean! you are... one of the most talented people I’ve EVER come across; and we first met so LONG ago, my goodness; back on Hes’ original blog. Bedivere laid the foundation and I’ve loved every creation of yours ever since. I’m so inspired by your art, which you make seem so effortless and beautiful, as well as by your unique and thoroughly loved characters. And you’re so funny and charming, to boot, like, dang, you’re the whole package, and I just. I adore you.
RUBI ( @surrepo-iuvenisdomina , @infcrtunii , @rxbelluscruris )
                  MY WIFE. My beautiful, hilarious, and always amazing wife-- words could not begin to describe my absolute infatuation with you, but I can at least say that you have been a constant source of joy and laughter in my time here, and I just. My cheeks hurt I’m smiling so big. All of your muses are so special to me, admittedly with a special emphasis on Mari’s dynamic with Zeff, but honestly I just... love following you. I do! I read everything you write on Deuce and take so much happiness out of just seeing you around. You are, legitimately, a gift, and I just. Muah. MWAH. So many kisses.
            AND, finally, my dearly beloved papa BEAR ( @cadcnce , @rcguna )
                WOW??? ME??? LOVE BEAR??? never heard that one before, but there’s no way I could make one of these without some of this classic Bird’s Extremely Gay Feels for Bear™ so you’re just gonna have to deal with it. To be simple about it, you’re... one of my best friends; bar none, not “from tumblr” or “from [x]” you just are; I usually keep really small friend groups, and you’re absolutely on the same level with the boys I drink and play games with-- I’d have taken your ass to town in Catan numerous times by now if it weren’t for the distance, but that’s the only difference. And I know I say it a lot but you really do inspire me. Your love and dedication to your characters, your consistency, your humor-- I love and respect you so much. Goddamn did Wylan and Mari sneak up on me. 
From our businessy chats from the start, I’d never have known just how special these two would grow to become (leave Wy and Emké’s situation out of it until another day because I can only gush so much). It’s the greatest relationship I’ve ever had the privilege to write on any of my characters, and I think about them all the time. I’m so blessed to have them, and you, in my life, and I don’t intend to let you forget it.
                      --aaaand this is getting long as hell so the rest is under the cut!
                                                                                24kt / #flawless
                                                                                                  A cut above/special mentions.
ariel / @devilslcg , @bearxclaws
            We’ve known each other since??? god it’s been so long but I’ll never forget your Conan because what a goddamn TREAT those interactions were; you’ve been a highlight of my roleplaying experience on just about every blog I’ve had for these last few years, but Sanji and Anita have this special love poured into them that has made me so happy to be a part of. You are so talented, and so amazing, as well as graceful and sweet and; you’re just good people, y’know? You’re a light in every community you’re in and I am so glad to know you.
marshy / @siiinuously
                Y’all’re some’a the coolest fuckin cats I’ve ever seen in my life. Seriously, though, you and Mikah are just so goddamn sugoi, and I’m so, like, in awe of you sometimes. Your writing is really incredible, and your character is so strong, I’m enraptured All The Time. Following you is an absolute treat and from the banter we have had, you just seem like so dang rad, I’m... such a big fan... aaaah i’m love, okay? much love
tavs / @imtwentyfuckingfour / @cosmicuncanny & more
            FORGIVE ME MY DISAPPEARANCE, and like MONTHS of anticipation, but your writing literally stuns me sometimes-- you are this??? master storyteller who also caters the choicest of memes and it’s like the words just pour from you and they’re all such good shit, I sometimes feel like I’m just not mature enough or good enough-- I WANT TO IMPRESS YOU... SO BAD... you’re cool as all hell and I’m Some Nerd™ but I’m just glad that you’ve, like, decided I’m worthy. (but, seriously, i mean it when I say that following your personal is one of the best choices i’ve ever made, your reblogs are choice, fam)
mars / @zelotae
           I don’t give a shit if we don’t really interact much on Mari, you’re one of the loves of my life and I’m gonna take this opportunity to tell you that you mean so much to me and I. Love. You.
                                                                      all the lovely lavender blooms
                                                                                            or “all my favorite ducks in a row.”
 @7hits | @alicehart | @bearxclaws | @blackorgkaito | @blckleg | @cadcnce | @cosmicuncanny | @devilslcg | @exsuperatus | @for-a-prxce | @gebeleixis | @ghostlyanon | @hikaup | @infcrtunii | @jakcby | @jcllyfisn | @kindhughes | @kowoma | @maelstromprodigy | @mooncaped | @rcguna | @rxbelluscruris | @sapphirexchild | @siiinuously | @shiirakeru | @soulchord | @surrepo-iuvenisdomina | @umbled | @valorandheart | @xpuriity | @zelotae
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I said in the past I’d post a summary of the story if the hiatus got too long, or something like that, but I’m realizing I’d rather cling to plot secrets selfishly while there’s still a chance I’m going to finish the story (and I want to).  So that’s what we’re working with here!
I opened the ask box again, so you guys are welcome to ask Spat, Julius, or any of the others questions!
I’ve been having one of the wildest years of my life, and that’s been so great and so productive!  But there won’t be time to really get up to a variety of personal art projects for a good few months, and I’m still focusing on stuff with Bloodborne OCs (to the extent I can find time for art at all lol).  You can find that at @thesunwillriseinyharnam and I’ve got a roleplay blog at @cosmicuncanny and I set up a patreon at [x] for, yknow, a whole damn book I’m trying to find time for.  As of now Spat’s story is still pretty firmly on hiatus, but it’s just not sustainable for me to stay this busy forever, and as soon as I get my shit together and figure out what the hell work-life balance is I can’t see why I wouldn’t resume scribble comics.
Since you guys have waited so long, I do have a few plot things to share (which I’ll put under the cut for people who don’t want even hints of spoilers).
I’m planning to end the story at the ending of the Mass Effect trilogy, and over the course of the story I’m going to be building groundwork for an alternate option for an ending that I think is, if I do say so myself, way better.  Those caterpillar guys on the purple planet are going to be central to that.  
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cadcnce-archived · 6 years
✢ – An awkward hug (ser hugs wylans foot & hes like aa its got me! & sers like nuh uh thats a hug. like humans like. & wylans like thats not a hug. or somethingl ike that!) (I haven't forgotten abt our threads they're just p detailed & its taking a while to find muse!!)
hugs? hugs || [ open ] || @cosmicuncanny
✢ – An awkward hug
It’s not that hugs are typically announced, there are very few people who will announce their intent to hug someone else. But most people who hug other people are standing up and are somewhere of a similar height. They are not amorphous black masses with eyes, either, which Ser very much is. So when Ser “hugs” against Wylan’s foot for the briefest of moments Wylan thinks that, first, his foot is stuck in the mud and, second, he is being eaten.
This is something Wylan has encountered before, someone attempting to eat him, and that situation was incredibly unpleasant to handle. This is only marginally better for the half second it transpires.
“Uh.” Wylan responds, having jerked his foot a single time, now looking down at the grouping of eyes looking up at him. His mouth hangs open as he ponders something else to say, maybe yell or shout, but given what Ser is capable of he’s opting for- something else.
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“Would you rather try and shake hands?”
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ivakir · 6 years
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eye-catching details 
description: imagine that our characters first met each other. what details your muse will notice on my muse first?
tagged by: I AM THE CREATOR okay, there must be somewhere the similar thing, but I can’t find it, so I created my own. you don’t have to create a photoset.
tagging:  @thoseofonen  @meadowlarksingingoverhead @archerwhiterp @behindicyblueeyes @laverginedegliangeli​  @dearestrevenants @cadcnce @desertfragments @cosmicuncanny @batteredoptimist @intothewildsea @mayflowermarred @araethi @fadedbouquet and anyone who wants to! (just steal it)
1 - glasses of strange shape 2 - messy hair 3 - strange / bright make up 4, 5 - scars (on the face and on the hands) 6 - a lot of jewelries 7 - strange / beautiful clothes 8 - gloves to hide scars 9 - perfume
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fishermcn · 6 years
“That isn’t your blood. What did you do?” (- cosmicuncanny) (can assume an encounter with either muse; or both)
@cosmicuncanny​ // a bird ill met by dawn or dusk // not accepting.
He freezes in his tracks at the unexpected question, hands still plunged into the chilly river and gaze kept towards its rippling surface. He’d been kneeling at the edge of a near abandoned dock, one far enough from the town that he’d believed himself safe from any prying eyes that the too crowded tavern and too well watched alleyways held in abundance for strangers such as himself.
A vigilance kept not without good reason, perhaps, but a pain considering the line of work he thought to pursue even without fellow strangers butting in.
Speaking of which… “Mind your business.” He grits out irritably, shaking the cold water from off his hands before rising slowly to his feet, shoulders hunched and back bowed with the force of an untimely cough a moment after. The lantern by his feet cuts through the fog curling over the dock, illuminating the viscous, still dripping stains that have dyed his tattered clothes near black from his narrow arms to his thin chest.
Its flickering flame even reaches far enough to outline some odd shape at the dock’s end, wrapped and tangled as it is in a thick net… but he steps forwards in a way that blocks it from view, the hand falling down to the knife at his waist a clear, if unspoken warning.
“Get gone,” he hisses coarsely. “Don’t trust you none. Draw them out, you will.”
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( repost, don’t reblog. )
ONE ( NAME / ALIAS ): Alias: Blue
TWO ( BIRTHDAY ): June 23
FOUR ( HEIGHT ):  5′0″
FIVE ( HOBBIES ): ( besides writing/RP ) Reading, digital art, gaming. I play harp sometimes.
SIX ( FAVOURITE COLOUR(S) ):  Purple, Black, red, silver.
SEVEN ( FAVOURITE BOOKS ): The Whole Dragonlance series lol. I also do like The Terror (even if the author is a not-so-great person)
EIGHT ( LAST SONG LISTENED TO: ): “Pathway” from the Made In Abyss OST.
NINE ( LAST FILM WATCHED ): Kingsman: The Secret Service.
TEN ( INSPIRATION FOR MUSE ): Oh Boy it’s 6AM and I hope this is coherent.
Alfred: I got really involved in a popular Alf artist’s livestreams and from the conversations in the chat, I really began to think about his character. I realized that he was fascinating to me in that he could have turned out to be a generic sort of paladin character, but instead he turned out to have this other side to him that was hidden from you this entire time. It’s almost uncomfortably close to reality these days, but that’s another topic all together. In short, the twist to Alfred’s character makes him fun to write.
Claire: I kinda owe my inspiration for her to @malarkis because if she hadn’t wanted to know more about my hunter, I probably wouldn’t have developed her as much as I did. She sort of embodies the typical Victorian housewife of the time, but through the hunts she is able to evolve into her own person and find new strengths she didn’t know she had. And narratives where characters find inner strength? 👌
Mecaela: Meca is a little special. I’m writing an original fiction story that is very much High Fantasy with her as the protagonist. Since Meca is a character I’m consistently comfortable writing, I adapted her over to this blog in case my other two muses went quiet. Her inspiration comes in no small part from Raistlin Majere of the Dragonlance series. She has the same sort of lust for secrets, power, and the same crabby attitude.
TWELVE ( MEANING BEHIND YOUR URL ): I remember tossing ideas around with @nightmarishhunters back when I first started this blog. I wanted something that had hints of all the muses but Meca ended up not making the cut. ExecutionersGhost can really be taken two ways, I suppose. It could simply be alluding to the ghost of Alfred, plain and simple, given the end of his quest line. But my original, perhaps private, intent was for the “ghost” to be Claire, seeing as I tend to write her and Alfred together in select rps with friends.
TAGGED BY: @phantasmblessing (someday I’ll be punctual with these memes)
TAGGING: @cosmicuncanny @rrakuyo @vivat--regina @thelayersoffear @cursedandcarried @sweetnull
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phantasmblessing · 6 years
• relationship status : [ REDACTED ]
• lipstick or chapstick : Chapstick.
• three favorite foods : Chicken Parmesan, onigirazu, and yellow curry, most of which I’m not actually allowed to eat, whoops. 
• song stuck in my head : Everything Black, by Unlike Pluto.
• last movie i watched : Thor: Ragnarok.
• top 3 tv shows : Elementary, Lucifer, and Jessica Jones. I don’t really have favorite TV shows, but I’ve been watching these and I love them.
• book i am currently reading : Anno Dracula, by Kim Newman.
• last thing i googled : Virgo Supercluster size ( apparently it’s 33 megaparsecs in diameter-- learning is fun. )
• time : 1:39 AM
• dream trip : I’m not sure. There are so many places I’d really love to see. Anywhere new and different and with interesting scenery, I’d be happy to visit. 
• anything you want : I am actually doing one of these relatively on time for once, and it’s because I’m putting off other shit I need to be doing at 2AM, rofl.
TAGGED BY : @vilefeather Thanks, friend--
TAGGING : @vivat--regina, @through-fire-and-flame, @cosmicuncanny, @yeabsentees, and @cursedandcarried, if you lovely people would like to, of course. 
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