heliavaz · 4 months
CLOSED STARTER for @museinitalics ft. Chae location ; CHILDREN'S POND LIBRARY food court
Helia could not help waking up early on Saturday to be at the library, even if she had no kids and no interest in reading children literature, she did love to see the education for the newest generation going in the right direction. She'd invited Chae to join her during the break, finding it had been a while since they'd spoken and hoping a bright and fun place such as this would set all the worries from their minds.
She'd always adored the young witch, it was why she did such an effort to find a cure for his curse, even if she was still not close to finding it. Had the Fenris wolf completed his ritual, all curses would be lifted, Chae's included, that was what Hasan had found after some research. But she did not dare to share this with anyone.
"Order what you'd like, my treat!" She told the Witch. "How have you been?" she asked.
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topherromijn · 6 months
CLOSED STARTER for @museinitalics ft. Chae location ; fenway park egg-hunt
Topher appeared before Chae after tapping on his other shoulder, they were grinning. "You're egg hunting too? I'm so glad, I did the university one yesterday and I kicked some kid in the nuts who was trying to scare me, so now I am banned." They looked into Chae's basket. "You have a lot of them," they said. "Also how are you?"
Topher was absolutely trying to ignore everything they'd learned at the full moon, because they did not want to know what Fenrir's Wood actually was. Not yet.
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hasan-jackson · 8 months
@museinitalics ft. Chae
Hasan was unable to change. The fact was not lost on him, a run in with Hel, there was no other explanation he could think of. He must’ve been cursed by the blade that pierced his skin, that had dragged him to the edge of death. A curse that kept the spirits away from him, that stopped his change. He was half a man, not a Werewolf any longer. It meant he could finally focus on work, but that wasn’t enough anymore. He’d had so much for so long. 
He stood watching the Lord’s Wood, contemplative. The wind blew through the area softly, making the pines dance. He heard someone approach him - or perhaps walk in the general direction along the edge of the forest - and turned to face them. He recognised Helia’s charge right away, the Witch without power, the one who’d been kidnapped almost a year ago. He felt instantly like they had something in common. “Oh Chung Ae?” he asked.
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zhyansuri · 1 year
LOCATION: down the road from Odin's tree TIMESTAMP: 5th of May, evening of the Full Moon @oh-chung-ae
Zhyan recognised Chae from a distance, and had decided to keep his distance, what with the heavy cloak of magic around everyone in the vincinity of the tree. The place was simply radiating it, not like the Empty Spots he'd encountered, but still the air was filled with Magic. He let as much of the sensation fall from him during the ritual as he felt he could miss. It felt like having mud all over his person and trying to push it off while his hands were also muddy all over. He felt like despite the remnants, he'd done pretty well. As he walked down the road to where he'd seen Chae keep away from the tree, he asked the spirits for some distance as well. They seemed to be happy to oblige, perhaps they too wished to be closer to the tree, to flow in its power.
"Hey," he said, as he came closer, holding a hand up. "I think it's pretty brave that you still want to be a part of this thing despite what that surge of Magic back there could probably do," he said. He instantly bit his lip as he said the words, certain he sounded hollow. Zhyan had been the one that was left out of his family's rituals for years, he felt that need now to make sure Chae didn't feel the same. "Uhm... do you want to walk back to the city centre together?" he asked. He wasn't on duty this evening, the spell should do most of it.
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nishantdoshi · 10 months
HOLIDAY EVENT 2023 @museinitalics ( ft. Chae )
Nishant finished cleaning the dishes after the holiday lunch rush, having stitched the Christmas hat to his hair with pins so it wouldn't fall in the water. He licked his lips as he pushed the leftovers into the microwave. After he ticked the time in, he walked into Chae's office. "Want some leftovers from the lunch rush?" he asked, as he hung from the doorframe. "Regardless of the answer, can I hide in here while I eat?"
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topherromijn · 7 months
CLOSED STARTER FOR @museinitalics ft. Chae
Topher finally had gained some respect back for the Police. They'd fought a group of hooligans and won, and now those idiots were locked up and gone, meaning that there would be no more stupid mobs and all that around the town. They thought that they would be the one to solve this mystery and to find the murderer, and having the supernatural hunters partaking in their mission was just a bad idea.
Now they'd have all this time for themself.
Time and space. They walked into the Little Duck with a binder, high-lighters, and a pocket full of change for coffee. "Hello my good man," Topher said when Chae appeared. "Can I bother you to order a coffee or are you being the boss right now?" They grinned. They really liked Chae. And maybe Chae would understand their sorrow and renewed energy to solve this mystery. After all, just when they'd started to become friends with Axel... he'd been taken from them.
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heliavaz · 10 months
@museinitalics ( ft. Chae )
Helia was tired, though she didn’t let it on, she allowed the spirits to alter her image, she put on layers of make-up to hide the bags under her eyes while her spells seeped away her magic. It was a small price to pay for what she was accomplishing, but she worried that she couldn’t keep it up for much longer. It had already been two months. 
Part of her was in that cell with Zhyan, requesting the spirits to keep their distance, making him deaf and mute towards them, changing his energy. Because to the spirits, it didn’t matter what he was, what he’d done, they pulled to him because he was chaos. The blood on his hands would not throw them off, the spirits were ancient, ever-present, they’d seen the worst of humanity. 
She looked pained when she saw Chae working behind the counter of the Little Duck, smiling but without it reaching her eyes. The place was quiet, a few locals sat in boots worried about their food and drink. The outside weather was cold, there had been a few flocks of snow, but nothing that would persist any time soon. 
“Chae, I am sorry for avoiding you for so long,” she said, brushing her hair back. “I don’t think I can see you for long now either. I’m keeping up a spell… and… I am afraid of hurting you if we are in each other’s company for too long.”
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topherromijn · 2 years
Topher knew right away that they had to help. When the news of the three students came in, all they could think about was that they could’ve been Merrin. The names didn’t ring any bells, so they must’ve been new or perhaps have nothing to do with the students that Topher had ran into, but they were people still. They were wearing rain boats and a warm jacket as they headed out with a large group of volunteers, shining a big flash-light ahead. 
They were walking at the fringes of the group when they spotted a familiar face, they made sure to make some more noise as they approached him. Adrenaline was coursing through their veins, this was both exciting and terrifying. They had never been part of a search party before. 
“Hi,” they said to Chae as they came up behind him. “Your flashlight is off.” ( @oh-chung-ae )
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zhyansuri · 2 years
LOCATION: The Little Duck TIMESTAMP: the beginning of the fog @oh-chung-ae
Zhyan was eating a lunch at the Little Duck, something he liked to treat himself to once in a while, because never really got much of it, too often faced with the cheapest dish he could create, it was nice to be able to spend money. But his meal was cut short, when a strange feeling overcame him, and he turned to face the window. It was a Monday afternoon, it wasn't that busy, there were maybe five patrons in the establishment, but very few of them seemed to have noticed what was going on outside.
Zhyan caught Chae's eye before he moved to the window, quickly, but carefully, aware of the attention he was drawing, but overcome by something. A feeling, he didn't know Chae was allergic to Magic, so he figured the other's senses were attuned to this as well. Even if they weren't open to it, the sensation was strong, strong enough to radiate through his mind at a moment's notice.
Then the fog started.
Zhyan took a step backwards from the window when he saw it. It came quickly, but not unnaturally, not like a wave of it, but slowly the other side of the street became more and more obscured. He turned again then, hoping to get Chae's attention. "Something is wrong."
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heliavaz · 2 years
LOCATION: THE SHRINE OF MÅNE TIMESTAMP: Wednesday 11th of January @oh-chung-ae It had been almost two months since Helia had showed Chae the Empty Spot, and since then five large ones had opened up all over Fenrir's Wood, some empty, some buzzing. But they had all scared her, more than that small spot she had opened the other up to. She had called him a few hours after the discovery of Casey Connor and the flying empty spot, and vowed to be truthful with him. She recognised the two Witches who had found the young Casey, and set her best people on them - the ones that were like her. Then she had made her way to the Little Duck, maybe to inform Nishant Doshi of the situation of Reza, maybe because she had wanted to share it with someone. It turned out the latter was more on her mind as she walked in. "Ah, am I on time for your dinner break?" She asked, smiling at Chae as if nothing was the matter.
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nishantdoshi · 1 year
TIMESTAMP: 22nd of June LOCATION: the lake @museinitalics
“I’m in my element,” Nishant said, grinning from ear to ear as they came upon the lakeside with some kegs from the bar in tow. He was here to do a bit of work and then he would very likely sneak off to swim. “I can’t believe how quickly they turned this place into something actually decent, because every time I come here, it’s as if a garbage truck has toppled over and threw all its contents over the side into the water.” He laughed at his own joke. “You’re joining me for a swim later right?” He asked, looking at his boss hopefully. “Look, they put a big floating rafts in the lake, I have to swim to it, it’s calling me.” 
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nishantdoshi · 2 years
TIMESTAMP: Afternoon of the 10th of January LOCATION: Little Duck @oh-chung-ae
Nishant felt out of it, he was shaking since the fever dream, and while that was the least of his worries, what with the photograph coming out, he didn't want to call in sick. He'd rather just turn up and work and think of other things than sit and wallow.
So he came into work, served the people he needed to serve, and retired to the back to do paperwork. He was half-way through his second bottle of red bull when Chae appeared. "Fuck, ai, you scared me for a second," Nishant said, half-jumping out of his chair. He shook his head and sat back down. "I am hiding, everyone out there is talking about the photograph," he said with a sigh.
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topherromijn · 2 years
LOCATION: the Little Duck TIMESTAMP: new year @oh-chung-ae
Topher hadn’t been one to be interested in the local beer culture, nor did free or cheap alcohol ever sit well with them, until recently. Now they loved going to places and get a lot of cheap alcohol - or free alcohol - just so they could dance later.
They found Chae among the crowd, and grabbed his arm right away. “Chae! Let me buy you a drink!” They said, loudly.
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zhyansuri · 2 years
LOCATION: stables TIME-FRAME: full moon December
Zhyan looked about the place again, having just called the two leaders of Hel Coven, as per Full Moon rules. His head was hurting from the dream he had earlier, of the horse, the duck-pond, and someone he was familiar with, but didn’t know yet. Or perhaps he did, and he was simply too tired to remember.
He was tired. And this new dream was bound to keep him awake at night. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and turned back fro Chae. “It’s big,” he said. “Far bigger than the stables itself,” he added. “Do you sense any significant?” he asked, he didn’t know a whole lot about the owner of the Little Duck, and he hadn’t known - or felt for some reason - that Chae was a Witch. It still surprised him. But they were teamed up now. 
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heliavaz · 2 years
Helia had only been told, not really experienced it herself, but the knowledge was enough, it meant there was something that she didn’t yet understand. She was however considering other things, her brain reaching for conclusions and options that she wouldn’t otherwise consider. She called Chae’s number first to ask him how he was doing, though soon as she saw his name on her phone, she changed her mind. 
“Hey Chae, thank you for coming,” she said, holding out a hand as she stood in front of the house in Fenway that belonged to a friend. They weren’t home, on vacation to the Alps, but they had asked her to check. “I’m sorry about the Little Duck, I hope everything was alright.” @oh-chung-ae​
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nishantdoshi · 2 years
Nishant took a deep breath and nodded at the police tape before turning to Chae. “I really thought this was something they only did in movies,” he said, lifting it up so he could climb through the place where the door used to be into the bar. The place looked just like they left it, aside from some shards of glass on the floor. “And the police said nothing was stolen, right?” he asked. @oh-chung-ae​
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