#convo: lysander
saphirdevil · 10 months
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mcl the side profile trilogy sorry im used the same jokes twice
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“Damn,” Victoire sighed as she looked at the dying plant on her desk, “How can I manage to keep humans alive when I can’t even remember to water these?” she delicately held up one of the buds and then dropped it when she realised she wasn’t alone, “Hey Lys, what’s up?”
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planetsnakes · 2 months
convos with ly, a compalation
This is really funny, just mostly to me
Me texting: or else i go off the rails and write dragons
Lysander the king of being sensible: why
me: cuz
ly: why
me: FLYING FURNACE CATS... also a deep inability to take myself seriously
Me: *crying abt merlin*
Kilgarrah (on tv he's not in my brain): A half cannot truely hate what makes it whole
Me: you see deep down we all love each other, the dragon said so
Ly: so Arthur and Merlin are Kilhgarrah's headmates
Me: 0:
Me: *panic*
Lysander the aroace king: *smack on da lips* you can do this cutie
Me: you're a waste of good looks
Ly: I'm eyecandy
Cat: ...
Ly: ...
Cat: It's my turn to draw
Ly: but I havent finished
Cat: it's been a week :(
Ly: *does not fkin draw again for MONTHS*
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kaikahuna · 4 years
A wavy-haired Cordelia nestled herself atop her father’s lap, tired from running around a viewing room for the hour before. Kai dared anyone to request his kids go elsewhere. They should be more welcome wherever he was than no-name sponsors and Capitol kiss asses. “Dad, I’m tired,” the almost three-year-old whispered to him under his chin. “Can we go home now?”
“Wait a little bit longer, Delia,” he begged her, pleading with his hands pressed together dramatically. “If you’re good, we’ll watch Baby Shark.” That promise was enough to keep the little girl quiet and with her head laid against Kai’s chest. Looking up to see which sponsors he had to work with, the man made eye contact with someone he didn’t expect to see so early in the Games.
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takeaganderz · 4 years
Saiyyad’s comfortability amongst the Gamemakers and within headquarters was at the highest levels it had ever been in his half-a-year on the job. He knew the routine, knew the expectations, and knew he deserved to have more than an intern badge hanging from his pocket. Or at least, he thought he deserved to. Any more thought on the matter might lead to convincing himself otherwise. With the launch mere days away, getting deep inside Lysander’s pockets was of the upmost importance.
“Mr. Vultur, sir,” Saiyyad began with a booming voice that wasn’t his own. Demanding attention seemed to be key in such a cutthroat field. “I wanted to discuss launch with you, where you think I’d be of the most use in my position.”
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worldcerpent · 5 years
continued from here...
“Well, what can I say? I like the compliments.” he gave a small shrug. “You can keep them coming by the way,” the basilisk said as he circled the other examining him as if he was going to pounce on him.
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rilccy · 4 years
“¿qué tan malo es si no estudiamos nada hoy?” @lsccmcnder​
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“Según para quién...” La tejona intenta ocultar su sonrisa, aceptando mentalmente su proposición. “Para mis notas, mal. Para los profesores también será muy malo. ¿Mi madre? Si me pilla puede literalmente explotar...” Exagera después, mirando a su alrededor. Menos mal que su progenitora se encontraba ocupada y no podría observarles saltándose sus responsabilidades. “Entonces, ¿qué te apetece comer?” Deja se inclina cuando finaliza, levantándose de aquella mesa repleta de libros. Aunque los acabaran de sacar de la biblioteca, ya no los necesitarían por hoy. 
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talesofwonder · 2 years
@three-sons​ requested a starter with Enzo
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“What would happen if you took five minutes from your post and had a drink?” Enzo was the sort of man that never lost the opportunity to flirt with someone he considered interesting, no matter what they were doing or even where they were. To be limited by such things was something that bothered the tattoo artist. Why not flirt with a bouncer during his working hours and let the man know that he was interested in him? Why not make his intentions known from the get-go? “You must have a break, right? A smoke break?” The brunette arched one eyebrow with mild curiosity, giving the bouncer one of his trademark Cheshire cat smirks. “I don’t know about you but there are plenty of things that could be done in five minutes…”
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aidcnwolffc · 2 years
“You know, I have to say, I’m very appreciative of you not murdering my boyfriend.” Aiden commented, smiling at the other knowing that there was probably still part of Lysander that wanted to get payback at Evan. “If you had I’d have more bills to pay- though I guess I would get custody of Cerb, so that’s something.” 
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lilayildirim · 3 years
Gulizar. The name nearly stops her in her tracks, an echo of an old life Lila thought had long been left to dust. There’s a twitch to her lips, almost imperceivably, as dark eyes zero in on the man that’s called attention to her. Ahmet. The shock of recognition comes to her after a moment, but she’s quick to school her face into a faux smile, feigning confusion. “I’m afraid you must have me mistaken,” she says, deliberately in Greek rather than their mother tongue. Her eyes cut back and forth between the man she had once called a friend, and the one on her arm who she’s currently trying to swindle out of the expensive watch that sits on his wrist. “My name is Lila, I don’t believe we’ve met before, sir.” ( @lysanderxreis​ )
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hyena-frog · 4 years
“You know, not everything you say to me has to be a lesson,” I say.
“If you didn’t need them, I wouldn’t teach them. Anyway, it looks like Pytha owes me fifty credits.” He sighs contentedly to himself and leans his broad shoulders back in the bath.
“What for?” I ask, unable to not take the bait.
“Friendly wager. She couldn’t possibly believe you were still a virgin.”
“A virgin. It’s when a man or woman has not...”
“I hardly think that’s any of your concern. I’m not, as it is.”
He closes his eyes against the steam. “They why turn them away? You sure it’s not because you’re afraid she’s watching?”
“Of course not,” I say sharply. Is Seraphina watching?
He chuckles. “See? Pent-up sexual aggression.”
“Just because I believe in actual romance instead of plundering the virtue from merchants’ daughters and buggering everything that moves like a gorydamn Gaul does not mean that I should be shamed.”
“ ‘Like a gorydamn Gaul?’ My goodman, you curse like you’re ninety.”
“And you’re a hypocritical fornicator.”
“Gods, you really haven’t been laid, brother.”
“Will you stop talking.”
(Iron Gold 307-308)
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jcmesashcroft · 3 years
“So I need a brooding partner and when thinking about people who could be said problem, well only your name came to mind.” Ariella commented as she sat down by the other and sighed. “You also don’t get a say in the matter because I’m sad, so therefore as my friend- yes you are my friend, you just have to deal with this for at least thirty minutes.” She continued before finally finishing off with sad puppy eyes, “Please.”
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"If it had been you, y-you wouldn't have killed that little kid. You would have found a way."
"It wouldn't have mattered. They told you to kill everyone there, right? They knew about her. If I had been in your place, sure I wouldn't have done what you did, but they would still have made sure the job got done. Maybe even in a worse way."
"You would have found a way to prevent it, though. Or just... get out of there entirely."
"Sterling, you know I'm not any smarter than you."
"I mean, you knew you were trapped, and that it would be futile to try to get away, so you didn't waste your effort trying. That could be called the smart thing to do." [here Lysander is thinking of all the ways they planned to get away from their family, and how none of those plans ended up being at all useful.]
"I wasn't trapped-"
[Lysander puts a hand on Sterling's shoulder, fingers brushing the scars on their neck.] "They put a goddamned shock collar on you."
"Th-they did, yeah, I guess that- that does kind of..."
"I still have half a mind to go over there and just-"
"No! Just... don't go near them. It isn't worth the risk."
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rzeqvrtz · 4 years
~*{ lorelai & lysander }*~
“Lys!” Lorelai called, her normally honey-tinged tone edging on annoyed as she -- at long last  -- caught sight of her twin. It felt as if it had been days since she had seen him. The truth of that, though, she didn’t quite know. The parties the High Lord and Princess of Dawn threw sometimes crept into days upon days -- their 300th birthday, notably, half a month that she couldn’t quite remember all of between drinks, food, and sensual dalliances. But for some reason, she had been unable to track down her other half well after their latest event had finally come to a close. She’d woken in a bed that was not her own, which was a strange feeling, as Lorelai was known for needing her special blend of silken sheets and over-stuffed feather pillows in order to get a full night of beauty sleep. That hadn’t stopped her from looking perfect, of course. Every morning-colored feather of her great wings were perfectly in place, her golden curls falling around her heart shaped face without a single hair out of place. Despite the late hour, Lorelai was still in lounge clothes -- a cloud-soft night dress and a sheer robe draped around her shoulders with a train that fluttered over the floor of the Glass Palace as her bare feet padded over to him. “Lysander!” She yelled again, putting an extra emphasis on the last part of his name. Because, well, she meant business. Despite that their nights always took them in different directions, the siblings had a ritual each morning, party or no party.
A ritual that was not to be missed, or there was hell to pay.  
“Where have you been?” She demanded, stopping in front of him and tilting her chin to look up at him, the steely gray-blue of the eyes they shared clearly aggravated as she stubbornly planted her hands on her hips. “You missed breakfast. You never miss breakfast -- we never miss breakfast! Just who do you think you are? You better have been wrapped between two Garden nymphs, or I’ll make sure next time, you aren’t allowed any champagne with your strawberry tarts.” She glowered at him, before her annoyance faded into a child-like pout, her eyes wide and doll-like. “You aren’t supposed to miss breakfast, Lys.”
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songbvrd · 4 years
lydia opened the door to the other boy, brows raising when she did. “um, i’m assuming you’re here to see...” fuck, what was his name again? why was she so bad at this? she clicked her fingers when it came to her, “james, right?” she asked, smiling politely enough. she didn’t know him well enough to determine who his friends were, but she figured if someone was turning up here, they were either here for james or the people who’d lived in this place before the two of them.
( @graveycrds​ )
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infernusvacua · 5 years
@hiddendangersnhq​ : lysander + kat (event #1)
The party was in full swing, and by this time Lysander was sans his shirt, much to his delight. The bare skin of his torso was already beginning to bruise with hickeys and lovebites from the numerous partners he’d entertained, and his jacket hung wide open to show them off like medals of valor (if medals were given for the kind of acts he was committing). He was taking a smoke break on the edge of the room of Envy, eyes hovering over each glass cube in his line of sight, taking in the debaucheries they contained with wicked satisfaction. Nearby, another person standing still caught his attention, and the fallen angel cast his eyes her way as he took a long drag from the richly-scented cigarillo in his hand. “Beautiful, aren’t they?” he said aloud, directing the words to the woman and gesturing to the cubes. “The finest sins of humanity on display, expertly curated. Living art, in a way.”
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