#convo | jude freling | 01
covertenforcer · 2 months
@father-jude | Weekday after Mass
It wasn't too often that he went to church, even less often to go to an entirely different branch of the church. And yet with both realizing that it had been some time with his 'sins' gathering in number and his church closed for renovations, Dimitri had found himself at The Church of the Holy Innocents. Sitting amongst its people, perhaps feeling slightly out of place, and yet knowing he couldn't entirely forgo Mass or confessional. The teaching of his mother growing up and going to the Church as often as they were able to as a child were at the forefront of his mind, what did it matter if it was another belief? The split between the two churches had been in the past and, perhaps the main reason, it had been relatively close by compared to another Orthodox church. Perhaps not his normal flock but a connection to God all the same.
Many of the people had cleared out already, Dimitri lingering behind. Sitting in the back pew with head bowed, some quiet mumblings to himself though not discernable to those left behind. Moments ticking by before he finally raised his head with blue eyes taking in the Church for probably the first time since he'd entered. Older, definitely. Modern churches, they were all about the bright lights and electric equipment, far too showy for his taste; while Dimitri wasn't a regular attendee, he felt as though it strayed too far from the message and drew attention anywhere else but whatever 'holy' feeling was meant to linger in the air.
Not that he had ever felt it. Not that he ever cared about it.
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Finally, he stood, moving past the pews and other lingering members of the congregation towards the front of the Church. "Reverend Father?" he asked once he was close enough to the man up front. He kept his tone more gentle, curious if anything. There were some differences between the churches when it came to confession but the intent and end result was surely all that mattered, right? It was all about going through the motions. "Do you have a moment? I've got— quite a list of sins to confess to."
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