#communication scholar
shainnehost · 1 year
Changing of the Guard: A Soft Guide to Transforming How It Can Be Done [A Synthesis]
This synthesis is immensely inspired by Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism written by Mariana Mazzucato, Ph.D., and tailored fit to the reflections on leadership and organization transformation as a communication scholar.
This synthesis is immensely inspired by Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism written by Mariana Mazzucato, Ph.D., and tailored fit to the reflections on leadership and organization transformation as a communication scholar. This article explored the importance of successful leadership and being a transformational servant, at that, effective communication, action learning, and…
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Everytime SQQ mentions how much of a lazy pretty boy he is an alarm in my head going "NO NO FALSE THATS SO WRONG" goes off in my head. Like, you're lying!! You're such a lier!! The moment you transmigrated you jumped head first in going above and beyond with your second life!! You know how I know?
...He hasn't done it because he had a twisted hobby inflicting corporal punishment upon the great male lead, but because he just couldn't endure it any longer. After taking over Luo Binghe's education, he'd mulled it over and decided that since he was to be a role model and worthy teacher, he ought to at least do some proper teaching. This way, after they fell out in the future, he would be able to utter the phrase, "Within a master-disciple relationship lies the grace of knowledge passed down," without reddening from shame before the words left his mouth. Volume 2 pg. 234.
SQQ went above and beyond, and honest to goodness, BECAME an actual attentive teacher. A good one at that apparently! His students adore and respect him, his colleagues see no fault in his teaching, no faults found among his community for years!
And we have proof that his teaching paid off with Luo Binghe specifically. Because earlier in volume 2 there is this whole thing about Shen Qingqiu being particular on teaching Binghe proper footwork and how to outmaneuver his enemies, which then cuts to Binghe using these particular skills against Shen Qingqiu and he's like "shit! He's using the stuff I taught him against me! And doing it flawlessly!"
Like, he didn't have to go all in and *literally* become a teacher/scholar/peak lord hybrid like SJ, and then also do every aspect of it ten times better. For funsies. For the immersion. But he did. Lazy my ass!
I mean, we already knew that SQQ was a lying lier who lies, but heres another example lmao.
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padawan-historian · 1 year
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Some thoughts from the block crafted by community scholars and decoloniziners 🇵🇸🌸
"Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of people who were oppressing them." ~ Ancestor Assata Shakur
"If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it." ~ Ancestor Zora Neale Hurston
“Those who commit the murders write the reports.” ~ Ancestor Ida B. Wells
"They have in me struck down but the trunk of the tree; the roots are many and deep - they will shoot up again!" ~ Toussaint Louverture
“Force, no matter how concealed, begets resistance.” ~ An ancestral Lakota proverb
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bug-84 · 8 months
thinking of that time at work when my elderly neighbor and his husband came in and at the end i was ringing up their stuff and asked if they wanted to get anything else and he looked at me, smiled, and said "no, i think we have everything we need at home :-)" and i wanted to break down sobbing and tell them im so grateful they have happiness in spite of it all
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gynandromorph · 7 months
let's say that rats have their lifespans tripled by society. the average PET rat lifespan is around... 2-4 years, so we'll say 3 years. society would make them live to 9 years if they're especially long-lived (like, the rat version of a centennial). that's still a really, really short amount of time! even if they take much less time to "grow up" into adults, you're still ONLY getting 9 years as an adult to do something with your life. it's inherently wildly unequal and honestly also inherently biased in favor of longer-lived animals who can produce more elaborate legacies. one character actually acknowledged their short lifespan, so they're like, aware of it, i'm surprised that there isn't more of an influence on how their society runs given the extremely short lifespans of one of the largest demographics of their population. like, rats and mice are a HUGE portion of their society and the turnover rate must be staggering. you could EASILY say rodents aren't relegated to scribing for other animals just because they are smaller and less competent in technical occupations -- it could also be because they're LITERALLY going to die after like 6 years anyway. it HAS to affect their perceived disposability. god there's so much to explore with the world concept
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vincentpriceofficial · 3 months
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The Vampire Lestat / The Sadeian Woman
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doodlebloo · 9 months
God I love my internship so much I could cry this is literally my dream job
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vladdyissues · 6 months
hi, i really wanted to tell this for a long time now, i'm a huge fan of your fan work, your dp content had inspired me so many times to continue my artwork, for some reason your text posts had put more confidence in me and for the first time ever i started posting my own fan art publicly (best decision ever made tbh), it made me realize how good it is to share my little visions of character with everyone, and it feels great to find someone with similar preferences!!! all this thanks to you ☺️
(also.. i really like your pompep fics, the way your vlad is written... unknowingly it changed my perspective of him AND NOW I'M SUCH A HUGE SIMP RRrahHH!!!)
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YYYYEAAAHHHHH that's awesome, anon! Congratulations on your fanart premiere—bless your dashboard and the posts of your mutuals, may your reblogs runneth over forever and ever amen—and thank you for such kind commentary on my own works. I'm really glad that me and this batshit bugnuts blog are doing a little bit of real-world good. Go Team Pompep! ✌️
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katyspersonal · 8 months
A frustrating bit about the idea that Yurie is called the last scholar because of her having been one of the OG Byrgenwerth squad is her visible age.. Willem was already a sluggish ancient self even in Laurence's flashback and is still alive, for all we know the time in Byrgenwerth really has stopped as 95% of it is drifting between reality and Nightmare, but.. why at the expense of some wrinkles :pensive:
Would just be pretty great if she looked like a 50+ years old! (around 20 as Byrgenwerth scholar and at least 30 years since then because if Hunter's Dream has about 360 gravestones, it means 360 full moons ie at least 30 years of it existing) But, I guess it IS just a version?
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haresvoid · 10 months
Scientific fact: all illithids are slvtty, gay, and nonbinary
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circusgoth-dotcom · 10 months
A Man And His Woes
Ship: Gabriel Conifer x Professor Henry Higgins
Word Count: 912
Summary: An introduction to Gabriel and Higgins' dynamic, in which the two discuss Higgins plans for Eliza Doolittle, a young woman of low income whom he wishes to pass off as someone of higher status just because he believes he can. CWs for classism, alcohol consumption.
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife @rexscanonwife @dudefrommywesterns
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Gabriel was just about to let himself into Higgins’ study when Mrs. Pearce’s arm suddenly blocked him.
“I wouldn’t go in there now, dearie,” she warned, “Mr. Higgins is in a bit of a mood.”
He frowned. “How so?”
She sighed. “He’s taken on a… project, shall we say. Brought in a lass with the thickest accent I ever did hear, wants to make a duchess of her, and you know how he is… needless to say, they don’t like each other very much.”
“Why ever did this girl agree to work with him if they can’t stand each other?”
“She’s a poor one, you see. He offers her a room, warm meals, new clothes, and in return he thinks he gets to treat and teach her however he likes.”
It was Gabriel’s turn to sigh. “Why am I not surprised? His head’s too big for his own good.”
Mrs. Pearce nodded in agreement. “Now that I think about it, maybe you ought to go in. Soothe him. He could never be frustrated with you and you never seem to get exhausted with him. It’s an admirable feat if I do say so myself.”
He gave her a small smile as she stepped aside. “Well, I was going to tell him that the laundry’s done, but I suppose I’ll play shrink with him instead,” he quipped lightly.
“Good luck.”
Upon entering, he found Higgins sprawled out on a loveseat, pinching his brow in annoyance. “What is it now, Mrs. Pearce?”
Gabriel cleared his throat. “I hear we’ve another guest, besides Colonel Pickering.”
Higgins sat up, quickly looking over his shoulder. “Oh, Conifer, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was you. Yes, but I’d rather not talk about her. I presume you’ve just done the laundry for Pickering’s stay?”
Gabriel nodded. “Is there anything of the girl’s I’m to clean, then?”
Higgins stood and walked over to his desk, waving his hand dismissively. “Heavens no, I’ve ordered Mrs. Pearce to burn her clothes. Wretched things, they were more dirt than cloth, I’d say.”
Gabriel’s eyes widened. “Surely those were not the only things to her name?”
“Why should I care? I’m providing her with plenty of new, clean things. Ladies things.” He began pouring two glasses of brandy as Gabriel approached him.
“It’s not that that’s not a gesture of goodwill, sir, but think… she may’ve had a certain attachment to them, coming from a place of low worth… appreciate what you have and so on.” He took one of the glasses, eying Higgins tentatively. They paused as he drank, stalling for time.
“We're doing the exact opposite of what I wanted… how is it that you always get me to do that?”
“Whatever do you mean?” Gabriel smiled behind his glass of alcohol. “Now, don't try to change the subject, Mr. Higgins. Who is she?”
He huffed. “An Eliza Doolittle, and a pain in my eardrums to boot, listen to this.” Higgins quickly slipped over to his phonograph and turned it on. A harsh Cockney accent repeating vowel sounds shortly poured out of it. “Tell me, what kind of sound is that? ‘Owww,’ she sounds like an alley cat. She may as well have manners in common with one.”
Gabriel swallowed his drink. “It’s certainly kind of you to help her… though, if it is my place to say, may I suggest exercising some gentler language? Especially when she’s around. It might make things easier for both of you.”
“Of course it’s kind of me to help her. Who else would?” Higgins gazed at Gabriel for a long moment, completely breezing past his suggestion of speaking more pleasantly about Eliza and her “predicament.” “You’re so easy to talk to, Conifer.”
He finished his drink and set the glass aside. “I’m glad to hear, Mr. Higgins. But you’re changing the subject again. What’s the desired result here? Mrs. Pearce said you want to make a duchess of her.”
Higgins bit back a reluctant sound and briefly began to pace. “Yes. I want to pass her off as a lady at the upcoming Embassy Ball.”
“Six months,” Gabriel mused softly.
“But why her? Are you doing it just to prove it can be done?”
“Why else?”
Gabriel folded his arms. “You know I hate to criticise, but it all seems a bit selfish if you ask me.”
Higgins whipped around, appearing alarmed. “Selfish?! It’s selfish of me to give her everything she doesn’t have, and all I ask for in return is her cooperation?!”
“It’s selfish because you’re doing it for your own benefit, Mr. Higgins. Just so you can get a kick out of making a silk purse of a sow’s ear. What happens to her when you’re done?”
“She lives a long, happy life in the upper class! Preferably far from mine.” He set to pour himself another drink, but Gabriel put a hand on his arm.
“And if she's found out?”
“It's none of my business.” Higgins stiffly shook him off and poured more brandy.
“It's all of your business,” Gabriel muttered under his breath, turning away. “Very well, sir. I won't question you further.” With that, Gabriel left Professor Higgins to his alcohol and his headaches, waiting to be assigned another chore in the meantime.
“So, how was your day?” Higgins spoke, long after the door had closed and he had downed his second drink. He looked around, realized he was alone, and buried his face in his hands.
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ladymermaladegaming · 2 months
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Details here: https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamour/265095/diligent-scholar
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blackbrownfamily · 3 months
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goingbuggy · 6 months
thank you so much for all the compliments on my recent post!!! i've been reading your analysis posts and metas for a while, you're one of the reasons i got so fixated on shuggy so the nice words you put in the tags really mean a lot to me <3 and i'm sorry for not properly crediting you at first, i don't really use twitter that much so i didn't think of saving your thread and then when i started writing that meta post i just couldn't find it anymore </3 thank you for being so kind about that also, you're tagged at the start of the post now!!!
oh wow !!! i'm so honored to be one of those reasons. nothing makes me happier than seeing other people love shanks and buggy as much as i do <333
i can't wait to see what else you post in the future :))
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goinggoats · 1 month
There's a lot of stuff I am feeling silly and frustrated about re: Judaism now that I'm (REM voice) Losing My Religion but most of all rauuuugh I don't WANT to leave my stove burners on for 45 minutes or even 15 minutes
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dancedance-resolution · 8 months
i think if i had a lot of time and dedicated resources i would like to be a scholar of lesbians during the aids epidemic
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