frootloopscereal · 13 days
college party #3 tonight chat, what do we think. third time's the charm? (delusional)
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smileymoth · 1 year
ed / nutritionists/ sh whatever
I am so easily triggered by food talk its ridiculous. i hear anyone mention food plans diet plans calories nutrionists healthy eating clean eating intermediate fastign etc etc etc etc any food related topics and i just instantly shrivel up and want to end it right then and there. I told my mom can we not talk about food at newyears when i had a panic attack over grocery shopping and she still does it i hate it. I dont want to talk about food please let me be a trainwreck in peace i dont want a random healthnut nutritionist to tell me what to and what to not eat im already so miserable on a day to day basis let me have food i actually enjoy eating please i know i get mad triggered over food in general for fuck sakes i had a panic attack over a bowl of rice while my friend looked at me weird i dont need more anxiety over food since im already so picky and not capable of making food for myself most of the times. I knwo im a bastard who is unhealthy i know it probably affects psoriasis but have you considered that maybe being severely depressed also influences that. It only flared up again after my dad died it was gone for a few years already and now its back better than ever and now my mom is on my back about healthy eating and movement like mom im trying please leave me alone i already have anxiety over food i dont need more of it i really dont i really dont i really dont i really dont i need a psychologist not a nutritionist but i cant fuciifn have that i cant even have a psychiatrist i want to go back to collegetown already and ive only been home for an hour and 30 minutes i want to go back i hate being here i wish it was like back in highschool i dont cqre that dad was mad at me if i went to sleep 5 minutes too late or that i ****** myself out of fear of food bc i cant stand people seeing me eat i still cant i still freak out when i eat "too much" becqyse i eont kbow what a normal portion is i cant have a fuckinf nutritionist tell me what to do id actually harm myself over it bc id just seevmyself as an obeast lazy bastard who cant stick to plansbecause theyre probably all fucjign annoying white women who weigh 1 cigarette and a single grape bx theyre so healthy and fit and never eat sugar ever am i overrreactign absolurely do i care absolutely not because i am fucked up in the brain and i dotn want people to help me wirh this because i am slowly getting better with healthier eating and if someone tried to monitor it id harm myself i want to go back to my apartment i dont wanr to be here i hate how it happens every time i go home i dont want to talk about food i dont want ro ralk about health i just want to come home and feel happy but i cant because my dad will never be here again and my mom is stressed and tired from work and my grandma is chronically ill forever and my aunt is somehow even more paranoid than i am and is slowly losing her mind because she worries so much. I want my fucking therapist back i hate everything so much iwish i wasnt a mentally ill cunt with issues that make my mom worry for me. Dont worry about me just leave me alone leave me the fuck alone . I want to leeaaaaaaavveeeeeeeeee
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tigerbites-art · 1 year
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Columbia, Mo. Unleash your English language skills and make every day in Columbia, Mo. an inspiration.
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uyuiuyui2 · 1 year
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"We're here in the Northfield collegetown neighborhood bringing you all the best costumes on display this year. With us tonight is Mark Fells, a local dad. What's your costume this year, sir?"
"I'm a football player who didn't listen to Coach's warnings about the importance of diet and exercise after graduating. Trying to send a message to all the Senior guys on the team this year who are thinking they can relax once their season is over. This is what you've got coming in the future if you quit hitting the gym and start snacking on the couch, guys, take a good hard look!"
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michidrawsathing · 5 months
Do you have any favorite BTT-central fics? Do you usually prefer gen fics or ones with shipping?
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As of recently, I haven't read a ton of fics with the main focus of the BTT/BFT. I mainly prefer shipfics over gen ones, I am a diehard fan of romance, and most of my RPs are centered around shipping.
I write fanfic and am looking to make more Hetalia based fics. I'm moving my fics from Wattpad to AO3! I'm also archiving all of my rps on there, as well (in the form of script fics).
Currently, the only work I have up is the archived script for a CollegeTown!AU (Mix of Cafe!AU, Office!AU, FlowerShop!AU, Barkeep!AU) with multiple ships. This one is just focused on the PruAus part of it. When I get the time I'll start archiving the others in this universe.
Thank you for the ask! I should probably read more fanfics in general. I just have not had the time :3
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busanintl · 12 days
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hello   tags!   we   are   a   small   mod   squad   that   wanted   to   put   out   an   interest   check   for   a   roleplay   we   have   been   creating   for   some   time   now.   this   will   be   a   university   roleplay   on   mewe   with   an   international   university   backdrop   in   the   coastal   city   of   busan.   there   will   be   a   focus   on   western   university   traditions   in   conjunction   with   korean   university   traditions.
some   of   our   features   will   be   greek   life   (sororities   and   fraternities),   on   -   campus   and   off   -   campus   parties   /   functions,   the   collegetown   surrounding   the   university,   and   students'   daily   lives   at   a contemporary  non   -   prestigious   university.   the   writing   expectations   will   be   semi   -   literate   to   literate   and   all   fcs   will   be   accepted   (save   for   some   exceptions)   whether   they   are   in   the   korean   entertainment   industry   or   not.   please   vote   below   if   you'd   be   interested   in   something   like   this!
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rdlain · 8 months
The stranger things kids sure as fuck would've never heard of tubeway army or Kate Bush and even if they had (how in the middle of bumfuck nowhere non-collegetown America as a middle schooler is beyond me) if it was truly the 80's they'd've scoffed and called it weirdo faggot music to avoid being beaten to death. Your faves listen to John Mellencamp/Mötley Crüe and that's FINAL lmao
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liloinkoink · 2 years
playing a oneshot dnd campaign w some friends from hometown who are coming to visit me in collegetown.
and y’know i did. just the other day. make up a character sheet. for lamplight Martyn,
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mowu-moment · 1 year
are there ramifications to florida's capital being like 80% collegetown? there's two major universities (and a community college) within smelling distance of both each other and the capitol building
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parcai · 1 year
collegetown? gurlie go and hit on that person and get laid, dont think about long term relationships
😭😭 this is crazy everyone is 2 deep in this STOPPPPP 7th fucking ask good LORD ☠️ anyway i did but lowkey i am always thinking abt the long term 🫡 relationships or otherwise
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breezingby · 1 year
"Peter Yarrow wrote the song in 1958 before he joined the group. It started with a poem his roommate, Lenny Lipton, left in his typewriter. In a Songfacts interview, Yarrow told the story:
"Lenny Lipton and I were at Cornell, and it was exam time. He came to my place in Collegetown, sat down at the typewriter, and wrote some poetic words - he had been thinking about Ogden Nash for a while. And he wrote part of what became the lyric. He actually left the piece of paper in the typewriter when he left because he was absorbed in getting to his exams. It was not intended to be a lyric of a song or anything - it was just something that he typed on paper, and I looked at it and loved it. I wrote the rest of the words to give it a song form and a dramatic arch, and the music to it.
Later, on the second album [Moving], when we were looking for children's songs - we did some children's songs on the first album, including 'Autumn to May' and 'It's Raining' - I suggested 'Puff, the Magic Dragon,' and we put it on the album, without any thought that it might ever become popular in any important way. Yet, it happened spontaneously at some point, because a DJ somewhere in the Northwest started to play it on the radio, and it just took off, and it's the song that it now is."
A few years after this song became a hit, Yarrow found Lipton and gave him half the songwriting credit. Lipton, who was a camp counselor when Yarrow found him, gets extensive royalties from the song. Lipton went on to develop a system for projecting films in 3D."
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aethling · 1 year
i feel like i should get free coffee today or something. c’mon liberal collegetown coffee shop don’t you wanna be a good ally?
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krispydreamerking · 1 month
In the Year 2015; if Man is still alive, if a Woman can survive.
Press on the little blue Picture if anyone is still alive? CHANGE THE NAME OF LEWISTON: to BATES COLLEGETOWN: WORD SALAD; November 2015: “JOKING”
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lovely-cassie · 3 months
Now that I’m home for the summer I literally have no friends, like at all. My college friends are coming on the 10th but that’s like the only social interaction I’ve had since March 5th other than a 2 day trip to visit my collegetown two weeks ago. But that’s like it for my social interactions this summer. Like bro no wonder I relapsed 😭
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studywgabi · 4 months
Come with me to Peru!!!
In Peru, I am in the WNBA. I am Heidi Klum in Ella Enchanted (or Heidi Klum in real life). I tower above mere mortals, eat cars, fall in love with Fay Wray. I am by far the tallest woman in my family, and taller than some of the men, including my brother. I'm 5'4".
In Peru, the legal drinking age is 18, so it's going to be Hurricane Daniella from June to July. I'm finally the same age as some of my father's study abroad students. Last time we went, I was 16.
This is now officially a travel blog. I'm going to post endless bikini pics, bake myself bright orange and wear eight-inch platform sandals.
Beauty standards are very different there. Colorism runs rampant; shopkeepers always try to flatter me into buying something by "complimenting" my pale skin.
I'm half-white and half-Latina, and sometimes I pass and sometimes I don't. In Peru, even in tourist towns like Cuzco, people assume I speak Spanish instead of thinking I'm one of the dreadlocked hippie German backpackers. Here in fairly diverse Hometown, WA, other Latinos will sometimes ask me if I do. Sometimes they don't ask, and they're surprised if they find out. When I worked at T.J.Maxx (apparently THE Latino store of choice), moms would ask their sons to translate for them, but people my age would ask if I could understand them. I wonder what it'll be like in Collegetown (half the size, but only 2 hours away).
Wearing makeup at all, especially bright colors, is much less common. Looks like cut-crease, glam, countouring, or cosplaying are very rare, even in the capital. But you certainly don't leave your house in flip-flops and sweatpants, even if you're just getting the mail. One of the few, reluctantly-admitted things I love about Hometown is that you can wear pretty much anything -pajamas, green hair, blue lipstick, a full beard as a woman, a gazillion piercings, face tattoos- anywhere, and everyone's too busy listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers and getting high to care. There's less room for individuality and self-expression through clothes in Peru. There is however, much more room for "flaws" (otherwise known as humanity) -Acne, moles, skin texture, scars, women's facial hair, being a healthy weight. I wonder if I'd be better or worse off in that area had I grown up there.
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eightofpentakles · 6 months
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been off to an interesting start since arriving home! still trying to sink back into life in the US,,with that Hestia’s energy in my hometown. I feel her more now in my collegetown than anywhere else! which is exciting! but also scary and sad to actively see myself growing up, and Hestia moving with that. An e-offering to Lady Hestia 💛
Khaire Hestia!
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