#collegeboy lando
f1uckinghell · 2 years
Lando being like “what, don’t all of your packs do that”. Innocent virgin before the pack Lando not knowing what is actually kinky
He think because his pack is so open, everyone is like that 🥺 mild angst: one of his friends who thinks SSA packs are weird stops talking to him :( it really bothers Lando.
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formula1neverleft · 2 years
To Be Close To You - Lando Norris - Part 1 / 2
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Pairing: College/Uni!AU Lando Norris x female!Reader 
 Summary:  When your professor pairs you with the token shy boy in your photography class, you can’t wait to get the project over and done with. Turns out, you had no idea just what you were in for.
 Warnings: none for part 1  (part 2 however...I shan’t speak (it’s gonna be pure filth goodbye)) 
 Words: 2.8k 
Author’s note: My first Lando piece!! Part 2 will be longer but wanted to get this out there, stay tuned peeps :)) Not proofread.English is not my first language.  
Feedback very much appreciated!! Enjoy xx 
Song recs: Pools by Glass Animals // cowboy in LA by LANY // Crush by Tessa Violet // 1950 by King Princess 
Some posts that *inspired* me: Lando in this , collegeboy!Lando, THIS PICTURE...Idk why but just...this.......picture
 To Be Close To You - Part 1 
It was one of those days.
 One of those days where, from the very second you opened your eyes, every little thing that could go wrong, did. First, it was you sleeping through your alarm and having to skip your morning shower to make it to class on time. You decided to use what little time you had to at least make sure you’d had something to eat, only to somehow burn your toast. Great.
 As you shuffled into your seat in the auditorium, you were relieved to see you’d made it with time to spare, albeit starving, disheveled, and slightly sweaty from your half-jog across campus. You took out your phone and typed out a quick text to your best friend Margot.
 Where are you?? Class is about to start
 In true Margot fashion, it took less than thirty seconds for a reply to come through.
 I’m abandoning ship for the day. Turns out you were right to skip tequila night yesterday, I’m dying here girl
 Her text was accompanied by a selfie of her in her bed, mascara smudged and eyes swollen red. You repressed a laugh when you saw it, but it was quickly replaced by a frown of panic when you remembered that you were supposed to work on a photography project in class today, and you needed a partner. Fuck.
 No no no, drag yourself out of bed asap
we were gonna pair up for that project remember??
 The sound of professor Seidl talking made your head snap up from your phone.
 “Morning everyone! As I said last week, I’m going to give you this hour to prepare for the photography art project that counts for 70 percent of your final grade for this class. 
This time, your photos should center around a person, it can be a self-portrait or you can find a third party to model if you prefer. The rest of the concept is completely up to your own creative devices! Please use this time wisely, you can start working out some ideas with your partner, or discuss what material you’ll be using to shoot. Alright, partner up!”
 You contemplated sneaking out of the auditorium, but since there were only about thirty of you in the class, there was no way you would make it without professor Seidl noticing. He was notorious for knowing all the names of his students by heart, and you would hate for it to influence how he graded your project. Instead, you opted for attempting to talk yourself out of the situation, so you made your way to the front of the class as all the other students started scrambling to partner up with their friends.
 “Professor?” you smiled politely.
 “Y/N! Happy to see you present in a class this early. What can I do for you?”
 “uhm, I was going to pair up with Margot for this assignment, but she couldn’t make it today because she’s feeling a bit…under the weather. Could I be excused so I can go to her dorm and work on it? Or I can get started on some ideas by myself?”
 “Ahh, Miss Margot seems to be one of the few students missing today. I suspect tequila night at the student bars had something to do with that?”
 You raised your eyebrows in surprise, not knowing how to respond.
 “Yes, yes. Us teachers hear stuff through the grapevine, you know. I’m sure miss Margot can find a partner that also couldn’t make it to class today, but since you are already here, I can just pair you up myself”
 Absolutely fantastic, you thought, you would have been better off just staying in bed this morning.
 “Mister Norris!” ,professor Seidl yelled, “ looks like I found you a partner”
 You followed his gaze towards a boy standing just a few meters next to the professor’s desk.  He must have been standing there the entire time, but you hadn’t noticed him until now. You’d seen him around in some of your classes, but you hadn’t heard him speak at all the entire semester. As he shyly shuffled over to the two of you, he ran a hand through his curls and clutched the strap of his backpack tightly with the other.
 “Y/N, this is Lando Norris. Mr. Norris, this is Y/N. Voila, a new partnership is born” professor Seidl said, satisfied with his matchmaking.  “Now off you go, get started” he said as he waved his hand towards the auditorium seats nonchalantly.
 You tried your best to hide the scowl on your face as you sat back down in defeat, Lando hesitantly taking the seat next to you. How on earth had you just been punished for actually coming to class?
 “Sorry you got stuck with me” Lando finally spoke up.
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes, but he wasn’t really the one to blame, and he seemed like a nice enough person. Margot, however, was going to feel your wrath when you saw her later.
 “It’s okay, not your fault my friend was too hungover to drag herself to class this morning. Why are you alone anyway?”
 “I, uh, I don’t really have friends that take this class” he replied quietly.
 “That take this class, or just in general?”
 Okay, so maybe you were taking the frustrations of your bad day out on him a bit, and you felt regret set in fast as you watched him flinch slightly and cast his green eyes down towards the  laptop in front of him.
 “Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean it like that, it just hasn’t been my day so far”
 “Yeah, no uh, no worries” he tried his best to muster up an understanding smile.
 “and I do have…you know…friends. My best friend Max would rather, in his own words, eat glass than take a class that involves any kind of creativity”
 You laughed genuinely in response, and it felt like the first time today where you hadn’t forced a positive emotion out of yourself. Maybe this won’t be as bad as you’d thought. 
 After an hour of discussing materials, themes and lighting, it felt like Lando and you were no closer to an actual concrete plan than you were before you got up this morning. It’s not that his ideas weren’t good, just nothing that made you feel particularly inspired. This class was important to you, and in your mind, you’d already set the bar high for yourself. The familiar feeling of the fear of failure was already bubbling below the surface, and it made you feel even more exhausted than was already the case.
 “Jesus, this is really going to take some time huh? I hate that they give you so little directions” you huffed as you started packing your bag.
Lando could see the worry written on your face, the little frown between your eyebrows getting more prominent by the second, and he found himself wanting to reach out to smooth it out with his thumb and try his best to make you smile once again. 
 “We can work on it tonight if you’re free? Maybe I can ask Max to model, a nice black and white shot of him chewing glass?”
 The faint grin of recognition that you gave him in response felt like a small victory for Lando, but he could see that it didn’t quite reach your eyes. His mind scrabbled to find another stupid joke, but he drew a complete blank. Why was he so concerned about the feelings of a girl he’d just met anyway? 
 “I think I’m gonna skip my next class and take a nap, can you meet me at my dorm at seven pm? I’m in the new building next to Freddie’s. Dorm 6C”
 “uhm, Freddies?” Lando asked with an apologetic look on his face.
“You don’t know Freddie’s? It’s a diner that caters mostly to the students, best burgers on campus! You know what, just meet me there, we can work on the project over a milkshake, drink away the day, yaknow?” you gave Lando no time to respond before turning with a wink and making your way out of the auditorium, just barely catching a soft nod as he stared at you in silence.
 He knows it’s stupid, but Lando couldn’t help but feel nervous as he observed himself in the narrow mirror inside of his closet door. Max layed splayed out on Lando’s bed, trying to balance his playstation controller in one hand as the other scooped Cheetos into his mouth. Damn, he really couldn’t be more of a college kid if he tried, Lando thought. 
 “Mate, stop acting like this is a date or something, I doubt that she’ll care if the shirt you’re wearing is light or navy blue, honestly” Max said in a mocking tone. If any other person talked to him like that, Lando would probably be offended, but his friendship with Max had been so heavily characterized by the act of ridiculing each other for even the smallest actions that Lando wouldn’t have it any other way. He knows it’s not for everyone, but for him, it felt nice, like he could always count on Max for making life feel a little less heavy and serious.
 “I know it’s not a date, doesn’t mean I want her to think I’m some kind of vagrant”
 “Oh, so she’s like a posh girl huh, or a…photography hipster or something? To be fair, that’s what you get for signing up for a class like that, bunch of wankers with an Instagram account that think they’re the next Andy Warhol or something”
 “Warhol wasn’t even into photogr- you know what, nevermind. All due respect, Max, but you really need to know when to shut up, mate…and she’s not…posh or a hipster, she’s just, like, a girl, a normal girl”
 “Wow, you really know how to charm a woman. She’s gonna love that line, honestly. If she’s such a normal girl, then why are you currently rearranging your hair in the mirror for the twentieth time tonight? It looks the same as before” Max said as he finally  shifted his gaze away from the game and towards Lando.
 “I don’t mean normal in a bad way, she was just, I don’t know, she had a nice face, really…expressive, like every complex human emotion could be reduced to something so simple in her features. I just liked that”
 Max stared at Lando like he had just grown an extra head.
 “Okay, I’m not even going to pretend to know what the hell you’re on about, but if you like her face so much, then why don’t you ask her to model for the photo?”
 As you made your way down to Freddie’s from your dorm, the cold breeze of the evening made you hunch over and clasp your sweatshirt tighter to your body. Even if it was just a three minute walk, you were relieved when you pushed through the glass doors of the diner. The smell of fries and coffee filled your nostrils as you scanned the room for your brand new partner. 
 Lando was already there, sitting in one of the cherry-red booths next to the window. He was staring awkwardly at his own hands, seemingly deep in thought as he failed to notice you walking towards him right away. 
 “Take my advice and stay far away from the scrambled eggs here. My friend Margot had them once and she was out of commission for like five days” you joked as you scooted into the seat opposite him. 
 Lando looked up, startled, staring at you for a short while like he was somehow surprised by your appearance, before conjuring up a one-sided grin and matching your joking tone. 
 “I thought you said this place was the best in town? I already ordered a milkshake, no scrambled eggs in there I suppose?” 
 “I said the best burgers in town. Never said anything about the eggs, Norris” you answered as you slid the menu to the side and took your notebook from your bag to put in its place. 
 “Okay, so did the rest of the day bring you any more inspiration for this project?”, you continued, not leaving any time for Lando to respond, “I was talking to Margot earlier and she might be able to model. I mean, we’ll have to give her a day or two to fully recover from this hangover and she also has to do this project so maybe she’ll do a self-portrait and that’s stupid if we have the same subject as them, you know? Maybe we can-” 
 “What about you?” Lando interrupted your monologue abruptly. It seemed as though he hadn’t listened to a word you had been saying, his initial shy and soft-spoken demeanor now replaced with a confident one as he stared at you expectantly. 
 “What…about me?” 
 “I’d like to photograph you, if you’d be comfortable with that” he answered like it was the most logical conclusion in the world. 
 For the first time since you had met Lando this morning, it was his turn to leave you speechless. Photography had been a part of your life for years now, but not once had you actually considered being the one in front of the camera. Suddenly, you felt your heartbeat rise as panic started to course through your veins. 
 “I… I don’t know about that. Can’t we find someone else? I’m sure there are far more interesting looking people out there that can model” 
 “I doubt that” Lando said amusedly, green eyes still trained on your face as your brain scrambled to find a way to gain control of the conversation once again. 
Luckily for you, the waiter interrupted your thoughts as he placed two milkshakes on your table, complete with whipped cream and a cherry on top, like a prop straight out of those 50’s movies. 
Lando finally broke eye-contact to focus on his milkshake instead, but you remained motionless in your seat. 
You were so used to having your instincts guide you when it came to meeting new people, always knowing what to say and how to act to stay on top of the situation. When you’d first laid eyes on Lando, you thought you knew exactly what kind of person he was, but the boy sitting in front of you now had you flustered and lacking the right words to say. It made your skin crawl, but not necessarily in a bad way. 
 “Okay, I’ll do it. We can start shooting tomorrow” you said with feigned confidence, because between failing to rise to the challenge Lando had presented you with and embarrassing yourself in front of a camera, the latter seemed like the lesser of two evils. Lando nodded, a barely audible “cool” making its way out of his mouth, and you could tell that your answer had rattled him, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. 
 Ha, two can play that game, you thought
 And with that, you collected yourself and shifted your focus to the strawberry milkshake in front of you as a comfortable silence settled between the two of you. 
As the night progressed, Lando and you decided to abandon the subject of school and just chatted comfortably. He was fascinating to you, trying his best to keep up the appearance of a cool, collected and somewhat mysterious man, but you could see that underneath his facade he had a certain tenderness to him. 
You could see it in the way his face lit up when he spoke about his brother becoming a father just a few months ago, and how his parents were his biggest supporters. 
When the time finally came to say your goodbyes, it was unimaginable that you had not known each other when the day had started. You parted ways with a final exchange of smiles and just as you turned your back to him to head towards your dorm building, Lando spoke once more. 
 “Oh and thank you, by the way” 
 “For what? You bought the milkshakes, remember?” you answered amusedly. 
 “For agreeing to be my muse. I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N” Lando turned and started walking in the opposite direction before you even had time to respond. 
 Damn, he’s good, you thought as you let out a nervous chuckle to nobody to yourself. 
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