#colin zabel one shot
layla4567 · 1 year
Vaccines are good
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Dad!Colin Zabel x Mom!fem!reader
Summary: You and your husband Colin make up a happy family, Colin turned out to be a great father and you both love your little son. But can the detective get out of trouble when they take his son to be vaccinated?
Warnings: fluffy things and mention of needles and childhood illnesses of course
Word count: 2.8k ***************
Colin was preparing lunch while Alex was sitting at the table drawing with his crayons. The handsome detective smashed two eggs into the pan, adding salt, pepper and coriander and then began to beat them with the fork. He would take care of preparing something else for Alex, over time he had learned that the little one didn't like omelettes. He arranged the food on the plates and served them on the table waiting for you to get home from work.
"Hey champion, what are you drawing?" Colin asked, bringing his face closer to the sheet of paper.
The boy happily held the paper up with pride. "It's you with your police car!"
Colin smiled when he saw himself in that drawing. The colors spilled out of the lines but the detective could clearly be seen standing next to his car, which had the dome lights on, shining red and blue. Alex was very proud of his father and always said that when he grows up he wants to be like him, he even often wore his father's clothes and played cops and robbers with his schoolmate. Colin always laughs but obviously he worries that his son will be involved in a dangerous and stressful job like that.
"It's amazing kid! you even drew the details of my uniform, you are talented!"
Alex's cheeks turned tulip-pink with pure joy as he smiled widely. The boy was a carbon copy of his father, same eyes, same hair and every time he smiled you saw Colin. Suddenly there was a sound of keys opening the door and a sweet voice announced their arrival.
"It's mom!!" Alex got out of his chair running towards the door while you opened it laughing at his enthusiasm. Colin also came to meet you.
"Hey! How was my teddy bear today?"
You scooped Alex into your arms as you planted a loud, slobbery kiss on his cheek. The little boy laughed and then with a grimace of disgust he wiped his cheek without stopping laughing, his face was so funny that it infected you with laughter. You weren't afraid to show how much you loved your son even if you were a little clingy at times.
"Hi sweetie, welcome home." Colin hugged you around the waist and kissed you tenderly on the lips.
"Ew..". The boy said, making a disgusted face and looking away.
Colin laughed tenderly. "Why don't you show mommy what you did today, huh?"
The boy nodded with great enthusiasm and jumping happily.
"Let's see Alex, show me"
Your son grabbed your hand and quickly led you to the table where his little drawing rested. With both hands he raised it to the level of his face.
"Ta-daa!! Guess who it is!!"
You gasped in surprise as you grabbed the drawing from the boy's small hands. You looked at it carefully while smiling sweetly. The proportions of the things he had drawn were not perfect but they seemed adorable to you.
"Oh my god Alex, it's beautiful! And It's daddy! and with his police car of course"
"Yeah!! you guessed it!". Alex smiled at you with that gap between his frontal paddles that seemed so tender and pretty to you.
"Let's hang your drawing on the refrigerator door, what do you think, honey?"
Your son shouted yes and you gave Colin a smiling look.
"I think it's a great idea babe"
While you placed the drawing under two magnets Colin asked his son what he wanted for lunch.
"Ok little champ, what do you want for lunch? You don't want an omelet, right?"
Alex shook his head vigorously while sticking out his tongue in a grimace of disgust.
Colin smiled in amusement. "Alright, alright. How about pasta?"
"Yay I love pasta!!"
The detective laughed amused, it was no secret that your son loved Italian food. you turned around looking at them happily.
"Ok, then pasta will be"
Your husband had gotten up from his seat to put the noodles in a pot when Alex sneezed loudly. Colin stopped halfway looking at you while you approached Alex with concern.
"What was that, hun?" You gently took his chin in your hand, inspecting him.
"I don't know, mommy". Alex sniffed the snot with his nose as he wiped it on a sleeve.
"I already told you not to wipe your snot on your sleeve, you'll make it dirty."
"Sorry mom.."
You looked for a disposable tissue in your purse that Colin handed you and leaned close to your son's face.
"Come here"
You carefully wiped his nose while inspecting his nasal passages for any possible infection or irritation but found nothing alarming.
"Well It seems like you don't have any infection, maybe it's a simple allergy. "My love, was he like this all day?" You turned to look at your husband who returned a worrying look.
"Actually no, he was perfect. Just now he started sneezing"
You put your arms on your hips as you looked at your son thoughtfully who looked back at you a little scared.
"But he had already had a cold last week, right?"
Colin nodded. You still remembered what it had been like last week. Alex had had a fever and cough and had stayed in bed resting as the doctor had said. The poor thing couldn't leave the house to play with his friends and spent time eating soups that he considered very bland.
Worried, you walked quickly to your bedroom to look for Alex's vaccination record. You checked that everything was in order, Alex had all the vaccines from when he was a few months old baby. But he was missing the measles vaccine, which he had to get at age 5. Alarmed, you returned to the kitchen with the booklet in your hand. Alex had a terrified face when he saw it, he already knew that the storm was about to break loose.
"Colin, Alex doesn't have the measles vaccine and he's already 6, he must get it as soon as possible".
When the little boy heard the word vaccine, he jumped in his chair.
"Sure, it makes sense. The symptoms are fever, cough and runny nose, that's what he suffered last week"
"Come on, bring the car keys, we have to take him to the nearest hospital".
The detective grabbed the keys that were hanging on a cute keychain on the wall hand painted by Alex and you grabbed your purse and put on a jacket. When you called your son, he got out of the chair scared, getting as far away from the two of you as possible.
"NO!". He yelled
The two of you were about to open the door when the child's scream made you turn around to see him. When the little naughty boy made sure he had both of your attention, he returned to the charge, shouting.
Alex crossed his arms angrily as he furrowed his eyebrows so tightly that his forehead became wrinkled.
"Alexis Zabel!"
You put your hands on your hips, also furrowing your eyebrows, looking at him defiantly, you could play that game too. Everyone in the family knew that when you called your son by his full name it was because you had exhausted your patience and he was in serious trouble.
Colin took a step forward, trying to calm the atmosphere and cut the tension that would be felt in the air.
"Come on Alex, don't make mom angry, don't make it harder".
The detective approached with his arms open to grab his son but the boy was faster and ran screaming towards his room as if he had a rocket up his ass.
You ran in his direction, annoyed. "Alexis come here immediately!"
Colin grabbed your arm. "Wait, let me talk to him."
You huffed in agreement while your husband smiled at you, caressing your wrist. Colin headed to his son's room. His dark wooden door was decorated with posters of dinosaurs and robots. He knocked on the door twice.
"Alex? It's me, daddy. Can I come in?"
The man heard Alex's muffled voice from being behind the thick door giving him a negative answer, from his tone of voice he seemed still angry.
"Please son I just want to talk I promise"
Zabel waited anxiously by the door when a slight movement of the handle made him sigh in relief. Alex's chubby face barely peeked out of the space he had left open.
"Fine, come in"
Colin walked in smiling. Alex's room was quite big. The walls were decorated with drawings and posters of his favorite cartoons. There were also shelves with dolls and stuffed animals piled up, many of them were dinosaurs, he loved them. His toy trunk also had fire engines, tanks and racing cars that the boy had even taken charge of naming. The bed where the boy was sitting was shaped like a car and his blankets had drawings of prehistoric animals and plants. Colin sat next to his son who remained very serious.
"Listen Al, I know you don't want to get vaccinated but it's for your own good.". Colin used to use that pet name with his son.
"Adults always say that". Alex crossed his arms and turned his face away so as not to see his father.
"But it's because it's the truth. You know?, when I was your age I didn't want to get vaccinated either."
Alex's little face lit up in surprise as she turned to look at him. "Really?"
"Yes, really. Look, if you promise to behave like the brave boy I know you are, on the way out, I promise to buy you the biggest ice cream you want".
"You promise?". Said the boy smiling
Colin extended his pinky in promise. "Pinky promise, kid"
Alex intertwined his pinky with his father's, laughing happily as they both left the room, but not before grabbing a toy car for Alex to entertain himself and calm down. You continued waiting at the door impatiently moving one foot up and down until you saw them leave the room.
"We can go now". Your husband said smiling.
The ride to the hospital was quite quiet, from time to time you would take quick glances at Alex who was calmly playing with his toy in the back seat. Colin sensed your nervousness and grabbed your hand firmly, smiling at you while he held the steering wheel with the other.
"Don't worry, he'll be fine." He whispered to you
You nodded, smiling. Everything seemed calm and correct, but when he arrived at the establishment and got out of the car, Alex saw the facade of the hospital and the fear returned to him, so he started screaming and kicking to get back to the car. You grabbed your son's hand, pulling him with Colin's help to get him into the hospital but Alex couldn't stop crying. The detective crouched down next to his son.
"Remember what we talked about, if you continue like this there will be no ice cream"
Colin's slightly threatening tone brooked no reply. Alex was going to say something but upon looking into his father's intimidating eyes he decided to remain silent. So, with a dejected air and the face of a lamb about to go to the slaughterhouse, they headed inside the building. Of course the boy carried the toy car under his arm. In the waiting room there were many children more or less his age, some teenagers and babies a few months old. With a sad and scared face, Alex sat between his parents to await his fatal fate. The other children also seemed somewhat dejected.
You knew how tortuous it is for a child to be vaccinated, you still remember when you went nervously to the waiting room to get an injection when you were a child. And honestly the screams and cries that came from the door where the vaccines were given was not exactly relaxing. That's why you took your son's delicate hand in yours, squeezing it gently to give him warmth, courage and protection.
"Sweetheart, you can do it, I trust you. And when we get into the room I will be with you the entire time and I will hold your hand so it doesn't hurt."
Your son wiped a small tear that was almost dry from his rosy cheek and looked at you with a shy smile.
"Alright, if you say so..."
The hours passed and the waiting room was emptying. There were only two people left ahead of you. Many of the children came out smiling with tears in their eyes, others didn't say anything and looked at the ground as they walked. Then a plump older woman called them by Alex's full name. The little boy did not want to go but he remembered his father's promise and bravely squeezed your hand and headed to the room while your husband sat waiting outside.
The injection room was beige and the walls were decorated with paintings of animals to calm the children, you weren't sure if it really worked. There was also a medium-sized window with baby blue curtains that overlooked a garden full of flowering bushes. You directed your distracted gaze there when the woman brought you out of your thoughts.
"Okay, so this is little Alex Zabel."
The lady was wearing a dark blue nurse's uniform and was smiling affably. You looked at your son who could only look down holding on to his toy car.
"Oh it's ok honey, it'll just be a little prick". The woman said
Alex's eyes were starting to water again so you tenderly wrapped your arms around his shoulders in a protective gesture. "Sweetie everything will be fine, you'll see"
The nurse told Alex to sit in a chair and roll up the sleeve of his shirt so she could give him the injection. She also asked him which arm he wanted the injection in and the boy pointed to his left arm. The good-natured woman began to prepare the needle, taking one out of a sterilized envelope that was in a plastic box full of them. When you saw them, a slight chill ran down your spine. You still remembered your first vaccine as if it were yesterday and you understood everyone more than ever. those children who came out crying.
Alex also saw the needles and buried his face in your chest, scared. You grabbed her hand and whispered the words you had said before "Remember, mommy is here and I won't let go of your hand."
The little boy nodded and sat up straight in his chair, squeezing your hand tightly as he showed his left arm to the nurse. She tapped the needle with her gloved hands to make the liquid go down.
"Alright, little Alex, take a deep breath."
Alex closed his eyes tightly until his nose wrinkled and he squeezed your hand even harder as it started to hurt, never underestimate the strength of a scared 6 year old child. It was barely a second until the nurse announced that she was finished.
"Done! You see it wasn't that big of a deal?".She laughed sweetly
Your son opened his brown eyes wide and looked at his arm in surprise, looking for any cut or wound, both women laughed and the nurse carefully squeezed his arm with cotton.
"Hold this cotton in your arm for a few minutes, then you could throw it away. Aaand." The woman took out a red popsicle from a jar and handed it to the child who was looking with bright, greedy eyes. "This is for you, for being such a brave child."
"That's very kind, thank you" You said to the nurse and looked at your son "You thank her too, Alex."
The little one had already put the lollipop in his mouth without thinking twice and didn't even take it out to respond "Thzank yough"
Mother and son left the small room hand in hand, happy and laughing. Colin was already standing waiting for them with a relieved smile on his face.
"So? How did my little champion do?"
"Oh he was incredible, he didn't cry even once"
"And look daddy!!, the nurse gave me a lollipop for being good!"
"Oh look at that!"
Colin lifted the boy into his arms giving him a kiss on the cheek while you held his toy.
"It seems that today you are going to stuff yourself with so many sweet things"
"What does that mean?". You asked funny and curious
"It means daddy will buy me ice cream!!!"
Colin looked down, smiling a little embarrassed for not telling his wife about the deal.
"Oh yeah? Well I guess daddy can buy ice cream for everyone too." You said laughing and giving your husband a kiss on the cheek.
Colin laughed and agreed to pay for the other ice creams. They returned to the car happy, heading to the nearest ice cream parlor, eager to try that sweet and frozen dessert.
I have read many stories where Colin is the father of a girl, so I wanted to write a story where he had a son.
By the way, I wrote this after reading the @sweeter-innocence-fics fic. Thanks for being an inspiration for this, you can read her Colin fic here
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yes-divine-ruler · 2 years
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ☆‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ main masterlist ☆‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏can’t stop thinking about… ✰
Fucking yourself on Warren’s cock while he smokes a joint
Drunk Jimmy giving you head, and you’re a contortionist
Restraining Colin with his own handcuffs
It’s Halloween.. Your costume makes Tate horny
Tate wears a cock ring while he fucks your throat
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎one-shots, series, hc’s and blurbs 
Tate Langdon 
Kit Walker 
Kyle Spencer 
Jimmy Darling 
James March 
Rory Monahan 
Kai Anderson 
Evan Peters 
Colin Zabel 
Warren Lipka 
Stan Bowes 
Peter Maximoff 
Luke Cooper 
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stilespeters · 2 years
One shot of Colin Zabel x fem reader and he’s coming home from work LATE at night. Finds his partner sleeping in their bed and admiring her. Your shirt and shorts rose up and he adjust them stirring her awake and he goes to lull her back to sleep. He calls her love, sweetheart, and honey. She calls him honey, gorgeous, love bug.
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Late night admiration
pairing: Colin Zabel x fem!reader
a/n: what's the point in living if my future husband isn't named Colin Zabel? What's the point in living if my future husband doesn't act like Colin Zabel?!
word count: 1620
summary: After Colin worked overtime, he drove home to see you sleep peacefully in your shared bed.
warnings: none
Colin was in his car late at night. Today had been a long day for him at the station and after working overtime, he could finally go home. He was beyond exhausted but the thought of having you home with open arms was the thing that kept him going. It was the warmest feeling ever.
He loved his job, and he loved when he would go home and relax after work, but the thing he loved most was driving home to be able to see you again. Simply your presence made him swoon.
He pulled on the driveway and stepped out into the night air, and he was met with a cold breeze as it touched his skin like soft silk. He shivered even though he wore a warm coat, and he rubbed his hands together before he fisted his pocket for the keys. The cold was all the more reason to get inside and cuddle with you.
The lights were off in the home you and Colin shared, and as he locked the door behind him and placed his keys on the counter, he whistled while searching for you. But you were nowhere to be seen, and so he figured you already went to bed.
He took off his coat, walked upstairs as quietly as possible and he tried to navigate himself through the dark hallway. You and him lived here for a while, but his eyes still had to adjust to the darkness that surrounded him. One time when you and him were kind of tipsy, you and him broke a vase that was on a small table in the hallway. Okay maybe you two weren't tipsy, you both were drunk as hell and he carried you in his arms while you kissed his neck, but that’s not the point.
Once he managed to make his way to your shared bedroom, he saw that the moonlight crept through the blinds, and your face was illuminated a tiny bit. He could see that your face was relaxed and he could see that you breathed steadily, and he stood in the doorway admiring you.
He loved seeing you like this. He knew that the past couple of weeks weren't the easiest for you. He could see it in your mannerisms, the way your eyebrows were constantly knitted together in a frown, and the way you clenched your jaw to your oblivion. You may have not noticed it about yourself, but Colin did.
And so he loved to see that you were relaxed, escaping reality for a while. No worries and bad thoughts, just endless possibilities and the comfort of a soft pillow with silk sheets.
He saw that you moved in your sleep. You did that quite often, but this time as you squirmed in your position, the sheets moved lower and lower until it reached your thighs. Usually when you’d squirm in your sleep, the presence of Colin next to you would keep the sheets in place, but since he wasn’t there in bed with you, the sheets moved freely.
Your skin was exposed to him as you moved around again, trying to find a cold spot in the bed, and he made his way over to your side. You were wearing a two piece nightgown set, and part of your belly was exposed due to the position your body laid in.
He gently caressed your face before moving lower, and adjusting the fabric, and his hands moved to your face again to pull away some stray hair from your face.
This made your eyes flutter half open and you felt like your eyelids weighed a thousand rocks. You tilted your head to see your surroundings and became slightly annoyed that you were awoken from your peaceful sleep, but as you came face to face with Colin caressing your cheek, you felt those thoughts disappear immediately.
His face lit up the whole room and as soon as you recognized his features, you gave him a smile.
“Hey, sweetheart.” he whispered and he pulled the covers over your body till it reached your shoulders.
“Hello, gorgeous,” you yawned and stretched your body and saw he was still wearing his clothes. “Did work pull you back?” You looked to your left to see a small clock, and it indicated that it was past 12.
“Yes, but I’m home now.” He whispered.
You let out a sigh and you searched for his hand in the dark, once you found it, you squeezed comfortingly. “You need to rest too, you know? They can't just expect you to work overtime every week. You need all the hours of sleep you can get, and I’ve missed falling asleep with you next to me.” Colin loved that your voice was kinda hoarse from the sleep.
He bit the inside of his cheeks and nodded. He missed falling asleep next to you with you in his arms and he missed getting to eat dinner with you, because you always made the best food. He hated that he worked overtime, but he was really busy. He wanted to make more time for you and he promised to himself and you that he would come home earlier to spend more time with you.
“I know, love.”
“Love? What are you, British?” you teased and he chuckled. “Well I do remember a certain lady saying she fancied British men.”
“That ‘certain lady’ spoke facts, British men are really handsome,” you kissed the back of your teeth. “They ain't got nothing on you though, lovebug.”
You winked, although you doubted he noticed it due to the darkness. But he did notice it. He noticed every little thing about you because he was so fascinated with you. To him you seemed unreal because you were absolutely everything he could ever ask for. He felt like the luckiest on earth that you were willing to be with him. That you reciprocated the love he felt for you.
You reached your hand out and placed it on his cheek while caressing the underside of his eye. “I love you, honey.”
“I love you too.” He gently grabbed your wrist with his palm, and his thumb caressed the skin. That’s until you moved your hand to his neck and your other hand also moved up, and you pulled him on top of you. His face was pressed against your chest, and his yelp changed into a sigh. His hands were around your waist and you massaged his scalp lightly and placed a kiss on top of his head. Your legs were entangled with his, and he nuzzled his face in the silk of your nightgown.
“You’re the reason I wake up in the morning,”
He looked up at you with big eyes and he grinned widely. “I am?”
“You’re also my reason to wake up in the morning. Everything I do is just something to keep me busy. Everything I do is all worth it when I get to see you at the end of the day. Everything would be useless if you weren't here with me."
You smiled at his words and bit your lip. You adored this man so much, and you wished to wake up and fall asleep next to him tomorrow, and every other day to come.
He used your chest as a pillow and you two stayed like that for a while. You hadn't stopped with massaging his scalp, and Colin felt like he was in heaven. He wanted to stay like this forever, but he knew that he still had his clothes on, and even though it was tempting to fall asleep like this, he knew that it may not be the most comfortable position for you.
And so he removed himself from you, and undressed himself. Once he was ready, he laid down in his spot next to you, and held you in his arms as you cuddled his side. You yawned and and this time he held you to his chest.
“Close your eyes, honey,” He whispered and you could feel his steady heartbeat against your cheek. “Go back to dreamland.”
You closed your eyes and the warmth and comfort Colin provided, made you feel extra sleepy. You could feel that he leaned down to kiss your head, and as your face began to relax, you slowly sank away into darkness. Colin whispered something in your ear, and as he heard you breathe softly, he also closed his eyes and savored this moment.
“You are my heart, my soul and world. I would do anything for you, anything you’d ask me to. I’d climb mountains to be with you and I’d cycle on a bicycle through multiple states if that meant I’d get to have you in my arms.” He whispered and he knew that you didn't hear him, since you slept peacefully in his arms. But what he didn't know was that the corners of your lips curled upwards at his words. You heard every word he said, and you loved his soothing voice. He was your everything and every word he said was worth more than anything in the whole world.
The both of you fell asleep in each other's arms, and together you drifted away.
How was it possible that two souls could connect in this way? You questioned it, but the answer was quite simple.
You two were made for each other.
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blackroseguzzi · 7 months
Please continue the FATE series with Colin Zabel
pls pls pls 😭
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SUMMERY: You first night as an informant for Mare. After spending time with Colin he finally decides he deserves the answers you never gave him.
Colin brought back two bottles of beer from the kitchen, and handed one to me with a small polite smile. He still drank miller Lite- I internally cringed at the memory of how he used to drink them all night up at the lake house. He would get super sappy after 3 or 4 and beg me to slow dance with him to music playing over the old record player that came with the place. Because of those memories, you constantly had to change the station any time ‘Love me tender’ by Elvis came on. 
“Shall we dive in?” He asked, pulling me out of my head.
“Let’s,” I nodded back, thanking him for the beverage. 
The two of us worked in the living room. I took of my jacket, trying to see if the heat boiling from my body was from my layers or from Colin’s mother’s glare from the dining room. She had made herself comfortable watching us as she pretended to read the paper. 
We were professional, not breaking character of our respected roles as we worked, Sargent Sheehan had given me a load of information to slip into Colin's ear and in return I was given the task to relay whatever he gives me back to her.
I couldn’t help but stare at his hands as they grabbed pieces of paper from the files on the coffee table. Those hands had explored my body like a road map. They were gentle and strong all at the same time. Colin knew just about every place I liked to be touched, and he had always handled me like he needed all of me desperately, yet so careful not to be too hard as to break me.
I felt a lump forming in my throat. I had never realized what I was going to miss until it was no longer mine. I chased happiness, but I soon realized it wasn’t real because I had nobody to share it with. Yes, I loved my career but at the expense of what I lost it sometimes felt silly to lie to myself that it was worth it.
“Well, I think we can wrap this up tonight “y/n.”
My eyes snapped up to match Colin’s glare, pulling me from those depressive thoughts that seem to always be haunting me. 
“Yeah I ah, I think you have a good start on things, thank you for giving me more to write about,” I smiled as I got up from the couch I had sat on so many times before. 
The familiarity of Judy’s home was both comforting and chilling. Judy was a picture perfect mother in law- and I was forever going to be jealous of the girl that got to bake pies with her in the kitchen, go along with her shopping at Bloomingdale’s for sales, and who Judy would show those sweet baby pictures of Colin when he was a little boy- both of them imagining what their future children would look like. 
As I stood, my eyes wandered to Judy who had a small smile on her face. She waved politely before returning back to her papers. She was probably pleased to see me leave.
Colin cleaned his throat after picking up all the scattered papers on the table. “I’ll walk you out?” 
I turned to him and nodded shyly, a flash of pink had to have brushed my cheeks. I had become a stranger in a home that felt like my own at one point in time. 
The cold night air felt nice on my skin after they had burned while being in the Zabel home. My feet felt like they were dragging as we walked quietly to my car parked out front. 
I turned, ready to say my goodbyes, but Colin’s hand shot up to stop me. 
“Please spare me, y/n. Please don’t say goodnight and leave like you don’t have that brutal feeling in your gut like I do.” 
I could feel my face fall as the act of acting ‘normal’ finally crumbled inside of me. 
“It’s like… like I swallowed a shit ton of rocks from lunch,” I replied quietly, digging my hands in my pockets as a small gust of wind whipped by us. 
“I can’t have you showing up at my mom’s, y/n.” 
I sighed, looking down at our feet. He had on casual shoes as opposed to his shiny work ones. They looked like the Nike’s I had gifted him our last Christmas together- the same day he gave me a ring I gave him a pair of shoes. In retrospect, I was the one who could have used the running shoes when I bolted from our engagement. 
“I’m so sorry, I thought we could just….” I failed to find words that would accurately match my feelings. 
“What? You thought we could pretend that you didn’t tell me you didn’t love me two weeks before you became my WIFE?” Colin cringed as he dragged out that word. 
I felt the tear roll down my cheek before I knew that I was crying. He was right, we couldn’t pretend that I didn’t do such a horrible thing. I was learning that I had not done him the favor I thought I did. 
“I had to leave Colin, and I'm forever going to regret how I did it.”
His eyes locked mine and I watched him bite the inside of his lip like he does when he was in deep thought. 
“I need to know why you didn’t  just have me come with you?” His words finally came out as a whisper, but resinated deep in my soul like he was screaming at me. 
I wiped another stray tear from my eye to fix my blurry vision. 
“You are the kindest man in the world, Colin Zabel. You would have come with me just to make me happy. I know you love your job and you wanted to stay and live close to your mom and our families for the rest of forever. I knew you would go with me even if you wanted to stay. I couldn’t ask you to do that after everything you ever did for me, but I needed that job. Writing is the therapy I never knew I always needed. You would have supported me at the cost of your own happiness and I didn’t want that resentment between us.”
“You’re projecting.” He stated flatly as he shook his head at me. I scrunched my face in confused. 
“You were the one who had resentment. YOU felt like you put me first and took that shitty writing gig and YOU didn’t like it. I would have compromised on just about anything if It would mean I came home at night to you. Nothing, not even my job, or my family, made me happier than coming home to YOU. So you were right, I would have gone wherever you wanted me to because you were it for me. If moving, getting a new job and not seeing family as often meant I would still have you then I would have dropped everything and packed my bags happily!” 
I stood there silently, every word hitting me to the core. I had never intended for him to blame himself, I had hoped it would wash away any feelings for me so he could start fresh with someone else who was content in every aspect of their lives. 
He ran his hands down his face and I wanted so badly to open my mouth to say anything but nothing I could say would make the pit in my stomach go away. 
“I guess… I just…” he drew in a deep breath before our eyes locked again. They were glassy, like tears would soon burst from the floodgates. “I always wanted to know what I did wrong... I just didn’t realize it was because I clearly didn’t show you how much I loved you.” 
The sob came from my throat and took me by surprise. Then the tears ran freely off my cheek and onto the pavement between us. Nothing would ever fill the hole that was open in my heart, I knew that for certain now. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” I felt Colin step closer to me, and looking up I wasn’t expecting to be pushed into his chest while he hugged me. He was actually hugging me. 
“I don’t deserve that,” I replied, lightly pushing him away. He didn’t need to be hugging me during this epic meltdown. “I hurt you- you shouldn’t be comforting me.” I sniffed, wiping my nose with the back of my jacket sleeve. 
“I didn’t want to make you cry, y/n,” His words were gentle- and your gut felt punched again. 
“It’s fine.” I let out a slow breath before trying to compose myself. “I deserve it after everything- Fuck, I didn’t even say goodbye when I left….” I scoffed, now trying to avoid eye contact as words tumbled from my mouth. “I think not saying it gave me hope that our book wasn’t closed, that maybe our story was still unfinished.” I spoke softly, and the tenseness that hung on Colin’s shoulders began to lift. 
Colin stared down at me, his hand slipping from my shoulder. I was already regretting pushing away from that hug because his touch was so warm. 
Moments between us felt like a lifetime as the night air became more brisk, and I could hear cars on the busier road that was a street over. 
“I’m so sorry Colin, I'm just going to go back home early, I think I’m doing more damage than good being here.”  I went for my keys in my purse but Colin grabbed my arm, stopping me.
He cleared his throat, and I watched the wheels in his head turning. 
“No, Erin should get the coverage she deserves. Nobody would write her justice as well as you.” I could see the small curl of his lip and I suddenly felt the heat creep up my cheeks.
“Thank you, Colin. But don’t want to”- 
“You think tomorrow I can take you up on that dinner invite from this mornin?” Colin’s words cut mine like a knife. I felt my eyebrows raise as I tried to process what he had said to me. sliding his hand from my shoulder and rubbing the back of his neck, I could tell he was nervously waiting for my reply.  I blinked a few times, my eyes drying from all the tears that had come out of me. “For work stuff- you know? Probably better than having my mom watching us like a Russian spy. I swear she read the same page of that paper the whole time we were in there.” He finished. I couldn’t help but laugh a little at his words, and you nodded quickly. Maybe this trip was turning into a plot twist in our story after all. 
“I think that's a good idea, yes.”
“Let’s just try not to open anymore wounds okay?” 
I nodded again before finally reaching into my purse to grab the rental car keys.
“Thank you, Zabel,” I replied quietly, the feeling of my tail between my legs would probably linger there for a while. 
He opened his mouth, closed it and nodded. “See you later, y/l/n,” he gave one last small waved before turned around to walk slowly back up to his childhood home. I fumbled with my keys before walking to the driver’s side to get him. My phone started vibrating in my pocket as soon as I started my vehicle. I fumbled around my pockets before grabbing ahold of the buzzing piece of technology. 
“Sheehan” scrolled across the screen and you quickly answered it.
I didn’t even get to say hello before her voice filled my ear “Fill me in.” 
Mare was the one helping me get closer to Zabel all while covering this case, but I knew that if he found out I was giving her the information he was presenting to me that his ass was on the line. I just couldn’t stop the urge to be around him, so I let out a sigh before giving her every last detail. 
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Summer Fic Week 2023
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In two weeks I'm going to be having a little summer celebration where I post a fic every day for a week. Here's a little preview of what I'm planning:
Monday 21st - Going Down Swinging - Enemies to lovers with Pietro Maximoff (trapped in an elevator during a heatwave). Smut. 5.4k words.
Tuesday 22nd - Tangled Up in You - Steve Harrington x reader, camping trip with the fruity four (sharing a tent). Fluff. 2.2k words.
Wednesday 23rd - Retracing the Steps That We Took - One-shot in my dad!Colin Zabel series (Even If It All Comes Crashing Down). Fluff. 2.7k words.
Thursday 24th - The Things I Wanted Most - Sequel to I'll Paint You Wings (Chrissy x Reader x Eddie) at a carnival. Fluff. 2.6k words.
Friday 25th - Tracing Every Part of You - Pietro Maximoff no powers college AU (a day at the lake with the Avengers). Fluff. 3.7k words.
Saturday 26th - Find Your Own Way Back Home - Railed in a sundress by Dmitri Antonov. Hopper!Reader. Smut. 1.8k words.
Sunday 27th - Take Back What You Took - Sequel to Leave Me In The Deep End (Pietro Maximoff). Staff party at the resort. Smut. 3k words.
Let me know if you want to be added to any taglists.
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my-own-walker · 1 year
Hi, I'm sorry to bother you but I wanted to ask you if you could write a fic or a long one-shot about Colin Zabel (I don't know if you saw Mare of Eastown).
The story line would be this: Colin asks YN out because Mare rejected him (basically the scene happened where he thought they were on a date and she just wanted to talk about the case).
YN agrees to go on the date. They start going out several times. At one point she finds out that Colin asked her out on a date out of spite (bc of the Mare thing). So she confronts him and tells him that she liked him, she gets angry because she feels he played with her feelings. And then Colin tries to fix the situation because, during the several dates, he realizes that he started to like YN.
And, if enough, make like an epilogue where they are a happy family (Colin and YN).
Too long. Sorry.
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On The Other Line - Part 1
sure can! (it’s never too long, anon. much love)
warnings: spoiler alerts possible ahead for mare of easttown, mentions of violence against women, mentions of death, light sm*t/some steamy moments, some misogyny (it's really true to the area so i include it lightly)
author's note: i just so happen to know the delco area VERY well so expect me to nerd out on this one. accents, slang, food, everything will be very accurate. mare of easttown was pretty true to delco, but i can make it better. evan fucking nailed the accent, as he always does, btw.
Being from Easttown meant that seeing someone new in town was a headline-worthy event.
So when Detective Colin Zabel showed up to help out with the Erin McMenamin case, everyone and their mom-moms were talking about it. Gossiping about the case and just how bad it was, considering the fact that they called in backup.
I'll admit it, I engaged in the gossip. My Uncle Nick owned the bar in town and would tell me all about what he heard about the case. He's worse than a chick, I'll tell you that.
Now I had no personal connection to the case. I knew of Erin but not enough to really be torn up about the whole thing. It was scary, yeah, being a woman in town after one was missing and another was dead, but I couldn't be bothered with tears. I didn't want to face the fact that things were getting scary.
I worked as a librarian. Something about reading called to me. It was great to escape from the disgusting world I found myself living in. One where women were being brutalized just minutes from my home. I have always been a sucker for escapism.
My Uncle Nick's bar became a landing place for me most nights. I was afraid to go back to my apartment alone. I didn't have a car so I'd have to walk. The bar was only half a mile from the library, and my apartment was 2 miles away. The bar was the better choice considering everything going on.
I'd help out serving sometimes. Other times I'd just sit behind the bar and talk to the patrons. Then my uncle would drive me home in his truck. I didn't mind helping out if it meant that I was safe.
It was a Thursday night. Around 10 pm. I was doing my usual routine of sitting behind the bar after work, talking to the familiar faces that always came by. At this bar, there were only regulars.
That was until I saw Colin Zabel walk through the front door.
It was like seeing a celebrity. I silently wondered if he was here to question somebody about the case. I picked up my book and began to read it, trying to send an innocent bystander vibe.
He walked over to the bar and slumped himself down on the seat nearest to me.
'Fuck.' I thought.
My Uncle Nick walked over to Colin and set down a coaster in front of him.
'Just a PBR, please?' Colin said as he looked up.
'Draft or can?' my uncle replied.
'Can, please,' Colin answered, rubbing his temple with his hand.
'PBR?' I scoffed from my seat. 'Colin Zabel. Could you fulfill the Delco trash stereotype more, please?'
'Wh-what?' he stuttered while smiling, looking up in awe at my directness.
'You couldn't pick a trashier beer,' I continued putting down my book on the bar next to him. 'Plus, if you're gonna get it, get the draft dude. It at least looks classier.' I leaned forward on the stool I was sitting on, resting my elbows on the bar in front of me and placing my chin in my hands.
'Yo, I've had a rough night, cut me some slack,' he laughed.
'Rough night or not, I'd never go into a bar for the first time and order a PBR. Complete jerkoff move, Zabel.'
'Okay, youse around here know my name and it's gettin' weird. And how do you know this is my first time in here,' he chuckled.
'Oh sorry I'm bein' rude. I'm Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N. You are kinda famous around here, detective. And my uncle owns this place. I'd know if you'd been in here before,' I smirked.
As if on cue, Uncle Nick returned, reaching around me to place the can in front of Colin.
'Makin' friends, hun?' my uncle asked, patting my right shoulder.
'Only always,' I replied, smiling up at him. He walked away, shaking his head at me.
'Well, Y/N, you're very forward, huh?' he suggested as he sipped his drink.
I guess I was. The bar was sort of my domain. I talked to every patron like that. After all, everyone that was in there was either my teacher, classmate, doctor, or employer at one time. I knew everyone so I acted like it. And I knew of Colin so I felt like I could talk to him like that. Totally forgot he was a complete stranger.
'But you liked it, though,' I quipped back. He simply laughed and shook his head, casting his eyes down.
'What brings you here, anyways?' I asked.
'Closest bar to the restaurant I was just at,' he shrugged.
'Didn't get enough to drink there?' I challenged. He looked up and met my eyes. His were a deep brown. He looked sad.
'Oh, it was a trainwreck,' he sipped his drink again.
'Don't care to elaborate, hm?' I asked. He just shook his head.
'Y'know, Y/N? I'm feeling really bold right now,' Colin started, making eye contact with me again. 'Would you wanna go out sometime? Y'know what? Maybe tomorrow. Lunchtime?'
I was taken aback. 'You're pretty forward yourself, Zabel.'
'You're pretty and I feel like it would just be fun,' he continued.
'Oh, I'm just pretty?' I replied, feigning shock.
'Oh shut up,' he laughed as he pushed my forearm lightly.
After exchanging numbers and chatting some more he left. Over text, we agreed to meet in the park at lunchtime to talk. He'd provide the coffee, he promised.
The next day I walked to work with more pep in my step than usual. I was even singing a little when putting books back on shelves. It had been a while since I'd been on a date. He was really cute so I couldn't help but be excited.
I got to the park earlier than we'd agreed upon, but that motherfucker still beat me there. He was holding two cups of coffee and was dressed smartly in a long tweed grey coat.
'You're eager, Zabel!' I called across the park as I walked upon him.
'You're early, too, miss,' he replied, raising an eyebrow and pulling me in for a hug. When we separated he handed me one of the cups. 'Oat milk for you, my dear.'
I smiled. He remembered a passing comment I made the night before.
We started to walk, talking about everything under the sun. I tried not to ask too much about his work, with the case being so sensitive, and all. We came up on a playground. There was a blonde woman sitting on a bench nearby, obviously watching a young child.
Colin suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. The gesture gave me butterflies in my stomach. Walking closer to the bench, the blonde woman looked up and waved. Colin waved back and flashed his best closed-lip smile.
"Colin, hey,' the woman said. "About la-'
'Mare, this is Y/N,' Colin drew nearer to me and kissed my cheek. I blushed heavily.
'H-hi," I started.
'Y/N, this is Mare. She used to be on the Erin McMenamin case with me,' he snipped, gesturing his hand toward her. She rolled her eyes and went back to watching the child on the playground.
'I don't have time for this today, Colin,' Mare said, dismissing us.
We walked away just a far enough distance out of her earshot before I said, 'she's a fuckin' ray of sunshine.'
'Quite a woman,' Colin replied, looking back at her, still not letting go of my hand.
The rest of the date went super well. So well, in fact, that I didn't stop bothering him. I texted him every day, every second I could get the chance.
He returned the energy…somewhat. He was a busy man, being on the police force after all. I didn't think too much of it.
We planned to go back out again on that Sunday for lunch.
'Hey, pretty,' he breathed as he took his jacket off. I beat him to the restaurant. I won, this time. He sat down in the seat across from me.
He called me pretty. My face felt hot. He seemed to really be into me. And I felt the same.
The meal was great. We continued to get to know each other and I really started catching feelings for him. I invited him back to my apartment after and he said yes.
The inside of my apartment was, I'll say it, pretty strangely decorated. I'm a lover of all things fun and odd, and my interior design choices reflected it. For example, my couch was royal purple, and I had billiard balls in a decorative bowl on my cowboy-themed coffee table. I refused to use overhead lighting so everything was lit a warm yellow and striking blue, thanks to the lights I bought off Amazon.
The best part, and my shining accomplishment, my bed was heart-shaped. So me and so weird. I think it came from a strip club. I found the frame and mattress discarded on the side of the road. Score.
I could tell Colin was shocked by the way he was looking around. He shrugged his coat off and placed it on one of the clown hooks by the door.
'I know it's weird bu-' I started.
'No, Y/N, this place is really...stellar. It has personality, for sure,' he assured me. He continued to wander around, looking at my things.
I started to feel kind of shy in my own home. Like this man was fully in my apartment and I had the fattest crush on him. If there was one thing about me, though, I wasn’t shy. I decided that the best and only way to power through it was to kiss him, so I did.
He tensed at first, not expecting the contact, but soon relaxed into it, placing his hands on my waist and pulling me into him.
I pulled away. ‘Sorry, I just- like-‘
‘No it’s okay, I liked it,’ he grinned. ‘You’re fucking cool, Y/L/N.’
‘I mean I don’t fight crime for a living but-‘ I started but was promptly cut off by Colin’s lips on mine again. Sweet kisses turned more passionate as I started to lead him to my bedroom.
I fumbled with the buttons of his shirt. He pulled my cardigan down off my shoulders. When we reached the bedroom I tugged his shirt off and threw it behind him, demonstratively. He grabbed the bottom hem of my camisole and pulled it over my head, exposing my black lace bra.
It was then that he noticed my bed.
‘No, you’re fuckin’ joking,’ he laughed, walking towards it and hopping up on it. ‘Are we about to fuck like 70s porn stars right now? A heart-shaped bed?’ His smirk was so cute.
I didn’t reply. Instead I attacked him with kisses, crawling into his lap. I felt his hard-on in his pants below me. I straddled his thighs and pushed him down gently into a laying position.
‘Y/N….fuck,’ he moaned as I peppered kisses down his chest and stomach, stopping at the waistband of his pants. I slowly unbuttoned them, making him wait for it. He helped me tug them off of his legs. I placed my hand on his cock through his underwear and waited as if to ask permission. ‘Please,’ he mustered.
I reached in and pulled it out, immediately taking him in my mouth. He muttered every curse word under the sun as I continued to blow him.
We spent the rest of the day in my bed. Our time was used talking, then having sex, then talking again. Repeating the cycle until I was thoroughly convinced that I was in love with him.
He left me around 10 that night and for some reason, I felt empty. Cold. It was an odd feeling considering the ecstasy I has experienced all day. I put it down to being tired.
But I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.
Okayyyyy yay!!! That was part 1 of two in this lil series. Thanks anon again for the request. Sorry if it felt rushed in some points. I was trying not to make this thing like 400 parts. I get wordy at times. Part 2 hopefully will be here tomorrow!!
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frankenkyle19 · 1 year
So my inbox is literally just like… broken. No matter what I do I can’t get it open again, SO if you have any requests for fics, drabbles, one shots, etc, please comment them under this post that way I can write them down and stay organized and then I’ll tag you in the post for it! <3
I write for:
Tate langdon
kit Walker
Kyle Spencer (pre and post death)
Jimmy darling
James March
Kai Anderson
Peter maximoff (X-men)
Colin Zabel (Mare of Easttown)
Luke Cooper (the office)
smut, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, bring it on. I’ll write pretty much anything
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v-love · 2 years
AHS Masterlist
hello there!! welcome to my ahs masterlist!!! please remember to be kind and remember that you are loved!! stay as long as you’d like, my loves!!
* is for smut!!
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none yet
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☆ Jealous For What?
pairing: kit walker x f!reader
word count: 1.4k
summary: Kit feels a certain way when you act a little too friendly towards a customer while working at the workshop…
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
☆ I Already Know *
pairing: kit walker x f!reader
word count: 10k
summary: Everyone has a team of writers who are writing their story. You were no different. The writers of your story however were cruel and gave you nothing but sadness and false hope. That was until a new writer steps in, giving you the love and care that you deserve…starting off by giving you Kit Walker.
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☆ Wipe My Tears
pairing: kyle spencer x f!reader
word count: 2.3k
summary: Kyle was so infatuated with you. Everything you did, he loved. When one of his “friends” kisses you, he takes care of you. He made sure you knew he loved you still.
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none yet
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☆ Tissues and Blood (Completed)
Part One , Part Two , Part Three
pairing: dandy mott x gn!reader
summary: To spite Dandy, the maid stops cleaning things around the house, causing Dandy to become ill. It doesn’t work out in her favor at all.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
none yet
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☆ One Night Stands… (coming soon)
pairing: jpm x f!reader
summary: You didn’t know the man you were about to sleep with, that’s usually how one night stands go. What you also didn’t know is that you were going to die that night in the Hotel Cortez. In your new life as a ghost, you find help from someone you knew in your past life.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
☆ Christmas Blues
pairing: jpm x gn!reader
word count: 1.7k
summary: After spending the day on the roof doing Christmas activities with the ghosts of the hotel, James becomes sick.
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none yet
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☆ Baby Steps (TEMP HIATUS)
Chapter One , Chapter Two
pairing: kai anderson x m!reader
summary: You live alone in the cold state of Michigan. You find unexpected comfort in a slightly deranged blue haired man who was not as deranged as he likes to front.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
☆ Dealer
pairing: pc!kai anderson x gn!reader
word count: 1.8k
summary: You didn’t think you’d be addicted to two things at once. Adderall and Kai Anderson, your dealer and high school “friend”.
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☆ It’s Not That Bad
pairng: alex x gn!reader
word count: 500+
summary: Alex comes over to bother you only to find you sick and in bed. Does he know what he’s doing? No. Is he going try to help? Yes.
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☆ Fed Up (coming soon)
pairing: colin zabel x f!reader
word count:
summary: Working at the police department was fun for you, especially when Colin was around. He often would stop by your desk and flirt with you until Mare would have to scoop him up. You’re beginning to think she’s getting extremely annoyed.
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Headers by @yes-divine-ruler​
If you’d like to be added to the taglist, send in a request!! 
thank you for stopping by! come back any time, love!!
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tatestripedsweater · 2 years
idk if you're aware but someone has posted a one shot of your on wattpad.
its translated to portuguese. she gave you the credits tho
I am aware but thank you for being loyal in telling me even more.
It was a while ago I let them do it, but I’ve stopped all translations now so if you see any more can you let me know off anon or message me?
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layla4567 · 1 year
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i opened requests btw (sorry if it took me a while to answer them)
🔥: spicy/smut ❤️: fluff 😢: angst (just a little)
Peter maximoff:
Imagine with quicksilver ❤️
One shot/ Peter maximoff ❤️
Imagine: a relaxing shower 🔥
You know what I mean ❤️
I'm not doing it 🔥❤️
Nursing day ❤️
Headcanons of Loki ❤️
Imagine with Loki 🔥
Headcanon: Loki as a dad ❤️
Nightmare ❤️
Headcanon: Loki notices that you are on you period ❤️
Celtic ballad ❤️
In the meadows 🔥
The waterfall 🔥
SFW alphabet ❤️​
NSFW alphabet 🔥
I don't trust you 🔥
Plushie ❤️​
Dance for me 🔥
You're being mean ❤️​
Awful things to you 🔥
Shoot ❤️​
The stars are closer ❤️​
A merry christmas (lokius) ❤️​
Mobius meet your child with loki (uncle mobius) ❤️​
Too close (Brad wolfe/Hunter X-5) ❤️​
Scars (Brad Wolfe) ❤️​
Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley:
Little imagine with Steven Grant ❤️​
I'm just a librarian (canceled) ❤️​
headcanon: the boys with pets ❤️​
Headcanons of Bucky ❤️​
Adam Warlock:
Would you help me? ❤️
Adam Warlock headcanons ❤️🔥😢
Drabble (wandavision AU) ❤️
Teach me ❤️
A lullaby, a lotus flower and a cardinal ❤️
Evan Peters
Colin Zabel:
Magic night 😢🔥(it's just suggestive)
Vaccines are good ❤️
Lingerie ❤️​🔥​
Birthday girl ❤️​🔥​
The bear
Working together ❤️​
Will Poulter:
Behave well 🔥​
That's how the money works 🔥​(suggestive)
Lewd pollen🔥​
Bruce Wayne
Let me take care of you ❤️​
Star Wars
Cal Kestis:
May the force be with you ❤️​
I'm right here 😢​❤️​
Are you afraid of the dark?
Mr. Tophat:
My Ballerina 😢​❤️​🔥​
Are you lost? 😢​
The hunger games
Coriolanus Snow:
Until the birds stop singing 😢​❤️​
One Piece Live Action
Opla boys with a short reader headcanon ❤
Time for hugs (Luffy sfw drabble) ❤
Sanji with a mechanic reader headcanon ❤
The straw hats hearing your laugh for the first time ❤
Sanji with a fem reader with long hair (headcanon) ❤
The medical (sanji) ❤
Me gustas tu (Luffy) ❤
Until we meet again (Mihawk) ❤🔥
Sweet as peaches (Sanji fluff drabble) ❤
Until we meet again pt2 (Mihawk) ❤
A whole new world (Shanks) ❤
A whole new world pt2 (Shanks) ❤
The straw hat with a spanish speaker ❤
Wild west au/ monster trio 🔥
Opla men with a spanish speaker pt2 (mihawk, buggy and shanks) ❤
Sanji with a reader who loves to collect trinkets (headcanons) ❤
Morning routine with Sanji ❤
Take off the sails
Monster trio buying sanitary pads ❤
Valentine's day is for fools ❤
Until we meet again (final part) ❤🔥
Old men with a short reader (buggy, shanks and mihawk) ❤
Halloween costumes with the straw hats ❤
Hot cocoa (Hunter D90-Loki series) ❤
I'm right here (Cal Kestis-Star wars)
Dance for me (Loki-MCU)
My silly little man (Mobius-Loki series) ❤
Visitors (Mobius) ❤
Sanji with a rapunzel fem reader
Are you lost? (mr.tophat)
A little bit of mischief (D90 loki series) ❤
Ken (Barbie 2023) with a reader who wears glasses ❤
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yes-divine-ruler · 1 year
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎alex
Your Fingers
Le Passion
Come Back To Bed
Situationship with Alex
“Boy Next Door” Masterlist
All Parts (14/? posted)
colin zabel
Good Boy
Dirty Cop
Sexting w/ Colin Zabel
Mixed Signals
Babysitting for the Detective
warren lipka
Coffee and Sex
We Fucking Did It
You Take Me So Well
Doin’ Time x fem!reader ------ Part 1 , Part 2
stan bowes ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎
Daddy Issues
Your Mother’s Boyfriend —— part 1, part 2
Shopping w/ Your Sugar Daddy
nsfw prompts (1)
‎‏‏‎peter maximoff
Morning Head
A Helping Hand
Bright Star
‎‏‏‎luke cooper
Storeroom Sex
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stilespeters · 2 years
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SALVATION (series)
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6)
pairing: colin zabel x reader
words: 3501
A/N: sooo i had this idea in my head and I’ve written it out. I haven't written a lot the past year, but now that i joined the evan train, i thought: why not.
It's a crossover AU of mare of easttown and ahs cult, where Kai Anderson is the bad guy:) The first chapter is more of an introduction so im sorry if it’s a bit boring. Reader will meet Colin in the next chapter. If things go as planned, there will be around 12 chapters. I got 9 chapters planned out already. If the chapter is too long then I'll shorten it, feedback is always appreciated:)
Anyway, lmk if u like it. I have fun things planned. Otherwise it’s also fine. Happy new year btw!
summary: 7 years after the reign of terror caused by Kai Anderson, a detective is called to Brookfield Heights to solve a string of murders. In the meantime, a girl who struggles to find her place in the world, tries her best to move on from an incident that happened years ago.
warnings: description of violence, swearing
Part 1: the ice cream man
“This is the third one in two weeks.” Crime scene investigator Janssen explained to Detective Colin Zabel. They both looked at the crimson smiley face that stared back at them inside of a home in Brookfield Heights, Michigan. It was dark outside, and the red and blue hue of the police cars were lighting the room.
“Next door neighbors recalled hearing commotion at around 11 in the evening. The neighbors tried to call the victim’s cell phone, but there was no answer. They called the police at 12:13 who arrived at the scene at 12:34. They did a welfare check but no one opened the door. After calling for reinforcements and forcing their way in, they found the bodies of Marie Allen and Bernard Allen in the living room,” he explained. “The fibers on the chair indicated that Bernard was tied up before his death, which matches with the marks on his wrists. Marie’s neck was bruised and they both got stabbed in the chest. ”
“Any signs of forced entry?” Colin asked, but Janssen shook his head. “The front door was locked. The window on the second floor was open, but it’s impossible to reach, since there is no way to climb in from the outside. Another window on the first floor bathroom was open as well, but it only opened 10 inches. However, the door that leads to the backyard was ajar, and there were also footprints visible on the mud in the backyard.”
“Has the podiatrist examined it yet?”
“He’s on his way.” Janssen planted his hands on his hips as he analyzed the smiley on the wall again and narrowed his eyes. The nose of the smiley was smeared. “What kind of sick fuck do you have to be to finish what someone else started.” Colin raised his eyebrow.
“In 2016 the terror happened. Councilman Kai Anderson started a group called fear is truth. They wanted to spread fear amongst the residents of Brookfield Heights by leaving a mark; the smiley face. If it appeared in your home, it meant that you were next to be targeted by Kai, which meant you were next to get killed,” He continued. “They began their spree on October 11th. They killed 5 people in 3 months time, and they went on to kill another 4 people after that.”
Colin remembered hearing about it on the news. The man who confessed to 11 murders in total including a few of his own loyal followers, gave him chills along his spine. His charisma and intelligence made him menacing and when Colin saw him speak in a court video, it made him very uneasy. At first glance you wouldn't think he was a dangerous man.
“What stopped him eventually?” He inquired and Janssen stepped aside for a forensics photographer who wanted to get through.
“Kai and his gang targeted the wrong people. A teenager who was smoking upstairs set the house on fire whilst Kai and the others were busy killing her parents. She managed to stab one of Kai’s followers, and as he bled out, Kai left him for dead and shot him, but he managed to survive. After his recovery he demanded immunity if he were to rat out Kai and the rest. Turns out he had physical evidence of the crimes Kai and his group had committed. The surviving girl and the ex-member of Kai’s group testified against him and it was enough to lock him and his followers away for good.”
Colin felt bad for the girl. She must’ve been traumatized. She was only a teen at that time. Losing one parent is already hard enough, but losing both of your parents at the same time is something that must be devastating. Especially when it was at the hands of a sociopathic sadist.
“We did find traces of DNA,” Janssen said. “They’re running it through the database right now but it could take a while to find a match, probably 2 to 3 days.”
“Good,” Colin said and he looked at the smiley face again.
“You really think the people who did this are finishing what Kai started? Like some worshippers? They don’t look like amateurs to me.”
Janssen looked puzzled as he sucked his teeth.
“The man who got immunity for ratting out every one of the group might have left someone out, although that is not most likely. The profiler should be here soon, so he can answer your questions better than me.”
Colin nodded and Janssen looked outside. That’s when he saw a man pull up the crime scene tape. “Speak of the devil. I’ll be right back. The sooner it’s done the earlier I can go home to my wife.” He patted Colin’s back and walked to the front door.
Colin also wanted to go back to his motel room. He awoke 20 minutes prior, and immediately rushed to the crime scene.
He’d be lying if he said he wasn't exhausted, but he knew that this was a huge step up in his career. Plus, he already drunk a cup of coffee on the way to the crime scene, so he’ll manage.
Colin looked at the window and saw that a few people from the neighborhood were gathered at the other side of the pavement. He figured that it was best to see if they witnessed anything. He walked outside and a patrol officer pulled up the tape for him.
He approached an older woman who had a concerned look on her face. Her eyes were red and puffy and her glasses were pushed to the far end of her nose. It was obvious that she had just awoken, due to her bathrobe that was wrapped around her body, and she shivered.
“Hello ma'am, my name is Detective Colin Zabel,” Colin said and the woman frowned in worry.
“Oh lord, do I have to provide a statement or something? You people scare me, my husband used to be one of you. I live over there,” she pointed at the house around the corner. “I just woke up to loud noises outside and saw a bunch of people at Marie’s house.”
“It’s alright, I just want to ask a few questions,” he reassured.
“Did something bad happen to Marie? If there’s this many of you it must be bad, right? Is it the same person who killed a couple and an older couple a few weeks ago? The one who leaves those creepy paintings? I read it on the news.” Her voice was shaky and she pushed her glasses back up her nose bridge.
“We don’t know precisely, but we're doing everything we can to catch the person who did this. He won't get away, we’ll try and make sure no one else gets hurt.” She let out a sigh and she rubbed her forehead.
“I trust your word, youngman.”
She gave a weak smile, to which Colin grabbed a notebook and a pen from his pocket.
After Colin asked the woman several questions, she tried to answer them as best as possible. He tried to write the most useful information on the notepad, but the woman spoke really fast which made it hard for him to keep up.
“I remember hearing a car or something, was it at 10 pm, or was it 11pm? It could be between 10 and 11. I don’t know exactly-”
“-Grandma?” A voice interjected and Colin looked down to see a girl dressed in a pink pajama, rubbing her eyes while holding a teddy bear. Whilst Colin talked to the woman, he hadn't noticed a child coming up to them. “Adelaide honey, go back to bed.” She tried her best to not sound panicked but she couldn't help it. Her granddaughter shouldn't have to see a crime scene unfold.
“Is that the ice cream man?” The girl’s eyes studied Colin’s face and she smiled widely as she pointed at him. Colin couldn't help but smile back. A child's innocence was one of the purist things on earth. He often wished that they would keep their innocence forever and not get stained by the cruel world.
He crouched down to her height and his hands were on his thighs to hold him up.
“I’m a detective,” she frowned and he tried to explain it as best as possible. “My job is to make sure that the world is free of bad guys. I team up with an amazing team of heroes and together we make sure that the bad guys can't hurt anyone else.”
The girl’s frown faded quickly and turned into an even wider smile, and her eyes were filled with adoration. “I want to be a hero too, like you.” His heart melted as she spoke in glee.
The grandma placed her hands on the girl’s shoulders as she stood behind her, and she played with a few of the hairs that stuck out of her short ponytail.
Colin saw her yawn as she brought her teddy bear closer to her chest. He wanted to question other neighbors and he realized that he wasn't gonna get any more useful information from the woman so he wanted to leave them be. “It’s really late, Adelaide. It’s almost half past 2. Maybe it's best if you and your grandma go back to bed.”
The girl immediately shook her head frantically.
“I’m not tired at all, I can go without sleep just like adults can. Besides, I will not go back unless I get ice cream. Can we please wait a little longer till the ice cream man comes back? Please?” She prolonged the last word as she looked up at her grandma, and she squeezed her shoulders.
Colin however, froze as his smile faded. Ice cream man?
“What did you see, Adelaide?” He asked carefully and the little girl looked up at the sky for a few seconds before answering. “I heard the ice cream song. I looked outside and saw a big car with ice cream on it. A clown was driving it. I love clowns.” She explained before rubbing her eyes. “Were you the ice cream man?”
Colin flipped to the new page of his notebook.
“Can you maybe describe him for me?”
“32… 34… 36… Finally.” You exhaled in glee and relief.
For over thirty minutes you had tried to find the destination of your new psychiatrist. Turns out you had taken the wrong turn a few blocks ago, and it felt like you were in a maze. It didn't help that you had no clue how this car worked, since it was Cordelia’s. You may or may not have crashed yours into a traffic sign while trying to parallel park.
Once you drove in the parking spot next to a BMW, you rushed your way to the front door. You were already late due to sleeping through your alarm clock, and getting lost only made you lose more time.
You pressed on the bell, and after a while a man opened the door with a friendly smile.
“Hi Y/n,” He stepped aside for you to come into the room and as you hung your coat on the coat rack next to the door, you followed the man inside of another room; his office.
“Sorry I’m late, I just never had sessions in the morning and I slept through my alarm clock.” You held out your hand to shake his. You were kinda nervous since you didn’t know how he’d react. Teachers used to despise you for your tardiness in high school, and ever since you had always arrived everywhere on time. Luckily, he didn't show any signs of irritation. “I’m dr. Vincent. And it’s alright.” Vincent had a firm handshake and you took a seat in the armchair that was facing another armchair.
“I was just making tea, do you want some?”
You shook your head politely. After he set his own tea cup on a card on the table he sat down in front of you.
“As you know, Michonne is on maternity leave, so from now on I’ll be taking sessions with you.”
You nodded and he grabbed a notebook with a pen, and wrote something that looked like the date. He folded his hands on his knee.
“So Y/n, how are you?” You cleared your throat and let out a small sigh.
“I’m fine, actually. I feel better than expected at least. Today marks the 5 year anniversary of his death, which feels…” you sighed and rubbed your temple with your fingers. “I don’t really know what to feel about that. It’s surreal. I mean, I’m happy that he got what was coming for him, but I just don’t really feel the satisfaction of his death. I’m not a violent person, not at all. But I just wish he suffered more. Is that a bad thing to feel, or say?”
He shook his head and gave you an understanding look. “What happened to you was traumatic. Of course it’s reasonable that you want justice for yourself, and for your family.” He took a sip of his tea.
“It's just so confusing. Like, I know he felt pain in his last moments, and that is something that really calmed me after everything that had happened. I mean, while he was serving his lifetime prison sentence, his face was bashed in beyond recognition by another cellmate. It’s a cruel way to go. Yet I still don’t feel satisfaction for some reason. It’s like a book suddenly ends in the middle. Like it ends with a cliffhanger and the story doesn't come full circle.” You tried to explain as best as possible, but you didn't understand exactly what you felt so it was hard to explain it to someone else.
He however, nodded and intertwined his fingers into a fist on his lap. “I understand, and it’s totally normal. Your mind has suffered so much that your brain hasn’t accepted it. You haven’t found closure yet, which leaves you with an unsatisfied feeling.”
“And that’s the frustrating part,” you groaned. “There are people who have gone through the same thing I have, and they’re doing much better than I am doing. I don't understand how other people do it.”
“You are a unique person. No one will react the exact same way you do. Everyone deals with it in a different way. Some learn to give it space faster than others. Need I to remind you that you were the only person to survive Kai Anderson? Plus, you were 17 at the time. Your brain was still developing.” he explained. “It’s not nothing, going through something like that at that age.”
You let out a sigh, somehow talking about it was still difficult.
“I just… He is haunting me. Even after his death he is still torturing me,” you pinched your nose bridge while closing your eyes. “I used to see him in my nightmares, but now I see him in physical form. He just watches me from a distance. He doesn't say anything, he just stands there. I know it’s not possible, I know it’s not real. But it looks real, it’s like I can touch him,” you explained and he wrote everything you said in his notebook while listening thoughtfully.
“And what do you feel when you see him?” you shrugged.
“I don’t really feel anything. It’s like my mind is blank, like I’m in a trance. All I know is that everytime I see him, I want to smash the smug expression off his filthy face,” you balled your fists.
“When did this start, how often does this recur?” He inquired and you kissed the back of your teeth while thinking back.
“It actually started recently, I think two weeks ago. After that, I saw him everyday. When I go to work, when I visit a friend, when I stand in my kitchen looking outside,” you shivered when you thought about it. “I remember when I first saw him, that I felt like I was losing my mind. I didn't want to leave my house for a while. When I told people what I saw, everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I really felt like I was.”
Vincent clicked his tongue and cleared his throat.
“Do you have disorganized thinking?”
“Abnormal motor behavior?”
“Any signs of delusions?”
“I don’t think so.”
He scribbled something down again and you waited in anticipation. The only sound that was in the room was the sounds of his pen on paper, and the clock on the right side of the room that was ticking in a nerve wracking manner.
It was as if you were waiting for the result of a test you didn't study for. It was a gnawing feeling.
“Alright,” he started. “Even after all these years, he still has a hold on you. The mind is a powerful thing. It can’t process everything all at once; the grief, the anger, the pain. It’s too much, which is why your brain is playing tricks on you. Especially after the recent killings that have been tormenting Brookfield Heights. Maybe it triggered something again.” You knew about the recent killings, hell this morning you saw the news where yet another couple was found murdered in their home. But you weren't really afraid. Your house was protected and you weren't alone.
“I just don't understand why I see him, I pushed everything behind me.”
“that's the problem, you’re pushing it away. The harder you push, the stronger it comes back at you.” He interjected.
“What do you want me to do?” you asked.
“Whatever keeps your mind busy. Do you have any hobbies? Anything to take your mind off?”
“I help at my mom’s bar, the Supreme Dominion. She is in France now, so me and my sisters are in charge. It’s really stressful sometimes, but it does keep my mind from wandering.”
“Good. Just try to be as busy as possible, it’s a distraction for your brain,” he kept writing on the notepad, and you noticed he was already on the next page. “I’m prescribing you a different antipsychotic, paliperidone. In the meantime if you see him again, I want you to try and convince yourself that he isn’t real. Now, I know that sounds easier than done, but just try. Slowly take control again, over your mind and your life.” He gave you the receipt of the medical prescription, and you nodded friendly as you walked out of his office.
“I’ll try. Thank you Vincent. See you next week.”
After you left his office, you immediately drove by the pharmacy and got paliperidone. You figured the sooner you got it, the sooner things would finally go back to normal. Because that’s all you wanted, to put everything behind you. You didn’t want to see his face ever again, and you hoped that he was rotting somewhere in hell.
The sooner Kai was out of your mind and life, the sooner you could finally breathe in peace again.
But what you didn't know was this week would be one of the last peaceful moments in your life.
Because as you walked out of the pharmacy, bag in hand, and no clue whatsoever what was happening around you, a certain blue haired man was standing on the other side of the street, watching you intently as you made your way towards your car.
He wanted to jump you, right then and there, but he composed himself and placed his hands in his pockets as he watched you drive away.
He was going to hurt you, both mentally and physically. And oh boy, he had fantasized about it ever since he faked his death.
The murders of Marie and Bernard Allen he committed yesterday evening, and the previous murders in Brookfield Heights were only to feed his rage, but it didn't satisfy him in the slightest. No, he only wanted one thing. And that was satisfaction in watching you suffer. He wanted to watch life leave your eyes as you breathed your last puff of oxygen. He was determined to kill every last person you cared about.
He found joy when he saw the look of fear in your eyes as you and him made eye contact for the first time since 2016 three weeks ago. In fact, he enjoyed it way too much to mess with you. Making you think you were losing your mind hallucinating him was only the beginning.
There was nothing more dangerous than a man who wants revenge.
And he would break you in every way possible, if it’s the last thing he’ll do.
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blackroseguzzi · 2 years
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Warren Lipka Fanfiction: 
Whoosah baby Part 1     Part 2  Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Colin Zabel x OFC Fanfiction
Jesus, etc. Part 1  Part 2  - on hold
Fate part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Core memory (Fate one shot)
Kai Anderson Fanfiction
Honey Kisses   
Otherworldly Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Stars Aligned for us.
Show me
Pink blazers & world domination
Pre-Cult Kai Anderson Fanfiction
The Girl Next Door Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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Hey friends, soz it’s been ages since I’ve updated but the next chapter of Learn to Love Again is like, two thirds done? I have surgery on Thursday so unlikely I’ll post before then but who knows
Other fics that are coming down the pipeline:
Tangerine (bullet train) x reader soulmate au
Butch Deloria (fallout 3) x fem lone wanderer first kiss prompts (random I know but I have an urge)
More of She Has No Idea (Stevie baby)
Chrissy Cunningham x “bad girl” reader full series
A new dad!colin zabel one-shot in the “even if it all comes crashing down”-verse
If you wanna be on the tag list for any of these, hmu
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Colin Zabel Oneshots/Headcannons Masterlist🔎
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A Few too many- You console drunk Colin after he confesses to you about his ex that left him.
Colin Zabel headcannons
Colin’s music preference
Colin and Rain
Colin blurb
Tourist Colin blurb
Colin with Kids
Colin with a Painter s/o
Neck/Passionate kisses with Colin
Colin and His S/O Adopting Kittens Headcannons
Colin Zabel With a Blushy Reader
Private Greetings W/ Colin
Colin with a Hispanic Reader Headcannons
Sugar Sugar- you wanted to surprise Colin with dinner at work but instead he surprised you. Who knew he was such a good singer?
Pumpkin Patch: Colin meet reader who is a single mother at a pumpkin patch and they end up falling for each other
Face Masks Are Self Care: Colin likes watching you do your skincare routine, one day you ask him if he wants to try. And you introduce him to the wonder that is face masks.
Soft After Hours: little blurb about Colin after work
Oh What a Night : Colin takes care of drunk reader and they accidentally end up confessing their feelings for him
Break My Heart Again: 💔 One of Colin’s friends calls you to come and pick him up after he gets drunk. After getting him home you reflect on your relationship and how you both ended up there
Riding Colin’s face*
First time: You and Colin go all the way for the first time, Colin let’s it slip that he has a mommy kink
Overworked*: Colin has been so stressed lately so reader decides to help him get rid of some of that stress ;)
Strip club*: Colin’s friends take him to the strip club to celebrate him becoming head detective.
For Your Pleasure*: Stipper Colin. You meet a guy at the bar durning your friends bachelorette party, little do you know he’s your guys entertainment for the night
The Top Floor*: you and Colin are staying at a hotel in between a mission. You both drink a little too much champagne and start asking each other where the wildest place you’ve ever had sex is. And one thing leads to another and Colin asks if you’ve ever done it against a window in a hotel.
First time:* it’s Colin and yours first time sleeping together and he accidentally lets it slip that he has a mommy kink
Needy Boy:* You and Colin are messing around when you hear his mom come in. Instead of stopping to decide to tease him and make him answer her while you fuck him
Always and Forever: : it’s yours and Colin anniversary, but while making dinner you get a call that he was shot. You race to hospital but find out that he’s okay and he’s worried if you’ll still want him.
Not What It Seems: Colin is the sweetest man you’ve ever met and yet for some reason everybody seems suspicious of him. By befriending him you learn the hard way that there is such a thing as being too nice
Dog Park: You take your dog to the dog park where you meet Colin, and you both bond over the coincidence of your dog’s names.
Wedding March: Colin reflects on how he met you and how lucky he is to be marrying you
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ladyfogg · 3 years
Let Me Comfort You
Let Me Comfort You
Fic Summary: After leaving your first date to chase a lead, Colin loses the chance to question their informant. Frustrated and feeling useless, Colin returns to your place hoping for some comfort. And you’re more than happy to provide it. Love Exists Masterpost. The Evans Fics Masterpost.
Fic Rating: 18+
Pairing: Colin Zabel/Female Reader
Warnings: Language, Rough Sex, Oral (F receiving), Angst, Light Dom!Colin
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Colin is in relatively good spirits when he gets to the meeting place. Your kisses are still on his mind and he hopes whatever work that needs to get done will happen quickly so he can get back to you.
As he pulls into a parking spot outside a local club, Mare climbs into the passenger seat.
“Hey,” she says. “Thanks for meeting me.” Her eyes take in his jacket and tie. “Did I interrupt something…again?”
“First date,” Colin admits.
Mare gives him a soft smile. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay. She understands.”
Mare nods, turning her attention to the club. “Found out that one of our informants hasn’t been checking in. He’s said to frequent this club.”
“Let’s hope he still does.” Colin puts the car in park but doesn’t turn it off, letting the heat run. The temperature has dropped significantly and all he can think about is your warm bed and body waiting for him.
Time slowly ticks by and while numerous people come and go, Mare doesn’t react so Colin assumes the informant hasn’t been seen. By now he knows Mare well enough to try not to push conversation, so they sit in silence. To his surprise, his partner is the one to speak next.
“How did the date go?” Mare asks.
He’s surprised by her interest and excited to talk about you. “A little rocky in the beginning. We were both nervous. But, after that…” He smiles, remembering how stunning you looked sitting across from him in the restaurant. “Um, yeah, after that, things went well.”
“You gonna see her again?”
Hopefully right after this if it doesn’t go too late…
Colin nods. “Definitely.”
Mare nods along with him. He can’t help but wonder what she’s thinking and how she feels about him getting closer to you. It’s strange to think these things, to want some kind of validation from your boss. But Mare has the energy about her and Colin is a people pleaser.
“You two really like each other,” Mare notes.
He smiles, though her words do sting a little. “Should I be insulted that you sound surprised?”
Mare smirks as she shrugs. “You can if you want to be. I didn’t mean it as an insult or anything. I’ve just never seen my girl take a liking to someone so fast.”
Colin feels his cheeks redden and he smiles. “That’s nice to hear.”
Mare looks him over, studying him like she does a piece of evidence or a suspect. “You two will be good together.”
Colin opens his mouth to thank her, but her expression hardens and she motions towards the club.
“That’s him!” she says, nodding towards the guy headed their way.
Colin barely has a chance to look at the informant before Mare is getting out of the car. The second the man sees her he turns around and books it.
“Shit!” Mare exclaims giving chase.
Colin swears and jumps out of the car himself. He takes off running after them, doing his best to catch up. The freezing night air steals his breath away but he pushes through it, weaving between cars. The informant does the same, trying to trip them up. Colin dodges around the cars on his left in an attempt to swing around and cut him off.
He’s gaining in the man but suddenly, the informant turns unexpectedly then barrels right into Colin, sending him flying back into a car. The next thing he knows, he’s on the ground, his palm on fire from scraping against the asphalt in his attempt to catch himself.
“I’m fine! Keep going!” He barely gets the words out after having the wind knocked out of him.
He hears Mare’s footsteps run past as he takes a moment to catch his breath. By the time he pushes himself to his feet, Mare is coming his way, looking annoyed.
“Lost him,” she sighs heavily.
Colin feels the bile rise in his throat and anger courses through his veins. “Fuck! I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, Zabel.”
“But I had him!”
“Don’t beat yourself about it. If anything, I’m the one to blame. He ran when he recognized me.”
Her words don’t make Colin feel better. His already shaky confidence is shattered. Resting against the parked car, he yanks his tie off, using it to wrap his injured hand.
“You alright?”
“I’m fine,” Colin says, terser than he means to. “So, what should we do now?”
“I’ll call it in. Let them know that he was spotted. At least this means he’s in the area. If they don’t find him on the streets, they’ll get him at his place. Someone will pick him up.”
“Should we do a quick drive around?”
“Nah. It’s late. You should head home.”
Mare walks with him to his car. Colin’s knee is killing him and his pants are covered in mud. What had started as such a great evening went downhill fast.
“Go home and get some rest,” Mare says as he eases himself into his car. “I’ll let you know when he’s picked up.”
“Yeah, thanks.”
Colin sits in his car for a moment, watching Mare get into her SUV. A small part of him wants to just go home and wallow in his self-pity. But a larger, more vocal side tells him to go to your place. Picking up his phone, he pauses for a second of contemplation before shooting you a quick text to see if you’re still awake.
Awake and waiting ;) comes your response only seconds later.
He’s twitchy and fidgety the entire drive, his throbbing hand just reminding him of his latest failure. It seems like every time he’s finally going to prove himself, he only manages to prove himself wrong.
When he pulls up to your apartment, he doesn’t hesitate getting out of the car. This time the cold barely registers.
You’ve left the door unlocked so he lets himself in, making sure to lock it behind him. The warmth of your place makes him feel a tiny bit better. He calls your name when you don’t come to greet him.
“In here, Detective Zabel.”
Colin’s heart nearly stops when he walks into your room to find you lounging on your bed in the sexiest panties and bra he’s ever seen. The only source of light is the dimmed lamp on your nightstand. It’s just enough to cast everything in a warm yellow glow.
The second you see his muddy pants and his tie wrapped around his hand, you sit up, face etched with concern.
“What happened?” you ask, getting off the bed.
Colin looks down at his hand. “Oh, you know, doing big shot detective work.”
“Does it hurt?”
“A little.”
“Here, sit down. I think I have a first aid kit stashed somewhere around here.”
You gently lead him to the bed, having him sit before you rummage around your room. Colin kicks out of his shoes as he carefully takes off his coat and suit jacket. His body is already sore and he knows tomorrow he’s going to be in a lot of pain.
When you come back to his side, you gently take his hand in yours. He watches you delicately unwind the tie before examining the scrape on his palm. It doesn’t look as bad as he thought it was. You grab a wipe from your kit and clean out his wound.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Colin debates not saying anything, but one look in your eyes makes him sigh. “I let an informant get away.”
“I’m sure you didn’t let them get away.”
“No, I guess not,” Colin concedes, seeing your point. “But I didn’t stop him or catch him like I was supposed to.”
You fall silent as you finish cleaning his palm and put a Band-Aid on it. “Well,” you say in a quiet tone. “You tried and that’s all that matters. You guys will get him next time.”
Colin stares at you, eyes raking down your body, just casually sitting there in the underwear you planned to seduce him with. It sparked the fire inside his already antsy body. He cups your cheek and pulls you into a kiss. It’s harsher, with more tongue and teeth than he usually uses yet feels appropriate considering the storm of emotions inside of him.
Your mouth falls open in surprise and he takes advantage, licking deep inside as he crushes you against his chest.
There’s so much he knows he can’t do. So much of his job that he knows he’s not qualified for. He’s reminded of it every fucking day.
But this. You. Making you feel good. He knows that he can do. It’s the first time in a long time that he’s felt truly sure of himself.
Your hands come up to his shoulders and you push him back to break the kiss. “Colin, baby…”
You’re, breathless and hearing his name in that tone only fuels his lust.
“Please,” he whispers against your lips as he draws you closer. “Please, I just need…” He can’t finish his thought.
You study him for a moment, before running your hand through his hair, peppering him with kisses. “What do you need, baby?” you ask. “How can I help?”
Dominance washes over him and he gets his voice back. “Lay down on the bed.”
As you do as he says, he stands up and strips. Despite the heat of your room, he still feels chilled to the bone. All he can think about is getting his hands on you and making you moan. Planning ahead, he drops his wallet on the nightstand so the condoms will be just within reach when he needs them.
Naked, Colin kneels on the bed, eyes raking up and down your frame as he leans over you. He swoops down for a kiss, losing himself in the taste of your lips while his hand cups your breast, giving it an appreciative squeeze.
You gasp and shudder. “Your hands are freezing!”
“Then let me warm them up.”
He tugs the flimsy material down so your breast is exposed, fondling it just as roughly as he had a moment before. The heat of your skin sears into his palm and you gasp again, writhing underneath him until the temperatures balance out.
Colin doesn’t stop kissing you, drunk on your lips just as he has been every single time they touch his. You bury one hand in his hair and the other falls to his hip, urging him on with a gentle squeeze. His thumb rubs circles around your nipple before he breaks your kiss so he can take the bud in his mouth.
You bow your back when he does, pressing your breasts into his face even more. Colin moans, lavishing your nipple with constant attention until he decides the other has been ignored for far too long.
Both your hands cradle his head now, keeping him pressed against your chest until he decides he needs to taste more. He needs your legs over his shoulders and your thighs clamped over his ears. He needs you moaning his name as he makes you come undone.
Your panties are yanked down without much preamble or ceremony. As nice as they are, they only serve as an obstacle between Colin and what he wants. He’s rough when he throws your legs over his shoulders before tugging you down the bed towards him. With a strangled moan, he buries himself between your thighs.
God, you’re already wet. He tastes your arousal with a thorough swipe of his tongue, relishing in the notion that he’s the one who made you like this. He’s the one who has you moaning and squirming underneath him. Emboldened by your reaction, Colin sucks on your clit, grunting as you squeeze his head with your thighs. He can sense you clenching at nothing, feel your hips attempt to jerk upward for more friction. But he pins them down, doesn’t do what you’re silently begging for.
Instead, he keeps doing what he’s doing, alternating between sucking and flicking with his tongue. He’s just as warm as you are now, beads of sweat trickling down his neck and making your legs slip on his shoulders. He only holds you tighter.
When he finally eases two fingers into you, he receives a harsh hair pull for his efforts. It makes him grin, his cock pressing eagerly against the bed. He’s not ready yet, doesn’t want to stop pleasuring you for even a moment because it’s the surest of himself he’s been in years.
This time when you come, he feels your body clench around his fingers. He lets your pelvis rocks against his face and he loses all train of thought other than the feeling of you coming all around him.
The second you relax, he sits up, gasping for air and taking in the gorgeous sight of you, bra tucked under your breasts and legs spread wide.
He reaches for a condom before you even have a chance to catch your breath. You see him roll it on and wiggle out of your bra, tossing it somewhere off to the side.
Colin grabs your legs, wrapping them around his waist before pushing into you with one smooth thrust.
You throw your head back with a gasp, “Colin!”
With his hands on either side of your hips, he fucks into you. His eyes never leave your face, taking in every expression. The way your eyebrows knit together when you shut your eyes or how your teeth dig into your bottom lip…it’s intoxicating.
Your hands cling onto his arms, tugging as though you’re trying to pull him closer. He doesn’t follow through, not yet. He wants to keep watching.
You open your bleary eyes and he loses himself in them.
How did he get so fucking lucky to have someone like you look at him this way? To see him for who he is? Even though you don’t know. You don’t know what he did. If you did, he doubts you’d look at him the way you are now.
He kisses you harshly, pressing his body against yours and, grinding himself into your heat.
It’s his turn to moan your name, his lips unable to leave yours for more than a second.
“You feel so good,” he moans. “I love the way you squeeze me. It’s like you’ll never let go.”
One of your hands buries into his hair while the other reaches blindly for his hand. When you find it, you twine your fingers with his and he presses your joined hands to the bed.
His mouth seeks your throat and moves down until he finds your breasts again. harsh kisses turn to him sucking on the flesh, desperate to leave his mark on you.
He comes not long after, throwing his head back with a guttural moan. You twitch and spasm underneath him, coming again but he’s too lost in his own pleasure to notice until he collapses on top of you and feels the aftershocks of your orgasm.
Colin can’t help but hold you close, even though your bodies are pressing so tight makes it hard to catch his breath.
You stroke his cheek, looking at him with concern. “Tonight really got to you, didn’t it?” you pant.
Colin nods, his forehead pressed to yours. “I’m sorry. So sorry for—”
“Don’t apologize.” You take his face between your hands and force him to look at you. “You have nothing to apologize for. That was actually really hot.”
Colin gives a breathless laugh before pulling you into another kiss. This time he’s gentler, carefully easing out of you so he can slide onto the bed. His movements allow you to finally take a deep breath and you slowly exhale. With shaking hands, Colin rids himself of the condom. He’s not one to be so rough and he’s worried he’s overstepped. But then you curl against his side, your arm thrown over his chest and your face buried in his neck.
“Hope you weren’t planning on going anywhere,” you say through a yawn.
Colin yawns himself, running a hand through his hair before tucking it behind his head. His other arm pulls you in close.
“Why? There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
He can feel your smile against his skin before you place a gentle peck on his throat. “Get some sleep, babe. We can talk more about it tomorrow if you want, okay?”
“I’d like that.”
You fall asleep almost instantly, but Colin stays awake, gently running his hand up and down your arm. Even after fantastic sex and being in your arms, he only feels marginally better. That little anxious voice in his head won’t quiet down and it takes a long time before he’s able to fall asleep.
Series Taglist: @lejardinfleur @spidergirlmcu @anonymushhy @samsassinparvismagna​ @kitwalker64​ @tatestripedsweater​ @xmaximoffic​ @marshmallow--3​ @stellarbound​ @kais-messiahbaby​ @margaretboothsear​ @slightlyvicked​ @nia-s-not-so-secret-diary​ @liandav​ @billyhxrgrove​ @TheOriginalDoll87 @tatesimper​ @sanni333​ @spider-starry​
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